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Liz just finished her senior year and just became legal a few months back. It's the first week of camp and Liz has met a cute instructor named Josh. They immediately fall for each other and have a romantic first date. Danger comes in this second chapter and so does the romance.
Summer Camp (Chapter 2: The Storm)
The next morning Liz woke up in the best mood. She danced around the other girls in the cabin as she was getting ready for the day. All the other girls knew it had to be a guy she met, but they didn’t know who. Today was the night that dancing class performed their songs that they had been working on all week long.

Liz walked to breakfast after she got ready and wondered when she might see Josh again. Liz grabbed her food and went to sit down at a table when she caught Josh out of the corner of her eye walking over toward her. Josh walked over to her with his tray of food in hand and asked if the seat directly across from her was taken. “Yes” she said in a serious way. “Oh” Josh said in a soft voice. Liz couldn’t hold her tease any longer and then said “It’s saved for you” she said smiling, watching Josh’s face lighten up as he realized what she did. The two of them sat down and started into their food as they quietly glanced at each other off and on. “I had a really nice time last night” Josh said breaking the silence. “Yes, me too. Best week of camp I’ve ever had” Liz replied. The two of them talked more and Liz enjoyed her breakfast with her handsome young man.

Liz popped up quickly remembering that that night was the basketball tournament. “So… tonight is the 3 on 3 basketball tournament after supper. Will you be able to come and watch it?” she asked with hopeful eyes staring at him. “I’m not sure” said Josh as Liz’s face dropped a little trying to hide her disappointment. “I have this young lady that I really like and I was going to watch her tonight” he said with a smile. Liz breathed a sigh of relief realizing that she had just been given some of her own medicine. “Oh” she continued to play along, “this young lady, what do you like about her?” “Well, she is very nice, and has a great smile, and the most beautiful eyes a guy has ever seen.” “Oh,” Liz interjected, “what else makes her so special?” “She is a really good basketball player of course, even though she has huge feet” he added with a twist. “Hey!” Liz picked up her straw paper and tossed it at him realizing he had met her again with her word play. The two of them laughed and finished breakfast. They walked out of the dining hall together and talked about the rest of their day.

Later that day Liz was with her hiking class and they were walking through a trial on the opposite side of the lake. She was walking slower than the rest of the class and looking at the flowers and wildlife along the trail and before long she found herself a little behind the rest of the group. She came to a clearing and there were several paths to take. She hollered out for her group but didn’t hear any of them. Taking her best guess she choose a path that she thought would led back to camp and the rest of the group. After a few minutes she realized it wasn’t the right path and turned around to go back out the way she came. She got confused and disoriented and within a few minutes started to get worried that she was lost.

There was some bad weather that was coming in the area and the hiking group returned back to camp early. When the rest of the group got back to camp without Liz they realized that she was not with them and several counselors began to search for her where they were earlier. When Josh got word that Liz was missing he got worried and canceled his entire water sports class to help the other counselors look for Liz. Josh hopped in his canoe and headed across the water toward the other shore calling out Liz’s name as he rode against the shore. The wind was picking up and the sky grew darker as a thunder storm approached. There was lightning off on the horizon that would be bringing a lot of rain soon. Josh kept calling out Liz’s name into the woods. In the distance he heard her reply to his called but couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Josh pulled the boat off the lake and grabbed his backpack and headed up the path toward where he knew a trail was. The canopy of the trees made it darker in the woods and it was becoming hard to see. Josh kept calling out to Liz and following her voice as he traced the direction where she was coming from.

Her cries were getting louder the closer he got and final when he came around a turn in the path he found Liz sitting down in the middle of the path leaning forward holding her ankle. Josh ran toward her, “Are you alright?” he asked her as he knelt down to check on her. Liz tried not to look at him with tears in her eyes and said “No, I hurt my ankle bad. I was lost and then I panicked when I couldn’t find the rest of the group. Then I fell and tripped over this stupid root when I wasn’t looking.” She hung her head down between her knees to try and hide her emotions more from Josh. Josh radioed back to camp telling them that he found her and where he was. He would bring her back on the boat across the lake.

Josh put his arm around her shoulder and leaned in to give her a hug. “It’s OK Liz, I’ve found you and you are not lost. Anymore. I’m gonna get you back to camp and we will have your ankle looked at.” I got so worried when I heard that you had gone missing. I headed over hear right away as soon as I found out. “Let’s see about your ankle” Josh said as he pulled up her pant leg to look at it. “It looks pretty swollen” he said as he gently felt it and compared it to her other ankle. “It hurts really bad” she said as she stared at him with her big blue eyes full of tears. “Let’s see if you can put some weight on it” Josh said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the ground.

Liz immediately grimaced in pain when she tried to any weight on it. “I can’t walk on it” she said. Josh comforted her and said “that’s OK, I’ve got you.” Josh leaned down and grabbed her under her knees and on her back and lifted her off the ground with his big strong arms. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at him closely as they were inches apart from each other’s face. “Thank you” Liz said as she leaned closer and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Josh smiled and said “let’s get you out of here before the storm gets here. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you” Josh reassured her as he began to walk back down the path toward the lake.

Liz loved being in his arms and being held close to her handsome gentleman. As they neared the shore where Josh had left the boat Josh noticed that the boat was no longer there. Some wind had blown it out to the middle of the lake.

Just then it started to rain at a decent amount. Josh stood still for a minute and thought about what he could do. He radioed back to the camp that he had Liz and was going to take her to the old barn at the end of lake and wait out the storm. Worried, Liz listened carefully to his plan as she wondered how bad the storm would get. The camp agreed that it was the best plan for them and that it was too dangerous to be out in the storm in the woods with the bad lightning that was in the area.

Josh walked back into the woods and up the direction where the old barn was. It begin to rain harder and the wind picked up greatly. “How far is the barn” Liz asked Josh. “Not too far, it’s about a half mile from here” he told her as he picked up the pace to try and beat the storm. With every step Josh took it seemed as if the storm grew fiercer and it wasn’t long until both of them were soaking wet from the rain. Josh just kept walking and looked at Liz and smiled thinking of how beautiful she was even soaking wet.

After several more minutes they final made it to the barn and Josh quickly opened the latch to the barn and went inside. He sat Liz down on a soft pile of hay and went back to close the door and keep the wind and rain out. It was getting dark and the storm showed no signs of letting up. Josh radioed back to camp that they had made it safely to the barn. Liz listened closely as she wondered what would happen next. Josh turned and went to Liz, “Camp says the storm is supposed to last a while, maybe even all night. Out best bet is just to wait it out here until the storm passes.”

Liz sat with her arms crossed and shivered in the cold still soaking wet from the rain storm. Josh saw her shivering and went to sit next to her and put his arm around her to get her warmer. “You’re soaking wet” Josh said to Liz. “So are you!” she replied with a half of a smile. Josh started looking through his backpack and Liz watched him curious what he was doing. “What are you doing” she asked. “Looking for something that will help us out” Josh replied.

Josh found a lighter and then he began to clear off a spot in the middle of the barn to build a fire. To their luck there was all sorts of old wooden boards and trash in the barn that Josh used to pile together and start making a fire. “We need to get you warmer and dry” Josh said as he was working. He gathered some dry pine straw and used it to start a fire with the lighter. It didn’t take long to get the fire going good and hot. Liz felt the heat radiate from it where she was sitting a few feet away.

After it was going nicely Josh took out a bandana out of his back pack and found some sticks. “I need to brace and wrap your ankle” he said as he turned toward her and gently grabbed her foot and took her shoe off. Liz clinched in pain as her shoe came off. Josh put a stick around both sides of her ankle and then wrapped the bandana tightly around it to keep the swelling down. He gently lifted her foot up and then put a log under her foot to elevate it too. “Where did you learn these life-saving skills” Liz asked him as she watching him work. “I used to be an Emergency Room Tech” he told her. “So I’m in good hands then” she smiled and said back to him.

Josh took off his shirt and rang out as much water as he could out of it. Liz watch closely as she silently studied his strong chest and arm muscles. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off his legs and was standing there in nothing but his underwear. Josh hung his shirt and jeans over the beam above the fire so it would dry faster. “You should get those wet clothes off” Josh suggested as he looked at her to assess her situation. Liz started unbuttoning her flannel shirt and said “I guess this makes two days in a row you are gonna get my clothes off me” as she smiled and slowly began to undress. Josh stood and watched her as she pulled off her soaking wet shirt. She had a small white tank top on and it was also drenched by the flood. Josh woke from his stare and moved over to help Liz pull it over her head leaving just her lacy white bra on that revealed her peach colored skin underneath. Josh took her shirts and hung them next to his. They also took their socks and shoes off and placed them close to the fire to dry also. “Can I help you with your shorts” Josh offered know that her ankle would make it difficult for her. Liz silently just looked at him giving him the permission to help her out. She unbuttoned her blue jean shorts and placed her hands on the floor of the bar to lift up her ass. Josh reached over and grabbed the top of her shorts and slowly slide them down and over her knees. He helped guide her good foot through the shorts leg first and then he slowly pulled her other leg out carefully opening the shorts to allow enough room for her foot and the homemade brace that he had made to go through. Josh added a few pieces of wood to the fire to create more heat.

Josh sat next to Liz on the ground with their backs propped up against a large log that had been cut down. “What are we going to do?” Liz question her rescuer. “Well we just need to wait it out and when the storm stops then we will head back to camp or they will come get us. So I guess we can sit her and talk if you want to.” “Maybe we can do more than talk” Liz said as she looked at him with her big eyes and soaking wet hair. “Yesterday was the perfect day” Liz said “and now today has been the worse day ever!” she added in frustration. I got lost, messed up my ankle, and now were stuck out in the storm” she said. The only good part about this is that I’m with you. Josh leaned over to her and held her tight and kissed her own her lips. “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be stuck in the barn with that you” Josh added with a smile. Liz leaned her head on his shoulder and they continued to talk for several hours while they waited out the storm. They dried off a slowly.

The night grew late and the storm didn’t show any signs of letting up. “You look tired and should get some rest” Josh suggested “I don’t think the storms going anywhere soon.” Josh got up and broke open a bale of hay that was against the way and he spread it out on the ground. He searched around the barn and found a blanket too and then he told Liz that she should lay down and rest. He offered to stay up and keep the fire going. “What about you?” Liz asked. “I’ll just take tomorrow off and sleep in” he said jokingly. “Maybe two days” he added. He helped Liz slowly move over to the hay and put his backpack down for her to use as a pillow. Josh covered her up with the blanket and went back to sitting at her feet. He slowly picked her foot up and placed it on top of his legs that were perpendicular to hers to elevate her ankle again. Liz laid there thinking about how Josh had taken care of her and the worst day ever suddenly had a little bit of a happy ending after all. She fell asleep exhausted.

After about 45 minutes the storm picked up stronger and the wind beat against the side of the barn. Josh barely heard a faint cry coming from Liz. Josh rubbed her legs letting Liz know that he heard her. “Liz? What’s wrong?” he asked her. “Nothing” she said quietly. Josh moved over to her and said “Doesn’t sound like nothing” he said as he touched her on her arm and shoulder. Liz turned and looked at him. “I’m cold, and wet, and scared from the storm AND I just realized that I messed my ankle up and then I missed the basketball tournament tonight also. Just perfect” she said with a little bit of anger in her voice. “I’m so sorry you hurt your ankle but you should know that they canceled all the activities that were planned tonight anyway. You didn’t miss anything. They are going to move the tournament to next Friday night.” “Really?” she said in an inquisitive tone. “Yes, you have a week to heal your ankle and maybe it will be all better by then” Josh added to encourage her.

Josh ran his fingers through her damp hair and said “It’s gonna be OK, everything worked out for the best. I have a feeling you will be back on the court next week without any problems.” Josh started to get up and move back to his spot next to her feet and Liz grabbed his hand and said “Would you stay with me here? Keep me warm and safe?” Josh looked at her and smile “Sure, whatever you want” he said. Josh laid on his side behind Liz and he put his arm up on her bare arm and slowly caressed her as she laid on her side facing the fire. Josh put his hands on her shoulder and gave her a little massage with his hand. Liz moved back closer to Josh until they were lying next to each other. Her underwear was just a small thong that was light pink with black dots on it. Only her ass crack was covered in the back. Josh could feel her ass pressed against his underwear. The thought of her ass next to his dick didn’t take much for it to start to be engorged with blood and he got hard as a rock.

Josh felt her feet rest next to his and he could feel her toes touch the top of his feet. Josh pulled the blanket up over covering her and he looked out at the fire with Liz in front of him with a warm glow of the fire reflecting on the side of her face. He wrapped his arm around and over in the front of her on top of the blanket. Liz grabbed his arm and pulled it closely to her body just over the top of her chest.

Josh wondered if he should behave as a gentleman with Liz tonight, especial since Liz had been through so much. He also wondered why luck had them together again for the night and had led them alone in the barn. He did enjoy cuddling with her and it was to comfort her and keep her warm. He felt her heart beating with his hand pressed tightly against her chest. It slowly dropped into a normal rhythm and Josh knew she was feeling better and more relaxed. He slowly lifted himself up and gave her a kiss on her shoulder and then another one quickly on her jaw line, on the side of her face, just below her ear. Liz turned her head toward Josh and smiled at him. “I’m sorry” Josh said to her feeling like he might be taking advantage of her when she was venerable. “It’s OK” she said. “Reminds me of yesterday” she added as she turned over on her back looking up at Josh. “That was nice” Josh said, “I really liked it too.”

Liz put her hand on Josh’s bare chest and leaned up to kiss him. Josh put his hand under her neck and held her as he kissed her passionately. All Liz’s fears and worries melted away when she was with Josh and she loved how he made her feel and how he was gentle with her and cared for her. Josh continued to kiss Liz and then he moved to kiss her neck and suck on it gentle. “Mmm” Liz moaned as he made her spine tingle while his lips grazed her skin on her neck.

Josh pulled up and looked at her. Liz smiled and took her hand and unclasped her bra and slide the shoulder straps down her arms. Looking down Josh saw her soft skin of her breasts and her nipples that popped out nicely from her cold damp clothing that she had been wearing. Josh lowered his lips down and over one of her nipples taking it into his mouth he sucked on it and flicked it several times with his tongue.

Liz ran her hand up and down his chest and on the side of his body. Her fingers dipped a few inches inside Josh’s boxers and felt the rise of his ass cheeks as he warmed her chest and nipples with his mouth. Quickly Liz grabbed his short and pulled them down as far as she could push them and Josh finished removing them. Liz saw his thick cock spring out and bounce up and down as it came to rest on her leg. She reached down and grabbed it and began to stroke it slowly. Josh moaned “Oh god yes!” as he felt her work his dick.

Joshed looked down and watched Liz stroke his dick. He moved a hand on top of her pick thong and using his thumb and first two fingers he began to rub her pussy on top of her panties. Josh could see some few little pubic hairs just barely coming out from under the sides of her tiny panties. He slipped his thumb inside her panties and pulled them to the side revealing her slit that had taken his dick inside just yesterday. He began to work her pussy in small circles as could feel it opening up and her wetness coating his fingers.

Josh carefully slid her thong off her good leg and left it around the ankle of her hurt foot. Liz opened her leg so Josh could pleasure her easier. When they fucked yesterday it was in the water and it hid much of her beautiful body from his sight. Now Josh was getting to see her fully naked. He moved back up to kiss her lips and her chest pressed against his. Josh continued to work her pussy and she stroked his dick. Josh opened up her pussy by slipping his fingers inside her and slowing fingering her.

“I want to suck your cock so bad” Liz said. “Don’t let me stop you” Josh replied as he released her pussy from his hand and moved up closer to Liz’s face so she wouldn’t have to move much. She gripped his cock in her hands and continued to stroke as she slowly leaned over and kissed the tip of his dick. The tip of her tongue emerged from her mouth and circled around the tip as she stared into Josh’s eyes. Her lips closed around the head of his cock and began to suck it moving it deeper into her mouth.

Josh ran his fingers through her damp hair and caressed her tits while she enjoyed herself on his dick. “Fuck, that feels so good Liz” Josh encouraged her. She ran her tongue up and down the shaft of his cock stopping at the head and taking it in her mouth for several seconds. Josh returned his hand to her pussy and began to finger her with his two fingers and faster. The palms of his hand slammed into her crotch and Liz had become wet enough that his fingers made a squishing sound every time he moved in and out of her.

Josh began to breathe heavier as she pleasured him. “It’s your turn now” Josh said as she released his cock and he moved down between her legs with his face. Liz laid on her back on top of the soft hay, her legs spread open wide, and her hands on her breasts as Josh begin to kiss the inner thigh of her leg moving toward her pussy. “Mmm” Liz quietly moaned amidst the rain and thunder that was outside the barn. Josh placed his hands under her ass and brought her pussy up closer to his lips and he thrust out his tongue directly at the lower base of her pussy and moved it up parting her pussy lips and resting under the hood of her vagina and pressing against her clit. Josh began to lap up her sweet juices and savor every bit of her flower.

Using his thumbs her spread open her pussy and licked all over it from pleasing each side of her pussy. He pressed his lips to the little nub of her clit and sucked on it and then took his tongue and probed deep within her pussy as far as he could drill it. He kissed right on top of her opening and lapped up her increasingly wet pussy. As he enjoyed himself between her legs he reached up and cupped her breasts in his hands and fondled her.

“Fuck me like yesterday” Liz demanded. Josh silently moved up and his hard cock was dangling down just between her legs resting on the little patch of hair that Liz had left from shaving her pussy bald. As he moved up he kissed and licked between her cleavage going back and forth kissing the insides of each breast. Liz felt his cock press against her skin and she pulled Josh’s body closer to her. Her fingers went around his back and her nails ran down lower and to his sides as felt his body mount on top of hers. Josh backed up slightly to allow his cock to fall between her legs and he moved up again where it pressed against the opening of her pussy. They both felt it there as they looked at each other in the eyes Josh thrust his cock forward into Liz’s wet pussy. Liz opened her mouth in delight, not saying a word, but enjoying the moment that the night of fate had brought them.

Josh leaned down to kiss Liz as he began working her pussy like a sowing machine with his stick. “Yes!” Liz said as she felt his dick work deeper and deeper into her pussy with every stroke. Her words encouraged Josh to kiss her more. He kissed her neck and sucked on the lobe of her ear some as they fucked by the light of small fire inside their private barn escape. The pain that Liz’s ankle had caused her was now drown out by the pleasure that Josh was giving her.

“Let me lay on my side” Liz suggested as she turned to face the fire on her left side. Her bandaged leg on top, Josh gently took her leg as she bent it at the knee and her hip and he straddled her bottom leg and reinserted his cock that was covered in her juices back into her pussy. Josh looked down as he watched his dick pulse in and out of her pussy with her pussy lips moving in sync with the motions of his dick. Her wetness was leaking out all down the cracks and contours of her beautiful pussy.

Josh began to work her pussy once more and Liz rocked her hips to match Josh’s thrusts. Josh alternated speeds and would push his cock in deeply and hold it pressing himself against Liz’s curved ass. Liz would squeeze his cock with her muscles and Josh felt every little pulse of her pussy around the base of his cock. “Do you like it in the ass?” Josh asked her. “I don’t know” Liz responded, “I’ve never had anal before” she said with a smile. “Why don’t we find out?” she added.

Josh began to work his thumb around her ass and using the wetness from her pussy he began to play with her ass and finger it a few inches deep. Liz moaned the more that Josh played with her ass. He spit on his fingertips and took it and used it as lube for her ass. Before long he had worked his index finger deep inside her ass and was working a second finger to accompany it. Liz’s head was turned watching and enjoying her virgin ass being pleasured.

Josh felt he had loosened her ass up enough and he couldn’t wait any longer to feel her tight ass surrounding his hard cock. He began to push the head of his dick inside her ass. Liz helped him by pulling her ass cheek up and spreading herself open for his dick. “Shit” Liz said as she felt the first few inches enter her hole. Josh held his dick there and then after a few seconds he began to push it deeper. He slowly bounced back and forth on his knees leaning more and more forward into her ass. After a few minutes Josh had successfully filled her ass with his thick cock. “mmm” Liz moaned, “It feels so fucking good” she added. Josh got more aggressive with his thrusts and pretty soon his balls were slapping against her bottom leg and against her crotch. Liz grew more vocal as Josh fucked her ass, it was painful but strangely exhilarating. This turned Josh on greatly as he felt her tight ass squeeze his cock and work his dick almost into a climax. “I’m gonna cum he announced” to Liz. “Cum in my ass baby, just like you did in my pussy yesterday.” Her vocal encouragement was all it took and Josh lunged forward deep into her as he released several spurts of cum into her ass. “Fuck yes!” Josh said as he enjoyed the moment.

He sat still for a few seconds and then pulled out of her ass watching his cum covered dick slide out and her ass stay opened from being stretched by his cock. Some of his cum began to ooze out of her ass and drip down on her lower ass cheek.

Josh decided to lay down behind her and finish her off with his fingers. Liz leaned back against Josh, she opened her legs so Josh could get better access to her pussy. She laid her leg across Josh and he started to work her pussy with his fingers. He would dip his fingers in and out of her holes taking her wetness and his cum and using it as lube for her clit. Liz loved ever time his fingers dipped into her ass it felt so good and she thought she might like anal better than regular sex now. It wasn’t long before Josh had her worked up to cum and she got more vocal again and instantly moved her hand on top of Josh’s hand to press it down on her clit while she came. Josh pressed harder and rubbed her a little more driving her insane. Liz came so hard that she squirted a good bit. More than she had ever done before. It went through their fingers and landed a few feet from them between their legs. “Oh god!” Liz said. “That was hot” Josh said, “I’ve never seen someone squirt before.”

They kissed a few more times and Josh laid back on his back and Liz turned on her side and laid her head on his shoulder and they talked some more and before they knew it they were both fast asleep.

The morning came and they were both awaken to the sound of the radio. Liz was still on his shoulder and they sat up and Josh answered the radio. The camp leaders had informed Josh that they were sending a truck out to pick them both up in about 30 minutes. They put of the last remaining coal embers of the fire and put their shirts back on that had dried overnight. “How’s your ankle?” Josh asked Liz. “It feels much better, but it still hurts” she said. Josh helped Liz up and they both walked to the barn door and opened it to reveal a beautiful sun rise that was coming up over the top of the mountain in the distance. The rain had stopped and the sky was clearing on this new day. In a few minutes they saw a truck coming around the bend in the road in the distance. Josh turned to Liz and gave her a big hug and held her tight for several seconds before they were rescued. They hoped in the truck and Liz sat in the middle of the cab and Josh sat on the other side of her. Liz reaching down slowly where Josh’s hand was and grabbed it and held it secretly were the other counselor driving could not see them. Josh and Liz looked at each other and smiled as they drove back to camp.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-21 23:29:28
Very nice. Well written.


Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-20 07:23:58
I had enjoyed both both parts thus far and I give you kudos for not calling a females pussy a "cunt". I think that is a name only deserving for an ex bitch wife.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-19 11:44:19
dat was great.....

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