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More dream sex!
Jake Freemon - Main character                                                Rita - older female and one of Juno's sisters
Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter
Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister
Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker            Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn  
Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio    
Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's Father                                 Abla - sister of Nuha member of Deadly trio
Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns                                        Fatin - sister of Nuha third member of trio
Yasmen - Gen's mother                                                            Tyrin - neighbor of Nyrae's parents
Doctor - the Jinn doctor (Hiram)                                                 Aahil - one of the twin Jinn princes
Rasmir - Gen's father                                                                 Aalee - other twin Jinn prince
Rosalinda - Jake's second Jinn – Once called Dreama         Amira - Jinn Princess sister of twins
Rashala - Gen's niece and Jake's 3rd Jinn                               Al-Mazhab - King of the Jinns
Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir                                             Qistina - Ex Queen of the Jinns, the Leader
Sheeka - former evil female Jinn Jake's 4th Jinn                    Marie - Juno's ex - wife
Akeesha - Sheeka's twin sister                                                  Kasha - Marie's powerful Jinn
Inger - Mary's Jinn, Akeesha's lover                                         Zahra - evil elite Jinn working with Marie

Akeesha hugged then kissed Jake as they both lay down beside Inger closing their eyes. Almost immediately Jake was in a grey misty area, not unlike where he first met Nyrae. Looking around he thought that Akeesha would be there with him. Shrugging he started walking towards what he felt was Inger. The thing is it was extremely weak.
Jake hadn't gone far when he heard a voice above him yelling. Looking up he saw what or whom he thought was Akeesha falling toward him. Shaking his head he stood his ground waiting 'til she was almost on top of him. Putting his hand out, he thought stop then watched amazed as Akeesha floated above him!
"Ok that was weird. I thought I had no power what so ever." Jake told Akeesha.
"In the actual world you don't Master Jake. It appears though that in this realm you have a firm grasp on what is what. This is so confusing Master Jake." Akeesha said confusion on her face.
"Akeesha do you Jinns dream?" Jake asked.
"Dream? I am unfamiliar with that word Master Jake." Akeesha replied.
Taking his hand Jake brought Akeesha to the... he guessed it was ground. "Touch my mind so I can show you Akeesha." Jake told her.
Nodding still confused Akeesha did as Jake asked. For a moment she still looked confused then after a few moments clarity started to show on her face. "I see now Master Jake. I believe this is the hulm state. We of the Jinn race abandoned it centuries ago. We only do it once every five hundred years."
Jake was nodding at what she was saying 'til she finished. Once every five hundred years! "Here I thought it was you that was going to have to protect me! The human race calls this the dreamscape. We experience it almost all the time." 
About that time a fierce looking green monster attacked them. Akeesha waved nodded then was amazed when nothing happened! "Master Jake! I have no power!"
Jake nodded making a chopping motion with his hand, Akeesha watched amazed as the monster split in two then vanished!
"It's as I thought I have much more experience in this than you do, crap we're screwed!" Jake said.

"No Master Jake I don't think so. With me guiding you we should be fine." Akeesha reassured him.
Jake looked at Akeesha as if she'd lost her mind. "I'm not sure I can protect us enough for us to make it to where she is. You may know the way though us actually getting there is going to take a miracle!"
"Well Master Jake." Akeesha said staring at Jake intensely. "I believe in you deeply, as I believe that Inger does. As a matter of fact I can almost feel her expecting the both of us to show up and save her."
Jake could only shake his head, "I'm glad that you have as much faith in me as you do. I for one don't, have you forgotten I am just a human? I..."
"You," Akeesha started a look of pride on her face. "Are the most unusual human I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. If anyone can save her it is you Master Jake!"
Jake could only stare at Akeesha still finding it hard to believe. "Alright Akeesha, if this is a dream realm as I think it is then let me try something."
Thinking of Inger, Jake pictured her as clearly as he could. When nothing happened, Jake closed his eyes. Thinking of Akeesha and him standing and being where Inger was being held, Jake felt a momentary stillness in the air. Suddenly they were both standing next to what appeared to be a hole.
"Master Jake!" Akeesha said excited. "I can actually feel her again! She feels trapped! I can feel her pain!" Jake had to grab Akeesha stopping her from jumping into the hole in front of them.
Let me go Master Jake! She is hurting so badly!" Akeesha was yelling tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Wait Akeesha!" Jake said sternly to her. "I can feel that this is a trap, at least it feels like it. Remember you have no power, how exactly were you going to go into this without getting hurt?" 
Akeesha blinked twice as her mouth dropped open. Bowing low she nodded. "I feel that you have again saved my life Master Jake." Leaning over she lightly kissed Jake on his cheek. "Thank you, now what are we to do?"
"Well, considering you can now feel her. I think I may have a way to get closer. Apparently the Jinn have some type of block that even my kind have trouble with." Here Jake smiled, "she hasn't met a true dreamer yet has she?" Jake asked as he smiled broader looking at Akeesha.
Akeesha was confused a moment, A true dreamer? Then she remembered the plans that she had seen Master Jake drawing. Ah! A true dreamer! She believed she was starting to grasp just what he was saying.
"Let us hope so Master Jake. If this bitch of a Jinn harms my love, I will make her suffer horrors untold!" Akeesha said as Jake watched her eyes glow for a moment then go back to normal.
Interesting Jake thought then started to think over every part of his thoughts when they had suddenly appeared where they were. Hmmm so it appeared that they could not appear next to Inger but they could get closer. With a smile Jake nodded he had a plan, well, as well a plan as possible at the moment.
"Alright Akeesha, I might not be able to get us right to where she is. I think I can get us a lot closer. Hang on going to try again." Jake told Akeesha who nodded.
Closing his eyes Jake could swear that he could actually see where Inger was. The thing was he could also see that evil elite Jinn that Rashala had injured. So it appeared she had healed, it
was... That's right! This was the dream realm she would be whole here! Though as to the extent of her power that remained to be seen.
Jake watched in his thoughts as he backed off further and further until the resistance wasn't as strong. Nodding he opened his eyes, smiling at Rashala. "Here we go!" Jake said as he felt the air still again. Just as suddenly they were standing outside what appeared to be a room of darkness.
Looking in Jake and Akeesha could see the evil Jinn standing almost seeming to wait. Jake could only guess for them to make appearance. Nodding Jake leaned over to Akeesha whispering in her ear. At first Akeesha's eyes were wide then she nodded vigorously. Jake touched her arm a moment then whispered in her ear again. Startled she nodded yes, looking at Jake as if he'd lost his mind. 
Getting up Jake nodded to Akeesha then stepped through the dark doorway. The evil Jinn's head snapped up as soon as Jake appeared.
"Tsk, another stupid human I see!" The evil Jinn sent a huge fireball at Jake. Yawning Jake closed his fist watching as the fireball fizzled then went out just as fast. "NO! You have no power! There is no way that the others are supplying power as I cut off everything from outside here!"
"As I was told this realm or world is called the hulm state, and something that all Jinns abandoned many centuries ago." When the astonished visage of Zahra could only nod Jake continued. "We, who are human, have not abandoned it. Humans use this state to create new ideas and concepts that can be brought forth to the real world. Being who I am, what I do." Here Jake smiled widely. "Mine is far stronger than most."
"NO!" Zahra screamed as she tried to attack Jake, only to find that she had sudden uncontrollable desire for him. "What is this trickery? This is the hulm state! There are no feelings, nothing!"
"I think you will find that in my case you are dead wrong!" Jake said as he moved closer. The
visage of Zahra suddenly had a look of panic, then one of pure lust! "It isn't possible your sexual attraction I..."
Zahra started to shred what few clothes that she had on. Behind her he saw Inger awaken and stir. Looking at her arms, legs, and chest she saw the mental chains that were holding her down. A momentarily look of panic crossed her face then her head snapped to stare at Jake. Then she quickly averted her head when Jake was suddenly naked his erection growing harder by the second.
Moving closer to Zahra Jake could see that she was in a deep sex lust. Staring at Jake, Zahra rapidly moved to Jake dropping to her knees taking him as deeply as she could. Jake could feel her groan in a lust induced state as she took all him deep in her throat. "I have been dreaming of having you Master Jake since I saw you that first time in my mistress's place."
Groaning again Jake could feel her throat muscles as they started to ripple around him. Damn Jake thought she's not half bad; too bad she's as bad as she is! The both of them groaning Jake could feel a massive orgasm building as she quickened her ministrations. Reaching down Jake took a hold of her nipples as she started to twitch. A moment later Jake started to empty his scrotum into her waiting mouth. All the while twisting her nipples causing her to orgasm!
Falling back her legs opening to reveal her wet, open sex Zahra looked at Jake with a begging look. "Master Jake take this vessel, these feelings have never been experienced by it or the real body. Take this vessel the pain is increasing!" Panting the visage started to make lewd motions toward Jake.
Sighing Jake thought he'd have to wash for a week to feel clean again. Moving between the legs of the Zahra visage Jake slowly sunk in. The eyes of the visage opened wide as they felt the length of Jake as it slowly slid deeper. Screaming out from the pleasure she couldn't believe how wonderful or full she was!
As slowly as he could Jake started to move within Zahra, shit he thought she's as tight as a virgin. Is it possible that this is another man hater? Like Akeesha was? Shaking his head Jake had to keep her distracted until Inger was free. Motioning for Akeesha he did his best not to break the slow rhythm he'd established.
Concentrating on both the sex he was having and breaking the mental chains was taxing to say the least. Barely able to watch he saw Akeesha pull first one of the left then the right arms. The slight jump in Inger's power let him know they were on the right track. Akeesha had just got the left leg loose when Zahra started to orgasm!
Akeesha let go of the mental chains as Zahra started to scream even louder. Zahra couldn't believe that such feelings existed! She'd always been led to believe that all males cared about were themselves. She heard they all only wanted to hurt strong females! What was going on? There was no pain! No caring only for his self! As of yet Master Jake had yet to reach his release!
As soon as the chains weren't glowing Jake thought as well as he could for them to be weak again. Damn it! This was going to take all the will power he had! This Jinn was as tight as Gen was! It was taking all he had to not let loose within her! Even as he watched he saw Inger's other leg come loose.
Slowly but surely Jake could feel the chains that were wrapped around Inger start to fall away. Good he could feel that she was almost back to normal. They still had to leave before he could; they were free though they had no power.
Suddenly Inger sat up kissing Akeesha a smoldering hot moment of passion that made all the chains suddenly vanish!
Inger looked at Jake smiling then Akeesha and her both rose toward the opening. Breathing a sigh of relief Jake finally started to plunge faster into Zahra. Zahra, screaming out even louder, Jake had to hold on as the body of the visage began to convulse, thrashing back and forth.
Jake had held back as long as he could, his scrotum almost in pain from want of release. Finally seeing that the both of them were gone, Jake roared out as he felt his cum. Shit he thought, this was going to be huge! Shooting out in an almost continuous stream, Jake felt her fill to over flowing. Still moving he could feel it leaking out around his organ.
Zahra's eyes went wide as she felt the hot seed of Master Jake filling her. Then eyes went wider! She could feel it; she could feel all of it! By the great Jinn! It was glorious! Suddenly looking over she saw that her prisoner was gone! For a moment, only a moment, she thought this was all a rouse, but how? No man she'd ever seen or felt was like what Master Jake had.
Suddenly tears started to form in her eyes. "I am sorry that she is as evil as she is Master Jake. Thank you for showing me what this is supposed to be like. All this time I thought it would only be pain." Turning away she whispered, "It is a shame she will never know of this."
"What do you mean?" Jake asked of her.
"I know that this part of her has to die. It is an unfortunate thing; I think she could have learned from this. It is one of the main things that keeps her as bad as she is." The visage sadly told Jake.
Jake sat back a moment as he thought about this. Looking at the visage he could feel that everything about it was different. What the hell was going on? If he had sex with the real bad Jinn would she turn also? Smirking Jake thought damn! Maybe I am becoming a sex god!
A moment later Inger appeared glowing, her power at full. Jake moved in front of the visage as Inger gasp.
"It's alright Master Jake, move a little and I will end her!" Inger growled out.
"NO!" Jake shouted. "I have a plan." Motioning to Inger, Jake leaned to her whispering to her. At first she shook her head her eyes wide. As time passed Inger looked at the visage with a surprised look then started to nod. Finally a wide smile crossed her features.
"If all is as you say Master Jake, then there is an extremely great chance it could work. I am willing to take the chance if you are Master Jake. I owe you three times now, not sure if I can even begin to pay you back."
Nodding Jake watched a few minutes then was suddenly opening his eyes. Groaning he heard Akeesha's voice, "Finally praise the great Jinn he's awake!"
Sitting up he saw all his Jinns worried faces. Then he groaned when he saw that both Mary and her father were looking at each other suspiciously. Another groan beside him as Inger sat up. Whispering she said, "It is done Master Jake, though I am still unsure."
Jake was suddenly forgotten as Mary and Akeesha rushed to hold and kiss Inger. Both of them were looking her over making sure that she was whole. Laughing Inger said, "I am fine, though mistress?" She said directly to Mary reaching up to touch Mary's crotch. "I do believe I haven't finished your loving," causing Mary and Akeesha to smile at each other


2017-09-23 08:09:02
hmmmmmm i think i remember reading a few chapters back that every woman Master Jake fucked would get preggo does that count in the dream realm too? guess we shall have to wait and see if it does . we know he has done it once before with Nyrae . god i love you Pars thank you Sir for another great chapter


2017-09-15 09:47:49
I must say, I am rather impressed. There are a few grammatical errors here and there (as a writer, I know full well that happens), but the storyline is fantastic! Took me about 8 hours to read all the way through to this chapter, but it was well worth it...and I'll be on the look out for the last few chapters. Haven't read many erotica stories that have kept me on the edge of my seat the way this one has. I ran out of positive ratings to give, but they are all deserving. Bravo!


2017-09-14 04:13:19
well......... almost all of them

Clover ErnestReport 

2017-09-14 03:50:31
So, the Jinn only dream once every 500 years?! Damn. No wonder Akeesha was fucking powerless.

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