I set the alarm on my mobile at 8.30 am to wake up early.
I prepared some coffee and smoked a cigarette then I text Mariana. I didn’t call her just text her on what’s up.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” I send
Instantly she replied, “Good morning Vally, wow you waked up early. I thought you would wake up afternoon as usual.”
I texted, “Just for you lovely lady.”
“You are so charming Vally,” she replied.
I send, “So, are you home or at work?" I texted with a smiley face.
“Lolzzzz, of course at home, I told you I’ll take today off as you requested, I always keep my word,” she replied.
I said, “Great, I already made a reservation in Rapsodia hotel.”
Mariana replied, “No no, we will go to my other apparent, it is safer and more comfortable for both of us.”
“I didn’t know about your other apartment, are you sure we will be more comfortable there than the hotel?” I asked.
She texted, “Absolutely, trust me.”
“OK, what the address and when should we meet?”, I asked
“No address, just be ready in half an hour, I’ll pick you up in front of your building,” she replied.
I said, “Wow, great just make it an hour please I need to shave and take a shower.”
“Sure, take your time, OK I’ll text you once I arrive,” she replied.
I send, “Thanks sweetheart, see you. Kisses.”
“See you soon Vally, kisses,” she said.
In 50 minutes I was down stairs in front of the building and smoked a couple of cigarettes till Mariana arrived and before she texts me I was beside her in her car.
We kissed and she continued driving saying, “You are a real gentle man Vally.”
I leaned to her kissing her neck and cupping her tits.
She smiled saying, “Let me drive please.”
In less than 10 minutes she parked her car in front of nice building saying, “Here we are, come in please.”
She opened the trunk of her car and pulled two bags from there.
“Let me help you with these bags,” I said.
She handled them to me.
Her apartment was in the second floor, during we going up I said, “You are looking so elegant in that dress Mariana.”
She was wearing so tight dress showing here body curves as well as her panty border underneath and wearing a light short jacket over it.
She replied, “Thank you Vally,” she added, “Don’t worry no one have the keys here even the kids, I came yesterday afternoon to clean a little and put new bed sheets.”
I Said, “Great.”
She opened the door and let me in then she locked the door from inside and took her jacket off.
The first door was for the kitchen so I entered there and put the bags I carry on the table there.
Mariana followed me saying, “Check what is in the bags please Vally.”
I looked at her replying with a smile, “Let me check you first, is that why you were wearing a jacket!”
“What do you mean?”, she asked laughing.
I said, “To cover theses beautiful hard nipples. You look so hot.”
She laughed more loudly saying in spoiling voice, “True I’m hot, you notice everything Vally, check the bags please.”
I put my hand and grabbed a box, she said, “New towel and bath robe for you Vally I know how much you are neat.”
I replied in a surprise, “Wow thank you Mariana, that’s so kind from you.”
I opened the other bag and found a bottle of my favourite whisky the same whisky we drank on Saturday evening, two boxes of beer, my favourite deodorant, my cologne which I was wearing, and my body shower gel I usually use.
In real surprise I asked her, “Omg, how do you know my favourite stuff?”
“Most of the times I go with Nicole to Carrefour for shopping together, I know what she usually buys for you,” she replied with wide smile on her face.
I smiled back, saying, “ So you who notice everything, not me, you are amazing Mariana.”
She laughed saying, “Feel at home please Vally, would you like a beer or a glass of whisky?”
“I’d like you first, show me your bedroom,” I replied.
She put a big smile on her face, saying, “You are wonderful Vally, that’s the perfect answer.”
She turned around toward the bedroom.
Once we were there I hugged her from behind and started kissing her neck and cup her tits.
“So you don’t wear a bra all the times,” I said laughing while squeezing her beautiful firm tits.
She laughed replying, “Not all the times but when I can I prefer not to wear them.”
“Nice colour, of your sexy dress, what is that colour?”, I asked smiling.
“Dark orange to a brown, I like that colour much,” she replied while pushing her butt against my cock.
I smiled more telling her, “You know that summer fruit, that’s the colour of Peaches.”
I pronounced it more like bitchs not peaches.
“Peaches you mean,” Mariana said then exploded in laughing loudly.
I replied, “That what I said,” while laughing as well.
“You are so funny Vally, I love your sense of humour,” she said.
She added with more slutty laugh, “No you said colour of bitches not Peaches, but it didn’t cross my mind when I picked that dress in the morning.”
I pulled the zipper of her dress and undress her while kissing her back and touching her everywhere. She dropped her panty off as well.
Once she was naked, she turned around and kissed me deeply while undressing me.
I helped her to get naked and then started to kiss her back and hug her closer to me my body while touching and feeling her body and her butt chicks.
I moved my hand between her legs and felt the wetness of her pussy just when I approached there.
I cut the kiss and hold her on my arms saying, “You were wrong, you are super-hot sweetheart not only hot as you said.”
She laughed loudly again and kissed me on my neck.
Mariana has a nice loud laugh, that kind of laughing which make her more sexy and get me more aroused , I loved hearing her laughing.
I was so excited and totally hard so I put her on the bed and just got over her and inserted my dick softly inside her soaking wet pussy and started kissing her again after the soft moan she released.
I started to move my hips so I can stroke my cock inside her and begin to kiss her neck and lick her ears.
Her moans started to get louder, saying, “You are wonderful Vally.”
After couple of minutes, she twisted her body to get on the top of me.
Still my dick deep inside her pussy, she did sit on me and didn’t move.
She looked me in the eyes saying in so intimately voice, “You are making love to me, aren’t you?”
“Don’t you like so?”, I asked her.
Mariana replied in the same intimate tone, “Of course, I love so, not only like it, just I didn’t expect that from you, thank you Vally, you are so charming.”
Then stared to move her hips over me without ridding my dick and she leaned to kiss me and I felt her clit rubbing against me.
We kissed and I squeezed her tits and sucked her beautiful hard large nipples with little bite which released a nice soft scream from her mouth.
Then I turned her again on her back but I raised her legs over my shoulder and stated to shove my dick inside her and get him out and slam her erected clit then go inside her for few strokes then get my dick out and slam him over her whole pussy then fuck her again.
I continued like that for about 15 minutes.
By now her head was moving from one side to another and saying in joy, “Oh Vally don’t stop, fuck me, fuck me please.”
She continued moaning and groaning in real joyful voices till she reached her orgasm.
Once she finished her orgasm I laid her legs back on the bed and returned totally over her and kissed her so passionately.
After about 2 minute I moved my head little up asking her, “Where do you want me to cum Mariana, can I to cum inside you?”
“You can cum inside me but I want to taste your sweet precious sperm,” she replied with a loud laugh.
She was referring to Saturday night conversation with Niky.
I got out of her and laid on my back and she jumped and took my dick inside her mouth. Only few strokes and I exploded in her mouth.
Her mouth was open and most of my loads fall back on my dick and my balls.
She kept sucking and stroking my dick dry till I finished my ejaculation.
Then she licked each single drop of my sperm from my dick and my balls.
She did that in a way that made me feel she really tasting my sperm and eating each drop of it with total joy and pleasure.
“Really yamiiii,” she said.
Once she finished she came and laid on my chest.
To her surprise I raised her head and kissed her in so passionate way.
She didn’t except me to kiss her after eating my sperm.
The smell of my own sperm was even in her breath but I just continued kissing her.
I moved my hand over her pussy and fingered her and rubbed her clit and her pussy lips. she orgasmed again in few minutes.
We laid there for few minutes till she jumped out the bed saying, “Time for a drink.”
“Sure but I need a cigarette, where can I smoke here?”, I asked.
She smiled replying, “Right here I’ll bring an ashtray. What do you prefer whiskey or beer?”.
I smiled back saying, “Both please.”
She smiled and ran to the kitchen.
After about 10 minutes she returned back with big tray. Whiskey bottle, two glasses, ice bucket, bigger bucket filled with ice and 4 beers bottles, three different types of nuts and an ashtray.
She put all the tray on the bed telling me, “Help your self and serve me whatever you will drink Vally.”
I replied happily, “That too much spoiling for me Mariana, thank you sweetheart.”
“You are used to that kind of spoiling honey. Just feel at home please Vally,” she said so winking with her right eye at me.
I winked back at her, asking, “ Please bring my cigarette pack and the lighter from my trousers, Mariana.”
I filled the two glasses with ice and filled them with the Dimple whiskey.
She brought my cigarette pack and opened it and took 2 cigarettes and lighted them together between her lips.
After a deep inhale she gave me one of them.
I handled a glass of whiskey to her, took mine and cheered her.
We drink good portion of these two glasses right away.
“So, you are smoking,” I asked Mariana.
She replied with smirk smile, “Yes I smoke, but not so often like you and your young bitch.”
I laughed loudly, asking, “Is that why you didn’t smoke on Saturday night, because of my young bitch.”
“Yes, she is so possessive and rude and I didn’t want to ruin the night for a smoke,” Mariana replied in real serious tone.
I smiled saying, “I noticed you are dealing with her with caution.”
“I don’t care about Niky I care about her mother, Niky isn’t young any more and she knows exactly what she is doing,” still in her serious tone, she replied.
“Caring about her mother, is that why we are here now?”, I commented really in sarcastic laugh.
She silent for a minute or so, she drank some whisky while finishing her cigarette without saying a word.
She looked me in the eyes saying, “Vally you are an amazing man, I love you so much, you treat me in very elegant way, you are a real gentle man much more than Nicole described you always.”
She added with more serious tone, “I know I can trust you on what I’m going to tell you now.”
“Thank you Mariana, you are a wonderful fine lady yourself and that the least I can be with you, but you got me worried, what’s that about?”, I asked.
Mariana replied, “Promise me it will be a secret between us , at least for now, I feel you can handle such a secret specially after the way you made love to me today which I didn’t expect but I appreciate it more than you can imagine.”
“Sure, I promise. Mariana I met you not to have only sex, you know I have on my plate more than I can handle but I need a special woman in my life and I just like you,” I continued with a big smile, “Beside we didn’t finish yet we are just warmed up.”
Mariana smiled back saying, “Sure, I know your capabilities , just I hope you will not get upset from me but I can’t not tell you the truth.”
I lighted another cigarette, and said, “You got me really worried, spell it out Mariana. Don’t worry you can trust me, you know that otherwise we wouldn’t be here now. Right?”
“Right,” she replied, adding, “OK, me and Nicole are partners from long time, and all what Nicole told you and Niky about blackmailing me and drugging me isn’t true and she knew about my kids since long time as I knew everything about her, her first husband, Niky and you.”
I didn’t understand what she told me and I asked her, “Slow down Mariana please and explain what you mean.”
She poured more whiskey for both of us before saying, “I don’t know from where I can start, but all I told you now is true, you can ask about any details you like to know and I’ll answer you directly and honestly.”
“First what did you mean you and Nicole are partners?, partners in what!”, I asked her.
Mariana replied, “Actually, we are partners in many things, in sex, in drugs, and in her political career.”
“Slow down please and explain,” I asked her again.
Mariana replied in more calm voice, “Sorry, oK we are lovers since about 15 years and we meet occasionally to have sex and we love each other.”
In surprise I asked, “Have sex with whom?”
Mariana laughed on my misunderstanding question and said, “Have sex with each other,” she added trying to comfort me, “Don’t worry, Nicole is so loyal to you and even to her first husband, just we love each other and we enjoy being with each other as a lesbian lover.”
“ Lesbian lovers!, How lesbian and she is married twice and still married to me and actively fucking me, beside you yourself aren’t lesbian, I don’t believe that,” I replied in real shock.
Mariana tried to calm me down saying, “Sorry, sorry, lesbian isn’t the right deion, Nicole is bisexual as well as me but that’s not the point. We are lovers and we don’t hide anything about each other.”
I calmed down a bit, and asked Mariana, “So, you know about Niky and her father and me, the drugs, as Nicole knows about you and your kids from the beginning. Interesting!”
“Yes, it’s interesting, the situation with our kids is unusual,” she said.
I looked at her saying, “Forget about the kids now please. Tell me about the drugs.”
“Ok, Ecstasy isn’t a real drug, it is not causing addiction, we use it to overcome the odd situations we have in our lives and to deal with the non-stop horny desires & lust of our kids,” she replied and continued explaining, “Similar pharmaceutical drug was prescribed to Niky when Nicole took her to Psychologist after she divorced George to overcome isolation and separating from her father, who she still love by the way, that how we knew about the Ecstasy, for Niky it’s a treatment.”
I said in sarcastic way, “Odd situations of what, being bisexual or fucking your kids or having an orgy with your lover together with me and her daughter, you are funny Mariana.”
“Everything, sometime we feel terrible guilt, we have to continue in our lives with all the odd situations we have,” she replied calmly.
I become more calm too and told her, “I feel that guilt and I understand what you mean but I don’t take drugs to continue my life with such a family.”
“You are stronger than us and able to deal with that situation in better way, Vally,” she said.
I replied, “Not really, Mariana.”
Mariana surprised me again by asking, “Why do you feel guilt?, you were a Muslim before marrying to Nicole and get baptized, right?”
“What is that has to do with what we are talking about?,” I asked her back.
Mariana tried to explain herself by saying, “Being a Muslim you are allowed to get married to four women, right or wrong?”
I laughed and replied, “Right but under certain circumstances and with the approval of the previous wives.”
“That’s not the point, the point is you can get married to four different women and make love to them in fair way, right?”, she asked.
I got where she wants to reach so I replied, “True, but that’s doesn’t include a mother and her daughter, in Islam, even if I were married to one of them and that one died I can’t marry he mother or daughter.”
“But you are allowed as a Muslim to get married to your first cousin, while we consider the first cousin as a brother or a sister and we can’t marry them, right or wrong?”, she continued asking these silly questions.
I replied with a smile, “Right, get married not to have sex with them.”
“When you get married don’t you have sex with them?”, she asked laughing loudly in her slutty way.
I laughed as well saying, “Of course, we do.”
“Do you believe in one God or several Gods, Vally?”, she asked.
I replied little annoyed, “I believe in one God, what’s your point Mariana?, it becomes silly conversation.”
“Be patient please Vally, my point is, why God put different rules in different religions or in different societies, me myself I believe in one God but not as these religions says.
“The point is there is no rules, some people believe in something and others believe in something else, do you know that somewhere in India, it’s allowed for a woman to have several husbands, in Portugal and Serbia they don’t incriminate the sex between family members. What do you make out of that?”, she replied trying to convince me with that twisted logic.
I really tried to change the subject, so I said, “Ok ok, I got your point, but I don’t agree with your logic, now tell me how are you and Nicole partners in her political career?”.
“We are planning for years to get her into the party and get her into the parliament, once she retires, as planned she should retire next year, she will run in the elections of 2020 with all the support of the party,” she explained.
I looked more confused asking Mariana, “If so, why Nicole told me that story about blackmailing you, videoing you having sex with us to use that to get your help in her political plans!”
“That story wasn’t meant to be for you and let me explain, give me a cigarette please,” she said.
I gave her a cigarette and lighted one for me as well and poured more whisky for both of us.
Mariana explained saying, “Niky and Miruna are so close friends since they were young even with the 4 years age difference between them.
“They don’t hide any secrets from each others Miruna told Niky about her and Alex, Niky who encouraged her to fuck Alex.
“Also, Niky told Miruna about Gorge and you and how you are making sex with her and Nicole.
“Me and Nicole as well we don’t hide anything at all from each other and we knew that the girls are protective to each other, never they mentioned to us any of what they think it’s their own secret.
“Till few weeks ago when Niky told you and Nicole that the baby born is Alex’s son, in the same day Miruna told me that Niky is having sex with Vally and Nicole knew about that.
“Me and Nicole we met that day and we conclude that the girls are planning for something because they exposed each other secret to us in the same day and after so many years.
“Me and Nicoleta agreed to create that story of blackmailing and so to discover why the girls exposed each other’s secret.”
“Hold on Mariana, I don’t understand, how would that story help?”, I asked.
Mariana hesitated for a while the said, “OK I promised to be honest and forward with you Vally.
“Since long time Nicole trying to find a way to introduce me to you.
“Once Niky told her about the baby we saw it as an opportunity to do what we wanted from long time.”
“Still I don’t understand, introduce you to me for what and what you wanted for long time, what do you mean?”, I continued asking not getting what she meant.
Mariana blushed while saying in shy tone, “Since long time me and Nicole want to have sex with you together so that we become lovers the three of us.”
“Seriously are you talking?, I’m married to Nicole since 6 years, why now!”, I in surprise asked Mariana.
Mariana replied in more firm tone, “True but you left to Dubai early 2014, you were coming only for short visits, otherwise we would arrange that long time ago.”
“I’m here for 6 months by now, why when Niky told us about the baby,” I asked her.
Mariana said in firm tone, “Believe me we were waiting for the right moment and it would happen soon but without Niky, but after the girls exposed each other, we created that story since it’s a good reason to blackmail me and introduce me to you as only sex blackmailing then we develop our relationship between the three of us.”
Still surprised I said, “Interesting really interesting and why now, the day after I discovered that Nicole and Niky are taking that Ecstasy.”
“To please you first with fucking new woman, then to be part of the conspiracy of knowing I was drugged and videoed while you are fucking me so you accept the fact that they are taking that Ecstasy,” she tried to explain.
I really got frustrated from her explanation asking Mariana, “To accept the fact or to blackmail me in fact, as if I’m a part in such crime!”
“No one can blackmail any one honey, beside what crime are you talking about?”, she asked, trying to calm me down, she added in seductive voice, “I wanted you since you met Niccole and get married to her, Nicole was waiting for the right moment and it arise, and if you stayed here and not left to Dubai for sure we would arrange that many years ago.”
I replied in less frustrated voice, “If so why with Niky presence, why not only me, you and Nicole!”
“We wanted to know as well why the girls exposed each other to us, so Nicole suggested Niky’s presence,” she explained.
I seriously asked Mariana, “Did you discover why they exposed each other?”
“Of course, don’t you realise why Vally?, you are smart and were paying much attention to all the details on Saturday night!”, she asked back.
I replied anxiously, “What didn’t I realise?”
“Niky said it clearly, Miruna wants to fuck you, she even asked me in front of you and Nicole to bring Miruna next weekend with me,” Mariana answered.
I asked her in total surprise, “Are you and Nicole OK with that?”
“ I talked with Nicole yesterday afternoon after Niky left to Iasi, we agreed that if the girls really wants that and they insist, then Nicole will put a fight with Niky and come spend the night with me leaving you with the girls,” Mariana replied in very firm tone.
I asked in disgusting voice, “So, Nicole spend the night with you and your son you mean while I’m fucking both of your daughters, are you both crazy or what.”
“No no, never Nicole had sex with Alex or any other man neither me for 5 years except Alex.
“Our positions are critical as you know and don’t allow us to hang around with other men beside I told you Nicole is so loyal and faithful to you and even she was loyal to George as well.
“Beside, Alex left the home a year ago and we don’t see him much.” Mariana explained in very serious way.
I asked, “Why did Alex leave you and Miruna?”
“Because he didn’t want us to have the baby, he wanted Miruna to get an abortio, when we both refused, he left the house.
“He is working now in Cluj, beside he got a girlfriend as well,” she explained sadly.
I got more surprised and asked, “Wow, tell me Mariana, why did you want to keep the baby?”
“It’s the best thing can happen to a girl in her early age to have a child, she gets freed from the obligation of marriage, she can progress faster in her life and her career and enjoy her life more freely till she finds real love if she will find it,” she replied with a real convinced conscious.
Sarcastically I laughed while saying to Mariana, “Enjoying her life freely by fucking her best friend’s step father,” I added in more serious voice, “Let me get that straight Mariana please, I need simple clear answers even yes or no if you can.”
“Ok honey,” she replied.
I asked her very calmly in firm tone, “You wanted to fuck me from long time while your lover Nicole agree with that, hopping both of you that the three of us could be in sort of relationship”
“Yes, and we would tell you everything about our relationship and even my kids,” she replied.
I continued asking her, “You accepted meeting me today and you agreed or suggested to be secret relationship between you and me and brought me to your apartment!”
“Yes,” Mariana replied firmly.
I followed questioning her, “If the girls insist as you said, you and Nicole have no problem that I fuck Miruna together with Niky!”
“If they insist we can not do anything about it, beside I guess you wouldn’t mind to have sex with Miruna as well,” Mariana replied in sort of seductive voice.
I asked firmly, “So, did you and Nicole agree to that?”
“Yes, Vally,” she answered.
Shocked as I was, I said, “Oh my God.” I paused for a while trying to process all these nonsense bullshitt, then I asked Mariana, “I need to know how did you start fucking your kids and how did they start fucking each other?”
“OK I’ll tell you because you said you don’t judge people,” she said in sort of ashamed voice.
I replied, “Yes, I don’t judge any one but what’s going on is over my wild imagination.”
“Enjoy it you are a lucky man, you hit two horny mothers with their slutty daughters,” She said that with a big smile on her face.
I replied in still shocked attitude, “I'll see if that’s luck or not just tell me how did it start with your kids?”
To be continued.
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