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It was Friday night and, as usual, Julia had worked hard all
day at being the virtuous wife. She had tried not to
fantasise, as she did on most other mornings during the week,
and had not fingered herself or even opened the drawer where
she kept her vibrators, a dildo and a number of other kinky
and exotic sexual devices buried under her stock of pretty
lingerie. She had avoided any contact with good-looking men
and sweet young boys. She had worn slacks and flat shoes and
had stayed indoors most of the day with no makeup on and her
thick, dark, shoulder-length hair tied back with a plain black

Still, she thought as she washed up the dinner dishes, one day
of sexual abstinence was worth it for the freedom it gave her
from Monday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday were the days
when Henry, her almost paranoically jealous husband, 10
years older than she, exerted his conjugal rights over her. On
Friday in particular, he would be suspicious if she did not
respond with her usual panting, squeaking, squealing and

Cheating on Henry, especially when he was around, turned Julia on. She had cuckolded him at least twice a week for as long as they had been married, but she had never been able to deceive him into thinking she was enjoying being
shafted by his cock when she wasn't. She had tried it once
early in her marriage when one of her regular lovers
had fucked her to exhaustion one Friday afternoon. At night
she had pretended to have an orgasm, but Henry knew she was
having him on and there had been a huge row after he had
accused her of getting it off with someone else, although he
could prove nothing. But Henry was like that – prudey, self-centred, and jealous as hell, but also dull as dishwater.

Julia peered into her Friday dishwater as if it were a crystal
ball. She could predict almost to the minute what would happen
to her tonight. Henry would suddenly announce it was time for
bed and switch off the television, his main evening occupation
after his newspaper, whether or not she was watching it.
Upstairs, she would don one of her thin, sexy nightdresses,
worn only on Fridays and Saturdays, and washed on Mondays for
the next ritual performance. And instead of roughly plaiting
her hair as usual, she would brush it till it shone and dab
his favourite perfume behind her ears and between her tight
little breasts.

The two had twin beds and she would be lying on hers, usually on her side with the
covers down when he emerged from the bathroom, reeking of the
cheap aftershave he always insisted on buying - probably, so
Julia surmised, because some leggy young secretary at the
office had told him it was "sexy". Her presents of other
brands stood unused in the bathroom cabinet. She had taken
back the one that turned her on the most and given it to another of her favourite young men but, typically, Henry did not even notice it had gone.

Then he would climb into her bed and take off his spectacles, fold
them and lay them neatly by the bedside lamp. Turning to her
he would start to feel over her slender body through her
diaphanous nightdress. Always he would make some crass remark,
such as "Real cock-stiffener that", and chuckle at himself for
being so daring.

It was when he put his arm round her and turned her towards
him that it became vaguely interesting for Julia to speculate
whether he was going to mount her "missionary" style or, as
she much preferred, to turn her over and take her from behind.
But first there was the foreplay, Henry nuzzling her neck and
saying what a turnon her perfume was - although it was always
the same. Then he would kiss her and Julia would dutifully
stick her tongue into his mouth.

At this point she always closed her eyes and imagined she was
being kissed by some man who had aroused her
violently earlier in the week. This was essential in order to
get her nipples stiff before Henry's programmed fondling
reached her breasts.

If there was any danger of her nipples not responding, she
would get her hand down between their bodies and start to
masturbate him sooner than usual, skilfully stripping back his
foreskin so that his bare glans rubbed against the
soft material of her nightdress while she jerked her little
fist up and down his cock. In extreme cases she would push him
on to his back and go down on him immediately with her

Julia was a compulsive cock-sucker. Just the feel of a man's
warm meat throbbing in her mouth excited her almost to orgasm.
Henry loved the way she sucked, but he was too naive to
realise that her skill must have been acquired from years of
regular practice with many other cocks. In fact, she had
developed her technique with every boy she could lay hands on while
still at school and since then she had sucked off scores and scores of
men and boys.

Before her marriage, when Henry lived in Barencester and
had a landlady who did not allow visitors of the opposite sex,
Julia had jerked and sucked him off on almost every date.
Using her hand or her mouth to make him come in semi-public -
in back-streets and doorways, in bus shelters and cinemas -
turned her on tremendously and the egotistic Henry soon had the quite
mistaken idea that she got her sole satisfaction masturbating him. In fact, it merely aroused in her a sleeping serpent of insatiable lust, and after she had left him, her hot moist cunt itching for cock, she often picked up someone on the bus back to Innbury and fucked in wild lewd abandon in the local park or in the woods near her home.

But Julia liked Henry's cock and loved to suck it. It was thick
and just long enough to reach her throat, so that it filled
her mouth completely. The only problem was that, at the moment
of ejaculation, he always grabbed her head and unloaded his
sperm into her mouth. It wasn't a big problem, because Julia
was a sperm freak - "spunk hungry", the boys at school used to
call her - and the more she got the more she wanted. She
didn't mind swallowing a boy's spunk if it really turned him
on - she adored the silky feel of it in her mouth - and, in any case, when Henry was ready to come, she was usually so hot and eager for it she didn't really

But what she really wanted when she jerked or sucked someone
off was to watch him coming, to see all the spunk he had made
for her spurting out of his cock all over her. She loved
the feel of it on her face and once when she had been sucking
Henry and had fingered herself to a frenzy, she asked him
hopefully if he wouldn't like to come in her face for a
change, but he had told her not be so "dirty" and, as usual,
he had pulled her head into his groin and squirted into her

Julia knew then she need never ask him to do anything really
dirty to her, in particular to fulfil one of her kinkiest
fantasies - to make someone squirt come all over her best
black cocktail dress. That, she knew, was really perverse, but
she had always been violently aroused by the sight of sperm on
her clothes, ever since her schooldays, when some boys had
tied her up and abused her in the boys' toilet while they
jerked their come off on her black gymn slip and stockings...
She shivered as she recalled the mixture of disgust and
intense excitement she had experienced then and ever since
when it happened by accident or on purpose.

Her wandering thoughts returned to the evening ahead. In bed Julia was always thankful if Henry took her from behind, because it was easier for her to imagine she was being fucked by someone dishy and dirty like her sister’s husband Jules, who could always shag her into hysterical multiple orgasms. When Henry’s cock finally slid into her and he began to do it to her, Julia would close her eyes
again - initially at least - imagining the prick of someone else. And, if she could make the fantasy real enough, she would eventually come in the kind of squealing, writhing orgasm Henry always expected of her.

With a smug smile of self-congratulation, he would then
continue pumping his prick in and out of her until, gripping
her firm little buttocks, he would squirt his spunk deep
inside her, where she could see nothing and feel nothing.
Finally satisfied, he would abandon her and climb into his own bed, rolling over and falling asleep almost immediately.

When he was snoring, Julia would get up and in the toilet she would indulge in the
fantasies she had denied herself all day - fantasies about
tall handsome men whose cocks were stiff and aching with lust for her and whose balls were bursting with spunk, or about smooth, naked young boys trembling with desire as she watched them masturbate for her. Panting with excitement, she would finger herself off to a gasping climax before returning to bed...

As she began to scrub the last pot of the evening, Julia
suddenly thought “Why shouldn't I have a little fun before I
go to bed with this dull, jealous tortoise! If I could only see a
sexy man and watch him get stiff for me, it would make it all
so much easier to bear.”

And so, as she dried the dishes and looked at Henry ensconced
in "his" chair reading his infernal newspaper, Julia decided
on a bid for Friday freedom, however limited.

"Is there anything good on television?" she asked innocently,
knowing full well that he had already scanned the programmes
and found nothing to his taste - football or Westerns or films
with girls in flimsies. He responded in the negative and carefully, with an air of naivety, she said, "Why don't we go down to 'The Stick' then for a drink..." And she added, in as seductive a tone as she could manage, "...before we go to

“The Stick Inn” - so named because of its famous pub lunches -
was Julia's favourite bar. It was the haunt of airmen from the
U.S. airbase and young soldiers from the army training camp
nearby, and it was always full. She often met her girl
friends, the “Valkyries”, there and one day, after they had
“entertained” some Americans in turn in the toilet, they had
renamed the bar the “Stick It Inn”.

To Julia's surprise Henry agreed to her proposal, presumably
thinking he would be there to keep her eye from roving. By the
time she had made up, changed into a smart blue suit and thin
white blouse that barely concealed her bra, and had smoothed
on to her slim, graceful legs a pair of enticingly frail,
honey-coloured stockings, it was getting on for nine o'clock.

When they finally arrived, the bar was smoky and crowded as
usual. They sat down beside another couple at the only table
they could see with free chairs. After a few drinks the four
fell into conversation and Julia could see that the woman, who
was a little tipsy, fancied Henry a lot. Her husband was in
his early forties and quite good-looking. If there had been
any chance of a swap, Julia would have opened her legs for him
readily - but she knew Henry was far too much of a prude to let
him screw her, however much he wanted the woman.

The man fancied her all right, she was sure of that. But she
avoided the eye contact he was constantly trying to make with
her. In the meantime there was more than eye contact going on
between his blonde wife and Henry. From the way she was
sitting and shifting about in her seat, Julia knew from
experience that, under the table, she was rubbing her high-
heeled shoe between Henry's thighs.

But Julia didn't care. She had come out for some excitement
before the weekly boredom of being fucked by her husband - and
already she had a good idea of where to find it. When they had
come in she had noticed a bunch of young soldiers crowded
round the door leading to the telephone and the toilets. They
kept turning to look in her direction and she knew
instinctively they were talking about her, appraising her body
and probably her sexual potential. The idea excited her
tremendously and, knowing she would have to push past them to
reach the door, she decided to go to the toilet. She was sure
they would try to chat her up and, who knows, maybe give her a
surreptitious feel as she squeezed past them.

So the next time Henry got up to fetch some drinks, she
excused herself and pushed towards the door through the crowd.
As she expected, the soldiers jostled round her when she got

"Hi, foxy lady, what's your name?" said one, while another
made kissing noises at her.

She laughed breathlessly. "My name's Julia and I want to go to
the toilet. Let me through... please."

"Want any company?" another asked.

Julia's soft hair, freshly shampooed as usual for Henry's
weekly screw, swung easily round her shoulders as she twisted
her head round to look at the questioner. He was about 20 and
very good-looking. Her eyes flashed and flirted boldly with
him, as if to say she wouldn't mind his company any day in a
toilet. "Thanks all the same. I think I can manage
myself - this time," she said as saucily as she could.

There was general admiring laughter which drowned out
something the soldier said to her about "the next time". He
was standing between her and the door now, and he spread his
arms to stop her getting through. One of his mates pulled him

"Let her go, Joe. Or d'you want her to wet her knickers for
you?" They all laughed again and parted just enough to let her
pass. As she walked down the corridor to the toilets she felt
their eyes on her. She looked back and laughed, for they all
had their heads poked round the door to watch her progress.
She pushed her hair back provocatively and continued down the
narrow passageway, adding a soft seductive swing to her slim
hips that made her buttocks move suggestively under her blue

"Sexy bitch!" one of the boys groaned. "Just look at those
fabulous legs! I could lick them all the way up to her cunt."

"Bet she's got a really tight little hole," another speculated
as Julia disappeared into the toilet with a last teasing
glance back at them. She had already begun to fantasise that
they would follow her and abuse her sexually in the ladies'
room. As she sat on the toilet seat she squirmed at the
thought of them crowding round her, offering their stiff,
quivering cocks to her mouth and hands. She began to circle
her middle finger on her throbbing clit as she decided she
wanted to jerk Joe's spunk off first...

They were waiting for her when she came back. This time, when
they crowded round her, obscuring her slender little body from
general view, she felt hands groping secretly on her thighs
and buttocks.

"Oh, don't touch me... please!" she gasped, squirming more
from pleasure than protest. "You're making me randy." Joe
slipped his hand round her and pulled her against him.

"How about a little kiss, Julia?" He was a whole head taller
than she was and reluctantly she twisted her head away as he
bent his down to nuzzle her perfumed throat with his mouth.
Someone was behind her now rubbing his crotch on her buttocks.
Through her skirt she could feel his erection lengthen and
stiffen and, panting softly, she instinctively circled her
tight little ass against it.

Her assailant gripped her trembling thighs and bent his head
down to her ear. "Ever been fucked in your pretty arse?" he
whispered hoarsely into her hair.

"Oh, don't...," Julia moaned in despair. "My husband's over
there!" Joe took her hand and tugged it down between their
bodies to his crotch and rubbed it over his erection.

"Is his as big as that?" he whispered. She felt herself being
carried away on an irresistible tide of lust rising swiftly
inside her. Desperate to stay in control of herself, she tried
to free her hand, turning as she did so to where Henry was
sitting. Suddenly her heart stopped. In a brief gap between
the jostling bodies she saw him looking directly at her. An
icy shiver of excitement crawled up her legs and through her
body to the roots of her hair. Impulsively, still looking at
Henry, she began to fondle Joe's cock.

"Hey! That's it," he breathed. The bodies shifted briefly and
another thrill went through her as she saw Henry again. The
idea that he would look at her while she was jerking off a
total stranger excited her enormously. With a little stifled
moan of arousal, she tugged down Joe's zipper, worming her
hand into his trousers to extract his throbbing erection. He
stiffened in surprise.

"Give me it," she panted. "I want to jerk it..."

"Jesus Christ!" he gasped as it unfurled into the coolness of
her hand.

The ring of bodies tightened around the couple as the others
realised what she was doing. "Christ! She's really cock-
happy!" someone said. "Let's take her to the john!"

"Want that?" Joe asked her.

"No..." Julia whispered breathlessly. "I want to do it here...
like this..." She slid his foreskin back and twisted her
slender fingers round the root of his prick. Slowly she began
to masturbate him.

"My God, the sexy bitch is wanking him off!" someone whispered
to his mate at the back, and they craned forward, hoping to
catch a glimpse of Julia's little hand as it picked up speed,
pumping swiftly up and down Joe's rigid, rippling muscle with
a screwing, twisting motion that showed she had done this
countless times before.

"Hey, boys, she's a left-hander!" one laughed nervously,
sliding his hand up under her blue jacket, fingering the ridge
of her bra strap through her thin nylon blouse as her left
elbow jerked back and forth, brushing his tunic. The soldier
directly behind Julia moved round to her other side.

"If you're a left-hander, then put your right one round that,"
he grunted, catching her free hand and trying to bring it to
the bulge in his trousers. She pulled her hand away and used
it to push him to one side a little. "One at a time," she
panted. "Let me see... over there... I want to keep an eye on
my husband..."

Thinking she was afraid of being caught and might stop before
someone else had a turn, the soldiers stood where Julia wanted
them to be in order to catch an occasional glimpse of Henry's
head. Each time she saw him she stopped and quickly licked her
palm, making Joe gasp as she screwed it briefly round his
slippery knob, sliding it slowly through her forked knuckles
before she began to jerk her fist on him again.

Finally she squinted up at him expectantly. "Like it?" she
panted softly. "Making spunk?... Uhh?"

"God, yes!" he gasped. "Don't stop. I'm going to come in a

Julia shivered violently as her hole contracted and oozed into
her knickers in her excitement. Her fragile stockings began to
rasp softly as she rubbed one leg up and down the other to
soothe the hot, pulsing itch in her cunt. Warm bodies and
groping hands were supporting her now as she swayed
precariously on one slender high heel, clenching her thighs
feverishly while she masturbated the handsome young soldier
relentlessly, eager for his spunk. She turned her head again
to squint at the gap the boys had left for her, desperately
trying to refocus her eyes on the spot where Henry's head kept
appearing. Now more than ever she wanted him to look at her,
when the cock she held began squirting warm slime into her

She looked up at Joe again. "Come on then... spunk me!" she
hissed, gritting her teeth as she pumped his erection
frantically towards ejaculation. It passed briefly through her
mind that his sperm might squirt through her hand on to her
skirt. The idea excited her even more. "God, give it to me..."
she whimpered. "Give me a lot... It... it turns me on...!"

"Yeah, give it to her Joe! Give her a real handful," someone

Her wrist was aching but now she could feel the muscle
twitching violently in her grasp and knew the spunk was on its
way. Suddenly Henry's head came into view again. Julia sobbed.
"Look at me, you bastard!" she whispered to herself. "Look
what I'm doing to him!"

Joe's head fell back and his body stiffened and quivered. With
a gasp of triumph as she felt his cock spasm uncontrollably,
Julia gripped him underhand between forked fingers ready to
receive his sperm and, rubbing her thumb from side to side
over his glans, she slowly and firmly pulled him off.

"Awwhh, Jesus Christ!" he croaked. Henry turned his eyes
towards his wife again. As they met hers, Julia felt the
soldier's warm spunk squirt up over her wrist.

"Awwhh, yesss!" she whimpered, hooking one leg up and
clenching herself in a squirming paroxysm of lust. The slime
continued to pulse warmly into her upturned hand while Henry
watched. He was mouthing words at her but Julia didn't care
what they were. She slid Joe's slippery cock slowly to and fro
between her tight knuckles, milking the last of his load into
her palm. In a moment it was over. Henry's face disappeared.
She looked down at her hand. The spunk that had squirted up
her wrist had spilled thickly over the gold armband he had
bought her.

"Oooo-er, dirty!," she crooned with a perverse shudder of
pleasure. Joe watched as he tucked his cock away again.

"Like it?" he grinned. Julia laughed breathlessly.

"Uh-huh. Love it!" she breathed, eyes flirting with his.
"Thick... mmm... sexy stuff... the kind I like...!" She had
been on the very verge of an orgasm and she was still hot and
trembling with arousal.

She became aware of the soldiers jostling around her. Everyone
was trying to touch her, talk to her. "Wow!" "What a wank!"
"Show us what he did, Julia!" In the background she heard
someone mutter "Spunk-hungry bitch! Bet she sucks like a vacuum too!"

Someone was crouching on the floor beside her legs and she
shuddered violently as she felt his fingers crawling over her
stocking. With a sob and a scrape of her high heels, she moved
her feet apart, knowing the hand would soon move up under her

The soldier who had wanted her to do it with her right hand,
pushed in front of her. "Come on, sweetheart, me now!" he
panted urgently. Something nudged her thigh and she looked
down. He had exposed his huge curved erection already and it
was jerking to and fro against her skirt. A trail of clear
slime glistened on the blue material.

"Awwggh... my skirt!" Julia groaned, pulling back suddenly and
almost falling over the soldier who was fondling her legs.
"Give me a hankie first..."

He produced one and, shivering with arousal, she wiped first
her skirt and then her wrist and hand. Then she returned it
and willingly reached down for him. His cock was hotter and
thicker than Joe's.

"Mmmm, big hot dick..." she murmured as she worked the silky
skin up and down the hard muscular core, sliding her fingers
occasionally over the slippery glans. Her wrist began to ache
again but he had been masturbating while she worked on Joe and
she knew from the convulsive spasms in his cock that it would
not take her long to make him come.

The soldier on the floor had his hand up her skirt now, and
with a sob of pleasure she began to circle her hips wantonly
as she felt his fingers touch the moist slippery crotch of her
panties. Panting she turned her lust-drugged eyes in Henry's
direction, clenching the groping hand between her thighs. This
time she knew she would come if her husband looked at her
while the spunk was spurting in her hand.

He appeared in view again and with a whimpering moan Julia
rotated her hips faster, clutching the cock convulsively and
jerking it eagerly in short rapid bursts. Suddenly her heart
froze in panic. He was not watching her. He was getting up.

As she saw him pushing through the crowd towards the ring of
soldiers surrounding her. Julia released the cock she was
masturbating as if it had burnt her. "Put it away... quick..."
she gasped. "My husband's coming!"

The soldiers gathered round her even more closely to screen
her and the ring of uniforms did not open up for Henry when he
arrived. Inside Julia hastily wiped her hand on her skirt and
pushed her damp hair back into place. She was trembling all
over, not with fear but with excitement.

"Julia, come on. We're going home," Henry shouted to her
between the soldiers' burly shoulders.

"All right," she answered. "Just a minute."

Henry thrust his hand between the uniformed bodies and grasped
her slender arm. "Not in a minute. We're going... Now!" he
said yanking her out.

There were cries of protest and threats from her bodyguard but
Julia calmed them down. "It's all right," she laughed easily,
shaking back her hair and continuing to flirt with her eyes.
"He's always like this. Bye-bye, boys! Hope you all get what
you want. See you again sometime."

Henry half-dragged her to the front door and Julia stumbled
after him as best she could on her high heels.

"You won't be seeing them again - ever," he muttered as he
pulled her outside.

"Let me go, Henry," Julia wailed. "You're hurting my arm."

"I'll hurt more than your arm when I get you home!"

Suddenly she had had enough. She pulled her arm free. "You're
not getting me anywhere! What the hell am I supposed to have

"You were up to something with them. What were you doing? What
were you doing in the toilet?"

"I was doing what everyone does in the toilet - alone. They
were nice boys and they were just having a bit of fun." Henry
quivered with anger.

"Having a feel at you, more like, and you were letting them,
dirty slut!"

"Don't you call me a slut! The slut was that bitch at our
table." Henry flushed. "Oh yes! You needn't think I didn't
notice her rubbing her foot on your dick under the table!"

Henry defended himself hastily. "She tried to but I didn't let

"You mean she stopped when she saw she couldn't get you up,"
Julia taunted.

Henry suddenly saw red and struck her across the face with his
open hand. Julia clutched at her cheek and burst into tears.

"You bastard!" she sobbed. He realised he had gone too far.
Maybe she had just been flirting.

"I... I'm sorry, Julia. I didn't mean it."

"Fuck you!" she hissed viciously. "Get out of my sight! Go and
get yourself some whore to fuck tonight, because you're not
having me!"

"Look I've said I'm sorry. Now just come home quietly and
we'll forget it." But Julia wasn't having any. She suddenly
saw she had the chance of being fucked out of her mind by nine
horny young soldiers and she wasn't going to miss it.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. So just fuck off and leave
me alone or I'll tell these soldiers what you did to me."
Henry knew it was useless. Reluctantly he walked to the car
and after a last attempt at reconciliation he drove off...



2007-04-25 15:25:48
Ok so far. Now let's get dirtier.


2007-03-02 15:23:53
good so far. Part 2 please.


2006-12-21 16:38:51
its getting there, is there a part 2?


2006-08-15 21:51:38
Yeah! Good start. More, please. Tex


2006-08-11 02:08:08
Hip Hip Hurrah !

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