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This is the first chapter with more to come. The following story contains graphic imagery and sexual violence that I do not condone outside of the imagination.
The hard part was over. They had the money. They pulled into the rendezvous point when they were sure they had lost the cops.

If Tiffany and Mercedes were going to rob a bank, they were going to do it in style. Tiffany stood at almost 6 feet in her black heels, her tight black dress could barely contain her oft-selfied ass and made the space where her D cup breasts met impossible not to notice. Above her bright red lipstick and Gucci shades, her long blonde hair was tied up in an intricate bun she told Mercedes that she had spent half an hour on, when it had, in fact, been an hour and fifteen. In each ear she wore a diamond. Mercedes wore the same outfit in red, though she stood only 5’2”, but she had an even curvier waist and bigger tits than Tiffany. Her dark brown hair was held back in twin braids, with otherwise the same cranium accessories as her partner.

If they failed, they wanted to at least look beautiful in their mugshots, but they didn’t.

Each of them grabbed a bag from the trunk of the stolen Lexus that had outrun half the police force, and sprinted towards the box truck waiting for them in the lot behind an empty warehouse. Tiffany gave a thumbs up and the lights turned on. Mercedes opened the back, both girls jumped in, and the truck began to move as the girls slid the door shut behind them. They had done their part, now Peter just needed to do his, taking them to a place where they could lay low for a while while peter used his network of crooked suits to turn the 4 million dollars in the bags into tax free holdings in an offshore account.

As they rumbled along in the darkness, Tiffany and Mercedes held hands to keep themselves steady, but that embrace gradually turned into a kiss and Mercedes’ right hand gradually slid up the inside of Tiffany’s thigh under what little was covered by her tight, black dress. They had never done this before, but they had never felt this rush before, and within minutes, Mercedes had two fingers inside Tiffany as she occasionally broke their kiss to let out a moan.

After another half hour in darkness, the truck stopped. Peter was the first thing the girls saw when the gate opened. A man in his late thirties, he had tanned skin and stood at 6’3”, wearing a polo shirt that struggled to contain his muscular arms. His face was obscured by a neatly trimmed reddish-brown beard, a green trucker hat and a ridiculous pair of fake glasses that looked like they belonged to an ‘80s sitcom dad. They had never worked with him on a job before, but there was something about him that they just trusted, and he hadn’t done them wrong so far, with the 4 million in cash being transferred from the exact bank branch he said it would, exactly when he said it would.

The thrill Tiffany and Mercedes felt was unrivaled by anything in their lives. After each of them had spent the five years since high school graduation stripping and burning through money as quickly as it came, they decided they needed more, they started stealing jewelry. When that wasn’t enough, they moved up to high-end automobiles, and that’s how they met Peter, who let them in on the opportunity of a lifetime. They now each had enough money to last them for years before they ran out and needed to figure out what to do next. That triumphant feeling was as brief as it was blissful, as whatever was on those cloths Peter shoved in front of their faces went to work quickly.

Tiffany awoke first. She was still wearing the same dress and heels she had been wearing when she held up the First National Bank, but her arms and legs were spread out and she couldn’t move. She realized the feeling of cold metal on her wrists and ankles was directly responsible for the fact that neither her wrists nor ankles were capable of going very far. She felt a pressure around her neck, not choking but as if she were wearing an uncomfortable turtleneck. They were in a windowless room, lit by the yellow glow incandescent bulbs. The walls and ceiling were covered with foam that looked to her like the inside of an egg carton, but for a million eggs. At one wall was a black leather couch, at the other end was a metal toilet, and there was some kind of large rolling cabinet in the middle of the room.

A groan across the room let her know that Mercedes had awoken as well, and as soon as she did, the door opened and Peter walked in.

“Whaa thhh f..fuck Pitttrrr” Tiffany struggled to blurt out, still woozy from the sedative.

Peter smirked, with that same dimpled grin and perfect set of teeth that convinced them to fully realize their lifelong dream of living as outlaws which was, to this point, not going well. He had ditched the trucker hat, but its indentation still showed in his curly brown hair.

“Congratulations, sleeping beauties. You made America’s most wanted! But... there was someone who wanted you even more… or wanted to pay more than Uncle Sam could at least” He chuckled as he grinned widely.

“We’ll pay you, we’ll let you have the money” Tiffany pleaded as she began to become fully conscious

“What, the money you left in my truck? That’s my money? I don’t see any more for you to let me have”

“We sto.. We stole” Mercedes stammered as she struggled to understand her ordeal “We stole that... money fair and square”.

“And I stole you fair and square” Peter quipped back. “While I sat in a truck eating chicken wings, you delivered me my own personal mountain of dirty money. It’s hard to spend I must admit, but valuable if you know the right people.” He loomed over Mercedes’ chained body with a seductive smile “At the same time, you two also delivered me something just as valuable to the right person”

Peter reached out and grabbed each of Tiffany’s ass cheeks through her dress and squeezed. She could feel his hard on under his jeans.

“Two hot pieces of ass.” he continued “And you know what? with the buyer I found, I think you ladies might just enjoy this more than prison.”

“May I Introduce you to your new master… or should I say mistress” Peter smiled, his large powerful frame standing in stark contrast to their tender, immobilized bodies that shivered in their shackles as he covered their mouths with tape.

“Angela!” He called out as he made a beckoning motion

The sound of heels clicked down the hallway like half a horse. A slender figure walked towards them, moving her hips back and forth seductively as each foot clicked in front of the other, closing the door behind her with a loud thud.

She had pale skin and a face that looked as if it had spent several lifetimes looking down on others in scorn, with her black hair slicked back in a tight ponytail and her jacket and skirt making her look like she had just stepped out of a boardroom.

“Very nicely done, I can always count on you” Angela smiled at Peter “Now I take it you have verified the funds are in your account.”


“And as for the other part of our agreement, these are now my toys, I have paid for them, and I am allowing you to play with them, but you play by my rules. The only thing separating you from them is you can say the safe word and I’ll kick you out to go jerk off on your little pile of money you just acquired. What did you tell them your name was this time? Please tell me you didn’t pick something phallic again like Woody or Rod”

“Uhh… Pete”

“So predictable” Angela looked at him with an evil grin “Are you ready”

“Yes ma’am” he winked back.

“Yes MISTRESS!” She barked back as him “While you are in this room my name, and my only name is mistress, and there will be consequences for failure to address me by the correct name”

“Yes mistress” Peter replied seductively.

Angela turned to look at her new acquisitions and looked at Tiffany first, holding up something in her hand.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU LET US GO RI...” Tiffany screamed, her demand paused as she began to convulse.

“You may have been wondering...” Angela interrupted “about your new necklaces.”

Angela held out a small, black remote control

“Any time you do something a good slave wouldn’t do...” she pushed a button and both girls spasmed from the electric shocks “You get punished”

“Now” she turned to Mercedes “are you my slave, and do you want me to use you however you want”

“Yes” She signed, looking down in resignation.


“That’s not the right answer” Angela shook her head.

“Yes, mistress!” she shouted back obediently.

“Much better, and as for you” she turned to Tiffany

“Fuck you fuck you fuck”


she slumped over

“She’ll pay for that later” the mistress warned, putting a piece of tape over the blonde’s mouth.

“Now” said Angela to Peter “As a reward for delivering such beautiful goods, I’ll let you pick which pussy you get to blow your first load in”

Peter uttered a phrase he lived by at the roulette table…

“I always bet on black” he grinned at Tiffany as she snarled

“Well then” Angela grinned back at him with an even more evil look “you could have done that if you had called me by the correct name, but since you felt the need to forget your place in this agreement, you will beg me right now to let you blow your first load in my ass or you will not be allowed to cum at all”

Peter got on his knees

“Please, Mistress” he pleaded “May I blow my load in your asshole”

She slapped his face

“That didn’t sound very sincere”

He lowered his head and clasped his hand together “Please may I blow my load in your asshole before you let me touch any of your toys”

Slowly, she grabbed the her hip and lowered a zipper. As she slid her skirt off, it became apparent that there were no panties underneath. She raised her leg to place her heel on the side of the couch, and two shiny objects glinted in the dim glow of the light bulbs: A silver stud through her clitoris hood and a crystal at the end of a butt plug.

“I’m not going to make it that easy for you, you are going to first need to prove to me that your cock is better than what’s already in there… and this...” Angela twisted the plug in her ass and it started to make a vibrating noise “Doesn’t come out until you make me cum”

Peter hastily discarded his pants and boxer briefs, struggling around his own fully erect cock. Angela pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his hairy, scarred chest and six pack abs and leaving him naked while she remained fully clothed above the waist. He lowered Angela’s body onto the couch. Lifting up her leg, he began to rub his fingers up and down her pussy, but it was barely necessary, as she was already dripping wet. He slid his erect shaft in, pumping to match the motion of Angela’ hips. With a free hand, Angela rubbed her clit and played with her jewelry as she began to moan louder and louder. She grabbed Peter’s ass and gripped hard enough to almost draw blood

“Ugh.. almost”

As he continued to thrust in and out of Angela, her eyes rolled back in her head as she fidgeted with her clit, Peter struggled not to cum simultaneously as she pulled his waist closer and her pussy constricted around his cock.

Angela composed herself and got up. She lifted a leg onto the edge of the couch, and removed the plug from her ass, pulling until it popped out. It was much bigger than it looked, about 3 inches in diameter.

“So, black is your favorite?” she said, walking over to Tiffany, still stretched in her shackles. “Then she can clean the taste of my ass off of your cock, as for red, she can clean it off of this”

With a swift motion, Angela opened Mercedes’ jaws, and before a word could come out of her mouth, the warm end of the jeweled buttplug went in.

“You better not have cum yet” she scorned Peter

“No, mistress”

She leaned up against the frame that held Mercedes, pointing her ass out at Peter while lowering her eyebrow seductively, beckoning with her fingers. He took her from behind, powerfully thrusting his cock in and out of her sphincter as she dug her nails into the flesh of her captive for support, tearing at the fabric of Mercedes’ once-glamorous red dress as she pushed back with her ass equally hard as Peter was pushing into her with his cock. He was barely able to last two minutes before letting out a gasp as Angela felt the warmth fill her inside.

“Holy shit” she screamed as Peter’s still-erect cock slid out of her. After catching her breath, she grabbed something from the cabinet and walked to the side of the apparatus holding Mercedes and turned a crank, causing the frame holding her to rotate, leaving her hanging on her back, with her face pointed towards the ceiling. Peter did the same to Tiffany’s frame, rotating hers slightly more so that her feet were slightly above her head.

“Now” Angela said as she looked into Mercedes’ eyes “You better not let one drop hit the floor”
Angela took the butt plug out of her mouth, and lowered her ass over Mercedes’ face. As the brunette licked her rectum clean, Angela pulled out the magic wand massager she had just grabbed from the cabinet and held it against her cunt. She began to moan, and Mercedes could feel the warm juices dripping down towards here eyes, but could do nothing to stop it.

Angela signaled towards Peter and he wasted no time ripping the tape off Tiffany’s mouth and jamming the entirety of his cock into her throat. She gagged from the taste of the frothy mixture of lube and cum covering his member, but had no choice but to suck his cock clean as he held the back of her head.

Meanwhile, Angela began to scream out in ecstasy. Satisfied with her cleaning, she fell to the floor and splayed her legs out and pushed the magic wand towards her clit with her full strength. She threw the wand to the ground and laid back, arms splayed out in the same position as her captives, but unshackled, as her heat raced and her breathing gradually showed.

“Enough, Peter” Angela shouted

“Yes, mistress” he replied obediently as he pulled his cock out of Tiffany’s mouth

Tiffany couldn't see what was happening, her head tilted downward away from Angela and Peter, but she heard a drawer slide open. She heard a whistling sound and suddenly the left side of her pussy felt as if it had been bit by a cobra. Tiffany screamed out in agony

“Scream all you want, sweetie, this place is soundproof”

Tiffany heard that dreadful whistle again as the whip struck her cunt in exactly the same spot, but with more pain. The fabric of her dress and panties did nothing to dull it.

“I’m going to be merciful. At any time, you can declare that you are my slave and beg me to use you I will only hit you 3 more times, or you can keep yelling ‘fuck you’ which in my language means ‘hit harder’”

before a word could come out of her mouth, Tiffany felt the whip lash her inner thigh, spreading the pain further out

“I am your ss… slave” she sobbed “please use me”

“What was that” Angela turned to Peter “Sounded like she just said fuck you again, well I must not be hitting hard enough”

“I am your aaaahhhh” Tiffany screamed as the business end of the whip made contact with her clit.

“I am your slave, please use me!” she blurted out as quickly as possible

“You’re much better than me at this, Peter” she said to him in a condescending tone “but I know you can hit harder”

Tiffany could only stare at the back wall and wait for her punishment as Angela walked into her field of view. Angela, still bottomless, leaned against the wall and played with her pierced pussy as the whip stung Tiffany’s increasingly sore pussy 1, 2, 3 times, each more painful that the last and with more time in between to think about it. Angela masturbated harder with each stroke, mocking Tiffany’s pain with her own pleasure. Once the final stroke hit, Tiffany held back tears and breathed deeply, relieved that it was over.

“We really did a number on you” Angela smiled, proudly inspecting the battered red flesh between Tiffany’s legs, bearing welts in the shape of her favorite instrument. She crouched beneath the apparatus suspending Tiffany and hiked her dress above her waist. Using two fingers, she pulled back on Tiffany’s panties, giving her bruised flesh a painful wedgie that cut at Tiffany’s bruised cunt with a stabbing pain until finally the battered fabric gave way. She then walked towards Mercedes, and rolled her dress up in the same fashion.

“Holy hell, you’re enjoying this more than I am!” She exclaimed as she stuck her fingers into the mess of viscous fluids that had engulfed Mercedes’ undergarments and spilled onto the back of her dress. Angela yanked at the back of Mercedes’ panties as hard as she could, but the fluids had made them stronger and they didn’t give way, giving Mercedes a taste of what her partner had just endured. Angela yanked with both hands, stretching the red panties almost over the shoulders. Mercedes screamed as the panties finally tore. They felt in Angela’s hands as if they had been dipped in melted butter. She rubbed them against Mercedes’ clit before the pain had a chance to fully take hold. As the brunette came closer and closer to orgasm, Angela stopped abruptly, and with a forceful motion, stuffed the panties inside her, making them disappear completely. She then did the same with Tiffany’s discarded panties, easily stuffing them into Mercedes’ well-lubricated slit.

Mercedes was overcome by a rush of different sensations as she felt her cold restraints forcing her body to rotate back into a vertical position as she squeezed her pussy around the objects inside of it to ease the pain caused by taking one of those objects off of it.

As her rotation came to a stop, she watched her mistress open another drawer of the large rolling cabinet and pull out an even longer whip, this one with nine tails on the end.

Without saying a word, Angela took the whip in her right hand and swung at Mercedes’ midsection, with an arm motion like she was swinging a tennis racket from hell.

The fabric of Mercedes’ red dress did little to lessen the pain, as she had gone from the brink of orgasm a moment ago to the opposite extreme. She clenched her muscles again, repeating the kegel exercises she had practiced for years to try and distract from the stinging pain.

Tiffany soon felt the same pain, as the whip tore her dress on impact, leaving blemishes below that gradually reddened. The next stroke hit Mercedes again, exposing the soft flesh of her lower breast to the whip’s merciless sting. The second blow hit Tiffany in the right nipple with one of the tails, causing a spike in pain to rival that going on a few feet below.

“Now the fun part” Angela had a devilish look on her face as she pulled a pair of scissors out of the cabinet and made a snipping motion.

“One of you is going to have to take the rest of these lashes without the protection of your pretty little dress, the other one will have to take an extra hit” she waved the scissors at them “Who wants to get naked”

Both girls were silent

“Oh come on, this thing can’t be that bad on bare flesh… Peter” she held up the whip. Peter clenched in anticipation of the whip on his flesh but instead she tossed it to him and bent over, holding her jacket up to expose as much flesh as possible

“Don’t be a little bitch, hard as you can”

Taking time to adjust his grip, Peter swung the whip at Angela’s backside, striking directly on her cheek

“Ahhhhh” she recoiled “Yeaahhh” she rubbed her ass where the whip had hit her cheek, red marks beginning to show.

“That all you got?” she taunted Peter, bending back over.

A second smack hit Angela’s other cheek so hard it nearly knocked her to the ground. She walked back to Peter as if she were a runway model on a catwalk and took the whip into her hand.

“So” she perked up and smiled “Two lashes, or lose the clothes, what’ll it be?”

Both of them immediately balked at the idea of two more hits and blurted out “I’ll do it”

“No ‘please mistress take my dress off’? Well then it’s settled, both of you lose the dresses and both of you get whipped two more times”

Tiffany wanted to scream out in protest but knew that would only result in more punishment. She held still as Angela snipped away and her prized garment fell to the floor in shreds, bearing her big, round nipples and shaved, swollen pussy to everyone in the room. Mercedes couldn’t help but let out the slightest moan as Angela grabbed at the cleavage of her dress and split it down the middle with the scissors. Angela snipped at the left strap of the dress, but as she grabbed the right strap to remove the last piece, she also grabbed one of Mercedes’ braids, and with one snip of the scissors, severed both the dress and a foot long section of hair.

“Oops” Angela shrugged, waving what she had just cut off in front of Mercedes’ face so she could see what it was. She knelt down to her slave’s cunt and postponed the shock of losing such a large piece of her treasured hair by tickling her clit with her own severed braid. Mercedes shook violently, her exposed nipples hardening as if the room had just dropped 10 degrees in temperature. As Mercedes was about to orgasm, Angela reached two fingers in her pussy and both pairs of panties fell out with a splat. At the last second before orgasm was inevitable, Mercedes pulled the piece of hair away and tossed it in the corner.

Angela rubbed the welts on her ass and turned to Peter.

“Now hit them harder than you hit me.”

While Peter administered the blows, Angela removed what was left of her clothing, her bra popping away to reveal a set of small but perky tits with half-inch rings in each nipple. After enduring two more lashes apiece, the girls bellies looked like the surface of Mars as they hung from their shackles.

Angela pulled a new whip out of the cabinet, this one was thick and made of polished, braided leather that reflected the minimal lighting. She stroked the smooth finish, walking between the frames that held her captives.

Whack! The whip hit Tiffany’s butt, focusing all of its force on a small area and forcing out an anguished scream. Angela was merciless towards Mercedes, hitting higher and wrapping around to perfectly hit her erect nipple with the end of the whip. Mercedes shrieked out, her head jerking and swinging her remaining braid as she once again experienced her most painful experience of the night.

After four more lashes to each slave, Angela returned to the cabinet and pulled out a canvas bag and a tray.

“I’m going to give you three options this time. The first, is five more strokes from my friend here” She swung the lash menacingly “The second option” She twisted her nipples in her hand and then toyed with her clit “Is you get a set of piercings to match mine… and the third… the third is the mystery bag”

She turned to Mercedes first. The thought of five more lashes from that thing made three needles seem pleasant by comparison, and she didn’t even want to dream of what kind of sadistic mystery her cruel mistress had dreamed up, so she wasted little time choosing

“Please mistress give me piercings to match yours” she said, having learned a lesson in manners from the last round.

Angela turned to Peter “She chose pretty quick, Do you think I made that too easy?”

“Yeah I don’t know, three versus five, seems like an easy choice”.

“Well” said Angela “I’ve got an idea, but it will take a second. I see you raided grandpa’s medicine cabinet” she snickered and pointed at his cock which had been erect the entire time. “Why don’t you give the blonde one’s pussy a good pounding, don’t be too gentle.”

“Yes Mistress!”

Peter lurched to Tiffany’s stretched, restrained body. Grabbing Tiffany’s shoulders for support, he thrust upwards into her tortured pussy, each motion inward and outward reigniting every bit of pain but also reminding her how good it felt when things feel good.

Meanwhile, Angela picked up a tray and opened a plastic wrapper that contained a thick needle. Making sure to be directly in the brunette’s line if sight and make eye contact, she unwrapped another packet that contained an alcohol swab and rubbed it on both sides of her outer labia. After placing a small mirror on the ground to give her a better view, she took a pair of clamps from the tray and bit down on the lip on the right side of her pussy, pulling to stretch it outward. Slowly and with a steady hand, she pushed the needle through her own labia until it came out the other side, then added a ring identical to the ones in her nipples to the end of the needle and pulled through with an “ungh”.

Next to her, Tiffany’s cries of pain interspersed with occasional pleasure were becoming cries of pleasure interspersed with occasional pain.

As stoically as the first one, she tightly clamped her other lip and repeated the process.

“There, now it’s fair, five needles instead of five lashes”

Next to her, Tiffany’s volume steadily increased as she began to scream like a banshee. She yelled that she was coming, a fact that everyone else in the room was keenly aware of, and with one last powerful thrust, Peter seemed to do the same simultaneously. There was a splatter on the ground below Tiffany as Peter pulled out.

“Now… ‘Peter’” she rolled her eyes, making air quotes with her hands “It looks like you’ve made a mess, you better clean that up” sticking her tongue out at him to indicate what he should use to do so.

As Peter bent over to lick his jizz off the floor, Angela turned to Mercedes “How tragic, you seem to be the one who wants to cum, but blondie was allowed to cum before you?”

“I think it would be funny if I never let you cum again” she whispered into her captive’s ear, ruffling what was left of the hair on the right side of Mercedes’ head as she shook her head in panic, her once-fussed-over hair now looking like that of a woman who just escaped from an insane asylum.

“Tell you what, if you want your orgasm privileges, you need to earn them”

“Please let me earn my orgasm privileges mistress” The slave barked back almost reflexively at this point.

“Well” She grabbed Mercedes’ shoulder and rubbed her pussy against the slave’s leg, dragging the three pieces of metal against it and leaving behind a stripe of moisture and two small spots of blood. She again whispered “Your friend will go first, if you want to be allowed to cum, you will do what she does in addition to the piercings. Sound like a deal?”

“Yes mistress, please let me earn the right to cum” the slave pleaded submissively.

“Well it sounds like it’s your turn, blondie, and you’re down to two options” She picked up the canvas bag about the size of a purse, it’s contents rattling ominously, and took the long lash in her other hand “Your choice, this whip will hit you five more times, but there could be anything in this bag”

Tiffany considered what the worst thing in that bag could be, and with seemingly her entire body sore from the lashes of various whips, the worst she could think of thing to be in the bag could be a whip, which is why she yelled out “Please mistress, the bag!”

Smirking as she walked behind her slaves, Angela briefly stopped to admire the beauty in front of her and touched herself knowing they were about to be beautiful in a very different way, then placed the bag down where neither slave was in a position to see it. Up to this point, Tiffany’s intricate hairstyle had stayed in place, but she felt it unravel as her silky soft blonde hair brushed gently against her back as it fell almost to her waist in perfect ringlets.

Tiffany couldn’t see what Angela was pulling out of the bag, but she felt something metallic at the crown of her head and suddenly heard a loud buzzing and felt a vibration move down the back of her scalp as she realized what was happening. Her head was being shaved. Her prized hair that she had spent countless hours shampooing, conditioning and styling, the hair that her customers at the club in her past life had loved to stroke as she sat in their laps, was becoming debris on the concrete floor as all that was left behind the clippers was a path of stubble too short to see with its yellow color, and she was completely powerless to stop it. With each pass her head became lighter and the pile of blonde locks on the floor grew, until there was nothing left for Angela to destroy. She covered Tiffany’s head and eyebrows in shaving foam, and with a safety razor, removed the last traces or hair from Tiffany’s scalp.

“Welp, guess I can’t call you blondie anymore” the mistress shrugged.

Mercedes couldn’t see what was going on, but she could tell what was about to happen to her. Half her hair was ruined anyway. Angela buzzed off the shortened side first, reducing it to nothing but dark stubble in under a minute. Rather than shave the other side, she spread foam over the stubble and made the entire right side of Mercedes’ head completely smooth.

Next, Angela picked the piercing tools back up off the floor. Wasting no time, she grabbed Mercedes’ ample right breast and closed the clamps on the nipple, the bruises from the whip making it feel as if razor sharp talons were biting her. The pain from the clamp was so intense, she barely noticed the needle poking through her nipple, or the ring being pulled through. It wasn’t the first time that nipple had been pierced.

The naked mistress squatted down to focus on her cunt. When the second needle went through, there was less pain from the clamp to drown out the sting, and Mercedes eyes opened wide, though she kept herself from making a sound as Angela applied the ring.

Angela stood up and admired her work.

Peter rubbed his pharmaceutical-aided erection as he watched. “It’s a work of art, mistress”

“Well, sometimes the best art is only temporary” the mistress sighed, picking up the clippers and springing them back to life. She held Mercedes’ remaining braid and pulled it as she passed the clippers over her head, slowly severing the braid until it all came off at once and Angela held up her trophy. Wearing it around her neck like a fur, she lathered up the rest of the former brunette’s scalp and scraped away what the clippers left behind.

Returning to the piercing equipment, she finished piercing the rest of her slave’s shivering body, saving the clit hood for last. Angela put her tongue to her slave’s cunt and licked the droplets of blood with the tip. As she flicked the newly installed clit piercing with her tongue as so many partners had done to her, Mercedes pushed her hips forward. Angela twisted her newly pierced nipples, now stimulating all of her slave’s newly jeweled spots with some part of her, licking every inch of her cunt and stimulating each new ring in circles with her tongue as the slave lost control over the gyration of her wide hips. As the mistress licked the inside of her pussy like a bulldog getting the last remnants of a jar of peanut butter, Mercedes moaned louder and louder and, as promised, Angela did not stop until all of her pent up sexual energy was let out into one nuclear orgasm that caused her to briefly lose consciousness.

To be Continued...
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