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More adventures in the past
tinton  - 2 1/2 seconds
specton - 2 1/2 minutes
Toton -   2 1/2 hours
minton -  2 1/2 days
daycon -  2 1/2 weeks
Malant -  2 1/2 months
quant  -  2 1/2 years
galant -  2 1/2 centuries
Metson  - 2 1/2 inches
maclon  - 2 1/2 feet
heckson - 2 1/2 miles
tetson -  2 1/2 acres
unit -    2 1/2 ccs

Mayan Terms

nohchil - Chief
Ahau - King
Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh 
King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan
King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan
Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria
Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's
Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate
Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill's body guard and mate
Mikos Glac - Chartreux clan
Skylos - Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan
Henna Glac - Chartreux clan, Mikos mate, Xendran Doctor
Theta Panadon - Cheetah clan
Cornelius Glax - one of Bill's Uncles, Grey Tabby clan  
Conrad Nox - Bill's other Uncle Bengal clan
Assassin group - Jaguar clan
second assassin group - Ocicat clan 
Typree Maxor - Sub King of Mandria, Lion clan
Adina Maxor - Paladin Princess of Xendra, Sub-princess of Mandria, Lion clan
Timora - The great mother of the feline people, mate of first tribal leader
Hippacamp - Timora's father, father of modern Xendran doctors 
General Roth - Leopard clan
Gregor - Cougar clan                                                 
Gwayne - Panther clan
Thomas - Lynx clan
Paladins - Female Knights
Wrena  - Leopard clan, Roth's mate
Cetana - Cougar clan, Gregor's mate
Dawney - Panther clan, Gwayne's mate
Mileen - Lynx clan, Thomas's mate 

The chief swallowed hard as all the cat gods huddled together. ‘Oh gods,’ the chief thought, ‘please allow your brethren to help us in the coming trials and battle.’ Still afraid to rise the chief patiently awaited the decision of Cit-Chac-Coh and his assistants. They must be as he was commanding all of them.
Ambrose turned back to the chief to ask a few more questions. He sighed when he noticed that the man was still on his knees. "Stand great chief of the people." Ambrose commanded. "We have much to discuss about this enemy."
The chief nodded as he got off his knees. Ambrose looked at his knights and mates as he shifted back to his human form. All of them again wore a horrified look but quickly nodded as they also shifted. The chief's mouth dropped open as he could only stare at them. Then he nodded yes, they were indeed the gods of old.
A moment later the chief’s guards came back in bowing low to the chief. Ambrose's eyes narrowed as he thought a moment. "You aren't the nohchil are you? The way you are dressed I had thought you were. You are in fact the ahau aren't you?"
The man's eyes went wide as he bowed to Ambrose nodding his head. "I am honored that you recognize me my lord." The man quickly turned to the guards whispering to them. Each in turn, turned to stare at Ambrose, his knights and his mates their mouths gaping open.
"This is not to leave this room! They are to help us to a new land. Do not displease him!" The man said.
Both Twitty and Gleena were staring at Ambrose. They both had patiently waited for him to finish. "You used two ancient words that we don't recognize." Twitty stated.
"Yes, please what do they mean. I know that you had much training in the history of our people. I have also though obviously nowhere as much as you." Glenna told Ambrose.
Ambrose turned to the both of them a little surprised when no one knew of the two words that he'd spoken. Pulling all of them aside Ambrose explained. "I was thinking that he was the chief of this city. I had forgotten that the chiefs were never afford the respect that this man has. I had been calling him a nohchil or chief in the ancient language, it means chief."
Roth nodded, "a very old word indeed. I haven't heard many words of the ancient language in many quants. What is the other word sire?"
"Ahau, a word just as old," here Ambrose looked over at the man talking to his guards. "It means king, I had forgotten that all city-states had a king." Thinking a moment Ambrose nodded, "I believe that the king here is Wak Chan K'awiil, he was king when most of the city disappeared. We also seem to be further back than we at first thought. I believe we are one hundred and thirty five more quants back than we at first thought."
"What!!?" Twitty almost shouted. "I was having a hard enough time thinking we were four hundred forty six and a half quants back in time. Now you're saying we are even further?!!"
Ambrose tried to not smile as he could see that both Twitty and Glenna were starting to get frustrated. "Right now I think it's far more important that we save this city. If I'm right this is the city of Tikal. They are about to be attacked by the neighboring city-state of Calakmul or Caracol. Though it may have been both of them. Tikal being as weak as it is, both might have attacked."
Roth, Gwayne, and Gregor were nodding agreement to the assessment of the situation. "Sire we could actually turn the tide of the battle." Roth started then stopped seeing the look of concentration on Ambrose's face. "I am sorry if I over stepped sire." Roth quickly said.
Ambrose shook his head as he looked up at Roth. "It's not that you over stepped Roth, I'm just trying to remember the history of this place. I am also crossing it with the history of our own worlds." With a sigh Ambrose finally reached a conclusion. "I'm afraid we can't do that Roth. If this is Tikal as I think it is, it will fall in the next two to three mintons. As history goes this HAS to happen."
Gregor and Gwayne's mouths were hanging open as they were about to protest. Roth stepped up taking the both of them to the side. There he explained that Ambrose had no choice this had to happen for them to establish the beginning of their own worlds. Both hung their heads realizing that Roth was right, even so neither of them were happy about it in the least.
Ambrose sighed they needed to start taking everyone out of here as fast as possible. Pulling a small comp from his belt Ambrose quietly contacted Skylos. "Skylos! We need to find a way to transport more."
"Yes Sire, I've been trying to remove what I could to make more room. At present I think we can take one hundred seventy five. I am taking a few of the walls down that I am hoping will afford enough room for twenty five more. Beyond that sire I don't think we can do any more." Skylos advised Ambrose.
"Excellent Commander! How long before we can start to move them? I'm afraid we only have possibly two mintons, three if we're lucky." Ambrose told the Commander.
"If I can get the rest of them out perhaps a toton. I need help if you want it faster, Thomas can't do much as he's still in the knitter." Skylos replied.
"Alright we'll all be back soon." Ambrose clicked off. Going to his knights and mates Ambrose told all of them then went to the king. "We have to go prepare that which we will take the people to the other place with. We will bring it near the edge of the city. Please have as many ready to go as you can."
The king looked at Ambrose with wide eyes. "I will do as you command O great Cit-Chac-Coh. All will be ready when you return. We are also preparing to keep our enemies away while you take the rest away to safety." Here the king and his guards bowed low to Ambrose and his knights. "Your will be done."
Ambrose could only roll his eyes after the king said this. Especially after they all bowed to him. Shaking his head Ambrose set out with the rest of his group following. Finally out of sight of the city Ambrose and the others shifted form, racing for the ship. Half a toton later they were ready.
"Alright Skylos I want the ship on the edge of the city. I just hope the king has them ready." Ambrose said.
"Yes Sire." Skylos said as he started bringing the bridge alive. "Queen Twitty, if you could take attitude control we should be there in a specton."
"Everything looking good, now leveling off. We are free of all obstructions, ready to proceed Commander." Twitty replied.
"Good moving to target time, half a specton." Skylos said. A moment later they were setting down. Looking out Ambrose saw that more than a few hundred were waiting. Stepping out Ambrose was met by the king. "You have done well king Wak Chan K'awiil." The king's mouth dropped open then he nodded.
"We will remain with them until we have to delay our enemies advance." The king told Ambrose.
"We will take as many as we can. Die well in the battle, die with honor king Wak Chan K'awiil. Your name will always be remembered." Ambrose told the king.
The king and his men all smiled bowing. "You give us the greatest honor Lord Cit-Chac-Coh. We will send as many of our enemy to underworld slave pits as we can. There they can work all eternity to fulfill your glory!" All the men were quiet as Ambrose nodded shifting to his feline form. Then there was a tremendous cheer as Ambrose began to move people into the ship.
Stopping everyone a moment Ambrose searched the sea of people. "I need the healer Hippacamp and his daughter Timora with this first group!" The throng of people separated as both the people that Ambrose had called walked to the ship. "I need the both of you to be there first watching over all as they arrive."
Both Hippacamp and Timora nodded as they moved into the rapidly filling ship. Stopping Timora asked, "Lord? Will it take long to reach our new home?"
Ambrose was taken back as this was the first time anyone had felt brave enough to ask. "It won't take that long. We are hoping to have many moved before the day is over."
Timora nodded as she stepped in further with her father. Ambrose looked at the number of people packed into the ship. Sighing he wished they had another ship to speed things along.
Not long after Ambrose stopped those that were entering. Stepping out he again pulled his comp. Alright Skylos that’s all get them there and back as soon as possible."
"Yes Sire," came Skylos voice. "I'll return just as soon as possible." With that Ambrose stepped back as the ship accelerated then was gone.
Ambrose turned back to those that were still there. Then walked to the king. "I'm sorry we can't take more. I want to get as many out of here today as I can. That way if the others attack sooner, then most will be gone." 
The king was nodding his agreement then turned to Ambrose. "Lord Cit-Chac-Coh the fact that as many are safe now as there are, makes my heart soar that we have saved that many. Any more after this will only provide an even stronger future for our people. Yes Lord our people." The king said when he saw Ambrose's eyes grow wide.
"I will do all I can for the people king Wak Chan K'awiil. As I said they and my people are closely related." Ambrose said even though he noticed that the king was hardly hearing anything Ambrose said.
Ambrose walked to his mates, Paladins and his three knights that were there. Roth noticed him approaching kneeling before him. "I see you moving with a determined gait sire. I take it you have a mission for us?"
Ambrose smiled slightly it was just like Roth to almost know what he had in mind. Shaking his head Ambrose pulled all of them close as he described what he wanted them all to do.
It was almost a half toton later that Ambrose looked up at the approach of the star cruiser. Landing, Ambrose's comm. went off. "Almost  ready for another set sire." Then the door opened with Skylos stepping out. Walking up to Ambrose Skylos knelt. I'm sorry sire but the trip was difficult. I will need Queen Twitty to accompany me. It might also help if you also come along. The passengers were very unsettled when you didn't accompany us."
Grabbing his comm. Ambrose called Twitty back. A few moments later she appeared. Smiling large she shook her paw at Skylos, "I told you it was almost impossible without help. You are as bad as my mate! Never asking for help. How we survived is beyond me!"
Ambrose looked at a smiling Skylos as he rolled his eyes. "Enough Twitty! We are all three going this time. I am apparently needed to keep those on board calmer." Twitty nodded her head as she looked Ambrose up and down. Ok she thought she could agree with that assessment of Ambrose.
Shaking his head Ambrose watched the two of them enter then he started to load more people. Not long after Ambrose stepped in securing the door. A moment later they were space bound accelerating toward Xendra. With a size Ambrose startled to relax, 'til suddenly the ship was rocking from turbulence.
"What's going on? "Ambrose asked of Skylos on the comm.
"I'm not sure sire, detecting strong waves of energy on the same path as the one we were on when we first arrived." Skylos returned a moment later.
"Are we in any danger?" Ambrose asked.
"No sire, not at the moment though when we return if they are stronger we might have trouble." Came Skylos reply.
"Alright keep an eye on it. Last thing we need is to get trapped here." Ambrose told him.
"I completely agree sire." Ambrose hears Twitty say.
Ambrose was nodding as he saw that most of the people there were scared. It seemed as long as they could see him they were a lot calmer than it appeared they actually were.
It was ten spectons later that Ambrose heard the ship start to slow as it approached Xendra. "Everyone please prepare to leave the ship. Those that left before are there waiting for you."
A few moments later the door opened as this set of people moved out the door. Timora was there when the last of the passengers left. "Sire we are setting up shelters for now. A few of the men have said that they will start fully tomorrow. Will you and your assistants be able to help us afterward?"
Ambrose was in thought when Twitty's head appeared from the door. "Of course we will! How could you or them think otherwise?" Twitty volunteered.
Ambrose's head snapped toward Twitty as he was giving her are you crazy look. "As I told everyone before we will help where we can. This is your home now not ours, though I and them wish for your success here."
Timora was looking back and forth between Ambrose and Twitty. Conflicting emotions crossing her face. Bowing low Timora told the both of them, "I thank you Lord Cit-Chac-Coh. Just having you here now had calmed a great many. I just hope that this fair weather holds out 'til all are here." With that she walked away as Ambrose approached Twitty.
Shaking her head she quickly recognized the look on Ambrose's face. Holding up her paw Ambrose stopped in front of her. "First off I know that had you no doubt you would have said as much. Bringing them here isn't enough, they need hope for the future and the courage I know that you and you alone can instill in them."
Ambrose sighed then nodded, he knew as well that she was speaking nothing but the truth. "Alright, let's get another load of them here. The more the better. four hundred is a paltry drop compared to how many are there still."
Both boarded the ship as Skylos took to space again. They were almost back to earth when Skylos started to frown then was adjusting their path. "Sire I am still picking up those strange energy readings. It appears that the closer we get the stronger they get."
"Running a detailed scan now sire we should have an answer soon." Twitty relayed to Ambrose.
"Good though I hope that whatever it is doesn't delay us. We have to get as many as we can to Xendra. I fear that not taking all but those that wish to stay and fight could spell disaster for all of us." Ambrose replied.
"We are doing all we can sire though as I feared it is growing a lot stronger now. We may have to stop short and wait it out. I know any delay is bad sire, it appears we have no choice." Skylos told Ambrose.
Ambrose heard the engines start to power down as he went to the command deck. Looking out he could see that they weren't that far from earth. What in the hell was this energy that was starting to become visible. Looking harder Ambrose suddenly felt a nudging at the back of his mind. This was starting to look and FEEL familiar.
Sitting behind the Skylos and Twitty Ambrose was suddenly starting to feel dizzy. Outside the energy was starting to form what looked like a turning tunnel. Barely able to look up Ambrose's eyes went wide as the feeling became very familiar!
Gasping at the sudden pain Ambrose gritted his teeth as he told a startled Skylos and Twitty. "Back away slowly, very slowly. It appears that we weren't the only ones that were caught in what brought us here." With a groan Ambrose laid back as outside the ship was starting to resemble chaos. 
"In the center of the energy!" Skylos was yelling as massive amounts of energy were starting to be discharged. Skylos was still backing off glad that Ambrose had warned them. Any of the energy discharges could have crippled the ship again.
All eyes were drawn to the small dark shape that was coming through the center of the swirling energy. "Wait!" Twitty said as she took a closer look. I think I see two shapes! Strange I think I have seen those shapes before!"
Ambrose tried to raise his head even thought the whole room was spinning. The harder he tried it seemed the weaker he got. Damn this was almost as bad as before!
"Wait!" Ambrose managed to gasp out when he saw Skylos and Twitty getting ready to start the engines to move closer. Let the vortex close, remember when we came through." Falling on the floor Ambrose could feel the energy and the strain he was feeling starting to decrease.
Skylos looked at Ambrose a moment later then at Twitty. "Had we done what we were going to, we'd be close to powerless. Thank you sire, I believe you saved us again."
Twitty was looking at the readings nodding her head. "Sire? It appears that we have two ships coming through. I'm afraid I don't recognize their configuration."
Skylos was nodding agreement when his eyes went wide. "I do believe those are of the Mandrian fleet that was aiding us before all this started."
Twitty was looking at the approaching shapes Harder. Then she also started to smile and nod. Finally clear of the swirling energy, the tunnel collapsed. Ambrose gave a sigh of relief as he felt the weakness rapidly leaving him.
Standing up Ambrose leaned against the wall to clear his head. "Skylos we need to..." Ambrose started.
Suddenly a weak signal came through. "Mandrian fleet this command one calling! Jankuis are you getting anything?" Ambrose's eyes went wide, Typree? How in the hell had he gotten here?
"No sire I... Sire! Isn't that the king Ambrose's ship?" They heard an excited and confused Jankuis shout.
"Cousin?” They heard Typree say.
"Energy has dissipated sire. I am reading power failure in both ships. Moving to intercept, we should be docked in fifteen tintons!" Skylos said finding his voice.
 "Good, the sooner the better." Ambrose said as he watched both ships as they went dark.
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