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I awoke slowly in the morning, realizing as I did that one of my hands was down inside my panties. Memories of last night started floating through my brain. The movie, all the things I had seen, things I'd never dreamt of. The girl with the penis in her mouth...the girl with the penis in her butt...the guy's penis squirting into a girl's open mouth...two girls licking each other's pussies...
My finger started stroking up and down my moist slit as these images washed through me. I remembered the girls using the fake penises on each other, and remembered what I had felt while I had been pushing the cucumber in and out of my own pussy. I thought about the scene of the girl bending the guy over the kitchen counter, and then running her tongue up and down the crack of his butt, finally focusing and dipping her tongue in and out of his little hole. My amazement when she removed her tongue and replaced it ith first one, and then two of her fingers, pumping in and out, the groans he made, the expresion on his face. How she reached around him and stroked his penis with one hand while pumping his butt with her other.
I thought back to last night with my candle, first wetting it in my pussy, then pushing it into my little back hole, pumping it in and out while I worked the cucumber in and out of my pussy. The intense feeling of having both holes filled up at the same time.
My finger movements increased as my pussy got wetter and wetter. I kept thinking back to the movie, all the scenes involving butts.
I moved my other hand down my backside, and started teasing my tight puckered little anus. I tried to push a finger in, but it wouldn't go. I brought the hand to my pussy, inserting the finger and swrirling it around until it became nice and wet. I returned it to my butt, and pushed again. This time my little hole opened up and swallowed my finger greedily. I began moving it in and out as my other hand went back to my pussy, these fingers now toying with my suddenly hard clit. My breathing grew harsh, and I felt my orgasm approaching as I increased the movements of both hands. In a matter of a few more seconds, I had treated myself to a delicious morning come.
As I started to come down and my breathing returned to normal, I realized jsut how badly I had to pee. Glancing at the clock, I climbed out of bed. Not even seven o'clock yet, I realized as I walked out of the room. I idly wondered why I had woken up so early.
I went down the hall, noticing as I passed Ricky's room that he wasn't there. I turned the corner to the bathroom and was surprised to see him standing at the sink, shaving, clad as usual only in his boxer shorts.
At first he didn't notice me standing in the doorway. I had a bit of a dilema. I really needed to pee, but he looked to be a ways away from being done. I suddenly remembered what a turn on it had been for me to watch him pee, and wondered if...?
Feeling suddenly very naughty, I walked right in, and as I edged past him asked nonchalantly, "Up so early...?"
As first he barely glanced at me as he mumbled, "Early shift at work today..."
I moved past him to the toilet. I brazenly raised my nightshirt and lowered my panties, sitting down on the seat. From the corner of my eye, I could see him now staring openly at me. I opened my legs a bit, and released my stream.
He continued staring at me, and although I knew he could see very little, if anything, the sound of my stream splashing in the water in the bowl was unmistakable.
He was still gawking as my stream slowed, and stopped. I reached for the roll of tissue, and made a show of slowly and deliberately wiping my pussy. I was rewarded by a telltale twitch in his boxers.
I stood, flushed, and slowly pulled my panties up my legs. He was rinsing off his face as I started to leave when he suddenly asked, "So did you enjoy the movie?" He eyed me with a knowing look, the grin on his face widening.
I walked around behing him, reaching both arms around his chest. I lightly strummed his nipples with my fingertips. (He loves that.) As I continued teasing his now hard nipples, I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Did I ever! It was very enlightening...even educational," I purred.
Watching him in the mirror as I continued caressing him, I could see a bulge growing in his boxers.
"Did it turn you on? Which part did you like the best?" he asked, trying to sound casual.
"Pretty much all of them," I replied throatily. I continued my teasing caresses, watching him in the mirror as I added, "One of my favorites was the guy squirting into the girl's open mouth." The sudden jerk in his boxers gave him away. "The scene where the guy had his penis in the girl's butt was REALLY hot!" I moaned into his ear. His shorts twitched again. "But I think my very favorite was where the girl was running her tongue all around his balls, then all around his butt, and then pushing it in and out of his little hole."
I heard his sharp intake of breath as his eyes narrowed. His shorts twitched a couple more times and his breathing was getting labored. I was really, really, REALLY tempted to drop his boxers and see what kind of reaction I would get from putting MY tongue in HIS butt, but decided to wait with that idea until sometime when he wasn't getting ready for work.
Instead, I lowered my right hand and gripped his now semi hard penis in a loose fist through his shorts. I felt it grow bigger and harder as I squeezed it a couple of times. I purred in his ear, "Maybe we could watch it together some time?"
His jaw dropped and his eyes met mine in the mirror. I reached my hand through the opening in his boxers, gripping him and stroking. He just kept staring at me in the mirror as I increased my hand movements, going faster and faster, squeezing harder and harder.
He was openly panting within seconds, and a couple moments later jerked, froze, then squirted...all over the counter...into the sink...a little on the mirror.
"Sorry bro," I murmured, "but I'm not on clean up detail today. Think about the movie."
I blew him a quick kiss and left, returning to my room.
I quickly made my bed, and the "brush" with brother Ricky was soon forgotten as my mind turned to what I expected (hoped!) would be happening later on in the day. I had had an "almost" incident with my next door neighbor Jeff yesterday, stopped before it got really interesting by the sound of his parents returning home.
I had rinsed out and dried the bra and panties I had worn yesterday, and laid them out on the bed, planning to use them again today. They wer perfect for my plan. Intended for the heat of summer, they were a very lightwight filmy mterial, teasingly semi transparent. The dark areas around my nipples were easy to make out, and the panties were small and tight enough that they hugged my pussy tightly, making the outline of my lips and slit pretty obvious. The best part about my "costume" however, was when it got wet. The filmy material would then turn completely transparent, and although technically still dressed, the cover up ability of the bra and panties was reduced to that of a sheet of clear plastic wrap.
I left my room and started down to the kitchen for my morning juice, and maybe a bite of breakfast. As I was barefoot, I was virtually soundless as I padded across the carpet. I could hear the sound of my mom's voice as I approached the kitchen. I got to the door and froze. My mom was standing behind my dad, clutching him in a bear hus. Her arms were around him. One hand was stroking, rubbing, caressing, the bulge in the front of his pants as she cooed in his ear, "Don't make any plans for after work."
I remaind frozen, standing and staring, mesmerized, in shock as my mom continued to fondle my dad's groin. The bulge in the front of his pants was growing noticeably. Mom continued talking into his ear, although she had lowered her voice to a whisper, and I could no longer hear what she was saying. My dad let out a soft groan.
They hadn't seen or heard me, and I hastily retreated a few steps. My mom and dad! I had never even thought about them in a sexual way, and had never given any thought at all to what (if any), sex life they might have. (Even though at the time they were both only in their mid thirties.) Thinking about it, I realized both my mom and dad would probably be considered quite attractive. Both were trim and fit, keeping themselves in good shape. I don't know if my dad would be considered handsome, but I thought my mom was quite pretty, even sexy. Her figure is a lot like mine, slim and slender but with really nice breasts. (hers, I think, are a little bigger than mine. Where I am a 36C, she is probably a 38, and maybe a D cup.)
But still...MY MOM AND DAD?????
Regrouping quickly, I coughed loudly twice, anouncing my approach to the kitchen. Sure enough, when I walked through the door, my mom and dad had parted. This time in, however, I couldn't help but cast a few furtive glances at the bulge in my dad's pants, the bulge that just a moment ago my mom had been fondling and stroking!
I grabbed a glass of juice and a muffin and headed toward the table. I put them down and turned as my dad announced, "We gotta run sweetie. We're running a few minutes late."
I moved quickly and gave my mom the customary hug, and peck on the cheek. I turned and gave dad a quick kiss, but intentionally pressed my hips against his when I went to hug him. I could feel his hardness pressing against me! "Wow," I thought to myself, "Who would have thought...?"
Turning away quickly to hide my now blushing face, I said in a light, slightly flip voice, "Have all kinds of fun at work. See ya when you get home."
I finished my juice and muffin as they departed, and left the kitchen, heading back to my room. Ricky was coming down the stairs as I headed up them. I just couldn't resist it as we passed. I reached out and squeezed the front of his pants, whispering in my sexiest voice, "Don't forget what I said about the movie."
He froze and I continued for a few seconds rhythmically squeezing the rapidly growing bulge in the front of his pants. "What?" I asked innocently, "Would that embarass you?"
He just grinned and moved on, shaking his head. I reached my bedroom door just as I heard the sound of the front door, announcing his departure. I now had the house all to myself.
Although I knew I would be spending a fair amount of time in the pool shortly, I decided to go ahead and jump in the shower anyway. I quickly lathered and rinses my hair, then grabbed my razor and did a quick shave under my arms. I moved on down to do my legs and, as I finished with them, I looked briefly at the very sparse, fine hairs surrounding my pussy. Thinking back to the movie I had watched last night, I remembered that all of the girls had their pussies shaved to one extent or another, and briefly debated shaving my own. I decided against if for the time being, and replaced the razor, reaching for the body wash. I quickly lathered, then rinsed, my entire body.
I knew I had come several times (I lost count!), in the past couple days, and since I didn't own a proper douche, decided to clean myself inside the old fashioned way. (I had done this several times in the past, and pretty much had it down to a science.)
I grabbed the tube of body wash, and squatted down on my haunches, knees spread far apart. Using two fingers of my left hand, I spread my pussy lips wide open, and with my right hand inseerted the tube as far up inside of me as it would go. I squeezed the end as I slowly withdrew the tube, depositing a liberal amount of the gel the entire depth of my pussy. Setting the tube aside, I kept my lips spread open and inserted two fingers of my right hand deep up inside of me. I alternated between wriggling nad twisting them back and forth, along with pumping them in and out. When I was satisfied that I had thoroughly cleaned every bit of my inner channel, at least all the parts I could reach, I withdrew my fingers and stood.
I removed the hand held shower nozzle from the wall mount holder, and adjusted the dial from "spray" to "jet". I squatted back down, and again spreading my lips with the fingers of my left hand, brought the stream of water right up against my open pussy. I could feel the water rushing up inside of me, and watched as the sudsy froth began flowing back out. I kept this up for a couple of minutes until the water flowing back out of me turned clear.
Satisfied that I had thoroughly rinsed my insides, I moved my fingers to spread my lips at the very top, exposing the hood over my clit. I aimed the stream of water at that spot, and within seconds felt the familiar warmth spreading through my body as my clit started to respond to the water's caress. I thought briefly about treating myself to another come, but decided that would defeat the purpose of having just cleaned the insides of my pussy.
I stood, adjusting the dial setting back to "spray", and was replacing it in the wall rack when a very naughty idea flashed through my brain. I remembered the incredible sensations from last night when I was sliding the candle deep in and out of my butt, and my brain went into overdrive.
I grabbed the tube of body wash, turning around so my back was to the showerhead. I spread my legs and bent over as far as I could. I reached back with one hand to spread my cheeks, and used the other to press the tube as tightly as I could against my little back hole. I couldn't get the whole width of the tube to go up inside of me, but did get enough of the tip in me so that when I squeezed, I could feel the gel ooze up inside me.
I squeezed a small amount of the gel onto my middle finger, and set the tube aside. Reaching back, I brought my finger up to my hole and pressed firmly. I felt it slip inside of me and pushed harder, until the entirety of my finger was up inside my tight back channel. I started moving it about, wiggling it, twisting it, sliding it in and out. Again, the sensation was delicious, not really sexual, but very erotic, and a definite turn on! Feeling brave, I removed my finger and brought it together with my index finger. Reaching back, I tried to push both up into me. It was several seconds before my hole relented and I was able to get them in. At first, it actually hurt some, but after a few seconds the pain became nothing more than a mild discomfort...which also quickly faded. I started moving my fingers about...wiggling...twisting...pumping...
I continued my back channel massage for another minute or so, then removed my fingers. I grabbed the showerhead back off the wall rack, again adjusting the dial back to "jet". I turned the water on up to full force and bent back over.
I brought the jet right up close, aimed right at my little hole. It was only seconds before I felt my opening relax and open up, the water then streaming right up inside of me.
I looked back between my spread legs, expecting to see the same sudsy froth flowing back out of me. I was stunned, and more than a little bit grossed out, when the water flowing back out was a murky, slimy, brownish color.
I stood stright up, in shock, and only slowly realized that I had just given myself my first enema!
With this "enlightening", and the realization that I hadn't hurt myself, or done anything wrong, I bent back over and returned the water jet to my butt. I held it there for a full minute, maybe two, until the brown color started to fade and the water running out of me became clearer and clearer.
Finally satisfied that I had thoroughly cleaned out both of my holes, I straightened, set the dial back to "spray", and returned the head to the wall rack. I turned off the water and stepped from the shower, toweling off quickly.
I towel dired my hair as best I could, then spent a few minutes with the blow dryer.
I grabbed my nightshirt and panties off of the floor and started down the hall to my room. I noticed on the way that there was still a large dark, damp spot in the front of my panties from my early morning come, and, as I entered my room, couldn't resist bringing them up to my face. I pressed the wet spot against my nose and inhaled deeply, once, twice, then a third time. I really liked the scent and decided it smelled!
It turned ME on, and I remembered how excited my brother Ricky had gotten when I held my fingers, soaked with my juices, up to his nose and mouth.
I was wondering if that special scent (and taste) would have the same effect on Jeff, (assuming of course he actually showed up.)
I dropped my nightshirt and still damp panties in the laundry hamper, and moved to my bed to put on my "costume".
I put the bra on first, then stepped in front of my free standing full length mirror. I gazed at my breasts, able to see the dark rings of my nipples through the flimsy material. I quickly brought my hand up and lightly teased my nipples. They immediately became hard and upright, straining against the material. (You should know that although my breasts are only avereage (36C), my nipples are something else. They don't look like anything special most of the time, but when they get excited, (or cold!), they will stand right out and grow to a full 1/2".)
I turned back to the bed and grabbed my panties, stepping in and pulling them up over my hips. They were one, maybe two sizes too small, and when I turned back to the mirror I could see the way they hugged my pussy, clearly outlining the shape of my lips, and making the somewhat darker shadow of my slit kind of visible.
Although I had looked at my pussy many times before, I had never really LOOKED at it. I pulled my panties back off my legs and walked over to the full height mirror. I pulled it right next to my bed, adjusting the angle of the tilt so it was slightly down.
I hopped up on my bed, scooting right to the edge in front of the mirror. I raised my knees and spread them far apart. For the first time, I was REALLY looking at my pussy. It looked so...soft,! I lowered my hand and spread my lips open, trying to see up inside myself. That didn't really work, so I contented myself with just gazing at the little bit of soft, pink, inner flesh that I could see.
"Wow," I thought to myself. "So this is what the guys get so turned on looking at."
I moved my fingers to the very top of my slit, spreading my lips again, hoping to see what my clit, my little "magic button", actually looked like, but all I could see was the hood covering it.
I lightly caressed the hood, hoping to entice my clit to get hard and pop out, but felt myself getting moist before it came into view. Since this, again, would have defeated the purpose of my internal "bath", I stopped and hopped off the bed.
I pulled my panties back on and returned the mirror to the corner.
Checking myself one last time in the mirror, I decided I was satisfied with my appearance and made my way down to the back deck and the pool.
I had planned this fairly carefully, and decided that when (if) Jeff showed up, I would be "dozing" on the lounge, my legs splayed out, pointing in the direction of the door he would be coming through.
I grabbed one of the reclining lounge chairs and moved it into position. I went back inside and retrieved my portable radio, bringing it out back with my dark sunglasses. (My plotting had led me to figure out that with the sunglasses on, nobody on the outside looking in at me could even tell if my eyes were open or closed, much less where exactly they were looking. I grabbed a soda from the fridge, picked up my magazine, and strategically placed them both on the edge of the pool, directly over my "magic water jet". I placed the radio right next to them, and turned it up just loud enough that Jeff would be able to hear it next door and know I was outside.
Checking around the deck one more time, I was satisfied my "stage was set", and started toward the lounge chair. I happened to glance in the corner and noticed the oversized tire inner tube that we used as a pool float.
Inspiration hit!
I quickly grabbed it and threw it in the water. After giving it a minute, I flipped it over, so the wet (cool) side was up. I eased myself into the water and hoisted myself up on the tube. I positioned myself so that I could lay back, shoulders and head resting on one side of the tube, legs dangling over the other, with my butt half sticking down through the opening in the middle.
I looked down to check the view that I thought I would be affording Jeff, (hopefully) and realized I was too far down in the water. I readjusted my position, hoisting myself up a little bit, and looked down again.
"Perfect," I thought. My pussy was now up out of the water, affording a perfect view to anyone looking. I spread my legs, splaying them out over the far edge, and raised my arms up over my head. I tried to imagaine what I looked like, "spread eagle" on the oversized tube. I decided this ploy was much better than the lounge, plus the fact that this way my bra and panties were already wet, transparent and see through.
I laid back and half closed my eyes before I remembered, "Damn! I forgot my sunglasses!"
I rolled off the inner tube and went quickly to the patio table, grabbing my sunglasses and slipping them on my head.
I went back into the pool and climbed back aboard the tube, once again assuming my "position".
I paddled myself into position near my soda, magazine, and radio, and waited...hoping.
Minutes went by and I began actually dozing...not sleeping...but kind of drifting in and out of awareness.
I came to and realized that I had drifted to the far side of the pool, and the inner tube in which I was floating had completely swung around. I was now facing in the exact opposite direction of where I wanted to be when Jeff (hopefully) made his appearance.
I quickly paddled back to the edge where soda, magazine, and radio lay. This time I hooked one foot up on the edge of the pool, anchoring my position. As I looked down to check myself, I realized that this posture caused my leges to be spread even further, and that the open disply of my pussy was now actually really naughty, bordering on lewd.
I quickly splashed a bunch of water on both my bra and panties, checking to make sure that they had once again turned "invisible".
The water had the desired effect. I might just as well have not been wearing anything!
The splashing water also had the effect of turning my nipples rock hard...they were now standing tall and proud, straining against my see through bra.
Satisfied, I settled back in the tube, stretched my arms back behind me, and leaned my head back...waiting...

(To Be Continued...)


2008-02-29 00:36:49
Your stories are so damm good, keep them coming!


2007-02-09 00:20:47
Technicalities. Who thinks about technicalities when they're writing porn?


2006-11-20 06:18:16
jeez you have a lucky brother and neighbor. sounds like dad getting involved too huh?9/10


2006-10-30 12:49:54
the story keeps getting better


2006-10-25 21:19:42

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