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Painstaking changes begin.
    The street was empty, framed by tall city buildings and split with a green grassed median. Lights danced in patterns over black road with no cars. My breath fogged the night air as eyes locked onto the full yellow moon hanging in the middle of the horizon. I could have been in Vegas, but how did I get here?

    A scrapping sounds called my attention from the night goddess floating in the sky. It sounded like metal being dragged across the concrete. With a shiver of dread, I looked around for the noise. Nothing, except for the dancing of the lights as they glittered in patterns. Looking around, I began to walk down the road, looking for an answer as to what was going on.

    After walking a few feet it became apparent something was following me. The sound of the scraping was back, but now I had a definitive direction that it was coming from. Whirling around, I saw darkness behind me. Like the entire city and lights were just gone. In that darkness, two red eyes peered out at me. A shiver of fear went through me and without thinking, I turned and ran.

    A howl sounded and I ran to the nearest door. I pulled on thick brass handles to no avail. I moved on, aware that the darkness was spreading as lights winked out and raced towards me. Each door I tried failed and in panic, I raced looking for somewhere to hide and found a construction site. Rushing in past the fence, another howl sounded in desperation it seemed to catch me.

    Looking around I found my answer. There, stacked in a pyramid were concrete cylinders just big enough for me to squeeze into. Without further delay, I was crawling into one as far as I could guess where the middle was. I had jumped in one that was framed by more than a few of the cylinders.

    A snarl echoed around me and I looked past my feet to see those red eyes staring intently at me. Clawed hands reached up for my foot, only to fall short. With a frustrated growl, a howl blistered my ears and jerked me out of sleep.

    “Are you okay Vance?”

    The feminine voice belonged to Mrs. Banes. My neighbor who happened to be a gorgeous woman and a werewolf. A week ago she had infected me through sex. She was here now because my mom was at work. Actually, any night since that my mother was working late, she had stayed the night with me. Pain went through me right when I was about to reply. With a grunt, I tried to recompose myself.

    “You’re covered in sweat,” she observed, licking my neck.

    “That tickles.”

    She kissed my then and cuddled up to me. Like any woman, she loved to cuddle, though every morning before my mother returned, she showered to get rid of my scent. The reason was because she lived with two other werewolves and didn’t want them to know about me.

    “So what were you dreaming about?”

    “A werewolf hunting me.”

    “Tell me about it.”

    I did. Recalling every detail I could to her.

    “So you ran?”

    “Well, yeah. Wouldn’t you?”

    “Yes, but it’s the wrong choice.”

    She shifted around and stretched, opening the blanket to much needed cool air.

    “Why shouldn’t I have run. Werewolves tear you apart.”

    “Or fuck you if you find the right one huh?” she said with a giggle. “I’m sorry
Vance. I have never dealt with much of this before. You are my first turning and I forget to tell you things.”


    “For one, you have to fight the wolf and win. It's a contest of will. Hopefully,
you will have another chance.”

    “Why do I want one?”

    “You’ll die without it.”

    “Is that how it was for you?”

    “I was born a wolf.”

    Quiet followed the statement. Without meaning too, she had told me something
personal. That was a rule for her. Until I changed she didn’t want to tell me anything
about herself. I thought it was unfair, but her reasoning did make sense. Why know when
you will die and it won’t matter.

    “Sorry,” I said.

    “What time is it?” she asked.

    “I look over and the clock tells me dawn is still a couple of hours off. I relay
the time to her.

    “I should go.”

    “Because you told me something?”

    “I didn’t mean to,” she said. “But that isn’t the reason. Your dream means you will

change and now I’m super horny.”

    “We can have sex,” I offer already growing hard.

    “I bet, but we can’t. I want to be rough. To be claimed.”

    We had already had sex that night, but she had been denying herself release ever
since the first night we had copulated. That night she had cum but refused to after in
fear of completely wolfing out and killing me. Apparently, werewolf sex was to just die
for, but she didn’t the price for that pleasure to be my life. So she played it safe,
electing to have sex for the pleasure of it and masturbating vigorously later. All I could
say is that thought of her masturbating to me kept me hard all day during school. I was
happy that today was Saturday.

    “I don’t want you to leave,” I said. Shifting to hug her close. Her skin was
electrifying in mine but it was the fur that gave me pause. As my eyes adjusted to the
dark, I could see her pointed ears and that her eyes were no longer silver bu yellow.

    “You smell delicious,” she said.

    “I get it,” I said in defeat rolling away. She was out my open window in a flash
and I enjoyed the view of her perfect moon as she disappeared. With a sigh, I went back to

    My alarm went off, bringing me out of the darkness and into awareness as the theme
song to Megas XLR, one of those old cartoons canceled before its genius could be realized.
Getting up groggy, I got dressed in a loose faded t-shirt and some shorts. Then I headed
downstairs to cook some breakfast.

    When mom worked late, she was always home before eight. If I didn’t have school, I
would wake up early and make breakfast for us. This morning I decided on pancakes and
fruit. Normally she ate almost exclusively vegetarian so I took out some beef sausage,
being that pork was not allowed in the house and cooked some of that up for myself. By the
time I was finished she walked into to the house with a major yawn.

    “Good morning,” she said to me as she walked in.

    “Whoa, you sleep at work?” I asked. My mother was a pretty woman with dark hair.
She and Dana got along great, but as far as I knew my mother’s work schedule kept her from
hanging out with Dana. I don’t know if that was a good thing or not, but I did know that
with two more werewolves about, I would rather she not be involved.

    “I did not. This look is brought you by a crazy illness.”

    “You got it?”

    “No, but so many people were in the E.R. Last night throwing up that the hospital
may call the CDC.”

    “Wow, that’s cool.”

    She walked up and grabbed a plate of food and began devouring them.


    She grunted at me and I poured her a cup. I joined her at the counter and ate my
fill, which happened to be whatever was left over.

    “Jeez, you have a hollow leg?”


    “You ate a ton. More than usual.”

    “Be glad I’m not sick.”

    She got up thanked me for breakfast and gave me a list of chores before heading to
bed. With a mumbled sigh of frustration, I began the chore list by cleaning up the
kitchen. Next was laundry and that gave me an idea.

    “Oh Dana, guess what?” I thought out to her. One of the reasons besides opportunity
that she had chosen me to turn is that she could hear my thoughts in some sort of
telepathic link that apparently meant we were mates. “I’m getting those favorite pair of
boxers you like out to wash. Maybe I’ll wear them again for you soon and dance in them.”

    I had done that a few nights ago on the fly. She had commented about how
stripperesk this particular pair of boxer shorts looked. They were black but where the
groin was, a picture of a redwood stood proud and tall. My dance had been just ass comical
with a ton of hip thrusting and arm waves. Had gotten laid a few minutes later.

    There wasn’t going to be a reply. The ability hadn’t manifested in me yet, but I
knew she could hear me. She had complained that my constant perverted thoughts about her
made it difficult to concentrate. I didn’t care though and enjoyed the torture. One day it
would really pay off for her I hoped. With the kitchen cleaned, I decided to get a small
token of revenge on my mother for the chore list by mowing the lawn.

    Ear buds blaring some metal music, I proceeded to spend the next two hours on lawn
care. Without needing to be asked or even told, I also mowed Dana’s yard. After finishing,
I was covered in sweat. While I put up the mower, I was interrupted.

    “Hey, Vance.”

    I turned around to be greeted by a school friend Brandon who also happened to be
the younger brother of the girl.

    “Hey, dude, what’s up?” I asked him. This meeting would be the first time someone
had shown up to my house unannounced.

    “Not much man, running an errand thought I’d stop by and say hi.”

    “Katie send you?”

    He laughed.

    “Yeah, she got a hair up her ass. Really wants to talk to you. Wanted me to stop by
and ask you to come over if you could this morning in order to use her car.”

    “No biggie,” I replied closing up the shed.

    “Can you wait?”


    “Me to shower and you can drive me over.”

    “Oh, no bro. Hey, no offense, but I got a girl you know. Taking her out for a

    “What, no hanging with me? Whatever happened to bros before hoes.”

    “It’s my sister. She was lucky to get me to do this.”

    At that, Brandon waved and took off. I swore, but only because I had been avoiding
Katie. After her run in with my mom a couple of weeks ago, she had been texting me a ton.
Not that I didn’t like her, but I just, well, my mind had been elsewhere.

    Taking a shower was fast and I got dressed in another t-shirt and jeans. Katie
lived only a few blocks away so I figured I could be to her place before lunch. It was
only nine-thirty. I exited the house and on my wait, out the front door, I ran past Rem, who I gave a quick wave at and continued on.  

    Katie’s house pretty much fit into the same category as mine. A part of the same suburban housing development as mine, the only major difference between the two house was that hers had a two car garage and an extra room above that. I had only ever been to Katie’s place a handful of times being that during her sitting days of me, my mother preferred for me to have access to my own stuff. The few times I had been over, well Katie had shown me more than her room.

    At her front door, I had to stop and stare at the welcome mat. It was a white cat crouching with a blue fish in its mouth to match its eyes. Welcome was written across its body. With a smile, I rang the door bell and heard Katie running through the house.

    Katie was a blonde girl, short and a nerdy. She always wore red glasses to bring out her bright blue eyes. When she opened the door and greeted me with a giant smile, she was wearing jeans and a small shirt that showed off her belly button. Shorter than me, she also had tan skin and looked amazing.

    “Vance, come on in,” she greeted me, practically pulling me into the house.

    “Hey Katie,” I said in reply allowing her to pull me in and to close the door.

    “It’s been so long. Why haven’t you texted me back?”

    “Just been busy,” I replied.

    Katie accepted the answer and began pestering me about life. I asked a follow-up question and found out that she had started college, didn’t have a boyfriend and was working now off and on at a bar as a waitress. I was surprised by the latter being that she was nerdy. A bar didn’t seem to be her scene.

    “You should my uniform. I have to wear a corset and skirt with heels.”

    “That sounds pretty hot,” I said genuinely trying to picture her.

    “So Vance, you got handsome.”

    “You’ve always said that.”

    “Yeah, but now I mean it. Your filling out. Just look at these arms.”

    Her fingers dug into the biceps of my right arm. She was wearing a pleasant perfume
and it immediately assaulted me. Where I had been thinking about Dana more than anything else, Katie’s closeness brought back all of the memories.

    We had never dated, it would have been a scandalous revelation that would have ended all ties between us. Instead, we had snuck around, feeling each other up in her direction. She had taken my virginity and shown me how to be a thoughtful lover in most aspects. When I looked at her I leaned down and kissed her on the lips.

    Katie returned the kiss with gusto. She always did. It was one of the things the girl absolutely loved and before I knew it, they were heading up to her room.

    “Is this why you wanted me to visit?”

    “Hardly, but once you get the kitty purring, you have to take care of it.”

    “Hate to think what will happen when you get a boyfriend.”

    “There will always be a place for you Vance.”

    Going up the stairs I stared at her pert ass. Unlike Dana, who was stacked in
curves, Katie was more of the skinny girl with a little back and big breasts. All I know is that she is fun and we headed into her room.

    Now, Katie was a nerd and her room reflected that. She may have a cheerleader body, but the posters of various b-movie science fiction posters. Hanging from the ceiling were various models painted. She even had a table set up of miniatures and a desk piled with books. As cluttered as it appeared, it was actually clean. A shirt hit me in the face and I looked up to see Katie’s big breasts perky and ready for action. With a growl, I ran over to her and buried myself in them.

    Katie let out a squeal of laughter while I lifted her up and pushed her t the bed. Soon, one of her big nipples was in my mouth and she was moaning as I played with the udders. Swapping between the two, I knew exactly what to do to make her shudder underneath me.

    “Oh, I’m going to have to change my panties and pants Vance. You’re so mean.”

    I knew it was a farce of a complaint. Especially when she reached between us and fished her hands past the band of my shorts and wrapped around my member.

    “Jesus Vance, you being doing steroids?”

    “What? No,” I replied lifting up from her ample cleavage.

    “Lay down, I need to see this.”

    Compliant, I did as bid and she ripped my shorts away.

    “Damn, you’re huge.”

    I looked down to see what had her fascinated. It was just my cock, didn’t feel any different and I told her so.

    “I swear Vance. Before I could wrap my hand around it with no issue. It's as thick as a sausage.”

    And throbbing unlike one, though. Her hand was gripping hard, but it was pleasant.

    “So what now?” I asked.

    “Now you fuck me with it. Trade places.”

    We moved around and by the time I was poised above her, she had stripped completely. Her musk filled the room and fogged my thought. It smelled delicious. Without knowing if she was ready or not, I lined myself up and begin to thrust forward.

    “Vance, wait I’m not ready,” she said in almost terror, but there was no stopping me. Seriously, no idea what came over me. I pushed and pulled, lubing myself up slowly before my cock finally began sliding into a more pleasurable depth for both of us. Bigger or not, I kept going trying to get every bit of it in.Katie at this point knew she was along for the ride. She cried out and dug her nails into my back.

    “Your skin is so hot,” she said then began cooing in pleasure. I may have grunted but as my cock rested up against her womb, I pushed trying to get into that too. If she screamed in pleasure or pain that was lost on me. All that mattered to me was finishing. Reaming her, I was grateful when it felt like a tight doughnut was wrapping around the head of my dick. With a grunt, I shoved myself deep and held against her womb, letting it gingerly work itself into acceptance. When the fully gave way, Katie let out a yowl and I knew at that moment that she was lost in the throes of an orgasm as it racked her body.

    We fucked for what seemed like hours. I couldn’t cum while in the missionary. Moving around, she got on top and rode me in various ways, only to scream by herself in orgasmic bliss. What finally did me in was pounding her from behind in the classic doggy. My finish began with a roar and ended with us both exhausted on the bed.

    “Wow Vance, what the fuck was that?”

    “Sex?” I offered to her.

    “You’re a beast. My pussy is going to sore for a month.”

    “I’m sorry, but worth it.”
    She slugged me in the arm playfully.

    “What did you ask me over for?”

    “I wanted to tell you in person I was moving. Going to a really good college upstate.”

    “Angel Grove University?”


    “Cool. I think that’s where I’m going too.”


    “No,” I laughed.

    “Stop being an ass. Man, we got to get picked up, but I can’t move.”

    “Don’t want your brother to know you’ve been screwing me huh?”

    “He knows, but we don’t talk about it.”

    We talked some more, but as we did fatigue overtook me and I passed out.

    The first thing in my dream to happen was a maw of teeth snap shut in front of my
face. Without thinking, I slugged the muzzle to hear an angry growl. As the world appeared around, I found myself looking up to utter horror. A shadow of a bipedal wolf.

    “Round two huh? Don’t suppose you want to hug it out?”

    The red-eyed shadow wolf lets out a roar before opening up my belly. I gagged as I
watched my insides roll out of me and plop to the ground with a sickening sound. Without much hope, I let out an answering roar. To say it became pissed was an understatement.
Before I knew it, I was sailing through the air and landed on the ground a few feet away.

    “Man, you hit like a Sasquatch man, thought you were all wolf?”

    Not sure if that was an actual insult, but faced with pain, well humor is all I
had. Standing up, I found myself normal No guts of even a tear in my shirt. Dana had told me I had to fight to win.

    “Well, here’s Johnny,” I screamed running towards the nightmarish thing like a buffoon. I felt like an ass. Like the lone guy who stand up to a tank. How do you fight a wolf? Let alone a dream wolf? Wish it was like Dana, then I could just woo it with some banter and defeat it in more fun ways.

    It growled heartily at me as I approach. It poised to swipe at me and so instead of meeting it face first, I jumped and threw my legs out. The connection jarred me to a complete stop and I landed on the ground pushing all of the air out of my lungs. Ol’ wolfie made weird grunting sounds and then began wheezing.

    “Good young one.”

    I stood up and looked at a smaller wolf hunched over and holding its side.

    “You can talk?” I asked.

    “You showed fear once and now bravery.”

    “Yeah didn’t get the memo to fight.”

    “Do you know why you fight?”

    The wolf stood up.

    “To prove myself?”

    It huffed at me with that sickening wheezing.

    “Sometimes, but you showed something different. You ran, got advice and came back

    “Seemed like a good idea,” I said. His, hers, its response was to lean its head
back and laugh.

    “Vance, I deem you worthy to become Wolf. A child of the moon and a god in the
night. With my gift, I bestow upon you leadership. Use your wisdom and strength to be a
powerful and respected wolf. Your mate is also a gift, do not spurn her.”

    “Who are you?”

    “I am a Purified. One who tests the bloodlines and initiates. This won’t be the
last time we see each other.”

    With that, the shadowed wolf disappeared. For a fight that didn’t seem too bad.
Then my voice sounded all around in the dream. Faint at first until it became a beacon to
loud to ignore. I awoke with Katie shaking me.

    “Wh-what’s going on?” I stuttered out startled.

    “Vance, you have to go. My parents are home,” Katie said with a whisper.

    “Where am I supposed to go?”

    Katie looked around frantically.

    “What time is it?”

    “After four,” she said.

    Crap. Four hours? Did I sleep more than four hours?

    “You wore me out?”

    She stopped and looked at me blushing.

    “Vance, I don’t know what has happened to you, but I love it. I hope you’ll visit.”

     I mumbled out a for sure and she gave me a hug.

    “You’re going to have to sneak out the window.”

    The irony made me laugh but she shushed me.

    “They cannot find out. You need to go.”

    Still stifling laughs, I got dressed and lifted up the window.

    “See you later,” I said and left her room and pattered across the garage quickly
and quietly. I jumped off at the end and landed on the grass softly and took off. When I got a short distance away I started laughing before turning into a walking path that led into the woods.

    There are, of course, many different ways to travel through the suburbia that I lived in. Near my house was a big stretch of woods, but between every circle of houses was a small stretch of woods and winding paths meant for a more communal way of living. I chose to take this route even though it would take any more than thirty minutes to get home.

    Often, when I was bored, I liked to run the path. Being out in the woods made me feel calm and the running helped a lot. I was wasn’t running now, but someone ran up on me from behind. To my surprise, Rem ran by my, shirtless and wearing basketball short. He wasn't even wearing shoes. Stopping his run he waited for me to walk up and continued at my pace.
     “Hey Vance, nice day huh?”
I remembered how he looked at me the first time we met. Like a wild animal looking at its prey. He was nice, but also a werewolf. One that Dana had warned me about.

    “Yeah, I hope the weather holds. I think they were forecasting rain as a possibility tomorrow.”

    Rem was covered in sweat. He didn’t reek, but next, to him, I will say the taller man loved to work out. Dude was built. Seriously, looked like Adonis just woke up morning and handed the man, wolf, man-wolf his body.

    “So Vance, we should talk.”


    “I know Dana infected you.”

    The words stopped us both. Fear went through me.

    “Relax kid, I’ve known. Can smell you everywhere in the house. She tried, but Dana
was never really good about hiding scents.”

    “What are you going to do about it?”

    “Told you to stay low huh? Pretty smart. Honestly kid, I’m just waiting on you.”


    Rem’s brow furrowed as he looked at me. Even though his brown eyes locked on me, I
still felt like I was peering into a wolf’s.

    “She didn’t tell you huh?”

    “Not much.”

    “I’d tell you to do some research, but there isn’t much hope there.”

    “So why not kill me?”

    He laughed. A hearty one that eased the tension.

    “Look, kid, I could. We both know it, but you’re the only hope we got. By the way, don’t say anything to Kristen. I may be okay with it, but that little blonde will not be. She’ll look at you as weak.”

    “I feel weak.”

    “Don’t admit that. Take care of Dana too. She deserves it after the hell we’ve been

    We began walking again.

    “So what have you been through?”

    “Hasn’t told you a thing huh? I wonder why.”

    “Said she didn’t want to attach if I would die.”

    Rem was silent as the wind rustled. A pair of girls jogged by, looking hot as hell
in their track suits but their eyes were only on him. Who could blame them? I almost wanted Rem.

    “There are many things unknown to the first turned. You know, werewolves don’t often turn others. Too much risk.”

    We continued on.

    “So what are you doing out here?” I asked.



    “Don’t worry about it yet.”

    Without any warning, my ribs flared into pain, dropping me to the ground. Rem helped me back up.

    “You okay bud?”

    “Yeah, just I don’t know.”

    “You know, when I changed, I found chewing on mint leaves helped.”

    “you weren’t born?”

    “Me? I was born, but well, let’s say you don’t change until you are a teen. Still

    “How long?”

    “Until the first full change, ti will be painful. After, well, it's not.”

    I contemplated the mint leaves and what he had told me.

    “So why me?”

    “It could have been anyone kid. Dana chose you for her own reasons. I do what she


    He stopped and I turned around to look at him.

    “Because, Dana has lost more than any person I know. She deserves a chance at being happy.”

    “You won’t tell me?”

    He laughed and put a hand on my shoulder.

    “Vance, be safe man. Change fast too. The faster the better. It’s scary, but let it
happen and you’ll be wolf before you know it.”

    He turned to leave.

    “Hey Rem,” I said. He paused. “Thanks.”

    He waved a hand in disappeared almost too quietly into the woods. With his disappearance, I continued my own journey home. Walking in the front door, I was surprised to find my mother waiting for me.

    “Where have you been young man?” sh asked and the anger in her voice was evident.

    “Um, mom?”

    She looked annoyed.

    “I uh went over to Katie’s. She needed some help.”

    “You couldn’t tell me?”

    “You were asleep mom,” I told her, not understanding her anger. She never cared
what I was up to.

    “You need to tell me where you are.”

    “What’s up mom?”

    Her features softened and she hugged me.

    “Okay spill,” I said.

    “The town hasn’t said anything but bodies have been showing up in the hospital.”

    I pulled away.


    “Yeah, I’m worried. Keep close to the house please.”

    There was nothing but fear in her eyes.

    “Alright mom, I’ll be close.”

    She pulled away and turned to grab her purse. It was then that I saw she was in her

    “More work?’

    “Yeah, I got called in. I’m so sorry honey. I’ll make it up to you.”

    She left after giving me a kiss on the forehead. Alone in the house, I thought out
to Dana, asking her to come over as soon as she could. I hoped whoever Kristen was, she wasn’t around. I was about to lock the front door when I thought about it. While Dana may
not mind the window, today’s adventure sneaking out made me feel bad that she had been
doing the same for awhile. I told her the front door was open and reminded her she owed me
for the lawn.

    At that, I went to the kitchen and decided to get some food. Famished was an
understatement and while I cooked up some steaks, I began to eat anything that was fresh
in the fridge. Focused on cooking I jumped when I saw Dana leaning against the entrance to
the kitchen.

    “Jesus, make a sound would you,” I said moving back to flip the steaks.

    “I thought I told you not to sleep around.”

    Shit. Double fuck me right now. Dammit.

    “Yeah, it just happened. Are you mad?”

    I turned back to look at her. She was wearing jeans and a golden sweater. The kind
where it had a built in, well scarf looking thing for the collar. Her hair was down and
she looked annoyed. She had in sapphire earrings.

    “I’m not mad. It’s to be expected. I just told you so it wouldn’t create more
issues right now. If you infected her, she is going to be a handful to deal with.”

    I apologized and went back to cooking.

    “You want a steak?”

    “Yes,” she said curtly. I heard her move and she sat down at the dinette watching

    “I didn’t know you could cook.”

    “It’s a hobby.”

    I got some plates out and placed the steaks on. I had been steaming some broccoli
and had baked some rolls. Part of me was sad to share the feast I had prepared. Another
was really happy Dana was here. Finished with the prepping I sat next to her. I looked at
her and she kissed me.

    “Vance, you have to be careful from now on.”

    “I will. I’m sorry. She called me over and I don’t know. There was no control.”

    “You aren’t wolf yet, but it becomes difficult for other to resist you. You pick up on it.”

    “Just like you did with me,” I stated and she laughed.

    “Let’s eat,” she said. I will saw this, Dana at like an animal. Where I had started off by cutting into the medium rare steak with a fork and knife, she lifted the steak up
with her hands and tore into.

    “What?” she asked with her mouthful.

    “I uh, took you for a lady.”

    “Lady of the forest pup,” she said with a swallow.

    “I saw the wolf again.”

    “You did?”

    “Yeah. He uh talked to me.”

    She was silent and then looked at me.

    “Do you have wine?” she asked.

    “I got up and brought her a bottle of pink Moscato that was unopened in the small wine fridge my mom had.

    “No glass?”

    “Do you want one?”

    She laughed and I heard a pop as she pushed the cork into the bottle. She took a swig out of the bottle and I sat back down and continued.

    “You should eat like I do. It’s more fun.”

    “And messy,” I countered.

    “You’re complaining about have to lick it off me?”

    “Didn’t realize you were on the menu.”

    She smiled and put the bottle down.

    “Always. So what did the wolf tell you?”

    “Not much. Enjoy the change mostly, which I will tell you what a sarcastic bastard.
I’ve been in pain all day.”

    “It’s started?”

    “You don’t know?”

    “No. I guess you changing is something that can’t be sent through our link.”

    We both went silent and finished the meal. Afterward, Dana wanted to go out for a walk.

    “Supposedly there is a killer about,” I said bemused by that fact telling her. I mean, she is a werewolf.
    “Those I’ve killed will never be found, Vance.”

    The matter of fact that she put it made me tense. Would I be as cold-hearted? She didn’t answer that thought and we left my house as the moon was rising with the night. Sweat covered me quickly. I felt hot. My eyes refused to budge from the crescent moon. It was calling me, but still, I walked next to Dana. Both us were silent for awhile until we reached the woods.

    “Vance, are you mad I chose you?”

    “Not at all. I wish I knew why you had to find someone, though.”

    “Who told you that?”

    “I ran across Rem earlier walking. He knew.”

    Without warning, she held my hand and we both looked to the stars as the winked into sight.

    “I’ll come clean Vance.”


    “But only if you can catch me.”

    She took off running into the woods before I could react. Would have been cool if I nabbed her before she rustled. I heard her call out to me with a laugh.

    “Come on Vance, I’m naked too.”

    Well pucker me up and call me dandy. That was all the motivation I needed to run into the woods after her. Hard and looking for her, I quickly found myself lost. I knew nothing of the woods except for the paths carved into them and this place had none of
those. I heard giggling and kid you not, creepy fog appeared hovering a foot or two above the ground.

    I was about to call out in defeat when I stepped on her pants. I lifted them and sniffed the crotch. Hey now, I know perverted but I did have a pair of her panties once. Plus, I couldn’t smell if she was aroused, but instead got a pleasant scent of pine and cinnamon. I sniffed them again and realized I could smell it in the air. It wasn’t all around me either but seemed to be concentrated in one area. Realization hit me and I took off in that direction.

    Dana called out again and sounded closer. I knelt and wondered how to sneak. Maybe I could surprise her.

    “I can hear your thoughts pup,” she taunted.


    Feeling too hot, I stripped down and felt cooler. With that, I continued on through
the woods. I passed and went through a creek until eventually, I was alone in a field. The perfume seemed to be everywhere, confusing me. As I turned I saw the ears sticking up from a brush. They were long and tuffed at the end.

    “Hey now, no fair wolfing out on me.”

    The brush rustled and out stepped a werewolf on all fours. Its muzzle was bloody the scent dispelling the pleasant perfume. What sent fear through me were the eyes. I had seen Dana’s when she partially transformed and they had been a much lighter yellow. These were piercing and dark.

    “Um, you’re not Dana huh?”

    It growled at me and took a step towards me before standing tall. In its shaggy fur, I could see the round concealed mounds of her breasts. With a cock of the head, I figure out she was confused.

    “Hi, I’m Vance. Nice to meet you,” I offered feeling silly. What was I to do, run? She would catch me before I turned. She sniffed the air and dropped to all fours again. “You’re not Kristen are you?”

    Another growl, but this one was menacing. She wanted me to run.

    “What, you don’t want to kiss first?” I asked. She took a step back and before I registered what that meant, she was in the air flying towards me. Rolling away way to late, she landed a few feet away. When I came up, that’s when the run kicked in and I took

    My path was straight into the trees. She was bigger than I and so running through the thick brush meant a harder time for her. The crashing followed me through the woods as I expelled the exertion.

    “You know, this isn’t going well for a first meeting,” I called out. Why I needed to goad a werewolf who knew. Though she wasn’t happy. The crashing became louder, sounded more frantic.

    “Dana, I could really use your help right now,” I thought out hoping the werewolf hunting me wasn’t actually her. Lot of good it would do for me if it was. She had gone silent for too long.

    So there the two of us were running through the woods. One all fur and one naked as the day he was born. I had been keeping a good pace but the exertion was starting to get to me. Especially when I missed the sudden drop in fell into the cold water of a creek. Sitting up with a curse I got up and heard the crashing water.

    “Well crap, you found me,” I said and took off once again, but found myself trapped in the creek due to the high walls of the creek bed. I stopped and turned around just as she was getting ready to continue her pursuit.

    “Still don’t want to talk about it?”

    Another cock of the head. She went to take a step and stopped. This was it, the end of me and I closed my eyes accepting the end. Then a rush of air whizzed past me and there was a ton of splashing. Opening my eyes I saw two werewolves duking it out. Taking my cue, I took off once more not wanting to find out if they were fighting over who got to eat me.

    I eventually found a place to climb up and ran through the woods, hoping to find my way out soon and I did. Naked and basked in street light. I was about ten minutes from home and took off in a run in that direction, making sure to stay in the woods. I was nearing home when the pain went through my whole body.

    I know I cried out in agony. It felt like my skin was being ripped apart and my bones were breaking. Breath heaved in and out of me as drool pooled on the ground below me. Opening my eyes from the pain, I looked at my clawed hand as the veins popped on it and it bent at impossible angles. Then it just stopped and I fell exhausted. A twig snapped and that was enough to get me up again. Pushing through my body’s protests, I continued home.

    In my room, I was alone and worried about Dana. I had tried to call out to her a few times, but there was no word. I even looked out the window to her house, hoping she was there and confined because of the other werewolves. With a sigh, I went and showered before coming back to my room and sitting at my desk. I was about to start typing when there was a tapping on my window. Excited, I opened it up.

    “There you are, come on in.”

    What I didn’t expect was the first werewolf, the one who hunted me to push me away from the window and climb in.

    “Well, you caught me,” I said.

    What I didn’t expect was the sound of crunching to fill the room. I watched as the female werewolf reverted to her human form. She looked animalistic like that.

    “Can I use your shower?”

    “Um, well, yeah. All yours. First door on the right.”

    I should have run after she got in. Something told me it was a test and so I stayed put. Whoever this woman was, she was the forest. Her red hair had been matted. She was dirty and smelled sexily of earth. She was also skinny with a flat stomach and perky breasts that framed her body well. After my reflection, the door to the bathroom opened and she came into my room smelling of soap.

    “So uh?”

    “Your Vance huh?”

    “Yeah. You?”

    She was drying her hair with the towel, making her breast bounce mesmerizingly around. When she finished she looked at me.

    “My name is Aysel.”

    “Nice to meet you. Gave me a bit of a scare back there.”

    “You surprised me.”

    She tossed the towel away and it landed on the ground.

    “Sorry,” I said. Look, I had nothing to say.

    “I was going to kill you. I knew you were infected, but I saw you almost change.”

    “Oh, you got away to see that? What happened to the other one?”

    “He ran off.”

    That shocked me. Was it Rem?

    “So why not kill me?”

    “One, because a male rescued another male. And Two, you’re an Alpha.”

    “A what?”

    “An Alpha. A pack leader.”

    There was a scratching sound and both of us looked over to the window as Dana came
in naked.

    “You bitch, how could you?”

    They both growled and I felt like I needed to say something.

    “Ladies, peace, please. Um, a fight here will get the cops called.”

    They both looked at me. When my eyes locked onto to Dana I asked her where she
went. She didn’t reply, but Aysel continued.

    “I want to be a part of your pack,” she said.

    Dana responded with a no.

    “I wasn't asking you. He is the Alpha.”

    “You hurt my friend.”

    “A feat I’m that was only possible because he wasn’t at full strength. How long
have you guys been without a leader?”

    “Too long, you?”

    “Same. I’m almost fully feral. I need to belong. Please.”

    The two women stared at each other.

    “I will say yes, but he is mine,” Dana said.

    “I don’t want him as a mate, just to keep my sanity,” Aysel said.

    “I’m not even bonded to him yet,” Dana replied.

    “Together?” the red head asked. Something was going on, a conversation between
women. Before I knew it, both of them were all over each other, kissing and making out. Their hands squeezed flesh and quickly my room began to smell of musky women.

    “Hey uh, you guys can’t do that here.”

    Dana broke the kiss.

    “He’s right. Come on.”

    Dana went out the window and Aysel followed. I was about to sit down and contemplate the two hot woman in my room when Dana poked her head in.

    “You coming?”

    Unlike them, I did not use the window. Instead, I rushed through the house and came out the front door. Both of them had a look of annoyance on their face, but the three of us headed back to the woods.

    “So there is a tree house out here somewhere,” Dana said. Then she skipped to a big oak and climbed up a ladder nailed into its side. Aysel went up next and finally me.

    It was dark, but the moonlight showed in giving me enough to see that the two women were already back in each other's arms. It amazed me that Dana had been so forgiving or that she was currently moaning with the other girl as the kissed. Suddenly, they were in the classic 69 with Dana on the bottom.

    I watched as each woman made sucking noise and moans. Dana’s legs slammed on the wood more than once and I saw that the two of them were on some blankets and sheets. Aysel let out a long moan.

    “Okay you win,” she cried out. I hadn’t realized this was a competition.

    The red head rolled away in gasps. Dana called me over.

    “So Vance, you ready?”

    “To go all the way?”

    She laughed and so did Aysel.

    “In a way pup. We are going to force you to fully change.”


    “Like this.”

    Dana pulled me on top of her into a passionate kiss. My cock had rested up against the fold of her sex. Not trying to rush, I held off of pushing in so that I could play with her bountiful breast. She broke the kiss.

    “I don’t need foreplay, Vance. Just sex,” she moaned.

    “Won’t you tear me apart?”

    “Not now,” she said.

    With a shrug, I pushed my hips forward and let her heat engulf me.

    “Oh Vance, not so slow,” she cried out. But I kept it slow, making sure to push myself as far as I could before drawing it back out. I kept this pace until I was ripped away and found Aysel straddling me.

    “You ride his face. Come on, he can’t be in control.”

    With that, a super tight and wet pussy slid down my deck.

    “You ready boy, you’re in for a long night,” Aysel said.

    I may have wanted to reply but then Dana walked over and stood over me. Coming down
slowly, she made sure my mouth was lined up perfectly.

    “Eat Vance, I need it,” she begged.

    The heat from her cunt was on my face. It was like a waterfall and it was musky. I
had eaten Katie out before and she had a tangy more salty taste. Dana’s was sweet. Like
sugar and I began licking the outside, lapping her up even as she coated my face. I heard talking but couldn’t hear it.

    Two things happened at the same time. The tight pressure on my cock began to finally move and Dana’s legs squeezed, trapping me in an oven of body heat. Thank god for free hands and I reached up to spread her firm ass, allowing much-needed air to my lungs. Dana shifted to make it easier and it was here that I realized the woman above me had shown me something more intimate than she probably meant too. I couldn’t see her anus in the light, but my tongue found it. There was a throaty moan and I made a mental note of it before going back to her pussy. This time, I rammed my tongue in as far as I could go and let her ride my face.

    The two women kept the same pace. Kid you not. Each of Dana’s hips was a stroke on my dick from Aysel. I don’t know how I got so lucky to go from being killed to being in a three-way, but this was heaven. Or so I thought.

    It went on for what seemed like forever. It went like this until the girls swapped positions and kept the same pace. I found Aysel to be really musky and her taste harsh, but no complaints from me. We continued on

     It was starting to make my anxious to finish and I tried to thrust my hips only to find that one or both of them was keeping me pinned. There was a giggle, but no humor for me. I grew angry and began to tongue fuck Aysel as hard as I could. I’m pretty sure she came more than once with the flood of juices running over my face. Then her heat was gone but I didn’t cool. I was shaking.

    Dana rode me crying out for the first time in her own orgasm. I saw her begin to change and she looked down at me with pure animal lust in her eyes.

    “It’s time Vance. Time for you to change. Cum in my pup, become a wolf.”

    Her pace thankfully picked up and all I can say, is that when she brought me to my finish, it was one to sing about for the ages. I howled before the pleasure became mixed with pain. Everything hurt, but it didn’t matter. With a flash of light, my world changed.


2017-02-22 11:32:59
Great story

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-06 16:36:23
Some of the typing "falws" put me back a little, and changing of the lines paragraphs.
Other than that it`s most decidedly a good read, looking forward to the next one, at your leisure of course!

Ruell WillsReport 

2017-02-03 22:20:07
Thank You for all Your hard work and this fantastic werewolf story. I hope you plan on finishing this story. so please keep writing and posting new chapters.Thank you

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-03 22:14:26
When Is the next chapter coming out

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-03 02:41:47
i just wish that u would post these more often they r a great read

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