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This is a very weird and twisted story, not exactly logical and has no grounding in truth, but I hope some of you find it readable and enjoy the happy ending. Everyone is as old as they need to be for consensual sex.
The year is 2053 and the human race is no more. War had overtaken the earth in 2048, a small conflict snowballing into an apocalyptic world war, which due to biological weapons being used and spiralling out of what little control there was, led to humans as a race being wiped out. By 2053 peace was prevalent, simply because there was no-one left to fight. This was what Gary knew, he knew that he was the last man on earth. Well he was pretty sure he was anyway. He guessed he was some fluke, naturally immune to the diseases that had swept the planet.

Gary was 23 years old, with dark hair and a good, but not spectacular build. He had enough charm and good enough looks to have had a fair number of female lovers, even though the world hadn‘t been at all normal since he was 18.

For the last year he had looked for other survivors, but found no-one. He had tried radio, leaving messages, travelling the country, but found nothing.

Driving was becoming harder. Not only was it a matter of maintaining a vehicle, which he had had to learn, but nature was starting to reclaim the urban landscape making roads and motorways often inaccessible.

14 months after Gary’s last human contact, he was raiding a supermarket for tinned food and bottled water when he heard a voice. “Hello? Who’s there?” it shouted, reverberating through the aisles. “Is that really a person I saw? Are you real?” Gary stumbled to the front of the shop in shock and saw a dirty, slightly ragged man of about his own age, holding a crude spear in one hand and a crumpled map in the other.

“I thought I was the only one left” said Gary. “I didn’t know anyone else survived” “Me neither” the stranger said, who then proceeded to sob quietly. “Hey, it’s alright” said Gary putting a hand on the crying man’s shoulder. “If there’s two of us, there might be more out there. My name’s Gary.” “I’m Steve” said the stranger. “You really think there could be more of us?” “I do. And we need to find them. If we can’t get together then the last few of us are going to die alone and the human race will really be gone. We need to find women and keep our species alive.”

“I couldn’t care less about the human race” said Steve. “Look what it did! I just don’t want to be alone anymore.” Gary wasn’t too impressed by this, but took what he could get. “Now there’s two of us, we can work together, go abroad and search Europe, Asia, America!” “Ok” Steve said in a quiet voice, “Just don’t leave me here.”

For the next ten years Steve and Gary travelled the world, seeing breathtaking sights and things that would haunt their nightmares. They got along well enough, friends through desperation rather than mutual interests, occasionally falling out, but always staying together. But they found no-one, and ten years later found themselves back in London, having circled the globe.

They sat in what was left of a pub, drinking vodka. “I can’t believe that’s it” said Gary. “No women, means no kids, no kids means no more humans, gone the way of the dinosaurs.”

“C’mon Gary, it wouldn’t have worked anyway, I keep telling you, if we only found one woman, her, our children would only have been having kids with each other, and that’s a bit twisted. You’d have ended up with grandkids with webbed feet or something.”

“That’s just an exaggeration, yeah it would have been a small gene pool, but between us we could have tried. If only one of us was a woman.”

“But we’re not Gary, we’re both 100% male…” Steve trailed off, head tilted as he thought of something.

“What is it?”

“Just before the war, I thought I remembered them saying something about a new breakthrough in gender reassignment…”

“Eh?” said Steve puzzled “Gender what?”
“Y’know” said Steve “When someone has a sex change, so they’re the same gender on the outside as the inside. There was something about it, a new breakthrough in the science, it was going to be more comprehensive than ever. Then the world went to hell.”

“So you’re saying one of us can turn into a woman and have kids with the other? They could do that?”

“I think so” said Steve “Let’s search the hospitals, see what we can find.”

The next couple of weeks saw Gary and Steve visit every hospital in London, until they found what they were looking for. An ‘auto doc’ with a backup power generator, the gender reassignment programme for it and supplies of the necessary medications. They were all set, except for one thing. Who was going to go through with it? Neither wanted to be a woman, they were both secure in their gender. Both had had several lovers in their previous lives, all female. Neither was keen to experience childbirth. They argued and debated, but in the end it came down to rock, paper, scissors, best of three. After ten minutes of tension and draws Gary eventually lost and resigned himself to his fate.

He stripped naked and put on a loose gown, swallowed the correct tablets and laid himself out on the auto doc. Steve started up the generator with scavenged fuel and started the machine. The lid hissed closed and Gary slipped into a deep sleep as the machine started to transform his body.

For three days Steve kept vigil by the auto doc, only leaving the room to relieve himself or get more fuel for the generator.

On the fourth day Gary started to wake up. “Where am I?” He thought groggily, all he could see was blackness. Then the lid slowly opened and light crept into his eyes. “Gary! You’re awake!” said a voice. ‘That’s Steve’ thought Gary. “How long has it been?” he croaked. “Four days Gary, and wow! It really worked!” Gary saw Steve was eyeing him up and down, raking his gaze over his body, which made him quite uncomfortable. “Do you mind?” said Gary. “My voice, it’s changed...” Gary’s voice was now several tones higher, and it sounded like a woman’s voice he realised. He looked down at himself. The gown was slightly damp and draped closely to his new curves. He could see the curve of plump breasts, a tight waistline and slender legs coming out the end of the gown with delicate looking feet. ’I look pretty hot’ he thought.

Steve helped him out of the machine and as he got his strength back, he asked for a mirror. “Are you sure mate?” said Steve. “I’m sure” he replied. “I need to see.”

Dragging in a full length mirror from outside, Steve let Gary take a good long look at his new body. “Damn!” said Gary. He was a knockout, his hair had lengthened, framing a mischievous looking face, his body was curved in all the right places, looking sexy, even in the gown. Ignoring Steve’s presence, he removed the flimsy material and admired his naked body. He gently held his breasts, enjoying the feeling of his hands on them, he turned to admire his rounded bottom and pulled a few sexy poses to see what it was like.

By this time Steve was practically drooling. Never mind that he had known him as Gary, it had been over a decade since Steve had seen a real live woman and he was horny and desperate. “C’mon Gary, you’ve got to let me fuck you!”

“What!” said Gary. “Hold on a minute. I’m not going to just fuck you, just like that. You’ve got to give me time to adjust. I’m going to need a few weeks, maybe even months, before I can do that.” And with that he strode out of the room to get his clothes. Putting them on as best he could considering his new shape and size, he popped his head round the door again to tell Steve that he was going scavenging for new clothes in his size, then exited the hospital to do so.

Meanwhile Steve was not happy. He wasn’t prepared to wait months to get a shag, as far as he was concerned he’d already waited long enough. Taking the box of pills that Gary would have to take for a while, he searched the deserted hospital until he hit jackpot.

In a nearby Peacocks, Gary was trying on some new jeans. With a tight little top on he looked at himself in a mirror. It was weird. He enjoyed looking in the mirror, seeing a fit bird there, one that some time ago he would have been all over. But then he looks down and these breasts are just there and it just feels all wrong.

He feels sorry for Steve. Gary was hoping that with a change in sex, he might find his sexuality flipping as well, even if that wasn’t in the instructions. There was always artificial insemination, sticking a turkey baster up himself, but that seemed a cold way to restart the human race and to be perfectly frank, like Steve, he too missed sex and the closeness and intimacy that can come from it. He just needed a bit of time, he wanted to see if he could desire Steve, want to fuck him. At the moment, that just wasn‘t there. As he started to get depressed, Steve walked through the smashed door of the store. “Sorry Gary” said Steve “I guess I got a bit carried away.” “Don’t worry about it mate, I’m sure I would be the same way, if our positions were reversed.”

“I’ve got your tablets, you don’t want to forget these.” said Steve, holding out a few packets and pots. “Two of the blue ones and one of the red, three times a day for two weeks, according to the notes.” Gary took the pills and swallowed as instructed. “There’s a bed store next door.” said Steve. “Go and have a rest, you must be tired.”

“I am a bit…” said Gary yawning. Breaking in next door, Gary lay down on demonstration King Size bed, whilst Steve went to get some food. Quickly falling asleep, Gary started to dream. Starting off normally enough, they quickly turned sexual, then highly erotic. In his dream he was still a man and fucking this gorgeous woman, he realised she looked like the woman in the hospital, the one in the mirror. Her pussy was so tight and welcoming and seemed to suck him in when he thrust his hips forward. He was holding her tight, her nipples rubbing his, then tighter and then he let go and he was she and she was fucking his old self and enjoying being filled, and it was so good, she saw his old face contort as her pussy filled with his spunk, and she was cumming and...

And he woke up with a gasp, feeling very horny. He took some more of the pills that Steve had given him. After a minute or two or getting his breath back and trying to calm down, he realised that he was just getting more and more turned on. Checking that Steve wasn’t back yet, he decided to relieve himself of the tension and pulled down his jeans and panties. He laid back and started to explore his new pussy. He had always thought he knew how to pleasure a woman with his hand and quickly found out he was wrong. He persevered though, trying new motions, different pressures, different speeds and after a few minutes found himself climbing the peak of his first female orgasm. He moaned sexily as his fingers slipped through his gathering juices, his eyes slipping shut as he found his clitoris, his/her fingers penetrating his/her love tunnel. He/she felt a sudden surprising need for a hard cock inside him/her and then he/she climaxed with a load gasping moan, his/her juices coating his/her hand. It was an explosive release and it paradoxically left him/her feeling both sated and hornier than ever.

“Do you need some help with that?” Gary heard Steve say. ‘Yes’ he/she thought ‘I need it so bad.’ “Please…” said Gary out loud opening his/her eyes. “Please, I need you to fuck me!” He/she quickly pulled off his top, revealing his/her delectable breasts, and kicked off the rest of her clothes.

She was so horny and desperate, she wasn’t thinking clearly. She licked her lips as Steve removed his clothes with haste, moaning when she saw his hard rod. It stuck almost straight up, it‘s purple head covered with a light coat of pre-cum. As Steve walked close to the bed, Gary was overcome with desire and grabbed Steve’s hips and ran her tongue up his tool. She then kissed the sensitive end before starting to suck as much of it’s length as she could down her throat and caressing Steve’s testicles with a free hand. Barely a moment later Steve was shooting his sperm down her throat and Gary couldn’t get enough of it. She swallowed it all revelling in the taste and texture as the spunk slipped down her gullet. She sucked on the head, her tongue caressing its velvet texture, to make sure she had had it all, then let it slip from between her lips as it started to soften.

“I want more” she demanded, looking up at Steve, who was happy to oblige. He climbed on the bed and started to kiss and lick Gary’s new breasts. She held his head there, feeling sparks go through her body, each time her nipple was touched or tweaked. A mouth would be on one breast, whilst a hand roughly squeezed the other. Steve’s other hand traced down her stomach, until it reached her wet, hairy mound, where it drew on her skin, using her abundant juices. After a few minutes, Gary could feel Steve’s hard cock at her wet entrance, so she grabbed it and guided in his purple tip, feeling it slip through her outer lips. She’d never felt anything like it, a hard velvet mass penetrating her body, making her nerves tingle and her desire grow. She then used her feet on Steve’s backside to push him completely inside of her, all nine inches of his penis ploughing into her, slipping deep into her moist hole which gripped it tightly . “YEEESSSSssssss” she hissed, enjoying the way his cock felt inside her, making her feel full and satisfied.

Then he started to move and the sensations as he pounded in and out of Gary’s pussy were indescribable. For several minutes she just luxuriated in the new and powerful feelings, letting Steve do all the work, encouraging him on with her words.

“Oh Steve, fuck me! Oh yes!” She said breathlessly, “Your big hard cock feels so good inside me!”

Her legs were wrapped around him, and her hands roamed his back, enjoying the feeling of skin on skin. She could feel her climax building and taking Steve’s face in her hands she kissed him hard, their tongues mingling as their fucking intensified. The bed was bouncing hard and Gary gripped the headboard behind her as she started to cum and cum hard, not once, not twice but three times in quick succession, an explosion of bliss overwhelming her, her wails of pleasure degenerating into blubbering as Steve filled her with his seed, so much coming out, that it leaked onto the bed, out of where their flesh joined.

Getting her breath back, Gary realised she was still wanting more. She got on her hands and knees and gripped the bars of the headboard, begging Steve to fill her pussy again. Unable to get it up again straight away, Steve used his fingers to plunge into her depths. Gary pushed back onto them, desperate to feel more. A few minutes later she was starting to get really frustrated and was grateful when Steve pulled out his cum covered fingers and replaced them with his hard cock. It slipped in easily, the new position allowing for even deeper penetration and Gary sighed in relief when all of Steve was back inside of her. Starting slowly, Steve withdrew, then thrust hard back into her, making her breasts shake as she gripped the bed frame tighter. Again and again he pounded her pussy from behind. He then took his still wet hand and started to finger Gary’s clit with a slippery digit as he kept banging away doggy style.

Gary could feel her orgasm building, and when Steve started shooting his sperm into her womb, she came with a cry, her pussy tightening around him, milking his man juices until her insides were full of them. Steve fell back on the bed, spent, and for the next few minutes all that could be heard was Gary’s breathing as she/he recovered. Gary slowly came to her/his senses. What had she/he done? She’d/he’d just had sex with a man, with Steve. She’d/he’d been like an animal in heat, just wanting carnal satisfaction. Gary turned round. “What did you do?” he said. Steve looked guilty, stating “I just wanted to help you adjust, you were gonna have to fuck me eventually anyway, I just ripped the plaster off.”

“What did you do?” repeated Gary.

“The tablets, the blue ones, they’re for increasing sex drive. You normally take one with food and it gets your motor running. The amount you’ve been taking, well, you were there. That was the best fuck I’ve ever had. I guess with the sex change and all, it messed with your mind, made you crave men instead of women.”

‘Well’ thought Gary ‘I certainly can’t put the genie back in the bottle now’. “I guess it’s okay” he said out loud. “But I’m not sure if you’ve impregnated me yet.” And with that he swallowed down three more of the blue pills. “Lets see how much stamina you have…” Said Gary, looking at Steve with a smirk.


After that marathon sex session, Gary and Steve found a place to live, somewhere that was both safe and comfortable. They scrounged London for everything they needed, including renewable energy sources and everything they would need to become truly self sufficient, knowing they couldn’t scavenge forever. Every few days Gary would take some of the blue tablets and let Steve give him a good hard fucking. After a few weeks of this Gary cut down on them, until eventually he stopped taking them as fucking and desiring Steve became normal and everyday to him. After a month, Gary discovered he was pregnant and they both studied hard on how to deliver a baby from instructional videos they found on memory chips. They cleaned and prepared more rooms in the mansion they had claimed, knowing they should try for as large a family as possible. By the time Gary’s belly was swollen with their progeny, she had almost forgotten her old life, that she used to be male.


Childbirth was hard on Gary, both physically and psychologically, but she managed, giving birth to twins, one boy and one girl. They called them Mark and Maggie, the names mementos of friends or family from their former lives, before the war. They looked like their parents, but also a little bit like Gary from before the sex change, which was slightly unnerving for the couple.

Six months after the twins arrived, Gary and Steve had just finished putting them down for the night, in their cot. Steve walked up behind Gary and putting his arms around her said: “So when do you want to try to get pregnant again? Neither of us are getting any younger, so sooner is better.” Gary turned around. “How about now? There’s no time like the present…” and with that she kissed him deeply, her mouth opening to let his tongue play with her own. Steve broke off to kiss and nuzzle her neck and ears, his hands slipping under her top to caress the skin there. Gary moaned in pleasure and quickly tugged Steve’s shirt out if his trousers, pulling it off of him. She leaned forward and kissed his hairy chest, licking and tugging at his nipples.

Impatient as always, Steve quickly spun Gary around, leaning her forward with a hand on her back, as she grabbed the top of the cot tightly, knowing what was coming next. Steve didn’t disappoint, quickly unzipping his trousers, and pulling down her panties, whilst flipping the skirt she was wearing up. His hard cock quickly found the entrance to her eager pussy and with a sigh, quickly filled Gary up. He stayed like that for a few seconds, enjoying the physical closeness and the sensations running along his thick tool. Steve slowly withdrew until just the tip was in her. “More…” pleaded Gary. Steve was happy to oblige and started a slow rhythm, one hand on Gary’s back, the other on her hips as he started to pump his cock in and out of her. He started to speed up until his hips were slapping into Gary’s buttocks and she was making little breathy moans each time he thrust forward. He was just starting to really pound her when they heard crying and stopped breathlessly. They had woken the twins with the shaking of the cot.

As Steve pulled his dripping cock out, Gary said “Not the best place for that. I’ll get them asleep again, you go to our room and wait for me.” kissing Steve quickly and hurrying him out the room. Luckily for Steve’s sanity she was able to get the twins to sleep pretty quickly and hurried to the next room, removing her remaining clothes as she went. She found Steve sitting naked on the bed, trying not to touch himself. “Poor baby…” She smirked. “Lets get you some relief”. She straddled him and quickly lowered her welcoming pussy on to his cock, and moved up and down, her breasts rubbing against Steve’s chest until he grabbed them and used his tongue to give Gary more pleasure. It wasn’t long before Steve held onto Gary’s hips and with a couple of powerful thrusts emptied his sperm into her baby maker. Pulling herself off of him, Gary nudged herself back on the bed and leaning down, took Steve’s deflating cock in her mouth and cleaned it, sucking and licking, enjoying the taste of their combined juices as they went down her throat.

“Maybe that was it, maybe that was enough to make you pregnant again.” Said Steve. “We’ve got to be a lot more certain than that.” said Gary with a smile, and lay back, spreading her legs.


Over the next seven years, the couple had four more children, bringing the total of their brood to six. This was the limit they could cope with on their own. As their children grew up they relied on them to take care of the others and help around the house. When they left the house, they didn’t do so alone and were always armed, as packs of wild animals were starting to become more and more dangerous. Freed of the old way of life, Steve and Gary could raise their children however they wanted, teach them whatever they wanted. And one thing to teach them was in order to keep the human race going, their children would have to breed with each other, perform incest to repopulate the world. The children of course would have no compunctions, no worries about it as they had never been taught that incest was wrong. Their parents knew they couldn’t make their children do anything that they wouldn’t do, so resolved to make love to their children, for the survival of humanity.

They had two boys, Mark and Keith, and four girls, Maggie, Amy, Keri and Simone. Gary and Steve agreed that with these numbers, unless one of the girls wanted to undergo the sex change operation, that things like a paired couple or marriage would have to go by the wayside. The lads would have to get their sisters pregnant whenever possible, to increase the population.

When Mark and Maggie hit puberty, they were told of the changes to their bodies, and why it was happening, the whole birds and the bees talk. They were told about where babies come from and about sex and puberty and how in a few years time, they could have children of their own. Throughout the years, Gary and Steve had been telling their progeny how great a large family was and instilling the idea that having more children was a good thing. The kids absorbed this like a sponge and were looking forward to when they could have children of their own. Each of the children, when they reached the right age were told all the facts of life, either by their parents or the older siblings.

One day, when Gary and Steve thought them old enough, it was decided that Mark and Maggie should start being physical with each other. They had a large party with all the family, calling it Maturity Day and celebrating all together until 7pm, when the four younger children went to the other end of the mansion, giving Gary, Steve, Mark and Maggie some privacy.

“Now you two” said Steve, “Your mother and I think you are mature enough to start having sex and we’re going to guide you through your first time. When the others are old enough we expect you to help us show them as well. Ok?” “Yes dad” chorused the twins.

“The first step of physical intimacy is kissing” said Gary

“I’ve kissed Maggie before.” said Mark

“Like dad and I do?” said Gary surprised.

“Well, no” said Mark looking at Maggie shyly, “On the cheek. What‘s the difference?”

“We’ll show you.” said Gary, motioning for Steve to stand next to their daughter Maggie. She put her arms around Mark, and lowering her head to his, kissed him gently on the lips. Mark felt a slight tingling on his lips as his mother pulled away. “That wasn’t the same now was it?” she said. “No.” said Mark quietly. “Can we do it again?”

“Of course honey.” and Gary kissed her son again, moving her mouth against his for a few minutes. When they broke away Gary looked round to Steve finishing his kiss with their oldest daughter. “Now this time” said Steve “We’re all going to use our tongues. We’ll kiss again and then your mum and I will put our tongues in your mouths and caress yours, then you follow them back into our mouths. Okay?” Maggie and Mark nodded enthusiastically. Gary lowered her head again, kissing Mark gently at first, then holding him tight against her body and pulling on his lips with her own. She opened her mouth and her tongue entered her son’s mouth, with Mark making a contented sound. Although unsure at first, soon he was getting into it, his tongue exploring her mouth and Gary could feel his rapidly hardening cock grinding against her. Breaking the kiss, she smiled at him and caressing his cheek, said “That was very good, you’re a quick learner”. Steve and Maggie meanwhile where still going at it, their hands starting to roam the others body. Gary cleared her throat and they pulled apart from each other, breathing hard.

“Now Mark and Maggie, kiss each other.”

The twins looked at each other and nervously moved closer. They cautiously pecked each other on the lips. “It’s okay kids, just enjoy yourselves” Said Steve. They kissed again, still with closed mouths, but longer this time. Then they started to French kiss, Mark holding his sister’s posterior as she ran her hands through his hair.

After a few minutes they separated, eyes dark with lust. “Now I want you two to undress each other.” said their mother. They did so carefully, hands lingering on bodies as they were revealed. “Now, explore each other with your hands, I want you both to know what feels good for you.” Whilst the twin touched each others naked bodies for the first time, their parents quickly undressed. They sat on the king size bed, and when they thought their children were ready they told them to join them on the bed. “Now Maggie, I want you to lie back, like your mother is and spread your legs” said Steve. “Ok” said Maggie doing so, exposing her young, moist pussy to them all. Steve continued: “The first position Mark is called missionary position, and you just put your penis into her pussy, then thrust in and out. Let Maggie hold it and guide it in. Like this.” He positioned himself over Gary, who guided his cock into her welcoming pussy.

Mark climbed on top of Maggie, next to their gently fucking parents. Maggie took hold of his cock in one hand, which almost had Mark coming right there. She then guided him into her tight little hole, which was liberally lubricated with her juices, both almost overwhelmed by sensation as he stretched out her virgin pussy. When Mark was all the way inside he stopped and held Maggie to him. “You feel so good sis” he said. “You too Mark. I want you to put a baby in me, please make love to me.” she replied. So he started to move his penis in and out of his sister, finding it hard at first due to her tightness, but soon she was helping with her own thrusts, and it wasn’t long before the two couples were fucking each other hard, the smell of sex strong in the air as moans and gasps filled the room. Mark was the first to cum, not lasting long as it was his first time. He felt the pressure building up inside him and thrusted desperately as it exploded inside of him, filling his sister’s pussy with lashings of his thick, white sperm, a cry wrenched from his lips as he experienced his first ever orgasm. He stayed inside her, sucking and kissing her young breasts, until he started to soften. He pulled out carefully, his semi hard cock slipping out of his sister with a soft pop. The twins cuddled together, kissing and nuzzling each other, watching their parents fucking, taking note of new things they could try doing next time. Five minutes later Gary and Steve were both cumming within seconds of each other, giving each other a loving kiss as they cooled down.

“Don’t worry that it didn’t last long, your first time never does.” Said Gary. “It will get better. Now that you’ve been each others first, you’re going to try oral sex.” Steve continued “Now Mark, kneel between your mother legs, and Maggie, kneel between mine.” Gary and Steve sat on the edge of the bed, the twins in front of them. They gave instruction on what to do and soon Maggie had half of her father’s cock in her mouth, licking and sucking it, while fondling the rest, and Mark was licking his mothers pussy, lapping up her juices and sucking gently on her clit. They carried on in this way a little longer, then Steve gently pulled Maggie’s head off his tool, a thin line of saliva keeping them attached . “That was good honey, I was almost cumming.” He said with a smile, Maggie smiled back, a look of pride on her face. He continued “But I don’t want to cum in your mouth. Come here.” Steve took her onto the bed and started to kiss and fondle her. Her young breasts were smooth and pliant in his rough hands, his thumbs rubbing her hardened nipples. He reached down a hand and started to masturbate her. Maggie gasped in pleasure, closing her eyes and spreading her legs. When he judged her wet enough he slowly inserted his length into her, stopping only when he was completely inside, his balls slapping against her. “Oh daddy, you’re so big!” she gasped. “Is it too much?” Steve queried.

“Oh no, not at all, please don’t stop now!” So Steve started to fuck her, slowly, but with power behind it. Each time he filled his daughter, she would let out a little breathy sigh as the pleasure started to build inside her, like a coiled spring. Gary had been watching this while enjoying her son eating her out, and now stopped him. “C’mon, let’s take this up a notch.” She got Mark to lie on the bed next to his sister, and lowered herself onto his cock. Although not as big as his father’s yet, it was still enough to give Gary pleasure as her pussy clenched around it. As the siblings enjoyed the fucking their parents were giving them, their hands met and clasped each other tight. Looking across at each others flushed faces, they leaned forward and kissed with passion and love. They were still kissing when Maggie suddenly came, her ecstatic screams as she experienced the contractions of her first ever orgasm, muffled by her brothers mouth. Her fuck hole tightening around him caused Steve to fill her with his cum, as he held himself inside her, his buttocks clenching as his spunk filled his daughter. Gary was next to orgasm, followed quickly by her son, who groaned as he filled her up. They all collapsed on the bed in a heap of naked flesh.

“That was good kids” said Gary after a few minutes “but remember practice makes perfect. At least four time a week we want you either fucking each other or one of us. When your brothers and sister are old enough, then you can fuck them instead if you both want, but we want Maggie to get pregnant as quickly as possible, and if you put a baby in me as well, that’s good too. Ok?” Yes mum” chorused the twins. Mark continued “You can tell your brother and sisters that you had fun tonight, but I don’t want you telling them all the details. That’s for a few years time, when they’re ready for sex themselves.”

They sat down at the nearby table to eat, drink and recuperate. They talked and joked with each other, enjoying the company. Then Maggie, whilst eating some home-made jam on home-made bread, dropped some of it on her naked breasts. She made to wipe it off, when Gary said “Don’t! I think Mark should get that.” Looking at her son she continued “I think you should lick it off your sister.” Mark licked his lips and leaning forward licked the jam off of Maggie’s breasts. Maggie dripped a bit more on them “Whoops” she said with a smile. This time Steve lapped it up, suckling on her young, firm flesh. “Clumsy me” said Maggie, this time dripping jam further down, onto her pussy. “My turn” said Gary and kneeling down, she used her tongue to scoop the jam out of her daughters slit. Staying down there, she started to eat her out, using her lips, tongue and fingers to arouse and excite Maggie. “Oh mum!” said the girl in question, spreading her legs further apart to give her mother more access. Mark and Steve were now standing either side of her and she grabbed a penis in each hand and started to masturbate them both, after a while taking it in turns to use her mouth on them. Mark and his father then started to kiss deeply, over the top of Maggie, Steve caught up in the erotic moment. This carried on for several minutes, their hands exploring each others bodies, when Mark felt his climax approaching. Maggie was sucking his cock and he groaned into Steve’s mouth as the cum raced up his shaft, shooting into his sister’s mouth then when she pulled her head back he covered her face, breasts and arms with his white globs of spunk, his father doing the same soon after, covering Maggie with yet more sperm. Not long after this Maggie was enjoying her own climax. Gary stood up, her face wet with Maggie’s juices and kissed her long and hard, her tongue feeding Maggie her own essence, after which they all licked and sucked the men’s cum off of Maggie’s flushed body.

Gary drew Steve aside and kissed him gently. “You alright? I thought that would have been a bit out of your comfort zone?” “I’m fine” replied Steve quietly “I’m not going to make a habit of guy on guy sex or anything, but it felt right at the time and it’s not like there is anyone else to judge us anymore.” Gary smiled and turned to the twins. “Now I feel a bit left out after that, how are you going to make it up to your dear old mum?” Ten minutes later she was spread-eagled on the bed, being given a good fucking by Mark, with Steve licking and sucking on her breasts while Maggie licked and fondled Gary’s clit and Mark’s cock as it pumped in and out.

They spent the rest of the night eating, drinking and, when they had enough energy, making love.

A month later Maggie was ecstatic to find out she was pregnant with either Steve or Mark’s baby and soon gave birth to a healthy little girl whom she called Cleo and who, many, many years later, was deflowered by Steve and Mark, her possible fathers, who took turns filling her with their seed.

After Mark and Maggie, Amy was the next to have a Maturity Day and was given a practical demonstration of sex by Steve and Maggie, which started as a twosome and grew to a threesome, the girls wearing out their poor dad and ending up in a lesbian sixty-nine.

Keith celebrated with Gary, Maggie and Amy, who took it in turns to enjoy his ten inch long cock, making him so exhausted the poor lad fell asleep mid-fuck, embedded in Amy. It was his mother he lost his virginity to, and her that he got pregnant that night.

Keri was prepared for her cherry popping by her sisters Maggie and Amy, and when she was wet enough her tight little virgin hole was penetrated by Mark.

And Simone was taught by Keith and Steve, which ended in a three way fuck as Keith thrust his cock into Simone and Steve put his into Keith’s rear hole which ended in two holes being filled with cum and three almost simultaneous orgasms.

Things carried on in this vein for many decades and when Steve and Gary finally passed at a ripe old age, they left behind a colony of over 200 descendants. When one of the children reached the right age, they had a Maturity Day and were led into the world of sex by at least two of the older members of the family, maybe two ‘aunts’ teaching a young man, or a couple of brothers taking turns pleasuring a young woman. Son, daughter, father, mother had lost all meaning as no-one was sure of each others parentage by then. 100 years later it had become tradition to, every couple of weeks, have ten, twenty or more of the older ones gather in a group and have a night of passion and sex, spending hours pleasuring each other, not worrying about their familial connection, age, gender or anything else. Pregnancies often came out of these orgies and when the child was old enough, they would be able to join in, with their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, everyone was welcome.

Two centuries later this lifestyle was quite a shock to the Australians who found them, who were themselves descendents of a town of survivors in Tasmania.


2017-09-24 04:04:03
Damn! That was interesting. I would have no problem using a 'tranny', as well as my daughters, sisters, etc. in order to re-populate..... But I fucked my sisters for many years, anyway.

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