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Enslaved twin sisters get their first tastes of each other's pussies.
Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style of story. For those looking to take some enjoyment out this tale enjoy yourselves.

Also due the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes.

Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A

Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B

Unnamed twin # 1 is now Brothel Whore 3569-A

Unnamed twin #2 is now Brothel Whore 3569-B

The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567

Chapter Three

Sisters become lovers

As her training began to progress Brothel Whore 3567-B had learned the truth about how they had come to be captured. It seams the organization had selected the sisters for enslavement after seeing their social media posts. They then sent in Slave Mistress number 3567 to seduce their father after seeing some of their posts about wishing he'd find someone.

Mistress 3567 had been quite effective in her task by not only getting him to marry her but even getting him to make her the sole beneficiary in his will. On top of that she was given control of the twins collage funds. Once the mistress had complete control of their father's money and their own it was a simple matter for the organization to arrange the accident that took their father's life. With him out of the way Mistress 3567 had a clear path for turning all of this money over to the organization and most importantly the two of them as well. Even moving for the new jobs was arranged to cover up the sister's disappearance.

Upon finding this out any hope Brothel Whore 3567-B had of getting free was destroyed. After all not only was her father gone but so was every dime he had. Even if she could escape from where ever the hell she was she would have nothing to go back to anyway. Granted if this organization was what she feared then any chance of escape was impossible.

Though to be honest she still had doubts about how powerful the organization was but just the number of the other slaves she'd seen so far worried her. After all how could so many girls just disappear and not be noticed and mind you several cases where whole families like the case of the other twins. Them and their single mother had been enslaved along with several other single mothers and their daughters. Disappearances like that should have been noticed but somehow they can kidnap whole families and turn them into sex slaves without any fear of discovery whatsoever.

These were still secondary concerns for both her and her sister with the passing of each day they'd been subjected to humiliation after humiliation during the course of their training. The first humiliation came that first day of their training as sex slaves. After the main rules and many of the various sex acts they would be performing were explained Mistress 3567 then explained the special rules that applied just to the two sets of twins.

The first wasn't that bad even if it was a bit awkward when she thought about. When they spoke both sisters had to speak in unison. That would take some doing to be able to say the exact same thing at the exact same time but given the choice of mastering this and feeling the whip the choice was simple.

The second unique rule they considered the worst at first but they would reconsider jumping to that conclusion later. Each set of twins would always work as a team the pleasure their superiors. Now giving a double blow job wasn't that bad but when they were told about what a rim job was they all cringed at the thought. Especially when they were told that while one sister's mouth was occupied with a cock or pussy then the other sister's mouth should be working on pleasuring the ass hole. Naturally this put the task of having to lick and suck on testicles in prospective.

Granted all the slaves were to be trained to give rim jobs so technically this wasn't any thing that special for them. Still until the worst of their special duties was explained they felt it was the most humiliating. The shivers were still going through them when the worst of the bombs was dropped on them. This duty would change the way they all looked at their sisters for the rest of their lives and the one duty they would find themselves performing almost immediately after they were told about it.

The final exclusive duty they would have was to engage in lesbian acts with their sisters. Mind you not just occasionally but they were to pleasure each other at least twice a day. Once during their morning shower and once at night before they went to sleep. Farther more during their showers they were expected to wash their sister and vise versa. Then at night they were expected to hold their sister in a lover's embrace as they slept.

Brothel Whore 3567-B had already experienced the receiving of pleasure from another girl the same as the others and had technically already engaged in incestuous lesbian sex with Mistress 5367. Still the thought about having to have sex with her sister was unacceptable and by the looks of horror on the faces of Brothel Whore 3567-A, 3569-A, and 3569-B they were having the same feelings about the thought of having sex with a sibling one day.

Numerous thoughts and questions about having to perform such an act were freely flowing through their minds but probably the most important one hadn't even dawned on any of them yet. When this one was brought to the forefront they would have their horror reach new heights. However they would also learn that they would still be performing these acts as well as any others regardless of how they felt when they were ordered to eat out their sisters.

When the order of Mistress 3567 was met by four looks of shock she responded by activating the girls' shock collars. Instantly the four twins were rolling around on the floor writhing in agony. Mistress 3567 stepped the shocks momentarily to allow the sisters to recover. Though once she felt they had recovered Mistress 3567 turned the collars back on at the next level filling the room with their screams as their thrashing bodies danced along the floor during the five second burst of electricity. Satisfied that they were thoroughly motivated now Mistress 3567 gave them a moment to recover before ordering them to proceed.

"Brothel Whores 3567-A and 3569-B on your backs with your legs spread. Brothel Whores 3567-B and 3569-A while facing your sisters' feet you will straddle your sister's faces as you cover their faces with your pussies. Brothel Whores 3567-A and 3569-B once your sisters' pussies are over your mouths you WILL start eating them out. Brothel Whores 3567-B and 3569-A once you each feel your sister's tongues you will lower your faces to your sisters' pussies and get to work yourselves."

It was long before the four whimpering slaves were in position and the sound the sound of their oral attentions towards their sisters could be heard amongst their whimpers and sobbing. Mistress 3567 had to admire how things were progressing when she heard their vibrators turn on and the sound of their moaning began to covering up the other sounds.

Mistress 3567 had to admit the sight of twin sisters engaging in a lesbian embrace was highly arousing so she was in no mood to complain when the man bent her forward and she felt his cock rammed up her ass. Soon new sounds of flesh slapping flesh along with their grunts had began to mix with the moaning that was coming from the sisters. As the man pounded away at her ass his asked her the following in a whisper.

"Which one of the sisters did she think would come first?"

Considering how easy it was to get Brothel Whore 3567-B to eat her out she initially would have thought her but given the way she had eaten her out Mistress 3567 had to say Brothel Whore 3567-A due to the fact her sister's talented mouth and tongue was being focused on her little cunt as they spoke. Still the four of them were still not far enough along in their training yet to make any predictions yet. Plus Mistress 3567 wasn't secure enough in her position within the organization for her to chance making a wrong prediction yet. After all it wasn't that big of a stretch for them to double cross her and back out of making her a Permanent Mistress within the organization since she'd already given them what they really wanted the sisters. Hell she was still a slave within the organization the same as the twins and by the fact even the mistresses and madams were only allowed numbers for identification instead of names told her that instead of being Mistress number 3567 she could be made into a worse type of slave easy enough.

What was happening to Mistress 3567 wasn't going unnoticed by the sisters. Brothel Whore 3567-B had caught sight of what her mistress was doing and to her discomfort it only added to the sexual stimulus she was feeling. Strangely she was more turned on by what 3567-A was doing to her pussy than by what she saw Mistress 3567 doing and soon lost interest to focus solely on her own task.

Once she had started Brothel Whore 3567-B found she actually wanted to give her sister a orgasm and increased her efforts. At first she thought it was out of fear but as the pleasure she was feeling from her sister increased it became more out of gratitude to her. This sudden intensification of Brothel Whore 3567-B on the pussy of Brothel Whore 3567-A made her intensify her own efforts as she licked her sister's pussy.

Neither of them knew which one reached climax first but before the sisters knew it they were both in the throws of intense orgasms. Strangely they both seamed to decide at almost the same time to continue to lick each other's pussies as soon as they calmed down some. Once they started back up they found that the sensations they were feeling were even more intense and found themselves on the edge of an even more massive orgasm.

As Brothel Whores 3567-A and 3567-B became oblivious to everything around them they failed to notice when Brothel Whores 3569-A and 3569-B brought each other to orgasm but their example wasn't lost on the sisters. As soon as they were able Brothel Whores 3569-A and 3569-B were eating each other out again. Soon the number of orgasms the sisters had began to blur into a massive orgasmic daze that left both sets of twins covered in her sister's vaginal fluids.

Mistress 3567 had been watching the incestuous spectacle while being sodomized and felt pride in how easy it was to accomplish. Granted once she saw how Brothel Whore 3567-B became oblivious to everything but eating her out she had suspected that all she would require was a push. Still how quickly the others had progressed was sure to reflect well for her within the organization.

So satisfied with how they were progressing that even after the tattoo master had deposited his load in her bowels Mistress 3567 allowed the sisters to continue. Even if they had a bunch of other slaves to process after this turn of events she was certain the delay would be forgiven. Besides the torment of these four were different then what was required for the others anyway. After all they could just focus on the hair removal piercings and tattooing of those slaves and not have to worry about subjecting them to forced orgasms after all.

Still they had other slaves to take care of and she finally decided to break this up. Of course that was easier said than done but a quick shock from their collars had all four of the sisters kneeling in the presentation position before her in no time. The four of their were a definite mess at this point especially considering the fact this little spectacle had shown that both Brothel Whores 3567-A and 3567-B were squirters and had coated each other during the course of their orgasms.

Brothel Whore 3567-B was on the verge of passing out by the time Mistress 3567 had stopped them and by the look of her sister and Brothel Whores 3569-A and 3569-B were in the same shape. She should of felt such shame for what she had just done but Brothel Whore 3567-B strangely couldn't wait to have sex with her sister again. This desire had also temporary pushed aside any fears about what they had planned for them.

These fears wouldn't stay pushed aside for long when leashes were hooked to their collars and they were forced to crawl in front of Mistress 3567 out of the room. Once they reached their destination they knew full well what was planned. Sitting along the wall was a line of toilets. Then there was the gym style showers but their destination wasn't the showers.

As they crawled towards the toilets they all knew they couldn't resist despite how much they wanted to. Soon all four of them were squatting over a toilet with Mistress 3567 pacing back and forth in front of them tapping her left hand with the riding crop. After crying so hard already they didn't think they'd be even harder but when the command to pee came their shame and humiliation reached new heights as they emptied their bladders. But this humiliation paled in comparison to what was coming next for them when the command to shit came.

Brothel Whore 3567-B was still recovering from the humiliation of taking a shit in front of everyone as she washed down her sister's body. Though from they way her sister was shaking she could tell that she was having the same issues at the moment. Brothel Whore 3567-B wanted nothing more than to take her sister into her arms and hold her so they could both cry out their shame but the orders Mistress 3567 gave the four of them before leaving them to shower were explicit.

They had just flushed the toilets when their collars, shackles, and even the vibrators were removed after they were shown around the room. After their collars and vibrators were placed on chargers they were ordered to shower of course that was after Mistress 3567 reminded them of the rules. Once they were under the shower heads Mistress 3567 ordered them to clean each other up then to use the make-up stations at the other end of the room to make themselves presentable. Then before she left them locked in the room Mistress 3567 ordered them to be done with these tasks and to be kneeling in the presentation position in front of the door when she came back.

There was a temptation with their collars off to defy their captors but after the four of them talked about it they reluctantly decided to obey their orders. Whore 3567-B thought it would have been awkward to wash her sister down as the four sisters proceeded to take their group shower. Though after everything else the four of them had already experienced so far they were used to this level of intimacy between each other.

Strangely here they were having such an intimate moment and outside of their own sisters they didn't know anything about each other outside of they were all kidnapped sex slaves. Deciding that it was only a matter of time before they were ordered to have sex together they should know how they they ended up there. While her sister was still to out of it to tell their story so Brothel Whore 3567-B told what she knew.

When she was finished Brothel Whore 3569-A told how they had ended up as slaves. They were living with their single mother when their mother started dating this new guy. He seamed like a nice guy and they were happy for their mother but something didn't seem right about him. Still since their mother was happy they ignored these feelings until it was to late.

Then one day he invited all of them to go on vacation with him. It had been years since they had been on a trip and the twins were getting ready to go to college so their mother jumped at the opportunity. However as soon as they were out of town they passed out only to wake up in those cages. They began to cry in each other's arms as they thought about watching their mother being raped and then they told the others of their fear of not seeing her again.

As they finished their tales and showers they weren't that willing for what they knew was expected of them next. That was until Brothel Whore 3567-A spotted the cameras and reminded them what happened last time they hesitated. So the four of them quickly assumed the same positions they were in the last time they pleasured their sisters. Being more experienced and without the mistress there they quickly guided each of their sisters giving them a nice orgasm and quickly moved to dry their sisters.

Grabbing towels they had almost started to dry themselves. However they had thought about how they had been already ordered to talk as one then to wash their sisters and decided to continue that pattern when it came to drying off as well as doing their hair and makeup. Sure they hadn't been ordered to do this yet but they suspected that the order was coming sooner or later.

So once they were dried off Brothel Whore 3567-A sat in her sister's lap while Brothel Whore 3567-B brushed her long blonde hair. Likewise Brothel Whore 3569-B sat in her sister's lap while Brothel Whore 3569-A took care of her hair. Once their hair was brushed and back in the pony tails the girls turned around so their sisters could apply their makeup before switching positions.

They had been given no orders on how they were to prepare themselves so technically outside of the pony tails they kept the make-up to a minimum. Granted with their looks none of them required much anyway. So outside of the basics the only thing they really bothered with was to be certain it was identical on each of their sisters. From the fact they were being kept together to their special orders and duties they all knew them being identical twins were important to this organization and none of the girls wanted to incur it's wrath.

So before they started the decision was made between the four of them that they would do whatever they were ordered to regardless of what the orders were. None of them were looking forward to any of it outside of some of the sex. Still if it meant that them and their sisters would be spared being punished then they would be the best sex slaves this organization had ever trained.

So when Mistress 3567 returned they were finished and kneeling in the presentation positions. Even as the rest of the girls from the cages crawled in ahead of her they didn't break position. Just as the three slaves that had been with them during their own training session had done the four of them didn't react at all to the presence of these new slaves. Sure it wasn't easy not reacting as these slaves suffered the same humiliation at the toilets but as much as they felt sorry for them they weren't their sisters.

After all the the only thing that any of the four them had left was their sisters and they would have to do anything to protect them. They even realized that one set of sisters would probably be required to do cruel and nasty things to the others at some point. So they decided that no grudges would be held since they knew if the roles were reversed they'd do the same thing. The only thing that they were concerned about was what they may have to do to their sisters. After all after they had been ordered to have sex with their sisters they figured other taboo things were in store for them as well and that was still serious grounds for concern for them.

Thankfully they also suspected such a incident wouldn't be happening today. So they should just worry about the current plans for them were and save the concerns about the future for later. Even once their collars, shackles, and vibrators were put back on they weren't considering what could happen tomorrow just any immediate tortures or humiliations. Unfortunately of the possible torments going through their minds having sex with their sisters in front of these new slaves wasn't one of them.

It started when Mistress 3567 ordered the two expected slave to partner with 3567-A and 3569-B. Next Brothel Whore 3567-B watched as the two of them began to instruct her sister and 3569-B in something called scissoring. However it was when they began to practice it that began to arouse 3567-B. Or more precisely caused her vibrator to turn on as she watched these girls rubbing their pussies against her sister's pussy and 3569-B's pussy. 3567-B almost felt a tinge of jealousy as she watched this but soon the girls suddenly stopped their demonstration for some reason.

This reason became clear to 3567-B when the girls partnered with her and 3569-A and began to practice with them. Sadly as soon as 3567-B had gotten into the sensations the girl separated from her. Though before she could comprehend the loss her sister was talking the girls place between her legs. As her pussy pressed against her sister's 3567-B suddenly understood what was expected of them.

Strangely as they began to grinding their pussies neither sisters felt any shame or humiliation. All they were concerned about was the sensations they were feeling. Even when 3567-B leaned forward and began to kiss her sister the fact they had an audience of shocked sex slaves watching them didn't even register. All they cared about was the pleasure they felt as the gyrations of their hips increased.

3567--B didn't know how long they had been at it when her sister cried out in orgasm. All she did know was she wasn't ready to stop as her sister began to pull away from her. However to her relief 3567-B was immediately pushed onto her back by her sister and when 3567-A lowered her pussy onto her face 3567-B understood what her sister was up to. As her sister's wet pussy lips got within reach 3567-B reached out with her tongue and began to lick.Before her tongue had made one pass over her sister's pussy 3567-B felt her sister's tongue delve into her own glistening folds.

Now thoroughly oblivious to everything but giving 3567-A as much pleasure as she was receiving 3567-B intensified her efforts. Soon she was lost in a world of pure sexual joy. Not caring about anything but the waves of pleasure as another orgasm hit. 3567-B buried her face in her sister's pussy as she cried out in orgasmic bliss sending vibrations from her screams to her sister. Before she knew it 3567-B felt an answering cry as 3567-A cried out in her own orgasm with her own face buried in her sister's pussy.

Not wanting to stop 3567-B quickly thrust her tongue back into her sister's pussy and began to lap up as much her her juices as she could. Before she could even process it however 3567-B felt her sister's tongue delve into her own pussy locking them into what felt like a never-ending cycle of orgasms. Blind to everything but the pleasure they were having the two of them soon lost track of everything as their orgasms began to blur into one massive climax.

3567-B was only shaken out of her daze when she felt her sister's cries suddenly change from those of pleasure to ones of pain. As her senses began to return 3567-B suddenly felt the stinging sensation of the riding crop striking her hip. As 3567-B began to process the sudden pain she heard her sister cry out again as she started to move off of her. Even as her sister was moving 3567-B felt the sting of the crop again and was spurred into motion herself.

One look at the face of Mistress 3567 as she pointed the riding crop at a spot on the floor told the two of them what she wanted. As the quickly got into the presentation position with the other slaves 3567-B caught sight of the other twins in the exact same lover's embrace she had just been in with her sister. However once Mistress 3567 delivered blows to their hips and asses with the riding crop they were soon in kneeling in the presentation position along side them.

As she saw the looks of shock on the faces of 3569-A and 3569-B as they looked at the other slaves lined up 3567-B was hit with her own realization. Her tears began to flow as the shame of her actions set in. When 3567-B heard her sister quietly sob herself she knew 3567-A was feeling the same shame and humiliation as her. 3567-B was soon in a losing battle with her own tears as Mistress 3567 began to connect short lengths of chains to each of the slaves' collars. Before she knew it they all had a length of chain running from the back of one slave's collar then to the back of another's. Once Mistress 3567 was done 3567-B found herself at the end of the line of slaves as they stood up and were lead from the room.

Many questions including where they were being taken, what would they do next to them and why were her and her sister the only ones without their arms shacked behind their backs were on the top of her list until 3567-B noticed that neither of the other twins were connected to them. Looking over her shoulder 3567-B saw the two sisters being lead away in the opposite direction and she began to fear that she wouldn't see them again. Even as the line of slaves entered a corridor with cells running down both sides 3567-B couldn't help to worry about the twins.

These worries however were pushed aside as one by one the other slaves were unhooked and pushed into a cell and the waiting arms of another slave already in the cell. Even as the doors of the cells were closed the newer slaves were forced onto their knees in front of their new cellmates. 3567-B didn't need any explanation for what was about to happen to them shortly. Even as the slaves she was brought with began to plead 3567-B was pushed into a cell along with her sister. As cell doer closed 3567-B was shocked to see she was alone with her sister in the cell.

3567-B looked at Mistress 3567 in shock as she gestured to the blankets rumpled into a bed on the floor. As she watched the mistress walking the line of cells 3567-B was already in her sister's waiting arms. Though as they comforted each other on the makeshift bed they heard the sobbing from the other cells as their companions were forced to eat out their cellmates.

As the sounds of the sobbing slave girls overwhelmed the confines of the cell the sisters pulled each other into a tighter embrace. Even while all of the other slaves were engaged in their lesbian activities the two them only held each other. Maybe it was they had already gorged themselves on lesbianism or out of worry for 3569-A and 3569-B or possibly out of the shame they felt after their last truest. Neither of the sister's were in the mood for sex. So they tuned out the what was happening in the other cells and clung to each other in silent contemplation of the days events.

Even as the sobbing of their fellow slaves suddenly changed into moaning as their partners began to return their lesbian attentions didn't shake them out of their trance. They even failed to notice when Mistress 3567 returned. Only as their cell door suddenly open did the two them snap out of their trance. Suddenly realizing who was standing in the doorway the two of them cowered tighter together fearing what she might do.

However her return was only to deliver the twins other cellmates. 3567-B felt a feeling of relief was over her as both 3569-A and 3569-B were pushed into the cell with them. As the door was closed they were quickly joined in their bed by the other twins. As soon as they were next to them 3569-A and 3569-B pulled each other into a similar embrace as 3567-B and 3567-A. As she walked away they heard Mistress 3567 say.

"It's bedtime slaves you know what's expected of you."

As in to drive the point home all four of them jumped as they felt the vibrators turn on. Before 3567-B had time to consider anything her sister pulled her into a kiss as she pushed her onto her back. 3567-B soon felt one of the other twins laying next her as their sisters climbed on top of them to continue the embrace. An unspoken decision had been made between the four of them that this time was going to be different. With their uncertain and definitely unpleasant future ahead of them they would have one moment they could hold on to where what they did was to express their love and not to cater to the passions of others.

Before it was about giving as much pleasure as quickly as possible now they moved way slower. Their fingers slowly glided across each other's bodies gently brushing across their sensitive nipples. Their kisses shifted from each other's lips to their earlobes to finally their breasts. Kisses were laid along their abdomens as they began to make their way lower down each other's bodies.

With agonizing slowness they finally reached their destination. However they focused their attention on the flesh surrounding their sister's pussies rather then immediately diving in. This was becoming an exercise in trial and error as the sisters learned what touches brought each other the most pleasure.

Strangely enough neither sister really wanted to be eaten out by the other so when their tongues finally found their way into their pussies they stopped each other and moved into another position. As their legs interweaved they pulled each other back into a even more passionate embrace. Soon their tongues began their own dance within their mouths as their hips began their own gyrations.

Soon their moans began to intensify as their hips' gyrations increased. Before long they were crying their joint climaxes as they finally collapsed exhausted into each other's arms. As they drifted off into a peaceful slumber they felt the other sisters snuggling up next to them.

Chapter Four coming soon
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