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Everything has changed. Slavery has ended in the plantations nearest the mountains. Their village is thriving. The 'Warrior' group (3 men, 3 dogs, and Maia), however, feel unneeded. They move to the West to discover something new.

Only a half year later, everything had changed. The nearest plantations to the mountain range had been overrun, burned to the ground. With the mountains to the West and the canyon to the North, the rebellious slaves had become too numerous and organized to be recaptured and controlled by the few remaining slavers in the region. The army, for its efforts, has lost too many good men for the profits of others, and for a cause that was losing support in other parts of the Commonwealth. Political speculation was already predicting the end of favor for slavery. Yes, it was also well known that for the wind of societal change to take root firmly, years and more blood may still be required. But, the army had given up on the lands to the East of these mountains. Nobody had any interest in claiming the region despite its fertile land for growing. The slaves have taken over the land for growing what they needed and for trade. Sympathizers in the regional towns and small cities had provided markets and trade routes. There is still outrage, small violence, and political pressure from those wanting to return the regional economy and society to what it was before. Change of this scale would be slow. But, change was happening.

Our village has flourished, largely unmarked and unaffected by the turmoil to the East. It had become a true settlement, the population increasing with larger numbers of runaway slaves and young being brought into their lives. More families are being formed with the influx of women. As a result, life was becoming civilized. Although much more primitive compared to the region to the East, it didn’t take long for the attitudes to change. At least before, if our way of life and attitude didn’t exactly fit in with theirs, they still needed us and gave us some allowance and consideration as a result. It didn’t take long for those considerations for what we had given to be forgotten.

For us, of the ‘Warrior’ group (three men, three canines, and me), we became bored, under-challenged, and unmotivated. Worse, perhaps, we became unappreciated. With less and less apparent need to protect the valley or guide runaways to safety, we left quietly, never to return. Initially, we left to explore to the West putting days, then weeks, and months between us and what was known to us as civilization. Such as it was. Our intention was merely to seek out the region beyond the mountains to the West that Jona had spoken of.

We have encountered new peoples and we had largely left each other alone. We essentially just wandered. We weren’t at all sure what we were looking for or what we were expecting of ourselves, as a group or individually. We spent some time in the area Jona talked about on the other side of the mountains to the West. It seemed remote and it certainly had everything we might want. It was quiet and undisturbed except for occasional sightings of a completely different race of people, which was fine. Actually, it was better than fine because we were clearly coming into their land and they didn’t seem to mind as we kept to ourselves. But, in the back of our minds, it never left us that this was where Jona had been coming. Not that we wouldn’t like to see the man, again, but if he found his way across the southern route, certainly others could just as well in the future, if not now.

It was that thought that kept our eyes on the next range of mountains much further to the West and South. Finally, we made up our minds and headed in that direction. I say we made up our minds, but there was never any real discussion or decision. One day, we simply packed up the horses of our camp and as a group we headed in that direction. Nobody said it, nobody questioned it.

It was nearly an entire year later that we found ourselves on the other side of that range, too. As we rested on the far side of the pass, after spending long days in cold and snow, despite being the summer season in the low lands, we gazed at the new land before us. I think as a group we sighed in unison. Before us was a truly magnificent sight. We had found a deep valley between two mountain ranges. Yes, just in front of us was yet another range of mountains just as formidable as the ones we had somehow managed to struggle over. There was an immediate and unwavering feeling or belief that no matter which direction ‘civilized’ man might attempt to migrate from, these two ranges would stop them for a long time. Only the most hardy and most desperate for escaping to something completely unknown and different would even attempt it. In other words, people as crazy as us.

To the North was a steady narrowing of the valley between the ranges. To the South was the opposite, it opened up into a wide valley. To the North was some of the heaviest forest I have seen with a jagged, raw scar running down the middle of it, which could only be a deep cut, fast running river. Directly below us and spreading to the South was a large, crystal blue lake reflecting the majestic snow covered peaks on the opposite side and the expansive blue sky with billowing white clouds sailing with the winds like ships carried on the sea. I smiled at the thought; I have never seen the sea, but my father had spoken of it, always with wonder and awe in his voice.

Further to the South, at the end of the long lake, is a slower moving river leaving. Apparently, the valley levels off and slightly depressed there to form the lake. There is forest along the slopes of both mountain ranges and meadow near the lake on all sides. Further South still can be seen an expansive prairie and even from this distance we can see the waving tall grass and herds of various species of grazing animals. It felt perfect to me, it looked perfect. But, as was our custom now, we held judgment until we had explored the area and seen what it truly had to offer.

The sun was approaching the tops of the mountains in the distance. It would be getting dark soon. Tupac indicated that we would make camp tonight down along the lake and divided us into tasks with the last of the light available. I think he was still amused every time he heard the words come out of his mouth, but he sends me and Wolf off to find some game or foul for our meal while they get wood, a fire, and unpack the pack horse to set up camp. The lone woman was sent off to kill something, but to us it was a recognition of our strengths and one of mine was my ability with the bow. Silent killing of game allowed for less spooking of the animals in general and resulted in them moving less far after the kill.

A couple days later, we were still in the same location. What was a temporary camp forced on us by impending night had become comfortable. None of us seemed in a hurry to move further. It wasn’t that we were excessively tire, tired of travelling, or lonely for what we had all left far and long behind. We were in no hurry because something felt right about this place … and us in it. I feel at peace here. I feel completely at peace, comfortable, and nurtured. It was as though the surrounding mountains, the waving grasses of the prairies, the towering pines, the soft, languid waters of the lake, and the crashing, churning waters of the river feeding it were all providing life, energy, peace, and safety all at the same time.

On the third day in this place I felt myself being completely and utterly wanton and insatiable for sex and love, a need to be taken by my men and the canines, sometimes hard, sometimes soft and slow (not the dogs, clearly), but always to feel them, to be one with them. We had never stopped being sexual, that’s as much a part of who or what we are as much as strength, reliance on each other, and driving ourselves to not let the others down. But this was different. I couldn’t explain it and as much as I might think I should understand the change, the need, I didn’t really think it mattered. There was no place we had to be, no big event we had to prepare for, and no pressing demands on us. We were far, very far, from all of that. Our pressing issue before us was still unspoken, although I don’t think I was the only one who repeated it frequently to myself: What are we looking for? What do we want for ourselves? I smiled; I know I did, because the question was never, what do I want? It was always ‘we’.

There was another interesting thing happening. After our morning fuck, the dogs all took off down the valley with Wolf. I wondered if his natural instincts weren’t more powerful here, too. An abundance of wildlife to hunt, they were off to take care of themselves. That was fine, they were never pets; they were dogs that aided in the efforts of tracking and defense. So, for the most part, the day was without them. The interesting thing was that I needed, wanted the men more than the dogs. Not that I wouldn’t want to fuck them, too. But, it was as though my body was somehow hungry for man-seed, craving it.

I had dozed under the mid-day sun on a pile of cut grass that Dreng had gathered for a large bed. As I came awake, I was on my stomach. I could hear two of the men somewhere nearby. I stretched and rolled over onto my back. Before fall asleep, after fucking the three dogs by the lake, I had come back to camp and nearly attacked the men. I wanted and got all three of them in my pussy. Like I said, my body was craving their seed and without putting too much thought on it, it seemed to want it where it counted. Not that it really seemed to matter, though. I had been fucking them for all this time, seemingly constantly, and we had come to believe, maybe just accept, that I was infertile. It was something, however, that was never spoken, if it was ever consciously thought.

As I lay on my back, a shadow stopped over me. I opened my eyes and gazed up at Herve. I smiled. It could have been any of them and my reaction would have been the same, they were all my men. Even with the sun behind him, I could see a different look in his eyes, a quietness to his posture and attitude. But, he broke it very un-Herve-like, “God, Maia, you are beautiful.”

I giggled, where did that come from? A feeling was coming over me that I hadn’t felt for some time. “It that right? Are you sure it isn’t just that I am lying her naked with my legs spread?”

He laughed, “Well, that doesn’t hurt, I admit.” But he was shaking his head, “No. Seriously, Maia, you have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever, EVER, seen … with or without clothes.” We both laughed that time. “You have been with us so long and most of that time you have been naked, like now. But … and I know the others feel this way, too … I don’t know how we got so lucky that you came to be with us.”

“Really?” I blushed slightly, but it wasn’t embarrassment, it was more flushed. That was the feeling, teasing, flirting, playful. “Let me think, seems I recall you guys telling that trader way back that you won me in cards.”

“You heard that? We thought you were asleep.”

“It’s probably good he didn’t offer to buy me, then.”

“Oh,” he laughed, “oh, yeah, he did! A lot, in fact. He apparently thought we were serious.”

“Well, at least I might know what I am worth to you guys, if I knew how much he offered.”

“No, you wouldn’t. You couldn’t possibly understand how much you mean to us because we can’t comprehend it ourselves.” How sweet and completely un-Herve-like to try to verbalize all this.

I started to rise and he put his hand out to pull me up. I went right into his arms, surprising him but delightfully, pressing my naked and again horny body into his. Although he was again wearing trousers and his moccasins, he was bare chest. All my men are tight and muscled. I never get tired of putting my hands on them, as I was doing now.

I looked up at him with lust and he saw it. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him down to me and we kissed, pressing my body into his, my mound pressed into this stiffening cock. I parted slightly and spoke into his ear, “Will you do something for me?”

He chuckled, silly questions, “You know I will.”

“Hunt me? Just a short lead, maybe a count of twenty.”

“You are feeling frisky. But you still want to be caught soon.”

“Very soon.” He smiled and I already was.

Tupac and Dreng were at the edge of the forest above our location when they heard my screech. Both of them stood up and searched the space below where they thought it came from. They instinctively had started walking in that direction when they heard it, but this time followed quickly by laughter and giggling. They narrowed their scanning by the sound and found the source with the wild movement of the grass as Herve and I rolled along the ground. They didn’t understand why we were so far from the camp, but they did understand what the noise was all about.

Herve started counting and I took off into the tall grass. That was when I realized how stupid that was. The grass was tall but tall was to my waist, it wasn’t going to cover me fleeing from him. But, no matter, the idea was the chase, not eluding him for days like the real ‘Hunt’. I did confuse him for a moment, however, when I ran ahead far enough to reach some small trees to get behind and duck under them to double back after he passed, realizing that the grass wasn’t flattened. The next minute he had me with one of his arms around my waist and picked me up as he ran alongside. That was my screech. We then fell to the ground and rolled, the two of us tightly in each other’s arms. When we stopped, we were both laughing and didn’t stop until I pulled his head down to mine and we kissed. While kissing, I rolled us so he was on top of me, my legs apart, and my groin raising, pressing into him, pressing into his hard cock inside his trousers.

“Now, Herve, please.” He knelt up, undid his trousers, and let them drop to his knees. He wiggled out of them and resumed his place between my legs, his cock already at the opening to my pussy.

I looked at him with a look of need and want. He smiled at me, “You’re insatiable today. We’ll try to solve that little problem.” With that, he pressed forward and fully into me, our pubic hair mixed together. He watched my face as my body again adjusted to the presence of a nice cock fully penetrated into my pussy. When the ‘O’ shape of my mouth was replaced with a hint of smile, he pulled back and thrust back in. Over and over, until when I came, again, I screamed it out, my legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him into me harder, as if he could possibly get any deeper into my body.

That was followed in similar fashion with each of the other two and later in the afternoon with the dogs as they returned from their activities in the forest. That night I was so exhausted I slept through.

A month later, we were still in the same area. We had moved our camp to the North end of the lake, which was more protected from possible weather and offered a much better view of the prairie to the South from its more elevated position. We had worked hard all day making the camp a little more permanent over time, but it was still a camp. All of us were relaxing in the late afternoon at the lake. I had attempted to teach all of them to swim, but Dreng was the only one who seemed to have real interest in the activity. Dreng and I had found a game of riding the rapids and floating into the lake. As we treaded water and decided we had avoided serious injury against the rocks enough for one day, we started along the shore. He had turned into a very competent swimmer and we made our way very quickly until we were directly off shore from Herve and Tupac who were busy on the sandy beach. We were all naked, of course, since we had all used the time for splashing and frolicking in the water before Dreng and I went to the river.

I stopped when I could touch the sandy bottom and was about chest deep in the water. I assumed Dreng was right behind, but I didn’t know just how ‘right behind me’ he was, when I suddenly felt someone, Dreng, between my legs and lifting me on his shoulders as he stood up. I wasn’t ready for it and he didn’t have the stability to counter my wild flailing. We both went underwater backwards amid my shrieking which caught the attention of the two on shore. Dreng picked me up in his arms and walked me further into shore. I asked to be put down at waist deep water and got their attention.

“How are you guys feeling about this location?” Dreng had continued walking and was knee deep when he stopped and turned to face me.

“It’s good, why.”

“I mean … well, do you think this might be a spot to establish as our home? Would this be a good place to be a family?”

They all looked up at me. I then noticed that Herve and Tupac had been using a stick and were making lines in the sand. Tupac looked at the others, then back to me, “A home? You mean to make this a permanent place for us to live.”

“Yes, I mean … well, you know … if that’s what would be good for you, too.”

The three of them exchanged looks and smiles. I sensed that they were already in some kind of agreement on something and my question fed into it. Tupac spoke for them, again, “Yes, we have come to the same conclusion. I think we are all tired of moving around. This seems perfectly suited to us. But … you said something interesting. You didn’t say ‘a good place for us’, which we expected. You said, ‘a good place for a family’.”

I looked at them shyly, tentative on how this might be received. I was walking into the shallower water until I was mid-thigh, then I turned to the side so they were looking at my profile. I knew they might focus on my breasts, but I put my hands on my stomach for affect, “Do you think I am getting fat?”

They started laughing, how absurd … but they abruptly stopped and looked at my stomach. Almost in unison it was a stammering of, “Are … you … is that …”

I put my hand up in our fashion to stop them, “Are you three ready to be fathers?”

They were off the sand in a flash and had their hands on my stomach, stroking the little bump, maybe still not obvious except for my drawing attention to it. I was showered with kisses and touches; Herve dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach, his hands on either side of it. “Is this good? Is this okay?”

Tupac was still the leader. He put his hands on the side of my face and kissed me deeply, then pulled me into his arms, pulling me into the air and carrying me to the grass beyond the sandy shore. I smiled. I had hoped they would be happy, but I wasn’t really positive; they were after all men who had cherished being alone, free to move and do as they wished.

“So, it good that we are going to have children?”

“Better than good, Maia. This is wonderful, but … how? After all this time of making love, you never became pregnant.”

“I’m not sure. But, the same thing happened to my mother. She was used by all kinds of men, but it wasn’t until she and Rayner fell in love and she felt safe that she became pregnant with me.”

Dreng got everyone’s attention, “Maia, you said ‘children’.”

I looked shyly at them, “Well, now that my body is ready and as much as we … you don’t think you’re going to stop loving me, do you?”

“Are you kidding?”

“Well, then, I think we’ll be having a lot of children, because I don’t intend to stop loving each of you, either.”

Tupac pointed to the sand and said to Herve, “We’re going to need a larger cabin.” They had already been planning it. They had selected this location for our home, too.

I was nearing the end of this pregnancy. I couldn’t get over how big my stomach was. And, apparently, the men were having similar reactions. This is when being naked was very nice. But, that also made my changing body shape very evident to them. They were forever putting their hands on my stomach, stroking it and holding it. When the baby started regularly kicking, it became a common way for us to spend moments for the guys to try to be there when a kick was felt.

I found that the most comfortable position for me to fuck was to be on top. Or the doggy position. Of course, the dogs and Wolf had me in that position enough, so I preferred to be riding the men as much as possible. When I had an early contraction while mating with one of the dogs, I panicked. I shouldn’t have, since it was the first contraction I had felt. None-the-less, the idea of being tied to one of them and going into labor, perverse as that might be, took hold. From that point on I stopped mating with them and relieved their needs by using my mouth. I was soon drinking more cum from those dogs than I ever guessed was possible.

Timing is everything or because we fucked so much it was just bound to happen. I had risen early in the morning, mostly because there wasn’t a good position to sleep in. The cabin was about ready to move into, but I was so used to sleeping outside that moving in was just delayed. The men were always attentive to me, being the only female among them, but now it was even more so. I got up and made my way to the fire pit, one hand under my distended belly and the other on top. I started piling wood for the fire and gathering kindling to get it started from the coals buried under the ash. When the flame caught, I started adding small and then larger pieces of wood and felt a hand move from my lower back up to my shoulder. Then a kiss on my spine at my neck. I nearly purred as Tupac knelt alongside me and took over getting the fire started. Then, although I walked to the edge of the river with him, he carried the buckets of water back to the camp.

Almost at the camp, I bent over at the suddenness of a severe contraction, then another. What had been spaced out nicely was now coming with urgency. My cry woke the other two and before I even knew what was happening I was placed on a bed of cut grass covered with a fresh hide. Herve put water near the fire to warm and Dreng had a pile of old, but clean cloths. Tupac was holding my hand; I think I was holding it so tight he had no choice.

Not knowing anything about the process, I thought we did pretty well. By high sun, not only did the baby arrive safely, a beautiful girl, but I survived. All three fathers did, as well. Although, it was touch and go there for a few moments when Herve told me to push harder. I think my hand went to his throat. I apologized afterwards, but he kept his distance through the rest of the delivery.

Five years later, we were once again repeating the process. We were much better and comfortable with everything by this time. We haven’t lost a father, yet. In five years, I am again at near term with our fourth child. Beth is five, Rayn is not quite four, and little Sara is about one and a half. I am huge, really huge, and there is speculation about what that means. It has become something of a game in quiet moments that I have six pair of hands on my belly as they all discuss the possibility of twins. I find it delightful. Well, I don’t know about the twins part, but the touching part for sure. I have never stopped being naked and the children have joined me. The men, too, but not constantly like we are. As a result, there is little shyness about touching and asking questions. And, we are completely open in our answers. Just like my parents had been with me.

I was busy in the vegetable garden pulling weeds and thinning out some of the plants. Sara was ‘helping’ me. Of course, that meant I was watching what Sara was reaching for more than what I was doing, but it was a constant effort to make sure she was reaching for a weed and not a good plant. But, I was too slow and she had a carrot hanging from her hand. She was just staring at it and finally looked to me, “This carrot, huh?”

“Yes, dear. That’s a carrot. Those we want to leave in the ground and grow longer.”

“Sorry, mommy.”

“No problem, kiddo. We can still eat it. Let’s save it for dinner tonight.”

I sat back and then lay back on the ground. I had never been this big before and I was beginning to wonder if all the teasing about my size might actually have some validity. It seemed to just hurt, no matter what I did. I had always considered myself strong and tight, but my back just ached constantly. Of course, I got lots of lower back massages from the men, but that only seem temporary. When I got into this position and finding a level of relief, Sara saw an opportunity for play. And her favorite seemed to be to sit between my stomach and my breasts, her feet alongside my neck. Then, she leaned back against my stomach, like a big overstuffed chair. Boy, was I overstuffed.


“Yes, Rayn.”

“Can you play Hunt with us?”

“Do I have to?” I arched my neck and look up at him, but he was upside down. How terrible was that? He wants his mother and I ask if I have to. “What about Wolf? He likes that game.”

“He cheats.”

“Wolf cheats? I didn’t know wolves knew what cheating was.”

“Okay, but he finds us too fast.”

Not surprising I thought. They spend more time giggling and whispering than quietly hiding. It isn’t so much finding them as pretending not to find them. The dogs just didn’t understand that part of the game.

“Okay, but you need to help me up.” They struggled but it wasn’t working. I was about to roll over to my knee when a powerful hand and arm grabbed mine.

“Daddy, we were going to do it.”

Tupac looked down at them, and then at me still with my big butt on the ground, “Really, I was thinking we might need to get one of the horses to pull.” When he looked back at me, he backed up a step and then pulled. “Just funning with the kids, dear.”

“Yeah, funny …” But I knew what I had to look like. My body always returned quickly, but this time … wow, it might take some real work.

“What’s happening?”

“They just want to play Hunt. Okay, you guys go off and hide, Sara and I will come find you.”

“Shouldn’t we call it something else?”

“They’ll never know the other connotation we are familiar with.”

We gave the two oldest a chance to find good hiding places before we set out to find them. Remember, the idea wasn’t to find them very quickly. Sara was out ahead of us as Tupac stayed with me. He had his left arm around my shoulder, partially for support but I think mostly to hold me. His right hand was stretched across his body to rub my belly. As we slowly walked behind the hesitant and sometimes unsteady Sara, his hand rubbed over my belly, stopped, and he smiled. He felt the kick, too.

I was watching his hand rubbing my belly and occasionally stopping in concentration for any indication of movement inside. When he stopped us on the path, I looked up at him. His face was serious, intent, but very warm. “Has anyone mentioned to you how beautiful you are?”

I squeezed his hands on my shoulder and belly, “Yes, I think it might have come up at some time or other.” I smiled at him and leaned into his side as we continued after little Sara.

Moments later, Sara stopped in the path. She didn’t know it but we were close to her older siblings. “Mommy, where Beff?”

“Beth is hard, little one. She goes to different places to hide.”

“Where Rayn?”

Tupac helped me kneel down on one knee next our youngest. “Rayn is hard to find, too, isn’t he?” All the while, I was pointing at a tree about fifteen feet to the right off the path.

Little Sara smiled at me, then at Tupac. This was part of our little game. She learned not to give away that I was helping her find the other two or they would object. She gave me a hug and turned toward the tree. “Rayn, tricky, huh, mommy.” She was already moving closer to the tree. I realized I was holding my breath even as Tupac helped me back up. It was always the same but they all seemed to enjoy it so much. As she slowly sneaked up on her brother, he was being still and waiting. The idea was to be found, but with Sara involved, it was also to delight her. As she started peeking around the tree, Rayn jumped out to surprise her. She, of course, screeched at a pitch that surely would bother the dogs more than us.

I was already smiling as the little one pulled on her older brother to get to her level and she whisper in his ear. I couldn’t hear her but I knew the question, “Where Beff?” He pointed to a bush on the other side of the path and he followed behind her as she went to ‘sneak up’ on Beth. It resulted in the same screech.

That was lost to Tupac and me, however. I moaned loudly as a heavy contraction hit me. I grabbed onto his arm and rode it through. I breathed in deeply and began straightening up and relaxing, again, when a second one hit. “Were those two contractions in a row?”

“Yes and hard ones. They had been spaced but now … oooooooooooo …”, as another hit.

Tupac grabbed Sara into his arms and took my arm, “Beth, go get the cloths and the blanket. Rayn, go get your other two fathers by the cabin. Tell them to warm the water.” He had to yell that last part because Rayn was already running as fast as his little legs could take him as he was in search of his fathers.”

It took me so long to make the walk back to the area outside the cabin that everyone was assembled. Dreng had a bed of cut grass ready for the past few days and the blanket was placed over it. To my amazement, they all went into action as if they had assigned roles and responsibilities. And, maybe they had. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised knowing Tupac.

I was led to the bed of grass where Dreng was kneeling. Tupac and Herve helped me down and Dreng aligned himself so his knees were at my back and I leaned into him. His kneeling position created a natural angle for me to bear down in pushing, and his hands went to my shoulders and occasionally roamed down onto my breast. That elicited a giggle from Beth, especially after I playfully slapped each of his hands.

Tupac was between my legs and Beth and Rayn were stationed at each knee to help hold them. Herve seemed to be in reserve, kneeling behind Tupac but ready for anything needed. I had lost track of the littlest one, however. That is until she started climbing up on top of my belly, her bare feet pressed into my breasts for leverage.

“Hey, my baby girl, where are you going?”

“Up here to look.” It sound so natural and reasonable the way she said it. She looked back at me, “Not baby, mommy. Baby down there.” She was on top of my belly, her feet against my breasts and her head and shoulders over the other side and pointing down to my crotch. Even the next contraction couldn’t keep my smile from my face and I saw that everyone else was, as well.

“That’s right; Sara will be a big sister.”

She smiled and turned to her big sister, “Beff, Sara big.” Her face was lit up with pride, but Beth only rolled her eyes.

After the next contraction, which were coming faster all the time, I looked around me as I caught my breath. Two naked children holding my knees, a naked little cherub on my belly, and my three husbands attending to me. A tear went down from my eye and ran off my cheek. Could life be any better than this? “I love you guys. Thank you for being the best family a mother could ever hope for.” The men looked at me and mouthed their love right back. The two oldest kids verbalized it.

The naked cherub, though, had other things on her mind, “Push mommy! Want see baby.”

And push I did, even with my little one on my belly. Tupac gave me a running commentary of what he could feel with a finger inside me as the baby made its way. It was a sight that the men marveled at each and every time and excitement rose as the top of the baby’s head began pushing out my pussy, stretching me wider and wider, feeling like I had to tear. But, I never have with any of the children. A private and perverse thought crossed my mind, wondering if take dog knots all those years had helped in that regard. But the thought made me smile, causing Herve, the only one to notice, to give me a quizzical look.

After the baby girl was delivered, screaming it’s beautiful head off, Sara looked down at my belly and announced, “Oh, oh, daddy … baby in there.”

She felt what I was feeling. Tupac looked at me around Sara and I just nodded with a weak smile. All mouths dropped open and after a moment, everyone started laughing. The speculation was right … twins this time.

I dropped back against Dreng and looked up at him, “Is there such a thing as too many children for us?”

He put his hands on my cheeks and bent down to kiss my lips, upside down. “No. Maia, I never knew life could be as joyous as it has been here growing our family. I love you, I love our family. I love it more each time it grows in size.”

I looked to the other two and got the same reaction. Tupac had the element of ‘except’, “As Dreng said, we love you, completely. We love all the children and our whole family, completely. We love loving you, emotionally and physically, and want that to be a forever thing about us. Except, if it ever gets to be a problem for you. And you have to let us know that.”

But, there was going to be no more thoughts or discussion about that now. Now, the twin was insisting to join the rest of the family. It was a boy. As I collapse back against my youngest husband, exhausted but excited, I felt very much like an Earth Mother. Living wild and naked far from any civilization, birthing healthy, strong children with my three virile, strong, and rugged men. After the two newest additions to our family were placed into my arms and they attached their tiny mouths to my nipples, I caught movement to the sides. Wolf approached from my left to investigate the new members of the family. I smiled at him and raised my face to him. He licked it. Everything I loved was right here. There was nothing else I needed or wanted. Life, for me, was perfect. And, became even more perfect with each new arrival.



2021-01-14 10:08:37
Beautiful story, I only regret not having come across your works sooner. You are a fantastic writer, masterfully balancing the story with character development and the sex. Amazing, keep writing! :-)


2020-07-06 19:47:00
This has to be one of the very best stories on this site. You are a very accomplished writer and I look forward to reading more of your stories. This story adds a nice blend of life in general plus some good sex. Keep it up.


2020-01-10 22:35:10
This was an amazing story from start to finish..... Well done and thank-you

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