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I had travelled to the Bahamas after my fiancee Debby had died. The trip was to have been our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon at the hotel and we had spent several days and nights together. Now I was leaving for another island.
Bahamas Vacation (6)

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, Nassau, Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, when I checked in. We have spent the last few days and nights together. It is Friday morning and I am leaving for another island Saturday afternoon.)

We woke up and took a shower together. We each explored the other's body with our hands. Because Cinnamon was having her period she did not want me touching her between her legs. I thoroughly enjoyed soaping her breasts, shoulders, back, and rear end. She returned the favor paying special attention to my penis, balls, and ass cheeks. Using a good amount of soap she stroked my penis until I exploded on her stomach. We rinsed off, she turned off the shower, and we dried each other. We went down for a quick breakfast on the hotel restaurant.

“What are you going to do for a week in Freeport?” Cinnamon asked.

“My cousin, my dad's niece, lives there with her children. She's about 12 years older than I am. Her children are pretty much grown up,” I replied. “When I told my father we were going to have our honeymoon in the Bahamas, he suggested we visit her. Debby, my fiancee, thought it would be good to visit more than one island.”

I started to choke up when the memory of Debby came back. Cinnamon looked sympathetically at me.

“What made you decide to take a boat to Freeport instead of flying?” she asked.

I gathered myself and said, “That was Debby’s idea. She knew it wouldn’t be a cruise ship, but liked the idea of traveling by water.”

Again I started choking up. Cinnamon took my hand.

“It still hurts, doesn’t it,” she said quietly.

We sat silently for several minutes.

“I have to get to work. What are you going to do today?” she asked.

“I am going to spend some time in the water and on the beach. Maybe do some walking on the beach. How far does the beach go?” I asked.

“Most of the length of the island on the north side and a good part of the east side. Watch for sharks on the east side, but most are harmless. There also is a strong current between tides on the east side. Not a good idea to go swimming there,” she responded.

“Thank you!” I said and gave her a long kiss, before she went off to work.

I went back to my room to put on my swimwear. I went back down to the lobby. Cinnamon and Holly were at the front desk both waved and I waved back, before walking out the door toward the beach. I decided to check out the beach on the east side. I walked along the beach heading east. I watched a small airplane land on a short landing strip. I reached the east side. I found a dry coconut on the sand. I threw it out into the channel between Paradise Island and another island. Cinnamon was right the current was swift. Soon the coconut had moved out of sight. I walked until the beach stopped at an outcropping of rock. I watched a number of soldier crabs “marching” up toward the vegetation. I picked up one of the larger ones. It retreated into it’s shell. Only it’s large claw was exposed. I put my thumbnail near it and it immediately clamped on. I placed it on the ground and it released and moved away. I walked back to the north side past the hotel and on down the beach. There were several people in the water and tanning on the sand. Several were good looking women. The kind you would be happy to remember. There were others that you would be happy to forget. I continued down the beach until I heard some noise coming from behind an outcrop of rocks. As I listened it became apparent there were 2 people “enjoying” each other. I continued on. I went around some rock protruding into the water. On the other side were a number of people sunbathing au naturale. Yes, I observed some more closely than others. I walked on to where the beach ended. There was no one around. I spent some time in the water. Then I laid down in the sand until I was dry. I had my eyes closed until I heard someone approaching.

“Hello,” said a female voice with an English accent.

“Hello,” I said looking up at the beautiful woman standing above me.

She was a striking brunette wearing a bikini that left little to the imagination.

“Are you here alone?” she asked.

“Yes, there is no one else around,” I responded.

“No I meant are you here in the Bahamas alone?” she asked.

I thought quickly. I had seen a notice in the hotel about situations like this where a person on vacation was robbed.

“No, my girlfriend is back at the hotel,” I replied. “She got too much sun the other day.” Ok it was a white lie.

“Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted company,” she said. “Have a good vacation.”

She turned and walked back down the beach, stopping to talk to the first guy that seemed to be alone. I stayed for a while longer, then walked back along the water line where the sand was much cooler. I passed by the section of beach with the nude sun bathers. I saw the woman who had approached me talking to another man. I went around the outcropping of rock. Soon I was back to the hotel. I showered off at the outdoor shower and then spent an some time in the outdoor hot tub. I had closed my eyes and was enjoying the water moving around by body. After some time I heard a woman's voice.

“May I join you?” she said and giggled.

I opened my eyes and Cinnamon was standing there fully clothed.

“I’m on my afternoon break,” Cinnamon said. “I saw you on the monitor and just had to come out. I brought you a bottle of water.”

I thanked her. We spoke for 10 minutes. Then she went back to work. I got out and showered again. I went back to my room and waited for Cinnamon to finish working. She called to my room and said she was going to feed her cat then return. When she returned we spent the night just talking until midnight, then went to bed. After we woke up and dressed, Cinnamon went to work. I spent the morning packing. My boat was scheduled to leave at 5:00 PM. I was told to be there at 4:00 PM. Cinnamon was going to get off early to take me and see me off. The hours crawled by. At 3:30 there was a knock on the door. Cinnamon was there. I grabbed her and pulled here into the room. We hugged tight for several minutes. I hated these kind of goodbyes. We kissed. Tears were running down Cinnamon’s face. I cried too.

“We have to get going,” Cinnamon sniffled. “I already checked you out.”

I grabbed my bags and we went to her car. She drove to the dock. We walked to the boat. It was basically a freight boat carrying some passengers. Although that was just a auxiliary function. I learned later that they also carried mail in a large vault. I checked in with one of the crew on the boat. He showed to a room. It had two sets of bunks. I put my luggage in the storage locker under one of the lower bunks, locked it, put the key in my pocket and walked back on deck to spend the remaining time with Cinnamon. All too soon everyone not travelling was asked to leave. We hugged and kissed one last time. She waved as the boat left the dock. I watched as she faded into the distance. We traveled west, then turned north before long Nassau too disappeared. I sat on deck, since the fumes of diesel hung in the air in the cabin. There was very little to see beside water. None of the other passengers seemed interested in conversation. Toward sunset there were some islands off in the distance to the west. As it got dark the stars began to appear. Soon the sky was filled with stars. Many more than I could see at home due to the city lights. The Milky Way became visible, an awesome sight. Off on the left side there were a few lights coming from the islands we were passing. About midnight I went into the cabin to try to sleep. After some time I fell asleep until the sun shown in the window of the cabin. When I went back on deck there was a large island on the right hand side. A little after 8:00 we were approaching Freeport. I hadn't seen my cousin, LeAnn, for almost 20 years. It was at her wedding. I was only six or seven. Her husband had died in some sort of boating accident about 5 years ago. I recognized her as we approached the dock. I went and retrieved my bags and waited on deck. LeAnn was standing there with a teenage boy and girl. I learned later it was her 17 year-old son, Ronnie, and 18 year-old daughter, Crystal. After getting off the boat my cousin gave me a big hug and introduced her children. They were both a little shy. We walked a short distance to their house. Originally LeAnn had arranged for my fiancee and I to stay in a small cottage. However since Debby had died LeAnn had decided I could stay with them, since I wouldn’t need as much privacy. We talked throughout the day, caught up, and learned about each other. After supper I went to bed early, since Ronnie and Crystal had asked me to go to the beach with them the next day while their mother worked and I hadn’t slept much the night before.

The next day at breakfast the phone rang. It was for Ronnie. He was needed at his job today. He repaired and installed marine engines. Crystal called her friend, Nancy and she agreed to go with us. LeAnn left for work and wished us a good time. When Nancy arrived the three of us walked with Ronnie to the dock. Ronnie was able to use a boat from the place he worked. Crystal, Nancy, and I got aboard and Crystal took off. I had been told were going to a secluded cove that had a great beach. When we got there it was just as they had described. There was an opening between two outcroppings of rock that opened up to a good sized area of water with a lovely white-sand beach.

“We will probably be the only ones here today,” said Crystal looking over at Nancy.

We anchored the boat about 12 feet off the beach. The girls removed their clothes revealing their bikinis and their bodies.

I hadn’t really thought of Crystal as a woman, just my cousin’s daughter, until that moment. She was 5'6” or 5’7”. She had dark hair, but not quite black. She was thin, but not stick thin. She had all the feminine curves with good sized breasts that definitely filled her bikini top.

Nancy was the same height as Crystal. Her hair was lighter than Crystal's and was almost an auburn, but more brown than red. Maybe it was from her being in the sun over the summer. Nancy was less curvy than Crystal, but still had a very pleasing feminine shape. Her breasts also were a little smaller than Crystal's, but by no means small.

They both giggled when they noticed me noticing them. When they were sure the anchor was holding. They dove into the water.

“Please hand over the ice chest,” Crystal requested.

“Also hand over the mesh bag with the snorkeling equipment,” Nancy requested.

I handed over the ice chest, then the mesh bag. The girls took the items to the beach. I dove over into the water. When I came up the girls had moved things to a shady spot up on the beach. They then joined me in the water. Nancy had a ball in her hands. We kind of played volleyball, but were just trying to keep the ball in the air. I loved watching the girls breasts bounce as they hit the ball. After we got tired of this we went and got the snorkeling equipment. We swam out to the opening of the cove looking at the sea life on and near the rocks and coral.

After some time Crystal asked, “Is anyone getting hungry?”

Nancy and I both agreed we were ready to eat. We all made our way back to the beach and up to the shady spot. LeAnn had made some sandwiches, and had packed fruit and chips. There was also some cans of soda and bottles of water. We ate our lunch. I noticed the girls looking my way then looking at each other and smiling. We finished eating. I decided to lay in the sun, giving a chance for my food to settle, before going back into the water. I scooped some sand leaving a shallow hole the general shape of my body. I lay down in the hole. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the cooler sand on my back and the warm sunshine on my front. I could hear the girls talking, but I couldn’t understand what was being said over the noise of the waves lapping at the shoreline 10 feet away. I may have been dozing still recovering from the night on the boat. I hadn’t slept very long or very well that night. The next thing I remember was hearing the word “NOW” then feeling a weight on my chest quickly followed by a weight on my legs. My eyes snapped open. There was Nancy sitting on my chest pinning my arms with her legs. Crystal was sitting on my legs. Both had removed their bikinis so my eyes were treated with Nancy’s breasts “staring” back at me. Her breasts were perfect and perky with bright pink areolas and protruding nipples. I didn’t get a view of Crystal beside her face looking around Nancy’s side. I thought it was some kind of game or prank.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

In unison they replied, “We want you to make love to us!”

I laid there stunned for several seconds. There was a gorgeous young women sitting naked on my chest and another one sitting on my upper legs.

“Crystal, I don't think I can do that,” I said. “Why me?”

“You’re the best looking guy to come around for a long time. If we have sex with a guy around town eventually he’ll brag to his friends and mom will find out,” Crystal explained.

“What if I do it and tell someone?” I asked.

“We’ll say that you raped us,” Nancy replied. “And there are two of us.”

“What if I don't do it?” I asked.

“If you don’t do it we’ll tell mom you forced yourself on us,” Crystal responded.

Wow, they had all the answers. I was in an impossible situation. I was basically being blackmailed.

“Ok, I will do it,” I relented.

I could have been asked to do something much less pleasant, I thought to myself.

“Technically we are both virgins,” said Nancy. “We both popped our cherries with a hair brush. But no man has been inside us.”

“One last requirement,” said Crystal. “You must show to us that you are doing your best. Not just going through the motions.”

I voiced my agreement. I felt Crystal moving lower on my legs. Next I felt her fingers on both sides of my swim trunks followed by tugging. I raised my hips and soon my trunks were down to my knees. Nancy moved off my arms freeing them. She took my hands and placed them on her breasts. I immediately began caressing them. I felt Crystal's hands on my penis and balls. Because of the surprising situation and my initial trepidation it took a little while to respond. Once it started to harden I felt Crystal’s lips touch my penis sucking on it and licking it with her tongue. Nancy moved back up putting her reddish trimmed bush directly over my mouth. She lowered herself until my mouth came in contact with her pussy. I continued to massage her breasts as my tongue moved along the outside of her pussy lips. Crystal had taken the head of my penis into her mouth and my penis was now at full attention. She slowly took more of me into her mouth. I could tell she was somewhat inexperienced because her teeth kept scraping the skin on my member. I continued working on Nancy’s breasts and my tongue had found her clitoris. I pressed my tongue into and around her love button. Nancy moaned her approval. I reluctantly moved my hands from her soft, firm mounds to her pussy to gain better access for my tongue.

“Crystal, I am going to cum soon!” I warned her.

She paused and moved her mouth off my penis. She moved up farther on my legs. Soon I felt the tickle of her pubic hair on the tip on my penis. Followed by the warm, moist feeling of her love hole slowly swallowing my penis. I returned my attention to Nancy. I spread her pussy lips and pushed two fingers into her tight love hole. I sucked and nibbled her clitoris to Nancy’s delight. She moaned and started breathing heavily. Crystal finally pushed to get all of me inside her. I was in heaven. It had been a long time since I had experienced someone so tight. I felt Nancy’s body stiffen and she pressed her pussy firmly against my mouth. Her body shivered and shook.

She yelled, “Oh my God. I’m cumming!”

She took in a big gulp of air, then let it out. My face became wet with her moisture. Nancy continued to shiver for some time. Crystal had been moving up and down my rod all during Nancy’s orgasm. Now her vaginal muscles clamped down on my penis like a vice. She squeezed my hips with her legs. Soon she was contracting and relaxing on me as her orgasm enveloped her. I shot my load into her in several streams thrusting my pelvis upward with each spray. Crystal moaned as her orgasm subsided. Nancy had moved down off my face onto my chest and leaned forward putting her hands on the sand above my head. Her breasts were hanging just above my mouth. I lifted my head and took one of her nipples into my mouth. Nancy jerked and said “ooo” and then “ahh”. She pressed her breast back into my mouth. I sucked hard and teased her nipple with my tongue. “mmm” exited her mouth as I continued.

“Lets go into the water and clean up before round 2,” Crystal requested.

We all got up and were soon frolicking in the water. The were jumping on me trying to dunk my head under the water. It felt good when they jumped on my back with their breasts pushed into my back and their legs wrapped around my waist. There was a lot of touching both intentional and unintentional. My penis had started moving toward another erection. I stayed deep enough in the water so that it was below the surface of the water. Nancy jumped on my back and wrapped her legs around me and the head of my penis poked above the water. Nancy noticed this and moved around to the front. She kissed me, the fist kiss of the day. I pushed my tongue against her lips. She opened her mouth and I explored her mouth with my tongue. Nancy shifted until my penis was pressing against her pussy. She moved again until I entered her. I grabbed her butt cheeks and pushed into her. She was extremely tight and groaned as I moved in.

I paused, but Nancy said, “Keep going.”

Once I was completely inside her, She asked me to stop and let her get accustomed to me inside her. She pulled me tightly against her. We kissed again. This time her tongue did the exploring. Soon she began moving her hips away from and back toward my body. Crystal watched with interest and impatience. I carefully moved toward the waters edge and lay Nancy on the sand just above the waterline without exiting her. I began pumping in and out of her. I started slowly and increasing the pace gradually. Nancy was so tight I didn't want to hurt her. Her moisture increased and I was able to slide more easily. I reached the point of no return and exploded into her. This triggered her orgasm, she clenched my penis, arched her back, and her whole body shuddered beneath me.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she shouted.

She continued to writhe for over a minute. Crystal continued to watch. I kissed Nancy on her neck and shoulders. She went limp, except for her heavy breathing she didn’t move.

“Are you alright?” I asked her.

She smiled, nodded and said “Yes definitely. I have never felt so good.”

I moved off her, went and rinsed off in the water. When I turned around Crystal was laying on the beach just above the water line. Her legs were spread wide and her finger was motioning for me to come.

“My turn!” Crystal said. “Use your mouth on me.”

I moved toward Crystal. Nancy propped herself on her elbows to watch. I knelt in the water in front of Crystal. I lowered my mouth to her short trimmed dark bush. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers. I used my tongue to lick the inside of her pussy from bottom to top. She jerked when my tongue crossed her clitoris. I then used one hand to caress her breast. It was significantly larger than Nancy’s. Crystal put her legs over my shoulders. Her breast was firm and very pliable. I circled her nipple with one finger, then I rolled it between 2 fingers. Crystal moaned in appreciation and pushed it into my hand. I pressed my palm firmly into her supple breast. I moved my tongue back to her love button. She began squirming. I moved my hand back down and inserted 2 fingers into her vagina. I moved my other hand back to her anus and teased it slowly tracing it’s contours. I pushed a finger into her and she moaned again. Crystal pushed her pelvis into my mouth and locked my head in place with her legs. She started panting. Her shivered, spasmed and began grunting and groaning. Then her orgasm took over. She writhed for over a minute. I kept up my attention both front and back.

“I’m going to cum again. Get inside me!” she ordered.

I moved up and inserted myself into her, pushing easily into her now soaked love tunnel. I pumped into her just a few times before She tightened around me. I continued pumping until her orgasm overwhelmed her. As she continued shuddering, I exploded into her with what I had left. I rolled off on to the sand between these two lovely ladies. Nancy watched as my semi-erect penis bounced up and down with each beat of my heart. Once Crystal and I recovered we all went into the water still nude. Crystal and I kissed for the first time. I began to get hard.

“We are done for today,” Crystal said. “We need to head back.”

We finished cleaning up. We went and put our swimwear back on. Gathered all the items on the beach and brought them to the boat. We got on boat. I pulled up the anchor and we returned to the dock and then the house.

I wondered what Crystal meant by we are done for today.
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