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This is a work of fiction, only for the imagination
ATTENTION: This is a story out of imagination only. It is intended only for those places in the imagination where we think things that we would never do and would not work out so Okay in real life. It is a fiction and intended for entertainment of the private mind only.

Probably need to work on format consistency . It should be readable. Longest thing I have written in many, many years. Let me know what you think. I think these characters have an interesting future and past.

Some revision and editing. This is the first thing I have ever posted and a jumpy cursor on my laptop have not helped. Sorry I will do better.

Mark Jones was heading out toward the stream that separated his recently new home from the cul-de-sac. The house was against a hill in back and a sturdy little bridge crossed the stream from the cul-de-sac. His property on almost three sides was bordered by that stream. Beyond the back and somewhere back along sides of his property was wooded rolling hills of unknown ownership. Marc really didn't care who owned it. It was a very nice piece of nature which gave him a good bit of privacy while allowing him to be part of the community at the end of his street. He hadn't really met many of the neighbors on the street other than a friendly wave and a smile since he had moved in. There were things that had to be tied up at his old work and selling his old home, so he was in and out of town while trying to get set up and fully moved in to the new one.

Today he was heading out to the stream to clear some of the old brush out near the northwest corner of his property. He thought it would be nice to have access to the stream for a quiet place to pause and maybe even take up fishing. It was overgrown but pretty even in early autumn. He was sizing up which tools he would want when he heard that unmistakable high pitched piercing scream of a child or woman coming from his left. Marc instantly leapt towards the sound, his gut churning, and bulldozed through the brush to his edge of the stream which at this time of year was rather low. The stream was several feet wide and eaten away from ground height about 3 or 4 feet down and about 2 feet deep at this point. A wide old tree had fallen across the stream bed here a few years ago and brush had grown around both ends. He heard a cry of "Help" from what seemed to be the other side of the creek. He leapt down into the water up to his knees and saw her. It appeared to be a woman off to one side of where the roots of the fallen tree had been overgrown by brush. She was tangled and stuck in the brush and roots kind of on her side and looking down. As he watched her sweater tore just a little more and dropped her an inch or so more toward the stream bed. The problem was that just below her was a tangle of deadwood that had caught below the fallen tree when the stream was in full flow. In that deadwood was a wicked sharp branch sticking straight up under the young woman. It was instantly clear that if she tore loose and fell she would be impaled.

"Don't move! Hold as still as possible", Marc ordered as he pushed across to her. She looked at him from a position of almost laying down with the left side of her torso about a foot directly above the spike. As he neared she tried to reach out to him. Part of his mind realized she was young, a teenager. A moment of special anguish washed over part of him. He reached out just as she tore loose from her movement an started to roll to a face down position still falling toward the sharp branch. He caught her just over her right leg with his left hand clutching her shorts just inside her right thigh and his right arm under her front and pulled her into his chest. One of the flickering thoughts that flitted across his awareness was just how soft her left breast was in his hand how firmly soft the inside of her thigh was. He was surprised, in the heat of the moment that he even noticed the feeling of warmth against his hand as it slid up against her cloth covered womanhood.

Marc set the young lady down into the water and asked, "Are you OK ?"

"My side.", she said as at the same time he noted blood on her left side at a larger tear in her sweater. The girl thought she thought she saw a shadow of panic in Mark's eyes. As they couldn't get easily out of the stream at that point, Mark picked her up an tossed her over his right shoulder so as to stay away from her injury, grabbed her hip, said he was sorry, and forded up the stream bed faster than one would think to near his bridge where they could get out onto flat ground easier. She seemed to understand and said ,"My name is Val Oww! Thank you, Oww!".

"Can you stand?"

"I feel a little shaky"

"Let me lay you down then. I need to check your side" Marc said as he lay her down on the grass and tried to see through the tear in her sweater. "It's OK just pull it up." she told him. He did and marveled at the smoothness of her tanned belly and waist till he saw a 3 or 4 inch wood sliver almost the size of a pencil scoring and piercing her skin and emerging about an inch later just under her ribs.

"It's not going to help anything leaving this in there." He said as he looked into her eyes and saw a not happy resignation and heard her,"Go ahead and do what you need to." Marc pulled a tool from his pocket that had something like a wire cutter, snapped off one end of the sliver sticking out from the skin, looked again into her eyes trying to pull her attention out of the situation for a moment while he slid the remaining sliver out of her skin. Again, "OOWWYY!!!!" She cried. Valentina!!! Mark heard from two frightened and forceful voices.

"She is over here" Marc raised his voice to respond. He looked into her eyes again and asked "How are you now?"

"Still a little shaky but improving." "Listen, I'm sorry I had to grab you so... intimately there in the stream". Marc got a good look into her eyes at this point. Large hazel green eyes with flecks of gold framed by perfect blackish brows and full dark lashes. He felt himself getting lost and jerked his consciousness back to the here and now wondering if any time had passed and if so how much. She looked surprised for a second then with the barest hint of a smile as she remembered "I didn't mind at all." Marc thought 'my God if she were older I would swear she was teasing me'.

"What happened?" said the man who came to a rapid halt by them as Marc lifted Valentina to her feet and she was immediately swept into the arms of the woman who was right behind the man. The obvious parents looked to be middle/late 30s, healthy, concerned, of course, and very good looking. Mom was a babe. Dad was a handsome man by any standards and a couple inches taller than Mark's 5'10" though more medium in width than Marks deceptive compact thickness. Both moved with a sureness that bespoke healthy exercise.

"She fell by the edge of the creek and got a nasty large splinter in her side." Mark showed her father the remnants of the splinter.

"She's bleeding" from the concerned mother.

"Good."said Marc "It is good to clean out a puncture wound with bleeding. In fact if you have a syringe or eyedropper that you could squirt some peroxide through the wound as soon as possible,it would hurt but it might be a good idea."

"Mom he saved my life." Val blurted and mom replied "It was just a large sliver, hon" "No mom, that just hurt, but I almost fell on this huge sharp branch and I couldn't stop from falling. It would have spitted me like a fish!

Mother shot a wide eyed look at Mark who shrugged quietly. Dad looked at Mark carefully, noting his quite scratched up appearance and seriously said, "Thank You.". Mark met his eyes and softly said, "Can't let something like that happen to someones daughter." While mom and daughter fussed at each other, dad asked,"Do you have a daughter?"

After a short pause Marc, with eyes clouding up a little, even more softly replied, "Had". Marc turned to look at Valentina and her mother, took a slow deep breath and with a sharp little nod said as lightly as he could, "Helluva a way to meet the neighbors"

Dad took Marks hand firmly and said, "Thank you again, I'm Peter, Peter Brown, this is my wife Joan and you have already met Valentina." We usually call her Val. Mark turned to look at Valentina and her mother. Valentina was already beautiful though young looking. After careful consideration Mark guessed her as a late blooming possibly sixteen, though probably fifteen. She had just too much intelligence and self possession to be any younger than that and then there was that very soft compact breast his hand had covered while catching her he thought a little guiltily. Valentina looked to be about 5'6" and around 120 lbs. with the slender developing womanly proportions that would probably catch up with her mothers luscious well rounded athletic figure. Mother looked to be about 5'8" or 5'9" with the same dark wavy hair that defied description by a single word. Valentina differed from her mother, however, with those Eyes.

Marc looked back to Peter and saw that he seemed to have passed a Peters serious appraisal.

"You have to come for dinner tonight so we can get to know you better and thank you better." As they began to turn to go home, Valentina smoothly slipped her mothers arm turned and leapt at Mark. She slammed against Mark so hard he almost lost his balance as her arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist. Marc felt a little stab of guilt about how much he enjoyed her slender strength that spoke of athleticisim and the softness that promised a lusciousness like her mother. He didn't know what to do with his hands. He sure didn't want it to look like he was taking advantage of the hug but then again he didn't want to look too rattled nor did he want her to fall so one hand went between her shoulder blades and one in the small of her back. He held her in a minimal polite grip. He sure did not want any of them to see how his body wanted to crush her teenage body to his and slide her a breasts across him. She hugged him tightly as she whispered into his ear "You saved my life and I will never forget that", she gave a squeeze with her calves pulling her lower belly tight against his, and kissed him on the cheek. With a smile she was back with her parents. They saw his surprise. Peter gave him a small lopsided grin and said, "She surprises us too."

chapter 2

At dinner Mark met Colin their 15 year old son. Ah, fraternal twins?, Mark wondered. Colin was a baseball player, a shortstop and as a sophomore had played the last half of the previous season on the varsity. During the summer he had been invited to play on the travel team. He was going to be tall like his dad, maybe even more so. He was an easygoing kid and Marc liked him right away. Val came to dinner cleaned up with her medium length dark hair brushed out in style like Dorothy Hamill, the ice skater. Val's was wavy and shone with ever changing highlights. She was wearing an off-white sweater and knee length turquoise blue skirt and comfortable but nice flats. Some of the scratches showed on her neck and legs, but she ignored them so completely that they just didn't matter, though she did wince once in a while if she twisted or bumped her left side. Peter did the desk work as a partner in a small cement plant. His partner oversaw more of the field work. Joan worked part time at a travel agency. The kids were lively but knew when to be proper. Colin had just gotten home from practice and heard about 's Valentina's and he too personally thanked Marc for saving his sister. Conversation moved along from there. Mark found out why Val was so graceful with a history of involvement with both gymnastics, which she was getting too tall to be great at, and some ballet she had studied off and on. When they found out that Mark spoke Spanish and seemed to be retired, he ended up being drafted to tutor her as she was taking Spanish II in the newly started school year. Mark knew all choice had been taken from him the instant she shone those glowing eyes on him, cocked her head a bit, and said "Pleeeeaase."

At the end of the evening they had all had a good start on what looked to be a good relationship. Mark told them he had been very glad to meet them and wanted to be a good neighbor for a long time. The whole family assured him that he had a very good start on that.

The next few weeks Mark worked around the new home, planned some changes, and tutored. Val, as her family called her, was a joy to work with, serious at work with but with a wellspring of good-natured fun and play. Mark decided it wasn't the fault of his mind and that his eyes would search out the points that sometimes tented out her t-shirts or blouses if her nipples hardened in the air conditioning or a cool breeze. He tried to have a talk with his eyes about that but they didn't listen too well. It didn't appear that she ever wore a bra but he didn't want to bring the subject up because he didn't want to be improper or make her uncomfortable. He really liked her and wanted to be good to her. His fatherly instincts had been resurrected. His eyes, though, still looked for any possible transparency when she wore a blouse and the form her shorts outlined. Mark also thought that Val was outgrowing the short shorts she liked to wear to the tutoring sessions and could shop for some new ones. It also sometimes suspiciously looked like she took every occasion possible to bend over in front of him. She was smart and learned rapidly. The Browns were planning a birthday party for the kids on the Saturday just before Halloween. Of course Mark was invited. Mark said he had some plans but would definitely stop by as he could show up later at the other party.

Mark's wife and daughter had died in a wreck almost 3 years ago. Their son survived, healed and was now in the army. Mark and his wife had been fairly conservative swingers but for the first several months after the crash he had been celibate and concentrated on his son. Mark still had friends, both couples and singles he could visit and share benefits with. They were all very supportive and caring and when Mark ventured out again they welcomed him back. Since he had moved he didn't know anyone in the local area to play with. He had searched and met some people online that sounded like they could be the kind of people he would be comfortable with anywhere. He had chatted online and then on the phone with some of them. A couple of couples who knew each other had decided to have a sexy Halloween costume party on that same Saturday as Val and Colins birthday party and had invited Mark . Mark thought to go to stop in at Val's party then off to meet some of local swingers and possibly work off some of his sexual energy and maybe be less affected by Val's charms.

He was 49, 5'10", salt and pepper hair and mustache, around 215, compact and thick, no belly, and was happy with his 7 inches and thick enough to give all the sensation most women wanted without being uncomfortable. He had rugged good looks rather that the cute or classic look. With his disarming and infectious smile, he had no trouble, though.

Since the birthday was so close to Halloween, the Browns usually made it a costume birthday party and Mark was secretly looking forward to seeing how Val would be dressed. Mark had dressed in some sandals that laced up and around his calves, a kilt with sporran, a rough home crafted leather tunic with small metal plates sewn in patterns as armor. Around his waist was a thick belt supporting another leather pouch and a medium length double edged sword in scabbard, on his left forearm a thick brass vambrace. He didn't have a decent hat so to spice up the image he had a rough leather eye patch to wear at the party. In a hidden sheath inside the neck of the tunic at his back was a throwing dagger. He had tried practicing throwing it the last couple days and while he had some success, Mark was very glad he was going to a party and not battle.

When he came in the Browns door, they all oohed and aahhed at him and Val commented with a slightly mischievous look that were they less hairy he would have beautiful legs. Pete and Joan were dressed as a count and countess, Joan showing cleavage that would have gone over very well at a Rennaissance Fair. Mark had to remind himself not to stare. "Great costumes." Mark tried not to look at Val and she was a little behind her mother anyway.

He had no idea what would interest the teens. He figured that the large box of assorted Sees candies he slid onto the table next to the birthday cake could never go wrong. Mark's eyes focused on the cake for a moment and with his eyes widening in surprise it was obvious that there were only 13 candles on the cake. He looked up in slack mouthed surprise at the family finally focusing on Val. With glee Val exclaimed, "See! I told you he thought I was older." then, "Look! He's blushing!" Mark, bluffing, told them "I never blush. It's uhh... it's just warm in here after walking over." Pete laughed and asked "What did you think?" Again looking from face to face He replied, "I thought they were fraternal twins and Val was kind of a late bloomer. I guess I'm used to thinking in those terms. Mine were."

Pete's smile sobered some after a quick glance at his wife said, "Told you she surprises you. 'Don't feel bad. You are not the first to think she is older than she is" About that time Colin, dressed in an 1800s baseball uniform returned from the kitchen "Mom there is no ice in the cooler and there's no diet soda."

Val grabbed Marks hand, a purse and dragging him to the door threw back, "Mark'll take me down the Mountain Store and I'll tell him how to get there. We'll be back in jiffy. Things were happening pretty fast for Mark. As got out the door on the way to Mark's driveway with the sun just gone down and a quarter moon in the clear darkening blue sky he got his first good look at Val's costume and almost stumbled. She was wearing something like a harem dancers outfit without the bells, just a lot of gauzy silks. Too opaque to see anything for real but supple enough to hint at the smooth form beneath. The way it slid and swirled when she moved was the definition of grace. He just kept being knocked off balance. Again the mischievous smile, "You liiiiiike?" As he pulled his keys from his sporran Mark told her she was an elfin princess and it would be impossible to be more beautiful. Once in his full size black SUV, Mark had to make an effort to keep his eyes off her. She gave him directions to the local small general store as they drove. As they relaxed Val turned to Mark and in a serious tone asked. "What did that mean about the twins when you said "mine were"?". Mark was quiet and Val waited patiently. Finally he said simply and softly. "My wife and daughter died in a car crash about three years ago. My son lived. They were twins." They were quiet for a bit, then Val unhooked her seat belt, scooted over onto the console and just leaned on Mark's shoulder with her right hand on his right arm. They were quiet till they reached the parking area. He pulled in next to a small day rental truck now parked for the night. Mark saw sadness and told Val, " It's alright in the long run. We had a lot of love and good times and those are always with me." He paused and told Val "Now lets get that soda and ice and make some more good times and joy to treasure." Mark leaned over and gently kissed the top of Val's head and said, "It is what they would want and... thanks for caring"

Mark and Val went into the store where Val cheerfully greeted the owner as a couple other customers left. The owner was an almost always smiling black man of lean medium size. He responded "Hi Val".

"We need some Ice and this is my new neighbor Mark." She introduced. Mark leaned over the counter and shook Joe's hand and they shared that little guy-type head nod of checking each other and accepting each other. Joe told them to pick up the ice from the freezer outside on the way out as Val was picking out a couple of six-packs of diet soda which she plopped onto the counter by the old fashioned cash register. Mark pulled out his wallet saying, "I'll get that", as another customer came into the store and stepped toward the counter, pulled out a pistol from his hoodie pocket, waved it around and said, " Gimmee all the money and no funny business." Joe calmly answered. "Okay, no need for violence, okay". The muzzle of the gun shifted to Mark. The visibly nervous robber told Mark "Take out that sword with two fingers and drop in on the floor, carefully." Val was to Marks left and as Mark slowly pulled out his sword he tried to edge in front of her. Out of the corner of his eye Mark saw a shadow just outside the door, caught Joe's eye and glanced at the door. The robber was focused on the sword which was almost out of the scabbard. Joe calmly repeated, "Just take the money, please, don't want no one to get hurt." To suit actions to his words Joe hit the key to open the old fashioned cash register.

Much louder than modern ones, the cash drawer banged open with the ding of a bell. The young robber had never heard an old style noisy cash register, panicked and swung the gun toward Joe and fired but Joe was diving to his left. It was one of those times that you remember in slow motion. Mark's sword was falling to the floor. His left arm went back to sweep Val behind him as he saw the gun swing back around to them. Mark couldn't get to the robber fast enough but he was surprised to find his right hand just sliding along his neck and touching the dagger handle. He yelled, "DOWN!!!" His hand and arm snapped forward as Mark was trying to hit the floor and the gun went off again. He saw the dagger thunk through the robbers gun arm bicep and into the bone beneath then dove for the gun even as it was falling out of the robbers hand. Mark was on his belly trying to orient the gun toward the door as a beefy gangbanger bore thru the front door. Crap! Mark thought, not quick enough! Damn! Then he saw what looked like the Tazmanian Devil erupt all over the gangbanger from behind the counter. Hitting, finger stabbing, twisting, grabbing, elbowing, pushing, pulling, kicking, kneeing, eventually pounding the bangers head on the floor. The bangers gun had gone off hitting only the ceiling. Wondering, where did that come from? Mark left the gangsta to Joe who was in complete control and turned to Valentina. She was getting up off the floor and Mark noted blood up near her left shoulder. Half his mind screamed within him and the other half shifted to cold practicality. "You're hit! Sit down, hold still." from Mark as he tore the silks off her shoulder to expose a perfect conical young pale breast on a tan chest. Joe piped in, "How bad?" He saw one of the plates from his vest a little bigger than a postage stamp sticking in the side of that creamy breast. Joe came to his side with a roll of paper towels. "Not bad" and under his breath "Thank God" Mark pulled the armor piece out and staunched the bleeding with paper towels. Joe stepped over to the banger, who was starting to move a little, put the bangers own gun to the back of his neck and whispered, "Move and die fool or stay put till the cops get here and live. Your choice, no difference to me." Meanwhile Mark had found some first aid supplies and had butterfly taped the slice in Val's breast closed and bandaged her minor wound with antiseptic. He then found some safety pins to pull the costume back to cover her chest. Val looked frightened and told Mark "You are bleeding!" Joe helped him pull off the vest and figured what had happened. The second bullet had ricocheted off the vambrace on Mark's forearm, shot off the little plate that wounded Val, went through the tough leather vest and lodged just under the skin. Joe popped it out like a pimple and put on a big bandaid. Val was on the phone telling her brother that there had been a delay at the Mountain Store but they would be be back soon. They realized Joe was contributing some blood too. It turned out that his bullet just scored his right side, broke one rib and cracked a second one as he dove for the floor.

The cops came, took the statements, and the gangbanger. The EMT's took the wounded robber and pronounced Val,Joe, and Mark as well treated as they themselves could have done. Mark had a moment to ask Joe,"Where did you learn to move like that?" "Forward Recon, Marine. How about you?" With a half a chuckle Mark replied, "Shore patrol. Do you look familiar?". Joe admired "Good move with that knife. Didn't know an 'anchor clanker' had it in him" Mark smiled back, "I don't. I think I got lucky. I was just hoping to distract him and I think I was actually aiming at his face.

They shook hands and Mark pulled out his wallet and said, "Gotta get the young Lady and her sodas back to her birthday party. "Your money is no good here tonight" Joe told him.

After loading the sodas and Ice into the back of the SUV Mark reached around Val in the tight space

between the SUV and the van. It was fully dark now with only that sliver of a moon. Joe had closed the front door and turned off the outside lights. As Mark held the door open for Val, she turned into him, looked straight up into his eyes with that mischievous twinkle in her eyes said, "I'm beginning to think you just like playing with my titties." Mark gasped as she pressed him up to the van side, "Uhhhhh, You shouldn't...". By then Valentina had wrapped her left arm around his neck and was kissing him like a woman, a very aroused woman, kisses the man she is aroused for. "Where in the Hell did she learn that?" crossed Marks mind. Then he realized his body was kissing her back and his arms were slipping around her. He tried to push her away and partially succeeded. Those eyes were boring into his, though. She whispered, "You saved my life twice now and I need to thank you." That was when he felt her hand under his kilt and grasping his cock. He had no idea it had gotten that hard so quickly. She pulled his head down to kiss his lips and face. She continued to stroke him. Mark could not believe it was that stiff and engorged. "No,we can't..." and tried to push her away but she had him held too tightly and he suddenly felt weak.

It had been a while since any hand but his own had held his now throbbing cock. He found that his hand was guiding hers rather than pushing her away. She was kind of rough at first. She had never done this before! he realized. It had been a hi testosterone evening and Valentina was completely giving. He gave up and gave in. He felt it beginning. She was so beautiful and so passionately focused on him. Oh God! her hand felt good! Oh God! Val felt his cock getting harder and start to swell a little bigger. Some how the physical feeling was magnified by his mixed but stirred up emotions. At that moment nothing had ever felt so amazing. She found she could just hold her hand still as he was now thrusting into her hand. "Oh God! Oh God!" he growled thru clenched teeth, "I'm cumming, you're making me cum." "Aaaaaaahhhhh!". Val felt his cock throbbing and spasming and felt wetness on her hand and looked down to see streams of white shooting out onto the side of his car. WOW! He finally had to tell her "Oh stop, it's too much, Stop." she did and felt his whole tense body begin to wilt. She brought her hand up and looked at it. It was this wonderful man's liquid male essence. She brought it to her nose, sniffed, stuck her tongue out and licked it with the tip of her tongue. It was kind of weird but It was his, and it was the most sexual thing she had ever known.

She realized her nipples were hard as diamonds and tingling. She had been playing with herself since she had been about nine and cumming on her fingers since she was about ten, so she knew the puffy lipped heat and wetness meant she was excited. Marks eyes were closed and didn't see her lick her hand. The next thing he knew was her hand pulling his head down to receive a warm open mouth lingering kiss. "Can't you even say your welcome after a thank you like that?" Val followed in the footsteps of women since the beginning of human history. She kept this otherwise very competent man fuzzy-brained and off-balance. Enough of his brain was clear to pick her up and put her in the seat. Mark held her hands as he told her , "My god I could conceivably have a granddaughter your age! I would go to jail forever! Sweetie we can't do this." She just smiled, completely relaxed, those eyes slightly heavy lidded and replied, "You could always say that I raped you and I am sure not going to confess."

When they got home, they had to explain why they were so late. Mark tried to keep it just to family in the kitchen. Val's aunt and uncle had come for the party and added to the family in the kitchen. Mark wanted to keep it as low key as possible and made Val promise not to spread the story to the kids at the party. Whatever they heard otherwise would she please keep it low key. Mark's telling was simple: "a robber came into the store, got startled, panicked got off a couple of shots, the owner and I got a couple scratches, Val got cut by the ricochet of a ricochet, Joe and I subdued the robber and his backup, and the cops came. We might need to give statements later."

From Val: "Mom, Dad you've never seen two men move so fast and so devastating. Mark threw a knife like in a martial arts movie and got him right in the arm, it stuck in the bone to make him drop his gun. Dad, Mark took a bullet for me. And then Joe looked like a human tornado when the other guy burst in. Oh my! I need to do something special for Joe. I forgot to even thank him." Joan had wrapped Val up in her arms and Pete asked, "A bullet?" Mark explained, "Pretty sure it was a .32 cal with a light load. It dented my vambrace when it ricocheted, knocked off the metal piece that nicked Val then slowed down further by the heavy leather it barely got under the skin. Maybe I should stay away from your daughter. Twice now she's been in peril around me" Pete shook his head smiled slightly crooked and replied, "Hell maybe we should hire you to be her bodyguard. Twice now you have saved her." Mark looked at Val then back at her dad and told him, "She is quite a girl. She was amazingly clear headed and composed throughout the whole incident. You wouldn't have to pay me"

It was a nice birthday party. They had cake, ice cream, presents, costume judging. When the candles were blown out Mark was reminded that Val was barely thirteen years old. He had a hard time squaring that with how she acted and talked, how she carried herself and looked, and most of all remembering how she felt pressed up against him and kissing him. When other kids had gone home Mark said his good nights and headed for the door. Val piped up, "I the think I forgot my purse in Mark's car. I'll walk him home and get it." Her mom said, "Take a flashlight it is dark out there." He told her he could bring it over in the morning but she would not be deterred and he couldn't politely say no. When they got over his bridge in a private area Mark turned to Val and took her arms gently and told her, "Babe, I have grown quite fond of you but we can't do that anymore. If I didn't end up in prison your mom and dad would kill me. I know your emotions are running high with all that has gone on today and at your age feelings can change overnight. One of the great lessons to learn in life is to try and not do or say anything you are going to want to take back later, because you can't." Val asked, " Can I at least give you a hug at least" Mark thought he heard a catch in her voice. How could he say no? He let go of her arm. Rather than wrap her arms around Mark, she put her hands on his chest and pushed a little. It put him off balance and he back pedaled a little. While he was moving back to keep his balance, Val said, " As of today I am not a child any more and I know what I want. I would never do any thing that might harm you. You are very special to me and always will be whatever the future holds. She tapped his chest again keeping him off balance and back pedaling. I know what I want right now and I'm going to have it." Before he could respond his heels hit the piece of telephone pole that marked that boundary of his driveway and fell back into the bushes. He couldn't get a grip on anything with his hands. The pole was under his knees and before he could move his feet Val had knelt on one of them leaving Mark to thrash around helpless for the moment. His kilt had ridden up when he fell and before he knew it he felt her soft warm hand on his cock for the second time that day. It rapidly responded, especially when the foreskin pushed back and he felt soft,wet caressing heat surround the head. "MMMMMM" He heard as he tried vainly to get away. Her hand was expertly sliding up and down the shaft of his cock. Her mouth was suctioning the head and her tongue was massaging all over the head. Soon he realized all of his squirming was just making the friction feel better. He stopped moving. He tried to reach down to push her away. Her head dodged and she surprised him by grabbing his balls and putting a firm squeeze on them. Kindly but firmly she told Mark, "This is my choice not yours." The hand around his testicles relaxed some and the other hand picked up the stroking rhythm again. Her mouth went back to sucking and massaging. What she lacked in experience she made up for in enthusiasm. Mark lost almost all of the awareness of his body. All he was aware of was a glorious feeling cock. He lost awareness of time and all too soon felt the cum feeling build. He had to say, "Oh God! Oh! I'm going to cum get off. I'm going to cum." The passionate teen was not about to miss tasting him, swallowing him, and making the fluids of his maleness a part of her. It was sort of salty and slick and definitely unique tasting. Not bad but odd. Emotionally though, it was specially and intimately HIS and it's supreme maleness excited the hell out of her. Another milestone in her life, part of her felt she was a woman not just a girl. She kept on sucking gently. In the very faint moonlight Mark looked as if his very life had been sucked out of him. It gave her a thrill of power. Eventually a huge sigh escaped Mark. "Could you help me up?", He asked a cat-that-ate-the-canary smiling Valentina. When she had retrieved her purse from Mark's SUV, Val admitted that she had left it on purpose just in case it might be useful. It had been a night of some firm control of his situation, as he was accustomed to, and some very the unaccustomed loss of control to a teen nymph. "Would you kiss me good night." Val asked quietly. Mark heard the first lack of sureness he had heard from her all day and a tiny note of pleading which totally broke his resolve. He took her face gently in his hands. She slid her hands over his shoulders. He kissed her.

Hopefully my editing has helped. Sorry bout the 'wall or words' but that is how the story tells me it needs to be filled out.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-30 17:52:08
I cannot tell a lie. I stopped reading about one-third of the way through. You need to learn how to write dialog--new paragraph every time a new person speaks. Otherwise, it's just a horrible confusing mess--kind of like this was.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-30 16:42:24
Great story with a few minor errors. Can't wait for part two!

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-30 04:07:16
You lost me as a reader when Valentina changed to Teresa. Get it straight for fucks sake.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-28 21:05:51
Wall of words is a major turn off.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-28 20:34:37
Wall of words is a major turn off.

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