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Chapter 10

Last night I had logged onto the fetish website I am registered on and read more of the stories and checked out the list of the many different fetishes. Even though I feel older, I am still only 15 and still a bit overwhelmed by some of them. Browsing some that I find interesting I looked thru the profiles of women in them and was surprised at the broad range of them. There were single women, attached women, married women, younger women, older women, and they reminded me of mom’s friends, teachers in school, women working in various stores, college girls, etc. The most noticeable thing about all of them to me was that just by looking or talking to any of them in the course of a day, you would never even suspect some of things that they enjoy sexually. This new change in me seems to have matured me in a way. I am more confident, more outgoing, and in school I notice more of the girls smiling at me, and the teachers have also noticed this change. One in particular was my history teacher Ms. Roberts.

My phone chimes and shows a new text message. Clicking on it, the message appears and it is from Sandy who I talked with online the other day that responded to my ad for a woman to help with K9 training. She says she is on the way and should be here in about 30 minutes. I almost forgot that she was coming, I think I need to slow down, step back and smell the Going downstairs I call my two doggy sluts, Mom and Vic. When they come into the Kitchen I tell them about our new visitor that will be here shortly. I tell both of them to remain out of sight when she first arrives. While talking to her I will ask if she would like some ice tea and that is when you, mom, will come to serve it. I tell them of the ad I had posted, and that she responded to it. She is married, and I think she may have a different idea of her part in the K9 training. Saying this has made me smile and laugh.

Sitting on the couch, I call my doggy sluts closer and tell them to stand side by side close to me with their legs spread. When they comply, I lean forward and reaching out first run my and up Vic’s inner thigh and cup her smooth pussy. I feel how warm it is and slide my finger thru her lips feeling how wet she is.. Then I do the same with mom, and find the same results…Sitting back looking at them, tell them what naughty sluts they are with their pussy’s wet like that…The look on their face show’s disappointment, waiting for a few seconds, I smile and say that I am pleased to see how much they like serving me.. They look at me in surprise and then big smiles appear. The doorbell rings and I told them to go and get out of sight. Both of them quickly leave.

Going and opening the door, I am pleasantly surprised. Sandy is around mom’s age, blonde, green eyed, petite with a nicely shaped body. She is dressed in a pair of snug jeans, sandals, and a crop top tied just under her breasts showing a nicely tanned stomach. I can see that she is surprised at how young I am. Hi Sandy, I’m Jeff, come in. I step back and she walks in looking around. Closing the door I walk back to the living room and following me have her sit on the couch. Sitting close but not to close, I tell her how nice she looks and how the tan really sets of her blonde hair that is pulled back into a pony tail.. She thanks me and remarks on how young I am.. I tell her I am 15 years old, but mentally feel like 25. I ask her if her husband knows that she is registered on the same fetish website we first met and had our chat. She tells me no he doesn’t know looking slightly embarrassed. I tell her none of my friends have any idea that I am on there either, and that they would probably freak out and call me some kind of pervert. I ask her if she has any thoughts on how she would be able to assist me with the K9 training.. She blushes slightly and says not really, but it sounded interesting and I have been very bored with everything at home. Having lunch and shopping with friends, social events, husband mostly involved with business, etc. Most people would consider my life perfect, financially well off, respected reputation within the community.. I tell her that I can relate to that..My friends think I am not very outgoing and a follower.. My sister who is 2 years older is a cheerleader and her friends never call me Jeff. It is always Hey it’s Little Brother with their smart mouth attitude..and look at me like some lower life form.. They have no idea of who the real Jeff is tell her and smile slightly. Sandy, shifts slightly, squeezing her legs together briefly.

Saying, where are my manners. You have had a long drive, would you like some ice tea? Sandy says yes, that would be perfect. Smiling, I call out, Vic, would you bring some ice tea for me and our guest Sandy.. Be right there Vic responds. I watch Sandy to see her expression when Vic comes out.. I tell Sandy, my dogs name is Duke and he is a large Black Lab. Vic must have entered the room from behind me because all of a sudden the expression on Sandy’s face was one of shock, her mouth fell open, her eyes got bigger and was speechless…Vic came to stand next to me, and said, your ice tea sir, and then moved closer to Sandy, who still has not said a word, leans close her bare breasts almost in Sandy’s face and says, Miss, your tea. Sandy, slowly reaches out, still staring at Vic’s breasts in front of her and takes the glass. Standing up, Vic turns and asks if I would like anything else.. I tell her not right now. She nods and turns and walks slowly back into the kitchen. I can see that Sandy is a little nervous and told her I think she will be a big help with the training. Taking a sip of her tea and saying that she would do her best. I moved closer so I was sitting with my leg touching her and putting my hand on her leg above her knee told her that is all anyone could ask and I think Duke will respond in a positive manner with her help. Would you like to meet our pupil Duke ask her and gently squeezing her knee gently.. When she replied yes, I said that I would have mom bring him out on the leash..

Mom, I called out, would you please bring Duke out on his leash to meet my new training partner for him.. I will be right out she called back. I moved my hand up Sandy’s leg stroking up and down while waiting and see her blushing some. Then mom came from the other room with Duke on the leash. Sandy looked up and got the same look on her face once again. Thanks mom, bring Duke closer so we can get him and Sandy acquainted since she will be helping me..Mom brings Duke up to the couch where immediately pushing between her legs moved in and sniffed her crotch..Laughing mom pulled him back and said, Bad Boy Duke you are very naughty. Telling Sandy she is sorry Duke is lax in his manners when greeting new people.. Looking at mom tell her that she should have had better control and I will deal with her later about it. Sandy has not been able to say anything and has not stopped looking at mom standing there naked wearing the leather collar and cuffs. She asks, are you really Jeff’s mother? Mom tells that yes, she is really his mother and Vic in earlier is really his 17 year old sister. Smiling she asks me if there is anything else I would require from her.. I said not at the moment and for her and Vic to take Duke out back for now and use the pool and relax.. Smiling, mom turns, saying come on Duke and both walk out.

Looking back at Sandy, smile and reach and stroke her hair gently and tell her I have something for her to wear as my assistant so her good clothing does not get dirty, etc, as Duke sometimes does not listen. I get up and walk to the small trunk in the corner and return with another leather collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, and bring them to the couch where I set them next to her. She says nothing and just stares at them…Sandy, I say in a more forceful voice than the one earlier. Stand up. She hesitates briefly and then stands up.. I want you to put on your training outfit so we can start with Duke shortly.. She looks at me with the look that says,, Here? Change here?, I sit back down with her standing in front facing me and say, Well, what are you waiting for? With that she reaches up and unties the knot in the blouse and unbuttons the blouse removes it and drop it on the floor. The bra is sheer and lacy and she reaches and releases the snap in front. Her breasts sway slightly and she slips out of it and let it drop. Reaching for the snap on the jeans, I tell her to Stop. Standing up I reach for the collar and place it snugly around her neck, saying much better. Sit back down and tell her to continue.. She reaches down and unsnaps the snap and then unzips the zipper. Pulling open the waist she slides them down her legs to the floor where she steps out of them. Then stands there waiting.. I call out Mom, Vic, come in here. They must have been close because they came into the room within minutes. Stopping in front of me, they replied, Yes sir, how may we be of service to you… With Sandy standing there, I tell them to get the wrist and ankle cuffs and to put them on Sandy. Quickly they each grab a set and instruct Sandy to spread her legs so the ankle cuffs can be put on. Mom and Vic each take a cuff and kneeling in front of Sandy, pull her legs open more and put the ankle cuffs on.. I tell them to check Sandy’s pussy and that it may need closer shaving. Both of them move close to her pussy and then run their hands up between her legs and stroke her from ass to clit.. Sir, they say, it is slightly rough feeling on our fingers.. Ok, tell them finish with the wrist cuffs, and watch as the each put a cuff on. Standing there with her eyes closed I told mom to check once more and probe between her lips and tell me if she is wet. Mom happily slid her hand up between Sandy’s legs and again stroked her and slipped a finger between her lips..Sandy’s hips bucked against mom’s hand and fingers as a soft moan escaped from her lips. Mom, now looking at me replied, it still feels a little rough on my fingers, and she is wet between her lips and very warm as well.

Good, now Mom, you and Vic take Sandy to the new room and place her on the training bench securing her arms, and make sure her legs are spread and secure as well. I want her fully exposed. Yes sir mom replied, then turned and called for Vic to come to the living room. Being nearby, Vic entered shortly and Mom told her what they were supposed to do.. Then with each taking a hand led Sandy to the new room and closed the door. Smiling, I rubbed my hard cock in my jeans, and once again thought what a lucky motherfucker I am.. then laughing at what I just said, that is true in more ways than one saying it to myself…

Walking into the kitchen I stopped at the refrigerator and got something cold to drink and then walked back to the new room and walked in closing the door behind me.. Walking over to wear Sandy was secured, looked at her and told my little doggy sluts what a nice job they had done.. Both smiled and replied, thank you sir.. Sandy being secured in somewhat of a reclining sitting position was able to look down and see how exposed her pussy is, and I told her that this training session I would have Duke sit on the floor close to her and give him the command stay..Then when I signal, you will look at him and in a firm voice will say the command, Duke, Lick. If he does not obey I told her, you will say it again and I will lead him up between your legs and let him lick you once or twice. Then I will move him back and tell him to sit and stay once again. Then you will again command him saying Duke, Lick. Do you understand what you are to do? Looking at me Sandy replies Yes Sir…

Good, I just a few more things and we will be ready for the first training session.. Mom, Vic, go get the video camera’s and tri-pods and bring them back and set them up to record.. place one so that you can see Sandy’s exposed pussy and when Duke is licking it.. Vic, you are to set up your recorder up so that you are able to see and record Sandy’s upper body and face. Also make sure all sounds are recording along with video. Yes, Sir, both of my doggy slut reply as they quickly get up and leave the room.. Walking over to Sandy,, I reach down and run my finger thru her exposed lips again and again..smiling as she humps her hips trying to make stronger contact with my fingers.. and feel her wetness increase as I stop.. There, I tell her, the musky scent from your wet pussy should be a helpful incentive in Duke’s training.. Small, soft moans come from her as I walk out of the room and close the door. Walking towards the kitchen, my two little doggy sluts are coming back quickly with all of the recording equipment and smile as they pass. I stop them to tell them one more thing.. When the camera’s are in place, I want you both to record a short intro to make sure everything is working properly. You will instruct Sandy to Say her name, where she lives, and the name of her husband..Then she is say that she has offered herself as an assistant to help in the training of a K9. Both smile and reply Yes Sir,,and go to complete there task..

Chapter 12

Sitting at the computer naked after taking a shower I logged on the fetish site and saw that I had a message in the inbox…Opening it I saw it was from one of the women here on the site. She said she had read the blog I had written earlier telling of my awakening and my doggy cock sucking bitches..Saying she was very interested in talking with me online.. She wrote that she was older lived in the next city nearby, was a widow whose husband had passed away a few years ago and had left her very well off with a shit load of money, but best of all, she lived on a huge private property in the country and had a large professionally operating kennel on it.

Opening instant messenger and scrolling down thru the names saw her logged on and sent her a page..
A few minutes later, the chat request window popped up saying Hello. Writing I had received and read her message and interested in talking and learning more her interest in me. She responded that she was the founder of a very private and exclusive club whose members were high society, very rich, whose husbands were CEO’s in larger corporations. My response was: does this relate to me… Writing back: She would like to invite me and any of my doggy sluts to come to her home for an afternoon get together to talk further and meet in person… When, I responded…. Her response back was….Would tomorrow afternoon be convenient for you around 1:00pm.. My response sent was, Time and date is good for me, just need your address. Responding with her address and saying Looking forward to meeting you.. she logged out… I stayed logged on and opened the stories member posted and read a few that I found somewhat interesting and gave me another hard-on.

Calling my doggy sluts, waited for them to come.. Stroking softly feeling very horny as they came into my room.. Vic, call Barb and tell her to come over now..Mom, after she finishes, you are to call Jan and tell her to be here tomorrow before 10:00am and she may be here overnight. Both of them turned and went to do as told..

30 minutes later, my doggy slut Vic was at my door saying that Barb has just arrived and was downstairs. Getting up and going downstairs with Vic behind me walked into the living room where Barb was standing, waiting.. Seeing her dressed in one of her prick teasing outfits I asked, were you out teasing the local male population again.. Responding in a soft voice,, Yes Sir… Reaching under her skirt and slid my hand between her legs, my fingers probed between her pussy lips.. Finding that she was a little wet. Are you wet from walking around teasing the boys, or wet coming here…With downcast eyes she responded, truthfully Sir, I am wet for both of those reasons….

Smiling, I tell Vic to take her to the new room, get her dressed in her proper doggy cock sucking attire. Then secure her on the lower breeding bench in the correct position and then get the camera’s set up. Then get the lube and make sure her asshole is properly lubricated and come to my room when everything is ready.. I will tell my doggy slut Mom to help with the preparations, leaving them, went back to my room to continue surfing the fetish site.. A chat request popped up saying Interested in chat with you…sent the reply that I was available for a short time. Response back was, I have read your profile and some of the blogs you had posted about your doggy sluts that had not only excited me mentally but sexually as well. I put a smiley face in and said are you a new member as I have not seen your name before….she said that she was a member a few years back before she married a prominent business man who is very old fashioned sexually and thought she would be able to live with his views sexually. The first few years were ok, but he was never able to really satisfy my sexual needs and I was afraid to discuss them with him. My frustrations have increased and not wanting to divorce him, I came back to this site without his knowledge and hope he does not discover this..
My response was, I can understand your frustrations and I would like to chat more with you, but right now one of my newer doggy sluts has been prepared by my first two slut per my instructions, and all of them are patiently waiting for my arrival downstairs…may I ask what those preparations were? I told her how she was to be wearing her doggy slut attire, how she was secured to the low breeding bench with her asshole properly lubricated, while the three of them waited for my arrival.. Oh My responded first… then next message said, that she wished she could be here watching and that her panties were wet imagining what could happen.. I sent message saying I was needed downstairs and that I will be back later, and there may be a possibility for you to watch the next time..
Her response was Yesss, I will try to come back later when my husband is sleeping..and then both of us logged off.
Downstairs walking into the room, I saw Barb was in position and could see her lubed asshole. My two sluts were kneeling off to the side waiting as well.. I walked over to them stroked each one softly and said what a good job they have done…and they will shortly be pleasantly rewarded…still naked with my cock hard and throbbing from my stroking it, I walked up behind Barb, told my sluts to go to their camera’s and start recording.. Camera’s recording, I moved closer and placed cock against her brown rosebud asshole and with a slow steady push opened her asshole and slid my cock deep into her with one long stroke, I heard her inhale loudly and waited with my cock fully buried and gripping her hips tight, began to fuck her hard and fast, knowing I was going to cum hard and fast from playing with myself earlier…With each thrust, Barb grunted loudly and began pushing her ass back to meet my thrusts…mumbling,, don’t stop, don’t stop,,fill this dog cock sucking sluts as with hot cum. As my thrusts become more violent all I was thinking of was breaking down this slut even more and what dirty ways to use her.. This and hearing her grunts and moans pushed my over the top, and pulling even more into me,, held her and squirted load after load of cum deep into her ass…Feeling so good I never wanted to pull my cock from her ass.. After a few moments, I slid my cock from her ass..covered in cum and her ass juice I moved in front of her, and lifting her head had her open her mouth and slid my cock in telling her to suck and lick it clean. Enjoying the pleasurable sensations her mouth and tongue were providing..still sucking, I pulled my cock from her mouth. Stroking her hair, told her what a good dog slut is and tell her some of the more dirty ways in which I am going to use her and have her used..

Looking over at my other two doggy sluts tell them their reward I mentioned earlier is that they both have full control and use of doggy slut Barb for the rest of the afternoon.. Big smiles lit up their face as they looked at each other.. I walked out and heard them whispering excitedly and went upstairs to shower. Coming from the shower I stopped and listened to the sounds coming from downstairs, Barb’s cries, and the laughing of my two sluts. Knowing full well the range of imagination and evil ways they both had if allowed to set them free, and went to lay down for a short nap…
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