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On vacation to save my marriage, things get crazy as my wife finds her wild side
And the story continues. The last couple segments I was stepping a little further from my own comfort zone to add in some fantasies mentioned in comments and messages… trying to hopefully help some others out as they read my stories. This time I am going to step back closer to my own truths and fantasies. This one may be a little closer to part two (less sexy, more story) but hopefully it will still go well for the readers. I want more than just a handful of sex scenes thrown together - I want story and character development as well. Remember, there is actually a lot of truth to this story within the fantasy and I want it to still feel a little true to life. I still would love all the feedback you can give me - things you liked, things you didn't, how I can make my stories better. Positive or negative, I appreciate it all. Thanks and enjoy….


I slowly slipped into consciousness. Bright sunlight shone in my face and I raised my hand to block it out until my eyes adjusted. Looking around me, I realized that I was back in my own hotel room. Cuddled up in front of me being the little spoon, Steph slept soundly. She was wearing a pair of pink silk pajama bottoms and a light purple sports bra. An arm draped over my waist, I turned my head to see Amy snuggled behind me as the biggest spoon. She had on a pair of black boy shorts and a gray spaghetti strap top. I slowly inched my way out from between them and stood at the foot of the bed. Still asleep, Amy scooted across the gap I left and wrapped her arm under Steph's and her hand slipped up to cradle her breast. Steph wiggled her butt and inched as close to Amy as she could.

I stretched my back and raised my arms above my head to get as full of a stretch as I could. Glancing at the clock radio, I saw that we had slept most of the morning away and it was reaching noon. I shuffled into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stepping out of my boxers, I climbed in and let out a deep sigh as the hot water pelted my sore body. After a few relaxing moments I washed and rinsed. Turning off the water, I climbed out and dried myself off. Tiptoeing into the room, I rummaged around my bag and found a pair of cargo shorts and a v-neck t-shirt. Slipping my sandals on, I grabbed my wallet and room key and headed down to the restaurant.


As I precariously tried to balance the tray of food in my hands, I unlocked the room and pushed in the door. Just as I was about to lose the balance of the tray, I turned and set it down on the small table. I glanced at the bed and it was empty. The shower was running and I could hear the girl's voices laughing and talking.

I sat down and started to drink a large glass of orange juice and pick at a mixed fruit bowl. I couldn't help but smile as I heard Amy let out a full belly laugh. I had not seen her this relaxed or happy in a long time. I know that a big part of it was getting away from the stress and headaches of work and home. Another big part was meeting Steph. It was as if they had immediately bonded and were best friends in the world. I could definitely get used to this.

As I nibbled a piece of passion fruit off the end of my fork, the bathroom door came open and Steph walked out, briskly drying her hair with a towel. She was wearing the board shorts and rash guard shirt from the day we met. Had it really only been two days ago?

I called out to Amy to let her know that I had brought food. She yelled out over the running water for us to save her some because she was famished. Steph slipped the towel into the hamper by the door and walked over to me. She leaned down, caressed my cheek and gave me a passionate kiss. "That is from Amy." She then turned her head quickly and plopped the piece of passion fruit into her mouth and pulled away. Laughing and trying to talk with her mouth full, she said: "And that is from me!"

She plopped down in the chair opposite me and picked up a piece of buttered toast. She grabbed a knife and started to spread some jam on it. She gave me a friendly wink. Surprisingly, I felt a stirring not in my groin, but in my heart. I stole Amy away to get our marriage back on track, not to fall for someone else. I felt a weird pang in my stomach, and I dropped my fork to the plate.

"Is something wrong? I was just teasing." Steph had seen the change in my countenance and became worried.

I couldn't tell what was on my mind… it had to be a mistake. I felt more in love with Amy than I ever have before. It must have just been a momentary lapse - a mild infatuation. I lied to her, sort of. "I just remembered that we have not heard from the airport about our lost luggage. I think I better run down to the front desk and check."

It must have worked, because Steph gave me a smile. I got up and grabbed the room key again. As I was about to walk out the door, Amy came out in her board shorts and rash guard as well. "Hey beautiful, did you save me any?"

I realized she was talking to Steph and not me. They shared a sweet smile at each other and Steph held out the piece of toast for Amy to take a bite. As she leaned in a nibbled at the toast, they continued to stare into each other's eyes and Steph smiled at her.

I slipped out the door and quietly eased it closed. Walking down to the front lobby, I thought about this morning. The look Amy and Steph shared reminded me of the way Amy and I used to look at each other, and how she had started looking at me again over the last two days. A very small part of me was jealous, but a bigger part of me felt elated. I couldn’t understand why.

As I waited behind an elderly lady checking in at the front desk, I saw a large white van pull up to the glass double doors. A man in a blue coverall stepped out and walked in. He went to the side of the front desk and rapped on the wooden door labeled "Manager on Duty." A man stepped out of the office and they had a conversation in Spanish. My Spanish was rusty so I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but then I heard the driver say our last name.

"Excuse me, that is me. Can I help you?" I walked over to the two men and the driver gave me a huge smile.

Breaking into heavily accented English, he told me that he was from the airport and they had found my luggage. He explained that they felt so bad that it took so long, they wanted to drive it over and deliver it personally. I thanked him profusely and shook his hand. We walked out to the van and he unloaded our two bags. I went to hand him a large tip, but he politely refused. He shook my hand and backed his way to the driver's door. I thanked him again and he climbed in and drove off.

I lugged the bags back to our room and brought them inside. Amy had pulled a chair up and was sitting at the table with her feet propped up in Steph's lap. They were nibbling at some food and laughing some more. I leaned over and kissed both of them on the forehead and then plopped down in my chair.

"So ladies, what is on the agenda for today?"

"Well, we thought we could hit the boardwalk for a bit; look at some of the shops. Maybe go to the beach and catch some rays while you catch some waves. Then we can see where that leads us. There is one shop that we definitely want to hit tonight, but it doesn’t open until later."

"Sounds good, but what if we switch it up a bit. How about we hit the beach first. If the waves are good, I might stay for a little longer while you ladies start your shopping. I don’t think I can handle being a pack mule for your purses and shopping bags all day!" I laughed.

When we finished up our late breakfast, I changed into my shorts and rash guard shirt. We went down to the beach and the ladies went to grab a spot for us and get set up for some sun bathing while I went to the surf shop and rented a board. I went straight for the waves and had some minor success. After being out there for about an hour or so, I noticed that the waves just weren't coming in anymore. I paddled my way back to the shoreline and wandered out of the surf with the board tucked under my arm. As I shuffled through the sand towards the ladies, Amy was already back in her board shorts and was pulling the rash guard down. Steph had her back to me and was right in the middle up shimmying her shorts up; she was at that perfect moment when the waistband catches underneath the butt cheeks and they have to do that little hop to get it to pop up over. I saw that her bikini was a bright metallic pink and Brazilian cut with just a small strip of material to cover the butt. The shorts popped up to her hips and she turned around. She reached down to pick up her rash guard and as she went to pull it over her head, I could see that the bikini top had just as little coverage of her breasts as the bottoms on her butt. She was going to have barely any tan lines at all. I felt a small twitch in my board shorts and I couldn't help but smile. Steph was in a very compromised position as her arms and head were trying to wiggle into the tight shirt, so I leaned over and shook my hair so cool salt water splashed her rock hard abs. She jumped and gave a high pitched squeal.

Before she could give chase, I took off laughing towards the surf shop to turn my board in. When I got back, the girls were completely packed up and walking towards me. When I got closer, Steph tossed a towel at me and said: "Just for that, I am going to buy so many bags of things." I bent down and started to dry my legs off a bit and she slapped my ass as she walked by. "Giddy-up pack mule."

"You guys run ahead. I will take the stuff back to the room and get changed. When you are ready to meet up, just shoot me a text message where you are and I will be there." We parted ways as they headed towards the boardwalk and I went to the hotel.


As I made my way back to the boardwalk, I noticed a small shop at the end of the row. There was brightly patterned shirts and dresses in the window, a poster of Bob Marley on the door, and the fresh smell of weed wafting out of the propped open door. I knew that Amy loved to dress as I call "hippy-dippy"… it sometimes drove me crazy, but it was one of the quirks about her that I grew to love. I headed into the shop and started looking around. I lazily looked at some dresses and sarongs, walked past the men's clothes and over to the counter. One on side sat a bunch of multi-colored glass bowls in various sizes and shapes. Next to that were a bunch rings and body piercing jewelry. I snickered because I remember a discussion I had with Amy when we first got together. I had commented that I thought small belly button piercings were super sexy and she said that there was no way she could do that. I walked on past the counter. Next to it was a tall tower covered in different necklaces. Some were wooden beads, a few were made of shells. One hook of necklaces caught my eye though. They were made up of a thin line of braided hemp rope and they had a small wooden owl pendants hanging from them. They were all painted in different colors. I grabbed the light green one because I knew Amy would love it… green was her favorite color and she was obsessed with owls. Not really sure why, but I grabbed the lavender one underneath it for Steph.

I walked over to the counter and looked around for someone to ring me up. There was a small bell next to the register with a hand-carved wooden sign that said "Ring for Service." I gave it a light tap and I heard a voice from the back yell out to me "Be right there, just finishing up a piercing." A minute later a man came out from behind a multi-color bead curtain that hung in the back of the store. He rang up my purchases and then offered to wrap them up for me when I told him they were gifts. He pulled out some plain brown paper and wrapped each individually. He then took a black marker and wrote their names on the paper for me.

I made my way out of the shop and started walking down the sidewalk. I kept stepping inside the shops and looking around, beginning to wonder where the ladies made off to. After crossing over a small side street and dodging a motor scooter, I saw them walking down a flight of metal stairs attached to a large, two story brick building on the corner across the street. Looking both ways, I trotted across the street and onto the opposite sidewalk. I noticed that they were both wearing new sarongs… and I realized I at least had the colors right. Amy's sarong was light green with light blue and lavender flowers along the edge. Steph was wearing a light purple sarong with light green and blue flowers. They saw my amused smile as I walked up. I simply handed them the brown paper packages and watched them open them.

As soon as they saw the necklaces, they squealed with delight and wrapped me in a big hug. "How in the world did you know that I love owls?" Steph exclaimed.

I just gave a shrug as if to say - hey I am just that good. Inside I was doing a little dance. Amy handed me her necklace, turned and raised her hair up to allow me to put it on. As my fingers fumbled with the clasp behind her neck, I leaned in a gave her a few light kisses right where the underside of her hair met her neck. I knew that was one of her erogenous zones and I wasn’t disappointed as she let out a soft moan and a small shiver ran up her spine. As I pulled away, she dropped her hair, turned, and gave me kiss on the lips.

"My turn." Steph handed me her necklace and turned around. She raised her hair up and waited for me to put on her necklace. I finished clasping the necklace and stepped back. She looked over her shoulder, gave me a pout, and told me I didn't do it right. Getting her drift, I stepped back up, leaned in and gave her a few light kisses in the same spot I did for Amy. She gave a shiver as well and then dropped her hair. She turned around and gave me a kiss on the lips. Stepping next to Amy, she wrapped her arm around her waist, leaned in to her ear and said loud enough for me to hear: "You're right, he is such a sweetheart." She then gave Amy's earlobe a little nibble.

"Okay, so where are we off to now?" I asked them.

"Well, we have two surprises for you. First, since we are on a liberating adventure…" and with that, Amy and Steph looked at each other, smiled and counted to three. As soon as they hit three, they both lifted their rash guards to expose their stomachs. Glinting in the sun were little rhinestone owls hanging from their belly buttons. I couldn't believe it! It finally dawned on me that they may have been in the back room of the hippy shop getting pierced while I was out front shopping for them without even knowing it. Dropping their shirts, Amy continued. "Secondly, I have found the perfect shop for you."

She turned and led me to the front of the large brick building we were standing in front of. It's architecture looked exactly like the late 1800's, early 1900's firehouses that still dotted my hometown. As we entered the large wooden door, a little bell rang overhead. I was immediately hit with the most familiar smell and I was transported to heaven immediately. It was a used books store! Nestled into the front corner, next to large plate glass windows were a few couches and arm chairs positioned around a few coffee tables to create the perfect reading area. Next to them was a small coffee shop and café. Spreading throughout the rest of the store were thousands upon thousands of books neatly tucked away on shelves and laid out on display tables.

"Oh my god Amy, this is amazing!" I grinned at her and then began to wander off in the direction of the books. It has always been my dream to own my own bookstore like this and I truly was mesmerized. I grew up spending hours upon hours sifting through used books stores and lost in all of the worlds held within. Amy grinned at Steph and Steph winked at her. They knew they had lost me for awhile.

"Hold up Romeo. Steph and I have some serious errands to run right now. How about you continue looking for a couple hours. When I get back, I will buy you a book or two…. Or thousands." With that, Steph and Amy wandered off towards the front counter. I wandered towards the back of the store in a daze. I am not really sure I was aware of what Amy had said to me except I was free for a few hours.


About three hours had passed and I was sitting in the reading nook. A cup of chai tea sat cooling on the end table next to me, three books sat upon the coffee table in front of me, and I was nose deep into a dusty old historical novel about the Spanish Civil War. The bell above the door rang, and as I had for the last hour or so, I looked up to see if it was the girls. I had been looking up a lot as the store was very busy. It was Amy, but Steph was no where to be seen. Amy saw me sitting at the table and slid over and sat on the couch with me. I closed the book and set it down with the others I had picked out. Amy leaned up against me and I put my arms around her shoulders.

"Are you happy?"

"I am ecstatic. I found some great books that I have always wanted to read. The selection here is amazing and I had to stop myself at just four books."

"That isn't what I meant. Are you happy here? Are you happy with me?"

If she had asked me that question just a few days ago, I think our conversation would have been much different. "You know, I really am. Truth is that before we came here to rekindle our marriage, I was wondering if there was any chance. But you have changed since we got here. You seem so much more relaxed. You seem happy. You actually seem happy to be with me. I hadn't seen that for a long time."

She took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I was thinking the same thing about you. The deep furrow over your brow is gone. The giant stress knots in your shoulders are gone. You are smiling again… you are smiling at me again."

She looked around the store to make sure we were out of earshot of any of the other customers. "I know that our, well… activities have been much more, ummmm, adventuresome?? I guess that is one way to put it. Tell me honestly, how much of these last few days are because you wanted it, or at least liked it some, and how much was truly because I was enjoying it and you put up with it from me."

I went quiet into thought for a moment. I really had to look at the events of the last few days and judge for myself. Surprisingly, Amy let me think for a moment, didn't get defensive or argumentative. Things really had changed.

"Okay, so it may be difficult for me to explain some of the things I am feeling or experiencing, so bear with me. I definitely love the enthusiasm and energy to our sex life again. We used to be much more active and somewhat adventuresome when we got together and I have missed that. The sexy outfits, the new sense of assertiveness has been great - I never thought I would enjoy being truly submissive in the bedroom, but when you are dominant and aggressive it is such a turn on. Not that I want that all the time, but it is definitely something that I would like to see more of. You know that I have experimented with guys before. It really didn’t bother me at all this time… you know, even being a bottom wasn't all that bad. It might be something we could play around with once in awhile. If that is something you like. If I were completely honest with myself though I realize that while I love the oral sex and even being a bottom, I am not attracted to guys in the same way that I am attracted to girls - I love the things that we can do with a penis but I was actually more turned on by the girls and their strap-ons than I was the guys. I did enjoy the bondage part of it too, that is something that we can add to our intimate times as well. I am going to be honest, seeing you with other people was a big turn on… even the guys didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. When you made lick all the cum off of you, that was a turn on. I think one of the hottest things that has happened was when you were going down on me and seeing Steph behind you with her strap-on."

Amy sat up and looked at me a little funny. Not necessarily in a bad way, but as if she had something to say. She obviously bit her tongue and didn't say anything. "Go on, anything else?"

"Okay, I wasn't sure how to say this… but here goes. I don’t mind being adventurous. I am willing to try almost anything once. If it really turns you on I would be willing to do it again. But I think the very large strap-on was too much. I didn’t really enjoy that. I am sorry."

"No, I am sorry. I had actually seen a video of a dominatrix doing that to her slave and it was a real turn on to watch. I found that it wasn't really as exciting in real life as it was in the video. That is out." She gave me a sheepish grin. "So you do like anal though?"

"Surprisingly enough, yes. Within reason of course." I said with a laugh.

Hearing that answer seemed to relax Amy even more. "I'll be right back." She got up and walked over to the café and ordered a coffee. When she got it, she walked back over and sat down.

"So, what do you think of Steph?" She said to me casually, hiding all of her face except for her eyes as she took a sip of coffee. Her eyes seemed to be staring right at me, exploring my face for something.

"Well, I am really glad that you two are becoming such great friends. She is such a great person and really makes you happy. That means a lot to me."

"Does she make you happy?" There was something in this line of questioning that started to make my chest tighten up. "When you think about her, in what way do you think about her?" I felt a bead of sweat building up on my forehead. Had she seen something in the way that I looked at or acted towards Steph that I didn't know what happening?

She set her coffee down and then reached over and took my hand. "I am not sure if I am asking this right… or saying what I am needing to say. Look, I know that you find her attractive and sexy… who wouldn't? I know that you are sexually attracted to her… again, who wouldn’t be? What I need to know is if you could see yourself having feelings for her… you know, emotionally and not just physically."

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what I needed to say. "I am not sure how to explain this correctly. I see how you two are together. I see how happy she makes you. I see how much you too are alike. When we hang out together, I see all of these little things that you two do - facial expressions, movements, conversations and vocal expressions. It is like I am blessed with two of you… a second you. If it wasn't for the fact that you two being around each other has actually made me love and appreciate you more, I am not sure where I would be right now. But that is a little scary too, because of how much I fell in love with you, I could see that being around her so much, I could develop feelings. I am sorry if that upsets you. If I need to stay away when you two are together, I am fine with that… but I don’t want that to come between the two of you. I want you to be able to spend as much time together as you want with no complications."

I looked at her intently. I was scared that me admitting that could devolve into an argument like before. We have come so far in just the last few days and I was afraid this was going to ruin it. Instead, Amy gave my hand a tight squeeze and then leaned in to give me a kiss. Just then the bell jingled again and we both looked up to see Steph coming in. She saw us and smiled. She looked at Amy and gave her a big thumbs up signal and walked over and sat down.

Amy gave my hand a squeeze again and said "Speak of the devil!" She then looked at me again and said that there was more to talk about later, but it was something that would need to wait. I gave her a worried look, but she assured me that it was nothing bad, but there was some more fun planned for the rest of the evening and it could wait until morning.

***************** (to be continued) *****************************
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