Another day of chores, another day of the same old round of things!! You can’t help but think there must be more to life than this. And now the damn electrics have gone and blown and you’ve got to wait in for some fat sweaty bald 50 something electrician whose going to charge you the earth for a blown fuse!!
11 o’clock comes and goes and still no sign of the guy!! Finally at 12:30 he turns up and you were right.... ‘God you think he’s repulsive!!’ the guy thinks he’s doing you a favour by just turning up and then he turns round to you and says... ‘ I’ll take a quick look but I’ve got an important job to go to, so I’m gonna leave my trainee here to sort your little problem out,.... ‘Little Problem!! You could kill him!!’ then in walks the trainee...... ‘Mmmmm you think, this is more like it’
You watch as he puts down the tool box he’s carrying.... young (he can’t be more than 19 you think to yourself), muscular, not bad looking, tall.... you realise the fat one was speaking to you and apologise and ask what he’d said, ‘I’ll be back later to check he’s done you right, is that ok??’ you try to stop yourself blushing, ‘oh yes that’s fine you reply’ the young lad looks at you and asks where you want him.... again the image jumps into your mind!! Stop it you think he’s young enough to be your son!! Then you think about what you look like... not expecting this hunk you didn’t both putting anything presentable on, an old pair of jogging bottoms and a faded tee shirt!! ‘No way would he look at me’ you decide.
‘What do you need to do?’ you ask, he replies ‘check all the electrics and then try and find where it’s shorting out’. You tell him you’ll leave him to start where he wants and quickly leave the living room, you rush up stairs and decide to try and cool down, and you’ll take a shower... a cold one if you have too!!! Once in the bath room you strip off and throw your clothes in the hamper, you turn the shower on and wait for it to warm up... looking in the mirror you decide you’re not in that bad a shape... your breasts are still firm and you’ve put almost no weight on, even after having 2 children!! Firm stomach and curves in all the right places.... you think about the guy downstairs and your stomach tightens imagining him walking in on you now.....
20 minutes later you step out of the shower and start to dry off, as you stand there you pay extra attention to your thighs and lightly stroke your pussy with the soft towel, relishing the feeling... suddenly the door opens and the guy walks in... You both freeze!! He stammers his apologies and turns to leave but not before you catch the look he gives you as you stand there with the towel pressed to your pussy!! ‘Oh god!! I must look such a slut!!’ you think. As he turns you also catch a glimpse of the bulge at his crotch... and your pussy tingles!!
You hear him disappear downstairs again and stand there.... wondering if it was you that gave him that bulge or just the fact that he’d walked in on a naked woman in the bathroom teasing herself... you can’t decide what to do, should you act as if nothing happened or go down and demand to know what he was doing creeping round upstairs when he knew you were there.... you decide to try and pretend nothing happened.
You dress in a light blouse and a skirt and go downstairs... as you reach the hall you realise you’re not wearing any underwear... was that deliberate... or just thoughtlessness?? Too late to put some on now he might think your weird keep going up and downstairs. You walk in to the kitchen and he looks up blushing, ‘I’m sorry I walked in on you, I thought you’d left’. He says... all you can do is nod and lamely say ‘that’s ok’ as you remember the bulge and you feel your pussy tingle again...
Would you like a cup of tea you ask him to try and get past the awkwardness, ‘please’ he answers... as you walk behind him you hand brushes his bum and he jumps, sorry you almost whisper... he smiles and tries to carry on checking the sockets. As you move around the kitchen you can feel his eyes on you, then you realise you have to know... was it you in the bathroom or not?? You go to walk past him and again brush him bum this time he jumps less and you quiver, not quite believing what you’re about to do... you decide you need to get some different cups, as you turn you see him reaching up to start checking the lights... ‘Perfect you think....’ you move towards the cupboards and as you bend to open one you let your shoulder brush the front of his jeans... this time he jumps back and as you start to look up your eyes linger on his crotch... mmmmm the bulge is back and it looks bigger than before!!! You look up at him and realise he’s staring at you... no not at you... the you feel it he’s looking at your blouse...or rather straight down the gap where you’d only done up a few buttons and you braless breasts... you feel your nipples start to stiffen and see that he can see them getting harder and standing out....
Your pussy quivers... you can’t help it you slowly stand up in front of him and he looks into your eyes as you say.... ‘Did you like what you saw??’ he doesn’t speak but nods his head slightly... you slowly raise your hands and as he stand watching you undo the rest of the buttons and let your blouse fall open exposing your now erect nipples... you step towards him and lightly kiss his lips, you feel him tremble as you take one of his hands and raise it to your breast and let him touch it... he slowly starts to stroke it as you move your hand away... you moan and you feel your whole body respond to his touch....
You look down to see the bulge pushing his jeans out quite far now and you know you just have to help him... gently you stroke it and feel him shudder... then even slower you start to unzip them... finally undoing the button and easing them away from his hips.... the briefs he’s wearing are almost pulled away from his stomach and you slide you hand over the flat tight stomach... moving your hand down.. Slipping your finger under the waistband you feel his hard shaft... you stop and looking at him, you see he’s worried... you whisper ‘relax... you’ll enjoy it more’ as you gently but firmly release his cock... you look down and gasp.... its bigger than you’ve seen before, you can’t resist... dropping to your knees you stare at it inches away from you face... you see the end start to pull back as he gets harder.. Exposing the red wet end, before you can stop yourself your tongue is licking the tip and tasting his juices.... he moans and you do it again this time you lick down the length and feel his cock jerk in response... licking up it again you cover the head with your lips and lightly suck before licking back down the length of his shaft... it jerks again... your shocked as you feel a stream of hot sticky cum hit your face... not wanting to lose anymore you cover the head and suck it into your mouth feeling his cock jerking as he Cums harder... your pussy’s pulsing now and you want him to satisfy you... looking up at him your face covered in his cum you breathlessly tell him... ‘Now you can taste me’.....
Slowly standing you slip the blouse off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor; he reaches out and again gently strokes your hard nipples sending waves of tingles through you... ‘Kiss them’ you tell him almost demanding.... he leans down and kiss each nipple tip... you shudder and feel your already hard nipples get even harder!! ... ‘Lick them’.... you feel his tongue slip out and circle each nipple... again you shudder... ‘Suck them’... now he take one in his mouth and gently sucks while he squeezes the other between his finger and thumb..... now you gasp, your hand comes up almost of its own will and holds his head there making him suck your throbbing nipple longer... with each suck you feel you pussy throb and realise you can feel your pussy juices coating the lips and almost running down your thighs... now or never you think....
Pushing him back, you can see the look of disappointment on his face, slowly you start to slip you skirt down you silky thighs... and watch as his eyes widen as he sees you bare shaved pussy... you move backwards until you feel the dining table behind you and you lean back on your hands.....slowly you open your legs a little so he can see more of you pussy.... ‘ now’ you whisper... looking at your cum covered face he slowly drops to his knees and moves closer... leaning in he looks up at you... you can feel his breath on your pussy and it sends waves of desire through it.... ‘Kiss....’ you say and once only he lightly kisses you pussy lips... you groan... ‘Again’ you say.... another kiss, another groan and pulse from your wet pussy.... ‘Lick me’ you gasp...
you feel his tongue start to probe your soaking pussy... a louder groan escapes you and he stops... his tongue still inside.. You feel your breath come faster... ‘don’t stop’ you almost shout... and his tongue start moving... probing deeper and harder... suddenly you stiffen as his tongue hits your clit and you feel your body jerk as an electric shock runs all through it.... he doesn’t stop licking round and round up and down.... finding your waiting hole he pushes his tongue inside and laps at your juices, sending waves of pleasure through you.... you gasp and cry out... ‘Oh God YES!!’ as you start to cum hard on his tongue... ‘Don’t stop! Don’t you Dare’ you almost scream!! He’s licking your clit again now pushing his tongue against it hard as it pulses and throbs sending wave after wave through you..... You feel your body stiffen and you fall back on to the table as your body arches in yet another orgasm!!!
You collapse on the table shaking and you feel him move away, you look up at him and he smiles shyly... your eyes move down and see his cock hard again... ‘Oh God yes, please fuck me’ as he move toward you, you hear the door bell go, he just and dives for this trousers and you swearing quickly pull your clothes back on... you quickly wash his cum off your face as the doorbell goes again, walking to the door you open it to find the guys boss back and curse him even more... now you’ll have to work out an excuse to get him back for more!!!