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Derrick in the past
0001 - Tempro                                  0403 - Johnathon                     
0003 - Conner- Thomas                      0667 - Marco - Brown                  
0097 - Ace - Zimmel                           0778 - Jan                    
0098 - Lucy                                       0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human)
0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick   0908 - Tara - Mara              
0125 - Lars                                        0999 - Zan                       
0200 - Ellen                                       1000 - Sherry -  Lucie (for the moment)                                     
0301 - Rodrick         

Derrick hi-tailed it out of there as fast as he could. Ok took care of that according to Tempro almost all of the future or his time was back to where it should be. Feeling the disc in his pack, he cursed he still had to get that one in Mary.
"A little more Sire!" Derrick heard Tempro say, Finally rounding a corner Derrick heard Tempro confirm. "Now commencing sire." Then Derrick flashed out.
Back in the palace Gregor was still searching when he got a technology alert. Looking at his wrist comp. his eyes got large! IMT technology! So this cousin or whatever he was, had in his possession IMT technology huh? He had to contact his cousin as soon as possible. Something wasn't sitting right with him about this mystery man.
On board Tempro, Derrick walked into the command deck. "I am afraid that the IMT beam was detected. It wasn't as sophisticated as in our time but it still picked up a residual trail." Tempro advised Derrick.
"Move us now!" Derrick ordered as Tempro moved the ship out of IMT range just in case. "Are you detecting any sign of chase or other scans?" Derrick asked.
"No Sire not at the moment. It appears that you have now set in motion the forming of the two sects. I am afraid though that without the last disc Mary ceased to function a hundred years before you became emperor. Almost all other factors are more where they should be. Also I am afraid that most of the habitable planets were destroyed from many of the weapons that were scavenged from the wreckage of the palace. I'm sorry sir." A saddened Tempro told him.
"That's about what I thought. There has to be a way to get it into her." Derrick said as he sat going over all the precautions that he'd taken to do this last mission. Now he was going to have to find another way around the security and Gregor again! "You say there is no way to IMT right there in front of Mary?"
"No Sire. All parts of the main frame are shielded for almost everything. Also I am detecting added security for entering any new data into Mary." Tempro told Derrick.
"Alright send me everything that you did before. I need to look over everything again. There has to be something that I have missed." Derrick replied already in deep thought about the situation. "Also I need updates about Shelby."
"Yes Sire, at present she is in almost full regen. I estimate she should be there a few more days. I'm sorry Sire beyond that I cannot say as the regen matrix plays hazard with the sensors." Tempro advised Derrick.
"It's alright Tempro just knowing that she is getting better is a big relief." A sad Derrick said.
"Sire it wasn't your fault. Anyone of us would have done the same for you. You treat us more as partners rather than tools to be used and discarded. It means far more to us than you think it does sire. Please know we all would do anything we could for you!" A serious Tempro told Derrick.
"Yes well that is comforting Tempro, still it tears me up inside when one of you is damaged or destroyed. As you said all of you are far more than just simple tools. In quite a lot of ways you are family to me. Now then, let me work on this problem I know I am missing something." Derrick told Tempro as he went back to deep thought.
Lucie was on the edge of her seat, my god she thought the voice is growing so weak! "We have to go faster Sherry! The voice is so weak! I can barely hear it anymore!" Lucie suddenly cried.
"Yes Miss Hartwell, increasing speed now!" A moment later they stopped beyond the edge of the galaxy. "Now running scans attuned to the second standard the emperor gave us. As of yet I am not detecting anything." Sherry turned toward Lucie seeing that the young woman was again staring straight ahead.
"I can barely hear it," Lucie was whispering. "I can feel it so weak straight ahead!" Lucie suddenly said as Sherry started to advance forward. Sighing Lucie felt the voice, almost to a low whisper.
Even as they were moving forward a sudden alarm start to sound. "Miss Lucie! I am detecting it! Very close only a million miles!" Sherry shouted excited.
"Good! Remember Sherry, same protocol as before. We have to make sure they are safe for us before we bring them on board." Lucie advised Sherry.
"Yes Miss Hartwell, now closing distance all scanners are at full. Now within a thousand miles, running full phase of dangerous explosive detection." Sherry informed Lucie.
"Time to completion of scans?" Lucie asked.
"It shouldn't take long Miss Lucie. First scan complete now running secondary scan." Sherry said a moment later. Lucie nodded as she watched the readings that were coming in. She still wished she could comprehend even half of what she was seeing. She had to rely on Sherry, she still wasn't sure Sherry was that dependable with what had happened before.
Waiting on the last of the second tests to finish Sherry sighed. How in the hell was she going to be of help if she couldn't understand even half of what she saw? A moment later another alarm was going off. Looking at the readings she nodded, even she understood what a high radiation reading was.
"Can you decontaminate it Sherry?" Lucie asked a moment later.
"Yes Miss Hartwell, it shouldn't take more than an hour. Do you wish me to continue with the other three sets of tests?" A hopeful Sherry replied.
"Yes Sherry, I think that is best. The emperor established them for a damn good reason and I'm not about to go against them. I'll be in the library contact me when you have finished decontamination." Lucie said.
A slightly dejected sounding Sherry stated, "yes Miss Hartwell. I will contact you as soon as it is finished."
Lucie nodded as she turned to walk away to the library. She hated to see Sherry so despondent, though after last time's near disaster she was going to make sure they all came back!
Lucie had just finished reading up on the different alarms, utterly boring, when Sherry called her. "Miss Hartwell? The brain box is free of dangerous radiation. Shall I start the last of the second battery of tests, or should I move on to the third set?" A now anxious sounding Sherry said.
"Please finish the second then go on to the rest." Lucie told Sherry watching her face drop.
"Yes Miss Hartwell, finishing second battery." Sherry said sadly as she finished the second set of tests.
Again Lucie could only shake her head. Sherry was acting almost like a teen-- nodding her head Lucie got an idea.


Shelby backed away from both Kimison and Rayburn as they started moving between panels again. The way they were going at it Shelby thought, you'd think they were trying to open a portal. Looking closer her eyes went wide when she saw that they actually were!
"I suggest you stop right now before you blow us up. None of the regular ships have the power or equipment to accomplish what you are trying to do." Shelby told both of them as she stood behind them with her arms crossed. "Perhaps some time in the brig might help?"
Both men slowly backed away from what they had been doing. "I'm sorry Ma’am, I feel useless not being able to help the commander." Rayburn replied.
Sighing Shelby nodded, "I feel quite the same Sergeant, Derrick has Shelby and Tempro. As you remember he has a complete history of how time SHOULD be. Plus he has more power than three ships put together. Unfortunately he is also deficient in the weapons department. You also have to remember my Derrick is an extremely resourceful man."
"Oh yes ma’am we know that," Kimison told her. "Though I have found that at times he does need a little help. Not a whole lot, just a little."
Shelby thought about it a moment, she had to admit even as brilliant as Derrick was he did miss things. Shaking her head she thought about that, true he'd miss some times. She'd never seen him miss very much at all. "Alright, I'll allow you to help, though it WILL NOT include more people nor ships going back through time. Do I make myself clear?"
Both men wide eyed nodded their heads affirmative. Then both began to move at a slower pace, she might not be as large as the commander but
many of her looks were. The few looks she'd thrown at them left both of them knowing she was deadly serious.
Kimison and Rayburn pulled up all the information they had gathered on the time portal. If they could recreate it they just might be able to send something back. Problem was the power requirements seemed to be off the charts. Then there was the fact that the empress was watching them like a hawk. 
Shelby again sat in the command chair, damn she felt helpless not able to do anything for Derrick. Then a sly smile crossed her lips, maybe not help in the past but here and now; that was a different story.
As quietly as she could, Shelby called Celeste. A moment later a tall, fiery redhead appeared in front of Shelby. "Yes my empress? You called for me?"
"Celeste, I want you to advise me of everything that both Sergeant Rayburn and Corporal Kimison do with what they are working on. I do not, nor will not put you or any of the other ships in danger. I know that the time portal takes an exorbitant amount of energy. I also know that one ship would be seriously crippled if not destroyed attempting to open one. I know that with the generator redoubler twice the energy can now be produced." Shelby advised Celeste.
"I had thought that with almost double power we would be able to accomplish far more."  Celeste asked.
"Usually yes," Shelby replied. "Though in this respect we are talking about a far larger output of power. That plus the fact that Tempro has special shielding to protect him during portal travel. Obviously nothing has been worked on lessening the damaging effects of Chronoton energy." Suddenly Shelby nodded as she arose and walked back to Kimison and Rayburn. "I just had a thought." She said as she approached them.
"A thought your highness?" Rayburn said a little unsure as he slowly turned toward Shelby.
"Yes, the Chronoton energy that is needed to open the portal is highly disruptive to the systems of the EIGs. If you are able to actually open a small portal you will need to develop a new shielding. I am not about to place another ship in peril. I'm already afraid that Shelby has been severely damaged by the Chronoton energy. I am just hoping she can complete her re-gen onboard Tempro." Shelby advised both men.
Kimison's eyes went wide as he had just come across that very fact. "I tend to agree your majesty. Though at the moment we are just now starting to understand the portal formation. Thank you your majesty, at least now we have a good direction to move in."
Nodding Shelby sat back in the command chair turning when Celeste appeared a moment later. "Empress we are receiving a message from the planet."
"Play it!" Shelby ground out.
"To the hostile force that has attack the righteous Duke Risen's territory. Any further attempts to attack will be met with deadly force! We--"The voice was saying.
"You are no threat to us!" Shelby spit out. "The empire has no use for traitors and fools! You are beaten! Surrender now before we reduce your pitiful territory to smoldering ashes!"
"We recognize no such--" The voice started again.
"I am through with you! I already know that your main power generators were destroyed! You have no hope holding out like this. Turn over the traitor Risen to the empire before you all die!" Shelby was saying doing her best not to order another barrage on Risen's stronghold.
"You have no authority to do--" Came the voice again.
"As I said I am done with traitors! All ships open up, particle weapons! Pin point Risen's palace, and do not stop 'til you have breached the shields!" Shelby shouted out. 
On the planet more than a few people were staring at Duke Risen as he started to order more high power generators brought on line. A moment later there was a whine then the whole palace started to shake. Outside the shields were holding, although how long was anyone's guess at the moment. Smiling smugly Risen sat back confident that they were safe. A moment later his smile faded as the palace started to shake harder. 

Derrick had been trying all day to come up with some type of plan to get back in. Problem was Gregor appeared to be far more paranoid than Derrick had at first thought. Derrick had been at it an hour pacing when Tempro appeared.
"Sire? It appears that we are receiving a message. Who it is from though I am afraid I cannot determine." A perplexed Tempro told him.
Stopping suddenly Derrick replied, "play it."
Nodding a moment all was quiet as a female voice was heard. "To the stranger who has the Emperor perplexed, I wish a parley. I have heard that an extremely intelligent man was leading a rebellion against the emperor. Though this channel is secure I cannot risk giving my name. If you wish to meet, then I will be outside the palace near the outer park, tomorrow at this same time. I am sure you know of it, if not I have included a map with this recording. Til we can meet to overthrow the fool on the throne, good health."
Derrick's face was twisted into anger. Someone who was obviously close to the emperor was a traitor! Derrick's blood was about to boil! How dare they betray one of the greatest emperor's that had ever been!
"Could you determine just who it was that sent the message?" Derrick asked of Tempro.
"I am working on it at this moment Sire. As of yet I am unable to determine exactly who it was. Someone has gone to an inordinate amount of time to disguise this." A bewildered Tempro told Derrick. "I am sorry that I am failing you Sire."
"No, you aren't failing me Tempro. At the present time just who besides myself would have the skill to do this?" Derrick asked a sudden thought coming to him.
Tempro was silent for a few moments then spoke, "according to my records there are very few. I would say approximately five. Emperor Gregor is included in that small list Sire."
Derrick nodded then looked over the list. Well he thought he doubted seriously that it was Gregor. Reading on he saw the head programmer, the assistant to him both were more than capable of this. There were also two other programmers that helped both of them that had the skill. Shaking his head Derrick could see that this was going to take some time, unless.
"Tempro I need all the information you have on the rebellion. What people were in on it, especially females. I am beginning to get a feeling that I'm not going to like the answers I find." Derrick told Tempro as the A.I. had far more than information Derrick thought he'd have.  A few hours later Derrick was shaking his head. It was far worse than he thought it was. "Tempro is there any way that you can contact Gregor so I can speak to him?"
"Yes Sire, though you have to confront the emperor again. Speaking to him now would not be a good thing Sire. I am afraid that it would seriously upset what you have set into motion to correct. You have to confront him this time about what I think you are wanting to talk to him about. Sire it must be face to face.." A now worried Tempro told Derrick.
Sighing Derrick had been afraid of that. Knowing Gregor as sneaky as he was, Derrick wasn't sure he could get away this time as easily. "I can keep a lock on you at all times Sire." Tempro assured Derrick.
"Not at all times," Derrick replied. "If I am in close proximity to Mary then I'd be in serious trouble. Even as much power as you have, I don't think you could only take one individual. This is going to be seriously dangerous Tempro." Derrick said.
"Yes Sire I know but the disc and the confrontation are the only two major things that you have to do. The rest are really minor." Tempro told Derrick.
Derrick's head snapped up as he looked at Tempro as if the A.I. had gone crazy. "You want me to waltz into Gregor's palace and confront him AFTER I get the disc into Mary. Then you expect me to make a clean get away? Perhaps I should check YOUR logic circuits!"
"All information I have says that you will accomplish this with no trouble. Well, at least the first part. Knowing human nature as little as I do, I cannot accurately estimate just how either of you will react to the other." Tempro told Derrick with all sincerity. This of course did absolutely nothing to put Derrick's fears to rest.
It was early the next morning that a figure moved quickly through the shadows. Approaching the main frame the figure pulled a disc out loading it into a slot. Typing rapidly they paced a bit as they waited for the disc to finish. Then they started to type even more commands. Looking at a screen they nodded seeing that everything was where it should be.
Withdrawing the figure gave a sigh of relief when they reached a certain spot. Hurrying they made their way toward the exit. Almost there a voice came from deep in the shadows, "I knew that if I waited long enough you'd appear again. I contacted cousin Hidalram, it took all day but I finally got him. He told me he has no relatives that even closely resemble you. So the real question is, just who in the hell are you?"
Turning Derrick took a deep breath, he had to get this right. "Of course not, I am related to him through marriage or rather I was. When his wife died I couldn't bring myself to visit. She was the last of the family besides me. Now there will be no more of the family. I cannot have children. So you see Sire I am not proud having it known." Derrick breathed a sigh of relief that he'd gotten it all out. Now if Gregor only believed it.
Gregor was staring at the man before him. He didn't know if the crock he'd just heard the man spew was true or not. All the information the man had said was true. No one but close family knew any of this! "Ok, say I believe you, why in the hell are you here? Sneaking around the computer mainframe?"
Derrick took another deep breath so far so good, "I have been collecting evidence sire."
"Evidence? For what?" Gregor said a look of serious doubt on his face.
"About a traitor that is hiding right under your nose sire. A traitor that I was so shocked to find that I had to do far more digging before I could come here." Derrick replied praying his performance was convincing.
Gregor stared at Derrick for a few moments trying to decide what if anything the man said was true. Shaking his head Gregor thought what the hell? I don't have anything to lose, not like the man before me. "Evidence you say, of a traitor that is close to me? I take it you are referring to my traitorous wife?" 
Derrick's eyes went wide so Gregor was far smarter than he'd at first thought. This was going to be far easier than he thought. "Yes Sire." Derrick replied bowing low to Gregor. "I was not about to accuse a member of the palace without definitive evidence. Real evidence not that manipulated crap so many have brought you."
This time it was Gregor's eyes that went wide as a shock went through him. "You have me at a serious disadvantage young man. Let me see this evidence."
Derrick did his best not to smile, he had Gregor hooked. Like any hooked fish he just had to carefully reel him in. "I can't Sire. What I have is safe for now, though I did bring a copy." Derrick pulled a small viewer from his coat, lifting it slowly, he handed it to Gregor. "Just play what is there. It isn't absolute evidence but it is damming to say the least."
Gregor gingerly took the viewer and pressed play. A moment later a woman's voice came from the speaker. {"To the stranger who has the Emperor perplexed, I wish a parley. I have heard that an extremely intelligent man was leading a rebellion against the emperor. Though this channel is secure I cannot risk giving my name. If you wish to meet, then I will be outside the palace near the outer park, tomorrow at this same time. I am sure you know of it, if not I have included a map with this recording. Til we can meet to overthrow the fool on the throne, good health."}
Gregor's mouth dropped agape, the empress!? "As we both know I am not leading this so called rebellion. I am to meet her soon. I thought you might like to be a party to what is said. Am I assuming that you would your majesty?" Derrick asked of Gregor.
Still in shock Gregor could only nod as he cradled the recording tightly. In a low whispered voice he stated, "I knew that she hated me for what happened to our daughter. I never thought she would take her hatred to this level."
"So, for an old man you aren't as stupid as I thought." Came a female voice from deeper in the computer complex. Derrick immediately reached up touching his chest. "I guess I will have to just kill the both of you, that way I can blame it on the stranger. A relative that was jealous of the emperor!" With an evil laugh she lifted an energy weapon.
"I should warn you that if you fire that, you might be hit by the ricochet. I therefore advise against it." Derrick told the empress. Looking at Derrick as if he was crazy her finger tightened on the trigger.
"Just like a man trying to bluff his way out of death!" With another evil laugh she pulled the trigger even as a man was shouting behind her.
"Rella! Stop it's too dangerous!" The man was yelling even as the beam of energy was heading toward Gregor. Damn it! Derrick thought as he dived in front of Gregor the beam striking his shield and bouncing back.

Clover ErnestReport 

2017-05-10 13:56:16
Welp. That bitch is fried.

Amazingly plotted and thought out, minimal punctuation errors (not that those matter in your stories anymore), and gut-wrenching cliffhanger!
Splendid chapter yet again, Pars.

Merry part,
Clover E

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