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Liz goes off to camp and meets Josh an older camp couselor and they hit it off and have a steamy date
Summer Camp

School had just gotten out for the summer and Liz was excited about an opportunity to go to a summer camp for high school students teaching leadership skills for a few weeks during the summer. She had just turned 18 and graduated from high school and life was good. The camp had a lake, swimming pools, horseback riding, and of course the hopes of meeting up with some cute guys. Liz's parents dropped her off and left while Liz unpacked her things into the cabin she was staying at. She met some of her bunk mates and got to know them.

After settling in she walked around with a few of the girls from her cabin and they pointed out a few of the cute guys. They took a walk around the lake and ran into Josh, one of the younger camp counselors. He looked to be around 25 and he had short brown hair spiked up in s fohawk. He had a nice muscular body and his tank top that he was wearing showed off his muscular arms.

Josh was cleaning some of the paddle boats and canoes when the girls walked up and said hello. They introduced themselves to each other and Josh explained to them that he was the lifeguard and water sports instructor. Josh was caught off guard by Liz and how pretty she was. She didn't say much but her smile was so beautiful and her eyes were gorgeous. He caught himself looking at her more than the other girls. At one point they both glanced at each other. Josh smiled at her and gave a quick half wink to her.

The girls finished walking around and went back to their cabin before supper that night. Liz couldn't help but think about Josh and wonder about him. Did he have a girlfriend, should she be thinking about him as much as she was, or should she just forget about him and look for a nice guy her age.

The next day came and the students got their weekly schedule of activities. Liz had basketball and a leadership class in the morning and after lunch she had water sports and hiking. While she was playing basketball Josh walked by and noticed Liz playing and he stopped to watch her for a minute. Liz quickly ran down the court and scored and she turned around to play defense and saw Josh standing there. She looked over at him and smiled, Josh quickly turned his head to the side so that she might not notice that he was looking specifically at her. He wasn't sure if he was fast enough though.

After lunch Liz put on her bathing suit and went to the lake to start the water sports track. Her swimsuit was a modest bikini that was bright yellow and she through a small tank top over it that was made like a decorative mesh net where you could see the bikini top through it. Josh took roll and instructed everyone to partner up They would be going out on the lake in the canoes. Liz didn't know anyone in the group and felt a little odd. Everyone else has partners but her.

"I guess that means you're stuck with me" Liz heard a voice behind her say. She turned around and it was Josh. "I guess so" she replied secretly wondering how fate had brought them together again. They loaded up in the boats and went out on the lake. Josh gave instructions to the group and they spread out all on the lake.

Liz sat in the boat with her long legs straight forward. Josh couldn't help but notice how nice they were as he secretly would glance at them. "I saw you playing basketball today" Josh offered trying to kill some of the awkward silence. "You are pretty good." "Thanks" Liz replied. The two of them gradually talked more and got comfortable with each other. Josh finally asked Liz something he had been wanting to ask her for a while, "so are you dating anyone?" "No" Liz replied. "What?, a beautiful girl like you and the guys aren't lining up for a chance to date you!" Josh retorted. Liz blushed a little from his complement and said "I guess not, but I stay so busy with school and sports I really don't have time to date." Josh changed the subject to something else wondering if he had gone too far with his complement.

When time was up they paddled back to the shore and got out. Josh got out first and turned and held out his hand to help Liz off the boat. His hands were strong and Liz found herself excited to have his hand holding hers even for just a few seconds. As she was turning to help pull the boat a shore her paddle swung and accidentally hit Josh in the butt. "Hey now" Josh joked back with her as he took his paddle and gently popped her on the butt too. "See you tomorrow I guess, unless I don't see you later tonight" Josh said. "Sorry you got stuck with me today". "I didn't mind" Liz responded as she smiled at him and put up her equipment.

Later after supper Liz met up with her friends and they had s’mores around a camp fire. Some of her cabin mates had talked with some guys earlier in the day and the guys had found them and started their flirting with the girls again. Liz was looking for Josh but didn't see him.

The next few days Liz enjoyed the water sports class as they did different sports. Sometimes they played water volleyball or just swam in the pool. Friday came and it was time to get back out in the canoes again. Liz hung around Josh waiting for him to suggest they be partners again. After everyone teamed up Liz said "I guess you are stuck with me again" with a smile. Josh repeated her words from the first day, "I don't mind at all."

While they were out on the lake Liz found herself in a blissful happy state just being around Josh. "It's so beautiful out here" Liz commented looking at the big calm lake that was surrounded by green trees and mountains. "Not as beautiful as the view I have" Josh quickly replied not realizing how forward his complement was. Liz blushed hard, "awe thank you" she replied. Josh blushed back, "I'm sorry I should not have said that to you." "It's ok." She replied back. You're just being kind.

Liz didn't want their time to end but it came time to head back to shore. On the way back Josh was struggling with his feelings for Liz and if he should even be talking with her like that. He gave in to his emotions and asked her if she wanted to meet up later after supper and he would take her back out on the lake to a place where there was a pretty waterfall. Liz loved the idea of going back out on the lake with Josh and they agreed to meet at the dock at 7:00pm.

After supper Liz met up with Josh and the two of them set sail out on the lake. Liz was wearing the same cute bikini that she wore all week. Liz noticed that Josh has brought along a backpack with them. They paddled across the lake down to where the lake became a river again and when they came around a bend in the river Liz saw the most beautiful cove she had ever seen. There was a small waterfall coming off the side of a mountain and a rock that jetted up out of the water and was flat on top by the shore.

They paddled over to the shore and docked the boat and climbed out. "Omg this is beautiful, like you said" Liz said. "Yeah it is" Josh responded as he stood side by side with Liz and looked over at her. They walked along the shore going near the waterfall and Josh would hold out his hand to help steady Liz on the rocky shore that became more difficult to walk on. He put his hand on her lower back from time to time and also held out his hand for her to hold as they climbed up higher and higher. Liz loved the touch of his hand with hers. As they reached closer to the top of the waterfall it flattened out but Liz kept holding his hand just because she wanted to.

When they got to the top of the waterfall which was about 20 feet above the water. They stopped and looked across the water at the sun that was setting and had turned into a bright orange ball. "It's perfect" she exclaimed as she took in the sight. "It is perfect with you here" Josh said as he looked into her eyes. Liz blushed and smiled back at him.

Josh grabbed her hand and said "do you trust me?" Liz looked curiously at him and hesitantly said "yes" wondering what he was about to do. He held her hand and turned to the edge of the cliff and said "on the count of 3 we're gonna jump." Liz looked freaked out and said "are you serious?" "Yes" Josh replied "do you trust me?" "Yes I do" she reassured him and she turned facing the water ready to jump with him.

On 3 both of them jumped off feet first in the water holding hands all the way down until they got the water and they both went under and popped back up. They swam to the shore and did it a few more times. Josh showed off his skills doing a few back flips when he jumped. After a while they took a rest and Josh grabbed the backpack he had and he and Liz climbed up on top of the big rock that protruded out of the water. It was flat on top and Josh began to unpack a blanket and some snacks out of the pack.

Liz and Josh sat down next to each other and Josh handed Liz a basket of strawberries and some water. The sun was setting and a cool breeze was blowing across the lake. Liz's hair looked beautiful as it moved with the wind. Josh reached up and touched her face with his hand and brushed her hair to the side. He took a strawberry and put it up to her lips and she ate it. He felt her soft lips touch his fingers as she put it in her mouth.

Josh leaned forward took her chin and he kissed her on the lips. He could taste the strawberry on her delicate lips. He leaned back to look in her eyes and see if he had been too forward with his kiss. Liz smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him again. They kissed longer and with more passion. Josh moved his hand to her side and then around her lower back.

They laid back on the blanket and kissed more. Liz slowly pushed him down on his back and leaned over with half her body on top of him. Her hair was hanging down from her face and its dampness touched Josh's shoulder. Josh put his hand on her side and with his other he held her closely to himself. They began kissing more. Josh felt her tongue slip between his lips and touch his tongue. He could feel the side of her breasts pressed against his body as they held each other. Josh felt the blood rush to a particular part of his body from the excitement.

It got darker and the moon was up giving off a romantic glow across the lake. Taking a break from kissing they sat up and hand some more fruit. Liz playfully offered Josh a strawberry but right before he took in his mouth she moved it to tease him. "Alright you silly goose" he said to her. Josh smiled at her and tried to get it from her hand. Liz fell back laying on the rock and moved her hand out to keep the strawberry away from Josh. This didn't stop Josh as he quickly climbed on top of her and reached over to get it again. She moved her arm and brought the strawberry to her lips and Josh leaned down to take it from her with his lips. She ate half of it just as Josh's lips touched hers again.

She took the other half and placed it at the top of her bikini between her breasts. Josh moved down to put his lips on the strawberry and popped it in his mouth and then he began to kiss her wet skin between her chest. Liz felt his lips touch her skin and it sent a chill up her spine. Josh was straddling her but not putting his weight on her. Liz could feel something pressing against her that excited her.

They sat up again and decided to cool off a bit by jumping off their picnic rock into the water. Liz jumped in first and turned to Josh and motioned for him to join her in the water. Josh playing it cool decided to show off his skills by diving in head first. When he hit the water he realized immediately that he lost his swim shorts.

He came up immediately with a shocked look on his face and looked at Liz who was holding his shorts in her hand. "Lose something?" She said with a smirk on her face. "Omg" Josh said as he walked over toward Liz to get his shorts back. Liz quickly tossed them up on their rock where their picnic was. "Go ahead and go get them" Liz said with a smile. They both laughed so hard and Josh refused to climb up out of the water to get his shorts.

Liz turned around with her back to Josh and said "but if you want to go skinny dipping we can." She reached down and lifted up her bikini bottoms and tossed them up on the rock. Next she unhooked her top and threw it up their too. She turned around and swam over to Josh and stood before him in the lake on the sandy ground.

Liz stood there with her chest just below the water line and Josh could see a distorted view of her tits. They moved about 18 inches from each other and Josh reached out and put his hands on her hips and began to kiss her passionately. Liz placed her hands on his chest. He felt her tongue slip between his lips and touch against his own tongue. They opened their mouths and began to kiss more with their tongues.

Liz slowly moved her hand down his body and in the water and between Josh's legs. Josh felt her hand brush against his hard dick that was fully engorged from all the excitement. Josh complemented her move by move his hand up and placing it on the side of her breasts and he gently gave it a squeeze. His thumb slid across the front of her chest and touched her nipple.

"I thought I felt something hard earlier" Liz said as she grabbed his hard dick with her hand. "I guess I'm busted" Josh said as he smiled at her. She reached down and cupped his balls with her hand and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Mmm" Josh said as he felt her hands on him.

Josh cupped her breasts with one hand and felt her nipple press against the palm of his hand. He squeezed it slowly. His other hand was just above her ass and he slowly pulled them closer together to where they were pressed against each other. They kissed again and Josh lowered his head to Liz's chest and he kissed her gently to the water line. Liz stood up on her toes and exposed more of her breasts for Josh to kiss. He kissed down on the top of her breasts and his tongue came out and licked across her nipple slowly.

"Mmm" Liz said as she felt her nipple enter into Josh's mouth. Her hand moved back to holding Josh's long dick and she began to slowly rub it up and down as they huddled together naked in the water.

Josh reached a little lower with his hand on her back and gave her butt a nice squeeze. Instinctively Liz lifted up her legs and wrapped them around Josh. She put her arms around his neck and he moved both his hands under her butt to support her.

Josh could feel her pussy pressed against his body and sandwiched between them was the upper half of his dick. Liz felt his long hard dick pushing against her pussy and she began to instinctively rock her hips against Josh. Being held up by Josh a little higher now her tits were completely out of the water and Josh leaned down to kiss and lick them. He put her whole nipple into his mouth and sucked on it gently.

In response Liz began to grind her pussy against Josh hard and faster. Josh helped her but moving her ass up and down as he held her in his arms. The two of them began to breath heavier and pant as they kissed while they pleasured themselves.

Their grinding motion became so wide that The tip of Josh's dick would occasionally slip into her pussy about an inch deep and then right back out. Josh knew that he would not last long with Liz rubbing herself on him but he didn't expect Liz to say what she said. "Omg I think I'm gonna cum!" She started rubbing herself faster and faster on Josh and then all of a sudden she clamped down against him and let out a long moan of pleasure.

Josh squeezed her butt and smiled at her and then he began to rock her up and down against himself and he built up to his point of exploding. "Mmm, I'm close to cumming too" he said. Just then he released several big squirts of cum out of his dick and into the lake. They stood there for a couple minutes recovering from there play time and then they realized that it was getting late and they didn't want people to start worrying about them so they walked back to their picnic rock to get dressed and pack up their stuff.

When they got to the rock Josh helped Liz up as he admired her completely naked body. Her sexy ass and nicely tan legs. Liz playfully slapped Josh's ass with her bright yellow bikini top and playfully gave her breast one last squeeze.

They quickly got dressed and packed up their stuff and headed back to camp in the canoe. Liz sat between Josh's legs on the way back to camp and Josh paddled them back. Halfway back to camp they stopped and kissed one last time before they got to camp. When they got to shore they put up their supplies and hugged one last time before leaving the storage shed. Liz left camp the next week but her and Josh stayed in contact the rest summer. They loved to talk about the fun week they had together at camp.
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