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Things are going backward?
tinton  - 2 1/2 seconds
specton - 2 1/2 minutes
Toton -   2 1/2 hours
minton -  2 1/2 days
daycon -  2 1/2 weeks
Malant -  2 1/2 months
quant  -  2 1/2 years
galant -  2 1/2 centuries
Metson  - 2 1/2 inches
maclon  - 2 1/2 feet
heckson - 2 1/2 miles
tetson -  2 1/2 acres
Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan Cit-Chac-Coh 
King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan
King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan
Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria
Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's
Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate
Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill's body guard and mate
Mikos Glac - Chartreux clan
Skylos - Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan
General Roth - Leopard clan
Wrena  -  Leopard clan, Roth's wife
Henna Glac - Chartreux clan, Mikos mate, Xendran Doctor
Theta Panadon - Cheetah clan, Mikos second mate
Cornelius Glax - one of Bill's Uncles, Grey Tabby clan  
Conrad Nox - Bill's other Uncle Bengal clan
Assassin group - Jaguar clan
second assassin group - Ocicat clan
Gregor - Cougar clan
Cetana - cougar clan Gregor's mate
Gwayne - Panther clan
Dawney - Panther clan Gwayne's mate
Thomas - Lynx clan Mileen - Lynx clan
Thomas's mate  Typree Maxor - Sub King of Mandria, Lion clan
Adina Maxor - Paladin Princess of Xendra, Sub-princess of Mandria, Lion clan

A shocked look came over Skylos face as he stared at the planet. Shaking his head he looked closely at his instruments. This wasn't earth! He'd recently been there the coordinates were entirely wrong. Entering all the information that he knew about earth Skylos waited for the computer to render an explanation.
"I am sorry to disagree with you Queen Twitty!" Skylos told her. "We are at the wrong coordinates for earth."
Twitty her eyes still wide turned to stare at Skylos. "I don't care! I spent two quants on that primitive mud ball! I know earth when I see it, though now that you mention it, it does appear to be... wrong!"
"Wrong my Queen?" Skylos asked a little perplexed. "In what way?"
"I'm not sure." She said as she stared hard at the image. "It's like things are missing and a few others are there that I don't remember being there."
Skylos held his tongue as he awaited the readout from the computer. Four spectons later he was staring at the readout his mouth hanging open. Dropping like a rock into the command seat he continued to shake his head.
Twitty shook Skylos when he failed to answer her question. "Uh..." He said an almost vacant look in his eyes.
"Damn it Commander!" Reaching back she slapped him across his face. "What is wrong?"
"I can't believe it! It can't be possible!" Was all that Skylos could say. 
Sighing Twitty reared back slapping Skylos again almost knocking him out of the command chair. "Wake the hell up Commander before I forget and strike you with my claws!" Twitty advised the wire hair clan male.
Blinking a few times the commander reached up rubbing the side of his face. Turning to look at Twitty she could see that the vacant look was all but gone.
"Acor... according to this," he said indicating the readout. "This is earth, but..."
"Told you it was earth!" Twitty said with a smug smile.
"Yes but it isn't the earth we know!" Skylos spoke up.
"What?! What in the hell do you mean?" Twitty asked.
According to this we are in the past. I ran it twice to confirm. This is the earth but it was in this position four hundred forty six and a half quants ago. (One thousand one hundred seventeen years on earth.)
"WHAT!!!!????" Niaco and Glenna heard Twitty shout. "Have you lost your mind!?"
Niaco leaned over to Glenna speaking to her. Rising Glenna nodded walking into the ship's command.
Glenna could see that Twitty was getting more upset by the moment, poor Skylos was looking lost.
"What in the name of the great feline is going on in here?" Glenna asked.
"I... he... it is... ARGH!" Twitty roared as she ran from the room a look of disbelief on her face.
Skylos was still staring straight ahead shaking his head.
Grasping his face Glenna looked into his eyes, "Explain whatever it was that you did to Queen Twitty, to me."
Skylos nodded as he held up the readout. Glenna looked it over as Skylos repeated what he had to Twitty. Glenna could only nod as he went through each part again. Looking at the readout she was also shaking her head, the data tended to agree with his assessment.
"I don't know how we got here. I don't completely understand it. According to the data it was like time stopped and we were shoved backwards. The thing is? I have absolutely no idea how we are to get back." A moment later an alarm started on the console.
Glenna looked at it then Skylos as he sprang into action. "What seems to be the problem?" She asked.
"I was afraid of this. All the repairs we did are only temporary. We're going to have to set down so we can make far better repairs outside as well as inside. The thing is I'm not sure we can land. The power grid is so weak we might crash, if we don't then we'll be seriously depleted energy wise." Skylos told her as he started to begin an approach of the planet.
Running out Glenna advised the others that they had to land, plus they might crash. Twitty upon hearing this ran for the engine room.
Skylos was sweating bullets shaking his head he had to try, they had to survive. On final approach Skylos said a prayer to the great feline when the power increased! "I don't know what's going on but we might make it now." Skylos told all those onboard.
"Though I still can't believe what you said I am not about to crash either! Another specton and I might have you a little more." Came the voice of Twitty.
"We are at forty five percent. Another ten we might still have power when we land." Skylos told her.
"I'm on it!" There was a surge for a moment then the power started to climb another nine percent. "Damn it! That's it I can't coax anymore."
"It's good, make sure the rest are secured then yourself. I can hold this for two spectons, then we HAVE to land!" Skylos told her.
"Going now!" Twitty shouted then disconnected.
Ambrose felt the deck lurch a bit as he tried to open his eyes. Crap whatever in the hell that was wore him out! Groaning Ambrose tried to sit up finding it was taking all he had just to move! Suddenly he heard Niaco and Glenna's voices.
"We have to secure him and Adina." He heard Glenna saying. "Skylos said we have to land to repair the ship. Though I am afraid we might crash."
"Crash? Are we that damaged?" Niaco asked.
"We appear to be, though I saw Twitty heading for the engine room. Let's hope there's more she can do." Glenna explained.  
Niaco nodded then Roth and the other Knights lifted Ambrose to get him secured. Wrena and the other Paladins carefully lifted Adina getting her into a more secure position. Quickly they all secured themselves as Twitty ran for the control room.
Skylos looked up as soon as Twitty entered. "You need to get secured..." He started.
Growling Twitty told him, "There is no way you can land alone and you know it! I may only have fundamental navigation and piloting, I do know when a pilot needs help." Skylos started to protest Twitty growled again quickly quieting him.
Sighing Skylos nodded then concentrated on the task at hand. "Damn it! The stabilizers are sluggish! Even with the boost you got this is still going to be rough. See if you can plot a course to an open area," Skylos instructed her.
Twitty nodded as she started to scan the topography, suddenly a gasp came from her. "I know that building!" She said. "It's called  Acropolis! It looks almost new!" Turning to look at Skylos she nodded. "I accept now what you said."
Skylos nodded barely paying her attention as the planet was quickly approaching. "I'm afraid I am going to have to hold off on the retros until the last moment to save power."
"Alright, I have adjusted aero fins to help compensate when we enter the atmosphere." Twitty responded. She just hoped that they didn't come in too fast or the fins would be gone in mere tintons!
"I'll attempt to glide in as soon as we hit the Ionosphere. There's barely enough there for the fins to have an effect." Skylos informed Twitty. "Four hundred maclons to the exosphere, hang on it's going to be a little bumpy with the stabilizers at half!"
Rapidly approaching the planet they were having to fight the entire time to maintain control. Suddenly with a lurch they hit the first layer. "Entering the exosphere, make sure the shields are up or we're cooked!" Skylos told her.
"Speed four maclons a half tinton and starting to slow!" Twitty informed Skylos.
"Good, keep an eye on it, make sure we are at that, or lower!" Skylos replied.
Twitty nodded as she started to adjust the aero fins more and more. "I'm reading the thermosphere rapidly approaching!" Twitty advised as the ship shook a bit then settled. "Shields are up but straining."
"Damn it! We need them almost all the way to the surface! Compensating now." Skylos said as the shaking lessened then the ship was still. "I think that should help."
Twitty was nodding when the ship lurched again. "Contact with the ionosphere! Trying to adjust, the aero fins
are starting to heat up!" Twitty's hands were flying across the attitude controls of the fins. "Ah! Better temperature dropping!"
"Keep an eye on then. We're only halfway, I'd say we've got another thirty two hecksons (about fifty miles) until the surface. If we can make twenty two hecksons we should be ok." Skylos told Twitty.
Looking over at him Twitty saw that he was sweating as he had a near death grip on the controls. 
Almost ten spectons later they broke through the clouds. Twitty had a course plotted not too far from the huge pyramid building she'd seen earlier.
"Landing site ahead," Twitty advised Skylos as she also applied pressure to the controls. 
"Damn it! The power is almost gone we have to land now! Or we might not make it!" With that Skylos pointed almost straight toward the ground then pulled up as he sighed when the retros came on. 
"Coming in a little fast Skylos!" Twitty yelled above the straining ship.
"Yes I know!" There was a sudden shaking as the ship started to skip, its shields barely keeping the ship off the ground. Cursing under his breath Skylos tapped into the last of the power. Shaking the ship stopped, half buried not far from the large pyramid.
Getting up Twitty ran to check the others. Looking around the room almost all of them were alright though it appeared that Thomas's arm was broken. Checking the male they had captured, Twitty looked at Thomas shaking her head. She found the male's neck had been snapped when something heavy had collided with him. Again she looked at Thomas and his broken arm.
"I've got him my queen," Mileen told her a moment later. "He tried to secure the prisoner. He was thrown against the bulk head." Here Mileen growled low. "I should break the other just to teach him a lesson!"
Twitty's eyes went wide then she whispered to Mileen. "If you did then you'd have to take care of him. Are you really prepared for that? Now?"
Mileen thought a moment then shook her head no bowing to Twitty.
Skylos came stumbling out of the command running back to the engine room. Twitty on his paws. Looking around Skylos nodded then sighed. "Thank the great feline! We still have power. Though it is going to take a lot of work to fix everything. First thing we need to find the metal, then we'll need liquid taak’in to re-power the engines."
Twitty was nodding the whole time. "What is the first thing we need to do?"
"I've got barely enough left to scan the ship but we'll have to get the taak’in soon. I am not wanting to try and restart the engines manually. We have to keep at least one engine online."
Sighing Twitty left as Skylos set about scanning the ship. Walking to where the others were Twitty revealed their almost desperate situation. 
"Taak’in? Isn't that a common worthless metal? It's so soft it has hardly any use but for energy." Niaco replied.
"On our world yes, though this is earth although be it hundreds of quants in the past. It was hard to find in our time when Ambrose and I were here. I just hope the locals aren't too war like. Wouldn't want to end up killing all of them to get what we need to get back." Twitty told all of them.
With a groan Ambrose finally managed to get his eyes open. "No," he whispered still weak. "We will not kill any of them. You still don't know where we are do you Twitty." Ambrose told her.
"Ambrose!" Three female voices shouted as they all tried to sit him up. Then Twitty thought about what Ambrose had said.
"No mate I only know that the building that we are near is and was called Acropolis." Twitty told him.
Ambrose nodded slightly barely able to hold his head up. "It's called Acropolis in Toniná, Chiapas."
Ambrose waited as what he'd just said sank in. "You mean to tell me that THIS is THAT Acropolis!!??" Niaco almost shouted. "The place that our ancestors launched from to settle the twelve worlds of the realm!"
Ambrose got a smile on his face as he watched the warring emotions play across Twitty's face. "That's why you went there! Even with the mind shield you somehow knew!" Twitty said her mouth open staring at Ambrose with awe.
"I wasn't really sure until I found this." Ambrose said as he pulled a small gold medallion from his pocket. "It's the same one that I wear now."
Twitty stared at the one around Ambrose's neck, then the one he held in his grasp. "The ancient royal insignia," Twitty said with a gasp. "How? I never saw you pick it up. I was with you the whole time!"
Ambrose smiled as he nodded. "I obviously put this where I knew I would look later. I happened to lean against the wall opening where this was hidden. I think that's when the shield started to crack. I kept this as it held a lot of some feeling to me in my mind though I knew not what." 
A moment later Skylos came walking through on the way back to command. Stopping he bowed to Ambrose. "Well sire I hope you are feeling better." Skylos said.
"I've been better Captain," Ambrose said as he watched the surprise look on Skylos face. "How bad is the damage?"
Sighing Skylos started in on what he'd found. "The mere fact that we landed with most shields in place kept structural damage to nothing. I am afraid though, that the power grid is seriously depleted. We have to find a large quantity of liquid Taak’in or we might never leave."
Ambrose was nodding as he was trying to remember something that he'd read before about this part of earth's history. "As I remember in our time Taak’in wasn't that readily available on earth. Though on most of the twelve planets it's a common useless soft metal."
"Yes sire I know. I just hope we can find enough to get space worthy. We know not what the atmosphere here might have upon us." Skylos said a little hesitantly. Remember the earth of our time we had to have special medicine in order to maintain control."
"I remember Captain." Looking around at all of them Ambrose sat taller as he told them. "Limit being outside as much as possible, Twitty both you and Skylos try not to be seen. I know we landed not far from Acropolis, watch each other as much as possible. I want all of you to watch as much as possible. I need to step out as soon as possible."
Ambrose arose on shaky legs as he stepped toward the hatch. "Sire?" Skylos suddenly looked up from an instrument with wide eyes. "According to this you have Taak’in on you! It's in an impure form but I am reading Taak’in!"
Ambrose nodded as Skylos stepped up to him with a small electronic pad. Skylos started to pass it slowly over Ambrose listening as the device started to beep faster. Finally Skylos stopped at a pocket of Ambrose, reaching in Ambrose brought out the medallion. This of course made the device go crazy!
Skylos eyes got large when he looked at the reading on the device. "Sire, follow me please?" Ambrose nodded as everyone went back to the engine room. Opening a panel Skylos, reaching in, withdrew a container with a dark burned looking lumpy metal in it.
"May I try something sire? I don't believe it will harm the medallion." Skylos asked. 
Ambrose handed the Captain the medallion. Watching Skylos carefully placed the medallion in the center of the inside chamber. Nodding Skylos closed the panel then flipped a few switches then a few more. Suddenly several machines that had been silent came to life!
Nodding Skylos turned to all of them. We have twenty five percent power for now. Though I can't keep it there that long as it is a solid form. It will help to facilitate repairs faster. We have to find more sire soon!"
Nodding Ambrose again walked to the hatch he had to get out for a few moments. They all needed to in order to keep sane. Looking at the view screen Ambrose saw that no one had ventured near yet, good! Maybe they'd stay away until they left. Ambrose smiled then shook his head they never had luck that good!
Stepping out Ambrose took a deep lung cleansing breath as did the others. Nodding Ambrose could almost feel the difference that the air in the ship and out here made. Shaking his head he could feel his feline side trying to take over! Hell at this rate they would last more than a few hours before they might succumb.
Ambrose was turning to sit when he heard a small voice. What the hell? That was in our language! No one on earth knew the language the of the Felim race! Did they? Looking around he heard it again almost like it was muffled.
Walking back towards the aero fins he started to hear it a bit more. "Help! Father! Help me please! It's getting heard to breathe!"
Roaring Ambrose sprung into action as he started to throw rocks and dirt away from the bottom of the aero fin. "Where are you!" Ambrose was roaring.
"Hello? I can barely hear someone. You are above me! Please for the mercy of Cit-Chac-Coh. Please save me!" The female voice was saying.
Ambrose felt the muscles in his arms start to ache as he dug and pulled faster. "Almost there!" He yelled as he was already almost two feet down under the fin.
Beside him three of his knights were also digging as fast as they could. Finally two spectons later Ambrose broke through. A young woman's face appeared as she started to throw her arms around Ambrose then stopped. a look of great shock on her face as she could only stare at all four of the beings in front of her.
Falling to her knees Ambrose heard her whisper. "Thank you Cit-Chac-Coh, I am sorry I almost threw my arms around you. I thank you and your guards for saving me. How may I serve you?"
Ambrose's mouth dropped open! Cit-Chac-Coh? By the great feline! That was the true name they used to call the great feline! She thought he was the great feline!!? Shaking his head, ‘Great,’ he thought, ‘that was all he needed right now!’
"Please arise young woman." Looking at the others Ambrose closed his eyes reverting to his human form. Opening his eyes he saw all his knights with a horrified look. Looking at the shaking female they nodded then very slowly reverted to their seldom used human form. "There is that better?"
The young woman looked up her mouth in a great O. "It is as you wish." She said as she could only stare.
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