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as I passed the kitchen door, I saw Alice taking the keys to the motor home from the hook in the meter cupboard.
Big Brother's unexpected gift. Part 1

By: teufelturm

An older brother unwraps his presents

When the cat's away...David gets the cream

It had been my 20th birthday yesterday and I had been enjoying one of the books that I had been given. I finished a chapter and came downstairs to watch my favourite TV show and as I passed the kitchen door, I saw Alice taking the keys to the motor home from the hook in the meter cupboard.

Alice is my 17yrs old sister so there was nothing to be bothered about except that she was supposed to be at the pictures with her friend Rachel and in view of the fact that the time was almost 8pm, she should have been halfway through the main feature, so I smelt a rat.

I slid into the downstairs loo and waited for a short while and then put my shoes and a coat on and went out to the 'van'. All the blinds were down and there was just one dim light on. This rather intrigued me so I stood close to the side of the van and strained to hear what, if anything, I could.

All I heard was giggling. What to do? If what was happening was innocent behaviour, then why the secrecy? I am by nature inquisitive and as Alice and Rachel were in the 'van' I wanted to know if anyone else was present, and if so, who it was. I also wanted to know what was causing the giggling. If they had alcohol in there, I was going to remove it and make sure it never happened again.

Our parents had gone to the second wedding of mum's sister and had left me in charge for the weekend. This was only Friday night and already I had to work at not letting anything spoil their trust in me.

I opened the 'van' door and stepped in to find Rachel on the bed with her bared breasts pointing skywards; her dress up around her waist and without knickers, giving her brother an excellent view of her open sex lips which he was about to commence licking while Alice, with her breasts exposed, videoed the proceedings. Although I could smell alcohol, at least the van didn’t reek of it.

"Alice, switch that off and give it to me. You two get yourselves sorted out and get out. Tomorrow I want you both to come here at 10 o' clock and have little talk with me about what I should tell your parents."

"I think the mini-cam is yours and you can have it back tomorrow, but first I will see what is on it and after we talk tomorrow I will decide whether to delete what’s on it or show it to your parents as proof that I did see what I have just witnessed."

They hurriedly left as Alice pushed her breasts back into her bra' and fled into the house.

That was the first time I had seen my sister’s breasts and I have to admit that I stared. She was a well-developed young woman and I am as keen as the next man to observe any uncovered parts of the female figure, I just did not expect to become so aroused at the sight of my own sister’s breasts.

I found the vodka bottle, tidied the 'van' and locked it then returned the key to its usual place before taking my shoes and coat off. The next part would be a little awkward, but I had just had an idea and I was determined to give it a chance to succeed.

I didn't knock on Alice's door, I didn't need to because it was wide open and she lay on her bed, sobbing. I sat on the edge of her bed and stroked her hair.

"Don't cry sis. I'm not going to shout at you, I'm not angry with you. If it had just been you and Rachel on the bed together I wouldn't have said a word, in fact I would rather that you two had been in here than out there. I was angry about Rachel's brother being in there and I bet he was the one feeling your tits before getting it on with his sister wasn't he?"

She turned and sat up before answering me.

"Yes. He opened Rachel’s blouse and lifted her bra' over her tits and squeezed them then he asked me to show him my tits. I didn't mind that very much, I knew that Rachel had done that with him at home, so if she was willing to do that then I could also find out what it was like.

I've never had a boy feel my tits before, but when I undid my blouse he pulled my bra' up over my tits, it hurt and he tore it."

"I stopped him grabbing me and he just went and felt Rachel’s tits again. He took the mini-cam out of his coat pocket and told me to video Rachel and him because he wanted to see what I saw. He took his coat and trousers off then pushed her down on the bed and told her to open her legs so that he could lick her. Rachel said she would like that and they were giggling about it when you came in."

"What would you have done if he had tried that with you?"

"I'd have hit him the camera and shouted at both of them, I don't like him all that much, but I had been hoping to at least have some fun."

“You still could have some fun.”

“I don’t think so, I will never let him touch me again and Rachel will probably never speak to me again after you’ve talked with their parents.”

“I have no intention of talking with their parents, I never did have. I merely wanted to worry them. Since they went home, I had an idea, I’m not sure how you will take this, but I have to try.

You are my sister and I have all my brotherly love for you, but I’m human and I admit that I have often wondered about your body. You might consider getting your fun with me. You know you can trust me, and I would never hurt you, I would certainly enjoy having non-penetrative sex fun with you, and when the cats are away….”

Alice blushed scarlet.

“You’re my brother; I couldn’t do anything with you.”

“Why, I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m asking you to let me show you how nice playing around can be.” You have a lovely body and I would definitely enjoy unwrapping it and finding out what you’ve been hiding from me since you were seven.

“Oh David, you make it sound so attractive, but its’ wrong because that would be incest.”

“You didn’t seem to mind Rachel and her brother doing it.”

“Oh, yes; I suppose your right there, I didn’t even think of that.”

“Shall I leave then sis?”

“No, don’t leave. I think I want to do this now because my knickers have become wet. Last week, one of the girls at college said that her knickers get wet when she watches porn, and she had to masturbate to ease the feeling that she wanted to have sex, but there was never anyone around to have sex with. I am now beginning to realize what my body has been saying.”

“Can I go and have a shower now?”

“No. I have had to watch you float around this house for so many years now and not be given a second glance, this past two years have been rough, watching your body fill out and not be able to touch it. I am not about to miss this chance to unwrap you as I said I wanted to do.”

It took fifteen minutes to uncover and marvel at her flawless breasts. I cupped them; I fondled and gently kneaded them as I kissed my way down from her neck over her soft proud breasts to her nipples as she moaned softly. Taking one hard, erect, nipple between my lips I nibbled and pulled it as the fingers of my other hand were rubbing the tip, which was her undoing.

She began to gasp and shake as I molested her breasts until eventually, she pleaded with me to stop.

“Please David; this is wonderful, but I can’t do this anymore. I have to stop; my legs are shaking so much.”

“I will stop, but before you lie down I want to remove your skirt and knickers.”

She allowed me to remove the last of her coverings and as I manoeuvred her knickers from her feet, my face was in line with her down covered vulva and the moist, slightly puffed, outer labia lips.

The temptation was too strong to ignore. I put my hands around her and held her silky, soft buttocks as I placed my mouth against her mound and worked my tongue into her wet slit and pressed it against her inner lips to invade the entrance to her love tunnel. Her legs parted and she involuntarily thrust her pelvis towards me and held my head to steady herself.

I was now in possession of my sister’s body and I was not about to relinquish that honour. Alice had re-commenced her gasping, and moaning, but now she was also holding my head to make certain that I could not move away. I licked up her opening to find her clitoris and having located it, I pressed my tongue hard against the nub.

She shrieked, she shuddered and she tried to thrust my head into her body, then suddenly she pushed me away from her and fell back onto her bed. Her problem was that I was already on my knees so all I had to do was keep her legs apart and lean forward to place my mouth over her sex shove my tongue as deeply into her love tube as I could.

“Daviiid, OOH Daaviid, you haaave to Oohh sstopp, Ooh FUCK, Donn’t youu dare sstop, IIm cumming David, I think I’m going to OOHH FUUCK, CUUmm. OOH, AAGH.”

“She flooded my mouth with her juice and I loved every drop of her sweet, musky sex laden offering and I knew that I would never, ever, get enough of the taste or smell of my sister’s sex.

I jumped to my feet and dropped my trousers and boxer shorts so that my raging erection pointed along the line of her gorgeous body. At that moment, she opened her eyes and had her first view of my cock and balls from below. She gasped:

“OH NO DAVID. Please David, don’t…”

At that moment, my semen roared up my shaft and the first huge jet erupted from the end and landed in her open mouth as she tried to stop me from fucking her. Another followed, this time coating her breasts; the third spurt came with much less force splashed onto her tummy.

“I’m sorry sis; I wasn’t going to do anything to you. I knew I was going to cum, and didn’t want that load in my pants. I didn’t intend…”

I stopped because I had just realized that, without even a grimace of distaste, my sister had just swallowed my cum. She had not even shown a trace of displeasure.

“How did it taste sis?”

“Salty, but no nasty taste. How did you like my taste?”

“You are going to have a problem with me; I am never going to get enough of your sex juices and your cunt smells wonderful.”

“Ooh, that sounds good. I loved every second of what you just did to me, even when I was telling you that you had to stop, I didn’t actually want you to stop, but I was finding it difficult stand or even think straight.”

“That was the first time I have had an orgasm. My whole body was alive and sparking; promise me that you’ll do that again, soon.”

“Go and have a shower, sex fiend. I need a shower and a rest first, then I will be very willing to do your bidding, but this time we shall investigate the joys of sex a little deeper.

After my shower, I had to plead with Alice to, at least, put a bathrobe on if only for my peace of mind. Now that she knew what the effect of her naked body had on me she wanted to milk the situation, and if the way she kept staring at my cock was any indication, I think she was also getting ideas about milking that.

“David, you are the only male to have seen me naked since I was seven. You are also the only male to have ever touched my pussy, and if it wasn’t for that ape, Rachel’s brother, you would have been the first man to hold my breasts.”

“Ah well, two out of three isn’t bad and I can also claim to be the first man to give you an orgasm. And I intend to be the first man to have his dick in your hand, and seeing that I had my mouth all over your pussy, I intend to be the first man to have your mouth around his cock.”

“OOH, this gets better and better. Its’ so exciting hearing you talk like that. Do you think we’ll be able to do this once mum and dad are home?”

“There will always be opportunities, but we mustn’t take unnecessary risks, let’s just see how it goes first. Would you make us a hot drink love? Coffee would be a good idea because it will be early morning before we get any sleep. I want to transfer the video from the mini-cam to my laptop then I can delete it from the mini-cam and return it to Rachel when she comes.”

“Her brother will be coming as well, you can give…”

“He will only get as far as the front door I can shove the damn thing in his mitts and then tell him to stay well clear of you, and me.

“Alice, come and look at this.”

She came and stood beside me, bending over to view the screen and my blood pressure rose as her tits poked out from her suspiciously loosened bathrobe.

“Do you see anything you like sir?”

“You know I do, and you, I if I recall correctly, were supposed to be coming to view…”

“That is an offer I cannot refuse sir.”

As she spoke, she opened my bath robe and smiled at my erection, before taking hold of it

“Wow, it is even bigger when you get close to it. OOH wow, its’ hard, but so silky.”

Her small hand was squeezing my cock and my heartrate was increasing as I tried to prevent myself from pulling her onto my lap and impaling her.

“Alice, please love let go of it, at the moment you’re holding a fuse and I have never been this close to a big bang before so the near future is very unstable.”

“Are you telling me that you’d fuck me if I let you?”

“NO. I‘m telling you that every fibre of my body is straining not to do that; but you are making it extremely difficult."

“Oh, I feel so wonderful and free now I understand what my body has been trying to tell me. Just lately, my pussy became wet whenever I spent time talking to you and it is only now that I get it. It wants you.”

“Alice, you are getting a bit carried away with excitement. I said we could have a great deal of fun having non-penetrative sex.”

“What did you call me for?”

“Ohh yes, I had forgotten about that. Watch this.”

I ran the video from the mini-cam, not that there was very much of it because I’d interrupted the proceedings. What we were watching was Rachel pulling her dress up to her waist, removing her knickers, and then pulling her labial lips apart so that we had a good look into her open wet, sex.

“Ooh, do you know I was so angry at him for tearing my bra’ and concentrating on taking the video, I didn’t really take in what I was seeing. Does the inside of my pussy look like that?”
“Similar, but yours seems to be pinker. It does look beautiful, and so does Rachel’s.”

“Will she taste like me?”

“I don’t know, you could always ask her to let you taste her and then put your fingers in yourself and taste that.”

“Or you could taste her and tell me if she does or not. Would you like to taste her? You must be aware that she has been in love with you since she was 10yrs old, surely. I think you could have Rachel any time you wanted.”

“You are being provocative and wicked and I can hardly believe that the demure young lady that set off for the pictures earlier could be asking such a question.”

“You started the ball rolling. Would you like to taste Rachel?”

“Alice, I have my hands full at the moment just getting used to how far you and I have come in such a short time. I have no idea.”

“Tell me Alice, would you?”

“I think I would. Rachel and I have been friends forever, I always imagined her as my sister, and so exploring each other’s bodies wouldn’t be so terrible, would it?”

“I don’t think it would be terrible at all, but that is a question for you and Rachel to answer. I couldn’t possible make any valid comment on what happens between you and Rachel. What I can say is that I want to take you to bed and let you find out all you can about my cock.”

Alice removed her bathrobe, sat astride my legs and said:

“Carry me to your chamber of delight and I will make you a happy man.”

She had not taken into account the fact that she had opened my bathrobe earlier to hold my cock. When she sat astride me and lowered her butt, she had my rigid cock pressed horizontally against her labia.

Alice’s eyes opened wide and she squeaked as she said”:

“OH FUCK! That’s your cock.”

She began to lift herself off me, but then she paused and lowered herself down again and with a wicked grin, she began to move her hips back and forth so that her sex was sliding along my shaft.

It was heaven. It was hell. I desperately wanted her to move just a little further backwards than she was doing because then I could have slipped my cock head into her cunt and revelled in her soft, silky, body.

Fortunately, she was aware that she was flirting with danger and so it didn’t happen, which was a blessing because at that moment I would have fucked her and I honestly did not want that to happen.

My hands were all over her body. I did not want to miss an inch of her silky skin and she appeared to enjoy my exploration, until I delved down to feel her clitoris.

“No, I don’t want you to fuck me yet, let me get up.”

“I’m not doing anything to stop you getting up, but I think you’d better move quickly so that I can’t get up. By the way, I loved the ‘yet’.”

Alice scrambled off me so I stood up, closed the laptop, and then led her, unprotesting, into my bedroom.

We were both naked, we were hugging each other and as I felt my way around her breasts, flat tummy and soft buttocks, I whispered:

“I didn’t know that Rachel liked me so much. Do you really believe that she would let me fuck her?”

“I didn’t say that she ‘liked’ you, I said she loves you. I’ve known that for years and she has admitted it. If she thought for one moment that you cared about her she wouldn’t hesitate to give herself to you.”

“Please be careful with her, She is only just beginning to realize that having sexual feelings is normal and not something to be afraid of, so she’d begun looking for experiences. Her brother had noticed and was about to take advantage of that when you showed up.

He had brought some vodka, and I’m certain he’d put something in it. I only had half o the first glass and didn’t like it so left the rest Rachel drank both hers and finished mine. She will be devastated when she finds out what she’d been doing

Alice had been inspecting my erection and now she kissed it before taking it in both her small hands to masturbate me. I told her how best to do whatever it was she wanted to do, each time she tried something new. Eventually she was fully aware of what I enjoyed most, and the quickest way to turn me on.

I did not give her any guidance on oral sex; she worked that out for herself and was overjoyed when I warned her that I was close to cumming, but she was overwhelmed when I delivered a blast of semen into her throat. She gagged a little, and was coughing and spluttering on the first jet, but she coped with the second helping and swallowed it without any problem.

We had a short rest, in that she lay cuddled up close so that we could each feel, that which we wished to feel. Then I described the benefits of the 69 position for mutual oral enjoyment.

Alice was all for trying that, and so I was soon nose deep in her sex. I nibbled and sucked on her labia as her love juices flowed from her cunt. I had already shot a load into her mouth, so my cock was hers to play with for as long as she could manage to calm her own responses.

I was doing my best to prevent that from happening by licking her clitoral hood as hard as I could. She was doing well until I parted her outer labial lips, which opened her sex to my assault. Prising the inner lips apart to remove the last defence of her swollen clit, I rubbed it and then:

“OOH David, OH FFUCK. FUCK, ohh ddohnn’t stop, please ddonnt ssttopp…. I’m cumming David, II’m cumming, Oh God!”

Placing a finger on her sphincter I stroked that guardian to her rear entrance, observing the way her muscles tightened as I stroked, but after a short while, she began to react to the stimulation and they then relaxed and a little opening appeared in that small doorway.

I pressed my finger into the new aperture at the same moment that my tongue raked her clit and I was drenched in a river of her cum as she climaxed. My finger slid inside her anal channel up to the first knuckle and I left it there until she had stopped shaking.

Once she was more or less calm, I slowly removed it and watched the sphincter until it had completely closed up, then I kissed it. She twitched, but said nothing and so I licked it. Once again, she twitched, and this time she sighed and her rear doorway relaxed.

Now I knew that my sister and I had a much more exploring to do so I stopped invading her and asked her to come and lie beside me instead of on top of me.

When we had recovered some energy, we showered and went to our own beds. Neither of us trusted ourselves to actually sleep if were both in the same bed.

We spent Saturday morning trying to act as if nothing much had taken place on Friday so by the afternoon we were actually reasonably calm. We would have to do better once our parents had returned, but for now we were doing well.

Rachel and her brother arrived promptly. He looked sullen and showed none of his usual bombastic attitude. I handed the mini-cam to him and told him that after Alice’s plea to not inform his parents of what he’d been about to do I had agreed, but although I had deleted the video from the mini-cam I did have a copy, which I would show to their parents if he ever tried to speak to Alice again.

“Don’t wait for Rachel, Alice wants to have a few words with her and you are not welcome. Now get lost.”

“Rachel, you go and talk with Alice. She’s waiting for you in her room and I think that you two have some serious talking to do.”

After an hour, I made coffee. I was now certain that two things had happened, one of which would make a considerable change to their relationship and I was about to find out just how much.

I carried the tray upstairs and deliberately walked into their new relationship without knocking. I was correct in my assumption that their relationship had changed.

They had now revealed the depth of their feelings for each other and I knew this because they were sitting in Alice’s bed and if the pile of female apparel was anything to go by, they were naked. They were certainly naked from the waist up.

“I have brought your coffee so that you don’t have to interrupt any negotiations that may have been taking place.”

As I passed them their coffee, I had a hard time trying not to stare because there was a lot of breast on show and neither of them even attempted to hide the fact.

“David, I haven’t told Rachel everything about yesterday, but I did show her the video on your laptop and tell her what you said about different tastes and smells and how to find out if we are different. She said that she wouldn’t mind having you doing the taste test.”

Rachel’s face was red as she reacted to Alice’s revelation.

“Alice! I didn’t mean that I wanted you to tell him that.”

“Rachel, I think the time for pretending that we are innocent little girls is past, don’t you? He obviously knows what we have just been doing. Who do think taught me some of the things I did with you.”

“I did a lot of growing up last night and it was a steep learning curve. I know I still have a lot to learn, but they are such wonderful and exciting lessons if you have the right teacher and I think I have the best because I trust him.”

“I can’t keep passing information to you and I can’t show you because I don’t have the right equipment, but he does.”

Rachel never really stood a chance. When Alice wants something, she really can be Machiavellian, and Alice wanted Rachel to be a willing conspirator in her sex life. Rachel must have been ready to be persuaded; otherwise, she never would have agreed to Alice’s plan quite so eagerly.

“What exactly, have you told Rachel?”

“Enough to get her wet, and interested in learning more. I don’t want any more of this coffee, I want to watch you taste Rachel and then I want you to taste me again.”

She passed her cup to me and then took Rachel’s cup from her and passed that to me. I was certainly up for this. One thing Alice did not know was that I had never intended to fuck her, much as I would love to do so, but I had realized that the mere suggestion that I would fuck her turned her on.

Rachel, on the other hand, was a different prospect I would fuck her at the very first opportunity and I sensed that it wouldn’t be long before she knew what eight inches felt like as it travelled up her cunt.

I put the tray on the dresser and asked Rachel if she really was up for this. She answered by pushing the duvet off her and proving that they were both, in fact, naked.

Rachel: 5ft 9ins tall, weighing around 110lbs, Shoulder-length black hair, her breasts are definitely 34C and her waist is around 20 or 22 inches. She is slim, and willowy with very mobile hips, which produces a fabulous walk.

Ever since I reached 14yrs old, I had wondered what she it would be like to undress and explore her. I suppose that showed just how sex mad I was because she had been 12yrs old. I didn’t know that she felt the same way about me.

“You are about to have a closer look at my pussy than the picture you’ve got on your computer and because the only cock I’ve ever seen belongs to that stupid brother of mine, I want to have a good look at yours.”

“If I take my trouser…”

“Oh come on David, she knows that she is going to be up close and personal with your cock, how far that goes is for later. For the time being just let Rachel have fun seeing what you’ve got and what happens when it is molested.”

I removed my clothes and as I did so, she moved to sit on the side of the bed and that put her in a good position to see what an erect penis, intent on providing food for the pleasure receptors of any female body with which it came into contact.

She reached out and touched it, then she grasped it in both her hands and Alice said:

“Rachel, I told you, do not squeeze it and if you want to taste it, wait until later.”

It was time to act. I took hold of her elbows and gently pushed her backwards so that she lay on her back, then I knelt down and parted her knees. By lifting her legs up and holding her thighs I was able to lean forward to get my mouth against her sex, then I licked her labia; which were already puffed up but not moist, they were wet. She was soaking with the lubrication her body was pumping down her love tube.

Alice knelt behind Rachel with her knees either side of her head, put her arms between her legs and then pressed her hands against her thighs. Rachel was now effectively immobilised, and after Alice had shuffled a little further forward, I doubt if she cared.

I now had full command of Rachel’s sex and it was my intention that she would never forget this day. I continued licking, sucking and sipping Rachel’s offering as she did the same with Alice’s gift. The room filled with the sound and aroma of sex being perpetrated, and enjoyed.

I was now able to use my fingers as well as my mouth and so I subjected Rachel’s sex to an in depth exploration and inspection, the like of which she had certainly never undergone before.

Alice was sighing and gasping as Rachel chewed her labia, and Rachel was twitching and bucking as the results of my investigation of her pussy. When I ran my tongue over her clitoris she almost threw Alice of the bed as she shrieked through her first, male instigated, climax.

“Good Grief she wasn’t as noisy when she orgasmed with me. What does she taste like?”

“Kiss me and you’ll find out.”

Alice kissed me, and as she did so, I caressed her breasts until she realized that I was ready to carry out the next part of my assignment, which was to taste her again.

“You’re sweeter than Rachel. She has a lovely tangy flavour. Both of you have a fantastic taste. I’ll never get enough of either of you.”

“You don’t have to, I like Rachel’s taste and she said that she likes mine. I don’t want you to taste me just now because I want you to do something special for me and after that I want you to do something special, to me.”

“Er, how ‘special’?”

“Don’t get excited, I’m not going to ask you to fuck me.”

“I am.”


“Alice may not want to ask you to fuck her, but I will ask you to fuck me, just not at this moment. I’m still shaking from what you two did.”

I began to have trouble breathing and my heart was pounding with lust and emotion. I had to change the direction of the conversation.

“Alice, what was the ‘something special’ that you wanted me to do ‘for’ you, rather than ‘to’ you?”

“I want you to do with Rachel exactly what you did with me last night before I went to bed.”

I really had to be careful now; I knew that my self-control was almost non-existent.

“I don’t think she’s in any state for that sort of experience.”

“What sort of experience are you two talking about?”

“I want David to show you what it is like to have oral sex in the ‘69’position. You will never forget it, I know I won’t.”

I lay down beside Rachel and kissed her. This took a long time because she had immediately grasped my cock as I fondled her breasts. Neither of us wanted to let go, but Alice solved that problem by reminding me just how fantastic it would be after I had removed her remaining defence

Rachel had no idea what Alice meant, but she knew that it must be something special when I immediately asked Alice to get Rachel above me.

“Alice, keep your hands off her bits, they’re mine for the remainder of today.”

Alice merely told Rachel to get her pussy over my mouth and her mouth over my cock.

“It is the same as we did earlier, but this time you have his cock to suck instead of my pussy.”

Rachel was eager to experience what Alice told her would happen, but Alice had kept some information from her and Rachel’s life changed forever.

She took me into her mouth; it had been a struggle, but eventually she had most of my cock in her mouth and then I was sucked, licked, nibbled, and masturbated until I had trouble remaining calm. What saved me was her pussy. It was defenceless and I made certain that each attack on her labia, clitoris and vagina, lowered her ability to think clearly.

Thanks to Alice I already knew that I would have little problem in talking Rachel into allowing me to fuck her, but I wanted to hear her tell me that she was mine, not just to be first, but to be the only one.

When I reached the point at which Alice had ceased giving Rachel any useful information on what was about to happen, I looked up at Alice and said:

“Prepare yourself Alice, You and your future sister-in-law will be having a lot of this to keep you happy in future.”

Having said that, I kissed Rachel’s rear door and poked my tongue against it as I pressed and rubbed her clitoris. I had the good sense to wrap my legs around her shoulders so that when her body tried to get airborne, it failed and I was able to continue overcoming her natural inclination to prevent any intrusion into her rear passage.

I changed my method of persuasion and used two fingers, coated with her juices, to ease their way passed her outer sphincter as I sucked on her clitoris. Once again, she jerked and having managed to extract my cock from her mouth, she screamed.

“David, oh god David, what are you doing? Don’t do that, I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME, NOW. Please David, fuck me, please, fuck me. OOH! OOO that feels…, urgh oh wow that is makinng mee CUUMM. OOH Fuck I LOVE YOU, I LOVE ALICE, And I LOVE THIS.”

I had a mouth full of Rachel’s cum juices and I had only just started. The moment she ceased gasping and moaning I attacked her inner labia lips her clitoris and her vagina, Again I inserted two fingers into her anus and Rachel orgasmed so hard that she momentarily blacked out.

It did only last for a moment, and once she was fully aware of everything, she said:

“Alice, he won’t listen to me, please tell him that I want him; I don’t mind if he does that again, I don’t mind you’re there as well. I just want him to fuck me.”

“I think he wants a little bit more than a fuck Rachel.”

“He can have anything he wants; I’ll do whatever he wants.”

“You should, never, ever, let a guy know that he can have whatever he wants.”

“I think I had better give you two gorgeous females some background information about my previous girlfriends and then you will both understand why I have done what I have done to you both and why I am going to do the things I am going to do.”

“I had my first sex experiences with a woman from the accounts department, she’d fucked every available male in admin and so when I arrived I was a natural target. I learned a great deal in a short space of time before she dropped me for taking her first female lover.”

“The second time was with a woman I met on the tube; she was twice my age; that was because she likes young men. She had made it obvious that she was available and so I had made it equally plain that I was interested in finding out exactly how much of her was available. The thing was she had a kink she would only allow anal sex.”

“By the time I discovered that, it was too late to back out. She was patient, she was instructive and when she was finally satisfied, I did back out. An hour later, I went back in again and I confess that if she hadn’t dumped me for someone younger than me, I would still be doing her.”

“I really do enjoy anal sex. I prefer a vagina, but to have anal as well is wonderful.”

“Now you know. Rachel, would you be upset if I asked you to go and ‘phone the Pizza Parlour and order enough for the three of us? There is money in the drawer below the ‘phone in the kitchen. I’m asking you because I want to do what I promised to do to Alice.”

“I want to get that done so that I can spend the rest of the afternoon showing you what that is.”

“Alice, get on the edge of this bed and kneel down, head down, backside up. I want clear access to your amusement park.”

Once Alice was in position, with her thighs wide apart I knelt down and commenced to lick and suck her labia as I simultaneously massaged her still swollen clitoris. When her vaginal juices began to seep from her, I used that discharge to coat her sphincter prior to beginning the process of opening her back door to allow my fingers into her.

“The pizza delivery will be here soon, shall I get the table ready or are we going to be a long time?”

Alice said that she would prefer to eat as soon as the pizza’s arrived, because then we had all afternoon and evening to ourselves and she wanted as much of this as possible.

Rachel was staring intently at the scene and I swear that I saw her lick her lips.

“Rachel love, I think that I would be a good idea for you to put some clothes on, otherwise the pizza delivery man will think he’s being invited to deliver more than food.”

Alice and I had a quick shower, put our bathrobes on and went down for lunch. After lunch, Rachel asked me if I would care to explain my reference to a ‘future sister-in-law’.

“I will explain, but not right now. Later today, you will both be fully aware. Don’t ask for clarification, you won’t need it.”

I took my sister back to my bed, took her bathrobe off; laid her on the bed and kissed her from her eyes to her clitoris, and then made her rollover and spread her thighs so that I could spread her soft bottom cheeks apart and kiss her sphincter. It opened slightly in response and Alice gave a soft moan of arousal and spread her thighs even wider apart.

I pushed my face into the cleft of her bottom cheeks, forced my tongue into the open doorway to her anal canal, and used it to allow her to enjoy the last vestiges of her anal virginity.

Rachel, sitting quietly in the corner, was surprised when I asked her to open my bedside drawer and bring the small spray bottle to me. As she did so, I stood up and she was even more surprised when I asked her to spray Alice’s anus and then my cock.

“Alice, please kneel, just as you did earlier.”

She did so and I could wait no longer.

I had spent a wonderful hour in foreplay and now my sister was quivering as I guided my cock to her anus and finally, finally, entered her bottom. Her rear door had been liberally sprayed with lubrication, so when it entered her, despite the struggle I had to get her sphincter finally to open sufficiently wide for me to begin to penetrate her, my cock slid in with relative ease.

Obviously, it was a little painful for her at first because I doubt that she had experienced anything of my cock’s dimensions in her back passage. She was tight, she was nervous, but she was aroused and I took her slowly, I was gentle and I was careful to tell her that if she said stop, I would stop.

She didn’t and I didn’t, and finally Alice had her bottom full of my cock. Once I was fully inside her, I stopped moving so that she could become accustomed to the sensation and instead I reached around her body to feel her breasts and nipples.

Rachel was bombarding her with question about how it felt to have anything inside her rear, and between the many OOH fucks, aahs, ooh gods and mmmngggghs, I think Rachel got the message that Alice was, in fact beginning to enjoy her depraved brother’s attentions.

I felt her nipples harden and grow and I heard her breathing change to a more rapid and shallow panting sound. I was familiar with that sound so I was happy to know that her arousal was mounting. For the next step, I had to get my hands under her thighs to be able to stimulate her clitoris.

She could not move easily because she had her head down on a pillow, with her hands grasping the ends and her bottom raised to allow me to thrust downwards into her. She had realized what I was attempting to do and she obviously wanted me to be successful, because she lifted her bottom as much as she could possibly have managed. My hands slid under her, one hand to her swollen clit and the other over her vulva with two fingers at the beginning of her vagina.

That accomplished, I began to pump into my sister and soon I was sliding in and out of her anus as though it was her vagina. Her inner sphincter had taken a little persuasion to open, but once past that, I had freedom and unrestricted movement to enter deep into her rectum.

I took hold of her hips and used her to steady myself as I fucked her. Slowly and gently, I brought my sister to a moaning, shrieking, and shaking climax. I kept fucking her rear as my own eruption gathered strength and when I did reach the critical point she yelped as I blasted my offering into her rectum.

Rachel had lain down beside Alice and was asking if she was okay, and did she need anything and Alice told her, in a very quiet voice that all she wanted to do now was rest. Rachel moved to take a close look at Alice’s anus and appeared to be fascinated by the new size of the entrance and of the semen oozing from it.

“Take her to her bed Rachel, cuddle up to her and let her calm down. I know from my ex-lover that having a climax through anal intercourse is an extremely intense and tiring event, because your vaginal muscles are trying to clamp around something that isn’t there.”

Before leaving to do as I had suggested, my lovely sister said:

“Thank you, I never would have believed that you could have a climax from anal sex. It was fantastic, no wonder that woman only wanted sex that way, and you can’t get pregnant.”

I had a shower and then spent some time on the internet locating, ordering and paying a premium for next day delivery of the items necessary to make an enema kit. They may not have thought about the hygiene requirements of anal sex, but I knew, but because of the speed at which things had developed, I had been unable to arrange anything that would not spook the girls and spoil not only my fun, but theirs as well, (I told myself!).

I went to check on the girls, but when I saw what they were doing, I left them to it and went to lie on my bed and think about what we’d done and what we were about to do, especially the part involving Rachel forthcoming deflowering, which she wanted, but had no idea just how much I wanted it.

The soft sounds coming from Alice’s room began to have an effect on my brain and soon my hand was stroking my cock, but I was weary, and instead of becoming rampant, I became somnolent.

When I woke up, I was rampant. This was because Rachel and Alice were lying alongside me. I was the meat in a sandwich formed from two hot, soft and desirable female bodies, both of them firmly holding my erection. My hands were free and I did what any male in my situation would do, I reached for their breasts.

The moment I did that, Rachel rolled onto her back. As she did so, Alice lifted my leg and pushed against my thigh and hip to force me into rolling onto Rachel who had her legs apart.

Because it was so smoothly done, I knew they had obviously discussed this manoeuvre. From waking to lying between a hot female’s thighs had taken about ten seconds and I had not done anything to assist them. I would have done If I’d known what their plan was

That was the point at which the mist cleared and I heard myself ask Rachel what she had in mind. She told me that it was up to me to decide what happened now. I remember telling her that all I had been able to think about since last night was how I could get her to say that she wanted me to fuck her.

Rachel’s response had been to lift her legs up, wrap them around my waist and then wrap her arms around my neck to pull my face close to hers and kiss me.

“Does she have to draw you a diagram and spell it out for you? I told you that she has been yours ever since she was ten. When she reached fifteen, all she has ever talked about is how to get you to notice how she feels about you. Now for pity’s sake get your act together and give her what she wants.”

“I am going downstairs to give you two some privacy, but just remember that she can’t stay the night and you won’t get many opportunities to be alone for as long as we have been this weekend.”

“OH David. She said I’d have to tell you, so here it is; I have wanted to be fucked by you since I was fifteen, I have never looked at anyone else so please fuck me now. Please fuck me.”

“I want more than that Rachel, I want you. Not just your body, but being in the position you two have put me in, I am certainly going to have that. There are a great many other things to experience and I want to experience them with you in the years to come. Try to think that over while I fuck you.”

I took her slowly, but I did not have to worry about lubrication, she was awash with the stuff. Grief she was tight, her vagina was tighter than Alice’s anus had been and I had a wonderful time loosening her love tube.

She yelled when her hymen went. The yell was so loud, that Alice came rushing into the room to see what was wrong. I told her that her friend was now a woman and to please go away.

“I want all the details later Rachel.” Then she went and this time she closed the door.

Rachel did what she could to help me give her a memorable first fuck and I had to smile when she made me lift my upper body and help her to get into position to watch my cock invading her sex.

“I’M CUMMING DAVID, DAVID, Oh my god, Fuck, fuuuck. IIM on fire, OH YYESS, YESS AAGH…. Did you just cum inside me? I felt that. Oh David, do it again, please.”

“Sorry love there will be a short intermission now. Most men can’t do repeat performances without a rest.”

“Oh, if I had known that I would have tried to make it last longer.”

"When we're married you will have all the time in the world to practice making it last longer, but when it comes to sex, let whatever is happening to your body, take over and you will always feel satisfied.”

"What did you say?"

"I told you earlier, I want all of you, not only your body."

I eased out of her and brought a small mirror so that she could have a good look at what I’d done to her body. The blood and semen worried her, but I explained that the blood was caused by the loss of her hymen and so she’d never see that happen again.

What I didn’t think about was that the bloodstain on my bedsheet was going to be seen by someone else.
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