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This is a bit of a long one but tell me if you like it
Sophie sat in the lecture theatre, pen in hand, scribbling notes as her lecturer Dr Tim Spencer finished up his lesson on testosterone. Sliding her large glasses back up her nose, Sophie underlined several lines in the print out she'd made about the effects testosterone had on the male body and the various hormone suppliments that contained it.

"I think that about wraps everything up for this part of the module," Dr Spencer said, clapping his hands together. "Remember, if you have any questions, you can always email me and set up an appointment during my open hours."

Considering this for a second, Sophie bit her lip and tightly gripped her folder before joining the rest of her classmates who were now noisily making their way out of the lecture theatre. Sophie, however, made her way to the front where Dr Spencer was alone and logging out of his computer. With a final tap of the enter key, he looked up at Sophie and a smile spread across his face. It was a glorious smile, one that fit his firm jaw perfectly and caused a glint in his hazel eyes. He flicked a strand of blonde hair that had strayed in front of his eye before asking
"And how can I help you today, Miss Greenwood?"

"I loved the lecture," Sophie began, just as she always did, "and I was wondering how far you could push hormone suppliments. Like, people use them to gain muscle and to also help men with their sexual, erm, ability. I was just curious how far you could push that."

Dr Spencer acknowledged Sophie for a while. He was old, definitely over forty though not by much and had a build that was broad but not muscle bound. There was no one else left in the theatre and here, Sophie could really smell the musk that had made her mind wander all those months ago, going places they'd never been before.

"I've got a few hours free now if you want to talk, Sophie. Are you free too?"

Inside her mind, fireworks errupted. Trying to play it cool, she checked her watch before replying, "Yeah, I think I'm free. That's cool. Yeah."

"Excellent," Dr Spencer announced, "follow me then. It'll be easier to go through all your thoughts in the comfort of my office," Dr Spencer said, leading the way out of the lecture theatre and up the stairs to the Bio-Chem offices. Sophie gleefully followed. She knew the way, of course, but now she'd be able to spend a few hours talking to a dreamboat lecturer about science: heavenly.

Dr Spencer's office was incredibly tidy, something incredibly unusual for science lecturers it seemed. His office consisted of a large desk decorated with students' papers, a small collection of cacti, and a large computer screen. On his walls were various pictures of himself and his family as well as a white board scribbled on in many colours. Behind the desk was a large window currently partially obscured by some blinds. The pictures contained photos of Dr Spencer with whom Sophie could only guess was his wife and, because of other photos, several of his ex-wives. It made sense to Sophie for Dr Spencer to have a long line of women, maybe one day she'd join them. The very thought made her blush. Sitting behind his desk, Dr Spencer gestured at an empty seat opposite which Sophie quickly parked herself upon.

"So what's made you so curious about hormones, Miss Greenwood? If you're not talking to me directly, you're sending me emails about them. Not that that's a bad thing, of course, I'd just like to know what set ablaze to your imagination."

Sophie considered this for a minute before answering. "Well, Dr Spencer, I watched several programs about people using hormones in sport and it had various side effects so I looked into them and saw the countless possibilities there are but people are too scared to uncover."

"Well, there is the small matter of increased aggression and decreased impulse control. That could make some ethical difficulties within the experiment," Dr Spencer explained, sitting back in his chair. "No one will fund experiments that are unethical, not if you want to have a career afterwards." Sophie couldn't help but look disappointed. Her eyes fell to the carpet beneath her and a small sigh crept from her.

"There is some research being done right now about balancing the hormones so you can get very specific outcomes, though," Dr Spencer suggested, perhaps because of how sad Sophie must have looked, "I can send it to you if you want?"

"That would be excellent!" Sophie exclaimed, her imagination racing.

For the rest of the hour, Sophie and Dr Spencer talked about the hormone balancing treatment and using certain chemical inhibitors could cause the desired effects. He sent her the research papers he had and managed to get Sophie in contact with the team doing the research since Dr Spencer was so high up in the field. They had a bit of lunch before Dr Spencer was called by someone he refered to as "honey". Sophie excused herself, silently thanking Dr Spencer for his time before leaving the Sciences building and making her way back home.

Entering her house, Sophie hung her coat up on the peg and kicked off her shoes. Making her way straight upstairs, she threw her bag onto her bed, closed the door and began changing into her yoga pants and tank top. As she stripped, she imagined Dr Spencer was sitting on her bed and began putting on a show. She peeled off her tight jeans, bending over and showing off her butt and the thong that was snuggled quite beatifully between her smooth, toned cheeks. Standing up, she looked at the pretend Spencer and lifted her shirt off, showing off her white bra that held her full breasts. It sort of helped that this was an old bra, when she was a C cup rather than a double D, making her breasts almost spill out from the top of them. Sophie's Columbian mother helped her frame become curvy. She wasn't thin, at least Sophie didn't think so, but she wasn't too big either. She was content but that didn't mean she didn't want to change it in some ways. Sophie realised she wasn't fulfilling her fantasy but was now just staring at herself in the mirror, picking out her flaws.

Unclipping the bra, she put on her yoga pants and tank top and went downstairs to the kitchen. She shared the house with three others: Merryn, Hope and Daniel. She had known each of them since first year when they lived in the same flat on campus but Daniel was new to this house. He had fallen out with his house last year and Merryn had a fight with Jessica about a guy so she left, which ended out pretty nicely.

Merryn was hard headed when she had to be, she was quite tall with a larger build than anyone else in the house, even Daniel. She was the captain of the womens rugby team, meaning she partied hard. Hope was a gorgeous, thin, Nigerian girl. Her hair was tied into braids that fell to her butt, which everyone agreed was a marvel. She often went running and had an athletic figure. They often called her the African Goddess because she looked flawless though she wasn't vain, a side-effect of her christianity. Then there was Daniel, a city boy from up north somewhere. He claimed to have Persian ancestry but you couldn't tell, he looked as pale as they come. He had black hair that was cut short and, though he often ran with Hope, looked like he never went outside. Sophie didn't spend too much time with Daniel, he seemed awkward to everyone but Hope.

The loudest Daniel had ever been was when he had drunkenly brought a girl home and had what felt like unending sex with her for hours. Because of the way the house was laid out, only Sophie could hear the two of them; the slamming of the headboard, the moans, the slapping of his hand against her arse, the repeated line of "take it" that Daniel grunted with each slam. That night, Sophie laid awake and, after half an hour of groaning, began to play with herself. She couldn't help it. It had seemed that since being at university, she had become a lot more interested in guys though she hadn't done much other than a drunken make out session in a club. Sophie wanted more but almost couldn't bring herself to make the first move and guys saw her as too nice, even when they barely knew her, so she was often left with guys that were good enough in bed but didn't take charge. She wanted to be helpless sometimes, told she had to submit, have her arse slapped. She wanted what apparently Daniel was giving the girl in the room next to hers but she didn't know how to get it.

After making lunch, Sophie read the research Dr Spencer had sent her. She cycled through the papers, learning about the different effects of each hormone combination. CH615 seemed to allow the hormone cocktail to spur on muscle growth but not end up with the side effect of genital shrinking. LL431 created a surge in sexual energy and even seemed to increase the size of the male sex organ. It was, however, obvious that all of this had only been tested on mice and human experimentation wasn't due for several years whilst the research was fully completed. But Sophie still had questions, what about the inhibitions? Were they still there? You couldn't really test that properly with rats? And did it carry over to humans? It said the penis grew by 200% in both width and length but was that just with rats? 200% is only a few millimeters on a rat, would it be that severe on a human? Looking up the chemical formula of the hormone cocktails, Sophie began to realise she could probably synthsise them herself and possibly test them out. A plan began to formulate in Sophie's mind, one that would probably do away with her sexual problems. If she wanted her fantasy, she needed the guy to want nothing else but her and maybe, just maybe, she could do that now.

After talking to the right people, Sophie was able to obtain the chemicals and the lab space to synthesise LL431, the chemical molecule that offered the most intrigue. She managed to produce nearly three litres worth of solution which she kept in sterilised coke bottles that were now kept under her bed where it was cool. Now she just needed to test it out and she was living with her own guinea pig. First, she needed to see how well endowed Daniel was before the experiment so Sophie set up some cameras both in his room and one in the shower, looking through the gap in the curtain. The first night after installing them, she stared at her computer screen, watching Daniel in bed. He sat above the covers in his boxers for a while, staring at his own laptop. Sophie switched cameras to see whether she got a better angle from the top of his wardrobe and from there, she could see the slight bulge in his underwear.

Soon, he began to play with himself under his boxer shorts, tugging at his growing penis. Watching this, Sophie began to get hotter and hotter. She reminded her this was for science but a deep part of her couldn't help but get off on watching him. As Daniel's hand stroked his still hidden shaft, Sophie began to feel the heat between her legs and started squirming. Daniel's gaze was now fixed firmly on the screen and he looked hungry as he typed away with one hand and pulled his cock out with the other. Now Sophie saw it for what it was and though it wasn't small, it wasn't that big either. She guessed that it would probably be about 5.5 inches in length and just over an inch in width. As his hand slid up and down his dick, Sophie saw it was slightly curved up and began inagining what that would feel like. The last person she had had sex with was about his size though his dick was straight as a pencil. What would this feel like inside her? Without fully being aware, Sophie slid a hand down her yoga pants and began to play with her now wet pussy. On the screen, she saw his pace increase and she met it, flicking her fingers across her desperate clit to his rhythm, as if she were riding on top of him, pushing her body against his as he stuck his dick deep within her. Suddenly, Daniel tensed up and from his dick spurt pools of cum, caught in the tissue Daniel was holding. Seeing such volume and imagining that shooting into her pushed Sophie over the edge, an orgasm rippling through her. She even had to bite her lip hard to not let out a moan that Daniel would definitely hear. As her eyes opened, she saw Daniel clearing himself up and decided that science didn't need to be cold, it was ok to get something out of it for yourself, sometimes. With that, she exported the movie to a file on her computer and set it to begin recording in the morning too. She'd get some shots of him in the shower to cross reference with this footage but soon, the experiment would really begin.

After a day of footage was recorded, Sophie set out with her plan. She noticed that Daniel never locked his door and planned to use this to her advantage. As night fell on the second day, she took out a syringe and filled it with the LL431 formula, making sure to get rid of all the air bubbles. It was around 1:40am and Sophie had watched Daniel for the past hour to make sure he was really asleep. He had masturbated again though Sophie had refrained from joining in, for science. Creeping out of her room, she entered the quiet hall. To her right, was Hope's room and Sophie was sure she was fully asleep by now; somehow she managed to get to sleep before 12 every day and wake up at 6am looking perfect. Merryn's room was downstairs though she wasn't in it. She was out celebrating a rugby win with the rest of her team and probably wouldn't be back before 4am, if at all. The only person awake in the house was Sophie now, and she needed to keep it that way.

Placing her hand on the door handle, Sophie slowly turned it, praying it didn't make too much noise. She heard the slight click as it opened and pushed it gently open to reveal Daniel spread eagle in his bed. Sophie licked her lips, excited about the next few weeks and what they'd bring. As she tip-toed across the room, she thought about where these steps would bring her: to glory and fame in the scientific community, to Dr Spencer's mind where he'd marvel at her greatness and bravery in the face of scientific ethics, to the new frontier of hormone suppliments and enhancements where she would be queen.

Feeling the syringe in her hand, she peeled back the covers from Daniel's body, revealing his body to be clad only by his underwear. With her imagination racing, she plunged the syringe into his thigh and squeezed all of the formula into him. Daniel twitched, making Sophie freeze for a second. Though he sunk back into a slumber which left Sophie free to take out the syringe and place it in its packaging.

Now was the hard part. For the formula to work properly, it had to be stimulated and though living with three girls might give Daniel the occasional thought, he wouldn't masturbate until the next evening and by that time, the formula wouldn't be as potent. So, as gently as she could, Sophie stroked Daniel's penis through his underwear. Almost immediately, it began to spring to life, pulsing with an energy Sophie hadn't observed before. It was swelling before her very eyes, pushing the material of his boxers out and filling her hand. Intrigued, Sophie nimbly pulled his dick out from his boxers to see the effect in full and she wasn't disappointed. Even now, his penis looked far bigger than it had on the videos, longer and thicker and coursing with energy. Placing her face up to it, she could feel the heat flowing from it as well as the smell; enticing and arousing at the same time. It looked so tasty and why wouldn't she want to collect as much information as possible? Mustering up the courage, she extended her cautious tongue and lapped the now red head. It tasted slightly salty but satisfying too. She licked it again and again, this time all the way up his shaft, taking in the flavour. She only realised that her eyes were closed and her lips were fully around his dick when she heard Daniel moan. Immediately, her eyes opened and turned to his face. Beneath her, he began to stir, filling Sophie with dread. Darting out of the room she closed the door enough for it to look shut but not to click and stood on the other side of it, listening for any more noise. Seconds passed and there seemed to be a confused grunt from inside of Daniel finding himself out of his boxers and incredibly erect though no steps towards the door. Believing herself to be safe, Sophie retreated to her room, the taste of Daniel's dick still on her tongue. As she closed her door, she realised how wet she was. Her thong was soaked from the excitement and a plan began to hatch inside Sophie's mind. She needed to keep stimulating Daniel's erections if they were going to see any improvement at all and now she had the means to do so. She felt so clever, so inventive, so... aroused. This was going to be enlightening.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-10-23 19:20:26
Good stuff - keep it going please!

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