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The man waiting in the arrivals lounge of Christchurch Airport was a widower. This was remarkable because he was waiting for the arrival of the daughters he had never seen, and for their mothers and governesses.
The Beginning.

The man was saddened that his recently deceased wife had never had the opportunity to meet his daughters or that she had not lived long enough to see Brigitte or Ingrid again.

Rebecca, Brigitte’s daughter had not come with them because she and her partner wanted to remain in Europe to run the 'Lotus Blossom’ and as the pictures he’d seen showed that her partner is very definitely female He believed that the club would continue to be a popular venue for the jaded rich.

Until their own home was completed, his visitors would be moving in with him, and as it is a mere hundred metres away from his home, they will be able to watch it being topped out. Once they are settled, they could begin the process of providing a similar facility in New Zealand and, more importantly, He can meet, and get to know, his daughters.

When He was twenty, He married an eighteen-year-old auburn haired, green-eyed beauty from a traveller family and ten minutes after the ceremony, they left town before her relatives found out exactly what they had done. In preparation for the big day, He had changed his name by deed poll and kept that a secret from all who knew him. He then obtained a new passport.

The wedding alone was enough to have brought down their retribution on him, but what he had also done was to remove the proceeds of their ‘very lucrative’ criminal enterprises. He and his bride removed them from their 'secret' hiding place, which was a large plastic barrel buried inside a bramble copse in a wood.

Borrowing' one of the 'company' cars, the couple headed to the docks, at which point they caught a train to another town and then a bus to a small coastal town. The next three days were spent on his old sailing boat, it should have only been two days at the most but weather doesn't care much about love, lust, or old sails, so they rowed and paddled the last ten miles or so to reach the Scottish mainland.

After He had put his bride ashore, He stripped, then sailed the boat back out to sea, sank it, and swam back to shore.

Opening his backpack, he pulled a towel out to dry myself. Her backpack was mainly full of bank notes and bearer bonds wrapped in plastic bags, gold coins and jewellery. When they were ready, they hiked into the nearby small town, had fish and chips and then caught a bus into the next town and disappeared off everyone's radar.

A New Life.

A month later, in a different country, having obtained a passport for his wife Maureen in her new name as a married woman, the couple arrived in a very small coastal village, which was beginning to gain a reputation as a place to go for a quiet holiday. There were no cafe's or bars in the place, just a few houses which were either occupied by artists or owned by people wanting a place to go to occasionally and used as holiday letting when they were not using them.

The village was merely a small group of houses in a sheltered cove, there was a well-trodden path around the headland because on the other side of that headland was a large village, or a small town, with a some shops, a few cafe-bars and a small harbour.

It was there that the couple arranged to rent one of the small houses in the cove, using some of the money from their backpack 'bank'. He bought tools to replace those he had left behind in Ireland. He began looking for employment opportunities and soon had a job as a carpenter and handyman in a luxury chalet site. Owned by a Swedish couple, it sat on top of the headland giving wonderful view. It also had the advantage of having its own approach road and car park. There were two paths leading from the chalet park. One let to the cove, the other path led to the town.

The chalet park had ten units, but the owners had been able to purchase land adjacent to their enterprise and now owned the complete headland site. This enabled them to increase the number of chalets to sixteen, which they did by purchasing six chalets from a holiday park in another area, which had ceased operation. In readiness for their arrival, a construction company had laid the concrete bases and then connected drainage and utilities.

The chalets arrived in the same week that the young man was hired. He was to assist in the erection of the chalets, which were in kit form. Two of them were in need of some renovation, but this would not be carried out until the others had been completed. This pleased the young couple because they were now assured of being a part of the small community, with a steady income, which hid the fact that they already had money.

After a couple of weeks, his wife had made friends with Ingrid, the widow of the previous headmaster of town's school. He had been a workaholic, if he was not at school; he was attending seminars or working on administration data at home. If he ever did take a break he went angling and spent his Sundays drowning worms in a lake over twenty miles away. One Sunday, he was taking part in an angling competition and had caught a large Pike, but during the struggle to land it, he had a heart attack and died before the ambulance arrived.

There had been a baby, but sadly, it had been stillborn, her husband had never tried to have another child and so Ingrid was at home, alone, keeping house and putting food on the table. Not unnaturally, she was a lonely and unhappy, woman. In fact, she was ripe for plucking, and Maureen had been plucking ever since she'd reached puberty. I knew that because I caught her plucking my sister, but I couldn’t complain because I'd plucked Maureen the week before that.

Ingrid was Icelandic. 5ft 6in. tall, her dark hair cut short, slender body with mobile hips, and large, full breasts. Because she was of a slender build, the size of her breasts, were a focal point for anyone facing her, they strained the fabric of anything except the loosest of clothing, which meant that she could never wear tight fitting T-shirts in public, for fear of causing chaos.

It has long been my opinion that, at any age above fourteen, when females from northern climes, visit, or move to, the hotter regions of the world, they become increasingly more willing to shed their inhibitions and their knickers. They will gladly do this for any reasonably presentable male, or female, who is willing to spend time actually conversing with them.

The handyman did all that was asked of him at the complex, this included being the supervisor of the chalet maids. They were a group of Malaysian and Thai women who had turned up when the new chalets had arrived. They travelled around Europe looking for work where they could find it because the life was better than the one they had in their own countries and occasionally they were able to send money home to their families.

Their 'jungle drums' had alerted them to a job opportunity and after a week’s trial Brigitte had taken them on for a season, but they were proving to be such reliable staff she was thinking of offering them permanent employment.

Much to their disappointment, Brigitte had not been able to provide any positions for the male members of this travelling labour market and they had subsequently obtained labouring work elsewhere on a huge building project. Unfortunately, this was over a hundred miles away so they were unable to see their partners very often, but they tried to be upbeat about the situation, saying that at least they were saving more money this way.

He got on very well with his employers, so much so that he was treated as almost part of the family which included their daughter; fourteen-year old Rebecca. She was a smaller version of Brigitte, her mother; with long white-blonde hair, long legs, and already showing that she was going to be a shapely beauty.

With the exception of sports and social club weekend activities in the town, Rebecca spent most of her free time with him, because he was the only male with whom she was permitted to talk to without parental supervision. The story of the Trojan horse leaps to mind.

Brigitte was also inclined to be in his vicinity a great deal more often than interest in the progress of his work would require. She was obviously bored and though it was hard to understand, unhappy. So much so that, after six months virtually rebuilding two chalets, he fucked her, it was at her instigation I might add.

He had been connecting the sink waste pipe at the time so he was on his back with his head and arms inside the cupboard under the sink when Brigitte arrived to 'chat'. She chatted to the extent of telling him that she wasn't going to let this opportunity slip away as so many other opportunities had done.

The explanation came in the form of his shorts being unzipped and dragged down his legs to be followed by his boxers. The feeling of cool hands on his penis was all that was required to show her that what she was after was available. Because he was firmly embedded under the sink, plumbing, he was left to imagine what was happening out of his field of vision.

He heard the sound of a zipper that he knew wasn't his, he heard a rustle followed by a short silence and then his member was once again being held by a slightly less cool hand. It was treated to a slow massage, which, as time passed, became ever more rapid. There was a short rest and then a warm, moist mouth enclosed his cock head then the tongue inside that mouth began to flick over and around that sensitive helmet.

He couldn't help it, his hips began to lift and he began trying to push more of his rigid shaft into that mouth, but its owner merely gripped his shaft with both hands and squeezed; hard, then one hand descended to his testicles and gently massaged them until he was groaning with frustrated lust.

The grip was released and the lips descended his erection until he felt it enter her throat. The mouth rested for a few moments and then began to move again, still in a downwards direction until there was no more cock to swallow. She had it all and so she retracted her head until only the head of his cock was inside her mouth, she waited a moment, then plunged her face downwards to his groin, and just as quickly, withdrew completely.

He felt her straddle him and he groaned with lust as she took hold of his cock once again and guided it to her vaginal entrance. She allowed him to feel that opening for a moment before withdrawing it slightly and rubbing it against her clitoris.

Brigitte began to pant, and her manipulations became more intense and urgent as her desire to have him took over from her desire to enjoy teasing him. She reached the end of her self-control and took his manhood for a joy ride. The ride only lasted for a short time because this was the first cock she'd had inside her for over a year and her orgasm hit her before she had time to recognize the sensation for what it was.

She exploded into frantic motion and began to cry as she collapsed sideways onto the floor. She was still in a semi-trance like state as the focus of her lust forced his way out from under the sink. Placing the cushion that had been used as padding for his back, under her hips, and then lifting her long legs up and apart, he got where he knew that she would like him to be and then he re-entered her vagina.

He entered her with one strong and smooth thrust and then fucked her to a second climax and this time he filled her with his semen, but he continued to fuck her as their mingled body fluids squirted out from her pussy each time he thrust into her.

Because she wanted to enjoy the feeling of having him inside her vagina, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist to prevent him from moving inside her, which was a situation he was happy with

He would have loved to have his hands on her breasts, but she had only removed her skirt and knickers before commencing her assault and he had black hand which, when she returned through the park to her house, would have left a very visible clue on her pristine white T-shirt as to her recent activity.

She enjoyed the experience so much that, each Wednesday thereafter during school term time; when her husband had gone to market, she had gone to bed with the aptly named 'handyman'.

The handyman kept his wife informed of his activities, and providing that she had her share of his attentions, she actively encouraged him because it did rather strengthen his position. His salary had increased and he now had a firm foothold in the enterprise.

The couple had also noticed that, when the chalet park's visitors were at a loss on what to do during the evenings that they weren't out sightseeing, their husbands would go down the path leading to the bars. Their wives however, were not always so keen to spend their evening in this manner, so some of them took a walk down the hill to the lane leading to a small bay.

Because the lane led past the handyman's house they found that he always sat outside with his wife, a glass of wine to hand, and that they were always happy to have the ladies join them for a glass or two of the couple's 'very special wine', and a chat. At least, it began as a chat.

His attractive wife was always very attentive to their conversations and she showed remarkable insight into their moods. If any of the visitors were ever willing to admit that they were in any way unhappy with their marriages, or were actually seeking an opportunity to have a holiday affair, she would commiserate with them and offer a friendly hug, or provide encouragement, where appropriate.

The friendly hugs usually included gentle stroking of backs and waists; if no adverse reaction was discerned, It was followed with a cautious, 'almost accidental' brushing of a breast as a hand was withdrawn. Should there still be no apparent discouragement then a whispered suggestion that she had several remedies to relieve tension and frustration from whatever cause, but because It was becoming cooler outside, perhaps it would be better to go inside for some privacy.

The ‘encouragement’ was more direct in its application. Usually in the form of tender kissing of necks and cheeks as gentle stroking of tummy and upper thighs, in addition to breasts, was taking place.

Maureen usually instigated these seductive advances, but because it was sometimes obvious that her husband was the intended partner, he would take over. This did not prevent Maureen from 'helping out with additional 'encouragement' during his performances and of course the same applied when Maureen was indulging her lust.

After the first two nocturnal visitors had been treated to a 'holiday experience' in the couple's bedroom, they had made a few changes to their home such that what had been a dining room became a bedroom.

The visitors would invariably return to the holiday accommodation late that night much relaxed, with a very hazy recollection of having had sex, not only with that gorgeous handyman, but sometimes, also with his, equally gorgeous, wife. They were often a great deal more cheerful the next day, which sometimes led to their own husband having the chance of indulging in their delights. The wives grapevine ensured that all those who were likely to be interested in knowing about this opportunity, did know. Without the husbands finding out.

In many cases, the ones who had been fortunate enough to experience this hospitality would return to repeat the experience. The file of pictures with names and addresses grew to a satisfying size and they were looking forward to scanning through them when the winter arrived and the supply of fresh sexual conquests dried up, to see if there was any possibility of an advantage being gained.

This was not just to refresh the young couple's memories of the delights to be enjoyed when warm weather loosens inhibitions and clothing. It was to begin the process of sending a greetings card. This card had a message with a telephone number included and was sent to all the beneficiaries of their hospitality, asking them if they would be interested in obtaining photos of the times they had spent together.

If they would be so interested, Then please contact the sender on the above number.

Without exception, the recipients of these cards did telephone, and were informed that, on payment of €100, the photos would be destroyed

This remittance would ensure that they would continue to lead an untroubled life, and if they should ever feel the need to return to the resort for a short break, they would be welcomed with open arms.

Ingrid was plucked. She had become firm friends with Maureen and after three months of having an increasingly attentive friend and confidant, sitting close by her side, her blouse unbuttoned a little lower than was proper, because of the heat. Occasionally her skirts were a little shorter than a woman would normally wear, unless, that is, she was in an 'adult' video.

When she had her first experience of Sapphic sex, it flicked a switch inside her and she knew that she wanted to indulge on a regular basis. Ingrid had never taken part in oral sex; however, once she had experienced having her labial lips nibbled and her clitoris licked and sucked as an exploring finger investigated her vaginal channel, it was unsurprising that she wanted more, and often. She was clearly interested in the sight of Maureen's hairless vulva and pussy and so Maureen gave her the same treatment. After that she was available for sex with Maureen whenever she wished.

One day, the handyman arrived; he was 'looking for his wife', and it just happened to be the day when Maureen had pounced on her friend and had begun undoing her blouse to caress the bare breasts beneath, declaring that she wanted to have sex with her, here and now, on the sofa.

The pair were 'discovered' on that sofa with their discarded clothing strewn on the floor and with their heads between each other's thighs

His wife was upside-down with her legs resting against the sofa backrest, wide apart and feet high in the air. The handyman took a number of pictures with his little camera and then did what any red-blooded man would do; he joined in.

Ingrid was kneeling astride his wife, her head between Maureen's thighs, sucking her labia, her pussy over her mouth. Maureen saw him approaching with his cock jutting out before him and, wrapping her arms around her friend's thighs; she applied her hands to her labia and pulled them apart to reveal the centre of all their desires. He unzipped his trousers, pulled his erection out of them and inserted it into the exposed hole.

That orifice was soaking wet through, as was Maureen's face and lips, and therefore he slid deep inside her before her brain had finished processing the fact that she was being fucked by someone she had not even seen.

His wife closed her legs to hold her friend's head, and because her hips were in the firm grip of the handyman, she could not move. After he had transferred his grip to her glorious breasts, she didn't want to.

He fucked her while his wife worked on her clitoris. He slid gently into her body, which responded by applying as much suction to the, not unwelcome, intruder as it could manage. It did what it was programmed to do and made certain that there was sufficient lubrication between itself and the intruder. This ensured that its sensitive flesh remained in good order whilst deriving pleasure from the unexpected sensations that were being triggered.

After half an hour of this, she spurted a stream of her juices over Maureen's face. At that point she was pulled upright, taken into a bedroom laid on her back so that he could appreciate the full beauty of her body and then, once again, he fucked her to a climactic finale.

During her second experience with the handyman's erection, her friend filmed her. It was obvious that not only did she enjoy her situation; she was in fact, aiding and abetting her new partner.

After the events just described, following a conversation with Maureen, she admitted that she was also willing to have sex with her husband. All that meant was that she would be having sex more regularly than she had ever had before and after the demonstration she had just experienced she knew that it would be better than anything her own husband had ever delivered.

When Christmas came, the postal delivery to the couple's cottage was unusually heavy; the postman said that he had never had to deliver so many envelopes to one address before. When he was told that they were from the friends they had made during the summer holiday season, he commented that they must be have been very popular with the visitors.

The total amount received from the grateful visitors was €3000. and each card received held a request not to send the photos.

The months went by and when the warmer weather returned, the visitors began to arrive again. A few of those visitors had been before after having convinced their husbands that even though he couldn't take time off from his work, she could leave him to fend for himself for a few days, and a short break was just what she needed.

The sex was good, frequent and varied. When they left, they also left a 'deposit' with their friends for future visits. The months turned to years and after four years, the chalet park was thriving. Most of the inhabitants of the cove and a number of the inhabitants from around the headland were now employed in the business. Rebecca was also working there, in the administration department processing bookings. The 'handyman' was now described as the 'property maintenance director'; he also had a bank account, with a healthy balance.

One major change was that Brigitte was available to have sex with him whenever they wished, or at least when her daughter was elsewhere. The reason for her unlimited availability was that her husband had returned home one day and confessed that he had done more than merely go to the market each Wednesday. The father of his 'diversion'; who qualified as a candidate for the term 'jailbait', had found out about the affair and so he had taken the rather obvious step of departing, rapidly.
The divorce was in the pipeline and he had no way of contesting it because to re-appear was a certain trip, to either a cemetery or a prison.

When the holiday season ended, the park was closed until the following spring. The maintenance manager was up in the roof space of a chalet renewing a water pipe when Rebecca crawled alongside him, pulled her skirt up to show him that she hadn't brought her knickers with her and in a very firm manner informed him that she wanted him to fuck her.

She did not waste any time in persuasion. He had been on his back fastening the last coupling when she arrived and gave him a close up of her sex. She backed off slightly, undid his overalls and then unzipped his shorts so that she could pull his cock out from his boxers.

She was calm, and she was determined. She told him that she had known for some time about his affair with her mother and was happy for her because she had rarely received a glance from their father. After she had seen just how much her mother enjoyed her affair she had decided to keep quiet and instead, find a way to seduce him into also fucking her.

Rebecca began to work his cock into a rigid bar and he could see the concentration on her face as she tried to remain calm. He asked her why the lads from the town weren’t having the pleasure of her body and was surprised to find that there were only five boys in the place with whom she would contemplate getting 'cosy'. However, the local girls had made it clear that it would not be a good idea to try.

He stopped her from going any further with her 'ministrations', but could not resist cupping her vulva and feeling her breasts as he whispered that there was more to sex than merely having a cock inside her, Then he told Rebecca to go home and went to his office to phone her mother.

The news that Rebecca wanted to be fucked by her mother's lover was not entirely unexpected, but what had surprised Brigitte was that Rebecca had actually done something about making it happen. The decision to have a frank talk with her daughter was not difficult to make.

On the following Sunday evening, there was a gathering at the chalet park. Brigitte had been warned that she would get a surprise, but that he thought it was something about which she would be happy. The surprise was that Maureen and Ingrid would be there, Ingrid was included because Maureen had insisted that she was sexually involved with both her and her husband, and if their plans were accepted then she would also be involved with Brigitte and Rebecca.

He agreed because it did make sense for Brigitte to learn that Maureen knew that they had been screwing regularly and was happy for him to do so. She also ought to be aware that Maureen was more than happy to indulge in sex with females, and in all probability, was about to add two more to her tally.

The maintenance manager was about to open the discussion when he was interrupted by his wife.

"Because you're in the minority here, I think you should allow me to explain to Brigitte and her lovely daughter exactly what the situation really is. Brigitte, I love my husband deeply, and I trust him implicitly. I have known about his affair with you from the day you propositioned him. I encouraged him to carry on, because I had also begun to arrange an affair, with Ingrid. Although we are married, we are not joined at the hip.

I know that Rebecca knows about your affair with my husband and I know that she also wants to have sex with him. Well Rebecca, be my guest; I know what that is like and believe me, you'll enjoy the experience. Before you do have your day with him, I have news for you and your mother, I am Bi-sexual, I love my husband, but I also love sex with females and I think you are both aware of just how desirable you are.

Brigitte has had time to learn what he likes to do and what turns him into a raging bull, well I can shorten that learning curve for you and teach you what you need to know about sex before he gets his hands on you.

You both know Ingrid. Well she knows what I know, about his abilities, and about mine. She will also be involved with you Rebecca because we think that we can show you how to have really good, safe, sex and how much fun both Sapphic sex and heterosexual sex can be. Brigitte, I honestly hope you will agree to join Ingrid and me because then we really will have fun together."

Brigitte said that the thought of having sex with another woman had never crossed her mind and she was uncertain how she felt about trying it; A short talk with Maureen brought an agreement to try it, once, in absolute secrecy, before she decided whether to be part of that circle or not. She also said that Rebecca must make her own decision, but it seemed obvious that she would happily give any sort of sexual activity a try.

Over a glass of wine, Maureen told Ingrid, Brigitte and Rebecca about the private entertainment that was available at their house during the summer evenings for the female half of the chalet park's customers. The couple explained just how popular it had become, and how lucrative. They had realized that there could be a market for such a facility if that facility were to be in a discrete setting and on a slightly more luxurious scale. Did anyone have any objections if that possibility was investigated more fully?

She thought that, for a variety of reasons, locating it within the chalet park wouldn't work. She also thought that with a good marketing strategy, the 'right' accommodation, in the 'right' setting for the more affluent dis-satisfied or jaded married couples, could bring in a very steady income.

It was at this point that Brigitte got everyone's attention when she said that she had become tired of running the chalet park as just a normal holiday venue and had been thinking of looking for something else to do.

Thanks to her dad's business acumen, she was already a wealthy woman because he had left her a considerable fortune, which is why she had been able to purchase and improve the chalet park. That had been her husband’s idea and she admitted that it had been a good idea, but now she thought that this new venture sounded as though it might have some merit. She would look into the possibilities.

The next few hours went past in a whirl of sexual 'firsts'. Maureen and Ingrid did not delay in bedding Brigitte, which left Rebecca at a loose end with her lust. She had to go on the offensive, she had nothing to lose except her virginity, and that was exactly what she was trying to lose.

Despite her stated preference for 'absolute secrecy’, they took Brigitte to her bedroom. She was made to stand as the pair slowly undressed her, stroking, fondling and kissing her breasts before they each took an erect nipple in their lips and nibbled. Brigitte's chest commenced jerking as her hands clasped any part of her tormentors that she could reach.

She was allowed to feel Ingrid's breasts and found to her surprise that this was insufficiently satisfying and so began her tutorial in undressing another woman and caressing her for the purposes of sexual pleasure whilst experiencing sexual pleasure in other ways.

Maureen was soon kneeling behind Brigitte, running her fingers between Brigitte's buttocks until she could slide them along her pudenda. She gently stroked the soft, sensitive flesh of her sex from her clitoris to her anus and Brigitte responded by moving her legs apart to allow further, and easier, access to her now sensitised pleasure zone.

Whilst she sucked on an engorged nipple, Ingrid joined in the assault on Brigitte's sex by stroking and pressing on her swelling clitoral bud, and then cupping her vulva, she inserted a finger between the now open labial lips and into the entrance of Brigitte's vagina.

Brigitte began shaking and so she was rapidly moved to the bed and allowed to rest for a moment whilst Ingrid and Maureen undressed before joining her. Maureen knelt astride Brigitte and swiftly brought her to an explosive orgasm. She did his by applying her mouth to Brigitte's clitoris and lowering her own sex until Brigitte had no option but to engage her own mouth in the manner being demonstrated by Maureen.

Ingrid waited until Brigitte had calmed down a little and then she inserted all five fingers of her left hand into Brigitte's wet vagina and finger fucked her whilst her right hand was pushed under Brigitte's bottom and then she commenced to invade the back door of her body.

It didn't show much resistance to this new onslaught and soon Ingrid had both hands providing stimulation to Brigitte's already aroused and excited body. Maureen sat astride Brigitte's face and once again forced her to suck and lick her sex, except that this time there was no forcing involved.

Brigitte began to use her own hands to hold Maureen in place as she chewed, licked and sucked the flesh of Maureen's sex. She was now actively involved in the threesome and very shortly thereafter she climaxed and sprayed body fluids over Ingrid as she herself was flooded by Maureen's own climactic expulsion of her juices.

They had a short rest and then Ingrid kissed Brigitte and asked her if she would mind sleeping with her that night instead of them both sleeping alone in their respective houses. Brigitte was all for going immediately, but Maureen had other ideas.

"You have a daughter roaming around looking for someone to remove her Hymen. I think she wants my husband to be that person; but I for one would much rather that he attended to my desires, so if you do wish to indulge in carnal pleasure, why don't you treat Rebecca to a different new experience than the one she's expecting?

Would I be correct in thinking that you find Sapphic sex an acceptable method of de-stressing one’s body?"

"Obviously I know about oral sex, but I would never have believed that achieving such an intense orgasm in that manner was possible. Yes I do find it acceptable, but like you I think I would prefer to indulge in it 'as well as' not 'instead of'."

It was all very well people deciding what was good for her, but Rebecca did not intend to adhere to Maureen's plan about teaching her the basics of being laid. She knew how to get laid, what she didn't know was what it felt like , but she did know someone who would be willing to give her a practical demonstration.

She found her victim, if one could describe him as such, in his office. She knew that when she walked through his office door dressed in a tight halter top and short pleated skirt, together with knee length white socks and sandals that he would be captivated and she was correct.

She knew that he would treat her gently, and she knew he would want to see her body without the trappings of seduction and again, she was correct. She knew the size of her desire, but she had been dubious about the pleasure that could be derived from having it thrust into her small love tunnel. She had eventually come to terms with the fact that she would experience some pain before discovering the pleasure that must be the reward otherwise no woman would actively seek to endure it.

He stared at her as though he had never seen a young woman so intent on seduction before. She knew that she was a stunningly beautiful young woman, but he had been around her for years now as she grew from a pretty teenager into a beautiful crowd stopper, so he surely couldn't be so surprised at the sight of her.

What she hadn't thought about was that she had never before dressed in the manner that she was now dressed. She had chosen her clothing carefully for this moment, ready for whenever the occasion occurred.

He asked her to sit and then offered her a glass of dessert wine from the drinks trolley alongside his desk. It was sweet and extremely palatable.

"You look absolutely stunning and for that I thank you, but if you wish to play in the adult world, you need to be able to handle alcohol in an adult manner. We can relax in here because I very much doubt that anyone will come looking for us and I believe that you would prefer to be undisturbed for the next hour or so, at least, not by anyone else."

He topped up her glass and then moved to stand in front of her and proposed a toast.

"Here's to a very successful and satisfying partnership and I truly hope that you find satisfaction and lasting happiness within our group. Do you like the wine? I chose this one because I know you haven't had much chance to drink alcohol and this is a good wine to start on."

He topped up her glass again, but took it from her and placed it on the desk.

"Unzip my trousers."

She did, she also undid his belt and hurriedly pulled down his trousers. She was about to get what she wanted and did not wish to waste a moment of this wonderful opportunity. Without waiting for any instructions, she grasped his cock and marvelled as it stiffened and grew in her grasp.

Rebecca knew what he wanted and was happy to oblige because that would probably hasten the moment that she longed for. She leaned forward to lick the tip of his erection for a few moments, and was rewarded by seeing his cock twitch, and then rise even further towards the vertical. This gave her sufficient courage to perform the next obvious act; she sucked on the end.

"Finish the wine before you go any further, and remove your top."

Her thoughts were all about what she was about to experience. She had him, he was going to fuck her and after that, she would be able to fuck with him whenever she wanted. Happily, she complied with his instructions and smiled as she watched his reaction to the sight of her breasts springing free from the confines of her tight top.

He reached for her breasts and fondled them, he pulled on her nipples and she was surprised at her reaction to the stimulation. Her nipples stiffened and grew larger than she had ever managed to achieve with her own manipulations, and now she could feel that her sex was wet and beginning to ache for him.

He sucked her nipples and she almost fainted with the sensations that ran through her body, causing her to stagger as she wet her lacy, expensive, briefs.

He supported her weight and gave her a glass.

"Drink this; it will make you feel better in a moment."

Rebecca drank, it was fiery and made her cough, but soon she felt a warm glow and just as he had predicted, she felt better. She quickly knelt and, opening her lips wide, she took him into her mouth and forced herself to suck some of his erection into her.

He held her head and slowly began to fuck her mouth. He was gentle, but insistent, and every few strokes he pressed a little more of his erection into her until she was taking over half of his length into her mouth. He stopped thrusting and allowed her to suck him and withdraw until she'd learned how to use her mouth to fuck him.

"Stand up Rebecca, sit on the end of my desk and then lay back."

It was then that she realized that his desk had been cleared of his usual work equipment. He had planned his moves.

Rebecca was divested of her sandals then her legs were raised and parted so that he could rest one leg on each shoulder. Her skirt was unzipped and pulled over her hips and buttocks. At that point, he stopped to admire the view before treating her flimsy briefs in the same way.

Once again, he paused to admire the view before stepping back and pulling the two items over her feet. He left the knee length socks in place and swiftly spread her legs wide to display her fluff covered vulva and the closed gates to paradise nestling below her sparse garden.

It was his turn to kneel and once in place he began the process of turning her into a jelly.

Rebecca felt his warm breath on her labial lips, she sighed with delight and anticipation of her soon to be achieved goal of sexual release. Then she discovered what he had meant when he told her that there was much more to having sex than she realized.

By the time he'd finished licking and sucking on her labia, she was trying to simultaneously thrust her open and soaking sex against his mouth and pull his head tightly against her aching flesh.

He stood and poured them both a whisky and then sat her up so that she could drink in comfort.

"I trust that you are enjoying the delights of foreplay Brigitte. Indulging in a quick fuck is always enjoyable, but taking one's time and sampling the full menu is much more rewarding. It rarely fails to gain a return match. Drink up; you have more delights to experience.

When he sucked on her clitoris she had a new experience; she had masturbated and brought herself to an orgasm on several occasions, but what he did caused her body to explode into action and in conjunction with the alcohol that she'd consumed, the intensity of the sensations she experienced caused her to overdose on adrenaline. She fainted.

He brought her out of the faint, carried her upstairs to the bedrooms, found the threesome in full swing and stopped the show when he deposited Rebecca on the bed. He dragged Maureen off the bed and told Ingrid and Brigitte that as far as he knew, Rebecca was still a virgin, but he was certain that what she now desperately needed was the sort of attention that only females could provide. She needed intensive attention and that included reciprocation. He wasn't equipped to provide that, so they were now in charge of her education.

Maureen's feet hardly touched the ground as he searched for, and found an empty bedroom.
What happened in there can only be described as a 'quick fuck', but he rationalised by telling himself that what had taken place between Rebecca and himself actually constituted the foreplay that he had advocated.

Once his immediate rush of lust was dealt with, he took his clothes off and, as they showered together, Maureen showed him exactly why cleanliness was better than godliness and how pleased she was that he was ready to provide more of the treatment he'd just given her. She said that she knew he was ready because she was still able to hang her mesh scrubber on his cock.

"Did Brigitte enjoy her tuition with you and Ingrid?"

"She most definitely did. I rather think that Ingrid will be moving in with Brigitte and Rebecca before many moons have passed, and if you were correct about Rebecca's immediate needs then that could be the start of a very cosy relationship. What was with those knee high socks?"

"I left them on when I undressed her; they weren't getting in the way of anything and looked rather sexy

They went back to bed and two hours later Maureen declared herself satisfied with his performance so he could sleep in peace. She said that although she had no idea who was going to sleep with whom, or where that would be, she seriously doubted that this bedroom would be required.

At breakfast on the following day, Rebecca came in looking as fresh and relaxed as though she hadn't done anything except sleep all night and, because the soundproofing was not all it might have been, he knew that was not the case. She came to him and whispered in his ear:

"Thank you for yesterday and thank you for doing what you did. Then she kissed him and left the room. He discovered where she'd gone when he tried to find Maureen.

Over the next month, Maureen and Brigitte ironed out the plans for obtaining a 'new, improved' facility. They then toured the countryside around coastal regions for a further month and eventually found what they were looking for.

They had scanned the property market papers and found a small hotel for sale. It was near to, but not on, the coast and only a fifteen-minute walk to the nearest small town. There were twenty rooms on one floor, a small bar and lounge and both an indoor and an outdoor pool. It also had a staff accommodation block.

The business was failing because it was not close by a beach and although there were a few restaurants in the town there was little in the way of nightlife, nor had the building of two large new hotels in another nearby town, improved matters. The property was walled and gated, there were mature trees and bushes behind the walls, it was ideal for protection from prying eyes.

Brigitte went in to high power business mode and showed that she was a shrewd operator. After her legal representative had given her information about the seller's financial situation she negotiated them down from their pipe-dream price to one which Brigitte was willing to pay so that they still made a small profit.

Things moved quickly after that. The past customers were informed about the site closure, but not of the impending move to 'The Lotus Blossom’ club. It took eight months to refurbish the 'The Lotus Blossom’ and produce brochures 'in-house' to be sent to a new 'proposed' client list. Inclusion in this 'members' list was to be by invitation only and a great amount of research had been undertaken by Rebecca to help in deciding who would be included in that list.

The ladies who used to 'visit' the handyman's house were all informed that their friends were relocating to their new venture. Because all previous 'documents' had been destroyed, they were requested to apply by post if they were interested in the new venture, which would be secure, private and discrete. Please note that membership of 'the club' was by invitation only and limited to 'like-minded' guests of any orientation.

One enjoyable facet of all this activity was that because they were not involved in the negotiations, nor the discussions with the company hired to refurbish the property, he and Ingrid were left to their own devices so they spent a great deal of their time negotiating around each other.

A couple of days before the team returned from their trip, he had taken Ingrid into one of the chalets where they quickly undressed This never took long because she was usually prepared for his attentions and he rarely had other than a T-shirt and shorts on. He soon had her kneeling on two chairs, separated so that her thighs were, of necessity, spread wide apart and she had to lean forward and place her hands on the table top.

He was buried deep inside her vagina, his left arm around her hip so that his hand could reach her clitoris which was now being pulled, pressed or rubbed as her fucked her, the other arm was around her waist so that he could get a firm grip on her right breast. He looked up to see two of the women who had been chalet maids until the site closed

He recognized the girl who had always been the spokeswoman for the group, she was from Thailand and had been dubbed Thai-one by Brigitte because we would never remember the real names, or pronounce them correctly. Her companion was known as Mal-one because she was the Malaysian group leader.

They were watching the scene before them intently and hadn’t noticed that he was now watching them. He pulled his hands back, grasped Ingrid’s hips and began to thrust into her with vigour. Ingrid began to peak and suddenly she climaxed.

“Oh, oh, Ohh, I'm cumming, AAhgurghhhh; then she lay forward so that he had to withdraw from her body and let her rest.

All the chalet maids were smaller and daintier than European girls were and much more reserved and shy, but they were still standing there and he could do nothing to cover himself. He soon realized that he had no need to; they were staring at his cock as though they’d never seen one before.

He walked towards them, but they didn't move away and when he asked them why they had come back to the site when they knew it was closed he was told that they had hoped to find some work by offering to keep the chalets clean and aired over the closed period.

The problem was the cost of food and accommodation, the locals knew that they were no longer earning and were beginning to hint about 'favours' for letting them stay in their poorly maintained rooms or they would increase the rent, so they needed to keep working just to have a place to stay until they could find work elsewhere.

After what they had just witnessed, they thought that, if he could provide them with some employment, they could show their gratitude in a similar manner. That was a 'eureka' moment for him. He knew that one of the problems with this move to their new premises was obtaining a workforce who could be trusted not to repeat anything of what they saw or heard as they went about their work.

He asked them to sit and then he asked Ingrid to dress as he related what he'd just been told, and that the girls’ situation could be the answer to their own problem. He then asked her if she was happy for him to allow the whole group of girls to move into the chalets. They would keep all the chalets clean for nothing and, in return, there could be benefits on offer.

Ingrid dressed and went to the house to 'phone Brigitte to update her on events and my thoughts on the matter. When she returned she was beaming. Brigitte had said that Maureen has threatened to divorce him if he let them get away. He should do whatever it took to get them to move and work for us at our new place, but he was not to try to fuck all of them in one night.

We would be offering jobs to all of them, but it would be at our new place, which was some distance away from here. The two girls spoke rapidly between themselves and then Thai-one said that she thought the entire group would be happy to go to another place, but she wished to speak freely about her group's private lives.

Ingrid said that everything would be treated with the utmost discretion and as that included the words and activities of the staff, the same courtesy would apply to them at the new site, so they may say whatever was on their mind.

Thai-one said they were women, not girls, but because of their life style, they had not had many opportunities to indulge in adult pleasures. She wanted to know if they would be able to change that situation.

She grinned when Ingrid told her that their sex lives would have to be conducted off the club premises because the general public would not be allowed on site, but if they indulged in sexual activities with other members of the staff, then there was no reason why they should not do so on site.

"We will have a meeting in a few days’ time to discuss terms and conditions of employment. If you were to have sex with other members of staff no matter who they were, it would have to be discrete.

Mal-one said that they knew about him and Brigitte's sexual activities, because they would have had to be blind not to have seen what was going on between them, but they'd never seen Ingrid with him, was he good?

Ingrid sold him. He was fantastic, he was gentle, he could fuck for long periods and after a rest, he could do it again. He is also happy just to carry out oral sex if that is all his partner wants to do.

With a smile, she told them that as he was also responsible for the staff, if they wanted anything, anything at all, he was the guy to give it to them. If any of them would rather deal with a woman, then there were three to choose from and it had been known for them to join forces when the situation needed it.

"Does he fuck with all three of you?"

"No, not with the girl; she wants him, but he won't play."

"Do you play? With women I mean."

"I do. The owner does as well, now."

"How much will we be asked to pay for living in the chalets?"

"Nothing, we want you to work for us, but not here. We just want to make sure you stay in the area until we need you. When the owner returns you will each receive a cash payment to cover your expenses until your contracts are finalised."

"We must go and tell the others that we are going to be moving up here, but before we go I want to ask you something very personal if I may do so, but I do not wish to offend or embarrass you.”

"I think that I know what you want to ask and I will happily show you."

Ingrid took her blouse and off and removed her bra'. Thai-one and Mal-one moved up close and inspected Ingrid's large, firm breasts. Ingrid took Thai-one's hand and placed it on a breast then did the same for Mal-one. They felt her breasts, then became a little bolder and felt her nipples.

They weren't expecting Ingrid’s reaction. Her nipples sprang up and she sighed and took a deep breath, which caused her breasts to project even further. In one fluid motion she had a hand on the back of Thai-one's head pulling it forward so that she could ensure that her nipple was close enough to be sucked.

The offer was taken and Thai-one sucked hard on the proffered teat. Ingrid's other hand had already begun opening Thai-one's blouse. Ingrid soon had bare breasts to squeeze before pulling her fun pack onto the couch and removing her skirt. Thai-one didn't struggle, she helped and was quickly stripped and her legs spread so that he and Ingrid could see that she was shaven and that her labia had already acquired moisture.

He ceased eyeing Thai-one's sex because he knew that he would be able to have a closer look at that in the near future. Right now, her companion was on her knees, and she already had her mouth clamped around his cock, which had risen to the situation so that he could discover exactly how much of it would go down her throat.

She took all of it. There were still two inches in the open air when his cock head entered her throat, but she just rested for a few moments then sucked the rest of it into her mouth and down her throat. He received a wonderful blowjob, but the time for action was fast approaching and so he made her stand so that he could strip her.

She helped, just as Thai-one had done for Ingrid. Unfortunately, the couch was taken, so she was taken to the bedroom and placed on the dust cover, which had been placed over the mattress at the end of the season. He treated her vagina in much the same way that she'd treated his cock and soon she was whimpering as his tongue delved deep inside her love tube and his fingers probed her clitoris.

She came with a loud, wailing, screech and then became very voluble in her own language, but she had his head pressed hard against her sex until her spasms had subsided. Waiting until she'd calmed down he came up off the floor and got between her thighs. She lifted her legs to rest on his shoulders and his cock found its own way to heaven.

She was bloody tight, She wanted him inside her, but it took a while for her little tunnel to widen sufficiently for him to begin fucking her with any vigour, but he got there.

She had small, hard breasts and very sensitive nipples, she also had a fat clitoris, which was equally sensitive, and her anus opened almost as soon as he touched it. She was running in juices and soon the dustsheet had a huge damp patch. It was the constant supply of lubrication juice that was her undoing.

He fucked her slowly as he investigated all her sensitive sites. When his finger entered her anal doorway, she climaxed, loudly. Sometime later, as he ploughed her tunnel, albeit somewhat faster than earlier, he pulled on her nipples and was rewarded by another loud screech as her vagina tried to squeeze his cock to half its thickness.

When he turned her over and made her kneel, she thought her anal canal was under attack and began to protest. It was only when he speared back into her vagina did she stop protesting and instead, commenced to ram her backside into his groin as he gripped her hips and rammed into her.

This time he felt his semen beginning to boil and, as he had no means of knowing if it was safe to dump it in her vagina, he opted for the tidier option of plugging into her back doorway, at that moment she squealed and he squirted a load into her backside, which triggered another orgasm in her.

"Please stop now, I have no more strength."

He helped her to stand and then she gave him a big smile.

"Thank you for that. It was so good to have a real cock instead of one of my friends with a vibrator. I promise not to tell anyone what we just did, but please promise me that you will come and fuck with me again when we are living up here."

"You can tell anyone of your group if you wish, but not until you are all up here. As we said, what happens up here does not go outside the boundary fence."

The 'working party' returned from their trip and, after all the necessary introductions were completed, a meeting took place to arrange employment details, working practices, and domestic arrangements.

The next two months were spent preparing for the move during the day and investigating the sexual likes and dislikes of the new staff members during the evenings. It soon became apparent that, because of their previous enforced life style, the staff were not averse to Sapphic encounters and were more than happy to accommodate their employers.

Their willingness to work and play, with equal exuberance for both activities, made for a very tiring, but enjoyable life. They also earned a bonus payment when they informed us that they had solved a problem that had been bothering us.

He had been trying to solve the problem of how to find a trustworthy team to prepare breakfast and light lunches for our visiting members and also for men to form the security and general maintenance teams. Mal-one reminded Brigitte about the group of their countrymen for whom Brigitte had not been able to provide employment when she hired the chalet maids. The men had found employment on a long-term building project for a power company; initially they had been working as labourers, but as time went by, they had acquired knowledge in various trades, not only in building skills.

The group had visited the women on a few occasions; certainly, 'friends with benefits' applied here, because none of them were actually married or even 'an item'.

If they were to be approached with a job offer, they had to be aware of the benefits that this may present in their new employment and therefore would sign and would most definitely be trustworthy.

Mal-one and Rebecca were despatched to make the offer and two weeks later the security and maintenance team arrived. The group were let alone for two days and that was obviously appreciated, as, apart from meal times; nothing was seen of them during that time.

It had always been the intention for the 'club' to provide accommodation for its members on a B&B basis with the bonus of a light buffet for those members who wished to dine on the club premises, but they would have to dine in the town for Dinner.

A little session of negotiations and three of the women and two of the men were to become the kitchen crew.

Two days prior to the move to a new life, the cosy little world became a dangerous place to be. On a trip into the town Brigitte was told, by three different people, that two men were going around showing a photograph of two people and asking shop keepers if they had seen either of the persons in the photograph.

Thankfully, no one had admitted to having seen either of them.

That evening a car full of women ostensibly heading for a night out in a town some distance away from the local town left the chalet park. The town they were heading for also had a railway station. It was an uncomfortable journey for the departing couple because they were on the floor with the feet of the women resting on them.

The car was parked on a small street behind the bar that they were going to use. Leaving the car unlocked, they walked to the bar. The couple remained where they were for some minutes and then the driver re-appeared, opened the glove compartment and rummaged inside and informed them that no one had followed the car or shown any interest in the party.

She left again and after a few minutes more the couple collected their large rucksacks from the boot and used a small alley to leave the area and two minutes later were in the station. Two hours later, they were changing trains and after a further three hours, were in a small hotel in Amsterdam.

Three days later, New Zealand had two new applicants for citizenship. The immigrants began renting a house in a small community on highway 6 on South Island near to the town of Nelson where they soon discovered that many of the residents were definitely not 'small minded'. Much enjoyment was had by watching the activities of some residents during both the daytime and the evening hours.

A year passed. The couple, having obtained citizenship, bought a house with an acre plot of land on the edge of the small community and held a house warming party to which all the residents were invited. Not all of them came, but the ones that mattered to the couple certainly did. The event was a great success.

They had managed to get close to the people who they knew were active in the swinging scene, and it had allowed those people to discover that the latest permanent additions to their community were sexually open minded and aware of the activities among most of those in the present gathering. The guests were left in no doubt that invitations would be welcomed.

The immediate effect of that event was similar to the beginnings of an Alpine avalanche in winter, invitations to ‘gatherings’ in other homes poured in. It was obvious that the sole purpose of the first of these gatherings was to confirm that there was no misunderstanding and that the newcomers really were potential participants in the main activity of a sizeable portion of the community.

The hosts were in their early thirties. Tony was an air traffic controller and Lisa worked from home for a small software development company. The lights in the living area were all dimmed wall fixtures and the two large couches had a good supply of soft cushions, they also had a small occasional table at each end, which, Maureen eventually discovered, had a small drawer containing all the items necessary for any sexual activities.

Lisa was almost wearing an off the shoulder dress which accentuated her figure and did nothing to disguise the fact that she had not bothered to wear a 'bra, the material was thin and flouncy with a thin belt, made from the same fabric, around her waist and the hem was about six inches short of knee length. It didn't go unnoticed that Maureen was similarly dressed.

Both women sat on one couch the better to 'chat' about feminine things so we males were presented to a wonderful view of every inch of their long, slim legs. It was easy to see that the scene had been set for appraisal and seduction and the couple were happy to not to spoil their hosts anticipation of a successful outcome of their efforts more than was absolutely necessary.

As the four drank wine and nibbled little snacks, the couple were gently prompted to reveal their reasons for choosing to live amongst this small community rather than in the nearby larger township. Their hosts were told that it was primarily for health reasons, because the couple had worked hard and prospered in a niche market and having made a fortune they now wanted to live life to the full. They were, in effect, ready for a hedonistic life and looking forward to sampling whatever pleasures came their way.

After an hour of 'beating about the bush', Tony, invited Maureen to 'see the rest of the house', and during this tour he propositioned her. He was a little surprised, but later admitted to being relieved, when she came across to her husband and told him that she was about to view the facilities. As she re-joined Tony, she said to Lisa:

"Sometimes, he doesn't like to wait and I'm willing to bet this is one of those times. Don't wait for him to guess, tell him what you like and enjoy the trip."

Lisa didn't blush; she smiled at me and asked if Maureen had really meant what she'd said.

"There's a fool proof way of finding out."

"You're both up for a swap?"

"We are happy to take part in whatever is on offer, but I'm afraid that Tony will feel short changed because although Maureen will take a man to the edge, she won't fuck with him. She only does that with me. She's a card carrying lesbian with bi tendencies, but fortunately, for you I'm purely heterosexual. We are aware that this evening is, in effect, a test, but I'm afraid that if we are accepted into your circle, the men folk are going to feel a little short changed. Is that going to be a problem?"

"Certainly not, it means that we stay-at-home housewives are definitely going to benefit."

Lisa began walking towards the entrance hall, which was where the staircase was situated.

"Tony has taken her into his study; he's got a day bed in there, so we can..."

She'd stopped walking, and talking, because he had just undone the loosely tied belt and then lifted her dress up and over her breasts. Even before she'd begun to turn, he'd reached around her to hold her breasts.

At this, Lisa decided that it was time that she took an active part in events and so she removed the dress completely, and even though he was behind her, her hands were busy getting into his trousers. When she got hold of what she'd uncovered she began to walk again, without letting go of the erection.

“I love to be taken, so don't pussyfoot around. A little rough handling gets me aroused."

He released her breasts as they began to climb the stairs, but only so that he could pull her knickers down. She stopped long enough to kick them off, thus presenting him with the view of her lovely rounded backside, then they were at the start of a two hour roller-coaster ride fuelled by lust.

Because he was undressing as they entered the bedroom, he was quickly able to reach round her and fondle a breast with one hand as, with the other hand; he stroked her stomach and then points south until he reached her smooth mound.

Reaching lower down with his right hand, he pressed a finger against her clitoral hood to caress the pulsing bud beneath. Lisa responded by pressing backwards against him as his left hand joined in the attack.

Now she had a rigid penis forcing its way between the cheeks of her buttocks. His fingers hooked against her pubic bone and then pressed her upwards and backwards so that the head of his rigid cock slid forward to rake across her anus, pausing for a moment before moving on towards her moist vagina. It would have been when his cockhead paused at her anal sphincter that she realized that she could be about to receive more than she had been anticipated.

He had momentarily toyed with the idea of taking the opportunity that had presented itself but lust prevailed and an easier route was close by and he knew that he could return to open her rear door and sample her reactions at some time in the near future.

He pushed her onto the bed and rolled her onto her back so that he could position himself above her and spend the next 30 minutes fondling her proud and firm breasts as he tasted and chewed her warm sex. After having aroused her to fever pitch, he began to tease her vagina by slowly easing forward until the head of his erection was at the entrance of her waiting love tube.

Pausing to nibble her nipples brought the response he hoped for; Lisa reached to grasp his butt to pull him further inside her. Resisting the temptation to let her succeed, he lowered his body directly onto hers, thus pinning her firmly down to the bed.

Moving his hands down to her backside he felt for her anus and, on reaching it, prised the small orifice apart to insert a finger into her rear passage. Having achieved a firm grasp of her bottom, he began to force his cock up into her vagina and soon had half its length lodged firmly inside her.

Now the real pleasure began as he pumped in and out, getting deeper inside her with every thrust until, at last, he had the pleasure of meeting her cervix. Releasing his grip on her buttocks, and removing his finger from her anal passage, he raised his body off hers to enable him to begin fucking her with vigour.

She joined in eagerly, but occasionally she uttered a gasping moan and increased her grip on him. It was only the fact that he didn't have a condom or lubrication that saved her from moaning a little louder, but he knew that there would be other opportunities to test that belief.

He increased the pace and force of his thrusting and was pleased to see that it had the desired effect. She gasped and then tensed prior to commencing her own increased thrusting and moaning until she reached an orgasm and collapsed beneath him.

It made no difference to his pace. He continued to slam against her tender parts; and although she gasped, panted and cried out, he kept banging his groin against her as he rammed his rigid bar into her and so she had another half an hour of a sweating male fucking her into two more orgasms before he stopped for a rest.

Downstairs, Maureen and Tony had prepared the couches for 'whatever’, by throwing a cover over each of them. They had also drunk half of a second bottle of wine, but Maureen was now kneeling in front of Tony, masturbating and sucking him as he fondled her breasts.

He kept murmuring that he wanted to fuck her, but she ignored him so he had to settle for whatever she would allow him to do to her. Lisa watched Tony's lust mount as he succumbed to Maureen's ministrations, but inevitably, Tony was not the only person undergoing mounting feelings of lust and so Maureen was pulled away from Tony and Lisa was pushed on top of him.

Maureen urged Lisa to give her husband some relief by calling to her: "Fuck him Lisa, give him what he needs because I think I am about to get what I need."

She did help to get Lisa started by returning to Tony and grasped his cock as Lisa straddled him. She guided him to the entrance of Lisa's honeypot and as Lisa descended Tony's erection Maureen fondled Lisa's breasts and whispered that she would be pleased to have her visit us whenever she wished to come.

Maureen's husband was becoming impatient and pulled her away from them to take her to the other couch, but Maureen pointed to the little table at one end and opened the drawer. It held an assortment of sex aids including the basic necessities for safe sex.

She held up a condom packet and some lubricant and pointed at Lisa who was busy riding Tony. He shook his head, and said, sufficiently loudly for Lisa to hear:

"Not tonight my love, I'll save the delights of her rear passage for another day because what I want to do right now is make you squeal with pleasure."

He then took Maureen to the couch and allowed Maureen to demonstrate to Lisa and Tony what she could do when she had her husband's body to herself.

Lisa and Tony prepared a light meal as the demonstration neared its climax and when all was cleared away, Lisa thanked Maureen for the invitation to visit and said that she would certainly do so in the near future. Then she asked her:

"Does he ever fuck you as vigorously as he did me? You must have heard me yelling down here."

"Oh no, he doesn't fuck me, he makes love to me and I make sure he does it frequently. I have no objection to him fucking any woman who wants him, but I know he'll always make love to me whenever I want him to.

Lisa's was taken by the hand and dragged to a couch and pushed onto it, then her legs were prised apart so that he could mounted her once again and fuck her hard, which was exactly what she wanted. It was quick, it was rough, but as he rammed his erection into her, she locked her legs behind him.

"Go ahead, I'm safe and I want to feel you pump your cum into me, Do it."

He did, she had his cock pumping semen into her hot, tunnel as she shrieked and grunted through yet another orgasm.

The rests were becoming longer as midnight approached, but there was no suggestion of stopping and after we had taken some more refreshment Lisa knelt and put a now flaccid cock into her mouth, then; gripping his backside; she proceeded to suck until she felt his cock begin to respond.

As soon as the resultant erection was to her satisfaction she stood, knelt on the couch with her legs wide apart. She didn't say anything, words were not necessary. He slid his erection into the waiting orifice and soon had all of it deep inside her and then he slowly gathered pace until he was ramming into her with force. It was fast and it was brutal and she shrieked as his groin slammed against her time after time.

Maureen appeared and after watching for a moment, she got onto the couch, but she had turned around so that she was head down. She sidled under Lisa and positioned herself so that she had a leg either side of Lisa's head with her own head between Lisa's legs.

Maureen wriggled her body until she had her buttocks against the top of the backrest and then said:

"Lisa, eat me, suck my clit and get your tongue in me. Tony did it, now it's your turn."

It was obvious that a male was surplus to requirements so he removed himself from Lisa's body, but then pressed Lisa's head down until she was forced to begin pleasuring his wife's clitoris and sucking on her labia. Maureen had placed her arms around Lisa's hips with her hands just above her coccyx and levered herself up so that she could lick the unsheathed clitoris above her at which point he decided to back off and let Maureen do what she wanted which was to take Lisa to another climax,

When they finally set off for the walk home, which would take all of ten minutes to walk; Maureen and Lisa were glowing and promising to see what they could do for each other in the near future. Two days later they investigated that, but as he had been tasked with mowing the lawn he was only able to listen to them, which was a turn-on, but frustrating. Maureen made up for that later.

As we had agreed with Brigitte, we waited a year to elapse and then, because Maureen had the 'phone number of the 'club', she rang Brigitte. The conversation was short, but the news was good, although the group had been approached about us, all they had said was that we had worked at the chalet park, but had not wished to move to the new project and had left. Ingrid had told them that she'd heard Rome mentioned one day as she walked past us. They hadn't seen anything suspicious since then.

Brigitte and Maureen exchanged postal information and then Brigitte dropped her bombshell: Ingrid was a mother of a lovely little girl! Moreover, just guess who the father is. Maureen was in no doubt about the answer and turning to me, she said:

"Well then Daddy, Would you like to talk to mommy?"

Brigitte said that unfortunately, Ingrid had taken her baby out for a stroll and some fresh air so he promised to call again tomorrow; she hadn't finished with the glad tidings though. Mal-one was with Ingrid, pushing Brigitte's baby round the park as well.

"Brigitte: do I need to ask who the father is?"

"No, I think you already know."

"We need to have a talk about maintenance."

"That's not urgent, we don't need it. This place is a gold mine and don’t forget that you're still shareholders. I have much more news for you, but it can wait until after 'Daddy' has talked with us Mommies."

The following day, after the Daddy had had a talk with the mommies, which by its very nature was emotional and lengthy; Brigitte told us that Rebecca had found an accountant who, during their meeting, said that she would be happy to take the club as a client, especially if Rebecca was the person with whom she would be dealing.

The outcome of this meeting was that Rebecca had moved in with Monica. After a while, it became apparent that Monica was definitely a fixture in Rebecca's life and she was also happy to be involved in the running of the club.

For the next year, we kept each other up to date on daily events especially on everything to do with his daughters and life was fantastic, until the day that Maureen was diagnosed with a cancer in her brain. It wasn't long before the news came that it was too late to treat it and that she had, perhaps, six months

They were wrong, she had ten weeks and the whole community was attended her funeral in the peace and quiet of a small church-yard cemetery.

It was two weeks later when Brigitte rang to say that she and Ingrid would be moving to New Zealand, they would be accompanied by Mal-one and Thai-one who insisted that they be described as 'governesses' for the children, but would ultimately be the directors of house-keeping for the eventual second 'Lotus Blossom club.

They did eventually get around to asking him if he would agree to take part in the venture, which of course, he did.

The outcome of that call was that he had to purchase land close to his own so that they could build a house, and then he had to start searching for a suitable ‘project’ that could be renovated.

Life was going to be eventful again.
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