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Laura, once a lesbian, has been blackmailed into a path of degradation and conditioning that has left her as nothing more than a degraded fuckbunny...
Chapter 38

Sam didn't normally visit the Pretty Titty, but he was there that night for a friend's buck's night.

The women here were hot, he had to admit, and the way they degraded themselves for the patrons was even hotter. He had developed an erection the first time a big-titted blonde had leant over next to him, her naked boobs brushing his shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "My name is Fuckbunny. I like it when men cum on my tits. How can I serve you this evening?" The erection hadn't gone away since.

But the thing that really got his attention that night was the stage show. At the centre of the club was a stage with a stripper pole, with a walkway leading up to it from a backstage area, and there was constantly at least one slut on the stage showing herself off for the audience's pleasure. When Sam had come in, a naked bimbo was making love to the pole, wrapping her legs around it and sliding it between her big fake tits and up against her cunt. Later a redhead, nude except for heels, had taken the stage and spread her legs for the audience before starting to wantonly masturbate in front of them.

The third girl, though, was someone Sam knew.

She came out naked, on all fours, crawling. Her pink hair was in disarray, like she'd just been fucked - and for all Sam knew, she had - and her big naked tits swung beneath her, occassionally brushing the floor. She wore high heels and a collar and nothing else, and there was a dog leash clipped to the collar being held by a gorgeous blonde with huge fake breasts, just as nude.

The girl with pink hair was Laura, and Sam had gone to school with her. She'd made his life hell, not with overt cruelty, but with affection. They had been close friends - very close - and Laura had spent many hours at his house. They'd gone to movies together, gone on holidays together. And always Laura would hint they might be something more.

She'd give him long, long hugs, crushing her tits against him, nuzzling his neck. She'd sit on his lap as they watched films, wiggling her ass against his cock, which she *had* to be able to feel stiffening against her. When they sat next to each other she'd sometimes innocently rest her hand in his lap. She'd take him with her when she went lingerie shopping and show him all the lacy pink underwear she was going to stuff her tits and pussy into. She would even, on occasion, watch hentai with him - hentai with pink-haired big-titted sluts just like her - and ask him which girls were the prettiest, and which ones he wanted to fuck, and who he hoped would get raped, and he'd tell her it was the pink-haired girl, and she'd hug him and say how much she liked him.

And through all those years he never got another girlfriend, because he was hung up on Laura. He wasted those years. He had acted on his feelings. Three times he had made a pass at Laura, and each time she had slapped him down, and mocked him, and told him he was horrible for misunderstanding their friendship and he should feel bad - and then she'd gone straight back to cockteasing him. He remembered kissing her once, and she'd let him kiss her, and moaned sluttily, and the kiss had gone on for a full minute, and it was only after he pulled away that she pushed him backwards and said, "How could you?" He remembered one day when she had been sitting on his lap, and he was holding her around the waist, and she moved his hand to her breast - *she* moved it to her breast - and when he had squeezed her soft, large tit, she had shrieked and jumped up, and started to lecture him on boundaries, only it was a confusing lecture because as she talked she put her hand on his crotch, and squeezed his hard cock, and he couldn't concentrate on what she was saying.

And finally he had told her that he loved her, and he wanted to date her, and that was when she told him that she had a girlfriend now and was taken, and he really should have said something before. And she kissed him on the lips, and then walked out of his life.

And now here she was, the cockteasing lesbian slut, naked and crawling like an animal, on stage at the Pretty Titty.

The blonde walked Laura up to the edge of the stage, and had Laura sit - telling her "Sit," like Laura was a well-trained dog - and then had Laura spread her legs to the audience. Sam stared at Laura's twat, entranced. It was sopping wet, with long sticky ropes of slut nectar running between her labia, her thighs glistening with her cunt juices. Her clit poked out eagerly from between her engorged cunt-flaps. Laura stared out vacantly into the audience as she exposed her pussy for them.

Sam watched as Laura began to masturbate, rubbing her clit and sinking her fingers deep inside her fuckhole. She moaned sluttily as she did it, and squeezed her big tits forcefully. Sam couldn't believe what he was seeing - and even less so when he realised Laura was deliberately hurting herself in her masturbation, pinching her clitoris hard and crushing her tits in her hands. Here was the object of his teenage fantasies, degrading herself for money, wet and horny and masturbating in public.

After a while, the blonde pulled hard on the leash, dragging Laura away from the stage edge by her neck, and bringing Laura's mouth up to the blonde's cunt. Sam watched as Laura started to eagerly lick at the blonde's snatch, burying her face in the girl's wet pussy, still rubbing at her cunt as she did. The blonde moaned and pushed her groin against Laura's face, and then after a while she descended to the stage floor as well, and the girls took up a 69 position, both licking at each other's twats at the same time. Sam was sure Laura orgasmed at least three times before the show was over.

When the girls retreated backstage, Sam was left with a raging erection. He was lucky he hadn't cum in his pants. How had this come to be? How had Laura become such a slut? Was she still a lesbian? She had licked out a girl, but she'd done it in front of a male audience.

He felt something brush his shoulder, and he realised it was the tits of one the waitress, Fuckbunny. She was leaning over to purr into his ear - "You know, if you like the pink-haired girl, you can fuck her. We have rooms to use the whores in out the back."

Sam was overwhelmed. Fuck Laura? Laura was a prostitute? She fucked men? He wanted to - wanted to so much - but he'd never used a whore before. He felt weird paying money for sex. He shook his head to Fuckbunny - "no" - and tried to enjoy the rest of the buck's night, but he couldn't get that image out of his head, nor could he make his erection going away. Fucking Laura. Cumming inside her. It was the most erotic thing he could think of.

Hours passed, and eventually it was time for the night to come to an end. Quite drunk, he staggered outside to call a taxi.

And there was Laura. She was naked, except for the collar, the high heels, and a pink robe to keep her warm. She hadn't even pulled the robe closed - her tits and shaved cunt were on full display.

"Laura!" he said, before he could stop himself. She looked over at him, confused, and then recognition bloomed in her eyes.

"Sam!" she said. And there was something else in her face - shame; humiliation; the knowledge that she was degraded and the brief thought that someone from her earlier life might save her from it. But then also a slutty brainlessness that overwhelmed the rest.

She walked over to him and hugged him. Her bare tits pressed against him. "They call me Kitten Tits here," she said. "You should call me Kitten Tits. Did you like my show?"

"I thought your show was great," he said, and then added, awkwardly, "Kitten Tits." Calling her the degrading name felt good. His cock twitched in his pants. Then it twitched even harder, as he felt her lower her hand to his pants and start to stroke his groin. She giggled as she felt his cock move against her fingers.

"Do you, uh, want to catch up sometime?" he asked, his throat dry.

She nodded, cutely.

"Um, tomorrow afternoon?" he suggested. "My place?"

She nodded again.

At that point two other girls came out of the club, both naked like Laura. He recognised one as her girlfriend from when he had known her, Erica. The other - a cute petite blonde - he didn't know.

"This is my pet Erica," said Laura. "They call her Slavetoy here. And this is my new girlfriend Taylor, and her name here is Candy Twat."

"Hello Slavetoy," Sam said. "Hello Candy Twat." The girls were gorgeous - naked and gorgeous.

"We have to go home now," said Laura. "But I'll see you tomorrow afternoon?"

Sam nodded, unable to find words, and watched the three nude girls walk away to the car park.

He went home that night and masturbated furiously.


The next morning Sam thought to look for Laura on the internet. He wanted to see what she'd been up to when last he saw her. He expected only to find her Facebook page and maybe an Instagram account, but instead a search for her name returned a site called "Laura The Fake Lesbian" at

He thought it was a random porn site at first, until he clicked through and realised it was full of pictures of Laura - his Laura! A welcome video played, in which a naked Laura with cum visibly splattered on her boobs talked about how much she liked fucking men, being raped, and drinking piss and cum. She was masturbating as she spoke.

He paid for a membership to the site immediately, then clicked through the content, stroking his cock as he went. It had Laura naked; Laura stripping in a variety of places and from a variety of outfits. It had her lezzing off with the two girls he'd seen last night. It had her eating dog food out of girls' cunts, pissing in public, drinking urine, having her tits and cunt hit with a cane, and being fucked by a man in a variety of positions and a variety of holes.

She was a degraded fucktoy. He didn't know how she had become this fantasy sex-object but he couldn't help himself - he orgasmed again, for the second time in twelve hours.

Laura eventually turned up as agreed in the early afternoon. He opened the door to find her dressed like a ridiculous sex doll. She wore her collar and high heels. Otherwise, above her waist she wore only a leather belt, buckled across her tits at nipple level, pulled tight to crush her titflesh uncomfortably against her chest. The buckle rested over her left nipple, which must have been painful. Below the waist she wore a short skirt that didn't even come down far enough to cover the bottom of her cunt, which was bare. Her labia were taped to her inner thighs with sticky tape, splaying her cunt open, and there was a clothespeg clamped on her clitoris.

His cock stiffened. He led the little bitch into his house.

"I'm so glad you could come, Laura," he said. "I've always wanted to have you like this - but you knew that, didn't you?"

Laura nodded, and then giggled stupidly.

"I showed you how I felt about you three times, Laura, and each time you turned me down even though you'd been a cockteasing slut," he said. "Do you remember that?"

Laura nodded again.

"Would you like to make it up to me?" he asked her.

Laura nodded eagerly, although there was something in her eyes that suggested that no, she didn't really, and she was scared about where this was going.

Sam didn't care. "Good," he said. "Come sit on the couch."

She did.

"The first time I showed you how I felt, I kissed you, and you rejected me. I think you should experience what that feels like," he said. "Kiss me, Laura."

Laura swallowed nervously, and then leant forward and kissed him on the lips. It felt wonderful. Her lips were warm and soft and submissive. He gave her a long, deep kiss, then finally pulled away - and then slapped her hard across the face.

Laura squeaked in shock, her cheek reddening. Fascinatingly, she made no move to protect herself.

"Kiss me again," Sam demanded.

Laura nervous leant in for another long kiss, which Sam enjoyed, and at the end he slapped her across the face again.

"You stupid slut," he said. "Why did you think I'd want to kiss you?"

Laura looked confused and scared.

"Kiss me again," he told her.

She leant in obediently for a third kiss. This time during the kiss he grabbed her hair tight in his hands, and when he was done kissing he moved his mouth away slightly, and then spat directly between her parted lips. She squeaked and turned her face away, so he grabbed her jaw in his hand, turned her back towards him, forced her mouth open, and spat in it twice more, and then slapped her hard twice.

She was on the verge of tears now, which made her look twice as pretty. Sam snarled at her. "You dumb slut! Why woudl you think I'd want to kiss you? No one would want to kiss a dumb lesbian whore like you." And then he leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth, brusing her lips, spitting into her mouth as he kissed her, and when he was done he slapped her again, and again, five times, until she really was crying.

"That's what it feels like, slut," he told her as she cried. She looked beautiful like this. But her crying went on too long, so after a while he pushed her legs apart, got a grip on the clothespeg clipped to her clitoris, and tugged on it repeatedly until she got the message and quietened down.

"The second time, I squeezed your tits, Laura," he said now. "Do you remember?"

She noded dumbly.

"In fact, you asked to be squeeze your tits. You put my hand on your boobs. And then when you pretended like you didn't want it, you rubbed my cock as you made fun of me. Do you remember that?"

Laura nodded, her eyes still full of tears.

"Ask me to squeeze your tits, Laura," he told her.

"Please Sam," she squeaked. "Please squeeze my... fuckbags. Squeeze my giant cow udders."

"Say 'squeeze my tits'," he said.

She shook her head, scared, so he slapped her, and then he slapped her again, and again.

Finally she said, her voice catching, "Squeeze my tits." On the work "tits", she jerked, and Sam realised she had received an electric shock. From her collar? It had seemed to directly hurt her breasts and groin.

"Say 'tits' again," he told her.

She looked at him pleadingly. He slapped her, and so she said it. "Tits." Again she convulsed with pain.

"What's zapping you, Laura?" he asked her.

"My collar. And there are implants in my slut balloons and cum dump, and they shock me if I don't use proper hetero whore words."

"Good," said Sam. He put her hand on her breast, and squeezed it hard. Then he unbuckled the belt from around her breasts, and repositioned it so it went around the based of her left breast, and then pulled it as tight as he could. It constricted the base of her boob tightly, and made the rest bulge lewdly and begin to turn purple. He cinched it in place, and then took off his own belt and used it on her right tit.

As he did so, he took his cock out of his pants, and moved Laura's hand to it. She knew what he wanted, and began to obediently stroke his dick.

Sam watched with interest as constricting Laura's tits made a little flow of white milk substance run from her nipples. It confirmed something he had been wondering - Laura was pregnant. That bulge in her belly was a baby. He casually wiped up some of the discharge from her nipple and smeared it on her face.

"Who's the father?" he asked.

"My brother," Laura said quietly, and Sam felt his cock twitch with arousal.

As Laura stroked his cock, he reached out and began to squeeze her tits. He aimed to hurt her, to humiliate her, and he used milking motions to make more of the colostrum flow from her pregnant whore melons. Laura moaned and mewled as he crushed her constricted fuckbags in his hands, but again she made no move to defend herself. He kissed her as he abused her tits, sometimes pausing to spit in her mouth again.

After a while, he brought out the toys he'd prepared earlier from under the couch, toys he'd prepared after seeing what an obedient degraded slut Laura was on her website. They were two velvet bags, each with a drawstring at the top, designed to hold small knicknacks. As it turned out, each was just the right size to hold one of Laura's tits. He slipped a bag over each breast, pulled the drawstring tight at the top, and tucked the mouth under the belt to hold it in place.

Then he went back to squeezing and fondling Laura's tits, and Laura learned the purpose of the bags. Each was filled at the bottom with a generous double handful of thumbtacks.

Laura howled as Sam massaged the thumbtacks against her big melons. She cried, and sobbed, but she didn't for a second stop masturbating him, or pull her tits away, or ask him to stop, even though her eyes begged for mercy.

The look in her eyes drove him over the edge. Finally he pulled her up to straddle his lap and let his cock sink into her cunt. It felt divine. He pulled her tight against him so that her tits were crushed against his chest, and began to bounce her up and down on his dick. Each bounce dragged her breasts up and down his chest, driving new thumbtacks into her titflesh. He held her in place with one arm and used the other to repeatedly slap her face as he raped her. He was leaving marks on her and he didn't care. He raped her and raped her until finally he ejaculated into her cunt.

He stopped bouncing her and let the crying girl sit on his lap for a moment, enjoying the feeling. He was pretty sure that for all her tears, she'd orgasmed at least three times during her rape. Then he pushed her off him to the floor, grabbed her hair, and guided her face to his cock to lick him clean, which she did eagerly and obediently. He decided the pin-bags could stay on her tits for the time being.

He decided to give her a brief break from the peg on her clitoris, though. He grabbed her by the hair, then reached down and unclipped the peg, and watched her face fill with agony as the blood rushed back into her clit. The horrible pain made her orgasm, and he held her firmly by the hair as she bucked, and then at the height of her orgasm he snapped the peg back onto her clit.

He left her there, shaking, and went to the kitchen to make them each a sandwich. He poured himself a glass of champagne, and brought an empty wine glass back for Laura, which he passed to her. "The final time you rejected me was when I asked to date you. You would have liked dating me. I would have taken you for a lovely dinner and made you feel like a princess," he said. "But we can have a date now that fits the kind of bitch you actually are." He gestured to the glass. "Fill this with your piss," he told her.

Laura didn't even rebel against this instruction. She was used to acting like this. She placed the glass against her cunt, then began to urinate into it. She avoided eye contact with him while she did, but as she pissed she tugged at the peg on her clit with her free hand, stimulating her pussy while she urinated.

When the glass was full, he got her to put it on the low coffee table, then passed her her sandwich. "Here's the meal I've ordered for our date. Eat this like you do on your website," he told her. Obediently, she took the ham-and-tomato sandwich and pushed it up into her cum-filled snatch. She gasped sluttily as she stuffed her pussy with the food. When it was all inside her, she began to rub her cunt and tug at her clit-peg. Soon she orgasmed, her pussy spasming, her cunt muscles squeezing the food inside her. At that point she took a long sip of urine from her glass, and then began digging the mashed cunty bread out of her twat and putting it in her mouth.

Sam watched this naked pregnant whore who he had once loved drinking piss and eating food from her cunt like a degraded animal, and it felt good. Laura deserved this.

After she was done eating, he pulled her over by her hair, pushed his cock into her mouth, and pissed. He had always wanted to piss in a girl's mouth, and it felt as good as he had imagined to use her as his toilet, feeling her swallow his piss as she looked up at him, desperate to please. He kept drinking his champagne - he wanted another full bladder for later, as he intended to piss on her face and hair before she left and send her home dripping.

Next he took Laura into the computer room. He sat in front of the computer and pulled up Laura's website. Then he sat Laura on his lap, buried his cock in her cunt, which she had just eaten out of, and told her to rub her clit. He didn't fuck her, just rested his cock inside her, and made her give him a running commentary on each of the videos of her degradation that he pulled up. As she spoke, he squeezed the bags of pins encasing her boobs, driving the sharp points into Laura's titflesh.

"That's me pissing into my girlfriend's mouth," Laura explained as she rubbed her cunt and cried quietly from the pain in her tits. "She's such a fake lesbian whore, she deserves it. She's pregnant with my brother's cum too. She seduced him like a little slut. I like hurting her. Lesbians deserve to be hurt. We milk her big slut tits like she's a moo cow. Pregnant lesbians are cows, not people. They need to be raped and have their tits hurt."

And the next one. "This is me orgasming from having my tits whipped with a belt by my brother. You can see milk squirting from my nipples on each hit because I'm such a stupid moo cow. I orgasmed because I think with my cunt, and because I'm a disgusting fake lesbian incestuous whore who deserves to have her udders punished."

Sam pulled up a webcam window as she spoke, and set it to broadcast to his friends who'd known Laura at school. It showed a window of its feed on his desktop, which was good because it let him watch Laura cry as she spoke. When she realised what he was doing, she involuntarily orgasmed against his cock, which made her cry even more in shame and humiliation.

"That's me...", she sobbed, "masturbating like a stupid little lesbian slut... as I watch my brother fuck my girlfriend's cunt with a cattle prod and then discharge it into her pussy."

Finally Sam orgasmed, and ejaculated deep into Laura's cunt again, and then had her climb down off his lap to lick his cock clean. He looked down at the degraded bitch between his knees and was disgusted by her, and disgusted by what he'd done with her. He waited while his cock softened in Laura's mouth, then removed it, slapped her, and dressed.

Once he was dressed, he pulled her to her feet by her hair. "You never deserved my attention," he told her. "You never deserved to be loved. You're a disgusting fuckpig and I want you out of my house." He watched as she crawled to her phone and used it to dial her girlfriend to come pick her up, then he grabbed her and put her mouth back on his cock as he waited for her lift to arrive.

Eventually it did come - a bubblegum pink car, being driven by Erica, Laura's erstwhile girlfriend, who apparently now went by the name Slavetoy at the Pretty Titty. It was a slut car, he thought, with a slut driving it.

He dragged Laura out to the car by her hair, still naked, leaving such meagre clothes as she had worn inside the house, and pushed her into the passenger seat of the car. Then he went round to the driver's door, opened it, and leaned in and kissed Erica on the mouth without her consent. Erica was surprised, but passively let herself be kissed. She was wearing a cute semi-see-through sun dress with no bra, so for fun he reached into her dress and lifted her tits out of it. Again, she let him, even though it clearly didn't please her.

He looked at the two lesbians sitting in the car in his driveway, lit by the late afternoon sun. One was nude and dishevelled and covered with sweat and the signs of being recently raped. The other was pretty and submissive, her cute tits exposed to the world. He wanted to give them one final degradation. They shouldn't be allowed to drive off like people. They were fuckpigs and they should know it as they travelled home.

"I want you girls to piss," he told them. "Piss into your car seats. I want you to go home in a puddle of warm wetness, and I want you to smell it every time you get into this car, and be reminded that you wet yourself there because a man told you to."

Neither girl made eye contact. Both blushed. But moments later, Sam heard the burbling sounds of liquid moving, and a wet patch began to spread under both girls as they urinated into their car seats. Pleased, Sam took out his own cock, aimed it at the girls' faces, and began to piss. Urine splashed over their faces and hair and ran down over their tits. He pissed until his bladder was empty, then he grabbed Erica's hair and stuffed his cock in her mouth for her to suck it clean.

"Both of you bitches are to masturbate all the way home, but you're not allowed to cum," he told them. "Erica had better drive very slowly so she doesn't crash the car while playing with her cunt. Don't stop rubbing your cunts for anything, under any circumstances." And then he very deliberately went around the back of the car and used a branch to smash one of the car's tail lights. He hoped very much the car would be stopped by the police on the way, and the girls would have to explain to a police officer why they were undressed, masturbating and drenched in urine. He had no doubt these well-trained girls wouldn't think of making claims of rape or abuse. They would explain that they were like this becuase it was what they wanted and deserved.

As the girls drove away in their piss-soaked slut car, Sam expected to feel guilt about what he had done that day. He had never done anything like this with a woman before. He had hurt and abused and degraded and raped a girl who he knew didn't really want it, but was for some reason allowing it to happen anyway. He had made her cry and tortured her tits. He should feel bad.

He didn't. He felt good. He felt really good.

(To be continued...)

All These RoadworksReport 

2017-11-30 22:37:37
It's not the end of the story but Sexstories appears to be experiencing difficulties recently that are giving me real trouble in posting new chapters or accessing my inbox. :-(


2017-11-08 23:25:57
I hope this isn't the end of the story!

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