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Things get more interesting...
As the weekend came and left, I was still wondering who took my cherry. After having
sex with my boyfriend on Friday, I was now left with disturbing choices. After a lot of thought, I eliminated my father since I knew him and mom was still enjoying nights
together. That only left my Brother, unless there was some stranger in the house that I
didn’t know about. But my brother was only 15, could he really know more about sex than John did? And would he really do that to his sister?
There was only one way to find out, so I began to think how could I repeat that situation
with him.
On Monday after school, I took a shower and left the bathroom door wide open. My parents wasn’t home and Mike arrives home after I do. Once I knew he was home, I began to glance at the door. For awhile I saw nothing, then finally I saw him peeking at me. Now that I knew he was there, I put on a good show. I rubbed the soap over my breasts and ass even longer than I normally would. Finally, I went for the kill and began rubbing my pussy in the shower. I'd softly moan while knowing in my mind he was enjoying every moment of it. The only thing stopping him from seeing his sister totally nude was the frosted glass. Still, he didn’t make any aggressive moves towards me like I figured he might do if he was the one.
After having sex with two different guys, rubbing my pussy all by myself wasn’t enough to make me cum. Even with my brother watching me, it wasn’t much of a turn on. I kept rubbing my pussy and faked my orgasm for him. Then I shut the water off and quickly
opened the shower door. Mike finally had a full view of my body. I acted surprised, but
didn’t try to cover myself
"Oh shit!! Did I leave the door open?... or.. MIKE! Did you open the door?" I shouted at him.
"No, I swear you left it open" He said to me somewhat scared, but also aroused.
I looked at him, trying to keep the act going. I was a horrible actor, so I grabbed a towel and began to dry myself off, but also made sure it didn’t obstruct his view for very long. Mike was frozen like a deer in the headlights. My parents still wouldn’t be home for
awhile, so I stepped out of the bathroom without putting any cloths on. I moved right
past my Brother as his eyes stayed focused on my body.
"What are you doing!" He question me after I passed him
"What?" I asked back"
"Your nude... are you going to stay like that?" He asked somewhat shocked.
"Why not, You've seen me nude now. And its a hot day" I said back to him while walking
off to my room.
He carefully followed me down the hall, and again peeked around the doorway into the
room. He was afraid to come any closer.
My plan was working, so I sat down on the edge of my bed. I wasn’t sure what to do next
until I looked down at my feet. I remembered how good my mystery lover was when he
touched them. I smiled slightly as the idea hit me. I placed my right foot in my lap and
began to rub it with my hands.
"God, my feet are killing me. What I wouldn’t give for a foot massage right now" I said
knowing Mike would hear.
"I... I.. could do that" Mike said to me somewhat stuttering.
"You can Mike? I could really use it. I’ve been walking so much the past 3 days" Not really true, but he couldn’t know that.
"I'll do it on one condition" He said to me
"Name it Bro" I replied
"I want..." He started to say but stopped.
"Yes?" I tried to encourage him.
"I want to touch your body... in..." He again couldn’t finish his sentence. Although I was
starting to get the impression of what he wanted.
"Mike... You can do anything you want with my body except for sex ok?" I answered back.
Mike smiled a bit as he entered the room, a noticeable bulge in his pants.
"That sounds good to me, I'll tell you what I want later" He said to me
"Alright" I answered as I laid my foot back down, dangling over the edge of the bed.
Mike moved to the side of the bed where my feet where and sat down on the floor. His
view was now limited to just my feet, lower legs, and parts of my upper body that the edge of the bed didn’t block.
He took my left foot into his hands, and begin rubbing along the arches of my feet. This
instantly sent chills though out my entire body as his technique was very good.
"Mmmm... " very nice Mike.
Next, I felt his fingers running in-between my toes, then sliding out. His fingers then caressed each toe separately. This was making me quite relaxed and my pussy was getting amazingly wet.
Mike then rubbed his hands in a circular fashion against the heel of my foot. This was all
I could take and I laid down on the bed. Poor Mike could now only see my lower legs and feet. Meanwhile, I was in heaven and even started rubbing my nipples.
"Sis? you ok?" Mike question me.
"Oh yes.. your incredible.. where did you learn how to massage a foot like that?" I questioned him.
"Dad taught me when he noticed I like feet as much as he did." He answered back while
switching feet and started to rub the other one just like he did before.
Meanwhile my eyes went large for a moment as I received another clue about who my
mystery man might be. If it wasn’t my brother, now it could indeed be Dad. For the moment I forgot about this as Mike continued rubbing the arch of my foot.
"You like feet this much Mike?" I asked him.
"More actually Sis" He answered back.
"More? If there is more.. don’t hold back. Do what you want to my feet?" I curiously answered him.
Mike then stopped rubbing my foot, and instead, used his hand to guide my right foot up
to his mouth. He took my big toe right into his mouth and began sucking on it.
"Oh god!" I began is shout out but then muffled it some.
"Mmmm.. I see that sis likes that too" He pulled my toe out of his mouth just long
enough to say.
This was becoming way to much for me to handle, I was so aroused that now I began to
rub my clit as he continued. My breathing also began to quicken, but Mike was to busy
with my feet to notice.
He pulled my wet toe out of his mouth, then put my foot right on his face. He slowly licked the bottom of my foot. Starting at the top of my heel and working his way all the
way down to my toes. My finger began rubbing my clit even faster as my excitement was
building so fast. His tongue licked in-between my toes, sometimes it tickled, but mostly
is was pure ecstasy. Now I began to finger my pussy as well as rubbing my clit. Mike
switched to my left foot and began the process all over again. First he sucked on my big
toe for what seemed like forever, then again licked along the bottom of my foot.
I wanted to shout out so badly... but I didn’t want him to know I was about to cum. I kept
my moans silent enough so he thought they was only moans made from my body being so relaxed. Then as he licked in-between my toes again on my left foot, I moaned out to him a final command.
"Mike.. suck on my big toes one more time.. both of them." I said to him, totally lost in
the moment.
As he did so, I began to cum on my hand. Oh God!! YES!!! I thought to myself as I creamed my finger while enjoying my brothers toe sucking. My whole body cringed in
delight. Even my feet was curled as I enjoyed the moment. Oh god that orgasm was right up there with the two I had with a cock inside of me. It was so intense and incredible.
Mike then stopped his sucking actions but resumed rubbing my feet with his hands.
"Sis you ok up there?" He asked
"Yes, why?" I asked him in return.
"Your toes just curled up in my mouth" he replied.
It was wonderful Mike. You don’t haft to rub them anymore.
I began to think that Mike might be my mystery lover after all, since that was so good.
My hands moved from my pussy and began to rub my nipples, just as Mike stood up. He
looked down at a nice view of my body.
"So... its my turn for me to touch you?" Mike asked.
"Yes.. now what did you have in mind." I asked him.
The very moment I said yes, he smiled and took off his pants. By the time I was done
with my sentence, he was sliding off his underwear and showing me his wood.
"Hey! I said no sex" I shouted to him.
"Its not sex if we don’t cum right?" He answered
I was immediately taken by surprise and not sure how to act. Did I really want my own
brother doing this? Yet, I promised we could touch, just not sex. Also if he was my
mystery man, maybe I should let him try this so I would find out for sure. I was so
confused, yet also determined to know. So I gave in to him.
"Ok Mike... I did agree, so you can do this touching you want" I answered back a bit
Mike then scooted my hips closer to the edge of the bed and closer to his erect manhood.
He then lowered his body on top of mine and suckled on my nipples. They were still hard from before and definitely not going soft now. It felt odd being my brother, but also still arousing.
"Is this what you wanted to touch Mike" I asked him.
"Oh yes.. and it feels incredible, but I still have one more thing I want to touch very badly" He replied while enjoying himself.
I was about to ask what that was, but he then looked down at his cock and was using his
hand to position it into my pussy. I felt the head of his cock try to enter me, but he was
up to high. After a fifth attempt, for whatever reason, I decided to assist.
"If your trying to get inside my pussy, you need to go lower" I said to him
Mike immediately listened and easily slid his cock all the way into my very wet pussy.
"Oh GOD!!! I had no idea Sis!" He said as his cock remained inside of me, totally
"Mmmm.. feels good doesn’t it Mike? To bad you cant thrust cause that would be sex" I
teased him.
"Can I take a few stokes to know what its like?" He said to me, asking for permission.
At this point I didn’t see the harm, so I allowed him to.
"Ok, just One deep stroke in and out of me." I said.
A moment later I felt my brother's cock slide almost all the way out of me and then all the
way back in again. It felt very good, eventhough he was my brother.
"Oh God.. that was even more incredible" He shouted out in pleasure.
By now I was started to realize he must be a virgin and not my mystery lover. I didn’t
want to have sex with my brother, so I looked for a way out of this situation.
"Are you done now" I asked Mike.
They say each stoke keeps getting better and better, can I take a few more?
At this point I was not wanting him too, but also thought maybe this could be how I could
get him off of me peacefully.
"Ok Mike, take 5 strokes and then pull all the way out" I said to him.
Mike without a word started taking his five strokes.. the first two was slow deep ones.
They, again, felt very good to me. Then Mike quickened his pace for 3 more strokes into
me. He was moaning very loudly by now. Just as he took his fifth stroke he paused, but
then resumed fucking me. 6...7...8..14 strokes going into me fast and deep.
"Mike STOP!!" I shouted to him.
But he didn’t stop, instead he kept fucking me hard and fast. He didn’t say a word, just
kept his cock pumping into his sisters pussy. I was being raped by my own brother. My
body squirmed trying to get off of his, but his small body had me pinned to the bed. I was
powerless, and sadly getting more and more aroused with each pump. It might have been my brother cock, but it was still a cock. And he was giving it to me hard, and fast, just the way I like it. Despite my cries to stop, I was also moaning for him.
As our moans got louder, he finally spoke to me.
"Mmmm... I knew my sister would love a good fucking.. Your pussy is beyond what I
could’ve hoped for"
"Please STOP Mike!" I pleaded with him.
"mmm.. I’m about ready to stop.. and you'll like it even more"
I was getting close to my own orgasm again as I heard him say that. I had a feeling he
was right, and knew what was coming. Despite my unwillingness for this to happen. My
body continued to enjoy his hard, deep thrusts into me. Even as I tried to resist. Deep
down I was enjoying it. Deep down I wanted it.
"OH YES!!.. So fucking good.. Your going feel something new today sis.. oh your gonna
feel your bro's cum inside of you" He said to me while pounding me so hard and fast.. I
knew it was close.. and knew I couldn’t stop it. I wanted to tell him to again, and plead
with him to stop. But I knew it was pointless now.
I also knew my own body was extremely close to having its own orgasm.
"OH GOD! I cumming! YESSS!!!" Mike shouted to me as I felt the first squirt inside my
pussy. I pushed hard on his body trying to get away, but at the same time, my pussy starting to cum with him.
"Oh yes, you dirty little slut. Your cuming with me.. Mmmm. I knew you wanted it!" He
said as he kept enjoying his own climax and now mine too.
I was so powerless, yet also enjoying every moment of it. I didn’t want my brother
cumming inside of me, yet I couldn’t deny how good it felt. To once again feel that hot
fluid mixing with my own. It was rape, but also heaven. At the last moment, I leaned up
enough too kiss him on the lips deeply. I enjoyed the last moments of our climaxes
together. When we broke our kiss, Mike slide his softening manhood out of my pussy. I
slapped him on the cheek hard right away.
"You asshole! I cant believe you raped your sister!" I shouted to him slightly pissed off.
"You only have yourself to blame. Coming out of the shower like that and not putting
any cloths on. Then you get me turned on even more by massaging your feet. I was to
horny to stop, I had too. And you enjoyed every moment of it. You cant deny that, I felt
your pussy tighten up as I shot into you." He explained to me.
Mike was right, I was trying to seduce my brother to learn the truth. None of this
wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t trying to figure out who my mystery man was.
"Mike... your right. It is just as much my fault as it is yours." I said to him while hating
"Does this mean we can fuck around more often?" He questioned me with a grin on his
I started to slap him again, but decided not too. If something ever happens to me and
John, maybe Mike and I could start messing around. Plus, Mike is much better at rubbing my feet.
"I... might need my feet rubbed again in the future..." I reluctantly said to him.
He just smiled and looked at my sexually.
"But I have a Boyfriend, so its not going to become a routine habit!" I said to him to try
and break his trance.
"Your choice Sis. But I know I really enjoyed it." He said again... grinning and starting to
put his cloths back on.
"Its was... good Mike. Would’ve been better if you didn’t RAPE me however!" I said a
bit forcefully back to him.
"Room for improvement then sis" He said as he finished dressing and walked out of my
Once he left, my thoughts began to reflect on everything. I've now had three guys cum in
my pussy. And still I’m not sure who took my cherry. Thanks to Mike, I now have a new
clue. One that I still have a hard time dealing with. That my Father is most likely my
mystery lover? Also troubling is the fact I’ve had unprotected sex 3 times now. How
much longer before I end up pregnant.
Two days later, that answer was given to me. Both Wednesday and Thursday morning I
awoke very sick and nauseated. I was almost late for school both days. Then by Friday
morning, I also realized I was late for my period. Was I really pregnant? And who would
be the Father? Before I worried about that, I spoke with Mom before she left for work. I
skipped school since I wasn’t feeling well, so we had a chance to talk.
What I learned next from Mom was definitely enlightening...
But that is yet another story...

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 13:42:51
kuJ3SE Thanks so much for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on...

anonymous readerReport 

2012-09-13 15:44:46
So where it to find?,

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-21 15:01:00
So where it to find?,

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-21 10:23:51
Help me to find the,

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-21 03:28:25
Excellent site. It was pleasant to me.,

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