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I finally returned to Bangalore to visit my old friend and business partner. I was in for a great surprise.
It had been almost 10 years since I was reassigned, and left Bangalore. I'd kept in touch with a few friends, especially Raju, as he'd been a great friend. His daughter went to school with my daughter and they were inseparable. The tears and screaming that happened when we left, still haunt me sometimes.

I had retired from the company I'd been working for for 25 years, and decided to start consulting. As luck would have it, I had a meeting in Bangalore, so I arranged to stay a few days longer in order to meet my good friend Raju and his lovely wife Reena. My wife was stuck teaching, and with exams looming, she didn't want to leave her students, so I was on my own.

Reena was about 10 years younger than Raju and I, but was one of the prettiest women, Indian or other that I knew. At 50, she was still a fox. She had been in the army up until meeting Raju, who somehow in his computer geekiness charmed the pants off her, and knocked her up. She retired from duty, as she wanted to settle down, but she didn't give up the lifestyle. She stayed with the army, but I never really knew in what capacity. All I know is that it kept her fit. She was the only Indian woman I ever met who had a flat stomach. She gave the Bollywood girls in their belly exposed saris a run for their money.

We were sitting at the dinner table, and my cock was stiff. Reena had her foot rubbing my crotch the whole time. She had always been a flirt, and once, I'd almost fucked her, while my wife lay drunkenly passed out in a spare bedroom, and her hubby was busy with other guests. She, and JiHye, a beautiful Korean friend of ours, had been locked in a 69 when I walked in finding a place for my wife to sleep. I returned after dumping my wife in the next bedroom, and proceeded to pull my cock out and wack off as they ate each other out. They adjusted their position so JiHye could start sucking my cock, while Reena continued to work JiHye's pussy. Then, Reena looked up at me, and asked me to fuck her, and I jumped at the opportunity. I was literally rubbing my cock up her pussy slit, lubing up, when JiHye's husband started shouting for her. Clothes were hastily put on, and the moment was gone. We left the next year, and that fantasy, of my hard white cock in a threesome with a beautiful Indian and Korean pussy vanished. Unfortunately, JiHye passed away from cancer five years later. Reena and the girls had been devastated, and almost adopted their her daughter, HyeJin, after that. The asshole father insisted that the girl finished school in Bangalore, so she lived in the school's residence, but on weekends and during summers she stayed with Raju, Reena and Anu.

A new commotion caused Reena's foot to leave my cock, when suddenly, two beautiful 19-year-olds trampled through the door. Anu was the spitting image of her mother - tall and slender, but with slightly larger breasts, and hips that were not as squared as her mom's (a sign of her youth). She was dressed in fitted cargo pants, and a baggy sweatshirt. I remembered when she was a kid how everyone would comment how beautiful her big round brown eyes looked, but now that she was 19, no man would ever be able to resist her. It was the other girl that left me speechless, I was staring at a young JiHye. Actually, it was her daughter, HyeJin. She's been this tiny stick of a girl, with a short bob haircut - completely plain, but now, standing in front of me, she was the spitting image of her her mom. It was like HyeJin was the clone of JiHye. She was wearing a long unflattering skirt, and a cardigan.

I snapped out of my stupor, when HyeJin shouted, "Mr Mike!" and jumped over to me. I tried to get up, but she and Anu had tied me up in a massive hug before I could leave my chair, almost knocking me over. Hyejin jumped on my lap, and peppered me with questions about Jenny, my daughter. The three of them had been best friends in school. They wanted to know how her internship was going; if she was still dating that hunk of a Swedish hunk; if she was here; and so on. I'd forgotten how loud the girls were when they were kids, and remembered yelling at them to shut up when there were slumber parties. I also remember that HyeJin always gave me the tightest hugs, but I'd always assumed it was because her dad was an uncaring asshole.

Eventually, Raju managed to interrupt the girls reminding them that it was time for them to catch their bus. They were on their way to a dance club downtown, and it would take some time for them to get there. It so happened that the club was in the hotel I was staying at, so to their relieve I told the girls that since I had to go to an early meeting and would be leaving shortly, that I could give them a ride downtown. I was surprised that Raju let them take the bus, and learned later it was because he didn't really want them to go in the first place so he refused them the car, telling them that if they wanted to go, they could take the bus, and they accepted that.

I told Raju and Reena to come visit me at the hotel the next afternoon, and to bring their swim suits. The hotel had a first class pool and spa, and since I had the prime minister's suite, I could sign them in, and we could have a day of it. The girls could come too. The girls ran upstairs to 'put together their swim stuff for the next morning' which seemed odd, and then met me at the car. really, the girls had been getting a bit more ready for the bar. Anu had put on a bit of makeup, and HyeJin's nice skirt had been replaced by a very short skirt that neither Reena, nor Raju would have let her wear. Me one hte other hand, I enjoyed the full length of her beautiful legs.

The ride into town was a good hour, and from the first moment, HyeJin couldn't stop talking. Anu was different than when she was a kid, because she was keeping mostly quiet, and seemed annoyed at HyeJin's flirtations with me. The van we were in, had facing seats, and the girls had chosen to sit facing forward, so I sat opposite of them. I was straining not to be to obvious in my ogling of these young women, my daughter's childhood friends, but it was difficult. Anu's breasts were straining against the tight belly shirt she had in under her hoody. She opened it up because the car was getting warm. Then, HyeJin turned around and started bending over the seat to look behind it. My jaw dropped as I realized that the long skirt had disappeared and her pussy was sticking straight at me from the miniest of skirts, and missing were any panties

"Why the fuck don't you just go over and stick it in his face,' Anu said abruptly, sounding pissed. "You might as well go and start rubbing his cock, and fuck him now, I know you're going to try anyways."

HyeJin sat beside me, put her hand on my crotch and began rubbing it, while looking only at Anu. "She's jealous, don't you know. I let her eat me out, and she thinks she owns me. Sometimes she makes me fuck her with this big dildo she bought, and once, I even had my whole fist in her pussy. It's amazing consider she's never even fucked a man before."

"Shut the hell up, bitch." I looked at Anu, and her eyes pleaded with me to do something. Like I said earlier, it's hard to imagine being able to say no to those eyes.

"HyeJin, please stop." and some how, I managed to scootch across to the seat beside Anu. There was dead silence in the car for the next 20 minutes. I was trying to figure out the whole situation. First of all, I hadn't seen these beautiful young omen since they were kids, not to mention, they were my daughter's best friends, so, needless to say, it was extremely awkward situation. I mean, come on, I may be 60, but these girls are hot. HyeJin got my cock hard instantly, when she bent over and showed off her ass an pussy. I could have cum if she'd kept her hand on my cock too long too.

Obviously, there was something here that I didn't know about, but they the girls did. Anu being gay was a big shocker, because it really isn't that acceptable in Indian culture. Being jealous of HyeJin's blatant advances at me was also odd. Like I said, they hadn't seen me in 10 years. Never in my life have I been interested in little kids, but I have a soft spot for slutty young women, though I generally avoid women my daughter's age, it feels weird. But here I was in a car with a gorgeous young woman, whose mom had sucked my cock a bit over ten years earlier, and was hot for my cock. Good thing Anu was here, or I would have been balls deep in HyeJin.

The car had been stopped in traffic for a good 15 minutes, and the silence was getting to me. I needed to lighten things up. I didn't know these women, but I know them as girls, and I had an idea.

"So, Anu," I started. "Jinny was not being very nice was she." I used Hyejin's childhood nickname for a reason.

"Understatement of the century," Anu dryly replied.

"Remember when you were kids, and my Jenny was being 'not nice', what we used to do?" Anu's eyes brightened.

"What did you used to do?" HyeJin asked, having either forgotten, or perhaps not been there. Anu and I jumped to the other chair, both on the other side of Jinny.

"What did you do?" She pleaded, as I put my arm around her.


"Now" commanded Anu. And I wrapped Jinny in my arms, and Anu began tickling her. Jinny squealed, and tried to thrash, but couldn't do anything as I held her top, and Anu pinned her legs. She was trapped, being tickle tortured, and could do nothing but squeal. her skirt had ridden up, and her bare thighs and pussy were on full display.

"Stop!" she pleaded, but Anu kept tickling.

"Stop... I'm gonna pee!" but Anu kept tickling.

"Please stop!" there was panic in her voice, but Anu kept tickling. "I'm gonna..."

And a drop of pee sailed through the air, and landed on the floor in front of us. Anu started howling with laughter. I was trying not to laugh, but not really succeeded. HyeJin elbowed me, and kicked sideways at Anu.

"You guys are assholes!"

"Mr Mike, can you believe that? She's still being mean. Can you hold her again." I hadn't really let go, so I held on.

This time, Anu pushed her way between Jinny's legs, and had her lips clamped to Jinny's pussy in a flash completely surprising Jinny and me. Jinny thrashed once, and then melted as Anu had found her clit.

So there I was, in the back of a company van, holding a beautiful Korean girl against her will, letting an equally beautiful Indian girl, essentially rape, because it was forced, her best friend, and my cock was throbbing hard watching it. The thing was, Jinny wasn't resisting. Her eyes were closed, and she was moaning with every move Anu was making on her hot wet pussy. I moved my hands from pinning her to supporting her, letting one hand slide up Jinny's shirt to her small A cup breasts. No bra either. Perfect! And then I began playing with her nipple. She had thick nipples, that poked through her shirt, well at least the one that wan't in my hand.

Anu was going to town eating Jinny out. Jinny was almost purring like a cat, and enjoying every minute of her latest punishment, or perhaps Anu's way of making up for tickling her so hard. I had eased down my zipper, and freed my hard cock, gently stroking it while I watched the beautiful Anu eating out her friend. Her eyes would occasionally look up at me. They were amazingly seductive, especially, if I understood correctly that she was a card carrying lesbian.

Anu was now wiggling around, but I couldn't tell what she was doing until HyeJin's eyes popped open. Apparently Anu had just inserted a finger or two into her lover, and Jinny was loving it. HyeJin had closed her eyes again, and was beginning to moan a louder.

"Oh god...that's so goooood..." she purred. She moaned for a while longer, getting louder and louder. My cock was throbbing... so fucking hard. I pretty much could bust my nut any time, but I wanted it to be in the mouth or pussy of one of these beauties.

"Oh god, I'm cuming!" came Jinny's warning, and then came a spray. It landed on the seat across from us, as Anu moved out of the way, and slid three fingers out of her friends pussy. Then she did the undexpected, she pulled up and shoved her tongue down my throat. It was a kiss so full of passion that I almost came.

Anu pulled away from me, "Now you know what she tastes like. Maybe we'll come visit you before we head home, and you can make her come too." I felt like I was being challenged to a duel.

"Sir, We're coming up to hotel security. Do you need a minute to get fixed up."

Anu plopped back in the chair, and wiped her hand and chin with a tissue, while Jinny pulled her skirt back into place. She dipped down and licked some precum from my cock and helped me put it awkwardly back in my pants.

"I want to swallow more of your cum later," she whispered in my ear so Anu couldn't hear.

"Good to go!" I replied to the driver.

"So, are you coming up?" I asked the girls as we pulled in the front.

Anu answered. "Nope. We're going dancing."

I didn't have time to be disappointed, because as we stepped out of the van, my assistant power walked over to me. She was on a mission.

"Girls," I said to Anu and HyeJin. "If I don't see you later, come by tomorrow with your folks. I have a suite, and complete access to the pool."

"Bye Uncle Mike," said HyeJin cheekily, and she and Anu bounced away to the dance club. Jane, my assistant looked them up and down, as they pranced by.

Jane was an assistant provided by the company I was consulting for. She should have had the day off, but being a fresh out of Brown grad, she wanted to make a name for herself. I think she thought her credentials would have put her into a better position, and they should have, but she was being a trooper and acting as my assistant for the time I was in Bangalore. She was a pretty Kerala girl, with long curly hair that she tried to tame in vane, and a beautiful smile that made you think she was harmless. She reminded me of the lady in my office when I worked in Bangalore. She was the gate keeper, dumb and pretty, but somehow managed to disarm a lot of pissed off customers and employees. Jane was different because she had that same prettiness, but she was smart. She was a wolf in sheep's clothing, even though she wore a power suit every time I saw her. Maybe the sheep's clothing was the wrong analogy, perhaps it was better to say she looked like a wolf puppy, harmless in theory, but eager to get it's first kill. Today she wore a grey pinstripe suit that fit her curves in all the right places. It was enough to be sexy, while still being professional. And after my incident with the girls and not having gotten off, looking at Jane wasn't doing anything to make my cock calm down. She was showing enough cleavage to make me want to jack , my still semi-errect cock, off over her tits right then and there.

She pushed me in the car, and immediately smelled the sex that had been going on, and then glanced at the still obvious bulge in my trousers. "Those aren't our regular girls, " she said nonchalantly. "Which agency are they from?"

I was totally embarrassed. As a consultant, this wasn't the impression I wanted to make on these customers. Also, she thought the girls were hookers. Which is better, think I'm picking up teen hookers (even if they are legal) or that I'm fucking my daughter's childhood friends.

"They're not pros," I confessed. "This'll sound bad, but they are friends of the family." Why the fuck I came clean I don't know. "They just got a bit carried away in the traffic."

"They are pretty girls, and you're a good looking man," she said coyly, "not a bad way to pass time in a traffic jam." This girl was worth her salary and some. "Suresh, make sure you give this man the memory card with his exploits."

"Yes Ma'am." the driver said as he handed over a mini-sd card. I didn't think of a camera being in the van.

"Originally I was going to help you prep for tomorrow's meeting, but while you were out, the chief called and asked that we could postpone our meeting in Mysore until the day after tomorrow. So you will have another day off."

Brilliant. I don't mind relaxing for another day.

"I'll come by and help you go over your presentation tomorrow?" I swear she looked at my crotch when she said 'come by', and I'm not sure what presentation she mentioned, but she said it loud enough that the driver would hear. "I'll take the van home.Call this number," she said handing me a card, "if you need a driver again, anytime day or night."

"See you tomorrow", she said as the driver opened the door to let me out.

I tipped the driver well, to get the car clean, and for giving me the memory card.

"I look forward to it," I said, not sure what I would be looking forward too, but knowing thet if it was with her, that it would be fine.

I talked to the desk manager about putting the girls and Anu's mom and dad on my guest list. It was fortuitous that the kid behind the desk, Varun, was a former classmate of theirs as well, and I knew his parents well too. I'd even played drums for his big brothers IB Music performance. Varun was a big friendly kid, and though he didn't grow too tall, he looked to work out and was a stocky powerful looking young man. He got the paperwork sorted, and if the girls wanted they would be granted key access to my suite. I secretly hoped it would take advantage of that that evening, but at this point, my hard-on had disappeared, and I was actually quite tired. My balls still ached a bit from being left with blue balls, but that would have to wait. Maybe Jane would help me out in the morning.

I went up to my suite and went to sleep.

It was about midnight when my doorbell rang.

It was the girls and Varun, but he was carrying HyeJin, and Anu was crying.

"I was only gone for 10 minutes, and then she was gone." Anu cried.

"I caught a rich motherfucker trying to take her home," Varun added. "I think he drugged her. Unfortunately, it's not the first time the fucker did this." Varun put HyeJin into the bed in the second room. "The house doctor is on his way up." Varun also explained that the cocksucker who tried to do this was part of a very powerful, very corrupt local family, and the police were not interested in investigating the claims of a 'loose girl'.

What a fucking nightmare. Made me worry about my own daughter Jenny, and happy that she had her Swedish hunk, who, though I didn't like him purely on the basis of his dating my daughter, was actually a pretty good guy, and would keep her safe. It also made me fume, and wish I had friends in Bangalore who could break legs.

It was about 5am before I calmed down enough to go to sleep, so I was thankful that my meeting had been postponed, or I'd have been screwed. I had let Veena and Raju know what happened and that the girls would stay the night, and that the doctor assured us that she would be fine, but would just need to rest. Veena said she would come by later to check on the girls, and I told her I'd send them home when they were ready if she wasn't there yet.

I slept like a log, until I was woken up with a raging hard-on, and someone rubbing my cock. I half-expected hyeJin, but to my surprise it was Anu. She was naked, and cuddled up to me under the sheets.

"I've dreamt of this cock so many times," she started. "When we were kids, I was hiding in the closet one night, when HyeJin and I should have been sleeping. We had been playing hide and seek, and then the three of you walked in on me. Jinny went back to the room, and I stayed hidden. I watched in on you, Mom and HyeJin's mom with each other. It was confusing, and maybe messed me up. But you all looked so lovingly at each other, and treated each other so gently, not like how dad treated mom. I dreamt of you ever since."

"I know you like girls. But no interest in guys?"

"You are the only one I ever wanted to feel inside me," and then she rolled and straddled me.

She kissed me as she lowered herself onto my cock. She shuddered as she passed the threshold, my groan of pleasure joining hers. She felt so good. I had imagined a girl who had let herself be fisted to be looser, but my cock was like a hand in a glove. She rocked gently on my cock.

I realized we were making love, not fucking, and I was good with that. I loved my wife, but though were weren't in an open marriage, we both had our other relationships. The other women had always been just a fuck, but this was a first for me, this felt right.

Then the door opened.

"Holy fuck?" said Jinny, loud and confused. She had a towel wrapped around her as she had just come out of the shower. "I don't get it. First of all, I'm not sure what to say. Maybe my first first should be how did we get here?"

"I can't believe that you are all fucked up, and you still took the time to take a shower before coming out here?"

"Of course. I felt gross, and the room and shower are so beautiful, and I didn't want to be seen as messy as I felt. But back to the main thing, I don't remember a thing from last night. Did we all fuck?"

So, Anu explained it all. About losing Jinny, and her getting drugged, then rescued, and then brought up to the suite. All while she was gently rocking on my cock, keeping me hard. Then, she came. It was out of nowhere. She closed her eyes, stopped talking mid-sentence, shuddered and came. I could feel her spasm on my cock, and her pussy drench my cock.

"Oh my god, you just came? You dirty little slut. You know that's my dream."

So Jinny explained that when they were kids, playing hide n seek, she had peaked in the door while I had it going on with the moms. She had had a child's crush on my anyway, (that Anu knew), but all those years she too had been harboring a secret lust for me. She also said that having seen the Anu's mom eat out her mom, that's why she experimented with bisexuality. I couldn't believe what came out of an interrupted interlude so long ago.

Then, Anu rolled off my cock, and looked at Jinny, then at my cock, and then at me. 'Go ahead, suck away," she announced.

At this point, I was still stiff and pointing up. Hyejin dropped her towel, plopped down on the bed, and vacuumed my cock into her mouth. She was a sensational cock sucker. I grabbed at her, lifting her torso and pulling her up into a 69. I licked her pussy as she hoovered my cock. Then I felt one of my balls sucked into a mouth, and since I felt Jinny on my cock, it could only be Anu. I could feel my cock readying itself to finally erupt, but I wanted feel her pussy. I'd been fixed years ago, so I wasn't gonna knock up anyone, and my balls were aching for a release.

I rolled Jinny off me. She raised that cute heart shaped ass in the air, and I was in her in a flash. My balls slapped against her pussy with each thrust. I was on the edge, and ready to blow. I knew Jinny wanted to eat my cum, so I pulled out, rolled her in her back, and positioned myself beside the bed and began fucking her face.

I was so close to shooting and then Anu crawled up between Jinny's legs, her ass in the air. It was dejavu. It was exactly like I was back in the room with their moms 10 years before, and I knew what I had to do.

I moved away from Hyejin, moved behind Anu and rubbed my cock a few times over her still wet pussy lips. Jinny was looking at our reflections...

"Holly shit! This is it." She sputtered out.

I shoved my cock into Anu's hot wet cunt. She was looking in the mirror too now. This was a fucked up fantasy cum true for all three of us.

Anu started cumming, moaning hard into Jinny's pussy. And I could hold back no longer, and filled her pussy so full of come that I could feel my cum squirting out of her.

"That was so fucking hot!" announced Jinny, "but that was supposed to be my load of cum."

"Don't be selfish Anu, share," I said, and pushed her forward. She straddled Jinny's face. Jinny eagerly licked my cum out of her friend's pussy, and I watched.

Then I watched and helped Anu finger Hyejin to her own orgasm. Anu got three fingers in Jinny's hot cunt, and I added a finger in her ass. It was fucking amazing fulfilling a longtime fantasy, not with the original women, but their hot grown up daughters. Fucking amazing.

We ate brunch, and than I sent the two girls home with my driver. They agreed to come back to use the pool, and hopefully me later.

I had just laid down on the bed, when there was a knock on my door. I put on a robe, just enough to cover my swollen cock and balls.

It was Jane. Fuck she looked good. Her hair was down, and she had on white power suit with a grey shirt. Again, her tits were ready to bust out of her shirt. Whatever we were supposed to work on, I think i was too tired, and too distracted by her to get anything done. But work wasn't on her mind.

She took me by surprise, dropping to her knees in front of me, pulling my robe open and sucking my cock into her mouth, all before i could at least warn her.

"Oh, you were a naughty boy last night, weren't you? Do I taste the lovelies from yesterday, or someone new." She licked my cock hard.

"Uhm.. ya, the girls and I had a bit of a fun morning."

"Ready for more?" She stood up, licked her lips and lead me to the bedroom.

Her clothes found their way to a chair in the room, and she stood in front of me in a pair of white silk panties, and garters. Her tits were way bigger than I imagined, and hung there defying gravity. I moved her to the bed, sucking a big dark nipple into my mouth.

The doorbell rang again, but i chose to ignore it. Then there was a loud, aggressive knock on the door.

"Give me a second." I said, pulling my robe on again. This time it struggled more to conceal my hard cock.

It was Veena, and she planted a huge kiss on me. Pushing me in to the suite, closing the door behind her. She was thanking me, and kissing me, and stripping, and suddenly tasting her daughter and Jinny's juices on my cock.

"Fuck, I knew Jinny would get to you before me." She licked me again.

"I'd love to lick that tiny Korean pussy. Just like her mom I bet..."

"Uh-hmmmmm," interrupted Jane, standing only in her garters while leaning on the door to the bedroom. "Mike, you seem to be a very in demand man. This must be Anu's mother. That girl is lucky to come from such gorgeous genes."

"Who is this?" questioned Veena.

"My assistant," I said.

She walked over to Jane, and kissed her.

"I hope you don't object to sharing this man with me? I also have to admit that I've been starved for pussy for a long time, and I'm going to be licking that beautiful shaved pussy of yours."

"That would be delightful."

And they walked into the room leaving me to follow.

After that trip, I needed a vacation to let my cock and balls recuperate.


2017-01-12 16:47:29
Will there be a continuation of this story? I'd like to hear more about the mom and assistant.

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