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A business executive enjoys the perks of his job.
The Executive Ranch

By Greg

I am the director of marketing at a large Fortune 500 corporation with headquarters on the east coast. I have been steadily working my way up the corporate ladder for years and have made all the right connections along the way. Over time, I have proven myself to be reliable, effective, and committed. Upon reaching this level, I now enjoy some of the perks of the job, and I don’t just mean the keys to the executive restroom.

Our business interests span the continental United States. I am frequently required to fly to our operations center on the west coast. We have the luxury of a corporate jet. It is used only by the higher-level executives within our company. The company holds quarterly meetings in addition to fiscal-year-end meetings. I am also required to meet with other fellow officers at our west coast offices during any large acquisitions or mergers.

The company jet is capable of holding about fourteen people, including the flight crew, but it has a limited fuel range, which requires making at least one stop during a cross-country flight.

One of the refueling stops seems a little bit out of the way, but we almost always have a layover there. The jet refuels, and it always seems to have some necessary service work scheduled to be done. This airfield seems a bit small for full-sized commercial flights. Every time I have been there, only corporate jets or smaller private planes are on the runways or in the hangar areas. I've come to expect anything from a few hours to an overnight stay if we arrive later in the afternoon.

Just a short drive from this airport is an exclusive hunting ranch available to only a few *********** officers within our company. I can’t give its exact location, but I can tell you this area is only a couple of hours' drive from the southern United States-Mexican border. Limos from the airport come and go to this ranch at all hours of the day and night.

The ranch is a sprawling complex of buildings. It seems to have been here for a long time, and to the casual observer, it looks to be just a private hunting club. The ranch can only be reached via a secure private road. The limo will pass multiple security personnel in shaded spots parked alongside the road each time I stay there. Many of them seem to be rather intimidating people. I guess if you were not expected or supposed to be on this road, they would react quickly and stop you immediately.

I have never inquired as to exactly who owns this place, and I suppose I would rather not know. I have a suspicion that the actual owners might be associated with some kind of cartel, but again, you learn not to ask too many questions.

There is always a lot of activity going on at the ranch. In the early morning, off-road vehicles can be seen heading out into the countryside, carrying three or four men each. Racks on most of them when they come back later contain the trophies of their successful hunt.

This is a very "macho" environment, and it is the ultimate "man cave" on steroids. Whistles and high-fives are constantly exchanged as guys vie for bragging rights. I know that anyone staying there is somehow a high-level employee of some major company. I do recognize some familiar faces occasionally, but almost everyone here just goes by their first name.

I’ve never had anyone tell me this outright, but it is just kind of understood that it would be rude to ask anyone else too many personal questions. The taking of pictures is strictly prohibited, even by returning hunting parties taking any trophy pictures near the lodge itself. I’ve seen a couple guys try, but someone will immediately come up and ask you to delete those pictures.

The ranch consists of a main lodge and many outbuildings surrounding it. The staff and security personnel must live in the other buildings. I’ve noticed rows of cabins maybe a mile or so away, but I have never been up close to them, and again, no one volunteers much information about anything going on there.

The amenities at the ranch all seem gratis. No money is ever exchanged for anything. There also doesn't appear to be any kind of tipping allowed. Everything you want or need is simply made available to you. Nothing seems to get written down. Surprisingly, you don’t even check in at the registry desk or reserve a room. The staff just seems to be aware of your arrival and has a room waiting for you.

The evenings are the best part of a stay at the ranch because of the women. I sort of suspect that the cabins out on the ranch are where they must come from, but no one has ever said. Around dinner, they begin showing up. They just arrive by the vanload and start milling around. Male guests will start pairing off with them, sometimes even two or three at a time.

The dining hall is near the center of the main lodge. A male guest and his buddies will just claim a table, and immediately a staff member will come and take your food or drink order. The women follow the guys to the table, and the party begins. Wine and hard liquor flow abundantly during the meal and afterwards. Most groups move off to several large rooms just behind the main hall after dinner.

There are four large rooms back there. All are complete with fireplaces and large leather couches and chairs scattered about the rooms. There seems to be a drink staff assigned to each room to bring the guests anything they want.

These rooms are where the action really gets going. The women are unusually attractive. Very few of them speak fluent English. Then again, it is not necessary. The women are usually a little tipsy from the dinner drinks.

Men begin pawing and kissing them, and clothing is quickly shed. It’s not unusual to see a single guy with a pair of women vigorously sucking his cock right out in the open.

This being an exclusive place for "alpha-dog" personalities, the instinct to show off just seems to go with the territory. I know these other men like flaunting their prowess with the ladies. I've seen guys banging three and four at the same time. Few people, if anyone, ever go back to their private room. This is all about bravado and male ego. The women are most eager to please, and they almost seem to fight for the attention of the men.

I have never done it myself yet, but I have seen some of these women accompany the men when they leave the ranch. I tend to think most are illegals, looking for movement from here to other cities across the United States. I assume some might become mistresses or girlfriends of the men, and maybe others get taken to "promised" jobs within the companies the men run. There must be a big turnover. I assume that as soon as a few leave, more will come up from the south to replace them.

So, I guess this is how this migration works. It is not just Mexicans either. Many Asians are among them, along with dark-toned women from Jamaica, Venezuela, and other Caribbean countries.

All seem to have been chosen for their attractiveness. I can’t imagine the lives of the uglier ones that don’t rate this route. Even these women have had to fuck their way this far, but certainly with a wealthier class of men.

Anyway, the last time I was there, I was sitting in the lounge area, sipping on a scotch and soda, when a pair of the cutest little honeys came up from behind me. I hadn’t chosen them; they chose me. Now, typically, I’m not really an "orgy" type guy. A single attractive female will satisfy me all day long, but these two little vixens were like a matched pair of bookends.

I wasn’t sure if they were twins or just very close cousins, because I couldn’t tell them apart. The one just kind of slid into my lap, and the other perched on the armrest of the chair that I was sitting in.

I hadn’t a clue how I was going to handle these two, but their eagerness was something that I would have had to be nuts to have turned down.

The one on my lap was wearing some perfume, which I guessed was some sort of native floral scent. Her cocoa-colored skin tone suggested she might be Columbian or Ecuadorian. Her hair was coal black, and she had the most beautiful, wide smile. I was trying to make some small talk with them when the one on my lap just boldly took my drink from my hand and finished it off herself. I watched intently as she extended her tongue into the empty glass, trying to capture an ice cube. She was looking me dead in the eye, and I couldn’t help but watch her every move.

Her tongue was like that of a serpent as it seductively explored the remaining contents of the glass. I wasn’t sure at first if it was the glass distorting things or if her tongue was actually that long.

Suddenly, she caught a bit of ice and moved the glass away from her face. "My God" was all I could think. That tongue extended maybe four inches from her mouth. In the middle of it rested a chunk of ice. It seemed to be melting as if it were on a hot stove. Droplets of water dripped from the edges of her tongue. She leaned towards me and seemed to be trying to pass the chunk of ice into my mouth. As she brought our lips together, she deposited the slippery cube on my tongue. We shared that shred of ice until it had melted completely.

That was all it took. These two were to be mine for the rest of the evening. I motioned to the dining room, and they both nodded quickly, wishing to accompany me. I picked out a table situated in a dark corner along the wall. In a moment, the server arrived and offered to refill my drink. I politely indicated that the pair should also like to get something to drink. They made their choice in Spanish, and the server headed towards the kitchen.

The dinner was somewhat awkward due to the language barrier, but the two seemed inseparable. They would rattle on, each seeming to finish the other’s sentence. Laughter and giggling continued throughout dinner. I probably broke the rules by allowing them to share parts of my dinner, but the small portion they had been given didn’t seem enough to feed even someone as petite as they were.

I tried several times to communicate my interest in whether or not they were related. My only hope was with the waiter. Most of them were bilingual, albeit with only partially understandable English. I asked the waiter to ask if they were related, and both of them finally nodded their heads in unison, finally understanding what I had been trying to get at. We got the proper introductions out of the way. Their names were Amalia and Mia. I just stayed with Bob.

Mia, who had been on my lap earlier, maintained almost constant eye contact with me. Just about any time she held her drink glass up to her mouth, she would extend her tongue again and trace the edge of her glass by dragging that tongue seductively around the entire lip of the glass. Her intention was crystal clear. She was letting me know just what she would be capable of doing. Her sister Amalia would just giggle and elbow her whenever she did this.

We finished our meal and headed back to the lounge room. I found that many of the spots had already been taken. Maybe twenty men were milling around, sipping drinks, while girls, mostly naked or in some state of undress, shared their chairs or were already outright fucking with them.

My pair pushed me to an unoccupied leather couch near a rear-facing window. I was just getting settled and ordering another scotch when Mia, without anything from me, began undressing. I was delighted at the tiny waist and slim figure. Her tits were small, but when she leaned in to kiss me, she sort of pushed her arms together, forming a nice little cleavage in which I buried my face. She gently hugged my head, holding me there. I tried to locate a nipple to kiss, but she held on tightly. Finally, she released me and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. Her tongue slid into my mouth, and she darted around searching for my tongue.

I could feel her sister going for my belt. These two were something. This was going to be a night to remember. These two worked me together. Each finished what the other had started. If one was slobbering all over my cock, the other would be pulling my balls into her mouth from below. They tag-teamed me, sharing my mouth and my nipples. They passed my cock back and forth like a dime-store lollipop. They even got face to face as I pumped my rod through their lips. If one was sucking me, the other was licking me somewhere else.

Amalia must have figured I was ready to fuck, so she got up and began a very sexy little dance. She held her long hair above her head and wiggled a sultry little shake and thrust dance right in front of me. She went on for a couple minutes, undulating her hips and upper torso. She reached a crescendo when she turned sideways and slowly began to shudder. Her tempo increased until her ass was just a blur. Maybe she was just stretching things out some, but it was sure sexy as hell watching her do this. Finally, she turns away, backs up, and straddles me. Her sister Mia moved in front of her and began licking my dick. This kept me rock-hard and wet. I grabbed Amalia by the waist and began steering her downward.

I always worry a little bit about who was previously with the women I fuck here, but these two seemed so energetic and skilled. Sometimes you just have gotta say "fuck it" and "just roll the dice and hope for the best." These two babes were not something any guy in his right mind would turn down.

My cock disappeared as Amalia firm rump came to rest in my lap. The heat from her cunt was truly awesome. She began riding me like a champ. Her fragrant hair was tossed back against my face. I finally had to lock a forearm around her chest just to hold her still for a brief moment. All the while Mia kept at my shaft with her tongue. After some serious riding, Amalia got off me. I laid back against the armrest of the couch, and she turned around, got right up in my face, and started planting kisses and pulling at my lips with her mouth. She scooted up close and was grinding her pussy against my abdomen while straddling my hips. Without missing a beat, Mia grabs hold of my cock and goes to town on it solo.

With Amalia right up against me like that, I could only feel it at first. Then I had to almost push her away to actually see it, but Mia was swallowing me completely, her mouth mashed out flat at the base of my shaft. I am not hung like a horse or anything, but I am not like small either. This babe was deep-throating me without even an effort or a gag. I could even feel her constricting her throat to milk my cock. Her mouth was open, and she was able to extend that tongue out and reach under my ball sack and massage my nuts all at the same time.

The dual feeling of having my cock in her warm throat and my nut sack caressed at the same time was absolutely amazing. Amalia gave me time to enjoy the sensations, all the while smiling sweetly at me.

"You like?" she said in broken English.

"I like."

"Damn, that girl had talent." They both did.

I had never ejaculated directly into a woman’s throat before, and I figured I might not soon get a chance like this again. I kind of moved Amalia out from in front of me, sat up, and cradled Mia’s head. As best I could, I let them know this is how I wanted to cum. Amalia got up off the couch, climbed directly behind Mia, and held her at the waist. She looked like she was doggy-style fucking her own sister. Mia seemed to catch on to what I wanted to do and stayed attached to my cock. That magic tongue continued pushing my balls in all directions.

Mia pulled off my cock and gasped for air. She looked up at me with those coal-black eyes. She seemed to indicate that she was ready to handle my cumshot. She didn’t have to wait long. Just a couple strokes later, my balls began to unload. Jolt after jolt sent cum rocketing into her gut as I groaned in ecstasy. I think I might have been even a little rough on her, but I couldn’t help banging her mouth against the base of my cock. She never even gagged once. The whole time I was grunting, she was constricting her throat on my shaft. It was the most intense cum I had ever had.

I spent almost an hour with them before I could muster enough energy to fuck Amalia. I didn’t want her to feel left out. Her warm pussy enveloped my cock, completing one of the most enjoyable fucks I had had in years.

The next morning I awoke early, hoping to get into San Diego as soon as possible. I was in luck, for I was told the jet had been readied overnight. As I stepped into the lobby area, I noticed a limo parked out front. Mia and Amalia were out in front of the lodge with another group of men. They were all piling into a limo headed back to the airport. Each of them carried a small piece of luggage. It was probably everything they owned. In my mind, I knew I would never see them again, and I was a little sorry for that. I silently wished them well.

My jet was sitting on the runway, warming up, before I arrived. I couldn’t help but notice some serious-looking men standing nearby. They seemed to be keeping an eye on it until we were off the runway.

Look, I am not clueless as to what is going on. It’s just that I don’t ask too many questions, and I probably really don’t want to know the answers. It’s none of my business. I am just a passenger.

Again, I just enjoy the perks and keep my mouth shut.


2022-12-29 18:48:44
This sounds very much like a place I visited once....but it was south of the border. Always wondered if it was still there. I had 3 exciting days there and will never forget it.

Greg KirklandReport 

2018-09-23 01:46:37
This is a very sexy story. Thanks

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