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Involves straight and gay sex including oral and humiliation
The master slept for almost 3 hours, naked with Sarah alongside him. Initially he lay face up, his massive cock lying against his belly. Sarah, ever the one to seize an opportunity, began a very gentle massage in the hope of coaxing him back into her insatiable pussy. In no time at all she had restored his cock to its prime. Naidu and Claire observed this scene with a mixture of envy and fear. For Naidu pure envy. Like Sarah she was twice fucked and continued to suffer the pain from her brutal opening as well as significant pain on her buttocks from the caning, but still she wanted the master inside her, again…very badly. Claire was genuinely conflicted. She longed to be made a woman and this magnificent creature was the one she wanted to master her, nevertheless the size of his penis aroused in her a fear of being torn in two and the sight of Sarah’s tortured arse brought home the terrible consequences of failure.

Any young man, unsure of his next opportunity and with his dick rigid would have given Sarah what she wanted, but he was not just any young man. He had an eternity stretching before him with an endless supply of high quality pussy.

Sleep was now his priority. While his cock was easily aroused and his supplies of jizz plentiful, his mind had had enough for now. The last fuck of Sarah had been technically good; long, hard and ending with a womb filling blast of semen, he had not enjoyed it as he had the earlier rides. It was now time to rest and rejuvenate his mind.

Without waking he rolled onto his belly protecting his engorged member from the eyes and over eager hands of his harem.

Sarah, disappointed dropped into a light sleep alongside him, ready to wake and serve at any hint of an opportunity. Naidu too fell into a light sleep, conscious of her responsibility to present Claire when her time to serve came and ready to welcome the lord back inside her at any moment. She lay face down on a couch to spare her tortured bottom.

Only Claire remained wide awake, alternating her attention between the back, buttocks and legs of the man she feared but was desperate to serve and the bottom of her mentor, graphically displaying the consequences of unsatisfactory performance.

Waking quickly after his restorative nap the master jumped to his feet, his manhood ready and eager for more fun. Unfortunately, there were mundane matters of toilet that needed addressed first. With his dick at attention urination was going to be a messy business. In the bathroom the reluctantly stepped into the shower and sprayed enough cold water to slacken his member sufficient to piss in the bowl.
That done he returned to the living room for the next episode. The disappointment on the faces of the three women was obvious. Only a few short minutes earlier he had woken with a stiffy that could probably do a small village, now it was at best half-mast. Sarah, who had remained in the bed in the hope of being taken hurried to the lounge room where the other women were waiting.

“Ha… don’t worry girls…had to get Mr Happy in the right stance to piss in the bowl, but I am sure your attention will have him back to fighting fit in no time” he said jovially.
Even as he spoke, his mighty cock was swelling and rose back to its prime.

“Right Claire, your turn…I trust Naidu has informed you of expectations. No doubt you have a good understanding of the consequences of failure from the look of her butt.”
“Yes sir” the young waitress replied swallowing audibly.

Without another word, he stepped forward embracing her and kissing her. She responded well and like the other girls spread her legs wider to welcome his invasive digital examination of her pussy while their lips and tongues were still locked.

The debasement of Claire followed the same path as the other girls. Kiss. Blowjob. Fuck. Her performance was much like Swee’s, technically competent but uninspiring. Her complaints about him being too big during her fucking began to irritate him so about 4 minutes in he instructed Naidu to gag her, which she did with the girls own ruined panties. After another 2 minutes her tears and muffled crying irritated him so much that he withdrew. He then picked the half fucked girl up roughly dumping he face down on the bed, grabbed her hips and raised them up to provide easy re-entry. Foolishly Claire had allowed her legs to close ever so slightly while being flipped and forgot to respread them.

With two hard slaps across her buttocks he cruelly said “open your fucking legs you insolent little cunt or I will stripe your arse. I am a long way from finished with you”. As she complied he continued “keep your head down, I have had enough of your pathetic whinging face, and your arse up, it is the only part of your miserable body of worth and put a bit more effort into service.”

For the last couple of minutes, he adopted a stabbing motion in an attempt to inflict more suffering on the irritating little bitch. This involved withdrawing all but the head of his massive rod, pausing briefly before slamming back into her with his might. On the second stab, she collapsed giving him a welcome opportunity to heap more verbal abuse on her. “You will hold your position, slut.” he rumbled menacingly as he roughly grabbed her hips raised her opening back to a comfortable height for his attack “this fuck is borderline unsatisfactory, one more infraction and you will be charged with failing to satisfactorily serve your master. I am sure you can guess the consequences”.

Galvanised into action by the threat Claire reached out and braced herself against the bedhead. A by-product of this new stance was freeing her tits, up to that point crushed against the mattress. The Lord took full advantage of the newly available globes, reaching forward at the end of each stab to slap and pinch her mounds and their crowning nipples.

Unnoticed, even Naidu and Sarah winced at the brutality of the treatment being meted out to Claire.

In all he rode her for 20 minutes before unloading into her womb, her complaints reduced to primal grunts. She had enjoyed 3 shattering orgasms and was at the end completely broken and spent.

Finished, he withdrew with his cock still hard, providing Naidu and Sarah with fresh hope. He rolled onto his back to rest briefly before turning his head to look at Claire who remained in position sobbing. He reached over with his right arm and pushed the hapless girl off the bed, sending her sprawling on the floor on her back, open and exposed and leaking blood and cum from her gaping cunt.

“Bitches are only allowed in bed for service and must leave as soon as the service is done. I am well finished with you and you must get your soiled body out of my sight. Naidu, while Claire cleans herself up, get on line and order her some going away clothes. I think the theme of her outfit should be cheap whore. Go to the Target or Kmart sites and select the highest heels you can find and the shortest skirt. A top that exposes her midriff and otherwise provides minimal cover would be good. Both outer garments should be tight and underwear skimpy. Select bright colours so that she attracts attention was she leaves. Passers-by should be in no doubt that this bitch has been broken and debased.”

The Lord had determined that this bitch has satisfied he needs, but only just. She did not merit punishment, but he doubted he would want to use her again. She would be granted her 5% lifetime tax deduction but her whinging had made her service at best borderline and had angered him. As result he would send her back into the world dressed as a street walking prostitute. The effect would be brief as she could change once she left but her workmates at least would see her in her degraded state. Swee was lucky to get away with choosing her own outfit. From this point onwards any woman that satisfied as minimally as Claire and Swee would be so treated.

“Now slutty Sarah, you can attend my bath” and with that he headed to the bathroom adjoining the other bedroom with Sarah hurrying in his wake, her hopes of another screw heightened. Naidu watched as they went, crestfallen. She was left to tidy up this pathetic whingy girl while Sarah would probably have the master back inside her in no time. Naidu was desperate for another root but could not see it happening with the black girl having all the opportunity at the moment.

Once in the shower, Sarah went single-mindedly about her objective. First, she engaged the Lord in a passionate kiss, to which he responded eagerly. She felt between their bodies to stroke his penis finding it already completely rigid. She then wrapped her arms around his powerful neck and tried to climb his body to impale herself. The Master immediately broke the clinch and sent the startled girl tumbling down to the floor.

“You greedy little slut. There’s Naidu, tidying up the Claire debris and you are taking advantage of a privilege… and you are the latest of the favoured two to have been ridden…not that turns count, it is all about what I want…but if they did it would be Naidu’s turn to serve, not yours.”

“I am sorry sir, I just thought you may need further release and well, Naidu and I have both been done twice so…” she responded weakly.

“Enough. On your knees and do your job, cunt. You will not be getting fucked here or now”

“Yes sir” she said sadly as she sank to her knees and began the business of washing the blood and cum from his private parts and surrounds. Next she tenderly washed his entire body, finally lingering at his cock and balls, just long enough to please him, but not long enough to be disobedient.

Job done, Sarah stepped out of the shower and sensuously towelled herself off. Once dry she replaced her wet towel and selected a dry one and beckoned the master wordlessly to join her and be dried.
As usual she began with his face and neck working down his body, leaving his still erect sex for last.

Finished and still kneeling Sarah reached up and forward and planted a kiss on the head of his noble member. Sarah had assumed that when he rejected her advances in the shower that he had firm control of his lust. What she did not know, could not have known, was that the washing and drying process had brought him back to the brink of explosion.

“Open wide Sarah” he said malevolently.

Bewildered, Sarah opened her mouth to ask which lips were required. Before she could utter a sound he drove his massive cock into her mouth. Shocked Sarah quickly regained her composure and went about noisily licking and sucking him. In the past, this had been the prelude to a fuck. Motivated, Sarah went about her task with gusto which in turn heightened the pleasure of her master. After only 4 minutes the Lord began his orgasm. As he pumped she licked and sucked his jizz greedily. After 90 seconds the process ended and he withdrew his somewhat slacked dick from her mouth. For a further 2 minutes Sarah watched intently, licking occasionally a stray drop of semen as it appeared.

Satisfied it was all over, Sarah quietly said “thank you Dominus”

“Well you know… the washing and drying rather brought things back to the boil. Then I realised that Naidu had given me a sensational hand job in the shower while she was cleaning me after I did you the first time, so getting you to blow me I evened the score of pleasureless service by you two girls. And another thing, given the circumstances of your first blowjob, you know, being first and me all desperate, I didn’t know how good a cocksucker you really are. You are pretty good. Actually, come to think of it you are the best on your knees and I think Naidu is best on her back.”

“Thank you, sir. It is an honour to serve and to be acknowledged as good at it.” Sarah responded submissively, although she would rather it was the other way around. She thought briefly of mentioning that Naidu’s blowjob had really been a disaster, finishing as it did in vomit, but she wisely resisted the urge. The master had entreated them to cooperate, so cooperate she would. She would teach the Indian to suck cock like a champion and in return Naidu would have no choice but to give up the secrets of her pussy.

“Get my bathrobe, Sarah” he commanded. She hurried from bathroom quickly finding his robe and her own beside the bed where she had enjoyed her pre-nap fuck. Picking up both garments she hurried back to the bathroom, dropping her small robe on the floor to help the lord into his larger robe.

Her looked contemptuously at Sarah’s covering lying on the floor “I only asked for my robe…and I have no intention of allowing you clothing at this time. You are a slave and your primary purpose is sex, well at the moment your only purpose is sex. As a result, clothing is not only unnecessary, but a hindrance to the performance of your duties. You will remain ready to serve at any time without notice. I am rather surprised that you would want to dress you, are obviously on heat, otherwise you would not have tried to climb me in the shower.”

“You are quite right, Dominus. I have no need of clothing and I am desperate to serve you again.” She responded submissively, easily concealing her distaste for being so basely defined.
Without further ado, they both returned to the living room to find the other two women still naked but clean, waiting for the delivery of Claire’s clothes.

The master immediately picked up the phone which was instantly answered by the hotel manager. “4703 is trashed and needs to be cleaned. We need a cocktail cart and waiter in 4702…now. Yes yes, Claire will be released soon but she will be of no use for some time…the poor little bitch can hardly walk.” With that he hung up the phone and led his naked harem once again to 4702.

“I think another spa is in order while we select our going out clothes” he said amiably as he headed for the balcony. “Get an iPad Sarah”

“No spa for you Claire, you can just hang around for decoration” he said offhandedly as he approached the terrified girl and plunged a couple of fingers into her battered cunt. Withdrawing them, he held them up for visual inspection. “Certainly wet…not sure whether you want another fuck or whether you are just leaking the jizz from the last one.”

Finally finding some confidence Claire responded “Always ready to serve you, Dominus” although in truth her recent fucking had broken and depleted her and the last thing she wanted was his cock, or any cock back inside her until she was rested and healed.

“Quite” he responded evenly as her turned his attention to her tits, roughly massaging and pinching them, before manhandling her buttocks finishing with a couple of stout slaps. “I am done with you. You are lucky to get out of here with your 5% tax discount and without some stripes on your arse.”

Turning to Naidu, he embraced and kissed her like a lover, reaching down to her tortured buttocks he was instantly reminded that she could not join him in the spa. He felt a surge of annoyance, that he could not fully enjoy this magnificent creature either physically or visually because of her disfigured arse. He did not for one moment regret his decision to discipline her and in fact he had enjoyed caning her and the post punishment fuck had been a cracker but as he set the rules he believed that after punishment he would not want to keep the transgressor around. He had always imagined that after the welts on a whipped or caned body had healed he would entertain an application to have the scars removed, but he did not count on them spoiling his pleasure on an ongoing basis.

“Of course…you can’t join me in the spa” he said with irritated resignation.

The black girl headed back to 4702 to retrieve the device. While there the ding of the lift heralded the arrival of Claire’s going away clothes. Not wanting to be caught naked by the delivery person, she lingered inside the suite until she heard the doors close. Feeling the coast was clear, she emerged with the iPad to collect the delivered garments and return to the master. To her surprise she found that the lift had delivered the clothes had also delivered the drinks cart and, by her estimation a rather dishy waiter. Standing 6” tall with blond hair and blue eyes he was wearing black pants and a white open neck shirt. This clothing could not completely disguise a trim well maintained physique.

Both Sarah and the waiter were immediately shocked to see one another and stared fixedly. Regaining her composure first Sarah said congenially “Hi handsome, my name is Sarah and I am a plaything of the master. You know it is rude to stare at a naked woman …unless you are in a strip club.”

“Oh sorry, you are very beautiful” he responded apologetically, averting his eyes quickly but reluctantly from her magnificent body. “I am here to provide cocktails to the master. My name is Richard”
Sarah did not feel obliged to stop checking him out and focused her attention on his groin to see what sort of effect she was having on him. She was well satisfied to see movement around the fly of his trousers indicating arousal and a protrusion that spoke of a substantial hard on. He quickly reached down to adjust himself in an attempt to conceal his erection.

“Oh, don’t worry, this girl is always happy when a good-looking man is pleased to see her. I think we should call you Dick” She said nonchalantly as she headed back into the suite. The waiter followed like a lovelorn puppy enjoying the view of Sarah's beautiful bottom.

Once inside the suite more shocks awaited Richard. His attention was immediately drawn to Claire, a workmate that he had admired but who had resolutely spurned his advances. There she was naked and clearly freshly fucked. Notwithstanding her debased state she was to him very desirable. He made a mental note to have another go at her. Maybe the fucking she had just received will have loosened her legs a bit.

Claire’s shock was equal but different. Being naked in front of anyone was bad enough but in front of Richard, the staff lothario, was beyond embarrassing. In earlier times he has worked his way through the female staff of the hotel, using them and then cruelly discarding them. By the time he had gotten to Claire his bad reputation was well known and she hated him. There was no way she was going to wind up another notch his belt after the way he had treated so many of her friends. She instinctively went to cover her breasts and pussy with her hands. Seeing this, Sarah glared at her and wagged he finger in a wordless reminder that such covering was a punishable offence.

Sarah had long since dismissed Claire as a threat and had no wish to see her disciplined. In fact she wanted the pathetic girl gone as soon as possible. She figured that the best way to get the master back inside her was to minimise the distractions. Indeed, if Claire was to cross the line she so close to and was disciplined, she would in all probability get fucked again relegate Sarah’s itching cunt to the back of the queue once again.

Richard was aware of the presence of the master engaged in a passionate embrace with the Indian girl, but was unable to tear his eyes away from his once and future target. Whatever decorum he felt when caught staring at Sarah, was not applied to Claire. He continued to stare at her with malevolent lust.

The spell was broken when Sarah spoke up “This is Richard, the cocktail waiter. I met him unexpectedly in the lift well. He was obviously pleased to see me, and I think even more pleased to see Claire. I suspect that inside those trousers he is sporting quite a stiffy”

The master broke from his clinch and turned to meet the new servant. Ending the embrace with Naidu was one of Sarah’s key objectives so she could chalk up a minor victory in a recent run of bad luck.

“You got a hard on”

“Yes sir. Hard not to with all these beautiful naked women around”

“Well we’ll see. With all of my other servants, if that’s what you call sex slaves, naked, I see no reason you should be allowed clothes. What do you think sluts?”

All three girls said yes but with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Sarah as usual led the charge with a strong wish not only to see this man but to humiliate him. For Naidu, her erotic nature now completely unleashed, another good-looking guy, au natural, was right up her alley. Only Claire issued a half-hearted yes, just to comply. Claire was physically drawn to Richard but psychologically repelled. She felt that once she saw him in the buff, she would find him hard to resist in future.

Richard blanched. It would not be the first time he would be seen naked by a woman, and he was certainly proud of his body but in the past, he had been in control, undressing only as a final preparation for sex. In this situation, he had no control and his nudity would only be to gratify others. He doubted it would lead to sex and anyway it looked like there would be spectators if it did. One thing he never did was screw a woman in front of an audience. Had he known what was going through Claire’s mind he might have been keener to get naked.

“Strip Richard…and hurry up about it. I regard defiance and delay as the same and punish accordingly. Turn around and show Richard the consequences of failure, Naidu”

The Indian girl turned reluctantly to show him her damaged rump.

Richard swallowed hard and went about losing his clothes with alacrity.

Once naked, it was clear that Sarah had been right. He did indeed have a raging hard on. His body was lean and trim with the only hair south of his head a neatly trimmed bush at his groin. His nutsack was bald, a sign of a man keen for oral. His dick was impressive by normal standards, but he was clearly not as well-endowed as the master.

“I don’t like body hair. If you are called for further service and it has not been removed, you will be punished.” The master intoned menacingly.

All attention was now on the naked waiter. As she feared Claire could not draw her stare away from his cock. Her obsession was not lost on Richard who now saw upside to his humiliation.
“What do you think girls?” asked the Lord.

For once Naidu was first to respond, “Not bad, but I don’t think that thing could satisfy me after you sir.” Her response was obviously appropriate but also sincere.

“Might have chased that in times gone by but after being opened by you Lord, but I have to agree with my sister. I am now spoiled” added Sarah.

“Hmm interesting” the master mused. “On completion of satisfactory service, I will tighten you up again. Don’t want to ruin you for all time and I want you keen and lusty in the world to make me new playthings. I will make sure that when you leave service you can have a satisfactory love life.”

“I don’t like it at all” chimed in Claire.

“What do you mean, you can’t take your eyes off it” the master responded incredulously.

“It’s nowhere near big enough and I have heard he goes off prematurely and he cannot do multiples like you master” she lied.

“Interesting” responded the master musing. “We will have to get to the bottom of this...anyway, to the business at hand… a bottle of Bollinger and 3 glasses. If Claire wants anything, she can have water.”
“Did you know Claire’s clothes have arrived master?” asked Sarah in her ongoing attempt to get rid of the girl.

“Yes, but now that she has levelled and accusation at Richard she will have to stay until I decide what to do about it. I have already said the truth will never harm you, and I meant it. Lying is to be frowned upon and lying to me is clearly disrespectful. We will see what Richard has to say when he returns. I am sceptical of what Claire has reported. During her fucking, she complained that I was too big and now she says he is way too small. It is true that I am significantly larger than Richard but it is hard to reconcile me being too big and him way too small. Either you are the fussiest cunt on the face of the earth or you are a lying slut with some other agenda. I have said no one will be punished for telling the truth, but I regard lying as disrespectful and will deal with it accordingly.”

At that moment, Richard returned with the Champagne and glasses, his previously erect member suppressed, no doubt by all of the unfavourable comparisons.

Claire knew she had erred and was in peril.

As Richard poured the champagne and distributed the glasses, the master began his interrogation. “So, Claire maintains you are a premature ejaculator who can only come once a session. Is that true?
“No Sir” he replied as he gave the second glass to Naidu “I have never left a woman unsatisfied and I have had as many as four ejaculations in a session, although the 4th was hard to get and not very substantial.”

So you deny Claire’s characterisation of you as a dud?

“Absolutely Sir”

“Hmm. We will get the truth. You will fuck Claire without coming yourself until she has had an orgasm or after 10 minutes, whichever comes first. At the conclusion, you will bring yourself to the brink and then withdraw to ejaculate on her body so that we can see the truth of your orgasm. If you succeed in lasting until she comes or for 10 minutes she will be judged to have lied and disrespected me resulting punishment. If you fail to last the distance, your testimony will be found to have transgressed and you will be disciplined. Understood?”

Richard swallowed hard “Yes sir”

“And you Claire?”

Panic stricken Claire did not respond.

“You will answer my questions, girl or suffer the consequences.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir” she said between sobs.

“Master, may I ask a question?” asked Richard tentatively.

“Yes, go ahead”

“Does Claire have to climax”

“No, this a test of your stamina not hers. As you can see she is pretty well broken so another orgasm may be beyond her.”

“Thank you, sir” Richard replied malevolently. He had begun to warm to the task riding the elusive Claire. His inhibitions about public sex in retreat and his cock back to fighting condition. He reflected briefly on how foolish Claire had been to reject his earlier advances. He would have romanced her and he was sure he would have shown her a good time but now…now under the instructions from the Master, and under threat, he would wring pleasure from her body without mercy.”

“We will then have a fifteen minute interlude before the test is repeated to establish the truth of the second accusation. Penalty will again be applied to the liar. He said unemotionally. Changing tone he then said “As I am giving you an opportunity to take pleasure, I required that you at first serve me...Claire and Sarah will take you to the bathroom and prepare you to provide a blow job.”

In an instant the dynamic had changed. The predator had become prey and the prey saw and opening. For Richard, alpha male, with no gay inclination, the prospect of becoming a homosexual whore, drained all of the vigour from his cock and sapped his spirit. Claire, on the other hand was encouraged by this turn of events. First, she was to witness the debasing of her tormentor and who knows, she may be able to squeeze and orgasm out of him before the time limit, rendering her lie true and getting him disciplined. Oh, and who knows, if she succeeds in the first test his spirit weakened by his homo service could be broken rendering him incapable of a second act. She could almost see the welts across his buttocks.

Her reverie was broken by the master “with everyone else gone It now falls for you to entertain me. Think yourself lucky, you pathetic whore. We will get in the spa and you can make sure I am good and ready to fuck Richards face.” With that he plunged a couple of fingers into her battered pussy and used the hold to draw her to him. Once together he reached behind her and gave each buttock a sharp slap. He then pushed her away just far enough to facilitate a couple of equally hard slaps across her tits. Withdrawing his fingers, he turned her away and pushed towards the hot tub. Reacquainted with her low and precarious position Claire climbed in, her spirit once more on the brink of collapse.

The master followed her in and she immediately went about stroking his cock balls and other sensitive erogenous zones. Although he did not verbalise it he conceded that she was pretty good with her hands.

“I reckon you lied” he said suddenly
“I..” she uttered before he cut her off.

“Say nothing. I am comfortable with my solution and I want the issue physically tested for my own entertainment. More words at this stage will only confuse matters. I think you will lose and be disciplined, but I concede that the using of Richard may break his spirit just enough to let you beat him. He is obviously a proud and virile man. To be used homosexually and before and audience will be excruciating for him.”

Claire continued her hand job as she plotted how she would make Richard climax first.

“You can stop now” said the master after about 5 minutes. “need to save the jizz for Richard.”

Down stairs the hotel bars and in surrounding establishments had filled to overflowing. Business was brisk. The crowd was diverse comprising people looking for an opportunity to serve, the hostile potential rebels and the just plain curious.

The largest cohort was young women, of all shapes and sizes desperate to be of service to the Lord and master. Most of them would never get a look in, too fat, too skinny or just not pretty enough. A significant minority, about 20% had a real shot. Their presentation varied widely. Some had chosen an elegant approach with a subtle but no less real display of their assets. Legs bottoms and breasts were all offered in bids for selection. Some had chosen a slutty get up with clothing so brief that it left little to the imagination. In addition to legs bums and tits many of the sluttier units wore clothing so tight as to offer a clear view of the pubic mound under the clothes. There were more than a few camel toes on display.

Mixed with these were a few young men enjoying the show and chatting up the girls in the hope of taking one home when, as was inevitable, most if not all of them would be disappointed this night.
Competing with the girls were some submissive gay guys dressed in tight pants and muscle shirts in the hope of taken and used by the lord.

The other key cohort were the elders, muttering conspiratorially in the Cafes, not sure what they would do, how they would do it or indeed when they would do it, but wanting to be at the centre of the action to observe and plan.

Also in attendance were news crews eager to glean and report on anything that gave shape to this new order.

The first major stir occurred when Swee emerged. Crowds swarmed around the startled girl shouting questions as she tried to leave the hotel. The hotel manager intervened and escorted Swee through the clammering crowd to a conference room where the press could quiz her in a more orderly fashion.

Initially reluctant to speak, Swee remembered the lord’s injunction that they should take news of the new order into the world. She also remembered that, provided she told the truth, no harm would befall her. Swee agreed to a brief news conference.

The first question came from a popular television journalist, 30 year old Sophia Johansson, anchor of the channel 5 nightly news. “What occurred up there? Were you well treated?”

“I have provided satisfactory service to the Lord and as a result have been dismissed with a lifetime 5% discount on my taxes. The master is very demanding and dominant. Within that context I was treated OK.”

Following up Sophia Johansson asked “What was the nature of your service? Was it sexual?”

“Modesty forbids me to go into details, but yes”

“Brian Wilson-Jones from the Daily Register madam, were you forced? Was it rape?”

“I served willingly and anyway the master is definitionally unable to rape.”

“What do you mean ‘definitionally unable to rape’?” he followed up incredulously.

“He is our Lord and Master, we are at his disposal whether we like it or not”

There was a momentary pause after that. For once the verbose news group were lost for words.

“Felicity Cartwright from the channel 8 midday show, who is up there and what is he doing to them? We heard screams some time ago.”

“The other two who were selected with me have been retained for further service. The waitress who served us lunch has also been detained for service. One of the girls performed unsatisfactorily and was caned as a result.”

“David Markson from the ‘In the Public Interest’ on channel 12, What was the offence that lead to the caning, how was it administered?”

“Modesty forbids me to explain the offence. The sentence was 6 strokes across the transgressors buttocks. The master carried it out without mercy while the victim was tied to a table. As we had witnessed the offence, the other girl and I were required to watch the punishment.”

“How did you find watching the punishment?” Markson followed up.

“It was oddly compelling, quite erotic, but I was very glad to be a spectator and not a participant.”

Sophia Johansson stepped up “are those women being held against their will?”

“Not sure about the waitress, she had not performed service when I left and looked very nervous. The other two are very happy to be there, competing for the Master’s attention. In fact I am a little sorry to have been dismissed. You must understand that he is a magnificent creature. All three of us selected this morning willingly accepted the brutality and risk of discipline as the price of well… the good bits.”

“That will be all” announced the Hotel Manager I am sure Miss…I didn’t catch your name”

“Swee Chou”

“Miss Chou needs some rest”

He then escorted the Chinese girl out of the room and out of the hotel through a rear door in a attempt to spare her further interrogation.

In the bathroom Naidu applied depilatory cream to Richard’s remaining pubic hair while Sarah explained the art of a great blow job. Naidu wrapped her right hand around his dick for no other reason than she wanted to and could. She then used her left hand to play with his balls. Any slackness was immediately eliminated as he enjoyed the tender ministrations of two of the best hands in the business.

“Unhand him and explain consequences sister” demanded Sarah “consequences are your thing and it is my turn to play”

In times gone by he would never have allowed a woman to take charge of him as these two had, but his imminent homosexual service made any female contact desirable.

Once Naidu had finished explaining her unfortunate experience, complete with a graphic description of the pain and humiliation of her caning, she went about removing the cream and his remaining bush. In that act she displaced Sarah from her position and used his erect penis unnecessarily as a handle while she removed the gunk and hair.

“You know what sister?” asked Sarah wickedly “we could quickly pull him off…upside for him… he will find it easier for him to survive the 10 minutes in the first test, but it might make act 2 a little harder. That little bitch is lying, we both know that. I have been working at getting rid of her but I don’t want Dick here to cop a hiding for her lying so I think we should help him.”

“We will have to make him hard again before he goes for service. I don’t know for sure but I suspect the master wants all servants to be aroused when in use”. Replied Naidu thoughtfully.

“Certainly, he likes his women wet, but that is practical…but yes public arousal is a bit humiliating so I think we will want Richard rigid…what do you think Dick, to wank or not to wank.”

“I think release now will help and I am confident of doing two more after that.” replied a very nervous and confused Richard. “Oh and by the way Claire is lying, so she should pay.”

“OK Sister, pull him off and make it snappy.” Said Sarah, for the first time conceding superiority to Naidu.

Naidu went about her task with relish bringing his over eager dick to climax in no time. Once done his member lost some of its vigour.

“We now need to get rid of the evidence and restore this thing to its peak. I think that may be my forte” said Sarah sinking to her knees to lick off the remaining cum and reinvigorating Dick’s dick in preparation for his presentation to the master for service. “Be a doll and clean the jizz off the floor.”

For an instant Richard felt good again. A black woman kneeling before him licking his cock had temporarily restored the world to how he thought it would be.

Naidu finished washing the semen from her hands and took some toilet paper to clear up the overflow from the floor. “I think we may have this team work thing happening” Naidu contributed cheerfully. “Thanks Sarah” she added softly.

“Ok Dick…time to do your duty” said Sarah as she took his right arm to deliver him. Once again Richard’s spirit sank again.

Naidu took the other arm and they led their charge to his fate.

A couple of metres from the hot tub where the master rested with Claire, the girls stopped and released Richard’s arms. That was his cue to fall to his knees in submission and preparation.
“Get out and dry yourself in preparation for the test, Claire. I doubt it will take Richard long to do his duty and then your moment of truth will be at hand. Alpha male like him will want to be into you fast to try and expunge the memory of the cock sucking…this should not take long.”

“You should be well versed in what a man wants from a cock sucker.” He said cruelly as he left the tub.“Dry me, Naidu, quickly…we don’t want any further delays”

Naidu picked up a towel and want about the task as efficiently as possible, avoiding her usual stimulatory activity.

This was the first time Richard had seen the master in all of his glory. It was immediately obvious that the was the biggest penis he had ever seen, Much bigger than his own highly regarded member. In sports change rooms the other men tended to regard Richard with jealously, the same jealousy with which Richard now viewed the master. He wondered how his mouth would accommodate this monster.
Naidu finished her drying duty and stepped back beside her new ally to watch her first homosexual act. She felt sorry for Richard. As a submissive she regarded men of Richard’s ilk as masters and she liked it that way. She did not relish seeing this proud and well-endowed man brought low in this fashion.

Sarah on the other hand had a sadistic streak, no doubt accentuated by her history of having to serve his type to get her journalistic scoops. She enjoyed sex with his sort but resented the demand that she submit rather than share the experience. Sarah was going to enjoy his degradation.

Claire was also enjoying the view both out of revenge and the hope that he would come to her in a few short minutes broken and unable to perform.

With Naidu out of the way, Richard proceeded with the plan laid out by Sarah without a prompt. From his kneeling position he went onto all fours and crawled over tie the Lord. He then kissed feet, rising to lick and kiss both balls before running his tongue the underside of the massive cock and taking its head into his mouth. He immediately began noisily licking and sucking. As with the girls the master leaned forward to improve the angle for penetration, gently but remorselessly driving into Richards throat. Richard temporarily lost all sense of shame. Concentrating of the job at hand he became lost in a world that contained only him and this magnificent intruder. The pure eroticism of the act restored his slackening member to its rampant best despite his repugnance for the act. He lost all sense of time so he had no idea how long it had been when the climax began. It had only been 3 minutes and it took the master a further minute to unload.

The Lord had no wish to prolong the experience, feeling a little weird himself about using a man. It had been good but this was the first part of breaking his own cultural resistance. Apart from the orgasm itself he had derived great satisfaction from humiliating this man. He had sought no physical contact other than pushing his cock into Richard’s mouth, a fact not lost on the girls who had all been aggressively manhandled before during and after their service, further speaking to his cultural reluctance.

With the penis withdrawn Richard again became all too aware of his surroundings and the deep shame and humiliation from what he had just done flooded back, heightened by the renewed knowledge that it was witnessed by women who in his world should be in the position he now occupied. Through it all he remained disciplined watching for and licking any stray jizz that leaked out.

Finally, as instructed be Sarah he thanked the master for the honour in a clear loud voice.

“You have performed satisfactorily Richard and are now a servant of the lord with your 5% tax discount. Now we will see if you are telling the truth through the trial by ordeal.”

All present were keen to move on except the hapless Claire. Naidu had regarded male/male sex distasteful and between to adonises a dreadful waste. Sarah’s sadistic impulses and vengeful nature had allowed her to enjoy Richard’s degradation but she was now good and ready to watch whinging , lying Claire get her just deserts. Richard understandably wanted to put this appalling act well behind him and the master, although sexually gratified remained uneasy. Claire had thoroughly enjoyed the degradation of her tormentor and now had nothing to look forward to except that very same tormentor getting two goes at her tormented body.

“Moving along, Naidu, we still have not yet picked clothes for our night out and it is getting late. Get the iPad”

He then picked up his bathrobe and pulled it over his broad shoulders. “Sarah and Naidu, you can dress, our two accused will remain naked for their trial. Richard… top up our drinks”.

Naidu eagerly donned her robe as she went to find an iPad. Sarah did so as well but with less enthusiasm. She was accustomed to being Naked and was proud of her well maintained body and the donning of clothing was another step away from the sex she craved.

Richard topped up the master first, then Sarah before returning to the trolley to retrieve another bottle to fill Naidu’s glass. He did all of this with borderline unseemly haste. Getting into Claire and getting the trial behind him was acquiring ever greater urgency as the prospect of fucking his elusive quarry was stimulating him to a dangerous degree. Much more anticipation and his rigid dick may go off before it is even buried in the lying cunt.

“Now the trial will be strictly cock and cunt. In order to make this fair, there will be no other stimulation, no hands to tongues…nothing. Claire will bend over and brace herself against the table so that she can screw back on his cock and try and bring Richard to climax. Richard, you can place your hands on her hips to enable you to ram into her and stop her from denying you deep penetration.”

As Naidu returned with the iPad he intoned cruelly “assume the position Claire”

The beaten girl did as she was commanded, bending at the waist and spreading her legs to clearly expose he well lubricated, bald opening.

“Naidu…find the stopwatch function…you will be the time keeper. Notify the accused every minute for the first 7 then every 30 seconds for the next 2 and finally 15 seconds with a 10 second countdown at the end.” fishing his wand out of his pocket he stepped over to Claire and said “take this between your teeth…we all know women can fake orgasms and almost as easily disguise them. When you come... if you come, the wand will glow red. Spit the wand out and you lose…similarly Richard if you get over heated and withdraw to…well…cool off, you will lose. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir” Richard responded nervously while the effectively gagged girl mumbled and nodded her head dejectedly.

“Ok Richard position yourself to enter Claire. Place the head of you cock at her opening but wait for my command to commence”

Richard moved in between Claire’s open legs and used one hand to place the tip on her lips. She felt his presence and had a rush of lubrication. Dejected she could see only defeat. She might not have felt so sad if she knew how primed and worried Richard was.

“Are you ready, Naidu?”

“Yes Sir.”


With that Claire immediately pushed back hard and fast seizing the initiative and throwing Richard slightly off balance, but her strategy came at a price. She felt full and pleased. It was now obvious that that her earlier brutal and painful fuck administered by the Lord was not going to be an impediment to climaxing this time.

Regaining the initiative Richard withdrew all but the head of his penis before ramming into her hard. Claire was surprised by the ferocity of the attack lost her brace position and lurched forward over the table top. As with Claire’s opening bid, Richard almost paid a heavy price for his attack as Claire’s loss of balance threatened to completely unsheathe him.

Chastened they both returned to a more conventional style moving slowly to try and avoid excessive stimulation. Richard found focussing on his audience helped to slow him down. He found being the participant in an exhibition screw suppressing. Claire closed her eyes and remembered Naidu’s bruised and bloody bottom to frighten her away from pleasure.

Naidu called the 5 minute mark before Richard decided he had to try something to change the trajectory of the event. He withdrew almost all the way before gently re-entering with upward pressure. Nothing happened, if anything Claire seemed more relaxed. This was not the spot. Again he withdrew and this time slid in with downward pressure. Claire tensed. This was the spot.

Panic stricken Claire determined to pull away as he reached the outer edge and create the appearance of withdrawal, which would be game over for Richard, but she acted a moment too soon and he was onto her strategy.

“Nice try sweetheart…but not good enough. I am now going to finish you”

“Seven” announced Naidu.

No longer withdrawing more than half way, Richard continued slowly but relentlessly to root her with downward pressure. As Naidu intoned eight Claire began to pant and seconds later the wand began to glow red.

“Finish the lying slut, Richard” said the master cruelly as Richard increased the intensity of his attack ramming into her without mercy.

As Naidu announced nine Richard withdrew and placed his spasming cock on the defeated girl’s bottom, shooting semen up her spine, the first burst landing in her hair.

Although the case had been proven Naidu did not stop the clock, by the time she called ten, Richard was done but the wand continued to glow a fading pink. Claire had been found guilty of lying and would be punished but she certainly appeared to enjoy the trial. She sank to her knees sobbing her head resting on her forearms which in turn rested on the table edge.

The master approached the defeated girl and grabbed a fistful of hair, cruelly twisting her head to face him and announced gravely “Claire Mason, you have been found guilty of lying to your Lord. You are sentenced to be beaten with a leather strap across your pubic mound and between your legs. A total of six strokes will be administered. From the conclusion of your next trial until two hours after the administration of the strap, you are downgraded to the status of animal. In that state, you will remain naked and either tied up or caged as befits your status. You will remain outside without shelter except where you need to be cleaned. I will soon appoint a keeper and executioner. That person will be entitled to use your body for sex until your status is restored . That person will also execute the sentence. As befits your status you need not consent to being so used and your keeper will be permitted to restrain you as necessary to take their pleasure. As Naidu, Sarah, Richard and I have been witness to your lie we will also witness your punishment as will another person I choose to invite.”

“Is the clock still running, Naidu” he asked changing the subject.

“Yes sir” she responded “Ten minutes to go before the second trial.”

“Drinks Richard” he commanded.

Richard topped up the three champagne glasses as requested.

Silence then reigned as the clock wound down, the noise of the street bubbling up from below. Richard gently stroked himself to ensure that he was good and hard for the second trial. Nobody seemed to mind. Claire remained kneeling sobbing as she leaned against the table. Nobody seemed to care.

The silence was finally broken when Naidu announced time.

“Claire assume the position, Richard, prepare to enter her.” Instructed the Lord.

Sad and defeated Claire braced against the table spreading her legs to expose he vaginal opening for the trial. Richard took his position with more enthusiasm. They both knew he had her measure and was not reluctant to drive home his advantage.

“Have you reset the clock Naidu?” asked the Lord.

“Yes Master” she replied.

“Ok, commence”

Richard slid into Claire’s traitorously welcoming hole pressing down immediately. In the first minute she made a couple of ineffective attempts to trick him into withdrawing. After Naidu called 1 minute Claire knew she was done. She could try and ride it out in the hope that he would make a mistake but he was too disciplined and was relentlessly working her G spot.

At two and a half minutes Claire began to pant and just before three the wand began to glow.

“The lying slut is guilty again, you can finish her if you wish.” said the master.

“Thought I might ride her for a bit if that is Ok, I owe her for lying about me and placing me in danger.” he responded malevolently.

“As you wish. I am going to appoint you her keeper and executioner for the same reason so this is not the end of your opportunity to fuck her.”

“Thank you, you are very generous sir” he responded quickening his pace to draw the trial to a conclusion, confident that more fun lay ahead.

Just as Naidu called 5 minutes he withdrew and shot a smaller but not insignificant load on sentenced animal’s back. He decided to call bunny because he intended to breed her like a rabbit in the time he had available.

Taking a lead, Richard grabbed a handful of Claire’s hair and pulled her upright, turning her to face the Master, then dragged her down to her knees. “You will kneel and face the Master as he passes sentence, Bunny” he said with incongruent brutality.

The Master and the other two women began laughing.

“Where did you get Bunny from?” asked Naidu between chuckles.

Suddenly embarrassed Richard replied “Well…you know… she is now an animal and as her custodian I…well I intend to…”

“Breed her like a rabbit...ha ha he he” Sarah interrupted finishing his sentence for him.

When he had finished laughing the Master contributed “I like your thinking boy. Bunny she is and bred she will be, but I must warn you that once the sentence is complete, it is over completely over. The transgressor has all rights restored and respect given. Any attempt to continue after that will in itself be an offence triggering punishment. You may be well advised to finish with her …say 10 minutes early. If you were still inside her at the moment of her restoration, a charge of rape would likely succeed… I should also point out that the reason for allowing you to use her after the discipline stage is to encourage you to fuck after rather than before the beatings. You must not be mellowed out before thrashing her or your performance may be off. I want the punishment carried out strictly so abstaining for a couple of hours before the execution of the sentences will ensure you are at your peak and provide you with a cracker of an screw afterwards.”

Changing his tone the Master again intoned “Claire Mason, you have been found guilty of lying to your Lord. You are sentenced to be caned across your buttocks. A total of six strokes will be administered. From now until two hours after the administration of the cane, you are downgraded to the status of animal. In that state, you will remain naked and either tied up or caged as befits your status. You will remain outside without shelter except where you need to be cleaned as determined by your keeper. I appoint a Richard as your keeper and executioner. He will be entitled to use your body for sex until your status is reinstated. He will also execute the sentence. As befits your status you need not consent to being so used and your keeper will be permitted to restrain you as necessary to take his pleasure. As Naidu, Sarah and I have been witness to your lie we will also witness your punishment as will any other person I choose to invite. The first sentence will be executed tomorrow morning at 9:00am and the second at the same time on the following day.”

“Please have mercy, Dominus” the sobbing girl whimpered.

“There will be no Mercy. Be reminded that through your pain and degradation, you must remain respectful. The sentence will not be reduced but it could be extended if you misbehave.”

“Time is marching and so must we be” the master announced. “Tie bunny to the post” he said smirking and indicating the metal pole that secured a sun sail over the balcony. “the rope used to secure Naidu for her caning is on the balcony next door. You can have a bathrobe now, Richard. Find him one Sarah.”

Sarah found a suitable garment in the wardrobe and Richard went to find the rope.

The Master and Naidu settled onto a couch and began browsing the clothing web sites.
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