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Josh, who is part owner of a construction company, along with his sister Amy, take on building a Tiny House, for this 52 year old friend of his sister. Little did Josh know, how intimate his sister and Rhonda actually were, at first.
Josh, 36, married at 20, divorced by 23. His then wife hated all the work he was always doing. His parents owned a very successful construction company and Josh had been working there since he was 16. His hours would vary, but a normal day was 11 hours. So it was really not conducive to a marriage and maybe start a family. His older sister Amy works there too, and she is married to one of the forman. She is 38, with two kids, and is a vice president, like Josh, but she is really the one that runs things now. Their parents, both in their 70’s have retired, and live mostly in Florida now, getting away from the harsh Pennsylvania weather.

Josh pretty much makes his owns hours now and usually just goes to the various sites to make sure everything stays on course. He does date, but not that much, but he does like older women and has had many an affair with married ladies. They don’t want much from him, except a friend to talk with and fuck. After his disaster of a marriage, he didn’t want to be tied down again. His sister though, was always trying to set him up, but he always begged off from those.

Since Josh was not that much of a bar scene type of guy, a lot of his hookups came way of the internet sites out there. One he found last year was a swingers site. He got to liking this site best because these women wanted only one thing, a partner for swinging, or just a sex buddy, and that was fine with Josh. Josh was always considered a good looking man, 5’ 10, brown hair and eyes, chiseled face, in great condition and hung nicely at 7 thick inches, so it was kind of easy for him to make friends with the single ladies, and even the married one’s. Two, so far, were hookup’s with the wife and husband, for a 3some.

Chapter 1

One day, back in May, his sister phoned him at one of the sites and asked if he could break free and come meet a potential client for something out of the ordinary. When he arrived back to the office, twenty minutes later, he was greeted by Amy, and a woman. He was introduced to Rhonda. Josh liked what he saw.

Rhonda was a looker, at 5’ 2”, 130 lbs, definitely a C cup chest, that stood out proud beneath her pull over sweater. She looked quite nice in the tight jeans she was wearing. If Josh had to guess an age, he was thinking mid to late 40’s. He blond hair hung just past her shoulders, and her green eyes sparkled.

After the introductions, and shaking of hands, which sort of lingered a little longer than normal, Amy got down to business.

“Josh. Rhonda here wants us to build her a tiny house. One that could be moved if she wanted to travel, but most times it would reside on her property, near New Stanton. She’d like it to be about 300 square feet with two lofts, a kitchen, a living area for a small couch and TV. The bathroom needs to have a shower, sink and a real toilet, not one of those composting one’s. She’s done her research on this and found a holding tank for waste.”

I looked at them both and thought, “really? We’ve never done this before”

I asked Rhonda if she had any plans of her own, which she did. I asked if I could look them over, and make adjustments where needed. Not sure what codes are on a project like this. She even gave me a code book that they use for campers and such.

Rhonda then said, “I have a budget of $80,000. I already have the trailer at a decent cost, and all the appliances. I also realize you guys are more of a home construction company, but this is a project I can’t do by myself, or I would. You firm was recommended because the craftsmanship you put into each house. I’d also like to be part of the build, if you’ll allow me. I am quite handy.”

Amy then stated. “Well, helping out is okay, but most of the work should be performed by Josh and whoever he brings to help. But any help you give will help offset the cost. Any plans you have, please leave with us, and Josh can start drawing something up.”

Rhonda just nodded and smiled. Josh then said, “Yeah, I’ll look over what you have already, make sure it meets code, if there is any, then give you a final plan. It may take a couple of weeks to do, if that is ok?”

“Oh yes. That would be great. Just so you know, the property still has a septic system that was installed just 8 years ago and has city water, even though my property isn’t in the city. I’m on a rural route, mostly farmland there. The house was demolished about 4 years ago and is now just an empty lot, except for the barn.”

We then exchanged numbers and I let her know that I will be calling soon. After she left, Josh turned to Amy and said, “What the fuck Sis. We never did anything like this and I am not sure we even can. Strike that, we can, but I am uncertain of codes and such.”

“I know. I know. But I like the opportunity this brings to us. If we, meaning you, succeed, then this may open a new part of the business. We’ve seen those shows on TV, and they do look pretty awesome, at least some of them do. You have the talent too.”

Josh shook his head then looked at Amy. “There’s something you aren’t telling me about all of this, so spill the beans sister.”

Amy just giggled, then said, “You know my good friend Barb? That is her aunt. And she asked me if we could help her aunt out with this. So of course I said yes. You know Barb still has the hots for you.”

“Don’t start Sis. Barb wants a husband and I am not going that route again. You sure Rhonda is Barb’s aunt? She looks too young for that.”

Amy laughed, “Yep. She is. How old do you think she is?”

Josh looked at her, shrugged his shoulders, then said, “I was thinking mid to late 40”s, at best”

“Nope. She’s 52. Divorced for years now. Likes her men young too. Hell, you like cougars, so she’s right up your alley little bro. But keep your dick in your pants. At least until the job is done. And by the way, had you not fucked Barb so good, she probably would have forgotten about you.”

Josh chuckled and asked,”Is nothing sacred anymore? I don’t blab who I am with.” Amy just laughed and walked back to her desk.

Chapter 2

A few days later, Josh called Rhonda and asked to see the property and trailer. They made arrangements to meet the next morning. They both arrived about the same time. It was only a 20 minute ride from Josh’s house, which sits on the Monongahela River. At one time, it was a modest summer home, but Josh renovated it, so it was more modern. The big reason he bought it was it had a dock. He now owns a 24 foot boat and two jet ski’s. The other reason he bought it was because it had a pool, an indoor pool. He and his lady friends have enjoyed many a late night swim in the middle of winter. Two years after moving in, he decided to make an outdoor pool as well, and connected the two. Best part was in the fall and winter, he raised a wall that separated the two, at the shallow end. That way it kept the warm water in, during the cold months,. His two nieces love that pool as well. Amy’s daughters, Kristen 14, and Alli 12, are great kids and uncle Josh dotes over them quite a bit.

After greeting one another, Josh looked over the trailer that Rhonda had purchased. It was bigger than he thought it would be. The trailer was a gooseneck style, that you would pull with a pickup that had a fifth wheel style hitch. The usable part of the flatbed was 40 feet long and almost 9 foot wide. What he liked best was the upper part of the gooseneck. It was 6 foot, which he could make a better loft out of. The trailer had 36 inches of clearance, to the ground. He knew that he could go no more than 12 foot from the ground to the top of this project. Using her plans, I estimated the cost to be around 60 grand, since she had the trailer. But, I also wanted to put in Solar panels, so when she was on the road, and had no electrical hookups, she could still have electricity to run most everything. That would be an additional 10 grand.

She had it planned for a gable roof, but Josh revised it to be a lot flatter, because of the panels. As they talked over the plans, Rhonda would touch his arm or his hand. She was that type of person. This day, she was wearing khaki shorts, a polo top that accented her nice breast. When Josh then laid out how he wanted to put her bedroom loft over the gooseneck and then over the bed of her pickup, she was over the moon liking it. She asked if he could put skylights over the bed. He grinned and said of course. He then told her it may add some to the cost to make this section, but only a thousand or so. Josh then said they could start work on it, the week after Memorial day.

“Josh. I can’t thank you enough for helping me with this project. This has been a dream of mine for quite some time now. You will also find that I know my way around using tools. So feel free to use me any way you want”, she said as she winked at me.

“ This may be a good thing for the company as well Rhonda. I hope you will allow us to showcase this on our website too. As for helping, well I may need you quite a bit. I can only spare my guys for a few days. Mostly when we construct the shell and put in the electrical and plumbing. After that it will mostly be me and you. Will this interfere with your job?” he asked.

Rhonda smiled and said, “Heavens no. I own two card shops, like Hallmark cards, and I basically just come and go as I please. So I’m all yours to use. Be forewarned though, I am very blunt and to the point and can cuss with the best of them.”

Josh just laughed and said, “Good to know, because my guys aren’t all that gentlemanly and cuss a great deal. Hopefully they have some class and curtail the language.”

Rhonda laughed and told him, “Don’t worry about me, Sweetie. I can hold my own. And, for now on, just call me Ronnie, my friends do.”

“Well then, Ronnie it is. I will order the supplies and have them delivered next week, and have the electric company out to put in temporary service for us. I am going to order new pressure treated lumber for the base of the flatbed. These will do but I would feel safer with new wood that can take the elements, especially when you are pulling this. How much did you pay for the flatbed, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I got it for a real steel. Only 4 grand. This couple I am really close with. Her husband was selling his hauling business and let me have it. It is only 5 years old too. Not many miles on it either.Then I bought that duely over there, to pull it. That is 3 years old, but cost me a good 25 grand.”

“I’d say you got a real deal then. So if you approve of what I want to do, I will see you in two weeks.”

Ronnie gave him a hug and told him she’ll be here.

On the ride home, Josh was wondering if she fucked as good as her niece, Barb. Barb may have wanted to get married and settle down, but she also was great in bed. Expert at sucking cock and swallowing, and loved being eaten and fucking multiple times. He thought to himself, “I wouldn't mind tapping her at least once.”, then thought about her nipples, which were straining to get out of their confinement. “Love a girl with big nipples” he thought. “Wonder if she shaves it all off too, like Barb.”

Chapter 3

Josh was there early, the first day. Ronnie pulled in about a half hour later. Since it was going to be around 80, she was wearing a pair of cutoff jean shorts, some type of pink top and over that a red flannel shirt. Best part were the well worn work boots. Josh felt he was going to have a hard time keeping the guys in line, let alone himself. She looked awesome.

The guys showed up a few minutes after Ronnie. His brother in law, Brian, was part of the crew he was using.During the day, as they worked putting the new floor on the bed in, Brian remarked to Josh, “Damn Bro. I bet she be a hell of a lay. “I’d tap that little fox.” Josh chuckled and said, “I think my sister is more than enough for you……. In fact, she says you have a hard enough time keeping up with her.”

“Fuck Bro……. Does she tell you everything?..... She’s right though. It is hard to keep up with the nympho of a sister you got.” Brain said. “Well, that’s your problem, but never fuck her over Bro, or you will answer to me.” With that, Brain held his hands out, like saying stop. “I can look though…… But never touch. Plus I married the best there is.”

By 4pm that day, they were putting up the back wall, that would have the door. Josh had to admit, Ronnie was a good and hard worker. She help cut wood and knew how to use a nail gun. She even helped hoist the pre made walls onto the bed and then help lift them into place. Once the wall was up, one of the guys, or even Josh, would bore holes through the plate and bolt down the wall to the bed of the trailer. It was then that Josh got to see more of Ronnie than expected. He was on the ground, just under the trailer, holding a wrench on the nut, as one of his team ratcheted from above. He looked up and saw Ronnie, with her legs spread, while helping hold the wall in place. He could easily see up her shorts and see her thong, since no material was covering ass cheeks. “Fuck me” he thought. He stole glances every chance he could now. His thoughts were far from the construction now, and could feel blood rushing to his dick. “Damn. I gotta quit looking at her”

By 5pm, they had 3 walls in place and called it a day. Josh and Ronnie were the last ones there. Ronnie went to the cab of her truck and then brought back two beers for them.

“Here you go Josh. I think we earned this today” she said as she handed him a beer. They clinked bottles together then took a big swing.

“You did great today Ronnie. I was very impressed with your handiness. You can work on my team any day” Josh told her.

“Thanks. My dad was a handyman and taught me everything I know. I did a lot of the remodeling in my stores too, when I first opened them. I told ya, I know my way around tools.” she said.

“I hope none of my guys were rude to you. I won’t stand for that.” Josh said

“No. All were very nice to me. It was nice seeing Brian again. I met him a few times at Barb’s place, when he and Amy came over. They are such a lovely couple, and the kids are adorable.”

“Amy keeps Brian in line, that’s for sure. But he is good to her and the kids. Hard worker too…….. Kristen and Alli are gems though. I love those two squirts. I keep telling Brian he’s going to need to put Kristen in a convent soon…….. I don’t want any hormone enraged boy touching her.” he laughed after he said that.

“You guys kill me…… I bet when you were 16, you were a walking hard on, like all guys are……….. But let a 16 girl enjoy sex, and the sky is falling…….. Christ, we girls love sex too, as long as it is with the right guy, who doesn’t take advantage of the situation. And father’s and now even uncles, are the worst. Like us girls should be virgins until we die.” she stated.

Josh just laughed and then said, “It’s hard for me to think of her becoming a woman…... I never thought of Amy as a woman until we were out of school. I do know she wasn’t a virgin at 16. I caught her and this dumbass she was dating, screwing one day, when mom and dad were at work. But I didn’t think much of it”

“I’m sure Amy and Brian have a very healthy, active sex life. If not, I doubt highly they would still be together. And, you can see they still are in love, just by the way they look at one another.”

Josh shook his head, wondering how they got on the subject of sex. “Oh I know there’s is healthy…….. Amy tells me all the time. So does Brian.”

“Well, I am going to head home Josh. See you in the morning then?”. Josh shook his head yes and they both left.

On the ride home, Josh could only think of Ronnie, her legs spread and he looking up her crotch. She had to know he could see clearly up to her cloth clad pussy. “Love to taste that once. Hell with once, how about a hundred times.”

Chapter 5

It was now Friday. All the exterior was up, the wiring run and the rough plumbing done as well. The inside of the exterior walls were sprayed with styrofoam insulation, and all windows were in. We even got the roof ready for the metal roof we were going to use. Ronnie loved the thought of rain hitting that roof. She thought it would be soothing to hear. We did insulate the ceiling too, so it would be harder to hear that, then not insulating it.

Ronnie was helping as much as any of my guys this whole week. But after today, it would be mostly her and Josh the rest of the way. One thing Josh noticed during the week, was that Ronnie liked working close by Josh and would rub against him and outright flirt too. She pretty much wore shorts the whole week and tank tops, which showed off her breasts. Maybe she doesn’t really think about what she wears and how the guys look at her. Or, she does, and loves the attention. Josh thought “Damn, I’d love to just get her naked and fuck her all day.”

When everyone left that day, Ronnie again pulled out some beer and they sat together. Now during the week, he did find out about things she likes and dislikes. And he too, was forthcoming to her as well. They both love the outdoors. She even likes to hunt and fish. She just loves to live life to its fullest.

“Josh? Mind if I ask you a question?” Josh nodded, as he took a swig of beer. “Go right ahead”

“What ended your marriage, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“The short version is this job.” he then laughed, then continued “Deb did not want me to work like I was….. Amy and I were both young in the company and we knew our parents wanted us to take the business over……….. So I worked hard to understand everything. Deb couldn’t handle that…….. Remember, I got married young. We were both 20 when we married. About 2 and half years into it, Deb got this bug to move out to California, like a friend of hers did……... I said no. My life is here……... She let it go for a bit. A few months later, we… can’t believe I’m telling you this…….. We just got done having sex. Both laying there panting and all and she asked again. I said No Babe, we can;t……….. My parents are counting on me……. She then got up, went into the bathroom, came back out in a t-shirt and took her pillow. Turned and looked at me and said, well, this is the last of my pussy you get. I am quitting tomorrow, then moving.”

“No Way……... Never heard of ending a marriage just after fucking.” she chuckled.

“Yep. I came home the next day and there was a note on the table. “Sorry Josh. But I can’t live like this anymore. I love you, but I want more.” I went into the bedroom and saw all her stuff was gone. I was totally devastated. I was totally in love with her…., Wanted kids with her and grow old together…….. She called me two weeks later, begging me to move out there….... I told he no again, and never heard from her again……... I did hear she got into drugs and shit out there, but that’s all I know……... From that point on, I don’t let anyone too close to me…….. Not going to get hurt again.”

“I don’t blame you one bit………..That had to hurt.” she said as she looked at Josh with sad eyes. Josh then asked her, “What happened with your marriage……….. Amy said you were married a long time ago.”

“Honestly, it started going downhill about 12 years into it……….. We lasted 15 years. 3 miscarriages, and the last the doc said I shouldn’t try anymore. So I had my tubes tied………... Like all couples, we had our up’s and downs……... At 12 years, we both thought our marriage was stale……….. We decided to go on a vacation to Jamaica, to a nudist resort. We wanted to live outside the box, so to speak……... Up until then, we had a good sexual relation……… 3 to 4 times a week. But it too, was getting stale……….. Then we met a couple down there that lives near Beaver Falls. They were great. We had a great time with them………….. On the second to last night, we all went out together. Dinner and dancing. Lot’s of flirting……... Came back to the resort, got another bottle wine and hit the hot tub…….... They then asked us what we thought about swapping partners……... At first we looked at one another, then I said, why not. Jamie, Ken’s wife started making out with Sam, and I made out with Ken………. Next thing you know, we were in their room screwing our new friends………. To b honest, it was fun. We did it the next night too……... When we got back home, we discussed it and found we enjoyed it a great deal.”

“Oh wow. That had to change your life some.” Josh said. “Yeah it did. We started seeing Ken and Jamie a great deal. Like every two weeks. Then they took us to us swingers club. It’s over near Beaver Falls. We got hooked, so to speak………. Yes, I am sure many would look down on us. But I must admit, our sex life was not boring anymore. This continued for a couple of years. We made new friends, and had a blast…….... Now I can’t believe I am telling you this… I got to like being with women and Sam enjoyed men on occasion.”

“Nothing wrong with you enjoying women. I do too,” Josh said with a chuckle.

“Smartass” she retorted back and laughed. “Anyways. Come to find out, Sam was seeing one of his Bi partners alone and they left each of us females, so they could live together.”

“Ouch. Don’t take offense but no way would I drop you for a man. Or even a woman…….. You are a very beautiful woman. Down right hot.” Josh said

“Why thank you Sweetie. You are very easy on the eyes as well. Wish I was younger. I’d take you for a ride.” she said then giggled. “After that, I, like you, swore off being in a relationship. I just want a man for company and good sex……… Even at my age, I like good sex.”

“Well, I doubt many would know you are over 50. Amy told me. I really thought you were 44 or 45.”

Ronnie started laughing. Then said, “You keep telling me shit like that, I may just jump your bones”

Josh tipped his bottle to her, “Anytime gorgeous, anytime”

They both got up and started getting ready to leave, when Ronnie said, “Thanks for being so open. I enjoy our little talks. By the way, your ass looks great in those jeans.” then came up and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

On his way home, all Josh could think of was Ronnie and how he would love to bed her and do it soon. He knew though, he would have to make her cum a few times before fucking her. Someone that fine needs lots of attention.

Chapter 6

It was two weeks later and a lot of the heavy work was done now. Drywall was up. The two skylights were put in. Ronnie requested knotty pine for her loft area and the two worked hand in hand to get that done. Josh had many thoughts of her laying on the bed, moaning as he pleasured her. He often wondered if she had any thoughts like that while they worked. Many times she would rub against him using her tits. He knew she was teasing him. And many sexual innuendos would fly between them, but nothing more than that came from it.

It was the end of June and Josh had talked to his sister the night before. He asked her to come over Sunday, and have a cookout and go jet skiing. She was all for that. It had been in the 80’s all week and no chance of rain. He didn't tell her he was going to ask Ronnie to come too. None of her business he thought.

That Friday afternoon they were hanging cabinet in the kitchen area. They had put two together on the ground, then lifted them up onto the ledger board. Ronnie was holding them steady while Josh got the first screw in. Then as he slid to the other side of her, his groin area rubbed against her ass. Nothing intentional, it was just a tight fit.

She giggles, “I hope that was the hammer poking me in the ass. If not, we may need to take a break and do something naughty, Sweetie.”

Josh blushed then stammered, “Sorry. I really didn’t mean to do that”

“Oh will you stop. I was teasing. Plus, and I say this truthfully, I find you quite attractive and love when you touch me. And, we are two consenting adults, and if that happens, great, and if it doesn’t, our loss.”

“Well ok. I just didn’t want you to think I was going for a cheap thrill………. Plus I find you incredibly attractive too, and I hope it isn’t our loss.”

Josh then added, “What are you doing Sunday?......... I am having Amy and family over for a cookout. Swimming and jet skiing. Please come.”

“I don't have anything planned, and if you don’t think Amy would mind, I’ll come” as she drew the word come out longer than normal.

“Hell no, she won't mind. I see how you two get along when she comes out to check on me……. It will be fun…….. Bring a suit. They get all squirrely about going nude on the river.” he laughed after he said it.

“HaHa. Like anyone would want to see my saggy tits, wrinkled tummy and flabby ass. But yes, I will be there, what time?”

Josh thought, I bet those tits aren’t that saggy, and who cares, I just want to suck them. “Say around noon.”

They finished the cabinets by 6 that evening and as a custom now, they had a beer. Then Josh offered to take her to dinner. Nothing fancy. It was a bar and grill down the road. They had a great conversation, centered around what she planned on doing, after the house was finished. She let him know that during the winter, she planned on traveling anywhere it was warm. No time table or destination, just drive until she found a place she wanted to explore. Josh wishes he could be that free spirited, but the business needed him, as did his sister. They had always been close, but grew even closer once they took control of the company. They always shared their innermost thoughts and never lied to one another.

Chapter 7

Sunday arrived, and as usual, Amy was early. Amy was always the one on time or early for anything she did. They all came out on the deck, where I was setting up plates and such. She saw I had 6 plates, and not 5.

“Who else is coming, dare I ask?” Josh just smiled at her and then said, “Ronnie is. She had nothing planned, so I asked her to come as well……... Hope you don't mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind…….. It’s your house Bro……….. Ronnie huh? We must be starting to become close friends.” she said snarky like. “Just busting your balls Bro…….. Just tell me now……. Did you fuck her yet?”

“Amy Elizabeth. How dare you. A gentleman never tells.” he tried saying with a straight face. His sister smiled then said, “You whore. I bet you did,” Josh stuck his tongue out and laughed.

As they started putting stuff away in the fridge, there was a knock at the door. Kristen said she would get it. A few seconds later, in walked Ronnie, with Kristen behind her.

“Uncle Josh, your friend is here” Kristen said in catty voice, mocking me, then giggled as only a 14 year old would do. “Thanks Shortcake” Josh said, knowing that would bother Kristen.

“Grrrrrrrrr. I’m too old to be called that Unc, so please stop.” she said. Josh just smiled at her, then stuck his tongue out at her, which she returned to him.

Amy greeted Ronnie first with a Hi and a hug, then said, “I swear, I am surrounded by a bunch of kids when we are all together.”

Ronnie handed Amy a couple bottles of wine and a cake for dessert later. “It’s ok. I’d rather have a bunch of kids around then a bunch of old fuddy duddy’s that do nothing.”

Josh said his hello’s and thanked her for coming. “I hope this is a fun day for you. We do tend to be noisy and act up a bit……….. By the way, where is Brian?” Amy told him he was changing into his swim trunks. Then told the girls to go change.

While they changed, Ronnie, Amy, and Josh talked about the house and the progress they were making. Amy was impressed and asked Josh if he had been taking pictures of the progress, which he nodded that he had been all along.

Brian came down first with these bright orange swim trunks on. Ronnie and Josh just stared. Amy though, was oblivious to him, being married to him. “Geez Bro, the whole river area will be able to see you coming a mile away.” Josh said.

“I know. Pretty cool huh? How are you Rhonda? Has Josh been any help to you?”

We all laughed and Ronnie said he was a fine worker. The type you didn’t have to watch over. Then the girls came down into the kitchen. Alli was dressed in a 2 piece that was light blue. It looked cute on her, for a 12 year old. Kristen’s was a bikini that was decent in covering all the parts that needed covering, yet had a sexy look to it. She was an A cup now but there was some definition to her boobs, and Josh just couldn’t contain himself in picking on her.

“Wooo Hooo Krissy. You got some boobs going on there.” in a sing song way, then chuckled.

“Uncle Joshhhhhhhhhhhh” she whined out. “I could just die now” then went outside, with Alli following.

“You are such an asshole Josh.” Amy said, as she chuckled too. “What?” he retorted.

“You can’t point stuff out like that to a teen. She is really very self conscience of them. Lots of her friends are bigger up there.” Amy sort of scolded him. Ronnie just smiled as Amy laid into him. But she knew it was in good fun too.

Brian then asked if they could take the kids jet skiing for a bit. Josh was all for that, then told Ronnie that after he took the kids, he’d take her. Amy told her that she and her could go change upstairs while the boys took the girls out. Then Josh watched the ladies disappear upstairs.

Josh joined Brian on the dock. The girls were busy putting on their life vest. Josh told Kristen that he was sorry for embarrassing her, and she said it was ok. Then told her he loved her, which Kristen came over to him and they hugged. Josh then reached into his pocket for the other key to the ski he was going to use, then thought, “Shit. I left it in the kitchen”, and walked back up to retrieve it.

Once inside he stood for a moment, thinking he heard a noise. Then heard it again. It sounded like moaning. Coming from upstairs. He tried to pushed the thought out of his mind, but thought back to when he and his sister were teens.

He had walked in a couple of times when Amy was screwing her boyfriend. He also heard on a few occasions, moaning coming from her room, when her best friend then, Shelly was over. The big thing though was the time she walked in on him when he was jacking off. She just stood and stared. Then stripped down and joined him on the bed and masturbated with him. After the initial shock that Josh had, he got into then, with her. They did this together quite a few times. She later told him that she enjoyed watching him stroke his cock, since it was bigger than Joe’s. He too loved watching Amy. She had a lithe body, that she always took care of, and still does now. If she wasn’t his sister, he would have found ways to bang her silly. But they never crossed that line, and both kept that a very close secret. The most they ever did was Josh would lick her pussy as she rubbed her clit and Amy would wait until he was going to cum and let Josh cum on her lips and into her mouth. Then they graduated to full on oral sex a few times a week.

Josh went back out trying to push the thoughts from his head. The guys got the jet ski’s going and took the girls out. Josh had Kristen drive it, while he sat behind her. Brian was driving his, with Alli holding on to him. They stayed out a good half hour, just riding around on the river, then came back in, and joined the two lady’s on the deck, who were laying on two chaise lounges.

Josh took note of both ladies and how they were dressed. Amy, who is 5’ 7, maybe 110 lbs, has blue eyes and brown hair, that she keeps shoulder length, and is a 32B cup in the breast department. She had on a bright pink bikini, and looked great to Josh. Ronnie was wearing a bright blue one piece that had a deep V and showed a good amount of cleavage, and her nipples were straining to get out of that suit. He couldn’t see her ass though, since she was sitting on the lounge chair.

Josh looked at Amy then Ronnie. Both had these grins on their faces, so Josh knew his sister was telling stories about him. He excused himself to use the bathroom. When he finished, he came into the kitchen and saw Amy there, pouring more wine for her and Ronnie.

“Hey little Bro. Having fun?” which Josh nodded yes too. “Good. I think you are going to have lots of fun later too.” she said.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked.

“Christ Josh. After talking with Ronnie, she is one lady hot to sleep with you……. Or as she put it, fuck your brains out……….. She said she has given you enough signals, these last few weeks, but you never try anything.”

“Jesus Christ Sis. Do you girls always talk about sex and your partners? ,......... Plus, you did say, and I quote, Keep your dick in your pants.”

Amy laughed and said, “Yeah. I did say that, now that you mention it. And Yes, we do talk about sex, a lot……… As a matter of fact, if the girls weren’t here right now, I’d take Brian upstairs and fuck him silly. I am that horny right now.”

Josh chuckled, “Nympho. If you did though, don’t use my bed. I don’t want Brian’s pecker juice on my sheets.”

“MMMM I like his pecker juice, so I would clean that right up.” she said and started to giggle. “Plus we both know who the nympho of the family is, but I run a close second.”

Josh laughed and couldn’t agree more. “Way too much information Sis. Way too much.”

They went back out on the deck, Josh carrying two beers, and Amy, two glasses of wine, and joined Brian and Ronnie. Brian was telling her some lame jokes, which he always did at work too.

Ronnie spoke, “Amy, does he always tell these lame ass jokes? If so, I pity you”, which made all of them laugh, even Brian. After a bit, Josh invited Ronnie to go jet skiing, which she gladly accepted.They walked down to the dock, with Ronnie in front of him and Josh taking in her lovely backside. Josh liked what he saw. The suit covered only half of her cheeks, and her ass swayed nicely as she walked. He couldn’t understand how she thought she had a fat ass. He thought it was quite nice. Her legs, which he had noticed on many occasions were very fit and smooth. She did have a slight belly though, not tight, like Amy’s is, but hell, she’s only 38.

Josh was helping Ronnie with the vest when Ronnie asked, “Did you get a nice long look at my flabby ass?” Josh blushed a bit.

“Honestly. I did and you have a great ass, if I may say so, and you look quite sexy in that suit, so there”

Josh got on the ski first then held onto Ronnie’s hand as she boarded. He told her she could use the two hand holds, or wrap her arms around him, when they took off. She opted for holding on to him with her arms around his stomach, and hands clasped together. Once they started moving around faster, the ski was bouncing around a lot more. Because of this, her hands were sliding down until they rested on his waist and more to the point, right over his cock. She never moved it from there. He wanted her to grab him so bad now, but knew this wasn’t the place or time. He did feel it start to swell though.

After about fifteen minutes, he stopped the ski and asked if she wanted to drive it. She gladly agreed, but then asked, “By chance, did you bring your hammer with you?” then gave him a sexy little smile.” After changing positions, he told her how to operate the throttle, and off they went.

Josh held on tight to her waist. His groin was up against the small of her back and upper half of her ass. His cock was now at full erection, and Ronnie had to have felt it too, but he didn’t care anymore. He knew that they were going to be lovers later. He wished now that his sister would be gone by the time they came back, but that was wishful thinking. Ronnie was having a ball driving the ski. Next time, he would take one and she could use the other one.

After they got back, his erection had subsided, thankfully. He didn’t need his nieces seeing that. They noticed that all of them were in the pool hitting a beach ball around, so they jumped in too. Everyone was having a good time. Lots of laughter and fooling around. Josh could have sworn he saw Amy grope Ronnie’s ass, but wasn't too sure. He made a mental note to ask Ronnie later. One time, Ronnie dove underwater and came up behind him him and let her hands move under his trunks and squeeze his ass. Josh just froze, hoping no one saw. He then did the same to her and grabbed both cheeks and squeezed gently. When he popped out of the water, Ronnie just smiled and said thank you.

Around 5pm, they all ate. Just the normal BBQ food of burgers and hot dogs. The ladies also polished off the 2 bottles of wine. Amy was a bit tipsy, as was Ronnie. They had all changed back into street clothes afterwards and by 7, Amy and family were getting ready to leave. Brain gave Ronnie a tight hug and then Amy did the same to her, although there’s lasted a bit longer than it normally should have. When Amy hugged Josh, she whispered in his ear, “Don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do tonight. Like get laid like I am going too.”, then giggled, and left.

Chapter 8

After cleaning up some of the remnants of the day, they relaxed around the indoor part of the pool and started chatting. Ronnie thanked him for inviting her over and partaking in his family. She said she has been around them on a few occasions before at Barb’s, and always enjoyed their company. She also enjoyed the jet skiing and hoped he would invite her back.

Josh smiled, “Of course you are invited here anytime you want. I really enjoy being around you. You are fun, witty, smart, real good with your hands too, and I think sexy as hell.”

Ronnie smiled then said, “Good. I like being around you as well. Want to go for a swim again?”

“Sure. I’d like that.” he said. Ronnie stood up and unbuttoned her shorts and let them fall to the ground, then seductively, removed her top and threw that down as well. All she had on was a very sheer bra and black thong. Then unhooked her bra and let that fall, releasing her soft breasts. Josh was just sitting there, in awe of her. She then slipped the thong off, revealing her shaved pussy to him. She started walking down the steps into the water, then asked, “Coming Sexy?”

Josh got up and removed his shirt, then his shorts and boxers. His cock was half hard now, after watching that strip tease. He followed her into the water. Once she was standing, she turned and noticed him naked now.

“Oh My. I love that hairless look.” She walked up to him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back as he wrapped his arms around her soft body, pulling her into him. There tongues danced with each other, as their hands started caressing one another.

She broke the kiss, looked him in the eyes, and spoke, “Josh. I think you know I tell it like it is. I don’t bull shit people………. You are one sexy man and I have wanted to fuck you for weeks now. I want to kiss you, lick you, suck you, and fuck you till I can’t walk tonight…………. I’m all yours, that is, if you want me.”

“I won’t lie either Ronnie. I’ve wanted you for weeks, but was told to keep my dick in my pants, by a certain someone who just left………. I too want to lick you, suck on you, and fuck you all night, so I hope you plan on staying tonight……... Just answer me something about earlier.” he said back to her.

“I had no plans on leaving tonight. We’ve flirted enough, and I want this and you,.......... What is your question.?”

He took a breath then asked, “Earlier today, when you girls went upstairs to change, I had to come back in and get the ski key. I could have sworn I heard moaning”

“Ohhhh” then she got quiet. Ronnie took a breath and said, “Promise to keep this between you and I?” Josh nodded yes.

“You already know I am bi, and well, so is your sister and we had a little make out session…....It’s not our first time either. I shouldn’t tell you this, but so is Barbie, and they are lovers as well……... Brian is well aware of it and has played with them too. I hope you don’t think bad of us, being like that.”

“Actually. I always had a feeling she was. Heard her and her then best friend in high school moan a lot too, but thought they were masturbating together………. To be really honest, I’d have loved to have seen that.”

She kissed him again and grabbed his cock. He snaked his hand down between them and started rubbing her pussy and clit. “I am so turned on now Ronnie” “So am I Sweetie. Let’s go to bed and take care of these urges we have……….. I need this gorgeous cock of yours.”

After drying off, they head up to his king size bed, in the master bedroom. Ronnie wasted no time on crawling up on it, then onto her back and spread her legs. Josh then knelt between her legs and looked down admiring her. Josh’s mind thought she looked damn fine for a woman in her 50’s. Large, pink areolas, with dark pink nipples that easily stood out at least ¾ inch, just begging to be sucked. He noticed a tat on the left breast, some sort of flower. When his eyes caught hold of her shaved pussy, he noticed a red devil tat, with it’s pitchfork tail point to her clit, just above her clit hood. “Oh Yes. I plan on being there for a good bit tonight.”, he thought.

Ronnie smiled up at him, “Like what you see Sweetie? Because I like what I see……... God you have a nice cock…….. Longer than average, but not too long, but what I like best is its girth…….... Give me a fat cock any day, over long……... The shaved part just makes it more sexy and I don’t have to worry about hair when I suck you later.”

Josh smiled back at that remark. “Good. I like your pussy too, especially shaved………. I plan on being down there a while eating it and becoming friendly with your little devil……….. Do I need to cover up later?” he asked, as he moaned when Ronnie grabbed his cock and stroked it some.

“Things could change for us tonight Josh………... I don’t mean fall in love change, but this could start to be a regular thing between us, if you want that too……... Right now I am thinking No…... You don’t need a condom…… I want to feel this tonight. Feel your cum in me. Coat this great cock with my cum too……….. I usually have protected sex, but, I really feel we connect really good and could be lovers, and lovers should experience everything sexually……... I’m not saying you can’t fuck others, but if you do, please wear one with them, and I will do the same.” Ronnie told him and then smiled again.

“You’ve put some thought into this. I like that. I already told myself that if we start doing this, I’ll refrain from others. I have this feeling you are going to rock my world, sexually. And, you already know I don’t want love…….. That just leads to hurt…….. Great friends, yes, marrying types, no.” he said

“Well, now that we have that out of the way. Let’s get down to some fun and making each other feel really good. I am super horny.”

Josh lowered himself so that they could kiss. It was very passionate and their tongues wrestled together. Then Josh started down her neck. As he did, her moans started. He licked each breast all over, purposely ignoring her nipples, for now. Ronnie’s hands were running through his hair now, as he finally took a nipple into his mouth. She let out a sigh of relief, then said, “yesssssssss” softly. He worked each nipple then pushed her tits together and sucked in both nipples.

Ronnie arched her back some, “Oh fuck Sweetie. Bite them” When he did, she groaned and started cumming a little. After a couple of minutes of this, he moved down to her belly, licking all over, sort of reassuring her he thought her belly was sexy and not flabby like she said.

When he finally reached the treasure he so desired, he was intoxicated by her feminine aroma. He kissed her inner thighs first, which made her squirm some. Then he licked on the outside portion of her labia. Josh always loved eating a woman. The first pussy he ever tasted was that of his sisters. From that point on, he was hooked, even though it never lasted as long as he'd have liked, whenever they masturbated together.

When Josh’s tongue started going into her wet slit, Ronnie really started moaning and tried pushing her pussy into his face. He loved that she was vocal and moan a great deal. He had been with some that moaned very little, and hardly moved. That was no fun. Ronnie’s pussy was keeping his face extremely wet too, with her juices.

Josh would take her to the brink of orgasm, then back off, then start her right back up again. One time, he pushed legs so they went back by her head, which gave him access to her ass. He immediately went for the brown hole. “Oh God yes. I love a man that like ass play. Lick it baby”

As he licked, Ronnie moved her hips up and down to match him. She grabbed her legs so it freed his hands and he started fingering her pussy. Her moans were loud now, as he tongue fucked her ass and rubbed her g-spot.

Josh replace his tongue with his thumb and slowly inserted it into her ass, which got another loud moan. He had been eating her for over twenty minutes now and taken her to the threshold of orgasm countless times. This time he attacked her slit, driving his tongue into her pussy. “Oh Fuck Josh. Eat Meeeeeeeeeee”, she cried out.

When his mouth encircled her clit, that was all she wrote. Ronnie lifter her ass off the bed and grabbed his head to hold it there, as he sucked her clit.

“Yessssssssssssssssssssss I’m cummmmmmmmmmmmmmingggggggggggg”, she cried out.

His head mashed into her pussy. Her body shaking uncontrollably. Her moans filled the air of the room. She was coating his face and tongue with her nectar. Josh licked as much as he could as she continued to cum. After a few moments, she asked him to stop. She couldn’t handle any more.

Josh moved next to her and lay on his back. Ronnie was panting heavily for a few minutes.

Finally she spoke. “God Damn Josh. Now that’s an orgasm. No joke Hun. That was so good. God, what an amazing tongue.”

“Glad you enjoyed it. You taste great, by the way.” he said. He then pulled her on top of him. She giggled as he did this. “I think someone wants something, and it ain’t cookies.”

She then straddled him, raised her hips, took his hard cock in her hand, then guided it in. She slowly sat down on him, moaning the whole time, until he was fully inside her. “God she is tight” Josh thought, then moaned himself.

“God you feel so good inside me.” as she threw her back her head and shook it a second. Josh reached up and started massaging her breasts, taking his time with her nipples.

“Lover, You make me feel so good. Why didn’t we do this weeks before? Enough talk. Let’s fuck”

Ronnie leaned down and started passionately kissing Josh, all the while maintaining a nice rhythm as they fucked. Neither was in a rush to end this blissfulness. Both moan a great deal, letting each know how good it felt. Josh liked watching her go up and down on him. Seeing his cock buried deeply inside her. He also liked having her face hover above him as her hair would brush against his face and neck, like she was painting a picture.

“God Ronnie. You are so sexy up there and you hot pussy is like heaven”

“Thanks Sweetie. But you are sexy too, and this fat cock of yours is heaven inside me. It may stay there all night. One thing though. I have a hard time cumming with intercourse, so I hope I don’t offend you when I start rubbing my clit.”

“No offense taken. Hell, I’ll rub it too. I want you to cum many times” With that, he started pump up into her and reached around and grabbed her ass and squeezed. Ronnie moaned out in pleasure. He watched as she took her one hand and started rubbing her clit. He thought that was a sexy sight too. Kind of reminded him of Amy masturbating. Then Josh took a finger to his mouth and then back to her ass and found her hole. Slowly he inserted it in her. She moved her hips to give him better access to it and found his finger going deeper.

“Oh Fuck Josh. I love that. Bury it in me. Fuck both my holes” she moan out to him.

Not even two minutes later, she started cumming.She grabbed both of his biceps, and wiggled her ass all over as she orgasmed hard on top of him. “Fuck” Josh thought. “This woman is amazing in bed”

As she started to relax from her orgasm, Josh wrapped his arms around her and flipped them over, so he was now on top. Her legs came up and his arms pushed off of her, reducing his weight on her. She just smiled up at him and spoke.

“ Fuck me Lover. Fuck good and hard. Then fill me with your cum”

Josh started fucking her harder now. They could hear their skin slapping together and Josh could feels his balls slap against her ass with each thrust. He was so glad he jacked off earlier in the day. It made him have better control. Had he not, he would have came in her when she was on top.

‘Fuck Ronnie. Oh God Babe. I gotta cum soon.” he said loudly.

“Give it to me Sweetie. Give me your cum. Shoot it deep inside me”

Josh arched his back and started shooting rope after creamy rope, deep inside her vaginal walls. He felt as though he just shot a gallon of him, inside her. As he came, they both moaned out, then started kissing. She was more tongue fucking his mouth than kissing, but neither cared. When their bliss subsided, Josh rolled off of her and lay on his side.

Ronnie, after a few minutes of laying on her back, catching her breath, cuddled up to him.

“Josh. That was great. I really mean that. You are a very selfless lover. My body is still shaking.”

Josh moved farther to the edge of the bed, and had her follow. “Neither needs to lay in a wet spot now” he said and chuckled.

“I would not have minded. It’s our cum. It is still leaking out of me. Love that feeling. Not sure if I can go another round right now. Maybe after a little rest, if you are ok with that.” she asked

“A rest would be good for both of us. But I do want you again, and definitely in the morning time.” he stated.

“Josh? I got a question.” “Shoot” he said……. “ This may sound weird to you, but, after tonight, how would you feel about being my partner at the swing club” Josh started to speak, but she put a finger to his lips to stop him.

“Look. I like you. I want to be lovers with you. I don’t want to get married or anything, but be sex buy's......... I was with one guy as a partner there, but he got weird about it…….. Thought he could control me and who I had sex with……….. I don’t feel you are like that. Plus I can tell you like sex…….. Now we can go and have sex there, or partner off with people I know and trust……….. But I do like to be watched……... Turns me on big time……….. But, if you don’t, I understand and hope we can continue this many times to come.”

Josh smiled, as he turned off the lamp on the nightstand. “Honestly? I always wondered what a club like that was like. I’ve seen some ad’s for it on the swingers web site” he got cut off by Ronnie, “Wait. You are on that site? I am too.” she said.

“Yeah. Been on it for a year and a half now. Met some nice people too…….. Had a few threesomes and also met a couple women who usually play with their man, but agreed to meet alone…….. In answer to your question……... Sure, I’ll be your partner. You know, we can also go out together for dinners and such too. Not sure about you, but I don’t always like to eat alone or go out by myself.” Josh told her.

“I’m good with that too………. I don’t like always going alone to things, and I usually eat alone at my house, so having a date would be nice. Especially if it ends with us in bed. I hope I don’t give the impression that I am some sort of slut.”

Josh hugged her and told her, “Never ended my mind……….. Why do people think that a woman can’t enjoy sex, like men do. I think we are cut from the same cloth……….. So if you are a slut, then I guess I am too, because I love sex.”

Ronnie giggled, then said to him, “Nice way to think. I think I may enjoy you as my slut. Still think I am cumming from what you did to me.”

They both held each other and fell fast asleep then. It had been a long day as it was, and couple that with their bedroom workout, they both fell asleep. Then around 2am, Josh could feel a warm sensation on his cock. His eyes popped open, at first thinking he peed himself, until he saw Ronnie’s head down there and feeling her tongue licking his shaft, which had responded the way she had hoped.

“Oh god. That feel so good.” he whispered. Ronnie lifted her head, “Sorry. I felt like a late night snack and your cock was hard and inviting. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Mmmmm….. Not, oh god,... at all. But I need something to eat too” he moaned out.

“I still have your cum in me from earlier”, she cautioned.

“I don’t care if you don’t” Josh said softly. Ronnie giggled, “Mmmmm. Fine with me. I plan on drinking your juices anyway”

She scooted around so she could straddle his face and lowered her cum filled pussy onto his mouth. Josh wasted no time in lapping her gash. “Oh Fuck Josh. I love your tongue” Josh could tell her taste was different this time. A little more salty than before, so he knew it was his cum too, but he didn’t care.

They moaned and gyrated hips together. About 5 minutes into this, she pushed hard against his face and let out a long moan. She had a small orgasm, but he didn’t stop and neither did she. She could only get about 5 inches of his dick inside her mouth, but she was good with that.

After she came, Josh moved his tongue to her ass and started licking it. This got her hips going quicker now, as her hand now helped in pleasuring Josh. As he ate her ass, he inserted a finger in her pussy and then another and let his thumb massage her clit. These actions drove Ronnie over the edge, as she started to cum. “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” is all he could hear as she mashed her pussy right onto his hungry mouth. She was very juicy now and he lapped it all up, which was also covering his face.

When she gained control of herself again, she started sucking harder and moving her hand up and down, like they fucked before, fast and furious.Within in a minute, Josh announced, “Babe, I’m cumming” Her mouth clamped around his pulsing cock head and started drinking him down her throat. She wasted not a drop until he was finally finished. When there was no more, she kissed his cock head and moved back up to him, where they kissed passionately. Then they just held each other and fell asleep again.

Chapter 9

Josh awoke at 6:30, like any other work day. This time though he should have had a bed mate, but when he looked over, she was gone. “Hmmmm wonder if she had second thoughts now and bolted. Oh well. Can’t force that issue.” he thought. He went about his morning ritual of showering and shaving, then went down to the kitchen to make coffee.

On the counter, by the Keurig, he saw a note and opened the paper and read.

“Lover. Sorry I am not there with you. I had some things to take care of before I got to the house this morning. Yesterday was great and last night was fantastic, just like I thought it would be. Hope you and I share many a time in your bed, or mine.



P.S. still horny and needing that fat cock.

Josh made a cup of coffee to go, and got in his truck and took off to the shop first. He needed a few items for today’s workload. Once he got them he made his way to Ronnie’s Tiny House. The whole ride he could think nothing but of last night and the great time they had, and her wanting him to be her partner.”Hell” he thought, “Even if we just fuck there, that would be great too”

When he arrived at the site, he saw Ronnie’s truck there, but no sign of Ronnie, since the house door was closed. “Wonder where she is?” he thought. It being July now, it was hot and the inside still doesn’t have AC yet, just a big fan.

He entered the house and heard Ronnie call down to him. She was up in her bedroom loft. “Hey Sweetie. Hope you are hungry. I picked up some danish and coffee. Come on up”

Josh climb the ladder, since no stairs had been installed yet, that was to be done this week. When he got to the top and looked, he saw Ronnie, laying on her side, on a sleeping bag, that was unrolled. One leg bent at the knee and very naked.

“Care to join me for breakfast?” she seductively asked. “Don’t mind if I do sweet lady.” he answered.

“Well come on, and get naked too. I just love looking at your naked body Stud”

Josh didn’t need a hammer to hit him in the head and stripped for her. She of course, made whistle and hooting sounds, like at a strip club. Then joined her on the pad. She broke a piece of danish off and fed it to him, then handed him a cup of coffee. He also took a danish and broke a piece off and fed it to her.

“Aren’t you full of surprises today.” Josh said smiling.

“I like to think so. Like I told you last night, I like you. More than just some guy I work with, but as a really close friend and Lover now too…….... And now that we have crossed that line, why shouldn’t we have fun whenever we want too……….. I’ll let you know if I am not interested in doing anything at that time, but most times, I would probably be ready for it, like now……….. Hell. Had I stayed this morning, we’d probably still be in bed fucking. I love morning sex……….... I also expect you to be the same, when you don’t want to play around, but judging right now, that’s not the case” giggling now as she stares at his hard member.

“I agree with you and I hope I can control myself when I have too……... To me, you are the perfect partner.......,..God, And sexy too……….. You may not think you are, but in my eyes and the guys that have worked on this project. They all think you are. Even Brian………. But I told him he had a hard enough time taking care of my sister, so don’t even think you could handle Ronnie too.” he told her, then laughed.

Ronnie got real quiet and put her head down. “What?” Josh asked.

“I believe in honesty, so what we say is between us, ok?” He nodded in agreement.

“Ok” she said, then continued, “Amy and Brian belong to the swing club……... I’ve never got the chance to play with them as a couple, because they like swapping…….. Amy will play alone with women, but never a threesome………. But I have seen him naked, and he is a fine looking man too, although you do have it over him. The most I ever did with him is a blow job.” as she groped his cock. Josh just sat there with a blank look.

“Don’t think bad of either of them……... They enjoy the lifestyle and are very careful with who they play with……. They are not just fucking anyone. They are with couples they know, trust and respect, and they love doing this. As I do, and I hope you will too.”

Josh just grinned. He was thinking back to the little playing they did as teens. His mind went into a spiral then, wondering if she would let him touch her, maybe lick her, or god forbid, fuck each other. Then he came back to reality.

“I don’t judge people………. What they do is their business, not mine, and if they enjoy it, so be it…….. Hell, who am I to judge. If we saw her there, I’d be cool about it. In fact, I wouldn’t mind seeing her naked again.”

Ronnie laughed. “You’ve seen Amy naked?” He nodded and then told her the story of their last summer before she went to college. Ronnie was laughing, then said, “You know the old saying, incest is best. Actually, that sounds hot to me.” as she then rubbed her pussy, which was already wet.

“Since we are in full disclosure mode, then let me tell you this. Barbie lived with a guy for 5 years, back in her early 20’s. He was very abusive verbally and a control freak………. She finally had enough and left him, after my encouragement……... Her parents hated that guy and refused to help her, even after she left him…….... She had no place to go, so I had her move in with me………. She already knew I was bi, so no big deal to her, when one of my girlfriends would stay the night…….. Then one night, my one friend came over and we had Barb join us for wine………... Before long we were all drunk and talking sex…….. Next thing you know, my friend Abby kissed Barb. She was receptive and before long they got naked. Then asked me to join them……... From that night on, Barb and I have had many encounters in bed. So you aren’t the only one with a secret, Lover.”

Josh sat there with his mouth open, trying to take in what she had told him. Granted, he and Barb went out a few times and had sex quite a bit, but he never suspected her of being Bi, let alone sexually active with her aunt and his sister. Fuck, he was turned on. His cock was throbbing now. He set his coffee down to the side and rubbed his hands on the inside of Ronnie’s thighs, then moved her so she was on her back.

“Want something Stud?” she asked. “You” he said. He crawled between her legs and lined his cock up with her wet slit and drove in. “Oh Fuck Josh! You are turned on, aren’t you?” Josh grunted, “Very”

“What has you turned on Baby? The thought of me eating out Barbie, or even Amy?” she asked, As she kept talking, he was starting to slam into her. ‘That’s it baby. Fuck me good like this. I’m your little slut who need fucked.”

She noticed the more she talked sex to him the harder he fucked, which she loved. She did like an occasional love making session, but she loved being fucked hard, in any position.

“Oh god Ronnie, my little slut. Your pussy is on fire. Coat my cock with your cum”

There was just enough clearance, so Josh reach around her legs, at the knees and pushed her legs back. He was kneeling some now, which gave him better leverage and started slamming it home to her. She took one hand and started rubbing her clit to match his stroking.

A few minutes more, Josh could feel that tingling in his balls. He was ready to release inside her. They were both moving hard into each other. Sweat pouring off of him, onto her and she too, was sweating a lot.

“Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkkk Ronnieeeeeeeeeeee. Going to shoot”

“I’m there too. Cum for me Cum deep in my snatch Lover. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww”

After shooting another load inside her, he had to roll off to the side. It was very hot up there now. They both laughed that they had actually did it in the tiny house for the first time.

“Amazing. Simply Amazing Josh.” “One of our best, I’d say” he retorted.

As Ronnie sat up and started putting her clothes on she said, “Can’t wait to do this again but at night……... Love to see the stars and moon shining through the skylight here.”

The rest of the day, they did work. A couple of times they played grab ass with each other and stole kisses, but mostly worked. The day ended with them heading off to their respective homes. Just before 10 that night, he did receive a text from Ronnie. In it, it had a picture attached of her pussy, and text asking if he liked what he saw. He just chuckled and wrote back “Hell Yes. It’s making me hungry” Then he took a picture of his dick and sent it back to her.

The next two days were super busy, and they had crew members there installing countertops and sinks and things like that, so they acted quite professional. Josh didn’t push anything, like her coming to his place, or going to her’s. She too didn’t suggest anything as well. Most evenings they were dead tired.

Thursday afternoon, they were finishing the trim work up in her loft. Josh would measure and do the nailing, while Ronnie would do the cutting. They had just finished the last piece. Even with a fan going, it was still hot up there. The AC was schedule for next week. Josh went down and got the vacuum and brought it up the new stairs he put in the day before. When he placed the vacuum on the floor, he looked in the corner that Ronnie was sitting. Her top was already off and she was pushing her shorts over her knees then.

She just smiled at him and told him, “Hurry up and vacuum, then get naked with me. We need a break. Who knows, we'll probably make it hotter than it already is up here. I feel like getting real sweaty.”

Josh just laughed , but hurried his cleaning. Then got naked and helped her unroll the sleeping bag. They wasted little time in starting to kiss, then decided to 69. Neither wanted to cum like that, so after 5 or so minutes, she mounted him.

“Godddddddddddd I missed this cock. Last few days we’ve been so busy, hot and tired, I wasn’t up for a romp. But I am super horny now………... Plus, I like it 3 or 4 days a week, but not everyday……….. I hope you noticed I said days, and not times. If we’re doing it, I want it multiple times a day. You good with that?”

He just smiled and said, “I’m not greedy. Whenever you want it, I’ll supply it. But Damn. your pussy feels so good right now.”

They lasted a good 15 minutes until they both were cumming. Ronnie was first, with the help of her own fingers, and Josh was just after her. That night they went to her house, ate dinner and then made love. It wasn’t the hard, raw sex they were used too, but very slow and passionate, no dirty talk but just moaning and cooing, with both cumming at different times, but very fulfilling to each other.

After they lay there, Ronnie spoke. “Hope you enjoyed that as much as me. That’s the first time we didn’t fuck Josh. It just felt right.”

“Enjoy it? You’re kidding right. It was awesome. I have wanted to do that on a few occasions, but we always turn into such sluts. I think two adults can fuck like teens, yet also make love to one another, especially if they are great friend.” he said.

“Good. I am glad you can see we have grown to become good friends, besides lovers. I think we’ll have more sessions like this one too. But rest assured, I love our slutty sides too.” she said.

Chapter 10

It was now two weeks later, and Josh and Ronnie were pretty much done. The AC was finally in, which also would be her heat source in the winter two. It hung near the ceiling in the middle of the house. Most of the furniture she wanted was now in and the appliances were just delivered and placed in their spots. Earlier, somehow, they wrestled her king size mattress up and into the loft. Although they hadn’t tried that out yet. So this project was coming to an end, which made them both sad. Josh had really grown very fond of Ronnie and always looked forward to working with her. Ronnie had the same feelings too. But they both knew they would not stop being lovers.

Josh said he was taking her to dinner that night to celebrate. They chose a very nice restaurant down by Three Rivers area. Both dressed casually, yet very nice. After dinner and a long walk around the river edge, they went back to Josh’s.

They grabbed a few beers and headed to the pool area. They talked about upcoming projects and Josh informed her that two new orders for Tiny Houses came in from their web site. He really liked building these. He wanted each one to be distinct, and not like any other. Then he asked her a question.

“How would you feel about working the next one with me, until you are ready to take off this winter?”

“Depends?” she said. “Depends on what?” he asked.

“Do I still get to fuck the boss when I want?” Josh just smiled, then chuckled. “That was a given, at least in my mind.”

She got up then and stripped off her clothes, exposing her nudity to Josh. “Well then Boss, how about we seal the deal with a nice fuck right now”

Josh stood up and stripped as well. Then moved to a chaise lounge and lay back on it. Ronnie came over straddled him and guided his hard member into her wet, waiting snatch.

“Oh God. I never will tire of this fat cock of yours. Here’s another question. Next weekend, how would you feel about going to a party at the swing club with me?”

Josh thrust up inside her hard and held her up, while his back arched from the lounge. He held there almost a full minute as she ground into him.

“Does that answer your question Gorgeous?” he asked. “Great answer. Now fuck me Stud. Then take me to bed and fuck me some more. I’m here all night.”

He looked at her with lust and kissed her hard and they started fucking. He loved her on top. When they both came, and came down from their orgasmic high, they got off the lounge and headed inside.

“Remember, we are meeting Amy at 11:30am at the house. She wants to see the finished product, and is bringing a potential client Josh.” Once in bed they 69, then fucked hard for a bit, then Josh changed up and slowly made love to her. Both finally cumming after 20 minutes of passion between them.

Chapter 11

After showering in the morning, they got to the house about 8:30 that morning. They busied themselves with making sure things looked good for when Amy came by later. Although it was moving towards late August, it was still in the 80’s out, so it needed the AC turned on, and by god it worked great.

It was like 9:20, when Ronnie put the dining table down, from its folded up position. Then sat on it, just to see if it could support her weight, which it did easily. She then slid down and came up behind Josh and wrapped her arms around him, moving her hands to his crotch, and started massaging him.

“That feels nice.” he said. “Did I ever say thank you for making this dream of mine come true yet” she asked.

“I can safely say, yes to that, many times over.” Josh spoke.

“How about I show you again Stud.”

Josh spun around and watched as Ronnie stripped off her clothes. He then did the same. His cock was semi hard now and growing. Ronnie went to her knees and took him in her mouth and slowly licked and sucked his man meat, bringing it to full attention.

“I love sucking you hard.” she cooed. Then she got up and sat down on the tables end, where the legs for support were located. She spread her legs, exposing her sex to him, then ran a finger over the puffy lips, that were already wet.

“My. Someone is in need of something. But we really don’t have time.” he said

“Nonsense. We have almost two hours before your sister is here and I want to try out this table with you. Then we can go try out the new bed as well.” as she leaned back, with her arms behind her, bringing her feet up on the edge of the table and spread her legs even wider.

“Not sure if I told you lately, but you are one sexy lady” he told her as he walked up to her, then grabbing his cock, he lined up with her pussy and guided it in. At first, a couple of inches, then pulled out, then pushed in more. Her pusasy was on fire, and he could feel her muscles grabbing it, trying to bring him in all the way.

Ronnie took her feet and placed them around his torso and pulled him in all the way now, and then wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, “Fuck Me Josh.. I need it badly.”

They started slow, then he would speed up, then slow back down. Ronnie was moaning a great deal, and very loudly too. Josh always enjoyed a woman that moaned a lot, and wasn’t afraid to say what she wanted. As they were doing this, Josh did not hear the door open, then close. He was too lost in fucking Ronnie.

Standing about 10 feet from them was Amy. Ronnie actually saw her come in. but her head blocked Josh’s view. Ronnie just smiled at Amy, then blew her a kiss.

Amy, who was wearing a flowered summer dress, that stopped just above her knees, placed her hands on her hips, and scrunched up her face, and said, “You know, I said keep your dick in your pants, and not in her pussy.”

Josh snapped his head back and then turned it to look at his sister standing there. “Shit” was all he could think to say right then. Then he heard her say,

“Well don’t stop on my account. You two look like you are having some fun. And, you do make one sexy couple, that’s for sure.”

Josh looked at Amy, then back to Ronnie. He saw them both smiling and knew something was up.

He was trying to wrap his mind around it all when Amy spoke again.

“After all these years, I finally catch fucking someone.” then laughed hard. This made Ronnie laugh, but Josh was still speechless, as he pulled out of Ronnie.

He finally spoke, but was not covering up in front of his sister. “I have this feeling I have been set up by two conniving women”

Both women chuckled, then Ronnie spoke. “Well Lover, I kind of did the other day…….. I talked with Amy the other evening, after asking you to the party that will happen at the swing club…….... I wanted to see if they were going, and if so, I had better let her know whom I was bringing……... She said that they were, so I told her I was bringing you……….. She was a bit shocked at first, as you can imagine, until I told her about you guys and that you were cool with it……….. So we sort of planned on letting you see her and I in action this morning…….. If that makes you uncomfortable, will won’t go. Or, if it makes Amy uncomfortable, we won’t go.”

As she spoke, Amy unbuttoned three top buttons and then let the dress slip off of her. All she had on was a sheer, white bra and a white silk thong. Then she removed both and stood before Josh and Ronnie, naked. Her breast were as Josh remembered them. Firm with little sag and nice, dark areolas, and ½ inch nipples protruding out. Although his dick was not flaccid, but only a third way to full hardness, he could feel the blood pumping too it, making it harder.

Amy walked towards them and smiled at Josh. “Look Bro, I really don’t have a problem with this………. You have seen me before having sex, and all that we did in high school……….... Granted, it may seem weird to many, but the hell with them……... Brian and I enjoy the lifestyle. We are very choosy on who we play with. It is how I met Ronnie, and also Barb……….. We were going to ask you about a year and a half ago to be part of it, when you and Barb were seeing each other. But that didn’t pan out………... But Brian and I talked last night and we are cool with it.”

Josh, who was still trying to wrap his mind around it all, finally spoke. “I really don’t have a problem. I think I am pretty open minded, especially, sexually. I / we could go to this and see how it goes. I will be honest too, I will lust after you sis. You are gorgeous, and always have been…….. But I don’t see us playing together.”

Amy smiled at him , then reached out and grabbed his cock into her hand. “Never say never Bro. My mouth and hands have been on this on a few occasions, just like your mouth and tongue were on me. So never say never……. And, since we are in full disclosure, I’d probably fuck you. By the way, I love the shaved look on you. Sexy/ Very Sexy”

Ronnie then went up and kissed Amy passionately. When they broke the kiss, Ronnie grabbed Amy by the hand and said, “Come On. Let me show you my bed. It is so awesome up there”

Ronnie went up the stairs first, followed closely behind by Amy, who leaned in and licked Ronnie’s ass, as they ascended. Ronnie reached there first and looked back down to Josh and smiled, “Coming Lover?”

Part 2 is coming


2018-04-19 00:40:17
Loved it but would loved to have seen Amy�s daughters, Kristen 14, and Alli 12, get together

T. FoxalReport 

2018-04-08 20:49:55
Yes. It was reported to clean it up some

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