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Jahel and the Circle must travel to the tomb to cure Kodlak.
Skyrim Fanfiction pt.4 Harbinger by B.Sparks
Chapter One
Vilkas and Jahel walked cloaked in snow and shadow up to the fort that was lit by torches on the walls.They were crouched down in the snow waiting and watching the Silver-Hand on the walls.The ones guarding the walls weren't really paying attention to the outside of their fort while they went on their way.
The two started to move into the snow their bodies were pressed side to side for warmth as the wolves moved forward.They had been following the scent in wolf form letting the hunt call to them as they tracked the Silver-Hand to the last stronghold they held.It had surprised them how easy it was for Vilkas to follow her lead even though he as the one to suggest the attack.
They slunk from the shadows breaking cover for the first time but the guards were to busy warming themselves by the fire.They didn't see the brown and black werewolves coming through the snow towards the walls.
Once they were at the base of the wall they stopped lowering muzzles close to the ground.
They sniffed at each other and bared their fangs debating what would happen from here.Then with a glance between red and yellow eyes it was decided.
Jahel stood on her hindlegs and reached her clawed hands up forcing them between the cracks in the walls.With the added werewolf and vampire strength she started to climb the walls her head tilted low wth a growl as she moved.She could hear Vilkas mimicking her movements as he followed her lead.
When she got to the top of the wall where she could hear men talking and laughing,clearly celebrating their victory she stopped.She waited till Vilkas was at her side and then looked to him with a nod.
They had discussed the plan when they had finally found the fort where the Silver-Hand had been held up for the last few years.They would make their way over the walls and kill those outside in werewolf form so that they knew who was here to kill them.Then once they were inside the would become human again to go after the remaining warriors inside.
They had even tied their armor and weapons into pouches which could be slungover the shoulders of their lycan forms.
Jahel was ready to begin the slaughter and she could see that Vilkas had similar feelings to hers.They shared one last look before launching over the walls with loud blood thirsty howls which sent fear through the guards.They ran in panic at first some even tried to get there weapons out of their sheeths but it didn't work.
The Silver hand ran for the safety of the inside of the fort trying to get the doors closed behind them before the wolves could get inside.They were pushing the doors closed when the two Companions slammed into the door slamming the doors back against the walls.The two wolves crouched low stalking into the main hall.
They snarled at the warriors standing in the halls holding up their silver weapons and their makeshift sheilds.The looks in their eyes were those of terror and fear as they watched the two wolves walking closer.
The two wolves walked forward then split up going around the edge of the room pushing them into a small group.When they had pushed the Silver Hands into a tight group they attacked them.The warriors were packed so tightly that they couldn't swing their weapons out enough to give a proper defence against the claws and fangs.
Blood and gore were slung everywhere as the two werewolves tore into the warriors.
After that they changed back to humans and dressed themselves back into the armor they had brought with them.The two armed themselves turning to look down the hall leading further into the stronghold.
"By now the others know we are here this might not go as easily as we had hoped." Vilkas said with a sigh.
"Well I didn't expect easy when we came here.Let's just end this now and get rid of these men." Jahel said without any remorse.
"Very well.When this is done we will head back for the pyre." Vilkas said.
"Yes what will the Circle do about a Habinger?" Jahel asked as they started walking.
"That will be something we have to vote on once everything is settled."
"I understand completely."
The two held their swords at the ready and started to move into the fortress that was now oddly silent.They kept close to one another peeking around corners carefully but seeing nothing.The further they went into the stronghold the more they believed that they would be walking into a trap.
"I don't see anyone here do you?" Vilkas asked in a hushed tone.
"No but we haven't reached the main hall yet so there is still a chance that they are still here." Jahel replied without a smile."They wouldn't have left with the pieces would they?"
"No not with the Circle still having lycan members among us."
"Then that is where our trap will be waiting to be sprung." Jahel said pointing down a long hall.
The two stood shoulder to shoulder as they walked down the hall and approached the large wooden doors.Once at the doors they exchanged a look before pressing their hands to the locks trying to push open the door.They realized that the door was locked but not barred on the other side.
Jahel leaned down on one knee looking at the lock which she could tell was merely a lock forged by an apprentice at the most.She opened up her satchel and pulled out the lock picking kit she had in her possession.She slid the pick into the lock and then began to move it carefully along the inner workings.She felt the tumblers give easily as she started to move the pick and she smirked slightly when she heard it click.
"It's open.Whenever your ready sheild brother."Jahel said standing back up.
She held her sword easily and nodded at her friend.
Vilkas reached with his sheild arm and shoved the door open entering the room ahead of Jahel as she came in behind.
They were faced with a large number of Silver Hand soldiers and archers that had been waiting for them.The archers let loose a number of arrows made out of silver that Vilkas blocked with his sheild.He kept the sheild up as they moved slowly further into the room.
The Silver Hand members armed with swords,axes,and maces slowly approached the two Companions.
"Get us behind one of the supports and out of this barrage." Jahel said with clinched teeth.
"I'll try sister." he growled.
Vilkas made a final push with his sheild at the next barrage of arrows he had them behind the closest support for the hall.They kept there backs to the wall with their swords ready for the coming assault against them.They exchanged a look before peeking out at the slowly surrounding group of Silver Hand soldiers coming for them.
Jahel looked at the group them looked to Vilkas before she started to chuckle a bit.
"They don't seem to realize they are all going to die do they?" she said with a smile.
"You seem very certain that they are going to fall so easily."He said with a shocked look.
Jahel smiled revealing sharp vampire fangs and canines like a wolf.She had a feral glow to her eyes that was a little unsettling to Vilkas.
"I see that the species intermingled when you were turned by Skorge."
The two exchanged a look before Jahel turned to look out at the archers standing at the ready.She then looked back at her shield brother with a wide grin.
"I'll take out the archers if you'll keep the others off of me." she said nodding the way she was going to run.
Vilkas nodded his consent and the two held their weapons up at the ready. They then charged around the corner with Jahel running low and fast towards the archers. She saw them start to raise their arrows just as the other warriors turned to chase the two Companions, Vilkas immediately stopped to start fighting the others.
The archers turned to fire at Jahel but she was up on the next floor with them in no time.They turned towards her ready to fire but she could see time slowing as the arrows were loosed.She reached out with her hand grabbing the first from the air and slicing the other out of the air with her swords.
She had her hand wrapped around the first man's throat her hands like claws now as she squeezed them into the archers throat.She saw red even before she drove the sword into the others chest, her vision was becoming tinged with red.
She could hear the vampire in her telling her to rip out their throats and drink deep. She felt her heart hammering against her chest as she tore out the man's throat. She then turned to the other who had since the first attack drawn an iron dagger to try defending himself against her.
She ran at him and used her sword to bat the dagger away from her as she got in close to him.They sparred hard with each other trying to get the upper hand till she used her superior strength to over power the man.Her teeth sank into the exposed flesh of his throat easily and she began to drink.
Her body started to get a slight tingle to it as she swallowed the blood of the warrior. Everything suddenly became heightened her hearing,the smells, and the sights all became extremely clear to her.
Yes finally release.
The vampire rejoiced as it felt the blood flow through it steadily.
Jahel turned then to look at the battle below where Vilkas was fighting with the Silver Hand warriors while the leader circled nearby waiting. She could tell he was just waiting for Vilkas to drop his guard long enough to swoop in and end it all.
Jahel could see that her shield brother was able to fight off the other Silver Hands but she could tell he wouldn't be able to handle a sneak attack like the one coming.
Jahel leapt from the overwatch to the floor below and started making her way to the Silver Hand leader with her sword ready.She used her sword to cut through two of the other Silver Hands that got between her and their leader.She put little effort into the swing and she practically cut them in half as she moved.
That's it the power of that male will feed us.
The leader looked up as he heard his mens screams and his eyes locked with the dark elf's as she approached him.He lifted his sword and shield putting them infront of his body ready for her attack.Or so he had thought.
Jahel swung her blade hard into his shield pushing the man back a few steps as she pushed her way foward eagerly.She kept herself on the attack pushing the man back violently so that he would have to be kept on the defensive.When she pushed forward he finally got his shield up and pushed backk against her.The two were both knocked back a few paces from each other leaving enough room for him to hold up his sword.
"You have a good arm girl but that won't last long."he growled.
Jahel smiled with her fangs being very prominent which brought the man up a little short in surprise.He had expected nothing more then werewolves regarding the Companions the vampire among them startled im a bit.
"You see I'm not all that I appear to be."Jahel replied.
"So you aren't girl."he growled dropping his shield.
Jahel watched him take his sword in two hands moving in side steps around her keeping his eyes on her.He kept moving closer to her and she kept turning keeping him in her sights as well.
Finally he struck at the elf with as much speed and force as he could muster against her trying to get the upper hand with brute force.Jahel had to admit he was good the blow sent shocks through her arms as she held off his attack and made her wince a bit.
The other Silver Hands were working against Vilkas but as always he was doing well against the men.He kept them at bay and was leaving as pile of the dead behind the others.
Jahel's sword and the last of the Silver Hand's leaders fiercely as they battled for the others life.Their swords met with loud clangs and sparks flew from each meeting of the blades.
"Why won't you just die?!"he yelled bringing his sword down hard on the woman's blade.
Jahel dropped her sword low to the ground slidding her opponets sword off of her's and then bringing her's up harshly.She slung the blade hard against the side of the man's armor and she shoved the blade into his rib cage hard.
He gasped as the blade plunged into his left lung and he began coughing.Jahel held him close to her slowly pushing the blade a little deeper as she leaned her lips close to his ear.She felt the vampire blood start to recede a little as she spoke.
"You're kind are disgusting."Jahel hissed angrily."You killed a great man when the Silver Hand attacked jarrvaskr."
The leader coughed and tried to push Jahel away from him.
"This is our justice for him.Carry the name of Kodlak White-Mane into wherever you go from here."she said releasing him.
The man dropped to the floor with a final death rattle and Jahel turned to Vilkas who was finishing the last of the other Silver Hands.They looked at the bodies on the floor and cleaned their swords on the fabric of the fallen.
"The pieces of Wuuthrad should be in the chief's quarters."Vilkas said with a grim nod.
"Then let's finish this."Jahel said with a nod.
The two moved slowly to the chief's quarters at the back of the castle that had been the home of the Silver Hand.They encountered no one on the way to the tower that housed the chief's quarters.
It didn't take long to reach the room they were looking for.They pushed the door open and entered with extreme caution, worried traps would be laid out ahead.They didn't actually encounter any of the traps or difficulties they had feared when they arrived.
The room was large with stone walls and wooden supports visible around the room.The furnishings were simple a wooden dresser with matching side tables,there were even a few chairs and a bed.There was a chest sitting at the foot of the bed and when they looked closer at the chest they realized it was locked.
"This has to be where the pieces are being kept.Do you have your lock picks?"Vilkas asked glancing up at her.
Jahel smiled slightly bending down to peer at the lock.
"Should only take me a few minutes if you'll just watch the door."she replied "I admire that your okay with me carrying these."
"You are an honorable warrior from what I've seen I doubt you would of harmed anyone when with the thieves guild."
"It's against our charter to kill while in the guild.If anyone did there was a review of the case and we decided from there.One man was given over to the guards by Mercer who was unpleased with the outcome." Jahel replied with a gentle smile.
"Sounds like you agreed with the decision."
"The man killed an innocent during one of his robberies so I agreed whole heartedly with Mercer."
Vilkas nodded his head as he watched the door listening for any sound.
"Mercer turned out to b a killer himself."she whispered."We didn't find out about that till it was almost to late."
"How did you find that out though?"
"A man that stood to lose everything helped with that but that's better for another time."
Jahel fell silent as the chest lock clicked and she opened the lid.There she saw the padded lining where they had laid the pieces.She could see where they had laid the pieces carefully in the fabric.They had treated the pieces with respect it seemed and had been planning to send them away.
The two Companions lifted the pieces and wrapped them up in cloth they had brought for this purpose.Placing them in the bags they were ready to leave the now empty and ruined fort.
Chapter Two
When they arrived back in Whiterun it was to a black and somber air in the streets.All of the citizens looked at the passing Companions with sadness in their eyes.The two walked quietly past the citizens who moved out of their way respectfully.
"They know that Kodlak is going to have his funeral pyre tonight as soon as the sun sets." Vilkas said quietly as they stood on the stairs to Jarrvaskr."Have you ever attended a funeral pyre for a warrior?"
"No I can't say that I have the last burial I went to was in Morrowind when we entombed my uncle.Elves don't burn their dead in Morrowind."Jahel said with a shrug.
Vilkas grunted and shook his head "Your people never cease to surprise me."
Jahel shrugged her shoulders."I'm not saying I agree one way or the other but it's how my family believed."
"Will you ever take your mother to the tomb?"
Jahel seemed to stare off into the distance."I won't be returning to Morrowind I'm afraid.I may bring her to the hall of the dead in Riften one day."
The two exchanged a look of understanding then turned back to Jarrvaskr.
The two walked up the stairs passing by Jarrvaskr on the way tot the Skyforge where they would burn the pyre.When they arrived here was already a gathering waiting for them.
The Companions were all present at the pyre along with the Jarl Bulgruuf,his steward,and a few of the clan Grey-Mane,including Earlhund.All looked at the two late Companions as they went to join the other members of the Circle.Aela glanced around at the group and briefly locked eyes with Jahel.
Jahel nodded in greeting to the woman before glancing at the forge.Where the skyforge usually burnt there had been built a wooden alter over it,upon the alter lay Kodlak White-Mane the deceased Harbinger of the Companions.He didn't look peaceful like she always heard people say about the dead.He looked like even in death the beast wouldn't let him rest.
She felt her heart sink.He'd never see Savengarde now and she hadn't been there for him when he had needed her.
"Would anyone like to say a few words before we begin the ceremony?"Aela asked those gathered around them.
"I would," Jarl Bulgruuf said "Kodlak was a good friend to my family,he always had advice for me if I sought it and listening to his advice often saw me through some troubling times.He will be sorely missed by those who call Dragonsreach home."
"Thank you Jarl." Aela said "Anyone else?"
All were silent.
"Very well I guess we're ready to begin then."
Aela nodded her head holding the torchshe had carried a little higher.
"Before the ancient flame..."Aela began.
The other Companions joined in with "We grieve."
"At this loss.."Earlhund said.
"We weep." Everyone else answered.
"For the fallen.."Vilkas said.
"We shout."
"And for ourselves.."Farkus said.
"We take our leave."Everyone replied with a solemn nod.
Aela approached the alter and pressed the torch to the wood with tears in her eyes.
"His spirit is departed memebers of the circle let us withdraw to the underforge to grieve our last together."
The other citizens left the Skyforge and the Circle began to walk to the underforge with Farkus holding back to watch Jahel.
Earlhund approached her with a serious look on his face.
"Vilkas told me you have the pieces if you give me them I can start working on repairing Wuuthrad."Earlhund said with a sad smile.
"Thank you Earlhund."Jahel said giving him the bag with the pieces.
"I will work until it is complete then deliver it to the Circle."he promised.
"We will be in the underforge when you wish to join us."
Jahel turned to the stairs then started to walk away.She glanced behind her as she walked away and could see the smith watching the pyre burn he would probably be there all night.She kept moving towards the bottom of the stairs where she saw Farkus waiting there for her.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs Farkus grabbed her arm and pulled her tightly into his arms.His lips pressed hard to hers and his hands ran up into her hair pinning her to him.Jahel met the kiss eagerly and relaxed into his arms,by the time she was getting relaxed into the kiss he pulled away.
"Vilkas told me about the fort."he whispered."You two work well together but you both still could of been killed."
"We were careful I wouldn't put your brother at risk,you have my word."
"I was thinking of you actually."Farkus said "My brother is more then capable of taking care of himself."
"And I can't?"
"That's not what I was talking about."
She looked at the man and ran her hand across his hard cheek.
"I'll always come back to you Farkus."she whispered."Come on we should get in there."
Frakus nodded his head and opened the secret door to the underforge.The two entered the stone room slowly which gave Jahel time to take in the room.
The walls were gray stone,the floor clearly cobbelstone,there was a little alter in the center of the room shaped like a bowl, and there was also three pedestals in the room around the room.When Jahel walked further into the room she was able to see a narrow hallway going down a dark area.
Vilkas and Aela were already in the room looking over an old leather bound book with the bag of the Glenmoril witch heads sitting beside them.
"What are you two doing?"Farkus asked.
"Kodlak's last wish was to be cured but he died before that could be accomplished."Vilkas said.
"Though I didn't agree with Kodlak it was his final wish I would like to honor it."Aela said with a sigh.
"But he's gone Aela.How would we even cure him now,is that even possible?"Jahel replied.
"I did some checking in the old lycan books I and Skorge had collected over the years.If we take the witch heads back to the place where Ysgrammor started all this then we may can fix what was done to Kodlak."Aela replied."We may can save his soul."
"Then what are we waiting for?"
"We can't enter the tomb where the ritual will need to be preformed without Wuuthrad."Vilkas said "A whole and complete Wuuthrad not the pieces we have assembled."
"Earlhund is taking care of that hopefully."Jahel replied with a grim nod."If anyone can fix it then it's him."
"Until then we'll need time to prepare for the trip.The rest of you get some rest I'm going to join Earlhund in the vigil over the pyre."Aela said.
Jahel nodded "I'll see you in the morning then."
Jahel looked to Farkus and gestured over to the door he followed her out as did Vilkas.The three started to walk down the path to the front Jarrvaskr.They remained in silence till they reached the double doors.They paused and looked between each other then Vilkas cleared his throat.
"Will the two of you be staying her tonight?"Vilkas asked.
"I'll be returning to Breezenhome for the night I think it best the Companions stay together tonight.I'll see you both tomorrow."
Farkus looked at her with a slight shocked face but she leaned up to kiss his cheek softly.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
Jahel walked away from the twins moving back to Breezen hom but she stopped at the city watch office where the couriers also bedded down.She sent a message with the courier to Riften.
I need the guild to speak with the spies they have.Search and make sure the Silver Hands are dead if even one lives send word to me.
The courier set out then with he sealed letter to the leader of the Thieves Guild.
Chapter Three
Jahel woke early and was getting ready for the trip north to the tomb when there was a knock on the door.Jahel opened the door and there was a courier with a letter for her,she paid him and accepted the letter going back inside.She knew it would be a reply from Brynolf or Koraliah depending on who was responsible for the spies network now.
She opened the letter.
Our I will put our finest on your request Vex has asked to be resposible for the investigation.She says she will travel to the Imperial City where she last heard of the Silver Hand prior to the Skrim branch.I will send word when she informs me of her findings.
Ever your faithful servant,Brynolf.'
Jahel nodded her head then tossed the letter into the fire,knowing she had to hide any dealings she had with the guild.
Jahel looked up at the stairs and saw Lydia standing in the doorway.
"I'll be setting out for a specail mission with the Companions should something happen to me I've left something for you with the Jarl."Jahel said with a small smile.
Jahel finished getting into her armor then picked up her bag and sword.
When she arrived at Jarrvaskr she was greeted by the Companions and Earlhund Grey-Mane who were seated at the long table.They had a bundle sitting on the table covered in oil cloth and she noticed that it was quite large.
"Is that what I think it is?"she asked.
"If you think it is Wuuthrad then yes it is."Earlhund said "Myself and Aela stayed up all night to get this fixed."
"That's some of the best news I've heard in awhile."Jahel admitted."So what's the plan then?"
"We've been talking it over and we want you to carry Wuuthrad with you.We don't know what we'll find in the tomb so we have all made our arrangements if this goes badly."Vilkas said with a grim look.
"Alright.My arrangements are complete so whenever the Circle is ready we'll go."
"You still don't consider yourself a member of the Circle?"Earlhund asked.
"After Skorge it was made clear that I may not be meant for the Companions but I've decided to stay in Whiterun at the least."
"Seems fair enough I suppose."he replied.
The Companions exchanged a look then excused themselves to gather their things for the trip,it would take a least a solid day for them to arrive depending on their progress.When they regrouped in front of Jarrvaskr there was no one to see them off but that was the way they had planned it.
The old women were busy making plans for Kodlak's room by gathering his personal possessions getting them ready to be sent to his relatives.They would leave a few of his things behind as a passing to the next Harbinger which would have to be elected by the guild as a whole.
The four began their journey on the road north.

They arrived in winterhold as the moon was just starting to rise,they had no plans to stop for the night till they reached the tomb.They went passed the college entrance heading down the snow banks towards the water.
The college had been through a lot recently they had the college headmaster die under mysterious circumstances surrounding an orb they had found.Then they had a new student step up with his talent in magic to save the day.He found and defeated the murderer who had killed the headmaster.Then he returned the orb to whom it belonged and was finally named the new headmaster by the other teachers.
Jahel made note to herself to stop by and meet the new headmaster for future reference,you never know when you'll need a mage.
Once they reached the water they knew they would have to wade through to the other shore.Once there they climbed through the snow bank till they reached the top of the hill where the old tomb entrance stood.
The tomb was surrounded by old stone pillars and the domed top to the tomb.They arrived at the opening and pushed their way inside shaking the snow and ice off of themselves shivering.
"Farkus,Vilkas see if there is any dry wood to burn in a fire.We'll prepare something to eat and get the bedrolls ready.We'll rest then go inside tomorrow at dawn."Aela said with a sigh.
"Sounds like a plan then."Vilkas agreed.
Farkus and his brother began searching the corners of the tomb until they found what they were looking for.The fire was going in no time once they had gathered the dry wood.
Jahel in that time had laid out the four bedrolls while Aela had prepared the dried meats and cheeses for their dinner.It was a quiet meal followed by the four settling in in a close circle before going to sleep.
In the night Jahel awoke to see Frakus sitting up feeding the fire with some other dry material.He didn't look like he had been asleep at all that night.
"Do you wanna share a bedroll for the rest of the night Farkus?"Jahel whispered pu;lling back the blanket.
Farkus looked up at her and smiled briefly befrore moving in beside her.They had all taken off their armor to sleep but Jahel didn't realize how far with Farkus would go.Before crawling into bed with her he removed his shirt then crawled in.
She knew he was well built but when she hesitantly ran her hands over his chest and torso she finally got to feel every line of muscle.She could feel him tense under her touch as she ran her hands over him slowly.
"Your hands feel amazing."he said breathlessly.
Jahel smiled pressing her body against his chest which caused him to inhale sharply.
"Your not wearing anything under these are you?"he whispered in her ear.
"Not a thing."she replied with a chuckle.
Farkus moaned softly"This may have been a mistake."
"Why is that?"
Farkus gently took one of her hands and pressed it to the front of his loose fitting pants.She could feel his hard dick under the clothes and she felt her breathing hitch.She hadn't expected that so soon.
"Its been awhile."he whispered as if reading her thoughts.
She smiled rubbing her hand slowly up his length through his pants silently measuring in her head,a little over six inches.Farkus moaned softly leaning his head against her shoulder,pulling her shirt down low to wrap start kissing on her skin.
"We can't" he growled"They'll hear us and I doubt you want an audience."
"Just stay quiet for me Farkus."Jahel whispered.
Jahel gently slid her hand down his pants and wrapped her hand around his dick.She squeezed her hand tighter around his dick and she heard him sharply exhale.He started rolling his hips to try and get traction against her hand to increase the feeling.Jahel started pumping her hand up then down his length with a smile.
She began pumping slowly twisting her hands as she went up his length.His cock was large and she could tell he was enjoying the feeling.Farkus shoved his hips forward sending her hand down to his base as he leaned in.
"Harder and faster please.Your teasing me and that will not go well."
Jahel chuckled then gasped as Farkus started nibbling on her neck up to her ear.
She moaned into his shoulder then she started pumping her hand harder up his cock.
"Do they look like they are fast asleep?"Jahel asked.
"Vilkas is I don't know about Aela."he replied"Why?"
"Just stay as quiet as you can."
Jahel pulled back and slid down to his waist pulling his waist band down to release his hard cock.She smiled as she touched the cock and got a good look at it.
His cock was six and a half inches fully hard,it had a purple tint to it with the veins bulging like it was,and the head of his cock was weeping precum already.She hadn't been expecting this promising of a cock it was like nothing the elf men possessed.
Jahel carefully licked the head getting the precum on her tongue getting to taste it.He had a salty taste but at the same time she could almost tase how he smelled.With a brief pause to think about this Jahel then took the head into her mouth.She licked over it slowly then pulled it passed her lips to suck on the head.
She started to suck and then slowly started to slide her mouth down his hard cock.
Farkus groaned buking his hips up into her mouth.
Jahel smiled around his cock and started pumping her head up then down with increasing speed.Jahel sucked hard until her cheeks were hallowed out as she slid down to his base then back up.Jahel then took one of her hands and started to play with his balls rolling them around in her hand.
"Jahel your the nine don't stop."he groaned.
Jahel hummed around his cock and began to pump faster on his length before pulling off before sinking his cock all the way back in her mouth.She felt him start to buk wildly against her and she could feel most pf his cock shoving down the back of her throat.
"Jahel I'm going to cum."Farkus moaned grabbing a handful of her hair.
Farkus pumped a few more times into her sucking mouth before he began to cum.He shot load after load down her throat and he almost snarled as he felt her swallowing each load.He laid back breathing heavily as he took time to think about what just happened.
Jahel coughed a few times before wiping her mouth and cuddling up to his side.
"Well that was....different."she said with a shy smile.
"You didn't have...that was-fuck Jahel."he sighed laying back pulling her on his chest."What about you?"
"Shhh don't worry you'll take care of me later.Sleep now."
They cuddled close together and fell into a deep sleep relaxed in one anothers arms.
The next morning they awoke at the first light and dressed in their armor along with the others.They didn't know what was going to happen within the walls of Ysgrammor's tomb but they knew they had a nobel cause to drive them forward.
They got together and started to walk to the double doors.
"Everyone ready to go in?"Aela asked.
She received nods from everyone and she lit the torch pushing the door open.
Chapter Four
The tomb opened up into a wide chamber, in the center of that chamber was a large statue of Ysgrammor himself.Scattered at the statues feet were offerings that varied from bouquets of herbal flowers collected to pieces of old armor to gold coins.
The statues arms were held like he was supposed to be holding something and Jahel pulled the great axe Wuuthrad from her back looking up at the statue.Jahel approached slowly and stepped up onto the pedestal lifting the weapon up to the hands.
"Are we sure this is a good idea?We don't know what will happen when we put that back."Vilkas asked cautiously.
"We all established that we don't have a choice now we have to free Kodlak."Jahel said softly placing the axe into Ysgrammor's hands.
When she placed the axe into the statues hands she heard a slight click and then there was a loud stone grinding sound.She looked beyond the statue to where she could see a large stone moving back then to the side.The axe had been the key to the tomb.
The tomb opened up to a large chamber where stone coffins stood against the wall or laid in the middle of the rooms upper chamber.They could tell the elements had gotten into the tomb since it had been resealed years ago.Water that was four inches deep all along the room had gotten into the tomb.
"I don't feel right about going in there."Vilkas said stopping Jahel."I'm unclean with the beast blood I wish I could but ....I can't."
"Very well Vilkas.Remain here and guard the entrance we'll need a way out if this goes wrong."Jahel said quietly.
Jahel,Farkus,and Aela entered the chamber of tombs walking slowly into the center.
"I can't believe it this is his soldiers.The ones he first brought into battle with him."Aela said"They founded the Companions."
"Amazing but this has me worried about Draugr."Jahel whispered.
"I understand your worries but by this time it wouldn't be draugr we need fear.It would be,"Farkus said."Ghosts or spirits."
They exchanged a brief look then glanced around for a magic rune or ward that would awaken the spirits.They started walking a bit more careful then they heard a low moan behind them,turning the saw an ethereal being of blue step from a grave.
"Earn your right further Companions only th worthy may continue." the spirit said pulling an ancient ethereal axe.
"Well I guess that means trouble."Aela said pulling an arrow from her quiver.
As they watched the one ghost come forward they were suddenly aware of other ghosts crawling out of graves.They formed a circle around each other standing back to back weapons at the ready.
The ghosts were slow in their movements and waited for the others to surround them.They waited till all were in position and then attacked at once.
The three started fighting and began to swing in procession to where they were protecting each other.They could hear the others getting into the fights with loud growls and grunts.
They spirits were overwhelming the three pushing them back towards a corner.Jahel's blood began to boil through her veins and she felt her fangs pull out of her gums.Jahel gave a snarl and shoved forward into the leader of the spirits her clawed hand grabbing it's throat.
Jahel's eyes went red and she hissed at the Companion spirit tossing the foe back.She turned her attention to the others that stood against them.
"You are not just a beast."hissed one spirit.
"Vampire!"hissed another.
"No she's one of us as well."the leader whispered.
The spirits and the Companions slowly moved around each other tense, ready for the fight to continue.
Then they slowly started to approach one another.
They leader ran forward swinging the axe down towards them and the fight starts again.Jahel and leader began trading blows.When they started fighting they were slowly seperated and ended up with there own group of spirits to fight.
Jahel was disarmed by the leader of the spirits and then she was left with her claws to block the attack.Jahel slashed her hands across the exposed ethereal skin after a few moments the others were knocked back by the defense.
She and the others made there way back to each other keeping the ghost away from them.The Companions kept fighting putting the spirits down one by one until no more were there.
"You may pass."They heard the last whisper as it vanished.
"Well the worst is behind us right?"Aela said with a smile.
"Maybe."Jahel said with a shrug.
They proceeded to the end of the chamber where they could see the door to the next chamber.This one was covered in thick sticky spider webs that kept them from getting through the door to the next chamber.
"I hate spiders."Farkus grunted.
Jahel and Aela exchanged a smirk before they stepped forward to cut away the webs.The webs were sticky and hard to cut through but after a moment they got through.
Looking inside the room they could see that the spiders had been here awhile long enough for the giant eggs sacks she had laid to hatch.There were smaller spiders running around that were the size of skeevers and then there was the giant mother.They could see webs strung over the walls and that the other door waas blocked off by webs as well.
"Let's just get this over with shall we?"Farkus sighed.
Jahel nodded and the three ran into the room with weapons drawn ready to kill the frost spiders.They sliced at the smaller ones scattering them out of their way trying to reach the bigger of the frost spiders.
Farkus stuck back to slice at the smaller ones while Aela got herself close to the giant spider firing arrows into it's back.
Jahel went around the giant spider with her sword slashing and hacking at it's exposed legs.The spider turned towards her thrashing with it's legs but it kept turning to spit poison at Aela.While it turned towards Aela with a hiss,Jahel ran and slid up under the spider slicing the underbelly with her sword.
The spider let out a loud hiss as its blood and guts spilled out some splashing onto Jahel.
With a loud grunt she shoved the corpse to the side as it began to fall to the floor.Standing she could see that Farkus was putting the last of the smaller spiders to the sword.Jahel smiled but she could see that he was rather pale from the fight.
"Farkus you alright?"Jahel asked.
"Look I want to accomplish this but these spiders...I don't know what it is about the creepy crawlies but that just doesn't work for me."Farkus said."I'm gonna head back and join Vilkas."
"Alright then be safe."
Farkus looked apolegetic but then turned and walked through the other door.
"I guess it's just you and me then."Aela said with a sigh.
"So it would seem."
The two cut away the webs over the other door then proceeded into the tomb of of Ysgrammor.
They experienced no further difficulties to reach the tomb when they arrived they were surpirsed to find the tomb had a fire going.They paused in the doorway looking in at the vast tomb before them.They could see the weapons,armor and many offerings left at the tomb.Some of it no doubt the wealth Ysgarmmor had gathered over his years.
In the center of the room was a lit brazier with blue flames coming up out of it.Standing near the fire standing as if warming their hands was an ethereal being.
Jahel looked at Aela who nodded drawing her arrow from the quivver as the other went down towards him.Before Aela could follow her down an iron gate fell blocking the entrance from her entering the room.
"Jahel no it has to be a trap."she hissed.
Jahel motioned for her to be silent then walked the rest of the way down the stairs.Moving around the brazier she held her sword tightly then stopped recognizing the spirit.
"Kodlak what are you doing here?"she whispered.
"Well it's nice to see you as well Jahel although I wish it was on better circumstances."he said with a cheerful smile.
"As do I but I don't understand I thought Hirricine would take you.This was a rescue we were planning."
"It would seem here he has no power to take us."
"If you had lived as long as I you would see more Harbingers here avoiding the hunting grounds."
"I see.I have the witch head we believe that we can grant you peace still."
"If that is true then I can really go to Savengarde."
Jahel nodded and then pulled the witch head from the leather bag she had brought with her.She showed him the head then looked around.
"What do I need to do?"Jahel asked him.
"You will throw this into the fire and then my wolf spirit will come forward.Then together we will end it which will free my soul from this curse."he replied softly.
"Very well then."Jahel replied with a nod.
Jahel tossed the Glenmoril witch head into the blue flames and then turned towards Kodlak.She could see that the spirit was hunched over and comvulsing as loud growls ripped through the air.She saw a red misty spirit take form behind Kodlak and she recognized a wolf.
The wolf let out a loud growl and lept towards Jahel with it's fangs bared in anger.Jahel lifted her sword and blocked the attack holding the creature back from her.The wolf and Jahel stood for a few minutes as it tried to lean across to bite at her angrily.Jahel was trying to balance and was steadily falling backwards under the weight.
Jahel was losing it when suddenly Kodlak came forward to slice the wolf with his ethereal sword.
The wolf fell back and turned to lunge at the Harbinger who was standing at the ready with his sword.They started fighting running back and forth keeping each other at bay with weapons.
Jahel started running to aid the others who were trying to fight each other.Jahel sliced at the wolf's flank keeping the wolf off balance from the onslaught that the two Companions were giving it.They were able to back the wolf spirit away as it started to thrash and growl at the two.
She pushed the two back hard till suddenly it convulsed and fell to the floor the red mist fading away.
"Is it done?"Jahel asked softly.
"Yes I believe it is."Kodlak said with a smile"I already feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.Thank you Jahel."
"It was a group effort."
"You have good leadership skills you would make a fine Harbinger.Yes I think it is time that the Companions find new direction go now as Harbinger.I go on to Savengarde."Kodlak said stepping away."Maybe from Savengarde I can help those who still seek it's glories from the hunting grounds."
Kodlak vanished as Jahel watched him walk away and she heard the sound of the gate rising up.
"Did I hear that right did he name you Harbinger?"Aela ased arms crossed over her chest.
"It would seem like it."Jahel said looking Aela in the eye."Do you have a problem with that?"
"Now that you mention it no I don't.You've stood by the Companions even when I blamed you for Skorge.You could've just walked away."Aela said"I'm honored to be the first to say welcome Harbinger."
Jahel smiled slightly and nodded still a little unsure of whether or not she liked the title.She didn't really know if a former thief needed to be the leader of a guild founded on honorable ideals.She looked around the room and walked up to the stone sarcophagus that held Ysgrammor.
She could see the possessions he had been entombed with lying around his crypt.She saw one specifically that she recognized as a shield.It had carved runes on the face of the shield with a symbol on the front that was the orginal Companions symbol when they faught the elves.
"Your welcome to remain I'm heading back to Jarrvaskr."Jahel said turning around.
"Alright I believe I'll remain awhile longer see you back at Jarrvaskr."
Jahel left Aela to her exploring knowing that she would return when she was ready to do so.She wasn't worried about her.
Jahel walked back out of the tomb and joined the twins back out in the first chamber so that she was back at the entrance.When she arrived they looked at her worried.
"We saved Kodlak and Aela is fine she chose to stay awhile."Jahel said."Kodlak ....he named me Harbinger."
The twins looked at each other and seemed shocked by this,they didn't seem really shocked though.After a moment they congratulated Jahel on the acheivement and the title she had placed upon her.
"What are you going to do now?"Vilkas asked.
"I'm returning to Jarrvaskr your both welcome to stay if you chose too."she said.
"I think I'd like to join you on the trip back."Farkus said with a smile.
Jahel smiled in agreement.
Jahel and Farkus set out together on their trip back to Jarrvaskr.They knew that they would arrive well ahead of the others and they thought about making a stop at Breezenhome.The two had unfinished business together.
Chapter Five
Jahel and Farkus arrived back at Whiterun ahead of the others as they had expected.They stopped at the gates just short of entering the city.
"Listen what happened back at the tomb before..."Farkus began scratching at his neck.
"What about it?"Jahel asked.
"I was hoping that meant we could be more then just sheild siblings."he replied.
Jahel tilted her head and raised her brow.
"If I am wrong please correct me now."Farkus whsipered.
Jahel leaned close to him only a few inches from his face grabbing the collar of his armor.
"Did you think I would do that for just anyone?No your as much mine now as I am yours.Don't.You.Forget that."
Farkus growled low in his throat grabbing her chin in his hand.
"Is that right Harbinger?"he said leaning closer.
Jahel smirked shoved him back lightly then proceeded inside it was only a brief pause before Farkus followed her inside.They dark elf was waiting at her door for him and when he entered the gates she smiled gesturing him to follow her inside.
Farkus simply opened the door to find Jahel handing her housecarl Lydia a small bag of gold.They Nord woman looked at Farkus as he walked in and she smirked knowingly as she walked past him to the door.The two were left alone in just a few moments later then they exchanged a look.
"Well where do you want to take this?"Jahel asked putting her sword into the rack.
"Why take it anywhere but here?"Farkus growled grabbing her hips pulling her back against them."I doubt that your a maiden but I'll ask anyway.Do I need to be gentle?"
Jahel rolled her eyes with a sly smile.
"Don't play games with me.I want to know how rough you can be Farkus."Jahel hissed showing fangs.
Farkus growled shoving Jahel up onto the table in the dining area begining to pull her out of her armor.Jahel smiled when he removed her upper armor and she pushed him back trying to begin to remove his armors.He shoved her back putting his hand around her throat squeezing lightly.
"Impatient?"Farkus asked.
"A bit."Jahel admitted."For reference I'd rather you not choke me I start to see red."
"Ah well....."Farkus stuttered surprised.
"May I get this started then you take over?"
"If that's what you want...Harbinger."
Jahel smiled then began removing the rest of his armor and then she took off her armor.Farkus's breathing hitched at the sight of her naked.
Her body had the same light blue tint to her skin,her breasts would fit in his hands perfectly,and he didn't realize she'd have so many scars.Most were light colored clearly old,only one looked still red and ragged.
"Thieves Guild work is harder then you'd think."she said with a smile.
Jahel got on her knees infrint of Farkus and ran her hand over his dick with a smooth slow motion.She leaned forward to run her tongue over the head slowly circling her tongue before taking the tip in her mouth.she sucked gently at first then increased the suction taking him in deeper inch by inch.
She sank her mouth all the way down his length as he moaned in pleasure then she began to pump her head slowly.
He ran his fingers through her hair as she sucked on him bobbing her head faster and faster.
Farkus snarled grabbing a handful of her hair then pulled her back off of his cock.Farkus leaned down pressing his lips to hers then pulling away.He used her hair to pull her to her feet then turned her around to where she had her back to his chest.
Jahel started to grind her body against his which made him growl deep in his throat.Grabbing her hips he stilled her movement then ran his hands gently over her body till her reached her pussy.With a smile he ran his hand over her clit and began to massage it slowly rubbing slow circles.
She moaned leaning full back against him with a sigh of pleasure.Jahel moaned as Farkus slowly ran his finger over her entrance then he pressed his finger inside her.Jahel moaned and her hips bucked pushing his finger deeper inside her.Farkus pressed two fingers inside her while he massaged her clit with his thumb.
"You..gonna tempt me?"she panted bucking against him.
"What do you want then?"he asked softly.
"I want you to fuck me please."Jahel whimpered.
Farkus nuzzled his way up her neck pulling his fingers from her pussy.With a smile he pressed soft kisses to her ear.
"Alright Jahel if you need me to stop just say so."
Farkus turned Jahel around and bent her over the table.Farkus ran his hands up her back slowly then brought them back down to rub his hands over her ass.He smiled leaning down to run his lips over her spine slowly then he took his hands and guided his cock to her entrance.
Farkus pressed forward till he had two inches of his cock inside of her before she started to buck her hips.He groaned when suddenly she shoved back burying his cock the rest of the way inside her dripping wet pussy.
Jahel started to rub her hips back against him and he could feel his cock being squeezed by her pussy.She moaned and looked back at him eagerly.
"Please Farkus."she whispered.
Farkus pulled back slowly till only an inch of his cock was buried inside her then he slammed back in his hips slapping against hers.He didn't stop then and the room filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin as he fucked Jahel from behind.
She was crying out with each thrust getting louder and louder from the pleasure,he could feelher shuddering underneath him.He grabbed a handful of her hair pulling back until she was looking up at him with a smile.
"I'm so close."she whimpered.
Farkus smiled and began thrusting faster shoving his cock harder into her waiting pussy then he heard her scream out in pleasure.He could feel warm liquid spilling out around his cock and he began to thrust harder.He could feel his own finish approaching and he grabbed her hips pulling her back hard.
She screamed out in pleasure as Farkus came inside her leanig over her back.She could feel the thick warm cum inside her and she moaned contentment.They laid on the table for a few minutes just breathing deeply recovering.
"You ok?"Farkus whispered.
"Oh yes."she sighed.
"Hold still I'm gonna pull out now."
As his cock slipped from her pussy Jahel moaned a little sad at the empty feeling as his cock and cum left her.
"I'll find something to clean you up with."
"Hey Farkus?"
"You gonna marry me now?"She asked with a smirk.
"Just try and stop me.I'll chase you back to Morrowind."He said with a chuckle.
Five months later.
Jahel sat on the stairs leading to Jarrvaskr watching the people go by on their daily business.She had her lounging robes on today instead of her armor,she hadn't been on missions in the last few months.She knew from the healers that she and Farkus were expecting their first child.
She took care of arranging quests,accepting payments,making sure warriors got paid,and she was keeping in touch with the Jarl.She was sitting on the stoop when she heard Farkus approaching from behind her.
"Hello husband."
"You always know it's me."he said with a chuckle."What are you doing out here?"
"Just watching the city."she said leaning back.
Farkus sat beside her then pulling her close to him with a gentle kiss.
Jahel looked up at him with a warm smile.
That was when the young man ran by heading towards Dragonsreach with a few guards following slowly at a distance.Jahel and Farkus stood approaching the guards who were hanging back.
"Guard what's going on?"Jahel asked.
"Harbinger there is word from Helgen a dragon has attacked."he said."They are saying another is heading this way."
"And the young man?"
"He was one of the survivors."

I do not own Betheseda games or any of the rights to Skyrim.Thanks for reading I'll be working on an original work I plan to release soon.
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