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Matt and Tom were best friends for as long as they could remember. They spend every minute they could together riding bikes, playing video games, or just hanging out.
Matt and Tom were best friends for as long as they could remember. They spend every minute they could together riding bikes, playing video games, or just hanging out. They were walking, well almost running to Tom’s house as there was a half day at school so both Toms’ parents would still be at work and they would have the house to themselves. They got to the house and ran upstairs, Matt sat on the bed as Tom got out the package that came in for the day before.

“Man I feel like a kid at Christmas” Matt told Tom. “I know so who is going first?” Tom asked. “Let’s flip a coin” Matt said pulling a quarter out of his pocket. “You call Tom it”. Matt flipped the coin and Tom called out heads and both boys watch the coin fall to the floor and land on heads. “Sweet I’m first” Tom said as he pulled off his shirt and jumped back and landed on his bed. Tom sat on his bed with just the gym shorts he was wearing and wanted for Matt to get the stuff ready.

“They say to start with the smallest one first, Matt” Tom told his friend. “Hey I stole these from the nurse’s station today” Matt said as he pulled a wad of latex gloves out of his book bag. “Oh how doesn’t your folks know you bought this stuff?” Matt asked Tom as he laid the items out next to Tom on the bed. “I got my own debt card, and the site online doesn’t give detail of the items bought” Tom replied. “Cool”

Matt put on a pair of gloves and grab the bottle as he looked at his friend lying on the bed. “Man, I feel like I’m at the doctor’s office” Tom said looking up at Matt. “I know right” Matt replied. With his free hand Matt pulled down Tom’s shorts with his help and exposed Tom’s soft hairless cock. Matt grabbed Tom’s cock and pumped it a bit to bring it to life and soon Tom’s cock was fully hard at six inches. “Hey make sure you tell me if I need to stop” Matt told Tom. “I will.”

Matt unscrewed the lid to the bottle and squeezed the thick lube onto the tip of Tom’s cock right at his peehole. Matt picked up the thinness steel rod and after spreading some more lube onto it, lined it up with the opening of Tom’s cock. “Ready dude?” Matt asked. “Yeah go for it” Tom replied. Matt slowly pushed the rod into Tom’s cock. “Wow I feel it going in” Tom said. “Stop, stop” Tom told Matt grabbing his hand to stop him from putting the rod in more. “Do you want me to take it out?” Matt asked him. “NO, just give me a moment.”

“Ok a little more” Tom told Matt letting go of his hand. Matt pushed the rod in a little more. “This is so fucking cool dude.” “I can feel the rod on the underside of your cock” Matt told Tom. Matt was about at the base of Tom’s cock with the rod that was inside it. He started to pull it out then back in as he was now slowly fucking Tom with the rod. He had only done this about six or seven times when Tom told him to pull the rod out. “Oh shit!” Tom yelled as he came hard. Matt didn’t know that Tom was going to cum so when he pulled the rod out, he was still holding Tom’s cock point up at him. The first cum blast was so powerful that Tom hit Matt in the face with it. The two had eating each other’s cum before so Matt didn’t mind it. He just licked his lips were the cum was as Tom blasted another five times. Tom wasn’t known for cumming a lot when he did, but it looked like he unloaded a month’s worth of cum onto his stomach.

“Dam dude that was a lot of cum” Matt told Tom grabbing him a dirty shirt to wipe up his cum. “I know and I never felt a cum that powerful before and never that quickly” Tom replied taking the shirt and wiping his stomach. “Okay my turn” Matt said. Tom finished cleaning himself and put on a pair of gloves. Matt meanwhile stripped on got on the bed, he was already hard as a rock. Tom grabbed the stuff and lubed up Matt’s cock. Unlike Tom, Matt had a lot of pubic hair around his cock and on his balls. Matt was also much bigger than Tom; his cock was over eight inches long and thick. Though his was bigger than Tom; Tom would make jokes because the shaft of Matt’s cock wasn’t round but more oval shape making it very wide. The head of it was also about the same size as Tom’s so it looked funny on Matt’s larger cock. Matt was also uncut and Tom liked that as when they would jerk each other off Tom would play with Matt’s foreskin moving it back and forth over the head of his cock.

Tom used his finger tip to work the lube into the peehole of Matt’s cock before getting the same rod that Matt used on him and lining it up with the hole. Tom pushed the rod in and like Matt felt it on the outside of Matt’s cock going deep down Matt’s cock. Matt just laid then with his eyes closed as Tom worked the rod in and out of Matt’s cock. “Hey grab the next size up” Matt told Tom. Tom got the larger rod that looked like it was half the thickness larger and started to work that one in. After Tom worked the larger rod into Matt’s cock he pumped it in and out as he stroked his cock. Tom did this for a while till Matt cummed with the rod still in his cock. Cum came out around the rod and then Tom pulled it out and pumped the remaining cum onto Matt’s stomach.

The boys cleaned up and Matt headed home because he had some chores to do before his parent got mad and grounded him again. Tom sat in his chair and played some video games but as he did his mind was still on the steel rods.

Tom and Matt had been jerking off together since before they could even really cum. Over the years they had tried out things on each other like jerking the other one off, giving each other blow jobs, and even letting each other cum in their mouth during the blow job. Tom thought that like he was in to it more than Matt though they both won’t call themselves gay, Tom secretly thought of Matt’s cock when he would jerk off in the shower or at night by himself. Matt could talk to girls as Tom was way too shy to, but Matt only made out with a girl once and only got his hand into her pants before having her mom walk down into the basement on them.

Tom would even dream about taking Matt’s big cock up his ass, but know that was where Matt drew the line. They could jerk and blow each other but Matt said he didn’t want to start fucking each other. Matt was the one who sent Tom the video of a guy inserting a steel rod into his cock as a joke, but that night Tom cummed only by lying in bed naked barely touching his dick as he watched the video over and over.

A week later Tom was over at Matt’s house as the two were playing video games. “Dude I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Matt yelled as the two play against each other. “I… JUST… ABLE GOT… YOU!” Matt killed Tom winning the game. “Okay just you are my bitch now” Matt told Tom putting down the controller and leaning back in his game chair. “What about your mom?” Tom asked Matt. “She’s down in her office on a call, she will be there till it’s time to cook dinner.”

Tom got up and closed the door to Matt’s room locking it when he did. He then came back to Matt getting down between his legs on his knees. Tom grabbed Matt’s shorts and pulled them down making Matt’s soft cock flop out. After he removed Matt’s shorts and boxers Tom took Matt’s cock in his hand. Tom loved the way Matt’s soft cock felt in his hands as it starts to get hard. Tom pumped Matt’s cock as he pulled back on the foreskin exposing the head of it. Tom licked the head a couple of times as he bought Matt’s cock to all eight and a half inches of hard steel. Tom took Matt’s cock into his warm mouth and started to suck on it working about two-thirds of it in.

Tom didn’t know if Matt liked sucking his cock or he just did it because Tom sucked his, but Tom loved it. If Matt would stop sucking his and still asked Tom to suck his cock Tom would. Tom bobbed up and down of Matt’s cock as he stroked the base of the shaft with one hand and played with Matt’s balls with the other. Matt grabbed Tom’s head and pushed him down making Tom deep throat his whole cock. Tom’s nose was pressed into Matt’s pubes as Matt’s cock was now in Tom’s throat. Tom over the years had learned to take all of Matt’s cock into his mouth without gagging too much and he found that Matt loved it.

Matt started forcing Tom up and down on his cock as he face fucked his friend. Tom felt Matt’s cock getting thicker and shortly after that Matt exploded down Tom’s throat. Matt held Tom there as his cock pulsed and he unloaded his cum into Tom’s mouth. Matt let go of Tom’s head and fell back in the chair as Tom took Matt’s cock back into his hand and sucked the remaining cum out of it.

“Hey would you ever try that thing that guy did in the video you sent me?” Tom asked Matt as he picked up he controller for Matt and him to play another round. Matt picked his controller up too not bothering to put his shorts back on. “Yeah I guess” Matt told him. The two played till it was time for Tom to head home for dinner.

Tom looked at the clock and show he had two more hours till his parents would be home. He grabbed the stuff lying down in his bed because he couldn’t stop thinking of the rods and he was hard as a rock again. Tom lubed up the smallest rod again and lining it up with his peehole pushed it into his dick. It didn’t hurt this time as this was the second time the rod was going in. Tom liked to push himself like when he learned to control his gag reflex to take Matt’s whole cock into his throat. Tom grabbed the second rod and worked that one into his cock. Because he had just cummed he could work the second rod in and out of his cock without the feeling of needing to cum. After a bit of the second rod Tom picked up the third rod in the set this one was double the thickness of the first rod. He lubed it up and lined it up; Tom pushed a little and right off the bat could feel the size difference. He worked it in slow as it hurt a lot as it stretched out his peehole. He only could get about an inch in so he went back to the second rod again. Tom pushed the rod down so that it was at the base of his cock and started to jerk himself off. He could feel the steel rod inside her cock as her jerked it. It would work its way out but Tom would push it back in. Before long Tom was about to cum so he pinched his cock between his two fingers and thrum and holding the rod in ran his fingers up and down the rod on the outside. Tom cummed and he could feel the cum deep in his cock wanting to come out. He then pulled out the rod and watched as his cum ran out onto his stomach.

Tom got up and clean up his mess and while he was putting the stuff deep into his closet his phone chimed. Tom got his phone and ran the text from his mom, it said that she forgot to tell him that she was going up to see his sister at college over the weekend and for him to behave for his father. Tom heard noise down stairs and went down to see his dad in the kitchen. “Hey Tom” Tom’s dad greeted him. “Hey I just got a text from mom.” Tom told his dad taking a sit at the island. “Yeah, I’m getting pizza for dinner” Tom’s dad told him. After that and all through dinner Will, Tom’s dad didn’t say much.

Tom headed back up to his room to watch TV till he would go to sleep. About an hour later there was a knock at the door. “Hey Tom, can I come in?” asked Will outside Tom’s door. “Yeah sure dad.” Will walked in and took a sit on the edge of the bed. “What’s up dad?” Tom asked not knowing why his father was there or why he was quite all night. “So I wanted to talk to you able stuff” Will started. “About what?”

Will took a deep breath. “Well when you are young…” “You have all these thing racing through your head…” “And your body is changing and you have all these hormones…” Will was trying not to sound so teacher like. “Dad is this the Bird and the Bees speech?” Tom asked his father. “No…” “It’s…” “Well…” “I came home today and I saw…” Will was having trouble spitting it out but Tom knew what it was about. “Dad, wait I can explain” Tom started. “Son, look it’s okay I guess if…” Will wanted to be let his son know that as long as he wasn’t hurting anybody, some taboo looking things were okay. Tom didn’t know what to say, he was caught by his dad jerking off, but more importantly he was caught jerking off putting a steel rod into his dick. Tom lost for words hung his head. “You are not going to tell mom are you?” he asked. “I don’t know son” Will replied to his son.

Tom’s eyes were filled with tears as he thought that now his father would looked at him like a freak or something. When he opened his eye Tom saw that his dad had a large burgle in his pants. It was one thing for his dad to catch him but for his dad to tell his mom would be much worst. Tom reached out and placed his hand on top of his dad’s crotch. His dad’s cock was hard and by the looks of it quit big. “Tom what are you doing?” Will asked pushing his son’s hand away and getting up. “Dad don’t tell mom, I will do anything.” Tom reached out and started to undo his father’s pants. Will tried to stop his son but part of him didn’t want to. Tom’s mother and him had been in a quit long dry spell as of late and he was horny. Seeing his son doing the thing he was doing before made he really horny for some reason.

Tom unbuckled his father’s pants and pushed them to the floor. He kneeled down and pulled his father’s boxers down next. Will’s hard dick popped out in front of Tom, it wasn’t as long as Matt’s maybe the same length as his, but it was much thicker than Matt’s. Tom took his father’s cock into his mouth and had some trouble getting the thing in. It tasted of sweat but Tom didn’t care as sucking his father’s cock was like a dream come true. “Tom we can’t… uh… stop… no this has to sto…” Tom didn’t listen to his father he just sucked as much of his cock into his mouth as he could. “Uh god it’s been so long since…” Will was over come by his son sucking his dick.

“Dad” Tom started taking his father’s dick from his mouth and jerking it. “I want you to fuck me” “Fuck me and then you don’t have to tell mom, and this will be our secret.” Tom got up and stripped before climbing onto his bed on his hands and knees. Tom took so of the lube from inside his nightstand and rubbed it onto his asshole. Will was already at the point of no return and needed to fuck something. He climb up behind his son and lined his dick up with his asshole. “Uh FUCK your tight!” Will said as he pushed his cock into Tom’s ass. “Uh… your… uh… the first…” Tom let out as he pushed his face into his pillow. It hurt a lot more then he thought it would. His dad’s cock was like putting a coke bottle up his ass. Will worked his cock into his son’s ass and as Tom relaxed his ass muscles Will got his whole cock it.

Will started to pump in and out of Tom’s ass slowly at first but soon was picking up speed. “UH GOD IT’S SO BIG!” Tom screamed into his pillow. Will stop thinking that he son had enough. “Don’t stop FUCK ME DAD!” Will grabbed onto Tom’s hips and started to fuck Tom hard. Tom had a mixture of pain and pleasure as the first cock fucked his ass. There was a lot of pain but it felt good. Tom felt his dad’s balls smack up against his as Will fucked him. Will pulled out and Tom felt a feeling of emptiness without his dad’s cock in him. Will told his son to get the rods and lay on his back on the bed. Tom did as his dad told him to do. Will took the medium size rod and as he was on his knees pulled Tom onto his cock. After his cock was in his son’s ass, Will lubed up the rod and pushed it into his son’s cock. Tom started to grind his ass on his dad’s cock as his dad fucked him with the steel rod.

“Uh that’s feel so good” Tom moaned as his dad fucked his cock with the rod. “Uh I’m going to cum dad.” Will pumped his son’s dick with the rod in it till Tom couldn’t take it anymore. Will pulled the rod out and Tom cummed on his own stomach. Will wrapped Tom’s thighs up with his hands and started to pound his son’s ass till he came in it.
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