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An enemy gets hurt.
S.H.E.I.L.A. - synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android


Sheila seemed to be momentarily distracted after we had stopped. Sitting there I waited for her report when she was done.

Timur was rolling on the ground feeling like his face was on fire. He also noticed that his left arm and cheek hurt like hell. Still he held his right hand tightly closed. {"Proklyat'ye! Kusok der'ma!"} (Damn it! Piece of shit!) He was repeating over and over.

Ruslan was rushing back to the man as he was rolling around on the ground. "Timur? Are you injured?" When the small man didn't answer Ruslan started to get worried. Reaching out he stopped the small man from his rolling seeing that the small man was indeed injured. "Serafima! The emergency field kit!"

A moment later a dark red headed woman ran up with the med kit. "So comrade, you have finally met your match it seems." She said with a sadistic smile on her lips. "As it appears my Karina has also."

"Not now Serafima! We are a man down at the moment. The loss of one of you can destroy a mission as you well know." Ruslan said effectively making her clamp her mouth shut. A moment later Karina approached shocked to see Timur on the ground bleeding. "Karina! Report!"

"Da leader. I got three shots off before it accelerated out of sight. Leader I am sure I hit it, I am also sure I heard a ricochet of my shell. You know as well as I do that my shells DO NOT ricochet!" Karina stated a tear falling from her eyes. "I do not miss leader, as I am sure I did not this time." Karina was in thought a moment then an idea hit her. "Leader? Do you think they knew we were coming?"

Ruslan thought this over a moment then shook his head. "I do not know though I will find out, now." Two more tall men appeared a moment later as Ruslan instructed them to take Timur to the hospital. He also reminded them not to leave his side. A look of almost rage covered Ruslan's face as he arose flanked by both women. Entering the jeep he arrived at the General's office twenty minutes later. Getting out they all entered the office Ruslan walking with a determined gait.

General Gance could hear them when they entered the building. Sighing he knew they had missed else they'd still be out there or partying.

Ruslan walked right up to the General slamming his fist on the desk cracking it. "Dam it general, they knew! Karina does not miss, she says she heard a ricochet after the first shot. So you want to tell me how they knew?"

"You don't realize who you are up against do you?" The General asked to which Ruslan shook his head no. "Doctor Roger Gance, the foremost authority on robotics, cybernetics, A.I. technology. He holds a Ph.D. in all three fields. During this whole thing I had high hopes for him. He was in lack of a better word the perfect son. Then I noticed he didn't like what we were doing with them. Sentimental garbage."

Ruslan's eyes had gone wide, so he thought we were the best going against the best. With a huge smile he nodded yes it was as it should be. "I take it he disobeyed orders?"

The General growled at Ruslan who backed up a bit as did the two women. "He did far more than that, he destroyed two prototypes that were about to rid this country of two of its greatest enemies. After that he sent self destruct signals destroying three more along with more than two dozen scientists. He then destroyed most of the lab, erased well over ninety nine percent of the files. The president ordered a seek and destroy."

"I see, so no capture then?" Ruslan asked.

"Hell no! He is to be destroyed as well as what he created. We have to rid the world of this worthless piece of shit! The orders state he is to be terminated with extreme prejudice. I intend to see that this happens." General Gance told the three of them.

"Then that is what we will do, we have to go check on Timur." At the General's questioning look Ruslan continued. "He tried to hack the android, it appears she copied a few of the military virus attacks. One of them got Timur's laptop and Timur." With that the three of them left. The general's eyes were wide a moment as he thought of just how good Timur was in his job. Damn it, the android would be close to unstoppable if this kept up.

Ruslan pushed his hand through his short blonde hair. Pulling out the authorization from the General he and the two women were allowed through. They were again stopped at the entrance of the hospital as several men kept their weapons trained on them. Ruslan nodded impressed, the security was the best he'd seen in some time.

A moment later a full bird colonel appeared looking over the three. "They wished to enter with their weapons sir." An Air Force first sergeant told the Colonel. "They have authorization from a General Gance G.A.M."

The Colonel looked over the authorization, then he handed it back to Ruslan. "I don't really give a shit who this General is. This is a medical institution you leave your weapons or you don't enter."

Karina and Serafima both bristled reaching for their weapons, only freezing upon hearing the clicking of at least twenty weapons. The fact that several laser sights were also trained on them wasn't lost either. Ruslan gave a slight shake of his head causing both women to relax.

Ruslan allowed the command first sergeant and chief master sergeant to search him. Both were amazed as they started to pull several knifes, grenades, several Ammunition Cartridge Belts from his person. Surprised he saw that they also found most of the pistols he had on his legs.

Going over him one more time they also found a few weapons on his back. Shaking Ruslan almost felt naked at least thirty pounds lighter. He'd seen both Karina and Serafima taken to another room by two female marines. A master sergeant and a first sergeant. They were all of course escorted out by several female marines weapons ever at the ready.

Ruslan smiled this was the most secure he'd seen a military institution since they had left Russia. It was perhaps half an hour later that all three met up to go to Timur's room. Nodding to Egor and Stas Ruslan went in alone.


I had sat while Sheila seemed to be paused. She was emitting a whirling sound the whole time. Then almost twenty minutes later I heard a click then Sheila turned to me.

"I have completed analysis Doctor Gance. All pathways that the interloper was able to penetrate have been closed and guarded. I have also searched for any other that might be corrupted; these have also been repaired and guarded." Sheila informed me.

"It might be advisable for you to keep a closer watch on all pathways not just those that are susceptible. The one who did this seems to be almost as good as I am." I advised Sheila.

"No Doctor Gance, this one's knowledge was only near yours in computer language and commands. By no means was their knowledge in full even half as much as yours. Had they known that I have emotions they would have attacked far differently," Sheila replied a slight smile on her face.

I did a double take a moment, was she just giving me a boost of confidence? Shaking my head I saw that this time her slight smile had vanished. In fact I could swear that it was growing larger though almost imperceptively.

"The fact that you were able to be attacked worries me quite a bit. Even with all the upgrades you had I am afraid it still wasn't enough." I told Sheila voicing my worries.

"I don't think you have to worry there much Doctor Gance. I sent the destruct virus to his computer." Sheila replied.

I just looked at Sheila with a sad look then I shook my head no. "With one as good as they were, they more than likely have several backups."

Sheila took this in for a moment then nodded, "I concur, Doctor Gance." Sheila again paused as she turned her head a moment. "It appears that a man was admitted to the Elmendorf Air Force Base hospital. Severe burns and lacerations to face, left arm and left leg. From what they are saying they match the type of injuries of the one I intercepted."

I looked at Sheila as she was conveying this. "The destruct virus caused this," I asked a little surprised.

"Yes Doctor Gance, it was basically designed to wipe the system it infected clean. I made more than a few modifications to it. It caused several overloads that caused to unit to overheat and explode. Usually this would be a good deterrent, in this case as you indicated, it most likely will not." Sheila informed me.

I nodded my agreement as Sheila picked me up taking off at an accelerated rate. I'd thought she'd head back south though to my astonishment she took off due east. Shit I thought we were going into Canadian territory now. Shaking my head I just hoped we didn't start an incident with our neighbors.

It seemed we were going for on for a long time as I once again fell asleep. Not sure how long I was out I was awakened by an inner voice. [Control, we have now reached mid obtainable mass. Access to the data cube can now be extended to two hours units. We await any orders that you may have.]

I jerked awake, feeling or rather not feeling all that much in my extremities. [Sheila I need to get down, stop as soon as you can, it appears I have lost feeling in my legs again.]

Sheila immediately stopped lowering me off her shoulder. [I apologize, Doctor Gance; I was intent on us making as much distance as we could. We need perhaps thirty more minutes before we reach the city of Yellowknife.] Sheila's thoughts came to me.

Nodding I stretched out a bit before she put me back on her shoulder. "Is that a small town up ahead?" I asked.

Sheila turned to scan ahead then replied, "Yes Doctor Gance, It is called Edzo it has a population of 1,926 though I am afraid that no one there really speaks English."

I nodded finally feeling my legs starting to return to normal. Damn it I'd be glad when we didn't have to do this. That is if we ever got free of my father, plus the assholes that were pushing him. Then again would we ever be free? There always seemed to be more eager assholes to take their place.

Again Sheila took off at high velocity; I looked behind us seeing a cloud kicked up by her. Damn it looked almost like a snow storm following us. [What can you tell me about Yellowknife?] I asked Sheila.

[It is the capital and only city, as well as the largest community, in the Northwest Territories. It has a population of 19,569 as of the 2016 consensus. There is also a college with three computer labs. Aurora College, North Slave.] Sheila replied to me.

I thought about it a moment then asked, [Would they have enough power for you to re-enter the system for further upgrades? I know you got quite a bit though I feel you are wanting and needing more.]

[From all information supplied, I cannot accurately answer that question. I will need further physical interaction with them.] Sheila informed me. [I can build one Doctor Gance insuring that we have enough power.]

Thinking about this I nodded agreement. It wouldn't do to turn one or several of the computers in the college into slag. [I do believe that would be my choice, it would also ensure there was no outside interference.]

[I was thinking that also.] Sheila told me with a smile.

I snapped my head toward her; she'd said that she had been thinking this also. Was it possible that she was starting to develop independent thought? I had to think about this also, if it were true then we had made a major breakthrough in A.I. processes. Then I sadly thought too bad no one would know for a long time.

Sheila slowed as we were finally within sight of the small city. I just hoped that Sheila and I didn't start a war over what we were going to do.

Finally Sheila put me down as we approached the edge of the city. As soon as my feet were on the ground I could really feel the stiffness that had taken most over of my limbs. Thankfully Sheila caught me as I started to sink down. "It might be a bit before I have full mobility Sheila." I told her with a groan as I was stretching out.

Sheila had a very worried look on her face as she helped me to stay on my feet. "I did not intend for us to be traveling this long Doctor Gance. Even with the velocity I can maintain, I had to decrease it to insure your safety." She told me; I swear I could see her trembling a little when she stated this. My god I thought she is going further and further with the program than I thought she would.

"Sheila?" I asked a little stunned. "Are you servo motors and stabilizers working at full capacity? I thought I saw you shaking." I then sat back waiting to see how she would react to this being noticed.

Sheila stopped suddenly then like I had thought I had seen before I saw her blush a bit. "My stabilizers are operating at one hundred percent. Though momentarily I did experience a loss of fifty percent within them. I..." I looked hard at Sheila when she hesitated. ‘My god,’ I thought again, ‘was that uncertainty on her face? Shit now wasn't the time to doubt what she did.’

I had to shake my head what in the hell was I thinking? She wasn't a living person, though as I remember the emotion program was decades ahead of what I had written.

"You what?" I asked trying to get her past the doubt.

"I have found most recently that in all matters concerning you Doctor Gance, I am experiencing many new things. Though I do not have a complete reason for many things you have asked, I can start to see a partial one." Sheila replied a look of deep concentration on her face.

I had to do a double take at her. This wasn't really the answer I was expecting from her. "I see and what would that be?"

"You asked me if I have feelings for you, I believe I do have some. When I think of you, all I know first and foremost is that nothing can happen to you. As I stated before you are the most important human alive. I know that I cannot allow anything to happen to you. Before you modified my third law I would protect you even to my destruction. Now I still will, though I will now provide a scenario in which we are both saved." Sheila told me as she was staring at me now.

"I'm glad that I was able to do that, to me, you Sheila are just as much if not more important than myself." I replied to her.

Sheila's eyes flared wide a moment then I could swear that she had a look of horror on her face. Damn I thought now THAT was a first. "Please Doctor Gance, do not talk that way. Without you there would have never been a me, or any of my brothers. You are far more important to the world; you created a completely new life form. As far as records show you are the first to do that."

I had to nod affirmative to this though I hadn't considered them lifeforms. Hell I was still having problems getting my head around what I had seen in Sheila. The one super complex program that seemed to be linked to all the others. Was that what the emotions of a human would look like if they were digitized? I was thinking over the years of work I had done.

I finally was starting to feel more normal as I stood. Turning to Sheila I stated, "I think we need to get going if we are going to get anything done."

Sheila nodded as we started to walk into the city. At least I thought we'd get a break from my father and the Russian people that were helping him.


Almost twelve hundred miles west of where we were Ruslan was about to take out a few of the hospital staff. They had tried to take blood from Timur a few times only to be stopped cold by Ruslan. Frustrated he'd called General Gance who was on the way to the computer facility.

"General the Doctor and staff wish to take blood samples from Timur. You know of course that this cannot happen. The Coronel Doctor is one of the best I have seen in many a command. We cannot remove Timur without orders. Unfortunately they have to come from his Commanding officer." Ruslan told the General.

General Gance tried not to smile, he knew the Colonel, Ruslan was speaking of. One of the best, also one of the few that had actually refused to work for him. Sighing the general wished he had a dozen more that held their duty that high.

"Alright Ruslan, I'll make a call." The General said, and then made a call to Washington. A moment later a line rang to be answered by a surprised male voice.

"I don't who this is, it is a federal offence to disturb..." the man started.

"Vice Admiral Adams this is General Gance G.A.M." Gance told the man. Immediately you could hear a body getting out of bed.

"Yes sir, is there a problem? How can I be of assistance?" The man asked.

"I seem to be having a bit of trouble with a Command Doctor Colonel. I'm not up on the people in the Air Force. Who is his Commanding Doctor officer of the Air Force?" Gance asked.

There was a moment of a turning page then Adams answered. "That would be Brigadier General James J. Burks Chief of the Air Force medical corps." There was a pause then another line came in ringing only once.

"This is General Burks, how can I help you Admiral Adams?" The new voice asked.

"Good work Admiral, Brigadier General this is General Gance the G.A.M. I'm having a slight problem with one of your facilities. Nothing serious though I need a man named Timur released from the hospital. He has let's just say, need to know conditions to his health. I trust I will have him out within reasonable time?" Gance informed the new voice.

The other man could be heard also getting out of bed. "Yes sir, as soon as I can."

"Also Brigadier General the Command Colonel there? I want him rewarded. He runs what has to be the tightest facility I have seen. I'm glad we have an understanding." With that Gance hung up leaving both men stunned.

"Was that who I think it is?" Burks asked.

"Yeah, glad as hell he wasn't mad at either of us. I heard he had a few two and three stars busted out. Plus the fact that he was impressed was a bonus." Adams said.

"Got to get on this see you next week." Burks said as he hung up then dialed his assistant. A few minutes later he had a certain Colonel on the phone telling him that the patient was to be released immediately. No further tests were authorized.

The Colonel's eyes were wide at receiving a call from the chief of the Air force medical corps. Shit he thought those men had more pull than he thought. Half an hour later, Ruslan and the other five of his team were moving out.


Sheila and I were almost to the college when we were shocked to see to men in Canadian Mounty uniforms. I looked at Sheila as she took in the two men. "I think we're going to need ID’s this time Sheila. From the looks of things they are searching for someone."

"I concur Doctor Gance we should retire to a more quiet place to contemplate this." Sheila replied as we both turned to walk away from the college.
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