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When they left the restaurant he asked his daughter, “Now what, you’re in charge, it’s your date, what do you want to do?” The first thing that popped into her head was ‘get a room’ but that was quickly squashed by a more rational thought, also a daring idea but one that kept her clothes on a bit longer.
This a rewrite of a previous story. Hopefully better editing and flow.

Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for a few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn't see her father gulp a deep breath then scramble back out of the door. He closed it quietly then knocked loudly “Willow! You’re gonna be late again, get the hell out of bed!”

Willow smiled then opened her eyes. She looked at the closed door and snickered to herself about the way her father had reacted. She had heard him coming so she kicked the blanket off, closed her eyes to a slit then waited for him to come in. He thought her eyes were closed but they weren’t. She wanted him to see her with nothing on, she wanted him to see that she was more woman than girl, she wanted to watch his reaction to her nudity. She wanted to get his mind working about her, for her.

He stood outside her door his chest slowly deflating from the deep breath he had been holding. Holy hell, what was that? He hadn’t seen his girl nude since she was maybe six and hadn’t realized that in the years since then she could change so radically. She was his baby for Christ's sake but the young woman he just saw was far, far from childhood, she was ready for childhood. He turned from her door still shaken from the sudden exposure to Willow in the buff and went to calm the inner turmoil with a cup of coffee.

He was divorced. His ex-wife had left them both, husband and daughter to live with a fucking lowlife Accountant, the same fucking lowlife that used to handle their taxes. Well now he was handling his ex and not the taxes. Willow’s mother decided the girl didn’t fit in her new lifestyle so she not too subtly discarded her also. For the last three years father and daughter were a team paired to each other by kinship, circumstance and the failed family life. In that time Willow suffered through the twin agonies of high school and puberty. Her dad did his best to keep the passage through the years smooth but she suffered some rough rides along the way. In the last few months as her physical maturity peaked and the hormonal insanity of puberty weakened its hold on Willow she began to feel more womanly. The burgeoning woman began to yearn for intimacy: male intimacy. Willow was getting horny more often, more intensely as her childhood slipped rapidly into the past. She knew what she was feeling but she wasn’t yet ready to venture into a relationship with a young man. She’d been paying attention to the antics of the teen boys in her social group and didn’t want to subject herself to the heedless capers of any of them. She felt ready for sex but she wanted it on her terms not some hormone flooded teen’s. In two years she had dated five boys but the intimate moments were limited to making out and an occasional fondle of each other but she remained chaste to them, her only erotic companions were her fingers and a fist sized torpedo shaped vibrator she stole from her mother on one of the rare occasions she went to visit her.

But recently something new began to bubble her blood, tickle her mind. Willow wanted to experience real sex, but only at the hands of a mature, skilled man. Her father.

She wasn’t sure what was happening to her, why she felt what she did, thought of her father that way but if one could delve into her sub-conscience they would find that the closeness they shared along with the intimacy of a coming of age female living with a handsome virile male was a strong factor. Over the past few months Willow watched him with increased sensual awareness, she had begun to find ways and reasons to see her father intimately. Her curiosity caused her to sneak the bathroom door open to watch him behind the water spotted glass while he showered. Twice she ‘accidentally’ barged into the bathroom while her father was toweling off, catching quick glimpses of his nudity before he shouted at her. They spent time together in the Gym, he keeping fit, she toning her youthful body. At the end of an hour of exercise her stomach would ripple from the inside out while she watched the sheen of sweat on her father’s chest and back. On more than one occasion she felt compelled to go to him, to kiss and lick away the rivulets of sweat, only sheer determination kept her from him. She felt tremors of sexual hunger when she saw women sneaking looks at him as he exercised. She went to his bedroom while he slept to admire the breadth and thickness of his muscular chest. His stomach was flat to a narrow waist and he had toned, well defined, muscular legs. Since he slept nude she was often treated to the full exposure of his body. On those occasions her leg muscles would shiver, her chest grew warm while she inspected how his lengthy cock lay over his balls. More than once she almost succumbed to the desire to lie next to him. But the most intense feelings happened when she would sit outside his bedroom door when his girlfriend Molly spent the night, she could project herself into Molly’s body and feel what her father was doing.

She wouldn’t go to him, she didn’t want to be obvious, she didn’t want him to think she was a wanton young tramp. She wanted him but he would have to take the final initiative. She was hoping the closeness and companionship the two shared in the home might encourage her father to broaden his sensitivity toward her, his awareness of her; that he might develop yearnings that would become action. She determined to keep from chasing or physically seducing her father but there were some things she could do to earn his interest. She had a few times walked though his line of sight wearing just short silken slips or lingerie’ but lying nude on the bed was her boldest foray into a world of provocation and passive seduction without revealing her intent. Willow got off the bed to prepare for school her lips curved upward as a small smile, she was pleased at what she had done, what her father had seen.

Her father’s girlfriend was an accomplished professional, a gynecologist, a woman’s doctor but also Molly was pretty, sweet and in her mid-thirties, still hot. Willow wasn't jealous of her, quite the contrary, she liked her and thought her father and Molly made a good couple. The three often went to dinner or movies or the beach and parks. She knew Molly and her dad were fucking and accepted it as normal. She also intuited that a man can make love to more than one woman, that men often dated two or more women at the same time. Willow didn't think of a relationship with her dad as an all or nothing affair, she could share his affection with Molly. But she had to get his affection, to get him thinking about her as he did his girlfriend.

Ironically she went to Molly for advice on how to seduce a man but not be transparent. Molly delighted in giving advice, she knew Willow had never before taken any boy serious and was happy that the girl had come to her to learn how to capture a man’s attention. They began with physical appearance; hair, make-up, and clothing. Molly spent days with Willow teaching her how to apply cosmetics so the attractive features of her face were played up. Her eyes, brows and lips became subtly more appealing under Molly’s tutelage. The girl’s dark blonde hair was cut shorter and streaked with trendy soft colored highlights, styled to frame her face, to draw focus on the pretty countenance. As Molly guided the girl, Willow’s desire to attract her father intensified, her body became more aware of him when they were home alone.

One afternoon the conversation, the womanly lessons, centered on prevention; how to prevent pregnancy. Since the girl was eighteen Molly could without guilt offer birth control and did so. Willow became protected even though she had never had an erection inject her with semen. On that night only determined willpower kept Willow from her father’s bed. She was ready and was almost overpowered by the need, the lust for him.

Molly went shopping for clothing with Willow. It took most of a single day to buy garments the girl could wear. Clothing that would dare a male to look at her, to desire her. A skirt that rode well above the knees. A silk blouse that buttoned but revealed the girl’s provocative cleavage, an open collar exposed the graceful curves of her neck and shoulders, the bra beneath offered the slightest hint of nipples. Heels were bought that caused Willow’s lower legs to form, to define the delicate shape of her ankles and calves. Dark stockings enhanced the mystique of her legs causing men to watch them as she walked.

Molly didn’t have to teach Willow how to move, walk or gesture. As the girl grew more confident in her appearance the beguiling woman within began to reveal herself. The teen girl had completed maturing physically, now she was maturing mentally and sensually. Molly sent her home feeling satisfied that she had helped the pretty young woman prepare to become a true woman. When Willow arrived home that Saturday after her final stage of transformation, her stomach was fluttering with angst. Would her father notice, what would he say, would he see her as a woman, not his daughter? She entered the house not knowing what to expect but was pleased when he looked up at her and his first words were “Where are you going? You have a date?”

Her heart soared, he noticed! “Uh, no, not unless you want to take me out, why?”

The sight of his daughter sent a sharp ripple of electricity from his eyes to his heart “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you look so made up, you look ready for a night on the town, what’s the occasion?”

She beamed, she preened, she pirouetted but didn’t answer the question “You like it dad?”

He wasn’t sure how to answer her, she was his child and in some ways he didn’t want her to grow up but his daughter standing in the short skirt and nylons topped by a form revealing blouse highlighted the fact that Willow was more woman than many, even those years older than she. As he studied her hair, face and legs he was uneasily aware that his nuts had shivered, he had to admit “Yes, you’re very alluring.”

Her breasts rose slightly more as she puffed with joy, “Alluring? That’s a daddy word. Can’t I be hot or seductive?”

Those were terms he didn’t want to associate with his little girl but he relented “Okay, you win, if I weren't your dad you would be hot. There, happy?”

Aglow with satisfaction Willow put her hands on his broad shoulders and kissed him quickly on the right cheek “What are you doing tonight? Going out with Molly?”

“No, she has night shift at the hospital so I thought I would catch a Netflix movie.”

Willow already knew Molly’s schedule and had a proposal prepared “Well, you asked me if I had a date but I don’t unless you take me somewhere. Would you mind dating your own daughter?” Willow’s heart was thudding with anxiety because she was following through on the mission she started weeks before. She wanted her dad to not only notice her but seduce her. This was the night she would surrender her chastity.

They started with dinner at Marcelo’s Little Italy then ventured out to find something else to do. When they left the restaurant he asked Willow “Now what, it’s your date, what do you want to do?”

The first thing that popped into her head was ‘get a room’ but that was quickly squashed by a more rational thought, also a daring idea but one that kept her modesty a bit longer. “Would you buy a bottle of wine then we can go to Evergreen Park and sit? It’s a nice night and I want to look at the stars.”

“You want me to let you drink wine? Need I remind you that you are not old enough for alcohol?”

“Come on daddy you let me have wine before, last Christmas remember when I got tipsy, or on Molly’s birthday? You’re my escort so you can be sure I’m not out getting drunk with some guy who has six hands.” Willow didn't give him a chance to refuse, she took her father’s hand and led him down the street toward a Wine and Spirits shop. The cashier eyed the middle-aged man accompanied by the pretty young woman and felt a shiver of envy as he bagged the bottle of wine. When he got rich, he too would enjoy the company of a sexy younger companion.

They parked at the bottom of a large hill in Evergreen Park then again hand in hand walked the trail to the top where they found a place to unfold the blanket her dad kept in the car. The old spread was for nights he and Molly fucked around without the benefit of a bed. Willow wasn’t supposed to know it’s purpose but she did and was sure it was cum stained and that thought sent light tingles through her stomach. They sat under a large Elm tree and enjoyed a view of the moon rising above Loon Lake. The path of moonbeams across the lightly rippled water shimmered in her eyes and allowed enough light to see her father. The night call of a loon added a touch of enchantment. Willow’s body was preparing, she was shaking with anticipation, her breathing deepened, her womb was warming. She was ready to be seduced.

He opened the bottle of Merlot but had no glasses so he tipped the bottle and took the first sip then handed it to his daughter. Willow’s hand was shaking as she gripped the bottle and put it to her lips. She filled her mouth, tasted the wine then swallowed it. Quickly she took a second drink then gave it back “Wow, that’s good.”

“Well don’t overdo it. You’re not legal. If you get drunk and some damn cop shows up I’d have a hard time explaining what we are doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m sitting on a blanket in a park at 9:30 getting a stunning young woman drunk.”

‘stunning young woman’ rang like a bell in her ears, “I’m a stunning young woman, not your daughter?”

“Yes sweetheart, tonight you are very stunning. You may be my girl but I feel lucky to have such a lovely representative of the feminine side of our species beside me.”

Willow squealed with amusement “Feminine side of a species? Oh boy, special me. Such a charming compliment! I bet you say that to all the feminine representatives you know” she snickered audibly.

Willow took another hit of wine then laid back from her sitting position. She folded one arm up so she could put her head on her hand then moved her feet up, raising her knees. The skirt which was short to begin with slid even further to reveal more of her nylon sheathed thighs. She raised her eyes and saw him looking at her from feet to breasts. Her eyes were on the stars but her focus was on him, she saw as his gaze flickered up and down her body and took a sharp involuntary breath, a reaction to the thrill that exploded through her nerves. He was not looking at her like a father would look upon a child, his posture, his aura was of a male drawn to a female.

Her father grabbed the bottle then looked away from his daughter and took a long pull of wine. He set the bottle aside then went to lie next to Willow on his side facing her, his head propped up by an arm bent at the elbow. She rolled to face him, they were scant inches apart. Using her arm as a pillow she rested her head then smiled at him, her heart was slamming, she was beginning to feel the wine and his nearness. She asked “Daddy, if I weren’t your daughter would you be attracted to me? As a woman I mean?” Willow was warming more, her pussy was beginning to itch, her voice damn near cut off by the strain of forcing air through her constricted throat. She was getting turned on like never before; her body was preparing. The only barrier was his reluctance, she needed to get him past that and into her. He hadn’t answered the question so she prodded again “Dad?”

“Willow, you’re barely out of little girl clothes and I just hit my 40’s. No matter what I think or feel that alone would keep me from messing around with anyone less than half my age. I mean it would be flattering as hell to think a teen girl would get under blankets with me but I have to face reality; I’m too far ahead in life to be screwing around with someone so young.”

Willow noted immediately that age was the only issue he voiced, he did not mention the bothersome fact she was his offspring. “Oh, come on, haven't you ever heard of May-December relationships? Does being older mean you can’t get it up? Is Molly just hanging around because you have a job?” Her father was bewildered by the direction of her questions. He was having a suggestive adult conversation with his daughter that would be better suited with a woman that he might seduce. He was wondering if her mother should talk to Willow about life, sex and adulthood.

He studied her briefly, accepted her questions then grinned “I’m not that old, how about a May-October relationship?” he teased.

Willow sensed she didn't have his full interest yet, his attention for sure but not his complete intimate interest. She stepped closer to the edge of daring “Daddy, I think I’m ready to go to bed with a man. I never did it before but I get really strong feelings when I'm around someone special.” She locked her eyes on his, her voice dropped to a suggestive whisper “Do think I should?”

He damn near swallowed his tongue he gulped so hard, his chest was vibrating from the rapid slamming of his heart, his prick reacted to the sexy girl looking at him with deep inviting eyes. She was his daughter for Christ's sake, what the hell was he doing on a blanket with her alone in the night with a bottle of wine to loosen his morals and maybe her legs?? As he trembled with fear for what he was thinking one thought came through clearly; a question, a feeling. Was he being seduced? Did the vexing young girl set this whole evening up by the way she dressed, the fresh new hair style, the enchanting way she made up her face, the boldness of her words? Clarity of thought returned and he sat up next to Willow “We have to go home girl, it’s getting late.”

Disappointment clouded her mind but she recovered quickly “Yeah, maybe we should, this ground is hard, my bed is a lot more comfortable.” Wham! Those words put the idea back in his head, did she just invite him to her bed?

Of course not, she was his daughter, she was voicing an opinion.

He backed the car out of the parking spot then as he started the drive home Willow turned sideways leaned back against her door and curled her legs up so her feet rested on the seat too. She adjusted the skirt so it fell evenly across her thighs, uncorked the bottle then they sipped wine for the twenty-minute drive home. Few words were spoken but the interior of the car became more enclosed as Willow fortified her courage with the Merlot and her father paid more attention to her legs than the road. By the time the garage door closed he had grown a full-strength erection and a nut full of lust for Willow.

She led into the house, his eyes held prisoner by the swing of her skirt as she walked. He was not following his daughter any more but a woman he was about to bed. He felt her. She was radiating sexuality and lust, he was so attuned to his daughter he knew what she wanted and her desire for him became the final blow that collapsed his reluctance to screw her. They were no longer father and daughter, they were man and woman.

Nothing more was needed, no more seductive poses, no more suggestive words or covert moves. Willow knew he would follow her to her room, she knew he wouldn’t say good night and leave again. Her heart was slamming violently, she was shaking with latent energy and she did not waiver. When he followed her past his own room her knees turned to water.

She did not turn on the light but stepped to the bed and stopped. He came up behind her put his hands on her hips then bent to kiss the nape of her neck. She leaned her head forward giving him more skin for his lips, when she did her ass pressed back against his groin. She could feel his erection and had to suppress a moan at its touch. Up until he kissed her neck he was wary in spite of what he felt or thought, when Willow accepted the kiss and bumped his erection there was no more uncertainty.

She was going to let him seduce her.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her tighter against his body then put his mouth to work on her neck and shoulders. Willow swooned at the feel of his hot moist lips on the sensitive nerves in her skin. Hands moved from her stomach to cover her breasts where his fingers caressed the points of her bra, her nipples grew erect under his fingertips. Her head was getting light, her knees began to tremble with the effort to stand, she put her hands back and grabbed his hips for support then pulled him even closer. When his erection pressed into the crevice of her butt her breath stuttered. He began to open her blouse from bottom to top. When it fell apart he slid his hands up to push the bra off the firm standing mounds of flesh. Willow shook her head and rocked her hips rubbing her butt against her father’s arousal “Uh, uh, daddy, god daddy” she whispered. She never in her life felt as hot as she did just then, not even when she was abed with a fever. She needed to strip, to shed her clothes, to try to cool off. Willow turned in her father’s arms put hers around his neck and clung to him, her breasts flattened against his chest, his hands on the swell of her butt pulled her tighter to him. She rocked her hips and felt the intimacy of his erection pressed against her Mons pubis.

They stood quietly, building more passion then he pushed her back enough he could pull off his shirt. As it hit the floor he pulled her against him again and Willow felt the strong muscles of his chest on her bared tits. Not knowing how he would react but compelled by nature the girl lifted her head and put her mouth over his. She kissed her date and he kissed her back. While her lips slid wetly against his he moved his hands to the catch of the skirt and opened it then pushed it down her legs. Willow had an open blouse, the bra around her neck, skirt on the floor but still covered by hosiery and panties. She was panting out her fever when she stepped back and put her hands at her father’s waist. Fingers fumbled at the belt then her father stood still while she pushed his pants to the floor. Willow looked at his groin and shook again, his cock had tented his shorts a large wet spot marked the head of it under the cloth. She shook the blouse off her arms, he removed her bra then put fingers under the band of the pantyhose and pushed her undergarments to the floor. It took two long erotic minutes for the pair to strip each other of clothing; preparing.

He looked into her eyes “Have you ---------?”

Willow was so attuned to his mind she knew what he was asking. She assured him “No, but it won’t hurt.” She had taken care of that months earlier with the dildo. He pulled his daughter to him then they clutched tightly again only this time there was no material between them. His skin was rubbing on her tight smooth body, his erection pressed firmly against the junction of her legs. Willow flexed her back caressing his cock with her loins then released her father. She stepped back until her legs bumped the bed then she folded backwards pulling him with her. Without thought her legs moved wide, opening the space between them. He leaned over Willow, put his hands on the bed on each side of her shoulders then dipped his hips, the head of his erection pressed onto then into the split of her body. The girl’s heart soared on wings at this intimate touch, she sipped a breath then released it as a sigh of bliss.

He put a hand between them to hold his cock then gently, ever so slowly pushed into Willow. Her eyes were wide, locked on his when he entered her. Even though she had no barrier she was tight and felt her body resisting but he was being cautious. The time for surreptitious seduction was past so she encouraged him “Daddy don’t hold back, don’t worry, I want this.” She paused for two moments then told him boldly what had been in her mind for months “I need you to fuck me.”

In all her years her father had heard the girl say ‘fuck’ only twice and both times shocked him. Her words “fuck me” acted like a switch that turned off any lingering doubt. He slammed deep into the girl then set a rhythmic pace of sex. Willow reacted with a moan and a smile. Her hands lifted to his shoulders then she raised her head to watch her father’s cock thrusting and pulling in and out, making her a woman.

She had been dreaming of this moment for weeks and now the reality of him, the feeling of his erection added fuel to the fires burning in her womb. For most of the day Willow’s lust had been simmering, growing warmer as the hours passed but now with her father’s erection stroking her that lust began to boil. It didn’t register that she had just lost her virginity, it didn’t register that she was committing incest or they were breaking social and moral laws, it only registered that a long last she was living a dream.

He pushed up and away from her and when she rocked her hips up and didn’t feel him she gasped, he was gone! Why did he stop? His hands went to her waist to pull her up to lie on the bed then he came back to her. He rolled her to her side, lifted her leg then penetrated the girl again. His lips went to her neck, one hand cupped a breast and his groin slapped gently against her ass. Willow submitted completely and wantonly and in just a few more minutes her body could hold no more passion. She convulsed, she cried out, she came in a series of contractions. Her father didn’t hold back, when his daughter began to climax he reacted by injecting her with several strong surges, filling her with seed.

She was lying face down her head turned toward him, watching as he gulped cool air. The draining of his hormones brought her father to his senses, he tilted his head to her “Damn it to hell girl, what did we just do!?”

Willow grinned tiredly “You don’t know, do I need to get Molly over here to explain?” Her eyes fluttered shut briefly as her cunt tingled deliciously with a sexual aftershock.

“Don’t be facetious girl you are my daughter and what I just did is way beyond okay.”

She rolled to her side facing him, put hand on his chest then corrected him “What I did daddy. This is what I wanted, I hoped for. No one in the world will know what just happened, no one will ever guess or have any reason to suspect what we’ve done. I wanted to go to bed with you and let you be my first.” Her admission continued in a quieter, less urgent voice, “I’ve even dreamed about you and me. It’s is not wrong daddy, not between us in this house.” Her fingertips caressed small circles around his right nipple “And I don’t want this to be the only time.”

“But I shouldn’t have cum in you girl, that’s taking way too much of a chance.”

“I went to Molly three weeks ago, I’m okay that way.”

When she said that he looked at his daughter, the pretty teen aged woman and the full realization that she had been seducing him, that this affair was not a spur of the moment weakness, slammed into his mind. He thought back over the past few weeks and knew with absolute clarity how Willow had seduced him. He accepted her actions with another thrill in his balls and a gentle kiss on her mouth. He pulled her to him then they bonded by arms and lay quiet solidifying a pact, silently agreeing to a union of incest. He pulled his head back then kissed Willow with passion to begin her second experience as a woman.

He pulled her close to suckle her breasts as she gripped his hair. He caught a nipple between his teeth and flicked his tongue rapidly across it. She quivered under his mouth then urged him off her tits and placed her lips over his, she tapped her tongue on his teeth for entrance. She flexed her sweet tasting tongue, tickling the tip of his as her arms enveloped him, firm young breasts crushed between them. His hands were busy roaming over her body, head, neck, and back. He paid special attention to her legs caressing them from knee to ass. He was awed by the smooth firmness of her skin, by the heat radiating from her.

He rolled to his back and pulled her over him, she was lying on his legs, stomach and chest still locked to his mouth. His pulsing hard cock lifted against her smoldering crack as he pulled her thighs apart for access to his daughter's throbbing young body. She stopped sucking his mouth and pushed up, lifted her hips off him and let him slip into her again. She was soaked with cum from his first orgasm so his penetration was swift and thrilling. He humped, she gasped and together they began a total destruction of the bed they were on.

He fucked her for twenty minutes. Under her, over her, behind her then for the curtain call of the act he rolled her to her back, pushed up on his arms until his erection was the only connection to her; she watched as it plunged in and out of her body. The sight of her father’s cock and balls between her legs added fuel to the fire in her womb. An explosion of white hot flames rapidly consumed her. The orgasm ripped from her clit and caromed through her, echoing endlessly as she tried to breathe. He responded and came with her in a long series of contractions. She stared into his eyes as he groaned out her name then collapsed onto her.

They were covered with sweat, panting for cool air. The pillows had been knocked to the floor, the sheets a crumpled pile under their entwined legs, she could hardly gather enough breath to wheeze “Oh my god, I never knew I could feel like this. I love it, I knew I would.” She gazed into her father’s eyes and ended the short declaration with a contented sigh “I love you daddy.”

Her assertion of love was not as a woman for a man but of a daughter for her father so he responded in kind “I love you too Willow.” As her father slipped a hand between her legs to prolong her pleasure she vowed silently to thank Molly for the womanly lessons.


2019-05-03 21:15:46
I enjoyed this... the first time I read it.


2018-04-11 21:11:14
i wished my daughter had done that to me. i would have welcomed it


2018-02-24 16:36:22
She reminds me of my youngest and her determination.


2018-02-23 16:13:40
Happy spring and lucky future. Best wishes. El Habib choukri.

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