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After 9 years, Pete found himself alone, after his wife left him, only to find Sandy, and older woman who, like Pete, thought she had the best, only to be dumped after more than 30 years of marriage.
15 years ago, Pete, who was 23, married what he believed was the woman of his dreams. April was 20, at that time, and was gorgeous. Slim, 5’4”, 110 lbs. with strawberry blond hair. She had a nice rack and loved sex. They dated only a year and were then married. The only thing they did not agree on was kids. Pete wanted them and April did not. Pete thought as time went on, he could change her mind.

After a year of saving up, they bought a nice 3 bedroom bungalow. Granted, it was built in the early 60’s, but the asking price was something they could afford. Over the years, they put in new carpet, and refinished the kitchen to make it modern looking. They even added a deck and placed a hot tub there, and knocked out a window in their bedroom and put in a door, to have easier access to the deck. It was great for late night romps in the tub.

Sex was never an issue for Pete and April. They both loved it and were very active every week. At least 4 times a week, especially on weekends. On many occasions, April initiated the sex. She, I guess, could be looked on as a quasi nymphomaniac. There was nothing she wouldn’t try sexually and loved pretty much everything.

Pete had graduated from college with a degree in business management and landed a job with his uncle’s construction firm. First as a laborer, then learned many of the trades, when it came to home construction. By his 5th year with them, he was a foreman, running his own crew.

April, who never went on to college, was first working for a department store, until a cousin said she could get her in at the local grocery company she worked for. Better pay and benefits. So two years after they married, April switched jobs and life was pretty good.

They always took vacations together and would travel all over. Twice, they went on a cruise, and almost every year, they headed down to Florida in the winter, to just relax and escape the frigid Ohio cold. They also became friendly with their neighbors. Paul and Carol, who were in their mid thirties, with 4 kids, lived on the left side of their house, and Sandy and Bill, who were in their late thirties, and they had 2 kids, a boy and a girl. During the summer, they would go to BBQ’s at one of the houses, or would host them as well. Everyone got along great.

Then about 8 years into their marriage, April started to change. She had moved up in the company and was now an assistant supervisor. She was starting to go to conferences and shows, that related to the grocery industry. Plus, she was starting to hang with new friends. Some Pete liked, but a few others, he did not care for. But, for her sake, Pete was always willing to go along with what April wanted to do.

She always wanted to go to this one bar and be with her new friends. I always went with her, like a sap that I am. But things were changing too, on the home front. Sex was starting to slow down for us. It gradually started to go down to 2 a week, then once a week, and that was usually a Saturday night, after coming home from the bar. This went on for almost a year.

One weekday though, April was off on a Wednesday, and I got off of work early. I figured I needed a little down time, but when I got home, April wasn’t home when I got there. About an hour later she showed up, and she was surprised I was home. I had just come out of the shower and had a towel around me. She said she was going to shower too. I stayed naked and laid on the bed and awaited her return.

When she came back into the room, she had her robe on and I was laying there naked as the day I was born. She told me she wasn’t in the mood right now. I kind of got pissed and told her I hadn’t had her in over a week, so she reluctantly gave in. There was no foreplay or anything, she just laid there, spread her legs. When I entered her, it felt different for some reason. She was already wet, but wasn’t as tight as she normally was. It took like 5 or 6 minutes and I came. She didn’t but she said she was good. She got up and dressed and then made dinner.

It was about 8 months later, right after our anniversary, she came home from work and said we needed to talk. That would have been a big change, since we hardly talked anymore, and if we did, it was always about her work or her friends.

“Pete, I love you, But, I am not in love with you anymore.” She had tears streaming down her face then. “I think it would be best if we went our separate ways.”

“So, Who is he and how long has this been going on?” I asked.

“There is nobody, honest. I just want to explore life. I never really got to date others and see what is out there, and now I want too.”

My mind was reeling now. I never knew what hurt was until she said this to me. Part of me wanted to just shake her and ask “What the fuck is wrong with you?” but I didn’t. I just shook my head and started to cry myself. My perfect little world just came to an end.

“Ok. I don’t want to be an asshole here, so go, if you must. What do you want?”

“Nothing, except my stuff. You can have the house and I will sign over my half to you. All I really need is a bed and a couch. I’ll buy whatever else I need.”

I laughed and said to her, “Seems like you have had this planned out for a while now. But of course you have. I should have known last year, when things changed so much between us. Pretty blind of me, I’d say.”

That night, when I went to bed, I got on my side and April walked in.

“What are doing?”

I looked at her and said, “This is my bed. You can share it if you want, but I am not leaving it. There is the bedroom upstairs. Use that one.”

She just crawled in and went to sleep, like nothing was wrong. This lasted two months, until she found a suitable place to live. It was the longest two month’s of my life. Funny thing was, we never told a soul what was happening between us, not even my parents or her’s. I think I was holding out hope that she'd change her mind.

The day the U-Haul truck pulled in, made it clear to me that my dream girl and the perfect marriage I had thought we had was over. I remember her, and a couple of her friends moving the stuff out. I sat on the back deck while they worked. I took off that day to make sure she took only what we agreed too, which she did. When she was done, she just came to the deck and said bye, and left.

About an hour after she left, Sandy, my next door neighbor came over. She was a super nice person, and asked what the hell was going on. So I told her. She was very nice and also comforting to me.

Sandy is 14 years older than I am, and her husband Bill, is 16 years older. Sandy is a branch manager at a local bank. Bill is into sales, and is always on the road. Usually 3 out of the 4 weeks, a month. Like I said before, they have 2 kids. Bill Junior, who is 32 now, and Annibell, or Annie. She is now 29, and single, but I have to say, is quite the looker, just like her mother. Bill Jr. lives on the west coast now and Annie lives 2 towns over from here. Sandy is in her late 40’s when April left. But, you would never know it. She is 5’4”, and I would say around 135 or so, with blond hair and the nicest set of breast I’d seen on a woman that age. Easily 36C. They have a pool and I have seen her in a bikini on many occasion, and she does it justice, that’s for sure.

Sandy told me that day, that if I ever needed a friend to talk too, don’t hesitate, just come on over. She even suggested that April already had a man in her life, which I also thought, but never said it aloud.

By April of the next year, our divorce was final, and I was already into the bachelor mode in my life. I pretty much kept to myself and just worked and worked a lot, too. The night of the court proceedings, Sandy came over with a roast and all the fixings. She wanted to make sure I ate. I really wasn’t hungry, but I ate anyways, so I would not offend my neighbor. She has a quick wit and was making me laugh, which is what I needed. She did say that it was time I start getting out there again and maybe find someone to be with, or at least a “Buddy” to help a man out. I was shocked when she said that. We never talked about sex, except one time and how it was between my ex and I, before the breakup.

I did follow her advice a few weeks later, and went to a bar I knew April’s sister would frequent. We were still on good terms and we always got along. But that night, she wasn't there. But I did run into a guy that used to run around with April and her new friends.

Chuck was about 5 years younger than me and when he saw me, he came right up and gave condolences to what had happened between April and I. We drank a couple of beers and shot the shit for a bit. Then he floored me when he said,

“Dude. I knew something was going to happen between you two.” Being curious, I asked why.

“Well, for a married woman, she sure was with those people a lot and drinking and smoking pot all the time. I gave up hanging with them. But I do know she was sleeping with two of them too.”

“She told me she wasn’t seeing anyone, when we split. Guess I should have known better.”

“Hey sorry, I thought you knew. She even came on to me a couple of times, but I did not want the trouble that could follow. She’s hanging with the wrong crowd now, but that’s her problem.”

We sat and bullshitted a little more, but I was pretty down after hearing that shit. I just went home then. I pretty much immersed myself in work. The only socializing I would do, was with family, or my neighbors. I had taken it upon myself to start cutting Sandy’s lawn for her, since Bill was never around, and when he was, he usually was playing golf. In the winter, I always plowed her drive for her too. Sandy was always so appreciative of these things. We had many a dinner together and just sit and talk.

This went on for the next 3 years. I knew a lot about her life and her family. Annie and I got along too, as I did with Bill. But I also knew that things were not a happy time in her household. And now with the kids grown, she was alone a lot of the time. I’m sure I could have fucked her on many occasion, but knowing what happened to me, I could not even think of doing that to her, or Bill.

About a little over a year ago, I got a knock on my door. It was a Tuesday evening. I opened the door, and there stood Sandy, tears running down her face and a bunch of paper in her hand.

I let her in and her hands went around my neck and she started bawling her eyes out. I let her dry and cry, without knowing what the hell was going on. Finally I pushed her back some and said “What the hell has you so upset.

“Look…. Look at these emails I found on our computer. That motherfucker has a mistress.”

She gave them to me and I started reading them. A few had pictures embedded too of this naked broad, who I would say is around 40. She lives in Michigan, which Bill travels too a lot. The letters were very explicit in nature. Mostly telling what they have done and what she is hoping to do the next time they are together.

I got her a glass of wine and took her to the couch, and let her cry herself out some. I even held her for a bit, which she was welcoming a great deal. My thoughts were of him, doing this to her. She is a very nice person and does not need to go through something like this.

After a bit, I finally asked her what she wanted to do. Her response shocked the hell out of me, because Sandy doesn’t normally talk this way.

“What I’d love to do right now is take you into your bedroom, get naked and let you fuck my brains out.” Then she kissed me. Not a friendly kiss, but a full on passionate kiss, with tongue and all.

I pushed her back after about 30 seconds of this. “Sandy. Sweetie. We can’t do this. It would not be right, at least at this time.”

She started to cry again and then said, “I know. I am too old for you, and apparently to old for Bill, the son of a bitch. I lost my sexiness some time back. We haven’t had regular sex in 3 years now. Did you know that?” I shook my head no, because we never discuss stuff like that.

“Sandy. You are a very beautiful, and a very sexy woman. At least in my eyes, and lord knows when Bill decided to put his head up his ass. Trust me, there will be a guy out there for you, who would kill to be with you.”

About an hour later, she went back home and said she has to think on how she is going to confront him. I was skeptical that she would. So many woman say one thing, but for the betterment of the family, never go through with it.

The next night, she came back over and told me she was going to ask him for a divorce and tell him in no uncertain terms, to get the fuck out, when he got home Thursday. I asked her if this is what she really wanted and she said yes. She’d rather be alone than have him spend another day in her house.

“I plan on getting naked, lay on the bed, spread my legs and tell him to take a good look. This will be the last time you ever see this pussy again you cheating motherfucker. The throw the emails to him.”

I kind of chuckled at this. This was a whole new side to Sandy I had never seen before. She even laughed as I was laughing, and I knew she felt good then.

“I will be here if you need me, when this all goes down.”

“Good. I may need some help. He may not like hearing all of this and may get stupid. He has hit me one other time, so I have never forgotten, nor trusted that he won’t do it again.”

On Thursday evening, around 7pm, Bill pulled in, and he went inside. I was up in my office, which is upstairs and the window faces their house, and their bedroom. Her drapes were drawn, but the window was open too. From up here, there was many a time I could see right into their back yard and the pool area. So I have seen Sandy many times, in a bikini, as I have seen their daughter Annie, in one, along with her friends. Trust me, it was a very nice sight.

Before long, you could hear yelling and screaming going on. And then, I could hear the distinct crack of a slap. Not knowing who hit whom, I had to guess he hit her. She was yelling and crying, telling him to get the fuck out and never come back. Then about 10 minutes later, a police cruiser pulled in. After about 15 minutes, BIll was walking out with a suitcase and getting in his car, and he left. The cops stayed for a few minutes more, and it was done.

Sandy called me not more than 5 minutes later and asked me over. I reluctantly went, not wanting to get caught in the middle of it. When she let me in, she was wearing a pair of shorts and a pink polo top, and had a bruise starting on her cheek bone. So I knew who did the slapping now. She fell into my arms and was crying. This lasted about 5 minutes, then regained her composure and started to talk.

“Well, I didn’t get naked, but I was sitting on the bed with all the emails strewn about the bed. He knew I had him dead to rights. He blamed it all on me, of course. Then he admitted he was in love with that woman. I told him good, now pack your shit and get the fuck out. He got pissed then and started yelling at me for going through his emails. I told him he shouldn’t have been so dumb as to leave the browser open to them. Then he struck me and walked out of the room. I called the police. They wanted me to press charges for assault, but I couldn’t do that to him. They did take pictures of me though, just in case I change my mind.”

She started sobbing again, so I held her close. I have to admit, she did feel good in my arms. It had been a while since I had any contact with a woman. Over the last couple of years, I did date on and off, but mostly for sex. And if a woman started to get to close, I would just bale on them.

Sandy said she called Annie, who was now enroute to her mom’s house. So I said I would let her go for now, but if she needed a friend, you know where I am, no matter the time of day.

By November of last year, her divorce was finally done. Because of the abuse and the cheating, the judge awarded her the house and half of their assets, and was to pay support for the next 5 years, plus she got half of his pension. Pretty much cost him his life from this point on, just to get his dick wet.

On Christmas evening, Sandy and Annie stopped by. Sandy knew I wasn’t a big fan of Christmas, since the divorce. Since that time, she always got me a small gift, and I got them something too. But this year I got something just for Sandy. They even brought over a plate of food for me. Her son and daughter in law came in this Christmas. I had been invited, but I begged off, saying I was going to my parents. I did go there, ate, then came home.

On New Year’s Eve, just at midnight, Sandy called me. “I saw your lights on, so I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy new year.” We talked for about 10 minutes and I asked why she wasn’t out celebrating.

“Who the hell wants to go out with an old broad?” I had to laugh and inform her that she is hardly old, and reiterated that she is still young and sexy. She just laughed and said, maybe in your eyes, but not anyone else's. My dick was so hard then, that I had to stroke it as she talked. When she hung up, I sped up and released a torrent of cum all over me.

About 2 weeks later, a huge storm hit on a friday afternoon. By the time I got home from work, there had to be 10 inches on the ground, and still coming down hard. I got the tractor going and did my drive, then Paul’s, my other neighbor, and then I did Sandy’s. It was after 7pm, by the time I finished, and Sandy just got home from work.

After she pulled into her garage, she came out to me and thanked me and asked me to come over in an hour, and she would have dinner for me, to repay me. I told her she didn’t have too, but she insisted.

I went home and showered and shaved, went down to the basement and found a bottle of wine, from my bar, I had down there in the rec room.I got all bundled up again and trekked across the back yard to her kitchen door. She greeted me and had me come in.

I handed her the wine, which she thought was a nice touch. I took off my coat and placed it on the washer and took off my shoes. I walked into the kitchen and my mouth hit the floor. I don’t know why I didn’t notice before, but before me was this absolutely gorgeous woman. Sandy was wearing satin pajamas. It was red, but not bright red. I would say the color of an apple, the deep red type. She looked absolutely stunning.

She smiled at me as I soaked in her beauty. Then she twirled around and asked what I thought of it. My eyes were basically glazing over. The way the material hung on her, showed off her curves, and her nipples were pushing through the thin material, just begging to be licked and sucked.

“Sandy, you look… look absolutely beautiful. I truly mean that.”

“Good” she said, “I am glad you like it. I was at Macy’s the other evening. I need a new suit for work, and then was browsing around and saw this, and just had to have it.”

I think my jaw was still on the ground when I said, “Well, who ever designed it, must have had you in mind, it looks perfect for you, and on you.” Of course, my mind was thinking what treasures it was hiding behind it, and I could feel my cock starting to get blood to it.

She blushed a little, then said, “Let’s eat. I made grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup for us. I hope that is alright?” I just nodded and said, “Perfect. Especially on a night like this.”

We sat in her dining room and ate. We talked about our day at work and then other topics. She did inform me that Bill moved to Michigan, and probably was living with the bimbo. She also asked if I had been dating recently, which I said no,. It had been over 8 months since I went out with someone, and that just ended in a blow job, which I did not share with Sandy.

We cleaned up and I helped her with the dishes, which she appreciated. Then she popped the cork on the wine, and poured us each a glass, and then we went to the couch. But before we sat down, Sandy took my glass and set it down and then spoke.

“Pete. I was going to call you over tonight anyways for dinner and then watch some movies with me. But when I was shopping that night, I also picked you up something and hope you would wear it for me.”

She walked over to a chair by the TV, and brought back a satin pajama set, like hers, but black.

“I know this is weird maybe, but I wanted to spend time with you tonight and also dress comfortably with you. God… I hope I am not being forward, but I think you would look sexy in this.”

“Sandy. It’s cool. I’d love to put this on for you and just spend an enjoyable evening with my best friend. I really mean that too. I treasure our friendship.”

I went into the bathroom and change. I was happy that I had jacked off that morning, just in case this escalates into something more. I had woke up with a raging hard on and my first thought was of Sandy. I so wanted to bury it deep inside her and make love to her. I also decided to be a bit of a bad boy and not wear my boxers. She even got the size right.

I should tell you that I am 5’ 9”, 170 lbs. Blond hair and hazel eyes. Being in construction, has kept me in good shape, and I do go to the gym a couple of times a week. Cock size has never been a problem for me either. April had measured me one night and found I was 7 ½ inches and somewhat fat, but nothing like a porn star.

As I joined her on the couch, Sandy said I look really good. I came over to her and sat down next to her. She handed me my wine and I could see she already was on her second glass and I had not really touched mine yet.

About half way through the movie, which was some romantic one on the Hallmark Channel, Sandy turned towards me and was sitting indian style.

“Pete. Did you really mean what you said before, about me being your best friend?”

“Of course I did. You have always been so nice to me and when I was going through the divorce, you were the only person who took time to talk with me and let me unload, and ever since then, you have been nothing but a true friend to me and someone I trust, admire, and care deeply for.”

She smiled, yet had a tear running down her cheek. I took my hand and softly swept the tear away.

“Oh Wow. I never thought you would feel like that for me. I have to admit, this past year, I knew I could count on you for support. You are so caring and never once pushed yourself on me. I too, trust you so much and care deeply about you.”

I was now seated like she was, facing her. I had always known she was pretty, well even more that than that, beautiful, but now, with only the glow of the TV for light, she was extremely beautiful to me, yet, very vulnerable. Her one hand reached out and grabbed mine, then looked at me.

“Pete, I so want to kiss you, but I am so afraid you will reject this old broad’s advances.”

I could only chuckle at that remark, then smiled at her, and as I did, her hand gripped my hand tighter.

“Sandy, the is one condition for us kissing.” I could see the look of rejection growing on her face, so I quickly said, “That you never, ever, say you are an old broad again. You are way to beautiful and sexy. You put the shame many younger women. I am so flattered that you would even consider kissing me.”

I leaned in and my lips touched hers. I could feel the electricity when our lips met. Her hand now had a death grip on mine. The lips lingered on one another and then I pressed them harder to hers, and I let my tongue start licking her lips. Once that happened, she parted her lips and let my tongue in to explore her mouth.

The kissing became more passionate. We both wanted this and nothing was going to stop the pure heavenly sensations that we were experiencing. She unfolded her legs, and I did as well. We somehow sat with our legs going behind each other’s backs, so our groin areas were mere inches from each other.

Our kisses were getting very passionate, like two teenagers finding out what the first kiss was all about. Her hand let go of my hand and she rested it on my upper thigh. My one hand reached around her neck and held her close.

We forgot all about the movie, and now concentrated on us. As we continued to kiss, she would moan in my mouth, and I would do the same to her. Her one hand was inching closer now to my cock, which was grown into a solid state, hoping it would be touched.

My other hand was on her shoulder, but I now let it drift down to her one breast, and lightly stroked it. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” she moaned out. Then her hand glided up to my crotch, where she started lightly rubbing my engorged manhood. “Oh Godddddddddd” is all I could say when her hand touched it.

This went on for a few more minutes. She was now gripping my member softly in her hand and my hand had slipped under her satin top and was massaging her breast and playing with her hard nipple.

“Oh my God Pete. I need this, I need you. Take me to my bed and make love to me. Please”

Without another word, we untangled our legs, and I helped her up. Sandy grabbed my hand and led the way up to her bed. Once in the room, she shut the door and now the only light there was, came from a night light that was in the master bath.

We started unbuttoning each other’s tops. I let her slip to the ground, and she did the same to mine. I put my thumbs on each of her hips and slowly pushed her bottoms down. As they fell, after clearing her hips, I saw she had on a thong, that matched her outfit. She did the same to my pants and was surprised when she saw it pop out from the satin material. As they hit the ground and I stepped out of them, her hand grabbed my hard manhood and lightly stroked it.

“I don’t have any condoms.” She smiled, “You don’t need any. I had my tubes tied years ago, so we wouldn’t need them or the pill.”

I kissed her forehead and then asked, “Sandy. Are you absolutely sure of this? Once we go here, it is going to change the whole dynamic of our friendship, and I don’t think I could stand losing that from you.”

She looked up at me, and just nodded. Then took my hand and led us to bed. Once on the bed, she removed her thong and threw it on the floor. I was laying next to her and started kissing her again. My hand made its way down to her pussy lips, which were soaked with her juices. She put her hand on mine to stop me.

“Sweetie. No foreplay now. I need you inside me. I need you badly and I know that seems weird, but right now I want to know I am still desireable. I don’t want fucked, but made love too, by a man I consider my best friend too, and I hope when we are finished, you will want me again, as I hope I will want you again and again.”

I crawled between her open legs and rubbed the head across her glistening lips. As I started to push in, she said, “Please go slow. It has been so long since I have done this”

It took almost a good minute of inching myself inside her, and once I was fully in her, she smiled up at me, then wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. We did go slow too. Neither of in a rush to finish. Her vagina felt like velvet. I would slowly push in and then slowly pull out. As we made love, she would moan into my mouth. I was hoping I could hold out a good while. She on the other hand, wrapped her legs around me after about 5 minutes, and then came.

“Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. this feels so right.” As she came, she arched her back, trying to take me deeper inside her. I held her tight and could feel goosebumps on her shoulders. I started to change the speed a little now, which she accepted by meeting my downward thrust, with a thrust up to meet me. Our lips never left each other and I was lost in making love to this beautiful woman.

After about 15 minutes of pure I felt my need to release growing in my balls. I was picking up the speed now and keeping a good pace. We were both moaning loudly when I started to cum inside her. “Oh God Sandyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” and started shooting creamy ropes of pleasure inside her.

Her legs tightened around my back and arched her back again and let out a bunch of squeals, as she started to cum again. I wanted to collapse on top of her, but I just kept my arms locked, to keep my weight off of her. I then rolled off of her and she snuggled up to me, as our breathing started to return to normal.

Sandy kissed me on the cheek and said. “Oh My God Pete. That was amazing. For me to orgasm twice like that. What did you do to me.” She kissed my cheek again, then slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. Upon returning, I did the same as her, then crawled back in beside her. She placed a leg over my abdomen, and rested her head on my chest.

“Pete. Please stay the night with me. This has been perfect and I can’t think of a better way than to spend it all with you and wake up in the morning with you.”

“Sweetie. I’d love nothing better. You are an amazing lover and I hope we can repeat this again.”

“Oh, I have every intention of repeating this, as soon as I get my strength back.”

She was now playing with my cock, which was still at half mast. She chuckled then said,

“April was right. You are hung very nicely.”

I looked at her and chuckled and said, damn you girls talk about this crap. Sandy went on to tell me that her and April used to talk all the time and sex was a topic once in awhile. She said that April would tell her about our sexcapades and how long I would last and nothing was off limits in pleasure.

I just laughed at that, then said, “True. If it came to giving her pleasure, I’d do it. I am all about making my partner, my focus.”

“Well, you sure made me your focus, that’s for sure. I know I said no foreplay, but I need you to know, that I do enjoy that greatly. I am a very oral person and I love it done to me, as well. I love all positions too, and doing it almost anywhere. But tonight, I needed you just like we did it.”

I kissed the top of her head and told her, “Good to know, because I am a very oral guy, and love doing that. But tonight was great, just as we did it. And to be very open and honest, I hope that we do this again, many times, because I do care for you very deeply, and I hope that does not scare you off, nor end our friendship.”

“Just so you know Sexy. Our friendship just grew by leaps and bounds tonight. I wanted this to happen for a long time now. In fact, being totally honest with you, I wanted you when I was still married to Bill. When our marriage was going down the tubes, and I knew it was, I lusted for you. Just like that night I came over and showed you the letters and stuff, and I said I wanted to take you in the room and fuck your brains out, well, I was mad then, but also serious about that.”

“I would have stopped you. It would have been a mistake back then, but not now. To be open and honest here, I used to lust after you as well. After she left, and I would be in my office, I would see you guys in the pool or you laying out, catching sun, and envisioned you naked, in my arms and making love to you. You have no idea how turned on you make me.”

Her hand was now stroking my hard cock again, “Oh I think I have a pretty good idea how turned on I make you. And you definitely turn me on too.”

We started kissing again, and then she moved so that she was now straddling my waist and guided my cock, into her velvety smooth love hole. We both said, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” We then made love again, slow and easy. Sandy once again, came twice, and then I shot another huge batch of love juice inside her. There was no dirty talk, just kissing and moaning.

When we finished, Sandy got off of me and went to the bathroom and brought back a warm wash cloth. When she returned, she flipped on the nightstand light, and proceeded to wipe off the our juices from my groin area.

She giggled, then said, “Oh my, you are shaved down there.” I chuckled and said, “Yeah. The ex got me to do that early in our marriage and just kept up the practice. I hope you like it like that.”

“Oh Honey, that is so sexy of a look. I’ve only seen that on guys in porn movies. Bill and I used to watch those too. By all means, please keep it like that, I love the look.”

I finally saw Sandy in all of her naked beauty as well. Like I said, she isn’t a young woman anymore, but still has a fantastic body. She has a slight muffin top belly, but otherwise, she looks sexy and has a blond landing strip, just above her clit hood.

“You look amazing Sweetie. I could look at you all day, naked. I mean you are so sexy, and I’ll repeat, you put many a younger woman to shame.”

“Thank you kind sir. I know you're bullshitting me, but thanks anyways.” “No bullshit. I will always be honest with you, and you are gorgeous in my eyes”

She threw the towel back into the bathroom, then turned off the light, and crawled over me. I couldn’t resist, as her one breast came close to my mouth, so I took her nipple into my mouth, licked it, then released it. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. That felt so good.”

She then snuggled up against me. “I’d love to make love again, but you actually wore me out Babe.”

“That’s ok. I hope you will allow me the pleasure of doing this again with you.”

She giggled, then said, “There is always tomorrow, and then Sunday. We need to practice and build up stamina for all night loving. If you’ll still have me”

“Well, unless we have an earthquake, that swallows us up, I don’t see anything stopping us from exploring our relationship deeper.”

Within minutes, we were both asleep.At about 5amI awoke and went and took a piss, then crawled back in bed with Sandy, who was now laying on her stomach and legs spread pretty wide. Damn, I so wanted to lick her awake. But, seeing we are new to this, with each other, I let her be.

Not sure what time it was, but I felt a warm, wet feeling on my cock, and opened my eyes. Staring at me, with half my cock in her mouth was Sandy. She took it out of her mouth and said, “Morning Baby. I was hungry”, then giggled and went back to work on it. God, she felt so good doing this, and she knew she was giving me pleasure because of my moans.

“You know, I am hungry too. Got anything for me to eat?” She giggles with a mouthful of cock, swung around and straddled my head and brought her beautiful pussy to my face. I wasted no time in diving in her super wet snatch.

I licked and sucked everywhere down there. I got her to moan quite a bit, as she worked my cock, then all of a sudden, her body went stiff, then started to shake. I insert a finger inside her, and licked her ass, and that put her over the top, and she came. “Oh Shittttttttttttttttttttttttttt. I’m cummmmmmmminnnnnnngggggg”

My face was soaked with her love juices, and I ate every drop I could of it. Then she rolled off, panting heavily. I moved so I was now between her legs and slid inside her.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm Baby, this is the way to wake up in the morning. Give it to me now Peter. Fuck me”

She hooked her legs over my arms, giving me her body, totally now. I was so deep inside her. Much deeper than the night before. My god was she tight too. I could feel her muscles grab my cock every time I thrusted inside her.

“Oh God Yes Baby. That’s it Fuck me like that Oh Goddddddddddddddd” she cried out. This was a complete different person laying below me, from the one I made love to last night. This was pure animalistic sex, at its best.

“Oh my God Sandy. You feel so good. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

“That’s it baby, Fuck My Pussy, Fuck Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”

This only went on for a few more minutes, before we both released in our orgasms.

“Oh Shit Peteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Fuck Fuck Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” she squealed out. All I could do was grunt loud, as I shot my cum deep inside her. Damn, now that was good.

I released her legs, and they came down beside me, but I was kneeling now, and my cock was still inside her. She was panting hard, yet smiling up at me.

“My God Babe, that was mind blowing. Holy Christ. I have never cummed this much in years, let alone so hard too.”

“God Sandy, you are so amazing as a lover. I could grow used to this.” “So could I Baby, so could I”

Then I pulled out, and leaned down and started licking her pussy. “My God, what are you doing?”

I broke away and looked at her and said, “Something I have always done. Cleaning up our mess. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh Christ No. Just never had that done before, but it feels so good. Bye the way, I do like to swallow, for future reference.”

When I was done eating her out, I crawled up and kissed her, which she gladly accepted. We kissed and held each other for another 5 minutes.

When we finished, she laughed and said, “And here, I was afraid of morning breath. That’s a good way to get rid of that” the laughed, as I did too.

She then patted my ass and asked, “Hungry for food now?

Part 2 coming. I htink

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-12-14 22:45:36
Beautiful! Know I'll really like Pt 2 & 3.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-09 04:44:18
Fapped with my heart

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-01 03:28:51
Too mushy

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-27 09:50:18
part 1 great story great work

T. FoxalReport 

2017-01-23 18:04:19
Thank you for the compliments. This story does have two more sections to it. This time though, my lover Kim helped right it. So someof the character associations are taken from what we share all the time. When she is making love, she is very sensual and caring, but when she wants the raw sex, she is very vocal, and well slutty. As for older women, hell, no one can beat Kim.

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