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Moving in with Dad gives me the chance to know my Step-Sister and Step-Mother a little better.
I had stuck by my Mothers side through a lot, but the trouble always came from her love life. She always seemed to think that the only way she would ever be happy was if she had someone to get into bed with at night. And her new boyfriend was the bottom of the barrel type, but he must have a magic cock, because before I even knew his name he was moving into my house and Mom was suggesting that I find a place of my own.

My Dad works long and hard as an accountant and his wife Katie works part time doing admin work at private detectives agency in town. Her daughter Courtney was a jobless bum who seemed happy in that role. She had turned eighteen three months ago and it was maybe two weeks after her party I moved in to the spare bedroom.

I had an apartment of my own lined up but had to wait six months for renovations being done to the building. Dad had helped me buy it and it was him that I called after Mom's suggestion of me moving. He picked me up the very next day with the 'I told you so' speech about how he knew that no matter what she had in life it would never be enough. I admitted that I was an idiot for staing with her after their divorce, but she lived in a more convenient location for me.

I had always gotten on with Katie and Courtney, but I had only ever really saw them during short spells, I had no clue what it was going to be like living with them. Right away I was given signs of what I was going to be in for, when I discovered that Katie was generally a very open woman. I say that because the only clothes she wears around the house is underwear and the occasional fluffy dressing gown.
She had an incredible rack on her too, the kind of curvy figure that is the very essence of the word Voluptuous. With flowing dark hair and green eyes she almost seemed Latino. Her daughter was very much the same except for her tiny frame, she had the dark hair and same eye colour, but she was maybe two or three sizes smaller than her Mom.

As much as we got along with one another, I wasn't prepared for the day in question. It was a rainy Thursday afternoon when I was sitting on the edge of my bed playing NHL on my Xbox when Courtney walked into my bedroom.
She was wearing her typical short denim skirt and white vest as she came towards me, even from the corner of my eye I could see her rock hard nipples poking at her top.

''What's up Court?'' I asked not taking my eyes off the screen.

''I have a problem that I think you can help me with, providing you're the cool step-brother I hope you are.'' she told me sitting down next to me, I gave her a nod to continue and she took a deep breath.
''I broke up with Paul again and this time I want him gone for good.'' she told me. I smiled to myself before replying, ''Well of course you do, his name is Paul for fucks sake. Horrible name.'' I told her with a grin, ''Very funny.'' she said leaning forward, ''I told him that I was seeing somebody else and it was getting serious. So of course, he asked me how serious? Like, fucking-each-other serious or diamond ring serious. Obviously I told him fucking-each-other serious and now he wants proof.''

I had retained most of what she was saying, but I had also just gone 5-3 down to the god-damn Blackhawks and wasn't having any of it, so I had to focus.

''Okay so you're fucking some guy and he wants proof, you should take a picture or something and send him it.'' I told her.

''Duh,'' she said elbowing me in the arm, ''I'm not fucking anyone but I want him to think I am.''

''Okay, okay. So what do you want from me?'' I asked rising to my feet as I pulled it back 5-4. She got to her feet next to me and slipped her hand straight down the front of my pants. I almost dropped the controller. I would have paused it but it was a live game, I was playing against some jack-ass in Chicago who had spent the last ten minutes insulting me through the head-set.

''What are you doing!?'' I asked in a loud and confused voice.

''I need your dick hard so I can take a picture of myself sucking on it. It would end the argument and get Paul out of my life forever!'' she replied as she took my slowly growing penis in her hand.

''Are you out of your fucking mind?'' I asked.

''Yes, actually, it's all I got right now so I'd appreciate it if you did this for me as a special favour and never tell my Mother about it.'' she told me sternly. I couldn't believe how serious she was about it. It was almost as though she had planned to catch me at this exact time too, as my online competitive nature wouldn't allow me to put the controller down and stop her.

It seemed as though I had lost control of my step-sister and my cock, as she dropped down to her knees and pulled down my pants my half-erect cock sprang out at her. My body was betraying me but my mind was not, as I struck the puck and equalised the score.

''Fuck, you're pretty impressive,'' she said as she took me in her hand and began licking the shaft. I was around seven and a half inches fully erect, that I knew from being an unsure teenager and measuring myself.
She continued licking from the base all the way to the tip as my now fully erect cock rested on her face. She held up her phone and began trying to get the right selfie angle before snapping away.

''You're insane.'' I told her as she took my helmet between her lips. She raised the phone up to the get the shot from above, her green eyes peering into her camera as she took picture after picture. It was getting harder and harder to focus on the game and the bastard from Chicago pulled ahead 6-5 seconds before the end of the second period.

''Mother fucker!'' I exclaimed as Courtney began trying to deep throat me, the feeling was starting to take its effect. It was feeling way too fucking good to ignore at this point, the third quarter was about to begin and I glanced down at my step-sister take six inches of my length into her throat. ''You need to stop,'' I told her, it was in no way convincing as she looked up at me and let my cock pop out of her mouth, ''Please, I need the right picture.'' she told me.

The third quarter of the game had began and I came out of the blocks like a fucking race horse, attack attack attack. Courtney was now jerking me as she held the tip of my cock between her lips, she held the phone up and for a while I didn't hear any snapping, it was then I figured that she was recording.
''Oh my fucking god,'' I muttered as she milked me, when all of a sudden BANG, 6-6! I gripped the controller hard in celebration before releasing one hand to grab the back of her head. I began quickly thrusting into her mouth as she let her jaw go slack, I pumped her mouth full of cock for a few seconds before going back to chasing the puck.

I had done it, I had brought myself to verge of ejaculation and there was no stopping it. She jerked my cock once again as she glanced into the camera on her phone, there was no stopping it as a flood of semen shot out of my cock and down her throat. It caught her by complete surprise and her head jerked back as another shot caught her right across the cheek.
''Fuck,'' she spat as a third and fourth string of hot cum sprayed across her face. She put her phone down and dropped backward as I smashed the puck into the back of the Blackhawks net. 7-6 never felt so goo before as I dropped down onto the bed, my arms were weak and my thighs tingled from being so tensed.

The buzzer rang and the game ended, 7-6 the final score. My step-sister was still sitting on my bedroom floor fiddling with her phone as the cum stuck to her face like glue. The jack-ass from Chicago was barely audible as the head-set hung around my neck, I knew he had to be pretty pissed right now but I couldn't bring myself to check. I was slumped on the bed looking at Courtney, she smiled to herself as she reviewed the pictures and video.

''This is perfect,'' she said getting to her feet, then then slapped me on the leg before turning to leave, ''Next time fucking tell me when you're going to shoot.'' she said as she walked towards the open bedroom door.

''Next time?!'' I called out to her, but there was no reply.

Chapter 2

I had heard Katie come home from work and had decided to find out a little more about my step-sister by going to the source, the one who had spawned her. I came down the stairs in time to see Katie enter the kitchen removing her jacket.

As I approached the door way I caught sight of her pants slipping down her legs. Her ass looked almost incredible in tights, and I had to savour the image because they were the next things to come down. She had bent over as she stepped out of them and her ass came up into the air. The creep inside of me enjoyed every moment of it as she then came back up and slipped out of her blouse.

Her black bra straps matched the thin black cheese-wire of her thong, seeing her parade around in her underwear wasn't generally anything new but it was the first time I had seen the moments leading up to it.

She would normally walk around in panties, and seeing her ass in that thong began giving me an unwanted erection. It would be the second of the day.

I was about to say her name to get her attention but that was before she reached back and unclipped her bra. It slipped right down over her arms and dropped to the floor. She cupped both breasts and gave them a shake, from the angle I was standing at I was only being treated to side boob but it still looked glorious.
She reached out and took up her dressing gown, that was when I back tracked to the bottom of the stairs and made a little more noise as I re-approached the kitchen.

''Oh, Hi honey.'' she greeted, ''Lucky you didn't come down a few minutes ago, you could have walked in on me naked.'' she told me smiling.

''Ha, lucky me.'' I replied with a smile in the corner of my mouth, ''I was hoping to talk to you about Courtney.''

''Sure, what do you wanna know?'' she asked picking up her clothes and dumping them in the laundry basket.

''Well, you've always been pretty relaxed around the house and I'm not complaining about it, but I was wondering if she was relaxed in her own way.'' I tried to make it sound as innocent as possible, but it sounded as though I was asking her if her daughter was willing to be as half naked her her Mother.

''I know what you're trying to say, don't worry. The thing about Courtney is that she doesn't really have a barrier. If she wants something then she takes it. She goes about life in a very black and white logical way. She goes for the shortest route between two points.'' she told me.

''I see,'' Katie was a very smart woman and she had clearly taught her daughter to be as forward as possible in life.

''I like to wear as little clothes as possible, whereas Courtney will do whatever she wants. Those are our little kinks, I guess you'd say.''

''I get it, thanks.'' I told her as I made my way back upstairs. So Courtney was impulsive, that's all it was.
As I reached my bedroom door I realised that I had just had an entire conversation with my half naked step-mother whilst having a very obvious erection pressing against my pants. ''Oh, fucking hell.'' I moaned as I walked into my room.

Chapter 3

Dad had brought home a couple of large pizzas for dinner and I ate almost in silence, I kept finding myself staring at Courtney looking for some kind of sign that what had happened earlier actually happened. And to look at her, it seemed as though it never happened at all.

After we ate I went out onto the back porch and lit a cigarette, my Dad came out a few moments later and took my packet out of my pocket and took one for himself.

''So how are you adjusting?'' he asked.

I almost laughed in response, ''Not too bad, working out a couple of kinks and learning the curves.'' I told him as I lit his cigarette.

''Good man, it's pretty easy isn't it? Providing you can keep your eyes off my wife.'' he said with a wink.

''Oh, well, I can't lie to you Dad. You could have done a lot worse. But Katie isn't a problem, shes lovely. I'm just finding myself struggling to get to know Courtney.''

''Have you talked to Katie about her?'' he asked.

''Yeah, and it;s helped.'' I told him.

''Good man, good thinking!'' he said as he looked at the cigarette in between his fingers, ''This isn't agreeing with me as much as it used to. I'm going in.'' he dropped the cigarette and stubbed it out before walking back in to the house. He passed Courtney on his way.

''Hey there,'' I greeted her.

''Hey,'' she replied, ''I sent a couple of those pictures to Paul.'' she told me, and it seemed as though we were finally going to talk about it.

''Really? I was beginning to think that nothing happened.'' I said sarcastically.

''It worked anyway, he started calling me a slut and a whore. So all's good now.'' she replied barely taking her eyes away from her phone.

''What happened between you two anyway?'' I found myself asking.

''He didn't understand me,'' she replied looking into my eyes, ''Do you?'' she then asked.

''Not really,'' I replied smiling, ''But I'm beginning to.''

''Good, because this video of me blowing you and you coming all over my face is actually pretty hot. If I watch it later I might need you to return the favour.'' she said.

''Return the favour?'' I asked, ''Are you forgetting what happened? You practically took advantage of me.'' I told her, fully realising that it sounded like I was a victim.

''True, but it's not like you didn't get something out of it. And besides, I would fully expect you to take advantage of me in return when the opportunity prevents itself.'' she said smiling at me, she turned on her heel and walked back into the house. The cigarette had reached the butt and was burning my fingers. I dropped it to the ground and followed her back inside.

Chapter 4

It was a little after ten when I stepped out of the shower, I reached out for the towel on the hook but it wasn't there. I knew it was there when I got in and quickly came to the conclusion that somebody was playing games.
I slide open the bathroom door and peered out, there was nobody standing on the landing and I could here from the sounds that Dad and Katie were still watching television downstairs. That just left Courtney.

All right, I thought to myself, you want to test me? I walked across the landing naked and wet, opening her bedroom door and walking into her room. My blood ran cold as both her and Katie were standing before me in mid-conversation.
My hand dropped to my crotch but it was already too late, Katie had seen everything and was looking at me through squinted eyes. She herself was standing in a pair of red panties and bikini-like bra.

''Um,'' I started, ''I thought Courtney had taken my towel.'' I said. Courtney walked over to her wardrobe and pulled the doors open, continuing what she was saying to her Mom as she pulled a towel out and tossed it at me.

''I don't see the problem, him doing that has just confirmed that he's complete tool who can't move on from me.'' she said.

''But did you stop to think about the consequences? What if it was on social media?'' Katie asked.

''Then he'd be arrested as there are now laws in place protecting girls like me from that.'' Courtney fired back.

''But all it would take is for somebody to see that it's your fucking step-brother's cock hanging out of your mouth!'' Katie cried.

''Um, what's going on?'' I finally asked.

Katie turned to face me, ''Paul has posted the pictures and video Courtney sent him on some porn site.'' she said.

''Oh,'' I muttered, I looked at Courtney who seemed to care less by it and then back to Katie, ''Which one?'' I asked.

Katie's shoulders dropped and she smiled, she felt bad for smiling because it could bring a lot of bad attention our way. ''I'm not telling you, find it for yourself.'' she said. She then walked passed me and stopped at my side, her gaze dropped down to my uncovered crotch and then back to my eyes, ''I'm glad to see you take after your father.'' she said before leaving the room.

I looked at Courtney who was half smiling, ''I'll send you the video if you're that interested.'' she told me.

''So, you didn't take my towel out of the bathroom?'' I asked.

She shook her head, ''No, I really didn't.''

''Terrific.'' I said as I walked out of her room. I walked into mine and saw the towel sitting on my bed, it had seemed that I didn't take it in to the bathroom after all.

Chapter 5

About half an hour later I was back on the Xbox, this time on a game that I could pause. Dad stuck his head around my open door and asked if he could talk, I nodded my head and was prepared for the brutal ear-bashing I was about to receive.

''Kate has told me what happened, and I want you to know, I'm okay with it.'' he told me.

It caught me completely off guard, ''Wait, what?'' I asked.

''Living with two of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes, I'm surprised it took this long.'' he said.

''But, she knew I couldn't pause the game. Everyone knows what I get like when I'm gaming, she knew I couldn't pause the game and did whatever she wanted.'' I told him, he just sat there grinning like an idiot.

''She got you, I'm sure you'll get her back. Do you wanna know how I manage to live with the pair of them in complete happiness?'' he asked.


''I'm banging one of them.'' he said simply. He then patted me on the shoulder and got up and left. I thought about what he said, he seemed to make a point of saying that he's perfectly fine with anything that happens between me and Courtney, just as long as I keep my eyes to myself when his wife is swanning around in her underwear.

Fair enough, I thought. I put the controller down on the bed and got up leaving the bedroom. I walked right round into Courtney's bedroom and saw her sitting at her dresser brushing her hair. She glanced over at me as I walked up to her, I took my cock out and turned her head towards it before thrusting it into her open mouth.

There was no words spoken, just the feel of her hair between my fingers as I controlled the movement of her head gliding backward and forward. Her eyes found there way to mine and for a moment I thought I could see a smile on her face.

I pulled her white top up over her head and laid my eyes on her breasts, they were almost as big as her mothers and looked nothing short of perfect. I took my cock in my hand and began rubbing it against her nipple, the whole breast jiggled and I fell in love with it.

I pulled her to her feet and pulled up her skirt, exposing her bare ass and noting the lack of underwear. It seemed as though while her Mother wore nothing else, she wore none at all. They were a unique pair.

I bent her over the dresser and pushed my way into her, she squealed for a brief moment before looking at herself in the mirror as I began thrusting back and fourth. She fumbled for her phone and quickly brought the camera up, she hit the record button and filmed herself in the mirror getting fucked from behind.

Her breasts bounced all over the place and I couldn't take my eyes off of them as I fucked her. My step-sister moaned and gasped as she watched herself through the screen on her phone. She let her long dark hair covered half of her face as I finally took a second to admire the ass I was slamming into.
Her skin was soft and smooth, I squeezed both of her ass cheeks and spread them apart to watch my full rod slide into her. I glanced up at her reflection and saw the look in her eyes, she was focussed, she didn't want to go to the effort of holding her arm up but she didn't seem to want to miss the chance to film it.

''Make me cum, make me cum all over your thick, long cock.'' she told me as her eyes bore into mine.

I didn't need much more than that and slapped her across the ass, she bit down on her bottom lip and her head dropped. A long and deep moan came out of her throat as she held the phone up and in place.
Her pussy clamped around my cock as I thrust into her, I thought about going balls deep and shooting my seed into her but didn't want to ask her afterwards if she was on any contraception. And seeing as she was filming it, I took the opportunity to pull out and turn her around.

Almost as if she read my mind she handed me the phone and I took over the filming for the final scene.
She dropped to her knees and furiously began jerking me off, her mouth opened and she rolled out her tongue as my helmet brushed along it. With a long and deep moan of my own, I began shooting strings of semen into the waiting mouth of my step-sister.
The first shot went to the back of her mouth, she tipped her head backward and aimed my cock a little lower, allowing me to spray my seed across her wonderful chest.

I stopped the video as she looked up into the camera, a smile began spreading across her face. ''Thank you big brother.'' she said.

''Nice try little sis,'' I replied, ''But I cut filming already.'' I told her. She laughed and started getting to her feet, when she suddenly froze. I followed her line of sight to the doorway, where her Mom was standing with her hand down the front of her panties.

''Glad to see you two are getting along so well.'' she said.

Dirty GerdyReport 

2017-02-18 06:00:34
Dang this is freaking hot!

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