A boy falls for his teacher but gets his best friend instead
A/N Well, I’m working on another lemon. I hope this isn’t getting weird. A seventeen year old writing this stuff. What’s going through his mind you ask? Well, I think that I want to try and have fun with the way I write if you know what I mean. I don’t know about you but I’m getting good at this. All Characters are over 18.
A Teacher’s love
I sat in the middle of class watching the teacher. She had such beautiful legs coming out of her skirt. I always dreamed of being able to touch them. She always wears a skirt. It’s always tempting me to no extent. I look at her continuously knowing that she felt my stare on her back. I swear she was doing the things she did just to tempt me. I always had to move my legs to adjust myself. It’s always different scenarios that go through my mind that makes me hard in the middle of her lectures. I couldn’t help the way I felt for her.
“Alex,” Jenna was watching me again, “Hey, you’re doing it again. Just staring off into space.”
I looked at her, “huh?”
She sighed, “you’re doing that thing were you just stare at Ms. Erickson.”
“Why are you watching me? Aren’t you supposed to be paying attention to the board?”
She just turned away from me with a frown on her face. She’s had a crush on me the past four years but she’s my best friend. I didn’t want to ruin that relationship that me and her has. I always know what’s going through her mind. We have this connection where can see what we’re thinking. It’s an awkward feeling always having your best friend going through your mind. Will you stop looking at me, she growled through my mind.
I just chuckled and looked back up to notice that the teacher was writing down the assignment for tonight’s math homework. I always ask for help but I never get it because she always leaves after school. I don’t know what she’s in a rush for. There was only five minutes of school left and I was still watching her. It’s odd that you’re teacher never stays after to help her students. Hey you coming over tonight, I asked Jenna.
I don’t know. Mom and dad are going out and I don’t want to leave the house. But know you, I can’t say no, she sighed, Yea, I know. You’re going to need help with your homework aren’t you?
Of course, you know I don’t pay attention in class, which she should. Seeing as she’s always watching me. I don’t understand her very well. Jenna never really cared before now. Did she find Ms. Erickson a threat? Is it that she can’t stand knowing that I might be taken from her?
“I hate when you do that,” she sighed, “It feels weird when I can’t feel your thoughts.”
“I’m sorry it’s just that we both need our privacy to think about things that go through our minds without the other knowing.”
“I know but,” she was having a hard time putting what she wanted to say into words, “I want to know what my best friend is thinking at all times.”
I watched her thinking that she’s really in love with me. I couldn’t help it but I couldn’t love the same way she loved me not even close. We grew up together and it’s like we were siblings in the womb of our mothers. I was only thirsty seconds older than she is. We grew up together and even swore at age eight that we would be together when we got older yet I have a fetish with my math teacher. Jenna was always there when I got hurt or if I needed help on our homework she only lived a couple houses away and our parents are best friends. In fact the truth is that I loved Jenna more than I should when we’re like one mind.
“Alex,” my eyes snapped to check the time but the teacher was in front of me. I looked up and saw the perfect mounds that were her breasts in front of me like a buffet waiting for me to devour them, “may I have a word with you tomorrow after school?”
I nodded and looked up into her eyes, “Sure Ms. Erickson,” I thought why would she want to see me after school when she always disappeared when the bell rang. I didn’t understand it.
The bell rang and I watched as the teacher left in a hurry and I couldn’t help but feel the stiffness in the front of my pants when I watched her like that she had the body that every guy at the school wanted. Yet they didn’t attempt to go after the most beautiful teacher in the school. She was only twenty-five years old.
Are you coming over tonight Jenna?
I don’t know yet. I might. But it won’t be to do homework. I want to talk to you about something whether you like it or not.
Alright. I’m not complaining. I would rather you come over than not at all. You know that we both love to hang out with each other. Just being in each other’s company is what is better than not being together at all.
She just giggled at that and walked out of the class with me on her heals, “hey can I get a ride home with you?”
“Yeah, come on. I’m not staying after today,” I took the lead and went out the student parking lot. I still couldn’t believe the teacher asked me to stay after school tomorrow.
She growled in my mind and got in on the passenger’s side of the car. I could tell that this was going to be an awkward ride home. Just her thoughts were giving me that clue. She hated when I blocked her out. I couldn’t help it though. It’s just that I couldn’t let her know that I had a major fetish with the teacher. I dreamt of her many times laid out before me her soaking wet panties in my face. I needed to feel them. I needed to taste that dripping mound. I wanted to eat her. I couldn’t stop the hard on that I was gaining just from the thought and then I felt a hand rubbing at the center of my pants. I looked over to see Jenna rubbing at the front of them.
“Does it feel good,” she asked while she kept doing it to me. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips. She smiled and slowly undid my pants button sliding her hand into my pants. My eyes widened, “ah, it does don’t it?”
I nodded trying to stop myself from moaning. I couldn’t help that she was making me harder than hell. I was trying to concentrate on the road but she kept rubbing me through my boxers making me harder. I didn’t know what she was doing.
This is me making my statement that I want you to fuck me, She growled through my mind and she leaned down and licked the front of my boxers and I couldn’t stop the moan that passed through my lips, do you want me to do it again? Wow, you’re so hard.
Jenna.., I looked down at her and she had a pleading look in her eyes, I can’t…I don’t want to hurt you, she licked me again and I moaned again, do you know once we have sex that we’ll be linked for the rest of our lives and we won’t want to date any other person.
I know. I don’t want anyone other than you…, she shook her head and pulled out my dick and licked the tip and I moaned and gasped as she lightly sucked on the tip, I know you want me. I can see it in your mind of everything you want to do to me.
I cannot believe her. I don’t want to do this yet she’s making it hard for me to resist her. Why is she doing this? There’s got to be some reason as to why she’s doing what doing.
“I told you why I was doing it. I want you to fuck me. I’ve wanted you to fuck me for the last three years and you won’t.”
“I told you that I didn’t want to hurt you. You mean too much to me to do that to you.”
She nibbled up and down the shaft of my dick, “I love the way you taste,” she sucked on it taking me deep into her mouth and sucked really hard which made me grip the steering wheel as she sucked on me more.
I was gripping the wheel until I had white knuckles and I was moaning louder and soon I couldn’t help but slowly lift my hips into her mouth. I loved the way her mouth felt. I couldn’t believe that she could do this to me and find pleasure from giving her best friend a blowjob on their way home from school. She kept sucking on me taking me deep and she twirled her tongue around the tip of my member. My god she was going to make me cum. She’s too good.
“Jenna I’m…,” my words were cut off as she lightly nipped the tip which sent me over and I came in her mouth and she smiled as it launched all over her mouth and face.
She licked it off me and wiped her face on my stomach and licked it off.
“Oh my. That was quite a lot for you to cum,” Jenna smiled and licked the tip and it got really hard again. She shook her head and smiled showing me her underwear which was soaked and you could see the outline of her pussy’s lips. She started to rub herself right in front of me and we pulled up into her parents driveway and she smiled, “Till later and I’ll finish what I started,” she said, and she stuck her fingers inside of herself and put them in my mouth and I shivered from the taste of her. I wanted to eat her here and now.
I nodded and watched as she got out of the car and went to the front door and turned and said into my mind, I love you Alex, I always have. I will give you the best night of your life. And not to mention you’re going to have my virginity in your back pocket.
Why do you have to do that to me?
I told you I love you and I will always love you.
No buts mister. Be prepared for tonight.
I drove off down the road a couple houses pulling into my drive way and went into my room thinking about what just happened. Did I just experience that from my best friend? I wasn’t imagining it either. It’s really happened. I just got a blowjob from my best friend. A girl that was soon to be mine.
My phone vibrated and I opened it to see a text message from Nick, what the hell happened to you! You didn’t show up at practice!
I had work to do and coach knew, I typed it into my phone.
Dude I’m serious, we have a championship game in the next few days and you missed practice for work?
Do you want me to lose my job?
It’s not that. Your boss should understand.
I’m not going to argue about this. I got work to do. Later.
Nick was one of those guys majorarlly into sports and I’m serious. That boy had every game from Madden to FIFA. It’s just bugs me how he can complain when he’s done the same thing. Sure, it wasn’t a few days before the championship game but he’s done it before. Mom came in and looked at me.
“Everything okay sweetie,” she asked with a soft smile touching her lips.
“Mom, if something was to happen between me and Jenna what would you think,” I asked softly.
“Well, there’s nothing that we can do, neither can her parents. We knew that the day will come soon. It’s because you were born on the same day and at the same time that your link was created that you would soon be lovers,” she looked at me, “why, did something happen?”
“No, everything’s fine. I was just wondering,” I smiled at her and walked into my closet for my clothes that I would wear tomorrow at school.
Mom left the room and once again I was left to my thoughts. I loved the thought that I could be alone and not be bothered by anyone. It’s something that my family and I had. We always give each other the space and privacy when we needed it. And we knew when the times was that it was to be private. I sat there in my closet.
What are you thinking Alex, a soft whispered echoed through my mind, I know that your thinking of something and yet you have me blocked, soft arms encircled my waist and press against my back, I’m here. Let me know. I already know that you’re going to have sex with the teacher tomorrow and I’m prepared to let you do it. I want you to have that chance, soft lips brushed over my neck and I shivered, I can see you’re still weak from when I do this to you.
Why wouldn’t I be Jenna? I’ve always loved your lips on my neck. No matter what you did I’ve always stopped you. Do you really want me to fuck you? Is that what your dreams consist of, I asked her through her mind. I knew the answer. Because I’ve always woke up to her dreams in the morning.
Of course I do, her hands traveled up under my shirt and her teeth lightly nipped my shoulder and I shivered. She was brushing her hands over my stomach and up higher taking my shirt with it; you want it to don’t you. You’ve always wanted it. And yet, you didn’t say anything. I won’t stop this time Alex.
I know. I’ll let you. I do want it. But my fear of hurting you always got in my way of giving you what you want; she lifted my shirt over my head and pressed against my back. She was naked and I shivered as she rubbed against me.
You like the feel of my breasts against your back? Do you love the way they feel. They’re yours. Always have been. I’ve held myself for you. I want you to take it. I want you to fuck me as you always wanted to.
I turned around so that I’m facing her and my hand slid up her chest and she moaned as my finger trailed over her breast. And I wrap my hand around cupping her cheek and I kissed her hard trailing one of my hands down her stomach to slowly rubs her thigh and she moaned against my lips. And my hand started too trailed over her entrance and she moaned as loud as she can and I kissed her to quiet. The more my hand trailed over her the more she moaned and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread over my lips and I nipped her bottom lip pulling her close as my finger slowly entered her and she moaned as she wrapped tightly around it.
“You’ve never played with yourself have you,” I asked as my finger slowly moved in her.
“n-n-no,” she said in between pants. “w-what are you doing?”
“What does it look like,” I whispered into her in the ear, “I’m starting you off.”
She moaned as my fingers lightly spread her open and slowly thrust a little deeper within her. She was grasping my shoulders digging her nails deep into them. The more I thrust my fingers the more she dug in. I moaned in her ear and I felt the instant wetness that was getting more potent as I started to thrust my finger deeper and faster and the more she moaned the more that I got harder. I leaned up to her neck and I lightly bit and she moaned louder.
“You like the way my teeth enter your skin,” I asked and she nodded as I leaned in and bit her again and she moaned louder. I continued to add pressure until she whimpered and I released her neck smiling against it and whispered, “Lay down, my love.”
She laid down looking up at me and I closed the closet door and smiled down at her. I told you that I didn’t want to do this but you put me in a position that I can’t refuse. I love you Jenna. I always have. I never wanted to do this to you. I really didn’t.
I know, I’m forcing you to. But I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed you so bad. I need to feel what every girl feels when she first loses her virginity. I wanted you to do it. That’s why. I want you NOW!
Soon my love, soon. I got down so I was in between her legs, and rested my head on her shoulder lightly kissing it, and I slowly kissed down it all the way down the center of her chest and slowly up one side of one of her breasts and slowly licked around her nipple. She shivered as my tongue continued to go around it. I slow enclosed my lips around it and I lightly sucked on it as one of my hands lightly squeezed the other one and my thumb rubs against her nipple. I continued to suck on her nipple and my teeth lightly pinches it pulling on it. My thumb and pointer finger lightly massages it between them rolling it and she moaned as my teeth lightly bites and I kiss down her stomach.
“A-a-Alex why are you teasing me so much,” she was moving against me restlessly, “please take me…”
“Not yet my love,” my lips travel lower to her waist and I stop there looking up at her, “do you want to feel what it feels like to be eaten out?”
Jenna nodded and I slowly slid my tongue out and licked very slowly down the outside of her hip to her knee and went up the inside of it very slowly as I got closer to her mound she was moving against me lifting herself in offering. I smiled and lightly licked right in between her pussies lips and she moaned shivering violently as I continued to lick there.
“A-a-a-Alex,” her hands twined in my hair as I continued to lick her pulling my face closer to her mound, “put your tongue in me please.”
I smiled against her as I slowly spread her opened and I stared at her opening and she flushed a deep pink. And I lightly kissed it slipping my tongue out against it lightly pushing it in. She moaned loud begging for more as I thrust my tongue as deep as I could slowly flicking it and I pulled it out as she shivered.
“Alex, please…take me,” She begged me pulling at my shoulders but stopped as soon as my tongue slipped back inside of her. Her hand pushed my head down more moving her hips against my face as I continued to eat her. Her body shook as she came. And she convulsed as my finger pressed against her clit rubbing it lightly, “Dammit, fuck me already. I-I want to cum with you inside of me!”
I slowly kissed up her stomach and slid my hand up her chest rubbing the bottom of her breasts leaning down kissing her shoulder, lightly nipping it. Sliding against her and she moaned into my shoulder biting down on it. I moaned loud in her ear. I moved my hips against hers and she moaned again and I slipped a condom onto me.
“What kind are you using babe,” she asked as I leaned down over her.
“I’m using a magnum, none ribbed so I’m making this very special for both of us,” I whispered against her lips, as I slowly slid the head into her and I kissed as I pushed into her feeling the wall that was blocking my access into her as I continued pushing into her and she was crying lightly when I broke through to rest inside of her. Allowing her body to adjust to me, tears slid down her face and I kissed her. Are you ready for me to move?
Yes, but move slowly at first my love. She laid there looking into my eyes and whispered, “I love you Alex.”
I slowly started to move into her. As I moved I kissed her neck and shoulder biting her and she moaned. I kept going slowly leaving soft kisses up and down her neck and I looked her in the eyes. The more I moved in her, the more her body relaxed getting used to me. I kissed her as I looked her in the eyes moving into her just a little faster. She moaned as her nails dug into my skin. I kept kissing her.
Mmm, Alex that feels really good. I knew that you were like this but it’s better than I imagined it being, she whispered into my mind watching my eyes as I continued to thrust into her slowly and she slowly lifted her hips as if she was unsure of what to do. Oh my god Alex, faster please go faster Oh my god Alex, faster please go faster, I started to thrust into her faster and harder and her moans became louder in my ear.
“Does it feel good Jenna,” I asked her between thrusts and she nodded her head and she started to lift her hips in time with my thrusts meeting me as I came down into her, “Do you want to try to be on top of me?”
She nodded her head and she flipped me so she was on top, “like this?”
“Yes, like that Jenna, just like that,” I watched as her eyes glaze over with pleasure and I started to thrust up into her as she came down onto me. I reached down in between us and I started to rub her clit pushing it down against my cock. She moaned and her nails dug into my chest as I started to rub her clit faster.
“God, Alex this is amazing,” She tightened her muscles around my cock and I grew deep inside of her and she moaned loud, “A-A-Alex I’m going to…I’m going…,” she didn’t get to finish her sentence as I pulled her down and I started to kiss her hard as my thrusts into her became more potent as I started to thrust harder and deeper into her. I felt her tighten and then all of a sudden she lifted off of me and her cum came seeping out from her pussy covering my dick.
“Wow, Jenna you came a lot didn’t you,” I thrusted back into her and she moaned loud.
“Alex, do you honestly have…,” her words were stopped with yet another moan as I started to go faster inside of her. She was really tight and yet I could still keep going within her.
“COME INSIDE OF ME. PLEASE COME INSIDE OF ME,” she yelled as I started to cum filling the condom that I had on me.
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
The alarm started to go off. I looked at it and it was 7:30 in the morning I looked around my room and Jenna was nowhere to be found. Did she sleep with me and just go home? No, I remember her lying next to me last night after we got done.
“Looking for me,” came a amused voice from my bathroom door.
I turned and looked to see Jenna standing there in my white shirt that she put on last night. I kept her up till like 5 in the morning playing different sex games which always ended up in us having sex.
“There’s a two hour delay today,” she said coming back to me and she leaned down and kissed me lightly, “should we go get something to eat while we wait for time to go to school,” she asked and she padded to my door looking at me amused.
To be continued….
A/N sorry guys but this is going to be continued later on. I’m trying to plan out what I want to do for the next part of the Teacher’s love one shot. So keep reading and I’ll upload it after I get done. Leave me reviews on what you would like to see in the next part.