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Luke and Maureen discover one another, after both suffer breakups
This story is about a man, who is divorced and his neighbors daughter, and the fact that there is an 11 year difference in age, is no way a hindrance.

I’m Lucas, or Luke for short. I am now 45, 6’, 185 pounds, with sandy blond hair, and green eyes. I was divorced now for 2 and half years, after being married 14 years. My ex was 29 when we married and had two boys, who were 11 at the time we married.

Linda, my ex, got married young and then after 3 years of marriage, her husband just took off, leaving her to raise the twins the best she could. We dated for about 2 years before we married, so the boys were used to me and we all got along. I even got in to coaching them in baseball and always attended any function they were into. The boys could not wait to get out of the house. So when they both graduated, they both signed up for the service. Tom, going in the Navy, and Jeff, going in the Marines.

Tom is still in the Navy and is making it a career, and his brother is now out and living in North Carolina. He is married and has a kid. Before the divorce, we did not see the kids much, and now, I never see them, although I do get a Christmas card from Jeff.

For the most part we had a good marriage, and like all couples, we had our differences at times. But we always talked through them and never went to bed mad at each other. My ex was very sexual as well, and enjoyed most things sexual. She loved oral, both giving and receiving, except no cumming in her mouth. For the most part, we did it 3 to 4 times a week. She even liked watching porn, and would get real excited with girl on girl stuff.

We live outside of Pittsburgh, close by her parents, but mine live two hours away, and I really don’t see them much as it is. I did not get along with my dad all that well and it was best to just avoid them most of the time.

Our neighborhood is typical of most suburban areas. Most of the homes were built in the 20’s through the 60’s. Ours was built in 65, so it was old, but we took the time to update stuff as we could. We also got to know our neighbors pretty good and always attended the block parties that went on, or the annual Christmas party. 3 houses down from us was Bob and Angie, who are now in their late 60’s and have 3 grown kids of their own.

Their oldest, Jackie, is married with 2 kids. She is now 40. Their middle, Bob Jr., is 36 and lives in New York City, and they hardly see him. Their youngest is Maureen, or Mo, and she is 34 now. We got to know the kids a little but not that much. Bob and Angie, we did get to know pretty good. They would always invite us to any BBQ they would throw, and we would do the same. Bob is in sales, so he has the gift of gab, while Angie worked at the hospital.

Mo, is what Bob called is wild child. She 5 ‘6, with red hair, 34C breast, and weighs about 145 pounds. She doesn’t have the flat stomach like a model, but is still quite fetching, especially in a bikini. After 2 years of community college, she and a girlfriend, decided to move out to California. So we never got to see her much after that, until about 5 years ago.
As Bob confided in me, I guess the guy she was living with out there became quite abusive and used to beat her up. It was one of the relationships that the woman wouldn’t call the cops or anything. Bob finally talked her into coming home and said she could stay with them until she got settled and found a job.

At this time, Linda and I were empty nesters. We both had good jobs, although Linda’s was part time, and she really didn’t have to work because I made a good buck being a food scientist. Most times, during the warmer weather, we would be naked too, since no kids were around and had many a play time in our pool. We also did enjoy smoking pot too, which was like an aphrodisiac to us.

About the same time Mo moved back home, Linda had become friends with Sandy, a girl who also worked with Linda. She was divorced, no kids, was bad looking either. Her ex was loaded, so she really didn’t need to work and became fast friends with Linda.

They were always going out during the day, shopping, or lunches and stuff. About that time, I could also tell that Linda and I were slowly drifting apart and sex was becoming less frequent. I just chalked it up to a faze and figured it would pass. I came home a few times to find them sunning by the pool, wearing the skimpiest bikinis too. On those days, I would just look out by the pool deck and fantasize about doing them both. Sandy was a good looking woman. 5’6, 130, 36C and blond. My ex is 5’7, but only 110, very skinny, with 34B tits.

Linda and Mo started getting chummy back then too. Mo found a job that had her starting at 6pm daily. So I was treated to seeing her with my ex by the pool too. Linda would tell me after their visits how fucked up Mo was treated by her old boyfriend and how hard it was for her to admit she made a mistake. I think the 3 of them also did lunches together, but I never asked and was never told.

After about a year of living with her parents, Mo moved out and was living with some guy. My life also started getting worse. My ex and I hardly saw one another. She was always out with Sandy and our sex was down to maybe once a month. I finally confronted Linda about this. This happened about 3 years ago.

I asked her if she was unhappy with me.

“Luke, I love you, but I am not in love with you anymore. I am actually in love with Sandy” Now this floored me. “Really?” is all I could say at the time.

“Yes. I am so sorry, but I can’t be married to you anymore. I have been wanting to tell you for a long time now and was hoping you would broach the subject long before now.”

“Well, it’s broached. What do you want then?” is all I could ask. She surprised me when she said nothing.” I only want what is mine, but the house and all that is in it, you can keep.”

Two days later, she moved out, and 6 months after that, our divorce was final. The boys were totally shocked by this, but since they lived so far away, did not really get into the mess we had going on here. If Linda told them the truth then, I don’t know, but I felt that it was her job to explain it to them, especially the part about her turning lesbian.

I pretty much kept to myself. I would occasionally go to the neighborhood parties, but I know some of the neighbors would treat me like I had a sickness or something, since they did not know any of the particulars of the divorce. Only a few knew the real reasons. Like I said, I kept to myself, and for the most part, concentrated on my hobby, which is woodworking. I had been doing that for years and made lots of cabinets and furniture over the years.

The next holiday that was coming up was Christmas. I pretty much stayed within myself. I did visit a cousin that day and spent most of the day with them. Linda had been gone now almost a year and the divorce was final for 6 months or so.

New Years, I was invited to Bob and Angie’s, to ring in the new year. I wasn’t going to go, but then said, hell with it and went. Once there, Bob and Ang made me feel at home. Angie cornered me and asked if I could make a nice entertainment center for Bob. His birthday was in May. I said that maybe hard, since I didn’t do much in the winter. My little shop was in a portion of the garage, and it’s not the warmest place to work. But, I said let me draw something up for your approval.

Mo was there, along with her boyfriend. She was looking sharp too. She had on a midnight blue mini, that highlighted her legs, although her thighs were just a bit thick, she still looked good, and the top portion showed off her cleavage just right.

We stood in the kitchen and chatted a bit. “I’m so sorry to hear about you and Linda. “ “I never would have thought you two would split up.”

“Thanks, but that is life, and you just move on.” I asked her how things were going for her. She just said “Ok”, but really never said to much. I could see in her eyes she was not all that happy. Her Boyfriend was off talking to one her friends and not paying any attention to her.

Her sister Jackie found me and said, “Oh Luke, I am so glad you came. And, I am sorry about what happened with you and Linda.” Again, I said thanks. Then she looked over at Mo’s boyfriend and said, “What a creep. He is over there talking with that shank and not even bothering with Mo, or even hiding is flirting.”

“How come your sister always picks the losers?” Jackie laughed and said, “Yeah, I know. She’s always picked guys like him. Uses her for her money and what’s between her legs. He lost his job back in October and has made no attempt to find one. Piece of work that one is”

“I really have no idea why she picks the one’s she does. He must have a big package. That’s the only thing I can think of.” I sort of smirked when she said that. “What? Can you think of a better reason? Although I would never bed, the asswipe.” All I could do is laugh at that remark.

Later, just before midnight, I was standing with Angie and Mo, when someone started the countdown. When it reached twelve, Angie gave me a kiss, then sought out Bob. Mo was just standing there, looking at her boyfriend, who was locked in a kiss with that same friend of theirs.

I grabbed Mo and gave her a hug, then a simple kiss on the lips and said happy new year’s. She returned the sentiment and sought the ass wipe out. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and the two exchanged some words. I could see that Mo was visibly upset, and then saw her storm out of the house, with boyfriend in tow.

It was now April, and I started on this project for Angie and Bob. The cabinet was going to be 6 feet across, and 24 inches high. The bottom section would hold the cable box, DVD unit, and their surround sound. At the time they had a 46” Flat Screen, but I made this unit to hold a 60”, in case they ever wanted to upgrade at some point. It also would incorporate a mirror glass that would sit in front of the TV, there by hiding it, when it was off.

Since my schedule varies for me, i was off this one Thursdays around 2pm. So when I got home, I needed to take a few more measurements, so I walked down the street to Bob’s and saw that Mo’s car was there. I hadn’t seen her since new years eve. I pressed the doorbell and she answered.

Mo was wearing only a white, fluffy, robe, that came down mid thigh. I told her what I needed to do, so she let me in. As I was measuring she was asking what I was doing for her mom, so I explained. She thought that was real nice and would like to pop over and see how I did stuff like that. I told her to stop by anytime.

Then I asked what she was doing there. She said that her boyfriend and her were fighting a great deal and she just couldn’t take it anymore and asked her dad if she could move back, until she could find her own place. So that happened over the weekend, two weeks ago. I told her I was sorry it didn’t work out.

“Was for the best. He is a total asshole and has no idea how to be in a relationship.” I just nodded my head and she continued, “Yeah, his idea of a relationship is for the woman to cook, clean, and fuck him at beck and call.”

I shook my head and said, “Not the best way to go about that, that’s for sure.” She responded saying, “No it isn’t. I thought it was a two way street where you both pitch in and do things together. He just wanted a mother for all things, except the sex part. But who knows, maybe his mom used to fuck him.”

I had to chuckle at that one. She then excused herself saying she had to get going, so she could run some errands before heading off to work. I told her I would see her around and told her to stop by whenever she wanted too. As she headed up stairs, I kind of stared at her ass, which was swaying nicely as she walked up. Towards the top, I caught a glimpse of her naked ass. Either that, or she had a thong on. Who knew, but I did like what I had seen.

It was two weeks later, and I had most of the cabinet down, except for sanding and staining. I had the garage door open and saw Mo walking up the driveway. She came on in and looked the unit over. “Damn, you do good work. I’ll have to remember that if I ever need something.”

“Thanks, I love doing stuff like this, plus it helps kill time for me.” She asked if I was dating now and I told her no. What I left out was that I did date occasionally, but it mostly for sexual companionship. I was not looking for a relationship. Most of the ladies I dated didn’t want that either and were quite content in dinner and a fuck.

I asked how life was treating her now and she told me good. Her ex kept calling her and bugging her to come back, or at least meet and talk about stuff. But she did not want that. Then she asked, “Would you be ok with me coming over during the day, and use your pool, once it warms up? Like I did when Linda was still here”

“Sure. I have no problem with that at all.” Mo smiled and said “Great. I know one thing, the less time I have to spend at home the better.” I asked her why.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, but as they say, you can never go home again.” She continued, “Mom still likes to treat me like some teenager. Always needing to know where I am and what time I’ll be home. Christ, I’m 32 and have been on my own for years.”

I laughed and said, “Yeah, I could see where that would suck. But I am sure she only has your best interest at heart.” “I guess you are right, but I need to find my own place, just for my sanity.” She exclaimed.

As she kept talking, I started to think, maybe I could rent her a room here. Hell, I have this 3 bedroom house. It is a bungalow style with a huge bedroom upstairs and two down. Mine is in the back, off the family room and it has two bathrooms. It would be nice to have another person here, although, with our work schedules, we wouldn’t see each other much. So after some more thought, I said to her;

“Mo, how would you like to rent the upstairs here?” “Really?” she said. “Yeah. That way you have your own space. You can have the upstairs, and your own bathroom. We’d share the kitchen though, and it even has the living room in the front part of the house. So you would not even have to see me, or even talk to me, if you so desired.”

“Wow. How much are we talking a month? Because most of the places I have been looking at, want an arm and a leg.”

I pondered it for a moment and said, “How does 250 a month sound to you? But, you have to furnish your own food and laundry stuff, and keep your side clean.”

“Hell for 250 a month, I’ll do your laundry and even cook once in a while for us.” I had to laugh at that and told her, “Nah, I’ll do my own laundry. I could never ask, or expect you to do that.”

“Well, can I think this over? Not that I can see a reason not too.” She said. “Sure. Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” She got up and kissed me on the cheek and said she’d call me. We exchanged cell numbers, and off she went.

I did not hear back from her until Tuesday evening. She called around 9pm. “I hope you weren’t sleeping” “No, just sitting here reading is all”. “Well, I have decided to take you up on the offer, if it still stands.” She said. “Yes, it still stands.”

“Great, This weekend good to move in?” I chuckled to myself, and said, “Anytime you want too. I’ll be home around 3 tomorrow, if you want to stop by and get a key.” “Great.” She said, “I’ll see you then”, and we hung up.

Of course my mind was racing, thinking of her laying out by the pool in her skimpy bikini’s, or even maybe getting lucky and seeing her partially dressed at some point. God, I hope I know what I am doing. But, it still will be nice to have someone around here.

We met the next day, and I gave her a key, and she gave me 500 bucks, thinking I wanted a security deposit. I told her I didn’t need the deposit, and she could have it back, or pay for two months instead. She opted for the two months paid. Later that day, her dad showed up.

“Luke, I sure hope you know what you are in for. She can be a handful at times.” I laughed and said, “Bob, I doubt I will see her much, with our work schedules and all. Plus, she is a grown woman, and I am definitely not her keeper.” Bob laughed at that statement, then wished me good luck.

Mo moved in over the weekend. I was correct too, that I really never saw her much during the week, and really not too much on weekends either, except in the morning, when she first gets up The one morning I was sitting at the island, in the kitchen, having breakfast and coffee, and Mo came down wearing only this black, silk, thigh length robe. God she looked hot as hell in it. All I had on was a robe as well, since I sleep nude. I used to go around nude all the time, but with Mo here, I thought it best to kill that routine.

She came and sat next to me and I asked her if she wanted coffee, and of course, she said yes. We both smoke, so she lit one up for herself. She asked, “Would you mind if my friend Jessie came over today and used the pool?” I was trying real hard not to look at her, since her nipples were sticking way out, through the thin material.

“Of course you can. You can use anything you want here.” She then hugged me and said “Great. I didn’t know how you would feel about strangers coming here.” I had to laugh and said, “They are only strangers the first time they come here. After that, not so much. Plus, if they are your friends, they should be welcomed here, unless they give a reason not to be welcomed after that.”

I had errands I had to run today, so I got dressed and got to them. I got back around 1pm, and noticed a car in front of my house, so I guessed it was Jessie’s. After parking in the garage, I went into the kitchen, then back to my family room, which overlooks the back yard and where the pool is located.

From the family room, you can access the backyard and pool deck, using the French doors. You can also reach the deck, through French doors that are in my bedroom as well. I looked out on the deck and saw the two ladies sunning themselves, and I must say, they looked great.

Jessie had on a tiny ass bikini, yellow in color, where Mo’s was black. All I could really see then was their back’s and asses, which weren’t covered, since they were a thong style bikini. I couldn’t help but stare, and could feel my cock start to come alive. Shit, it had been months since I had any sex, so seeing two scantily clad women on my deck, just about did me in.

Then the girls rolled over and to my surprise, took off their tops. Mo’s breasts were beautiful globes, with lots of freckles on them. Her nipples stood out proud, and from my vantage point, looked to be about ¾ inch in length, with pink areolas. Definitely not cupcake tits like my ex.

Jessie’s had to be a good 36C, with dark brown areolas, and dark nipples, although they didn’t stick out like Mo’s did. Jessie looked like she was pretty tall. Come to find out later, she is 5’8 and weighs a good 150, but not fat, but pretty muscular, and great legs and ass.

I was standing in the bedroom taking in the sights and then watched as the girls applied lotion to each other. Mo was softly rubbing it all over Jessie, taking her time on the girls boobs and nipples, and then Jessie recipicated and did Mo. Then I was shocked to see Jessie lean down and kiss a nipple and then suck it into her mouth. Fuck, I thought, and started getting hard.

I then thought, you shouldn’t be watching this, and if the girls knew, they’d probably be pretty pissed off. So I decided to leave and go out to the garage and work.

About an hour later, I saw Jessie and Mo walking down the driveway to Jessie’s car. Then Mo walked back up the drive and noticed me in the garage and came to me.

“Hi. I didn’t know you were home.” Mo said. I lied and said “Yeah, I got home just a bit ago and thought you guys were by the pool, so I didn’t want to disturb you.” She giggled and said, “You should have come and joined us.” All I could think to answer was, “Maybe next time”

We talked a for a bit then she said, “Well, I am going to nap for a bit, then I am heading over to the ex’s place. He wants to talk and I still have reservations about it. I didn’t even say yes or no, so I think I am going to just show up and listen to his bullshit.”

I asked, “Do you think that is wise? He sounds like a player, and a user.” “I know”, she said, “But I just want to hear what he has to say, but I know already, nothing will come of it.” I didn’t respond, but I knew nothing good would come of it.

A few hours later, Mo came down into the family room, ready to go for her talk. She was dressed nicely, with a pair of khaki shorts and then a pink tube top, and a pink shirt over that, but was buttoned around the stomach, exposing the tube top. She looked great and all I could think about were her tits and nipples. Mo left around 7pm, and I just settled in on the couch reading a book.

Around 8pm, I heard the front door slam and Mo came down into where I was. She had tears running down her face. “What’s wrong? Did he hurt you?

“Only my fucking pride. I get there and knock on his door. He opens it, wearing only a towel and I could see behind him, that shank who was at the new years party.” She cried a little more, then said, “Why do I do this to myself?”

I didn’t know what to say to her, but I did, stand up and hold her tightly to me. I stroked her hair as she sobbed and placed her head on my shoulder. This went on for about 5 more minutes, then she said, “Thanks for being here for me”. She kissed my cheek and said she was going to change. I asked if she ate yet and she said no.

“Let me order a pizza and we’ll eat together.” She smiled and said, “That sounds so nice, “ Then she left and about 15 minutes later, she appeared wearing that black satin robe.

The pizza showed up about 15 minutes later, and I got us beer too. I asked if she was up for a movie, which she said sure. She picked a comedy, and so we sat back, ate, and watched it. She was sitting next to me, with her legs folded under her, and I still couldn’t get the images I saw earlier today, out of my head.

About half way through the movie she asked, “Would you mind if I lit a joint up? I know you and Linda used too, but if you don’t want too, that’s fine”

“Go right ahead. I haven’t smoked some in a long time.” She got one out of her pocket and lit it, and we sat back and enjoyed the smoke. Now I don’t know about everyone, but weed makes me very horny, but I wasn’t about to try anything with her, especially in the state she was in. I did notice, it did calm her way down and made her kind of a touchy feely type.

As the movie played on, she turned more towards me and asked, “What the fuck do you men actually want in a woman? And be truthful. Because I have yet to find a good one.”

“Well, I can’t talk for all men, just myself Mo” She smiled and said, “That’s fine, but I really need to know”

“For me, I want a woman who acts like a lady, and not some tramp, when in public. I also want her to be a person who is their own person and not a follower, speaks her mind, and is open and honest and wants to communicate how she feels at all times.”

“I also want a lover. A woman who knows what she wants in the bedroom, or even out of it, but truly enjoys making love, and not fake it. But, there is times all men want their significant other to act slutty too.”

She giggled, and said keep going. “Ok. I mean a couple should make love often, but there are times they should let loose, and be like porn stars. Talk dirty when doing it and always, and I mean always, no matter if it’s porn time, or love making, tell each other what they like and dislike, and always try to please that person.”

“For me, my partners needs come first. Her pleasure is always at the forefront. But, as we all know, men will get off a lot easier than a woman does. That is why it is so important to make the woman your number one priority in bed, and actually, out of it. I had that once, but somehow lost it, and, to this day, not sure where.”

Mo stroked my face and said, “Oh wow. I have never had that in any relationship I have been in. Hell, I doubt I would know when I was being made love too. Fucked, yes, made love too, no.” “Linda was a fool for leaving you”

I just chuckled and said, “Oh well, as long as she is happy now, that’s all that matters.” Mo smiled at me and said, “That was nice of you to say that. But, I don’t have those feelings for that asshole.”

We sat and talked a bit more and the movie had long ended. I said I was tired and was going to bed. As we stood, Mo placed her arms around my neck and kissed me softly on the lips and said thanks, “you made my night a lot better.” She turned and headed upstairs to her room.

I went to bed then. My cock was about half hard and in need to some serious stroking, but for some reason, thought better of it. I was lying there, tossing and turning, thinking back today and the girls on the deck, almost naked. Damn they did look hot and I was also wondering, if they were bi, seeing Jessie sucking on Mo’s nipple like that. Oh well, something to ponder.

I was still awake, after laying down a half hour previous. My door then opened and Mo came in. “Luke, are you awake?” “Yeah I am”

“I couldn’t sleep and was wondering if you would mind if I lay with you? I just need to be by someone”

I kind of froze. I was naked, but she didn’t know that, but I stammered, “Sure. But I should tell you, I am not clothed.” Mo giggled and said, “So?” “Ok then, I just wanted to warn you”

I could barely see anything, but I saw her remove her robe and climbed in bed with me. She moved over close to me and put her arm around my chest and her head on my shoulder. I could feel her nipple press into my arm, so I knew then, she was naked as well. She also bent her one leg so it rested on top of my thigh. I am now thinking, she gets that leg any closer, she is going to feel my now hardening cock against it.

“Thanks Luke for being you and being so nice to me.” “Mo, you don’t ever have to thank me. I like you and if you ever need to talk, I’ll always be there for you.” She picked her head up and kissed my cheek.

“Luke? Would you make love to me? I mean really make love to me, so I know what it is really like?”

“Mo? Are you sure that’s what you want?” “Yes. I have wanted you for so long now, but after we talked tonight, God, I really need to know how it actually feels to be made love too, and not just fucked like some whore off the street.”

“Well one thing for sure, you are not, or ever had been a whore. To me you are a beautiful lady, and this will be a pleasure beyond my belief.”

With that, we started kissing. But I stopped and she asked, “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. But I don’t have a condom.”

“I’m good with that, I’m on the pill. I can’t stand those anyways, but we’re safe.” We went back to kissing and my hands exploring her body. She is a very passionate kisser, which is a huge turn on for me.

As we kissed, I rolled her to her back and started kissing and licking down her neck, then to her firm, but soft globes. Her nipples were so hard and awaiting any attention I could give them. I did not disappoint them, in this regard. I rolled them around my lips, and my tongue swirled around the nubs. Her breathing intensified the more I licked them. I then started sucking on one. As I did, she arched her back some, like she was offering them to me.

After a good ten minutes of working her nipples and breasts, and also tracing my finger around her extremely wet vulva, I started kissing down her belly, licking and kissing all over it, especially her belly button.

“Sorry for not being a trim and tight body, like Linda was.” I shook my head and said, Mo, you have a great body. I like you just as you are.” Granted, she did not have a flat stomach, and had a slight muffin top there, but she still looked great, at least to me.

When my lips met her shaved mound, I let them lightly graze over it. I could smell her scent of sex, and it was intoxicating. She was moaning now, not loud, but soft moans that sounded so sexy to my ears.

My tongue started licking on the outside of her vulva, then to her inside thigh, where I continued down to her knee and then to her toes. I sucked her big toe into my mouth and I heard her “Awwwwwwwwww God”. Apparently she enjoys that. I did the same to the other foot and leg, inching my way back up until I was almost at her glistening pussy. All the while she would moan or say yessssssssss, then suck in air.

My tongue now licked the other side of her vulva, which I could taste her juices, which were starting to flow from her. Damn, she tasted sweet. My tongue now went to her taint and licked all over it. As I did this, her hands were running through my hair and pulling me in tighter to her spread womanhood.

“Oh God Luke, that feels so good” I took a chance and lick farther down, until the tip of my tongue came in contact with her puckered brown hole, and lightly licked it. Her body tensed for a second, then moaned out “AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW”, so I filed that away for now, that she did not mind ass play, at least orally.

Now I came back up and thought it best to bring her off. I’d been teasing her long enough, and a quick look at the clock showed I had been going at her a good 15 minutes. As soon as my tongue, then lips slid up into her slit, her legs pushed together against my head, her back arched and she started to cum. “OH My Godddddddddddddddddddd” is all I could hear.

After about 20 seconds, her legs released the pressure and spread apart, and now I started letting my tongue dart in and out of her labia, which was now coated with a succulent liquid, that only a woman can produce.

I have yet to touch her clit, which I finally noticed had a small ring in the hood. Now that is sexy, and maybe why she came so easily. When my tongue made a slight contact with her clit, she moaned out “YESSSSSSSSS” pretty loudly. I started licking it all over, and then inserted my middle finger into her sopping wet love hole.

My finger started rubbing all around, in search of that rougher spot, in her otherwise velvety smooth pussy. Once I found it, my finger started working it, as my mouth and tongue worked her clit. As I did this, I would listen for her getting close to her orgasm, then stop what I was doing and let her calm back down. “Please, don’t stop”, she begged me.

I did this two more times until I could wait to taste her girl cum all over my lips. I started sucking her clit harder now, and rubbing faster and harder. This was taking her up and over the edge, when she finally exploded, “Oh GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.”

Her knees came together and damn near crushed my head, as she continued to moan loudly and her body shook all over. Now I have had 2 women in my life actually squirt, one being my ex, but Mo did not squirt, but her juices flowed greatly from her pussy now. I was lapping it up as it came out of her.

As she started calming down, I was still licking away at her juices, but she asked me to stop. “Stop, stop, I’m so sensitive right now.”

I crawled to my knees now and my cock was like a piece of steel and ready to see what awaited me. I started kissing my way back up her body, and as I neared her face, my cock head came in contact with her pussy.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me tight for a kiss. It was a feverish, yet passionate kiss. As we kiss, my cock somehow found the entrance to her, and she wiggled her hips to make sure it found its new home.

“Are you ready?” I asked. “Yes, oh god Yes” she replied. My cock slowly slipped inside her. I took my time in getting it in all the way, and once I was balls deep inside her, she moaned out, “My God, you feel wonderful in me”

I waited a few more seconds and started pulling out, then back in, very slowly. I was in no rush now. She was hot, very wet, and tight, like her pussy was a molded glove around my cock.

As we started to get a nice rhythm going, we started passionately kissing, with both of us emitting moans of delight. I wanted to suck on her nipples, but with her arms around me, holding tight, that wasn’t going to happen.

After about only 5 minutes, I could feel my balls starting to contract, signaling me that I was about to cum. I fought hard to suppress that feeling, and reached down between us and pulled on my ball sack, to make that feeling subside.

Her legs, which were bent at the knee at first, now started coming around my waist, and locked around my back. Her moans were getting louder, and her breath was in a short, staccato rhythm. Just a minute later, I could feel the walls of her pussy tighten around my cock, and she started cumming again.

“Oh Luke, cummmmmmmmingggggggg”. I could feel her juices all over my cock and start leaking out onto my leg. I slowed the pace down some now, hoping she did not want to stop. She didn’t, and I kept my slow pace up. She relaxed her legs and placed them back down, with her knees up. Yet her grip around my neck did not loosen, in fact her nails were dug into my back, but I didn’t care.

She started kissing again, with so much passion now. Our tongued were joined together, almost like my cock and her pussy. Sweat was forming on us both, as our love making continued. I knew I needed release soon, or my balls were going to explode.

My arms, which were on each side of her head, trying to keep my weight off of her, now encircled her head and pulled her tighter to me, as I increased my pace. You could hear the sloshing sound, that only 2 lovers can achieve.

“Yesssssss, Lover, give it to me, cum for me Luke” Her legs, once again, wrapped tightly around me, which made her pussy tighten too around my already hard cock. God it felt like heaven.

A few minutes later, I could feel that sensation in my balls and cock again, but this time, I was not going to deny it, what it needed. “Mo, I cant hold it any longer, I need to cum”

Her nail dug in my back again and said, “Give to me Luke”, and I started to pump my seed deep inside her. “Oh God Yessssssssssssssssssss, I feel it. Cum Baby, cum”. Then she moaned out OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, and started cumming too.

What felt like minutes of me pumping a great deal of cum in her, was maybe only 20 to 30 seconds, but I know I shot 6 times inside her. As I started to relax, I moved my arms back, so I would crush her. Her arms released from my back then too, and we both started panting heavily.

I leaned in then and gently kissed her lips, but her kiss was only half hearted. I then rolled off of her and onto my back. I looked over at her and saw her chest heaving up and down, not out of breath, but like she was crying. Then I heard her sob softly, while looking up at the ceiling.

“Mo, what’s wrong?” She laid there a minute, but did not answer. Thoughts rushed through my head that I screwed up big time. But she wouldn’t answer me, even after I asked again what was wrong.

All of a sudden, she bolts up in bed, scoots off real fast, grabbed her robe and darn near ran from my room. I sat there stunned for a moment, trying to figure out what I did wrong to her. I heard her footsteps going up the stairs, and I got up and ran up that way.

At the bottom of the stairs, I asked, “Maureen, please tell me what I did. Whatever it is, I am sorry”

Between sobs, she answered back, “It’s not you, you did nothing wrong. It’s all me. Please, for now, leave me to my thoughts.”

What could I say to that. I’ll never understand women. So I just headed back to bed. Where I tossed and turned half the night, wanting so bad to go up there and just hold her and tell her all will be alright.

I finally got to sleep and woke up about 8:30 that Sunday morning. I showered and put on clothes, then went up to the kitchen and made coffee. I sat up there until almost 10, reading the paper and having way to much coffee. I never heard her once up there.

I left shortly after that, for some errands I had to run, then come back and do yard work. By the time I did get back, it was past noon, and I noticed that Mo’s car was gone. She must have waited until I was gone to make her own escape from this house. I know we really need to talk, but I wasn’t going to push the issue. I figure that when she is ready, we’ll talk, so I’ll give her all the space she wants and needs.

I worked on her parents project the rest of the day, after my lawn chores were done. That evening I ate, and then started reading until it was almost 11pm. I never heard her come back home. I was worried, yet felt she was a woman and could take care of herself.

When I went to work the that Monday, her car wasn’t home, so I have no idea where she went, or stayed. Probably at her friends Jessie’s. Though she may have went to her ex’s, but who knows.

When I got home, she still wasn’t there. Around 5 that evening, I heard the front door oopen, then close, and Mo running up the stairs. About 20 minutes later, I heard her leave again, but I am sure this time to work.

Tuesday, when I went to work, her car was there, so I breathed a bit easier. I guess I can chalk this up to women’s take on life. I was hoping something would have come from what happened the other night, but, I am sure the age difference is a key factor. When I got home, Mo was upstairs, but I had already resigned to the fact, that she didn’t want to talk, so I let her be. She left for work at 5:30, without saying a word to me.

Wednesday, I got home from work late, 6pm, which is unusual for me, but we had a silly meeting that I was required to attend. When I went into my bedroom, I saw an envelope on my bed. So I sat down and opened it.

I know you have been wondering why I have been avoiding you since that night we spent together. To be honest, I am not even sure either. I felt so emotional after making love with you, and had no idea how to handle it. It was the best experience I have ever had. You were so tender and thoughtful, never once demanding anything of me. I felt like I was the only person alive to you and that. I just couldn’t face you after fleeing from your room, crying.
In my heart, you probably think I am some crazy broad, but really I am not. But I can’t blame you if you never want to talk with me again. If you can give me some time, I will try and find a place to live, but if not, I can always move back with my parents.
What I really should have done was lay in your arms that night, then make love to you in the morning. You were simply amazing and if I could ever do that again, I would in a heart beat.
I am really sorry for acting as I did and hope we can still be friends.

I just sat there and re-read that letter a few times. I thought, well at least she communicated something to me, and she didn’t entirely close the door to me. I tuck the letter into my nightstand drawer and went to the kitchen and ate. As I ate, I thought about how I should respond. Lord knows I did not want her to move out, that would be silly. Do we have to have sex again? No, but it sure would be nice. Later that evening I typed out my response to her;

I have no idea if what we did was right or not. At the time, it felt so right, and you were amazing as well. To me, you were the only person that existed in this world, and I had hoped you felt that way.
I was very confused when you bolted from the room and then not talk to me at all. So I am very glad you did write something to me. I am sorry that people before me, treated you as they did, but I am not like that, and I hope you can see that.
As for you moving out, I would never ask you to do that. I have no reason. If I make you feel uncomfortable, then that would be your reason and decision to leave, but I do not want you to leave. We can, if you desire this, keep things on a plutonic level, and never experience what we shared Saturday night.
Although, I would like to ask you out on a date. But, I will understand if you think that is not in your best interest to do. I really like you and would like to see you in that capacity, if you so desire.

I did as she did, and placed the note in an envelope and laid it on her bed. I stayed up another hour then went to bed. The next day, I got home late again, but this time was because someone was retiring the next day from work, and there was a get together at a local sports bar for him. So I never got to see Mo that night. Nor was there another letter to me, which kind of saddened me.

I got home at normal time on Friday, and Mo wasn’t there. My thoughts went to maybe I shouldn’t have said that I liked her a lot and wanted to take her on a date. A man’s mind works strangely, when dealing with women. May be it was best, I just stick to occasional hook up’s and that’s it. Both of knowing it wasn’t going anywhere, except for a romp in the sack.

I went to bed around midnight and was just about asleep, when my bedroom door opened. Now this whole week, and I don’t have a good rational reason why, but I had been wearing boxers to bed, just in case Mo decided to come in again. This night was no different.

“Luke? Are you awake?” I smiled slightly, and answered, “Yeah. What can I do for you?” Mo walked into the room, and with the light from the family room, I could see she had on a long t-shirt, that went to about mid-thigh. It was thin material, but I couldn’t tell if she was naked or not.

She came to the bed, and sat down on it. “Can we talk some?” I nodded and said, “Of course we can. I have been hoping we could all week.”

“thank you for the letter you wrote. I was scared to open it, figuring you were going to say leave.” She then sighed and continued, “But was relieved when you said you did not want me too. I don’t want too either.”

“What we shared last week was the most amazing time I have ever experienced with a man. I have picked some real doozies over the years, but you gave me hope that there is someone out there that knows how to treat a woman, and not some toy.”

When she said that, I already was processing a No, coming from her about a date. But, as you know, I have a hard time reading the cryptic messages women can give.

Mo continued; “I acted like some dumb teenager and not a woman in her 30’s. I hope you can forgive me for that and that I am sorry for avoiding you this whole week.”

I shook my head and said, “Mo, you need no forgiveness from me. You did nothing wrong, except for not talking about it. I still hope you want to be friends and stay here.”

“yeah, about that. I do want to stay here, and I really like you, I mean a lot, and if that invitation to a date still stands, I’d love to go out with you.”

I smiled and reached over to the nightstand and turned on the small light, so we could actually see each other. She looked quite nice in that t-shirt, and I could see she was at least not wearing a bra, since her nipples were quite pronounced.

Mo then pulled down the covers and slid into bed with me. She noticed I was naked this time. “Hey, you’re not naked.” “Yeah, I felt I should be clothed with you living here and all, out of respect for you.”

“You don’t have to do that. This place is your house and you should do what makes you comfortable, and if sleeping nude is it, who am I to argue. Plus, I always sleep naked too.”

She slipped inside the sheet and then cuddled to me. “I just want to be held for a bit. I promise I won’t keep you up too long.” I laughed and said, “Who cares, we can talk all night if you want, we’re both off.”

“No. I need some sleep. Been a long week for me. I didn’t sleep well at all. In fact, I came down to your room a couple times this week. You were sleeping but I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

“You could have awaken me. We could have talked this through a lot sooner and it beat writing it out.”

Her head was resting on my chest, and my arm held her close. I don’t think anyone has ever held her like this. She felt so good in my arms. I could get used to having her here besides me, but I don’t want to rush anything like that.

She then asked, “So when do you want to go out?” I stroked her arm and then replied, “I was hoping tomorrow evening. Dinner at Ruth Cris, that great steakhouse place.”

She looked up and smiled and said, “Ok, that sounds great, but we don’t have to go there. It’s pretty expensive.” “You asked, but you can’t say no now, plus, why shouldn’t we try something nice?”

“Ok. But you have to go to the front door and ring the bell and wait for me to answer, like a real date should.” I laughed and said, “Ok, I can live with that. And, I walk you to your door when the date is over. Maybe you will let me kiss you goodnight then” She giggled and said “Maybe. You just never know”

Mo then leaned up and kissed me on the lips and thanked me for being so understanding. Then got up and padded out of the room. I turned off my light and fell quickly asleep.

The next day flew by. I made reservations for 8:30, and left a note for Mo of that time. I also let her know that I would be picking her up at 7:45. Now she has been with me a couple of weeks, so she should know I am a very punctual guy.

At 7:45, I backed the car down the drive and got out, and went to the front door and rang the doorbell. A minute later she answered it. My thoughts were, “I’m wondering what the neighbors are thinking, seeing me do this” and laughed to myself.

When Mo answered, she was simply breath taking. She was wearing that sapphire blue mini dress, that hugged her so nicely, that she wore new year’s. Damn, my cock was twitching looking at her. I was wearing dark gray slacks and a light blue button down shirt, with black oxfords. She had on black pumps, that made her legs look so good.

“You look amazing Maureen, simply amazing.” “Thank you kind sir, and I must say, you look very handsome yourself” She then kissed me lightly on the lips, then tenderly bit my bottom lip. Damn, she is going to make me hard here, in no time.

We went to dinner and had a very enjoyable time. We really got to know one another. We both told about family life and friends we have and have had through the years. Jessie was her best friend, and she did admit, they were also lovers at times. She said she needed to be open about that, especially after what Linda did to me.

“I have no problem with that, really I don’t. If what we are starting is meant to be, then so be it. But, at least I know up front, unlike how it was with Linda.” “Hell, at one time, Linda wanted to try a 3some, with another guy. So we did. She liked it, but we only did that twice. I am very open and know how to share.”

“No way. You 2 did a 3some” Man, I would have never thought that of you 2. Although, I did get the feeling that Linda would have liked sharing me. It was just a vibe I got from her.” And she was right. Linda talked a few times about what it would be like to be with a woman and that she found Mo very attractive.

“Linda did say she always wanted to try it with a woman, and she would say stuff like this after you two shared an afternoon of sunning by the pool, so I guess I should thank you for turning her on because we usually had some wild sex those evenings.”

Mo smiled and said, “Your welcome. I am glad I made your evenings that much better for you 2. Not that they were all that dull anyways, judging by last week, and what Linda had told me how you were in bed.”

I laughed and said, “Damn, you girls seem to share everything don’t you?” Mo chuckled, “No, but the sex topic did come up quite a bit when we were together. And now that I know how you are, and had she asked, I would have joined you 2 in a heartbeat.”

I quickly changed subjects, so we could get off the sex topic. We talked about her sister and the kids, then about her work and mind. We also talked about what we like to do, and found we had many of the same likes there. It was almost 10pm, when we were finishing a piece of cheesecake that we shared.

“What would you like to do now? I am open to anything you have in mind.” Mo just grinned and said, why don’t we just head back to the house. Dinner was great, and the companionship was even better.”

I parked the car up by the garage and then we walked back up to the front door, holding hands, like a real date. Mo unlocked the door and invited me in, saying that it would be silly for me to walk back around to the back, to come back in the house.

We then walked to her door, which lead upstairs to her bedroom. She turned into my arms and we kissed. It was a long, slow, deep kiss. When we broke it off she said, “I had a wonderful time tonight, more than I expected a date could be.” I smiled at her and said, “My pleasure. Would you like to go out again sometime?”

She kissed me again and then said , “Yes, I certainly would like that. Give me a call and we’ll set something up” I chuckled again and then kissed her and said good night.

I headed to the family room, then my bedroom. I was hoping she would have invited me up, but I guess she doesn’t want to rush this. Oh well, maybe next time.

I then proceeded to strip down to my boxers, which were black silk, hoping I would sexy for her. I even manscaped and shaved this evening. I used to do that all the time for my ex. She hated hairs when she would give head, plus she said it looked sexy. I don’t have much hair on me anyways, but was hoping that Mo may like that too.

It was about 15 minutes since I entered the bedroom. Hung clothes up, went to the bathroom, brushed teeth, and now ready to crawl in bed, where I knew I would have to pound one out, to relieve the pressure built up in my balls.

I was just about to turn the light off, when Mo appeared in my doorway. All she had on was her black silk robe, that does look sexy as shell on her. She whistled then said,

“I bet you thought our date was through for the night, huh?” “Yes, I guess I did, and I surely was not going to push that issue.”

“Well thank you for that, but, I’d like you to come with me.” She held out her hand, so I grabbed it, and followed her out. As we reached the door, she turned off the light. I followed her upstairs into her bedroom. When we got up there, she had candles lit all over the place, and some incense burning, which smelled real good I must say.

Mo then went to her nightstand, picked up a joint from her ashtray and lit it. She took a big hit, then came to me, put her lips on mine and blew the smoke into my mouth, shot gunning the sweet smoke into me. I did the same to her then. She then led me to this hope chest in front of her bed, sat down and then finished the joint off.

Once we finished, we stood up and faced one another. She cupped my face in her hands, kissed me lightly on the lips and said, “I so want what we did last week again tonight.” I smiled and then nodded. I reached for the belt holding her robe closed, untied it, then slowly removed the robe from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor.

This was the first time I could see her body naked, felt it, yes, but seeing it was something so much better. “You look amazing Maureen, and very, very sexy.” She just smiled and then reached for the waist band of my boxers. She slowly pushed them down, so they passed my hips, and then hit the floor, an di stepped out of them.

“My god Luke, I didn’t realize you were this size, mmmmmmmmmm” I guess she hadn’t since we couldn’t really see last week and the only time she felt my cock, was when I entered her.

Mo then sat back down on the chest, took my cock in her hand and slowly stroked it. I moaned and sucked in a breath. Then she leaned into it and kissed the head all over, before wrapping her lips around it. She then sat there for the next 10 minutes or so, sucking me, licking me and sucking my balls.

I could feel myself getting ready to cum and told her she needed to quit. She looked up at me with a sad look on her face and I said, “I don’t want to go off now, in case I can’t perform later and I prefer being inside you for that.”

I took her hand then and stood her up, just after she wiped the head of my cock all over her lips, coating it with pre-cum. She then kissed me, letting me taste my cum on her lips. We then crawled up onto the bed and embraced in a hot, passionate kiss. As we kissed, we explored each other’s body’s.

Just like the previous week, I took my time, but I didn’t lick and kiss all the way down to her feet. I stopped at her pussy and went to town on her wet slit. This time though, I stayed longer at her ass and tongued that hole, and found she loved that. “Oh Christ, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” as I licked and probed.

I went back to her pussy, which was extremely wet and really got her going. She was moaning and thrashing all over. Pulling my head in closer to her pussy. Once my mouth attached to her engorged clit, and sucked it, she let loose with a shattering orgasm “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss”. Her body was shaking now, and her legs were like a vice grip around my head.

As she calmed she said, “Luke, I really need you inside me, please put it in” Not one to ever disappoint a lady, I did as I was asked and moved up, so I was right over her. Her hand went and grabbed my cock and guided inside her. I slid it in a little faster this time, but still not like if I was going to pound the hell out of her. She cooed “Oh yesssssssssssssssss”

We started fucking in a nice slow rhythm, nothing rushed, but a couple minutes into it, she had a small orgasm, and then another a few minutes later, saying only “cummmmminggggggggggg”.

She then wrapped her legs around me now and her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, which I thought she was going to suck my tongue right out of my head.

After a few more minutes, that wonderful feeling was starting to wash over me. The one that lets a guy know when he about to cum and I told Mo. “Oh Baby, I am going to cum” “Give it to me Luke, deep inside me” she panted out.

I pushed my cock in as deep as it would go, and then let loose with squirt after squirt of cum, deep inside her. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Goddddddddddddddddddddddd” as I kept pumoing inside her and squirting my cum all over inside her pussy. Towards the end, she had a big orgasm again. “Oh My God, cumminggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Baby”

She held on to me, like I was a life raft, at sea. Her body shook and quaked all over. Her pussy was clamped down hard on my swollen member, and I could feel our combined juices escaping her tight box.

I was still inside her, and not really going soft. We started kissing more and then I slipped out. “Aweeeeeee” she said. I then moved down on her, until my face was even with her pussy again.

“What are you doing?” she asked. “Shhhhh. I have to clean up my mess don’t I?” Her eyes got big and then she felt my tongue go right into her slit, which was emitting my cum already. “Oh my god, no one has ever done that before. Ohhhhhhhhhhh Godddddddddddddddddddd”

I stayed down there licking up our juices until there was any more to take. Now I had to see if she would kiss and accept my offering. Most women that I have ever been with are receptive to this. Only two would not allow the kiss, or even my after action eating of their pussy.

When I brought my mouth to Mo’s, she hungrily accepted my offering. She sucked my tongue in her mouth, then licked my face and lips. As she did this, my ¾ hard cock slipped back inside her. It felt so hot and wet, and if this was heaven, I never want to leave it. She broke from our kiss and just licked her lips.

“I hope you enjoyed your date tonight. You have made it a night to remember for me” I told her. “I hope you want to have another date as well”

She giggled and said, “judging from that hard cock inside me, I don’t believe our date is over, do you?”

I then wrapped my arms around her, and started rocking from side to side, then in a quick motion, turned us over, so she was on top now, and my cock never left its warm confines.

“MMMMMMMMM my favorite position.” “Luke, you are a magnificent lover, but can we get a little wilder now, you know, bring out our slutty side?” “Anything you want Sexy. I’m all yours”

Mo sat up and started rocking back and forth on my cock. I am almost 8 inches, and it felt like I was in her stomach, I was so deep inside her. She looked down at me and smiled,

“My god, your cock is so deep in me, and my pussy feels so full right now. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.” She was now really turning me on with her dirty talk. My hands found her beautiful ass now and started sqeezing her cheeks. “MMMMM love your hands on my ass.”

She stopped rocking and looked down on me. “Luke, the love making was amazing and I hope we can do that again many times, and God, those orgasms I had with you have been out of this world. In fact, only Jessie can get me to cum like that. But, right now, I really need to ride this cock hard and have you fuck me like a rag doll. So let’s hope I don’t scare you off with my slutty side, because I really get into fucking hard.”

I looked up at her and said, “Show me your slutty side Baby. Fuck this cock all night if you want. I have been dying to pound your sweet pussy all night now. I really like how we are as lovers and making love, but like you, I need to also fuck. So enough talking, let’s fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

Mo started grinding her pussy into my pelvic bone and moaning loudly. I sat up and started sucking her nipples hard, biting them occasionally, which really set her off. “Fuck yeah, bite my nipples”

“fuckkkkkk your pussy is so tight Baby, fuck that cock.” Mo was starting to ride me hard now. Sliding up and then slamming down. This woman knew what she wanted and knew how to fuck a man.

Over the course of the next 15 minutes, she was constantly sliding up and down my shaft, like I was the last man she would ever fuck. I lost count of how many times she said fuck, and she came one time, although, not a big orgasm, but cum she did, and kept right on fucking too.

I could see on her face, that she was getting close to cumming bog again, so I licked a finger and slipped behind her ass and found her asshole, and slipped it in. “Oh Christtttttt yessssssssssssss. I’m going to cum Baby, Fuck Me Hard now.”

My other hand grabbed her other cheek and my knees came up and I started driving my cock into her, as she came down on it. “Fuck Baby. Fuck Baby, Cummmmmminggggggggggggggggg”

I could feel her juices now as they started drenching my pelvic region and I could feel it dripping down to my ass crack. Fuck she was cumming hard. I couldn’t hold out any longer

“Oh Baby, I am going to shoot here in a second” I started to arch my back and then all of a sudden, Mo jumped off, grabbed my cock and started stroking it fast and put the head in her mouth. I started shooting rope after rope of cum into her mouth. She was good and was swallowing most of it. Some did trickle out the side of her mouth and on her chin.

When I was done, she licked the head and moved up to me and kissed me, sharing what cum was left, with me, passionately kissing. We were holding each other kissing, tasting what our sex had produced, really into each other now.

We broke the kiss, panting like two race horses after a long ride. “Holy fuck Babe, that was amazing. I mean that. No one has ever fucked me with so much passion like you just did.” Mo just smiled at me and said, “You get as good as you give, and trust me lover, you gave all to me, so I wanted to give right back.”

We lay on our side looking at each other. Her hand was stroking my cock, and I was rubbing her hard nipples. “So, I think I would like another date with you. In fact, I hope it leads to many dates, especially if they end the night this way.”

“Luke, I think you can see I have a very high sex drive, so I hope I don’t scare you off, or wear you out, because I believe we are going to be doing this a great deal.”

“Mo, I too, have a very high sex drive, so I doubt you will ever scare me off. In fact, I’ll do it any time, any where, and any way you like it. Not to be crude, but you are so sexy, you could make a dead man cum”

“Such a sweet talker you are. There is not too much I won’t try sexually, and if it is too weird, I’ll let you know. But if it can make us both cum, I am pretty much down with it. Christ, when you ate me after cumming in me, well that shocked me, but really turned me on. Then when you shared our juices, that put me over the edge, which is why I went slutty on you.” She explained to me.

“God, I just love how your cock feels when it is inside me. I am so horny right now and hope you can get it up again so you can get it back inside.

“FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK” she screamed out. If neighbors were up, they had to have heard that, if the windows were open, so thank god for air conditioning. Even though it is late May, and in the high 70’s, her room gets quite warm, so the air has to run up here.

“By the way, you are sleeping here tonight. I want to wake with you in the morning, even if I have to tie you down.”

“MMMMMMMMMMM, I like the idea of you tying me up. And, I was hoping you would let me sleep with you. I’d like nothing more than to wake with you as well,”

“Good, but hold that thought.” Mo got up and went into the bathroom, which I could see since it is directly across from the bed. She didn’t even bother shutting the door, she just sat and pissed. Shyness was not part of her makeup, that’s for sure.

She came back and blew out the candles, and lay next to me again. “Now where were we? Oh yeah, talking.” Then giggled. Her hand wrapped around my still half hard cock, and just moaned slightly.

“Luke, you don’t have to answer, but I have to ask, if you were like this to Linda the whole time, what the fuck was she thinking when she wanted out?”

“that is a question for the ages. I never treated her bad, hell we hardly ever argued, except at the end, when she was using arguments to solidify why she wanted out. She never wanted for anything. I always tried to be romantic. Sending her cards, or flowers, or some stupid little gift that I knew she would like. Our first few years of marriage, we would have sex almost nightly. But like all couples, it slows down, but until the last year or so, it was still 4 times a week, and she initiated a lot of it. She loved porn too.”

“You sure you want to hear this?” I asked. “Yeah. Let’s get this part out of the way, and then move forward. I have to tell you, I was very turned on by the 3some you guys did. Oh, and that shaving down there is super sexy. I like that a lot.” As she smiled at me.

“Well, the 3some happened a little more than 5 years ago. One night we were watching porn and that’s what came on at one point. That got her totally turned on and said she’s love to try that. Now I am open minded and don’t get jealous, so I figured what the hell, it did look fun. We found a web site that catered to swinging and stuff like that. Started talking with a guy who enjoyed couples. Took about 3 months of chatting, pictures and e-mails before we set it up. We met him at a local bar and all of us seem to hit it off, so we went to a hotel and did it.”

Mo’s hand was gripping my cock harder now, as I explained what happened. “Go On, but this is turning me on again” then giggled.

“Linda was a little shy at first, but was feeling no pain from the 4 shots she did at the bar. In no time she was naked and had him naked. She gasped when she saw he was shaved down there. Hense from that point on, she had me shave, or we would do each other. At first I just sat in the chair and watched for a bit, They 69, and then fucked, then she motioned for me to join them and she sucked me as they fucked. When I fucked her, she sucked him. He wasn’t as big as me, but satisfied Linda. All in all, we both fucked her twice. Then he left. We stayed the night there and fucked one more time after he left. And yes, I did eat her afterwards, which I have to admit, turned us both on.”

“Fuck, I am so wet now. Christ I might cum just listening to this.” I reached down to investigate, and sure enough, she was soaking wet. “Keep going. What happened the 2nd time.”

“That happened 3 weeks later. I guess Linda and he were exchanging some heated e-mails and she asked if John could come by that weekend, for another go of it. I saw sure. It made her happy and that’s all I cared about. He came over that Saturday evening. We drank some, went swimming, smoked some weed. Once Linda has weed, she turns into a nymph. They started fucking in the pool. I just sat back and watched. Then Linda said let’s go inside and get comfy. Then John brought out this baggie which contained coke. Now Linda and I used to do it once in a great while years before, so feeling like we did, we partook with him. Then we went to the bedroom and got down to it. She was on her knees sucking him while I was in back of her eating her. Then somehow her and I were 69ing and the next thing I know, john’s cock is slipping into her pussy. I froze at first, but then figured what the hell and kept on eating her. She must have came 5 times then. She even had us DP her, which was weird at first, but not for here.”

“Oh Fuck Baby, this sounds so erotic, Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk. Keep going.”

“Not much more to say except we fucked until about 3am. We all passed out then and when we awoke in the morning, John was long gone. Linda was pretty sore that day and the next. But we never had a repeat of that. That fall we went on vacation to Cancun, and found a nice resort, that at the time, catered to nudist. But once there, we got into the swing of things and went nude almost the whole time. From that point on, we always were nude around the house.”

“Holy Christ. What the hell is wrong with her? Tell you what, if we ever get that far in this new found friendship, I aint ever leaving. And you didn’t get jealous at all with her fucking him?”

“No. I felt quite secure in my love for her, and I thought her love for me could never waver. Guess I was wrong there. Do you get jealous?”

“Jealous? No. I can get mad though if you were to ignore me when you are talking with some other woman, and act like I don’t exist, which is what Kyle did all the time. Like that shank at the new years party. That, to me, shows an utter lack of respect for me. It’s like most of the guys I have dated. It starts off great. I get treated nicely, but then it’s like a switch is thrown and then I am just used. In Kyle’s case, he got mean too, especially when he drinks. And, like a dummy, I use the alcohol as an excuse, and I want to change him. Then we started fighting all the time, but when he hit me, that was the last straw. But those were the type of guys I would always gravitate too, god knows why.”

I pulled her close to me and stroked her hair and told her I was sorry. “Let’s not talk about ex’s anymore. We both have history, some good, some not so good, but they are in our past. All I know is this, in two nights you have rocked my world, and knowing what I know about you, from an unnamed source, since we won’t mention her name, I know I won’t be treated like that.”

“And I tell you, Jessie said I was a fool if I didn’t go out with you. Also, she thinks you are cute.”

“How would she know, I haven’t met her?” Mo giggled and said “She checked you out when you were working in the garage that Saturday.”

“What made up my mind for sure about going to bed with you now was when we were in the restaurant, and your eyes were only on me, like I was the only one there, and then that gorgeous blond sat 2 tables over and you didn’t glance at her at all, that did it for me. I’ll be honest, she was so hot, I would have done her” and then she laughed and so did I.

“I’d love to see that. Just sit back and watch” Mo chuckled and said “bull shit. You would be right there with us. I’m not one to waste a gorgeous cock like this. In fact, I think we’ve done enough talking for the night and my tight little pussy could use that big cock of yours again. You up for that?”

I laughed and said, “I think you can tell that I am UP for it. So lay back, spread them gorgeous legs of yours and let me take care of that itch you have.”

She did just that, spread her legs wide, which I then caught and draped over my arms, then put them up on my shoulders. I sunk my cock into her slick hole, with no trouble at all. We both said “AHHHHHHHHHH” as I slammed it in.

“Oh Fuck Yesssssssssssssssssss, fuck me hard Luke, fuck me with that big cock.” She was so tight now in this position.

“Fuck Baby, you are so tight.” “Take me Baby, fuck my tight little cunt with that big cock until we can’t move anymore.”

I just started slamming into her. This was going to take some time, since I came twice already, but I figured she knew that already and was still wanting it. I was stroking into her hard. My balls were slapping her ass with each thrust in. She was gripping my arms tightly as we fucked. Her grunts and moans grew louder with each thrust.

“Fuck Baby, I love your cock, Holy fuck you fill me so good” We were really getting into it. Skin slapping together, and the headboard was beating against the wall now. I knew I could not last too much longer.

“Mo I can’t hold out any longer. I gotta cum” “Me either. Give me your juice Baby. Soak my pussy with your seed”

Just then Mo started shaking, and her pussy clamped down harder than it ever did before. “Oh Shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Fuck I am so cumminggggggggggggggggggggggg” “Oh Shit Luke. I can’t stop cumming.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggg Mo, here I cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Babe” and I shot another load inside her. As I came, I let her legs go, and she wrapped them around me as she was still shaking and convulsing.

I kneeled back on my haunches and looked down and could see a huge wet spot on the sheet. Damn, I thought, I made her squirt. She lay there, panting hard and as her ass came in contact with the wet spot, she said, “Christ, you made me squirt. My god we are so good together”

After a few minutes of just lying there, I asked, “Should we get some new sheets?” “Oh hell know, I’ll just sleep over on your side while you hold me. I couldn’t move another muscle if I wanted too.”

We did move to the one side and I spooned with her and we both fell asleep pretty quick too. I awoke the next morning around 8am. Damn, I thought. Too early to wake up, seeing we went to bed around 2am. So I lay there listening to Mo sleep. Watching her breast rise and fall. She looked so peaceful and her red hair was splayed all over the pillow.

I lay there another 15 minutes, and then decided I would get up. I left her sleeping and went downstairs, still naked. I started the coffee and ran to the bathroom. Did my business and brushed my teeth, even though I could still taste her nectar on my lips. “I hope I can replace that taste again soon, very soon” I thought to myself.
I also put the oven on, so I could cook some bacon. I like baking the bacon instead of frying it, especially when dressed as I am. Damn, grease hurts. About 20 minutes later I put the bacon in, and sat at the island and had my coffee. The bacon was almost done when I heard the faint sound of the toilet flushing upstairs, so I knew Mo was up.

I got up and pulled the pan out of bacon, and got another pan for eggs and started preparing breakfast. As I was cooking, Mo came into the kitchen. “Wow, is this the new house dress code?” I turned and looked at her. Her hair was still all over the place and she had on her black robe.

“Yeah, unless you don’t think it is appropriate.” I said. With that, her robe came off and dropped to the floor. “No, I believe it is quite appropriate. I prefer nude anyways, especially with the hunk I am living with.”

She walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist and I could feel her tits and hard nipples in my back. Then she kissed the back of my neck and said, “Good Morning Sweetie.”

I turned around and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her deeply, then told her good morning . I told her to go sit down and I would have breakfast ready in a few minutes. She got herself some coffee and luckily, we both like the same flavored creamer.

“You keep this up and you are going to spoil me.” She said. “What’s wrong with that?” I asked. “Just not used to it. I was the one who did everything, but nothing gin return.” I chuckled and shook my head. “New day, New way my dear, so enjoy it”

As we ate, I asked what she had planned for the day. She went on to tell me that she was going over to her parents a bit later, around noonish, to eat dinner and visit with her sister, brother in law and the kids too. I told her I was going to try and finish her parents cabinet, but it depends on if it is going to rain, which they called for. I can’t spray when it rains. Too muggy out then and the varnish doesn’t dry right.

“I wish you could come with me. But if we are going to start dating, I want to ease my parents into this. I don’t know how they will react, except I know both of them like you. But.” She let that hang there at But.

“But? What?” “I don’t know how they react because of the age difference.” I never thought of that, but shit, it is only 11 years, and she is in her 30’s, so Christ, what’s the big deal. “Ok, I can see that. Plus you may tire of my old ass anyways.” And chuckled.

“Maybe, but I think we have a few good years to see about that. Plus you may tire of me Babe. I mean, I’ll be honest, I can get kind of clingy, and I also fall in love easily. Bet that scares the shit out of you.”

I was washing dishes then and walked over to her. Pulled her up, so she was standing, hugged her tightly and said, “You can get as clingy as you want Lover, especially when home like this and dressed as we are. As for falling in love. If, or when that happens, just say it, but say and really mean it. I gave my heart to one once before and I don’t want it broken again, for I will be the same with you.”

She kissed me and said, “Deal. Now let’s go shower, so I can get a move on. We went and showered together. She wanted to make love in there but said she was a little sore at the moment, so maybe later.

Mo left around noon and I went and worked on the project for a bit. Then it started raining, so I nixed the idea of spraying. So I went back inside and did some vacuuming and basic straightening of the house, although, Mo does keep it pretty clean too. Then I stripped down and went to the couch, got my book and read.

About 3pm, I heard the front door close, so Mo was home. She came into the family room and saw me and said, “I’ll be down in a few” and left. True to her word, a few minutes later, she came in the room, naked as the day she was born. All I could do was stare. Her tits swayed so nicely as she walked towards the couch, and her pussy, mmmmmmmmm, damni just wanted to lick that again.

“What are you looking at?” she asked. “A absolutely gorgeous woman, who I happen to like, a lot. And very sexy I may add.”

“Oh stop, I am not all that, but I accept any compliment you have to give. Just going to take me some time to get used to this. Even being naked all the time will take some time getting used too. Because right now, I want to jump your bones mister, but my little cooter is saying no way. It is pretty sore. We are going to have to start practicing to get it used to what we like.”

“I like practicing, especially with you Sweetie. “ she then curled up on the couch next to me and opened her own book. She was a distraction for me, as I tried to read. Especially when she put her hand on my thigh, near my growing member.

We were good though and didn’t do any playing, much to my chagrin. Mo did fix a nice dinner for us, and it sis taste quite good. Then we settled back on the couch and watched Tv the rest of the evening, cuddled together.

Around 10:30, I was pretty tired and said I was going to go to bed. “May I join you tonight?” “Sweetie, you never have to ask, just do what you want to do. I would enjoy it a great deal”

Once in bed she asked, “How are we going to do this during the week, since I work my crazy shift?”

“We’ll figure something out, but if you want to sleep with me, feel free. I’ll be right here, or if you want, I’ll come sleep upstairs in your bed. Either way, I am all right with it.”

I held her close and we both drifted off to sleep. I get up at 4:30am, so I was very quiet and not disturb her. When I got home, it was 3:30 and Mo heard me in the kitchen and called down from her room, asking me to come up. When I got up there, she was lying naked on the bed, legs spread, and was rubbing her pussy.

“I really need you to take care of something for me. I have this itch, and really needs scratched by something big, and long, and hard. Can you help me?”

God she looked sexy as fuck to me right then. I love when a woman plays with her pussy. I stripped down and was almost totally hard. I grabbed my cock and started stroking I for her too. “Is this what you want to scratch that itch?”

“I think that will do nicely. It’s really itchy inside there, so you better hurry.”

I climbed between her legs, positioned my cock head on her lips and started rubbing her pussy. “Does this help?”

“Oh God. Yessssssssssssssss, but now put it in, slowly, but get it in there Lover.”

I did as she asked and went at it slowly. She said the longer I was in her, the less it was bothering her. After about 10 minutes, we started fucking a little faster. Only groaning and moaning, no dirty talk, but plenty of kissing. She loves to kiss while fucking, and so do I. Another 5 minutes and we both came.

We then showered together and she then had to get ready for work. I stayed up there as she put on her clothes. She asked, “Think you can get used to doing this daily, since we can’t make love at night, like normal couples?”

“Yes, I believe I could get used to that. Just have to hope that I don’t get stuck in some silly ass meeting, and not get home in time.”

“I forgot to tell you yesterday. Jackie wanted to know why I was in such a great mood. So I told her you and I went on a date, and were going again next weekend too.”

“What did she say to that?” Mo giggled and said, “Well at least it is with someone I would approve of. He’s a nice guy, but isn’t he a bit older than you?” “I told her, so, John is a good 6 years older than you, so don’t be saying much.” “Jackie then agreed but still wanted to know why such a great mood, and then it hit her. You two slept together. Damn.”

“So don’t be surprised if she acts the big sister part and say goofy things like don’t hurt my little sister and shit like that”.

The rest of the week was pretty much like that. I’d come home and we’d make love or fuck, depending on her mood. She would text me from work, telling me my cum was leaking out her and can’t wait to have me again.

That Saturday, we went to dinner on the river cruise ship, that floats around downtown Pittsburg. She really liked that. We ended the evening in her bed again, and it was another marathon session. Starting with lots of oral, this time 69ing, then making passionate love, then all out fucking. Waking the next morning to her giving me a blowjob, which I found out is her favorite way to wake me. Damn, she really is a nympho.

The next couple of weeks were the same, except one night, I slept in her bed. She was sly though, she set her alarm for about 30 minutes prior to what I would usually get up and woke me with her blow job, then when she had me close to cumming, she mounted me and rode me hard.

“Like your alarm clock lover?” “MMMMMMMMMMM very nice way to start a day.” “Good, think of me all day, riding your hard cock like this.”

She informed me later that she wouldn’t be home when I got home. Her and Jessie had plans. She said she wouldn’t lie either, part of those plans were some serious play time. Jessie was not with a guy at this time, and in need of some lovin too, if I was ok with that. I told her to have fun and enjoy any moment she could with her.

It was now coming up on my birthday the next weekend. As our custom now, I asked her out on a date for that Saturday. She had to decline. Telling me that she already promised Jessie she would go with her to this party. They had planned this months ago. I said, that is ok. It’s not like I won’t get to see you anytime soon. She kissed me and said I was so understanding.

I had finally met Jessie, on memorial day weekend. She was over visiting with Mo. They hung out by the pool all day, andi pretty much gave them space. Although I was asked many times to join them. I just felt like I was invading their private time together. I did fix steaks for dinner and did get to converse with Jessie. She definitely has a good head on her shoulders and is quite the hottie to look at. Especially when the 2 girls were laying out in bikini’s.

That Friday, before the girls party, I was home just watching TV, waiting on Mo to get home later. On Friday’s I found myself always waiting up for her, which she really liked. This night, I heard the front door a little after 9pm. Mo came bounding into the family room saying Hi.

“What are you doing home so early? Not that I am complaining. Just unusual for you.” She giggled and said, “I got bored. Nothing to do tonight, so I asked the boss if I could leave and she said fine, so here I am”

She leaned in and kissed me and said she’s be back down in a few and asked if I could get her some wine. I have to admit, these past few months have been great. We act like two college kids who have discovered sex for the first time. But, I keep wondering when it will come to a screeching halt. Right now, it is great, but Mo is turning 33 in another couple months, and I am turning 44 in a few days. That internal clock I bet is ticking and she never has said anything about kids and stuff. I’m sure she’ll want those and with someone closer to her age. I am trying so hard not to get caught up emotionally with her, but is getting harder each day, and I think it is for her too.

I got her a glass and a bottle of wine that was chilling in the fridge. I went and stripped down, since it is our custom now. A few minutes later, she came into the room, naked as me. Damn, she is so gorgeous to look at. I could never tire of this sight.

She smile as she approached me and asked, “What are you looking at?” I grinned and said, “A beautiful, vivacious, sexy woman, who I just happen to like and adore.”

I handed her the glass of wine and she sat down next to me. “I really don’t see what you see in me. I mean, I thank you and love hearing those words and I can feel it too, but I don’t view myself like that. I’m a freaking red head for one, with freckles all over, and most of the year, have that pasty white skin, unlike Jessie, who tans so well. Then look at my thighs and this tummy roll, so sexy is not how I consider myself.”

“Good thing I do. In fact, I find you more beautiful and sexy, than Jessie. Granted, she is pretty, and to someone else, she is sexy to them, but you have her beat by a country mile.”

She leaned in again and kissed me. “Keep talking like that and you’ll get into my pants for sure.” She giggled and said, “Oh wait, I don’t have any on, so I guess you are already there, Stud.”

“Luke, I have to admit, I am really liking how this is going between us. I absolutely love our love making. But, I am scared too.” I guess I should have guessed this was coming. I didn’t think tonight, but at some point. “Of what?” I asked.

“That you will one day soon, tire of me. Or, you think I won’t want to be with this older guy, who treats me like a queen actually. I really like you, and I mean a lot. I’m not looking for any other guy, to come sweep me off my feet, because I think I found that guy already. Plus, I don’t care about our ages, if you don’t, and I like where we are heading. But if where this is heading is something you don’t really want, then level with me. We’ll stop it now, and just move on.”

Damn, it’s like she can read my mind. “Mo, if anything, I feel as though you will tire of me one day. Let’s face it, 11 years is a pretty big gap. Maybe not now, but say 20 years from now. You’ll be in your 50’s and me in my 60”s, and what if I can’t give you the physical side of your needs? Then there is the aspect of kids. I mean, if we reach that level where we are in love and want a family, wouldn’t you want that with someone your age?”

This was turning into a very deep conversation now, one I wasn’t expecting to have, but since we started it, we might as well see what we both truly want. Sex buddies, or more.

“Luke, honestly, I have not had thoughts about having kids. I am not even sure I want any, and really never have thought about it. As for 20 years from now. Shit we could be dead anyways, but if we are together then, they have great pills for that, and, as long as you were with me, who cares about the physical stuff. Relationships are built on strong emotional ties, not just sex. But if you feel I will tire of you, then you really need to get to know me better, because once I commit, I commit for good, unless given a good reason to uncommit.”

“Mo, I do want to know you better, and I also want us to open up to each other about everything. Hell, we are still in that exploration of each other. I am sure I’ll do something stupid that will piss you off, and you’ll do something that may piss me off, but I doubt that. But, if we want to take it to the next level, then we have to be open and honest about everything and talk, and communicate how we feel. If we can’t do that, then yeah, we should just walk away, before one of us gets hurt. We’ve both lived that, and I know I don’t want to experience it again.”

She had a tear running down her cheek now. “Fuck” I said to myself. I should have just let this go and not said anything. She wiped her tears away, set her glass down, and moved into my lap now and held me.

“Call me a baby, but I cry easy. But I do want to move to the next level with you. I think we need to let everyone know that we are a couple, and the hell with any of them that don’t like it. I want to experience all that life has. I’ll be honest, the whole way home tonight, all I wanted to do was jump your bones all night. Talk about fantasies, since we really haven’t done that, be really naughty, and then fuck our brains out. But, I am glad we talked, and yes I want a relationship with you, and hope you do too.”
I stroked her face as she talked, and loved that she opened up to me. And yeah, it felt great holding her nude body close to mine.

“Yes, I want a relationship with you. One that everyone knows, and the hell what people think of it. I’ll let you know, I think of you all day, everyday. I am so glad we had this talk, and now have a better understanding of how we both feel. I had every intention of waiting up for you tonight, may be make love, then sleep with you in my arms, which I am sure we are going to do. But, I like the naughty part too. Care to divulge your naughty thoughts?”

She kissed me, long and deep, which made my cock twitch, that was now sandwiched between her thighs. “MMMMMMM, I think junior likes my kisses” she said with a giggle. “Always” I said.

“Well, since we are being open and honest, I was down here this afternoon and put on the TV and went looking for the porn channel. I was looking for a good movie for us to watch tonight and found one that really got my attention and has been a fantasy of mine, for a long time. But I never found the right person to even think of sharing it with, until now. To do this, we both have to have a trust factor, and I believe I have that with you. So let me find it again and I’ll show you.”

She turned on the TV, found the channel she wanted, then scrolled to find the movie she wanted me to see. Once she did, she clicked on select and it started. When it started, it was where she left off earlier in the day. “How come it didn’t start at the beginning?” I looked at the careen and the guy was behind this one woman, fucking her doggie style while she was eating the other woman, so it was a FMF 3some. Nice, I thought. “Because you started it earlier today, you have 24 hours to view it, so it knows where you left off.”

“Well, let me back it up because you are missing some really good parts.” So she took the remote and hit the reverse button, and went back at least a good 20 minutes. It’s your basic porn movie. Not too much dialog, poor acting, and great sex scenes. The girls were smoking hot, and of course, the guy had like a 10 or 11 inch dick.

This scene had the girls on the bed, kneeling on each side of him, who was laying down, and they were taking turns sucking his dick. “My God, look at the size of his cock. No way would I want that in me.”

“I thought all girls wanted that size.” I said. “No way. I dated a guy once like that, and it hurt like hell. Plus, he had a rotten disposition and treated women like they were slaves. But, No, I don’t want one that big. Yours is the perfect size. Long enough to touch places I love touched and just thick enough so it feels wonderful.”

I had put the recliner up on my section of the couch and Mo was laying on her side, head in my lap, and sucking and licking my cock. The more they sucked that cock, the more she sucked mine, and trust me, Mo knows how to please a man in this area.

“You like me sucking your cock don’t you Baby?” I moaned, and somehow answered her, “God Yes, you are so wonderful, Fuck” is all I could say.

“Just think if you had 2 women sucking and licking this gorgeous dick of yours. Both of us taking turns licking it and sucking it.” Her words were driving me crazy. She was definitely in full slut mode tonight.

“Who would the other woman be, doing this with you?” I asked. “Without question, Jessie. She is the only one I trust enough to share you with.” Of course my mind was thinking that too. Seeing her blond head, down there licking and sucking me.

As we continued watching the movie, and Mo kept on sucking me, my one hand moved to her ass, and started running down her crack. First finding her puckered star. Rimmed that for a minute, then found her soaking wet slit. Mo’s pussy was so wet, her lips so engorged, I am sure it would not take much to make her cum.

The girls on screen now got into a 69 position and were eating each other, which made Mo moan out, “Oh fuck yeah. God I want you to see me eat Jessie, and she eat me.”

“I’d love to see that Babe. I may even come over and help one of you, since you know I love eating a woman so much.”

She could sense I was getting close to cumming, so she stopped and sat up , put both feet on the edge of the couch, spread her legs, and started rubbing her slit. “I know I am being very naughty tonight, and I hope you like it. Would you like to stick your tongue in this hot cunt tonight and lick all my juices out?”

“I love your naughty side Lover, and yes, I want to stick my tongue deep inside your hot cunt and make you cum all over my face.” She moaned out then real loud, as my finger found her slit, and went inside. “God yes Baby, come eat me. Eat your horny girlfriend. Make me cum all over your face.”

I put the foot rest back down, got on the floor and then in front of her. She shifted a little so her pussy and ass was right on the edge of the couch. So I started eating her. I am usually very slow and deliberate when I perform oral sex on a woman, but tonight, and how we were both worked up, I just started attacking her slit. I drove my tongue into her and started licking. The whole time I did this, she would moan, or yell out, “Fuck Yes, suck that cunt”. Good thing the air was on now, drapes and blinds pulled shut.

My tongue was also fucking her ass, which was driving her wild too. “Yes, Yes, Yes, lick my ass. God you make me feel so good.” Mo was also letting me know what the 3 were doing on the TV, which they were now into the fucking phase. I turned to see what position they were in, which was one of the lady’s sitting up against the headboard, legs spread wide, the only lady, eating her out, while her ass was high in the air, and they guy fucking her from behind.

When that started, Mo said, “Christ, I want that. I want you fucking me while I eat that bitch. Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

I then pushed a finger in her ass, and 2 in her pussy and found her g-spot, and as I rubbed that, my lips clamped down on her engorged clit, which was outside of her hood now. Between what I was doing to her and the scene on the screen, she couldn’t hold out any longer.

“Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, I am going to Cummmmmmmmmm, Shit, Shit, Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” she yelled out.

Then her body tightened up, her legs came together, and then started shaking violently. Mo started cumming and then shot juice all over my face and chest. I got her to squirt. She shot 3 good squirt at me, and I tried the best I could to suck it up, but it just was coming out to fast.

She relaxed her body after about a minute and smiled down at me. “Oh My God Luke. You made me squirt. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk that felt so good.” As she panted, trying to regain some composure, I kept licking any dripping cum from her snatch and ass cheeks.

“You are the first guy to make me squirt, and only Jessie can do that. I am so fucking horny now and in need of that cock. Please come up here and fuck me.”

I had her lay on the couch now and got between her legs. My arms went under her knees and brought them up so her legs draped over my shoulders. “That’s it Baby, give me that hard cock. Make me your porn star”

As I slipped my cock into her, and then buried it deep inside her, she gasped out, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh” then said, “Oh my god, look at this.” On the screen, which we hadn’t been paying attention too, had the one woman on the bottom with a strap-on. The other woman on top and the guy fucking her in the ass, as the other girl fucked her pussy.

“My god that looks so hot. Fuck, I really want to try that. No man has ever been in my ass, but it something I want us to do. Oh god, I want that. Fuck me Baby, Fuck me now.”

And so I did. I started pounding her pussy, like she was going to be the last woman I ever fucked. Now it was my turn to ask her what she wanted.

“Do you like seeing his hard cock fuck her ass?” “Yes. I want it all like that” I kept my fast pace up and asked, “Do you want me fucking you as you eat Jessie hot pussy, which is creaming your face as we fuck?”

“Oh Fuck Luke, more than you know. Fuck me, Fuck me Fuck Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, make me cum again you bastard”

You could hear or skin slapping together and I wasn’t going to hold out much longer, and neither was Mo. I started grunting and groaning, as I felt my balls tighten up, ready to release my cum to her.

“Babe, I can’t hold on any longer. I am going to cum.” Her hands were gripping my biceps now hard. Her tits were swaying all over as I continued to pound her. “Fuck Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. God I love this. Cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmminggggggggggggggggggg”

I then felt myself getting ready to let loose. I pulled out just as I started to cum. Mo’s eyes widened and watched as I shot rope after rope of cum all over her pussy and belly. I was panting hard now as the last of my cum dripped from the head of my cock, and watched as it ran down her pussy.

“Oh My God Babe, that is so HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT” she moaned out. Then she surprised me and said, “Grab my phone and take a pic of that and make sure part of your cock is in the frame.”

I looked at her and then reached over, brought up her camera app and shot the picture, then another. About half my cock was in the frame, with the head just near her open slit, with cum just flowing down and a big pool of it just above her shaved mound.

I handed her the camera and I saw her look at the pics and then was typing something, in the phone. “Hun, what are you doing?” I asked. “Sending this to Jessie.” I laughed and said, “Really?” and she just snickered and said, “Oh hell yeah. She does this all the time to me, so now it’s my turn.”

As she did that, I started licking up my cum from her. “Oh fuck baby, you turn me on so much. Make sure you share that with me.”

I licked up that big pool of it and showed her how much was in my mouth and she said to hold it, and took a picture of that. Then she sat the phone down and I crawled up on top of her and we kissed, with me pushing the cum into her hungry mouth.

When we finished kissing, we looked at the TV and the screen was blank except for the name of the movie, so it was over. She smiled up at me and said, “Oh wow, this has been amazing. You are so amazing. I have never cummed so hard in my life and loved every second of it. I did feel like a porn star and you were my leading man. Maybe we should make a video sometime.” I just chuckled at that one and said, “Anything for you my star. You were absolutely amazing too, but I think it takes 2 to make it so good. Now let’s go to bed.

We got up and headed for the bedroom and she says, “I really have to pee.” I said, ”Well hurry, so do I” As we entered the bedroom, she started going to the bathroom and grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. “What are you doing?” She giggled and said “Shush” and sat down on the toilet and spread her legs. “Squat down and pee between my legs. We’ve been pretty wild and kinky tonight, so I want to hold that beautiful meat of yours and feel it pee too.”

I just shook my head and squatted and she aimed my cock towards the opening. Once I heard her peeing, it made it easier for me to let loose as a hard stream came out. It almost hit her pussy, but she had the right angle and we then pee’d together.

Once we finished, she wiped both, herself, then my cock head and we got in bed. She curled up to me, placing her head on my shoulder, and her hand grabbed my cock and held it.

“Babe? I have to tell you, this was an amazing evening. I am so glad I came home early. You’d still be up, reading or watching TV, until I got home. And, I do really love that you do that on Friday’s. “

She then got quiet for a second, then said, “Please don’t freak, but I love you Luke. I know it’s so early to say that, but I really feel it, and it comes from my heart.” As she said this, her voice was cracking, and I am sure she had tears, but it is so dark in there, and it’s too hard to see.

I kissed her forehead and said, “Sweetie, to many, they would say it is too early to say things like that, but I too feel that way too. I love you Mo.” And kissed her. It was a very passionate kiss, and as we kissed, she placed her leg over me and moved on top of me. While kissing, and with all the emotions going on between us, my dick was getting hard again. Mo reached between us and guided it to her still wet pussy.

“Make love to me Luke. I need you.” We did make love. Our mouths never left each other’s until we both came again 15 minutes later. I don’t even know how I could cum again, considering the amount I shot all over her before, but I did, and she did too about 20 seconds after my orgasm. We both fell asleep after that, with her still on top of me.

Little did I know, that the next day was going to be one of the wildest times of my life, and really solidified our relationship.

Part 2?

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-03-30 16:19:29
(continued) Sometimes, #4 & I weep remembering the 29 yr with my 1st wife before she died & the 19 yrs #4 shared with her 1st husband before he died. Even after 24 Yrs of a good & happy marriage (not perfect but fine enough to hang in, no matter what) For some unknown reason one of us will "tear up". A birthday, funeral, anniversary date, a song, a whiff of fragrance (could be anything) just sets it off. Luckily, we understand very well each other because of the loss each of us has experienced This is so had to write.The love of the past hasn't died, just the focus of that love. The love we share now is different, a new love that doesn't replace love lost but simply expands our heart to allow more love. A parent doesn't love any one child more than another but the love is different. Yes, a person can love more than one person at a time. I met #3 6 yrs before #2 died (in Lust) that developed into love. I never wanted to leave #2 for several reasons, I loved her. (Space?)

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-03-30 15:34:30
Some of U asshole horny rednecks don't understand the passion of such a deep relationship as described above. Ur loss ! To me, a beautiful love story with all the "fringe" benefits The best part is the way they could dump all the past baggage they had gathered in previous relationships
In my own experience, I know how hard it is to leave hurts behind & in the past. Of the many crushes & lust (sex) I've had with 10+ women in my 77 yrs, I have loved 4 women; #!/ the first woman I "slept" with, #2/ my 1st wife, #3/ a mistress (for 9 yrs) I found in one of the towns on my sales rounds, and #4/ the wife I now enjoy. There is a difference. When there is love, that lost one is truly missed; a sex toy isn't hurtful, just thought of. My 1st wife & mistress are on my mind too much,considering the the wonderful relationship I have with #4. I guess because of my age & immaturity, thinking of #1 isn't near as hurtful & saddening as it use to be. (Out of space)

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-20 03:53:04
Definitely part 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-10 21:57:24
Since you asked at the end "Part 2?"
I'd simply answer "Part 2!"
AAAnd thanks for sharing a touching tale!


Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-08 00:08:38
This is amazing. Too good. I absolutely love the way luke speaks about Mo in a sexy way, "a succulent liquid, that only a woman can produce."

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