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Powerful women aren't always so.
The leader of the audit team preferred to see himself as in-charge. In his well-cut suit, he reviewed the findings of his field audit of a client in St. Louis. Likely, he would never build a career here. Too weak. Poor leadership skills. He had little to report that was extraordinary though it did point to a huge turnaround from the client’s prior year’s audit. Back then, things had been a real mess. My firm had even recommended a change in accounting management, and the suggestion had been followed promptly. The reports after had shown promise. The team’s report pointed to someone making decisions who was not afraid to trim the dead wood.

As the senior partner of the firm, I had also heard some stories coming back from St. Louis about her. Word was she took no prisoners; her way or the highway. One afternoon, I overheard the two women from the field team gabbing about her. They agreed she was “hot,” had great tits. One envied her long black hair for its shine. It was also hinted that she was of medium height and had a lower body men would always notice. One was so bold to say, “If she wasn’t the boss, all the men would want to fuck her.” As a lover of such women, I had my secretary put a call into her.

“This is Miabelis,” came the strong voice, feminine to be sure, but confident.

I identified myself. “Miabelis, I wanted to congratulate you on the flawless audit results my team reported to me this morning. You must do a good job,” I praised her.

“Thank you,” she returned simply. “I do things how they should be done.”

The comments I had overheard and some quality in her voice encouraged me to push her.

“Miabelis, I have business in St. Louis tomorrow? I’ve got a light morning, but my week is fairly open. That would have me in your office by three in the afternoon. Does that work for you?”

“I’ll make it work. I look forward to you. About three?” she confirmed.

“Looking forward to it. About three then.”

Disconnected but still hearing the strength of her voice, I began building my own picture of her. It was a pretty one with wanton thoughts sprinkled into it.

By the time I boarded my flight, that picture was fairly detailed…if not a bit twisted. A departure delay made me late into St. Louis, arriving at the scheduled client’s office well after three. By the time I paid my respects to the firm’s owner, it was four o’clock. After hearing my praise of Miabelis, he was kind enough to walk me toward her area and provide directions to her office before being on his way.

She was seated at her desk when I first saw her, so occupied with her work that she wasn’t aware of me. I ogled her. Her hair was dark and it did shine, but I was taken by how long, wavy and thick it was. The dark green of her fashionable dress contrasted nicely with the caramel color of her skin. A thin gold necklace led my eyes to her bust. The smart, conservative cut of the dress could not hide those beauties. They were out, up, and around her enough to create a marvelous silhouette. At the end of a day, I’m sure her bra had had a good workout trying to contain them. She looked up, dark eyes leading the way with full lips only lightly colored by a soft shade of lipstick. Her wide mouth parted in a warm smile to reveal perfect teeth that gleamed their greeting to me as she stood to welcome me.

When she rose, my vision went into slow-motion. First, her waist. It was tiny—a wasp’s waist held by the taper of the dress down from her shoulders. Then the width of her hips came into view as she reached full height. Wide, wide hips across a flat belly. Then she turned to come around her desk. That’s when her ass was available to my view. The cut of her dress rode the line from the small of her back for a wonderfully long distance before dropping to its modest hemline. It could not have been eight seconds since Miabelis looked up, but the number of perverted thoughts that had entered my mind since then clicked up to at least double-figures. Snapping back to reality, she was four feet away, hand extended in greeting, and flashing that smile from that mouth.

“I spoke to your secretary this morning. She told me of your delay. I’ve taken the liberty to book you into the hotel directly across the plaza,” she offered as we broke our handshake. With your delay in arriving, I hoped you might stay the night so we can have more time tomorrow to work together. Your staff seemed to think that would be something your schedule permits. I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but I’d like to have time to pick your brain and run some thoughts by you. Did you happen to pack an overnight bag for yourself?”

I explained that I had. “I always bring one in the event I have reason to extend my trips,” I supplied.

“Wonderful!” she blurted as she turned back to her desk and pulled open a drawer. From it, she pulled a hotel passkey. Before she shut the drawer, I noticed the identical key still in it. “If you’ll excuse me, I have some things to do to prepare for you tomorrow. I’ll walk you out and point the way to your hotel. Shall we?”

I admired her take-charge attitude, her ability to lead. Through the door, we walked into the square. Miabelis nodded to the hotel across the way. “Tomorrow,” was all she said and went her own way. I watched her magnificent ass, careful not to be so obvious in the event others from her company might notice.

“Tomorrow?” Why not tonight, I wondered as I dropped my bag in a very well-appointed room on the concierge floor with an over-sized desk and comfortable looking upholstered couch and matching chair. She went to some trouble, I thought, and headed back out in search of the hotel lounge. I took a seat at the bar which provided me a view of the lobby—just in case. Sipping my drink, I thought about that possibly. No, I thought. She won’t come tonight, even though she had a key if she had liked what she had seen of me. I remembered how composed she had been during our brief time together. It had been her turf, and she had defended it. She had contacted my office and made my itinerary changes. She knew my firm had a power over hers. One negative comment in our notes to the shareholders and all they had achieved in the past year—thanks to Miabelis—would be gone. And she was smart enough to know that being on my good side could benefit her. I was sure that she had her career sights set higher. She knew I could help her there, but she would never ask. And I was damned sure that any relationship between us would be secret. Her career would be tainted if anyone even thought she had whored her way up the ladder. I ordered another and let my mind review the thoughts and images of Miabelis. She understood power—how to get it and how to use it to her benefit. My drink and my thoughts would have to be enough to satisfy my thirst for Miabelis this night. But I ordered a third one anyway, put aside the images and the thoughts temporarily, and began to wonder.

Sometimes, people with influence, authority and power over others need to let-go of that somehow—a relief valve. Some people in my circle of friends involved themselves in dangerous pastimes like hang gliding or white-water rafting. One friend was fond of camping alone in remote places to fly-fish trout streams. Some didn’t unwind at all; others had their dark, dirty, secret lives.

Half-way down my glass, I began speculating about how Miabelis let-go. Gliding, rafting, and fly-fishing went off the list immediately. As she had no seeing-eye guide dog, she had to know how good she looked. Pretty. Poised. Sexy…able to draw men closer. But only if she chose to allow them to approach. Timid, flirty, slow men would probably not fit her type. In fact, they would likely be pushed farther back for their unworthiness. Power attracts power. Confident women are attracted to confident men. I knew that exerting my strength into hers would bring-out her inner-self—provide her relief valve and let her be what she really wanted to be in her escape. If I wanted her, I had to take her.

While finishing my drink and settling my tab, I watched the end-game of another guy at the bar between himself a hooker. I had been half-aware of them as they bantered. Him in his business attire; her in tight, leather pants, spikes, and a measly top. As they left, I knew he wasn’t taking. The whore was giving it to him for her price. With Miabelis, I would be the taker…but I wondered—a whore in there wanting to be freed?

The next morning, I woke about 8:30. I hadn’t set an alarm as I knew Miabelis would need time to be sure her staff was moving through their tasks quickly enough to make the deadlines she had assigned them. I dressed for a business day and went downstairs for breakfast. Enjoying the first sips of the first cup of the day, I heard a strange voice very close to me.

“Morning to you,” said the fellow who had paid-his-way as I was leaving the bar last night. “I don’t know if you had dinner last night, but I guess you noticed what I was going to eat?”

His smile seemed pathetic to me. He had gone from negotiating the night-before to being childish the night-after. Though I was sure my meal had cost me less than his had cost him, I smiled back and nodded. His ego satisfied, he moved along.

By ten o’clock I had returned to my room to make a few calls of my own. I settled onto the comfortable couch, as I had no need for the big desk, and checked-in with my key people back at my firm. Not surprised that all was running like clockwork, I dialed the last call. When I was connected to her line, she picked-up on the first ring.

“Morning, Miabelis. Have you gotten through your morning routine with your people? What time is best for me to come by?”

Her business voice responded. “My people are all at their work. I’ve got a working lunch at 11:30 that should wrap by 1:00. Is 1:30 okay for you?”

“Works for me. I’ve already had a late breakfast. See you at 1:30 then,” I confirmed and then clicked-off. Moving to the desk, I pulled reports I had brought along that needed my attention. I busied myself with them, finished them all, and checked the time. Delightfully, she and I were fifteen minutes away from our agreed time. While I was anxious to see her, I was also eager to test my strategy.

A few steps across the plaza and after some lingering once I arrived in the offices, I wandered through her office doorway about twenty minutes later than we had agreed. She stood in the corner by two side chairs. Everything physical about Miabelis was the same except for the wardrobe she had chosen. Today’s blouse, cream colored, was well-fit at the shoulder, but it had no taper and was intended to be worn untucked. The only hint at her small waist was a heavy gold belt, and she had opted to let it dangle loosely at the tops of her hips. The black skirt was flared and easily reached her knee. The pumps were high enough only to give a hint to her calf muscles. Surprised but not disappointed, I began the sit-down.

“Got held up. Things I wanted to do. Are you ready? Let’s hear some of those ideas you wanted me to hear,” my best “Boss” voice said.

As I had planned, my directive approach and quickness caught her off-guard. She hesitated only in the slightest before beginning to outline her plan to speed company reporting.

“That’s always a good idea.” Interrupting her, I took care not to use her name. “But have you considered that the faster turn-around might compromise quality? And if you really want to have both the speed and quality, have you considered the manpower cost to have them both? Will your boss approve of that? Besides, your reporting time is satisfactory now that you’ve managed your people into line with what you expect of them, when you expect it, and how you expect it done. What else had you considered trying?”

I had spoken quickly to keep her focused. I didn’t want to allow her to answer or elaborate. My approach was designed to show her my control and chip-away at her accustomed power. My cell phone buzzed on cue. My office calling.

“Yes, Sarah,” I answered sharply. She disconnected as she had been instructed to just call and hang-up. But I stayed on the dead line. “Tell her the proper way. But have the bitch pack her things and be out of there in 30 minutes. No more chances. She knows she can’t be what I expect. She’s gone. Understood? Have HR call me in 15 minutes. Goodbye, Sarah.” I returned the phone to my pocket and turned back to Miabelis. She was silent, waiting.

“Miabelis, I’m sorry but I need to handle the rest of this business,” I offered. “I should do it privately, but I am anxious to continue our conversation. You’re through at four o’clock, correct?” Meet me in the bar of my hotel at 4:30. By then I’ll have this handled and will be able to give you my full attention. My phone will be off so we’ll have no distractions. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” she managed. I smiled and left her. Walking across the plaza toward my hotel, I almost felt her eyes watching me from the floors above…wondering. In the shower, I knew that I had shaken her attitude. I was pretty sure I had shown her a side she wanted to see. Toweling off, I checked myself in the mirror. Days in the gym keep me fit. The haircut is clean and sharp. I’ve got the advantage of being clean and fresh while she’s been at work all day. Pulling up a pair of jeans and leaving the polo shirt I had grabbed unbuttoned, I reached for a favorite pair of boat shoes I had packed for comfort. I set the furniture and was off for the bar.

Instead of a stool where I had been an observer the night before, I selected a small table with two wing chairs. I claimed the one facing the entrance and ordered for myself. I anticipated seeing her and taking her quickly from her façade and into my agenda. At 4:20 she entered. The change in her appearance proved my thinking about my having had shaken her defenses with my charade was correct. Power was about to meet more power.

“Miabelis, you’re early. Anxious are we? All those ideas in your head? Ready to set them free on me?

She flashed the inviting smile. While it looked the same, she didn’t seem to have the confidence to hold it very long.

“And…tell me. You’ve tucked in your lovely blouse and tightened the belt to show me your shape. I like that. Your breasts were swaying nicely as you walked to me just now. Earlier today, that didn’t happen. Did you change to a flimsy bra for me? I paused just a bit and offered, “Drink?”

I turned from her reaction and motioned a waiter.

With the waiter tableside, I nodded his attention to me toward Miabelis.

“I’ll have what the man is having,” she said with a voice that had no emotion but much purpose to it. While he was gone, I continued at her.

“And your stockings seem to have more sheen to them than the ones from this afternoon. Something special, I suppose. Tell me about them.”

“They are thigh high’s,” she declared with her new voice.

“You changed into those for me? When did you buy those?” I pressed.

“After I left you last night. I went shopping for a few things,” she admitted with no guilt or embarrassment.

“Appealing stockings. The flimsy bra, too?” I wasn’t about to take her off the spot now. “I guess that’s when you bought those shoes? I noticed the toe platforms and the higher, thinner heel. By the way, they flatter your calves nicely—push them out for me a little more, don’t they? Surely you didn’t leave the office looking like this. You must have changed into them somewhere. Hotel bathroom?” I bored into her.

She was saved by the waiter bringing her drink. When he went to place it on her coaster, she took it directly from his hands and took a long pull of bourbon splashed with water. It appeared to help as she looked directly in my eyes.

“You make any other stops on this shopping spree for me?”

Never breaking her gaze told me she had made the decision. I had been strong enough, had pushed her enough, had out-maneuvered her well enough that another side of her personality was about to emerge.

“I had myself freshly waxed for you.”

“How delicious of you. And the extra key for my room? I presume you brought that as well?”


“Let me tell you a story, Miabelis. Last night, in this very bar, I saw a fellow leave with an escort. She wasn’t dressed like a street whore. She was young, attractive, but simple. Whores would dress badly and wear cheap make-up and worn shoes. Certainly not your look,” I emphasized. And the escorts are more playful than they are true playthings. I wouldn’t think you fit that either, Miabelis. You look fantastic. And we are surely not playing games here, are we? I know you want me to have you—and much more. Isn’t that right, Miabelis?”

“Damned right I do.” Her use of the word was a last vestige of her exerting herself.

“And you want me to take you…how did I say it describe it earlier this afternoon…what, how, and when I want. Wasn’t that how I put it, Miabelis?”

“That decision belonged to you,” she admitted.

“How true. Then I wouldn't think you are an escort or a whore. Rather, I think you are more the slut-type who wants to be used by a powerful, decisive man who takes what he wants, not what he is given. Am I right?” Have I reached inside and found you, Miabelis? Deep inside, there is a slut in there, isn’t there, Mirabelis?”

The answer came as a slow, gorgeously happy smile flashed. The smile of confidence had returned to her lovely face. Not the smile of the confident manager, but the smile of a confident toy. “Yes, I am,” came the drawn-out answer. She looked pleased to have found her freedom.

“Be a good dear and take fifteen minutes back in the Ladies Room to do whatever. I’ll be upstairs,” I smiled to her as I tossed some cash on the table for the tab. As I passed her on the way out. I brushed my fingers along the silk sleeve of her blouse, the first of what would be much contact between us.

Wasting no time, I strode quickly down the hall. I entered my room quickly. I ripped the polo over my head and kicked my shoes toward the closet. Heading for the comfortable chair, I unzipped my jeans. Before sitting, I pulled them off to free myself. I had begun to harden, but I didn’t want to be full-up just yet. I’d have her attend to that. I sat down and settled in, spreading my feet far apart so Miabelis would have her full-view. I knew she wouldn’t need all fifteen minutes, but I was glad I had hurried as I heard the extra key, the one she wanted to use, slipping into the slot almost immediately. She entered gracefully, door closing behind her.

But I don’t think she looked at my eyes. When she did, I enjoyed another best smile. I slapped at my cock lightly. “Like it?” I teased. “We’ll get you a closer look very soon. But good as you look, you are way overdressed. Take off your blouse.”

She began at her throat and moved very quickly down. Three buttons undone and the bra showed itself. Three more revealed her stomach. As she raised her hands to undo the sleeves, her tits moved with her. Stretching back to slide it off, they strained the ivory lace. It was a beautiful bra, but it struggled to hold her size. The thin, corded straps likely cut into her flesh under their weight. Her large nipples peeked through the lace pattern. She tossed the blouse to the floor and began to approach.

“Stay right there, Miabelis. Remember, I control the what, the how and the when. Lose the skirt,” I directed.

Her quick movement at her waist loosed the button; I heard the friendly sound of the zipper going down. A few wiggles at her hips and the skirt hit the floor. She used the tip of her shoe to discard it near the blouse. Then she placed her fingers on the gold chain which still ringed her waist. Her eyes were asking my preference—stays or goes? “It will be in my way,” I said. She added it to her clothing pile.

A wee bit broad in the shoulder, but that matched her aggressive personality. The angle from her breasts to her waist was sharp. It had to be as the waist was so small. It made her chest appear even larger than it was. But they were big and they were beautiful. I would enjoy them.

The angle from her waist to her hips was equally sharp as the distance from one hip to the other was a wide one. Strained across them was the waistband of the matching panties. The patch of lace disappearing in her crotch was small. I was delighted to see a fold of the lace outlining the split of her pussy. I would soon check if it was the strain on the material or wetness from her. The elastic of her stockings squeezed her thighs, but the flesh of them was ample above the stockings. Another place to grab her later.

The view excited me. Her smile betrayed her enjoyment. “The bra,” I said.

She brushed her hair away from her shoulders, and slid herself free of the straps. Right arm first; left next. In an instant, her breasts were spilling over the cups. She peeled the cups down and spun the bra to make unclasping it a simple task. Again, the clothing pile grew as I watched them free. The nipples were large as their outlines through her bra had promised. They were also puffy. I loved nipples like that. They were so easy to work with my fingers or my mouth. Her nibs were fleshy as well, the type that promised response to my tongue and to my teeth.

But I had kept her at a distance long enough. Her finger, twisted in the waistband of her panties, told me she wanted out of them as well. But I shook my head, “No,” at her. “I’ll take those from you myself. Again patting my cock, I told her, “Come closer, Miabelis.”

She took a first step, but I raised my hand to stop her. In my command voice, I ordered, “No. Down on all fours.”

She went to her knees. First one hand and then the other one were on the carpet. Her head remained up. Her lovely, green eyes were fixed between my legs. Taking myself in one hand, I wagged myself gently from side-to-side.

“Crawl to what you want, slut.” It wasn’t taking many words to get her to do what she wanted to do anyway.

She moved slowly. The arch in her back provided an excellent view of that huge ass. The strip to the waistline had all but disappeared into her crack. Two globes, fleshy, swaying as she continued her crawl to me. I was going to enjoy abusing those beauties. Her tits were in time with her cheeks, side-to-side, as the other hand advanced across the floor. At six feet, her mouth opened. Out came her tongue, broad and thick, shining with the juice of that mouth. She covered the remaining distance more quickly.

I, too, was anxious to sink my erection into that wet mouth and feel her effort working it. But just as she arrived at its tip, I took my shaft in-hand and told her simply, “I’ll feed you. Work the head. Just your lips and tongue. Your hands stay on the floor. Be sloppy, but don’t take it into your mouth—yet.” I knew I could force some of her natural, pent-up energy out. I wanted her mouth as the first outlet for it.

Adjusting my grip so that only my dick’s head and an inch-or-so of the shaft was available to her, she began by opening and taking my head softly in the slippery lips, sucking as she worked back to the tip, working my ridge. Her tongue darted quickly to the tip only once before those lips offered her first kiss there. Fully extending her tongue and shifting her head slightly, she laid the tongue across the top of my head to show me its weight. Then she withdrew it slowly so the ridge of my cock felt the softness of the bottom of her tongue. It reappeared under the head pressing it upward to show her strength. Again, adjusting her head, she used her lips and pulled it in from the tip. She opened quickly with a smacking sound. The lip gloss was being replaced with a natural shine. She repeated this many times, the pace increasing and the sounds of her sucking-and-releasing becoming close together enough to become almost continuous. A few drops of her spit dropped to the carpet. She was pushing those wet lips against my hand. She was only licking now, but furiously as she tried to get to more of my shaft, the end of her tongue trying to slip inside my grip.

“You may use your mouth now,” I ordered as my hand slid back. Four inches was all I allowed her. But she welcomed the chance to take me beyond her teeth and into her mouth. A basin of her saliva awaited my dick as she sucked as deep as my hand would allow. Her head flew into motion, up and down at a furious pace with no stopping. The sounds she made blended with the sloshing and swishing inside her mouth. She didn’t breathe, instead keeping me buried in her mouth, taking me in and out, until she gasped and opened. The puddle on the floor grew as the shine spread to her chin.

“Take more. Open it,” I ordered her.

I saw her draw in a quick, deep breath as she opened as instructed. In placing my hand back on myself to the last mark of depth, I noticed the traces of her lip shade there. “Let’s see you move the mark up a little farther. I slid my hand up my shaft. All the while, she watched my cock. I knew these next two inches would get me into her throat. In case she needed help, I used my other hand to grab a tight hold on a hank of her hair. As I advanced my cock, I noticed that beautiful, wide mouth widen more so she could breathe around me. Locking her head, I pushed, feeling her tongue finding a place to hide. The next inch widened those eyes, but she took it as I went farther still. I didn’t have to use my hold on her hair, but the sounds of her began to escape. I could easily feel the waves of her spittle around my dick as she gasped at air and fought her own juices trickling down her throat.

“Very nice, Miabelis. You take cock well.” I smiled a slow smile at her wide eyes and stretched–open mouth. At the end of my smile, I ripped my cock from her mouth.

The liquid poured from her mouth as her lungs reached for air. With it spilling to the puddle below her, I tilted her head back by pulling her by the hair to redirect her juices down her chin. They were beginning to slide down her neck. She was becoming a lovely mess.

“This time you can take the whole thing,” I informed her while my freed-up hand joined the other at the back of her head with more of that shining, thick black hair. "If you hesitate, I will force it into you, but hold my ass and push it—all of it—down your own throat. I’ll expect to feel your face smashed into my belly. Now, do it.”

By the time I had stopped speaking to her, I felt her hands hard against my ass, her fingers taking a hold. The energy of her grip demonstrated she was accustomed to responding to challenges with determination. She raised her head slightly to reach my now free-standing cock. The head disappeared. Half the shaft was already gone when I felt the first slight pause. My hands tightened the grip on her hair; she responded, eyes closed and continued to take it in. Even when she reached the new territory of my cock, she continued on until all of me filled her mouth and her throat. I felt the press of her face against me as her eyes opened. Her grip on my ass had tightened a great deal with her efforts. I released my grips on her tresses.

“Hold yourself there,” and I felt her nails as she pulled herself in and looked-up waiting. Only when her gasping began did I say, “Slowly, very slowly, Miabelis, you can pull yourself back, but I want to feel your lips and tongue the whole way.”

The puddle was widening significantly now. Her drooling was now reaching her chest and trickling toward her tits.


“And again.”

“And again.”

Three more such deep invasions of her mouth and throat. She breathed hard, sucking for air as eagerly as she had been sucking my dick. Half her dribbling saliva was on the floor; much of it decorated her breasts, some having reached the edges of her swollen nipples. The rest gave my cock a shine, too, it as it dripped to my balls.

“Miabelis, suck your spit off my balls. After all, one of us should look decent. What if one of the people you manage were to walk in on you? You look like you’re being used pretty hard right now. Would they recognize their beautiful, well-dressed, powerful manager? I think that beautiful lady looks more like a cock-eating slut right now. So clean-up my balls.”

While she licked and sucked at my balls, I continued. “Anything else down there you’re interested in?” I asked. Her affirmative sound vibrated against my scrotum pleasantly. “Show me with your tongue.” And I felt her tongue moving back as I watched more of her beautiful face disappear into my crotch. “Oh, you like my asshole, do you?” I toyed raising my foot to the arm of the chair. “Then lick it.” She did with the flat of her tongue to wet it. She changed then to the tip, probing me. “Damn, bitch. You do that well. Is that the way you want me to work your ass? Is it?” The grip of her hands and the pace of her tongue gave her answer.

Still in front of that easy-chair, I pulled away from her and turned to face it. I lifted my right leg onto its arm. She had remained right where she had been, but access to her goal had improved greatly. “Go ahead. Show me how you wish I was at your ass. Use my power. My hole is really your hole. Go at it like you would wish I might take yours.”

That was the first time I had ever let her use her hands on me. The moist fingertip tapped softly at first, knocking slowly before the door opened. Just ajar, her finger began sneaking in farther prying it open until the tip of her tongue could lubricate just inside my opening. I felt her finger slipping in, trying to get deeper. Another time I would have been happy to let her reach my prostate and get me off. But not this night. I had other plans.

“Time for me to take over. Come with me,” and I led her by her hair crawling to the sofa. I jerked her upright. Awaiting my direction but never expecting the speed at which I dropped to one knee, I grabbed her panties, and yanked them straight down to those ‘Fuck Me’ shoes. “Step out, slut. Put your head on the armrest, your left knee on the cushion, and swing your right leg up-and-over the back of the sofa. Wide as you can spread yourself. Do it!”

Knowing where I was going, she needed little adjusting. I made sure her head was against the arm rest where it met the backrest. I pressed down on the small of her back to bring her ass as high as it could be. I slid her right leg up the backrest to force her wider for me. Then I stood back to admire the view. Not a hair anywhere. The time spent for the wax the evening before had been a great idea. Bare flesh—and so much of it! While the calves of her legs showed their shapely outlines, Miabelis’ thick, broad thighs were like welcome mats. Her caramel ass was enormous, the serving of a lifetime. Time to feast. Now my mouth was watering.

But I began with gentle hands, only the left at first, amazed by how long it took to brush just one of her cheeks. My hand moved easily. Miabelis had begun sweating lightly long before so my hand moved easily across the glossed flesh. I added my right hand then starting far out at her right hip, moved down it to the bottom of her cheek. I slipped my fingers under the fold at her thigh and traced my way toward her crack. I marveled at how long it took to arrive there. So much ass. With both hands hungrily moving all over it, I found my fingers grabbing her, squeezing gently, kneading her. I put one knee to the floor and moved my head in closer to her and opened my mouth so she would feel my hot breath. The slight adjustment she made to position herself indicated her need. I could see the left side of her face as she had turned her head that way. Her face, still wet from swallowing me, looked relaxed, the corner of that talented mouth raised in a slight smile. I positioned both my hands under her cheeks and lifted them gently. With them fully up, I used my thumbs to slightly open her crack a little wider.

Leaning in, I placed the flat of my tongue down low on the split and moved my head upward, tracing her crack with special care to be sure both sides of it felt its wetness. As I made my way, I could feel her ever-so-slightly pressing back to me. Reaching the top, I paused for a moment as I shifted the bottom of my tongue to trace my way back down her. When I could go no farther down, I pushed my tongue as deep into her crack so she could feel the tip reaching and exploring.

That’s when her moaning began. This was always what I admired about larger women. As my mouth continued teasing her, I thought about what made them so enjoyable. Their reactions always started from deep down inside their bodies. Perhaps it was their size; their fleshy parts gave them depth. They didn’t have the higher pitched squeals of the smaller ones. From a woman like Miabelis—with the huge bosoms, wide hips, big asses and thick thighs—their sounds were deeper and came from their core. By the time they became vocal, they were deep with honesty and freedom. These could even be felt as their bodies vibrated with their emotions escaping.

I went down to both knees, as close to the sofa as I could so I could get still closer to her. I curled my fingers to let her feel my nails digging into her skin. Her moans added a satisfied humming quality so I squeezed harder feeling her weight shifting as she bent her back down even farther to present herself for me. I slapped her lightly. Her side-to-side wiggle invited me to more. Harder this time, I let my hand remain to keep her feeling the heat from it longer. My fingers were surrounded by her. But I lifted my hand and eased the warmth by licking where my hand had been. Bringing down my other hand to her other cheek twice, each one hard and fast, her exhale sounds changed to gasps. The pleasured sounds resumed as I shifted my tongue to my latest target—dragging it across her cheeks, pausing at the crack which I pulled still wider.

I eased myself back exhaling warm breath as I spread her again to expose her hole. Leaning back into her, I drifted a light kiss to her anus. The puckered opening began its dilating, pulsing at me. The tip of my tongue advanced as it opened. I continued entering until my face was flush to her ass and began swirling my tongue around her open rim. Her moans were longer and louder as I began inserting my forefinger. It slid into her easily. Her fully ready for it, I added my middle finger. I could feel her trying to relax herself. The second finger joined the first as fully inserted when I began the slow massaging motion. I listened to her sounds and felt her opening wider for me. Putting the ring finger into her was no challenge. Spitting into her hole, I rotated my grouped fingers to ream it open until I could spread my fingers and twist them easily. Rising to a crouch and swinging my right leg onto the sofa, I looked down at my fingerless hand full into Miabelis’ huge, spread, opened ass. I withdrew them very slowly, but the opening remained waiting for more. Instead I ran my again stiffened cock against her thigh.

“Working for me has its rewards,” I offered as I began my way up her asshole. Her opening took my girth nicely. I could feel her edges wet against my shaft. Thankful for my length, I spread her wider and continued my push. Half way into her, I grabbed the back of the couch and took a strong hold on the back of it. I stepped my left leg onto the couch to give myself access to her. I pushed my cock farther. Her moans were meeting her gasps to make perverted sounds from her now hanging-open mouth. The eye I could see was blinking furiously. Her lips were in constant motion making spastic movements. I raised my leg over her kneeling one and placed my foot on her cheek to pin her face. Wide, wide open with no part of her to move, I buried my cock in her ass. I could feel her pulsing around it. Pulling back no more than an inch, I again pounded it into her. Her exhaling stopped; the moan was uninterrupted; she was close. The next stab and she let herself go. As awkwardly as I had pinned her, she shook all over. The flesh of her thighs rippled, the muscles of her back stood out, her trapped head straining her neck and bunching her shoulders. Somehow, she arched her back beyond belief. All the while, unearthly sounds mixed with her moans as though her demon had escaped. As I sensed her coming back, I slammed her hard one more time. All her reactions returned immediately. Buried in her ass, I knew this second puddle on the sofa was purely her juices. She had gone limp and quiet as I exited her, got to a standing position, and helped her get her leg down from the top of the sofa. I raised her other leg to the sofa and slid a throw-pillow under her head. Finally, the green eyes opened and a relaxed/relieved expression appeared on her face.

She was an absolutely beautiful mess. Her hair was everywhere at once. Her eye make-up had run onto her cheeks almost to her jawline. Traces of sweat were still visible. Her slickened body reflected the dim light of the room. “Miabelis, you make a beautiful slut,” I observed accurately.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“But I want more. And I'll take it. I will fuck that pussy until I cum," I declared.

“And I will fuck you back until we both cum,” she smiled back. Sitting up, she leaned forward and took me into her still-hungry mouth. She pulled back, put her hand down to her pussy to work herself, and spit on my returned hard-on.

“On the bed. On your back. Spread your legs,” I ordered.

I pushed her toward the bed and rested on my knees as she assumed her position. “Let me help you.” Eying the freshly waxed mounds, I took her hands and pulled them to her ankles. “Grab them. By now you should know that I want you wide. Go ahead. Push them wide and pull them up. Show me the toy waiting to be fucked.”

I admired the heels and the stockings still tight against those amazing thighs. Using two fingers to spread her lips until her pink showed, I went directly to her still swollen clit. Sucking it slowly into my mouth, I used my tongue to play with it. Almost immediately, her sounds and reactions told me she could already see her edge. I released her clit and licked the insides of both her lips. I rose to my knees, hardened cock in hand and moved toward her entrance. She released her grip on her ankles throwing her hands over her head. My hands found her instantly and focused on her breasts as I slid easily into her soaked silk. There was no part-at-a-time entry. I just slid until I was as far into her as I could reach. What had been puffed nipples were now rock-hard, her tips straining out. I began rocking into her slowly. I felt those thighs coming around me. Her slight shift brought the head of my cock to the top of her. We both felt it at the same time, and her need to release was beyond her ability to control it. I felt her coming. And keep coming. My hands were hard on her nipples, nibs squeezed cruelly between my thumb and forefinger . As my hips pounded her pussy, my arms pounded her through her tits into the mattress.

Her arms went to my back. I knew she had drawn blood. I loved pounding bigger women. Once you put them where you want them, you can bang and bang away at them, but they don’t move. They stay there and take it. No sooner than her orgasm had begun to subside, mine began. I yanked myself from her and slid up her slippery sides. The first shot splayed across one of her cheeks and the opposite side’s forehead. I fought it, but the second went to her chest and neck. The third was minor, but I squeezed it onto her parted lips to dribble into her mouth. Nothing left, I collapsed downward landing next to her shining, black hair. I felt her sliding those beautiful breasts and that magnificent lower body out from under me.

I woke before Miabelis…but only just before the green eyes opened. Her smile had already been there when they had.

“Hi,” she said simply and quietly.

“Hello to you, slut,” I returned. She had done nothing to clean the sweat, spit, or cum from herself.

Taking no offense, she continued. “Thanks for that. Thanks for getting me out of myself. It felt so…so…”

“Good?” I offered.

“Yeah, ‘Good,’” she finished, satisfied at my suggestion.

“Stay where you are,” and I rose from the bed toward my jeans. I was happy that I could still walk. Keeping my back to her, I took a hundred dollar bill from my wallet.

I walked back and sat on the bed; she moved close to me. “Miabelis, a whore does far less than we’ve just done, and she does it for just the money, probably for more money than this.” I showed the bill.

She looked confused, but waited as I continued. This is a souvenir for you, not as payment for the past hour, but a reminder of how you can have what you want if you’ll move people where they want to be anyway. Next time you chew-out or motivate one of your underlings, remember this bill which I really want you to keep in your desk to remind you of the lesson I have taught you tonight. Think of it and remember: Get inside someone’s head, find what they really want, but give it to them only on your terms. When it is opportune, give them what they want. But only give it when and how you want them to take it. Everyone on this earth wants something someone else can give. Great leaders learn that along the way. The ones that don’t? They never become great.” My smile was answered by her smile and a nod.

“And now, Miabelis, I am headed for the shower. Join me. “Wash you off me; I’ll wash me off you. Deal?”

“Agreed,” she managed.
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