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Please read parts one and two
I spent the next two days with Brooke, Britany and Jenny. Jenny had made a terrible excuse that Mr Carsten had assigned her to look after me and ensure I made friends. I don’t think they brought it but after looking me up and down they seemed to accept the situation. I imagine they knew of Jenny’s desire to women once they saw my body they put two and two together.

I kept Jenny satisfied as much as physically possible. If I laid the ground work now she’d be mine for as long as I wanted. We’d sneak around between classes and fuck, skip classes and fuck, finish school and fuck. A new world had been opened to her and she wanted to experience it all. I’d been teaching her how to eat pussy and she was getting very good. She even surprised my one night by skipping my pussy and heading straight for my asshole. She’d eaten like she was starving and I’d cum hard. It had been a long time since someone had eaten my ass most boys loved nothing more than jamming their cock into it, but ask them to lick it suddenly it’s too far and dirty. Jenny was treating me like a girlfriend she was getting attached and it pained me to keep her thinking we were but it had to be done. The secrecy of our time together suited us both. It kept her worries of being labelled a lesbian away and left me free to still use sex as a weapon. It was win-win.

The first few days Brooke and Brittany paid me little attention. I did observe that Brittany was indeed one cold mother fucker. No one passed her gaze that she didn’t scrutinise. She could tell if anyone had gained a pound or two and would instantly quip to the others about it. Any fashion mistake would become an instant mockery, half the time with them clearly in earshot. However, much of a bitch she made a good number two to have and Brooke took full advantage. Brittany knew every inch of gossip. I tried to keep up with the names she'd mention in conversations of who she was fucking undoubtedly how she got all of her information, so far she was on 6 for the last few months. She was almost as big a whore as me, almost. Although skilled at fucking and gossiping she didn’t have an original idea in her head she followed Brooke like a puppy followed strength which Brooke undoubtedly had.

Brooke was much smarter than the other two. She didn’t give me a hint of any information she could use against her or anything I could use to get close. When she looked at me I thought she was seeing right through me. I worried for a moment that they’d learned of my escapade with Kyle on my first day but then after thinking harder, she would have of told Jenny and my cover would already be gone. No Kyle had kept it to himself, and he’d obviously made handsome keep quite too.

If I was going to get to Brooke I needed something to use. A few more days passed and I still had nothing, it was the end of the week and so far 3 days of watching her like a hawk had yielded nothing.

Walking to last period on Friday received a text from and unknown number, a street address with the words ‘in reference to services owed’ it was Kyle. I smiled to myself, I had felt his cock and was incredibly impressed. If he could last long enough it should be a good fuck. I would fuck his brains out and get him on a hook like Jenny. Then I could manipulate him into spreading any information I wanted. When the time was right I’d make us official. But before I could do that I needed Brooke out of the way. In her position, she could destroy my reputation instantly and all my hard work would be undone.

I turned the corner to find Kyle hanging over a childish looking Brooke. She was wide eyed and giggling as he whispered in her ear. She looked so different from the calculating and elegant girl I knew. She was being rendered useless by Kyle. Her back was pressed up to her locker as they crooned and chatted. She liked him! The chink in her armour was finally revealed. I took out my phone and texted Kyle.

‘You need to save your energy for this weekend, I’d step away and go to class, I took a quick selfie of just my chest. And clicked send.

A second later Kyle was starting at his phone and a second after that was making a quick getaway. Brooke looked confused and upset. I walked over to her as she pulled books from her locker.

“Cute guy, you two would make a cute couple”

Brooke turned and looked relieved when she saw it was me. She smiled in an embarrassed way.

“Oh thanks, I’ve been trying for a long time now and I think we’re finally getting there. We’ve flirted for years and there's always been something there but I think now it’s going to happen. We’re going to the same party this weekend so fingers crossed”

That was easier than I thought. So Kyle was the one that got away. She didn’t just want him she wanted to be with him. I had to plan things carefully but this could be the chance to topple Brooke. It was simple, Brittany was a huge slut if I could get Kyle to fuck her and then fuck Brooke all id have to do is reveal it. the argument would split them apart. I could take Brittany's side and I'm sure Jenny would follow me anywhere, I'd instantly fill the vacuum the Brooke would leave.

“He looks like he really likes you.”

She shot me a big grin. She turned and strode away with a big spring in her step.

Jenny was going away for the weekend with her parents, it was a good turn of fortune, she wouldn’t be at the party so wouldn’t be a risk.

We both went back to her house straight to her after school and I gave her a big going away present. We played and fucked for hours before her parents got home. She was coming out of her shell and the sex was getting rougher and rougher.

We decided to take a bath together, the water made her breasts shimmer in the bathroom light, a beautiful sight indeed.

“I’m going to miss you this weekend baby” she was rubbing her toe down my pussy underneath the water and focusing on her words was difficult.

“I brought you one of my favourites from home to get you through the weekend” I reached over the bath and under my towel, I’d used it conceal her present.

I produced a large metal dildo and held it in front of jenny’s eager face.

“Wow that’s a big one, I'm not sure I can take that it all”

“It’s not just a big one baby”

I showed her the bottom which contained a little metal nozzle. She looked a little perplexed still. I laughed and took the shower hose attached to her parent's large bath. I unscrewed the head and begun to spin the large cock onto it. Jenny realised what was coming and shifted her bottom in anticipation. I turned the tap a little and water spurted from ten different places along the shaft. A giant spurt shot out of the tip. I turned the water off, happy with my demonstration.

“Get on your hands and knees baby, this is going to go deep”

She wiggled her feet and assumed the position, I took some lube from under the towel and rubbed it along the cock. I rubbed the tip along her pussy Jenny started shaking.

“I want you playing with this every chance you get when you’re away baby. And I want you to scream my name when you cum. Do you understand”


I placed the tip at her eager pussy and watched it stretch her cunt, she moaned in appreciation. I started to push as Jenny pushed back to accept the toy. ‘Couldn’t take it all my ass!’ it got around three-quarters of the way in.

“I can’t take anymore! Stop it there please Nicola.”

“Oh, baby didn’t I tell you? This is my cunt mine now and I’ll decide when it’s had enough”

I pushed the rest in, Jenny didn’t move, paralysed by the fullness in her pussy

“Jesus! You fucking whore, I'm too full! Take it out”

She took long deep breaths trying to compose herself.

“You’re completely right, baby!”

She sighed in relief.

“I am a fucking whore”

I turned the water on half way and dived onto her asshole, I sucked and sucked harder than I ever have.


I felt the toy smash into her pussy as water gushed out. She started to thrash as the peculiar feelings entered her body. I kept my tongue on her star and started to poke into her ass as hard as I could. Water was sloshing over the tub, luckily close to the foot of the bath was a slim drain. Jenny hadn’t spoken in around a minute only little moans. I feared I’d pushed her too far so I took my tongue away from her ass and leaned to turn off the water.

“What. No, wait! Don’t fucking take your tongue away it feels so good.”

I beamed with pride, my little-ashamed lesbian was well on her way to becoming a whore like me. I ploughed my tongue back into her ass and turned the water pressure up further. She moaned harder as I did so, I looked down to notice her fingers strumming her swollen clit.

I slipped my own fingers into my cunt and found my G-spot. I started tugging in jagged motions inside my walls. It was a harsh method to use, not something I would do to Jenny but I knew my own pussy well enough. It caused an almost instant orgasm that normally resulted in a strong squirt, shame it would be wasted in the bath water, no face to drench.

“Oh shit I'm gonna cum”

I had reached my orgasm too and I screamed into her asshole.

“Nicola!” screamed throughout the room.

I left Jennys at 6 and by 6:01 I was texting Kyle.

‘Can’t wait, 10.00, 125 Church Street. tonight’

My parents were staying the night in a hotel as they were having dinner with my dad's old college buddy around 2 hours drive away. I had the place to myself and it saved the need to sneak into his house or get a hotel room of our own. I got home and took a nap, fucking Jenny had taken it out of me and I was going to need my strength for tonight. Kyle rang the doorbell at the stroke of 10.00 not a second wasted. I opened the door and his jaw dropped straight to the floor. I’d answered completely naked. I simply stared at him as if nothing was out of the ordinary, no shame in my nakedness.

“You’re letting the heat out”

He stumbled in and closed the door, I pushed my body against him and he fell back onto the door. We kissed frantically and wildly, his hands running up and down my hips with pure thrill. We pulled away from our embrace.

“Now that’s a welcome, I’m hard already”

“Well then let's put it to good use”

I took his hand and lead him up the stairs to my room

“You still have way too many clothes on, let's get that corrected”

Kyle reacted instantly and started pulling off his clothes, I’d never seen anyone undress so quickly, shirt, shoes, jeans, socks were all off in a flash. I stopped his hands as he got to his boxers which were standing like a tent.

“Allow me”

I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on the elastic of his boxers. I looked up and he was staring with an intense gaze. I had to pull hard to get them over his cock, a giant member was eyeing me in the face. It was a huge cock but most impressively it had incredible girth, my imagination went into overdrive, thinking of its stretching my cunt.

“Oh baby, that thing should be in an art gallery”

“It should be in a whores mouth,” he said in a dirty aggressive way.

I smiled and collapsed my mouth around him. He smelt of expensive soaps and beautiful cologne. His breath evaporated from his body and his tension relaxed. I only took a few inches of him in, tickling the tip with my tongue. I took the base in my hand and slowly pumped him as his cock began to get even harder in my mouth. I Placed my hands on his toned ass and pulled my head into his manhood. He slipped past my throat until my nose was touching his skin.

“Fuck” was all he managed as pleasure burned through his body. I took him out of my mouth to get some air but stroked him fast and hard with my hands. Two quick seconds of breath and I was back with my throat allowing him passage. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me harder onto him. I gargled letting the vibrations float over his dick the salty taste of pre-cum spurring me on to keep him longer inside me. I pulled back off his dick and bobbed hard and fast.

He pulled me from my stoop and twinge of disappointment hit me I could have sucked his dick all night. He pushed me back on the bed and straddled my stomach.

“I think your words were all mine this weekend?” grabbing my breasts as he spoke.

I laughed as he pressed his hard erection in between them, I pushed them together and he started fucking my tits. His hardness contrasted the soft silk of my breasts well and Kyles' face couldn’t keep still.

“It's so fucking soft baby. I love these tits”

His pleasure was making me wetter and wetter. I loved the feeling of my saliva that coated his cock rubbing between me, dirty and messy. This wasn’t sex, this was fucking. I grabbed his magnificent ass and pushed him harder into me with each stroke.

He stopped suddenly to my surprise. I raised an eyebrow.

“My first time with you I'm not going to cum here, I want it in your pussy”

“What makes you think there’ll be more than this time?”

“What makes you think you have a choice whore?” I laughed and spread my legs.

“A whores isn’t called a pussy, It’s called a cunt” My father's voice echoing in my head as I said it. I kissed him hard then pushed his shoulders away. He lined his heavy cock at my entrance.

“You’re on birth control?”

“Always, now fuck your whore”

He slammed into me in one fast movement and it made me shout in surprise and pain. His cock was so thick it made me suck in my asshole and breath through fullness. He didn’t move it out, just let it rest in its new home.

“It’s so tight, Jesus Nicola.”

I shrugged off my discomfort and found the pleasure in being so full. He moved slowly enjoying the feeling and letting me get accustomed to his big cock, it felt exquisite. Moving with more confidence and speed the animal nature of our relationship took over as grunts and moans ensued. My pussy was tingling with its master's tool, every inch of my cunt was being stressed and pushed against, I was getting close. Kyle kept his rhythm it was the best way of guaranteeing a girl coming, keep the pace constant let my body know when to expect the pleasure.

Kyle grabbed one of my breasts and manhandled it hard, I grabbed the other and sucked my nipple into my mouth, the sight made every stroke from Kyles' hips hit home harder. I started to cum as I screamed into my breast. Kyle started beaming proud of what his fucking had done. My asshole started to convulse and electricity shot through my body. I dropped my breast and tried to recover from my orgasm. Kyle just kept ploughing into me, he had incredible stamina. He pulled his cock out of me and slapped the side of my thigh.

“Flip over, I’m taking you from behind. I want to see that ass”

I smiled and flipped my body, I didn’t have the energy to hold my top half up, I spread my knees and offered my pussy.His cock teased my slit and he slid himself even deeper into me than before, I sighed in relief. He continued to pump hard at a strong consistent pace.

“I’ve never been so full baby”

He slapped my ass and placed a finger on my hole.

“How about now?”

he pushed his digit into my ass and I shook with joy. More steady fucking as another orgasm took hold. My pussy grabbed onto his cock like a vice, my clit rubbing deliciously against the sheets of my bed, Kyle hit my cervix with a deep thrust and I screamed again. Kyle’s pace increased.

“I’m gonna cum, you fucking whore”

“Fill my cunt, I need it”

Kyle spilled into me and I felt his warm juices. I’d never felt so royally fucked as I did at that moment. Kyle collapsed next to me, he surprised me by reaching his arm around my body and pulling me close to him, both coming down from our climaxes. His hand reached my giant breast and he began massaging it, I laughed at mistaking his moment of tenderness when actually all he wanted was more of my body. I think.

We lay there for over an hour talking and laughing the tension from our relationship had been sucked away by our fucking. I discovered how much we had in common. All the time whilst talking we found things along each other's bodies to play with and touch. I'd stroke his back, snuggle into his chest, float my fingers between the gaps in his abs. He would tickle my nipple, squeeze my ass cheeks, play with my hair. It wasn’t what I was used to, it was intimate and caring.

“You looked pretty cosy next to Brooke the other day,” I said with a hint of jealousy in me.

It threw Kyle off, all of our interactions previously had been charged with sexual tension, a battle for power. I'd surrendered, the whore had been fucked out of me, only the 18-year-old remained with him.

“I’ve never had sex with her if that’s what you’re asking”

“I didn’t ask that all I said was you looked cosy”

“She’s teased me for years, I’ll get her before the years out.”

“And that’s what you want? To have sex with her”

“Have you seen that her! Who wouldn’t want to? She hasn’t got your raw sex appeal, tits are nothing like yours, but she’s the perfect girl, model material. I have to fuck her.”

The tenderness from our time together tonight evaporated and the 18-year-old year Nicola wanted to cry. The whore inside slapped her back to her place and rose back to the surface. I pulled the covers off my body without warning. My nakedness made Kyle’s eyes widen as if seeing me for the first time. If only I could get that reaction without me taking my close off. Shut up Nic, this is business, let the whore do her job.

“I need you to fucker her tomorrow” the words stung a little even with the whore saying them.
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