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Sandy is so conflicted about what Pete and her shared, especially the age gap
Part 2 - Two Lost Souls

Please read Two Lost Souls, so you have a better understanding of Pete and Sandy.
Both went through divorces and were there for each other during those bleak times, but only as friends. Although they may have lusted for one another, they never acted on that until both were free.

Chapter 1

After sharing their first night of taking their friendship to a new level, with some of the most sensual love making the two have ever encountered, then waking to each other and showing their naughty, animalistic side earlier in the morning. Pete and Sandy somehow managed to leave the bed, and make breakfast.

Sandy went and used the bathroom first, and came out wearing a pink satin robe, that stopped at her knees. She winked at Pete and told him that she put a new toothbrush out for him to use, then said she was going to start breakfast.

Pete asked, “Where shall I put the toothbrush when finished?”

Sandy replied, “In the holder, next to mine silly.” Then went downstairs. Unlike Pete’s house, which is a Bungalow, Sandy’s in a traditional Colonial style, with 4 bedrooms, with a living room, family room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor.

While Pete got ready, Sandy had started making the bacon, and stood at the stove and thought about last night and this morning. She thought about how he looked, with his defined pecs, and abs and his muscular arms. Oh and that impressive cock he has, which was much bigger than Bill’s. She thought back to the two men she ever had sex with before last night.

Her first time was with her high school boyfriend, and that was ok, and then Bill. Who, back then, and many years during their marriage was a tender lover, always looking to make sure she enjoyed their lovemaking. They loved sex and experimented in many ways and places. But, as the years wore on, Bill had lost some interest in her, especially the last few years of their marriage.

Like many women, Sandy blamed herself. Granted, she tried to keep the weight off, but as she grew older, into her 40’s, she could never escape the little bulge in her tummy, and her boobs started to sag.

She also thought how she was this prim and proper woman, outside the bedroom, but at times, loved letting loose in it, and being naughty and talking dirty to Bill, which he really did not care for so much. Always afraid the kids would hear them.

Sandy then thought about this morning, especially after last night, when the love making was so real, and could not believe that Pete got her to orgasm twice, which was highly unusual for her. But her thoughts about this morning alarmed her. Did she go too far. Did she let down her guard and now Pete thinks of her as some slut? These were questions gnawing at her.

When Pete was done with his teeth and washing his face, he donned the satin pajama bottoms, and padded downstairs. He first went to the window and looked out at the drive and street, and saw that there had to be a good 6 more inches of snow on the drive. He thought to himself, “I’ll go plow right after we eat, then see what this gorgeous woman would like to do today.”

Pete then walked up behind Sandy, placed his arms around her mid-section and lightly kissed her neck. Sandy stiffened at that, but then relaxed. But Pete felt the stiffening, and then released her.

“Breakfast will be ready in a few. Why don’t you set the table for us, while i finish up here.” Sandy said in a pretty monotone voice.

Pete did as was asked, but he now worried that what they had experienced, last night and this morning, was weighing heavily on Sandy’s mind. He thought he would talk with her later about. “Why spoil what we shared, so soon after it happened.”

They ate in pretty much peace, with not too much talk between them, except for Sandy asking his plans for the day. Pete told her he really didn’t have any, except for clearing the drives, which he was going to do after eating.

After eating, Pete helped her with the dishes, then got dressed and headed home, after a light kiss on the lips from Sandy, and start the plowing.
It was still snowing as he got the tractor going and started down his drive.

Chapter 2

As he plowed, all he could think about was Sandy, and the beautiful time he spent with her. He had yearned for her for the past few years, but would never act on that. One, because of her still married to that asshole he now saw that Bill was. And two, because they did share a special friendship, that he was so afraid would end, if sex was introduced.

“Damn. Did we fucked this up last night, by what we did?” he asked himself. He hoped not. He knew she was concerned about the age gap, but screw that. He cared deeply for Sandy, probably as deep as he has ever cared for any woman in his life. “I could easily fall in love with her. Hell, I think I am already and have been for a long time now. She had seen me at my worst, during the divorce, and I had seen her too.” Pete thought as continued his snowy, cold job.

Sandy had just finished her shower and was back downstairs, still in only her robe. She stood at the window, when she heard the tractor in her drive. As she stood there and look at Pete plowing, she thought, “Oh God. Why did we have sex. Not just sex, but love making. It was great, and he is so tender, and loving, oh Christ, so sexy to look at. What in God’s name does he see in me.?”

She continued looking out at him and wondering, was this a mistake? Could she allow him into her soul? Could she actually love a man again. “Oh Christ, I think I am already in love with him. Damn, why do we have to have so many years separating us. Life is so unfair.” Then she made up her mind that they needed to talk, and put an end to this, before either got hurt any further, and this will hurt.

Chapter 3

Sandy was still staring out the window, when Pete shut down the tractor and came in. He took off his coat and boots and laid them in the laundry room and stepped into the kitchen.

“My God, it is cold out there and the snow just keeps coming. I am sure I’ll have to do this again tonight or tomorrow morning.”

Sandy did not face him, but asked, “Like some coffee?” Of course Pete said yes, but her could tell from her posture, something was wrong.

Sandy finally faced him when she handed him the cup of coffee. She had tears running down her face and Pete asked, “What’s wrong?”

Sandy grabbed his hand and led him to the couch. “Let’s talk.” Sandy took the opposite end of the couch from Pete, for fear if she was to close, she couldn’t say what she wanted to say.

“Look.” she started, “Last night was so special. I have never felt so connected to a person, and felt so strong about a person, well, since my wedding night.” Pete started to say something, but Sandy put up her hand to stop him.

“Let me get this out before you say anything.”

“It was perfect last night, at least for me. You made such tender love to me and I felt we belonged together like this. But then reality hit me this morning. Pete, I am much older than you. I’m 51 and in a few months, 52, and you are going to be 38. Hell, I haven’t even gone through menopause yet, but that is coming, and it is not something I am looking forward too.”

She sniffled then “I can’t even imagine what that is going to be like. But I know my older sister went through it recently and she was a bitch. The hot flashes, and the bitchiness, and oh yeah, the diminished sex drive. Why in god’s name would I want to put you through that.”

Pete’s eyes were starting to well up. He knew she was ending this before it even got any traction to start.

“Do I have feelings for you? Oh God, if you only knew. I’ve had them for a very long time, but never acted on them, only because you were my friend, hell, best friend and confidant, and I never wanted to lose that.”

Tears were flowing out of her eyes now, as she continued. “Then, last night, when you entered me, you awakened something deep inside me. I felt so loved and connected to you, but I know now, that should not be. Look at me, I’m hot mess right now. I am fat, and feel unattractive, and think in 10 years, when I am 61 and you are 47. I may not even want sex, or at least not as frequently, like I yearn for now. You deserve someone younger, prettier, and much sexier than me.”

Sandy then bowed her head and was holding it with her hands, to cover her crying. Pete moved to be next to her, and try and comfort her.

As he held her close, tears were starting to run down his cheeks, “May I speak now?” Sandy nodded her head.

“First off, our age gap means nothing to me. I have never once considered it. And, I don’t plan too either. I was raised Catholic, like you, but when the marriage started failing, and then when she left, I question God on many occasions, and why he did this to me. All during my marriage, I never strayed, not once. Hell, I never thought of any other woman then. I thought I had my perfect mate.”

“Then, through the years, you were always, and I mean always, there for me. You listened to me, offered me advice, but most of all, you were my friend, whom I consider to be my best friend. Just so you know. Many times, during a week, I think of you. How your day is going, what you had planned. I even wondered if some man came into your life, and got a bit jealous. You also know I have not dated much. I am so scared to let down my guard to people. You are the only person I have done that with, since April.”

Sandy was now looking at Pete, as he continued. “Then last night, I made love to the woman I care most deeply about. We did not have sex. We did not, excuse the expression, fuck. We made passionate love to each other. This morning too, we made love again. Yes, it was a bit more boisterous, and naughty. But a couple should be able to open up like that, when they care deeply, like we do, for one another. I loved that you were like that this morning.”

Pete stroked her face. “But, if this means losing you as my friend, then I will back away, but still be there for you, no matter what. Do I want more? Oh Hell yes. I want to date you. I want to fall madly in love with you. I want to spend every minute of free time with you and explore life together. That’s how I feel. But, I can put that aside, if I am going to lose you and your precious friendship.”

Pete stood, bent over and kissed her head. Sandy had her face buried in her hands, crying, as Pete went back to the laundry room, put on his coat and boots and left. He was hurting, and he knew deep down that this was probably the last time he would see her for a long time. As he walked out the door,

Sandy fell to the couch and bawled her eyes out. “Oh Damn. Why did I have to hurt him so bad”

Chapter 4

After showering, Pete put on some old sweats, and decided to catch up on work, to get his mind off of what took place not even an hour ago. He could not understand how you could go from the glow of love making, and even the terrific sex they shared this morning, to losing your best friend.

To Pete, this hurt even more than April leaving him. Maybe it was because it happened over time and he was expecting it. But from last night, until this morning, boom, gone in a flash, and it hurt. Pete wept, but tried to be strong and vowed not to let another soul into his heart. He knew now that Sandy owned that heart.

Sandy, likewise, tried to busy herself, to try and cope with what happened earlier. She was like a mad woman, cleaning the whole house. She too, like Pete, was dressed in old comfortable sweats, that no persons, except her kids and ex, had ever seen her in.

Around noon, her front door opened and her daughter, Annie stood there. Annie took off her coat and boots and came up to her mom and kissed her, but then noticed her mom’s puffy, red eyes, so she knew something was wrong, in a big way.

“Mom? What is wrong? Did that rotten father of mine make you upset?”

Ever since she found out about her dad, she had nothing but ill will towards him. She won't’ see him or accept any phone calls from him. He hurt her mother badly, and she will never forgive him for that.

“No” said Sandy. “It wasn’t your father. Not this time. I haven’t heard from him since we signed the papers last year.”

“Then what is it Mom? Please tell me.”

Sandy loved her daughter and they had always been close. Sandy knew her daughter preferred women, to men, but she did not care, she was her daughter and would back her decisions in life.

“I did something really stupid last night and then this morning. I hurt my very best friend in the world.”

“Pete?” Annie said. “You know?” Sandy asked.

“Oh Christ Mom. I have known for a long time. You both are in love with one another. I see how he looks at you and I know how you look at him. It is so written on each of your faces.” What happened?”

Sandy let a tear form in her eye. “I fucked up. We made love last night for the first time. And trust me, it was love making too. We didn’t fuck. He was so gentle and caring, and made sure I was pleasured the whole time. Twice as a matter of fact and I orgasmed twice in both sessions. Then I awoke him this morning with my mouth and did it again, though this time, I acted a little unlady like.”

“Oh wow Mom. a little too much info there, but ok. So what’s the big deal? Shit. He is one sexy guy and if I was into men, and older men at that, I could see myself with my legs spread for him.”

“Annabelle.” Sandy retorted. “Just saying Mom.” Annie replied, and chuckled a little.

“But our age difference could come into play. I am 14 years older than he is and how is he going to feel about me in 10 to 15 years?” I couldn’t stand to lose him because I am old, and fat, and unattractive to him. I lost your dad to a younger woman, and I surely won’t want to go through that again.”

“Holy shit Mom. I hope I look half as good as you do, when I am your age. You aren’t fat. I’ve seen you in a bikini. Most of my friends think you are hot, actually, and you know what, you are. If you feel fat, then you can do something about that. Go to a gym and start working out, just to tone yourself. What does Pete say about this.”

Sandy was crying now and having a hard time speaking. Annie hugged her mom until she calmed down.

“Pete says he doesn’t care about our age difference. And maybe it doesn’t bother him now. But what happens when I have to go into an old folks home. Then what?”

Annie had to laugh. That made Sandy start to laugh too. The comment warranted that. Annie regained her composure and said.

“Mom, if he truly loves you, then I doubt you would ever be in a nursing home. I can see Pete taking care of you, no matter what. But if it is the sex part, then buy a case of lube, and screw each others brains out there. Just make sure some other old biddies don’t take aim at him.” then chuckled.

“Oh Annie? What am I going to do now? I know I have hurt him badly. You know, he asked me just before we got on the bed, if I truly wanted this. If it was going to ruin our friendship, and we both confessed to being best friends to each other, then we should stop. And now, I have fucked that up royally. I am sure he doesn’t want to see me again.”

“Mother. If that man truly loves you, he will accept you back, not only as best friends, but even on a deeper level. He is in love with you. Maybe now is not the time to say those words, but showing it, is far better than saying it. Open your heart to him, and I bet he will open his to you.”

“How did you get to be so smart, when it comes to relationships?”

Annie chuckled and said, “I’m hardly smart. Hell, I don’t have anyone to call my own, though I wish I did. So…. After I leave, go clean yourself up, because you do look like a hot mess. Then march your pretty little self over to Pete’s and tell him how you really feel, and not the negative stuff. I mean how you really feel. I think he is a wonderful guy and is good for you. 100 times better than that slimeball sperm donor Bill.”

Sandy smiled. “I see your hate for your father has not diminished, but he is, and always will be your father.”

Annie shook her head, no. “Only on the birth certificate. In my mind, he lost that title when he ruined our lives by his cheating. He didn’t just cheat on you, he cheated on the whole family too, and I can’t ever forgive that. If left to me, I’d cut his dick off and shove it right up his ass, so he could fuck himself.”

Sandy laughed and shook her head. She had those same thoughts, but never expressed them to her kids. Bill Jr. never said a word throughout the whole ordeal, but Sandy knew he also disliked his father for doing what he did.

Annie then went to the kitchen and made them lunch, and as they were eating, her curiosity got the better of her. “Mom. I got to ask. Is he hung nicely? I mean I have seen him when they used to come over to pool party’s and god, he is a hunk.”

Sandy just smiled at her daughter, then said, “Honestly. God, What a dream. At least 7 inches and fat. I have never been filled like that before. I was in heaven, and knows exactly how to use it.”

After lunch. Annie got dressed for the outside, came up to her mom and hugged her tight. “Mom. Promise me you will go over there right after I leave, and make this better, no matter what comes from it. At least give it your best try.” Sandy nodded her head and kissed her daughter goodbye.

Chapter 5

Pete was getting tired of doing the paperwork, although he knew it would save him time, come Monday morning. He was having a hard time concentrating on it. He was still pretty down from what Sandy told him this morning.

He got up from his office table and looked over at her house. As he stared at her bedroom window, his mind retraced the previous night, and then again what happened this morning. It was great. He could feel her and how she opened up to him, but then, in an instant, threw up a wall, that he doubts he’d ever take down again.

Pete saw that Annie was over there. “Oh great. Now she’ll know and probably hate him too, for making advancements on her mom.” he thought. “How could I have let this happen. I knew better. Now I have lost the only friend I could ever care about.” His mind was reeling, as he stared out the window.

As he was still staring, he did notice Annie leaving. His thoughts turned to what could have been said. At the same time, Sandy was up in her bedroom looking out her window too, staring over at Pete’s house, wondering how he was.

As she stared, she thought, “Oh fuck. How am I going to fix this. He probably hates me now.”

Sandy stood for another minute, then went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She brushed her shoulder length blond hair out, then put it in a ponytail. Brushed her teeth and said to herself, “Screw it. If it is meant to be, then he should see me at my worse. If this doesn’t scare him off, then nothing will.” Her eyes were still puffy and red, but nothing she could do about that now.

Sandy found her boots and without putting on a coat, went out the back door, and across the back yard, through a path that Pete had plowed out earlier.

Pete was in his kitchen, getting a glass of juice when there was a knock on his back door. He looked through the window and saw it was Sandy. “Oh great. Wonder what else she is going to say now.” As he was thinking this, he opened the door and let her in.

Pete turned and started walking into the kitchen, as Sandy removed her boots. Sandy then grabbed him by the arm, once she was in the kitchen, and pulled him hard into her, wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips smashed against his and kissed him hard.

As she kissed, she talked too, along with some crying. “I am.. So sorry… I was.. Scared.. I don’t want us to ever.. Be without each other.. You mean… the world.. To me… Take me.. too.. your bed.. And make.. Love… to me.. If you.. Really.. Want me…”

Pete’s mind was reeling now. Did she really mean this? Was she going to go half cocked again, and then bolt? He didn’t care now. He only knew he was in love with her, and he believed she was with him. It was to early for love, he thought, but was going with it.

Pete picked her up, and cradled her in his arms. When he did that, she let out a little squeal. He took her to his bedroom. A place no other woman has been too, except his ex. But that was years ago and he had since got new furniture.

Pete set her down so she was standing before him. Neither talked. They both had lust in their eyes. He removed her top, and saw she was not wearing a bra. He threw the top to the floor and caressed her breast and kissed both nipples. Then Sandy removed his sweatshirt, and kissed his chest and nipples.

Pete moaned as she did this. Then her hands slip under the waistband pushed his sweatpants and boxers to the floor, exposing his manhood to her. She cooed when she saw hard he was. Pete then pushed her sweatpants down to the floor and saw, again, no underwear. He started kiss her mound, put she pulled on his head, and then grabbed his hand and took him to the bed.

She lay there, exposed to him. Pete hovered over her and wanted to lick and suck every inch of her, and started on her chest. As his lips met her nipple, she tugged on his arm.

“Oh Pete, Please, I need you inside me. You can have me all later. Eat me all night if you will, but right now, I need to have you inside me, make love to me.”

Pete kissed her lips, as his swollen member found her extremely wet love hole. As he entered, very fiber of their beings tingled with electricity. Her vagina accepted his girth, and her velvety walls sucked his manhood inside her. Their lips met and stayed connected as they began to make love again.

Although Pete thought they lasted only minutes together, it actually was thirty minutes of slow love making. Sandy orgasmed again twice. Pete could feel goosebumps on her body as she came. Their arms were locked around each other, and both times Sandy came, her legs were tightly wrapped around her man. When Pete finally came, he pushed deep inside her, and groaned softly into her mouth, as his seed spread deep into her depths.

As his oragsm subsided, he started to move off of her, but Sandy would not allow it. “Please. Stay there. I want you inside me as long as you can. I want to feel your body wrapped with mine.”

They stayed this way for a good ten minutes, before he gave her relief from his weight, and rolled to her side. Pete turned on his side to look at Sandy, and she turned on her side to face him. They lay there staring into each other’s eyes.

Chapter 6

“Sandra.” Pete started to speak, but Sandy put a finger to his lips. “Please” she started to say. “I am so sorry I hurt you this morning. I hurt you, and I know it. I could see the hurt in your eyes, like the day that your ex moved out. That almost killed me. I was so scared, so very scared of the what if’s. What if we don’t fall madly in love. What if, over time, you grow tired of me, and so on and so on. It took a 28 year to make me see the light.”

“Peter, I know I am not young and vibrant, like I used to be, but if you can accept me for who I am now, then I want to explore this relationship with you. I want to give you my heart and my soul, hope you will never hurt it, like has been done in the past. But I also know, you are not like that to begin with. So if you want me still, I am all yours.”

Pete leaned into her and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Sandra. Understand, I was taken aback this morning, and it did hurt. I wanted nothing to harm our relationship as friends, and so when I asked last night if you truly wanted what we experienced, I really thought you did. Had I know you were going to react this morning to the way you did, I would have got dressed and left.”

Sandy started to say something, but this time Pete put his hands to her lips.
“I also wanted to fight for you this morning, but felt you needed time to think this through. I will reiterate, your age is nothing to me. We are two human being who care deeply for one another, and who I know I will fall deeply in love with, because I am already there and have been for some time. I will do all that I can to be the man you always wanted in your life and not look back and wonder and of the What If’s.”

Sandy had tears running down her face again, and Pete got nervous. “I’m sorry now, for making you cry.”
“These are tears of joy Sweetheart. Just remember, I am not April and will never take you for granted, nor ask for more than I give. It’s going to take me some time to get used to this new life and open up fully to you. To me, the love making is awesome, and I am sure our wild sides sexually, will be explored, but right now, I just want to lay with you and drink in what we have started to share.”

“Oh Sandy, please know, the love making, and the sex is just icing on the cake to me. If it stopped right after today, I would never complain, nor stray, for as long as I know you will be by my side, that’s all I can ask for, or want. You are the only person I can, or want, to commit too.”

Sandy cupped his face and kissed him passionately. Their tongues tangled together as the kiss drew heated, then backed down to a lingering kiss.

“By the way Lady. You looked awfully sexy in those sweats.” then chuckled. She lightly slapped his shoulder and said, “You ass. I looked a fright. But I wanted you to see me at my worst. If that didn’t scare you off, nothing will. Let’s nap and then figure out dinner later.”

“I already thought of that. Actually had planned on taking you to that little Italian place near the plaza, say around 6ish.” She smiled and said, Sounds like a plan”, then they wrapped each other up, in their arms, and fell asleep.

Chapter 7

Sandy awoke about two hours later, feeling refreshed and relaxed. Pete was still sleeping and Sandy lay there watching him sleep. She felt better about what happened just a few short hours ago. She could actually picturing herself waking up this man all the time. But time will only tell. She gently slipped out of bed, that made Pete stir just a bit, but did not wake, and dressed and went home.

Pete woke a little later to find her not there, but a note was on the pillow.
“You were sleeping so contently, that I did not want to disturb you. Come over whenever you are ready to go to dinner. I will be ready”

Pete just smiled and got out of bed. He decided to shave and then shower again. He also shaved around his groin area, since Sandy really enjoyed that look. He actually did too. He was also glad that Sandy only had that small strip on her body. He really did not like pussy hair while feasting on a pussy.

Sandy meanwhile, called her daughter and filled her in on what had transpired. Annie was so glad for her mom, and told her just trust your instincts, and when the time is right, say those 3 little words.

Then, noticing it was after 4pm, Sandy decided she need to get ready. She opted for a bubble bath and she would wear her dark green cocktail dress, even though she had no clue to what Pete would wear. It did not matter to Sandy. She wanted to look sexy for him tonight.

As she stood in the bathroom and looked at her naked body, in the full length mirror, she thought about what Annie said, about working out to tone her body. So she made a mental note to join one the next week.

As she bathed, she then started to shave her legs. Her thoughts turned to Pete and his hairless cock region. She thought that was so sexy, and really appreciated the the no hair in her mouth as she sucked his gorgeous cock. Oh she loved giving head. It had been a long time since she had done that. Bill always enjoyed it, but as their sex dwindled, it became more of a chore for her and all he wanted was to stick it in, cum, and go to sleep.

As she did her thighs, she looked at the landing strip and decided, “If he can be bald, then so can I” and shave off the strip. She knew her daughter was bald and Annie said it feels so good like that, and makes her feel sexy. As the last of the hair was removed, and all the other area was smooth, her fingers played a little with her pussy. She was extremely wet now.

Her thoughts turned to this morning, when she awoke Pete with a blowjob, and then 69 with him. God what a tongue he had. Tonight, she was going to be naughty, she made up her mind. She thought, “We have made love three times now, but tonight, I want him to know, we can play naughty and fuck, and suck each other. I want him to know he is driving me crazy and I want fucked hard. Oh I miss being fucked hard, and lord knows, he has the tool to do it with.” She laughed to herself, thinking his cock was a tool.

As her fingers found her slit and she slowly stroke it, and rubbed her clit, she wondered if he ever played with himself, like she has on many occasions. She has cummed so many times thinking of him, just like she did on New Year’s Eve when they talked at midnight.

After cumming again, she got out and got dressed and ready for her big date. She was nervous. Almost like the night of her prom. Which was eons ago, which also happened to be the night of her losing her virginity.

Chapter 8

It was now 6pm, and Pete was dressed. He decided that this was special and wore a suit for the occasion. He too, was very nervous. It was their first official date, although over the years, they had spent dinners together. He also decided it was best to take his SUV, since it had 4-wheel drive. He pulled into her yard, got out, and went to the door and knocked.

When Sandy open the door and let him in, he was awestruck at her beauty. Her dress looked so elegant, yet sexy on her. It had a plunging neckline, that tastefully showed some cleavage, yet much to the imagination, and the string of pearls, only accented it. The hemline stopped mid-thigh, coupled with the black nylons, really made her legs pop.

“You look absolutely beautiful Sandy.You take my breath away.”

Sandy blushed and said thank you. “You look very handsome tonight. I wasn’t sure what you would be wearing, but you did not disappoint me at all. God you look sexy”

Once at the restaurant, they were seated in the back, and since the crowd was light, due to the weather, they could enjoy themselves without the loud noises. Dinner went great and Sandy did admit that she was nervous at first, like her prom night. Pete chuckled and said he felt like a schoolboy too.

Sandy smiled then said, “Unlike those nights, I am pretty sure you will be removing this garment from me, and I will be removing yours.”

They talked and laughed like nothing had happened earlier that day. They were getting to know each other again. They talked about work, but mostly family. He told her about his sister and their kids, and she talked about her sister, and all about Annie. Pete was surprised when Sandy informed him that she has been in a relationship with women, and prefers that to men. Pete said, “To each their own, as long as they are happy.”

They finished their dinners, and shared a Cannoli which was absolutely the best either had tried. Pete asked where to now, and Sandy said home. As they drove home, Sandy held his hand and squeezed it multiple times, loving the warmth it spread to her.

Chapter 9

Once at her place, He hung up their coats and kicked off their shoes. Sandy asked if he wanted some wine and Pete agreed. As she got that, he turned on her stereo to some soft music. As she came back out into the family room, she handed Pete his wine and they sipped together.

A slow song came on and Pete reached his hand to Sandy, and she took it. He pulled her into his arms and started dancing. “Mmmmmmmmmm a man that can dance. You’ll spoil me like this.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, with her mouth next to his ear and cooed as they danced. Pete was in heaven now, and thought, “My God, Please do not let this end again for me.”

Sandy too was lost in the moment and loving every minute of this. “Now this is true love making. Love making without the sex. Please never let this end for us God.” was her thoughts.
When the song ended, she kissed his lips lightly and said, “I’ll be back in a minute.” and disappeared upstairs.

Of course it was longer than a minute, but who’s counting, Pete thought. Then he saw Sandy coming down the stairs. This time his mouth had to have hit the floor. Sandy had on a black see-through gown, that was floor length, with black heels.

As she came to him, she cooed in his ear, “I bought this as well, the other day.” Then she stepped back, untied the string that held it at the top and let it slip from her shoulders. Under this, she had on a similar teddy. Very see-through, with black satin spaghetti straps, and the top stopped just below her ample breast. Even though it was black, her dark areolas shown through as did her hard nipples, just begging to be taken.

Looking further down, she had on a see-through black thong, that hardly hid her engorged lips, then saw her thigh high stockings. This woman radiated sexy, from her head to her toes. She let the gown drop to the floor, grabbed Pete by the hand and led him upstairs.

Pete had yet to say anything. He couldn’t speak, he was taken by her beauty and her sex appeal. As they walked up the steps, he wanted to lean in and kiss her ass cheeks, which swayed in front of him.

Once in the bedroom, he saw candles lit all over the place. Tonight, they would not be in darkness, like last night, and he could feast his eyes on her body the whole time.

Sandy turned to him and softly kissed him, then started undressing him. Pete went to help, but she stopped him. “No. Let me do this. I have wanted to do this for so long now. I know we have made love, and it has been nothing short of perfect, but tonight, I really need you to see me in a different light.”

Pete chuckled a little and said, “Oh this is a different light tonight. At least I can see you this time”

As she removed his shirt and t-shirt, her hand went for the belt, then the zipper and button. Once she had them free she pushed down his pants, which he gladly stepped out of his pants. Then she slowly and seductively, slid his black silk boxers down, releasing what Sandy wanted most, his engorged manhood.

Sandy was on her knees now, in front of Pete, and looked up at him and smiled.
“Tonight Sweetheart. You are going to see a side of me that you only got a glimpse of this morning” She started licking his cock now. Pete could only moan, as she ocntinued licking the shaft.

Sandy stopped and looked at him again. “Tonight I am being the very naughty Sandy. I want to suck this gorgeous cock and have you eat my pussy. Then fuck me and I mean fuck me hard. I want to have screaming orgasms with you. "

"I am going to talk very dirty throughout it all and I would love if you did too. There is nothing I won’t so tonight, except anal. I do enjoy it, but it has been many years for that and I’ll need to work up to that one, so patients there. But your tongue can explore everywhere on me. Oh, and I so want to eat your cum.”

Pete was shocked yet very turned on. She was right, this was a side he would never imagine that Sandy could be. "Why in God’s name would BIll ever want another", he thought. He loved when a woman was aggressive and told him how she liked it and loved hearing a woman talk dirty. It was a real turn on. April was a pro at that. The dirtier, the better for her.

Sandy’s mouth now had half of his cock in her mouth and she was making him go weak in the knees. He reached down and tapped her on she shoulder. “Stand Up Lover” he asked. Sandy did. He pulled her in for a passionate kiss, making sure he pressed his hard cock into her abdomen, letting her know that was hers.

He gently guided her to the bed now. It was his turn to take over. As she sat on the bed, she slowly removed the top,, and threw it on the floor. Her eyes showed want and need now. His thumbs then went under the thin waist band of the thong and pulled it down and threw it as well.

He then noticed that her pussy was shaved bald. “Fuck baby. That looks so sexy.” She smiled up at him, glad he approved of her new look. He left the stockings and the high heels on, another sexy, yet slutty look that he loved.

He pushed her gently so she would lay down, and got between her legs. He leaned over and kissed her hard. Moaning in his mouth, she let her tongue get crazy with his. After a brief encounter, he started licking down her chin and neck, then onto her breast, which he really had not paid too much attention as of yet.

He licked all over her breast, which were heaving now, as was her breath. When his mouth latched onto a nipple, her groaned out, “Yesssssssssssssssss. Suck my tits Baby”.

Pete paid quite a few minutes to her nipples, making sure they each got the attention they deserved. “Oh Fuck Baby. I love you sucking my nipples.”

Now he left those and finally started to descend to the region he wanted the most. As he licked down, Sandy kept raising her hips off the bed, now that she had her feet on the edge of the bed.
But Pete bypassed her pussy, and went for her thighs, and spent minutes kissing and licking her inner thighs. He knew this would drive her even crazier with desire.

Her head was rolling back and forth, her hips humping the air. She wanted that tongue in her, in the worst way. “Please Baby, Please” she begged of him.

Pete couldn’t resist anymore and drove his tongue into her sopping wet hole. He loved the smell of her sex and she tasted so sweet. He could not get enough of her, this way. Sandy legs went up high and rested her shoe covered feet on his shoulders. “Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Eat me Baby. Eat my fucking pussy”

Pete’s tongue drove inside then down to her ass, and licked that hole. “Oh God Baby. That’s it. Eat my ass. Fuck you have me so turned on. I’m close and going to cum all over your face.”

Pete inserted two fingers in her now and started rubbing her sweet spot, and as he did, his mouth finally sucked in her clit. When he started sucking that, along with rubbing her g-spot, Sandy could no longer hold back.

“Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I’m cummmmmmmmminggggggggggggggggggggggg. Eat my cummmmmmmmmmmm” she yelled out.

Her legs came together, locking Pete’s between them, while she came, and he continued to eat her. He head rolled back and forth now, Moaning loudly “Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”, as her orgasm continued. Pete continued to lick her juices, which were flowing freely now.

As Sandy lay there, panting heavily, she thought to herself, that no one had ever made her cum like that. She thought to herself, “Why haven't we been fucking like this for ages now.”

Pete broke from her entrapment, leaned up and kissed her hard, letting her taste her own juices. When they broke the kiss, she smiled at him and said, “Wow, I taste pretty good”

Sandy then scooted up the bed and spread her legs wide. “This is yours, and yours only. No man will ever experience this pussy, except you. Take it please and make it yours.”

Pete crawled between her legs, rubbed the head of his cock, up and down the slit, getting it good and wet. Sandy moaned at each passing over her lips and clit, “Oh Fuck Baby. No more teasing. Fuckkkkkk…… Meeeeeeeeee” she growled out.

Pete sunk his cock slowly into her, letting her get used to it. “Oh Godddddddddddddd” she said.

Once he was in all the way, he took her legs and draped them over his arms. “Oh My God Baby. Your pussy is so tight, and hot”

“Fuck Babe. Your cock fills me so nicely. I’m going to fuck you all night”

So they started. First, slow, then Pete would change speeds. Sandy was moving her hips to increase the pleasure even more.

“That’s it Baby. Fuck my pussy. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just like that. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckkkkkkkk.” she screamed out.

Pete knew at this pace he wasn’t going to last long, but did not care now. He was focused on making her cum and cum hard and fucking her hard.

Pete pushed her legs way back, so her knees were touching her breast, and his cock was buried as deep as it could go.
“Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk Baby, Your pussy is so fucking tight now. You are the best”

“Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkk Pete, Fuck me now. My God you are so fucking deep.”

Pete raised himself up, like he was doing push ups and started slamming down into her. This drove sandy wild with pleasure.

“Fuckkkkk Pete. I love this. Fuck me Baby, Fuck me as hard as you can. Give me your cum”

They were both reaching the no return point and Pete could feel his balls tingling, knowing any minute now he was going to explode inside her.

Sandy could sense his impending orgasm and cheered him on. “Oh God Pete, your cock is bigger, Fuck Me now and give me your love juice” As she said that, she started to cum.

“Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck, Cummmmmminggggggggggggggggg”, she screamed.

“Oh God Sandyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” and Pete started to cum. This had to be the biggest load he ever shot in a woman, at least in the past few years. His cock kept pulsating out rope after rope of juice deep inside her. Her pussy was clamping down hard on his cock, trying to pull it in even farther.

“Oh My God. Oh My God, Oh My God”, is all she could say. Her body was thrashing all over. Her arms were now around his neck, pulling him close to her, then started kissing him like he just came home from being away for years.

Chapter 10

Pete was still deep inside her, when her reached around her and rolled them over, so she was on top now. Once she positioned herself so she was stable, she started grinding her pussy into his groin. “Damn Baby. You are still hard as before”

Pete smiled at her and said, “it’s all because of this beautiful and extremely sexy woman I have sitting on top of me”

“Oh. Aren’t you the sweet talker” then giggled. “Mind if I rest a minute?” she asked.

She sat on top of him, her hands on his chest. Sandy was looking down at him and thinking, “My God, he so sexy. Sex has never been so good”

Pete looked up at her and smiled, “Penny for your thoughts?” Sandy giggled, “Honestly? I was thinking how lucky I am to be spending the night with you and how sexy you look. But, I hope you don’t have bad thoughts about the way I have been acting tonight. I need you to know tonight was the first time I have acted like this in a very long time, and when that did occur, it was a watered down version, with mild slutty talk. Bill didn’t think we needed that and was always afraid the kids would hear us.”

Pete had his hands on Sandy’s ass and was squeezing the cheeks gently. “If we are being honest, I really like this Slutty Sandy, but, I also love the Sensual Sandy who loves making love.I think a mixture of both is quite good for a couple. Everything you wore tonight spoke volumes to your sexuality and had me turned on greatly. I am surprised we even made it out of the house.”

Sandy giggled and said, “I know what you mean. When I saw you in the suit, my pussy actually tingled. God, I wanted to rape you then and there. And that lingerie just topped it all off. You, my dear, make me feel sexy, and that’s what counts most for me.” Pete did a slight thrust up into her.

“Shitttttttt. God you feel so good inside me.” Pete smiled and said, “Honey, you feel like a teen to me. So tight, so wet, and oh so hot right now. Babe, rub your clit for me.”

Sandy reached down and started rubbing her clit slowly, smiling and looking into Pete’s eyes.

“Do you like me masturbating my pussy Baby? Do you ever masturbate?” Pete nodded his head yes. “When’s the last time you did it and who were you thinking about?”

Pete chuckled and already knew when and who it was he was thinking about. It is the same woman he has yearned for, for years now.

“Last time was yesterday morning, before work. I was thinking of you, just like I do anytime I do it for the last few years actually.” Sandy moaned out, “mmmmmmmmmm”.

“Then that night you called me for new years. As you talked, I stoked and came shortly after hanging up”

Sandy laughed and said, “Oh My God, I was fingering myself as we talked and then after we hung up, came so hard. Why did we wait so long?”

“When was your last time?” He asked. Sandy chuckled herself now, “Honestly? You’ll probably think I am some deprived woman. But it was when I took a bubble bath about 5 hours ago. I bathed, then shaved my legs, and decided the strip needed to come off, and when I was done I started rubbing the area, which led to rubbing my clit and fingering myself, thinking of tonight and us doing this. God, did I cum. Oh Fuckkkk… it’s hard to talk, with this hard cock in me and rubbing myself.”

“Do you have to cum Baby? Rest time over?” he asked, with a wicked grin on his face.

“Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss. I need to cum again”, she panted out

Pete sat up and while holding her ass, he started sucking her big nipples. Sucking and gently biting them, which of course made Sandy moaned. Within a minute, Sandy was orgasming again, and while she came, Pete lay back down and started fucking her.

“Oh God. Oh God. you have no… idea.. What.. you.. are.. doing.. to me.”

Pete knew he would last a bit longer, since she was on top, and he’d already came three times today. He was actually surprised he was maintaining his erection like he was.

When Sandy lay on top of him and was kissing him passionately, Pete’s hands held her ass firmly and started thrust up inside her hard. Both were moaning out, in each other’s mouths. Pete was reaching his limit now and could feel his balls start to tingle, like they do every time he is going to cum.

“I’m going to Cum Sweetie”, he whispered in her ear. As soon as he said that, Sandy sat up quickly, then rolled off and placed her mouth over his cock, and grab him at the base and started jacking him off. Her mouth was firmly locked around the head of his shaft, awaiting the arrival of his love juice.

“Ohhhhhhhhh Goddddddddddddddddd Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn” and he started shooting into her hungry mouth. She drank most of it in, but there was some running down her chin. Then she started licking the head, gathering up and that was left. When she was done, she looked at Pete and smiled. He pulled on her arm, telling her that he wanted her up by him, so she moved on top of him and kissed him deeply, sharing whatever cum that was left. He even licked her chin.

After resting on Pete for a few minutes, Sandy pushed up with her arms and looked at Pete. “My God. That was the most erotic kiss I have ever had. This whole evening has been so erotic and I love it. Please tell me you enjoyed it too. I love being Slutty Sandy for you. And you kissing me with cum in my mouth, oh shit, well you are my Slutty Pete now”

“My God Sandra. This was perfect. A couple should be able to express themselves in any fashion, in bed and out. You showed me your sexual side tonight and I won’t take that for granted, ever. But, I also love the Sensual Sandy too, when we are in full love making mode. You are just as sexy like that as well. You, my dear beautiful lady, have rocked my world like no other.”

Sandy kissed him lightly, then moved off the bed and went to the bathroom. When she came out, she started blowing out the candles. She asked if he minded watching TV, since it was only 9:30. Pete said sure, and then got up and went to the bathroom. When he crawled back in, Sandy cuddled up next to him and lay her head on his chest. They watched Big Bang Theory for the next hour or so.

When they both said they were tired, Sandy turned the TV off, then rolled to her side, so Pete could spoon with her. His flaccid cock nestled between her butt cheeks, which Sandy playfully started to wiggle a little. Pete was holding her one breast and lightly rubbing her nipple, which got hard from the stimulation.

“Mmmmmmmmm” she cooed. “Pete? I am so sorry about this morning”

“Honey. Stop. It is over and act like it never happened and move on from it. Just promise me this. You won’t wig out on me again tomorrow, and then spoil what we have started.”

Sandy’s hand reached between them and stroked his cock, which grew hard again. She lifted her leg then and placed his manhood at the entrance of her love hole.

“Push it in Lover. I want to fall asleep with you in me and connected. I promise not to wig out ever again. Never”

Chapter 11

The next day they pretty much stayed naked and made love two more time. Sandy informed Pete that she was going to hunt for a gym to work out at, and tone herself for him. Pete told her never to do anything like that for him, but for herself. He suggested the gym he uses and they made plans to go together.

The next day, on his way home from work, he stopped and got a key made to his house for her. She too, did the same for Pete. Both laughed when they handed each other a key. They stayed with one another a couple a times a week, trying to ease into doing it steadily. One weekends they were together constantly. Both had wondered what neighbors were thinking.

After four weeks, they pretty much had a routine down. If Pete was home first, he would fix dinner, or get carry out. She did the same if she was home first, and always went out on Saturday evenings for dinner. Then home for some torrid love making and naughty sex.

A few days before Valentine’s Day, Pete stopped at a jewelers and bought a heart shaped diamond encrusted necklace. On the back it was engraved with the those 3 little words. He knew he was in love with her and it was time he said them.

Sandy had also stopped a few days before the day, and bought Pete,an 18 inch, gold herringbone chain. She remembered he used to wear a thin one that he got on a cruise, when still married to April. But since she left, she never saw him wear it anymore. God he looked sexy with it on.

Valentine’s just happened to be on a Saturday this time. So it was hard making reservation for a restaurant, so Pete decided to cook for her instead, and then stay home and make love all night. This Saturday though, Pete had to work. The house they were building was almost done and had to be finished by early the next week. He was bummed that he could not spend all day with Sandy.

Sandy was very understanding of his having to work. She sometimes too, had to work Saturday’s, but most times, that was her off day. She had a plan for him that day, when he got home from work.

Pete had called her earlier and told her that he would be home by 2pm. Sandy said no problem. At 1:30, Sandy went over to Pete’s and changed into her red babydoll outift, complete with a thong and red thigh high stockings. She felt completely slutty, but wanted to make love first, then they could fuck the night away. Since going to the gym, she had lost 12 pounds and her stomach was starting to shrink, and thank god, she had more stamina.

About 20 till, her cell rang. She saw it was Annie, and answered it.

“Hi Honey. What’s up?”

(“Oh just seeing what plans you two have tonight”)

Sandy laughed, then said, “To be honest, I am in his bed right now, awaiting his return from work in like 20 minutes. I have on a red babydoll outfit and I plan on rubbing my pussy as he walks in”

(“Holy shit Mom. I didn’t need to know all of that. But god that sounds sexy as hell. I think Petey is in for the fuck of his life today.”) and Annie giggled.

“Oh yes he is and I plan on saying those 3 little words to him. I truly feel it for him and today is the perfect day to say them.”

(“Well you two have fun and Mom, I love you and want the best for you. Love him with all of your heart”)

They chatted another minute, with Sandy telling her what she got Pete for the day, then hung up.

Pete strode into his house not more than 5 minutes later. He looked at the mail and then came into his bedroom, planning on showering. When he saw Sandy on the bed, his mouth hit the floor.

Sandy was situated that she was half laying, half sitting, with her one leg bent at the knee and the other laying flat, and way out, exposing her pussy to him. In front of her pussy was a heart shaped piece of chocolate, laying on a napkin. Sandy had the thong pulled to one side, and two fingers seductively playing with her pussy.

She smiled at him and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day my Love. You have a choice here. This piece of chocolate, or this very extremely wet and horny pussy to eat. Choose wisely.”

Pete smiled then spoke, “Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well. I may be a man, but by no means am I stupid. You look breathtaking Honey. Please let me shower, then I will be between those legs eating what is best for me.”

“Hurry. Please” Pete took the fastest shower he ever had in his life. Then came back into the room, sporting and extremely hard cock, which Sandy eye’d immediately.

“Ohhhhhhhh. Is that my present for today?” she cooed out

Pete went to the dresser and got the necklace and card and handed it to her. She is turn reached under the pillow and got his card and gift.

“Let’s do this now, then spend the time making love.” Pete said. He watched as she opened the card first and read it. Of course it was mushy, what else would you give on Valentine’s Day. But when she saw how he signed it, her eyes welled up.

He signed it, “I love you so much. Be my Valentine”

She then opened the present and gasped when she saw the necklace. Tears ran down her face as she read the inscription on the back “I Love You Always and Forever”

Pete now opened his card, which, like his was mushy and her’s was signed “All My Love Forever and Ever” Then he opened the gift and saw the chain. It was so nice, much wider than the one that April got him on that cruise. He immediately put it on, and then helped Sandy with her necklace. He loved her present and told her so.

He removed the chocolate from the bed and pushed Sandy down. Her legs spread wide for her lover, and as Pete entered her, he looked down at her, smiled, then said, “Sandra, I am head over heels in love with you. I Love You”

Even though she had tears in her eyes, she smiled back to him and said, “I have never been this in love with a person. I Love you Peter.”

They then made slow, and very passionate love to each other. Both were on cloud 9 as they moved in sync with one another. The only sounds being made were some moaning and “I love you’s”. Even when they finally came 10 minutes later, they announced it telling each other they love each other.

Pete finally kneeled before her, after laying embraced for a good minutes. “I didn’t get the chance to say how beautiful you look. You are one sexy, vibrant woman. And trust me, I have noticed your body and how tone it is becoming. Damn, you turn me on.”

“I love you Pete, and I am glad you have noticed, and I truly like what I see in me. Now come back down here and make love to me again. Tonight though, Slutty Sandy takes over”

Part 3. Two Souls start living with some surprises

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-12-15 00:50:01
Again,Beautiful! Wonderfully written with passion & emotion. Sharing Ur feelings for your friend KIim explains why. Good work. As the other comments said, "believable & realistic"

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-12-15 00:50:01
Again,Beautiful! Wonderfully written with passion & emotion. Sharing Ur feelings for your friend KIim explains why. Good work. As the other comments said, "believable & realistic"

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-12-15 00:49:59
Again,Beautiful! Wonderfully written with passion & emotion. Sharing Ur feelings for your friend KIim explains why. Good work. As the other comments said, "believable & realistic"

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-06 18:19:52
David 59

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-27 11:37:15
one hell of a story great work

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