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This story is about a family that will discover all kinds of kinky wicked stuff. Every chapter is written from perspective of each family member. This chapter is about Tom, who is deeply in love with his family. He gets in some serious kinky problems at school.
This story is about a family that will discover all kinds of kinky wicked stuff. Every chapter is written from perspective of each family member. This chapter is about Tom, who is deeply in love with his family. He gets in some serious kinky problems at school.

All active characters are legal age, but no ones age will be mentioned, so you can imagine anything you want. As for me, I like to watch horror movies, but it does not mean I want to hurt anyone. After all... in our minds we are all free...

Chapter 2
After morning shower, Tom entered kitchen. Besides the table were sitting his father and both of his sisters. His mother, Joanne, was cooking breakfast. Tom looked at her. As always, she was wearing mini bathrobe whitch was covering only her beautiful ass. Her long, full, dark skin, catwalk diva legs were exposed to everyone in the kitchen. Tom could not take his eyes of his mother.
After greeting his family, Tom sat besides the table. He checked his pants pocket. There was an Iphone. He had a plan today, or better to say, it was his friend`s plan. To take a few photos under the table of his beautiful mother.
He was still watching her. She was bringing plates with hot food to the table. You could hear her high heels bouncing on the kitchen tiles. Tom wanted to see more of his mothers beauty. "Maybe, she is not wearing any panties today?", thought noughty boy, and felt aroused in his balls. He suddenly remembered smell of her pussy. He loves taking her dirty panties from loundry and wanking while sniffing them.
"She was teasing me for too long", thought Tom, and carefully took his penis from pijama pants and slowly started stroking his dick, under the table. He loved doing that. Actually he loves wanking while being around other people, sure they wouldn`t know what he is doing. He wanks in toilet, in the kitchen even in the classroom. His young body needed a lot of sex, and Tom just couldn`t get a girlfriend. He was a good boy, but for some reason, all nice girls were always dating bad guys. Guys who treated girls with total disrespect. Tom just couldn`t understand that.
After finishing with plates mom sat by the table.
"No morning prays?", asked mom laughing, but everybody knew it was just a joke. Nobody took religion seriously in their family.
Tom was still carefully stroking his cock, but suddenly he felt someones hand landing on his knee. He froze. It was his fathers.
"Is everything OK Tom? You don`t look too well."

"Fuck", said Tom to him self. "Everything is aright", he quickly replied to the father.
"I know. I know. It's all because of the computer. He was playing games all night. Not getting enough of sleep and then he`s walking like a zombie all day. No wonder, he has no girlfriend", said Tom's older bitch sister Fira.
Tom felt another human touch. This time it was his mother. Her hand landed on another of his knees but much closer to his balls. It was very bad timing. Tom was already too close and parents touch made him cum. He started spraying his load just under the table, trying to keep stone cold face and hoping nobody will understand what's going on.
"If computer is the problem, there will be no computer in your room. From now on, I’ll check on you. If you don't sleep by midnight, you are in a big trouble young boy", said mother. "And find your self a girlfriend", she added.
"But Fira is older than me, and has no boyfriend too", said Tom.
"Shut up! Mind your own business!" shouted Fira and kicked his leg under the table.
"And my twin sister Aline, is all alone as well. Why is it always just me, mom?"
After Toms last words his twin sister Aline started crying.
"See what you have done?", angrily asked mother. "Take your plate, and go eat in your room."
"But how is it my fault?" sked Tom all confused.
"GO!!!" this time screamed mother.
"OK. Give me just a few seconds" Tom said. He put back his dick in to the pants. Quickly took out smart phone from his pocked and blindly took a few pictures. Then took his plate and silently left the kitchen.
Just after closing his bedroom door, Tom checked pictures he took. First one was terrible. Nothing could be seen. He deleted it instantly. But second one was not bad at all. Moms legs were well visible, but were closed together. So no panties could be seen. Third one, was a big surprise for Tom. Somehow, photographing mom he managed take picture of his twin sister Alina. She was siting in her chair with school uniform which included short skirt. Legs were a bit open and Tom could see, she`s not wearing any panties.
"So much for quiet timid girl", Tom thought.
By using his fingers he zoomed picture in to his sisters pussy. She didn’t have any hair “there”. Completely naked, innocent pussy. After looking at his sisters pussy, he got aroused again. He needed relief and needed it now. Quickly he unzipped his pants and took his stone hard cock out. Suddenly his room door opened.
"School bus came early....", said his mother Joanne standing in the doorway. She wanted to say something else, but left standing with her mouth open.
Tom froze. His hard cock now was displayed right in front of his mother. Strange thing, this crazy situation got him even more aroused. His cock got even bigger, it got all red and pre cum was coming out.
"Mom. Why don't you knock?" said Tom in scared voice, still not hiding shame form his mother.
"I... I want to apologize", said his mother Joanne in excuse manner staring at her sons cock. " We talk about this later", she said in stronger voice showing her long finger to boys cock. "Now go get on the bus. I hope, you will be alright" ,she said in her normal voice. "By the way, you have grown", her last words to Tom, was sounding with some kind of lust.
On bus, Tom met his classmate friend, Justin.
"Did you get it?", straight away asked Justin.
"Yup", answered Tom.
"Can I see it?"
"Not before I see yours."
"Hmm. How about we show both together?"
Both boys took out their phones form pockets.
"On three. One two three..."
On both displays flashed pictures. On Tom's- his mothers legs, on Justin’s- his mother naked in the shower.
"Not fair. I can't see much in this picture" said Justin looking at Tom's phone. "Do you have anything else?"
Tom froze for a few seconds. He was drooling over hot sexy Justins mother with jaw wide open. It lasted only for a few seconds and Justin locked his phone.
"I won`t change my picture to yours. No way. I can look at your moms naked legs when I'm on a sleep over at your house. You have to show me something more than that. Well. We already changed our mothers trousers. And it was wonderful. I am still jerking while sniffing them. But that picture you showed me, it's just not enough", complained Justin.
"OK. OK. Relax. I have something else for you. Look", said Tom and showed his next picture, his sisters naked pussy.
"What the fuck is that? Who is the owner of that sweet pussy? Oh, don't say... I know, it's your bitch sister Fira."
"No. Wrong guess. This is Alinas pussy."
"Waa...", said Justin standing up a little bit from his seat to look for Alina. She was siting not far away from them. Only few seats behind. "No way", Justin could not believe it.
"I could not believe my self as well. It just doesn`t look like her. She is always so quiet. I could not imagine that she would be in that kind of kinky stuff."
"Are you saying she is now without panties?"
"One hundred percent ."
"You have one wicked family my friend."
"So, you Ok to change?"
"Yeah, I'm Ok to change. Send them both to me, and I’ll send my one."
"No fucking way. I`m not changing two for one."
"Look. Mine is highest quality stuff. Yours is hell knows what. One for two or you can forget about it. Deal or no deal?" said Justin showing his photo on his smart phone again.
"Deal", said Tom and they both changed pictures.
"How did you get this one?" asked Tom in disbelief checking Justin's mother's picture. "were you hiding somewhere in the shower room or something."
"Nope", answered Justin. "I have some technology. Look”, said Justin and presed few times on display of his smartphone. Picture on his phone changed to bedroom. Tom knew this bedroom. He saw it before. He visited this place a few times when he was on sleep over in Justins house.” This is live translation from my mothers bedroom. If you want, I can show you today how this thing works. After school visit my house. But never ever tell anyone I have it. And you know what..."
"I may help you install this technology in your house too. So we can watch together what is going on in each other houses. LIVE."
"What", said Tom. He was aroused only from this Idea alone. " Are you serious?"
"No more games", Tom said, meaning online game called Whore Craft.
"No more games", agreed Justin.
After bus, Tom rushed to the toilet. He needed a quick relief. All those images and talks, made his mind go crazy.
Boys toilet was empty. Tom quickly occupied one of the cabins, closed the door and put his pants down. He took a seat. Got his phone from the pocket, found picture of his diva MILF mother legs and started stroking his cock. It took only a few seconds for his cock to get rock hard. At this moment he didn't care about any other pictures. Just this one. There was only his sexy mother in his wicked mind.
Tom was already close to cumming but suddenly, someone stepped in to the man's toilet. Tom didn't mind company too much, as far as nobody interrupted things he does. He continued stroking his cock, only did that so nobody would hear.
To Toms surprise,there was a woman in mens restroom. He heard her arguing with someone. Tom recognized her voice. It was his English-language teacher. Margaret was in men's toilet, just next to his cabin and was arguing with some man. Tom recognized man's voice too. Everyone was calling him God, for reasons him having a huge dick. At least, those were the schools rumors.
“Someone is in this cabin. We can't do it here. “, Tom heard his teachers voice.
“And I don't fucking care”, said God and Tom heard how he pushed Margaret in to the empty cabin just next to his.
“You are fucking animal. Are you going to rape me here? Right next to the unknown student.”, Tom heard teacher Margaret complaining. But Margaret voice was strange. It sounded like rape is exactly what teacher Margaret wanted.
“Yeah white bitch, I'm going to rape you. And you know what?”, said God.
“You are going to beg for more”, said God and Tom heard his teacher started moaning.
All this situation got Tom even more aroused. His cock got so hard and big. Tom was afraid of explosion. It even became painful to stroke. But Tom desperately needed relief. Otherwise he would be very vulnerable in class.
Not wasting any time God started doing his dirty business. By the sounds from their cabin, there was no doubt, God was truly raping her.
“Not my asshole you idiot “, screamed Margaret in pain.
“Shut up. I'll fuck you wherever and however I want. Understand bitch?”
Margaret didn't reply. Only sounds Tom could hear from nearby cabin, was brutal fucking. Then God repeated his question.
“I can`t hear you bitch. Tell me who you belong to. “
Tom heard God plowing teachers ass with all his manhood power.
“You!”, finally answered Margaret in voice full of sexual disorientation.
“Tell me who`s bitch are you?”
“Yours. Only yours. O my God. I'm already so close. Are you gonna give me anal orgasm? “
“Yeah baby. “
“Oh fuck yeah. Fuck me. Harder. Fuck me harder you black Nigger. Deeper deeper. Spray your cum in my fucking ass. Yeaaaaa. I'm coming. Ahhhhhh!!!”
“Oh fuck, I'm going to shoot. Aaaaaa!!!”
In the mean time Many things were flushing through Tom’s mind. How can she be with that black ass raper who is treating her with total disrespect. If only she could give him a chance, he would show, how a man should treat a woman. But for some reason, all hot girls were looking for bad guys.
Even feeling bad about himself, Tom felt overwhelmingly horny. At the peak he could no longer control him self and started moaning too loud. He sprayed so much seamen up in the air, and with such force, that some of it even reached the ceiling.
“Who the fuck is there?“ , suddenly he heard Margaret voice.
“Who cares. One of the schools wankers. Hey yo boy. Show is over. Time to put your cock back in to the pants and leave.”
Tom froze after hearing God's voice. He was hoping, they will pack their things and leave. But it didin't happen. He heard someone knocking hard at his cabin door.
“Did you hear me?”
“Leave that mother fucker alone”, said teacher Margaret .
“Shut up! You only talk when I let you! You dirty white bitch. Well... I gave you a chance to show yourself. And now I will have to use force. “
Things were developing so rapidly what Tom didn't have time to react. Suddenly his cabin door was forced open. Tom couldn`t even manage to hide his hard dick.
“What the fuck we have here? Do you know who this mother fucker is?”, God teacher asked Margaret.
“It's Tom. I have English class with him, next. He`s my student”, answered Margaret.
“Ah. So little Tom love to spy on his English teacher . Do you?”,said God.
“No. I was here first”, answered Tom in weak girlish voice.
“You were here first and you didn't leave “, reminded him God.
“He had unfinished business”, said Margaret laughing, took one of her lovely feet out of the high heel and pressed Tom's cock to his belly. After that she started stroking it between her feet fingers. “Tom is a naughty boy “, she said while playing with his fuck toy.
“I think Tom deserves to be punished. Lift your skirt bitch and turn your ass to him. “
“What the fuck you want to do?”, said Margaret not reacting to God's command.
“He`s gonna lick your ass. He`s gonna lick you clean. You can't go to the class with your ass full of my sperm. Someone has to lick it all out. And that someone will be nobody else but your naughty boy, Tom.”
To Toms surprise, after these words Margaret complied instantly. In few seconds there was teacher Margarets naked ass in front of Toms face. It was beautiful. Best he have ever seen, and need to admit, the first one. He didn't even care that God's seamen was leaking out from her asshole.
Not vasting any time God took Tom by his long hair and pressed his girly face right to Margarets ass.
“Lick it you white supremacist. Lick it clean “, commanded God.
“Yeah. Lick my ass boy. Come on, you don't want me going to the class dirty. Lick me clean”, commanded teacher Margaret.
Tom could no longer control him self. God's seamen was disgusting, but he wanted that ass badly. He wanted that ass so badly that he didn't mind it to get dirty. He started licking her slutty butt like he hadn`t eaten for days.
“Oh shit. What is going on here. White supremacist licking white bitches ass after black man fucked her. Do you like my cum pervert? “, asked God.
“Yeah. Good boy, lick mommy's ass. Lick it clean”, said teacher Margaret in voice full of lust.
These words “lick mommy's ass” made Tom even more horny. He imagined eating his mom's ass. Imagined it was his father's cum in her ass. These dirty thoughts somehow made him like a sex berserk. He pushed his tongue in to her asshole. Margaret started moaning like there was a small cock in her butt hole.
“Oh yeah dirty boy. Push it. Push it deeper. Right in to my dirty shit tunnel. Clean me there. Wash me there clean.”
Tom licked Margaret ass for a couple of minutes till it was completely clean. After that Margaret started fixing her skirt.
“Now you know what to do when your ass is dirty and there is no toilet paper around”, laughed God.
“Yeah. I’ll look for my naughty boy. But for now, it's time for us all to go back to our duties . Come on Tom, we are late for our class. And don't you even think of telling anyone what happened here. I don't think you will be very popular in school after everyone knows you licked some dirty cum filled ass. Not like you were popular before anyway. “
Like complaining Tom looked at his hard on.
“ I’m afraid you'll have to deal with this on next break. Come on, put your dick back in your pants”, said Margaret.
Nothing else left to do, humiliated, unsatisfied Tom forced his hard as steel cock in to pants. Because of erection his pants looked like a tent.
“But how will I walk to the class?”, asked Tom.
“This is none of our business “, said God and pushed Tom out of the toilet to schools corridor.
To Toms delight, school corridor was completely empty. All students were already in their classes. But still there was some distance to the English classroom. Tom was hoping not to get caught. He quickly walked trough corridor. Little by little his hard on was getting weaker but Tom didn't know how he will survive in his lust mind state till the next break. He might need a relief just in the classroom. But it's Ok. He did this before . Vanking under the table was his speciality.
He decided to wait. Standing before his classroom door for a few minutes to fully calm down. But this time Tom didn't get so lucky. Classroom door suddenly opened and Tom faced two girls, his classmates.
“Hey Tom. Long time no see”,said one of them.
“Hey! What the hell you were doing here just besides the closed door?”, asked the other one.
Tom was caught by surprise. His cock was still hard enough to cause him discomfort and could be seen easily. It was useless to try and cover it. Doing so, would only cause more attention to his penis. He was hoping, girls wouldn`t lower their eyes to his shame.
Without getting any answer from their classmate, girls passed through Tom leaving classroom door open. But Tom still couldn't go inside. After seeing his good looking classmates his erection got even more visible.
“Did you see that?”, Tom heard them chatting in the corridor walking away from him.
“What?”, asked the other girl.
“He had a hard on”, said the first girl.
“No fucking way”, said second girl, stopped and quickly turned around to the Tom, but her friend took her by the hand and forced to keep on walking.
“I told you. He is a fucking creep. We better keep away from this guy”, she warned her friend. “Oh hello miss Margaret , we'll be back in a minute “, she said to her English teacher who was walking towards them in forceful steps. Her heels crashing to the floor tiles could be heard in all corridor.
“Hello girls. Nice to see you after summer holiday. You both grown up. You have one minute and not a second more “, replied teacher Margaret to her students in a friendly voice and approached Tom, who was still standing just in front of the doorway to the class and didn't know what to do. His cock reacted to all what was going around him in sick matter. Not only he got loose, he got harder like that time when he was seen by his own mother. Even sound of teacher Margaret forceful walking got him aroused.
He heard his classmates now standing far away and chatting.
“Oh fuck, miss Margaret will see his hard on. This is so perverted.”
“What do we have here? “, asked teacher Margaret. “You don't need to answer. I know myself. Hormones. Well... It's no excuse to skip my class”, said teacher Margaret and pushed Tom inside the class.
After a couple of seconds everyone, who were in class started laughing. Nothing helped, his erection was clearly visible like on public display .
With eyes full of tears he saw his friend Justin, who betrayed him and was laughing with everybody else. But Tom knew, he would laugh from Justin as well in this situation. It was impossible not to laught. And only his twin sister was looking at him with sorrow in her face.
“It’s Ok class. Tom just had a little problem with hormonal storm”, said teacher Margaret to the class. “You can take your seat now “, she told Tom.
Toms seat was at the end of the classroom. He needed to pass everyone to reach it.
Classmates were greeting him when he was passing through.
“What a boner”, said one of the girls.
“Creep”, other one said.
“This is what happens when you don't have a girlfriend “, said one of the guys.
Finally he reached his seat. After he sat down, two girls who were passing him previously, came back to the classroom. Their classmates quickly told them all they missed. Tom had no doubt, soon all school will know about his boner. He was dying from shame. But that feeling, somehow kept him amazingly horny.
“Am I some sort of psycho?”, Tom thought. “Do I like to be humiliated?”, he kept thinking . “Do I like to be seen with erection by other people? Do I want to be dominated by mature woman? Maybe my mother? Would I lick her shit hole? Would I lick her shit hole knowing it`s full of father's cream? Will I put my tongue deep in her shit canal to clean her? Oh yeah! I’m a fucking pervert. I am a fucking psycho!!!”
Tom didn't care what was going on in the classroom any more. He got completely lost in his lust. He closed his eyes, took his rock hard cock out of his pants and started stroking remembering all crazy kinky things that happened to him today. He remembered his mom's sexy legs, pictures by him taken, his sisters naked pussy. How his mother seen his boner. How his boner got bigger and stronger by knowing his mom was watching him. Justins mothers naked picture. All that happened in the school toilet. Teacher Margaret dirty ass. He could still smell that shitty hall and if he would be asked, he would lick her anywhere she would ask. It didn't took much time to finish himself off. Hot streams were coming out of him for a good minute, like boy would have not finished for days. After emptyng his balls, for few seconds Tom stood still. There was deadly silence In the class.
“Is class empty? Is everybody gone?”, thought Tom.
But suddenly someone said:
“Did he just came?”, and after these words all hell broke loose. Everybody in classroom were screaming all kinds of dirty things about Tom. How sick he is and that there is no place in school for such pervert .
“I'll talk to his mother today. If such a behaviour continues, I'm afraid Tom, you would not be alowed to enter school territory. Now Tom, take your bag, we`re going to see school principal. Class can be dismissed”, said teacher Margaret and after Tom was ready, she took him by his elbow and escorted to principals office.
After teacher Margaret told principal all that happened to him in the classroom, sure never mentioning anything that happened in the toilet, principal Beatrice told Tom to put his pants down.
“I want to see the thing that caused so much disturbance“, she explained.
Tom didn't move an eye brow. His face was all red. He thought, no way he will obey this sick school principals orders.
“You probably don't understand kid in what kind of problem you are. Guys like you gets to the special schools for bad boys. Do you know what is happening there?”
“No principal Beatrice”, answered Tom with his girlish voice.
“And you better not. In these type of schools boys are watched by psycho priest. You probably heard that on TV. Millions of boys and girls were raped in these kinds of schools, and nobody was jailed ever. It's still going on. I only need to make a phone call and you are doomed. So what's it going to be. Are you showing me your dick or not?”
Tom heard before about things principal Beatrice was telling about. The last thing he wanted was to get in one of these crazy schools. Slowly he untied his belt and his pants got loose. Next was his trousers. Poor Tom left standing with bare ass and his relaxed dick was fully exposed.
Beatrice took a stick for riding horses which she, as any self respecting school principal kept in her office for these sort of situations Tom was in now. With the tip of it she lifted up Toms loose cock head.
“So this is the problem maker? ”, said principal Beatrice checking Tom's cock like some sort of ancient artefact. “Don't looks so dangerous when not in a war state. I believe , naughty boy deserves some punishment. Hands on the table”, commanded principal Beatrice.
Tom obeyed without any doubts. He was used to this punishments at home. Mom used to spank his ass in front of everyone, every time he did something wrong. But mom never spanked anyone else`s ass. No matter what Fira or Alina did. It's always Toms ass who got blamed. But Tom didn't mind that. He actually enjoyed his mom spanking him. It would always make him sexually aroused. And after spanking he would always have a huge problem with hiding his erection. But his mom would never spank his ass naked. If she did, she would see how her punishment works on boy's mind. No way he could hide his boner any more.
Thinking about it all, got Tom sexually aroused. His cock once again started showing signs of life.
After Tom took his position -hands on the table, naked ass exposed, principal Beatrice started spanking Tom's ass. She spanked him very hard for a few long minutes with all her strength, hoping to teach boy a lesson. But after she finished her punishment she saw with her own eyes, not only she tought Tom behaviour lessons, she made things even worse. After spanking, Tom's cock was rock hard.
“What the fuck”, after seeing Tom's erection to spanking said principal Beatrice. “Did you see that? How did that happen?”
“I believe our naughty boy is a sick pervert. He likes to be humiliated”, explained teacher Margaret things she found for her self.
“But this is not good. I can't let him walk in the school with his big standing cock. I'm afraid Margaret, we will have to make him cum.”
“What? I'm not doing that with this disgusting she-male boy. I'm not touching him”, said teacher Margaret.
“OK. Can you at least do that with your shoe?”
“OK. I can touch this disgusting thing with my shoe, but don't even ask me about anything else”, agreed teacher Margaret.
“Lay down boy”, commanded principal Beatrice. Tom did not take much time to obey school principal orders. He laid down on the floor, his cock looking up to he ceiling. Sure he wanted that. To be finished off by his beautiful English teacher hot MILF, whose dirty ass he was licking not long ago.
“Good”, said principal Beatrice. She took one of her feet from high heels and pressed with her foot to boy's face. “Smell that boy. You like to be humiliated do you? Smell that you disgusting pervert. Lick my dirty toe fingers”, she said and forced two of her toe fingers into Tom's mouth. She was wearing black nylon socks. While laying on the floor Tom could see under Principals skirt. Upper principal legs were naked. She was wearing old passion black trousers which were covering too much. She wasn't young lady any more. She was in her 50`s. Her leg skin was all watery. She looked like old mature woman. But this would be for some man, disgusting picture of mature legs, but to Tom, was all he wished for at that moment. He could lick her legs all day and night. He could lick her shitter. He could do anything she wanted now with him. And her power over him, made his feelings only stronger.
Tom felt how teacher Margaret touched his now fully equipped dick with her high heel. It was humiliating. He sucked old lady's dirty toe fingers, and was touched by beautiful teacher only with her shoe, because she was disgusted with him. He kept watching underneath old ladys skirt like she would be Merlin Monroe. It only took him few minutes till he started squirting sperm out. It was painful to finish third time in such a short period. Tom felt like vacuum started developing in his balls. He was squirming on the ground like some grass snake. He heard teacher Margaret complaining:
“Dirty fuck. Just look what you`ve done. Now all my leg is dirty.”
“Don't worry Margaret, I'm sure, our naughty boy will lick you clean. Wont you boy?”, said principal.
Tom's answer was straight forward- He jumped from his laying position, he kneeled to the teacher Margaret leg which was dirty with his cum and started cleaning her by licking. He wanted to serve her. To prove teacher Margaret, he is a good boy. Now, she will know. She will know how good Tom is. How he respects her. How he loves her. But to Tom's big disappointment, after he finished cleaning teacher Margaret`s leg, she pushed Tom's face away from her with her feet.
“Get the fuck away from me you disgusting pervert. This is all you are good for, to lick and clean cum. There is no way you will ever find a girlfriend. No one in her sane mind will want to date such a disgusting pig.”
But to Toms delight, he could hear his English-language teacher voice sounded with some lust. It looked like, she was secretly enjoying all this freak show.
“To avoid any future class disturbances, before the start of your lessons Tom, you will have to visit my office. As this school principal, I can't allow you walking in school premises with the hard on. For this reason, extra measures will have to be taken. I hope of your teacher Margaret full participation too. Now you two, can comeback to your duties. I hope not to hear about you today again Tom. Otherwise, additional measures will need to take place. Goodbye”, said principal Beatrice and looked to Margaret and Tom leaving her office with kinky smile on her face.

To reader:
Hey naughty boy. Yes I'm speaking to you. Don't forget to donate to this story creator a few bux on my patreon acount. And yes, you were just dominated...
Well, I hope you like my writings and my feel of humorr. I have some very wicked ideas how all this story could continue. I hope my English is good enough for you to read. If you like it, please press like. Leave your comments if you have something to say. And if you want me to write more and better quality, please support me on Patreon. Check for details on my writer account. Love You all. And have a good fuck or wank. Bye bye...
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