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The council's power is weakened

Gwendydd - sister

Morgenau - brother

Morial - brother

Morien - brother

Mordaf - brother - Naci's father

New Council Members







Clondal - female


Ukobach was cursing even harder, what were those idiots doing? More than half of the guard corps was destroyed. Almost all of the hunters were dead or missing. Scratching his chin he thought of calling a few of his kin in hell. No that wasn't feasible right now they would most definitely be missed.

Shaking his head he had to get the two new council members in place. Sighing he nodded to the two strongest of the council as they opened the chambers. A moment later two mages stepped forward.

"Hail Tydeth, Hail Groton," Ukobach said as the two male mages stepped into the chamber. "You both are the next in line for the council. Serve it and the magical realm well!"

Both mages nodded as they bowed to the council leader. "I Groton will endeavor to uphold all the standards of the magic realm, Council leader." The one called Groton stated. Ukobach immediately nodded smiling already liking the gruffness of the new member.

Turning to the other male mage, Ukobach waited. With a sneer and a growl the male stated. "I Tydeth, will endeavor to try to uphold all the standards of the magic realm, Council leader. At least to the ones that deserve it," he said this last part in more a whisper. Ukobach's eyes went wide at what he heard, interesting. These two might be more on his side than he thought. We'll have to see, yes, we'll have to see!

Ukobach watched as the two new mages made their way to the side of his allies. Even as he watched the first two new council members tended to keep less company with the rest of his allies. Shaking his head he'd still have to watch them not good to be attacked from within if they were planning a coup.

Naci and I exited the tunnel with much less velocity this time. Landing lightly we both nodded to each other as we started to set up the camp. A loud mumbling was coming from the bag at my side as I wacked it with my hand.

"I believe I need to get the information about this traitor out to the rest of the magical realm." I told Naci.

"That would be good husband, though can you do it from here?" Naci asked a look of worry crossing her features.

"I would like nothing better, problem is the moment I start to send it, and you know they will try to trace it. No, I think it would be better if I do it from another time." I replied to her.

Sighing Naci nodded thinking a moment. "I think I should go with you Toman, alone you will be far more vulnerable. If you are attacked I fear I wouldn't be able to reach you in time."

I sat with a thump on a chair my mouth open. When had she started to be this concerned? I was about to answer when the bag started to mumble again. A little mad I kicked it eliciting a short scream. "I suggest," I told the bag. "That if you don't want worse? That you keep the hell quiet!"

Naci started to giggle at my words as I looked at her with a confounded look. Slowly a smile crept across my lips as I nodded to her. "We need to plan for the next assault Naci. The last worked far better than I hoped."

"I was glad to be of a little help, husband." Naci replied with a large smile.

"A little?" I said in surprise. "Naci, you were far more than a little help. I'd dare say that it went as well as it did, BECAUSE of you."

Naci's head snapped up as she stared at me. Then she launched herself at me taking me, the chair and herself to the ground. Kissing my entire face, she suddenly stopped, standing, blushing furiously.

"I'm sorry husband, your words filled me with such joy I couldn't help myself." Naci said almost afraid to look at Toman.

I just lay there a little stunned at what had just happened. Then I thought, what did just happen? Taking a little too long to answer, Naci thought I was upset with her as tears started to fall. Upon hearing her sob, I immediately got off the ground kneeling where she was sitting. Placing my arms around her I held her close.

"I'm not mad at you Naci, you just took me by surprise. What I said was nothing to me, though as I said before I am sorry I don't praise you enough." I said as she started to calm down.

"So you aren't ashamed of me?" She asked her lips slightly trembling.

"Ashamed? By the great maker! I am so proud of you! You handled yourself far better than I had hoped you would. With you at my side I think we can really do this." I told her, pride showing in my eyes as well as on my face.

This of course caused her to again launch herself at me again. Though this time I was better prepared as our lips met. Both our eyes flew open as we both felt a huge current run through the both of us. The thing is? Even if we had wanted to separate, I don't think it would have been possible at that moment.

When we were finally able to separate, we were both panting almost uncontrollably. We both sat there for a few minutes trying to get our breath and emotions under control. Naci, still blushing, finally got to her feet to start on a few other things that needed done.

A few more minutes had me shaking my head trying to clear my head. What in the hell had just happened? Arising on somewhat shaky legs I took several bags out as I moved to the perimeter of our camp. Slowly I started to spread several seeds around, intermixing them with a few new ones I hadn't used yet.

An hour later I finally finished, it might take a lot of time for an enemy that might be dead though I felt we still needed to be ready. Thinking back I remembered that Rigal had been in pretty bad shape. Then I remembered he'd been even worse before that. Was Ukobach, even as hurt as he was then still able to heal Rigal? Then again how in the hell had Ukobach gotten healed? I hit him with a hell of a lot of power.

I sat there for a few hours trying to figure out if we had to fear from them never being weak enough to defeat. Finally shaking my head again I returned to planning, on destroying more of the evil infested council. Concentrating I had another mage's eye up and gone within seconds.

A moment later I was about to open the eye when I got a message from Pops. [Toman, I have sent this on the old thought channel we used to use. This is just to let you know that you have crippled the council, you will need at least four more before they are manageable. Then all will be ready for you to move against the last of them. Everything is moving into place, be well.]

I shook my head, how in the hell could all moving into place? Merlin was dead, Naci's father Mordaf was still exiled. The strong allies I thought I had when I started this, were either gone or unable to help. What in the hell was Pops on about?

Sighing I figured Pops might have a few of his friends trying to help out. I sure hope so, plus I hoped that they had the power to actually help! Opening the mage eye I started to sift through all the information it was sending back.

As I looked in I saw that Ukobach had wasted no time in replacing the dead members. Sighing, I just hope that those that replaced the old ones weren't worse. Even as I was watching I could see that the two weakest kept more to themselves. The other two though they had bad attitudes weren't that involved with the older council members either.

I was nodding my head as I was watching the proceedings in the council chambers. The four weakest were now gone, I need two more to have half of them gone. I began to scan back and forth trying to find a time when we could get both of them. Right before Naci came to remind me I needed to eat, is when I saw the perfect opportunity.

We had finished eating, as I was helping Naci clean up, I laid out what I had seen and the plan I had. Quiet the whole time, she listened with almost her full attention, nodding in agreement several times. "So do you see anything that we might need to change?" I asked.

Naci was quiet a bit longer, as she was deep in thought. Then a wide beautiful smile lit up her face as she pointed out the flaws I had missed with the plan. Surprised it was my turn to nod in agreement to everything that she pointed out.

Finally a few hours later we both crept into our mage beds to rest. We were going to need all we had to get these next two. They weren’t the strongest, though they were the strongest of the lower half of the council.

The next morning we both awoke refreshed. Naci had already started to repack the camp when I walked to her.

"Though I feel you are strong enough, almost anything can happen," I told Naci. "I'd like to raise you more before we go against these two. If they join we might have trouble."

There was a sudden laughing coming from the bag, and then a voice whispered. "You'll be lucky to get a shot off. They will kill the both of you before you figure out how to defeat them."

Growling a bit I turned the bag up dumping the head on the ground none to gentle. After it finished screaming a few minutes, I finally started to draw from the head. "There is more than one way to gain information." I sneered at the head as it started to scream again while I forcefully withdrew what I needed. "I'd take it all though, I think it would better to keep you in one piece. That is 'til the magic world exacts justice on you."

This time the head only sneered, "You'll never get that far. Even with members that aren't with him. The leader has more than enough to kill the both of you!"

A thin smile crept across my lips as I stared at the head. "You poor lout!" I said as I started to laugh. "You obviously haven't felt my power have you?"

For a moment I thought the head was going to start laughing again, but then a shocked look dominated the features. "NO! It isn't possible! How can you have that much control? No wild magic user has ever been at this level, at least none other than Merlin."

My smile got larger as I leaned closer, "Who do you think taught me the advanced magic? All of you were so proud that you had the latest information. Now it appears that all of you including Ukobach, are seriously lacking in it."

The look of shock on the head increased as it whispered, "No one but Merlin and your mother have ever had that much control. Not even that bastard your father..."

At that point my anger got the best of me as I kicked the head across the camp. Smiling I listened to it curse then scream as it bounced a few times. "My mother isn't a subject of discussion. Though if you might want to know," here I picked the head up by the hair looking into the eyes. "She is very much alive!"

The look of shock on the head got even bigger then I heard it whisper, "No!" Then a look of absolute terror started to dominate its features. "No, the vitae renatos! It isn't possible not even all twelve of the council's powers can accomplish that! You... you truly are an abomina..."

Growling I again kicked the head across the camp prompting another series of screams. "You forget who you are speaking to! Then there is the fact that you made a pact with an agent of the darkness. You..."

I suddenly stopped as I felt Naci's hand on me. "If you keep that up Toman it won't survive long enough for us to present it to the magic realm." She said a look of concern on her face.

I smirked as I turned toward her, "Oh that's right you don't know. The so called council member here has a pact with the darkness. No matter what damage the head takes it will remain alive, healing quickly. It wouldn't do much good if it died half way through what they had planned."

Naci nodded a little shocked, and then we finished packing up. I put the head back in the bag from before waving my hand over it. There that ought to shut it the hell up for a while.


Not far from the council chambers two members of the council were soaking in the public baths. After the many meetings with the leader, they were tense from the amount of raging he had done. Hell, they were all worried what with the pacts they had all made. Both were conferring about the bastard wild magic user. Ideas about some ways they might help to eliminate him once and for all.

Both were alone as they were discussing things that they wanted no one else to hear. Almost directly above them, they heard a boom then the roof split open crashing down near them. Both had already gotten out heading for the door when they both froze.

I floated down behind them as I saw Naci was in front of them. Ah! Excellent, her command of the paralysis spell was ten times better than before!

It was about that time that I heard the magic realm enforcers trying to break through. Though not as armed as the elite guards these guys did have a lot more strength. I turned and nodded to Naci as she increased the shield around the room.

Walking to the two paralyzed men, I first reached in stripping one then the other of their powers. Both were screaming that I couldn't do that they were council members.

Leaning between the both of them I hissed through clenched teeth, "No, you are traitors. Much as the rest of the council is! Two things are going to happen; I'm going to take what you know of Ukobach, the plans, plus who killed mine and the other family members. The both of you are going to die. Really there's no stopping that."

"You are a thing something to be..." one of the council members started.

"No, it is not I but you who are a perverse blight on the magic realm. The simple fact is that you betrayed all here for what? Riches? Power? Bah! There are far better ways to get them than selling all that you are to the demon darkness."

It was about that time that Toman noticed that each mage was trying to send a tendril of... something to the other. Waving his hand the two were suddenly further apart.

I then started to drain the both of them of everything useful. Satisfied, I thought a moment then I made a huge machete type knife appear. I saw that they were again trying to get the tendril to the other. Nodding I swung the machete chopping off the genitals of both mages.

Both of them were screaming at the top of their voices. I leaned in whispering, "I know about the two of you. I know that the both of you are lovers. It is fitting that the both of you die together." I had both of their genitals drop on the floor in front of them, waving my hand the flesh was ash in a moment."

I could hear the voices outside increasing knowing that more were gathering. I saw that Naci was still barely struggling to hold the shield. Smiling at her I saw her eyes shine with pride. Making a few motions I had a portal open with both of the males flying through it. At almost the same time I had motioned for Naci as we both started to rise upward.

I had already started forming the portal outside the roof as we accelerated toward it. Even as we reached it I heard, and then saw the doors to the baths burst open. Passing through I thought I saw one give chase, then nothing as I slammed the portal closed.

It was almost no time before we were coming out of the portal exit. Landing far gentler beside Naci I couldn't help but smile at her. "I do believe that was the best that any of our 'trips' has gone. I think it is because of you Naci. You are growing far more confident it seems each time we go. That makes half the council finally I think we have a real chance against them"

Naci was quiet though a huge smile appeared on her face. There was also what appeared to be a great sense of pride there too.


Ukobach was raging around the public bath house tossing anything or anyone he got his hands on. This had been right under all their noses much like the last time! This son of a bitch had to die that was all there was to it!

Concentrating Ukobach thoughts started to snarl. [Rigal! Where in the hell are you, you pathetic son of a bitch! That piece of shit has another two council members missing. You better kill him before he removes those that are protecting you!]

[After I heal you pathetic ass!] Responded Rigal's thoughts. [I told you I'd kill him my way, stay out of this or I might start hunting you!]

[Don't even think of it boy! You will never have enough power to hurt me! Now, get your ass going!] Ukobach's thoughts were almost screaming.

Rigal cut communication off as he sat in the chair behind him. ‘We'll see who gets who,’ he thought as he felt his energy finally start to climb closer to normal.

Ukobach suddenly received a message as he blinked out. Appearing in the council chambers Ukobach growled when he saw the two missing council members. What was going on they still had their minds.

"You have to remove them," Tydeth growled as he and a few others were getting behind Ukobach.

"This is a place of high magic," Groton shouted surprising Ukobach. "Their presence upsets the council chambers."

Ukobach nodded looking at the two new mages a moment then he stretched a hand out scanning the both of them. Seeing what Toman had done shocked the leader then he smiled a evil smile as he incinerated both ex-mages. A moment later there was a pounding at the chamber doors. Surprised Ukobach opened the doors seeing a male and female mage.

As the female mage pushed her way past Ukobach then she sneered at the rest of them there. "Clondal? What are you and Docal doing here?"

"Cut the shit Triallas!" The female mage growled at Ukobach. "We both knew these two idiots would get killed before long. Docal and I won't make those mistakes. Now swear us in!"

Ukobach had to hide his smile this one he liked! He almost scanned her to see if she was a demon. She damn sure had the attitude. "Alright, Docal, Clondal, You both are the next in line for the council. Serve it and the magical realm well!"

The tall male mage scowled at Ukobach, "as much as possible if they don't irritate me."

The slender female mage sneered at the rest, "for as long as it pleases ME." Then she pushed her way past Ukobach with Clondal on her heels. Again Ukobach had to hide a smile these two had definite possibilities. Moving away he had to plan with his son as disobedient as he was Ukobach would have to watch him far closer.


Naci was about to move into the mage house when she felt a strange presence. Alerting Toman, they were both shocked when Rigal walked out. Bowing to the both of them he sat in the chair outside the door.
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