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I own nothing of this, I copy it from my favorite author and put it where I have easy access so I can read the whole story with one page load this story is from P.O.I His page:
I own nothing of this, I copy it from my favorite author and put it where I have easy access so I can read the whole story with one page load this story is from P.O.I
His page:

Part 1
After all the shit that happened with Derek and Heather at the beginning of the year I can safely say that the rest of the school year went really well. My sister Elizabeth found herself a boyfriend, some straight laced guy in the choir at the local church named Greg of all things. The girls and I got things worked out with a little negotiating on my part, Katy and Kori got along just fine but Mathilda felt left out a lot of the time. Kori hooked her and Katy up with some shopping days and they bonded, thank god too considering I didn’t really need a girl fight.

Jun on the other hand seemed like his world went straight shit sideways when his girlfriend Lilly got all weirded out not feeling like one of the crew and made some advances to me to be ‘one of the girls’. I knew what it’d do to Jun and turned her down which really doesn’t go over well, they haven’t been together for the rest of the year and Jun’s been real quiet about a lot. He’s been there for the others but real quiet.

The best thing going on in my world right now is the same thing going on for everyone right now, summer vacation in two days. Everyone in the school is acting like dogs in the kennel for too long and wanting to get out. It’s a Wednesday after school and all of us are at home eating dinner when it hits me, Mom and Dad are really quiet and have been since we got home. I let it be and head to my room after dinner. It’s about seven at night when I get a knock on my door, its Liz and she’s waving me out of my room. Ever have that feeling where you’re walking into a bad surprise, I get into the living room and I see Mom and Dad sitting in their recliners and some guy in a suit sitting on the couch.

“Hi there, you must be Guy. I’ve heard a lot about you,” the suit says standing up, six feet tall Caucasian, decent build and his suit is pretty nice. I can’t seem to place his accent but he sounds redneck.

“Okay, Dad did I do something wrong,” I ask looking at everyone in the room.

“Guy you should sit down and listen to Mr. Delauter for a minute,” Dad says motioning me to the loveseat.

“Well I’m here on behalf of your mother Guy,” the suit tells me as we both sit down.

“Okay, she’s right there,” I say nodding to Mom in the recliner, I see Mr. Delauter frown at the reference.

“No Guy, I mean your real mother, Loretta,” the suit says, I can feel my stomach tighten and start to feel sick.

Dad is looking at me as the suit tells me about how my ‘mother’ rehabbed a year ago, got a hold of money and paid off all her back child support. I feel cold as mom moves over to the loveseat with me as he tells me she has filed and received summer visitation rights.

“I’m not going,” I say cutting Mr. Delauter off.

“I’m sorry son, but the law is clearly defined. Your mother having paid her dues and being clean and sober for a year gets her visitation rights,” Mr. Delauter tells me taking some papers out of his briefcase.

“First off I’m NOT your son, don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. That ‘woman’ doesn’t deserve a visit from me behind plate glass,” I tell him hotly getting up from the couch.

“She does and she’s entitled to six weeks this summer starting in two days,” Mr. Delauter says standing up,” I’ll be at the airport to take him back to Texas ten in the morning day after tomorrow.”

“My son will be there, you understand something Mr. Delauter,” My dad says standing up,” You want to help my ex wife, fine. You want to take her in and marry her, fine. But you asked for more trouble than you know how to deal with cause you want six weeks with MY son at your home.”

I freeze at what Dad says, he’s gonna let them take me. I get off the loveseat and stomp back to my room; as soon as I’m in I grab a bag and start packing. Its a few minutes when Dad gets to my room; I don’t even turn to greet him.

“Packing for your trip,” Dad asks leaning in the doorway.

“Gonna make a run for it,” I tell him rolling a few shirts up.

“No you’re not,” Dad says taking the bag,” I’ve been to the courts about this for months now. This is all legal and Loretta gets her six weeks Guy.”

“You knew,” I ask shocked,” you knew that she was trying this and you didn’t tell me?”

“I’ve been at court on this, going through hearings. I didn’t want this for you,” Dad tells me.

I shake my head, 6 weeks with a woman I haven’t seen or wanted to see in seven years, now my Dad says I have no choice and I have to go. I don’t even say anything when dad leaves; I just lock my door and shut down. I get knocking after a half hour but ignore it and head to sleep.

Last day of school being a half day everyone is talking about their plans in my crew. It takes a while before everyone realizes I’m in a grim mood, even Jun is talking about summer. Finally Natsuko decides to break the silence.

“So what is our brooding leader doing this summer,” Natsuko asks.

Katy and Liz get really quiet, I know they heard what happened last night and I’m waiting for Liz to drop the bombshell. The others at the table start getting nervous so I decide to drop the summer bombshell. I watch their faces some grim, some shocked.

“So are you going to be okay,” Jun asks me breaking the silence.

“Okay and me are not good friends right now,” I reply from my hood.

“Hey man, I’ll take care of the girls while you’re gone,” Jun tells me.

The whole table starts laughing about it; I even manage a chuckle out. We settle down but I’m still in a bad way when Kori nods for me to head outside. I leave the table and follow her out, it takes me a second but I know Katy is following me. I see her stop in front of the school offices and sit down on the concrete planter, guess this is one of those moments.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this,” Kori asks.

“I found out about it last night, thought about making a run for it but my Dad shut that idea down,” I tell Kori sitting down next to her.

“Okay Kori, Guy should have told you,” Katy cuts in standing in front of us,” but this is trauma drama shit happened to him last night, when he pulled me out of my shit I didn’t have my head on straight for days. You two plan a going away thing for just the two of you tonight; I’ll talk to Mathilda and let her know.”

And just like that Katy is gone and Kori and I are left alone on the planter. I put my arm around her and she cuddles inside my coat, even in the summer I keep the leather jacket with hood on. After a few minutes I feel Korinna rustling around in my pockets and watcher her take my phone out. Quickly she gets up and starts going through my numbers, I almost protest but I see her make a call.

“Hi Mr. Donnelly… no it’s not Guy its Korinna… No Guy is fine… no he didn’t make a run for it… yes I will make sure he’s fine… Mr. Donnelly I’m going to borrow my boyfriend till tonight if that’s okay with you and Mrs. Donnelly,” is what I get to hear from Kori on my phone with my Dad,” Yes I’ll have him back tonight thank you.”

“Did you just make my plans for the evening,” I ask Kori taking back my phone.

“Yes I did sir, you will sit and you will like it,” Kori tells me taking out her own phone and start making a call, I hear her talking to her folks.

I get up and head back to the cafeteria; I see the rest of the crew still plotting their fun. I honestly worry about what’s gonna happen with my own trip. I push that shit down and grabbing my bag head off to home room for my midday last class.

Final bell comes and the flood gates open for screaming teenagers to drive, run and bike or skate he hell off school grounds. I hang around and watch most leave when I get a text from Kori saying she’s getting her mom’s van and to stay put. I sit my ass down on a bench and watch the whole school clear out in a record time. As I’m sitting there I feel that pull again, I should run. I start to get up and move when a hand grabs me from behind and sits me back down on the bench. Two hands set on my shoulders and start rubbing.

“Now you wouldn’t be thinking of running would you Guy,” I hear Katy ask me from behind,” cause I’ve got this promise I made to your Dad, my Guardian, that I wouldn’t let you go running off.”

“Yeah well my options are getting really slim and to be honest I’m feeling like I’m getting sentenced to a jail term,” I tell Katy from my hood.

“Hey I know bad too Guy, you saw it and took pictures for fuck’s sake,” Katy says moving to sit next to me,” But you need to do something for the rest of the crew.”

“And now the mantle of leadership is firmly on,” I say chuckling,” what needs doing cause I could use some violence.”

Katy gets up and I follow her back into the school, we hit the Gym and head back to the storage room. She pulls one door open and ushers me inside, as soon as I’m in I watch Katy pull the door closed behind us. It’s mostly dark but we have enough light to see most everything in the room, cages with balls, athletic equipment and floor mats for padding. I get the idea and put Katy up against a wall and shove my tongue in her mouth, it takes her a second before she warms up a little. After a few seconds of kissing Katy backs me off of her.

“Not for me, not this time champ. This is for Jun,” Katy tells me pointing around a corner.

I take a quick look around the corner and see Lilly standing nervously around like she’s waiting for someone. I take a better look at her, she’s about 5’6” glasses and short black hair around her ears, she’s a heavier set not too fat but defiantly not curvy like Kori, her breasts are smaller than I thought for a bigger girl but her ass is big and round like Katy’s. I turn back to Katy who shrugs at me.

“Is this seriously what you brought me in here for,” I ask Katy in whisper.

“Okay, Jun knows she wants this, she has been wanting to get back with Jun but she feels like an outsider all the time,” Katy tells me,” Give her one and tell her to get a hooded coat and it’s over.”

“Not a fuckstick for the student body Katy,” I say shaking my head,” is Jun hanging around?”

She shakes her head and I adjust my hood and go around the corner to where Lilly can see me. She’s a little startled at first but I watch her start to take off her coat and I stop her.

“You know what happens next,” I ask Lilly.

“Ummm, we make love and you let me be part of your group,” Lilly taking her coat off.

“Lilly, you were already part of the group. Unless you are wanting to be girlfriend number four and I’ve got no need for a fourth girlfriend,” I tell Lilly pulling my hood back,” Now as for a fucking it’s your asshole, are you sure you want that.”

I watch Lilly’s eyes go wide with a little shock; it’s the only thing I can think of to get Lilly to back down from trying to jump into my pants. I know that I can hit it and probably get a new member to the ‘fan club’ but Jun’s been really hurt over it if he found out that I’d be out a friend and I don’t have too many guy friends. I motion for Lilly to sit down which she does after some hesitation; I crouch down in front of her.

“You don’t want to fuck me Lilly. You really want to be one of this crew again,” I ask her from my hood.

I see her nod in response then look over my shoulder; I turn to see Katy standing behind me. I refocus on Lilly.

“You go back to your man; you make it right and whole. Are we clear,” I ask Lilly.

She nods and stands up quickly, trying to get out of the room. As she starts past me I take her by the arm.

“Us not having sex isn’t because I have some obligation to my girls or because I don’t think parts of you wouldn’t look good wrapped around my dick,” I tell her seeing her eyes brighten a little.

I give Lilly I quick hug and let her go before sitting down on the padding where she was sitting. I watch Katy see Lilly off and out before she comes back over and stands before me.

“So are you not interested get some anymore,” Katy asks.

I stand up quickly taking Katy by the back of the head and jam my tongue in her mouth, she grabs the back of my head and we have a mouth war to see who survives. After a minute or two she breaks kiss and I turn around and throw her down onto the stacked padding. Katy’s wearing a short cut leather jacket with a hood, black tank top and a red plaid schoolgirl skirt, it’s her white and pink skull panties I’m interested in. I reach down and pull them off to her knees and bury my face in shaved punk pussy.

As soon as my tongue hits Katy’s clit she grabs my head and makes sure I seem to find the right spot for the moment. I use one hand to undo my pants and the other to hold Katy’s hips in place as she squirms. I move my tongue from her clit to her hole and get as much inside her as I can. I let her moan a little more before I take my face away from Katy’s pussy and pushing her knees up to her chest stuff my cock into her pussy. I sink in thanks to how wet she is and waste no time pounding as hard as can into Katy. It takes her a minute to get her panties off one leg and when she does she spreads wide for me and grabs the back of my head to make eye contact.

“I’ve been on the pill for months now, you better fucking cum in me or I swear to god you’ll…,” is all I let Katy get out as I put my hand on her throat and keep air from getting to her.

I keep my pounding of her pussy up and start to get that tingle at the base of my cock. I hold out just enough to see Katy’s eyes start to roll up in her head and letting go of her throat dump a hard load into her pussy. Air getting to her plus my orgasm sets Katy off like a demon as she wraps her legs around me and squeezes out her own orgasm while nearly crushing my testicles against her ass. It’s hard and wet grinding for us and after a few minutes Katy finally lets me out of her pussy.

I pull out and stand up, after getting myself adjusted I check the door, nobody in sight to be found. I come back to Katy; she looks like she’s in her own personal heaven as I lay down next to her.

“I swear to god I am gonna figure out how your cock knows right where my G spot is beats the shit out of it,” Katy tells me smiling.

“Well you’ve been dying for a creampie so I figured since you were so hot for a sex show I’d make you a sex show,” I tell her grinning back.

Katy get herself to a bathroom and I take the men’s room to wash my cock off. Only been forty five minutes since school got out, but when I exit the bathroom Katy is waiting for me. Both our phones go off and I load up a video message from Jun, I see Asian ass and Asian cock fucking and just chuckle.

“Okay now I seriously think that’s hilarious,” Katy says watching the clip.

“Hey they’re back together and that makes shit good in the crew,” I tell Katy as we exit the Gym.

I decide to take a bus back home while I let Korinna plan the going away thing. Katy doesn’t say much to on the trip home but I know she’s concerned for me. As soon as I’m in the door I see that Mom and Dad are home in the middle of the day on a Thursday. I don’t even make eye contact as I head past them in the living room and get to packing for my ‘vacation’. A knock on my door that I don’t answer brings my Dad into the room.

“So I thought you and Kori were doing something,” he asks sitting in my computer chair.

I shrug loading up a orange coverall I wore for Halloween one year into my bag, I figure on packing workout clothes, the basics along with my phone and iPod. Also gotta wear my coat, Jun said I’m pretty recognizable with it so it’s a part of everything that isn’t a family function.

“You gonna keep hating me forever about this,” Dad asks calmly.

“You gave me your word; you swore to me that she would never touch my life again. Now here I am with good things going on and she gets to drag me away from it cause you couldn’t keep your word,” I tell my Dad hotly.

I can see his face; he’s pissed and wants to hit someone. I’d let him hit me too, not for some bullshit way out but just to get some pain in my system so I don’t feel so damn numb. After unclenching his fists I see Dad calm down.

“They filed for custodial rights. Delauter is a good lawyer but Loretta’s record kept it from happening. She couldn’t get partial but with the child support paid and the agreement that there would be a family therapist down there that you and her would have to meet I agreed to the six weeks. Once you turn seventeen it’s all your decision, but this is the way this has to go now,” Dad tells me getting up and placing his hand on my shoulder.

“I’d rather go to jail,” I tell him scared.

“Yeah I know, we cancelled the family trip till August just so you can get back and be with the family. I got you a cash card and will be putting a hundred and fifty dollars in it each week so I know you can eat and have some fun there,” Dad says showing me the card,” I will not tell you it’s going to be easy down there but you hold out and you’ll have family and all those girls of yours when you get home.”

I smirk a little and Dad gives me a hug before stepping out of the room. I quietly finish packing when I get a text message about an hour later from Kori telling me to come over and look nice. It takes me a few minutes to get some slacks on and a white button up shirt before grabbing my coat and heading out the front door.

It’s a cool afternoon walk to Kori’s parent’s home. It takes me a half hour to get there and when I do I see no vehicles their home. I knock on the door and wait about a minute before Kori greets me in her in a t shirt, jeans and an apron.

“Hi honey, go sit and watch TV and you will go nowhere else in the house,” Kori tells me without even a kiss hello.

I get inside and close the door after me, I try to follow Kori but she gives me the ‘look’ and I back down and get on the couch. I can smell cooking going on but Kori’s never cooked before as far as I know. I get a sci fi show on and chill out trying to ignore this trip of mine. I watch a whole hour before Kori finally comes out of the kitchen and heads up stairs.

“Go sit down at the table and wait for me please,” Kori asks heading up.

At the table I’m looking at some pan cooked chicken with potatoes and green beans. I glance into the kitchen and see a lot of dirty dishes, I figure she must have been doing this since she got in. I hear foot falls coming up behind me; I turn and freeze as I see Kori. It’s her beautiful frame clad in simple white cotton sundress, I honestly am stunned by her and she smiles at my reaction.

“Okay honey, eat something,” Kori says smiling.

She sits and we eat, it’s really good food. We don’t talk for a bit but I can see she wants to say something. I get my plate finished and wait for her to say what she needs to say.

“Okay, girls and I put it to a vote. We’re giving you a pass on the lack of notice with vacation and Mathilda says she gets you first when you get back,” Kori tells me taking a drink of milk.

“Okay, I can accept that. I’m sorry for…,” is all I get out when she cuts me off.

“I don’t want sorry baby, I don’t need it. We’re all giving you a free pass for six weeks down there as long as you don’t get anyone pregnant,” Kori says smiling.

“It’s gonna be a prison sentence for me Kori,” I let out exasperated.

“Yeah, since me you got more girls beating down your door and I’m glad to know you waved off Lilly earlier,” Kori says with her knowing smile,” but you are going to get laid down there and I am not worried after tonight.”

I want to ask but she gets up and takes my hand, I follow her up the stairs and when we get to her bedroom she sits me down on her bed and starts stripping me down till I’m naked. I watch from the foot of the bed as she undoes the knots on her sundress and lets it fall to the floor, as soon as it’s down she moves in and kisses me deep laying me down on her bed. I put my arm around Kori and back us both up till my head is on her bed pillows. Kori has no lingerie on and our bodies are pressed together as we kiss softly.

I am harder than Chinese calculus as we’re rubbing against each other, I try to move Kori down to see if I can get a blowjob but she breaks the kiss and I can see she’s got a different plan.

“I’m not gonna go down on you Guy, I’m gonna make love to you,” Kori tells me quietly.

I feel her hands reach down and find my cock while Kori shifts her body and straddles my hips. She leans up a little and raises her hips off of me and after lining my cock head up with her pussy I slide in till our hips are flat against each other. Slowly Kori starts moving, it’s soft and warm inside her and I let her sit upright. I watch her b cup breast slowly rock back and forth as Kori grinds on me deep. I can see we’re feeling every inch of each other and I start to run my hands up and down Kori’s body. She starts moaning from everything and I’m loving the feeling as she builds herself up to her first orgasm, I feel her pussy contract and see Kori bite her bottom lip while I us my hands to hold her in place and rid out her orgasm.

After a couple minutes Kori starts moving again, not softly grinding this time but bouncing with purpose. All I can hear is Kori moaning and our hips smacking together, it’s great but if this is what has to carry me through for six weeks I want a memory. I sit my torso up and using one arm to prop myself up I wrap the other up around Kori’s body, I let her lean back and we reposition my legs under me. As soon as we’re both upright and holding each other I start thrusting up into Kori while she pushes down onto my lap. It’s not as soft as when we start but it feels close and warm and I’m getting that tingle at the base of my cock.

“Cum in me baby, I want to feel you cum in me,” Kori says right before kissing me as passionately as she can.

I’m so into what is going on with the mood and everything from the day that my first shot surprises Kori as much as me but as soon as it does all I can do is clench up and lose my breath panting against Kori. I think I feel her cum as well but I’m so far gone into my own I barely notice.

I’m all tense as Kori helps lay me down on my back the lets me fall out of her and cuddles up on my right side gently rubbing my chest. I drift off to sleep in a wonderfully warm place.

Of all the ways to wake up, in my girl’s be with her and us both being under the cover’s makes up for the six foot five black stepdad waking me. I startle a little but calm down when I see he’s not pissed. I crawl out of Kori’s grasp and get my clothes on after Carl, her stepdad, leaves. I’m almost off the bed from getting my pants on when Kori comes to her senses and latches onto me.

“Hey you stay tonight, I’m not letting you go till six in the morning,” Kori tells me sleepily.

“I’ll be back baby, your dad summoned me,” I tell her heading out of the room.

I get down stair and see Mary, Kori’s mom sitting down at the dining room table. I check the clock and see it’s only ten at night but she looks like she’s wide awake. I take a seat as Carl brings me a glass of water and heads up to bed.

“You want to run from this don’t you,” Mary says breaking the silence.

“Like nothing else in my life,” I reply.

“But you won’t will you,” Mary asks me.

“I can’t ma’am. Even if I could get away and not have my father hunt me down I can’t leave Kori or Katy or Mathilda,” I tell her feeling resigned to the fate.

“We’ve never talked but I’m going to let you in on a secret. She’s too good for you; she is a beautiful girl who needs a man that is going to be there for her in the long run. That’s not you is it,” Mary says to me coldly.

I’m floored we’ve always gotten along with Mary before and now I’m being told that I’m not what she wants for her daughter. I sit there downcast wondering how my life went straight to shit when a hand on my shoulder snaps me to reality; it’s Kori in her bathrobe with a really sour look on her face.

“Mom that is so not funny,” Kori scolds.

That’s when Mary and Carl start laugh where they stand or sit. I look up at Mary and she is dying in her chair. I really want to be angry with her but I’m all out of emotion other than what I have for Kori right now. I stumble my ass back up stairs while Kori talks to her Mom. I get undressed and curl back up in Kori’s bed, she rejoins me a few minutes later.

“Mom and Carl have been wanting to pull a joke on you for a while,” Kori tells me cuddling up,” I’m really sorry baby.”

I nod lightly and curl my body around hers and drift back to sleep. The alarm for six goes off and I rush out of bed and quickly get dressed, Kori gets dressed as well putting on a pair of capri pants and button up blouse. Kori says bye to her parents and we load up into her mom’s van and head back to my home.

Once I’m inside my parent’s house I get a shower in and quickly finish packing the rest of my bag, Dad is already set to go and I hug Mom, Liz and Katy before stepping outside to the truck. Kori is still there and I give her one last kiss before she stops me from speaking and gets back into her Mom’s minivan. I load my bag and get in the truck with Dad and off we head to the airport.

The trip to the airport takes about ninety minutes but I don’t bother to engage Dad in any conversation. I’m wearing camo pants and a shirt that says ‘Antisocial’ in big letters on the front of it, got my boot and leather coat. Finally Dad decides to start talking.

“Are you ever going to talk to me again,” my Dad asks as we get off the freeway.

“Is there a point, all this was done behind my back and I can’t trust anyone now cause I’m just a teenager and don’t have any say in it,” I tell Dad from my hood.

“I guess we’ll have to work this out when you get back from Texas,” Dad says as we get into airport parking.

I get my bag checked at the counter and Dad walks me to where Mr. Delauter is waiting. I still have my hood on and can see he’s a little puzzled by my clothes.

“Mr. Donnelly I’m glad you we able to get here so quickly, we’ll be able to get boarded on our plane sooner than we thought,” Delauter says smiling.

“Now Guy, I can’t go to the terminal but you have your phone and you can call us anytime,” Dad says placing his hand on my shoulder.

I nod to my Dad and head past Mr. Delauter into the security terminal. They make me take off my boots but I get through and after that it’s just a bunch of sit and wait.

“Well I called your mother before the check in, she’s anxious to see you again,” Mr. Delauter tells me trying to break the ice,” We’ll be in the air for a few hours and hopefully back to the house in time for dinner.”

“Do I look like I care,” I ask him.

“Excuse me,” Delauter asks stunned.

“Thanks to you and Loretta I’m missing out on six weeks of time with my family and my girlfriends cause the junkie got herself into some money so let me make this perfectly clear, SIR,” I spit out the sir at him,” I will never call her my mother and now I’m going to spend six weeks making up for the nine years of bullshit and pain she caused me, you wanted it and you got it.”

I see him think about what I said but I don’t care. I get my IPod out and get my some metal playing. I check my phone and facebook to see a lot of farewell messages and update my eta to prison on my page. I see that Delauter is talking to me and pull my ear bud out.

“It’s our time to board,” Delauter says heading into line.

We get boarded and I’m not sitting in the back of the plane. Take off is bumpy and we’re in the air for hours before we can finally get off the plane and after collecting our luggage we get into a car he had in the parking garage. It’s the first Mercedes and I’ve never been in a car this nice but all things being equal it feels like a prison bus.

Mr. Delauter doesn’t talk while driving through town but it’s a big city we’re in, something starting with an A I think. We get out of the city and into some suburbs and then into a smaller community. I see a lot of money and even more snobby attitudes. I left my home at eleven in the morning on a plane and now it’s five in the afternoon at my temporary lodgings. The house is huge, two floors and a basement from what I can tell on at least an acre of land. I get my bag from the trunk and see the door open. There’s a woman at the front with a scared smile on her face as she stares at me, it’s been a long time but this woman at all of five feet eight inches, with blonde hair and wearing an apron is defiantly not the Loretta I knew. I grit my teeth and head up to the house turning off my iPod.

I watch Delauter head up first and give her a kiss and a hug before turning to me and losing his smile. I watch Loretta come down the steps towards me.

“Oh my god I never thought you’d be so big and handsome,” Loretta tells me.

“Great, whatever, can I go to my cell please I’m tired of bullshit today,” I reply coldly stepping past them both and heading inside.

I let Delauter get ahead of me and lead me to a room on the second floor, giant TV and a queen sized bed along with a couch and dresser make up the furnishings. I drop my bag and do a little unpacking. I hear someone call up saying something about a dinner tonight. I don’t respond, day one and I’ve fired the first shot.

Part 2

I feel very weird and still bitter about being in this new house as I unpack my meager belongings. If I wanted to actually be a part of my surroundings I know I’d be in with money in this family. My Dad and Mom aren’t poor at all but the lawyer asshole Loretta hooked up with is living big. I can see the Mercedes I arrived in but the four car garage and the rot iron and brick fence tell me Delauter likes to show off and has enemies.

“Hey Gi, aren’t you going to come down and eat,” I hear Delauter call from down stairs.

Well apparently Loretta didn’t get the memo about how I want my name pronounced. Still got my camo pants on but I change into a plain black t-shirt and head down stairs. It takes me about a minute or so to find the damn dining room but when I get there I can see everyone is dressed a hell of a lot better than I am, and in another world I might actually care. Aside from Mr. Delauter and Loretta there are three people I’m assuming are Delauter’s children. The first is a guy a couple years older than me, about 6’3” and built like a wall of muscle in a polo shirt and khakis with well groomed black hair. The two females are polar opposites, one girl is about my age I think with black hair like the guy and about 5’7” with a petite build and dressed in a white button up blouse and a long brown skirt, her face framed in some plain glasses. The last girl is about 5’9” and built like a porn cheerleader, long blonde hair and large b cup breasts held in by a varsity sweater and a pleated skirt.

“Oh, Guy, I want you to meet Mark’s children,” Loretta says as I start to sit down at the table,” Mark Jr., Abigail and Bethany.”

I grunt in the girl’s direction and nod to the son. After a few moments of everyone praying at the table we start to eat, someone cooked Mexican and while I don’t often eat Mexican get half a plate down before I realize that Loretta is talking to me and not one of the others.

“I remembered that you loved Mexican food when you were a kid Gi,” She tells me smiling.

“I didn’t eat a lot of Mexican food when you were around,” I tell Loretta as I stop eating.

“You did, you were always hanging out with that Mexican family and their son in the apartment down stairs when your father and I lived in Detroit,” Loretta tells me expectantly.

I think about it for a minute and remember the family she’s talking about, I start laughing as everyone is looking at me funny.

“Mexican, Dad paid them to watch me while you were hung over and he had to work. My friend’s name was Kalani and they were Hawaiian,” I spit out laughing,” Excuse me I need to go laugh this off. Mexican.”

I know everyone at the table is staring at me as I get up from the table and leave the room. I get to the stairs before I hear other’s putting their forks down and I think Loretta is crying. I leave it them to their own damage control and head back upstairs to my room. I get the door closed and go to my phone shooting off a text detailing that I’ve arrived and the first dinner in my new jail was a laugh riot. I post the same on facebook and just relax on the couch in my room.

After about an hour I realize that scanning my phone for anything interesting on the internet is boring and I wish I had a laptop. I head out of my room to search for the bathroom, it’s not a huge house but it takes me a minute to find the first bathroom and see that it’s occupied. After waiting a few minutes the door opens and I’m greeted by the blonde, Bethany.

“Oh, did you knock,” She asks exiting.

“Nope, you wait in line in prison,” I say entering the bathroom and closing the door.

I exit the bathroom to be greeted by Mr. Delauter standing there with his arms folded. I nod my head and walk past him to my room; I make it in the door to realize he’s followed me from the bathroom.

“Would it kill you to try to treat my family with a little respect,” He asks me closing the door.

“Probably but I haven’t gone after everyone,” I reply sitting on the couch.

“Your mother is trying to bridge this gap between you two but you seem dedicated to make her feel as horrible as possible,” Mr. Delauter asks rhetorically.

“She’s not my mother, you are really slow for someone who’s got a law degree,” I tell him standing up,” and MY name is pronounced Guy, not Gi.”

I can see him thinking about what to say but he leaves and I am once again alone in my room. I hate not being home and I’m stewing that Mr. Delauter won’t even bother to figure out how bad of an idea dragging me down here is. I start to think about the girls back home and lying on the couch I drift off to sleep.

I wake up with the sun down and that odd ‘not sleeping in my own bed feeling’. I check my clock and see it’s about midnight and I must have dozed off about six in the evening. Not wanting to wake other’s I decide to do some sneaking around, I take off my socks and head out into the rest of the house. It’s still a really big house but I need to get my bearings fast since asking for help is off the table for me. Giant kitchen to go with the dining room, a damn pool in the back yard, looks like everyone but the oldest, Mark Jr., seems to sleep upstairs. It takes me about an hour to make my figure out my way around when I hear movement upstairs. I creep up the stairs to see Abigail in a t-shirt and shorts creeping off to the bathroom. I get close enough to watch her head past the bathroom and into my room. I follow and into the doorway and peer inside to see her going through my luggage bag. I get inside the room and close the door behind me startling Abigail.

“Oh shit I thought you were in the bathroom,” Abigail whispers startled.

“Why are you in my shit,” I ask in a growl.

“I was just seeing what you brought is all, I got curious,” Abigail tells me keeping her hands behind her back.

I cover the distance between us slowly and take Abigail’s right arm and pull it around in front of us, it’s my underwear in her hand. Little pervert was jacking my underwear to masturbate or some shit. I start chuckling and I see she’s getting scared.

“Want to explain it before I start calling out that you’re taking my drawers,” I ask Abigail letting go of her arm.

“I don’t know, I just thought it would be risky to take them since you’re so hostile,” Abigail says edging back and sitting down on the bed.

“Now I know you’re bullshitting me. If that’s how you get your freak on then cool but those are clean, do you want ones that smell like me or is it a texture thing,” I ask undoing my camo pants.

I can see her puzzled in the light coming through my window, Abigail’s looking at the door like she should run but I can tell she has the curious questions about what is going on right now. I step out of the door way and sit down on the couch, taking off my camo pants.

“So you’re not freaked out that I smell your underwear,” Abigail asks.

“Not really, after this year and having three girlfriends and a couple fuck buddies there’s only a few things that I can’t wrap my head around when it comes to sex,” I reply.

“You’ve had three different girlfriends in one school year,” Abigail asks.

“No I have three different girlfriends and they all know each other, it’s really quite good since they’re all different enough to be interesting but they all want to be with me so they work it out and I don’t play favorites,” I explain to Abigail who is a little stunned by the news.

“Can I ask you a not sex question,” Abigail queries.

“Sure but I’m bored a little and if I answer I get to ask you a question,” I reply opening myself up for the first volley of questions.

“Why do you hate your mother, Loretta, so much,” Abigail asks cringing a little.

“All I remember of my mother was either being in the back of a bar while she drank, trying to wake her up cause I was hungry while she was hung over or watching her when she’d forget something she was supposed to go to but was either at the bar or passed out,” I explain to my not so captive audience.

“That’s all you remember of her,” Abigail asks confused,” and you can’t get past the fact that she wants to be a part of your life?”

“Ah ah ah, I get a question before I answer that,” I tell her holding up my hand,” Are you a virgin?”

“No, I lost my virginity sophomore year to a junior on the chess team,” Abigail tells me embarrassed,” he insisted that since we were dating we should and afterwards I didn’t want to anymore so I broke it off.”

“Nice, I’ll answer your question now. I might have been able to get past it in different circumstances, like not taking me from my life against my will and moving me to Texas,” I reply to her previous question,” What happened that made you not like sex?”

“It was short, fast and painful,” Abigail tells me loosening up,” I get off when I do it myself but it hurt when he did it so I just didn’t want to anymore.”

I shake my head, I’ve heard about guys who don’t know what to do to get a virgin warmed up for sex but apparently I’m one of the few who pays attention. I start to smile but I don’t think she can see it.

“it’s my turn, ummmm, so you get to have three girlfriends and other girls you have sex with,” Abigail struggles for a moment to find the question,” What makes you pick a girl?”

“Well honestly if she’s not interested in me then I don’t bother with the whole making her interested in me,” I answer simply.

“So would you have sex with me or my sister,” Abigail asks me quickly.

“Hey I get to ask my question first,” I cut her off,” are you on birth control?”

I see her nod in response but she’s still shy about it. I pull my shirt off and motion her to come over. Abigail gets off the bed and moves over until she’s standing in front of me. I reach up and pull on her shirt to help her out of it; once it’s off I can see her A cup breasts and quarter sized nipples are rock hard. I take Abigail by the hips and sit her down on my lap straddling my crotch and bumping our hips together. She’s a little startled by the sensation and places her hands on my shoulders.

“It’s been a while I’m guessing,” I ask quietly.

Abigail nods her head and realizing she still has her glasses on takes them off and sets them to the side. I wait for her to finish before I latch my mouth onto her left breast, rolling the nipple between my lips. I feel Abigail’s body shift and a light moaning escape her mouth as I keep her nipple from leaving my mouth, I move my hands from her back and taking hold of her ass start grinding our hips together slowly.

I can feel some moisture from the crotch of her shorts and I’m getting hard enough to move things up a bit. I let her nipple fall out of my mouth and squeeze her ass cheeks to get her attention. Abigail looks down at me in a minor daze then gets up off me and drops her shorts to the floor before crawling onto my bed and lying crossways rolls onto her back with her legs spread.

I get up after her and see a little pubic hair on her pussy as she lightly starts rubbing her clit. I smile and take my shorts down and when I straighten up I can see her eyes widen at the sight of my hard seven and a half inch penis.

“Oh shit that won’t fit in me, my ex boyfriend was half that size,” Abigail says with a little fear.

“Okay, so this is what is going to happen,” I tell Abigail crawling up her body till we are face to face,” I am going to push into you slowly, I’m not going to stop until either I am all the way inside or I reach the bottom. After that I will wait till you tell me that I can start moving. Deal?”

I can see she’s skeptical but she nods her head in agreement. I take my time lining up my cock with Abigail’s pussy hole and after a little prodding get the first two inches in. I can see Abigail’s eyes are closed and she’s biting her bottom lip as I slowly work more and more of my cock in and out of her pussy until I get all but the last inch inside as I bump her womb. As soon as I hit the bottom I watch Abigail’s eyes and mouth open wide in shock, I quickly place my mouth over hers to keep the scream contained. Abigail’s mouth was making the noise but her body wasn’t offering a different opinion of the situation as she clamps her legs around mine and tries to grind my cock deeper into her pussy.

Once Abigail is done screaming and thrashing we lay there quietly as she adjusts to my size. I take my mouth off of hers as she slides her hands down my sides and pulls me against her by my ass. I don’t need more invitation than that as I start moving three inches of my cock in and out of her pussy. She’s not screaming as I work long, smooth strokes in and out of her pussy but moaning and grinding back against me start making me a little more anxious as I back up to my cock head and slamming as much of my cock as will fit into her pussy.

“Fuck me harder, I wanna cum hard again,” Abigail whispers to me desperately.

I start kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear as I fuck her pussy with fast, deep strokes. I can hear her grunting and the sloshing noise that her pussy is making every time I thrust is keeping the room from being too quiet. I’m grunting with Abigail and she has her hands all over my back and lightly bites into my shoulder as I grunt and cum deep into her pussy. My orgasms sends her over the edge with hers and we grind against each other riding it out till we’re both covered in sweat and physically tired.

I don’t know how long we laid there but when I finally pulled out of Abigail I watch her slide off the bed and pull her panties and shorts back on pulling them up into her pussy as she wobbles out of my room. I put some shorts on without underwear and wait in the bed under the covers. It takes Abigail a few minutes but she wobbles back and slides up next to me resting her head on my chest.

“Why did you kiss me,” Abigail asks me quietly.

“To keep you from letting everyone in the house know you were getting your orgasm wings,” I joke lightly.

I feel her cuddle in deeper and the silence continues as I drift off to sleep.

Five thirty in the mother fucking morning and my cell phone alarm is blaring to me to wake up. I look around and see that I’m alone in the bed; Abigail must have snuck out after I passed out. Just as well considering she’d have to get up and leave or explain why she was in my room alone to someone other than me. I get myself changed into my black running suit and matching hooded jacket and creep down stairs and out the front door. I get to the front of the yard and fence and discover there is a code or system to get the doors to open and that the alarm is active. Well that kills street running so I start doing laps around the yard.

I keep a good pace and realize that I’ve been jogging for thirty minutes and I’m at the back of the house when I decide to head back up and bust out the pushups and sit ups portion of my morning routine.

I don’t know when it happened but I realize that there is an audience watching me from the house as I finish up. I ignore it and bust out the last of the morning routine before heading in the back door.

“Do you work out every morning,” I turn to see Loretta asking me.

“Yes, either I work out or I train with Dad, been that way for seven years now,” I tell her pulling my hood off.

“I can make you some breakfast if you want,” Loretta asks me quietly.

I turn to face her then see a maid working in the kitchen behind her and chuckle. Loretta turns to see what I’m looking at and turns her head downcast.

“Rosa just cleans, I actually cook meals for the family,” She tells me weakly.

“Yeah, just wondering what else you ‘remember’ about my childhood that is wrong,” I say coldly.

I can see she’s hurt and decide not to push the pain anymore I’ve got five weeks and six days left to drag this out if needed. I could be nicer, possibly more respectful but I remember George Carlin, respect should be earned, not assumed. I head to the upstairs bathroom and stripping down hop into the shower. A good warm rinse after a workout helps a lot but once I’m done I realize that either I put a towel around me or wear dirty clothes back to my room. I opt for the towel and head back, nearly bumping into Bethany as she’s exiting her room wearing nothing but a pink tank top that barely covers her light blue panties.

“God you are not supposed to be here,” Bethany gasps loudly.

I puzzle then hear the noise from her room, shuffling and then a window opening followed by a distant thud. I smile at her as she scowls down at me for listening.

“You just remember that you’re the visitor here and you better keep your mouth shut,” Bethany threatens with her light Texan accent.

“Okay, what happens in your room isn’t any of my business,” I tell Bethany getting serious,” by the way you have some cum on your face.”

I watch her unconsciously pull her hand up to her face to wipe it off as I breeze past her and into my room. Before I can close the door I hear Bethany growl and start stomping towards me, I step inside but leave the door and ready my towel.

“You asshole, I ought to have my boyfriend come back here and kick the shit out of you,” Bethany threatens closing my door behind her.

I turn to address her, keeping my face blank with no real expression at first then smiling big and crazy like. I watch her own gaze go from anger to fear in less than four seconds as she turns and start to open the door before I cut her off by placing my hand on the door to keep it shut. I take my free hand and lightly grab Bethany by the back of her neck and place her back against the door with my body only inches from hers.

“You don’t know me so listen well; I will not be talked down to for any reason by anybody. Especially some dyed blonde cheer slut who gives her boyfriend a blowjob then lets him sleep over cause she’s too prudish to actually fuck him,” I start in,” I’m not the guy you blew last night, you ever come at me again and I’ll come into your room, wake you up when he’s here and fuck you like a good little bitch and let him watch. It’ll be hard and fast and afterwards you’ll like me for it.”

I can see her fear in her eyes; apparently nobody talks to her like this in her world or at her school. I figure I need to ‘emphasize’ my point and let my towel drop to the floor. Bethany is so freaked out that she doesn’t even try to look down, she just keeps staring into my eyes.

“Take your hands and feel how big my cock is,” I order Bethany.

I feel her fumble around for a second then take the base of my cock in her left and the rest with her right. Bethany’s eyes go wide and she finally looks down and then back up with either more fear or shock.

“Now tell me what you have in your hands,” I demand from Bethany quietly.

“Your cock,” Bethany answers almost in a whisper.

“And what is that cock going to do to you,” I ask her again more intensely.

“Fuck me hard and fast if it wants to,” Bethany whispers out.

“Good, now let go of me and I’ll decide as to when and where I’ll fuck your cheerleader ass,” I tell her stepping back and letting her take the door and leave.

I chuckle after she quietly bolts out of my room and quickly get dressed in my camo pants from yesterday and my ‘Antisocial’ t-shirt. Once done I shoot Kori a text about last night and this morning to which I get the reply ‘told you so’. Before I’m even down stairs I get one from Katy saying she needs to see a picture of me making a cheerleader moan. I reply that I’ll see what I can do as I hit the kitchen.

The kitchen has a bar with stools for dining and sure enough Loretta is actually making some breakfast. Bacon and eggs with some hash browns, I sit down and Loretta serves me a plate and I proceed to devour my first helping in record time.

“I was going to head into town today and wondered if you want to head in with me since the girls still have school for today and till Wednesday next week,” Loretta asks me expectantly.

I think about the pros and cons of my answer when I see Abigail walk into the kitchen area slowly with a large amount of books in her back pack for her last Friday of school. Abigail smirks at me and trails her finger tips across my back as she walks past.

“Sure, I’ll head in with you, I think I need to get a tattoo anyway,” I say plainly drinking my orange juice.

Both Loretta and Abigail start to chuckle at the comment and then stop when they see my face, I wasn’t kidding and this isn’t a joke. I watch Loretta start to get into a Mom mode but she quickly backs down realizing that it wouldn’t help.

A day trip with my biological mother, what could possibly go wrong?

Part 3

I watch as my ‘mother’ brightens to my agreeing to spend time with her. All of us; Abigail, Bethany, Loretta and I; pile into her car and head off to take the girls to school. Loretta drops the girls off at the front of the school with the other students and Abigail smiles at me a little as she gets out of the car and heads to class.

“I do have a few errands to run,” Loretta tells me as we get out of the parking lot,” but we’ll get you to a mall today so you can shop some.”

“I want to get a tattoo,” I tell her from my hood, I’m wearing the leather jacket even in a hot Texas summer.

“I can’t let you get a tattoo, I’m already skating on thin ice with having you down here,” Loretta tells me while driving,” Besides you’re barely seventeen this year, you can’t get one till you’re eighteen.”

I shrug from my hood, money usually solves that problem with most things, Johnny taught me that one this spring. I relax in the car at Loretta’s first stop, some halfway house for teens. I nearly fall asleep waiting in the car when a knock at the window rouses me. It’s a girl a little older than me, kinda ratty looking white girl in some beat up clothes. I get out of the car and lean up against it closing the door.

“Are you Mrs. Delauter’s son,” she asks me.

“And why do you give a fuck,” I nearly spit the words out.

“Cause she’s been talking about seeing you for the past month, some of us wonder what the fuss is about,” She says walking away.

Wonderful, not only is Loretta a fucking saint to these girls but now I’m the biggest asshole on the planet. I get back in the car and after a total and hour Loretta finally joins me.

“Sorry you had to wait out here by yourself, one of the girls went missing in the building and we needed her to sign some paperwork,” Loretta tells me starting her car.

“Yeah, apparently I’ve got a fan club here,” I mutter back.

“Well I couldn’t contain my excitement for seeing you again after all these years,” Loretta says with some pride.

It’s a surreal feeling to be sitting next to her after all the years where I honestly thought she died somewhere and nobody noticed. I think that might have been preferred by me honestly cause when she said a few errands what she meant was ‘going to show you what a good person I’ve become so you’ll like me’. Another youth home and two rehab clinics later put us at just after noon with me still waiting to head to the mall and find a tattoo artist.

“I’m sorry this is taking so long. It’s the end of the week paperwork and check ins,” Loretta tells me as we leave the last place.

“I’ve got six weeks, this is one day,” I mutter.

“I know this isn’t what you were looking forward to today but we can go now if you still want to,” Loretta asks hopefully.

I let her drive where she wants which not surprisingly leads to Mr. Delauter’s workplace. It’s another stop in the parade of boring shit and I’m done. We both get out of the car but as soon as Loretta starts to head towards the office I turn and walk out of the parking lot and down the street. I’m not sure how long it takes her to realize I’m not there but I’m already at the first cross walk when my phone goes off.

“Guy where did you go,” I hear Loretta asking me over the phone when I pick up.

“Where did you get my number,” I ask her crossing the street.

“I got it from your father when you were coming down here, where did you go honey,” She asks again.

“I went to go do something else, I’m tired of wasting my time and being lead along by the nose,” I tell her trying to figure out where the hell I am.

“Honey just come back here and we’ll go to the mall or whatever you want to do I promise,” I can hear Loretta getting worried.

“Ummm, no done being lied to and force fed your crap,” I hang up the phone and continue walking.

I get another couple calls from the same number but ignore them, I use my phone GPS to figure out where

I am and where the damn high school is around here. It takes a minute but after the ‘out of normal area’ bullshit I get my bearings and head off.

The walk is hot and I almost regret coming out but after an hour of walking I finally hit school grounds. It’s about one thirty and I figure the classes will be till three so I calmly look around. Defiantly a football school, a lot of trophies inside and there is three fields all painted out for football with the best one having actual stadium lights and real stands for people to sit.

I do my wandering for about an hour when classes get out and I can see the students shuffling about for their cars and busses. A good amount of money here in the students, Johnny would make a killing. I leave that thought where it is when I see Bethany all decked in her summer cheer outfit, short orange and white skirt with a tight top and those damn shorts they wear over their panties. Her boyfriend if you wanna call him that is a black guy in jeans and a letterman jacket. I circle around them and keep just out of Bethany’s sight with my hood up.

Advantage of a new area is people don’t notice the jacket or that I’m wearing my hood up. It takes Bethany a little bit but finally she realizes she’s being watched and starts to do the whole searching the crowd looking for who could be there. I duck out of the area when her phone goes off and she says Dad.

Someone’s getting the troops together to try to mount a search. I head off across the campus and nearly walk past Abigail and some of her friends talking. Abigail’s on her phone but as soon as she hangs it up I creep up behind her and snake my arms around her waist pulling her against me.

“Who the fuck,” Abigail jumps away from me spinning around to see her ‘attacker’,” Guy how did you get here, you’re Mom and my Dad are looking for you.’

“Really, I’ve only been gone for a couple hours, I wonder what they’ll do after a few days,” I ask myself out loud.

I can see her friends wondering who the hell I am and what planet I came from; as soon as Abigail goes to make a call on her phone I snatch it away from her.

“What are you doing, I need to call your Mom and tell her you’re okay,” Abigail tells me reaching for her phone.

“Or we don’t call her and I get to have some fun here at the school with you and your friends,” I tell her looking at her two friends.

Both are Latino, one guy and one girl, the guy is about 5’8” and thin build in a white button up shirt and slacks, well groomed black hair. The girl on the other hand is 5’6” and a little chubby but in all the right places, c cup breasts in a tank top and capri pants, black hair done in a pony tail.

“He sounds worse than my brother,” the girl says eyeing me up and down.

“Abigail you should get a teacher if he’s not supposed to be here,” the boy says nervously.

“Really, get a teacher? Three days before the end of the school year and a teacher this close to not having to do shit for three months is going to just jump at the chance to deal with a teenager who isn’t even a student on campus,” I tell the guy staring from my hood.

I can see them back down a little when the girls look past me to someone else, I turn enough of my head to see six Latino males about my age of varying sizes but it’s the one dressed like the skinny kid that gets my attention the most. He’s about 5’10” and well built, sporting a black goatee and ponytail, dressed in a white button up shirt that’s open with a white tank top underneath and plain khakis.

“Who the fuck is this coming to our school and speaking to our women,” one of the scrawny guys spits out referencing me.

“He’s with my family, visiting my step mom from out of town,” I hear Abigail speak up from behind me.

“Hey Carlos, let me welcome him to our school,” I hear the scrawny one say again.

“Brother don’t he’s just new around here,” I hear the Latino girl behind me plead.

“Carlos man this fucker is eyeballing you man, let me teach him about shit around here,” I see the scrawny one ask again.

I watch Carlos shake his head at the scrawny guy but the dumbass still moves in. I let him place his left hand on my right shoulder, I bring my right arm up throwing his hand off and taking the palm of my hand deliver a straight shot to his throat. I watch his eyes go wide as he starts to gasp for air before grabbing his throat and dropping to his knees. I watch the others start to move but Carlos waves them off.

“Oh shit, Hector are you alright homes,” one of the hanger ons asks.

“I’m sorry, Hector is unable to answer your question right now but if you leave a short message or stay on the line he’ll get back to you as soon as he remembers how to breath,” I say out loud for everyone to hear.

I can see the faces of Carlos’s crew, either shocked or mad except for Carlos himself who is smiling. I watch him wave two of the others to Hector who help him up and sit him down in the back before he walks up to me still smiling.

“I like this guy, he knows how and when to fuck shit up,” Carlos says to his sister and boys before extending his hand to me.

I think for a minute and shake his hand and let him see some of my face, I can see he’s been through shit and knows how to deal with it too. I watch him take his boys and sister off towards one parking lot when I hear a newly familiar voice from behind me.

“Guy, what the hell do you think you’re doing,” Mr. Delauter yells at me from behind.

I turn to see Bethany and a couple jocks staring along with Abigail and her guy friend. I turn away from Mr. Delauter and start to walk away when he grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around to face him.

“You’re coming back with me you disrespectful little shit,” he spits out as he pulls me towards his car.
I can see the girls are already embarrassed by the situation and I don’t want to make any more problems so I let him drag me to his Mercedes and shove me in. I don’t even put my seat belt on and as the girls get in the car I can see the other student’s staring hard.

The drive back to the house is fast and quiet. As soon as we pull in and park I’m out of the car and through the front door and up to the room I’m staying in. I pass Mark Jr. and Loretta completely by without a word but I can see she’s concerned about what happened.

“Stop right there Gi and sit your ass down in the den now,” I hear Mr. Delauter order.

“No, you wanna say something I’m right here,” I reply pulling my hood back.

“First off I’m tired of the disrespect you’ve shown everyone in this entire house, second you run off and leave your mother worried then show up at my daughter’s school to scare and embarrass them,” Mr. Delauter yells at me,” and I’m done with it.”

“Okay, I’ll go pack,” I say calmly and start to head up the stairs.

“No you’re grounded,” Mr. Delauter tells me in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Wow, are you done? No I really want to know if that’s all you have,” I ask,” I was grounded when you put me on a plane and flew me thousands of miles away from everything I’ve known and loved. Now you want me to be grateful to you for that, are you really a fucking moron…”

What happened next I can only guess at but as soon as moron came out of my mouth Mark Jr. decided I was done talking and punched me in the side of the head. After that it’s a blur of me getting hit multiple times, high pitch voices and some deeper ones yelling at each other rounded off by crying and me being carried off to a bathroom.

I am pulled out of my coat and shirt and feel hands checking my face. After some peroxide on a new cut above my eye and some cotton in my nose I can see it’s Loretta patching me up. She’s shaken up and can’t even look at me. I stop her from helping me and push my way out of the bathroom. I can hear people arguing in the den when I push the door open Mr. Delauter and Mark Jr. stop and stare at me. My ribs hurt and my face is on fire but I still manage to just stare Mark Jr. down for a minute.

“You got your free shot in, now I’m going to take my coat and go upstairs, you figure out what you want to tell people cause I just got assaulted in your home and under your care by your son,” I tell Mr. Delauter still staring a hole in Mark.

“Guy please sit down and we can come to an understanding,” Mr. Delauter asks calmly.

“Understand this, your son is going to go to jail for assaulting a minor, Loretta is going to lose her visitation rights and I get to head home after being gone for about one day,” I tell him finally breaking my gaze off of Mark Jr.

“Listen you fucking punk, you sit down like my Dad said or I’ll finish kicking the shit out of you and you’ll spend six weeks in a hospital bed,” Mark Jr. growls at me.

I turn my gaze back to Mark and smile then hold my arms out so he can take the first shot. I can see him hesitating so I turn my back and wait for a minute. Loretta is there with a horrified look on her face. I turn back to address them both.

“You’re a coward and a bully, you cheap shot me and think I’ll just bow down for you,” I tell them both,” One in a courtroom and the other in a fight. I’m done here, and I hope your Daddy is a really good lawyer when you get to court over this.”

Mark Jr. storms out of the den past me and after a moment I can hear a door slamming shut. Mr. Delauter on the other hand is still offering me a chair to sit in and talk. I step in the room and close the door after me keeping Loretta out and sit down.

“Thank you, I just want to try to talk this out between us so we can all move on from here,” he tells me leaning forward.

“I plan to move forward and out of here,” I reply coldly.

“Listen, you want to get mad about being dragged down here then take it up with your father,” Mr. Delauter starts in,” Your mother has had a bad time these past few years, she’s been through all the rehab and counseling that you can take before you need counseling for the counseling. Now when she asked me to help bring you down here last year I figured there would be problems but I thought that you and your father were rational people who could listen to reason.”

“Okay now you are insulting me,” I stop him,” and you’re insulting my Father, you might wanna make a point before get mad and do something you’ll regret.”

“All threats aside your father told the courts that your mother was an unfit whore who had no place being around children,” he starts back in again,” All she wants is for you to try to see that she’s a different person now and maybe find some Christian values and forgive her. That’s why I agreed to have you down here in my home, not so you could scare my daughters and badger my wife.”

I let him finish before getting up calmly and exiting the den. I can hear crying from another room and decide I need some a council session with my people, more importantly my girls. Once upstairs I fire up the ol’ chat program on my phone and get Korinna, Katy and Mathilda on. I run over the whole situation with them. After the girls discussing it amongst themselves and me barely getting a word in edgewise it’s

Katy who says I should give Loretta a real chance to patch things up. Kori and Mathilda are skeptical about it but decide to leave the decision with me before wishing me love and signing off.

I rest up for a few hours on the couch in my room when I get a light knocking at my door. I don’t respond but I don’t really have to when Bethany comes in the room and closes the door behind her. I can see she’s got on a different night shirt but any underwear she’s got in is being covered by tight black leggings.

“Are you going to send my brother to jail,” Bethany asks quietly.

“Why shouldn’t I, he blindsided me in your home. And don’t pull a ‘well you hit Hector’,” I reply,” He came at me from the front and got off with a light warning shot.”

“I don’t care about Hector. My brother is really defensive about his family and you pushed him by insulting my Father like that,” I can see Bethany getting upset.

“Hey since we’re all asking questions here’s one for you, do you like that you get whored out to the football players,” I ask her suddenly.

I watch Bethany’s eyes widen like I just hit the mother lode. I thought it was a far off shot with all the guys hanging around but I hit the bull’s eye right on by her reaction. She sits down on my bed and starts crying a little. I get up and stand her up off the bed giving her a hug. I can feel her crying against my chest for a few minutes until she breaks her embrace and moves me to sit back down.

“I know you’re not the asshole my brother thinks you are but you are so damn scary and hot and sensitive and you notice shit and you make Abigail smile and,” it’s about as far as Bethany gets as she shoves me back on the couch suddenly and jams her tongue in my mouth.

The next few seconds are a blur of hard kissing, groping and moaning. I pull back hard cause I can’t breathe through my nose with the cotton and glimpse Abigail watching through a crack in the door. I start to say something but she gives me the ‘stop now signal’ and casually walks in the room. Bethany sees her and hops off my lap and backs away from me a few seconds before Loretta walks in the room.

“I didn’t know you girls were in here,” Loretta says walking in.

“Beth and I were just trying to talk to Guy but we’ll get out of your way,” Abigail says leading Bethany out and closing the door behind her.

“What did they want to talk to you about,” Loretta asks sitting down with me on the couch.

“The sucker punching jackass downstairs and me leaving I guess, didn’t talk much,” I reply.

“I’m not too happy about that either but I really want to talk to you about what happened today,” Loretta starts,” I just needed to get end of the week paperwork done then we were going to hang out and you ran off on me. I know you thought I was dragging you there to show I’m different but it’s part of what I do down here, Friday’s are just busy.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it better,” I reply with a little more venom than intended.

“I know you’re not happy here, I just want a chance to see who you are now and let you know that I’m not the piece of shit you remember,” Loretta says starting to cry again.

“Okay, you want to know me, let’s go over my life this past year,” I tell her as I begin to relay the events of the past year, from Heather and Derek to the girls and everything in between.

We sit and talk for the first time in years, I let her tell me about how she went around the country for four years all sorts of fucked up after the divorce. She tells me about how she met Mr. Delauter and getting sober nearly killed her. I show her pictures of my girls back home and she marvels at the little ball of destruction her boy has become.

“Do you really want to leave tomorrow,” she finally asks me.

“I don’t know, I miss my girls and family, I got ripped from everything and deposited in someonelses life and told make nice,” I reply,” I’m not that nice.”

“Considering you got Abigail to sleep with you in one night I’d say there’s some nice in you,” Loretta tells me smiling.

“Wait you know that,” I reply a little surprised.

“I don’t drink anymore which makes me a light sleeper, add that to hearing you two grunting in your room last night and the math becomes pretty easy,” She explains.

We chuckle about it for a few minutes before she tells me that dinner will be ready in an hour. I check my clock and see it’s only six in the evening. I decide to head back downstairs to Mr. Delauter’s den and see he’s got Mark in there again, both of them stop talking when I enter.

“I’m going to make this short, I’m going to try to be nice to everyone here but I’m not bending over backwards and kissing your ass,” I start with Mr. Delauter then turn my attention to Mark Jr.,” I get why you hit me but if you ever do that again I promise I will come back for you, I won’t stop, I won’t show any mercy. Do we understand each other?”

“Does that mean you’re not calling the police,” Mark asks simply.

“No it just means you’re going to be a great politician,” I reply chuckling.

I hear Mr. Delauter explaining to his son what’s going on with the situation but I don’t care what is said. I head back up stairs and knock on Bethany’s door, she answers and I see Abigail in the room with her.

“Okay, so here’s how it is, I’m gonna stay and try to give Loretta her nice time but you two need to know something. In six weeks I’m out of here, I’m not your boyfriend and I’m not going to stay. Can we all agree to that,” I ask them.

“Okay but you need to relax,” Bethany says sitting me down on her bed.

Abigail gets up and locks the door, then leans me back on the bed while Bethany undoes my pants. With less experience than I gave her credit for earlier Bethany finally pulls my cock out of my pants and gently starts sucking on the head.

“I’m amazed you got him in you Abby,” Bethany says before shoving half my cock in her mouth.

“One earth shattering orgasm and I couldn’t wait to feel it again,” Abigail says pulling her shorts off.

I take Abigail by the waist and position her over my face; I can tell she’s confused up until I bury my tongue in her pussy. Bethany on the other hand is jacking the base of my cock and bobbing her head on the rest. Abigail is gasping at my tongue on her clit and inside her pussy and Bethany is moaning on my cock as it bobs in and out of her mouth.

The scene must look hot as hell as I try to picture it in my head. Abigail on my face looking all sorts of cumming, Bethany’s head working my whole cock now with no gagging just sucking. I start circling my tongue around Abigail’s hole when starts shaking and clamps her legs on either side of my head and just holds it there shaking for a minute before rolling off. Bethany starts working even faster; I look down to see her pretty brown eyes staring at me expectantly. I’m so done with her stare that I rock back in orgasm; Bethany holds my hips in place with her hands and takes my whole load in her mouth. I relax and listen to my own breathing for a few moments before putting my cock back in my pants and sitting up on the bed.

“Okay, I think you’re calmed down enough,” Bethany says smirking.

“For now, I’m still gonna get me some pussy tonight,” I tell both girls.

“Let’s see if you can do both in one night. We’ll come to your room then you have to fuck us both,” Abigail says getting a wide eyed stare from Bethany.

“We’ll see if that happens,” I reply smiling.

I duck out of the room and head back downstairs and into the kitchen to watch Loretta cook, apparently she’s going for spaghetti tonight. We make small talk about some of the kids she talks to at the shelters.

Once we all get seated at the table things get creepy and quiet until Mark Jr. says he’s going to be taking a trip with some college friends. I think it’s bullshit but I keep it to myself as the girls ask all the standard questions. Dinner passes more smoothly than the rest of the day has, I hear the women folk plotting something I’m probably not going to like in the kitchen as I head up stairs to my room.

I decide it’s time to relax and for the first time use the giant ass TV in my room. I get a music channel on and text the girls to let them know what’s going on now that I’ve decided to stay. It’s another mixed response from all the girls but they are all happy to know that I’m not staying beyond the six week court appointed time.

I relax on the bed going through the TV channels for a few hours till I get I light knock on my door, I watch as Bethany slips in wearing nothing but a pink pair of panties and matching bra. I put the remote to the side and strip down naked as she gets on the bed with me.

“Abigail is out, she fell asleep and when I came to get her wouldn’t wake up,” Bethany tells me sliding up my side and stroking my cock with her hand.

I roll Bethany onto my lap and she straightens up then reaches between her breasts and undoes her bra. I reach up and roll her breasts around in my hands and get I light moan from Bethany. I trail one hand down and slide it inside her panties and feel I light amount of hair as I find her slit with my finger and rub gently.

Bethany is moaning louder as I keep working her breast and pussy with my hands, I’m getting hard. I slow down my hands to bring Bethany back to her senses; she stands up on the bed giving me a great view of her with the light of the TV at her back. I watch her pull her panties off and turn around giving me a view of her ass as she lowers her body back down. I let her straddle my hips as I feel her pussy rubbing against my cock. I grip Bethany’s hips with my hands and moan as she grinds the full length of my shaft.

“Can you hold out so I can cum first,” Bethany asks taking my cock and lining it up with her pussy.

I squeeze her asscheek a little and watch her slowly push half my cock into her pussy. Bethany is almost as tight as Abigail was last night but it doesn’t take as much effort for her to get most of me inside. Bethany keeps herself upright while riding my cock with short hard thrusts; she’s not letting half my cock out of her pussy.

Bethany stops bouncing and starts grinding and I can feel her pussy better, her ass is nice and meaty from all those cheer kicks and I get myself a good grip on them. I watch Bethany’s head rock back as she moans out her orgasm; I’m feeling good but not close so I take her start fucking her fast and hard from beneath. If I thought she was cumming before my fucking during her orgasm is making it harder as I feel her start soaking my balls. Bethany falls forward and holds herself up leaning away and bouncing her ass on my cock and with me fucking her pussy like this I start to feel that tingle in the base of my cock. I grab Bethany’s hips and slam my cock up in her pussy shooting my load as deep as I can. We lay there grinding out the orgasm when Bethany finally collapses forward and my cock pops out of her pussy.

“That… was… great…,” Bethany gasps from the foot of the bed.

“Yes it was, no offense but I didn’t think you’d be so tight from all the action,” I tell her rolling off the bed and heading for a towel.

“Well a great blowjob can keep me from having bad sex,” Bethany says smirking.
We clean up and Bethany gets her lingerie on and pushes me back on the bed. I let her crawl up on me and see her smiling.

“Tomorrow after you work out come by my room and give me some wake up fucking,” Bethany says licking my lips before she leaves.

I shut the TV off and pull myself under the blankets on the bed, day one all done and I’m just waiting for a less eventful day two.

Part 4

Ever get a thought that wakes you out of sleep no matter how deep the sleep was? I bolt up out of bed sitting up and covered in sweat, my mind racing with a plan. I start chuckling to myself because this is a win plan, all win no loss. I mean I would have been all for a plan that makes me cause people to suffer but why not use greed to get exactly what they’d never think to bribe me with. I grab my phone and see it’s two thirty in the morning, I should go to sleep or at least try but I can’t I’m to hyped up. I grab a coin from my jean’s pocket and flip it, heads for Abigail, tails for Bethany. Tails it is. I creep out of bed and down the hall to Bethany’s room and checking the door and noting it’s unlocked. I can hear her lightly breathing.

I close the door and as soon as it clicks I watch Bethany stirs in her bed, she looks over to see me and I move over to her bed and crawl under the covers. I push my hand inside Bethany’s panties and start rubbing her clit.

“Oh Guy what are you doing… oh that’s good,” Bethany says shifting her hips so I can get a better angle.

I can tell she changed after our sex session a few hours ago and has a plain pair of panties on and a tank top with no bra, I only have my shorts on but they’re loose enough that Bethany’s hand can go right in as she grabs my cock and starts jerking me hard. I pull her legs apart and push a finger inside her pussy; it’s warm and wet as Beth bucks her hips to get my full finger inside. I let Bethany pull my shorts down and move up onto my knees as soon as their off letting her move her head and take my cock in her mouth.

The blowjob I had from her earlier was good and hot but this is more foreplay for the main event to come as she shoves most of my cock in her mouth and rapidly bobs it in and out. I take the pace of her blowjob and shove another finger in her pussy before matching her pace and fingering her. I feel Bethany moaning on my cock and stop bobbing her head, I take my free hand and lightly face fuck her.

I feel she’s wet enough and pull my cock out of Bethany’s mouth and yank her panties off, throwing them on the floor. I position myself between Bethany’s legs and she takes my cock and lines it up with her pussy and I shove in as deep as I can. Beth is wetter than earlier and I don’t waste any time and just start hammering in and out of her pussy. I kiss and nibble on Beth’s neck with my teeth, she starts moaning louder and digging her nails into my back. I like the feeling but I want harder, I take one of Bethany’s and pull it up to push deeper into her pussy.

“Oh god that’s too deep, go slower,” Bethany tells me gasping.

I could but I’m feeling great as I pull back and start hammering into her pussy hard and fast. Bethany starts squeaking out and pulls her pillow over her face to muffle the sound. I pull Bethany’s pillow out of her face, she has an angry look in her eyes until I slam my cock all the way into her pussy and dump my load deep inside. Bethany starts thrashing against my cock with my orgasm setting off her own. I let Bethany finish cumming and shaking before slowly pulling out and rolling off her bed, I find the panties I threw and clean our cum off my cock.

“Shit why didn’t you go softer when I asked,” Bethany asks cleaning up.

“Probably because fucking you harder is what made me cum then you came hard too,” I reply smiling.

I see her shake her head but she’s smiling and once she gets all cleaned up I put my shorts back on and duck out of her room and back into mine. It was a good half hour I ate up and I decide to tuck myself in for a quick nap before working out.

Five thirty in the morning never felt so fucking good as it has this morning; I get all my gear for working out on and head out for my run. It’s a crisp morning and after a while I can feel the warmth of the sun as I shift again from my run to my pushups and sit ups. I don’t have Loretta staring at me this morning but I see Rosa moving around inside and decide to get a different perspective as I head into the kitchen.

“Hey Rosa, can we talk for a minute,” I ask taking a seat.

“I don’t normally talk with the family,” Rosa tells me a little confused.

She’s a plain Latino woman in her thirties with her hair in her tight bun and a grey skirted uniform with an apron.

“You like working for Loretta and Mr. Delauter,” I ask plainly.

“Mrs. Delauter is nice, it was good when she moved in here, I didn’t really talk with Mr. Delauter much other than to stay out of his den someday,” Rosa tells me cleaning the counter.

“So Loretta is the house boss and Mr. Delauter pays your check,” I clarify.

“And it’s a better check than some of the fucking putas get in some of the other houses in the neighborhood,” Rosa says then catches herself on the swearing.

“It’s okay, I’m cool with rich people being called what they are,” I reply chuckling.

We chat for a little bit before I decide to get to my first meeting of the morning, Mark Jr. I head out of the kitchen and check his bedroom door and like Bethany’s the night before it’s unlocked. As I sneak inside quietly I notice Mark’s room is a jock paradise. Posters of either football players or the women in underwear and bikini’s who sleep with football players, clothes on the floor and a computer desk with a probably abused hard drive full of paid for porn. I pull the chair around to where Mark is facing and wait perched up with my feet on the seat and my ass on the top of the back. It takes a few minutes but finally Mark Jr. wakes up and has his freak out moment.

“What the fuck are you doing in my fucking room man,” Mark says loudly flying out of his bed and falling on the floor.

“Well I thought we should talk and decided that I’d wait for you to wake up,” I reply smiling from my hood.

“You sat there watching me sleep, that’s messed up,” Mark says pulling a robe around himself.

“Well if you didn’t want an uninvited guest in your room you should lock your door,” I reply looking around,” and probably your windows too.”

“Okay well I’m up so talk,” Mark says finally awake and on the defensive.

“Alright, well I thought about yesterday. Yeah that blindsiding me really suck but I can say that positions reversed I’d probably do the same, however I say that I want something and you can help me get it and if you help me I’ll help you out,” I tell him from my perched position.

“Okay so either I help you and you fuck me over or I don’t help you and you tell people I beat your ass,” Mark replies not as excited as I am for the idea.

“I figure you don’t want to go on some stupid fucking vacation to calm down or get away from what happened and I’m cool with telling your dad that I don’t want you to head out so we can bond,” I tell him still enjoying my early morning brilliance,” I will convince him that we can all win big from this then you and me bond, and by bond we both head into town a couple times a week and spend some fucking money.”

I see Mark’s face as he mulls the idea over. I let him leave the room; apparently he has his own bathroom. When he comes back out he’s got a smile on his face and throws his pants on.

“Okay, we go spend money and try to like each other. I’m guessing you have something planned for what you want to do,” Mark asks.

I smile as we both head out of his room and into his dad’s den. We continue chatting for about an hour, I show him pics of the girls back home and he shows me his conquest pics from college. Big guy on his freshman year and it’s not bad the women he got, I can tell he saw something in Katy and we are starting to compare stories when his dad walks in.

“What happened and why do I think I’m going to need my checkbook,” Mr. Delauter asks us taking a seat at his desk.

“Well we decided to bond Dad,” Mark says smiling.

“I know what you’re thinking sir so let me explain,” I start in,” Mark doesn’t want to spend time away from his friends and family and it’s messed up if I go along with it cause I’m not with my friends and family. So we’re going to bond while I’m here and we’ll need some spending cash when we head out, probably three days a week starting today, and my silence on what happened yesterday I’m going to request something really special from you sir.”

“Okay so either I spend a lot of money on the two of you or lose my son to the police when you press charges,” Mr. Delauter explains,” How is this going to benefit the family, that’s my problem with this situation.”

“Oh no, I’m not going to do anything with the police or contact my Dad about what happened yesterday. What I’m saying is Mark and I bond, I’ll really sit down and Loretta and I will do the whole therapy/Dr. Phil bullshit. I’ll even hang out with your daughters,” I say smiling with my past two nights in mind,” I’ll give you the whole happy family package and like it and in five weeks and five days and some change we can say the whole thing was good and I’ll even discuss coming down again voluntarily. You get to be the husband who got his wife her son, or whatever title you want to put on it.”

I can see he’s wondering what the scheme is but I’m genuinely offering him what he wants, peace in his home. I see him hopping on his computer and quickly discuss the budget with Mark Jr. who settles on a grand a week. I’m really spinning but I stop myself cause I have to get my fucking cherry on this sundae of awesome I have planned. I take a piece of paper off Mr. Delauter’s desk and write out my special request and hand it to him. I watch him read it over and I think this is the one thing that he actually wants to give me.

“Okay, so you have the money and the special request is fine but my girls either like you or you leave them the hell alone,” Mr. Delauter says adding a level of finality to the deal.

I smile and nod then Mark and I get up from our chairs and head out into the kitchen. It’s about seven in the morning and Loretta is already making pancakes for breakfast. Mark and I sit down next to each other at the counter and keep chatting while she looks confused between the two of us. The girls come down all sleepy eyed and freeze when they see Mark and I talking as well.

“Did people come in the middle of the night and rewire your brains,” Abigail asks sitting down at the counter.

“Yes, they woke me up at two this morning with a special message,” I lean in and whisper in Abigail’s ear,” I’m going to violate your baby maker in the nicest way later.”

Abigail’s face turns the best shade of crimson and at that point Mr. Delauter finally gets out of his den and calls the rest of us to the table so Rosa and Loretta can serve breakfast. We actually talk like a normal-ish family unit with the girls in a state of confusion and the guys all ‘everything is fine’ attitudes.

Breakfast goes off smoothly and I head back up stairs and shower then get to my room for a quick change of clothes. I decide to chill out for a few hours before making the final call on my ‘master plan’.

I do the hours peacefully when I notice it’s finally after ten, I pull my phone off the nightstand and dial up Kori’s mom.

“Hello Guy, why are you calling me did you misdial for Korinna,” Mrs. Patrick says to me as a greeting.

“Hi Mrs. Patrick, I’m not calling for Kori I’m calling to ask you for a big favor,” I start in.

I go over my idea which isn’t received well at first but I turn on the begging and pleading portion and get her to agree mercifully to my request.

“So don’t tell her just make some crappy story up and you’ll handle the rest,” Mrs. Patrick asks confirming her part of the scheme.

“Yep, I’m not gonna tell her so it’s a surprise and thank you so much Mrs. Patrick,” I reply ending the call.

I put my phone away and head down stairs to find Mark Jr. so we can head into town. I find him chilling out in a family room and he gets up when he sees me.

“Time to go finally,” Mark asks.

I nod and we head into the garage, I see the Mercedes that Mr. Delauter drives and the hatchback that Loretta drove me around in yesterday but it’s the red dodge challenger that Mark has the keys for. As soon as we’re out of the driveway Mark decides to punch it fast down the road.

“Okay so I figure I’m being set up to take the fall for something, what is it,” Mark asks as we get into the city.

I show him my phone and the address from my GPS, he shrugs and we peel into the downtown area. After a good thirty minute drive we are not in the best end of town but we’re defiantly right where I want to be, best rated tattoo parlor in the city. It had great reviews for some guy named ‘Smitty’ and you tell them what you want.

“Oh god I thought they were kidding when you said you were gonna get a tattoo,” Mark says as we get out of the car.

I head inside and go from sunny day to dark cold barbershop with some upright chairs and dental chairs. The people inside are busy with work but I can see most of the full color tattoos on the arms and a woman getting one on her ass. I girl about Mark’s age greets us at the counter.

“Hi are you getting some ink today,” she asks Mark while ignoring me.

“Oh no, he is,” Mark replies gesturing to me.

“Okay, how old are you,” she asks turning her attention to me.

“I’m old enough to know I want a tattoo from here instead of some kid with a ballpoint pen,” I reply smartly.

“Yeah that means minor. Listen kid, we don’t tattoo minors here it’s against the law,” she informs me.

“Okay, you mean to tell me that I have money to spend and you don’t want it? Really?! So you just turn away decent business cause ‘you don’t want to break the law’, really,” I ask her sarcastically.

I can see she’s not impressed with my attitude and I start to leave but get stopped by an older guy.

“Hey kid, get your smart ass over here,” he calls to me from one of the chairs.

I head over and get a better look at him; I think he’s older than my dad. White man with a graying goatee in jeans and cowboy boots, a t-shirt and denim vest. He leans forward as I get to him.

“Why the fuck are you giving my granddaughter a hard time kid,” he asks me.

“I know what I want and I want it from the best place to get it, everything I looked at says here and some guy named ‘Smitty’,” I reply honestly,” and throwing the age thing at me seems like a copout sir.”

He stares me down for a minute then starts chuckling, the girl at the desk comes over to walk me out but he waves her off.

“Smitty is my boy, and I’ll tell him to give you some ink but I don’t want to hear any crying kid,” the old man tells me plainly,” and no but 'that’s gonna take too long' crap, you get it in multiple session you little shit.”

I nod in agreement and watch him get up and head to the back then come out with probably the most tattooed man I will ever see in my life, he’s got a full beard and head of oily brown hair to his shoulders. He stands about 6’5” and is built like a wall, no shirt on and only some cargo shorts and boots for clothing, the rest is all ink.

“Hey kid, pops says you want ink from me do you know what you want or should I just settle on a fucking unicorn or something,” Smitty asks me in a joke.

I pull my shirt off and show him exactly where I want the first one and when I tell him what I want it to look like he just shrugs and has me lay down on one of dentist chairs in the back of the store. I’ve lost sight of Mark Jr. and I’m not gonna lie about the fact that this will probably hurt like a son of a bitch. I don’t know how long I’m in the chair but I figure after the first hour I’d go numb to the sensation, no chance in hell on that. When it’s finally over Smitty rubs some goo on my side and cover’s it with a bandage.

“Be back in five days and we’ll start on the color then another five days and we’ll do the final black definition,” Smitty tells me tossing me my Anti-Social shirt.

I get it back on and am handed a jar of goo and some instructions on how and when to apply it by another artist at the front. I look around and can’t see Mark anywhere, or the old man’s granddaughter. When I get out front I can see the car is gone and the old man follows me out.

“Your friend left about a half hour into your tattoo,” he tells me.

Confused I text Abigail and Bethany and tell them that they need to get in touch with their brother and tell him that I need him to pick me up. After the barrage of questions they tell me they texted him but he’s not responding. The old man tells me it was paid for before he left so I don’t have to worry about an asskicking.

I pull up the GPS on my phone and start walking towards what I think is a shopping mall. After about an hour of walking I discover that my final destination is not a mall, it’s an old parking lot and I’m standing in a Latino hangout. I’m expecting a major asskicking when I see Carlos and some of his boys hanging out around some cars. I don’t have my coat but decide to take a risk and say hi. As I approach however I get greeted by Hector.

“What the fuck are you doing here pendejo,” Hector asks me.

“Hector, good to see you man, how’s the throat,” I reply cheerily.

I see him and the boys get confused but Carlos recognizes me and starts laughing.

“What are you doing all alone out here man,” Carlos asks getting up and greeting me with a half handshake half hug,” I thought they weren’t going to let you out of the castle.”

“Nah, I made a deal with the warden and got visitation rights,” I reply smiling.

We both laugh and he invites me to sit down with his boys. After a few minutes of chatting they finally warm up to me a little and I finally get a text message from Mark. Apparently he’s getting some ass and will come back to the tattoo place to pick me up when I’m done, I reply that I’m already done and get no response.

One thing that I don’t have back home is guy’s I can talk to, Carlos on the other hand is a breath of fresh air but I can see that Hector is still pissed about me hitting him. I decide to give the guy some pointers.

“Okay Hector, I think you need to learn how to fight,” I tell Hector getting up from the bench,” Go ahead and take a shot at me.

I can see he’s confused but after checking with Carlos gets up and starts taking some of the widest haymakers I’ve seen in my life. Stepping out of the way of Hector’s shots is easy and after about a minute of swinging and missing I wait for his wide right and blocking with my left forearm throw a straight punch just past his ear freezing him in place.

“First off your fists aren’t hammers; you don’t swing them around and hope the weight makes them more accurate. Also it makes it really easy to see where your punch is coming from,” I tell him pulling my arms back and explaining,” keep your fists up and in front of your face, strike from the shoulder in a straight shot.”

I keep giving him pointers and he takes it well, we get back to talking some of the crew heads off and after an hour it’s just me and Carlos left. I tell him about why I’m down here and a little about the history with me and my mom.

“Okay I know it’s messed up but why give her a chance man,” Carlos asks.

“Honestly I don’t know, my girls think that I should and either way I’m here for over a month,” I reply,” I mean she’s not what I remember and just being here makes me want to at least get some sort of closure from her about how shitty it was growing up around her.”

“Well you gotta love your moms I guess, she didn’t kill you by drinking while pregnant so that’s something,” Carlos tells me chuckling.

I finally get a text from Mark and he’s back at the tattoo place and tell him where I went. After giving me a ‘what the fuck’ followed by ‘on my way’. I put my phone away and get back to chatting with Carlos.

“Okay man do you lock your sister up on the weekend or something because she’s pretty hot,” I ask casually.

“Hey man that’s mi familia you’re talking about,” Carlos starts all defensively,” but yeah, she doesn’t get to go out much since most people don’t wanna deal with her big brother.”

“He scary or some shit,” I ask jokingly.

“Hey man it’s not like you’d let one of the girls you live with go out with me homes,” Carlos retorts defensively.

“I would in trade, make me an offer man, but you only get to go as far as I do and I can talk them into some good shit man,” I reply smiling.

Carlos sis a little stunned but after a few seconds he’s into the idea but he needs to get it past his folks and really past his sister. Mark finally shows up and we exchange numbers before I get in the car and we head off towards home.

“Okay since I’m probably gonna die we got a problem, you are fucking sunburned to hell,” Mark tells me poking my skin.

I didn’t notice it before and usually don’t get much sun but I’m warm to the touch and I can tell I’m gonna hurt tomorrow if not sooner. I text home to Loretta and inform her of my new condition, she says she’ll get everything ready for me when I get there. It takes me a minute but I’m not sure what she has in mind.

“So is she gonna kill me when she sees the tat,” Mark asks.

I shake my head and try to relax on the ride. We get back home about six and as soon as Loretta sees me I get a feeling of mothering that she hasn’t given in years. I’m pulled into the back bathroom get peeled out of my shirt and my arms and head get covered in aloe. Once she’s done she pokes my side and I cringe a little but she ignores it. I get back to the main area to see Abigail and Bethany staring at either my burn or the patch of gauze on my left side.

The rest of the night goes really smoothly, Mark Jr. makes up a story about what we did after the tattoo parlor without mentioning the tattoo I’m sporting on my side. Loretta goos me up again and leads me to my room.

“Okay, I talked with Mark senior and he told me that you are going to give him peace but I don’t want some story and you playing like things are okay with us for six weeks,” Loretta tells me sitting down.

“Yeah, it’s kind of the deal. I am bonding with Mark Jr. too,” I reply calmly.

“I don’t want you to act like I wasn’t a good mother to you when you were younger. It’s a lie and the reason I wanted you down here is so we could try to work on things between us,” Loretta explains.

“Okay, so we talk. We talked yesterday, I told you about what my life was like this past year. You showed me your charity work and I know the girls like you and so does Rosa. I don’t know what more you want,” I ask confused.

“Aren’t you mad about how I was when you were nine when you and your dad left,” she asks.

I remember the last year I saw her, kind of blurry but mostly filled with late nights of her fighting with Dad about parties and spending some nights in a bar. I remember watching her talking to people and generally ignoring me.

“Yeah, I don’t like it but what can I do about it now,” I start in,” you’re not a drunk flirting for a free drink anymore and I’m not building a fort under a pool table. I’m but we’ve got a therapist thanks to your husband.”

“Okay but I was a bad mother when you were little and I just don’t know what to do to help it,” Loretta tells me exasperated.

I don’t know what to do either honestly. She tried to show me all her ‘charity work’ but it’s not me she’s was helping. I got a mom back home that was there when I had real questions and loved me when I didn’t even trust her.

“I remembered that you don’t take sun very well and need a bucket of aloe to recover from a burn,” Loretta says meekly breaking the silence.

“Yeah, you did. Thanks,” I reply smiling.

It’s the first actually pleasant moment we’ve shared since I got here. She leaves me to my burns promising to reapply the aloe before bed. Once she’s gone I pull my bandage off and take a look at the new art on my body, four hours of worth it. I shoot a text to Carlos asking him if he’s decided on who he wants to double date with, after a few minutes he replies back ‘Abigail’. I pause for a second, honestly didn’t see that choice but she’s pretty good and defiantly has cute nerd going for her. Gotta figure out how I’m going to get her to agree to the date.

“Hey Guy, Wednesday we hit the gym man, I know you work out so I figure we can bond at the gym with some weights,” Mark tells me bursting into my room a little to enthused.

“Okay, great. Weights could be good,” I reply a little shocked.

I watch him smile at the idea and head out the door. I honestly didn’t see him wanting to do something with me so proactively. I figure it’ll be okay once I get my burn healed and try to relax. I got to figure out how to survive a workout in a few days and get Abigail to agree to date Carlos. Could be worse right?

Part 5

Life gets pretty boring when you have bad sunburn on your arms, head and neck. Mr. Delauter decided that I needed to go to church on Sunday and considering I haven’t been to church in almost a decade I realized that I didn’t miss much. Sit, stand, sing, pray, kneel and repeat. When we got back everyone else changed while Loretta kept me in aloe rub down. It felt nice to have her doting over me considering I don’t remember her doing it when I was a kid.

Once done I get my shirt back on and head up to Abigail’s room, and knock before entering. She’s already changed out of Sunday clothes and is on her computer.

“Hey Abigail, I have a proposition for you,” I tell her sitting down on her bed.

“Okay but I’m not touching you right now because that stuff smells,” Abigail jokes.

“Ha Ha, Irish descent be damned for no tanning ability. No I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date,” I ask her.

“A double date, with whom,” she replies with a question.

“Well Carlos and his sister,” I answer her.

“Wait you offered me up to Carlos so you could get his sister,” Abigail starts in,” I’m not some bargaining chip for you.”

“No I offered him a double date and he chose you over Bethany,” I tell her hoping it’ll soothe her ego a little.

“Wait, you gave him a choice and he chose me,” Abigail asks.

I explain the conversation and show her the text that says her name. We work out some of the details; Abigail says Wednesday at five would be best since it’s after the last day of school. I shoot Carlos a text message telling him day and time. He gets back to me with an alright and that they’ll be ready. Abigail and I chat a little more so I can find out about Carlos’s sister. Her name is Marta, she’s a good student and according to Abigail they talk a lot but she’s never hang out when they’re not in school.

I leave Abigail to her computer and ride out the rest of the day in my room trying to relax and get comfortable.

Monday and Tuesday come and go uneventful with the girls at school and me recovering from the burn. Mark on the other hand tried to get me to head to the gym with him but it’s hard to work out when you don’t want to move and feel like you’re on fire. I spend most of my time with Loretta even when I don’t need a rubbing of aloe; she lets me know that we have our first appointment with a therapist tomorrow at eleven in the morning. I shrug it off as we talk about the past and I learn a little more about her time with her new family. Apparently the girls needed a mom badly when Abigail and Bethany weren’t getting help with their puberty woes. Mark Jr. offered to help but ended up showing them porn instead.

The bonding lasts until Wednesday when we head out to the therapist, it’s at a private building and not a state one like I somehow thought. Loretta and I arrive at ten thirty and have to wait for our counselor only a few minutes before a short and very wide older woman in a knit sweater takes us into her office. Once inside we start going over all the ‘feelings’ crap, ‘no I’m not happy as I could be seeing Loretta’ ‘no I’m not a very forgiving person’ are just a few of my choice phrases as I get through her questions.

“So Guy, can you tell me something about your mother that makes you especially angry with her,” the therapist asks.

“Honestly I just never felt any sort of connection with her, even the past couple days have been weird being around her. She looks at me like I’m going to either scream at her or start making her cry half the time,” I tell the therapist.

An hour of bullshit psycho-babble and we mercifully get to leave. Loretta is quiet when we head out of the parking lot and the whole way till we get to one of the shelters. She exits her car wordlessly and I follow suit drawing a quick reaction from her.

“Guy please don’t head off somewhere on me again, I need to get some stuff done here before we head home,” Loretta says with a little too much desperation.

“Not leaving, I’m coming inside. I wanna see this place anyway,” I tell her pulling my hood back as I get to the door.

I can see Loretta confused by my willingness to be involved after the therapy session but she gets me a visitor badge and we head to her little office. It’s just a desk and two chairs but as soon as she’s in there’s a small army of girls asking for permission and she gets to work on their files. I sit back and see her working hard when I recognize one of the girls, the one from my first visit. I take better notice of her this time, short around her ears brown hair, about 5’8” and have my taste in leather jackets, a pair of jean shorts and stripped leggings coming out under them on her hips and a thick, black t-shirt are all she has on. I stare a little harder to catch her shape and while I can’t make out her chest size she’s got a big ass on her.

She catches on that I’m looking at her and pushes her way to the front just to get closer. She nearly knocks me out of my chair getting her sheet signed and only looks at me over her shoulder as she’s leaves the office.

“Got a lot of work to get done,” I ask Loretta as the crowd thins out.

“Sorry honey, work request forms for kids with jobs and weekend time out requests. Some of the girls here have problems and it’s either this or Juvenile hall for most of them,” Loretta tells me looking up from her desk,” are you bored?”

“A little, can I go look around,” I ask.

Loretta nods and I step out of the office and start looking around. It’s a two floor building most of the girls’ rooms are on the second and I figure there’s about thirtyish girls here. I note the two recreation rooms and the dormitory showers when I get bumped into a wall again by my ‘admirer’.

“You just like pushing me around or something,” I ask her leaning against the wall.

“Why are you here again,” she asks me without answering my question.

“I’m spending time with Loretta,” I tell her.

“You mean your Mom,” she says,” wow, it was so bad you use her first name.”

“Honestly I’m not gonna talk with you about my life and embarrass her,” I tell her starting to walk away but she grabs my arm.

“Hey come with me,” she says dragging me in the opposite direction.

We head out of the building’s back doors and into an outdoor storage area with few sheds and some equipment littered around. I see some of the other girls watching from the window but my ‘admirer’ drags me behind a shed and sits down in a crappy plastic chair.

“Okay, now we can talk,” she says,” So why are you such an asshole?”

“Why are you so damn nosey,” I counter.

“Cause you’re new, we don’t get a lot of new around here,” she says leaning back.

We chat for a little bit, her name is Jackie and she’s been here since her family went away. I don’t ask what away means but I figure it’s the prison or dead kind.

“So you have a boyfriend or do you ride girl face,” I ask her deciding to push into her business.

“What the fuck, that’s just rude asshole. Why you like sucking cock or do you have a bitch that does it for you,” Jackie retorts angrily.

I start chuckling and sit down on an old bench; Jackie just stares at me with a lot of heat in her eyes before I even justify her comment.

“I have three girlfriends, all of them back home,” I tell her remember the girls a little,” and yes they all know each other and all of them are cool.”

“So do you fuck other girls too or just them,” she asks curiously.

“Why are you making me an offer,” I reply smiling.

“Oh no fucker, I’m not fucking you. Last guy I fucked nearly got my ass pregnant,” Jackie says crossing her legs.

“So you swore off men and ride girl face,” I retort chuckling.

I can see that comment got under Jackie’s skin as she kicks over a chair at me. I don’t move as it misses me completely. Jackie gets up quickly from her chair and starts to move towards me then stops and backs off a little like something is wrong. I get up from my chair and that petrifies her, more so when I move over to her and she backs up against the shed.

“Listen Guy, don’t hurt me okay. I’m sorry I was calling you names and I promise I’ll leave you alone okay,” Jackie pleads with more fear than I expected.

I move my body against Jackie’s softly pinning her to the shed and start to run my hands up her sides, she trembles at my touch so I keep my it soft and gentle as I push my hands under her shirt and touch skin. What I feel next is not something I expect as I go for soft smooth skin on her back and sides and feel light scar tissue. I gently rub my palms on her back and remove one hand to make eye contact. Jackie’s pretty brown eyes are terrified of what I’m doing, I pull my hood back and turn my head so she can see my mostly healed scar from when I got jumped last year.

“I got that almost a year ago. I know what it’s like to get hurt,” I whisper to Jackie,” do you think I’m gonna hurt you?”

“I don’t know,” Jackie replies reaching her hands inside my coat and around my waist.

“What would make you feel better,” I ask her keeping my hands on her body.

I let her push me back a little before she takes my hand and pulls me back into the building. Once inside we head past the offices and I make eye contact with Loretta for a second before we get to the showers. I don’t hear water running inside and Jackie motions me to stay put while she heads into a rec room and says something to one of the girls who gets up and hands her something from her pocket. Both girls head back to me and Jackie leads me into the bathroom while the second girl closes the door and remains outside.

“Oh Christ I could get in serious trouble for this,” Jackie tells me nervously.

I sit down on one of the benches and start to strip down to my underwear, once done I see that Jackie has only taken off her coat and is staring at me nervously.

“Do you want me to help you are you okay,” I ask her noting her still in clothing.

She starts to strip out of her shorts first, leaving her white panties on. As soon as she takes her shirt off I can finally see her build, defiantly has a few more pounds on her but not too fat, just a little flab. Jackie’s bra comes off and I her c cup breasts for the first time, each one with a bolt through her large nipples. Jackie covers herself nervously as I stare.

“Turn around please,” I ask her.

I hear her whimper but she complies, as I see her back is covered with long scars that look nothing like stretch marks. I slide up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her body against mine. Jackie is rigid with terror and it takes me a second to figure out how to calm her down. I slowly turn her around and tilt her head up bringing her in for a kiss. It’s awkward at first and she’s still terrified when I break the kiss and look her dead in her eyes.

“You brought me in here, now I know you’re scared but you can either run from it and I’ll let you,” I tell her softly,” or you can stand your ground.”

I feel her wrap her arms around me again and I lean in and kiss her a second time, this time she’s more open and I feel her tongue a little as we stand there making out in our underwear. Jackie stops me after a few and goes to one of the back stalls in the shower after turning a few of the other showers on. I meet her back there and kiss her again, this time with more passion backing her against the cold tile. I start to trail my mouth down Jackie’s neck and lifting one breast with my hand start to suck on her nipple and the bolt.

“Don’t pull it out,” Jackie gasps as I work her nipple in my mouth.

I lower my posture so I am eye level with her chest while sucking her nipple; I figure it’s a good time to really warm her up. I take my free hands and pull off Jackie’s panties and throw them out of the stall. I push her legs apart a little and rub my fingers against her unshaved pussy finding her clit and rubbing it lightly. Jackie’s hands are all over the back of my head and my arms as I suck and finger her, I can hear her moaning as methodically rub her clit with one finger. Jackie starts moving her own hips against my fingers and I let her tit fall out of my mouth and dropping to my knees pick up one of her legs and bury my face in her pussy.

“Oh shit that’s too much,” Jackie gasps as I suck on her clit.

Jackie’s pussy is sweet and warm as I suck her clit; I use my hands to hold her up and in place while I work her over. I’m getting hard but I want to give her an orgasm before fucking her senseless. The sunburn over the past few days kept me away from Abigail and Bethany but it’s down to a dull sting now as she grips my head like a vise. Jackie starts bucking her pussy against my face and moaning louder I get a little liquid running down my chin as she hits her orgasm. I stand up and hold Jackie’s body up till her senses come back to her. She looks up at me with a dopey grin and sticking her hand in my shorts starts rubbing my cock till it’s hard.

“Oh shit, need the condom,” Jackie says freezing the situation in place as she head back to her clothing and fishes it out of her jacket pocket.

Once back in the shower stall Jackie pulls my shorts down and rips the condom package open before rolling it onto my cock and standing up straight. I turn Jackie around and bend her over at the waist. She puts her forearms against the wall and lowers her head as I rub my cockhead against her slit slowly before finding her pussy hole and slowly sliding half my cock inside. I hear Jackie whimpering and keep myself inside her while marveling at how tight she is, I can’t feel any texture thanks to the condom but it’s tight enough that I decide to take my time and slowly begin thrusting my cock half way in and out of her pussy.

It’s a maddening pace for me considering I haven’t had a good hard fucking since Katy a week ago but Jackie’s not begging for it to stop as I keep it slow and easy. I watch as one of Jackie’s hands drops from the wall and moves I assume between her legs rubbing her clit. I look down and can see more of her cum on the condom so I push in all the way. As soon as I’m all in Jackie’s head rocks backwards and she grunts loudly at the invasion, I take my hands off her hips and reach up under her chest taking a tit in each hand and start massaging them as I grind my cock in her pussy.

“Do you want it harder or should I keep it soft,” I ask Jackie giving her small thrusts of my cock.

“Can you do it without hurting me,” Jackie asks looking back to me over her shoulder.

I smile and let go of her tits and standing up straight back my cock out of her pussy till it’s just the head inside her before slamming the whole seven and a half inches deep into Jackie’s pussy. She squeals a bit at the shock of it and moves her hand from her pussy to her mouth. I continue back all the way out and slamming it back in when Jackie looks back at me with a desperate look on her face. I us both down in the stall till we’re on our knees and Jackie’s hands are underneath her face before taking her hips and jack hammering my cock hard and fast in and out of her pussy. I can hear Jackie grunting as I pound her pussy and the tightness is becoming too much for me as feel myself getting close. I stop buried inside Jackie before pulling out and rolling her onto her back, she looks at me confused and slightly dazed as I spread her legs and push back inside her pussy.

I wrap my arms up under Jackie’s and hold her head as I resume my frantic pace. Jackie looks at me with that same scared desperate look when I make eye contact and feeling the tingle in the base of my cock start cumming into the condom. I go rigid and somewhere in the blur I feel her hands on my body pulling me against her. I lay there with my head resting next to Jackie’s as she rubs my back soothing my mood and when I pull up to see her face she’s got a sweet smile on before kissing me lightly and helping me get off her body and out of her pussy.

We get me cleaned up a little and dressed before quietly exiting the showers. The girl guarding the door nods to Jackie before heading back to the recreation room. I let Jackie lead me back outside to the sheds and once out there she sits me on the bench and sits down next to me.

“I didn’t think guys could be like that,” Jackie says leaning against me.

“I’m going to guess you’ve known some ain’t shit guys in your life,” I reply warmly.

Jackie doesn’t answer and I don’t pry into her past as we sit calmly before being joined by a few more girls. Most of them look at me like they know what I did but they don’t say anything as they talk with Jackie. I figure this is my chance to step away and after nudging Jackie and getting up I see her nod and continue chatting. Once back inside I see Loretta still at her desk and sit down across from her.

“We’re you safe,” Loretta asks without looking up from her paperwork.

“Yeah, is what happened with me and Jackie a problem,” I ask back.

Loretta shakes her head no and closes the file folder in front of her before grabbing her purse and leading me to another office with a heavy set Latino woman inside.

“I’m done for the day and I’ll be out with my son if there’s and emergency,” Loretta tells the woman before we leave.

We head back to the car and as soon as we’re on the streets Loretta decides that we’re going to the mall. Once in the parking lot I can see this one is a lot bigger than the one I go to back home, two floors and its own theater built in.

“Hey, we need to get you a few nice shirts and some slacks,” Loretta tells me.

I remember the pre-Derek and Heather me and have to catch up to Loretta. Once inside she drags me off to a ‘young men’s’ designer store and starts looking at polo shirts and khakis. After about half an hour and three different stages of trying on things she picks I can see her getting frustrated with my not wanting to wear dress clothes.

“Okay, you need to try to work with me on these clothes, they’re not going to kill you,” Loretta tells me after I come out of the changing room in my original gear.

“I don’t like dress clothes, got out of wearing them this past year,” I tell her,” they make me feel like a pussy.”

“Mark and his son like them just fine and I remember your father being okay with them so what’s wrong with you and these clothes,” Loretta asks on the defensive.

I explain more about the Derek and Heather thing that happened, I tell her about how I always was the good guy and about when I snapped and burned all the old clothes. She sits patiently and listens to me before grabbing two dress shirts, one in black and one in white and some black slacks.

“Okay, so this is your nice clothes while you’re down here,” Loretta tells me with a level of finality.

I want to object but I figure I won’t have to wear them all the time as she pays for the items and we head to the food court. We settle on pizza for lunch and chat calmly when she starts staring at some kids playing around their parents. I turn and see the children just running around and acting crazy but when I turn back to Loretta she’s got the ‘about to cry’ look on her face.

“I can barely remember you back then. I know you were trying to be nice in the office today but I only have a handful of sober memories of you playing as a child,” Loretta tells me with tears in her eyes.

“I didn’t try to be nice in the office, I was being honest,” I tell her taking her hand,” I’m not known anymore for being especially nice to a lot of people. When Mark ambushed me I honestly thought I should just leave and let your family hang in the breeze. I am not nice but they are.”

I pull out my phone and show her a picture of Korinna, Katy and Mathilda. I let her take the phone and she wipes her tears looking at it.

“That’s my nice side; I ask them when I’m going too far with most things. I saved Katy from someone worse than you were last year and she said you deserved a second chance,” I tell her squeezing her hand,” I hate being away from them, I miss them like crazy. I just figure that either we can settle on everything that happened in the past or we don’t.”

We sit in more silence as Loretta regains her composure and once she’s okay we dispose of our trays and she drags me off to a more modern clothing store. A lot of cargo pants and witty t-shirts with some studded belts and boots line the store. I let her start going through the different pieces until she’s got some button up polyester shirts with better looking patterns and some long shorts. Once she pays she drags me back to a fitting room and steps inside for a minute and after looking around lifts the front of her blouse up exposing her stomach to me, I back up for a second until I see tattoo with ‘my best little Guy’ and a baby picture face on her stomach on the right side. Loretta lowers her top and steps out.

“I got that after your Dad divorced me because I figured I’d never see you again,” Loretta tells me somberly,” Now take me to where you are getting your tattoo.”

I get led out of the mall and give her the directions to the tattoo parlor, it’s a twenty minute drive and once there Loretta wastes no time getting out of the car and leads me inside. Once in I recognize the girl at the counter and the old man from my first visit. The girl gets a sour look when she sees Loretta.

“Ma’am may I help you,” the girl asks Loretta.

“Whoever is in charge tell them that a parent needs to speak with them,” Loretta responds causing the girl to look over at her Grandfather.

I watch the old man start to get up but Loretta wastes no time heading behind the counter and sits down in a chair next to him.

“This is your place,” Loretta says more than asks,” and you tattooed my under eighteen year old child without parental consent.”

“Listen lady, I don’t know who you are but the boy wanted a tattoo and he’s got one, it’s not done but that’s between him and my boy Smitty,” the old man answers plainly.

“Oh I’m not mad, I’m his mother and I’m giving you the consent,” she tells him getting a weird reaction from the girl and her grandfather.

“You’re not here to file some complaint or press charges,” the girl asks.

“No, I just wanted you to know that his business is good here and there’s going to be no trouble,” Loretta tells her turning her attention back to the old man,” Is everything okay now?”

The old man nods and smiles at Loretta who gets up and leads me back out of the store and to her car. We’re heading down the road back to home when she sees me just staring at her confused.

“If I told them that I didn’t want you to get anymore work and that they were in trouble I’m guessing you’d get pretty pissed off at me,” Loretta asks plainly.

I nod and see she’s smiling from the driver’s seat. I shake my head at the situation, first she doesn’t want me to get one now I have permission. We pull into the driveway and get the car parked in the garage, I unload the few clothes that I Loretta bought for me and get them too my room passing Bethany’s open door. I casually look in to see her and Abigail going over what Abigail is going to wear on the date tonight.

I figure get my own clothing situated for the ‘date’ before texting Carlos and making sure things are cool. He replies that it should be fine and that he’s thinking about taking Abigail to a movie at the mall to keep things on the ‘safe’ side. I ask if Marta is good with seeing a movie and he doesn’t reply. I figure he got busy and note that it’s only two in the afternoon. I chill out and send off messages to my girls back home about my plans for the evening. Korinna seems more depressed, Katy is supportive and Mathilda is ‘threatening’ me with sexual abuse when I get back. I chuckle and make a note to get some one on one time with Mathilda when I get back but it’s Kori I’m worried about and shoot Jun a notice asking him and Natsuko to check up on her cause I think things are getting too distant. He lets me know that his sister is on it and not to worry. Kori being the first and coolest of all three girls was really okay letting me go when it happened but I’m worried more about her now that it’s been almost a week.

My door jumps open and Mark Jr. is there with an expectant look on his face as he closes the door and sits down on the couch.

“So we’re taking my little sister out on a double date,” Mark tells me with some concern.

“Yeah, Carlos from her school and I’m seeing his sister Marta,” I give him the details plainly.

“No I mean I’m driving you all down there and I’m going to be back up,” Mark more informs me than asks.

“Dude you need to chill the hell out, I get she’s your sister but I’ll be there and nothing bad is going to happen to her,” I tell him trying to calm him down,” I’ll agree to you driving us down there but don’t be hanging out over our shoulders, if you want just keep close and I’ll text you if something happens.”

We come to the agreement that he’ll be in the area if anything goes wrong and I get left alone in my room again wondering if he’s this protective of everything in the house. I decide it’s a good time for another shower since I had a good time with Jackie earlier.

I get out of the shower and take my time getting ready, Black button up shirt with some tribal designs in red on the chest and short sleeves with my dark blue jeans and boots; I grab my coat and head down to Bethany’s room and see her helping Abigail with some light makeup. I lean in the doorway and take note of Abigail, a simple yellow skirt and a plain white button up blouse. I can admire her for going the simple route not too enticing but still damn cute.

“She’s already for a date,” Bethany announces putting away the makeup.

I lead Abigail down to the garage and Mark is waiting with his car, I get in the back and Abigail get’s in the front before we’re off and down the road. It’s almost a half an hour trip but we’re there a few minutes before five. Mark gives me the big brother look and I nod as Abigail and I head into the mall.

We walk around a little bit before heading to the theater and I text Carlos to tell him that we’re here. Instead of a reply Carlos shows up from the theater lobby in khakis and a white dress shirt. He smiles as he sees Abigail and me standing there.

“Hey I didn’t think you’d show,” Carlos says to Abigail a little surprised.

“Well it is a double date. Where’s Marta,” Abigail asks quizzically.

“Your date is on her way here, Mom kept her around for a bit but she’s got a ride and will be by here in a few, we can get seats now if you two want,” Carlos explains heading inside.

“I’ll wait for her out here man, but I’ll get the tickets for you two first and buy ours when I she gets here,” I tell Carlos feeling generous about the situation.

I hand off their tickets to the movie and sit down on a bench out in front of the theater and wait for Marta. It’s quiet once the movies get closer to starting and I check my clock to see the movie started already. I shake it off and keep my watch for Marta. After an hour I wonder about shooting Carlos a text message but it’s a movie and that’s rude, so I decide text Mark and asking him how he’s doing. Mark replies that he’s just chatting up a hottie and if things are cool, I say it’ll be fine and put my phone away.

After two hours of waiting I’ve got my coat on and hood up, needless to say I am in a foul mood. I just got played for a fool, Carlos played me. The movies let out and I see Carlos and Abigail talking pleasantly when I see the couple behind them, I recognize Marta from the school and they skinny Latino boy with his arm around her waist who was with them when I greeted Abigail. I quickly text that the movie is over and where Abigail is to Mark with an ‘I’m fucking done’, I get an 'oh shit' reply and pull my hood up before they couples get out of the theater lobby. As soon as they are all the way out I stand up from the bench and as soon as everyone but Abigail sees me I get the ‘oh shit’ looks.

“Hey are you Guy, I’m Romeo,” the skinny guy says holding out his hand,” I tried to find you in the lobby when the movie started but didn’t see you.”

I take my eyes off Carlos and just stare a hole into ‘Romeo’ causing him to back up next to Marta. Abigail is confused and starting to ask questions when I stop her.

“Hey I must have heard Carlos wrong when he said I was going to be a part of this double date,” I say with sick venom,” you all get something to eat, I’m out.”

“Hey girls, can I talk to Guy alone for a minute,” Carlos asks.

The girls leave taking Romeo with him and I see Carlos trying to figure out how he’s going to explain himself to me. I don’t give him the opportunity and walk away, I hear him call after me but if I hear anymore words I’m gonna kill someone. I get to the opposite end of the mall and sit down on a bench, I have a message from Abigail asking me where I went off too but I tell her not to worry and have a good time.

It isn’t too long after that I get a text from Carlos saying that Abigail is worried about me and to come back and talk with them so he can explain. I don’t reply to the message and try to figure the whole situation out. Carlos must have been watching Abigail for a while but didn’t have any approach to ask her out, I expressed interest in his sister and offer a double date which gives him a play that he can get her out without making himself look foolish. Then his sister brings her actual date and he can at least get his foot in the door talking with Abigail. I almost wanna get ‘tool’ tattooed on my forehead but decide against it as I hunker down for a few more minutes before texting Mark that I’m leaving to cool off or something.

I get outside and just start walking around the mall’s sidewalk trying to cool off. I want to go back in and beat Carlos to death but then I get to watch Abigail freak out as her nice semi normal date ends in police questions and me in hand cuffs. I start to plan an ambush or something and nearly walk into someone.

“Hey cabron, watch where the fuck you going,” I hear a slightly feminine voice yell at me.

I look up and realize that I’m staring at a 5’9” angry Latino female in a jean jacket and matching pants and a white tank top under the coat. Normally she’d be hot but right now I’m too pissed off to care and wave her off as I continue my laps of the mall. Another minute and I get called to by an unfamiliar voice.

“Hey you are you Guy,” the woman I met a minute ago asks.

“Yeah, what the fuck do you want,” I ask really not in the mood for anyone.

“Well fuck you too man, Carlos sent me out here to find you cause I’m late for the date,” she tells me taking a defensive attitude.

I think on what Carlos said earlier, my date was on the way. He didn’t say Marta but when we talked earlier in the week and that’s who he said I was gonna be seeing. Awesome, not only do I get played out but it’s a bait and switch.

“Well that’s awesome,” I respond to her,” so you’re here now but guess what, I’m not really interested in going through more bullshit today so head inside and tell Carlos thanks but no thanks.”

“Excuse me I ain’t your fucking messenger and what the fuck you mean by bullshit,” She asks matching my anger.

“Not your fucking business, especially when I take your cousin’s fucking head and bust it open like a piñata and go looking for candy after the shit he just pulled,” I reply turning around and continuing my walk.

I can hear her walking after me but I ignore it as I figure she’s on the phone and either talking to Carlos in Spanish or trying to get a fast ride the fuck away from me. I start to get my iPod loaded up when the girl cuts me off again.

“Okay, I just talked to Carlos and he said that I need to bring you back inside so he can explain,” she says trying to take me by the shoulder.

“Get your fucking hand off me or my kind and friendly nature you’ve been seeing will turn really nasty,” I growl at her stopping dead in my tracks.

I watch her stop in her tracks and almost let go of my coat when I see her eyes, all fire and no hesitation. She throws one punch and I’m really going to be in for a fight, I thought Carlos knew how to hold his shit but this female has his fucking number from what I can see.

“Listen, I got roped into this because my cousin said you were a hard ass,” She starts in,” We met under some bad shit, your name is Guy, mine is Imelda. Now for the last time please come with me and afterwards we can get the fuck out of here.”

I should just walk away and leave this alone, every time people want to explain something it’s them trying to justify why they screwed you over. I shake Imelda’s hand off my shoulder and follow her back inside the mall. It takes us a minute to get back to the food court and I see everyone is more or less eating and chatting when all four of them see me and stop altogether. I keep a decent distance from their table and watch as Carlos decides to get up and approach me.

“Okay homes I know you’re pissed off but let me explain,” Carlos starts with his explanation,” I talked to Marta about the date, I really did. But she’s been with Romeo for a year now and didn’t want to go out with you, when you set up the date I called Imelda and asked her to be your date since I figured you two would get along. I know you’re upset but I just wanted a chance to really sit down and talk to Abby. Can you understand my point?”

“Yeah, I can understand. I understand that when we had this talk the first time you were all about a double date with Abigail and Marta. I also understand that while I held to my end of the date deal you fucking backed out and pulled a switch job without even trying to explain it to me,” I tell him getting more angry.

“I just didn’t want you to back out, can you at least be reasonable about this,” Carlos pleads trying to keep things under control.

“Reasonable, we make an agreement and you break it. Reasonable was me not beating the fucking shit out of your cheating ass when you got out of the theater,” I growl,” Doesn’t matter what you say now, you could have just told me days ago. I’m guessing the reason you keep your friends around you at school is so nobody kicks the shit out of your lying ass.”

I can see he’s torn by the idea of me beating the hell out of him or my telling Abigail what really happened. I look past him and see Abigail staring at me expectantly. I smile at Carlos and push past him motioning to Imelda to wait where she is.

“So I didn’t get the whole story straight the first time and now I need to get my date with Carlos’s cousin going so she doesn’t feel bad,” I tell Abigail putting on a more friendly face,” you make sure you have a good time and just call Mark when you need a ride home.”

I see Abigail nod and she takes my hand and squeezes it to let me know I’m being nice for her. I don’t even look at Marta and Romeo as I head back to Imelda. I glare down Carlos as I walk past and Imelda matches my pace as we start walking the mall.

“So what do we do now,” Imelda asks.

“I don’t give a fuck what we do, pick something,” I tell her still agitated.

I see Imelda’s face turn sour and she grabs my arm and drags me off to a public restroom hallway where there are no people walking around. As soon as we’re in the hall I watch her check the ends before getting shoved against the wall and slams her mouth into mine in an angry kiss. I’m not ready for a kiss but I let it go for a minute until she breaks it and stares me down a little.

“I like hard ass, hard ass is a real problem to find when all I get are out of high school pussies who think hard is football practice,” Imelda tells me,” Now I want a decent fucking date with some food and a movie before I take you back to my home and we have some good hot sex.”

I don’t know if I look it but in my head I’m stunned by the sheer level of pissed off and demanding that I have in front of me making her mission statement for the evening. It takes me a half a second to turn the tables and put her against the wall and slam my mouth into Imelda’s.

“I got the money but you need to decide where the fuck you want to go,” I tell her finally breaking the kiss.

I detangle from each other and have a few other teens staring, I generally ignore it but I watch as Imelda takes a few steps before stopping and staring at a guy.

“If you don’t stop looking at me I’ll take one of your fucking balls if I can find them,” Imelda growls as we leave the hall.

I let her decide on the movie, an action flick thank god. And it gives us enough time to eat at a little burger shop in the mall with real seating before the show. I let her order for herself and once we order I can tell she wants to talk so I finally take off my hood trying to open myself up to her.

“You had no clue I was your date for tonight. Nice one Carlos,” Imelda says or asks but I can’t tell which.

“Yeah, had no clue you even existed. Thought I was gonna get a chance to hit it off with Marta,” I reply,” but I don’t think kicking the shit out of Romeo would get her interested.”

Imelda chuckles at the statement. I tell her about this being just a fucked up vacation for me and that I’m not going to be around after five weeks. We discuss past relationships and when I bring up Heather and Derek I watch her get visibly angry.

“See that shit is why I don’t want my boyfriends to be hanging out with bitches I haven’t fought,” Imelda bursts out as our food is served.

“Well after that I got some better quality girlfriends and they really keep me level. Most of the time,” I tell her smirking.

“Oh shit you cheating on your girlfriend while you’re down here,” Imelda stopping the whole conversation.

I explain the relationship scenario to her and show her some of the pictures of the girls to help illustrate my honesty in the whole deal. She hands me my phone back and we resume eating. I pay the check and we get to the theater with a few minutes to spare. I check my clock and see it’s nine at night and shoot a text message off to Mark that I have shit taken care of for me and I’ll text him later when I’m out of the movie. I get a reply saying that he’s got Abigail in the car and that she’s smiling about the evening and he’ll tell her that I’m okay.

As we sit and watch the movie I notice the armrest get moved up and Imelda takes off her jean jacket and gets inside my coat forcing me to put my arm around her. We cuddle in and I decide to push my luck by letting my hand rest on Imelda’s chest. I feel her shift and take my hand off before putting it back inside her tank top giving me full access to her firm breast.

“I want to finish the movie so just relax and don’t fuck this up,” Imelda tells me still watching the screen.

I feel her nipple a little through her bra and it gets hard with a little rubbing before I just rest my hand around the whole thing and relax. I figure she’s a b cup but get distracted by the gunfight on screen and relax in a decent movie. Ninety minutes of guns and explosions is a hell of a lot better than bullshit drama for two hours and as we head out of the theater I watch Imelda put her jacket back on to cover her shoulders as we hit the parking lot. I go looking for a car or truck but get a little interested when Imelda leads me to a decent looking Yamaha motorcycle. I take the helmet she pulls out of the storage spot under the seat and fasten it on before taking my seat behind her and grip her hips with my hands as we head down the road.

I realize that I’ve never been on a bike before when at the first turn I feel her lean and when I don’t we wobble a little bit and she slows down so I can hear her yell at me to lean with her. I get the rhythm down and after about ten minutes of riding I can see we’re in a not so well off neighborhood as we pull into what I can assume is her place.

“Not the worst place I’ve been taken after a date,” I tell Imelda handing her back the second helmet.

“Yeah well my mom and I can’t afford better so it’s her palace, I just help with the bills,” Imelda tells me with a little bit of pride.

I follow her inside and it’s a lot cleaner than I thought as we head through the living room and into what I can assume is her bedroom in the back. I have just enough time to get inside before Imelda closes the door behind me and shoves me onto the bed and gets on top of me. I waste no time grabbing at her body and we jam our mouths together in a war for dominance. It’s dark but there’s just enough light from the outside that I can see her as we break from the kiss/fight and she sits up and pulls her jacket off and yanks her tank top off. I pull my arms out of my coat and quickly undo the buttons on my shirt when my phone lights up with a call. I push Imelda off and stand up answering the call.

“Guy where are you, Mark and Abigail are home but they said your date was late. Do you need a ride honey,” I get asked by Loretta before I can even say hello.

“No I’m fine, listen I’m really tired and will be home first thing in the morning I promise,” I tell Loretta as Imelda undoes my pants and takes my half hard cock out.

“Are you sure honey I can come where you are and get you later if you are still out having fun,” Loretta offers.

“It’ll be okay, I promise I’ll call if things go sideways on me and I need help,” I tell Loretta as I watch Imelda roll onto her back and take half my cock in her mouth while pulling her jeans and panties off.

“Alright well you have fun and be back soon tomorrow,” Loretta tells me ending the call.

I drop my phone onto my coat and grab Imelda’s breasts with my hands causing her to moan on my cock. I can see down Imelda’s whole body in the low light as she works my cock and crawl up the bed keeping my cock in her mouth and once I get my face in position start to tongue her clit slowly. Imelda’s pussy has some fine little hairs and tastes salty in a good way; I can feel her pause for a second before resuming her ‘job’ as we get into a groove with our sixty nine.

“Okay, get up and lay on your back,” Imelda tells me taking my cock out of her mouth.

I decide to comply with her request and roll onto my back only to have her take my head and straddle my face with her pussy.

“I’m gonna fuck your face raw,” Imelda tells me pulling my mouth to her clit.

I figure it’s good to give a little so I grab her hips with my hands and bury my tongue in Imelda’s pussy hole. I can feel her tense up but I hold her like a vice as she starts to grab at my hands for something to hold onto after pawing at my head for hair I don’t have. I hear her moaning and with her accent it’s really sexy and I bring one hand all the way around Imelda’s him and start rubbing her clit speed up my tongue lapping at her pussy. The new sensation get’s Imelda talking to me in Spanish but since she’s not slapping me I speed up till she starts thrashing and bucking against my face. It takes about a minute but I feel her pussy contract a little on my tongue as Imelda’s entire body locks up with her first orgasm.

I roll her onto her side and get my face out of Imelda’s pussy as she starts to catch her breath. I can see she’s relaxing but I’m not in the mood to wait as I move up to Imelda’s head and after turning her to face my cock shove the whole length into her mouth. The first blowjob was good but now I’m gonna get off and she’s gonna take it like I did for her. I grip the hair on the back of Imelda’s head and start fucking her face hard and fast. I can feel Imelda gag but she doesn’t freak out like I’ve had happen before, it takes me a second but I see as I’m fucking her face she’s already fingering her pussy. I keep one hand on her head as I take the other and pinch her nipple. I can start to feel that tingle as I hammer Imelda’s face with my cock and decide to go for broke forcing my cock all the way into her mouth and shooting cum directly into her throat.

As I’m cumming I feel Imelda’s hands go to the one on her head and getting me to loosen up my grip a little as she resumes bobbing her mouth on my cock. I place my hand on the wall to keep my balance as Imelda works the last of my cum out of my cock before letting me fall out of her mouth.

“If I ever meet any of your girlfriends I’m thanking them,” Imelda gasps sitting up from her bed a little.

“Who knows what will happen,” I reply lying down on my back.

I start to catch my breath but Imelda seems to have other ideas as she shifts her body around and starts sucking my cock again. It’s almost painful having cum so hard only to have her sucking on me and I almost try to stop her but decide to let her work at it. The ‘pain’ subsides and Imelda has me hard again and pulls me up from lying down. I watch as she turns around and I get on my knees as she backs her ass up to my cock before taking the head and lining it up with her pussy hole.

“Now don’t take your time and fuck me hard,” Imelda tells me turning her head so I can see her smirk.

I take her hips in my hands and slam the length of my cock deep into her pussy getting a moan from both of us. Imelda’s pussy is slick and soaked in her cum making my next thrust even easier than the first. I don’t hit bottom but I’m balls deep in her pussy and start working my cock in and out in hard, long strokes. I can see she likes it but she looks back at me almost asking if I’m getting tired. I get the idea and after backing my cock a few inches out of Imelda’s pussy reach my left hand up and take a handful of her black hair in my fist and violently pull her head back while slamming my cock inside. She grunts at the first thrust but I don’t stop going all out hard, fast and deep. I can see her face a little as I turn her head; it’s all contorted in pain and pleasure. We’re both grunting and moaning as I fuck Imelda’s pussy trying either breaking it or hitting bottom. I take my right hand a slap Imelda’s ass cheek with a quick slap which get’s her attention fast. Another slap and she grabs my hand and pulls me forward to get me a little deeper inside her. I can feel myself getting closer to orgasm as she starts muttering something in Spanish, I shake my hand with her hair in it and feel her start to gush onto my cock which sends me over my limit and I fall forward with the last thrust burying my cock deep inside Imelda’s pussy, collapsing her body onto the bed and lying down on top of her back still grunting and shooting into her pussy.

I don’t know how long we lay there with me on top of her but somewhere along the way I fall out of Imelda’s pussy and manage to roll my body off her back, trying to catch my breath. I finally look over at Imelda to see she’s looking at me lazily and smiling.

“Well was that something to take back with you when you head back home,” Imelda asks grinning mischievously.

“Yeah, still gonna kick the shit out of Carlos but that was defiantly worth it,” I tell her rolling onto my side and putting an arm across her back.

“Yeah well in the morning I’m gonna get more of that cock in me,” Imelda tells me softly,” just want it slow and sweet tomorrow, got a problem with that?”

I roll her onto her side and spoon up behind Imelda as she starts to doze off. I still owe Carlos payback for screwing around with me about the date but more importantly I need to focus on what to do with Abigail. I know she likes the attention he’s giving her but do I really want to hurt her with the truth about him and me just to make him feel like shit. Fuck it, I’ll figure this shit out tomorrow after I get home and with that I drift off to sleep.

Part 6

It’s a warm Thursday morning and I look around confused for a minute do to the fact that I have no clue where I am. As I start to sit up from the bed an arm pulls me back down and Imelda latches on to my side.

“Usted es cálido, se recostó. ¿Has dormido bien?,” Imelda says to me groggily.

“I have no clue what you said but it sounds sexy,” I reply to her smirking.

I watch Imelda’s head rise up of the bed suddenly and her eyes bolt open, she sees me in the light and starts chuckling. I have no clue what she’s laughing about but I let her enjoy her moment before she rolls onto me lying on my chest.

“I’m gonna get you some breakfast,” Imelda says crawling out of bed and pulling on a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top.

I watch her leave the room before getting my phone and checking the time, eight thirty in the morning and I’ve got messages. Loretta is asking if I’m okay, so is Abigail. I send them both a text saying that I’m perfectly fine and to tell Mark I’ll be ready for the Gym and tattoo parlor by noon, hopefully. Loretta responds back with her newly minted mothering of ‘I’m so glad you’re safe’ and offers to pick me up. I decline and hop on face book through my phone, Kori’s online and I send her a message asking if she’s okay and that I’m missing her.

It takes about a second for my message box to be full, Kori dumps a bunch of information about how she’s missing me badly and she’s crying at night, apparently she grabbed one of my old shirts from home and has been sleeping with it. I tell her that I’m missing her too and that I would do anything to be there with her but things are complicated down here and the time with my mother is getting better. Kori tells me how her mom is going to send her away in few weeks to go visit her Aunt or something and that she doesn’t know if she’ll be back by the time I get back from here. I tell her everything will be all right and that I’ll figure something out so we can be together sooner. We say our goodbyes and I relax on the bed a little longer before Imelda comes back in with a plate of eggs rice beans and tortillas.

“Mom is making breakfast, you should go say hi,” Imelda tells me sitting on the bed with the plate.

I pull my jeans on and head into the living room and round the corner in the kitchen to see a short Latino woman dishing up a plate before turning and seeing me standing there. I watch her eyes get wide and decide to speak first.

“Hi Ma’am, I’m Guy, your daughter said I should come out here and say hi,” I tell her holding out my hand.

I see her face go from shock to rage before I have to duck as she hurls a pan from the kitchen at my face.

“¿Qué demonios estás haciendo en mi casa, imbécil? He pagado mis cuentas malditas y por qué no llevas una camisa?,” is what gets screamed at me by Imelda’s mother as I duck for safety down the hall.

Imelda hands me the plate as I get back to her room and I can see she’s trying to keep from laughing her ass off. She pats me on the back and I watch her head into the hall and start speaking to her mother in Spanish. I sit down on the bed and start eating when I suddenly realize that it’s real Mexican food with real Mexican spiciness. I devour as much of it as I can before I realize that I really need water or a fire extinguisher. I head back into the living room and as soon as Imelda and her mother see me they start laughing as her mother gets me a glass of milk.

“Not like taco bell spicy huh,” Imelda says chuckling.

Once the fire in my mouth is mostly subsided Imelda translates for her mother as she apologizes for trying to kill me and I shake it off. They mostly talk amongst themselves before Imelda’s mother leaves for work.

“I’m sorry but nobody has ever actually walked out of my room to meet my mom,” Imelda tells me half apologizing,” but that was really fucking funny.”

I let her have her laugh as I attempt to finish my plate and after taking it to the sink. I follow Imelda back to her room to get my clothing but watch as she sits down on her bed and takes off her top. I didn’t get to see them much last night but Imelda’s breasts have some nice small nipples, breasts worth marveling at as I walk up to her and she undoes my jeans. Imelda takes my cock in her hand and gently sucks on the head for a few moments before crawling backwards up the bed sideways and pulling her shorts off.
I crawl over up Imelda’s tight Latino body and gently lick her nipple which gets her to moan. I feel her hands working their way down my body and one starts trying to pull my cock into her pussy. I keep myself outside for a few moments as I enjoy rolling her nipple in my mouth before trailing kisses up Imelda’s chest and neck. I don’t even have to line my cock up with Imelda’s pussy as the head bumps her and pushes inside. Imelda moans at the intrusion and wrapping her arms around me pulls me in the rest of the way. Last night was hard and rough but this morning I’m savoring the tight and warm feeling Imelda’s pussy is giving me. I start to move slowly and patiently making sure she feels every bit as I push in and out of her pussy.

I push one of my arms down under Imelda’s leg and start to take deeper thrusts adding just a little speed to our tender moment. I look at her face and see she’s got her eyes closed and is smiling lightly; I decide to shake things up a bit and gently kiss her on the lips. I feel her freeze in shock at the kiss before warming up and turning a light peck on the lips into a passion filled lip lock that causes both of us to start bucking our hips together. We break the kiss and I feel Imelda kiss up my neck and nibble on my ear.

“Vamos nena, dame lo demás, vamos vamos vamos,” Imelda whispers almost pleading in my ear.

I get the rush and tingle at the base of my cock as I drive in hard and deep shooting cum inside Imelda’s warm pussy. I can feel her shaking from my haze and think Imelda hit her own orgasm shortly after I started mine. I let Imelda’s leg down and we lay there in bliss for a few minutes just holding each other in the warm morning.

“Okay, let’s get showered and I’ll get you home before I have to go to work,” Imelda tells me as we get up from her bed.

We share a cool shower and get dressed, me in the clothes I wore last night and Imelda in a black t-shirt and blue coveralls with the top tied around her waist. She locks up the house and getting the directions we’re off fast on her bike heading for ‘home’.

We’re on the bike for almost an hour before we hit the neighborhood and get to the gate; I press the call button and wave at the house. We head in after the gate opens up and once I’m off the bike Loretta is out the front door to greet me.

“It’s almost ten and you’re just now coming home,” Loretta starts in,” I should have just come got you last night. Where were you?”

“I was with her, we got done with the movie and it was easier for me to stay with her than ride us both back here,” I tell Loretta pointing at Imelda who is still on her bike.

I turn back to Imelda and after getting a quick kiss and number exchange watch her head out the gate and peels off down the road. I head back inside with Loretta where she proceeds to give me the ‘concerned mother’ speech. I see Bethany watching from the second floor with some interest but not as much as Abigail who is waiting for me I think at the base of the steps. I let Loretta finish before stepping away wordlessly and head back to my room. As soon as I’m in my room I hear the door close after me, I turn and see Abigail has followed me from the stairs.

“Can we talk a little bit,” Abigail asks quietly.

“Sure, you okay,” I ask offering her the couch.

I let her sit while I start to change into some workout clothes. Abigail looks more nervous not than when I caught her in my room the first night. I figure this is big for her so I close the door before sitting down on the couch opposite of her.

“Okay, I know you’re pissed about the date mix up,” Abigail starts to tell me,” but when I asked Carlos what really happened he just brushed it off as his cousin wasn’t here and that you were pissed about missing the time with everyone else. Is that true?”

“No it’s not, when Carlos and I talked about the date it was a double date only,” I inform her plainly,” Here’s what you need to take from this, Carlos really likes you. He likes you so much that he’d risk his own safety messing with me when we’ve made a deal.”

“So what do I do about Carlos,” Abigail asks me.

Now that isn’t what I expected, I can sabotage him right now. But again I’m stuck in a ‘what does that do to Abigail’ conundrum. I sit and think about it for a bit longer than I expected when Mark Jr. bursts through my door.

“Dude, you ready to go cause we got weights and a tattoo to get done today,” Mark says barely acknowledging his sister.

“Man I’ll be down in a few, we’re trying to have a conversation,” I tell Mark a little ticked.

I watch him shrug about the two of us and as he leaves my room I make my decision about Abigail and Carlos.

“Honestly I think you need to do what makes you feel best. Carlos likes you a lot and if you don’t like him then you should walk away but if you really think there’s something there then I say go for it,” I tell Abigail with brutal honesty.

“Okay but what about the deal he ‘broke’,” Abigail asks me almost worried.

“That’s between me and him, don’t worry about it,” I tell her as I get up, grab my bag and head out of my room.

Mark Jr. is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs like an anxious puppy. We head to the garage and as soon as the doors are up Mark tries to set a land speed record out of the driveway. It takes us about twenty five minutes to get to the gym that Mark goes to and once inside I realize that I’m not in my dad’s workout dungeon anymore. It’s a three floor building with a running track on the roof and a pool to go along with every piece of workout equipment imaginable. Mark checks us in and leads me off to the weights.
I didn’t work out much with weights when I’d be working out with my Dad but Mark proceeds to go down the whole list of ‘how to bulk up’. I can see that this is the big thing for him and play the attentive student like I’ve never had a work out session in my life. It takes some prodding but I finally get Mark to let me work on definition and not becoming a steroid monster. Total time on the weights is maybe forty five minutes and when I’m done I feel awake but not too sore thankfully. As we head to the contact room that I read on the guide Mark finally notices my bag.

“Hey man why did you bring your own stuff, they have loaner gear here,” Mark asks as we enter the room.

The Contact room is more than I could have hoped for; heavy bags, floor mats for sparring, speed bags, and the human looking contact dummies. I take a seat on a bench and get my shoes and socks off before getting my feet and fists taped up. Mark sits down and looks at me curiously as I line up with a speed bag and get some warm up punches in. I go through the speed bag and the heavy bag and see Mark looking out the door way. I stop and head over to him to see him staring at some women on cardio machines.

“Dude I think they’re older than you,” I whisper to him joking.

“MILF pussy is still good pussy,” Mark says turning to me,” and besides that girl you were with was at least nineteen.”

I shrug at the comment, didn’t really check with Imelda on how old she was when we were together. I get my tape off and back in the bag before hitting the showers, which draws more grumbling from Mark.

“Okay, if you want to smell like ass in your car then go right ahead, I prefer to shower,” I tell him heading in.

It’s my second shower of the day but it’s the one more needed, I get fully rinsed off back into my clothes before trying to rejoin Mark in the hallway. I’m out in the hall and Mark is nowhere to be found, I grab my phone from my bag and text him but get no reply. It takes me about two seconds to figure out he’s trying to or getting some right now and this could be a while. It’s past noon and I’m getting hungry thanks to my workout when Mark finally shows up at the front.

“Hey Guy, been waiting long,” Mark says with that college jock tone.

“Man I hope you carry condoms or something,” I reply as we head out the door.

Back in the car and another twenty something minutes later we’re at the tattoo parlor. Once I’m inside the girl at the front waves me back to where Smitty is finishing up a tattoo on a woman’s ass.

“Take a seat kid I’ll be with you in a second,” Smitty tells me waving me to a chair.

I take my seat and chill out while Mark pays and chats up the girl at the front, I swear he’s got sex A.D.D. I look at the wall art work for a bit when the grandfather sits down next to me and we start talking. More of him talking and me listening as he goes over his time in the war, his marriages, his times across the country. I listen politely and ask very few questions when Smitty gets to me and reclines my chair so that he can get to work on the coloring. I tell him about an addition I want on the tattoo and after going over the basics Smitty gets it underway.

I didn’t feel any major fatigue from working out before my tattoo got started but with the addition and five hours in the chair for color that doesn’t look like shit I am starving and exhausted. Thankfully Mark is still there when I get back to the front and he just stares at me as I endure the new pain in my side.

“Okay, so why the tattoo,” Mark asks as we get in the car.

“Honestly, I never would have done it after the start of last year. Now I love it, it’s a tribute just like my special request from your Dad,” I tell Mark proudly.

I can see he’s confused about what I said but it doesn’t bother me much on the ride home and once inside we’re greeted by the smell of cooked food. I run up the stairs and change into one of my new shirts and a pair cargo shorts on before heading back down to the dinner table. Loretta sees me wearing the new clothing and I can see her face brighten a little. It’s another pleasant dinner with everyone and Mr. Delauter asks me to come into his office afterwards. Once we’re all done eating I follow him in and close the door behind me before taking a seat facing his desk.

“So here we are at the one week mark and you haven’t made me regret agreeing to this deal,” Mr. Delauter starts in while taking his seat,” So when does the other shoe drop and you decide to make everyone here miserable?”

I’d like to think that he’s trying to surprise me but I’m certain that I’d be looking for a double cross too if I were him.

“Well that won’t happen sir, I keep my word and I hold my end of a bargain even when other people turn it around on me,” I tell him plainly,” I get why you’re concerned cause my special request just came through a few days ago and now you think that I can just do what I want to the rest of you.”

“Well you could, it wouldn’t be the first time,” Mr. Delauter tells me matter-of-factly.

“Not who I am, I was told that I was going to have to spend six weeks down here and I will. We came to an agreement that for a few nice things that I would make things generally better when I was here and I have. I’m not wanting to hurt anyone here, even you,” I tell him plainly emphasizing the last two words.

I can see Mr. Delauter trying to see if I’m being genuine or not. We sit in silence before Loretta interrupts us to see what’s going on. Mr. Delauter tells her that everything is fine but she’s not buying it and lets me leave so she can talk with him privately.

I get back to my room and see I left my phone in the bag the whole time. I check my messages and see a text from Imelda asking if I’m busy Friday night, I reply that I am now. I get a text with a time and to look like a hard ass. I hop back on my phone and hit the face book app. I talk with some of the people back home and let the girls know how things are; I take some extra time to speak with Kori. She’s feeling a little better and she has plans to go hang out with Katy and Liz on Friday. I tell her to ‘behave’ and she replies with ‘I’m waiting for you so I won’t have to’. I chuckle at the reply and am glad she’s feeling better as I pocket my phone. The rest of the evening passes uneventful and I get a solid night’s sleep.

Next morning I’m sore as hell and almost ignore my alarm to wake up and run. I can feel my muscles aching as I start my laps around the grounds. The run gets easier as I go and I decide to pass on the rest of the work out after thirty minutes of running before heading back inside. I head up the stairs and almost get back to my room when I see Bethany’s door cracked open slightly. I glance in and Bethany sleeping lightly in her bed wearing a simple night shirt and panties. I smile with an idea and head back to my room, once there I grab my phone and send Bethany a good morning text. It takes her a minute to reply with ‘why wake me up so early’, I tell her I need a rub down and put my phone away before stripping down to my boxer briefs and laying down on my bed. It takes a few minutes but Bethany creeps in with a bathrobe on and closes the door before locking it.

“Too much working out made you sore,” Bethany asks crawling on the bed and straddling my hips.
I nod at her question smiling, Bethany smiles back and undo the bathrobe showing me her perky breasts and pink panties. I sit up a little and start to suck on Bethany’s nipple getting a moan for my effort.

“You need hair so I have something to hold onto,” Bethany whispers rubbing my head.

I take Bethany’s hips in my hands and start grinding our crotches together, keeping my mouth on her breast as much as possible. Bethany pushes me off and back down before taking my boxers down and pulling her panties off, stroking me with her hand. I watch as she takes my hand and sticks two fingers in her mouth sucking on them hard before taking my hand and now wet fingers and having me rub her pussy. I moan a little with Bethany’s hand stroking me hard and buck my hips a little against her hand; she smiles to see me reacting to her and pulls my fingers away from her pussy.

“Mind if we do something a little fun and different,” I ask Bethany smiling.

“Maybe, am I gonna get in trouble if I say yes,” Bethany replies rubbing my cock head against her slit.

I reach over and take my phone off the nightstand flipping it on and turning on the video record function on; I get distracted by my cock slipping inside of Bethany’s pussy. She’s warm and wet thanks to my fingers and wastes no time biting her knuckle and bouncing on my cock in a steady rhythm. The room fills with moans and light slapping of our hips together. I marvel at the beauty of Bethany’s body as she bounces and wonder about her boyfriends in the football team. After a bit of bouncing Bethany shifts into a grinding motion while taking her knuckle out of her mouth and looks at me curiously.

“Aren’t you going to record this or something,” She asks confused.

Shit I forgot the phone; I pick it up and watch her shift back to bouncing and holding her breast with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other. I nod and she closes her eyes and starts moaning and bouncing faster. I get Bethany’s body in the shot and start recording then let her know with a signal that I’m recording her.

“Watch me cum, I’m cumming all over this big cock in my pussy,” Bethany says doing her best porn star impression.

It takes her a few seconds but not too terribly long before I feel her vagina clamp up and Bethany grinds her hips against me in orgasm. I let her relax while saving the video and putting my phone back. I see Bethany’s face get a dopey grin as she pulls her pussy off my cock and lowers her face onto my cock taking the whole length in fast strokes. I try to take a handful of her hair but get stopped as she grabs my hand and looks up at me with her pretty green eyes. Green, I marvel at them when I get the tingle at the base of my cock and grunt hard as Bethany leaves half my cock in her mouth and I shoot ropes of cum in her mouth and throat. I watch her take my cock out and swallow before she starts to deep throat my cock in long hard strokes that make me want to cum again if possible before Bethany lets my cock out of her mouth and starts getting dressed.

“Don’t want to cuddle for a bit,” I ask smiling contentedly.

“No, not this time. I still know that you’ll be gone in a few weeks, I will say that it’s really fun having you around,” Bethany says pulling her robe on and quietly leaving my room.

Wow, I just got served the ‘too attached notice’ and I chuckle at it as I get my underwear back on and wrap a towel around myself before heading to the bathroom and getting a quick shower in. Once I’m back in my room I flag the video as ‘Private: watch then delete’ and send it off to Katy. It takes a few minutes but as I get a reply back from her with a ‘Ha Ha, that’s what I like to see’. The rest of the day goes pretty smoothly and into the Friday morning with everyone but me having some reason to head out so I decide to head out with Loretta again to the shelters, I make sure to grab my coat and phone before we head out.

“I’m really glad you are getting along with everyone at the house,” Loretta tells me as we head down the road.

“Your husband thinks I’m going to screw him over and make your life miserable before I leave,” I tell her letting her know what happened between him and me this morning.

“Yeah, he’s not good with people when it comes to deals. Always looking for the other person to turn on him first,” Loretta says as we pull into the shelter parking lot.

As soon as we’re out of the car I can see girls watching from inside the building. I hope they’re looking for Loretta and not me but I see a few familiar faces staring in my direction as we head inside. Once we’re in and I get my visitors pass the Latino woman heads into her office and start to go over removal notices with the door closed. It takes me a few minutes before I realize she’s talking about removing some of the girls at the shelter. Apparently one of the girls got pregnant and a couple others have been caught with marijuana in the back area along with regular cigarettes. I keep my curiosity about the situation to myself as Loretta says that she’ll handle the situation personally and takes the list of names.

“Well Jackie’s not on the list did you want to head out while go over this or did you want to sit in,” Loretta asks me.

“Wait, are you just going to throw them out,” I ask concerned.

“Not all of them but Clara being pregnant puts her in a move out situation unless she agrees to abort it and Kelly has enough strikes against her record to be evicted effective immediately,” Loretta tells me going through the folders.

“Clara might need this place to get her fixed up right,” I ask.

“Yes but some girls really want to keep their baby and that means risking a place in a young mother’s home and those are usually full,” Loretta tells me somberly.

I let her get the first girl Clara, a pretty little mixed girl with dark curly hair and a very full figure. I can see why the guys like her. She is all nerves as her and Loretta talk about who the father is and what her options are.

“I know you’re trying to help me but my boyfriend will dump me if I get an abortion. It’s against his religion,” Clara tells us exasperated.

“Mom may I please just ask a few questions,” I interrupt stunning Loretta in her seat,” Is your boyfriend living on his own and does he have a job?”

“Yes, I’ve been to his place and he’s got some money,” Clara replies quickly.

“And you’ve been dating him how long,” I ask plainly.

“We’ve been together since I was seventeen,” Clara answers wondering where this is going.

“Why aren’t you already living with him,” I ask finally.

“Well he gets so busy with his job and he really needs some personal space but when we’re together everything is perfect. He treats me real good and pays for food and lets me sleep over every once in a while,” Clara says proudly.

I shake my head and see Loretta’s face, she can see what’s going on too but poor Clara is so close to her ‘man’ that she can’t see the truth. I turn her chair to face me and ask for her hands and once taking her hands into mine.

“Clara, you’re chances of getting into a home for single mother’s is about as good as mine are winning the Miss Universe pageant. Your boyfriend is playing you, he keeps you at a distance so he can be with other women and only lets you come over when he’s got nobody else probably,” I start in seeing the horror on her face,” I can honestly tell you right now that your boyfriend has probably got at least one other girl pregnant and either he ditched her or made her get an abortion. This baby you have isn’t going to save your relationship or bring him closer to you. He’ll do what he does best, cut ties and leave you behind.”

Clara looks scared out of her mind and tears start rolling down her face as Loretta takes her from me and hugs her letting her cry. I feel like crap but someone had to tell her before she set herself up for a painful breakup with a child to boot. Once Clara is done crying I watch Loretta sit her back down and discuss her options, she won’t have to leave today but she has two weeks to make her decision. I watch Clara leave the room and Jackie is on her immediately talking with her and trying to calm her down. Jackie and I share a knowing smile and I close the door to Loretta’s office.

“Well that was afterschool special worthy,” I say sitting down in my seat.

“I’m technically not allowed to say things like that but I guess you can,” Loretta says to me smiling,” you called me Mom.”

I smile; I know I called her mom. I figure after her actually acting like one towards me I should try it out and see if she’s okay with me alternating. I ask for a little time and if I can sit in on the meeting with Kelly. Loretta nods and I head out to one of the common rooms and find Jackie and Clara still talking. They both look at me, Jackie smiling and Clara still fearful of what I said. I sit down on the little table in front of them.

“I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you that, but you needed to hear the truth,” I apologize to Clara.

“Why tell me all that then apologize,” Clara asks timidly.

“I don’t like hurting girls but someone had to tell you the truth. Even if you help someone with a painful truth you should apologize for causing them pain,” I tell Clara somberly.

Clara nods and gets up to go to the bathroom leaving Jackie and I alone. Jackie takes me by the hands and sits me next to her before giving me a tender kiss on the lips. She’s definitely feeling better that the last time we were together. I let her cuddle in before starting the questioning.

“You know Kelly at all,” I ask with no hiding my intentions,” Loretta is planning on kicking her out for drugs and cigarettes.”

“Cigarettes ruling are bullshit, we can smoke here as long as it’s outside,” Jackie starts in,” And if they kick her out she’ll get violent.”

“She has a history of this I take it,” I ask concerned.

“Well it’s her fourth shelter she’s been at, the last three when she got kicked out she hit two of the counselors and the last one she bit and administrator in the hand,” Jackie tells me a little horrified,” She’ll probably have to leave in handcuffs if she gets violent this time. I heard after she bit the administrator they put her in Juvie for six months.”

I think about Jackie’s run down of Kelly for a second. If Kelly gets violent what the hell can Loretta do other than wait for the police to come, hope Kelly doesn’t get out of hand or do too much damage? I know I can’t let it happen; someone needs to put her down before shit gets out of hand. I start formulating a plan in my mind but I know I’ll need Jackie’s help and probably some back up.

“I’m not going to let her hurt Loretta,” I tell Jackie who stops cuddling me and look at me curiously,” I am going to need your help. I need someone to get that big bathroom cleared and something to keep the sound from getting out or at least keep people from getting close to the room.”

I see Jackie start thinking hard about what she can do before nodding in agreement and heading out of common room and out back. I follow and see her talking with some of the other girls and gesturing to me before I see the girl who played lookout the other day nod and smirk at me. I don’t know what she told them but Jackie returns to me nervous.

“We can do it but Kelly’s pissed some of the other girls off by stashing her shit in their stuff and if you want help they want Kelly to hurt,” Jackie tells me nervously.

Shit, let Loretta get into a fight or play hardball with a girl who’s treating the others like a bitch. Yeah, I make my decision in matter of seconds and nod.

“Alright but I’m not going to hit her, and I need someone to get her to the bathroom since I can’t go up there,” I tell Jackie,” wait till I’m in the showers to get her.”

I head back inside and pop into Loretta’s office. I ask her if I she needs her door closed and I watch her nod as she focuses on her paperwork. I don’t smile as I close it anyway. I head down to the shower taking my coat off and putting it down on a bench once I’m inside. I hear the girls moving and I position myself behind the open door as I hear a loud girl stomping down the hall. I stretch my neck side to side and get my game face on, I’ve taken off my coat and button up shirt that Loretta got me and only have my camo pants and a tank top on with my boots when I hear ‘Kelly’ pop into the room.

She gets about five feet in and I can see her, black girl, about 5’8” and has the word ‘ghetto’ written all over her; Large, fat ass and big tits in a pair of matching sweats with a zip up hoodie and a tank top, no shoes. Her hair is in cornrows with a little bead at the end of each one. I let her get all the way in before slamming the door behind her; I watch her jump and turn around to see me standing there.

“Who the fuck are you,” Kelly says startled.

“I’m here to make sure you stay in the building and start paying attention when someone tells you listen,” I tell her plainly keeping my voice calm.

“Stay where? Here? They can’t throw me out cause I’ll fuck that white bitch up if she even tries,” Kelly says getting more hostility to her voice.

“I can understand you’ve had it ‘tough’. I realize that you’re probably a pretty tough girl and have seen and done some ‘bad stuff’ in your life. Sadly as of right now that means absolutely dick,” I tell her turning from calm to my smiling self.

“Fuck you asshole,” Kelly says covering the five feet,” I’ll fuck your lily white ass up and then get me some white bitch...”

I let her get the last word out of her mouth before doing something someone should have done a long time ago and slap Kelly causing her to fall to the ground and catch herself on the tile. I see her shaking her head and holding her hand to her face, she’s pissed.

“Now as for the language that’s just rude, I know I’m pale but the woman isn’t a bitch,” I tell her in a matter of fact.

“You fucked up asshole, I’m going to watch them put you in jail for that shit,” Kelly says standing up.

“Maybe, but then again you have to be the one to tell them that I did something and you won’t,” I reply smiling even bigger.

“That fucking hurt asshole,” Kelly says holding her cheek.

As soon as she admits the pain I grab Kelly by the back of the head and with a foot to the back of her knees drop her down. I quickly move around behind her kneeling and taking one hand pull her arm around her back and move my hand on the back of her head to her throat.

“Now I’m going to talk you little bitch and you’re going to listen. Call the cops after this, call anyone you want cause I don’t care,” I start in,” it doesn’t matter what you do or where you go cause I’ll fucking find you, you’re already in the system and that ‘white bitch’ is the one who birthed me. All she’s ever done is tried to help your sorry fat ass and now you’re done treating her like shit.”

“Fuck… you… limp… dick…,” Kelly gasps out.

I’m not even close to boiling but this bitch needs to learn some respect and realize when someone has you in a no win situation you fucking bite the bullet and do what you’re fucking told. I stand up and walk her on her knees over to a toilet before turning her face to mine.

“You think your bad Kelly, let me show you what bad really is,” I tell Kelly before taking her head and jamming it into the mouth of the toilet.

I let her struggle as her face hits the water and I can feel her gurgle for a few seconds before I pull her out and after one gasp shove her face back in. I repeat this process for about a minute and pull her head out and turn it to the side. I give her a chance to cough out the water.

“You’re sick you fucker,” Kelly says coughing up water.

I shake my head and tighten my grip before shoving her face back into the toilet. I let her slap at me with her freehand in between dunks. I know I’m pushing it but I keep the hard line and after another minute I let stop the dunks. I let her cough again and I can see she’s desperate to not get dunked again.

“Please stop, I’ll listen I swear. I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll fuck you and suck you off but please no more,” Kelly gasps after coughing the last bit of water out of mouth.

“Kelly you will listen when Loretta tells you what the rules are. You will turn in everything you have and after that you’ll beg and cry to stay here,” I start in telling her what she’s going to do,” The reason you’ll beg to stay here is because I’m out there, and when I find out that you’re in my world I’ll find something worse than a toilet to shove your face into. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” Kelly replies weakly.

I let go of her head and arm, she rubs her sore shoulder and neck before standing up. I let her get to her feet before backing her up to the far wall and get in her face. I can see Kelly is more terrified of what may happen next than what I just did.

“You will call me Sir,” I tell her plainly.

“Yes sir,” Kelly says weakly.

“Now why did I do this to you,” I ask her keeping our eyes locked.

“Cause I deserve it,” Kelly tells me starting to cry a little.

“I don’t want to have to come back here and do this again. You give anyone here more trouble and I promise you I’ll come back and this will seem kind and gentle compared to what I can do,” I tell her quietly.

I watch her nod weakly, I step back and grab a hand towel and give it to Kelly letting her clean her face up.

“You start respecting the people who are actually trying to help you and next time I come by here I’ll bring you something decent if you’ve listened,” I tell her smiling lightly.

I can see she’s still scared but I walk her back to the door and knock once on it before it opens and I see the door guard and Jackie standing there wide eyed. Both of them are looking at me like I’m some sort of monster but I let it pass.

“Girls take Kelly upstairs and get her cleaned up, I want her to change her clothes before she meets with Loretta,” I tell Jackie and her friend handing off Kelly.

I watch them head down the hallway and up the stairs before getting my shirt back on and taking my coat head back to Loretta’s office. I get inside and she’s working on some files but she smiles as she sees me, I guess she doesn’t know that Kelly’s had a change of heart yet.
About twenty minutes of us sitting I see Kelly come into the office and knocking lightly on the door jam waits to be asked in. She has changed into a t-shirt and bra with a pair of jeans.

“Kelly you can come in, this is my son Guy,” Loretta says welcoming her.

I get up and pull the chair out for Kelly and let her sit before stepping out of the office and close the door behind me. I head back into the common room and see most of the girls staring at me and whispering. I turn away and head for the back area and once I get behind the shed pull my hood up and sit down on the bench. I don’t know what is going on with me but as some point I feel like crying. I hear footsteps and see Jackie standing at the corner of the shed staring. I let her see my face and her fear turns to tenderness as she sits down next to me and lays me down with my head in her lap. I don’t know how it happened but at some point I start shaking, through the whole of it Jackie just rocks my head and holds me close.

“You’re not a monster,” Jackie says reading my mind,” Kelly wasn’t going to listen to anyone unless she had no choice and you gave her none.”

“I didn’t like that; I hate what I did it there. What’s worse I didn’t think about it, I just did it,” I tell her sitting up.

“You did what you thought you had to do to get through to her Guy,” Jackie says taking my head into her hands,” you didn’t beat her up or rape her. You took her and showed her that people need to be treated better.”

I shake my head and try to compose myself but I feel movement and see Jackie’s got her shirt up and her back to me showing me her scars.

“My older brother and Father did this to me,” Jackie starts in,” I got pregnant when I was twelve and it was the first time I didn’t do what I was told by them when I went to the police. They hurt me cause they liked it, I didn’t deserve it and they get to live away from me forever because of it. You didn’t force me the other day and honestly that’s the first willing time I’ve been with a guy.”

Jackie turns back to me and sits down on my lap letting me hold her. I sit rocking thinking about what just happened and what she said about her past. Some of the other girls come out to the shed and start talking. I get asked a few questions about what I do and where I’m from. I try to answer them simply and without too much information when I hear my name being called from the building by Loretta. Jackie hops off my lap and I give her a deep kiss goodbye, which stops all conversations with the girls, before heading back up to the building.

Once inside I see Kelly in the Latino ladies office going over paper work, I head into Loretta’s office and see she’s getting her stuff ready to leave. We say nothing as we leave the parking lot but the silence in deafening. Loretta stops the car in a parking lot.

“What happened with Kelly,” Loretta asks me concerned.

“I don’t know, I just couldn’t let her get violent with you so I adjusted her attitude,” I mutter a little ashamed.

“Guy did you fight her or something,” Loretta asks me turning on the mother tone.

I tell her the whole scenario without looking at her. I go into all the nasty details without stopping and after I’m done there’s silence in the car again. I feel Loretta’s arm around my shoulders and she’s rubbing my back.

“Still the same Guy who punched a boy in the nose for saying him Mommy was lazy,” Loretta says quietly,”
You always were a little fighter, got your butt kicked when your Father and I were married but you always got a shot in and bloodied their nose first.”

I’m shocked that I’m not some to her monster, I just confessed to water torture and she’s calmly telling me that it’s normal for me. I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that she says its okay or that I’m starting to justify it to myself.

“Now tell me how you knew to do that with the toilet,” Loretta asks as we start to head back home.

“I read a lot on the internet. There are a lot of things they put online that have no filters for age or don’t even bother to check,” I tell her calming down.

It’s about two in the afternoon when we get home and Loretta is busy getting Rosa to help her with the dinner preparations. I head up to my room and send Kori a text message telling her I really need her here right now cause I feel like I lost a little bit of myself. A minute later my phone goes off and it’s Kori replying to my message with ‘How dark did you get’ and ‘was it necessary’. I reply that it’s like Special K and wait for a reply. Her next message reads,’ Baby I’m going to be back up here when you are in August and I’m going to wrap you up and get it out of your system. We like you because you’re a good guy but you’re not too good. Katy is here and she says if you feel bad it’s okay because it’s not who you are just what you do. Your girls love you. We’re here if you still need to talk’. I read the message a few times before turning a moment or relaxation into a nap.

I get that ‘not alone’ feeling and wake up to Loretta sitting on my bed, I check my phone and see it’s four in the afternoon. Loretta is smiling at me and I don’t know what’s going on but she decides to let me in on her secret.

“Kelly is cooperating with Mrs. Martinez and is being given a month of heavy supervision to see if she is fit to stay at the shelter,” Loretta tells me smiling,” Clara still needs time but Mrs. Martinez says she’s looked at the paperwork and processing for the pregnancy termination.”

“Yay me, for my next trick maybe I can kick a puppy,” I mutter resting my head on the bed.

“No you did some good today, I never agreed with a no choice parenting method but I can see you’ve turned out just fine with it since I wasn’t there to nurture you,” Loretta says rubbing my leg.

I let her console me but we’re interrupted by my phone going off, it’s Imelda saying she’s out front and wants to know if I’m ready. Shit we had a date but I thought she was going to be here later.

“Damn it, Imelda’s here. I need to get ready so we can head out, she wanted a date tonight,” I tell Loretta rolling off the bed and start changing.

“I’ll take care of this honey, you just get something decent on and we’ll be waiting downstairs for you,” Loretta tells me smiling and heading out of my room.

I pause to think what she’s going to tell Imelda but decide that either I get one angry woman or two if I don’t hurry. I put on some deodorant and a pair of my jeans with my tight black ‘Dead Reckoning’ t-shirt before heading down the stairs in the main area. I see that everyone is outside and Mr. Delauter has a grill out and is cooking while the women all talking amongst themselves at a table. I see Imelda seems a little off in the setting considering she’s wearing a black leather jacket and what look like racing pants and boots. I step out the door and I see Imelda’s face brighten a little.

“Your mom told me that I can eat dinner with you guys before we head out,” Imelda tells me with a smile and a minor look of concern in her eyes.

“Sure, saves some money and time finding a place,” I reply sitting down next to Imelda.

I let the girls casually talk about what’s going on with Abigail and Carlos; I barely pay attention to their conversation until I realize that I’m being asked a question.

“What did you ask,” I say shaking off my dazed expression.

“I asked if you were still upset about Carlos pulling the switch on you for the date,” Imelda asks me with all the girls staring.

“Honestly I’m pissed about the switch but not the result. It’s more about giving your word on something then breaking it that has me pissed off,” I tell the girls and Loretta plainly.

“And that’s why I trust you in my car,” Mark Jr. decides to but in the conversation.

The girls all groan and Bethany shoves her brother a little. Mr. Delauter brings burger patties and hot dogs from the grill and joins us at the outdoor table so we all can eat. It’s a good meal and some mild conversation as Imelda warms up to everyone pretty well. We both finish and I take Imelda back up to my room so I can change into something she might like better.

“So where are we going,” I ask showing her my shirts.

“Somewhere I feel right at home and it’ll do me some good to bring someone along who isn’t scared of loud noises and a lot of people,” Imelda tells me smiling cryptically.

I shake my head and she decides on a red t-shirt with ‘hungry’ on the front in black letters. I grab my coat and a roll of knuckle tape, I get the feeling I might need it as we head out and I say goodbye to Loretta and the girls. Once on the bike and out of the gate Imelda redefines speed on a motorcycle for me as we go barreling down the highway for about hour before finally getting exiting on an off ramp into a more isolated location. Even with the roar of the engine on her bike and the helmet on I can hear the bass and music blaring from what looks like an old airport.

We ride past empty hangars until I can see at least two hundred people and more cars and bike than an auto lot. We pass lowriders, street racers, bike racers and even a biker gang with American muscle bikes. I feel like just stepped into a Vin Diesel movie with everyone lining up around cars and making it a point to be seen. Imelda parks her bike and we get off just in time for me to see we’re next to Carlos and his crew; they have a couple lowriders with neon lights and are relaxing. Well everyone except for Carlos who gets visibly uncomfortable as I take the helmet off and pull my hood up.

“Baby hang out here with the boys I need to see if I am going to be making money tonight or not,” Imelda tells me before heading into the crowd.

I make it a point to not move from my spot by Imelda’s bike and sure enough I see Carlos get up from the front of what I can only guess is his car and head in my direction.

“Hey Guy, didn’t know you’d be coming by here,” Carlos says holding his hand out in a greeting.

“Didn’t know I’d be coming out to something like this,” I say taking his hand.

Carlos and I shake but when he tries to pull his hand away I keep him locked in the shake and pull him closer to my face.

“Don’t even think I forgot that shit you pulled. I like Imelda a lot but you and I have unfinished business and I plan to collect,” I tell Carlos so only he can hear me,” but not tonight.”

I see him nod and I let go of his hand so he can head back to his crew. I’m feeling really out of place until I see a few familiar faces over by the biker gang, Smitty and his Dad are here along with Smitty’s daughter who looks really good in a leather top and a jean skirt. I’m almost staring at the women too hard when I catch a voice in my direction.

“Hey money, you took this bike off that psycho bitch,” I get asked by a tall black guy in yellow racing leathers.

The guy is a little taller than me but he’s not much better built than I am. His hair is in dreadlocks and he’s got sunglasses on in the middle of the fucking night, his entourage is more girls than guys and it’s all the colors of the race rainbow as far as I can tell. I want to answer him but I see Imelda walking back to me and her bike.

“No I didn’t lose my bike to him, he’s my other ride,” Imelda says behind the black racer.

“Well shit crazy bitch I’m thinking I want that bike in my stable since you never have any real money to bet on,” the black racer says then raises his voice,” I’m challenging this bitch to a race, what do you have to bet with or are you gonna leave so I can get some real racing done?”

I can see Imelda’s pissed but she reaches into her coat and pulls a stack of bills out holding it up so people can see. I watch a biker come over and taking the money he counts it out.

“We got a grand here,” the biker yells out,” bike or money Blaze?”

“I got the money, I’ll get it from my rig if I lose,” Blaze starts in,” but I ain’t gonna lose am I chica?”

Imelda is pissed but I place my hand on her shoulder and she starts to breathe deeply calming down. Blaze and the biker head off and I watch as people start placing bets, I don’t look at odds or the bet takers. I’m focused on Imelda who looks a little worried.

“I’m guessing he’s good,” I ask her.

“It’s his bike, I can take him but I gotta be perfect for a mile, that ain’t easy,” Imelda says taking her helmet.

I stop her from putting the helmet on and take Imelda’s head in my hands, I close my eyes and rest my forehead against hers and start to speak.

“May you have love that never ends, lots of money and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do and may God send many blessings to you,” I say to her softly before kissing her forehead.

“Did you just wish me luck or something,” Imelda asks looking me in the eyes.

“I don’t need to wish you luck, I’m Irish. We invented luck,” I tell her smiling.

I see Imelda get her focus back and watch as she gets her helmet on and moves her bike out to the starting line. Carlos and his crew are with me on the starting line and I see Blaze ride up on his bike, it’s definitely flashier than Imelda’s bike. I watch as one of the girls from the biker gang heads out to start the race. Imelda doesn’t even look at anything but the road in front of her and all the only noise I can hear over the crowd and engines is Hector screaming in my ear at Blaze in Spanish.

The biker girl’s arms go up and then sharply down and watch as blue flame comes flying out of the back of Blaze’s bike. He’s off like a bullet and Imelda is hot on his heels as they scream down the road. I can’t see whose leading but I see the flame on the back of Blaze’s bike die out and after a few more seconds I see both bike turning around, Imelda is heading back up but Blaze has stopped his bike at the end of the race line. The biker who took the bets get’s off his cell phone and yells that Imelda is the winner.

I let her get her bike back to Carlos and his crew as people are cheering her victory, I let her bask in the moment before I see her take her helmet off and tackle me into one of the cars kissing me with passion. I wrap Imelda up in my arms and after a minute we stop kissing but she’s all smiles. I watch Blaze walking his bike back up with a few of his friends and the biker start to talk to him about the money when he brushes him off with later.

“What happened,” I ask Imelda.

“He used Nitrous right at the start and I think I heard him blow something out. It’ll be a while before that bike goes anywhere on its own,” Imelda tells me displaying her engine knowledge.

More races follow and even a lowrider bounce contest gets going with Carlos and Hector synchronizing car bounces. I head over to Smitty and his Dad’s group and get to talk with them a little bit before introducing them to Imelda. They keep calling me her bitch since I rode behind her, I just smile and let the joke go.

It’s about ten at night and Imelda’s talking to the biker who took the race bets about her payment. Apparently Blaze hasn’t come forward with his half of the money. Imelda gives me an angry look and I get over to her quickly.

“Blaze hasn’t paid up his money yet, that’s two months’ rent and change for Mom and me,” Imelda tells me getting angry.

“Hey can you come with us over to Blaze so we can get her winnings,” I ask Smitty and the biker.

I see Smitty nod and the four of us head over to Blaze’s truck. He’s got a nice full cab truck and his bike is in the bed but most of his girls have left and I can see he has a drink in his hand as he’s cursing at his boys.

“That is such bullshit; no way I could lose to that bitch. What the fuck happened to my fucking bike,” is what Blaze is saying as we walk up.

“Blaze it’s been a couple hours and you said you have the money now pay up or we take the bike,” I hear the biker say to Blaze.

“Fuck that, I got money but that bitch must have sabotaged my bike somehow. I ain’t paying shit,” Blaze retorts.

“I fucking beat your ass out there fair. Don’t get pissy with me because you don’t work on your own bike like a real racer does,” Imelda says with venom.

I watch Blaze turn away from Imelda and put myself in front of her waiting for the next shot to come in. Blaze turns and throws his drink into what he thought was her face and instead hits me square in mine. People start to take notice of the confrontation and are moving around to watch. I wipe the beer from my eyes and lock eyes on Blaze.

“Okay, money now Blaze or we take it out of your bike and your hide,” Smitty says starting to get in between us.

I turn my head and look at Imelda, I’m angry and she can see it. Almost wordlessly she knows what I want to do and nods her head. I turn back to see one of Blaze’s boys hand him a money clip full of cash.

“Here, maybe the bitch can buy herself a fucking kitchen set or something with this,” Blaze spits out handing the money off to the biker.

“Double or nothing,” I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

I watch as Smitty and the biker both turn to face me with an interested look on their faces. Blaze’s boys look up from his bike and Blaze himself just looks confused.

“Double or nothing what, you want to me to foot race the bitch or something,” Blaze says confused.

“Double or nothing, you and me, one on one. No weapons, winner is the one who makes the other say I quit or knocks his opponent unconscious,” I tell him declaring the challenge.

The bikers start to talk amongst themselves and I can see Smitty’s Dad wave him over. They talk for a minute before Smitty gives the biker who took the bets the nod of approval.

“Well Blaze he called you out, and it’s a fair challenge,” the biker says to Blaze.

“What the fuck this ain’t a fucking club house fight,” Blaze says turning around and walking to his truck.

“I swear I smell burnt nitrous and vagina coming from your truck Blaze,” I almost laugh as Carlos yells the insult loud enough for everyone to hear.

Blaze freezes in his tracks, I can hear the crowd booing him but I don’t look at anything else. I keep locked on Blaze as he turns around and takes out another group of bills from his money clip and hands it to the biker.

“I’m gonna fuck you up man,” Blaze says taking off his coat.

The ring takes very little time to prepare. It’s a bunch of biker’s in a circle with a crowd surrounding them watching. Carlos says they’re taking bets but Imelda is more set on taking my coat and shirt as I start to tape my hands up.

“One question babe,” I ask Imelda finish my tape job,” Knock out or I quit.”

I watch her puzzle at the question before giving me a kiss and backing behind the biker wall smiling. All I have on are my boots and my jeans as I wait for Blaze to get in the ‘ring’. After a minute I see him in some track pants and sneakers but no sunglasses this time a wife beater tank top. I know that people are cheering; I can see the bet taker talking calling the contest but all the sound has left my ears except for my pulse. It’s a deep drum thumping slowly; I’m feeling calmer now than I have in almost a year, calmer now than when I planned out Derek’s payback or Kamran’s personal sex show.

I watch as the biker steps back and slowly move forward keeping my hands to my sides as I see Blaze put his fists up like he’s boxing. I don’t move as he bobs around, I don’t match his foot work as he starts to shift to the left and right, I stand there waiting and soon enough I see an over shoulder punch come straight towards my face. I side step the swing and keep moving as the next two shots come at me. I can see him confused at my lack of offense but Blaze decides to keep the offense up by trying to put his shoulder in my gut and grapple my waist to take me down. I don’t let Blaze hook his hands by putting my arms under his and pulling a double under hook, I can feel him struggle and quickly shift my hips and throw him on his side.

Blaze rolls to his ass and stares up at me for a second before slowly getting up with his back to me, I crouch down and as he turns fast to tackle me again throw a front kick connecting squarely with my right foot to his left check. The kick causes his feet to fall out from under him and his body slams to the ground hard. I back up and watch Blaze stir on the ground before starting to get up, he’s wobbly and a little disoriented but I don’t press the advantage as he finally gets to his feet.

I finally raise my hands up, towards Blaze keeping my arms extended and palms down. He goes back to his boxer stance and I watch as he steps forward gingerly. I deflect a few bad jabs from Blaze before ducking under a right hook and grab Blaze’s whole body up in a double leg take down. I don’t follow him down as the impact takes the wind out of him; I stay on my feet and grab his right leg as it up in the air. I lock an ankle breaker with one arm holding his leg and the other taking the toe of his shoe and pulling it violently to one side. As soon as I lock it in I can feel Blaze start to thrash around, I rotate my position to roll him on his stomach and as soon as he start tying to crawl away I hook Blaze’s upper leg in a grapevine with my legs and keep wrenching the hold.

I still don’t hear the crowd, I don’t hear Blaze screaming and thrashing around, I only hear the drums. My heart beat drumming that primal rhythmic beat as I see the biker checking Blaze then throws his hands up; two sets of hands pull me off my death lock on Blaze. I’m on my feet and I can see Blaze being helped up, Smitty is patting me on the back and some sound is coming back to me. I want blood, I want to grab Blaze by the head and smash his face into the ground. I want to scream until Imelda gets in front of me and puts her face in front of mine and stares into my eyes.

“It’s over baby. It’s all over, you can breathe now,” Imelda says to me over and over.

I slow my breathing down and can hear people talking and exchanging comments about the fight. I nod over to Smitty’s dad and he waves me over to where the bikers are congregating. I head over to them while I let Imelda collect the winnings.

“So who’s been teaching you how to fight,” the old man asks me.

“My Dad, seven years plus change now,” I say pulling my shirt on.

“And you’re only seventeen,” the old man shakes his head,” take this.”

“What’s it for,” I ask quizzically.

“We like you kid, you’re ready to fight and you made some of the younger guys in the crew take notice on how to handle their shit,” the old man tells me smiling.

The old man hands me a small rectangular patch with the word ‘Pariah’ on it in black letters on a white background, I thank him and he tells me to get that sewn on before I come back into his shop again. I don’t really understand what happened but when I get back to Carlos and Imelda their friends see the patch it’s Hector who flips out.

“Holy shit you got a patch from the Union,” Hector says excitedly.

“What the fuck does that mean,” I ask taking a bottle of Gatorade from a cooler.

“It means that you’re a friend of the Union’s. They like you enough that you’re welcome with them,” Carlos explains to me.

Yay, now I’m a friend to a bunch of old men on Harley’s. It could be worse though, I could be Blaze. Imelda and I hang out for another hour and as it approaches midnight I can feel the strain from the fight in my muscles. One thing I learned from my Dad is that even if you never get hit you can still pull a muscle or get hurt just from hitting someone. I can tell I might have over extended my kick and my forearms are sore. Imelda says her goodbye to Carlos and we hop on her bike before heading back home. I don’t even feel the ride home but about half way there I start to feel Imelda’s ass against my crotch, I defiantly like riding behind her as we pull into the driveway at home.

“Okay, you’re coming with me cause I need attention and we need a victory party,” I tell Imelda before getting off her bike.

“Wait, you want me to stay here with you,” Imelda asks surprised.

I nod and see her face change from surprised to happy as we get inside the front door. We both creep inside and quietly get up the stairs and into my room. Once the door is closed Imelda and I crash into each other furiously pulling clothing off and kissing deeply. We get down to our underwear as she throws me on the bed and crawls up my body reengaging our frantic and passionate kissing. I’m running my hands across her ass as Imelda grinds he hips against mine and kisses on my neck nibbling a little bit as she goes. I squeeze her asscheek and get a moan, but not from her. We both stop for a second and look around the room when I think we both see someone huddled up by the end of my couch.

“Who the fuck is that,” Imelda says sitting up from our make out position.

I pull Imelda off me and sit her down before walking over to the far end of the couch. As soon as I’m there I can see Abigail in a t-shirt and panties with her legs pulled up against her chest and a very nervous look on her face.

“Abby what are you doing here,” I ask her.

“Ummm I wanted to talk to you when you got home,” Abigail says nervously,” I can go.”

I watch Abigail start to get up but Imelda is off the bed and a topless Latino girl makes most people freeze in place. I sit Abigail on the couch and Imelda heads back to the bed and sits down.

“Well I’m here so what is my little freak stepsister wanting to talk to me about,” I say smiling.

“It’s not like that; I just wanted to talk about Carlos. I tried calling him but he stopped answering his phone and earlier today he told me how he fucked you over, all of it,” Abigail says with a little pain.

“Okay so you know what my cousin did, can we get on with it cause Mamá es caliente,” Imelda says in that sexy accent of hers.

I watch Abigail’s face get a little flushed and apparently I’m the only one in the room who doesn’t speak Spanish. I can see she’s driving at something and I’m losing patience along with my hard on.

“Okay Abby, what is it you really want,” I ask Abigail crouching down.

“Well I want it to be done with the two of you so I can actually be a girlfriend,” Abigail says nervously,” I can’t do that if you’re going to just find him and beat him up over this. So I decided that I was going to tell him I’d be his girlfriend tomorrow after I had sex with you tonight.”

“Oh shit that is awesome,” Imelda cackles out rolling on the bed.

I shake my head and chuckle a little too. I start to think of how to tell her no but Imelda stands me up and lays me down on the bed before going over to Abigail and stands her up.

“Okay, tomorrow we tell Carlos that you’re his girlfriend but that Guy had you before he did. It’ll burn him a little but he’ll have to accept it or I’ll kick his ass,” Imelda says finalizing the plan,” Now strip we got a man to please.”

I watch as both girls strip naked and I honestly couldn’t get much harder on my own as they crawl up the bed. Imelda pulls down my underwear and my cock springs free startling Abigail a little. I watch as Imelda starts slowly jerking my cock as Abigail is mesmerized by the sight.

“Well get in there and start sucking girl,” Imelda tells Abigail who looks shocked at the thought.

I watch Abigail as she leans in and starts to take my cock in her mouth, slowly and nervously working just two inches in her mouth. I can see she’s unsure of what is happening as Imelda takes the lead pulling Abigail’s mouth of me and using her own to take five inches hard and fast. Imelda bobs her head up and down quickly before stopping and letting Abigail try again. I watch as Abigail gets to three inches and is moving faster this time when Imelda takes the base of my cock and starts pumping.
I sit back as they continue with the lessons. First Imelda bobs her head down twists her mouth and comes back up, then Abigail does the same thing. Then Imelda goes down deep and starts to drool a little on my cock before coming up slowly, and then Abigail does.

“Best thing is to make eye contact, if he starts moaning look up at him,” Imelda instructs Abigail,” he’ll clench up in your mouth and all you have to do then is keep working an inch or two and use your hand till you get used to guys cumming.”

They continue sucking me off with Imelda licking my shaft while Abigail works the head with her mouth. The exchange is almost maddening when Imelda finally stops them both and moves Abigail to straddling my hips then moves behind her holding her perky little tits. I watch as a hand trails down Abigail’s body and starts to rub her clit. I watch as Abigail writhes in Imelda’s arms as she gets her pussy worked over.

“I didn’t know you had experience with other girls babe,” I ask Imelda joking.

“I don’t, but most girls like the same thing. Get us hot the first time and we’ll let you come back for more,” Imelda says kissing Abigail’s neck,” it’s time to fuck her.”

I take hold of my cock and start rubbing it against Abigail’s pussy, she starts moaning and as soon as I find the entrance I feel her tight pussy lower onto my cock. Abigail’s pussy is hot and wet as we start moving slow and deep; I get to the last inch and can’t push any further. Imelda is still behind Abigail helping her move while rubbing her clit.

“Don’t move Guy, let her have this one,” Imelda purrs working Abigail’s pussy.

I remain still like I’m told and feel Abigail tighten a little then start speeding up, her slow strokes turning into hard bounces with a deep grind at the end of each one. I grunt every time I hit bottom but Abigail doesn’t notice as she starts moving a little faster. I see Imelda nodding and I take the hint to grab Abigail’s hips and we both hold her in place as I start fucking her pussy in fast thrusts. I watch Imelda cover

Abigail’s mouth to muffle her screaming and watch her exhale some long grunts and a wet feeling starts to cover my hips. Abigail just squirted on me and I can smell it as I feel that tingle in the base of my cock before grunting and with a final slam shoot my load in her pussy.

Abigail and I grind against each other as our orgasms subside and just as I start to relax Imelda pulls Abigail off me and starts working her mouth on my cock hard and fast trying to get me back to a fuckable hardness. I just came and it’s a sweet pain that I am enduring as I get worked over by Imelda’s mouth. Imelda finally stops and marvels at my re-hardened cock.

“Now I’m getting my turn,” Imelda says.

I sit up and roll Imelda onto her back, I watch her spread her own legs wide and hold them there as I sit on my knees and start rubbing my cock up against her slit when I feel her asshole. I get a wicked idea and push a little when Imelda snaps out of bliss and glares at me.

“Not enough tequila for that,” Imelda growls,” Maybe before you leave but fill me up now.”

I can hear a little desperation in Imelda’s voice and push against her pussy hole only getting my head inside. I feel Imelda start to move her hips against me trying to get more inside her. I hold where I am for a second and suddenly slam my whole cock into Imelda’s tight pussy. I feel her clench up and Imelda gasps loudly as I start hammering her pussy hard and fast. The slapping of my balls against her ass fills the room along with our grunting. I hold one of Imelda’s legs for her giving her a free hand which she uses to reach up and take me by the back of my neck. I take my free hand and grab the back of her head so we both are locked into a test of wills to see who cums first. I keep fucking Imelda’s pussy hard when I see a third hand reach in and start rubbing Imelda’s pussy, I see Abigail’s face has a smile I’ve only seen on Katy’s face back home. Abigail’s got a wicked idea and I make eye contact as she leans to my ear and whisper’s ‘slowly’. I slow down to a crawl only thrusting an inch in and out of Imelda who is now clutching my head desperate for me to finish us both off. Abigail leans next to Imelda and starts say something I don’t understand again.

“Creo que quiere tener a su bebé? Dile a dejarte embarazada y voy a decirle que te folle duro y correrse dentro de ti. Dígalo,” Abigail says to Imelda coyly.

I see Imelda’s eye widen and she starts shaking her head. I can feel Imelda tightening up and her grip is painful as she starts shaking me to get me to speed up. I’ve never seen Imelda helpless like this and Abigail seems like she’s enjoying herself as she starts talking again.

“Le dices que quieres ser su perra y tendrá a su bebé o te lo saca y comienza él masturbándose para que no llegue una carga. Voy a dejar que se lo dices en español decirle en español,” Abigail says to Imelda rubbing her clit lightly.

Imelda looks desperate and i almost want to speed up when I feel her hand on my neck relax and she desperatly looks into my eyes.

“Oh Cristo, quiero ser tu mujer, y tener sus bebés, te quiero cum en mí y me hago la mujer,” Imelda says to me in a pleading tone.

“Finish her Guy, she needs it,” Abigail says backing up from us a little.

Both Imelda and I let her legs go and I lay directly ontop of her as she wraps her arms around my back and her legs around my waist. Imelda starts kissing me hard and passionatly as I thrust furiously into her pussy. I can feel that tingle again and I think Imelda feels something too when I hit my orgasm she locks her body up and we moan loudly into each other’s mouths as we shake with the power of our orgasms.
I don’t know how long we’re laying there but the whole time Imelda’s kissing me and rubbing me like I just got out of another fight. I get face to face with her and see she’s happy and crying a little but not in a bad way I hope. We finally untangle our bodies from each other and I roll onto my back and nearly black out due to exhaustion.

I know I’m not out long when I hear more moaning, Imelda’s moaning again but I know it’s not me as I look over at her and see Abigail rubbing her pussy. Abby is the first to notice me and I see her smile.

“Does it get you hard seeing a girl play with another girl,” Abigail asks me smirking.

“What the hell has gotten into you,” I ask her confused.

“I’m getting all that revenge out of your system,” Abigail says stopping her fingering of Imelda.

I look at Imelda and see she’s still blissing out from everything earlier. I get up and and Abigial gets on her knees with me and as soon as we’re face to face she takes my cock in her hand and starts jerking it slowly to get it hard. I feel a pinch as she starts fondling my balls and leans forward to lick my nipple.

“I’ve had you soft and it was good. We just had some good sex a bit ago but if it’s revenge then you need to fuck me hard,” Abigail says emphasizing her last words while squeezing my hardening cock,” You fuck me like I’m a whore, fuck me hard and make me like it. Then you’re done with revenge on Carlos and I tell him that it’s all settled so we can move on.”

I’m hard and stunned at what I’m hearing, I suspected she was a freak the first night when she was smelling my underwear. Now after her second time with me and a threesome at that she’s telling me to make her cum like she’s in heat and make it harder than she’s ever had. I’m set aback a little bit by the boldness I’m seeing in Abigail but my cock isn’t backing down at the thoughts racing through my head. I take her by the back of the head suddenly and wrench her head back before lowering my head to her breasts and bite her nipple lightly. Abigail starts writheing and I take my free hand and spread her legs a little before shoving two fingers into her pussy.

“Don’t you make a fucking noise,” I growl at Abigail between biting her nipples.

I see her hand come up to cover her mouth but I grab them and hold them behind her back with the hand I had on her head. She’s still got a little cum in her from our fuckin earlier as I take the two fingers from her pussy and stick them in her mouth. I watch Abigail choke on my fingers a little and after a second I take my fingers out and lightly slap her on the cheek. I turn Abigail to the foot of the bed and lower her body down so that she’s on the bed but her head is hanging off, her arms are still behind her back and her knees are together with her ass up in the air.

“Now no matter what you don’t make a noise or I’ll put my whole cock right up your ass then shove it down your throat,” I tell Abigail harshly.

I watch her head nod up and down lightly in agreement before taking my whole cock and with no warning slam the whole thing hard into Abigail’s pussy. I feel the magical wall that kept my last inch out previously give way and now I just start pounding away using Abigail’s arms like a handle as I fuck her pussy mercilessly.

The bed is shaking with the energy of my movements as I fuck Abigail like she said she wanted. I lose myself in the moment, Abigail near motionless except for her head bobbing off the bed, light groaning coming from her mouth as she tries to keep from crying out. I don’t realize it until it happens but Imelda’s is up next to me and starts kissing my body lightly while rubbing Abigail’s back and ass.

“I’m gonna really want to see her cum like a bitch, can I help,” Imelda asks me almost purring.

I nod my head and watch as Imelda gets off the bed and kneels down before Abigail and lifts her head up so they are looking face to face. I’m still pounding Abigail’s pussy as Imelda leans in and whispers something into Abigail’s ear before taking what I can assume are Abigail’s panties and shoves them into her mouth gagging her. Imelda moves back onto the bed and starts rubbing Abigail’s ass again favoring her crack and asshole more and more. Imelda takes her freehand and pulls Abigail’s head up so that she’s looking straight ahead.

“Ask the little whore if she’s ready to cum,” Imelda tells me sucking on her middle finger.

“Whore, are you ready to cum like a bitch,” I ask Abigail in between thrusts.

I hear a groan of ‘MmmmHmmmm’ from Abigail’s gagged mouth. I see Imelda smile as I speed up then watch as she takes her wet middle finger and starts to push it into Abigail’s asshole. The intrusion into her asshole makes Abigail start thrashing harder back and forth as Imelda and I hold the rest of her in place and I start hammering harder into her sopping wet pussy. Imelda let’s go of Abigail’s head and takes the underwear out of her mouth then regrabs her head.

“Tonight what are you Abigail, tell him what you are and he’ll cum,” Imelda asks smiling wickedly.

“I’m Carlos’s girlfriend and his whore, I’m pussy for him to abuse so Carlos doesn’t get beaten up,” Abigail blurts out painfully.

I feel the tingle for the third time tonight and start pounding Abigail’s pussy trying to break it. As I erupt inside Abigail’s pussy I take my hand off her wrists and grab Imelda by the back of the head and kiss her furiously. Our tongues battle as I continue to shoot my load into Abigail’s now worn out pussy. I start to feel light headed and Imelda leans me backwards on the bed still in a lip lock. I fall out of Abigail and hear some moaning as Imelda breaks the kiss and moves to the foot of the bed. I feel Abigail getting moved up to me and see with some clothing on get laid down facing me. There are some tear marks on her face and when she sees me notice them she starts to smile.

“It’s okay, that was intense and I cried a little,” Abby says softly,” I also came like I wanted you to make me come.”

I shake my head and get latched onto by Imelda who is in blissful cuddle mode as she pulls the covers over us. Keep my focus and after I don’t know how long I feel a hand touch my face and see Abigail smiling as she gets up and waddles out of the bedroom.

“So I guess you and Carlos are settled,” Imelda says quietly in the dark.

“Yeah, what about us,” I ask her puzzled by all the hidden messages during sex tonght.

“I want this, I don’t care what I have to do or who I have to go through anymore,” Imelda tells me with a scared tone,” I want you Guy.”

I kiss her lightly and hold her close, I know It’ll be hard but I found someone just different enough from Korinna, Katy and Mathilda that can relate to my rage. I am going to have to explain how things work with all my girls and that there is a no favorites and no jealously ruling that breaks what I do with any of them.
It’s early in the morning and I drift off into a deep sleep thinking about Kori and the rest of the girls as Imelda keeps me warm in my now home away from home.

Part 7

It’s amazing how time flies once you get into a groove. It’s been almost three weeks since I went to the races with Imelda and we had our ‘coming together’. Things around my life got a little more relaxed so let me recap.

Abigail and Carlos have been doing well, we had our big ‘confrontation’ that Saturday morning and needless to say he was pissed. He didn’t come at Abigail at all but I could tell he wanted to have it out with me except for Imelda keeping things in check. Carlos and I didn’t talk for about three days then he texted me asking if I was going to start talking about what happened with anyone and when I told him that the situation was done and there wasn’t need to. He chilled out and we got back to being less awkward around each other.

Bethany is enjoying more of her free spirit time and started spending less time with me and more of it out with a ‘solid’ boyfriend from school. I got punched in the arm for praising her for just having one.

Loretta and I are getting along but I don’t call her mom very often. I try to use it to emphasize a point or get her attention. I cut back on going to the shelters with her but held onto my work with Kelly when I was told she had been doing very well and gifted her with a nice pair of earrings. Clara got her pregnancy terminated and I even got the address of her ‘boyfriend’ to tell him on her behalf to leave her alone. Jackie on the other hand has gone from soft and cuddly to friendly and platonic. It makes things different but we are still talking at great length when I’m around.

Mark Jr. and Imelda decided to team up on me and when I’m not ‘helping out’, at the gym, at the tattoo parlor, or with Imelda they decided to teach my lazy ass how to drive. I got my learner’s permit last school year but never bothered to get a license because my Dad couldn’t yet afford a decent car for me. I was a slow learner but Mark was a lot more helpful with the car driving than Imelda was with her motorcycle. And while I can say that I’m not too scared of driving a manual I am on a better relationship with Imelda because I love her bike. She’s even let me ride it with her behind me once I got my official license for cars and the second one for bikes. And as for working out with Mark he has me down to actually looking like I have muscle but not looking like a steroid addict, the heat and gym down here four times a week really helped with that.

Mr. Delauter is happy with how things are in his home. He and I haven’t butt heads about anything since the first week but I can tell that Loretta and he have been talking quietly but neither the girl’s nor Mark has any idea what their up to.

The Katy and Mathilda back home are doing fine. Katy has been working with Jun getting caught up on her credits so she can be a senior next school year and the two of them have been on something of a recruiting drive with like minded ‘outcasts’ during the summer. I honestly don’t understand why people want to follow any lead I may give them but I can’t really stop her any way. Korinna on the other hand has been swinging from ‘doing okay’ to ‘I just want to be alone’ in the near four weeks I’ve been gone. It’s really difficult for me to have her feeling like this since she was the first and the start of everything that makes up what I am now. We talk daily and I don’t even text her anymore I just call her so she can hear my voice. She’s leaving on Friday to visit her aunt but says that she’ll probably be back a day or two after I get back from my visit here.

It’s Thursday afternoon on week four of my vacation and Imelda’s currently at her job and since Mr. Delauter and Loretta have been gone at work most of the day I’ve been hanging out with Abigail and Bethany. They’re going over outfits for some big to do that is meant to ‘Bring the Community Together’ that their Dad and Loretta have taken part in for the last few years.

“So are you going to bring Imelda to the event,” Abigail asks me going through her closet.

“Probably, I might just have a secret date though,” I taunt smirking.

“Yeah right, you and Imelda have been waking me up some nights,” Bethany pokes playfully.

“Well that’s why sometimes I just stay over there so you can get a full night’s sleep,” I retort.

I head back to my room and try to relax when a loud engine in the front of the place brings both girls into my room and to my window. I don’t head over to join them only lie down on my bed and listen to them wonder about what it is.

“Did you two shake presents during Christmas when you were kids,” I ask chuckling.

“Bethany still does, last year she was bummed out cause she didn’t get everything she asked for on her list,” Abigail says laughing.

“Wow, I’m grateful if I get something other than clothes. What didn’t you get,” I ask stunned.

“It was one thing and it was goofy anyway,” Bethany says trying to end the conversation.

“She asked for Chris Evans, Dad got her a poster of him and she pouted for a week,” Abigail says laughing.

I watch as Bethany whirls around and the sisters start to play wrestle on my couch. It’s a fun scene watching two very different sisters get along.

“Okay you might want to stop, I know some porn that starts this way,” I joke.

Both of them then turn on me and take pillows from the couch and throw them at my face as I’m laughing with them. We get interrupted by Loretta calling for me down stairs and the girls get wide eyed as I head out with the two of them hot on my heels to see Loretta and Mr. Delauter waiting for me.

“Guy come with me, girls go back to what you were doing,” Mr. Delauter says leading me to his den.

Loretta follows us and we all sit at his desk after the door closes.

“According to your mother there is something of a debt that needs to be paid for you,” Mr. Delauter starts in,” over seven years worth of debt from what she’s described to me.”

“I really don’t know what you two are talking about,” I say very confused.

“Honey you and I have been getting along really well but something has been bothering me and it’s time we settled on the problem,” Loretta tells me being very cryptic.

“Now from what I can tally there is at least seven birthdays and seven Christmas that your mother wasn’t there for. Along with some that she was there for but wasn’t fully there,” Mr. Delauter tells me making it sound like one of his damn hearings.

“And? I’m really not sure what’s going on but all of us are cool. I have no problems with you guys, really,” I’m confused and not sure what’s happening.

“Okay honey, follow me,” Loretta says getting up from her seat.

I let her lead me to the garage with Mr. Delauter in tow and once there she flips the lights on and I can see the doors are still open and a large packing truck pulling away from the house, all the cars are there save for Mark’s since he’s not home but I can see Loretta staring at a large tarp with something underneath.

“Take a look,” Mr. Delauter says smiling.

I am skeptical but head over and pull the tarp off and see a black two seater sports bike. The whole thing is black with very little polished metal on it and the helmet even looks custom. I stand back and take it in for a second then start shaking my head.

“I’ve been down here for four weeks and this whole time I thought we were getting along so well. Now you try to bribe me with this. Why,” I ask mocking confused and offended.

“No, baby this is for you. We’re not trying to bribe you here, I spoke with your father and he agreed that you could use your own vehicle. When I offered he said it was a good idea and,” Loretta starts defensive and hurt but sees my face and turns a little grumpy,” oh you butt; you had me so hurt by that. Don’t play with me on this I’m being serious.”

I laugh with Loretta and we hug before I head back with Mr. Delauter and sign my name on the title for the bike. They tell me that the whole thing is insured through them but I’ll have to get it registered when I get back home. I file the details away for now and bolt up to my room and grab my coat before screaming down the stairs with Bethany and Abigail hot on my heels. Once they see the bike they both start asking me for a ride but I get my helmet on and tap my wrist like a watch before turning it around and get my new bike out for my first ride.

I’ve been riding around for an hour just getting a feel for it when I stop and check my clock to see that it’s about three and I decide to swing by Imelda’s job and see how she’s doing. I pull up and see the garage is in full swing getting a van and a station wagon on their way out. I move my bike in front of the open door that Imelda is working on and just wait for her with my helmet on. When she finally sees me there she doesn’t recognize me and starts yelling from the mechanic pit.

“Hey, you need to move your bike. You can’t block the entrance like that,” Imelda yells getting some of the other mechanics attention.

I put the kick stand down and get off the bike then look at her and put my hand to my helmet like I couldn’t hear her. I watch her get out of the mechanic pit and can see she’s muttering something to herself in Spanish when she gets to me.

“You can’t park here it’s for repairs only, take your bike to the front office so they can get paperwork started,” Imelda says trying to keep from getting angry.

I take my hand make the talking motion with my hand and watch her go from semi upset to volcanic Latino woman in two seconds. I let her undo the chin strap of my helmet and pull it off just to see the shock on her face as I’m standing there smiling like nothing is wrong. I have to catch my helmet as she drops it in shock.

“Hi honey, look what I got as a present,” I tell Imelda smiling.

It takes her about two seconds to put it together before I have Imelda in her greasy work coveralls kissing me hard. I pick her up off the ground and she wraps her legs around me as we stand there making out in front of her work. A couple of her buddy mechanics start hooting and hollering at us which has no effect. She finally breaks the kiss and I set her down before Imelda starts going over my bike like a doctor would a patient.

“It’s a custom build, street legal with no real brand name,” Imelda goes off in her spiel on the bike.

“They just got it for me, Loretta says it’s to make up for all the birthdays and Christmases she missed or neglected,” I tell her taking a seat on the bike and backing it out of the way of the door.

“And you’re going to let me try it soon,” Imelda asks expectantly.

“Maybe after work, your boss is staring,” I point out.

I kiss her goodbye and promise I’ll try to be back by five for her so we can test out my bike. I get my helmet back on and head over to the tattoo shop so I can get the last of my work looked at. I park with the other motorcycles and thankfully the two guys in the parking lot recognize me and just nod me in as I walk in the side door.

“Kid was that your bike I saw roll into my parking lot,” the old man asks as soon as he sees me.

I nod and take a seat near him as I watch as Smitty works on a tattoo for some guy with his girl watching all proud like. I explain where the bike came from to the old man and he shakes his head at me.

“Sounds like she’s trying to buy off guilt,” He tells me.

“I kinda thought that too. Not gonna turn down the gift but I’m waiting for the catch,” I reply thinking about Delauter’s potential motive.

The Old Man changes the subject to how it feels on the bike and I gush a little at the freedom. We talk for about different subjects when I see the granddaughter come in confused.

“Who bought the custom bike grandpa,” She asks getting behind the counter.

“That would be our little ‘Pariah’ over here. Boy says it’s a good ride,” the Old Man tells her gesturing to me.

I take notice of her for the first time really as she walks up to me. Her hair is black with red highlights, deep tan on a white girl, she’s wearing cut off jean shorts that are split up the outside of the legs so she can bend down and a sleeveless flannel shirt with a bikini top underneath.

“If I get it okay with my Dad would you take me for a ride,” She asks almost purring.

“I’m sorry but I never once bothered to ask your name,” I reply looking around for a second to take in the surroundings.

“My name is Vicki,” the granddaughter says sweetly.

I catch Smitty glancing up from his work at me and the Old Man is leaning on his armrest away from me almost wondering what I’ll answer.

“Well, Vicki, while I would love to enjoy an outing with you on my new conveyance I must decline due to my lack of suicidal tendencies in my life choices,” I say as politely as I can.

I pan my head around and see the only person who understood is the Old Man and he’s laughing.

“Vicki girl he says no,” Old Man says chuckling.

“What? Why the fuck not,” Vicki asks offended at the no.

“I’ll rephrase that, I would like to however considering your father will be stabbing me with needles and is bigger than I am with bigger friends I really don’t want to die just showing you a good time,” I tell her trying not to smile.

Vicki’s face turns visibly red and it only gets worse when Smitty stops the tattoo he’s working on and starts laughing hard. Most of the guys are laughing and Vicki stomps back to her spot at the front ignoring everyone.

“That girl either hates you now or is going to do something stupid to get a ride on that bike you got,” the Old Man tells me calming down from his laughter.

After about thirty minutes of waiting I finally get seen by Smitty who only takes a couple hours doing final touch ups on my tattoo before declaring it done. I thank him and head back to my bike and once outside see Vicki with her helmet in hand and standing next to my bike.

“I still want a ride,” She says looking very determined.

“Okay, since my suicide by father doesn’t convince you that while I’d like to I am unable to let me tell you about part two. My Latino girlfriend is a bike fan and if I tell her or if she even finds out that I let another woman on my bike before she gets a chance I know I’m gonna get stabbed,” I tell Vicki with all seriousness.

I hop on my bike and get my helmet on, turning my head to back up I see Vicki standing next to where I parked like I’m going to change my mind. I shake my head before flipping up my visor.

“Rain check,” I yell over my engine as I head out of the parking lot.

I get back over to Imelda’s job in time to see her getting on her own bike and pull up alongside her before she nods to me and we head out. It’s a familiar freeway trip during rush hour traffic as we head back into the old airport. Nobody is here on a non race day and in the day time for that matter as we park the bikes and I let her take seat on my bike.

“So she feels guilty or she just wants to give you shit,” Imelda asks giving her own ideas on the reason for the gift.

“I guess, something tells me I’m gonna get asked to move down but I can’t do that,” I tell Imelda leaning on her bike.

“Okay I don’t need to know why not again. But what about after high school, you could come down here, bring the rest of them with you,” Imelda says throwing out the idea,” It’s not like your Mom would like to see you more.”

“I know you’ve gotten to know her and I get that she’s really nice, I like her and when she’s being a real mother to me I call her Mom but honestly I don’t feel love. I am grateful that she cared enough about me to want me down here and I know she loves me but I don’t love her,” I tell Imelda sitting down on the pavement.

I watch as Imelda turns soft with the emotional dump and moves to sit in front of me. I let her take my hands and she just rubs my knuckles for a minute before looking deep into my eyes.

“Would you move down here for me, girls back home too,” she asks quietly.

“Babe you are the one thing in this place that I do love,” I tell her taking a hold of one of her hands,” you are my reason to come back here. Not Loretta and her husband, not their daughters or even the fucking presents. I could fucking take a damn hammer to the bike and walk home, it’s nice but it’s a thing. You are what makes me glad I listened to Katy and stayed here.”

I see Imelda’s eyes light up and am forced onto my back with her on top of me kissing with passion like we did almost three weeks ago. I shove my arms into her coat and start pulling at the t-shirt she’s wearing under her jacket. I watch her break the kiss and stand up pulling off the coveralls she had with the top tied at the waist off and get my pants down enough for Imelda to get at my cock with her mouth.

I know it’s foreplay but Imelda’s working my cock hard and fast with her mouth and hand. I take her ponytail in my hand and tilt her head a little as I lay there so I can see my cock going in and out of her mouth. The pace that Imelda’s sucking and jacking me is good enough that I’m hard after a few minutes and she wastes no time lining up my cock with her pussy and slamming down hard. I watch as Imelda starts giving me a hard ride in her wet pussy. I see her knees are bare on the black top but it’s not fazing her as she works my cock with her pussy. I pull my arms out of my coat sleeves and sit up kissing Imelda’s neck and wrapping my arm around her waist. I let her get a few more thrusts in then roll us over onto my coat and once Imelda’s all the way down I settle in on top of her putting my arms under her shoulders and grinding my cock in her pussy.

“Baby I wanna feel it,” Imelda tells me grinding her hips against mine.

I push all the way in and let her grind more against me as I lean in and start to nibble on her ear. I can hear her speaking in Spanish and start to fuck her hard and fast slapping my balls against her ass as she brings her legs up. I can feel her clamp down and Imelda shoves her tongue in my mouth as she cums on my dick still pumping inside her. I start to get that tingle and I can see even in her own orgasm Imelda feels me harden. I feel hands pushing my hips back and forcing my cock out of her pussy. I’m confused until she gets on her knees and gets me to my feet before jerking my cock with her hand and sucking the head with her mouth.

“Oh shit honey I’m gonna…,” is all I can say as Imelda looks up at me with her pretty brown eyes and I shoot ropes of cum into her mouth.

I stand in the open dazed for a few while Imelda keeps pumping making sure she gets all the cum out of me. We start to get clothing back on and I wrap my arms around her from behind and rest my chin on her shoulder.

“I have a big favor to ask honey,” I say softly in her ear.

“After that I don’t think a ‘big’ favor will be a problem,” Imelda says smirking.

“Tomorrow no matter what I don’t want you to come over to my house unless I text or call you first,” I tell her.

I feel Imelda shift around to where she’s facing me now and she has a concerned look on her face. I know she wants to ask but I stop her with a look.

“I can’t promise that, I will try but after work I make no promises,” Imelda says smirking and kissing me lightly.

We stand there for a few minutes when I spot a truck heading towards us from the direction of the freeway. It’s a black and yellow extended cab and Imelda grabs a wrench from the storage on her bike before looking at me and saying ‘Blaze’. Well shit, how the fuck did he know we were here. I keep my helmet in my right hand and stand next to my bike as we watch the truck stop about fifteen feet away and all five of Blaze and his crew get out from the cab and bed. I see he’s got his bike in the back and when he sees us a smile hits his face.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the bitch and her bitch. What the fuck you doing out here, neither of you want to bring the other home,” Blaze taunts walking up.

I can see he’s still limping a little but it’s his boys flanking him that have my attention; each one is either locked onto me or Imelda.

“Six on two Blaze, let her go and I’ll stay if you want to do this,” I tell Blaze plainly.

“Fuck that Guy, I’m not gonna leave,” Imelda says readying her wrench.

“Awww happy couple wants to get their asses kicked together. It’s so sweet but I ain’t here for you two, just gonna test my bike and I get some mild entertainment first,” Blaze laughs a little before glaring at Imelda,” You get gone, I got words for your boy.”

I can see Imelda wants to risk it but I shoot her a glance and once she sees my eyes I watch her put away the wrench and after getting her helmet on peel out on her bike. Once she’s a decent distance away Blaze walks up alone leaving his boys at the truck, I set my helmet on the handle bars of my bike and meet him half way.

“You fucked me up good in that fight, but your bitch cheated me and I’m gonna collect one way or the other,” Blaze starts in,” one question, what did you do with the grand you won?”

“I gave it to her,” I tell him plainly.

“You always a chump? Man I found out about you, boy banged your girl and you went all emo bitch, then your friend banging her tried to kill you and you got lucky. Now you think you’re a badass cause cops saved you,” Blaze start laughing recounting my events with Derek and Heather,” I ain’t your bitch boy, I’m gonna show your girl why when they go black…”

“You remember the last time we were this close I gave you that limp you’re sporting,” I tell Blaze cutting him off.

I watch as he backs up and his boys rush me, I hear someone yelling to stop as they put me on the ground holding me in place. I realize that it’s Blaze telling them to stop.

“Get off him if I’m gonna beat him I’ll do it in front of everyone, now let his ass up,” I hear him tell his boys.

I get released and stand back up on my own as Blaze approaches again with a buck knife in his hands. I watch him unfold it as he cleans under his fingernails. The rest of Blaze’s crew head back to the truck and I head back to my bike and get my helmet on.

“Next time I see your bitch I’m gonna get mine and you better tell her and all her boys to watch their backs,” Blaze says threatening.

“See that’s why I don’t take you seriously. You had a knife and you didn’t use it, you had boys and you don’t use them,” I tell Blaze from my helmet,” Now you want me to deliver a message, fuck you Blaze.”

I get my bike started and peel out of the airfield and get back onto the highway headed home. I get in the garage and see that Imelda isn’t there and figure she’s at her home. I shoot her a text saying everything is fine but to tell the guys that Blaze is looking for her. She replies that she’s ready and says she still can’t promise anything for tomorrow. I get my bike parked and see it’s about seven meaning either dinner has just started or I missed it cause it’s early. I get into the dining room where everyone is gathered and take my seat.

After dinner Mr. Delauter asks me into his office and once seated he decides to get down to business.

“Tomorrow we leave at ten in the morning, the arrival should be about eleven,” he tells me going over the information.

We discuss the details of my ‘special request’ and I inform him that only he and I know what is happening in the house. Mr. Delauter agrees to keep quiet on the matter and I leave the den to see Mark waving me over to the garage.

“Dude, did you take that to the tattoo parlor today,” Marks asks anxious.

“Yeah, got my touchup done for my tattoo, why,” I ask plainly.

“Shit. The girl there Vicki said if I had a motorcycle that she’s go out with me. Now I can’t use yours,” Mark says frustrated.

“Mark, she’s a year older than I am. You are like a horny puppy and will fuck anything with a slit and a pulse,” I get out laughing.

I listen to him talk about how she’s got a tattoo that only a few guys have seen and that makes it worth it but I just shake my head and exit the garage and head back up to my room. While relaxing I get a text from Carlos, apparently Imelda told him what happened and he let the boys know to keep an eye out. I let him know that shit will be cool and just stay calm unless provoked. He replies with something in Spanish that I can only figure means ‘I don’t understand your English’.

I’m watching TV when Bethany pokes her head into my room and I wave her in, she’s got a tight t-shirt and yoga pants on as she sits up on my bed next to me watching the TV. We sit in silence when she decides to start with the questions.

“So did you really get cheated on by your best friend,” Bethany asks curiously.

“Oh god it was a year ago and I got better after everything ended,” I tell her exasperated.

“Did you really sit there and try to keep him alive as the cops called for an ambulance,” Bethany asks pushing the subject.

I nod, it’s partly true. I think about that night, I remember when I saw the knife and thought things just turned around on me in that moment. I knew the cops would get there but I didn’t know how long it would take. I can still see Derek’s face when he turned the knife down to stab me, I might not have been sure about him dying after that but he came there knowing he was going to kill me. I remember telling his parents that I wanted to forgive him but it was a lie; he wanted me dead because I was doing better than ever after he tried to ruin me.

“Are you okay,” Bethany asks snapping me out of my thoughts,” you look really intense over there.”

“Yeah, I’m just thinking about that night,” I tell her coming to my senses,” Some people don’t deserve forgiveness. That’s what I need to remember.”

Bethany gets quiet again and after about an hour heads out of my room. I check my morning alarm and hunker down into bed. I got a big day tomorrow and finally I get something I really want from all my ‘good’ behavior.

Next morning goes by slower than constipation as I get through my work out, shower and breakfast with everyone looking at me like I’m losing my mind checking my phone every five minutes. Kori sent me a text saying that she left about four thirty this morning and I told her to call me as soon as she’s off and safe. When ten finally rolls around and we get on the road I discover that if you drive faster you save time and Mr. Delauter is taking his driving very safe and staying in the speed limit as we take forty five minutes to get to the airport and park before he tells me the gate and that where the car will be when I make the pickup. I’ve got my coat on and my camo pants with a purple t-shirt, which has the words ‘never gave up’ on the front.

I get to the gate and see nobody has gotten off the plane yet so I do the whole dutiful waiting thing with my hood up and am more anxious than ever. I watch the plane start to unload and it isn’t long before I see Korinna pulling a carry on behind her and watch as she pulls out her phone and start to make a call. I can see Kori’s hair is a little longer than she normally keeps it around her ears and now it’s at her shoulders and her hips seem a little bigger along with her breasts but I haven’t seen her in a month. She’s got on her purple hooded jacket and black capri pants on with tennis shoes she starts to walk up to me oblivious to my presence.

“Hi Mom I landed and I don’t see Aunt Amber anywhere, I thought you said she was living in Phoenix. What do you mean she is in Phoenix? Why did she send me a ticket for Texas? What do you mean someone will be here to get me, you said Aunt Amber would be here,” Kori says heading towards me talking to I am assuming her mother.

I pull my hood back a little so she can see my face and as Kori is talking I watch her look up and see me, then the recognition hits. I don’t get a smile or any sort of happy reaction from her at all; Kori simply hangs up the phone and finishes walking up to me.

“Hi, so I brought another bag and it’s with the other luggage,” Kori tells me coldly,” go get it.”

I’m honestly taken aback but head over and find her luggage that she points out and when I return she takes it from me passionlessly and stares at me to lead her out.

“Baby do you want me to take something for you,” I ask her a little nervous about her attitude.

“No, where is your ride,” Kori responds to me coldly.

I lead her to Mr. Delauter’s car and she loads her luggage in the back herself before getting into the back of the car. I try to join her on the other side and get pointed towards the front seat. We head back towards home in awkward silence as Kori is not talking to me at all. We get in the garage and Loretta is there to greet us but gets puzzled when she sees Kori get out of the car. Mr. Delauter cuts her off from asking a million questions and walks her back in the house leaving Korinna and I to get her stuff from the trunk to my room.

“I assume I am staying in the same room with you or can I get my own room,” Kori asks me wheeling her luggage into the main area.

“I thought you’d want to stay with me but I can have them set you up a guest room if you want,” I tell her hurt.

She shrugs and I can see Mark Jr., Bethany and Abigail watching from the kitchen with a million questions as I lead Kori up to my room. She gets her luggage inside and I try to give her a hug but she keeps me at arm’s length.

“First thing, bathroom? Second thing you will sit right there and don’t move until I get done, am I clear,” Kori tells me with steely resolve.

I point out the door to the bathroom and watch as she gets a couple things before sitting me down in my ‘spot’ and leave the room. I take my coat off but don’t get up; I’ve never seen Kori like this. I thought she’d be happy to see me but she’s more pissed off at me and I don’t know what I did to make her angry. I am sitting in my spot on the couch for twenty minutes when I hear Kori head down the stairs and talk to someone for a moment before returning to my room and closing the door. She has on the same clothes but it looks like she showered as she puts her bath items and some light clothing back in her carry on. She doesn’t even acknowledge me as she goes about her business and when I try to get up from my spot she gives me a withering stare and I sit back down.

“Okay, stand over here,” Kori orders me pointing at a spot on the side of my bed.

I get up and move over to where she pointed and when I start to try to speak I get that same death gaze with her grey eyes. I see her unzip her jacket and sigh loudly before meeting my gaze.

“I don’t like this, I don’t like that you went and did all this and didn’t even bother to mention anything to me at all. I hate surprises and it has taken everything that I have just to get to where we are now,” Kori starts in quietly,” Now what do you have to say for yourself.”

“Baby I didn’t want to be away from you and after the fight with Mark Jr. I decided to make the situation a little better. I’ve been nice to everyone here just to hold out till you got here,” I tell her exasperated,” I just wanted to have my first girl here with me so I didn’t feel so alone in all this, I wanted you down here so I could have someone who really knew me.”

We stand there in silence before I start to move when Kori tackles me onto the bed kissing me like I remember her to, slowly and sweetly. I have no clue what’s going on but it doesn’t take me long before I have my hands in her coat massaging her breasts. Kori sits up off of me and starts peeling out of her jacket and shirt, seeing this I follow suit until I’m naked and Kori has only a purple thong on. I let her move me up to the head of the bed and she straddles my hips before laying covered pussy flat on my cock and grinds against the length of it.

“You NEVER do that to me again. You ever have the chance to make me feel better and don’t and I swear you’ll never touch me again,” Kori tells me taking my head in her hands,” It was really cruel to not give me the chance to hope for something when I felt so miserable.”

“I’m sorry baby; I just wanted to give you a big surprise. Your mom knew and I just thought it would be good to have us together somewhere everyone isn’t looking at me for advice,” I tell her apologizing.

“NEVER again, say it,” Kori says still holding my head.

“Never again baby,” I tell her softly.

“Now how the hell did you hurt yourself,” Kori asks shifting the mood from determined to concern.

I feel her poke the bandage on my side and it’s just tender now but after a few weeks of healing I figure I should show her my ‘artwork’.

“I got a tattoo,” I tell her gently pulling off the bandage over my tattoo.

The full tattoo is of five tigers going from my left pectoral to the top of my hip and all the way down my side; each one is a different color. One purple, a green and a yellow, one white and the last one in traditional orange. All of them look like their stalking their way up my body with the orange one in the lead and the white one bringing up the rear. I see her staring at the beautiful color and trailing around the edges with her fingers.

“It’s beautiful, what does it mean,” Kori asks still playing with my new ink.

“It’s me and my girls, you can’t find yourself in there,” I ask her playfully.

I watch her look closely at the tigers and when Kori sees the purple one more closely her eyes widen and I’m being kissed all over by her. I just enjoy the sensation as she trails her kisses down my body and starts licking up and down my shaft slowly. Kori’s pace is maddening in comparison to what I’ve had for the last few weeks but it’s like I’m reliving a great memory as she slowly works the head of my cock in her mouth, then slowly teasing the hole with the tip of her tongue. I am groaning in blissful agony as she stops with her mouth and I look down to see her sliding off her thong. I watch her move to my side and roll onto her back then pull me over her and taking my cock start to rub her slit.

“It’s been a while baby, do you remember where everything goes,” Kori says smirking.

I smile back and slide inside Kori’s pussy, the softness that I had weeks ago is still there but she feels a little tighter than before. I start working my cock in and out in long slow strokes enjoying having my girl back in my bed. Kori is panting lightly but she seems all soft and aglow with the sensation of us being back together as I start to speed up. Kori traces her hands across my back and kisses me sweetly as I start to feel her pussy get hotter than before. I look to see her face contort as Kori gasps and takes hold of my ass holding me inside her as she hits her first orgasm. I make my cock jump a little inside Kori causing her to moan and smile.

“I’ve missed you baby,” Kori says kissing me and pulling me against her.

I try to move but Kori holds me in place with her hands and wraps her legs around my keeping me from having any sort of ‘escape’. I feel her clamp down on my cock inside her and then something haven’t felt Kori do in a while as she starts bucking her pussy against me while I can’t move inside her. I back up what little I can and let Kori continue to fuck me from beneath.

“You always fuck me, then I cum. Now I’m gonna fuck you and you’ll cum for me,” Kori purrs to me.

Kori continues to work me with her pussy and I’m starting to lose any control and I want to just pound her but she holds me fast in place. I feel a couple more deep slams on my cock and I get no warning as I erupt inside Kori wordlessly grunting and gasping for air. I collapse my body onto hers and feel no life left in me as my little succubus seems to have drained me. Kori rolls me onto my back and off of her and cuddles up next to me while I try to regain some of my composure.

“Are you going to live or should I call an ambulance,” Kori says smiling.

I give her thumbs up cause I’m too worn out to even speak right now. I hear her humming softly and keep relaxing against Kori till I can feel my limbs again. I hold her till her phone starts going crazy and she gets up and goes after it. I figure she’s talking to her Mom and leave her alone as she gets a little upset that her mother knew what was happening and didn’t say. I watch her hang up the phone and crawl back up the bed to me. Now that I am paying a bit more attention I can see she’s defiantly gotten bigger in her breasts and ass.

“Did you fill out your sexy curves more while I’ve been down here Kori,” I ask trying to be cute.

“Only you could make me gaining weight sound like a good thing,” Kori says getting playfully angry,” Yeah, I started eating a little more and if it wasn’t for Mathilda I’d be taking two seats on the plane. Speaking of working out babe, are you trying out for the part of Irish guy on the Jersey Shore?”

I pull Kori to me and start tickling her as we playfully wrestle around. The wrestling turns into kissing and soon enough we’re smiling and wrapped up into each other when someone decides to knock on the door.

“Guy, are you okay in there,” I hear Bethany asking from outside my room.

“No, I’ve been killed by a crazy woman,” I yell back laughing,” she’s murdered me and she’s coming for you all. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!”

Kori starts laughing hard and we both roll around on the bed. I guess that Bethany left since I don’t hear her knocking anymore. Kori and I just lay in bed talking for the next few hours about the past four weeks. She’s been trying to keep busy and active but it’s been hard considering we’ve never been apart for more than a few days.
Our quiet moment is broken up by another knock at my door. I get up and pull my pants on and see Loretta on the other side of the door.

“Apparently the girls believe she’s driven you insane,” Loretta says smiling,” Can I at least meet the girl who seems to control my son.”

I let Loretta in the door and see Kori has a shirt pulled on and is waves for me to get her some pants. I hand her the capri pants she was wearing earlier and watch as she gets them on under the blankets. Once dressed Kori gets out of bed and shakes Loretta’s hand before they both sit down on the couch.

“Well it’s good to see that Guy was wrong about you Ma’am,” Kori says smiling.

“Excuse me, wrong about what,” Loretta asks.

“When I’d ask him about you before he came down here he said that you didn’t wake up often in the daytime and were usually shit faced drunk,” Kori says with a little venom in her voice.

I freeze in place at Kori’s boldness. She had it out with Heather once last year after Derek died and didn’t even get into the insults until Heather called her a whore. I sit on the foot of the bed and wait to see if I should dive out the window to stop the fight.

“I’m not surprised that’s what he said. What has he told you about me since he’s been down here,” Loretta asks trying to keep the conversation civil.

“Oh he didn’t talk about you considering you bringing him down here was making me an emotional wreck,” Kori says keeping a little more venom in her voice.

“Well I’m sorry that I ruined your summer just trying to see my son for the first time in seven years,” Loretta says starting to get upset.

“Well if you wanted to see him why not sober up seven years ago and just be a mom,” Kori says starting to lose her cool,” But not only did you take him from me but from two other girls who love him.”

“I can’t say I’m sorry enough to make this better but if you want to hate me fine,” Loretta says as she gets up and heads for the door.

I watch Kori get up quickly from her seat and watch as she takes Loretta’s wrist stopping her from leaving. I watch both of them stare at each other waiting for something to happen to when Kori breaks the silence.

“You didn’t do this just for your own guilt. You really wanted him back,” Kori asks starting to cry.

I watch Loretta nod and somehow the two women start crying and hugging and each other. I am really confused and am at least thankful that they didn’t start fighting. I watch them sit back down on the couch and wipe up the tears.

“Mrs. Delauter please just don’t take him away from me again,” Kori asks as they sit together on the couch.

I pull a shirt on and duck out of the room giving them their privacy. Once down stairs I see both Mark Jr. and his dad sitting in TV room, both stare at me with ‘what the hell happened’ looks on their faces.

“Dude did you’re girlfriend and Mom just get into a fight,” Mark asks quietly like they can hear us.

“Man I don’t know, first they’re talking. Then they’re fighting about me then they’re crying and now their talking again,” I reply sitting down on the couch with Mark Jr.

“That’s women for you all crazy and fucking weird,” Mark says like it’s a fact of nature.

I stare at him like he’s retarded and see his Dad is doing the same when Mr. Delauter and I make eye contact and I get a nod.

“Mark are you trying to say that my wife is crazy,” Mr. Delauter asks his son.

I watch Mark turn to his dad to explain himself and as soon as his head is turn I reach back and give him a sickening smack to the back of the head. I watch Mark’s head go forward and then turn to me a little pissed before his dad clears his throat and we both look at his father expectantly.

“You deserved that smack, maybe someday you’ll find a woman who will make you want to smack someone for calling her crazy,” Mr. Delauter says before turning back to the TV.

I sit with them watching TV for about an hour when all three of us hear the women coming down stairs and head into the kitchen. Both Marks look at me and I shrug before turning back to the TV. We all get called in for dinner after an hour and while it’s just sandwiches and soup it’s the million questions Kori is getting asked by everyone at the table. Loretta settles on one question a per person so that Kori isn’t overwhelmed.

“So are you happy to see Guy again,” Bethany asks sweetly.

“Bad question but yes. I’m feeling a lot better now that we’re both here,” Kori says happily.

“Okay, my turn. Are there really three of you up there with him and how different are you all,” Abigail asks showing her curiosity.

“Much better question,” Kori says smiling,” Katy and Mathilda, Katy is a rebel and really driven while Matty is quiet and a little shy.”

“But what about you,” Abigail continues pressing for information.

“She’s the reason I’m so nice and reserved,” I answer for Kori earning me goofy smile and a playful shove.

“All right now for a real question, I don’t know how you ended up happy with Guy but are there no real men up where you two live,” Mark asks smugly making Mr. Delauter and Loretta both glare a hole in him.

“Well considering there are only two real men at the table right now I’d say it’s not too difficult at all,” Kori says lashing back with a joke.

Everyone but Mark Jr. starts laughing except for Mark Jr. who gets really quiet and after everyone stops finishes his meal quietly and quickly. Kori and I help clear the table and when we head back to my room I can see my phone going crazy, I have three messages and one call coming in from Imelda. I motion to Kori that I have a call and answer.

“I’m out front now, can I come in,” Imelda asks first thing in the call.

I look out the window and see her on her bike at the front. I point it out to Kori who gets an unusual look on her face before staring at me expectantly.

“What I told her that I needed the day and not to swing by,” I whisper to Kori.

“You idiot, go let her in if she’s a girlfriend then either she meets me or she’s out,” Kori whispers back.

“I’m on my way to meet you in the garage,” I tell Imelda rushing down the stairs and hitting the gate code in the garage.

I get the garage open and watch as Imelda parks her bike next to mine, I see she’s got her coveralls on and the top tied around her waist along with her jean jacket. She gets off the bike and lunges at me kissing me with a fierceness that she’s known for. I break the kiss and she sees my face and gets a concerned look.

“Babe what happened? Did Blaze try something other than bad threats,” Imelda asks as we head inside.

I shake my head and lead Imelda up to my room. We walk in and I see Kori in her purple bra and panties with her arms folded. Imelda stops in her tracks when she sees Kori and quickly turns to me for some explanation. I close the door and sit down on the couch as I watch Kori look at Imelda with some scrutiny I think.

“Guy who is she,” Imelda asks looking concerned.

“Guy you don’t need to speak it’s my turn,” Kori says before I can do introductions,” You’re the new girl."

“You’re Kori? I thought you were in Washington,” Imelda asks a little startled.

“Well apparently I’m not the only one he kept that from,” Kori says looking at me then back to Imelda,” So strip down and let let’s take a look at you.”

Imelda’s eyes go wide at Kori’s words and I sit there trying to figure out what Kori is getting at. Imelda looks at me for answers but I know Kori has a reason for this being the mother hen of my group so I simply shrug at Imelda as she looks to me for help and simply observe. Imelda starts taking off her clothes slowly like she’s just got a case of shyness, I watch as she gets all the way down to her underwear before Kori stops her at that point. I see the contrasts in skin tone between the two girls and then I notice that Kori has defiantly moved up from a b cup to a solid c cup, Imelda is still lean and toned but with Kori there’s a confidence that I’m not used to seeing Imelda without.

“Are you nervous girl,” Kori asks Imelda walking around her sizing her up.

“Yes, but I’ll be fine,” Imelda says trying to stay composed.

“Well I am a little nervous right now,” Kori starts in,” I’m standing here looking at a healthy and damn sexy Mexican girl who’s been fucking my boyfriend for almost 3 weeks now. So do you love him?”

Imelda freezes at the question before nodding her head in a yes. I watch Kori sigh then smile.

“Do you like sex with girls too,” Kori says smiling,” because you’re gonna have to learn to deal with it sister.”

“I can have sex with another girl in the room,” Imelda says plainly.

“No I mean do you like to have sex with another girl,” Kori says coming up to Imelda from the front and wrapping her arms around her waist.

I watch as Kori starts playing with Imelda’s body, running her hands across Imelda’s waist and squeezing her ass. I don’t know what Kori is planning but Imelda is warming up a little as she starts rubbing Kori’s breasts with her hands. I’m being treated to something I’ve never seen before, I’ve been with the girls and I’ve been with each one in conjunction with the others but I’ve never sat back and really just watch them play with each other.

Kori walks Imelda over to the bed and lays her down before pulling of her own bra and letting Imelda suck on her breasts. Kori is moaning lightly and only casually looks over at me and smiles as she runs her hand down Imelda’s body before Kori slides her hand into Imelda’s panties and starts rubbing her clit. Imelda breaks the sucking on Kori’s breast and moans until Kori cuts her off with a kiss, I can see Imelda is getting wet but I’m getting hard so I take my pants off and stroke my cock slowly. Kori breaks the kiss with Imelda and I watch as one finger slips into her pussy eliciting a gasp, Kori is grinning big as I watch her speed up the fingering. Imelda is bucking her hips against Kori’s hand and finger; I am stroking my cock when Kori nods me over to the bed. I strip down and once I’m at the foot of the bed I can hear Kori whispering into Imelda’s ear.

“He’s watching you cum are. Are you going to cum for him,” Kori asks Imelda in a whisper.

“Oh SHIT… FUCK…,” is the last thing intelligible thing to come out of Imelda’s mouth as she starts moaning from her orgasm.

I watch as Kori keeps kissing Imelda on the neck and chest when the both notice my hard on. I see Kori smile and whispers something to Imelda again and both of them get a smile on their faces as they pull me onto the bed and lay me down. Both girls take a side, Imelda on my left and Kori on my right. I watch as they start alternating their mouths on my cock, one on the head and one on the shaft. I am ready to finish but Kori clamps down on the base of my cock, as Imelda takes the head in her mouth one last time. Kori starts jacking me off as fast as her hand will go and I feel that tingle before both girls use their free hands to hold me down while I start cumming in Imelda’s mouth. I shoot off hard and am left breathing heavy as the girls curl up around me.

“I like her, she’s defiantly a keeper,” Kori says poking me lightly.

“I think you both are,” I chuckle while resting my head.

Both girls playfully poke me and we relax on the bed for a while. Imelda says that there’s a meet tomorrow night and wants to know if I’ll go with her, Kori says she wants to come to and asks if we will be able to use Imelda’s car. That question gets Imelda and me laughing and moving off the bed and get dressed. Kori follows our lead and grabs her coat as we head down the stairs to the garage. Once inside Kori starts looking around confused.

“Imelda where is your car,” Kori finally asks.

Imelda opens the storage on her bike and hands a helmet to Kori who looks confused until I take my helmet from my bike and sit down. Kori’s face goes from puzzled to shock as Imelda gets the garage door. We get the bikes turned around and I see Kori still puzzled by what we’re doing.

“I hope you understand me giving her first ride,” I say to Imelda who nods in response.

“Okay, when did you get a bike and when do you learn how to drive,” Kori asks stepping in front of my bike.

“Really? You want to go over where and when I learned to drive when I’m about to make you the first girl to ride with me on my bike,” I ask Kori over the bike engine.

“What if we fall or crash,” Kori says putting on the helmet.

“We’ll be a better version of Romeo and Juliet. Relax and lean with me when I turn,” I tell Kori as she gets on the bike behind me.

Kori wraps her arms around me in a death grip as Imelda leads and we head out and onto the road, the sun is mostly down as we get out of the neighborhood and onto the freeway. Imelda and I get the bikes up to speed and I can feel Kori’s grip lessen and Imelda leads us back towards her side of town. We get to Imelda’s house and stop the bikes. Imelda and Kori get off and hug before Kori gets back on my bike and we head back to the house. Once back home and in the garage Kori hops off the bike and is beaming.

“That was so fast and the way you were weaving in traffic I nearly had a heart attack,” Kori says excitedly as we walk through the house.

“I’m guessing you wanna do it again tomorrow night,” I ask her as we get to my room.

I watch her get into a fresh pair of panties and a t-shirt and strip down myself as it’s been a long day for me emotionally and physically. We curl up in bed and watch TV for about ten minutes when I hear Kori snoring lightly. I shut the TV off and curl up around Kori and sleep hits me fast.

I wake up hours later to my five thirty phone alarm going off, I try to get up but Kori latches on when I try to move. She doesn’t stay awake for long and I creep my wait out of the room and into the yard for my run. It feels good to be up and moving and I get a decent run in before I see Loretta waiting for me at the back door.

“Something wrong,” I ask Loretta as I get inside the house.

“I want to take Kori out to do some shopping but I’m not sure if she’s still mad with me,” Loretta says leading me into the kitchen.

I follow her inside and for once I don’t see Rosa anywhere as I sit down while she starts on the breakfast for everyone.

“Well I guess you should ask her that,” I tell Loretta.

“Well we talked a bit yesterday and know she’s upset with me about you coming down here. She asked if I was going to try to convince you to move here,” Loretta tells me while working.

“And are you trying to get me to move down here,” I ask feeling a little annoyed.

“No, I’d like it but I was thinking about asking you to go to college here maybe next summer if you came back but I’m not trying to mess up your life,” Loretta says exasperated.

“Are you asking me to come back next summer,” I ask Loretta curiously.

“I don’t know. We’re getting along and I know that after all the chaos in the first couple days and I would hope that you could consider visiting again,” Loretta says with what I can only guess is some shame.

“Next time might be difficult because I don’t think your husband wants to pay for five tickets just to get me down here next time,” I tell her chucking.

I watch her face brighten a little and we chat for a while as the rest of the house wakes up. I watch as Rosa hurries into the kitchen to start clean up.

“Rosa I’ve been in here for an hour and haven’t seen you anywhere in the house, what were you doing,” Loretta asks.

“I was outside the garage, the trash cans were full and I needed to get them out of the garage,” Rosa says trying to get back to work.

“How long does it take to get the trashcans outside,” Loretta says exasperated at the excuse.

I can see Rosa is afraid and wants to get the hell out of the room, Loretta is expecting an answer. I can see other’s are getting up and heading to the kitchen.

“She knocked over a can trying to get around my bike, I saw it and stopped to help her,” I tell Loretta keeping my eyes on Rosa who looks shocked,” when she tried to move my bike I stopped running and helped her clean up and she had to use the bathroom to wash up.”

I see Loretta take what I said and she nods as pancakes start getting served. I watch Rosa casually while eating, not everybody is at the table just Loretta, Mr. Delauter and I. It’s a quiet meal and we’re all done by the time Mark Jr. gets to the table. Loretta get’s him a plate and I head up stairs to wake Kori up. Once I am in the room I can see Kori stirring in the bed and crawl into the bed.

“Mmmmm, Morning Guy,” Kori says groggily.

“There are pancakes downstairs, with some sausage and hash browns,” I tell her pulling her gently out of bed.

I get her downstairs and into a chair before Loretta bring her a plate. I sit with Kori watching her eat while Loretta frets about talking to her and Rosa keeps watching me because I lied about where she was this morning. Which has me wondering what she was doing, I’ve been here for weeks and Rosa and Loretta are the only ones who even get up as early as I do, I need to talk to Rosa but I got to handle Loretta first.

“Kori do you have a swimsuit or any nice clothing to wear out,” I ask as she eats.

“No, I really didn’t plan on doing much with ‘Aunt Amber’,” Kori says still eating.

“So you need more clothes, do you have any money babe,” I ask leading the conversation.

“No I don’t have any money, it’s not like Mom and Carl has a lot to spare,” Kori says plainly.

“So it’s settled. You and Loretta and probably the girls knowing them are going shopping today,” I tell Kori who gets a wide eyed expression before looking at Loretta,” wow, that was a lot easier than you thought. Girls and shopping make a great bonding.”

Both Loretta and Kori are speechless as I get up and head back to my room, I pass Rosa along the way and we make eye contact. I think I see her give me a ‘thank you’ look which stops me and I look at her and mouth the word ‘soon’. Rosa freezes then nods and gets back to her work. I shower in the upstairs bathroom. I get changed after my shower and relax with Kori till about nine when Loretta calls up saying it’s time for them to head out.

“Did you plan this too,” Kori asks as we walk to the garage.

“No, Loretta wanted to take you shopping for some girl bonding. She was scared even though you and her talked you wouldn’t want to go,” I explain to Kori.

“It’s shopping with a big ass credit card. I’d take Heather with me for that, Loretta loves you and so do I,” Kori says smiling,” Now I’m going to go get me some pretty clothes for whatever we have planned for the next two weeks.”

I shake my head; it’s why I love her. So deep and emotional then right back to the wants and needs. I watch the women all pack up and head out of the garage. I turn around and head back in when I see Mark Jr. making his way past me and to his car.

“Busy day,” I ask as he brushes past me.

I watch him shrug and then fire up his car and head out. I head back inside and see Rosa moving into Mark’s room to clean. I peek around and see Mr. Delauter in his office and busy. I duck into Mark’s room and close the door behind me, I watch Rosa spin around to see me and immediately she tenses up.

“I want the truth Rosa and I want it right now,” I tell her positioning myself between her and the closed door.

“I was just busy and Mrs. Delauter wouldn’t understand,” Rosa says picking up dirty clothes.

“First off I know you were busy but you weren’t where you said you were. I like you Rosa cause you’ve been really honest about a lot of things here, now either we keep this friendly and you tell me so I know my covering for you isn’t you trying to mess up this family or rob them,” I tell her keeping my distance.

“I’m no thief, I was just busy… taking care of something,” Rosa tells me dropping the last of the dirty clothes in a basket.

“Okay so I go tell Mr. Delauter he needs a new maid cause I just lied for the old one and she’s after her children’s valuables,” I state reaching for the door.

“It was Mr. Delauter, I was taking care of him,” Rosa says sitting down on her bed.

“Okay, you want me to believe that you are having sex with Mr. Delauter,” I ask in disbelief.

“No not Mr. Delauter, the other one his son,” Rosa says ashamed.

“Wow, I knew he was horny but apparently he’s gotta get it in the morning too,” I say moving to the chair and sitting down.

“No I asked him, my husband is a lazy ass and when I get home all I get treated to is why I’m not home when he has no job. At least when I come here early in the morning Mark is happy to see me and gives me something worth my time,” Rosa says bitterly.

I’m a little stunned at the honesty from Rosa it makes a lot of sense to me. If I wasn’t treating my girls’ right they should be with someone else. I get up and sit down next to her on the bed.

“Next time, just catch me on my run or something and we’ll make up a better excuse,” I say smiling.

“Wait you’re not going to tell the family,” Rosa asks a little confused.

“No, I if I was angry about people having sex with Mark I’d be going to war with at least four other women that I know of,” I say smiling.

I leave the room and realize I have nobody to spend time with, Imelda’s at work and all the girls are out shopping. I figure Jackie’s not too busy and once I get my coat and bike I head off to the shelter. It’s about eleven when I get there and I sign in with Mrs. Martinez before getting greeted by Kelly.

“Hey you still checking on me,” Kelly asks.

“Nope, just here to see Jackie,” I say,” but you’re looking like you’re doing well for a change.”

I watch Kelly smile at the compliment; she’s got denim shorts and a blue tank top on with a pink bra underneath. I head past her and out the back of the building to the sheds and when I round the corner I see Jackie talking to some of the girls. They all quiet down when they see me and Jackie gets a sad smile on her face. I watch as the other girls clear out and I take a fresh seat as Jackie starts in.

“So you’ve been doing well when you’re not here,” Jackie asks.

“I’m doing fine, why the distance,” I ask plainly,” We were close, I liked the close. Then you start to put me in the friend zone. I really don’t know what I did but I’ve been nice and quiet about it but honestly I’m really getting annoyed with it.”

“I have been seeing someone,” Jackie says quietly,” about a week after the thing with Kelly I met a guy at the mall and we’ve been talking and on a couple of dates.”

“And now after a two weeks of treating me like a damn fool you are telling me this now,” I ask frustrated.

“I was just trying to keep from hurting your feelings. We had a great moment but you have four girlfriends now? I couldn’t stand around and wait for you to figure out if I was good enough to be number five. And maybe I don’t want to be number five, I should be able to have someone just for me,” Jackie says raising her voice.

“Fine, I get that I really do. You don’t want me around then do me a favor and at least fucking says so to my face. If I wanted to be kept in the fucking dark in my relationships I’d still be in polo shirts and khakis,” I spit out the last words as I get up and start walking away.

“Guy please just talk to me for a few seconds and understand my point on this,” Jackie says coming after me.

I get back in the building and hear Jackie trying to catch up when she grabs my arm but freezes in place; I look at her and see some fear then turn and see a guy coming out of Mrs. Martinez’s office with a visitor’s pass on. White guy with a nice clean cut look in some fast food uniform and a bag of goodies. The girls in the lobby are staring at the two of us like they’re waiting for a fight. I pull my arm away from Jackie’s grip and turn my attention back to her.

“I can take being a friend, really I can,” I say quietly,” I can understand why you didn’t want to tell me. The problem is you didn’t tell me. I kept coming around and you kept pushing me away like I’m some monster.”

The last word registers memory on her face, it hurts but it’s truth. I can see she didn’t want to treat me like this but there comes a point where hiding things becomes lying and that’s what happened with Heather and Derek.

“Hey Jackie, baby are you okay,” I watch the guy approach her and hold her for a second before looking into her eyes.

“No man, she just lost a really good friend. Best of luck,” I say heading past all the girls and back to the parking lot.

I get my bike started and see Jackie running across the lot to catch me. I could peel out and leave her in the dust but I hold back. I let her get up to me and pull my helmet back off. I let her see my disappointment and Jackie’s not holding back as she slows down her approach.

“I’m sorry I didn’t just say how I felt. I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” Jackie says weakly.

My phone starts vibrating in my pocket; I pull it out and see a call coming in from Carlos. I shake my head and answer.

“Man I need to see you now,” Carlos says angrily.

“Carlos if you don’t talk to me nicely I’m going to hang up,” I say trying to gauge if I’m the one he’s pissed at.

“Man you give me a heads up now get down here. Blaze and some of his boys just jumped Marta and Romeo,” Carlos enrages into the phone.

I tell him to give me time to get there and hang up. Jackie is still standing there looking at me like I’m going to pass judgment on her.

“I’m not done with you yet. Next time you see me I want details of how damn happy he makes you so I can threaten him with violence,” I tell Jackie before pulling my helmet back on.

I’m still angry with Jackie when I pull up to Carlos’s home, I had to pick up Abigail here once with Mark and had to keep Mark from killing Carlos. Most of Carlos’s crew is here save for a few guys and Hector.

“Okay so I give you a heads up and you call me here for what,” I ask Carlos as he walks up to me on my bike.

“Yeah, you warned me but they fucking my sister and beat the hell out of Romeo,” Carlos says again in person,” I want the best to go find Blaze with me and kick his ass.”

“I need to talk to Marta and Romeo,” I say getting off my bike.

Carlos leads me into his house and I see Romeo and Marta in the kitchen being tended to by Carlos and Marta’s mother. She sees me and backs off as I take a look at the two of them. Marta took a single shot to the head and has a good sized lump forming, I take a piece of meat from the fridge and use it as a compress instead of the ice bag which gets some interesting comments in Spanish from the mom. Romeo on the other hand is fucked up, he’s got one eye swollen shut and multiple cuts on his head are covered in gauze.

“Carlos, I don’t want to tell your mom what to do but get some rubber cement and more meat for his face,” I tell Carlos who starts telling his mom in Spanish.

As the argument behind me goes on I turn my attention to Marta. She gets nervous when I turn back to her.

“Marta, I need you to focus. How many were there,” I ask Marta.

We go through the questions, I keep my voice calm and when Carlos starts talking I watch as his mother removes him from the house to the front yard. I slowly get all the details, they were just walking along and cut through an alley. Marta got shoved into a dumpster and didn’t see anything. Romeo turned to see who did it and got hit in the face with a bottle before they started kicking him while he was down. Neither remembers hearing anything said to them and they walked the rest of the way to the family home. After that it’s the Carlos and boys show with a lot of anger and not a lot of thought.

I leave the mother to her job and when I get back outside Carlos and what is there for his crew are looking at me for a green light. I sigh and start in.

“Not Blaze. Yeah I know he threatened you and me but he’s a showboat. He would have made sure you knew,” I tell Carlos who is getting upset,” It’s not him. No point in going after him and starting shit when he didn’t start it.”

“Man he’s fucking playing you Carlos,” Hector starts in,” You don’t answer back and Blaze is gonna make you look stupid.”

“Hector I like you man but shut the fuck up,” I tell Hector before turning back to Carlos,” You do this now and it’s gonna blow up in your face.”

I can see Carlos thinking, thank god. I watch as he explains to the rest that rushing off is a bad idea and that they need a target and a plan, I can see most of them are listening except for Hector. Hector looks like he going to do something stupid but not yet. It’s the sound of an angry bike that makes everyone part the sea between Imelda and myself.

“Why the fuck are you all fucking standing here,” Imelda says glaring down everyone there.

“Your ‘boyfriend’ says we shouldn’t go handle Blaze,” Hector says sneering at me.

I know Imelda is pissed and wants answers; I point to the bikes and head to mine as she follows. We ride out and after a while I figure the best place to go would be the tattoo parlor. I park my bike and get off but Imelda doesn’t she takes her helmet off and glares at me. I see the two other bikers in the parking lot staring at the two of us like there’s going to be a show.

“Baby, let me just explain…,” I start in but she cuts me off.

“What would you do if it was Abigail, or Kori, or ME,” Imelda starts in with fury,” would you be looking around and trying to find a way out like you are now.”

I’m pissed and I can see she is too; I point my finger at the ground right in front of me. It takes her a few seconds before she gets off the bike and stops at the spot I pointed at.

“I’m not looking for a way out, I want a target and we don’t have one,” I tell her trying to keep my calm,” If it were you or anyone of the girls I’d bring something you haven’t seen yet. What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to find Blaze and take him out,” Imelda says through clenched teeth.

“And what if you’re wrong? I got threatened after his goons let me go when HE told them too. He’s a showboat, he wants to be seen doing it and he wasn’t,” I tell her trying to explain,” Now do you want Blaze or do you want the guys who did this.”

Imelda is pissed but listening, I unzip my jacket and she pulls herself inside it and hugs me for a second before I hear her talking.

“Okay, we find out who did it, then what,” Imelda asks quietly.

“Then I do something I haven’t done in a long time,” I whisper,” We need Kori, I got planning to do.”

Part 8

I stand there with Imelda for a few moments when I see people coming out of the tattoo parlor. Smitty along with his father and about five or six bikers look like they’re about to head out. Imelda looks up at me and I can see she’s still upset about what happened.

“We should move on Blaze now,” Imelda tells me,” He’ll be out tonight and you can get him to talk.”

“Babe so you want me to go from taking him out to looking for a fight,” I ask shaking my head.

“Well either you do something or Carlos and the boys will. Just telling you our family doesn’t let shit sit for too long,” Imelda says breaking the hug.

I watch Imelda get back on her bike and peel out of the parking lot. A heavy hand on my shoulder lets me know the old man is there.

“Problems kid,” the Old Man asks.

“Way too many, at least in real war you usually know who is gunning for you,” I say plainly.

“Well first thing to figure out is who you trust, then put everyone’s feet on hot coals and see who wants to tell you the truth first,” the Old man says before heading over to his bike.

“Need to see you out at the airfield tonight,” Smitty tells me from his own bike.

I nod and watch the Union leave the parking lot. I grab my helmet when I get tapped on the shoulder. It’s Vicki standing with her helmet.

“I need a ride,” Vicki says smirking.

I shake my head at her; she’s wearing jean shorts and white tight tank top with cowgirl boots. I pull my helmet on and start the bike before starting to leave.

“Hey I really need a ride,” Vicki yells over my engine.

“And I really need to get back to my girlfriend,” I tell her stopping the advance.

“It’s just a ride,” Vicki says placing her ass on the back of my bike.

I realize I’m probably going to die either by Smitty or my girlfriends but Vicki has her arms wrapped around my waist as I decide to pull out of the lot. We’re speeding down the road and Vicki feels like she has more experience on the back of a bike than I do driving it. I pull to the side of the road for a minute and text Mark and ask him where he’s at then shoot Kori a text with the same. Mark Jr. says he’s heading back home and Kori says they’ll be back about five thirty. I let both of them know to get ready to head out at about seven because we have plans. I drive back home with Vicki still on the back and see that nobody is home but Rosa as I get the bike in the garage.

“Holy shit, your garage is almost as big as the shop,” Vicki says following me to my room.

“Not my garage, it belongs to the people who live here,” I tell her once we’re in my room.

“Wait, you don’t live here,” Vicki asks staring at my room.

“I’m just visiting my biological mother,” I tell her pulling my coat off and sitting on my couch.

“So I can get a ride out tonight,” Vicki asks sitting on the other end of the couch.

“To the airfield, you’re gonna have to either get one from Mark or call your dad,” I tell her keeping to my end of the couch.

“So I can get a ride here but you won’t take me to the airfield,” Vicki asks moving over next to me.

I hear Mark’s car come up the driveway and as soon as it’s parked in the garage and I hear him walking through the house. I call down to him and wait, as soon as he gets to my room and sees Vicki his mood goes from indifferent to a little shocked.

“Oh, hi Vicki. It’s really good to see you again,” Mark says.

“Hi Mark, so could you leave us alone for a while, I need a ride somewhere and I’m trying to talk to Guy about getting one from him,” Vicki says ignoring Mark.

“Hey man, got a big thing going on tonight and I need someone smart and big. You wanna come,” I tell Mark as Vicky starts to cuddle up to me.

I watch Mark’s face go from hurt by Vicki’s dismissal to puzzlement at the invitation. I know he has questions; I check my phone’s clock and see it’s only four. Girls are still gonna be out for two more hours. I know Kori said five thirty but she’s shopping so I bet on six.

“So you think there’s going to be some trouble,” Mark asks folding his arms.

“I know there’s going to be something exciting, and that’s not counting the cars, bikes, racers and the women,” I watch Mark’s face change as I say women.

“I’ll be ready, we leave at six,” Mark asks.

I nod and hear him say something about a carwash as he closes the door and starts heading down stairs. I listen to Mark’s car head back out of the driveway and turn my attention back to Vicki, I finally notice her brunette hair has some red highlights and is shaved on the sides a little.

“Can I get a ride on your bike,” Vicki purrs crawling up my body like a cat.

“Ya know, I already promised a ride to my girlfriend,” I reply keeping my hands off,” I’ll let you ride with Mark or Imelda but my ride is for Kori tonight.”

“You’re no fun,” Vicki says starting to pull back.

I let her get some separation between us before I wrap my arms up around her body, one holding Vicki’s waist and the other with a handful of hair on the back of her head. I feel Vicki tense up but instead of pulling away she grinds her hips against mine.

“Oh that’s why I never fucked Mark,” Vicki says trying to kiss me.

“No, you don’t get kissed. You want to take my girl’s place and think I’m going to reward you after I said no? This is where you gave me shit now I give you a fucking,” I growl.

I shove Vicki to the other side of the couch and start to undo my pants, Vicki pulls her top off and I see black bikini top instead of a bra. I’m a little hard but I watch as Vicki continues to strip down until she’s wearing just a bikini bottom. I watch her start to lean forward to suck me off but instead I grab the hair on the top of her head and pull Vicki off the couch to her knees. I don’t know why but I’m really angry, Jackie keeping her distance from me then hiding her new guy, the arguing with Imelda and being called a coward by everyone. This will be better than jumping the gun as I start force feeding my cock into Vicki’s mouth. I feel myself go all the way down and into her throat before pulling back half way and gagging her again. I feel her start to cough a little before I take myself out of her mouth, a trail of drool stretching from my cock head to her open mouth.

“Come on… I saw you fight Blaze… make it really hard,” Vicki gasps.

The little bitch wants more, I don’t know if I’m more angry that she wants in or happy that she’s willing. I pull Vicki by her hair over to the bed and back her up against it keeping her on her knees. I see she’s keeping her arms behind her back and once I have her head pinned in place I push my cock all the way back into Vicki’s throat. I wait till she starts to struggle for air then back up all the way and start fucking her face fast. I’m hard and want to cum but I am still angry and need more, I bury my cock all the way down her throat again and keep the pressure on till I start to feel Vicki try to struggle for air. I wait till she starts to hit my thighs with her hands before pulling my out of Vicki’s mouth, I listen as she coughs and tries to compose herself for another face fucking. As soon as she starts to open her mouth I pull Vicki up by her hair and give her a light slap on the cheek.

“More bitch,” I ask Vicki.

“Sure unless you’re done and want me to hold you,” Vicki says trying to smile.

I smile as I turn Vicki around and push her onto the bed; I watch her start to crawl up the bed and squat on all fours. I move on top of Vicki pushing her body against the bed, I pull her bikini bottom aside and take my cock still covered in Vicki’s spit and start rubbing against her asshole.

“Oh no, wait a min…,” Vicki says as I push my cock up her ass.

Vicki clenches up her asshole but I’ve got my entire body weight and that lets me slowly push down into her ass. Thanks to her spit lube job on my cock it doesn’t take long till I’m buried all the way in. I grunt and feel the warmth of Vicki’s asshole wrapped around my cock, I take notice of Vicki biting the comforter on the bed and grab her hair like a handle and turn it so I can see her face. I make eye contact and back up my cock till only the last inch is inside her and slam all the way back into her ass causing us both to grunt loudly. I back up and slam in again taking long hard strokes into Vicki’s asshole, we’re both grunting and the sound of my hips slapping against her ass. I get an odd feeling and turn to see the door cracked open, I could have sworn that it was closed but I turn my attention back to the bitch beneath me.

I’m pounding Vicki’s ass harder and I pull her face out of the blanket. I grind my cock and hips against Vicki’s ass trying to feel as much of her ass around my cock as possible. I feel a slap on my ass and look to see Vicki has moved her arm around and is trying to either slap my ass and hip or grab my pants. I start to feel that tingle in the base of my cock and resume my pounding of Vicki’s asshole.

“Oh shit…. You’re fuckin’ cumming….,” Vicki says turning her head to see my face.

I grunt and start cumming in Vicki’s ass, it’s hard and I let the rush take me. I can feel her moving underneath me, grinding her ass up into my crotch as she cums from me dumping a load in her. We lay on the bed sweating and breathing heavy. I pull off of Vicki and let my cock fall out of her asshole. I back up off the bed and after putting my cock away I head to the bathroom to clean up. On my way back I can see Rosa downstairs looking like she’s heading out for the day in her regular clothes. I nod to her and head back to my room to see Vicki has clean up and is putting her clothes back on.

“Jesus I need to get fucked like that more often,” she says pulling her shorts up.

“Yeah well don’t get used to it,” I tell her sitting back down on the couch.

“Hey, asshole I ain’t asking for a lot here. Now you wanna tell me what the fuck is going on that makes you treat my ass like a punching bag,” Vicki asks sitting down on the bed.

“Got some real shit I’m dealing with and since you didn’t want to take no for an answer I fucked you so that you’d get a clue,” I reply still angry.

“Fuck that, when it’s all done tonight bring me with you and I’ll talk with your girlfriend about getting you to calm down,” Vicki tells me relaxing on my couch.

I explain to her what that I need her to help Kori when she gets here and make sure she looks like she belong. Vicki agrees and asks how tough Kori is, I tell her to keep an eye on her the whole night if Vicki wants to come back here. I flip on the TV and we relax till I hear a car pulling up, I motion for Vicki to wait as I head down to greet the girls. About the time I get to the garage I can see that everyone had a great time and probably spent more money than they needed to. I help out grabbing bags and watch as Kori gets to my room before I do.

“Wait a minute, who are you,” I hear Vicki say as I drop Kori’s bags inside the door.

“I’m his girlfriend,” Kori tells her smiling,” Baby look at me.”

I stop and let Kori take hold of my head, she looks me in the eyes and I can tell she’s trying to read me. I watch as she softens for a bit then get her resolve. Kori lets my head go and closes the door.

“So it’s that bad baby,” Kori says starting to go through her new clothing.

“Yeah, and people want me to lead the charge,” I tell Kori sitting down on the couch.

“Okay first off YOU’RE his girlfriend? What the hell does that make Imelda,” Vicki asks a little stunned.

“Oh that would make Imelda his girlfriend too. We all bring something different to the relationship and he keeps us all very satisfied,” Kori says smiling lightly.

I let the girls go over what to wear and Kori even let’s Vicki wear a few items. I watch as they grab a makeup kit and head down to the bathroom to continue the process. Abigail and Bethany both head out of their rooms and watch the other girls as they pass by. I grab my phone and text Carlos and tell him that we’re going to meet up at his home at six thirty and to not leave until I get there; I shoot Imelda a message saying I need her to keep everyone there and tell her what I told Carlos. I get confirmation from both of them and put my phone back in my pocket. I wait and soon enough the girls head back in all ready to leave, Vicki is still has her jean shorts and a tank top on but Kori grabs my full attention, tight hip hugging shorts with a thong coming out the top and a mesh tank top that I can see her bra underneath.

“Okay, I’m gonna die. I’ve seen it all and I can die happy,” I tell the girls.

“Heel’s or boots honey,” Kori asks sitting on the bed.

“Boot’s baby, might need to move quickly tonight,” I tell her getting my coat on.

It doesn’t take long for Mark to get back and I watch as he doesn’t even pull into the garage, just turns the car around so we can leave quickly. Both girls follow me down and I point Kori to take Vicki and get in Mark’s car. I hop on my bike in the garage and lead the way down to Carlos’s house.

The ride is fast and easy as we pull up getting Mark some attention to his muscle car from the boys. Imelda sees Vicki and shakes her head but she’s smiling and that’s good enough for me. I shake hands with Carlos and get everyone’s attention.

“Imelda and I lead on the bikes, Carlos your car in front and Hector is in back with his, Mark keep the girls in the middle. Two rules tonight, one we keep watch on the girls which means guard duty for the boys and two nobody goes after Blaze unless I do first,” I tell my assembled crew,” Am I fucking understood?”

I get a few ‘yes sirs’ and more nods in agreement when I see unexpected guests, Romeo and Marta. They start talking to Carlos who is defiantly giving them the ‘not going to happen’ speech. I watch Marta break away from Carlos and head straight towards me.

“We are coming with you,” Marta tells me.

I can see the bruise on her face has gone down in size but the color still looks off. Romeo looks still looks like he lost a fight with a rabid cat and can’t even stand up straight after the kicking he got.

“Marta you’re not coming and neither is he,” I tell her pointing at Romeo,” there’s no room and you both need to heal up.”

“I’ll be fine, good initiation as any,” Romeo says holding his ribs.

“Your call hermano,” Carlos says to me.

I shake my head no and get my helmet back on, Marta and Romeo stand back from the curb as my ‘convoy’ heads out. It’s an interesting drive down to the airfield; we get there about seven and can see that pretty much everyone is here. I pull into an open area and watch as Imelda and her boys pull up to my left while Mark and the girls come up on my right. Everyone clears out of the cars and I nod to Smitty and his father when they see Vicki getting out of the car. Smitty waves me over and I motion to Kori to come with me.

“You bring my baby girl in a car and show up like you are looking for some action,” the Old Man tells me,” You looking for trouble because a one on one fight is fine but gang warfare isn’t allowed.”

“Yeah well someone decided to go after family,” I tell them nodding in Carlos’s direction,” They want blood but I’m holding back the dogs till I get it confirmed who it was that messed up his sister and her boyfriend.”

“Rule still stands kid,” Smitty says crossing his arms.

“I know that and I’m not going to shit in your yard,” I tell Smitty and the Old Man respectfully,” but since I’m here, let me introduce you to my girl.”

I go through the introductions and Kori starts looking around at some of the vehicles and I follow her just keeping tabs. Imelda groups up with us still wearing her racing pants and jean jacket and I give Kori the full tour watching her get some stare from guys and a few girls. We get back to Carlos and the boys and chill out as a few races get going.

A couple hours in and Kori is having a good time dancing and socializing with various people. Carlos dances with her a little but laughs when she slaps his ass. I’m glad she’s having a good time but Hector is stewing the whole time and even Imelda is watching him a little. Mark has only left his car alone long enough to see a few other cars and talk to women about his car.

“Blaze is here,” Imelda tell me breaking the mood.

I watch Carlos and all his crew start to get ready for a fight and decide to be the one to do something stupid and head over to greet him. After a few feet I catch that Carlos is with me but the rest of his crew are hanging back. Blaze’s boys see me coming and try to stop me when Blaze pushes past them and takes his ‘leader’ position in front.

“So you actually showed up knowing I was gonna get mine from you and your girls tonight,” Blaze says smugly.

“Apparently you couldn’t wait for tonight could you Blaze,” I tell him with no humor in my voice.

“What the fuck you talking about,” Blaze asks dropping his tone.

“Maybe I’m talking about you threatening me and my girl’s family yesterday. Then someone decides to ambush Carlos’s sister and her boyfriend,” I tell him letting the details sink in,” It really took about five to six guys to take down one skinny Latino nerd and his girlfriend.”

“Wait you saying I did that shit? Fuck you boy I don’t need to talk explain shit to you,” Blaze says getting angry,” Now are you here to fucking put money down or not cause I got a money to make tonight.”

I watch Carlos start to move forward but I put my arm in front of him keeping him from rushing forward. Blaze backs up a little and I watch his boys start to push forward. We both keep our perspective sides where they are and I back up a few steps before turning away and heading back to our vehicles. I get back to my bike and see Mark’s car is missing. I look around and notice the boys are pointing to one of the starting areas. I get over to see Mark’s Challenger on the starting line with a BMW next to it; Imelda and Kori notice me and make their way over as the race starts. It’s over before it began, the Challenger was good but the BMW took Mark and is back and parked by the time Mark gets back.

“What happened man,” I ask Mark as he pulls up.

“I lost money, I thought I could take him,” Mark says disappointed.

I watch him sit with his car and sulk in his loss. Money changes hands no problem but it’s only an hour before I catch Blaze heading over in our direction. Hector and the boys start moving to intercept and I get in front to meet Blaze again tonight.

“Hey bike bitch, I got a fight for you,” Blaze says smiling,” my brother is a better fighter than I am and I say he can take you for a grand.”

I shake my head and see the girls taking notice along with Mark. The problem I’m having now is I don’t have the money and don’t want to fight.

“How about your bike for my bike in the fight,” I propose getting Blaze’s attention.

I watch him start talking when I see my first big problem for the night, Blaze’s little brother. I remember him from when I stopped by Abigail’s school and the bigger problem, his girlfriend Bethany. I watch Bethany and her boyfriend head to the front with Blaze and she sees me.

“Guy what the hell are you doing here,” Bethany asks surprised.

“I’m about to beat the crap out of your boyfriend cause his brother wants me to fuck him up like I did him a couple weeks ago,” I reply to Bethany while staring down Blaze.

“Wait I’m fighting who,” Bethany’s boyfriend asks.

“Me, only this time I’m not in the mood to play with my food,” I tell Bethany’s boyfriend before turning back to Blaze,” Now are you ready to put your bike up against mine in a fight or not.”

“You only want my bike because your boy over there can’t race his car worth shit,” Blaze says pointing out Mark.

“Well at least he pays his shit and doesn’t let his mouth write a check that his ass can’t cash,” I tell Blaze smiling,” and I don’t ask anyone else to fight for me. Besides, I figure taking that bike of yours and giving to Carlos and his family will be a nice get well present after that shit that ‘allegedly’ had nothing to do with you.”

“Bro I ain’t fighting someone just so you can win a bet,” I watch Blaze’s little brother say backing off.

Blaze starts to lose his cool and takes his crew away from the situation to talk about it I guess. I pull out my phone and tell Bethany to get her boyfriend to stand down or I will hurt him. I don’t see her anywhere but when I turn around I watch Mark talking to her by his car.

“What do you mean we’re going home now, I’m not Abigail and I don’t need you to babysit me,” Bethany tells Mark angrily.

“Mom and Dad would flip if they knew you were out here,” Mark says being too overprotective.

I break the two of them up and point Bethany back to her boyfriend. Once she’s away I get in Mark’s face.

“Man, you are not her older brother here, you are my back up and I need you to understand that those guys in the leather will not let shit go down like what you’re worried about,” I tell him trying to reassure his mind,” Now you want to make a presence, stand next to me and when Blaze comes back and he wants money back me up cause I’ll win.”

I see Mark nod and watch as he pulls off his polo shirt to show his six foot three inch wall of muscle physique. I nod to him and move back to Blaze calling over the biker from the first time who moves over to hear the bet and contest.

“Well Blaze, I ain’t got all night,” I tell Blaze smiling.

Blaze finally notices me then turns his attention to Mark who I think is either burning hole in his little brother or Bethany I’m not sure which. They continue the conference and I’m getting bored.

“Are you gonna run your mouth with your boys all night Blaze cause I have girls to get back to,” I ask smiling,” You remember what it was like having girls around right? You know after you win a race or a fight.”

Blaze shakes his head and I can see Bethany on her boyfriend’s arm. I watch as Blaze takes his crew and heads back to his truck minus his brother and Bethany. I shrug to the biker who shakes his head and goes back to the Old Man. Bethany starts to walk away with her boyfriend looking back a little embarrassed.

“Hey, why are you two leaving,” I ask Bethany’s boyfriend.

“Don’t fuck with me man I’m not in the mood,” I hear him say.

I cut around in front of them and hold my hands up for them to stop which they do but Bethany’s boyfriend start to get a fighting stance. I can see he’s ready to throw fists but when I extend my hand he pauses.

“I know he’s your brother and all but he’s also a showoff and an ass. You can leave with him or you can show Bethany a good time and hang out with Carlos and his crew,” I tell him still offering the hand.

I can see he’s puzzled but he takes my hand and we shake before I lead him back to the rest of the crew. I find out his name is Tyrell during the introductions and I can see Hector is sizing him up but Imelda sees it too and pulls him aside to calm shit down. After another hour I watch Imelda finally get challenged to a race which she wins pulling down another grand for herself and the mood is really looking good for the night when Carlos pulls me aside to talk.

“Hey, we going to take Blaze’s little brother back and kick the shit out of him,” Carlos asks quietly.

“No, we’re going to treat him well and show him that we’re good people to be around. Then we send him back to his brother with the thought that his brother could have been the one to beat up Marta and Romeo. Either I’ll get the truth from Tyrell or Blaze will come at us just for turning his brother on him,” I tell Carlos who starts smiling.

“Man you are either crazy or smart as hell,” Carlos says patting me on the shoulder.

I shrug and let him get back to the boys. I get waved over by the Old Man and head over on my own. He’s got a bunch of bikers around him and is sitting on his own bike when I get there.

“Are you busy kid or can you spare sometime to help me out with someone,” the Old Man asks.

“I can help depending on what you need me to do,” I reply.

“Well one of the guys who lost tonight is wanting out of his bet cause he claims he was cheated, sound familiar,” the Old Man starts in,” problem is Union doesn’t go after people when they owe other’s money, we’ll help out but we don’t get involved even though we were asked. Get the money back and I’ll even let Vicki have free reign around you.”

I can tell I’m being sized up for something but nod in agreement anyway before finding out it’s one of the Asian drivers, some techno pop kid with neon lights and no metal in his car. I head back and grab Mark and a couple of the guys including Hector before heading to where his car is. I find it and him parked in the back making out with an Asian girl who looks like she’s either had plastic surgery for her tits or is really lucky in the genetic lottery.

“Mark get the door I need to speak with the guy, Hector don’t let the girl go running off and screaming,” I tell the guys.

I watch Mark wrench the door open to the car and pull the little Asian guy out before slamming him back first against the car, Hector on the other hand opens the car door and playing gentleman. I approach the little Asian guy and make sure he’s paying attention to me by turning his head to face me with my hand.

“Hi, you don’t know me but I’ve been sent to find you. Apparently you are in default on your racing debt and people are becoming very upset with your lack of payment. Now I understand that you feel cheated and I really want you to know that while I sympathize with your situation I must insist that if you have any money on you to pay the debt of two grand you hand it over to me right now or I must have my friend here take it out on you and your car in trade,” I tell him calmly so he can understand me.

“They fucking cheated me, I ain’t gonna pay and the Union doesn’t do this,” I hear him say.

I watch as Mark does probably the smartest thing I’ve ever seen him do as he takes his fist and smashes it through the driver side window without a scratch. Hector and his boy’s jump a little and I must say I’m surprised at the initiative myself but I regain my composure and put the attention back on me.

“Now that was a basic example of what my friend here is capable of, now I am going to ask you again, where is the money you bet with for tonight,” I ask keeping my calm.

“I have his money,” I hear the girl say from the other side of the car,” He told me that if I held it he wouldn’t have to pay it.”

The girl walks over to me and hands me a wad of cash and I pocket it before telling Mark to let him go. I lead the group back and see the girl following us. I shake my head and smile as I break off from the group and head back to the Old Man and hand him the money which gets me a smile and a pat on the back. I can see the other bikers nodding and talking in approval as I head back to my own people. It hits eleven at night and I feel done with the whole thing and rally the group to head out. Bethany and Tyrell head to his car but not before I get a ‘thank you’ from Bethany and I notice as I’m putting on my helmet that the not so little Asian girl is sitting in his front seat. I chuckle and we head off back to Carlos’s place.

I drop the boys off with their cars and tell Carlos that it’ll be a few days but I’ll make sure we see some real results before heading off with Imelda and Mark back home. The ride is quiet and I get a chance to think about Tyrell and Bethany and decide to tell Mark to not go after his sister for getting out and having a good time cause it’ll make him look like a hypocrite. Once back inside I can tell everyone is sleeping save for all of us quietly walking in. I watch as Mark leads the little Asian girl off to his room and I give him thumbs up as I follow three sizes of sexy ass to my room. Once inside I close the door and watch as Imelda starts to sound proof the bottom crack of the door. I’m still angry from earlier and the girls can see it.

“Baby are you tired tonight,” Imelda asks stripping down.

“He’s not tired he’s angry,” Kori says following Imelda’s lead.

I watch the girls strip down, then get pulled over to the bed where the girls strip me down and I make out with Imelda as Kori starts giving me a slow blowjob. It’s a contrast with Imelda and I warring our moths while Kori is joined by Vicki working my cock slowly. I get pulled onto the bed by Imelda who is taking the initiative by lining up my cock with her pussy and pulling me inside her. I rock back and forth inside Imelda in slow strokes, I try to lie down on top of Imelda but Kori helps me sit up on my knees and I watch as she starts rubbing Imelda’s clit. I speed up a little and try to enjoy the sensation of Imelda’s pussy, it’s a tight and familiar feeling but with Kori making sure she cums quickly I don’t think I’ll be inside Imelda for long.

I watch Vicki and Kori start kissing and groping Imelda’s body with Kori still working over her clit while I keep my good rhythm in and out of her pussy. I’m still angry and want to go faster but Kori takes my hip with her hand and reset my pace to steady and winks at me. I feel Imelda clamping up and finally I watch as she starts moaning in her orgasm. Kori has me stop and I am still pent up as we move Imelda who is about to fall asleep in ‘happy post orgasm land’ to a side of the bed. I watch Vicki starts to kiss her way up my body but Kori has a different idea as she grabs Vicki by the hair and pulls her face to the bed pillows.

“Can’t you tell he’s angry, and you have to be such a selfish bitch,” Kori says smiling at me,” now I think we need to let him work it out what do you say.”

“Oh god I thought it was just him earlier but you encourage him,” Vicki says sounding a little worried.

“Did he fuck you earlier,” Kori asks stroking my cock to keep it hard.

“Yes he did, really hard too in my ass,” Vicki says sounding less concerned.

“Oh honey, I think I’m going to wait till morning cause I want you to cum in her tonight,” Kori purrs lining up my cock with Vicki’s pussy.

Earlier I didn’t even bother to use Vicki’s pussy but Kori is the one picking the hole as she kisses me before backing Vicki onto my cock. I take Vicki’s hips in my hands and start pounding hard into her pussy, Imelda got me started but I’m not sure I can keep myself from finishing as Kori stays kneeling beside me and starts licking my ear. I’m still angry from earlier but Kori and Vicki are making a convincing argument to feel a bit happier with my situation. I keep up my fast pace pounding Vicki’s pussy and I’m listening to two women moan, Kori and Vicki, I look to Kori for a second and see that while she’s got one hand on my back the other is playing with her own pussy. I nod to Kori and stare at Vicki getting a wicked grin on my face and Kori moves down on her side next Vicki on her hands and knees before taking her and starting to rub Vicki’s pussy. The double attention gets Vicki moaning louder and I can hear her biting the blanket on the bed as I keep the fast pace.

“Oh Jesus… I’m gonna cum… don’t stop please,” Vicki says as she starts to hit her orgasm.

I slam in to Vicki one last time and watch her grind back on me before collapsing forward and enjoying her afterglow from the orgasm. Kori lies on her side of the bed smiling then looks at my cock still hard and starts backing up the bed.

“I said I can wait until morning baby,” Kori says pouting a little.

“And maybe I need my girl to calm me the fuck down before I haul off and do something really dangerous,” I say smiling as I crawl up Kori’s body and slide into her pussy.

Kori is always soft and warm when I get inside of her and now is no exception and while I’m really pent up and still a little angry she is just too soft to be rough on. I start bucking my hips against Kori’s in slow but long thrusts, as soft as she is Kori is giving it back by pushing against me and breathing is short shallow breaths. I was close when I was fucking Vicki but so was Kori when she was helping and while I’d love to last through Kori’s orgasm I get that tingle and groan as I slam my cock into her pussy and feel like I’m gonna melt as I shoot my load into her pussy. Kori latches onto me as I cum and digs her nails into my back and bites my neck lightly as she hits her orgasm.

The four of us lay there in our post orgasm bliss as I roll of Kori and cuddle in next to her, I feel Imelda curl up behind me and when I hear a quiet snoring we all look over at Vicki who is lying on her chest doing the snoring. The three of us chuckle and drift off to sleep.

The next few days come and go uneventfully with Kori and Imelda bonding after Vicki and Mark’s Asian date get taken home on Sunday morning. I enjoy the peace that the days bring and even get Carlos and his crew to understand my tactics as I pester Bethany about her boyfriend Tyrell and what he knows about his brother. I don’t get much information but I do find out that Tyrell and Blaze aren’t getting along since I dropped the information that his brother gang beat a couple of kids from his school. Abigail and Carlos make it a point to be seen out together a couple times and on Wednesday things get more active as there is a public fair that the whole ‘community’ is encouraged to come to and attend. I find out it’s not just the upper crust and that Mr. Delauter makes it a point to attend every year and actually be a part of the community.

It’s about eleven in the morning that Wednesday and all of the girls are still getting ready while Mark Jr., Mr. Delauter and I sit ready and waiting in the TV room. When the girls are finally ready and down stairs we all get to comment on the very attractive ladies around us. Loretta is wearing a light weight blue dress, while Abigail and Bethany are wearing sundresses, pink and yellow respectively. Only one not wearing a dress is Kori and even then she has a skirt on with tight leggings underneath. We get into the garage and aside from Mark in his car and Kori and I on my bike we all head out to the fair grounds.

Apparently they treat a fair here like field day cause I see people from all walks of life moving around and having a generally good time. Carnival rides, games and carnie food are just the starters. Animals, school groups begging for money and support along with standard charities, and the merchants galore hocking trinkets all over the place. The family splits off after Mr. Delauter hands out cash and makes sure everyone has his or her phone.

“Okay baby, where do we go first,” I ask Kori following her lead.

“I wanna ride a horse,” Kori says smiling,” first let’s get you covered in sun block.”

I get gooed up with the sun block and immediately get dragged over to a couple large sheds that have been converted into barns for animals. Kori enjoys the petting zoo and feeding the cute animals and I just sit back and watch her enjoy her time. After a horse lesson and me standing in the shade for a half an hour Kori gets done with her horse ride and we decide to head out for food.

We get some real food from a chili table and Kori grabs some lemonade before we head off and sit in a shaded area to relax and enjoy our meal. We get done and find Carlos and Abigail walking in our area and decide to team up.

“Hey Carlos, good to see you out man,” I say holding my hand out.

“Not so good man. You still haven’t handled Blaze yet and now I’m looking like a fool with my boys and my cousin is telling me I need to listen to you,” Carlos says showing a lot of anger.

“Hey, I said I’d get information and I will but we have not real target and just saying it was him doesn’t cut it for me,” I reply getting angry.

I can tell Carlos wants to call me out about it but Abigail gets his attention and pulls him away to do something else. Kori leads me towards some games so I can ‘win’ her a prize. We continue to relax and I see more of the people from Carlos’s crew and the races around the grounds. I chat with some of the union guys and find out Smitty is doing drawn on tattoos for kids with his father and Vicki. I swing by and say hi Kori and Vicki talk a little bit while the Old Man pulls me aside.

“So my granddaughter says you’re a pretty decent guy, Guy,” the Old Man says smiling at his joke,” and I know she’s a big girl so you’re clear with me and my boy but this fighting needs to stay either controlled or it ends fast. I know he’s an asshole but Blaze has been around for a couple years along with Carlos’s crew which he inherited from his uncle. You’re a cinderblock getting dumped into a duck pond and I don’t like all the noise.”

“I’m not trying to start trouble sir but if it’s not at the races it’s up to the rest of us to handle business,” I reply choosing my words carefully,” people’s family got mixed up in this and that can’t be let go. I hope you understand I just want the person who started it to pay up, after that it’s over and we all move on.”

I see Smitty nod in agreement with me and the Old Man lets me have this one. I get back to Kori who tells me she wants a tattoo now, I’d love for her to get one but it took weeks for mine to get done right and her and I only have over a week left before I get back home. We continue looking around and I lose some money at the games as I attempt to win Kori a prize. I get a text from Bethany that she needs to see me at the rides. I grab Kori and we both head over to find her and Tyrell talking.

“Hey Tyrell, you doing okay,” I ask as we walk up.

“Nah man, I’ve been trying to talk to my brother about coming clean but he says he didn’t do shit. Now my family is all looking at him like he’s a criminal,” Tyrell tells me visibly upset.

“I don’t know man, I say let it go and see what happens then. Let’s see if you can win something for Bethany cause I can’t win shit for Kori,” I tell him changing the subject.

We continue to hang out and I get to see Blaze in a different light, somewhat. Apparently he’s always been an ass but him and Tyrell having different mothers can do that. Their father isn’t a deadbeat but he’s not around much either. I don’t push more than that in case I have to get Tyrell to do something big for me.

After several hours outside it’s only four in the afternoon and I’m feeling pretty good and not sunburned thank god. I’ve met up with a couple different people from the races but mostly end up following Kori around and letting her have free reign. Our happiness unfortunately ends when she spots Blaze and Hector about to beat the shit out of each other. I hand her my coat and try to cover ground to stop it before it starts. I get about fifteen feet away when Blaze takes the first swing and almost connects when Hector ducks and brings a right cross straight to Blaze’s jaw. Blaze is reeling and I finally get in-between them and can see Hector back is holding back but Blaze is looking for blood.

“Stand back bitch I’m gonna fuck his brown ass up,” Blaze yells ending all subtlety in the area.

“Ain’t so easy when someone sees you coming Blaze,” Hector yells back.

I watch Carlos and the boys back up Hector but Blaze has his boys and it’s looking like war when I voice booms over everyone.

“BRIAN, what the hell are you doing starting a fight here,” a short round black woman says getting in between everyone.

“I’m tired of people talking shit about me and sayin’ I did shit I never did,” Blaze aka Brian says loudly at the woman.

I have never seen a guy get slapped by his mom before but the sheer force his mother hits him with causes quiet among even Carlos’s crew. I leave Blaze to his mom and get in Hector’s face.

“He swung first, I get it. You’re pissed about what happened to Romeo and Marta. Now back down,” I tell him keeping calm and serious.

“Alright man, I only defended myself. More than Romeo got to do,” Hector says holding his hands up and backing away.

The whole thing disperses before any authority even shows up and I get a notice from Loretta that we’re getting together for some family time. Sadly when I get there Abigail and Bethany are almost to blows considering their boyfriends are on either side of a war. I watch their boyfriends who are civil with each other calm them down but Loretta and Mr. Delauter are both staring at me.

“Okay Guy, what is going on? I keep hearing about how you’re handling something for Carlos but now people are fighting and I see you telling people that they need to leave it alone,” Loretta asks me pulling me aside.

“I’m just trying to make sure people who mess with family get what they deserve,” I reply being very serious.

“You’re my son and I don’t think God wants you to be someone who punishes people just because they are able,” Loretta says to me trying to take the high road.

“Why not, someone has to and if you haven’t noticed when I got wronged I stood up and did something and guess what, my shit turned out just fine,” I tell Loretta getting angry.

“Honey you’re a good boy, I love you and know that you don’t mean that,” Loretta tells me trying to appeal to my good nature,” Someone died with what happened to you, you don’t want to see people die just because it makes things better.”

“Apparently you don’t know me. I’m not a good boy, MOM. I’m barely a nice guy, I do bad things to bad people and guess what,” I tell Loretta keeping my rage held in,” I am loved for it.”

Mark Jr. is the first person to back me off and I can see everyone except Kori staring at me with wide eyes and shocked expressions. I didn’t make Loretta cry but she definitely sees why I was the way I was when I arrived. Mr. Delauter asks me to step aside and talk to him privately and I can see where this is going.

“I thought we had a deal,” Mr. Delauter says plainly.

“We do. And I’ve been nice but don’t talk down to me just because I’m younger than you. And it’s true, while I’ve been down here I’ve lost sight of who I am and how I handle shit,” I tell him plainly,” Now I will still be respectful cause she earned that but I will not be told who I am by her or you.”

“So what are you going to do about your mother,” Mr. Delauter asks,” If this deal we made still stands then you need to make some peace.”

“Fine, I’ll tell her the same thing again,” I start in,” Politely, but don’t think for one single second I’m going to change the message.”

I decide I need to cool off and I see Kori following me as I head to my bike. She hands me my coat and says to be back in one hour. As soon as I’m on the bike I and off I see a second bike coming up on me in my rearview. It’s Smitty coming up on me with his bike, I just ride around till he waves me over to the side of the road.

“So you normally talk to your family like that,” Smitty asks questioning.

“Honestly I didn’t know them before almost five weeks ago and people are telling me who they think I am,” I reply annoyed,” It’s just pissing me off.”

“You know why my Dad gave you that patch,” Smitty asks me.

“Cause I throw down,” I reply quickly.

“You threw down but you knew what you were going to do. You didn’t rush, you let Blaze come at you and you fucked him up for the mistake,” Smitty tells me,” Now why aren’t you doing shit now?”

“Cause nobody has made a move cause I’m holding everyone back,” I reply more annoyed,” I should just let them go at it and see who’s left standing at the end.”

“You’re call, but taking shit out on family isn’t how men handle their business,” Smitty says solemnly,” Ride on but head back and don’t let this family you got here live with the shit you drop on their doorstep.”

“Fine, but what about Blaze and everyone else,” I ask him looking for insight,” What would you do?”

“Well either someone is lying or someone is trying to start a fight. Either way it gets figured out or you leave and they settle it after you’re gone,” Smitty says starting up his bike.

I watch him leave and send a text to Kori asking her to have Loretta wait for me by the chili tables. I get back with fifteen minutes to spare and beeline it over to Loretta and find her sitting alone.

“Are you okay,” Loretta asks me concerned.

“I’m calmer now but I’m not okay,” I reply sitting down,” I’m not some white knight; I’m not a good person. I have been trying to figure out why we’re at such odds considering I don’t feel anything when we’re trying to be a mother and son. I finally learned what the problem is, you don’t know me. I’ve been nice and polite, I’ve listened to all your stuff about change and you really have. You’re kind and nurturing to the girls and you’ve tried to be that with me and I appreciate everything. But I’m not what you want me to be and I never will be. I won’t come down here again until we can talk about it and you learn to accept that I don’t like hiding who I am just because it makes people nervous. I can tell you who it never made nervous, Dad and everyone else who was there with me when all my crap started.”

“I wasn’t there for too long and I understand that, but you can be someone different,” Loretta says pleading,” You don’t have to be some angel but you don’t have to be a vigilante either.”

We sit quietly but I already know it’s going to be more than a few months before I can talk to her and have her understand me. I lost sight of how I handle my problems and I realize that when I get back I need to really take control of whatever it is Katy is working on.

“Can we at least agree on one thing,” Loretta asks,” You’ve had some fun down here and you don’t hate me like you used to.”

I can’t argue the point, I hated what she was but now it’s different. I know she wants something from me but I’m not giving her any false hope. I nod simply to answer the question and see Loretta smile a little at the thought. We rejoin everyone else and Kori checks my face before telling everyone it will be okay. Her doing it however gets a question from Bethany.

“How do you know if he’s okay or if something is wrong just by looking at him,” Bethany asks confused.

“I love him; I love the bad and the nice. I can see right inside his head cause he loves me,” Kori says like its basic math.

We resume our fun and even listen to some local music which Kori likes but I’m not a fan of anything with twang in it so I let her sit back and enjoy. Mr. Delauter calls it a wrap at about seven in the evening, we all head back to our vehicles except for Bethany and Abigail who ask if they can stay with their perspective boyfriends. They get approval but are told that they have to be home before it gets too late. The ride home with Kori is nice and once home my girl has only bedroom on her mind as I get led away to my room.

Once the door is closed Kori kisses me and backs me up till we get to the bed then lays me down not letting her mouth off mine the whole way. We strip out of our clothes and I watch as she turns her whole body around and puts her slit right in my face. I’m a lot better than I was earlier but having Kori’s mouth on my cock makes me hungry and I dive in like an animal lashing at her pussy hole and clit with my tongue. The fierceness of my tongue gets a reaction but it doesn’t stop Kori from bobbing her mouth up and down on my cock as quickly as she can. I’m moaning into her pussy as I work it over and she’s moaning on my cock as she does her business when I feel her start to shift. I watch her turn her entire body around and without any hesitation slides her pussy onto my cock.

Kori gasps and I moan at the feeling, something about her is different tonight and I try to say something only to have her cover my mouth with her hand and ‘shush’ me. I watch her body as she sits upright riding my cock cowgirl style, Kori’s big breast bouncing with the long strokes she’s taking. It’s sweet and not slow as she takes her time working my cock over but I’m looking for more. I let Kori rise up till only the last inch is inside her then slam the whole length of my cock up inside her pussy surprising her. Even with no lights on in the room I can see Kori’s eye go wide, I take my hands and hold her hips in place and start fucking her hard and fast from beneath. The slapping of my hips hitting hers fills the room and I can hear her making a gasping noise as I take no prisoners on her pussy. Suddenly I feel liquid spray up my stomach and Kori slams her entire body down onto mine rubbing our chest together and trying to suffocate me with her mouth. I made her cum so hard she squirted and the thought alone pushes me to grind in her pussy which makes Kori bite my lip as I feel that tingle and flood her pussy with my semen. We lay there for an unknown amount of time grinding together and in pure bliss. When Kori finally decides to move it’s for a total of five inches onto my right side and my cock falls from her pussy spent.

“If you did that every time I’d go insane,” Kori whispers with a smile in her voice.

“Just didn’t want to keep my girl waiting,” I reply kissing her forehead.

“Loretta wants you to come back next summer,” Kori says breaking the mood.

“No she doesn’t, she wants the little boy she lost to come down here again,” I tell her quietly.

“Okay, well maybe we consider it or we do what Imelda was telling me about and go to college down here and have her help,” Kori says trying to plead the case,” I know you don’t love her but that doesn’t mean you can’t try to learn. You learned to love me right and I’m so much worse than she was.”

“Oh that is some guilt trip bullshit,” I tell Kori and when I look at her face I can see her smiling,” you and Loretta are nothing alike in my mind. But Imelda is down here and maybe I’ll consider it as an escape route for us in the future.”

“No escape routes, we need a good future baby,” Kori says keeping my gaze with her hand,” and if she’ll provide it for the chance to get to know who you really are then I’m telling you that you will let her.”

With my girl telling me I need to consider my options for the future even though I’m just becoming a junior in high school. I shake it off and see the sun hasn’t even set yet but after walking around and making my woman remember why she’s with me I drift off to sleep.

I get woken up by my cellphone going off in my jean pocket. I see Kori on her side sleeping soundly and quietly get up and check the message. It’s a text from an unknown number saying ‘Hey man, you awake’. I check the clock and see it’s eleven at night, I reply with who is this. I get ‘Hector, I got your number from Imelda, I need to meet up with you, it’s important’. I get the details and punch the location into my phone before telling him I’ll be in a while. I get dressed quietly in a black t-shirt and my jeans, boots and hooded jacket.

Nobody is awake as I head out of the garage on my bike and get on my way down the road before anyone could wake up. The ride is quiet and I wonder what the hell Hector wants with me this late at night. He listened after he punched Blaze in the face but he might have got something new for me and anything is worth a quick trip to find out more about who did what. The address is a bowling alley of all things but it’s closed and I park my bike before looking around.

After waiting for ten minutes I hang my helmet on the bike and start pacing in the building parking lot trying to see where Hector is coming from. I shoot him another text asking where he is but I get no response and pocket my phone. Another five minutes and I start walking to the side of the building when I see Hector’s car sitting with the driver door open and Hector himself sitting on the ground next to a dumpster.

“Hector, that you man,” I ask walking up.

I get to ten feet and that’s when I see the blood in the light of the alley, it starts at about Hector’s waist and turns into a puddle on the ground. I see he’s got his hand clamping down on his side but he’s fading out of consciousness fast. I rush to Hector’s side and move him down onto the ground so he’s laying and use my hand to hold pressure on the wounds while hitting the autodial on my phone for 9-1-1.

“Hector I need you to stay awake, talk to me Hector,” I tell him trying to remain calm.

“He stabbed me…. Why did he stab me…,” Hector says delirious.

“Who stabbed you Hector, tell me who stabbed you,” I ask as hear the operator pick up,” Help me I have a friend and he’s been stabbed by the bowling alley off forty third.”

I can hear the operator tell me that units are already in route, why are they in route? I set my phone down and focus on Hector. His eyes are glazing over and I need to keep him awake like they do on the tv.

“Hector, who stabbed you, was it Blaze,” I ask desperately.

“No… Carlos… trusted him...,” is the last thing I hear Hector say before going limp.

Oh Christ he’s gonna die, he just passed out and he’s gonna die. That’s the only thing I have running through my head as I take one blood soaked hand and check to feel his pulse is weak but I’m guessing since I have no clue what I’m doing. I have Hector’s blood all over my hands and I’m kneeling in a pool of blood when the flashing lights give me some quick respite until I see they aren’t just paramedics, two police officers are pointing weapons at me and yelling for me to step away.

“He’s bleeding out, get someone over here now,” I yells freaking out.

The paramedics start doing their job and I back up just long enough to get tackled to the ground by one officer and my arms get wrenched behind my back and on go the cuffs. I can hear the second officer calling it in that there was a stabbing and they have a suspect in custody. Hector didn’t text me, he never got my number from Imelda. I’m stood up by the cop and my hood is pulled off my head as he takes my wallet and phone out of my pocket with my other small possessions. I get put in the back of a cop car and I realize I’m still covered in blood. I got set up, stabbed Hector and called the cops so I would be here when they showed up. I doesn’t matter about the blood on my hands now, I pray for jail. Jail would be safer for the son of a bitch who set me up. Carlos or Blaze, I don’t care who did what anymore. Not more game on, just game over.

Part 8

It’s a different experience being manhandled by the police when they want to question you. The processing was kind of like I’ve seen on TV; they cleaned the blood off my hands and ran my ID’s in their system with me keeping silent the whole time. I get through basic processing and the handcuffs get taked off before they sit me in a room to wait for ‘questioning’. It’s pretty much like every room you see in the shows, one metal table, three chairs and a one way window that everyone knows people are behind it. The officer sits me in a chair facing the door and leaves me alone in the room.

I sit quietly and think about what Hector said, Carlos… trusted him. I play the words over and over again. Carlos lied; he wanted a fight and stabbed Hector. Why? It doesn’t make sense to me but as far as I know Hector is dead and I figure that I should just keep my mouth shut and tell nobody what Hector said before I got taken away. I’m sitting alone for what feels like an hour when a Latino woman in a pant suit enters the room with a file folder. I watch as she methodically sets the file down and takes a seat before opening the file and reading the contents. I know I should ask for a lawyer but I have no clue what’s going on in the first place. I figure keep my mouth shut until someone I know shows up to get me out.

“My name is Detective Escalante. You are Guy Donnelly, age 17, address on your ID says Washington but your driver’s license says Texas,” the woman starts in,” We’re currently going through your cell phone and we have CSU combing the site looking for the weapon so let’s just keep this simple. You tell me what happened and I’ll tell the DA that you are still a minor and you can be tried as one.”

I sit in my seat, every cop show I’ve seen says she’s fishing for me to say something and slip up or tell her too much. I fold my hands on the table in front of me and stare at her like I don’t understand English.

“Mr. Donnelly you do understand that you are currently looking at charges for attempted murder,” the Detective Escalante says as I remain silent.

I cock my head to the side and continue my ‘I’m very sorry I don’t understand English’ look. It dawns on me the sheer humor in the role reversal of the Latino woman talking to a white male who doesn’t understand English.

“Mr. Donnelly I don’t think you realize how serious this situation is,” the Detective Escalante says starting to get angry,” You need to tell me what happened behind the bowling alley or you’re looking at serious charges for obstruction of justice.”

Oh god she’s really desperate, first I’m the suspect and now she needs me to tell her what happened. I look the female detective in the face; she’s definitely not amused by my silent treatment. I should say something, but what do I tell her without letting her know that I have something that will get in the way of me taking Carlos out. It hits me like a light bulb in the attic. I get a shocked look on my face and remembering high school foreign language class and the audio books I start talking to her, in somewhat fluent Russian.

“(I honestly don’t have anything to tell you Ma’am. Really I’m more interested in seeing if they’ll stop me if I try to masturbate here at the table),” I say getting a confused look from the detective.

“Mr. Donnelly this is not some game where you think that being clever will get you out of trouble,” the detective says getting angrier.

“(I’m not being clever, I’m just educated differently. Honestly I’d love to see you in your underwear but that’s just not very professional),” I tell her again drawing angry confusion,” (While I don’t know how bad you may need this case personally I’m pretty sure they don’t promote you for accusing someone who didn’t do the crime.)”

I can see this she is getting pissed and watch as she slams her hand on the table and curses. Detective Escalante looks at the mirror and I decide to go full on goofy with the situation and quickly get up from the chair and start talking in happy Russian to the people on the other side of the glass.

“(I would like to place my order now please; I’d like a bacon burger with onion rings and not fries. For a drink I’d like a chocolate milkshake along with a soda, which needs to be a Dr. Pepper),” I say to the people on the other side of the glass while smiling widely,”(Do I pay the woman here in the room or will you run my card since you took my wallet).”

“Mr. Donnelly sit down and stop these antics right now,” Detective Escalante says losing what little cool she has left.

“(Oh, first date. I’m sorry my lovely, my date would like the chicken pita with hot sauce and fries, for a drink she’d like a Sprite),” I tell the window people before getting quiet,” (She’s really sensitive about her weight but that’s between us).”

It’s when I get grabbed by the detective and slammed against the glass with my arm pulled behind my back that I start laughing for real. I’m going to get my ass beat by a female cop and I’ve got an audience. Sadly it doesn’t pan out that way for me and I get shoved into my chair before I watch Detective Escalante grab the file folder and leave the room completely pissed off. As soon as she’s out of the room I completely stop laughing and return my hands to my lap and stare at the door. If I could I’d get a video tape of this just to post in on Facebook.

Again I’m left alone and continue to ponder what I’m going to do next, find Carlos and beat a confession out of him seems simplest. Maybe lure him somewhere and after I get a confession kick his head off his shoulders. I don’t know how long I’m in the room this time but when I see the door open I’m greeted by the sight of Loretta and Mr. Delauter, both of them are dressed and Mr. Delauter has a suit on and a briefcase with him. For the first time I’m actually happy to see the both of them and I let my face show it by starting to look like I’m going to cry. Loretta is all over me with questions and hugging me. Mr. Delauter on the other hand is pissed off but not at me, which draws some serious tones from the people he’s talking to outside the room.

“Guy, we can leave now, the officers were wrong to ask you any questions without an adult present,” Mr. Delauter says to me before turning his attention to the officers in the hall,” I’ll be filing a formal paperwork with the District Attorney in six hours. By this time tomorrow you’ll either be suspended or I’ll have a formal apology from this department for gross negligence of his rights as a minor.”

I can hear them arguing outside of the room about how I am the prime suspect and that I’m withholding information. I get my possessions from the guy behind a desk with a cage, I know it’s all been gone through but if I’m gonna get interrogated I’m going to let Loretta do it at home.

Once we’re outside and in the car I ask Mr. Delauter to drive me back to the bowling alley and sure enough my bike is gone, they towed my bike to the station. I find out it’ll be a few days before I can have it back and now I’m actually pissed off. We get home about four thirty in the morning and not even Rosa is here when I walk in from the garage and head straight into the office taking my usual seat for when Mr. Delauter wants to talk. He and Loretta both sit down with me before he begins.

“First off we need to understand each other, I’m your guardian and so is Loretta while you are down here. However as of right now I am your lawyer, now as your lawyer I need to know everything you know about what happened. If you don’t tell me everything then I can’t defend you, are you fully understanding me,” Mr. Delauter says keeping a professional tone.

“I understand, I’ll start from the beginning…,” I say beginning my story from where I got the text from ‘Hector’.

I lead the both of them through the details but leave out what Hector said about Carlos. It bugs me to keep that out of it with them for some reason but they’ll just get in the way when I get my chance to get some truth. I can see Mr. Delauter weighing the information but Loretta is all sympathy as she holds my hand and seems proud that I tried to save Hector. Mr. Delauter asks me a good grouping of questions ranging from ‘did I have a knife’ or ‘did I have problems with Hector’, ‘to who do I think sent the text message’. It finally dawns on Loretta that I’ve been up since eleven the night before and she cuts everything short before walking me up to my bedroom and lays me down on the couch in my clothes before I pass out.

I get woken up by Kori nudging me trying to figure out why I’m sleeping on the couch, I mumble that I love her and go right back to sleep. I have sunlight in my face blinding me and it’s enough to get me in a bad mood as I move out of the light and see Kori staring at me pissed off.

“Are we awake now,” Kori asks starting in on me,” Cause I wake up and have your mother telling me that you were in police custody because you were caught next to someone who was stabbed. Why am I only finding out about this now?”

I sit up and try to shake the sleep off before standing up and facing her. I take her hands in mine and pull them to my face so she can hold my head and look into my eyes. It takes her a second to figure out what I’m doing but as soon as she starts looking into me with her pretty grey eyes I can see her mood change from angry to upset.

“Baby you need to wake me up when things are that bad,” Kori says moving me over to the bed and laying me down.

I quietly tell Kori the full story leaving nothing out, she chuckles at my theatrics with the detective but generally is upset with the situation. At some point in being held I doze off but get woken up by a soft warm feeling of Kori’s mouth gently nursing my cock till it’s fully hard. I try to pull Kori up to me but she grabs my hand and pins it down while continuing to work my cock over in her mouth. It’s a much better way to wake up than blinding sun.

I don’t have to wonder about Kori’s intentions as she starts bobbing her head hard and deep on my cock with more energy than she’s known for showing. I start to get a tingle in the base of my cock and shoot my load into Kori’s willing mouth. I’m wide awake and definitely ready for anything but Kori isn’t stopping as she keeps pumping my cock till nothing is coming out. Finally she lets me fall out of her mouth and gets up from the bed going through my clothes.

“Strip down we’re getting you ready for the day, get out of those nice clothes and get into these,” Kori says laying down my camo pants and a black metal shirt.

I get changed while I watch her get on the phone and start making a call. I pick up on that it’s Imelda on the other end of the phone. Kori tells her to drop what she’s doing unless it’s work and get her ass over here immediately before hanging up and taking my hand leads me down the stairs.

“Loretta, is there any food left? He needs to eat before he heads out,” Kori says sitting me down in a stool before going through the refrigerator.

“Why is Guy leaving,” Loretta asks coming in from the dining room.

I watch the women get me a plate of leftovers and start eating while Kori explains things to Loretta.

“You don’t know him and both of you know that. I know him and when things get bad you can do one of two thing, get behind him and wait for him to ask you for help or get out of his way,” Kori tells Loretta plainly,” Now if you ever want to know who your son really is either help him or just wait for us to leave and you’ll never see him again.”

“What is he going to do,” Loretta asks quietly.

“Someone is setting him up, that means they know him and he knows them,” Kori tells her,” now we stand back and wait to see the whole picture that he’s gonna paint for us.”

I can see Loretta getting confused but Kori continues to explain what I do, I can tell she wants to talk about Derek but instead focuses on Kamran and what happened in the building with him and Lajita. I smile as she recounts a PG rated version. Loretta nods looks to me smiling lightly.

“The detective from the police station wants to talk to you about what happened in the alley, they also say you’ll be able to pick up your bike this afternoon,” Loretta says taking my plate and putting a second in front of me.

I find out that Mr. Delauter has left and gone to the office to handle my case with others leaving the rest of the family in the house. I let Loretta call the Detective and watch as Kori heads up to Abigail’s room. I finish my second plate by the time Kori gets back and she smiles before I see Abigail come rushing down behind her.

“Carlos is at the hospital, nobody knows that you were there with him,” Abigail says as we head outside.

“I’m gonna need to get a hold of Carlos,” I tell Abigail who gets grim at my words.

“I can’t do that, we’re really going well and I don’t want to mess that up,” Abby says nervously.

“If he set me up then it’s just a matter of time before he hurts you, I’m not going to hurt him,” I say half lying to her,” if he’s innocent I’ll know by the shock.”

“Who are you going to shock,” I hear Bethany ask as she joins us.

I let Kori and Abigail brings her up to speed about everything before I tell her what she’ll have to do.

“Beth you need to get me Blaze’s address from Tyrell,” I tell her plainly.

“But they’re not close and that’s going to start a fight,” Bethany replies anxiously.

“Yes it probably will but you need to do it anyway,” I tell her giving no other option.

I don’t tell the girls everything I’m planning but I didn’t tell Kori everything last time so it’ll be alright once it all works out in the end. We’re talking for a few hours when I hear boots stomping their way through the house in my direction, Imelda’s here. I get up from my seat and step away from the table as Imelda get’s out the back door and rushes me mad and upset.

“Why the fuck didn’t you fucking call me and let me know you were in shit,” Imelda starts in shoving me,” Why do I have to hear shit from everyone else that you got stopped by the police? What the fuck happened?”

“The police think I stabbed Hector,” I tell her plainly.

“Wait, why would they think you stabbed Hector,” Imelda says getting confused.

I watch her look at the other girls who are staring at her with a serious expression, when she looks back to me I can see something I never expected from her, doubt. I let Imelda take me by the hand and watch as she waves Kori to follow us. We march into my bedroom and I get sat down on the bed before Imelda shuts the door after Kori.

“How do you do it,” Imelda asks Kori,” How do you do the whole stare at him and know thing?”

“it’s his eyes, he won’t hurt us so I just look and see where his pain or anger is, took me a while to learn him but I’m the only one who does it,” Kori explains to her.

I never understood why or how Kori can do it but she’s been accurate a lot and I never questioned it with her. Now Imelda is having doubts and she thinks she can find the truth. I watch Imelda get on her knees in front of me and take my head while desperately looking into my eyes. I don’t know what she’s expecting to find but after a minute she looks at Kori and I can see she’s either going to cry or run.

“Ask him and look at him, either you’ll see it or not,” Kori tells her as she kneels down next to Imelda.

“Did you stab Hector,” Imelda asks tearing up.

I don’t know if I’m supposed to do something but after few seconds I see Imelda start crying place her head on my lap. Kori starts rubbing her back and after a few seconds Imelda regains her composure.

“Okay, I’m alright. So what do we do now,” Imelda asks looking between us.

“I find out why the last name Hector told me before he passed out was Carlos,” I tell her causing
Imelda to go from sad to upset.

“Wait you think Carlos had something to do with it,” Imelda asks not happy with my new information.

I explain that I’m going to get my information out of Carlos whether Imelda is going to help or not. I can see she’s not happy with the idea of me kicking the crap out of her cousin but Imelda says she wants to be the one to confront him with me and either I let her or she’ll tell him herself about everything. I don’t like being put in a corner on this but Imelda says there is no other option for me.

“Fine but if he even gives me a hint that he did it I’m going to tear his ass apart,” I tell her leaving no doubt as to my intentions.

The three of us try to calm down with Kori almost putting Imelda and myself in neutral corners. It’s about three in the afternoon when I get called from down stairs by Loretta, apparently I have a visitor. I motion for the girls to stay in the room and head down stairs to see Detective Escalante standing in the main entrance with Loretta. I hurry down the stairs and Loretta leads us into Mr. Delauter’s office. Once inside we all take a seat before I watch Loretta take out a recorder and place it on the desk.

“Mrs. Delauter what are you doing,” the detective asks puzzled.

“Oh my husband said that any and all questions are allowed to be recorded by the accused as well as the police. If you want to wait till he’s home so you can do this with him here I can fix you a plate of food,” Loretta says being almost sickeningly sweet.

I can see Detective Escalante is not happy with the theatrics but she takes out a recorder of her own and lists day and time along with my name as first witness to the incident. We got through all the basic information of what happened from when I got the text message to when the police slammed me to the ground. I repeat my answers the same way as she reaffirms the questions two more times.

“So how do you know Hector,” the Detective asks plainly.

“He’s a friend,” I reply with a look of concern on my face.

“So you had no problems with Hector at all and when you got the anonymous text message you decided to trust the situation blindly,” the detective asks continuing the questions.

“It made sense when I asked who it was and how he got my number,” I explain letting her know the basic information.

“Well I don’t have any more questions,” Detective Escalante says starting to get up.

“But I have some and considering you literally went from accusing me of stabbing one of my few friends down here I’d like some answers,” I state to her visibly upset,” Like why when I try to do the right thing and call 911 and attempt to stop the bleeding your officers tackle me to the ground with no provocation at all? Or even better, instead of trying to even talk to me in the interrogation room you come at me like I should be guilty just because it’ll make life easier for you? Do you know how racist that makes you just because I’m white and he’s Latino that you assume I wanted him dead?”

I can see the barrage of questions doesn’t faze her until I call her racist, that’s when I see the shock of it all hit her. There’s my first shot scoring a direct hit and I decide to turn up the heat.

“Here, let me just help you so before you decide to get a warrant so you can poke your nose through my possessions,” I say leaving the room quickly and grabbing my bag with all my clothes and dump them out in front of her,” Here, now you can go through my possessions since their right in front of you like a good Fedérale.”

“Mr. Donnelly I have never approached this with any sort of racial bias and I find the accusation insulting,” Detective Escalante says standing up to me.

She’s about five foot nine and is probably in her mid thirties, she has a different pant suit on but I notice instead of ample curves she has a slightly more athletic build but still has hips and tits. I refocus on her quickly to keep my ground.

“Well you could have fooled my Step Father and Mother with the way you completely decided to disregard my rights,” I tell her showing a lot more anger than I actually have,” Or was that your way of just getting back and all the times a white person decided to look down on you cause of your skin color?”

Before the detective can retort Loretta takes control of the situation and tells me to calm down then turns her attention to the Detective Escalante.

“I’m sorry Detective but my son has a point, and unless there is something you can tell us about this that will make the situation understandable to me I will advise my husband that he should file harassment charges for the racial profiling that has been done to my son,” Loretta says keeping perfectly calm.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss the details of the case at considering your son is involved,” the detective says trying to regain her professionalism.

“Wow, I have to figure out how to say ‘racist cop’ in Spanish,” I say loud enough for her to hear.

“So you both can understand me I’m not permitted by my job to tell you anything about this case, I don’t need to justify myself to either of you concerning what you perceive as racial profiling,” the detective says with wavering conviction.

“Well than can you explain why you slammed him face first into a mirror and threw him into a chair, because that was assault in a pretty clear sense,” Loretta says getting my attention quickly.

“I understand that you’re upset because of that and it was uncalled for given the situation,” Detective Escalante says getting more behind the eight ball with us,” We’re more open to other suspects at this time considering the lack of evidence and the testimony from Hector.”

Holy shit Hector is alive, but what did he tell them? He couldn’t have outed Carlos to them or they wouldn’t be talking to me. But Hector and I aren’t so close that he’d just out Carlos to me and then not tell anyone else. I’m confused and decide to switch gears with the detective.

“Okay, so it’s not okay to racially profile me and then knock me around in room so do you think I stabbed Hector,” I ask her plainly.

“I can’t answer that Mr. Donnelly,” Detective Escalante says stopping her recorder,” I need to get back to the station but your vehicle has been cleared by CSU.”

I watch Loretta walk Detective Escalante out before returning to me and shutting off the recorder. I smile wide and watch her get confused for a moment then smile.

“Did you just call her a racist to see how she’d react,” Loretta asks chuckling.

I nod and we both start laughing, I’m pretty sure she’s not racist but it’s funny to call someone racist when your white. I call the girls down and tell Imelda the good news about Hector which comes as no surprise to her but she’s still concerned about what I plan to do to Carlos.

“Kori I’m going to head out with Imelda to get my bike then I need to see Carlos and the boys, if someone is screwing with me then I need him to help me out who did it,” I tell Kori while the rest listen.

“Well you said you left at eleven last night right,” Abigail says confirming my earlier story,” He couldn’t have been there when you left because he was with me.”

The whole room except for me freezes at the comment, Loretta is first to jump on the safe sex bandwagon and I watch the rest of the girls get very supportive of Abigail taking ‘matters’ into her own hands.

“Wow, so you brought him back here and snuck him into your room,” asks Bethany smirking.

“No, we were in his car,” Abigail says red faced.

Loretta stops any further questions into the event and Imelda seems relieved that Carlos has an alibi but I need to get in his shit to find out if he’s clean or not. I grab my coat and have to use Imelda’s spare helmet as we leave home for the police station.

Once we get to the station it’s just minor paperwork that I have to sign so I can get my bike back but it’s the stares I’m getting from a few suits that draws my attention. I can see Detective Escalante staring at me from her desk when an older white man with his badge on his jacket come out of his office and head straight towards me.

“Mr. Donnelly, I’m Captain Miller,” the man says extending his hand,” I’d like to speak with you privately if that’s alright.”

“I’d love to but I need an attorney around for questioning,” I tell him shaking his hand.

“Only if it pertains to your involvement in the case,” He says trying to lead me to his office.

“(I’m sorry but I was always told that you need to avoid older men when they try to get you alone),” I tell him getting the attention from everyone in the room as I speak Russian.

“What did you just say,” Imelda asks me confused.

“Nothing important,” I tell her smiling before turning my attention to the Captain,” I am not inclined to follow you, sir. Now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to get out of here before I get tackled or slammed into a mirror, again.”

“Okay kid, you made your point. You want to know why I tackled your ass, because punks like you don’t know the meaning of respect,” a slightly familiar officer says to me sternly.

I turn and see the jack hole that tackled me last night. He’s about my size and looks a little mixed, probably white and Mexican. I smile and get within arm’s reach before the Captain cuts me off.

“Respect is earned; the badge doesn’t give it to you. And next time you see me and decide you want to get all jumpy you better shoot me first or I’ll make you eat that badge,” I tell the officer smiling.

“That’s enough, Officer get to your business. You come with me,” Captain Miller says leading me by the arm into his office.

I wave Imelda off and refuse to sit down once inside the office, I watch as Detective Escalante follows us in and takes a seat at across from her boss.

“I can understand that you’re upset at your treatment during your questioning and I’d like the chance to apologize for that,” the Captain says starting his speech,” This situation has gone from bad to worse and now I am told you plan to file personal charges and misconduct against one of my newest detectives. I’m wondering what can be done to keep this from happening?”

“Oh my god, you want to bribe me or convince me to keep quiet,” I blurt out starting to laugh,” Are you fucking serious?”

“I’m hoping we can come to some sort of understanding but if that’s not possible then you are welcome to pursue your charges and I’ll probably have to suspend the detective while they whole thing runs its course and assign her case to someone else which means that they’ll have to question you all over again and this time we’ll have to do it here. It’s up to you.”

“Wow, you are serious. You really think that threatening me with another, probably not so attractive detective is going to convince me that removing an unprofessional detective is a bad thing,” I ask still chuckling.

“I can go down all the reasons why I became a cop and a detective but you wouldn’t listen anyway,” Detective Escalante says visibly upset at the threats,” This isn’t about the case this is about you and me. I am sorry for the treatment you received from me this morning; it was exceptionally rude and unprofessional. I don’t expect you to understand the stress of this case on an adult but I hope you can try to see my point of view on your situation.”

I’m a little stunned at her more heartfelt apology, not too much but I’ve got an itch and I don’t know why when it comes to her. I sit down in the chair and watch as the Captain starts to feel like he’s getting somewhere with me before I talk.

“I need you to leave the room right now please,” I ask the Captain getting a look of surprise.

I wait for him to leave and once he’s out of the room I hop up and close the blinds so nobody can see inside the room. When I sit back down the Detective is staring at me waiting for some sort of attack.

“It’s a big case,” I ask her plainly.

“Yes, I am trying to prove I can handle cases without a team of people and this one is small enough that I shouldn’t need more detectives,” She tells me opening up a little.

“I didn’t do it, I feel like I was set up to take the blame or at least keep the heat off someone else,” I tell her keeping my eyes on hers,” Yeah I am pissed about the treatment but I can help if you’ll let me.”

I watch her turn from confused to mildly interested. We quietly discuss everything that has been happening with the confrontation and then get into the beating that Marta and Romeo took. I can see she wants to make this more official but we’re not there yet and she knows it.

“So what do you need me to do if I was going to help you,” she asks plainly.

“You give me two days before you start having me watched when you come up with the framing and possible target idea, no cops and no tails on me,” I tell her smiling,” After that you can watch me like a hawk and if I get any real evidence like a weapon or a name of who is responsible I’ll dump it to you anonymously.”

I watch Escalante mull it over to herself before we come to an understanding and I promise that if she does what I ask I’ll drop all personal charges against her. We exit getting some stares from the other officers and I watch her head right back into the office with her captain. I’m out the door and on my bike in record time; I tell Imelda ‘hospital’ and let her lead me out. The whole trip there I don’t see any familiar cars following me and figure that things are going to work out for a while at least. I plan to hold up my end of the deal, well maybe not all of it when it comes to a living person for them to try in court.
We get to the hospital about six in the evening and Imelda leads me up to Hector’s room. I see a woman who I assume is Hector’s mother along with Carlos who brightens when he sees me. I don’t know what to do about Carlos but it’s Imelda who ignores her own cousin to speak in Spanish to the mother. After a few words I stand there as the nice Latino woman speaks very fast and tearful to me in complete Spanish which I have no clue to what she’s saying before her and Imelda head out of the room leaving a semi conscious Hector and Carlos alone with me.

“Hey man, I’m glad you had Hector’s back last night,” Carlos says gratefully,” We need to find out who did this and take care of them.”

“Funny thing, before he lost consciousness he said your name when I asked him who did this,” I tell Carlos turning up the anger.

“Wait, you think I did this to my brother,” Carlos says getting very offended.

“Well you’ve been pissed about Abigail for a while now and it could have been really easy to just take matters into your own hands blaming me and getting an excuse to go after Blaze,” I say with more anger.

“We let that go after it happened, we both agreed that it was done and no more beef between us,” Carlos says trying to pull the blame off.

“Yeah and we agreed about your sister and the double date too and I remember that you have trouble keeping your word to me,” I tell him bringing his history into it.

“Hey… I can’t rest through this,” Hector says stopping the argument.

I move over to Hector’s side and see him smile a little, Carlos gets on the other side but won’t stop staring a hole through me.

“Hector did you see who did this to you,” I ask again now that he’s not dying in front of me.

“No, I remember you asking if it was Blaze. I told you that Carlos trusted that it wasn’t him who started this,” Hector says weakly due to the painkillers.

“See it wasn’t me OR Blaze, you’re way off,” Carlos says still angry for the accusation.

“No I knew it wasn’t you when Abigail told me where you were last night,” I reply angrily,” But maybe now you have an idea how angry I am being dragged into a police station and told that I stabbed one of the few friends I have down here. I’ve got a plan to find out who it is but you’re gonna need to take the hit so we can see who jumps at the chance to either stop me or come after me.”

I explain my plan for finding the traitor if they’re in Carlos’s ranks to the both of them and I know Carlos doesn’t like being put out as ‘bait’ but he agrees with terms.

“If it’s in my crew then I take care of them with you, Deal,” Carlos says firmly.

“No! When they go down I do it my way,” I tell Carlos angrily.

Hector trusts me, probably because I saved his life. Hector does the convincing for me and while Carlos doesn’t like it he finally agrees when Imelda and Hector’s mother come back into the room. Imelda is happy to see her cousin is still alive and we leave Hector with his mother. I know Hector will keep quiet about our plan but just to be on the safe side we bring Imelda up to speed as to what we do with Carlos’s crew. She doesn’t like it much but she’s ready to go and we let Carlos leave first to get his boys together at his house.

“Are you sure about this idea, what makes you think the one who did this will jump at the chance to take you on,” Imelda asks as we get on our bikes.

“I’m a loose end, if I’m not in police custody then the best bet is to take me down and probably plant the weapon on me,” I tell her before we take a scenic route to Carlos’s house.

The two of us ride on for about an hour before heading over to Carlos’s house, when we pull up I can see the two cars in front but nobody is waiting out front. Imelda and I get off our bikes and she motions me around the side of the house to the back yard where we see Carlos talking to his whole crew including Romeo who looks shocked as I push past him and tackle Carlos to the ground. We wrestle around trading shots between each other while most of the crew tries figuring out what’s going on, I can hear Imelda telling them to back off and I watch someone else join us on the ground I let Carlos shove me off to see who it is. I get to my feet quickly and see Romeo on the ground and Imelda standing over him. I watch Romeo get up and shove Imelda which draws Carlos’s attention fast as he grapples with Romeo before getting him to back off. I watch Carlos turn to me and start in.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking want to fight me now,” Carlos asks angrily.

“You wanted me to find out who jumped your sister and now you fucking get Hector stabbed, I just spent my night in jail because you’re too stupid to fucking wait for a real target,” I yell at Carlos.

“You fucking bitch get the fuck out of my yard,” Carlos yells back as I leave with Imelda.

I head out quickly and am down the road with Imelda before I realize we’re still alone on the road and I decide to head over to the tattoo shop. We park our bikes and I pull my phone and call Carlos to see what happened since we left a half hour ago.

“Man it’s tense here, Romeo wants your blood and even said I need to keep my bitch cousin in her place,” Carlos tells me quietly,” what now?”

“Still working out some details but I have an idea, we’re gonna meet up tomorrow and finalize this,” I tell Carlos hanging up the phone.

“What are you thinking baby,” Imelda asks me concerned.

“I think I know who’s starting shit and honestly I am feeling kinda stupid for being set up,” I tell her getting a little sympathy.

We head inside the tattoo shop and I get greeted warmly by the Old Man and Smitty, Vicki gives me a sideways look but nothing too severe. I ask to speak with the Old Man privately and get pulled into a back office and sit on a box. I explain most of the story to him and brace myself for the more daunting task.

“I need a favor,” I start to ask watching the Old Man’s face change,” I need some disposable clothes and I’m going to need a ride soon.”

“You asking for a bike or someone to pick you up,” the Old Man asks clarify my requests.

“Yeah, I need to be picked up twice, and if you can I need a disposable phone,” I tell the Old Man,” I know it’s a lot but if I had anyone else I could trust with this I’d be there asking them.”

“I’m just wondering what we get out of it in the Union for helping you,” the Old Man asks putting me in a tight spot.

“I will get Blaze and Carlos to make peace, they give you real peace and you don’t have to worry about any major fighting at the races,” I tell him being sincere,” I’ll get them to make peace or I’ll bury them in a box till they are forgotten by everyone.”

I watch the Old Man consider what I said, I leave the office and see Imelda talking with Vicki. They both are getting along and after a few minutes the Old Man comes out of the back and hands me a phone and tells me to call it when I need my rides. I figure the clothes will be with the rides so I just decide not to ask about it in front of the girls. Imelda and I head back out on the bikes and go straight home. We get the bikes in the garage and once inside I beeline it for Bethany’s room, she’s on her phone and starts to hang up when I get inside the door.

“I need that address and I need it now Beth,” I tell her impatiently.

“I can’t,” Bethany says nervously,” Tyrell is going to get into trouble if I you just show up at Blaze’s place unannounced.”

“And I care about this how,” I start in upset,” I’M BEING FRAMED FOR MURDER!!!”

Bethany backs off from me raising my voice and a hand on my shoulder get’s my attention fast. It’s Kori pulling me out of the room and closing the door in my face. Softer touch I guess, I head down stairs and see Loretta and Rosa cleaning up after dinner. I sit down at the counter while she works and rest my head on my arms. I feel someone rubbing my back after a few of just resting; I raise my head and see its Loretta sitting next to me.

“So Kori and I talked a little bit,” she says quietly,” You really have a mind for revenge don’t you?”

“I swear I just need to make a loud enough noise so that people will leave me the hell alone, problem is if I do that I’m probably going to jail,” I tell her trying to relax till I need it.

“Then why not just wait it out and go back home safely,” Loretta asks quietly.

“Cause if I leave now then whoever did this is going to keep doing it,” I tell her,” People don’t stop unless you use six feet of dirt, or use fire.”

I can’t tell if she’s trying to understand me or not but she’s not trying to discourage me any further on the subject. I let her get back to dinner clean up and she puts a plate in front of me and I eat something solid for the first time today. Bethany comes down as I’m eating and taking my phone plugs in the address for Blaze. I watch her leave quickly and chase her down before she gets too far away.

“Hey, I shouldn’t have taken that out on you,” I tell her being sincere,” I’m sorry.”

“You better not let Tyrell get hurt by this,” Bethany warns before heading back upstairs.

I watch Kori and Imelda come towards me downstairs before I tell them what I’m doing tonight and what I plan to do tomorrow night, Kori says she’d like to time to prepare my alibi and Imelda looks confused by fact that I’ll need one. I let them know I’m going to go see Blaze and then ask Imelda to go look up Detective Escalante for me so I know where she is. I kiss them both goodbye and head out on my bike off to Blaze’s house.

The trip takes me an hour and while he’s not rolling in money at his home he’s definitely not poor either. My bigger problem is his crew is with him in his garage. I pull up directly in front of Blaze and shut my bike off then remove my helmet. When he sees me he tells boys to wait there before approaching me himself.

“You wanna come fuck with me when I’m home? You better have a damn good reason for showing up here or I’ll shoot your ass,” Blaze threatens.

“I do, it’s called a set up. Someone set you up and you were too smart to fall for their trap making a stupid move they tried to get me for stabbing Hector,” I tell Blaze who looks shocked by the information.

“You were there when he was stabbed,” Blaze asks a little stunned.

“I was there after he was stabbed, and now the cops are calling me the prime witness to it instead of the culprit,” I tell Blaze with honesty,” Now I need you to come with me on your bike cause we’re going to have a meeting of leaders and figure out who did this then I’m going to tell you how we run this down so that both sides are clear.”

“Wait, you think I’m just going to run off right now and head somewhere alone with you when you could be the one who did all this,” Blaze asks sarcastically.

“You want to be the odd man out that’s fine. But when the cops get the full story, and they usually do, they are going to come here and start going through everything to get the truth. It’ll embarrass your mother and I’m pretty sure that’s not an option,” I tell him matter-of-factly.

I see him weighing it over and head back inside telling his boys to stay put while he heads out with me. As he gets ready I text Carlos and tell him to come to the airfield alone and be ready to listen. I get a reply saying he’ll be there as I head out with Blaze. Riding with someone you kicked the crap out of a few weeks prior isn’t as weird as I thought it would be and a couple times Blaze makes it a point to show how much better he is on a bike than I am. I shake it off and we arrive at the airfield about forty minutes after leaving his house.

We aren’t waiting long when I see Carlos pull up, Blaze and Carlos both stare at each other wondering what is going on when I decide to start with the questions.

“Blaze told me that Carlos, Imelda and the whole crew needed to watch our backs because he was going to get his correct Blaze,” I state looking for confirmation.

Blaze nods when I turn to Carlos and start my questions.

“Romeo and Marta get jumped and we all think its Blaze who did it,” I ask Carlos getting a nod,” Here’s the problem same person who jumped them is the one who stabbed Hector. And since you weren’t there and Blaze literally lives almost a city away neither of you did it. Now I know it wasn’t me either but after today I know its Romeo.”

The news hits Carlos harder than Blaze but its Blaze who speaks first.

“Wait, the kid who got jumped is the one who started this shit, that makes no sense,” Blaze says confused.

“I know he’s been tense lately but I don’t get why you think that he did this,” Carlos adds.

“Fine, I’ll lay it out. Blaze makes the threat, then I tell you to be safe and you tell everyone including Marta and Romeo. Romeo hasn’t ever been one of the boys and sees a opportunity, he knows you hate Blaze and Blaze has no love for your crew either,” I explain watching both of their brains seemingly grow as I continue,” So Romeo and Marta cut through an alley which makes no sense and suddenly they get jumped, hits her from behind then when she’s down busts a bottle on his head enough to get a few minor scrapes then wakes Marta up and say he got kicked around. Did you ever see a bruise on his body?”

“No and if you get kicked around you don’t just hop up and start fighting when you hurt,” Carlos says putting the pieces together.

“Okay so what about your boy Hector, why stab him and blame you,” Blaze asks.

“Cause I was holding everything back, he called the beating he took an initiation. Then when I’m stopping everyone from kicking your ass cause we had no proof it was you he either got impatient or just greedy and decided to take me out with the cops and get Carlos to come at you hard and stupid. Either way he gets in, there’s a fight and he gets to try to prove he’s one of the boys.”

“Romeo isn’t that brave man,” Carlos says shaking his head.

“Doesn’t need to be brave, just need to be smart to see an opening,” Blaze says agreeing with me.

The three of us continue to figure out the why’s and how’s of the set up. Romeo has been itching to get involved but Carlos always said no because of Marta, I can tell Carlos wants Romeo but I cut him off and tell him what their part of the plan will be.

“Here’s what you’re going to do,” I start in,” Tomorrow you two are going to get your whole crew, Blaze you bring your brother and his girlfriend, Carlos you bring everyone including Marta and Abigail. You will me somewhere public and make peace, eat food, hang out do whatever but it has to start at seven at night. When you meet up I want you to text Romeo and tell him there’s a meet up before you go after Blaze and to meet in the alley where Hector got stabbed. Does he have a car?”

“Yeah, it’s a piece of shit and he hates it,” Carlos says.

“Good, use a disposable phone when you text him then get rid of it. I’ll take care of the rest, once I’m all done I’ll send in the dogs and we’ll all be clear,” I tell the two of them.

“I’ll make peace but I want this fucker,” Blaze says with Carlos nodding.

“No, you need an alibi, anyone who knows half of what we do will say you all were at each other’s throats. This keeps you and all your boys clear and I’ve got my own plans,” I tell them.

It’s a hard sell, Carlos wants blood and Blaze doesn’t like the idea of making peace, I watch them hash out the details keeping to myself as they talk. Finally they agree to what I can only figure out is a ceasefire, no fighting but not really friends either. I really don’t care that much about the peace; it just needs to be less hostile while I make sure Romeo’s life takes a turn for the worse. I give Carlos the number for the disposable phone and watch as the two leaders shake hands before they head their separate ways. I take my personal phone and text Imelda asking her where she is, she says she’s at a light following the Detective. I get a location and start heading in her direction.

It takes about an hour of twists and me making wrong turns before I catch up to Imelda who is sitting on her bike in a little alley looking at an apartment. I park behind her and as soon as she gets off her bike to talk I push her against the wall shoving my tongue in her mouth. Imelda is caught off guard but starts kissing me back as we grind our bodies together. Finally she pushes me back and starts leading me off to an apartment building with no locked front door. We get up stairs and she pulls a door open and leads me inside before having me sit on a mattress and lights a candle. I strip down with her and see her smiling like she knows something. Imelda kneels down and points out a window, I look across the way and see Detective Escalante in a silky bathrobe sitting on a bed with her curtain open. I get to see her wet shoulder length hair and her nice legs rubbing together as she watches something on TV. It’s not porn but I’ve been getting this urge with her since she slammed my face into glass and while I’m not a rapist my viewing pleasure is definitely peaked out seeing her like this. I feel warmth on my cock as Imelda starts taking me in slowly.

“Kori said you got all hot with her earlier. Would you fuck her,” Imelda asks stroking my cock.

“Not before I’d fuck you,” I tell Imelda laying down on the mattress and letting her continue to suck me off.

It’s not a lot of light coming from the candle but it doesn’t need to be as I lay there with a handful of Imelda’s hair and l continue enjoy her working my cock fully hard. I feel her taking long wet strokes of my cock when I spot her look up out the window and smirk. I let her straddle my cock and enjoy myself as she grinds our hips together keeping the pace slow.

“I’m trying to get her to see me so we can give the bitch a show,” Imelda says smiling.

I shrug and reach my hands up to rub her breasts, Imelda is moaning and continues moving her hips in a circle while the grinding against me. I’ve not had this motion in a while and it’s a nice change of pace as we keep our play going. I see Imelda smirking and watch as she starts bouncing on my cock. I figure Escalante has seen her and is either calling the cops or hopefully taking an interest. I can feel Imelda’s pussy tighten up and I take my thumb and start rubbing her clit while she rides me hard. It doesn’t take long and I watch Imelda’s head rock back as she start cumming all over my cock, grunting the whole time. She leans forward and we kiss lightly before she get’s that wicked grin on her face.

“I’m gonna stand in front of the window and bend over, you fuck me from behind and cum while she watches,” Imelda tells me almost purring.

I watch her get up and place her hands on either side of the window bending over slightly at the waist. I stand up behind her and try not to look straight at the Detective as I line up my cock to Imelda and slam deep inside her. I take Imelda’s hips in one hand and her hair in another before I start fucking her pussy fast with long slamming strokes. Imelda’s pussy is slick and aside from her moaning from the fucking I’m giving her all I can hear are our bodies slamming together. I peek out the window and see Escalante has her legs spread on her bed and is finger her clit fast, her face contorted in a struggle for an orgasm. I still don’t know why I’ve got an urge to fuck her senseless but Imelda’s not one to be forgotten and I turn my attention back to her and take my hand off her hip and move it up to her shoulder, getting me a better grip as I go from fast sex to hard fucking.

Imelda turns her head to face me and I can see she’s going to cum again hard and fast. I glance across the alley and see Escalante has her eyes locked on Imelda as I start to bring her to orgasm. I get that tingle and slam the first shot of my own orgasm deep into Imelda’s dripping wet pussy. I keep slamming my cock in with each pump till I have nothing left and just grind our hips together. I feel refreshed from the work and back out watching Imelda steady herself and we step out of the light to get dressed and clean up. I glance out of the window casually and see the Detective is coming down from her orgasm. I’m a little disappointed that I missed it but Imelda was the priority here.

Once we get our clothes on I put the candle out and throw my coat on right in front of the window and motion to Imelda to look back at Escalante as I head out. As we get down stairs Imelda has a look like we just got caught and it’s funny on her face. She rushes out the door ahead of me and I put on a straight face as I exit the building. I watch her hurry to get her helmet on and say home as Imelda starts her bike and peels out. I take my time getting my helmet on and as I’m starting to pull out of the alley I see Escalante has put on sweat pants and a t shirt and has a gun in her hand. I start to leave and can hear her yell something to me. I feel lucky, or at least what an Irishman feels when everyone else calls it lucky and turn my bike around and pull up to the curb in front of her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing,” Escalante asks very upset,” How did you find out where I live?”

“You live here,” I ask looking up at the building,” I was with one of my girlfriends having sex in that building.”

“I’m not stupid Mr. Donnelly, I know you’re here up to something,” the Detective says still upset.

“I was up to something, and I got my girlfriend off twice and she got me off once. Now I’m no up at all,” I tell her smiling coyly.

“Why are you really here,” Escalante asks impatiently.

“Well first off I wanted to tell you this later but I have a few friends trying to find out who stabbed Hector,” I tell her plainly,” And that when I know who that is I’ll tell you immediately. And I wanted to thank you for not sending the police to follow me everywhere.”

“Well you said you’d not press the charges and you haven’t so I’m keeping up my end of the deal,” Escalante says losing her anger.

“Please what can I call you instead of Detective,” I ask politely.

“It’s Detective or Escalante to you, Guy,” She says smirking.

I shut off my engine and step off my bike removing my helmet. I can see she’s ready to shoot me our hit me so I decide to take a bigger risk and move my hand up to her breast and squeeze a little. I see her face register pleasure then shock as she pulls away from my touch.

“What are you doing,” Escalante asks startled.

“I couldn’t figure it out but now I get it, I really want to have sex with you,” I tell her plainly.

“Keep dreaming kid, you’re a little young,” She says with a little smugness in her voice.

I lean into her and sniff loudly enough for her to hear it. When I pull back I can see her face riddled with confusion at my actions.

“I could keep dreaming but then again, I’m not the one masturbating to people having sex in an abandoned building,” I tell her smiling.

I let the second shocker hit her as I sit back down on my bike and start the engine. Detective Escalante hasn’t shot me or arrested me for touching her and I can see some curiosity on her face as I start to leave.

“I’ll make you a deal, if I can get the person who started this mess to confess, you have sex with me once the case is closed,” I tell her smiling.

“You’re arrogant kid, if they confess they’ll tell me that it was you and if they do I have to come after you whether you like me or not,” Escalante says plainly before turning on a sexier tone of voice,” Besides, nobody is that lucky.”

“You never dealt with and Irishman have you,” I tell her putting my helmet on and smiling,” We invented luck.”

I peel out leaving the detective behind on the curb, as I ride home I remember that she didn’t say no and smile. I get back to the house at about ten at night and see Imelda’s bike in the garage and once I’m inside I can tell Mr. Delauter is working when I pop my head into the office. I tell him that I don’t want to press the charges against the detective since they’re not looking at me as a suspect anymore. He understands but says he’ll keep the paperwork ready just in case. I head up stairs and am greeted by to warm women in my bed beckoning me to join them.

We’re all tired and I finally tell them what I’m going to need them to do tomorrow, at first Imelda doesn’t like her part in the plan but Kori whispers into her ear and watch her smile big before we all settle in. Tomorrows is a big day, now I just gotta figure out what I want more out of dealing with Romeo, do I go for the win and take the prize or do I go for the satisfaction and the revenge?

Part 9

It’s a different experience being manhandled by the police when they want to question you. The processing was kind of like I’ve seen on TV; they cleaned the blood off my hands and ran my ID’s in their system with me keeping silent the whole time. I get through basic processing and the handcuffs get taked off before they sit me in a room to wait for ‘questioning’. It’s pretty much like every room you see in the shows, one metal table, three chairs and a one way window that everyone knows people are behind it. The officer sits me in a chair facing the door and leaves me alone in the room.

I sit quietly and think about what Hector said, Carlos… trusted him. I play the words over and over again. Carlos lied; he wanted a fight and stabbed Hector. Why? It doesn’t make sense to me but as far as I know Hector is dead and I figure that I should just keep my mouth shut and tell nobody what Hector said before I got taken away. I’m sitting alone for what feels like an hour when a Latino woman in a pant suit enters the room with a file folder. I watch as she methodically sets the file down and takes a seat before opening the file and reading the contents. I know I should ask for a lawyer but I have no clue what’s going on in the first place. I figure keep my mouth shut until someone I know shows up to get me out.

“My name is Detective Escalante. You are Guy Donnelly, age 17, address on your ID says Washington but your driver’s license says Texas,” the woman starts in,” We’re currently going through your cell phone and we have CSU combing the site looking for the weapon so let’s just keep this simple. You tell me what happened and I’ll tell the DA that you are still a minor and you can be tried as one.”

I sit in my seat, every cop show I’ve seen says she’s fishing for me to say something and slip up or tell her too much. I fold my hands on the table in front of me and stare at her like I don’t understand English.

“Mr. Donnelly you do understand that you are currently looking at charges for attempted murder,” the Detective Escalante says as I remain silent.

I cock my head to the side and continue my ‘I’m very sorry I don’t understand English’ look. It dawns on me the sheer humor in the role reversal of the Latino woman talking to a white male who doesn’t understand English.

“Mr. Donnelly I don’t think you realize how serious this situation is,” the Detective Escalante says starting to get angry,” You need to tell me what happened behind the bowling alley or you’re looking at serious charges for obstruction of justice.”

Oh god she’s really desperate, first I’m the suspect and now she needs me to tell her what happened. I look the female detective in the face; she’s definitely not amused by my silent treatment. I should say something, but what do I tell her without letting her know that I have something that will get in the way of me taking Carlos out. It hits me like a light bulb in the attic. I get a shocked look on my face and remembering high school foreign language class and the audio books I start talking to her, in somewhat fluent Russian.

“(I honestly don’t have anything to tell you Ma’am. Really I’m more interested in seeing if they’ll stop me if I try to masturbate here at the table),” I say getting a confused look from the detective.

“Mr. Donnelly this is not some game where you think that being clever will get you out of trouble,” the detective says getting angrier.

“(I’m not being clever, I’m just educated differently. Honestly I’d love to see you in your underwear but that’s just not very professional),” I tell her again drawing angry confusion,” (While I don’t know how bad you may need this case personally I’m pretty sure they don’t promote you for accusing someone who didn’t do the crime.)”

I can see this she is getting pissed and watch as she slams her hand on the table and curses. Detective Escalante looks at the mirror and I decide to go full on goofy with the situation and quickly get up from the chair and start talking in happy Russian to the people on the other side of the glass.

“(I would like to place my order now please; I’d like a bacon burger with onion rings and not fries. For a drink I’d like a chocolate milkshake along with a soda, which needs to be a Dr. Pepper),” I say to the people on the other side of the glass while smiling widely,”(Do I pay the woman here in the room or will you run my card since you took my wallet).”

“Mr. Donnelly sit down and stop these antics right now,” Detective Escalante says losing what little cool she has left.

“(Oh, first date. I’m sorry my lovely, my date would like the chicken pita with hot sauce and fries, for a drink she’d like a Sprite),” I tell the window people before getting quiet,” (She’s really sensitive about her weight but that’s between us).”

It’s when I get grabbed by the detective and slammed against the glass with my arm pulled behind my back that I start laughing for real. I’m going to get my ass beat by a female cop and I’ve got an audience. Sadly it doesn’t pan out that way for me and I get shoved into my chair before I watch Detective Escalante grab the file folder and leave the room completely pissed off. As soon as she’s out of the room I completely stop laughing and return my hands to my lap and stare at the door. If I could I’d get a video tape of this just to post in on Facebook.

Again I’m left alone and continue to ponder what I’m going to do next, find Carlos and beat a confession out of him seems simplest. Maybe lure him somewhere and after I get a confession kick his head off his shoulders. I don’t know how long I’m in the room this time but when I see the door open I’m greeted by the sight of Loretta and Mr. Delauter, both of them are dressed and Mr. Delauter has a suit on and a briefcase with him. For the first time I’m actually happy to see the both of them and I let my face show it by starting to look like I’m going to cry. Loretta is all over me with questions and hugging me. Mr. Delauter on the other hand is pissed off but not at me, which draws some serious tones from the people he’s talking to outside the room.

“Guy, we can leave now, the officers were wrong to ask you any questions without an adult present,” Mr. Delauter says to me before turning his attention to the officers in the hall,” I’ll be filing a formal paperwork with the District Attorney in six hours. By this time tomorrow you’ll either be suspended or I’ll have a formal apology from this department for gross negligence of his rights as a minor.”

I can hear them arguing outside of the room about how I am the prime suspect and that I’m withholding information. I get my possessions from the guy behind a desk with a cage, I know it’s all been gone through but if I’m gonna get interrogated I’m going to let Loretta do it at home.

Once we’re outside and in the car I ask Mr. Delauter to drive me back to the bowling alley and sure enough my bike is gone, they towed my bike to the station. I find out it’ll be a few days before I can have it back and now I’m actually pissed off. We get home about four thirty in the morning and not even Rosa is here when I walk in from the garage and head straight into the office taking my usual seat for when Mr. Delauter wants to talk. He and Loretta both sit down with me before he begins.

“First off we need to understand each other, I’m your guardian and so is Loretta while you are down here. However as of right now I am your lawyer, now as your lawyer I need to know everything you know about what happened. If you don’t tell me everything then I can’t defend you, are you fully understanding me,” Mr. Delauter says keeping a professional tone.

“I understand, I’ll start from the beginning…,” I say beginning my story from where I got the text from ‘Hector’.

I lead the both of them through the details but leave out what Hector said about Carlos. It bugs me to keep that out of it with them for some reason but they’ll just get in the way when I get my chance to get some truth. I can see Mr. Delauter weighing the information but Loretta is all sympathy as she holds my hand and seems proud that I tried to save Hector. Mr. Delauter asks me a good grouping of questions ranging from ‘did I have a knife’ or ‘did I have problems with Hector’, ‘to who do I think sent the text message’. It finally dawns on Loretta that I’ve been up since eleven the night before and she cuts everything short before walking me up to my bedroom and lays me down on the couch in my clothes before I pass out.

I get woken up by Kori nudging me trying to figure out why I’m sleeping on the couch, I mumble that I love her and go right back to sleep. I have sunlight in my face blinding me and it’s enough to get me in a bad mood as I move out of the light and see Kori staring at me pissed off.

“Are we awake now,” Kori asks starting in on me,” Cause I wake up and have your mother telling me that you were in police custody because you were caught next to someone who was stabbed. Why am I only finding out about this now?”

I sit up and try to shake the sleep off before standing up and facing her. I take her hands in mine and pull them to my face so she can hold my head and look into my eyes. It takes her a second to figure out what I’m doing but as soon as she starts looking into me with her pretty grey eyes I can see her mood change from angry to upset.

“Baby you need to wake me up when things are that bad,” Kori says moving me over to the bed and laying me down.

I quietly tell Kori the full story leaving nothing out, she chuckles at my theatrics with the detective but generally is upset with the situation. At some point in being held I doze off but get woken up by a soft warm feeling of Kori’s mouth gently nursing my cock till it’s fully hard. I try to pull Kori up to me but she grabs my hand and pins it down while continuing to work my cock over in her mouth. It’s a much better way to wake up than blinding sun.

I don’t have to wonder about Kori’s intentions as she starts bobbing her head hard and deep on my cock with more energy than she’s known for showing. I start to get a tingle in the base of my cock and shoot my load into Kori’s willing mouth. I’m wide awake and definitely ready for anything but Kori isn’t stopping as she keeps pumping my cock till nothing is coming out. Finally she lets me fall out of her mouth and gets up from the bed going through my clothes.

“Strip down we’re getting you ready for the day, get out of those nice clothes and get into these,” Kori says laying down my camo pants and a black metal shirt.

I get changed while I watch her get on the phone and start making a call. I pick up on that it’s Imelda on the other end of the phone. Kori tells her to drop what she’s doing unless it’s work and get her ass over here immediately before hanging up and taking my hand leads me down the stairs.

“Loretta, is there any food left? He needs to eat before he heads out,” Kori says sitting me down in a stool before going through the refrigerator.

“Why is Guy leaving,” Loretta asks coming in from the dining room.

I watch the women get me a plate of leftovers and start eating while Kori explains things to Loretta.

“You don’t know him and both of you know that. I know him and when things get bad you can do one of two thing, get behind him and wait for him to ask you for help or get out of his way,” Kori tells Loretta plainly,” Now if you ever want to know who your son really is either help him or just wait for us to leave and you’ll never see him again.”

“What is he going to do,” Loretta asks quietly.

“Someone is setting him up, that means they know him and he knows them,” Kori tells her,” now we stand back and wait to see the whole picture that he’s gonna paint for us.”

I can see Loretta getting confused but Kori continues to explain what I do, I can tell she wants to talk about Derek but instead focuses on Kamran and what happened in the building with him and Lajita. I smile as she recounts a PG rated version. Loretta nods looks to me smiling lightly.

“The detective from the police station wants to talk to you about what happened in the alley, they also say you’ll be able to pick up your bike this afternoon,” Loretta says taking my plate and putting a second in front of me.

I find out that Mr. Delauter has left and gone to the office to handle my case with others leaving the rest of the family in the house. I let Loretta call the Detective and watch as Kori heads up to Abigail’s room. I finish my second plate by the time Kori gets back and she smiles before I see Abigail come rushing down behind her.

“Carlos is at the hospital, nobody knows that you were there with him,” Abigail says as we head outside.

“I’m gonna need to get a hold of Carlos,” I tell Abigail who gets grim at my words.

“I can’t do that, we’re really going well and I don’t want to mess that up,” Abby says nervously.

“If he set me up then it’s just a matter of time before he hurts you, I’m not going to hurt him,” I say half lying to her,” if he’s innocent I’ll know by the shock.”

“Who are you going to shock,” I hear Bethany ask as she joins us.

I let Kori and Abigail brings her up to speed about everything before I tell her what she’ll have to do.

“Beth you need to get me Blaze’s address from Tyrell,” I tell her plainly.

“But they’re not close and that’s going to start a fight,” Bethany replies anxiously.

“Yes it probably will but you need to do it anyway,” I tell her giving no other option.

I don’t tell the girls everything I’m planning but I didn’t tell Kori everything last time so it’ll be alright once it all works out in the end. We’re talking for a few hours when I hear boots stomping their way through the house in my direction, Imelda’s here. I get up from my seat and step away from the table as Imelda get’s out the back door and rushes me mad and upset.

“Why the fuck didn’t you fucking call me and let me know you were in shit,” Imelda starts in shoving me,” Why do I have to hear shit from everyone else that you got stopped by the police? What the fuck happened?”

“The police think I stabbed Hector,” I tell her plainly.

“Wait, why would they think you stabbed Hector,” Imelda says getting confused.

I watch her look at the other girls who are staring at her with a serious expression, when she looks back to me I can see something I never expected from her, doubt. I let Imelda take me by the hand and watch as she waves Kori to follow us. We march into my bedroom and I get sat down on the bed before Imelda shuts the door after Kori.

“How do you do it,” Imelda asks Kori,” How do you do the whole stare at him and know thing?”

“it’s his eyes, he won’t hurt us so I just look and see where his pain or anger is, took me a while to learn him but I’m the only one who does it,” Kori explains to her.

I never understood why or how Kori can do it but she’s been accurate a lot and I never questioned it with her. Now Imelda is having doubts and she thinks she can find the truth. I watch Imelda get on her knees in front of me and take my head while desperately looking into my eyes. I don’t know what she’s expecting to find but after a minute she looks at Kori and I can see she’s either going to cry or run.

“Ask him and look at him, either you’ll see it or not,” Kori tells her as she kneels down next to Imelda.

“Did you stab Hector,” Imelda asks tearing up.

I don’t know if I’m supposed to do something but after few seconds I see Imelda start crying place her head on my lap. Kori starts rubbing her back and after a few seconds Imelda regains her composure.

“Okay, I’m alright. So what do we do now,” Imelda asks looking between us.

“I find out why the last name Hector told me before he passed out was Carlos,” I tell her causing
Imelda to go from sad to upset.

“Wait you think Carlos had something to do with it,” Imelda asks not happy with my new information.

I explain that I’m going to get my information out of Carlos whether Imelda is going to help or not. I can see she’s not happy with the idea of me kicking the crap out of her cousin but Imelda says she wants to be the one to confront him with me and either I let her or she’ll tell him herself about everything. I don’t like being put in a corner on this but Imelda says there is no other option for me.

“Fine but if he even gives me a hint that he did it I’m going to tear his ass apart,” I tell her leaving no doubt as to my intentions.

The three of us try to calm down with Kori almost putting Imelda and myself in neutral corners. It’s about three in the afternoon when I get called from down stairs by Loretta, apparently I have a visitor. I motion for the girls to stay in the room and head down stairs to see Detective Escalante standing in the main entrance with Loretta. I hurry down the stairs and Loretta leads us into Mr. Delauter’s office. Once inside we all take a seat before I watch Loretta take out a recorder and place it on the desk.

“Mrs. Delauter what are you doing,” the detective asks puzzled.

“Oh my husband said that any and all questions are allowed to be recorded by the accused as well as the police. If you want to wait till he’s home so you can do this with him here I can fix you a plate of food,” Loretta says being almost sickeningly sweet.

I can see Detective Escalante is not happy with the theatrics but she takes out a recorder of her own and lists day and time along with my name as first witness to the incident. We got through all the basic information of what happened from when I got the text message to when the police slammed me to the ground. I repeat my answers the same way as she reaffirms the questions two more times.

“So how do you know Hector,” the Detective asks plainly.

“He’s a friend,” I reply with a look of concern on my face.

“So you had no problems with Hector at all and when you got the anonymous text message you decided to trust the situation blindly,” the detective asks continuing the questions.

“It made sense when I asked who it was and how he got my number,” I explain letting her know the basic information.

“Well I don’t have any more questions,” Detective Escalante says starting to get up.

“But I have some and considering you literally went from accusing me of stabbing one of my few friends down here I’d like some answers,” I state to her visibly upset,” Like why when I try to do the right thing and call 911 and attempt to stop the bleeding your officers tackle me to the ground with no provocation at all? Or even better, instead of trying to even talk to me in the interrogation room you come at me like I should be guilty just because it’ll make life easier for you? Do you know how racist that makes you just because I’m white and he’s Latino that you assume I wanted him dead?”

I can see the barrage of questions doesn’t faze her until I call her racist, that’s when I see the shock of it all hit her. There’s my first shot scoring a direct hit and I decide to turn up the heat.

“Here, let me just help you so before you decide to get a warrant so you can poke your nose through my possessions,” I say leaving the room quickly and grabbing my bag with all my clothes and dump them out in front of her,” Here, now you can go through my possessions since their right in front of you like a good Fedérale.”

“Mr. Donnelly I have never approached this with any sort of racial bias and I find the accusation insulting,” Detective Escalante says standing up to me.

She’s about five foot nine and is probably in her mid thirties, she has a different pant suit on but I notice instead of ample curves she has a slightly more athletic build but still has hips and tits. I refocus on her quickly to keep my ground.

“Well you could have fooled my Step Father and Mother with the way you completely decided to disregard my rights,” I tell her showing a lot more anger than I actually have,” Or was that your way of just getting back and all the times a white person decided to look down on you cause of your skin color?”

Before the detective can retort Loretta takes control of the situation and tells me to calm down then turns her attention to the Detective Escalante.

“I’m sorry Detective but my son has a point, and unless there is something you can tell us about this that will make the situation understandable to me I will advise my husband that he should file harassment charges for the racial profiling that has been done to my son,” Loretta says keeping perfectly calm.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss the details of the case at considering your son is involved,” the detective says trying to regain her professionalism.

“Wow, I have to figure out how to say ‘racist cop’ in Spanish,” I say loud enough for her to hear.

“So you both can understand me I’m not permitted by my job to tell you anything about this case, I don’t need to justify myself to either of you concerning what you perceive as racial profiling,” the detective says with wavering conviction.

“Well than can you explain why you slammed him face first into a mirror and threw him into a chair, because that was assault in a pretty clear sense,” Loretta says getting my attention quickly.

“I understand that you’re upset because of that and it was uncalled for given the situation,” Detective Escalante says getting more behind the eight ball with us,” We’re more open to other suspects at this time considering the lack of evidence and the testimony from Hector.”

Holy shit Hector is alive, but what did he tell them? He couldn’t have outed Carlos to them or they wouldn’t be talking to me. But Hector and I aren’t so close that he’d just out Carlos to me and then not tell anyone else. I’m confused and decide to switch gears with the detective.

“Okay, so it’s not okay to racially profile me and then knock me around in room so do you think I stabbed Hector,” I ask her plainly.

“I can’t answer that Mr. Donnelly,” Detective Escalante says stopping her recorder,” I need to get back to the station but your vehicle has been cleared by CSU.”

I watch Loretta walk Detective Escalante out before returning to me and shutting off the recorder. I smile wide and watch her get confused for a moment then smile.

“Did you just call her a racist to see how she’d react,” Loretta asks chuckling.

I nod and we both start laughing, I’m pretty sure she’s not racist but it’s funny to call someone racist when your white. I call the girls down and tell Imelda the good news about Hector which comes as no surprise to her but she’s still concerned about what I plan to do to Carlos.

“Kori I’m going to head out with Imelda to get my bike then I need to see Carlos and the boys, if someone is screwing with me then I need him to help me out who did it,” I tell Kori while the rest listen.

“Well you said you left at eleven last night right,” Abigail says confirming my earlier story,” He couldn’t have been there when you left because he was with me.”

The whole room except for me freezes at the comment, Loretta is first to jump on the safe sex bandwagon and I watch the rest of the girls get very supportive of Abigail taking ‘matters’ into her own hands.

“Wow, so you brought him back here and snuck him into your room,” asks Bethany smirking.

“No, we were in his car,” Abigail says red faced.

Loretta stops any further questions into the event and Imelda seems relieved that Carlos has an alibi but I need to get in his shit to find out if he’s clean or not. I grab my coat and have to use Imelda’s spare helmet as we leave home for the police station.

Once we get to the station it’s just minor paperwork that I have to sign so I can get my bike back but it’s the stares I’m getting from a few suits that draws my attention. I can see Detective Escalante staring at me from her desk when an older white man with his badge on his jacket come out of his office and head straight towards me.

“Mr. Donnelly, I’m Captain Miller,” the man says extending his hand,” I’d like to speak with you privately if that’s alright.”

“I’d love to but I need an attorney around for questioning,” I tell him shaking his hand.

“Only if it pertains to your involvement in the case,” He says trying to lead me to his office.

“(I’m sorry but I was always told that you need to avoid older men when they try to get you alone),” I tell him getting the attention from everyone in the room as I speak Russian.

“What did you just say,” Imelda asks me confused.

“Nothing important,” I tell her smiling before turning my attention to the Captain,” I am not inclined to follow you, sir. Now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to get out of here before I get tackled or slammed into a mirror, again.”

“Okay kid, you made your point. You want to know why I tackled your ass, because punks like you don’t know the meaning of respect,” a slightly familiar officer says to me sternly.

I turn and see the jack hole that tackled me last night. He’s about my size and looks a little mixed, probably white and Mexican. I smile and get within arm’s reach before the Captain cuts me off.

“Respect is earned; the badge doesn’t give it to you. And next time you see me and decide you want to get all jumpy you better shoot me first or I’ll make you eat that badge,” I tell the officer smiling.

“That’s enough, Officer get to your business. You come with me,” Captain Miller says leading me by the arm into his office.

I wave Imelda off and refuse to sit down once inside the office, I watch as Detective Escalante follows us in and takes a seat at across from her boss.

“I can understand that you’re upset at your treatment during your questioning and I’d like the chance to apologize for that,” the Captain says starting his speech,” This situation has gone from bad to worse and now I am told you plan to file personal charges and misconduct against one of my newest detectives. I’m wondering what can be done to keep this from happening?”

“Oh my god, you want to bribe me or convince me to keep quiet,” I blurt out starting to laugh,” Are you fucking serious?”

“I’m hoping we can come to some sort of understanding but if that’s not possible then you are welcome to pursue your charges and I’ll probably have to suspend the detective while they whole thing runs its course and assign her case to someone else which means that they’ll have to question you all over again and this time we’ll have to do it here. It’s up to you.”

“Wow, you are serious. You really think that threatening me with another, probably not so attractive detective is going to convince me that removing an unprofessional detective is a bad thing,” I ask still chuckling.

“I can go down all the reasons why I became a cop and a detective but you wouldn’t listen anyway,” Detective Escalante says visibly upset at the threats,” This isn’t about the case this is about you and me. I am sorry for the treatment you received from me this morning; it was exceptionally rude and unprofessional. I don’t expect you to understand the stress of this case on an adult but I hope you can try to see my point of view on your situation.”

I’m a little stunned at her more heartfelt apology, not too much but I’ve got an itch and I don’t know why when it comes to her. I sit down in the chair and watch as the Captain starts to feel like he’s getting somewhere with me before I talk.

“I need you to leave the room right now please,” I ask the Captain getting a look of surprise.

I wait for him to leave and once he’s out of the room I hop up and close the blinds so nobody can see inside the room. When I sit back down the Detective is staring at me waiting for some sort of attack.

“It’s a big case,” I ask her plainly.

“Yes, I am trying to prove I can handle cases without a team of people and this one is small enough that I shouldn’t need more detectives,” She tells me opening up a little.

“I didn’t do it, I feel like I was set up to take the blame or at least keep the heat off someone else,” I tell her keeping my eyes on hers,” Yeah I am pissed about the treatment but I can help if you’ll let me.”

I watch her turn from confused to mildly interested. We quietly discuss everything that has been happening with the confrontation and then get into the beating that Marta and Romeo took. I can see she wants to make this more official but we’re not there yet and she knows it.

“So what do you need me to do if I was going to help you,” she asks plainly.

“You give me two days before you start having me watched when you come up with the framing and possible target idea, no cops and no tails on me,” I tell her smiling,” After that you can watch me like a hawk and if I get any real evidence like a weapon or a name of who is responsible I’ll dump it to you anonymously.”

I watch Escalante mull it over to herself before we come to an understanding and I promise that if she does what I ask I’ll drop all personal charges against her. We exit getting some stares from the other officers and I watch her head right back into the office with her captain. I’m out the door and on my bike in record time; I tell Imelda ‘hospital’ and let her lead me out. The whole trip there I don’t see any familiar cars following me and figure that things are going to work out for a while at least. I plan to hold up my end of the deal, well maybe not all of it when it comes to a living person for them to try in court.
We get to the hospital about six in the evening and Imelda leads me up to Hector’s room. I see a woman who I assume is Hector’s mother along with Carlos who brightens when he sees me. I don’t know what to do about Carlos but it’s Imelda who ignores her own cousin to speak in Spanish to the mother. After a few words I stand there as the nice Latino woman speaks very fast and tearful to me in complete Spanish which I have no clue to what she’s saying before her and Imelda head out of the room leaving a semi conscious Hector and Carlos alone with me.

“Hey man, I’m glad you had Hector’s back last night,” Carlos says gratefully,” We need to find out who did this and take care of them.”

“Funny thing, before he lost consciousness he said your name when I asked him who did this,” I tell Carlos turning up the anger.

“Wait, you think I did this to my brother,” Carlos says getting very offended.

“Well you’ve been pissed about Abigail for a while now and it could have been really easy to just take matters into your own hands blaming me and getting an excuse to go after Blaze,” I say with more anger.

“We let that go after it happened, we both agreed that it was done and no more beef between us,” Carlos says trying to pull the blame off.

“Yeah and we agreed about your sister and the double date too and I remember that you have trouble keeping your word to me,” I tell him bringing his history into it.

“Hey… I can’t rest through this,” Hector says stopping the argument.

I move over to Hector’s side and see him smile a little, Carlos gets on the other side but won’t stop staring a hole through me.

“Hector did you see who did this to you,” I ask again now that he’s not dying in front of me.

“No, I remember you asking if it was Blaze. I told you that Carlos trusted that it wasn’t him who started this,” Hector says weakly due to the painkillers.

“See it wasn’t me OR Blaze, you’re way off,” Carlos says still angry for the accusation.

“No I knew it wasn’t you when Abigail told me where you were last night,” I reply angrily,” But maybe now you have an idea how angry I am being dragged into a police station and told that I stabbed one of the few friends I have down here. I’ve got a plan to find out who it is but you’re gonna need to take the hit so we can see who jumps at the chance to either stop me or come after me.”

I explain my plan for finding the traitor if they’re in Carlos’s ranks to the both of them and I know Carlos doesn’t like being put out as ‘bait’ but he agrees with terms.

“If it’s in my crew then I take care of them with you, Deal,” Carlos says firmly.

“No! When they go down I do it my way,” I tell Carlos angrily.

Hector trusts me, probably because I saved his life. Hector does the convincing for me and while Carlos doesn’t like it he finally agrees when Imelda and Hector’s mother come back into the room. Imelda is happy to see her cousin is still alive and we leave Hector with his mother. I know Hector will keep quiet about our plan but just to be on the safe side we bring Imelda up to speed as to what we do with Carlos’s crew. She doesn’t like it much but she’s ready to go and we let Carlos leave first to get his boys together at his house.

“Are you sure about this idea, what makes you think the one who did this will jump at the chance to take you on,” Imelda asks as we get on our bikes.

“I’m a loose end, if I’m not in police custody then the best bet is to take me down and probably plant the weapon on me,” I tell her before we take a scenic route to Carlos’s house.

The two of us ride on for about an hour before heading over to Carlos’s house, when we pull up I can see the two cars in front but nobody is waiting out front. Imelda and I get off our bikes and she motions me around the side of the house to the back yard where we see Carlos talking to his whole crew including Romeo who looks shocked as I push past him and tackle Carlos to the ground. We wrestle around trading shots between each other while most of the crew tries figuring out what’s going on, I can hear Imelda telling them to back off and I watch someone else join us on the ground I let Carlos shove me off to see who it is. I get to my feet quickly and see Romeo on the ground and Imelda standing over him. I watch Romeo get up and shove Imelda which draws Carlos’s attention fast as he grapples with Romeo before getting him to back off. I watch Carlos turn to me and start in.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking want to fight me now,” Carlos asks angrily.

“You wanted me to find out who jumped your sister and now you fucking get Hector stabbed, I just spent my night in jail because you’re too stupid to fucking wait for a real target,” I yell at Carlos.

“You fucking bitch get the fuck out of my yard,” Carlos yells back as I leave with Imelda.

I head out quickly and am down the road with Imelda before I realize we’re still alone on the road and I decide to head over to the tattoo shop. We park our bikes and I pull my phone and call Carlos to see what happened since we left a half hour ago.

“Man it’s tense here, Romeo wants your blood and even said I need to keep my bitch cousin in her place,” Carlos tells me quietly,” what now?”

“Still working out some details but I have an idea, we’re gonna meet up tomorrow and finalize this,” I tell Carlos hanging up the phone.

“What are you thinking baby,” Imelda asks me concerned.

“I think I know who’s starting shit and honestly I am feeling kinda stupid for being set up,” I tell her getting a little sympathy.

We head inside the tattoo shop and I get greeted warmly by the Old Man and Smitty, Vicki gives me a sideways look but nothing too severe. I ask to speak with the Old Man privately and get pulled into a back office and sit on a box. I explain most of the story to him and brace myself for the more daunting task.

“I need a favor,” I start to ask watching the Old Man’s face change,” I need some disposable clothes and I’m going to need a ride soon.”

“You asking for a bike or someone to pick you up,” the Old Man asks clarify my requests.

“Yeah, I need to be picked up twice, and if you can I need a disposable phone,” I tell the Old Man,” I know it’s a lot but if I had anyone else I could trust with this I’d be there asking them.”

“I’m just wondering what we get out of it in the Union for helping you,” the Old Man asks putting me in a tight spot.

“I will get Blaze and Carlos to make peace, they give you real peace and you don’t have to worry about any major fighting at the races,” I tell him being sincere,” I’ll get them to make peace or I’ll bury them in a box till they are forgotten by everyone.”

I watch the Old Man consider what I said, I leave the office and see Imelda talking with Vicki. They both are getting along and after a few minutes the Old Man comes out of the back and hands me a phone and tells me to call it when I need my rides. I figure the clothes will be with the rides so I just decide not to ask about it in front of the girls. Imelda and I head back out on the bikes and go straight home. We get the bikes in the garage and once inside I beeline it for Bethany’s room, she’s on her phone and starts to hang up when I get inside the door.

“I need that address and I need it now Beth,” I tell her impatiently.

“I can’t,” Bethany says nervously,” Tyrell is going to get into trouble if I you just show up at Blaze’s place unannounced.”

“And I care about this how,” I start in upset,” I’M BEING FRAMED FOR MURDER!!!”

Bethany backs off from me raising my voice and a hand on my shoulder get’s my attention fast. It’s Kori pulling me out of the room and closing the door in my face. Softer touch I guess, I head down stairs and see Loretta and Rosa cleaning up after dinner. I sit down at the counter while she works and rest my head on my arms. I feel someone rubbing my back after a few of just resting; I raise my head and see its Loretta sitting next to me.

“So Kori and I talked a little bit,” she says quietly,” You really have a mind for revenge don’t you?”

“I swear I just need to make a loud enough noise so that people will leave me the hell alone, problem is if I do that I’m probably going to jail,” I tell her trying to relax till I need it.

“Then why not just wait it out and go back home safely,” Loretta asks quietly.

“Cause if I leave now then whoever did this is going to keep doing it,” I tell her,” People don’t stop unless you use six feet of dirt, or use fire.”

I can’t tell if she’s trying to understand me or not but she’s not trying to discourage me any further on the subject. I let her get back to dinner clean up and she puts a plate in front of me and I eat something solid for the first time today. Bethany comes down as I’m eating and taking my phone plugs in the address for Blaze. I watch her leave quickly and chase her down before she gets too far away.

“Hey, I shouldn’t have taken that out on you,” I tell her being sincere,” I’m sorry.”

“You better not let Tyrell get hurt by this,” Bethany warns before heading back upstairs.

I watch Kori and Imelda come towards me downstairs before I tell them what I’m doing tonight and what I plan to do tomorrow night, Kori says she’d like to time to prepare my alibi and Imelda looks confused by fact that I’ll need one. I let them know I’m going to go see Blaze and then ask Imelda to go look up Detective Escalante for me so I know where she is. I kiss them both goodbye and head out on my bike off to Blaze’s house.

The trip takes me an hour and while he’s not rolling in money at his home he’s definitely not poor either. My bigger problem is his crew is with him in his garage. I pull up directly in front of Blaze and shut my bike off then remove my helmet. When he sees me he tells boys to wait there before approaching me himself.

“You wanna come fuck with me when I’m home? You better have a damn good reason for showing up here or I’ll shoot your ass,” Blaze threatens.

“I do, it’s called a set up. Someone set you up and you were too smart to fall for their trap making a stupid move they tried to get me for stabbing Hector,” I tell Blaze who looks shocked by the information.

“You were there when he was stabbed,” Blaze asks a little stunned.

“I was there after he was stabbed, and now the cops are calling me the prime witness to it instead of the culprit,” I tell Blaze with honesty,” Now I need you to come with me on your bike cause we’re going to have a meeting of leaders and figure out who did this then I’m going to tell you how we run this down so that both sides are clear.”

“Wait, you think I’m just going to run off right now and head somewhere alone with you when you could be the one who did all this,” Blaze asks sarcastically.

“You want to be the odd man out that’s fine. But when the cops get the full story, and they usually do, they are going to come here and start going through everything to get the truth. It’ll embarrass your mother and I’m pretty sure that’s not an option,” I tell him matter-of-factly.

I see him weighing it over and head back inside telling his boys to stay put while he heads out with me. As he gets ready I text Carlos and tell him to come to the airfield alone and be ready to listen. I get a reply saying he’ll be there as I head out with Blaze. Riding with someone you kicked the crap out of a few weeks prior isn’t as weird as I thought it would be and a couple times Blaze makes it a point to show how much better he is on a bike than I am. I shake it off and we arrive at the airfield about forty minutes after leaving his house.

We aren’t waiting long when I see Carlos pull up, Blaze and Carlos both stare at each other wondering what is going on when I decide to start with the questions.

“Blaze told me that Carlos, Imelda and the whole crew needed to watch our backs because he was going to get his correct Blaze,” I state looking for confirmation.

Blaze nods when I turn to Carlos and start my questions.

“Romeo and Marta get jumped and we all think its Blaze who did it,” I ask Carlos getting a nod,” Here’s the problem same person who jumped them is the one who stabbed Hector. And since you weren’t there and Blaze literally lives almost a city away neither of you did it. Now I know it wasn’t me either but after today I know its Romeo.”

The news hits Carlos harder than Blaze but its Blaze who speaks first.

“Wait, the kid who got jumped is the one who started this shit, that makes no sense,” Blaze says confused.

“I know he’s been tense lately but I don’t get why you think that he did this,” Carlos adds.

“Fine, I’ll lay it out. Blaze makes the threat, then I tell you to be safe and you tell everyone including Marta and Romeo. Romeo hasn’t ever been one of the boys and sees a opportunity, he knows you hate Blaze and Blaze has no love for your crew either,” I explain watching both of their brains seemingly grow as I continue,” So Romeo and Marta cut through an alley which makes no sense and suddenly they get jumped, hits her from behind then when she’s down busts a bottle on his head enough to get a few minor scrapes then wakes Marta up and say he got kicked around. Did you ever see a bruise on his body?”

“No and if you get kicked around you don’t just hop up and start fighting when you hurt,” Carlos says putting the pieces together.

“Okay so what about your boy Hector, why stab him and blame you,” Blaze asks.

“Cause I was holding everything back, he called the beating he took an initiation. Then when I’m stopping everyone from kicking your ass cause we had no proof it was you he either got impatient or just greedy and decided to take me out with the cops and get Carlos to come at you hard and stupid. Either way he gets in, there’s a fight and he gets to try to prove he’s one of the boys.”

“Romeo isn’t that brave man,” Carlos says shaking his head.

“Doesn’t need to be brave, just need to be smart to see an opening,” Blaze says agreeing with me.

The three of us continue to figure out the why’s and how’s of the set up. Romeo has been itching to get involved but Carlos always said no because of Marta, I can tell Carlos wants Romeo but I cut him off and tell him what their part of the plan will be.

“Here’s what you’re going to do,” I start in,” Tomorrow you two are going to get your whole crew, Blaze you bring your brother and his girlfriend, Carlos you bring everyone including Marta and Abigail. You will me somewhere public and make peace, eat food, hang out do whatever but it has to start at seven at night. When you meet up I want you to text Romeo and tell him there’s a meet up before you go after Blaze and to meet in the alley where Hector got stabbed. Does he have a car?”

“Yeah, it’s a piece of shit and he hates it,” Carlos says.

“Good, use a disposable phone when you text him then get rid of it. I’ll take care of the rest, once I’m all done I’ll send in the dogs and we’ll all be clear,” I tell the two of them.

“I’ll make peace but I want this fucker,” Blaze says with Carlos nodding.

“No, you need an alibi, anyone who knows half of what we do will say you all were at each other’s throats. This keeps you and all your boys clear and I’ve got my own plans,” I tell them.

It’s a hard sell, Carlos wants blood and Blaze doesn’t like the idea of making peace, I watch them hash out the details keeping to myself as they talk. Finally they agree to what I can only figure out is a ceasefire, no fighting but not really friends either. I really don’t care that much about the peace; it just needs to be less hostile while I make sure Romeo’s life takes a turn for the worse. I give Carlos the number for the disposable phone and watch as the two leaders shake hands before they head their separate ways. I take my personal phone and text Imelda asking her where she is, she says she’s at a light following the Detective. I get a location and start heading in her direction.

It takes about an hour of twists and me making wrong turns before I catch up to Imelda who is sitting on her bike in a little alley looking at an apartment. I park behind her and as soon as she gets off her bike to talk I push her against the wall shoving my tongue in her mouth. Imelda is caught off guard but starts kissing me back as we grind our bodies together. Finally she pushes me back and starts leading me off to an apartment building with no locked front door. We get up stairs and she pulls a door open and leads me inside before having me sit on a mattress and lights a candle. I strip down with her and see her smiling like she knows something. Imelda kneels down and points out a window, I look across the way and see Detective Escalante in a silky bathrobe sitting on a bed with her curtain open. I get to see her wet shoulder length hair and her nice legs rubbing together as she watches something on TV. It’s not porn but I’ve been getting this urge with her since she slammed my face into glass and while I’m not a rapist my viewing pleasure is definitely peaked out seeing her like this. I feel warmth on my cock as Imelda starts taking me in slowly.

“Kori said you got all hot with her earlier. Would you fuck her,” Imelda asks stroking my cock.

“Not before I’d fuck you,” I tell Imelda laying down on the mattress and letting her continue to suck me off.

It’s not a lot of light coming from the candle but it doesn’t need to be as I lay there with a handful of Imelda’s hair and l continue enjoy her working my cock fully hard. I feel her taking long wet strokes of my cock when I spot her look up out the window and smirk. I let her straddle my cock and enjoy myself as she grinds our hips together keeping the pace slow.

“I’m trying to get her to see me so we can give the bitch a show,” Imelda says smiling.

I shrug and reach my hands up to rub her breasts, Imelda is moaning and continues moving her hips in a circle while the grinding against me. I’ve not had this motion in a while and it’s a nice change of pace as we keep our play going. I see Imelda smirking and watch as she starts bouncing on my cock. I figure Escalante has seen her and is either calling the cops or hopefully taking an interest. I can feel Imelda’s pussy tighten up and I take my thumb and start rubbing her clit while she rides me hard. It doesn’t take long and I watch Imelda’s head rock back as she start cumming all over my cock, grunting the whole time. She leans forward and we kiss lightly before she get’s that wicked grin on her face.

“I’m gonna stand in front of the window and bend over, you fuck me from behind and cum while she watches,” Imelda tells me almost purring.

I watch her get up and place her hands on either side of the window bending over slightly at the waist. I stand up behind her and try not to look straight at the Detective as I line up my cock to Imelda and slam deep inside her. I take Imelda’s hips in one hand and her hair in another before I start fucking her pussy fast with long slamming strokes. Imelda’s pussy is slick and aside from her moaning from the fucking I’m giving her all I can hear are our bodies slamming together. I peek out the window and see Escalante has her legs spread on her bed and is finger her clit fast, her face contorted in a struggle for an orgasm. I still don’t know why I’ve got an urge to fuck her senseless but Imelda’s not one to be forgotten and I turn my attention back to her and take my hand off her hip and move it up to her shoulder, getting me a better grip as I go from fast sex to hard fucking.

Imelda turns her head to face me and I can see she’s going to cum again hard and fast. I glance across the alley and see Escalante has her eyes locked on Imelda as I start to bring her to orgasm. I get that tingle and slam the first shot of my own orgasm deep into Imelda’s dripping wet pussy. I keep slamming my cock in with each pump till I have nothing left and just grind our hips together. I feel refreshed from the work and back out watching Imelda steady herself and we step out of the light to get dressed and clean up. I glance out of the window casually and see the Detective is coming down from her orgasm. I’m a little disappointed that I missed it but Imelda was the priority here.

Once we get our clothes on I put the candle out and throw my coat on right in front of the window and motion to Imelda to look back at Escalante as I head out. As we get down stairs Imelda has a look like we just got caught and it’s funny on her face. She rushes out the door ahead of me and I put on a straight face as I exit the building. I watch her hurry to get her helmet on and say home as Imelda starts her bike and peels out. I take my time getting my helmet on and as I’m starting to pull out of the alley I see Escalante has put on sweat pants and a t shirt and has a gun in her hand. I start to leave and can hear her yell something to me. I feel lucky, or at least what an Irishman feels when everyone else calls it lucky and turn my bike around and pull up to the curb in front of her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing,” Escalante asks very upset,” How did you find out where I live?”

“You live here,” I ask looking up at the building,” I was with one of my girlfriends having sex in that building.”

“I’m not stupid Mr. Donnelly, I know you’re here up to something,” the Detective says still upset.

“I was up to something, and I got my girlfriend off twice and she got me off once. Now I’m no up at all,” I tell her smiling coyly.

“Why are you really here,” Escalante asks impatiently.

“Well first off I wanted to tell you this later but I have a few friends trying to find out who stabbed Hector,” I tell her plainly,” And that when I know who that is I’ll tell you immediately. And I wanted to thank you for not sending the police to follow me everywhere.”

“Well you said you’d not press the charges and you haven’t so I’m keeping up my end of the deal,” Escalante says losing her anger.

“Please what can I call you instead of Detective,” I ask politely.

“It’s Detective or Escalante to you, Guy,” She says smirking.

I shut off my engine and step off my bike removing my helmet. I can see she’s ready to shoot me our hit me so I decide to take a bigger risk and move my hand up to her breast and squeeze a little. I see her face register pleasure then shock as she pulls away from my touch.

“What are you doing,” Escalante asks startled.

“I couldn’t figure it out but now I get it, I really want to have sex with you,” I tell her plainly.

“Keep dreaming kid, you’re a little young,” She says with a little smugness in her voice.

I lean into her and sniff loudly enough for her to hear it. When I pull back I can see her face riddled with confusion at my actions.

“I could keep dreaming but then again, I’m not the one masturbating to people having sex in an abandoned building,” I tell her smiling.

I let the second shocker hit her as I sit back down on my bike and start the engine. Detective Escalante hasn’t shot me or arrested me for touching her and I can see some curiosity on her face as I start to leave.

“I’ll make you a deal, if I can get the person who started this mess to confess, you have sex with me once the case is closed,” I tell her smiling.

“You’re arrogant kid, if they confess they’ll tell me that it was you and if they do I have to come after you whether you like me or not,” Escalante says plainly before turning on a sexier tone of voice,” Besides, nobody is that lucky.”

“You never dealt with and Irishman have you,” I tell her putting my helmet on and smiling,” We invented luck.”

I peel out leaving the detective behind on the curb, as I ride home I remember that she didn’t say no and smile. I get back to the house at about ten at night and see Imelda’s bike in the garage and once I’m inside I can tell Mr. Delauter is working when I pop my head into the office. I tell him that I don’t want to press the charges against the detective since they’re not looking at me as a suspect anymore. He understands but says he’ll keep the paperwork ready just in case. I head up stairs and am greeted by to warm women in my bed beckoning me to join them.

We’re all tired and I finally tell them what I’m going to need them to do tomorrow, at first Imelda doesn’t like her part in the plan but Kori whispers into her ear and watch her smile big before we all settle in. Tomorrows is a big day, now I just gotta figure out what I want more out of dealing with Romeo, do I go for the win and take the prize or do I go for the satisfaction and the revenge?

Part 10

I wake up to a pounding on the door and flashing lights outside, I want to move but my hands are still manacled to the headboard of the bed. Fuzzy manacles and I’m still a little hard, damn Kori really knows how to plan a party. I can hear people coming up the stairs, normally I’d do something about it but with Kori on my left and Imelda on my right I’m still not going anywhere. I rest my head on the pillow and wait for the fun to begin. Door opens and there are the police turning on the lights in the room. I wait to hear her voice.

“Guy Donnelly, you need to come with me right now for questioning,” Detective Escalante says in an official tone.

Kori and Imelda are roused from sleep by the lights and I shrug while showing Escalante the manacles. I see a small smirk before the manacles are undone and I’m escorted from the bed. They let Kori put some jeans on me and I get moved out of the house and into the back of Detective Escalante’s car. Everything is perfect.


Waking up with Kori and Imelda in the same bed is kinda like waking up as a fly and two frogs have their mouths on you. Granted being kissed by two women is an epic way to wake up. I kiss both women on the lips and start to peel myself out of bed much to the ladies dismay.

“Awww baby we wanted to play,” Kori says sweetly from the bed.

“I know girls but you have some shopping to do and I know how women love shopping,” I tell her pulling my clothes on.

I check my phone and see it’s only eight in the morning and I’m pretty sure breakfast is ready by now. I head down stairs and see Rosa starting clean up in the kitchen. In the dining room however it’s a nearly full table as Kori and Imelda catch up to me hastily dressed and join the whole family at the table. We eat and talk casually when I figure out I have a hole in what I’m doing, I need an out and I don’t have one. We all get done eating and I watch everyone else clear out.

I still have a hole in my plan and that’s a problem until I see Rosa taking out the trash from the kitchen. Once she’s in the garage I head straight in after her. I let her put the trash in the bins as I close the door to the rest of the house.

“Dios Mio Mr. Donnelly, you scared me,” Rosa says startled to see me in the garage.

“Rosa I need your help and considering we both know you’re a hell of a lot smarter than most give you credit for I think you’ll be able to help me,” I tell Rosa smiling.

We talk about the security system in the home, where the cameras are considering I haven’t seen them. There are no door alarms but she tells me exactly how to get out of the house and off the grounds without being seen. Loretta almost hears us talking as she comes into the room looking for me.

“Guy the girls are wanting me to take them to some very ‘particular’ stores,” Loretta tells me,” I think they’re planning something for you tonight.”

“Oh god I hope so. Please tell me you’re going to help them,” I ask pleadingly.

“Yes I’m going to take Kori out but Imelda says she needs to talk to you about your bike,” Loretta says as I follow her out of the garage.

I get back to my room and see both girls are getting ready to go but Imelda has a concerned look on her face. I grab my coat and we all head down t the garage where I kiss Kori goodbye before Imelda and I head out on our bikes. I let her lead the way as we get through town till we stop at her job. We get off our bikes and I watch Imelda head inside to talk with her boss. Its a few minutes before I watch two guys pull my bike in the garage and get it up on the track.

“Baby I know you wanted to get a good look at my bike but I thought we were going somewhere else,” I ask Imelda confused.

“Yeah well I’ve been a on a bit more of the streets than you baby and you’re being played,” Imelda tells me sternly,” and now I’m going to prove it to you.”

Imelda shows me to a seat and hands me a soda as her boys start combing through my bike. I sit back and watch them fiddle around and aside from nearly taking the whole bike apart they spend an hour fiddling around before Imelda waves me into the garage. I follow her in and see one of the mechanics holding a small light as he shines it past some of the engine and I see a small black piece of plastic with some wiring hooked to my bike.

“They low jacked you, the cops have been watching your every move,” Imelda tells quietly,” You need to not do this.”

I step away for a second to think, first thing first I am going to punch Escalante so hard in the gut she’ll never have children. Secondly I’m going to not leave enough of Romeo to fill a matchbox. I am fuming mad when Imelda places her hand on my shoulder.

“Baby it’s gonna be okay. It’ll take time but we can figure out a way to get it out without setting it off,” Imelda tells me but I’m not in the mood to listen.

I see them lowering my bike down and once it’s down I get my helmet on and peel out. I know Imelda wants to help but this is my problem now. I drive around thinking about what I am going to do when I decide to say fuck it and head to the tattoo parlor. Once inside the Old Man walks me into the back office and sits me down.

“Your Mexican girl called here asking if we’d seen you,” the old man asks,” are you able to be seen.”

I nod my head and watch him nod to Vicki who makes a phone call. I sit in the office quietly trying to think and calm down. The old man leaves and I am left with just my thoughts. I check my clock and see it’s about noon when Imelda comes in and tries to make her way to me but gets cut off by the Old Man. I’m not pissed at her; I thought I had an understanding with Escalante. I really want to confront her but I’ll save that for later. I step out of the office and hug Imelda who grips me back tightly.

“I needed to cool off baby, I’m not mad at you,” I tell her quietly.

“Baby I thought you were going to go punch that puta,” Imelda says relieved.

Oh how I want to, one good fist to the baby maker but I’ve got more important things to worry about. We relax for a minute when I text Kori to see where they are, not shocking to me they are still shopping. I give the location to Imelda and ask her to just join up with them and that I’ll be very careful till tonight. I watch her leave and confirm with the old man my what’s, when’s, and where’s for tonight.

“Okay kid, I got everything you wanted set up and it’s with someone we can trust,” the Old Man tells me,” mind if I ask on a scale of one to ten how bad what you’re doing is?”

I lean my head back and sigh before looking at the Old Man and smiling big. I watch as Smitty shakes his head but the Old Man just chuckles as he pats me on the back before I head out. Back to the bike and I sit for a minute, I have about 6 hours to kill before I need to be home. I figure it’s time to deal with some of my other frustration, Jackie. Another twenty some minutes killed as I drive over to the shelter. I get inside and check in with Mrs. Martinez for my visitors pass. Couple of the girls say hi or comment on my bike before one of the two I actually bother to talk to, Kelly heads sees me and heads over.

“Back again, it’s like you are looking for a reason to get angry,” Kelly says almost happily.

“I have plenty to be angry about. Where is Jackie,” I ask plainly.

“I heard her say she was heading to the mall, probably visiting her boyfriend,” Kelly tells me,” Oh can I come too?”

“Why, not might need someone to abuse me after I get done with this,” I tell Kelly turning around.

I get my spare helmet out of my bike and wait for Kelly. It takes her about ten minutes before I see Kelly come running out of the front door, she changed from shorts to a short skirt and a v-neck top. I hand her the helmet and once she’s seated on the bike I head off to the mall.

I get the bike parked and head inside with Kelly, she’s just happy to be out the shelter. We head past the theater and get to the food court where I see Jackie sitting alone drinking a soda. I hand Kelly a twenty and tell her to get something to eat but I’ll need my privacy. I honestly think she’s never been given anything before me without having to ‘earn’ it. I let her head off and make a slow approach to Jackie’s table. I wait for her to see me there with my hood down, the recognition hits her face so does the fear and for once it’s not the look I was hoping for.

“Can I sit down or do you need more time,” I ask Jackie plainly.

“Oh god, Guy. Ummm sure please sit down,” Jackie says startled but trying to be polite.

I sit and watch her close her book, I keep watching her eyes as she glances to one of the food stalls. I figure it’s her boyfriend she’s looking at but I really couldn’t care less about the guy. I don’t even look myself I keep my eyes on Jackie.

“So how did you find me,” Jackie asks nervously.

“Kelly, she said she knew where you were and asked to come. Personally I think I gave her a major hard on for me,” I tell Jackie getting a grimace of something like regret.

“Are you gonna have sex with her,” Jackie asks.

“I honestly don’t know, haven’t thought about it,” I tell her starting in,” So I’m so much of a monster that you can’t even tell me that you’re happy, so horrible that when you decide to try to find some happiness that you push me so far away that now I get to see what a horrible person I am.”

“Guy it’s not like that, I was just trying to do something with myself,” Jackie tells me,” I started going out and tried living a little instead of sitting in the shelter most of the time.”

“And that’s great, honestly I’m happy for you but you shut me out then hid it from me for weeks,” I tell her holding back my temper.

“I didn’t want to hide it I just didn’t want to hurt you. I met Steven a couple days after you took care of Kelly, we talked and he was nice,” Jackie tells me trying to explain,” It felt good to speak to someone outside the shelter and when he kissed me it was, I felt special.”

“And that’s just wonderful, you have a great feeling and decide that I’m so awful that instead of just owning up to it and telling me like a real friend you decide to just,” I pause to figure out the end game,” wait it out till I leave and head back to Washington?”

I can see Jackie’s hurt and not enjoying the fact that I just said her entire plan out loud. I really liked her; she was damaged but got away like I did. I did what I did partly for her, because it would make her feel better. Now I know that she saw the monster and then ran to hide. Jackie is in pain, I can see it but where I used to feel like I care I feel like twisting the knife.

“Hey baby, are you okay,” I get from the new boyfriend Steven,” Didn’t I see you before at the shelter?”

“Yes you did, now either figure out a way to realize that you’re not needed here right now or I see just how badly you want to be a hero,” I tell him looking Jackie in her eyes.

“Hey, you back off. Jackie is my girlfriend and I’m not going to stand here and just let you talk to her like that you’re and idiot,” Steven says getting very cross with me.

“Steve I’m okay, really. Guy just helped me with some things and I did something bad to him okay. I need you to leave us alone for a while honey,” Jackie says trying to protect him.

I feel him glaring at me but he walks away, I almost want to say good doggie but I keep it to myself as Steven leaves. Jackie is hurting bad and I can forgive her but why? After this level of betrayal I should really scorch the earth here.

“I horrify you. Don’t I,” I ask Jackie.

“No it’s not that. I don’t feel scared with you and you are not a monster,” Jackie answers me exasperated,” I found Steven and things have been nice. I know you aren’t going to be around and I needed someone for me.”

“Still doesn’t answer the hiding, you could have told me weeks ago and you didn’t. And for the record I would have been fine. I get why you went out and when you found Steve everything started to feel better for you. You didn’t trust me, I’m a monster and in your mind that’s the last thing you see when you look at me,” I state to Jackie.

“I look at you and see something I can’t keep,” Jackie says with a lot of anger,” you have four girlfriends and I hoped that you could just settle on me and walk away. I knew that wasn’t going to happen with how you spoke about ‘your girls’ so I figured I’d go out and try to be free and I found someone. Now here you are trying to… oh shit.”

I see Jackie isn’t looking at me anymore but past me, I turn and see Kelly sitting scared at a table with a black guy in some seriously baggy pants and an overly pricy jersey. It’s when I see the gold in his teeth that I really don’t like him, that and the fact that he’s got someone I’ve been working on making better scared shitless. I get up and head over with a good stomp in my step.

“Kelly get up and say good bye,” I tell Kelly sternly.

“Hey white boy, I’m talking to my girl here so leave now,” I get told by the ‘G’ in the jersey.

I watch Kelly get relieved and start to stand up but her old friend is not taking no for an answer. I feel like a Hindu cow right now, calm and unbelievably relaxed. I let him turn me around so I can watch him threaten me.

“Listen boy, go sit yo ass down in a fucking chair somewhere else and stay the fuck away from my girl,” the old boyfriend tells me.

I see Steven and Jackie start to approach but Jackie halts them both when she sees my face. Kelly backs away a few steps by the sound of her. I already know what I’m gonna do.

“You want Kelly, fine. You and me, one on one, name the spot and I’ll be there with her in twenty minutes,” I tell the old friend.

“You wanna fight me whitey you gonna lose more than Kelly,” He says wonderfully confident,” Yeah, south side overpass in twenty if your bitch ass can make it there.”

I watch him turn and start to walk but I only let him get a step before I plant a foot in the back of his right knee. I feel a light pop and as soon as he’s down on his knees I lock my arms around his neck in a reverse headlock, bending him backwards as I apply pressure to his neck I make eye contact with Steven and Jackie.

“See, this is why she asked you to walk away. This is why when you’ve asked questions about me she’s avoided the answers,” I tell Steven as I feel Kelly’s ‘friend’ struggle,” I’m the thing that people seem to beg to handle all the bad problems, and Jackie while a very sweet girl has had some bad problems.”

I can feel the friend go limp and I let go of the hold allowing him to fall down. The food court is buzzing and I figure it’ll be good to get out of here but I’m not done yet. I walk straight up to Jackie and Steven.

“Now I want you to drop all the bullshit and tell me exactly what you should have said the first time we had this discussion,” I tell Jackie plainly.

“I’m sorry, I should have just said something and let you be happy for me,” Jackie says tearing up.

“You, I want you to remember my face,” I turn my attention to Steven who looks confused and a little afraid,” you ever do anything to hurt her and I will find you.”

I can see the thought register in his face for a second before I smile and walk quickly out of the mall. I hear feet behind me and see Kelly trying to catch up; girl needs work off some of her ass. We get on my bike and are gone before anyone around asks questions. I figure it’ll probably be best to get her back to the shelter quickly considering the longer we’re out the more chance someone might try to find her after this. I get us in the parking lot and walk her inside and swing her into Mrs. Martinez’s office to let her know most of what happened at the mall and to keep an eye out. I let her talk with Kelly when I see some of the girls watching intently.

“Problem ladies,” I ask closing the door to Mrs. Martinez’s office.

“Is Kelly getting kicked out,” one girl asks.

“No, for once she just told the guy no,” I tell them before heading back out to my bike.

I have a message from Loretta saying that since the girls are going out tonight that she wants to take Mr. Delauter out for a date night as well. I reply with my thinking that it’s a splendid idea. My only problem now is Mark. I need to get him out of the house for several hours but I don’t have anything to distract him, except Vicki. I dial up the tattoo shop on my phone and she answers like usual.

“Heya Vicki, I’m coming by to pick you up,” I tell her starting up my bike.

“Guy you’re coming to pick me up? What did I do to deserve the attention,” Vicki asks, I can hear the pleasant surprise in her voice.

“Oh we’ll be going over that soon,” I tell her hanging up.

I get over to the shop and see Vicki’s outside waiting, she’s got on a tied flannel short sleeve shirt and jean short shorts with cowboy boots on. I let her get on my bike and head back towards home. We get in the garage about three in the afternoon, only Abigail and Bethany are home and they greet me with a puzzled look when they see Vicki.

“Big plans girls,” I ask them heading to my room.

“Yeah, we both got dates but the guys say they are coming to get us at the same time,” Abigail says accusingly.

“Really, well maybe it’s all for the best,” I tell them,” If you two are there nobody will want to fight; only I impress women when I fight.”

Both girls smirk and get back to date planning while I get Vicki into my room and have her sit down on my bed. I close the door and sit on the edge of my bed before beginning my request.

“So I have a slight problem and I need your help with it,” I start in trying to gauge her reaction.

“Oh that problem, I know I’m a little better at taking it harder than your girlfriends Guy,” Vicki says smiling.

“Yes and no on that statement, but it’s not me I need you to help out with. I need you to take Mark out,” I say dropping the bomb.

“Oh god, why do guys always ask me to do the pity date,” Vicki says exasperated,” You really think he needs a date?”

“No I don’t think he needs a date, I need someone to get him out of here till after midnight tonight and he’s got a crush on you hard,” I tell Vicki explaining,” Besides he’s not a bad guy, he just needs someone to grab him by his balls and make him focus.”

“Wait, you want me to keep him busy for several hours on a date and I don’t have to sleep with him if I don’t want to,” Vicki asks surprised.

“Yep, you sleep with him if you want to. I only need to have the house empty so the girls and I can have some serious fun. They told me they had plans for me and I have to get everyone out so they can ‘treat’ me,” I tell her getting a surprised look.

We laugh about the request and hours go by with the two of us enjoying each other’s company when at about five in the afternoon Loretta and the girls show up. Kori and Imelda burst into the room and greet Vicki warmly then Kori stands me up and sticking her hand in my pants grabs my cock.

“Hmmm, he’s dry and getting hard,” Kori tells Imelda happily,” he’s not avoiding us he’s really saving up till the treat tonight.”

Imelda smiles and the girls kick me out of my own room and I head down to the kitchen and see Loretta who is working on some paperwork.

“I took Kelly out to the mall today and a guy tried to harass her. I took care of him but we need to keep her with a chaperone for a while just in case,” I tell Loretta concerned.

“I can do that,” Loretta tells me,” So after what I saw the girls buying I need to leave a shot of adrenaline in the first aid kit just in case they accidently stop your heart.”

I smile lightly then think about what she said, Loretta’s serious. I go through all the ideas of what they could have planned but figure it’ll be better if I focus on what happens before the party tonight. I chat with Loretta a little more before Mr. Delauter and Mark get home. Loretta and Mr. Delauter head off to their room and I follow Mark into his room.

“So your girls have something big for you planned tonight,” Mark says a little disappointed,” Guess I can’t have fun up there but I’ll be in my room and out of your way if that’s okay.”

“EHHHHHH Wrong Mark! I figured listening to us would be just cruel so I did you a real favor,” I tell him trying to sound like a game show host,” I have Vicki upstairs right now and she’s willing to go out on a date with you tonight.”

“No fucking way,” Mark says instantly cheering up.

“Rules, one she is a lady and you’ll treat her like one because I’ve met her family and they’ll kill you. Second sex is on her terms so you have to be a good date,” I tell him as he starts to get changed into some nice clothes.

I head back up and knock my door to which Imelda peers out at me and I motion for Vicki, once she’s out of the room I take her downstairs to Mark who is ready and when she sees him she smile lightly.

“Did he tell you that I’m not some hooker,” Vicki asks plainly.

“Yes, did you want to get some different clothes on or should I change to match you,” Mark asks trying to be very polite.

“Yes I will want to change and you need to drive me,” Vicki says turning a little snobbish as she heads to the garage.

I watch Mark mouth the words ‘thank you’ as he heads after Vicki, ah what we do for good tail. I shake my head and head back up to my room and once again after knocking on my door get Imelda staring at me like I want something strange.

“We’re busy, sir,” Imelda says,” You need to come back after things are taken care of.”

I think I saw her smirk as she closes the door on me. I head to the TV room to eat up some more time. I watch the Abigail and Bethany leave at the same time and finally I get to say goodbye to Loretta and Mr. Delauter who are decked out in their finest as they head out on their date. I check my phone and see it’s finally six and that means it’s time to get moving. I back up to my room for the last time and instead of knocking I take my coat off and leaving my phone and keys in the pocket hang them on the door knob. I change out of my boots and into my sneakers before getting into Mark’s room; he left the window open thank god. I duck out and wait till I see the camera in its perch above me turn full to the right before I cover the thirty feet of ground and duck into the bushes as it pans back. I wait a little more and quietly hop the stone wall into the neighboring yard, it’s an empty lot so I don’t have to worry about people around, I take the burner phone out and dial the number first number, I hear a voice on the other end and tell him exactly where I’m at. Apparently he’s been waiting in the area and I don’t have to wait more than five minutes when a black van pulls up and I jump into the side door.

“Clothes are in the black bag,” I hear the driver say keeping it professional.

I take my phone and text the only other number in it Carlos’s burner; I ask him where Romeo is. It takes a few minutes and I change out of my clothes and into the ones provided. I have black jeans with some tight sneakers and a black turtle neck, at the bottom of the bag I see something that tells me the Old Man has a few ideas of his own. I take out the full skull mask and gloves but leave the remaining items inside for later. I get my response from Carlos; apparently he’s at Carlos’s place waiting for a call from him. I give the driver the location and off we go.

It takes about twenty minutes to get there thanks to the freeway and the driver being a fucking madman behind the wheel. We drive around till I see Romeo’s car sitting alone in an alley.

“I am going to need you to stay close once I get this going but when I wave you off stop following me and when I text you I’ll be on foot heading towards you,” I tell the driver getting out of the van with my bag.

The driver nods before hiding his van somewhere out of sight. I check the alley, it’s blind and I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. With the fair going on I figure most people are out having fun, that’s probably where Blaze and Carlos are meeting up at. I chuckle to myself and wait patiently behind a dumpster till seven; once it rolls around I send the text off to Carlos to get Romeo. I don’t even have to wait ten minutes when I see Romeo decked out in khaki’s and a white button up shirt like the rest of Carlos’s crew. I pull my mask on and leave the bag in the spot, I wait for Romeo to get pass me before I push him head first into his own car. I don’t hear a crack of his neck but he’s out like a light from bouncing his head off the car door. I check again and see nobody around, ducking back to the dumpster I grab the bag of goodies and get the duct tape out and start binding up Romeo’s hands, feet and gag his mouth with a rag from the trash before covering it with duct tape. I grab Romeo’s keys and pocket his cell phone after removing the battery; once I get the trunk open I drag his ass over and stuff his unconscious body in the trunk. Once I get it closed I pull off the mask and take my seat behind the wheel of Romeo’s car, it’s a piece of shit and I honestly wonder if it’ll even get me out where I want to go but sure enough it gets us down the road.

The drive to the southern part of town takes me about forty five minute and I really think on what I’m going to do and how all this could be foiled by a random cop pulling me over. My driver in the van isn’t going to be any help but then again if I wanted help I’d get Carlos. I see the city start to get thinner with buildings and more desolate before I wave off the driver and take the car off road. As soon as I start hitting the bumps of the sand and rocks I’m kicking up I can hear something from the trunk, Romeo must be awake. I drive in circles for a while, being summer I figure it’ll be a while before it gets dark. I keep driving and the sun finally sets about nine at night, I stop the car and grab the hand cuffs out and turn them into a brace for my knuckles after getting my mask back on. I get to the back of the car and pop the trunk to see Romeo has vomited a little bit and moved the gag off. I punch him right in the side of the head with the handcuffs to put him back out. I drag him out and bring him to the front of the car, I check the bag and see there’s no knife in it at all and figure I’ll check the car. It takes me a minute to get into the glove box but when I do I see my smoking gun, or more accurately bloody pocket knife. He’s kept it in the car this whole time sitting in a plastic bag in his glove box. I take the bag out and get back to work, Romeo’s still out so it makes him a little easier to deal with. I take his shoes and socks off, not sure why but it’s funny to me, before I cut his legs free. I get his hands free and take his right hand and cuff it to the front of his car’s shitty yet sturdy looking grill. I slap him a little to get him to wake up and when he does I watch him try to get up but the cuffs keep him in place. After struggling for a minute I decide it’s time to get his attention.

“Hello Romeo, you’ve been doing some very bad things haven’t you,” I tell him with my voice muffled by the mask and trying to speak with an accent.

“Who are you man, what do you want,” Romeo asks panicked.

“I want you to listen. This is an unbreakable situation you are in,” I tell him pulling out the bag with the knife in it.

I watch his eyes go wide and wait as he futilely pulls on the cuffs again. It’s not long before the crying starts and I take the road flare out of the bag and get it going so that we have some light.

“What do you want from me,” Romeo asks again still scared.

“I said you will LISTEN,” I say getting stern with my voice,” I know what you did with this knife, and by now so does Carlos and Blaze. While we’re here talking they’re being told by one of my people exactly who did what. I’m in the business of vengeance; your number just came up.”

“Oh god you’re going to kill me,” Romeo whimpers starting to cry again.

“I’m not going to kill you Romeo,” I say causing him to look at me pleadingly,” I’m giving you a choice. Would you confess to your sins?”

“Yes, I will confess, I’ll tell the police everything,” Romeo says still begging.

“The problem is that would be too easy for you. You betrayed your own by attacking your own woman and then you stabbing someone who treated you like a brother,” I tell him angrily,” that makes you coward and a traitor. Now I want you to know that when you get inside jail you will have someone watching you. And they will make sure you stay true because if you stay outside you’ll be killed or worse by Carlos and Blaze. Do you understand?”

I watch him nod and start holding the handcuffs out to me so I can unlock them. I first show Romeo his car keys and once he recognizes them I throw them with my right hand as far as I can in the dark. I can see he’s distraught about it but it’s only going to get worse as I pull out a bottle of red liquid, label says pigs blood. I get more crying and pleading as I start to cover Romeo in the blood, only sparing his head and handcuffed arm.

“Now that you know the situation let me give you a lesson,” I start in,” The coyote isn’t a predator like some people think. They only hunt when they have a distinct advantage or are starving, and here you are covered in blood sitting hand cuffed and defenseless in the middle of coyote country.”

“You can’t leave me here, I said I’d confess,” Romeo starts raising his voice to me,” take me back and I’ll confess.”

“Oh you will confess Romeo; you see that flare will last for about three and a half more hours before it goes dead. Then the coyotes will have nothing to be afraid of when they come for you,” I take out his phone and show him the battery,” You will need to make a call with this first so that the police will come and find you.”

I take the phone and set it down ten feet away from his spot and set the battery on top of it. I can see fear mixed with confusion but my opus hasn’t even reached its zenith yet.

“I need my phone if I’m going to make a call,” Romeo says desperate.

“Yes you do, and you’re going to have to get it,” I tell him pulling the last item out of the bag,” with this.”

I get the item out and into plain view for him to see, a hacksaw. Romeo officially hits bat shit panicked in record time and starts lashing out and trying to pull his hand out of the cuffs. I wait for him to stop after a few minutes before continuing.

“You have three hours or so to make your choice,” I start in very calmly,” you can wait here and let the coyotes come and eat you, they will kill you and it’ll hurt but you’ll be dead and what happens after that won’t matter. Your other option is to cut off your own hand, the same one you stabbed your Hector with, to get to the phone and try to get to safety with the knife. You can die like a coward or be a man and face your punishment.”

I grab my bag from the ground and put the duct tape and the bottle inside it, I almost forget the hacksaw. I turn and drop it next to road flare within his reach if he stretches out his legs. I close up the bag and start jogging back to the road leaving Romeo whimpering in fear behind me.

As soon as I get to the road I don’t even have to take my phone out thanks to my ride already being there. Once inside the van I find out the time is a little after nine thirty and start changing out of the loaner clothes and back into my regular clothes. We get back to the empty house a little after ten and I leave the burner phone in the bag before addressing the driver.

“I want the whole bag and clothes burned please,” I ask him politely,” Not one trace of anything in there.”

“Old Man said you were smart kid, I’ll take care of it personally,” my driver tells me before heading down the road.

I cut through the yard and back up to the house, over the wall and I wait in the bushes. I wait till I see the camera turn far to the right again and rush the thirty feet back to the house. No Mark in his room as I get in through the open window and return it to a small crack like it was originally. The whole house is quiet and I creep up to my room and see my coat is not there and neither is my phone. I knock on the door and wait patiently. Kori answers wearing a black satin robe and a scared look in her eyes, I enter and see Imelda is dressed the same way. I move over to my coat and send a text message off to Detective Escalante that I have the name of who stabbed Hector; it takes about two seconds for a reply. I ask if she and I have a deal or if we don’t, she says yes and I give up Romeo to her and put my phone away.

I turn my attention back to my girls who are standing expectantly; I’m honestly now more worried than I was earlier with Romeo as Kori beckons me to stand in front of them. I move to the spot and watch as Imelda and Kori take off their robes both are wearing black corsets with nylons and garters, I see no bras or panties at all and both girls move to me like animals on the prowl. Both remain quiet as they start to slowly strip me down until I’m naked and I let them move me over to the bed and lay me down in the middle of the bed. I watch as they take my hands and use some fuzzy shackles to secure my arms to the bed so I can’t touch them or get away.

“Open your mouth and take this,” Kori says holding a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

I lean up and take the pill in my mouth trying to hold it under my tongue; I really don’t like unknown drugs. Kori gives me the water and I drink a few gulps before Kori takes away the cup and slams her mouth into mine, it takes a few seconds but she finds the pill and I can’t help but swallow it.

“Bad boy, now we need to punish you for that,” Kori says almost enjoying my stubbornness with the pill.

I’m aroused but not very hard as both girls take their time slowly and methodically kissing my body, Kori licking around my nipple while Imelda starts to curl my toes by licking my earlobe. I’m getting harder as Kori finally makes her way down to my cock and lifts it off my stomach, I feel her kissing my hips, and belly until finally she starts working my cock in her warm mouth. I feel like they must have left the window open cause I feel cold air all over my body but more so on my cock as Kori covers it with saliva from her gently working me over. Imelda on the other hand is not so gentle and I’m trying to get her to ease up as she starts biting her way down my body, starting from my ear and stopping as she takes my nipple in her teeth and grinds it slowly. I look down and watch as Kori stops working me over with her mouth and decides to speed things up by taking her hand and jacking my cock fast and with a tight grip.

“Baby, that’s really hard and I’m gonna cum too soon if you keep it up,” I tell Kori as I start to feel the twinge at the base of my cock.

“Good, your tigresses are going to remind you that sometimes you are here for us to play with,” Kori says as I feel her start jacking my cock harder.

The pain from Imelda biting my nipple stops as I feel her move down and while Kori continues spitting on and jerking my cock as I discover that Imelda has a more intense idea. I feel Imelda moving in between my legs and at first she starts gently sucking on my balls, with Kori jerking me I start moaning as the tension in my cock base sends shivers down my legs. Imelda and Kori feel this and suddenly Imelda takes my scrotum in her teeth and grinds the flesh gently yet painfully as Kori goes all out jacking my cock. They’re holding my hips in place as I start bucking my hips and shoot my load up in the air and back down onto myself. Kori doesn’t stop her work till she feels nothing left coming out, Imelda stops biting me and I watch them as they both start licking cum off my body. I’m a little achy from the intensity of what they just did and I can hear both girls chuckling.

“What’s so funny,” I ask catching my breath.

“You’re still ready to go aren’t you,” Imelda says grinning mischievously.

I look down and see to me surprise that she’s right, I’m still rock hard and sensitive to the cold air. What the hell did they give me, I’ve been able to get up again with some prodding but it takes time or some serious attention. Now I’m confused but Imelda isn’t going to waste any time as I watch straddle my hips and lay my cock flat on my stomach. Once she has me down I feel her start to rub her pussy lips up and down my shaft slowly so that I get covered in her juices. Kori on the other hand has moved up towards my head and takes my head and puts my mouth to her breast, I latch on and start to suck away when she pulls it out of my mouth and lightly slaps my face.

“Lick, don’t suck,” Kori tells me sternly as she puts her nipple back to my face.

I keep to licking her nipple like I was ‘told’, I’m still confused as to the slapping but I’m not in a position to ask questions as she keeps my mouth occupied. I feel Imelda lean forward on my cock a little and start rubbing her clit on the length of my shaft with a slow and very patient pace, and then I start to feel my need to cum start again, it’s slow and distant but I should be able to last a little longer than this even with waiting all day for this. I watch as Kori gets bored with me licking her nipple and gets up on the bed before moving up to my head lowers herself down till my face is an inch away from her pussy.

“Lick it, don’t try anything else,” Kori says rubbing the stubble from my shaved head.

I tentatively start to lick Kori’s pussy and clit, trying to figure out where she wants my tongue. I can see she’s enjoying it as I feel Imelda start to speed up her hips and clit on my shaft. It feels warm and I can definitely tell where her clit is and raise my hips a little to give her more pressure. I feel Imelda speed up her hips and it brings me close for the second time as she continues to rub my cock with her slit I feel her place her hands on my chest, particularly her fingers on my nipples pinching hard. I feel the twinge in the base of my cock and I grunt into Kori’s pussy while straining against the manacles and weight of the girls before shooting my second load of the night up my own stomach and chest. I feel Imelda go stiff and start using her slit to push each load out of my cock with deep grinding thrusts.

I have lingering pain in my nipples and scrotum from Imelda pinching and biting as the both girls stop straddling me and start to clean up my body again, this time Kori get’s off the bed and comes back with a moist cloth to wipe me down with.

“Oh god that was too hard,” I say feeling the ache on my body.

“Oh baby, we’re not done yet. And neither is your cock,” Imelda says drawing my attention down to my still hard member,” And you’ve still got to make us both cum tonight.”

It’s official; they’re trying to kill me. What the hell was that pill and how the hell do they let people buy that shit. I’m trying to distract myself from the sensations of pain, pleasure and exhaustion in my body as the girls decide among themselves on what to do next. I can hear them whispering before it looks like Kori is going to go first. I watch both girls start working over my cock with their mouths again, Kori licking the head slowly and taking her tongue and pushing it in the little hole, Imelda running her mouth up and down my shaft before taking my balls in her mouth again, this time being gentler than the last time. The sensation almost hurts with my soreness from Imelda using her teeth and both girls making it a point to get me off in very hard ways, I try to focus on the pleasure of the situation and keep my eyes locked onto the work they’re doing to me. Kori is the first one to stop working on my cock, I watch as she moves over my hips and straddles my cock. I watch her slowly lower her hips down and Imelda helps guide my cock into her descending pussy.

Kori’s warm velvet like folds are the most pleasant feeling I’ve had this whole time as she gets me seated all the way inside her. I feel her start to squeeze the walls of her pussy around me and the pressure feels great as I relax my head on the pillow and start to enjoy myself. I feel weight shift up next to me and see Imelda has crawled up next to my face and is smiling.

“Close your eyes and open your mouth,” Imelda tells me almost happily.

I comply with her command only to have my head pushed against the bed and a ball of some sore shoved into my mouth. I panic a little and pull my head up to spit but Imelda is too quick as she start to fasten it around my head. I feel the ball gag lock into place and watch as she checks the tightness before giving a nod to Kori. I watch as Kori starts slowing riding my cock up and down and see out of the corner of my eye Imelda slip out of the room. My sore cock is still reveling in the warmth of Kori’s soft pussy as she works her pussy slowly on my cock. It’s long and drawn out enough that I can try to enjoy it through the soreness and the gag. I catch Imelda coming back in and see she has a small bowl holding something I can’t quite make out, Imelda gets back on the bed and whispers into Kori’s ear and both girls smile before looking at me with devilish grins.

“Baby, are you warm,” Kori asks slamming down her pussy onto me hard and slowly drawing it back up.

I feel the cold of the air a lot more than normal and figure I must be warm but why are they asking for my comfort now for I wonder. I nod my head and feel Imelda move down straddling my legs as Kori continues going slowly up my cock then slamming the length of me into her with a slapping noise. I feel Imelda hold my foot in place before I receive a massive shock to my system as freezing cold is applied to the bottom of my foot. I start writhing in agony and moaning into the ball gag as the girls keep me as well held in place as they can. Kori says something to Imelda about hard and huge but I’m too out of it and distracted from Kori’s soft pussy and Imelda’s icy torture to pay attention. I feel a twinge of pain in the base of my cock and I see Kori can feel it too, she starts going faster but by now I’m afraid to cum. I feel her working me harder as she slams her pussy down onto my cock fast and hard but I keep everything in my being focused on not cumming or the pain it may bring.

“Baby are you gonna cum for me again,” Kori asks pounding down hard.

I shake my head no and see her frown a little, Imelda’s face comes into view and I can see Imelda smiling a little.

“Baby I need to cum and I want you to cum with me. You want me to cum too right,” Kori asks keeping up the hard pace.

I really want her to cum but I keep feeling like my cock is going to burst inside her if this keeps up. I close my eyes and try to find the pleasure as I nod to Kori.

“Imelda, make sure he cums hard with me,” I hear Kori say sickeningly sweet.

I start to push my body up against her, starting to feel a rush in my own body as I get closer to my third orgasm. I can feel Imelda’s fingers working my scrotum lightly; it’s a mild distraction as she stretches it a little, not painfully. I feel her holding it flat when the freezing pain lands and stays right on my testicles and scrotum. I must be on fire because the cold is unbearable, I get a flash of Kori’s head thrown back in orgasm and I clench up finally cumming in her hard and deep. Kori stops bouncing on me as I cum and I feel her grip my sides with her hands holding me as I ride out the pain and pleasure of my climax.

I feel Kori get off of me in my exhausted and honestly delirious state. I can feel the girls moving but my brain might as well be out in the desert with Romeo as I lay in bed shaking lightly as the aftershocks hit me. I feel a body cuddle up to me and see that it’s Kori looking very sweet and loving but I honestly don’t know how to react to any of it. I feel her rubbing her hand up my chest and then she draws my attention down to my still hard cock. Oh Christ how am I still hard, I should either die or see a physician after all this. I need to get out of the manacles or get the gag out to tell them to stop but as I start to struggle Kori gently starts to calm me down.

“Baby, you have one more. I know my Guy can do one more for Imelda,” Kori purrs sweetly edging me on,” Tell me you can do one more baby.”

I feel my heart pounding in my chest; I need to find something to latch onto as I feel Imelda starting to take her position over me. I can see Imelda has a plastic bottle in her hand and starts squirting the contents into her hand then using that hand to stroke my cock, the goo is a little warm and kind of soothing. Kori is still prodding me for an answer and I feel the drums in my chest and head start to beat. It might as well be my own funeral march as I look at Kori and nod my head weakly.

“Imelda he’s ready for the big surprise,” Kori says kissing my body to keep me interested.

I watch Imelda start to line her pussy up with my cock then see her smile in the light and move my cock head back past her pussy and start to press against her asshole. It’s tight and I feel her trying to push her way onto my cock but Imelda is having trouble. Kori stops playing with my body and moves to help Imelda, taking my cock and holding it in place while Imelda uses Kori for balance to keep herself from losing her placing. It’s tight and hard for a few seconds more before I feel Imelda’s asshole open up and slowly work her way down my cock. Imelda’s ass is tighter than anything I can think of as she get’s half my cock in then works her way back up and pushes down. I watch her do this steady pace with each time taking more of my cock deeper into her asshole. After a few tense moments Imelda takes my cock from the top and pushes hard down with her ass burying my all the way into her anus. I am groaning at the warmth and vice like tightness of Imelda as she positions herself leaning back away from me but facing me, her hands and feet keeping herself propped up on the bed. Kori sets herself back and watches and Imelda starts wasting no time taking long hard thrusts with her ass onto my cock, a slapping noise fills the room as I start grunting into the ball gag. I try to watch Imelda’s body as she fucks me, more so I see Kori looking at Imelda as she rides when I see that grin on Kori’s face. Kori moves next to Imelda and starts kissing her breast and rubbing her clit. Imelda’s reaction to the additional sensation causes her to go start speeding up her thrusting but Kori slows her down whispering something about letting it build.

I try to force the feeling of an orgasm in my mind, keeping on it and nothing else. I can see Kori is watching but I don’t know what she’s expecting to see, probably waiting to see if I die during sex. If I have to go then might as well do it now. I wait till Imelda starts to push her ass down and as she starts I buck my hips up into her getting her to moan hard for the first time tonight. Kori seeing the reaction licks two of her fingers and gently stuffs them inside Imelda’s pussy, I have a full view of mine and Imelda’s bodies slamming together as Kori starts finger fucking Imelda with one hand and taking the base of my cock in the other just keeping me steady. The scene is hot for me and I feel every inch of Imelda’s tight asshole wrapped around my cock as she pulls out and more warm vice like tightness as she slams me back in. My own thrusting has me starting to twinge again but I just keep thinking about making my little Latino bitch cum hard one last time then my heart can stop. Imelda on the other hand isn’t letting up either and I can feel her ass clench up and the pleasure pain twinges in my cock start to turn into orgasm as I release my latest load up into Imelda’s intestines. Imelda herself slams her ass down and I can feel her clenching down on my cock, this whole time Kori is still finger fucking her hard and Imelda’s eyes go wide with her own orgasm as I watch Kori move her hand away and Imelda start to shoot her own cum up my chest. I can feel it hit me in the face but not for long as I strain against the manacles and bite into the ball gag feeling the intensity I normally do when I’m fighting. The pain and shock of everything finally sets in after a few moments and I can only lay there on the bed lazily as Imelda lets my cock fall from her ass and both girls get off the bed and into their robes before leaving the room. I mercifully pass out from the exhaustion.

I have hazy sensations in my pain and pleasure induced euphoria as I can hear both girls talking about someone being okay and getting me cleaned up. I feel one of them rubbing me down lightly with a cloth and the other holding my head and trying to talk to me.

“Baby, are you okay,” Kori says to me in my daze,” I know it was really hard and you took a lot but I need you to tell me your okay.”

I realize that I don’t have the ball gag in but my jaw is so tired I can barely gurgle out words. My hands are still manacled and I figure might as well stay this way for what happens next. Both girls have changed into pajamas from what I can tell and they lay down next to me softly holding and touching my body as I drift out of consciousness.


I’m back in the interrogation room in a shirt that Loretta grabbed for me and the jeans Kori put on me as I was taken out of the house. I haven’t been questioned yet but I didn’t come here in hand cuffs either so I decide to wait and see what is going on with the situation. Finally after a while Mr. Delauter and Loretta enter the room with Detective Escalante. Everyone sits and we begin the questions.

“Mr. Donnelly you have been attempting to keep the peace with some agitated youth groups in the city,” Escalante says starting in,” And apparently these groups trust you more than the police when handling things that are decidedly not your job. However you have been very helpful to me on this case and even though we started off on the wrong foot we seem to be back at odds so I’m going to ask you some simple questions and you will answer them to the best of your ability, am I clear?”

I look to Mr. Delauter who nods and then to Loretta who takes my hand. I nod my head, I’m still tired from the girls but my mind is wide awake for this.

“Now when we talked you said that you’d try to find out who stabbed Hector,” Detective Escalante says,” and that when you did you would tell me immediately so that the police could handle the situation.”

“Yes, I went over all the events in my head and discussed them with Carlos and Blaze since neither of them we’re responsible,” I reply,” We figured out that it had to be Romeo since he was pushing for a fight. That and he wasn’t hurt like he said he was.”

“How do you mean,” Escalante asks.

“No bruises, when he said he was jumped there were four or five guys who kicked him around,” I explain,” I’ve been the guy kicked around, you get some serious bruises that don’t just heal up in a few days.”

“And did you tell Blaze or Carlos this,” Escalante asks taking notes.

“No, once I had figured everything out I honored my agreement and decided to give you the information,” I tell her keeping a plain look on my face.

“We received a phone call from Romeo Salazar approximately thirty minutes ago, they found him in the desert seriously injured,” Detective Escalante asks accusingly,” Now do you have an explanation for how that could have happened.”

I shake my head no and look concerned. Loretta places her hand on my shoulder while Mr. Delauter takes charge.

“My step son has been home all evening with his… girlfriends,” I watch Mr. Delauter pause for the word,” and you have his phone records. If you are implying that he could somehow escape from the women and get out of my home unseen then you’re reaching for an accusation and you’re reaching too far.”

“What I’m trying to do is find out if your step son knew about a suspect in a assault case being kidnapped, taken into the desert and forced to cut off his own hand to get to a phone and call 9-1-1,” Escalante says staring me in the face and not Mr. Delauter.

“What,” I say shocked,” Why the hell would I do that. I told you who it was so you could find him before someone hurt him or worse.”

“You told me but not before someone got hold of him first,” Escalante says accusingly,” now did you know what was going to happen to Romeo or not?”

“No, I didn’t know what was going to happen,” I say with some truth,” I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt over this stupidity and that included Romeo. This is why I told you who it was.”

“We have more evidence to look into and for the time being you’ll be staying here as a ‘guest’ of the police till we can figure out what really happened,” the Detective says getting up from her seat.

Guest of the police, yeah that won’t last. I watch Mr. Delauter and Loretta start to argue that my rights are being violated and let them have their say. Mr. Delauter leaves the room to secure my release. I lean over to Loretta and whisper to her ‘tracking device on my bike, it’s the police’. I pull back and watch her eyes go wide then narrow with a smirk. I motion for her to keep it quiet about it for now and get escorted to my room. I don’t remember which comedian said it but he was right, jail is like standing in your closet with the lights off. The bed isn’t horrible thankfully as I lay down to get some more rest.

I guess its morning when I wake up and see that I’m being watched by Captain Miller, I sit up on the bed and stretch a little bit before getting a glass of water. I don’t know if he’s trying figure out what to say or if he’s just waiting for me to start talking to him but I’m not doing him any favors.

“Are you going to continue to ignore me in there,” the Captain asks.

“Doesn’t matter what I do or say, you and your people have been trying to hang me since day one and now I’ve got everything I need to bury your asses,” I tell him plainly.

“You’re pretty brave for a punk kid,” Miller says apparently disgusted with me.

“And you’re pretty stupid to have your crime team put a low jack on my bike when you were having it inspected as evidence,” I tell him getting a shocked look,” I wondered why you let me get it back so quickly but then again I have people around me who when I don’t know something they do.”

I watch him start to leave and move to the bars and lean on them with my hands out he does.

“Problem is you’re too late, I’ve already told my mother who has told her husband,” I start in,” You remember him right, civil rights abuse just got turned into something much worse. I wonder how many people will fall for this, or if someone higher up is going to use you as a scapegoat?”

“What do you want,” Captain Miller says coming back over to me.

“Really, what do I want,” I start to ask before getting a big grin on my face,” I wanna watch your career burn. You couldn’t just leave me alone, you pushed me with your officers, you stripped me of my rights with the interrogation and then you try to track me down with a fucking low jack. You deserve to burn.”

I don’t know if he’s afraid or angry but I back up inside the bars and watch him leave. It’s probably a few hours before I am taken from the cell and Loretta is there waiting for me with the girls. We pile into Loretta’s car with me in the passenger front seat and head back home. The rest of the family is there except for Mr. Delauter who Loretta tells me is filing charges with the District Attorney’s office against Captain Miller. I chuckle about it long enough when I get ambushed by hugging girls, Abigail and Bethany. They are extremely happy with my being okay and more so with their boyfriends and their ‘families’ getting along. Mark thanks me for the date with Vicki and I just pat him on the shoulder before heading into my room with Kori and Imelda in tow. I try to close the door on them but they both push past and try to lay me down on the bed.

“No no no no no, not doing this again,” I say trying to wrestle my way out of their grasp.

“Baby it’s holding time, not play time for girls okay,” Imelda says finally getting me to lie down.

We lie in quiet for a while when I can feel the questions coming out of their brains without them speaking.

“One each and only one,” I tell them slightly annoyed.

“Me first, why have Carlos and Blaze meet up in public like that,” Imelda asks,” They didn’t need to do it out in front of everyone just to prove a point.”

“No, but in front of everyone gives the cops no grounds to say they were the ones who got a hold of Romeo,” I tell her.

“I am just wondering if we can try to enjoy the rest of the vacation down here,” Kori says smiling.

I nod and relax with my girls. The rest of the morning and into the afternoon come and go pretty peacefully and nobody even brings up the police last night. I probably ate my weight in food and even Mark had to sit back and wonder if I was ever going to get full. Mr. Delauter pulls me into his office around five in the afternoon and tells me about how he’s got everything going for the charges against Captain Miller. I agree that it needs to happen but I would really like to see just him get taken down if possible. We agree that if other’s come forward and had a part then they get burned too but other than that I let him do his job.

As I’m leaving his office I see Loretta answering the door, it’s Detective Escalante. I sit down in the TV room and for her to come and sit down.

“So you’re going through with civil and formal charges on Captain Miller,” Escalante asks sitting down.

“Yes, that tracking device was the last straw,” I tell her not even bothering to look at her.

“I just came from the hospital, Romeo is done with his surgery,” Escalante says trying to read me for a reaction,” Did you want to know the results?”

“I honestly couldn’t care less at this point. We made a deal, you and I, I have kept my end of the deal but apparently you don’t know how to,” I say finally looking at her.

“I don’t understand, how did I break the deal,” Escalante asks shocked.

“I said don’t follow me, and your cop friends decided to violate that. Then when I give you the information I get thrown in jail for the night and accused of being a damn vigilante,” I say getting angry,” Now here you are still fishing for clues as to how to put me in jail so you can walk away from all this and not have to keep your end.”

“You got me the information and the weapon used, and you have an alibi for where you were,” the Detective says trying to hold her ground,” I brought you in under orders and Romeo’s confession had nothing to do with you.”

“Yeah, nothing to do with me. Are we done,” I ask plainly.

“Not yet,” She tells me moving in next to me on the couch,” I’ll call you in a few days when you’ve… recovered.”

I watch her leave and shake my head, either she suspects I did it or knows I did it but either way she doesn’t care. Later that night I hear from Carlos who says that Romeo is out of surgery and the police have him in protective custody, I ask if he was going to do something but Carlos says no. Imelda head’s home before bed time and for me it’s good to see her getting back to her family for the night. I settle in my bed with Kori but I’m not in a cuddling mood and she isn’t happy about it.

“Baby did I do something horrible to you,” Kori asks me facing my back.

“I don’t know, you made me take a drug which you know I hate then you and Imelda decide to see if you can break me or kill me during your play time,” I tell her,” Why would I be mad.”
I feel her pull on my shoulder and I let her get me onto my back. Kori moves on top of me so I can see her face in the light.

“I knew you needed an alibi, a great one,” Kori tells me sternly,” you and me alone in the house make one. Two girls chain you to a bed and proceed to make you their own personal love slave for the evening.”
Oh she’s good, just when I thought my Kori couldn’t surprise me anymore. I pull her down to me and kiss her once lightly and get her down at my side with my arm around her.

“So no love for me tonight,” Kori asks playfully tugging at my groin.

“Nah, not for a couple days honey,” I tell her smiling,” you wore me out too much now you need to wait till I’m ready.”

We sleep well considering the chaos of the past two days, next morning I get woken up by someone I didn’t expect to come get me, Mr. Delauter. I have clothing on in bed so I don’t take long getting down to his office.

“You might have just struck gold for me kid,” Mr. Delauter says sitting me down.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about sir,” I reply a little confused.

“You’ve made my wife happy, my family likes you and now I have the mother of all youth rights cases with a civil rights case sitting in my lap thanks to you shaking things up around here,” Mr. Delauter tells me sitting in the chair next to me.

“I just get asked to help out,” I reply smiling.

“Yeah well that’s bullshit but I’ll let it slide. Well kid you got about a week left here, any major messes you planning on,” Mr. Delauter asks jokingly.

“Actually, I think I wanna see the guy I allegedly put in the hospital,” I reply getting a blanched look on his face.

I get back to my room and get Kori up so we can eat breakfast and get ready for a trip to the hospital. Kori and I get to the hospital around noon and it’s busy with plenty of people moving around, I check in at reception and head down to see Hector. Carlos is there and both guys smile as they see Kori and I.

“So I heard I got a buddy that was brought in yesterday by the police,” Hector says smiling.

“I wouldn’t know about that, I was with her all night,” I say pointing at Kori.

“How is it that you get so many women to just flock to you man,” Carlos asks me jokingly.

“He gets us cause when he does something he doesn’t get everyone around him hurt, and when it’s just us he’s well…,” I watch Kori stop talking and get that knowing smirk on her face.

I pat her on the ass and we all laugh a little. Hector’s family comes in and I make myself scarce. I wander the halls for a few minutes when a perverse idea hits me. It doesn’t take me long to find out where Romeo is at. I start my walk like I’m minding my own business, the police officer outside doesn’t pay me any attention. As soon as I get to the window I can see the curtains are closed mostly but the crack in them is just wide enough for me to see Romeo. I lied a little with Escalante about whether or not I cared what happened to Romeo. I get a moment to see to his room, I can see his mother there holding his left hand, the other is wrapped up and it’s not a short stump like I thought it would be. I can see brackets holding it in place. I smirk, he cut it off all by himself and then had them sew it back on. I keep moving down the hall and head back to Hector’s room to see Kori and Carlos waiting for me.

“Let’s go, we got a vacation to finish,” I tell Kori smiling as we head out.

Part 11

After the ups and downs of the Romeo and my ‘alibi’ thanks to Kori and Imelda I am able to just relax and not deal with any serious drama or bull shit for the next few days. Kori, Imelda and I mostly spend the time hanging out either at the house, the tattoo parlor or Imelda’s work. It didn’t take long for the police to take the low jack out of my bike but it’s been moved into private evidence and thankfully it can’t get ‘lost’ in the system.

We get to Wednesday in the week and I’m finally feeling like myself again. I’m sitting in the shade outside while Kori, Imelda and the girls swim and tan. Carlos and Tyrell are hanging out by the pool as well but I’m more enjoying the peace and quiet for a change. It’s the dripping wet Imelda standing next to me that breaks me out of my tranquil moment.

“Hey, so what’s the deal with that cop,” Imelda asks sitting on a lounge chair next to me.

“No deal, no proof I got Romeo taken care of or even to confess,” I reply casually.

I can see she’s not wanting me to let it go so easily. Imelda gets back up and heads over to where Kori is tanning, this is one of the few times I’ve seen Kori in a two piece suit, a little black one with purple trim while Imelda is rocking a white and yellow one piece. I watch them talk and Kori seems interested but not right away with the daylight keeping her warm. It might be good to come down here again, for all of us. A fresh start after high school and into college, money a plenty and people around who just took me in and trusted me with what I had to do. I love my Dad and Mom back home but last year was not a good start and Dad is still looking at me like I’m a child most of the time.

I see Carlos head over to me dragging Tyrell with him, Carlos isn’t one for swimming but Tyrell has no trouble sharing a pool with a bunch of girls. I nod to them as they get close.

“My cousin is really gonna miss you when you leave man,” Carlos says plainly sitting down.

“I’m gonna miss her too,” I reply,” but shit has to go down like this for now and I’m thinking about a return tour next summer.”

“Oh shit, that would be cool for the girls,” Tyrell says happily.

“Yeah, I got family and girls back home I wanna bring down here and see if they like the area before making any serious plans for the future,” I tell them sitting the chair up.

We continue talking, mostly little things like Hector’s health and how things are going with the two groups. I head back inside and see Loretta starting work on dinner and decide to sit and see how she’s doing.

“Don’t you want to spend time with everyone else before you head home,” Loretta asks me while getting food out.

“I got time for that, I’m thinking about heading down here again next summer,” I tell her watching face light up.

“Well we’d love to have you again, and you can bring Kori with you when we fly you down,” Loretta says happily.

“Well it’s just a thought right now, besides I’m thinking about a road trip down here so I can bring all the girls,” I tell her getting a puzzled look.

We discuss the trip and how hard it would be to get that many people to travel in a few vehicles along with cost and food. Plus next year I’m eighteen and can do what I want but just how many people would be coming is the issue. Kori comes inside looking for me and we quiet the conversation as she enters.

“Imelda wants you to think about what you should do with that deal,” Kori says leaving details out for Loretta’s sake.

“Nothing to do babe,” I tell Kori,” situation not met and that’s all there is.”

“Yeah but we don’t see it that way,” Kori says with that devilish grin.

Well crap, still got a little over a week left of time and now the girls want more. Damn women, I love
them but I’m gonna be dead by thirty at this rate. I head back outside with Kori and sit back down in my lounge chair, even in the shade I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt and looking out of place compared to everyone else. The rest of the night passes without incident and we get through till Saturday without anything dragging us down.

The big thing on Saturday is the same as every Saturday night, meet up at the races. Hector is still in the hospital but Carlos and the boys are still going and Imelda tells me that if I don’t go she’ll cut me. Not sure if she’s serious but I decide not to tempt fate and agree to head out. Kori decides she wants to go but thankfully Abigail and Bethany are not interested in going. I get geared up in my camo pants and a Black Metal t-shirt and as always my leather jacket. Mark decides he’s gonna come too and I have him drive Kori as we head out around six at night. The trip starts off fine and Imelda and I are keeping up with Mark in his car when flashing lights behind us get everyone’s attention.

“Black motorcycle, pull to the side now,” the speaker booms out.

I wave the rest of them ahead and pull to the side of the road taking off my helmet and shutting the engine off. I can see the cop in my rearview on his radio and after a few minutes he exits his car and approaches me. I try to hand him my license and registration but he waves it off and hands me a card with an address on it. I sit puzzled as he gets back in his car and drives off. I punch the address into my phone and send a text to Kori saying I’ll be a bit late but no problems. I get down the road and it only takes a few minutes to find out that the address is damn near a police parking lot. Granted there is a diner but every car has a radio and lights on the dash or top as I pull in. I can see several officers watch me as I pull into the lot but don’t take a spot or shut my engine off as I wait to see why I’m here. It takes a minute or two before I see Detective Escalante exit the diner with a few other officers leaving at the same time. I watch as she wastes no time making her way over to me.

“I see you got my invitation,” Escalante says as she gets close.

I keep my helmet on and don’t reply, this many people around feels like another set up or a beat down. I watch her look to her colleagues who watch me puzzled as she continues.

“Would you please take the helmet off so we can talk,” Escalante asks politely.

I shake my head no and see that it confuses them more than a little, must not be used to the disrespect but I’m not budging as I let the Detective get within swinging range.

“I asked you to contact me once you were feeling better,” Escalante says loudly over my engine,” any reason you haven’t bothered to try?”

I stare at her from behind my tinted visor and shrug while shaking my head. I can see it’s frustrating her a little but not as much as it confuses some of the others. I don’t know what she wants from this but I start getting that feeling and keeping my hand on the throttle pull my ass off the seat and take out my spare helmet and toss it to her before sitting back down. I watch her wave to some of her coworkers and putting the helmet on I squeal the tire turning to face the exit and peel out past them and onto the road. The Detective has a death grip around my waist and I’m laughing as we fly down the road to her place. I park it out front and as she hops off and hands me the helmet I can see some confusion on her face.

“Why take me home,” Escalante asks puzzled.

“Either you want me to fuck you or you wanted the hell away from your coworkers,” I reply smirking,” Either way I have fun with you nearly pissing your pants on my bike.”

“Yeah kid, still no chance of you and me,” she says with a bit of cockiness.

I shrug my shoulders and put the helmet in my storage spot before revving the engine back up and it’s only when I start to move I can hear Escalante telling me to stop.

“Wait a minute,” Escalante says as I lessen the throttle.

“Wait for what,” I say pulling my helmet of and stopping my bike,” you either want some or you don’t. This shouldn’t be too difficult a decision it’s either ‘come with me up to my place and fuck me like a dog in heat’ or ‘get lost kid’?”

My last sentence gets a reaction but not revulsion like I thought it would, more curiosity than anything. Detective Escalante nods towards her building’s door and I follow her inside and up the three flights of stairs to her apartment. Once inside I get a better look at the place, a simple one bedroom but definitely nicer than I thought it’d be. I watch her get her coat off and put her handgun and badge on a side table before heading into her kitchen.

“Would you like something to drink or eat,” Escalante asks me trying to break the ice.

“Has it really been that long,” I reply a little stunned,” Divorce or just bad relationships?”

I don’t know which one it is but Escalante nods lightly and leans back with her hands on the counter. I finally see her out of her element and take notice of her features, blue women’s slacks and a cream colored button up blouse, low heeled shoes. Her breasts have always been under a coat but now I can tell she’s a solid C cup and her hips are decently shaped. I move to the counter in front of her and lean back against it keeping my stance open.

“I’m not here to make your life miserable, I already got my revenge on your boss and he deserved it for fucking up your case,” I tell Escalante plainly,” Now how long has it been since you had a man?”

“Longer than I’d like to admit,” Escalante says a little ashamed.

“Is there something you like to do that turns guys off like fucking them with a strap on or calling out Daddy during sex that turns them off,” I ask trying to get her to relax.

“I can get a little physical sometimes but I thought guys liked that,” Escalante says still a little embarrassed.

I see her head lower and I rush in slamming our mouths together. Escalante is shocked by my suddenness of the kiss and I can feel her freeze up as I work my tongue into her mouth. It’s not as much fun kissing a mannequin as one would think and I finally break the kiss and see she’s still all clenched up and her eyes are closed from the sensation.

“Okay, definitely not inexperienced like I thought you’d be,” Escalante says after recovering slightly.

“Four girlfriends and I don’t even bother to count my friends with benefits,” I tell her trying not to sound like I’m bragging.

“Four girlfriends, you’ve got four girls who are happy with sharing you,” Escalante says still more stunned than before.

I’m done with words and resume my personal war with Escalante’s mouth re-ramming my tongue in. This time she’s more accepting and I feel her unzip my coat and wrap her arms around me with one hand grabbing my ass. I press myself against her hard and feel Escalante’s legs spread a little to get me closer to her. I can feel her soften but I suddenly remember that first time in the interrogation room and I’m really not in the mood to give her soft, besides that soft is for girls I know the first name of. I pull my chest back off of Escalante’s and using both hands I rip her blouse apart tossing buttons to the floor. I can feel her jolt from the suddenness but it doesn’t stop her from kissing me. I work my mouth down her neck and finally get to her breasts, she’s got a simple front clasp bra in white on and I can see it’s doing a wonderful job of squeezing her tits. I get the clasp undone and latch onto her nipple hard with my mouth and start massaging the other with my hand. I nibble lightly and work my tongue over Escalante’s nipple.

“Easy that’s attached,” I hear her gasp as she feels my teeth.

I grunt and lift her up by her ass and sit her down on the counter before switching nipples. I feel Escalante pulling her shirt and bra off but it doesn’t matter much to me since I already have access. I let her nipple out of my mouth and lifting her breast a little I bite the side of it lightly getting a jolt out of her in shock. I can feel her hand still on my head as I work my way down Escalante’s torso and start pulling at her pants to get them off.

“Just let me get out of those before you rip them,” Escalante says kicking her shoes off and getting her own slacks down to her ankles.

I take quick notice of Escalante’s white matching panties and am quickly done with them as I pull them aside and see her pussy, trimmed hair short and wet. I treat her pussy like I treated her mouth, immediately shoving my tongue inside her hole while using my free hand to rub her clit. I’m not being nice and sweet like I have been with my girls; I curl my tongue into her pussy hole letting it hook the side. I feel Escalante grip my head and start to dig her nails into my scalp. I keep tugging at the lip of her hole and can hear her moaning as I work her pussy vigorously. Escalante’s taste is a little different, lightly salty and I’m getting more of her juices in my mouth as I hear a knocking coming from the apartment. I stop to look and see what it is but hands on my head get my attention.

“Why the fuck are you stopping,” Escalate asks desperately before pushing my face back into her pussy.

I resume tonguing Escalante’s pussy and start rolling her clit in between my thumb and index finger. The sensation starts her shaking and I’m hearing that knocking again but I ignore it. Escalante’s moaning turns into hard grunting and I feel her body lock up as her orgasm hits. I keep working and feel her pussy get warmer as she cums on my face. After a few moments of me still working her I feel her scramble her hands on my head and finally taking me by my ears pulls me up to her face.

“Too… much… need to breathe,” she says gasping for air.

“Oh, so you’re done then. Should I just go,” I ask jokingly starting to head for the door.

Escalante quickly comes to her senses and grabbing me by my jacket pulls me back to where I’m facing her. I can see the look in her eyes, pure hunger. I get backed up against the opposite counter and watch as Escalante drops to her knees and starts undoing my pants. I let my camo pants drop to the floor and as soon as my cock is free she wastes no time with admiration and starts sucking my cock hard and deep. I can feel most of me get in her mouth the first few bobs of head but it’s her hands free from my cock and on her knees that catches my attention, usually one of the girls uses their hands or plays with me but the Detective is all mouth. I reach down and pull her hair back out of her face and start to push my cock forward into her mouth getting her to stop moving while I fuck her face lightly. Escalante doesn’t gag or drool too much from me, just takes it with her eyes closed.

It’s good but I want more as I pull my cock from her mouth and lower my hips a little placing my cock in between her breasts. Escalante seems a little confused by my actions but quickly places her hands on either side of her breasts and starts slowly jacking my cock with her tits. The feeling of her tits is great, soft and the pressure from her hands makes me harder a lot quicker than her mouth was as I keep still and let her work my cock. We make eye contact and I can see she wants me to cum but I don’t want to give it to her this easily. Escalante starts speeding up her tits on my cock and the only thing stopping me from cumming is pure determination to fuck her senseless. I finally stop her and stand her up and walk her to her bedroom stripping out of my clothes on the way.

“You have condom or something,” Escalante asks crawling onto the bed.

“Nope, do I need to stop so I can go get one,” I ask jokingly crawling on top of her.

I can see her start to debate the situation as I spread her legs apart. I start rubbing my cock head against her slit and watch as she takes my cock and pull me into her. Escalante’s pussy is warmer than when I was eating her and sliding into her is easier than I thought considering she’s been without for a while. I don’t lay down on top of her instead keep my knees under me and start sliding in and out of her slowly with long strokes. Escalante’s hands grab her headboard and I watch her as she looks down at our hips as I fuck her. She feels tight wrapped around my cock and I take one of her breasts in my hand and squeeze it as I use the other to rub her clit with my thumb. I feel her start to clamp down on me and watch her eyes widen and mouth open as she starts to moan louder. I keep my pace slow and steady with my cock but my thumb fast and frantic trying to make her cum again. I feel her pussy start to try to force me out and I watch Escalante’s body lock up before it hits me; I’m half inside her as she starts to squirt up my body.

“Jesus fucking Christ fucking asshole shit fuck,” Escalante screams out either in orgasm or tourettes has finally taken hold of her.

I stop rubbing her clit and fucking her but keep my cock inside as she shakes lightly coming down from orgasm. I reach my hands down and gripping Escalante’s ass lift it up off the mattress and start hammering my cock in and out of her hard and fast. I watch Escalante’s arms stop gripping her headboard as she grabs my shoulders while wrapping her legs around my ass, I let her lean up and as soon as we’re almost face to face she lunges forward and digs her teeth into my shoulder. The pain is nice and her nails digging into my back makes me speed up and I can feel her as much as hear her grunting as she keeps her teeth latched onto my flesh. Our bodies are slamming together hard and fast when I quickly stop half way inside her and it takes a second for her to realize I’m not continuing.

“What happened, why did you stop,” Escalante asks almost desperate for me to keep moving.

“Well you seemed so worried about me cumming inside you that I figured I’d stop so I didn’t,” I tell her smiling,” I can just go jerk off if you want?”

“You shit… I’m gonna make you cum and you’re going to like it,” Escalante growls starting to push her hips against mine.

“Well then where do I get to cum,” I ask keeping my tone playful.

I see her eyes get desperate and watch as she leans forward and bites the base of my neck while pushing her pussy onto my cock. I smile to myself a little and start to frantically fuck her pussy hard. Escalante’s pussy tightens up along with her teeth on my neck; I start to feel that tingle and wrap my arm around her back and ram my cock hard into her. I feel her teeth let up on my neck and I take my opportunity to bite her back digging my teeth into her collar. I start to feel liquid against my body and the tingle at the base of my cock turns into an explosion as I dump my first load in days into her warm pussy. As I start cumming Escalante bites me again and moves her hips to milk as much cum out of me as she can. After a few moments the rush of orgasm that had us thoughtless passes and I collapse backwards onto Escalante’s bed with her landing on top of me.

We both lay there recovering and after a few minutes Escalante rolls off of me giving me the chance to put my feet on the floor and start to get my clothes back on. It takes her a little bit to figure out I’m getting ready to leave.

“And now you’re leaving me here like this,” Escalante asks happily.

“Yep, you wanted to get some good sex and you got some,” I tell her pulling up my pants,” Also I got someplace to be. I figure you still have my number somewhere in case you want more while I’m still in town.”

“Wow, you must really not like hanging around after sex much,” Escalante says a little hurt while pulling her blankets over her body.

I think about it for a second, she was nice and aside from being a bitch at the beginning I could be the big asshole and leave. I leave my boots and jacket on the floor and crawl onto her bed sitting next to her.

“Four girlfriends, remember? Besides, I’m like 10 years younger than you,” I tell her softly,” But here’s what I’m gonna do. I might be coming back next summer or for college after that. If you are still single when I come down here I’ll come see you when I’m free and I promise to make this look like a quickie. Deal?”

I watch Escalante smile lightly at the thought and she give me a light kiss before looking at my shirt oddly. I take a look at it and see some blood on my shirt and pressing down notice the pain in my shoulder, the minx drew some blood. I chuckle and get back up putting my boots on and after grabbing my coat stop by the side table with her badge and gun; I open the wallet and read her ID before putting it back where I found it. I move back into her line of site and smile at her getting her to smile a little confused at my mood.

“What is so funny,” Escalante asks smirking.

“Oh nothing really,” I reply chuckling,” if you fuck another guy before we do this again and he doesn’t like you biting him and cumming hard tell him to find some bigger balls. Okay Nancy?”

My use of her first name gets her attention fast and I watch the shock set in before making a quick exit of her apartment and I’m down the stairs and on my bike before I she can hopefully come after me.

It’s almost nine at night when I get to the races and find Imelda’s bike and Mark’s car before parking next to them. Once I’m off my bike I see Mark over by the Union talking with Vicki and the girls must be off having fun on their own. I decide to chill out and after a bit I finally see Kori come back from dancing. She lights up when she sees me and rushes over kissing me happily.

“Where were you? Did the cops try to take you in again? Are you okay,” Kori quickly asks me a little concerned.

I pull my shirt down and show her the bite marks and once she sees them she starts laughing. I laugh with her and tell her the basics of what happened. Imelda joins us about halfway through my explanation and Kori fills her in which gets me a kiss from her and both girls finally notice that I’ve got Detective smell on me. Imelda pulls me out of my coat and Kori takes my shirt off and wets it down with a bottle of water before using it like a rag to clean me up. After their done Imelda puts my coat back on me and we get back to having fun and socializing with the people in the area.

I do my usual meet and greet with Carlos’s crew and even swing by Blaze and get a handshake out of him before heading back into the crowd. It’s the Union that ends up taking up much of my time. Mostly talking with Smitty and a few of the other guys and I don’t even do much of the talking just listen and chill out. I thought at one point I was talking with the guy who drove me around but that was a null time for personal reflection and I don’t need to bring it up at all and thankfully neither does he.

I get tugged on the jacket by Vicki who directs my attention to a dance area where a little Asian guy is getting very ‘feely’ with Kori. I move to the edge of the dance area and Kori sees me before shrugging at the guy so I let it slide and head back to my bike. It’s another few minutes of hanging around with the boys when Kori beelines it right up to me grumpy.

“That little fucker just offered me money to fuck him,” Kori tells me pissed off.

I get a round robin of reactions from Carlos and the boys to stomp his ass out, I’m inclined but the Union not liking random outbursts of violence gets me thinking of what I can do.

“He still out on the floor,” I ask Kori who looks quickly and nods.

I pull my coat off and hand it to Carlos for safekeeping and let Kori lead me to the dance area. She’s puzzled by me actually wanting to be out there considering I have absolutely no rhythm for dancing in the whole if my body but it’s less about me dancing than her dancing up against me after a few moments. Thankfully it doesn’t take too long before the little shit comes back around and while Kori has her ass grinding up against me he decides to start dancing close enough for me to tell he didn’t have rice for dinner.

“Hey babe, you gonna come chill with me or you sticking with the boy who got no money for a honey,” is the pickup line this little fucker spits out to Kori with me standing right there.

Kori reaches back and takes my hips in her hands and we start to rotate so the guy can see us from the side and I just wait for him to make the next move. Thankfully it doesn’t take long before he moves too close and I quickly thrust my head forward and smash the side of it into the bridge of his nose. Most people don’t even notice it as he hits the ground and it’s only when blood starts coming out and he starts to freak that I say something.

“Baby why do you always tickle me like that? Every time you catch me in the ribs like that I just jerk to one side,” I say to Kori smiling.

“Oh honey I usually don’t get a reaction when I play with you like that,” Kori purrs back.

I break from the dancing and reach down to help the guy up, I can tell he’s confused by the assistance considering I just knocked his ass down but I pull his hands away from his face and take a quick look.

“Ouch man, sorry about that. It’s broken and needs to be straightened. You got medical for a hospital,” I ask him helping him out of the dance area.

I watch him shake his head as I lead him back over to Carlos and the boys, I wave to Carlos and once I sit him down I take a pen from Carlos and hold it in front of him.

“I can reset the nose but it’s gonna hurt,” I tell him waiting for an answer.

“Butd I don habe anything to AHHHHHH,” is about as far as I let him get before jamming the pen up his nose and taking the cartilage and breaking the nose back in place.

I let the boys have their laugh and even Kori seems like she’s finding this funny as the guy sits reeling in pain from my brief moment as a doctor. I pull Kori forward so he can see her and wait for him to focus.

“Now do you want to tell my girl something or do we need to have a dance off like the movies,” I ask jokingly before getting serious,” Because I don’t dance worth shit but I really know how to make life very painful for people who insult my family.”

“I’m sorry man,” the guy gets out before trying to leave.

I don’t let him get off the car before sitting his ass down forcibly. I place my hand on his shoulder and return my attention to Kori.

“Did I ask you for an apology? I don’t remember saying that I needed an apology,” I tell him looking at Kori.

“I’m so sorry for thinking you were a hooker and trying to pick up on you,” the guy gets out before I let him run off.

“Awww baby, you were scaring him,” Kori says laughing.

Most of the night ends without any further incidents and while I see Mark leaving alone but not without a little lovin’ from Vicki before we head home. Imelda heads out with Carlos and I would normally have gone with her but Kori is on my bike for a change and its home for us tonight. We find the home quiet in the late night/early morning. Kori and I creep up stairs and get into my room quietly before I start to get ready for bed. I’m down to my underwear when I find myself flung onto the bed and have to ‘defend’ myself from a ravenous girlfriend. I debate about protesting for being too tired or something but even if I was I know Kori isn’t in the mood to discuss this after the past few days’ worth of a dry spell. I let Kori kiss my body and start working her way down, pulling my boxer briefs off and licking my cock slowly and gently.

“Someone needs some T.L.C. tonight and it’s not just me,” Kori purrs being very gentle with my hardening cock.

I watch as Kori takes her time slowly licking my cock and lightly jerking me off with her hand. It’s always a wonderful start to the night with her but something seems a little off when she starts to suck me. It’s a slow suck but hard, much harder than I’m used to from her. I feel Kori start adding a light twist to her bobbing on my cock and it’s much better than Escalante’s warm up earlier but this isn’t a warm up from what I’m feeling.

“Baby if you keep doing that I’m gonna cum,” I tell her feeling the twinge in the base of my cock.

“I know, I’m gonna make you cum on my face and then I’m going to tell you why we’re not having sex till after the vacation,” Kori says before quickly resuming her efforts.

Kori has her mouth working overtime on my cock moving faster and with a singular purpose of getting me off. I try to hold out but with Kori as she stops using her mouth and jerks me fast and hard with her hand, gently rubbing my cock head against her cheek to prove a point. I feel Kori biting lightly at the skin on my hips. I’m reveling in the sensation when I start to feel that tingle in the base of my cock and Kori can see my reaction coming and puts her face right in front of the first blast catching her almost by surprise. Kori keeps pumping getting my spray on her face an after most of the volleys are done she gently sucks the tip getting the last of my cum. I watch her smile before getting up and grabbing a towel out of the dirty clothes to clean her face up. I recover and pull myself to the head of the bed while Kori strips down to nothing and joins me in the bed.

“So why am I being punished with no love from my girl,” I ask her and she cuddles up to me.

“Cause when you left and came down here we had one really great night so I could try to hold myself over till I saw you again. Now Imelda is stuck with the same thing only we don’t know if you’re ever coming back down here, she’s scared of being hurt like I was. So what you are going to do is give her all your attention the last couple days we’re here and give her a night like we had before you left,” Kori tells me settling into rest.

“But baby I don’t need to be away from you to do…,” is about as far I get in my protest before receiving a light slap to my chest.

“Baby, you are in charge with a lot of things. Now shut up and listen to your woman and do what she says,” Kori tells me with a sternness to her voice I’ve not had before.

I nod my head and see her smile before she settles back into cuddling. Yep I have made a little monster out of Kori apparently but she’s got a good idea at least with me and Imelda having a night or two with just us. I settle into sleep trying to figure out what Imelda would want to do for our last time together on the vacation.

The next few days end up being a blur of seeing people for the last time and saying my goodbyes. I check in on Jackie and Kelly one last time, Kelly is good and Jackie still wants to talk about things that have already been said. I leave Jackie alone for the most part just to get some peace of mind with the whole thing and her. The Union was a warm reception as they invited me to a barbeque for the Sunday after I leave. I gave them the news about my trip coming to an end and got pulled aside after some goodbyes by the Old Man who told me that when I was ready he’d love to have me as a fixture with them, I thanked him for the offer but I’m not sure I’m the joining up type. Carlos and the boys were happy to see me and Marta even gave me a hug goodbye. I’m not sure what she knew about me and Romeo but all of them were glad to see me before I was gone Friday.

Thursday I spent most of my last day trying to find Imelda, she stopped answering her phone and after losing half the day Kori finally had to get a location so I could at least see her before I left state. It takes me an hour on my bike to get across the city on the freeway and finally pull in at a cemetery where Imelda’s bike is parked. I spend a while looking for her when I finally see her sitting on a stone bench, I know she sees me as I walk up but she doesn’t react to my approach.

“Hey baby, come here often,” I say trying to joke.

“Once every couple of months to say hi to my Grandpa,” Imelda says with flatness in her voice.

I watch her get up and lead me over to what I can only presume is her Grand Father’s head stone and keep quiet while she just sits down on the grass.

“So you get to leave and get away from all this finally,” Imelda finally says breaking the silence.

“Six weeks ago I’d have begged to get away, now I just wanna take something’s with me,” I reply sitting across from her.

“Do I seem sad or weak,” Imelda asks me making eye contact.

“No, just a little stoical,” I tell her.

“Okay, don’t know what that means but whatever. We’re not doing a one last goodbye thing here because I’m coming after you,” Imelda tells me plainly.

“What do you mean honey,” I ask a little confused.

“I’m going to come find you and move up there,” Imelda tells me plainly,” I’m gonna get some money saved up and get a job up there, then I’m moving up and then you can make love to me. Not before, I’m not saying goodbye to you because I’m going to see you again.”

We sit in silence for a few more minutes when Imelda finally moves over to me and sits in my lap a little so I can hold her. We let the sun go down on us and when we finally leave she’s the one who tells me to go home and get myself ready to leave in the morning before heading the opposite direction. I explain it to Kori who is a little upset at the lack of romance involved between Imelda and my parting but little can be done as I am packed and set to leave in the morning.

My final morning in the house I don’t stop for breakfast at seven with everyone but sit down anyway. Loretta decides she’s going to take Kori and me to the airport so that we can say our goodbye there. The next two hours is mostly driving, loading luggage which somehow Kori came here with one bag and left with three but I am still only using one. Loretta tells me my bike will be shipped up in the next few weeks and Kori gives her a hug before leaving us alone for a moment.

“Don’t be so hard on your father,” Loretta finally says bringing my attention back to home.

“What are you meaning,” I ask.

“He doesn’t like to lose and I’m not exactly someone he wants around you anymore but he’s still a good man and it was probably hard on him to let you go,” Loretta tells me softly.

“I’ll deal with Dad in my own way,” I tell her plainly,” Next year I don’t know what to do but I’m hoping for some peace and quiet but knowing my luck It’ll be few and far between for me with all the antics my girls can get into in a year.”

“They take care of you,” Loretta tells me,” Honestly I think I’m gonna miss you as you are now more than the little boy who kept waking me up for pop tarts.”

We hug and remember the little things before I grab my backpack and meet up with Kori. I don’t look back to say goodbye cause that’s some depressing crap I don’t need to be feeling on the trip. The flight goes fine and once we’re off the plane and have our luggage I find my parents and Kori’s waiting for us at the terminal exit. We all say our hellos except mine to my father, nobody says anything and Kori heads home with her folks after giving me a kiss goodbye and I sit quietly in the car with Mom and Dad our trip home. Back home things seem cooler but then again I’m not in Texas anymore and the more frequent raining causes me to notice the cleaner smell of Washington as I get my bag out of the trunk. Liz is happy to see me and I give her a gift that Kori helped me buy her before trying to settle in my room when my Dad finally decides to have a word with me.

“Well you want to just take a swing at me now or should we do this in the garage,” Dad says closing my door behind him.

“Thought about doing that at the airport, honestly just tired of people trying to run my life,” I tell him sitting on my bed.

“Well get used to it, you’re still my son and that means we make decisions whether you like it or not,” Dad tells me plainly,” It’s not like I enjoy having Loretta steal you away.”

“Well next time you should try to treat me like the man you’ve been molding me into instead of a child,” I tell him with a little venom in my voice,” I love you Dad but at least she’s not looking at me like I’m nine sometimes.”

“Well no promises there, I was the one who had to make the tough choices when you were nine,” Dad says with a little sorrow.

We sit quietly when I get a knock on my door, Dad answers and let’s Katy and Mathilda in before showing himself out. Both girls give me the tackle onto my bed greeting and it’s only when I can’t breathe that they give me a little space. I show them their places in my tattoo and it’s only because we’ll get stopped do they not proceed to rip my clothes off and show me how much they missed me. Later that night I text Kori who says it’s nice to be home but a summer vacation repeat should be in order only bigger next time. I reply that I’m way ahead of her and smile before putting down my phone.


It’s a normal looking room for a teenage girl, full sized bed with pink comforter and pillows, stuffed animals in the corner, a computer desk with some ‘popular’ bands and a dresser with a lamp. The girl in the room is going through her clothes like she’s picking out what she wants to get rid of.

“Slutty slutty slutty, he doesn’t like slutty he likes proper girls,” she mutters to herself throwing colored underwear in a plastic bag.

She gets done with the clothing and checks the messages on her computer, there’s a new picture and frantically she picks out the image she wants and prints the picture out before heading over to her separate armoire and opens the doors. Inside the whole thing is a collage of pictures of Guy, with his girls, hanging out at school, and now one added from his return home. The girl tapes it up next to a picture of Guy sitting next to a heavier set girl while he’s wearing a polo shirt and khaki pants.

“My boyfriends back and the bitches are in trouble,” the girl sings to herself admiring her work.

The girl checks herself out in a mirror, noting her own weight loss and smiles. She hops back onto her computer and messages a few friends with news and a notice about plans for next year.

“I’ll have the people to take back everything I lost, no more whores in class and sluts to distract him,” the girls mutters to herself before heading back over to her ‘shrine’,” They stole his identity and took him away from who he really is, but I’ll fix that. My friends are ready and we’ll fix the school and I’ll get back what I lost.”

The girl moves to her bed and picks up a framed picture of Guy and hugs it while chuckling and smiling to herself.
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