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This is my first story but I might be making more
I'm walking through the mall with my boyfriend when a strange man pounces in front of us. His hair and eyes are both wild and he shoves clipboards into our hands. "Would you two like to be on a crazy new game show?" He asks, looking at us like he expects us to say yes. My immediate reaction, to be fair, is to say yes. I love this sort of thing, unexpected opportunities always give me a thrill. "Not really," my boyfriend says. Jamaal has never been very adventurous, and I am the exact opposite. I like to have fun and be spontaneous, and this has been a constant issue with us. "I think that actually would be kind of cool," I say, looking over the papers on the clipboards. They list off a number of possible things that we could be subjected to, like physical challenges, quizzes and trivia, and various random challenges. It also says that if we back out after signing the release form, we could be expected to pay upwards of $ 5000. The number scares me but I know that I wouldn't back out of any sort of challenge. I may not be very strong, but I think I can do any physical challenge. I can at least try. "You have to be kidding me, they expect us to pay if we back out." "So you're saying you're chicken, then?" "No but that doesn't mean –" "If you're not a chicken, then why would you back out?" I look at Jamaal, who might not be very adventurous but he is extremely competitive. If you call him out, he will always follow through. He is incapable of saying no to a bet or dare. The man with wild hair and wild eyes grins as I sign the papers, looking defiantly at Jamaal. He turns to Jamaal, who stares at me for a second before rolling his eyes. He signs his papers too. "Great! Now that you have signed this, if you follow me I will take you to meet the producer." The man takes the clipboards from us, removing the papers and leaving the clipboards on his table. We follow him through the mall, passing lingerie stores, toy stores, and my favorite candle store. "I think you two will have a lot of fun. I want to make sure that you understand that you will be fined $ 5000 if you back out of your agreement. I will give you five minutes in this room," he opens a door to a red room with one black couch in it. "If after that five minutes you want to go home I will let you. After that though, you'll be expected to do everything the game master says. You will be on camera, but there will be no live audience. All of the cameras are hidden, so you will only be interacting with the game master and the other players." "Will we be able to meet the other players first?" I ask, looking around the red room. "And when will we find out what kind of game we're playing?" The man rubs his chin and crosses his arms. "Well, you will meet the other players and find out the rules when you're on stage. I can't give you any more information before then. See you in five minutes!" Walking into the room, I sit down on the black couch. Its cool leather is soft against my legs. What is the worst that could happen, I wonder? It's just a game show. Though, looking at Jamaal, I can tell that he's furious. "What's wrong?" "Are you serious? You could cost us $ 10,000. What if they ask us to do something awful? What if they ask us to do something illegal?" I shrug. "I doubt they would do that, and I doubt a court would hold them to it if they tried. Plus if we go through with it and win, we could each go home with $ 10,000. That would pay off our student loans, and put us toward the house." Jamaal grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me hard. "Why do you always get us into this stuff? Why did you ever think before you do something? You always jump in headfirst without considering what's down a hole." I'm contemplating bitch slapping him when the man with wild hair comes back in. "So, will you to be joining us on the game show? The game master and producer are waiting for you." I look at Jamaal, who just crosses his arms and fumes. I feel bad, but I know that I want to go through with this. "Take us to them, then!" We follow the man through another hallway and are soon joined by three tall, handsome white men. I glance up at one, who winks at me and makes me blush. I wonder if these guys will be playing with us? Strange demographics. After the hallway we enter a wide room with a stage. On the stage is a man and behind him is a large piece of wood with two rows of four holes cut into it. There are no other obstacles, no podiums to answer questions, just this big piece of wood. "What the fuck is that?" Jamaal looks bewildered at the stage. "I have no idea," I answer. The man with wild hair marches all of us up onto the stage. We shake hands with the man, who we find out is the game master. His hair is cut short, and his nose is a little bit crooked. Still, he looks incredibly handsome in a tailored suit. Sort of like a well-dressed a soldier. When I go to shake his hand, he takes mine and kisses it gently. The look in his eyes as he glances up at me burns through me like a wildfire. "You are in for a wonderful surprise," he says, before winking at me and turning to gesture towards the piece of wood. Another man walks out from behind a red curtain. His skin is tanned and his face is wrinkled, and his ice blue eyes are half lidded, like he's very bored or very tired. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining me and taking part in this game. You'll remember that you signed a waiver that says he will not leave or else you'll be fined $ 5000. I want to remind you of this as I explain the rules to you. Could the gentlemen please go behind that wooden wall with the holes?" Jamaal and the three white men march behind the wall. I notice that one set of holes matches their faces, while the other matches their crotch. That's weird, I think. Why would they have it set up like that? "I'm the producer of this show, and so it's my job to tell you what you'll be doing. The men will take off their clothes while the lady is blindfolded. Once she's blindfolded it will be her job to find out which of the men is her boyfriend. She will do this by fondling them, giving them a blow job, or fucking them." I gasp, unable to believe what I'm being told. Jamaal steps out from behind the wall while the other men are stripping. "You have to be kidding, right?! You don't expect us to take part in your sick fantasy, do you?" Jamaal looks as if he might pounce on the man and started beating him. "Actually, I do expect that. You signed the waiver. You don't want to forfeit that $ 5000, do you? Can you afford to do that? Do you have any student loans, unpaid bills, overdue credit cards? Chances are you need the money, and you'll probably enjoy the show anyway." Jamaal looks to me, and I look to him. I see the disappointment and the rage in his eyes. At the same time, I know that we can't afford to pay $ 10,000. I know that we have to go through with this. I also know that it kind of thrills me. Looking back to the other men, who are now naked, I can see that though they are large, they're not much larger than Jamaal. It may be harder to figure out which one is Jamaal after all. "Miss, if you'll come with me?" I follow the game master and the producer back behind the red curtain. The stage behind the curtain is empty. "Please undress," the game master says. He hands me a black satin mask to put over my eyes. I take off my shirt, and then my pants, and then stare at the two men as they watch me. It soon becomes obvious that they intend to watch me as I strip. I'm not an exhibitionist, and it's never really been my thing. Still, being watched by strangers is interesting and erotic. I unclasp my bra, pausing for a second to linger before pulling it off. The look on the men's faces say everything I needed to know. This is going to be a porn shoot, and I am to be its star. "Well, if I'm going to start in your porn, I'd like to know what the outcome is." While he looks at my breasts, the game master grins. "Whoever you choose, whoever you think is your boyfriend, must impregnate you. And if you don't manage to choose your boyfriend, he'll have to watch you." "Well, that certainly does sound interesting. Alright, let's go then. I'm sure I can figure out which one is Jamaal." I pull my panties down and step out of them. The game master and producer both watch me as my hips sway while I lead them back out from behind the curtain. I twirl the mask around my finger before putting it on my face. The game master guides me to the front of the wall. I can feel the heat of the men in front of me, I can smell their manly scent. "The men have changed positions you don't know where your boyfriend is." Any one of these men could be Jamaal. Any one of these men could be knocking me up soon. I have to be sure that I choose Jamaal, even though I'm not sure how I feel about being knocked up in general. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad, though we do have bills to pay. We have student loans, credit card bills, and so much more that we have to deal with. But there's never a good time for children. I know I would be a good mother, and I'm sure Jamaal would end up being a good father. At the same time, the prospect of being knocked up by one of these white men turns me on even more than being knocked up by Jamaal. I could go home with an interracial baby. Maybe I could even go home with one of these white men. And with that be so bad? Would it be so bad to cuckold Jamaal? After he treated me so badly for wanting to do this game show? After he's bored me for six years, questioned every move I made for six years? Isn't it time for me to just have some fun? "Well Aubrey, it's time for you to start with your hands. Go down the line of men and stroke each of their cocks." I take the first cock in my hand, stroking it gently and feeling the weight and the went. It feels a little bit like Jamaal's. Maybe a little bit heavier, and the head doesn't feel quite right. Whoever it is gets hard easily, and seems to enjoy how I'm touching him. I move to the second one, who is still flaccid. His cock a little bit lighter in my hand, a little bit easier to pick up. It otherwise feels exactly the same. Same girth, same tip, same smell. I'm starting to realize that I might not be able to figure out which of these men is Jamaal just by touch. The third man is a bit thinner, while the fourth man has a more familiar tip. "Well, have you figured out which man is Jamaal?" The game master asks. "No, I don't think I can figure it out just from that." "I'm sure the men liked it though, didn't you boys? Yes they're all nice and hard now. Let's try and use your mouth," he suggests. "Get down on your knees in front of the first man." Now this is getting interesting. I didn't think it would even go this far, I suspected that I would know Jamaal well enough to be able to pick him out just by touch. Maybe I'll know his taste, since he's the only man I've ever had. Kneeling in front of the first man, he smells of body wash. The same body wash that Jamaal uses. I grab him with my hand and guide him into my mouth, using my tongue to touch the tip and taste the salty pre-cum. He just tastes… Clean. Normal. The same as Jamaal normally does. That's not helpful at all. I suck on him hard, really tasting him. Really feeling his skin light, creamy on my tongue. He's smooth to the touch, and when I suck hard enough he moans. That gives him away. I know that voice isn't Jamaal's. That's one man down. Only three more to go. "Well, Aubrey? Is that your man?" "No, his voice is different." I pull away and the game master leads me to the second man. This one does not smell of body wash. He smells like the same aftershave my father used. It's weird and off putting, to smell the scent of your father on Sunday morning before church when you're about to suck a dick. Getting down to business, I lick the length of the second man's cock. He shivers but makes no noise, none except for a gasp. I take him completely into my mouth, savoring his taste and trying to understand it. Trying to analyze it and see if it's Jamaal. I pull away and instead of asking me if that's my man, the game master just leads me to the third option. This man with the thinner penis smells of the body wash again, but his pre-cum isn't salty. Not as salty as Jamaal's normally is. Still, it could be Jamaal. I suck on this man, taking him deep into my throat. I hope that he will moan, or make some indication of who he is. He doesn't. He doesn't even gasp, or shiver, or groan. He stays still and quiet. Jamaal usually makes noise. The fourth man, with the strange tip of his penis, sucks in the air quick as I lick the length of his shaft. I know this man isn't Jamaal, yet I still take them in my mouth. I still taste him and swallow his cock down my throat. He squirms and wiggles his hips, fucking my face and groaning. I feel butterflies in my stomach, really enjoying how much I'm pleasuring him. I always thought that I would marry Jamaal and that would be it, that I would never experience another man. I guess I was wrong. The game master pulls me away. "Oh ho! Looks like someone enjoyed that!" I roll my eyes but the corner my mouth cocks up because he's right. I did enjoy that. In fact, I want to go back and do it again. "Well, do you want to eliminate another contestant?" I nod. "I want to eliminate the fourth contestant." I'm pulled away, and hear feet shuffling and then a door opens and shuts. I guess the producer got rid of the first and fourth men. Now I'm just left with 2 and 3. I'm pretty sure Jamaal is the third man, but there's always the chance… “Time for the third round! And this time, you'll be experiencing them inside of you. Which will you choose? Let's find out!” The game master helps me bend over in front of the second man, who immediately spears me with his cock. I breathe in sharp, bracing myself with my hands against my thighs. Whoever this guy is, he feels damn good inside of me. He pumps me hard through the hole in the wall, making me feel like a slut being taken from a glory hole. “Oh, fuck,” I moan, fucking him, too. Just as I'm really getting into it and getting close to orgasm, the game master pulls me away. I pout. “I was so close!” “We don't want you two to finish too soon! Next, contestant number 3!” This man enters me slowly, much the same way that Jamaal usually does. I'm not thinking about the money anymore. No, I'm just thinking about how much I'm enjoying being used on camera, for money. I was born to be a slut, to have my body used to please men. I've been in a monogamous relationship for too long. I want to fuck more men! I'm a cum-crazy slut and I'm not afraid to admit it! Again, I'm pulled away before I can orgasm. Again, I'm left feeling crazed and unsatisfied. It just isn't fair! I want to have more sex! “So, who is it going to be? Which contestant is going to impregnate you?” I think, trying to remember which contestant was more like Jamaal. I think, with how angry he is, the way that contestant 2 fucked me is how Jamaal would have fucked me. But I think contestant number 3 was closer in size. His taste was more familiar, too. So, who should I choose? Who do I think it would be? “I choose...” I pause. If I'm wrong, I'll be knocked up by a complete stranger. I'll be fucked by a complete stranger. I have to get this right. Even if I want to fuck more people, even if I don't want to be true to Jamaal anymore… do I really want my first time with someone else to be on camera? “I choose contestant number 2!” “Okay! Take off your mask and see who you've won!” I pull my mask off slowly, letting my eyes adjust to the light again. I look to contestant 2, hoping to see Jamaal. I don't want to cheat on camera… but I have to. Because contestant 2 is a particularly well-endowed white man, and he looks like he's ready to plow me. Contestant 3, Jamaal, looks furious. He also looks horny. I guess he's going to have his first cuckold experience. Maybe he'll like it, though what he wants doesn't really matter. Contestant 2 is a big man. With broad shoulders and a wide chest. I know I should feel bad, I know I should be fighting this, but I don't want to. I want to enjoy this. My heart is racing, excited and scared all at once. I want him to take me, to fill me, to control me completely. Jamaal and the new man both come out from behind the wall. They're both still extremely hard. The game master tells me to lay on the floor, to get ready for my prize. I lay down and spread my legs, suddenly realizing how what I am. Jamaal is made to sit near us but too far away to touch. The white man steps closer. A drop of sweat falls from his forehead. He touches my face, gently. His fingers are soft. His touch burns my flesh, makes my whole body run hot. My breathing is heavy, and the whole room feels electrified. My breasts rise and fall with each breath, which come ragged with each step forward he takes. I can almost read his mind, I can almost see the things he's imagining. I'm trembling as he slides a large finger into me. I spread myself wide for him. I let him explore me. Jamaal, though he's angry, has his hand wrapped around his cock. He's watching the white man as he fingers me, Jamaal's face twisted with anguish and pleasure. The new man gets in between my legs. I use both my hands to stroke him and guide him into me. My eyes travel down his body. He right at my entrance and ready to enter me. The tingling between my legs moves me forward it down this sinful path. He pulls my legs up onto his shoulders and I guide his swollen tip into my folds. I feel him pushing past the entrance. His hips push forward planning himself into me, forcing his way into my tight passage. "What's your name?" I ask, my breathing heavy. "Bradley." "Fuck me harder Bradley," I demand. He wraps his hands around my hips to pull me close, and I grab his arms so that I can move with him. He plows into me harder than Jamaal never has, while Jamaal watches, too pathetic to do anything. My pussy stretches to accommodate him as I hold onto him tight. My nerves fire off with pain and pleasure with each hard, violent thrust. Bradley slams into me harder, and I wrap my thighs around him to keep him close. “Oh, fucking… hell… fuck yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Ungh!” I grunt and groan, thrusting back onto him as he fucks me. Poor Jamaal just watches, beating his meat in the corner. Seeing him this pathetic makes me almost hate him. Experiencing another man just proves that I've been selling myself short. I'm ready for more. With that thought, Bradley pushes himself hard against me and I feel his hot cum swarm my womb. I've never had cum inside of me before, and I'm instantly hooked. I cum on him, my cream spilling over his huge cock. I pull him down for a kiss, too. I look at Jamaal, and find that he's also cum. His thighs are covered with his white goop. I look at Bradley, who just looks at me with hunger. He wants more of me, I can tell. But still, he pulls away. I've been impregnated by him. “Come on, Aubrey,” Jamaal says. He stands up and grabs my hand, but I stand my ground. “What are you doing?” “Bradley?” I ask the white man, who has turned around and is bent over to put one leg into his pants. He looks back at me. “Would you like to go out sometime?” “What?!” Jamaal says, grabbing my wrist. "No, you won't be going out with him." "I don't think someone as pathetic as you can decide that for me. I'll do whatever I want." "If you leave with him you are not welcome in my house." Jamaal crosses his arms, but he doesn't look any more threatening than before. I just can't take him seriously anymore. Bradley laughs. "I think she'll be just fine with me. Come on babe, let's go out to dinner and then we'll discuss what we're going to do." Maybe I will be of the stay with Bradley, but as I look back at Jamaal with his angry face in his arms crossed like a toddler who was denied his toy, I know that I've made the right choice. Maybe it was rash of me to agree to do this game show, but knowing what I know now, I don't regret it at all.
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