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The red light illuminated your eyelids, with a faint but perceptible flashing.
You opened them and quickly closed them again – the alarm clock on the bedside table flashed 12:57, on and off, on and off. You thought back on how it had been unplugged, and how you had turned off the light without resetting it. Your disorientation turned into annoyance-you hate seeing clocks showing the wrong time, and worse, the old “12:00” flashing on and off, reminiscent of the times no one set the clock on their VCR’s.

Odd thoughts to be having in the middle of the night, especially after all that had happened. You closed your eyes again, but knew you had no chance of falling asleep just now, thinking about that night, and how you got there.

The trade conference was about as predictable as could be, with the usual vendor exhibits, networking breaks and speakers, some informative, most dull, all scheduled in a tightly-packed timeframe that had Megan, Ethan and you rushing from place to place, trying not to trip in your new heels and business outfit. This first year at the consulting giant that you all worked for had been as hectic as expected, with long hours, frequent trips to urban hubs throughout the country where nervously eager corporate executives welcomed you on arrival, and barely noticed you when you left, as they knew that they would not be happy with your findings when the senior partners presented them with their reports and recommendations, no matter what they were.

This conference actually let you three have a welcome break from that drudgery of digging thru poorly kept records from overworked office staff, methodically recording failures in corporate procedure, compiling records, and the rest of the work that “business consulting” really meant. Ethan in particular seemed more upbeat, his tall figure dashing between meetings, briefly smiling and waving as you passed each other along the convention center’s wide carpeted hallways, on his way to the next session, as you had all decided to divide up the events to cover as much ground as possible. This was your first big conference, and you wanted to show Sam that you were “up and coming,” as she’d love to chime with her high-pitched upbeat voice that grated you. You hoped to keep her as Sam, and not Samantha, as she preferred to be addressed by the associates who had “disappointed” her.

She was Samantha to Ethan, and he also was hoping to get back to Sam. Megan just kept her nose down, and was in Sam territory for now, but Sam kept her under a close eye. You felt some of it may have been a bit of jealousy, as Megan was beautiful by all measures, her short red hair framing a perfectly symmetrical face, with deep green eyes and just a few freckles on her nose. Her petite body was athletic, but not overly so, and she looked just wonderful in her new green blazer and skirt. Why do you keep staring at her? You asked yourself once or twice as you saw her walking away after your brief hellos and goodbyes during the events.

This had been the third day of the conference, and the three of you were exhausted from the walking, from the droning of yet another speaker using buzzwords like “holisticality”, “successify”, and they old but faithful “synergistic”, from the endless need to be “on” when meeting new people, as you never knew who could be your next big networking contact that could open doors to the pathway towards a Sam-like career path. You had shared time during meals together the previous dates when you could, but even though you shared a room with Megan, as part of the “efficacity ” approach to expenses at your firm, you had collapsed both previous nights without barely sharing a word.

The first morning had been a rush for Megan and you to shower quickly one after the other, and you quickly decided to switch to Megan showering in the morning and you at night for the remainder of the days. “Efficacity” once again, you thought to yourself with a smirk. You picked night as that shower after the end of the day was almost blissful. Almost, because you were still not home, but in a room with a colleague whom you knew well but who wasn’t a friend. Although, she did seem lately more… you had dismissed that thought almost as it started.

That third night was the big networking happy hour, and the three of you had made a brief stop at your rooms to change into a bit more casual wear. Almost mechanically, Megan and you began to undress, each focused on what to put on next. You both stood in undergarments rifling thru your clothes – you had unpacked into some of the dressers, but Megan, in her lacy black lingerie, and still wearing her knee-high stockings, was just tossing things around from the bag she never unpacked. Her back was to you, and you again caught yourself looking at her back.

Her short red hair a bit flared from the messy day, her milky white skin contrasting against the too-sexy-for-everyday panties and bra. Her perfectly rounded ass met her back sharply, her profile narrowing at her hips and then gently sloping towards her back. “Fuck, I can’t figure out what to wear” you heard her say, breaking your staring spell. A bit embarrassedly you put your head down, finding the next outfit and moving towards the bed to get dressed.

The party was surprisingly fun – after the obligatory speakers taking turns thanking people and encouraging them to have fun, which could happen if only they’d shut up, the liquor finally started to flow, and the Karaoke stage saw a parade of progressively drunker people take their turn belting out their favorite songs. One group consisting of a young woman and two seemingly right out of high school men, whom you’d seen manning one of your competitors’ booths at the conference, kept coming back time and again, having a great time.

Megan, Ethan and you started a bit slow, still feeling like you had to network and stay respectable, but after the third drink you all were having too much fun letting go. Ethan at one point came back with a tray of tequila shots, wearing his tie as a bandido neckerchief over his mouth, faking a Spanish accent, and making you two laugh hysterically. Other people came and went as the night wore on, and you each wandered off a bit on your own, but you always gravitated back to your spot, meeting either in pairs or the three of you.

The bar flashed its lights on, blinding you for a minute as you rushed to finish your last sips of the rum and cokes that those accountants from PWC had bought Megan and you. When Ethan came back, he pretended to be gay, and they embarrassedly also bought him one, to not discriminate in their minds, as they were cool and open minded in their own heads. Ethan peeled off, and then Megan and you followed behind. “To Infinity, and beyond!” Belted Ethan, his fist in the air in his best Buzz Lightyear’s impression.

You jostled and laughed as you got to the elevator, and as you were pushed together you saw both Ethan and Megan’s faces, content, sweating a bit, and caught Megan’s sweet scent, which mixed with Ethan’s hit of cologne and sweat made you feel a bit intoxicated, more than what was due to just the liquor in you. Ethan was staying a floor above, but as you got to your floor, Megan said “Let’s raid the minibar!” You both hollered yes!, although you had no plans to drink anymore. It was your turn to take a bath, and dammit, you’d earned it. Plus, you needed to stop whatever you had felt was going on inside you.

You stumbled together to your room, not drunkenly but just like a bunch of kids horsing around. Once inside, Ethan triumphantly produced a small bottle of rum that he had purloined from somewhere at the bar. Megan played the host and got two cokes from the minibar and tumblers to the small table at the back of the room.. Ethan said “Ice!” And made his way to the door, the ice bucket dangling from his wrist as he pretended to be a housewife on her shopping trip to the market. You made a quick excuse and said something about a bath or shower, and slipped into the bathroom without waiting to see Megan’s reaction.

Once inside, as you drew the water, you undressed a bit clumsily, holding yourself as you stripped your stockings, and then undid your bra and dropped your panties on the floor towel. After adjusting the water a bit, you got in. The hot water from the shower sprayed your body and felt amazing. You let it drench your face for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, and then just spun slowly, letting the water flow down your neck, breasts, hips, between your legs and down your thighs. You reached for the soap and began carefully and slowly spreading the suds under your pits and neck, around your breasts and hard nipples (why, they are hard! You thought absentmindedly), then your hand reached down at your neatly trimmed pubic hair, and you began soaping up, then you put down the soap and began washing off the suds.

Your hand wandered, and why not, you were just… but then your middle finger found your clitoris, and you let out an involuntary moan. Not loud, you hoped. You braced yourself against the side of the shower, and lifted your leg onto the top of the tub, and let your fingers wander more, this time back and forth, back and forth, the hot water still splashing down, forming a now thickening cloud of steam above you. You tried to hold back but you could not tell how loud your groaning was. You wanted to stop but thought “just a little more” when you felt a presence in the bathroom. You quickly stopped, and held your breath.

“It’s OK” you heard a quiet, sweet voice say “I think I’m dirty too” and you heard the shower curtain rings slide along the rod as Megan stood there, curtain in hand, wearing her lacy bra and panties, but without her stockings. She eased herself into the shower and closed the curtain behind her, holding back some of the water that had splashed onto the bathroom floor. You still felt frozen, but were transfixed by the sight of Megan’s smiling face, being sprayed by the hot water, her red hair looking like a blaze of fire flowing down her neck. Her hands reached out and at first rubbed your chest, lingering at your nipples, drawing circles around them with her wet fingers.

You felt an almost out of body experience as she squeezed them ever so slightly, before letting go and moving her hands to your hips. She closed her eyes and dipped down onto your belly, kissing you just below your belly button. With one hand you fumbled for the shower valve to shut off the water as your other hand came down gently on her shoulder. She followed her kissing down to your pulsating clit, and her first flick of the tongue sent a flash of lightning throughout your entire body, and your hand dug into her shoulder, your other hand grasping for the tub rail for dear life.

She went down from your clit to lap a pussy that was dripping down with your wetness, spreading your lips with her hands, and you arched back and moaned loudly, as she moved her thumb to your clit again. She worked on this like she knew what she was doing, and your hand now moved to the back of her head, holding it gently, doing your best to hold back from your true desire to push her face deep into you. After a blissful few moments of this, she separated, came up to your face, kissed you deeply, her tongue hungrily hunting for yours, and then pulled back, whispered gently “let’s go to bed”, leading you out by the hand.

This time, you took the initiative and as you got to the bed, you held her, from behind, and then undid her bra, as she eased her panties off. With a sudden flash of clarity and terror you uttered “What about Ethan?”. She put her finger on your lips and laid on your bed, the covers still on. You had never been with a girl before, but you were a girl, so you spread her legs, and did your best to lick and flick and lap and rub, as she at first quietly but with more and more vigor began to moan and groan, thrusting her pelvis onto your face.

As you were about to put a full court press on her clit, you heard the door open, and Ethan’s voice with an exaggerated posh accent “M’ladies, we have ice! I had to travel to many floors to find…” and then he stopped, you turned around, to see him, your sculpted tight ass still in the air as you were kneeling over Megan’s welcoming spread legs. He was still, the little ice pail gripped on his right hand, his left still frozen above his head in some fake flourish he was attempting to perform. His eyes were wide open, and he stood there for some time.

You turned around to look at Megan, you both smiled, and then calmly went back down on her. Megan smiled at him and said in a playful voice “put down the ice, silly, and take care of Jackie here”. You heard the ice bucket hit the floor as he must have dropped it, and as you busily got back to work between her legs, you heard Ethan shuffling out of his clothes. “I…I have a condom!” He said triumphantly as you felt him jump on the bed. “Good boy,” Megan said “there are some more in my purse if we need them”.

A few moments later, you then felt his hands on either side of your butt cheeks as he spread you out and began to lick your pussy, a bit awkwardly but you were as wet as could be, and his tongue reached your swollen lips and pussy just enough to make you moan a bit as you kept pleasing Megan, who was also back to thrusting into you. You felt Ethan separate, and then grip the small of your back with one hand, as you felt his cock wander around your backside, pushing in but not quite getting in. As he slid above your pussy and across your ass, you reached back and eased him into the right spot. He quickly slid inside your expecting pussy.

You felt him push slowly, and you pulled up your face and grunted loudly. He thrust in and out, in and out, gingerly, but deeper every time. “God, how big is he?” You thought as the flashes of pleasure kept coming with each of his thrusts. His cock was larger than you expected, almost too big for you, but with your arousal your pussy was widening with his thrusts and accepting all of it. He gripped your ass now with both hands and grunted with each pump, your tongue still trying to dance over Megan’s swollen clit, but more and more you had to pull for air, gasping with pleasure as Ethan’s vocalizations of raw sexual enjoyment became louder, and closer and closer together.

Megan began whining and moaning as she now helped herself with her fingers, as you fully pulled up your face, and with your eyes half closed you stared at her face, fixated on her pursed lips, red and luscious, her eyes closed in a grimace of pleasure. “Here I come!” Panted Ethan, as he thrust violently against you, eliciting a primal scream from you, and let out a series of deep grunts, sharply pushing in and drawing out with each.

With his first grunt your pussy exploded in a lightning bolt of pleasure, moving to your belly and across your extremities, making you shiver and shake uncontrollably. Megan, also jitterering, her legs still wide open and her hand wildly rubbing against their pussy, moaned “uhhhhhhhhhh….” with a guttural deep voice you did not think her small body capable of uttering. Her hand gripped the bedside table and as she pulled off she brought the alarm clock’s cord out of the socket, before letting go with her arms just laying out across the table.

A few moments later you collapsed on her belly, and Ethan on top of you, his monster cock still inside you, his cheek on your back. You could smell the sweat and sex, but all that was to be heard was the triple labored breathing getting slower and slower. Her heartbeat was pounding, and you could feel Ethan’s on your backside too, hammering away. A few eternal moments later, Ethan slid out of you, and as you turned to watch you saw him walk awkwardly to the bathroom, holding his full condom in his hand, his now receding cock still hanging like a small arm between his legs, bouncing up and down with every step he took.

You rolled of of her, and without a word, Megan stood up from your bed, plugged in the alarm clock back in, and got in her bed. She smiled at you as you observed her pull up the covers. Ethan came back a few minutes later, looking like a kid caught where he wasn’t supposed to be. He looked up and flashed a nervous smile, as he quickly got dressed, or half dressed, and walked towards the door with his shoes in his hand. As the door closed you turned back towards Megan, but she had already rolled over, curled up with her pillows. You just saw her shock of red hair, matted down on the back of her head, wisps still poking at all directions…

You checked your phone, set the clock, and reset the alarm clock to 6:00 AM. The two hour flight back home was at 9:15am, and you all had a 1pm meeting with Sam to report on the conference. She’d want to know all the details. But not all of them would be shared.
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