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Apparently my friend gets off on pain followed by sex. Im jealous of her husband. Enjoy everyone.
MatrimKnotai: stands up and starts to stride towards the playroom while snapping at her and pointing behind him to say follow without ever once looking at her or saying a word.

LovingSkye: Hearing his snap, she is jolted into action, and stands, walking silently behind him as they make their way to the playroom.

MatrimKnotai: stops in front of a set of leg stocks and points at the ground under the stocks. "Lay down on your back slave, head towards the wall."

LovingSkye: She walks up behind him, seeing a pair of leg stocks strapped to the wall, cold metal chains that would soon be holding her captive. "Yes sir." She lays down, the cold floor bringing goosebumps to her arms and shoulders. She laid her head against the wall, waiting for his next command as she turned slowly to look at him.

MatrimKnotai: leans down and with a rhythm that suggests he has done this many times before, reaches out with his left hand and grabs the left cuff while his right hand grabs her left leg by the ankle and pulls it up to the cuff, He efficiently pushes the cuff against her ankle and snaps it closed around
her soft skin.

LovingSkye: She watches his rhythmic movements, clearly he had done this before. His warm hand found her left ankle and for a moment, her body was warm, until she hears the soft snap of the cuff, and the feeling of cold hard metal sinks into her skin "It's quite cold..." She says, staring from the cuff, back to the master."

MatrimKnotai: reaches for her right leg with his right hand as his left hand grabs the right cuff. He pulls the two towards each other and snaps that cuff over her soft skin as well before sliding his right hand down the underside of her right leg. "It hasn't been used in a long time. Of course it is cold. Did you think I brought you over here for comfort slave? Hell, you still don't even know what you did yesterday."

LovingSkye: The feeling of warmth spreads through her again as his right hand makes contact with her skin. The feeling is once again quickly washed away by the feeling of stagnant metal pressed up against her leg. She shivers as his hand runs down her right leg. "No, of course not sir." She blushes, then a look of confusion crosses her eyes. "Yesterday?" Her eyes widen as she frantically searches her mind, trying to remember. "I-I don't.....I don't understand." She mumbles

MatrimKnotai: grins down at her as he shifts to the right side and settles himself between her legs. His right hand slides down to her ass and his thumb ghosts over her right pussy lip, spreading it open for me to look at her. "What was it that you admitted yesterday slave? What is it your said?" He lifts his left hand and trails the pointed finger down the spread lip, gathering her juices as the finger continues down to her little rosebud. He presses against it lightly without penetrating.

LovingSkye: She watches him, his smile tearing into her heart as he moves to her right, sliding his hand down, touching her pussy, which had already begun to collect moisture in anticipation. Her heart sinks as she remembers exactly what had happened "I-I'm a little slutty slave." She whispers, feeling him press against her, but she feels nothing inside her. She gulps down air as she watches him. "What are you going to do to me?" She says, her eyes pleading

MatrimKnotai: he presses a little harder against her rosebud making it slowly start to spread before pulling back and doing it again. He rubs her right pussy lip with his thumb as he leans forward and takes a deep breath through his nose to smell her pussy. "Are you aware of the new laws slave? Do you know what you have done to yourself by saying that?"

LovingSkye: She holds her breath as he rubs her pussy lip with his thumb. Her eyes gloss over as she feels his breath dangerously close to her slit. "New laws?" She cocks her head to try to look at him, to read him, but she's fastened in well. "No, I-I don't." Her body suddenly convulses in a shiver of fear at his words. "What Have I done?" She whispers to herself

MatrimKnotai: chuckles as he leans closer to her pussy, letting his breath ghost over her most sensitive place. He slowly applies firm pressure to the finger on his left hand that is pushing against her ass until it pops inside of her. He pushes it in all the way to the last knuckle. He turns his eyes up to see her between her legs while keeping his mouth close to her pussy so his breath teases her. "Any woman who says they are a slave for any reason becomes property of the newest male. And I have you on video doing so. Your life is now mine slave." He sticks out his tongue and oh so slowly licks her slit from the bottom all the way up to her clit.

LovingSkye: His laugh sends another shiver up her spine, and she watches as he leans closer until only the top of his head is visible. She then feels a sudden warmth on her pussy, his breath. Her lower half jerks with the motion. She feels her tight hole suddenly become occupied as his finger slides into her ass. She gasps, her breath catching in her throat as her heart starts to pound. She meets his eyes, they're glittering with mischief, which makes her both nervous, and intrigued. He continues to blow his hot breath on her pussy lips, making her shiver with pleasure. She listens to his words, trying to think of a way to get out of the supposed contract. Then her heart sinks when she hears him say he has it on video. She is almost ready to cry, until she feels the sweet sensation of his tongue very slowly making its way up from her opening to her clit. She breathes steadily to keep from releasing any juices. "I belong to you now...." She says, her mind clouding with pleasure. "Take me." She whispers

MatrimKnotai: pulls his tongue back away from her as her hears his words. He looks back up at her with a hit of anger in his eyes. "You demand nothing slave. Your video has already been sent to the authorities and you have been declared my property to do with what i will. And property doesn't demand. He Pulls his finger out of her ass and stands up while looking around obviously searching for something, He shakes his head at not being able to see it and walks out of the playroom and over to the doors. He looks over the BDSM items hanging there before grabbing a paddle from the wall and returning to the playroom. He walks towards her with the paddle in sight so that she knows what is coming.

LovingSkye: She reels back at the harshness of his words, his voice gruff. How could she be so stupid, of course she couldn't demand anything of him. She feels the sweet release of his finger as it slips out of her ass. She watches him, curiously as he looks around the room. He seems unsatisfied, and he gets up and momentarily is out of her view. As she hears his footsteps approaching again, she strains her neck to watch him, and her heart clenches as she sees the paddle he's holding in his hands. She shifts a bit on the floor, her shoulder hitting a spot that hadn't been warmed by their body heat, sending another shiver down her arm, creating goosebumps again and making her hairs stand on end.

MatrimKnotai: leans down next to her and looks at her face for a few moments before speaking as he taps the paddle in his hands. "If I want to fuck you, I will fuck you. If I don't want to fuck you then I won't fuck you. If I want to hurt you, I will hurt you. If I want to sell you, then I will sell you. Do you understand slave? You have no power, no rights. You much ask to speak, you must ask to use the restroom, eat, change position. Your life is no longer yours to control." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the chastity belt that was on her yesterday before sitting it down out of her reach but within her sight to torment her with what will be happening soon enough. He stands and walks around her to between her lifted legs.

LovingSkye: She listens to his words as he stands next to her, with each tap of the paddle, her body tenses a bit more. She knows she has lost complete control, but can't help but keep a bit of pride and a bit of her old self locked in her eyes as she stares at him. Hearing the familiar sound of leather against metal, she flinches. He brings the chastity belt into her view,then places it just far enough away that she can't reach it. He was good at his torment, she could sense that he loved it, maybe even got off on it. She watched him slowly and deliberately stand and walk to a position between her legs. "Are-are you going to punish me, sir?" She asks, her face flushed, her heart pumping, and her feet beginning to feel numb from being held up for so long.

MatrimKnotai: sighs at her words as he looks down on her. "Did you not just here me say that you need to ask for permission to speak slave? Is there something wrong with your hearing? The only time you can speak without asking is if I said something that a useless thing like you has to respond to. Got it slave?" He taps the paddle against the arch of both of her feet to make them jump and get blood flowing to prevent them going numb.

LovingSkye: Her heart sinks as she realizes that she's made a mistake. She thinks for a moment, wondering if he wants her to answer with a "yes" or silence. So instead, she nods, slowly. She feels the blood rush back to her feet as he taps the paddle against them. She watches him carefully, wanting to ask so many questions, but keeping silent, as he's asked her to.

LovingSkye: Her heart sinks as she realizes that she's made a mistake. She thinks for a moment, wondering if he wants her to answer with a "yes" or silence. So instead, she nods, slowly. She feels the blood rush back to her feet as he taps the paddle against them. She watches him carefully, wanting to ask so many questions, but keeping silent

MatrimKnotai: lifts the paddle to his chin thoughtfully before getting an evil grin. He mutters to himself as his eyes travel over all of her body. "Hmmm, If I hit her there it will leave some bruising but not much of an impact. But there will have more impact but could break something. If I hit there it could ruin her nice skin...." He seems to straighten suddenly with an answer. 'Well that just leaves here, which is perfect." He slaps the paddle down quickly from his and across the bottom of her right foot with a loud SMACK!

LovingSkye: She watches him intently, searching his face, for anything really. She watches his eye, slowly making their way across her body, stopping in certain places, before moving along again after he mumbles to himself. She draws in a breath as he straightens, his eyes lighting up. She sees only a quick movement, and suddenly the bottom of her right foot stings with fire. She yelps, the pain causing a single tear to spring to her eye. She breathes slowly and deeply, closing her eyes, willing the pain to subside. Her foot is hot and she assumes it must be red from the force of the smack. Keeping her lips closed, she lets out a small feeble whimper, before turning her attention back to his face.

MatrimKnotai: pulls the paddle back up to his chin as he watches her face with a calculation grin. His dick jumps in his pants at her yelp and the sight of a tear falling from her eye and tracing a path down her skin. He raises an eyebrow at her as she looks back towards him with a whimper. "Well slave? Not going to say anything?" He keeps contact with her eyes as he slaps the paddle down again across the bottom of her right foot as his own right foot moves forward. He places the bottom of his boot against her pussy lips and holds it there as he waits for her to calm back down.

LovingSkye: She opens her mouth as if to speak, but feels the sharp rap of the paddle against her foot again, she flails her arms, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks now, her heart beating out of her chest, and her ears ringing. She hardly feels his boot pressed against her pussy. "I don't....I can't...." She gasps for breath, her voice breaking when she tries to ask to speak. She just looks up at him, her eyes pleading, as she glances down at the paddle then back up at his face.

MatrimKnotai: eyes shine with a sadistic glee at her pain. A bulge rapidly forms and hardens in his jeans as she screams from the pain. A small moan escapes from his throat at the sight of the tears and the sound of her voice failing her. He gives her a grin as he opens his mouth to speak. "Thats two slave, only three more to go." He presses his boot down a little. Just enough to squash her pussy lips flat against her slit but applying no real pressure.

LovingSkye: She watches his face go through a series of emotions, sadistic joy, pleasure, possible anticipation. She feels the slight press against her pussy, and notices the growing erection, now very evident, in his pants. She looks up at him, her eyes red. She takes a deep breath, then nods, staring at her right foot, preparing herself for the next hit.

MatrimKnotai: notices her tensing up and preparing for the next blow. He softly slides the edge of the paddle across the bottom of her right foot just to watch her squirm from the pain her foot was in and from anticipation of the next blow. He lifts the paddle up to his chin with excruciating slowness in order to draw out her suffering before immediately slapping it down hard not on her right foot as she had expected but on her left.

LovingSkye: She squirms as he drags the paddle across her tender right sole. Sending another tear rolling down her cheek. She watches him draw the paddle to his chin, so slowly that she squirms again, but this time, impatient. She closes her eyes as he swings the paddle down, but an unexpected pain erupts on her left foot. She rolls to the side, her body hitting the cold floor, a small puddle forming under her face as she cried. She wanted to run, to slip away, but she was held firmly in place by the cold metal shackles around her ankles. "Please..." She whispers, sounding like a child.

MatrimKnotai: raises an eyebrow at her as he hears her say please. He lifts the paddle up to his chin again as he gazes at her. "Please what slave? Stop? Let you go? There is nothing you can do to stop me and you can never escape me. For you belong to me." He punctuates the last word by bringing the paddle again on her left foot with no warning. He also pushes a bit harder on her pussy slowly applying pressure and smashing her pussy lips and clit flat.

LovingSkye: his voice rings in her ears, she feels every word, slicing into her like a knife. The sudden pain brings a flash of darkness to her eyes, little specks of black blur her vision before more tears come. She's sobbing now, like a fussy baby, she cries, feeling his boot push against her clit, the treads more than likely creating little patterns on her lips and the very insides of her thighs. Both of her feet sting with intermixing flares of heat and pain. She tastes the saltiness of her tears hit her lips, and her nose feels wet.

MatrimKnotai: gains a satisfied look after looking down at her. "That's how i like my slaves. Broken and compliant. A bit of fight here or there to have fun with but mostly compliant. Isn't that what you are, you little cunt? A compliant little whore for your Master." He presses down a little more on her pussy and grinds his boot for a couple seconds before pulling his right foot back to where he is standing. "Now where should the last one land slut?"

LovingSkye: She refuses to look at his face, but when his question reaches her ears, she nearly screams at him "Yes master, I'm a compliant little whore." Her voice shakes as she says it, and she gasps as his foot presses down harder. She takes his words and tone into account, and feels it's safe to answer "Wherever it pleases you, master." She sniffles, her wet sobs bouncing off the walls and reverberating in her ears.

LovingSkye: She barely feels his foot come away, her pussy lips throbbing

MatrimKnotai: uses his left hand to move her legs from each other until they are at the max distance allowed. He kneels down a bit to get closer and locks eyes with her as his right hand starts tapping the paddle on her left foot then right foot, and then back to her left foot in a repeating cycle as if he can't decide. "Very good. See? You can be a good slave after all can't you?" He smiles reassuringly at her while his right hand suddenly changes course while moving from one foot to another and slams straight down on her smashed and spread pussy lips and clit.

LovingSkye: She flinches in pain as her legs are spread apart, and he kneels down to lock eyes with her. With each tap of the paddle on her feet, she flinches, and her tears threaten to boil over again. She breath still comes out in gasps, and she feels her feet begin to throb as the pain subsides, but knowing that the pain will return soon enough makes her groan inwardly. His smile is a bit different this time, almost gentle, and she cocks her head trying to read him when sudden fire hits her crotch. "KEYAAAAAAAA!!!" She screams as the paddle hits her pussy, sending a shockwave of pain into her stomach. Her vision blurs, and the black specks return, before finally she passes out and slumps down, dead weight.

MatrimKnotai: stands up and shakes his head at how low her pain threshold was. He walks back to the tools by the door and hangs up the paddle while grabbing the smelling salts. He walks back into the room and before waking her up, he undoes his belt and slips out of his pants. He walks around her so that he is staring down between her legs. He kneels down and leans forward between her legs to hold the salts under her nose.

LovingSkye: She shifts slightly, her nose filling with a sickly sweet smell. Her eyes fly open and she flails around for a moment before remembering where she was and why her feet and her pussy are throbbing. She looks up at the man kneeling before her, his pants off, boxers tented with an erection that seemed to only be growing larger. She stares down at herself, wondering if she should apologize for passing out. Instead she shakes her head, and tries to pull the heat out of her cheeks, and stop the tears from coming. She looks up at him, repositioning herself to a more comfortable posture. "M-master?" She says questioningly, not knowing if her words would bring on another onslaught of punishment. Her pussy stung with pain, and she reached her right hand down to cup it over her mound, her breath catching at the pain, then releasing as the cold from her hand soothed it.

MatrimKnotai: he leans back up and sets the salts to the side. His eyes harden as he sees her place her hand on her pussy and with his right hand he smacks it, driving it into her sore pussy hard. "Did I tell you to cover yourself slave? You never cover yourself in front of your Master. Remove your hand before I remove it for you." He reaches up with his left hand and smacks the bottom of her left foot in warning.

LovingSkye: She gasps as he smacks her hand down into her pussy, quickly she draws it away. The feeling of fire burns in her left foot again as he smacks it, the anger in his eyes evident. "Yes Master, I-I'm sorry Master." She moves both of her hands almost underneath her, looking at his boxers bulging under the stress of his erection.

MatrimKnotai: watches her for a moment and nods in satisfaction when she pushes her arms almost underneath her and out of the way. He moves his hands to the edges of his boxers and lets his dick stand out proud. He places both of his hands against the back of her calves as he scoots forward and lines his dick up with his slit. He gives her one final glance before thrusting his hips and pushing himself in her. He doesn't stop until his hips slap against her burning pussy.

LovingSkye: Her eyes widen as she watches him pull down his boxers to reveal his girth underneath. His warm hands grasp the back of her calves, and he moves closer to her. She locks eyes with im once more, before her drives his erection into her slit. Hardly able to contain herself, she removes her arms from under her, and is about to reach out to grab him, when a new sensation arises in her pussy, one of arousal. She feels his hips smack against her clit and the insides of her thighs, and feels her wetness slowly begin to cool her burning pussy as he fills her with his erection.

MatrimKnotai: /me pulls his hips back slowly until just the head of his dick was inside of her pussy. He looks up at her again as he moves his hand up her legs and over her heels. He grabs the bottoms of her feet in a tight grip as he slams himself back inside of her.

LovingSkye: She moans softly as he pulls his dick almost all the way out, both in pain and in pleasure. She glances at him, her tears almost completely dried up, and a small smile beginning to grace her lips. His hands travel up her legs, and clamp down on her feet, making her bite her lip as small specks of pain shoot up her legs. She let's out a small yelp of pleasure ss she's slammed again.

MatrimKnotai: grunts as he continues slamming himself inside of her. "You better cum quick slut. Hearing you scream has me just ready to go. And once I'm done that belt goes on. So enjoy having this cunt filled while you can." He starts kneading her feet with his fingers to bring up fresh flares of pain.

LovingSkye: She starts to moan, her body filling with the familiar tingling sensation that orgasm brings. She shivers unnoticably hearing his words. With each press on her foot, a new jolt of pain shoot up her leg. She begins to moan louder, her orgasm seconds away. She waits for a moment, just to tease him, before letting go, and letting her pussy juices coat his throbbing cock. "Ohhhhhh Fuck yes." She nearly screams, her voice shaking as her body convulses from the orgasm.

MatrimKnotai: /me throws his head back at the feeling of her cunt clamping down on his dick. He grunts as he pushes into her as hard as he can and erupts inside her pussy, claiming it as his and painting her insides white. He rocks against her for about half a minute before finally pulling back a little and looking down at her. "I hope you enjoyed that slut. Because that's the last one you will get for a long time.

LovingSkye: She feels his erection throb inside her, and smiles as his face screws up with his grunting. Her pussy is suddenly filled with the warmth of his cum, and she lets out a gasp of air. She watches him roll against her, his hips still bucking from orgasm, before finally he looks down at her. She smiles at his words, not even taking into account the harsh tone he used. "Of course Master." She tilted her head in acknowledgement, biting her lip to keep from smiling like a giddy school girl.

MatrimKnotai: pulls out of her and reaches out to his left for the chastity belt. He holds the straps and pushes them along the ground under her ass. He looks at her wondering if she will lift her ass to help get herself locked in chastity. Wondering just how much was she really broken and under his control.

LovingSkye: She watches him grab the chastity belt, her body still quivering slightly from the orgasm. She hears the straps scraping along the ground, and meeting his eyes, she smiles, and lifts her hips.

MatrimKnotai: looks at her in approval as it slides under her hips. He lets go of it and reaches between her legs with both arms to grab both sides of the belt and pull them together before pulling the third strap up tight against her pussy and asshole. He pulls each strap tight and then lines them up with the small locks for those spots. He clips them into places and locks them to keep them there. He then leans back to look at his slave.

LovingSkye: She watches intently, his hands working quickly and expertly as he locks her away for another rainy day. As he leans back, she gives him a smile and decides to do something bold. "Until next time Master." She bites her lip,feeling the leather of the chastity belt begin to warm against her skin.

MatrimKnotai: glances at her in warning. "Did I tell you to speak slave? Did you ask permission?" He leans up and unhooks her ankles before standing up and walking out of the room expecting her to follow on her hands and knees like a good little slave should.

LovingSkye: Her legs fall like dead weight as he unhooks her, she rubs some feeling back into them before glancing up at him. He strides out of the room, tall and proud. She tries to stand, but her legs feel like jelly and her feet are tender from the paddling, so resigning to his whims, she gets on her hands and knees, and crawls out the door, just like a good little slave should.

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