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Pete and Sandy go on their trip to Key West, and find they are there for Fantasy Fest which leads to a wild and erotic week.
Chapter 1

Pete and Sandy were standing at the counter of the car rental agency, awaiting their car. They had just arrived in Miami, after a three and half hour flight from Ohio. Both were excited about this trip. They were going to spend a whole week in Key West Florida, and do nothing but lie on the beach and explore the area.

Life was good for them now. They were living together, and Sandy’s daughter and her significant other were living in Pete’s old house, right next door to them. Of course, they were always over, but neither seemed to mind. In fact, Sandy and Annie grew closer than ever.

Also, during these months, the couple did explore some of their fantasies, especially Sandy. She had wanted to try a 3some, and over the Memorial Day weekend, they did just that with her best friend Karen.

The evening that happened, it wasn’t forced, it just happened. First the girls played in the pool, then went upstairs and played on Sandy’s bed. Pete watched for a while then joined in, while Sandy had her ass at the edge of the bed and was eating Karen. Once Pete came though, he left the ladies to their fun. Pete enjoyed himself, but really enjoyed that Sandy got to live a fantasy, and that was more important to him.

In fact, over the course of the summer, these two ladies played 3 more times together. Twice with Pete repeating his performance, and the last time, he let them alone to their fun. Sandy was thrill about all of it, but also felt a little sad that Pete did not want to take part more than what he did. But she always made passionate love to him, once Karen went home.

Sandy too, was becoming more of a free spirit too. Many a weekend, she could be found lounging by the pool naked, and Pete always joined her. A couple of times though, he had come home to find Sandy, Annie, and Sarah out back sunning naked. When he saw them, he let them be to their fun. It’s not that Pete was modest, but he did not want to be around three beautiful, naked women and pop a hard on. Never knowing how those three would react to that.

Pete and Sandy also enjoyed taking weekend trips to bed and breakfasts around the state or neighboring states. It was a good getaway and they loved being together and exploring things they hadn’t in their life yet.

But this trip to Florida, was going to be special for them, although Sandy had no idea yet. The week before they left, Pete purchased a diamond ring and was going to ask Sandy to marry him. He thought they might as well get married. The lived together, and did damn near everything together as it is, and he knew, deep down, she was the soul mate he always longed for.

Chapter 2

They arrived at their destination, which was his uncle’s condo, which overlooked the beach, facing the Gulf. As they drove through town, they noticed many people in costumes and some of the skimpiest clothes, that let nothing to the imagination.

Sandy asked, “What in the world is going on down here? Did you see how some of them were dressed? I swear that one lady was topless, except for the paint on her tit’s and torso.”

Pete laughed, “I have no idea what is going on, but it looks like fun, and isn’t that what we are down here for? Plus, my uncle did say it could be an eye opening experience and to treat it like Vegas. What happens here, stays here.”

Sandy giggled, then laughed, “Oh yeah, and your uncle is a bit of an old perv. Shit, so is your dad.”

Once at the condo, they grabbed their bags and went inside. The place was gorgeous, to say the least. Since it was built on stilts, with the bottom acting as a storage area, the condo itself was two story, with 3 bedrooms up and two baths, including the master bath, and then a family room, big kitchen, another big bathroom and a sun porch off the back, that overlooked the beach.

After exploring the condo, Sandy sighed and said, “My God, I think I just died and went to heaven. This place is fantastic.”

“I’ll say it is. No wonder why my uncle and aunt come down here all the time. He did say everything we need is in the house, except for food. His only requirement is that we leave it as we found it, and damn sure better wash the sheets.”

Sandy laughed, “See. I told ya. Big perv.”
Pete suggested showering, and then go find a nice place to eat. Sandy wanted him to join her, but he said he thought it better for her to go alone this time, or they’d never make it to dinner. Sandy gave a little pouty face, then stripped down and wiggled her butt, to try and entice him, but he stood fast.

Pete smiled as she closed the door and he went to the dresser where he just put his shorts away. Mixed in with the shorts, was her ring. He pulled out a pair of shorts he was going to wear and took the ring and securely placed in the one front pocket.

When she finished, Pete went and showered, making sure he took his clothes with him, which was unusual for him to do. They always dressed in front of one another, but Sandy never made a comment.

Chapter 3

When they left the condo, it was now almost 8pm. Light was growing dim, as they walked downtown, to where all the action was taking place. Sandy had on a flowered sundress, that really showed off her body, and Pete noticed she was not wearing a bra. A look he happened to like on her. Pete was wearing a pair of khaki shorts, a nice cream colored polo shirt and sandals.

When they hit the main drag, they noticed so many people out and about. Ages ranged from early 20’s, to people in their 70’s, and the dress was what you may call extremely casual. Many of the women were wearing bikini tops and shorts, also in that same age range. Plus, many, both women and men were sporting body paint, and the only covering for the women were items that covered their nipples.

Pete leaned into Sandy and asked, “So are you going to paint your upper half and face, like many of these women?”

“Depends.” she stated. “On what?” he asked. “Just how drunk I get down here this week. But you never know.” Sandy said with a chuckle.

They found a restaurant that Pete’s uncle recommended for them to try. It was supposedly the best seafood and steak house down there. It must be, because the line was big to get in. About an hour wait they were told. They didn’t mind. So they people watched, which was easy to do and quite comical.

As they stood in line, a couple in front of them was talking, then turned to Pete and Sandy, and asked, “Where from up north are you guys from?” Pete told them Ohio.

“No kidding? Us too. We are from the Cleveland area. I’m Gary, and this is my wife Jean.”

Pete introduced Sandy and himself to the couple and said that they were from the eastside of Cleveland. So the banter began, with the girls basically talking to each other, and the guys doing the same.

Pete had to ask though, “What with the carnival atmosphere down here?”

Gary laughed and said, “Well. This is Fantasy Fest. Happens every October, near Halloween time. It’s pretty much a week long party and dress is very casual, as you can see.”

Gary was dressed in shorts, sandals, and a flowered shirt, like Tom Selleck wore on Magnum P.I.. Jean was dressed in shorts and a blue bikini top, and sandles. If Pete had to guess, late 40’s in age. Gary was 6’ 180 lbs, sandy hair. Jean was 5’7 or 5’8, long legs, blond, and at least 36D rack on her chest, and did not mind showing them off.

As they got closer to being seated, Jean asked them if they would like to join them for dinner. Since they all seemed to get along fine, Sandy said yes to that.

During dinner, Gary said you will see things down here that you normally never would see up home. Lot’s of nudity, except in public. Boob’s are fine, as long as the nipples are covered, but no genital areas exposed. Some bars allow it though. Some even have pools by their outdoor areas, which are fenced off.

Pete learned that Gary owned his own heating, air conditioning, and plumbing place. Pete explained to him about the family construction business that he was involved with. Gary said he had heard of them too, and would love to come work a job with them. Gary also told them that they were both 55 and been married 31 years, with no kids, and they have been coming here for over 20 years now. Pete let them know about he and Sandy, and their ages.

Towards the end of dinner, the girls excused themselves to go to the bathroom. Gary laughed and said, “I’ll never understand why women need to go pee with a partner.” Pete laughed and said, he didn’t understand that either, nor did he want to try.

Gary got serious and said, Pete. Be advised, that you guys will probably be hit on by singles, and other couples. Many swingers come down here for this, and truth be told, Jean and I do swing on occasion.”

Pete damn near spit his beer out, but regained his composure. “Thanks for letting us know. Never did that. We have been dating since January and tonight, I plan on asking her to marry me, which I am pretty sure she will say yes too.”

Gary congratulated Pete and said he won’t say a word until he see’s the ring on her finger. “Maybe tomorrow, you guys want to let Jean and I show you around, and all the things to do.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. But, let me check with, who I hope, will be my future wife about that. Been married before, so I know the rules of the road. She rules the road and I listen.”

Gary laughed, “Oh yeah, you know them well. Happy wife, Happy life I say. Better that way, especially if you want pussy at some point.”

Pete and Gary were laughing at that remark when the girls came back to the table. They wanted to know what was so funny, but neither would divulge, except it was man talk. Jean laughed and said, “Then it has to have something to do about tits and ass.” Which made them all laugh.

“Sandy looked at Pete and asked, “Jean wanted to know if we wanted to hang out with them tomorrow, to learn the lay of the land. Lay at the beach and may be jet skiing.”

Pete laughed and said that Gary said pretty much the same thing. So they agreed together and made some plans. It was almost 11pm when Pete suggested they get going, since it has been a long day for them, and bid their new friends a good night.

Chapter 4

On the way back to the condo, Pete and Sandy took in the environment they were in and loved it. Pete told Sandy about what Gary had said about being “hit on” by some of the people down here, and that a lot of swingers were down here.

Sandy laughed, and said, “Jean sort of alluded to that too, in the bathroom. She reminds me a lot of Karen, except with bigger tits.”

Pete chuckled, “I never noticed them at all.” “Bullshitter” Sandy said, and laughed. “Hell, I even wanted to suck on them. I wonder if she is Bi?”

When they arrived at the condo, Pete went to the kitchen and grabbed two wine glasses, and a bottle he had chilling in the fridge. Then he went to the one closet and pulled out a blanket. Sandy asked what he had in mind. Pete asked her to follow him.

They went out the back door, then down to the beach. Since the moon was almost full, and overhead, it gave off enough light to see clearly. Pete laid out the blanket, once he found a nice spot. There was no one else around them, which Pete was hoping on.

Sandy was just getting ready to sit down, when Pete told her to wait. He fished in his pocket for a second and grabbed the ring. He got down on a knee and looked up at her.

Sandy’s hand went to her mouth, for she knew what he was going to ask, but waited until he spoke.

“Sandra. We have known each other a long time, and you have become my best friend in this whole world. Would you please become my wife, so we can explore the rest of our days together, as husband and wife?”

Sandy had tears running down her face, and finally spoke, “Of course I will. I would have said yes the first night we made love. So Yes.” Pete placed the ring on her finger and then stood and kissed her deeply, with so much passion.

They laid on the blanket then had a glass of wine. Then Pete slid between her legs and and lifted her dress some, exposing her thong covered sex. He took out his hard member and came down and slowly inserted inside her. They made slow, passionate love to each other then. Keeping their moans down, as to not draw attention to what they were doing.

When they both came, they lay in each other's arms and just kissed then. “I hope you know, you fulfilled two fantasies tonight Mister” “And they are?” he asked. “Making love on a beach, and you proposing to me.”

“I love making your fantasies come true Babe. Let’s head up the the condo and do this again”

They did make love again, when they got back to the condo. They both awoke early and made love another time. After shaving each other and then showering together, they went downstairs and Pete fixed breakfast.

They ate breakfast out on the deck, which is just outside the sun porch. Sandy gave Pete her phone, so he could take a picture of her ring. He had her lay her hand on her belly so he could take the shot without showing her naked form to everyone. Sandy then sent the picture to her daughter and son. Her son sent back a message of Great. Awesome and Congratulations.

Annie called and when Sandy answered it, Pete could hear her squealing like a little kid in the background. Sandy had to tell her when, and where it happened, of course. Then Sandy handed the phone to Pete.

After saying hello, he heard, “My God Stud, it took you long enough to ask. Please just treat her good is all I ask. Oh, and by the way, when you take a pic, and the woman is naked, try and cut out showing the bottom of naked boos, ok?” then her heard her laugh.

Chapter 5

Before leaving the restaurant the night before, Pete and Gary exchanged numbers, with Gary saying he would call in the morning. Around 10am, Gary, true to his word, gave Pete a call. They made plans for Jean and Gary to come to the condo and they would lay out on the beach there. Gary said that they'd be over by 11am, if not sooner.

Pete put on his swim trunks and then watched Sandy get ready. She put on her silver/gray micro bikini, which did not leave to much to the imagination. Pete just marveled looking at her toned, sexy body. The rectangular strip barely covered her shaved pussy, but good did she look hot in it.

“Do you think this is acceptable to wear? I want the least amount of untanned area.” she asked.

“Honey, do you feel comfortable wearing it and letting our new found friends see most of your sexy body?” he asked.

“Well. I did look out back today and haven’t seen a soul around our beach area, so that is cool with me. As for them. I already know that Jean will be wearing a thong style bikini, and to be honest, can’t wait to see her in it. Bet you think I am some slut huh?”

“Christ woman, I have never thought of you that way, and never will. Being honest, it turns me on that you are turned on by her. I’d love to watch you two have fun like that.”

Sandy came over and sat in Pete’s lap, facing him, and started kissing his face. “Mmmmmm. So you would get hard watching me kiss, and then maybe suck her big nipples, or even watch me go down on her? That would get you all turned on huh?”

Pete was gently squeezing her ass, as she was talking like this. “Why don’t you feel for yourself Me Lady. But be advised. Gary told me last night that they have swung with a few couples over the years. So you may get your chance.”

“Really?” she asked. Pete nodded, as he kissed between her breasts. “OH. I don’t know if I could swing. I mean Gary is handsome, but letting another man fuck me. I am not sure of that. Could you fuck her?”

Pete looked at her. “Honestly? No. I could see you two playing, and maybe us guys helping out in that area, but actually switching partners, I just don’t think I could do that. I am also not sure I could handle watching you with another man, like that.”

“Good answer Lover. I don’t think I could handle watching you fuck another woman as well. Kiss her, or even lick her, I think I could handle, but not fucking.”

“Well, let’s not even dwell on the subject. You are more than enough for me to handle and I love handling only you. But we better stop, so this hard on can go down. Don’t want to advertise anything to them.”

A few minutes before 11, the couple showed up. They just loved the condo, after Sandy gave them a brief tour. Pete busied himself with packing a cooler with beer, wine, and ice tea, in case someone didn’t want to drink yet.

Jean set down this big carry all bag near the couch, then stripped off her cut off jeans shorts, and her top. She too, was wearing a micro bikini, except her’s was white, and the top barely covered her nipples, and the triangle piece of cloth, just covered her pussy. Gary was dressed like Pete, with common swim trunks.

When Sandy held out a blanket for Jean to use on the beach, Jean noticed her engagement ring. “Oh my God. When did you get that? You weren’t wearing that last night.” as she held Sandy’s hand to examine the ring.

Sandy, who was now beaming a big smile, “Last night, after we went back to the condo. Mr. Romantic here brought me to the beach, complete with wine and a blanket, and asked me.”

Lots of hugs and kisses went around, with congratulations. After that, the girls went outside and started heading to the beach, in from of Pete and Gary, who were carrying coolers. Gary leaned into Pete and softly said, “Now that is a great sight. Those two have some fine looking asses. No offence.”

Pete laughed, but agreed with Gary. The girls both had fine looking asses. Jean’s body was definitely built for that suit, and sex.

Chapter 6

The couples spent about 3 hours down on the beach. The girls did talk a lot together about girl stuff, while the guys discussed work and people they know. They found they held many of the same interests, both in work and life itself.

When they came back up to the condo, Jean suggested that she and Sandy should change into more modest bikini’s if they were going to go jet skiing. She did chuckle and say she thought nude skiing would be better, but the law here gets really uptight about that.

Sandy and Jean were upstairs in Sandy’s bedroom changing, when Jean commented on what great shape Sandy was in. Both ladies were naked at this time. Sandy also commented on how Jean looked too.

Sandy thought then, that she should asked about them being swingers. She figured why not. They were both attractive and Sandy would like taking a chance with Jean, if she was receptive to it.

“Jean?” she asked, “Pete said to me that Gary told him that you two swing on occasion.”

Jean looked at her, then replied, “Yeah we do. But, it is called soft swing. We only do oral with the other couple. No penetration with the other partner, that is left for me and Gary to do, and usually with the other couple in the same room. I won’t bullshit you though, I am Bi. Have you guys done anything like that in your past?”

Sandy looked down at the floor, then smiled and said, “We’ve done a 3way with my best friend on a couple of occasions. Mostly me and Karen play, then Pete joins in, but he only enters me and I am usually between Karen’s legs then. Afterwards, Pete leaves us be to our own fun.”

Jean walked up to Sandy, put her arms around her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. It was soft at first, and then turned passionate, as their tongues sought each other out. The kiss lasted for a few moments, but to Sandy, it seemed like hours. She was highly turned on by this kiss.

“Wow”, is all she could say, after they broke from the kiss. “Wow is right”, Jean said. “May be sometime this week, we four could maybe explore this a little more, even if it's just you and I.”

Sandy grinned at that and told her, “I think that could be a strong possibility. I am very attracted to you, if you couldn’t tell.”

Jean smiled at her, and said, “Yes. I could tell and I hope you can tell that I feel the same. Don’t worry about the guys either. They’d jump at the chance to watch us make out. They’re two horny guys and will probably fuck our brains out afterwards.”

“We better get going down there, so the guys don’t start wondering what we’re doing up here” Sandy suggested.

Jean giggled and said, “Yeah, or they may even come up looking for us. Hey, wednesday evening, would you like to go with me and get our tit’s painted? I do this every year. It’s fun to walk around like that. Gives Gary a stiffy all night. The I let him clean the paint off, which usually leads to some great sex.” Sandy agreed to do it.

The girls finished dressing in more modest bikini’s and then put on shorts. Jean also suggested to take some clothes for later, if they all decided to stop and eat dinner, or just go bar hopping later.

Chapter 7

The couples then went jet skiing for a few hours, after eating lunch at one of the bars that is on the main drag of Duval street.. They all were having a blast running around in the ocean. While Pete was driving, and Sandy sat behind him, she would casually let her one hand sneak under his waistband and stroke his cock.. When they stopped out in the water the one time, Gary and Jean pulled up next to them and Gary commented, “You know Sandy, you can’t steer the ski with that joy stick you had a hold of.” Sandy blushed a bit and they all laughed.

It was almost 7pm by the time they got back to the main drag of the town. All four were pretty tired, yet hungry. They settle on a bar that Gary knew had great food. They hung out the rest of the evening at the bar and enjoyed the music and the ambiance of the place.

Sandy couldn’t believe some of the body paint on the women. Some was really mild, but some was outrageous. But everyone was having a good time, and no one was getting stupid and acting like jerks.

Jean informed them that they would be gone most of the day, tomorrow. They always go deep sea fishing with this one couple who lives down here, on their boat. But also said, that they were free Wednesday, if they wanted to hang out again. Pete and Sandy agreed to see them again, and Pete said he would give them a call Wednesday afternoon.

When Pete and Sandy got back to the condo, they hopped in the shower, and cleaned off, from the day’s experiences. Then they crawled into bed. Sandy had her head on Pete’s chest, with his arm around her shoulders. She was playing with his cock, which was starting to grow.

“Mmmmmmmm. I was hoping this would grow. But first, I have to tell you something.” Sandy then described what transpired up in the bedroom earlier, with Jean. As she told him, his cock was now throbbing.

“Oh God Babe, it was so exciting, yet scared me too. I could have easily pushed her onto the bed and ate her, but then I thought about you and us, and could never do anything that would harm our relationship.”

Pete pulled her closer, and had her get on top of him. He helped guide his throbbing member into her very wet love hole.

“Sweetie. It would not change how I feel, or love you. Granted, neither of us sought this out, but if you want to try it, I would not think any different of you. If you couldn’t tell, I am quite turned on. I am glad too, that they don’t fuck the other couple. I don’t know if I could handle that part, seeing another man enter you. Just being honest.”

“I am with you on that too. I have to admit though, I’d love to see you eat her, then watch her give you a blow job. Of course, that is after her and I play some. Oh fuck Baby, you are so hard right now. Could you handle me sucking Gary’s cock?”

“Yeah. Shit. Your pussy must have risen 10 degrees since I entered you. Yeah, I have to admit, I’d love to watch you suck him off. I’ll probably have to have you right after that Baby. And I don’t care if they are right next to us then either. I bet it would be cool to watch another couple fuck, right next to us.”

“Oh God Baby, Flip me over and Fuck Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. No more talk, just Fuck Me.” she growled.

Pete did exactly that, making sure to push her legs up to her chest and started slamming into her. It was pure animal sex now.

“Fuck Yessssssss. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck me Baby.”

They lasted not even ten minutes before they both had a huge orgasm. Pete shot his cum deep inside Sandy, with both of them yelling out that they were cumming. They then just cuddled together.

“Still want to marry this slightly slutty woman, Stud?” Pete didn’t hesitate, “Tomorrow if we could. Without any reservations at all Love.”

Chapter 9

The next morning, Pete made breakfast, which they enjoyed on the sun porch, instead of the deck. They didn’t feel like getting dressed, so they played it safe and stayed on the porch, naked. When they finished, Sandy came to Pete, and straddled him, and sat down.

“You know, I was thinking.” she said. Pete answered with, “Uh Oh”. She slapped him on the shoulder and told him to shush.

“I wonder if your aunt and uncle swing when they are down here.” Pete shook his head, but then said, “It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. My uncle is a perv, but you know, so is my aunt at times. She’s just a bit more reserved about what she says.”

Sandy laughed. “I could see them doing that. But doesn’t your parents come down here with them at times too?”

Pete laughed, then said, “Oh God Hun. Now I have this mental picture of the four of them getting it on, and probably right here in this room. Ewwwwwwwwww. I can’t even think of my parents having sex, except for making sis and me. Shit.”

Sandy damn near fell off of him laughing so hard. Pete loved hearing her laugh, and since they had been together, they shared many a laugh too.

They then went and spent a few hours sunning on the beach, then ate a light lunch. That afternoon, they went to the main drag and went gift shopping. Picking up stuff for Annie and Sarah. But also Pete’s parents, and Sandy’s mom. They also got something for Pete’s sister and brother in law. Sandy found this huge bag of seashells and a glass encased starfish, that she just had to get for Haley. Pete picked out a puzzle of Key West for Johnny. He knew that Johnny liked working on puzzles with his mom.

After spending the entire afternoon down there, they made their way back to the condo, where they showered together and then dressed for dinner. Sandy was ok with just staying in and cooking at home, but Pete said no, it’s a vacation. We cook all the time at home. She put on a yellow sun dress, that really highlighted her tan legs, arms and shoulders. To tease Pete, she wore no underwear at all. Pete put on cargo shorts and a polo, but also wore his boxers.

They picked a nice Italian restaurant for dinner, and had the usual wait, but it was worth the wait. Then they strolled around the main drag again, stopped in a couple of bars and had a beer, and just basically people watched. They never saw Gary or Jean this evening.

When they got back home, they went upstairs and made love, very slow and easy. When they were done, Pete suggested just going to the deck and listen to the waves crash on the beach. The deck had a few chaise lounges, one of which was a double wide, so they picked that to cuddle in. With the weather being warm. It felt good on their naked forms. With all that they had done that day, they did not realize how tired they were, and fell asleep on the lounge chair.

Chapter 10

Pete was awakened by the sound of gulls, flying overhead, and making their distinctive call, that they do. Pete looked down to see that they were covered by a light blanket, something that Sandy must have retrieved sometime during the night. He loved looking at her sleeping form, all cuddled next to him.

Pete thought, “This is the life. I could see us retiring to a place like this one day. Maybe we should look into buying something down here.” His parents own a place in Hilton Head. But unless you were into golf, there just wasn’t much to so at that island.

About 20 minutes later, Sandy finally stirred too, and became awake. “Morning Love. I got us a blanket about 2am. You looked so peaceful sleeping, I figured why wake you, and it was comfy sleeping out here.”

“You are a love, you know that. This has been the best vacation I have ever taken. I think it is because of you.” as his lips met hers in a kiss.

“You know. We have run or worked out this week. Are you up for a small run around the island with me?”

“Sure. Let me pee, then dress, unless you want to go naked.” Pete chuckled and said, “I wouldn’t mind, but I think the towns people would object, even though the most beautiful woman on earth is the running naked.”

“Such a sweet talker you are. You can stop with that. You are engaged to me now, so you don’t have to win me over anymore.”

“Huh. I’ll never stop sweet talking to you. I love you too much.”

They dressed and went running. They ran all around, looking at the different houses and condo’s as they did. He noticed that on the Atlantic side, the homes were older, than the section he’d seen on the Gulf side. He also wondered where Jean and Gary stayed at too.

After shaving and showering, they ate breakfast on the deck, then went to the beach and laid out again. This time though, they only stayed down there a couple of hours. About 2pm, his cell rang and noticed it was gary. When he answered, he heard Jean’s voice, who asked to speak with Sandy.

They carried on a conversation for about 5 minutes, and then Sandy hung up. “Jean wants to take me to this artist, and we are going to get our chest and stomachs painted for an evening of fun. Are you Ok with that?”

“You know, one day I am going to spank you. You never have to ask my permission to do anything. It is nice that you let me know, but we are equals, and no permission is ever needed.”

“I know Honey. Just an old habit I have to break one day soon. This does sound like fun though. I’ve really stepped out of my comfort zone with you, on a lot of things in life, and I love it. One other thing. When you were shaving me this morning, I was thinking to what Jean told me the other day. She had that laser hair removal done to her. She hasn’t shaved in three years now, and trust me, it is smoothhhhhhhhhhhh down there.”

Pete laughed, “Check it out when we get back. Maybe they have a 2 for 1 deal going.” and laughed.

Chapter 11

Jean showed up around 3pm and the girls left. Pete got out a book and headed to the deck and read some, but then fell asleep, but luckily, he was under the big umbrella out there, so he did not burn.

Sandy was with Jean at this parlor, which had a young girl, maybe 30 years old, who did the body paint. Sandy was a little nervous at first, but was amazed at all the different designs the girl had listed on the wall. Jean promised her that she would look great and would stay with her while it was done.

Sandy picked out a cat’s face for her look. Her nipples would be the eyes for the picture, and to cover them, there was two black patches with big eyelashes coming off of them. When finished, she looked in the mirror and was shocked at how real it looked. She even tipped the girl $20.

Jean went next and had picked out the lions head. Like Sandy’s, the nipples were the eyes. As the girl worked on Jean, Sandy could do nothing but stare at her boobs. Easily 36D, she thought. “God. I hope I can suck on those once this week. That, and her lovely pussy too. If they approach it later, I really want to go for it.” she thought.

Jean too had similar thoughts, of bringing her new friend off with a super orgasm, so she could taste her sweet juices.

When they got done, they donned their shirts with Jean saying, “Let’s not show these off until the guys are with us. Or, we’ll have every horn dog in the town on us.”

When they arrived back at the condo, they found Pete napping out back on the deck. Sandy leaned down and lightly kissed his lips, stirring him from his nap.

“Oh. I must have dozed off.” he said. “Not to worry Babe.” Sandy said, then took off her top to show Pete the artwork done on her breasts and tummy area.

“My God Babe. That is gorgeous. Now you have two pussies.” as he chuckled. He didn’t see Jean when he said that, assuming they were alone, until he heard Jean say, “Oh Nice.”

Pete blushed a bit, then said, “Oh Sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s quite alright. I am used to it, being married to the biggest perv on this planet. Want to see mine too?” Jean asked.

Jean took off her top now and was showing the artwork that was done. Pete just stared and actually felt a stirring in his crotch area. One thing for sure, Jean had nice breasts for a 50 something year old.

“My God, you two are beautiful and who ever did the artwork is outstanding.”

“Sandy smiled, “Yeah she is. So talented and cute too. Bet you would enjoy petting our pussies, huh Honey?”

“Unless I am dead, then yes, I would enjoy that a great deal.” he said. “Maybe later Stud. Right now I want to relax before we go out tonight. Jean and gary will be over about 7, and we’ll wing it from there.”

Jean took her leave, and as Sandy walked her to the door, she turned and Gave Sandy a more than just friend kiss, which had plenty of tongue. Sandy reciprocated by snaking her tongue into Jean’s hungry mouth. The kiss broke and Jean said she would see them later.

Pete’s cock was now at full strength after watching that. Sandy turned and walked up to him and kissed him hard, and as she did, her hand snaked under his waistband of his trunks, and stroked his cock.

“Mmmmmmmmmm, did that turn you on Baby? Because from what I feel you are very turned on.” she cooed.

Pete just moaned, then said, “Very turned on. You are one sexy lady Baby.”

“I really want to fuck right now Baby, but we should wait until later. I have this feeling something fun is going to happen tonight. That is if you want it too and are ok with that.” Sandy said.

“Anything you want to do, I am good with it. And I mean anything” he said.

Chapter 12

Around 7pm, Pete and Sandy heard the rumble of a motorcycle pulling into their drive. They looked out and saw Gary and Jean getting off the bike. Jean was wearing only shorts. Gary was dressed in shorts and a polo.

As they entered Sandy asked Jean if she was going like that tonight. Sandy had a blouse over her artwork, but if Jean was going that way, then Sandy would too. Jean laughed and said no. Most of the restaurants frown upon that, but afterwards, when bar hopping, the shirt comes off.

After dinner, the couples went bar hopping. Pete was seeing another side to his fiance and he liked what he was seeing. She was being open and having a blast. She and Jean danced a couple of dances in this one bar, and even made out on the dance floor, which got a few cat calls from the patrons.

The one time Gary leaned over to Pete to speak, “I think the girls are having a great time. You sure you two haven’t been down here before? Sandy looks like a natural to this.”

Pete laughed and said, “Yeah, she looks like she’s been coming here for years, but no, this is our first time, and truth be told, I like how she is letting loose. I won’t BS you either, she is hoping something happens between her and jean later.”

Gary smiled and said, “Oh I think that is a given. Jean wants her bad too. Are you sure you are ok with this? Because we never force an issue here. If there is the slightest hesitation, nothing will happen.”

“I am fine with it. I am even fine if she decides she wants to do something with you, already knowing you guys are strictly oral with others.”

Gary chuckled, “So Jean must have told her the ground rules. We’ve come close to doing the full swap, but just never have. But we do like to fuck in front of our partners, and also watch them fucking. It is highly erotic to view.”

By 11pm, both couples were feeling no pain, but not too drunk to know what they were doing, just a good buzz going. Sandy suggested going back to the condo and having some fun there. Plus, she was tired of being hit on, as was Jean and guys grabbing their asses.

Chapter 13

Once back at the condo, Pete got everyone drinks, and as he brought them into the living room, Sandy came up and gave him a passionate kiss and grabbed his cock. She whispered in his ear, “I need this soon big boy.”

What she did was not lost on Gary and said, “Hey, you can grab mine too, if you want to.” Sandy smiled at him, then looked at Pete, who nodded his head and Sandy went over and gently fondled his cock through his shorts. Gary was shocked, because he was kidding around, but moaned when she did it.

Jean suggested that she and Sandy go wash off the paint now. Sandy grabbed her hand and led her to their shower, that was in the master bathroom. As they started heading up the stairs, Jean turned around and said, “You guys should get a little more comfortable. We’ll be back shortly.”

Gary laughed but said Ok to her. Then turned to Pete, “She means, get naked and be ready for some fun. So if you rather not do anything, then just stay clothed, and Jean will get the message.”

“No. I’m cool and I already know Sandy is. I have this feeling though, we might not see them for a while.”

Gary chuckled and said, “I already know that. Those two are so hot for one another. I’m surprised we stayed as late as we did, in town.”

Pete stood and started to undress, and as he did, Gary did the same. Gary noticed that Pete was shaved, and Pete noticed that Gary was clean too. Pete asked, “Laser hair removal?”
“Oh yeah. It is well worth it and Jean hates hair in her mouth, so she’ll be happy when she see’s you like that.”

Pete and Gary sat around and drank a beer, while waiting for their ladies to return. They talked about a multitude of things, just to kill time. Pete said he was surprised that Gary had a bike down here. Gary told him they had been riding down here for the last five years. Jean has her own too. It takes them two long days, or three easy days to get here.

About twenty minutes past when the girls came down the stairs. Both were wrapped in beach towels, and when Jean saw the men naked, she turned back to Sandy and said, “Guess that answers our question.” and dropped her towel right on the stairs, as did Sandy.

When they got to the couch, Jean pulled Sandy in for a long, passionate kiss. Both women let their hands explore. Now that the guys could see the action, their cocks started to grow in anticipation.

Jean broke the iss and looked at Sandy, smiled, and said, “Fuck, I can’t take it anymore.” then pushed Sandy down on the couch, in between the two guys. She got on her knees, spread Sandy’s legs and looked her in the eye. “I’ve been dying to suck your pussy since the day we met, so lay back, enjoy and play with two cock, while I take my liberties with your gorgeous pussy.”

Jean wasted no time in diving in her wet snatch. Sandy moaned out, “Fuckkkkkkkkkkk”, and Jean started eating her. Both guys moved closer to Sandy and started sucking her nipples. As they did that, Sandy grabbed Pete’s cock and held it. Then she reached for Gary’s and held it as well.

Sandy was in a high state of arousal the whole time jean was eating her. She moaned more and more, and loved the feeling of Jean’s tongue on her pussy and the guys sucking her tits.Not even ten minutes into this she yelled out,

“Oh Fuck Jean. Holy fuck, I am going to cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Her body went rigid as she lifted her ass off the couch, pushing her pussy into Jean’s face, and then let go with a massive orgasm. Her pussy shot out her love juices all over Jean’s face and tits. Sandy thought she just peed herself, but didn’t care right now.

When her orgasm subsided, she looked at Jean, and then Pete. “Oh God, I think I peed on Jean. I’m so sorry” Jean laughed and said, “Sweetie, you didn’t pee, you squirted. Damn that was sexy of you to do.” Jean looked over at Pete and asked, “Her first time doing that?”

Pete grinned and said, “Never has done it for me, so I would say yes. You may have to teach me that technique.” which made them all laugh.

Sandy regained her senses then and got off the couch and pushed Jean into the same position on the couch that she had been in and dove into Jean’s pussy. “Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkk” Jean moaned out. “Eat That pussy Sweetie”

Then she told the guys to kneel so she could suck their cocks. Both men obliged her. As Sandy ate her, Jean alternated between two hard cocks. Sucking one for a minute, then sucking the other. As she sucked Pete, he would look down at Sandy, who would spy on what was going on and she just smiled. This made Pete feel a lot better. He had never let Karen touch him while they played those times.

Jean came about ten minutes into their coupling. Although she did not squirt like Sandy did. When she was cumming, she had Garys cock in her mouth and had to spit it out, for fear of biting it.

As Jean came down from her orgasm, the guys took their seats next to her. Sandy moved from between Jean’s legs and was leaning back on her haunches looking at Pete, and then Gary. Jean, meanwhile, grabbed Pete’s cock and started stroking it. “Damn Peter, you do have a nice cock. Mind if I try this out Sandy?”

“By all means, enjoy it. I do daily.” Sandy then moved over to get between Garys legs and spread them, and started stroking his cock. “MMMMMMMM. Nice cock Gary. Definitely a mouthful” as she lowered her head to take into her mouth. Gary’s cock was a good 6 inches, and fat. Sandy wondered how it would feel in her pussy, but knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Both girls worked the men’s cocks in and out of their mouth’s. Both men moaned a great deal as the women worked and worked on keeping them hard and ready for a good fuck that they were going to receive soon. At one point, Jean lifted her head and said, “Don’t you two cum in our mouth’s. Save that for our pussies in a bit.”

Pete was first to tell her that she was getting close. Jean pulled her mouth off of him, and Sandy did the same to Gary. “Awww Damn Girl. That felt so fucking good too.” Sandy just smiled up at him.

Jean moved over to Gary and positioned herself, so that she was now straddling his cock and inserted it. “Don’t worry Baby, This pussy will take care of you now. So hush up and fuck me”

Sandy moved over to Pete and did the same, putting her arms around his neck and lowering her dripping pussy onto his cock and sunk it in deep. “Oh fuck yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. I’ve needed this all day.”

Jean laughed and asked, “You mean, you two didn’t fuck today at all? Gary fucked me as soon as I got back this afternoon.”

Pete chuckled, then said, “I wanted too, but someone wanted to save it for later.” He looked at Sandy, kissed her softly then said, “Ok dear, now will you fuck me?”

“My pleasure Baby. My pleasure”

Sandy grabbed his cock and slipped it in. As she was doing that, Jean had Gary move closer to pete on the couch, and she too, inserted Gary’s cock inside her hot pussy.

“Fuck Gary. You are super hard tonight. After more than 30 years of fucking, I still love your cock inside me Baby. Fuck this hot cunt and fuck it good.”

Sandy shrieked out, “Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk”. Listening to Jean talk made Sandy even hotter, as she started humping Pete’s cock with a reckless abandon. Pete was basically holding on for dear life. He had never seen Sandy so turned on.

Jean leaned over and kissed Sandy passionately, as the two couples fucked hard. Pete whispered in Sandy’s ear, “You really love this don’t you Sweetie. Being fucked in front of others?”

“Oh my God yes. I love this and I love you. I’m going to cum soon” she whispered back to Pete.

Jean was first to cum and let out a loud moan, as her body shook all over the place. This sent Sandy off on her own orgasm. Gary and Pete soon followed and pumped cum deep inside their women.

When everyone was calming down, the girls kissed one last time, as they remained seat on their men’s laps. Jean moved off of Gary, then Sandy moved off of Pete. She had the biggest smiled on her face.

Not lost on Gary, he asked, “So Sandy, I take it you enjoyed this little encounter this evening?”

“Oh My God Yes. This was amazing. It was so sexy watching you two do it. Like a real life porn movie, except nothing was fake about it. You two are so sexy.”

Chapter 14

Jean smiled and then added, “So is this something you two would like to try again sometime? Speaking for, which is also speaking for this big lunk, we’d love to get together with you again. I have to admit though, I really enjoyed sucking Pete and was half tempted to mount him and slide that gorgeous cock in me.”

Sandy looked at Pete, who was smiling, and nodding his agreement Sandy spoke up then. “I think we’d enjoy another night like tonight.” Sandy looked at Pete with a sheepish smile and said, “I know how you felt Jean. I was very tempted to put Gary in me too, just to feel a different cock inside me. Pete is only the third man I have ever been with in my life. But, he will be the last man I make love too.”

Gary and Jean then got dressed and were about to leave, when Pete asked what they were doing tomorrow. Gary chuckled, and said, “we think we’ll be hanging out with you guys, if you want too. But then we leave for home on Friday.”

They all said their goodnights, which included exchanging kisses, now that they were intimate with one another. The guys just shook hands.

After they crawled in bed, and then snuggled up to one another, Sandy asked pete, “So you were good with all of this tonight?”

“Let me ask you this. Did you enjoy the whole experience, especially the girl play?

“Oh my God yes. The best was when we were fucking though and getting to watch them, and to be honest, I really got off on them watching us. I’m still horny about that.”

Sandy was playing with Pete’s cock now and got him hard. She kissed the head of it, then straddled him and sunk him back inside her. Sandy then asked, “What turned you on most?”

“Honestly? Everything. But watching you give Gary a blow job really got me going. I almost shot in Jean’s mouth. She is quite good, but not as good as you. And watching you squirt like that, Wow, that was awesome. I need to work on my technique some.”

“Babe. Your pussy eating skills don’t need any refinement. I love it just as you are. Same with your fucking skills, and most of all, your love making skills. Had Jean wanted you inside her, would you of have?” she asked.

“Honestly? I don’t know. I would have asked you first, and only if you wanted Gary inside you too. Sort of Tit for tat, no pun intended.”

She leaned down and kissed him, as she gyrated over his cock, getting him really deep. “I have to admit, I was so tempted to ride him, just feel a different cock in me, but only if you were good with it. I will admit too, I know we just met them, but we all get along so good, they’d be the only couple I think we could do this with, if we ever wanted to meet up with them back home.”

“My God Babe, you pussy is on fire. I agree though. I could handle doing this once in awhile and only with them. Although, I’d love to watch you, Jean and Karen getting it on.”

Pete then rolled them over, so he was on top now and the two quit talking and made love for the next half an hour. Neither was in a hurry for it to end. When they finished, both fell off to a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 15

The next day, the couples hung out at Pete and Sandy’s, first, laying out on the beach, then coming up to their secluded deck, where they all laid out naked. They decided a repeat performance was in order, but this time, after the girls played a good half an hour, the couples switched partners and 69 together, before fucking their own partner.

After dinner that night, which was at a seafood restaurant, they all made plans to meet up back at home. After Pete and Sandy said goodbye to their new friends, they walked hand in hand, back to the condo, with Pete asking Sandy again, if she would marry him, to which she kissed him deeply and told him yes.

When they arrived home on Saturday, they pretty much crashed and burned from the weeklong adventure. That Sunday, they made their rounds to his parents, and then her mom’s. Of course her daughter was there to greet them on Saturday and got filled in on most of the trip, with Sandy omitting the sex parts with gary and Jean.

That Monday, when Pete showed up for work, his uncle came up and asked how the week went. Pete told him how great it is down there and all that they did, except for the extra activities they experienced with Gary and Jean.

His uncle laughed and said, “Maybe next time you two can hook up with some of the regulars, and they’ll show you an even hotter time. Lords knows, your aunt and I love that” and then chuckled.

Rex AllenReport 

2023-01-09 13:08:11
Great story. I put it in my favorites.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2021-03-11 02:55:55
Didn't realize I'd voted earlier. Now, too kate for a sequel when the couples reunite in Cleveland. Sounds like they could get more intimate! THANKS

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