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At her first violin lesson Clara is slipped a psychotropic drug that allowes her teacher to control her mind and violate her.
The Violin Teacher

Carla put her violin into it’s case. For years she’d been wanting to take lessons and now that’s she just turned twenty nine she finally bought herself a secondhand instrument and looked for a teacher by flipping through the adds in the local newspapers. She’d found one called Mister Riesling who would charge her only 15 dollars an hour. That was a rate she could afford.

Despite being almost thirty she’d never reached any of her life goals. She was still single, renting a terrible apartment, in a noisy neighborhood, working a dead end job in the IT department of an golf supply company.

Well at least she was still pretty, she thought while running a comb through her red curls and smiling at her reflection in the mirror, and now she would finally start learning to play the violin, that was one goal she would reach before turning thirty. Her life wasn’t completely hopeless.

Slightly shaking, she rang the bell on the front door of Mister Riesling. He lived in a spacious house, surrounded by trees and lush forest. He even had a tiny drive way. The bell rang melodiously through the empty hallway. Then the door opened and Mister Riesling appeared.

He was a slim, slightly older than her, but very attractive man. His eyes had this boyish playful glow, while the rest of him was seemly and authoritative.

‘Come in.’ He said. A welcoming gesture.

She followed him inside the house, through a long hallway, past sculptures and paintings into a room he called the music room. He gave her some tea and urged her to drink it before it got cold. She took a few sips as she sat down on a chair and uncased her violin.

He stretched out his hand and grazed her violin, as if he was admiring the old wood and trying to comfort the instrument. For a moment his finger touched the side of her hand. A burst of tingles. She tried to not fall into a fit of giggles, she was twenty nine for God’s sake, not some teenager that would giggle and fall in love at first touch.

‘Perfect.’ He mumbled. ‘Beautiful.’

Carla smiled.

He winked. ‘Both of you.’ He said.

She blushed and stared at her feet. This was why she was still single. She just didn’t know how to react to men flirting with her, especially when she liked the man in question, she just froze.

‘Don’t be shy.’ He said with a paternal pat on her head. ‘Just relax and drink you’re tea. It’ll help you get in the zone.’

She looked at him puzzled. But his face was friendly, he winked at her again. She put the little cup against her lips and poured all of it into her mouth. The tea tasted bitter, and the last sip was quite granular, she saw a trail of white residue sticking to the edge of her cup. She stared at it for a moment. He seemed way too wealthy to give her some cheap instant powder tea. She wanted to mention it, but he interrupted her.

‘Let’s start. I see you bought a Stentor violin, you know how to take care of it?’

Carla nodded, halfway through her nod she saw his surprised face and she started to shake her head. ‘I don’t know.’ She said in the end. ‘You mean, like, how to tune it?’

He laughed. ‘No, no, no. Sweety, I mean how to care for it. How to love it. Do you know how to love?’

Carla blushed again. She looked at her own shoes, they were flat sneakers, she wished she’d put on heels, that would make her appear more womanly. She felt lightheaded, her shoes seemed far away, like they weren’t hers, she blinked her eyes for a moment and looked up. She felt weirdly disconnected and tried to focus again.

‘That’s kind of a personal question.’ She said.

‘It is a personal question. Music is personal. Music is love. If you don’t know how to love I will need to teach you that first, before we can move on to the actual playing of the violin.’

Her ears seemed to be ringing, his voice sounded from far away, far away, but it sounded melodically, rhythmically, somewhat mesmerizing. Her thoughts were spinning, she was feeling lightheaded and dizzy. She yawned.

‘Am I boring you, sweety?’ he said.

Carla tried to focus. She grabbed her violin tighter around the neck.

‘No.’ She said. ‘Let’s do this.’ She yawned again. She felt terribly sleepy. It was as if her thoughts were drifting of.

He pried the violin from her fingers. ‘No, sir, would be the correct response.’

‘No, sir.’ she mumbled absent-minded while fighting her drooping eyelids.

‘I see the hypnotic drugs I put into your tea are getting a hold on you. You’ll become more and more susceptible to my words, to my wishes, to my suggestions. Focus on my voice, listen to my words, let my words guide you, let my words be your reality. Just stop fighting now, stop resisting the drugs, let my voice and my drugs flow over your mind and body.’

It was as if the sleepiness was crawling in on her. A thick hazy mist of drowsiness and she was trapped in the middle, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t think. It was as if she fell asleep, and dreamed she fainted or fell unconscious. A tingle all through her body, it was a nice pleasurable tingle. She didn’t know where she was, only his voice was there, his words were like a will-o’-the- wisp, luring her deeper and deeper into the misty sleepiness. She was lost. It was all exactly like he said. Even though she may be twenty nine on the inside she was still a lost little girl, with no clue about life and love and everything. She was scared. she needed guidance, she needed a teacher. She followed his voice all the way down. He snapped his fingers and told her to open her eyes.

She blinked. She never realized she had closed them. She opened her eyes, blinking against the bright light. She was still sitting on the chair, her violin resting in the violin case at her feet. For a moment she looked at it, then she looked at the man sitting opposite her. He seemed so wise, so strangely powerful, like he was a God, with a snap of his fingers he could change her entire world, he could change her. His eyes, magnetic, they seemed to suck her in, they kept her captive.

‘So Carla.’ He said. ‘You want to be my student, you want to be thought by me, don’t you?’

‘Yes sir.’ she said, straightening her back.

‘And you understand I won’t teach you chords and scales, I will teach you about dedication, submission, about devotion and humility.’

A warm fog just clouded her mind. It felt so good, so floaty. It was as if she couldn’t think, as if she didn’t need to think. ‘Yes, sir.’ She said again.

‘Will you promise to obey me without question or hesitation even though my methods might seem unconventional?’

‘Yes sir.’ She said. Just obeying, only obeying, that was what she needed to do right now. He was the teacher, he would know what was right.

‘Take your clothes off.’ He ordered.

For a moment she hesitated, then she remembered she wasn’t allowed to hesitate, she should just obey. He would teach her and she promised to obey. She stood up. Her body swaying, she was feeling week and feeble. She unbuttoned her silk blouse and slid it of her arms, then she zipped open her jeans and pushed them passed her hips. She was standing in front of him in only her bra and panties. They weren’t a matching set. Her bra was pink with black polka dots and her panties were just the plain white cotton kind.

He ordered her to take them off as well. Then he said she needed to work on her posture. She could start by kneeling on the floor in front of him. Sit straight up, shoulders back, push her breasts forwards. It was as if her body automatically obeyed him. She sat in the position he wanted her to sit.

His hand stroke over the crotch of his own pants, pressing into the fabric and revealing the bulge hiding behind the zipper.

‘You know what that is?’ He asked.

‘Yes Sir, it’s your penis Sir.’ She said.

He snapped his fingers. ‘Sleep.’ He said. ‘Sink deeper and deeper into that hypnotic sleep. From now on you’ll feel horny the moment you think about my cock, you’ll want to pleasure it and caress it, and the more you think about it the less you can control yourself, your pussy will start throbbing, and you’re mind will just go blank with desire. Open your eyes.’

Her eyelids slid open, she stared at the bulge in his pants, she just couldn’t keep her eyes off of it. She tried to determine the size and the shape. She wanted to see it, touch it, smell it, taste it, pleasure it. The more she imagined herself pleasuring it, the more her pussy started dripping with wetness. She wriggled back and forth, but was ordered to sit still and resume her position. Her breathing got irregular, she was panting.

Slowly he pulled down the zipper. She couldn’t control herself, she almost moaned. She pressed her lips together, her body trembling with horniness. His black boxer was visible, only a thin layer of stretchy fabric prohibited her from seeing his cock.

She needed to obey. She straightened her back and pushed her boobs forward. Jiggling boobs, with pinkish nipples prodding forward. She smiled seductively and licked her lips.

‘Tell me what you want, sweety.’ He said.

‘I want to see you’re cock.’ She said. ‘I want to feel it in my mouth. I need to feel it in my pussy.’

‘O dear.’ He said bemused. ‘You are here for a simple violin lesson, aren’t you Carla? And know you’re begging for my cock, you’re quite the little slut, aren’t you?’

‘Yes sir.’ She said.

‘What are you?’

‘I’m a slut Sir.’

‘I only let very very very submissive sluts suckle on my cock.’ He said. ‘So you first have to prove you’re submissive enough to be worth it.’

She nodded frantically. She would do anything, she would prove to him she could be anything he wanted. He ordered her to kiss his shoes. The shiny leather on top, the laces. Every time her cheek brushed past his ankle, a shiver went through her skin, a burst of butterflies. She felt small, she felt humiliated. She was ordered to lick not only the shiny top part, but also the rubbery sole on the bottom. She couldn’t stop thinking about his cock, so she put the tip of her tongue against his sole.

He pushed her down, until she was laying flat on her face, then he leaned his shoes on top of her, as if she was some sort of footstool. She closed her eyes. All of this, no matter how humiliating it was, would bring her closer to his cock, all of this would prove to him she was worth it. The more she thought about his cock the hornier she became. Her thighs were wet and slippery, she felt her heartbeat pulsing in her clit.

‘Kneel.’ He said in a stern voice. ‘Resume position.’

She crawled back up. The carpeting pressing painfully into her knees and shins, she didn’t complain. She just pushed her boobs forward and looked at him in awe. He was so big and strong and attractive. She tried to smile, to be cute, to seduce him into showing her his penis.

He put down his boxer and his thick cock propped into sight. It was slightly swaying up and down. A nice round shaft with a throbbing vein, and a purple shiny head.

‘Open up.’ He said.

She opened her mouth and he thrust himself inside her. She tried to suck it all in, his skin sliding past her lips, she swirled her tongue around the head, and pushed his cock further into her throat. Back and forth. Rhythmically.

He grabbed her hair and moved her back and forth in the rhythm he liked. Roughly and wild. With no regards for any of the gasping, and chocking sounds she made. He just fucked her in the mouth. He pleasured himself.

She felt honored to be used by him, to be used to pleasure his cock. He approached orgasm. His fingers clasping in her hair. Pulling her back and forth more vigorously. His body tensing up. He came. His cum dripped past her cheek and into her mouth.

‘Thank you, Sir.’ She mumbled.

He stroked her hair. He was panting softly. His eyes closed, he sat down for a moment. She looked at him worried.

‘Thank you, Sir.’ She said again.

‘You’re welcome, sweety.’ He mumbled. ‘Now get me a beer, a bottle of chloroform and a washcloth.’

‘Yes sir.’ She said. She jumped up and walked out of the room. Once in the hallway she realized she’d never been here before. She randomly opened some doors, she found a bedroom, a living room, but also a dark dungeon with lots of torture equipment. She shivered and closed that door. Finally she found the kitchen. She got him a cold beer from the fridge and luckily she found a bottle of chloroform in the fridge as well.

When she’d fetched all the items he needed, she returned to the music room and presented them to him.

‘Well done.’ He said. ‘Not bad. Not bad at all considering it’s your first time. I think I can work with you. I will take you on. You’ll be one of my sex slaves. You’ll do your homework and listen to my brainwashing hypnosis files everyday. Also twice a week you’ll come to my house to do a session in person and so I can see how far along you are. Deal?’

Carla nodded shyly.

‘That means for twice a week you get to pleasure my cock. I would think you’d shown some more enthusiasm about that.’

‘Yes, sir. Thank you sir.’ Carla said fervently, now she realized what he was talking about.

‘Good.’ He said. ‘That’s more like it. You’ll be my little obedient sex slave. Now pour some chloroform against the wash cloth and push it against your face. There’s another student coming in a few minutes.’

Carla obediently unscrewed the bottle. She put the cap next to her on the floor and poured some of the colorless liquid onto the terry fabric. A strong chemical smell filled up her nostrils, it was like paint tinner or something, but more pungent. She pressed the damp washcloth against her nose and mouth and took a deep breath. Immediately she felt lightheaded. The room was spinning. Dizzy and fuzzy she knelt in front of him. Her ears started ringing, she couldn’t focus, it was all hazy. Her limbs got heavy. The cloth fell from her face. She stared at the fabric crumpled up and laying on her knees. That wasn’t right. She needed to obey. She wanted to obey. She tried to pick it up but her arms just didn’t respond. Her body was swaying her mind was numb. The only thing going to her mind was how disobedient she was by not pressing the cloth against her face. She was blushing. Thoroughly ashamed of herself.

Then he knelt down next to her. ‘It’s okay, sweety.’ He said in a soft voice, while he picked up the cloth and reapplied it to her face. ‘That’s what the chloroform does. It makes you docile and sleepy and completely limp. I need you to be asleep now for awhile. I need you to sleep off the hypnotic drugs I gave you, so that when I send you home you won’t consciously remember a thing and you won’t rat me out. You’ll just have this subconscious urge to listen to the files I send you, you’ll have this incontrollable urge to pleasure and admire my cock, but you just don’t know why. Now breath in for me.’

His voice was soft. He was so sweet, so understanding. She happily inhaled deeply. She was swaying, falling asleep quickly, on the edge of consciousness she dangled for a moment, her eyes rolling back and forth, up into her skull. She had no clue, she didn’t know what was going on anymore. She fell limply into his arms, he guided her to the floor as everything turned dark.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-06 09:35:38

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-06 03:42:47
Will she be cock worthy though?

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