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I had moved into the apartment next door to my high school crush. After she broke up with her boyfriend we started dating.
I had moved into my apartment earlier in the summer after I found that my high school crush, Jessie, was the rental manager and would be my next door neighbor. Some time after that she had dumped her boyfriend because he didn’t like kids. Jessie had a seven year-old named Emily. Soon after Jessie and I had made love for the first time and then began dating.

Jessie and I had a “normal” date Thursday night, dinner and a movie. When we left Emily with the her babysitter, Emily was disappointed that we were not taking her with us. Jessie had to remind her that the 3 of us were going to the zoo on Saturday. The movie was a romantic comedy which Jessie had picked. The movie was ok, however the plot was very predictable. At least I got to be with Jessie. I had my arm around her throughout the movie and we kissed a couple of times, however the theatre was a little too crowded for anything else. She had put her hand in my lap a couple of times and brushed against my penis. I could not tell if this was intentional or coincidental. Jessie’s head was resting on my shoulder and her attention was focused on the movie. When movie was over we drove back to the apartment.

“Jessie, I had a crush on you throughout high school,” I said just out of the blue.

“Ben, why didn’t you let me know?” she responded. “I can’t remember if you ever spoke to me.”

“I don’t think I did speak to you. We were not in the same group. You were always part of the ‘popular' crowd. Although I was on the basketball team and even started most games during our junior and senior years, I was more of the quiet, studious type. I was not gregarious, in fact I was shy off the court,” I stated as an explanation.

Jessie was quiet for a while then said, “I wish I had known. I noticed you. I thought you were good looking. I didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. That’s what the 'easy', popular girls did. Guys took that as an invitation for more than just friendship or a date, but an invitation to have sex.”

So we were both victims of our perceptions.

“Jessie, I am not looking for a relationship based primarily on sex,” I stated. “I am looking for more.”

“So am I. Emily adores you. She says you make her feel important,” Jessie said.

We arrived at the apartment and I parked in front of the apartment. She leaned over and we kissed. After the kiss Jessie got out of the car before I could get around to open her door.

“Sorry,” she said. “I am not used to getting that kind of treatment from guys. Tom would just sit in the car after we kissed goodnight.”

We walked into the apartment building and up to the 3rd floor. She stopped when we got to my apartment door. Her apartment was the next one down the hall. I had hopes that she might come in and we could have some time alone. We embraced and kissed for quite awhile. Then she turned to leave. I took a hold of her hand and walked her to her door. We kissed again.

“Sorry, but I have to ask,” she said slowly. “Is this just an act to get I my pants again?”

“Not in any way. I didn't do anything while you were dating Tom. I didn’t try anything when you broke up with Tom. You made the first move after I fell asleep babysitting Emily. I am just doing what I saw my father do with my mother. I don’t see you as some fragile flower that needs to have doors opened or chairs pulled out for her. I don’t see you as a conquest. I just see it as the chivalrous thing to do. I have done this since I started dating.”

“Thanks for a terrific evening, but Helen has to leave. She works in the morning,” Jessie said.

Helen was the 16 year-old babysitter. Jessie and I hugged and kissed again before she opened the door.

“Would you mind walking Helen over to her building?” Jessie said.

“No I don’t mind. I can walk with her to her building,” I agreed.

I had never met Helen before. In a few minutes Helen came out of the apartment pushing money into her pants pocket. Jessie was right behind her.

“Helen, this is Ben. He lives next door,” Jessie introduced me.

“Hi, Ben. Nice to meet you,” Helen said in a bubbly, upbeat voice.

“Nice to meet you too,” I said looking her over.

“He is very good looking, Jessie,” Helen said.

Helen was about the same height as Jessie. She had light brown hair and large brown eyes. She was wearing tight jeans and a form fitting t-shirt which was possibly a size or two too small. Helen was beautiful. She was trim and as best I could tell somewhat athletic. She had a well-rounded womanly shape with good-sized breasts. I stopped there, catching myself, remembering that she was a 16 year-old girl.

“Goodnight, Jessie,” Helen said, before we started walking down the hall toward the stairs. “What kind of work do you?”

I told her I worked with computers.

“Information Technology, you say,” Helen stated.

Just from the tone of her words, confidence, and body language I could tell she was an outgoing, intelligent young lady. Helen went down the stairs in front of me. I couldn’t help but look at her tight shapely rear end bouncing with each step. At the bottom of the steps she waited for me to get along side her. Her hand touched mine, but then withdrew. As we walked to the outside door she asked how I liked my job and the company I worked for. I answered positively to both parts of the question. She then told me she worked in the deli department at the nearby supermarket. She was saving for college, but still had to finish her Junior and Senior years of high school. During the conversation our hands kept touching. She used her hands as she spoke, so I assumed it was just a coincidence until I moved a couple inches farther away and she immediately closed the distance between us.

“Are you a good student? What subjects do you like?” I asked.

“I get mostly A's. I like math and science best, because you can figure out the right answer,” she answered.

“I was good at math and science too,” I replied.

She looked coyly at me and asked, “Can I come to you if I ever need help?”

I wasn't sure what to make of her tone and the look on her face. I got the feeling that she was flirting with me. We arrived at her building. She unlocked the security door.

“Can you walk me up to the apartment? My parents aren’t home,” she asked.

I hesitated. I sensed something more was happening here, but I had come this far. I walked her up the stairs to her apartment on the second floor.

“Do you want to come in?” Helen asked.

“No, thank you. Jessie said you had to get up for work tomorrow,” I responded.

“Too bad,” she said kissing me on the cheek and pressing her breasts into my chest. “Maybe another time.”

“Goodnight, Helen,” I said before turning and walking toward the stairs.

I turned to go down the stairs and noticed she was still standing in the apartment doorway watching me. I walked down the stairs and out of the apartment. I headed to my apartment building. I turned my head and saw Helen looking out of her apartment window. I couldn’t be sure, but she appeared to have removed her top and maybe even her bra. As if she was saying you could have had this. I went into my building and up to my apartment.

The next day I had to stop at the supermarket to get a couple of items before going to work.

As I passed the deli counter I heard someone say, “Hi Ben.” I turned a looked. There was Helen approaching the counter in her store uniform. See was smiling and stood with her breasts pushed out and standing seductively. She licked her lips.

“Anything I can do for you?” she asked looking at her breasts and innuendo in her voice.

“Good morning, Helen,” I said. “Just picking up a couple of things. Nothing from the deli today.”

“Are you sure? I can give you a good deal,” she said again implying she was offering more than just deli items.

“Thanks, maybe another time,” I said.

“Okay, you ALWAYS know where to find me,” she said. “Hope you have a good day.”

She brushed her hands up her sides emphasizing the curve and size of her breasts.

“Thanks! You too,” I said and walked away.

I picked up my items and went to work. All day I thought about Helen actively trying to entice and seduce me. I wondered where this had come from. The first time I had seen her was last night when we met after my date with Jessie. Helen was only 16, that was the age of consent in this state, but 16 seemed much too young. I was 10 years older. I got to work and concentrated on my tasks, but then pictures of Helen would pop into my head. I would push them out and would get back to work. I grabbed the plastic bag from the supermarket and opened the bag of cashews I had purchased. I stared at the name of the supermarket on the bag. The sight of Helen caressing her chest just before I had walked away replayed in my head. She was a very beautiful girl, but she was just a girl. I pushed this back out of my head. I left my office for a meeting on an upcoming project in which I wanted to be involved. I was filling in for my boss who was on vacation. Everyone arrived for the meeting and we conferenced in several people from other locations. The project manger talked about dates, timelines, and budgets. Then continued with goals and objectives. I had heard this all before and had read through all the project documentation. The people on the phone, who obvious had not done the preparation for the meeting, started asking very basic questions that could have been avoided with proper preparation. I lost interest and zoned out. My mind went back to the night before with Helen standing in window nude from the waist up. Her breasts came into focus in my mind. They were fabulous.

“Ben, BEN!” the project manager’s voice broke in. “Do you have any questions or concerns?”

All eyes in the conference room were focused on me.

“N.No. No questions or concerns,” I responded.

The project manager continued around the room with the same questions.

“I will be meeting with the department managers during the next 2 weeks to determine staffing for the project. Then I will go for final approval. Thanks everyone,” the project manager said as meeting ended.

I walked back to my office figuratively kicking myself for being caught not paying attention at the meeting. The project manager was too into perception and show to not let this factor in to the project staffing.

Back in my office I returned phone calls and cleaned up my voicemail and email leaving a few follow-ups for tomorrow. I organized my desk and left for the day.

On the way home Helen again popped into my mind. I was picturing her rear end bouncing in front of me as she had gone down the stairs in front of me the night before. I imagined reaching out a grabbing both cheeks in my hands. A car honked and broke my reverie. I hadn’t noticed that the traffic light had turned green.

When I arrived at the apartment I saw Jessie locking up the office while I was parking. We both arrived at the front door of the apartment building at the same time. She gave me a kiss before we walked in.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Pretty normal for this time of the month. Not much to do,” she replied. “How was your day?”

The elevator door opened. When we got into the elevator I decided to tell Jessie about Helen. I told her how Helen was coming on to me both last night and this morning.

“I haven’t done anything to encourage her,” I said as the doors opened on the 3rd floor.

“She’s young. You’re attractive,” Jessie said. “It’s probably just a teenage girl’s hormones. I have got to call her. She is watching Emily today.”

I kissed Jessie then reminded her about going to the zoo tomorrow. She stated that she and Emily were looking forward to it before going into her apartment. I walked back down the hall and went inside my apartment. I did some cleaning while listening to music. A couple hours later there was a knock at the door. When I opened it Jessie was standing there. I could tell immediately something was bothering her.

“What’s wrong” I asked.

She looked both ways and asked, “Can I come in?”

I stepped to one side to let her past.

Once the door was closed Jessie began, “During supper Emily said that Helen was asking questions about you both last night and today. Emily told Helen that you were a good guy and treated her and I very well. But then Emily told Helen that she had heard us in the bedroom moaning and the bed was creaking last Saturday morning. You know when we were making love. Emily even heard you when you left.”

I thought about this then asked, “What has you upset?”

“Emily and I have spoken about private body parts and good and bad touching, but I do not think she is ready for ‘The Sex Talk' yet. However Emily wanted to know what we were doing in the bedroom. I didn't want to lie so I told we were massaging stiff muscles. She seemed to accept that,” Jessie said.

“Stiff muscles? I guess that is not far from the truth at least for me,” I said smiling.

“Oh I didn’t think of that, but you did have a stiff muscle didn’t you,” she giggled. “I just think Helen understood what was actually happening and now sees you as a potential hook-up.”

“I think that may explain the situation,” I said. “Aside from avoiding her do you have any advice about Helen?”

“No, not really. Teenage hormones and desires are hard to control,” Jessie replied. “I have got to get back to my apartment. See you tomorrow at 8:30.”

“Yes, good night!” I said before kissing her.

The next morning there was a knock on the door right at 8:30. I opened the door.

“Good morning, Ben!” said Emily with excitement. “Are you ready to go!”

“Yes, let’s go,” I said.

Emily grabbed my hand and her mom’s hand and nearly drug us down the hallway and down the stairs. We got into my car and headed to the zoo. The zoo opened at 10, but the botanical gardens opened at 9. I wanted to hit the botanical gardens before it got too hot. In a greenhouse type environment it would be too hot and humid by the afternoon. Emily enjoyed the seeing flowers and watching the birds flying around in the glass building. We saw bananas, oranges, and grapefruit growing on some trees. There were also a couple of koi ponds.

We left the conservatory and went into the zoo. This was an older zoo that had gone through several major renovations. We started at the primate house.

Most of the monkeys and apes were pretty sedate just sitting on ledges or on some rocks. Then we got to the orangutan exhibit. The largest orangutan was up near the glass at the front of the exhibit. He was obviously concentrating on something. When I got closer I noticed he was masturbating. Emily noticed what was happening. I tried to block her view. When Jessie realized the situation she firmly took Emily’s hand and led her away.

“Mom, what was the orangutan doing?” Emily asked.

“Em, he had a itch that he had to scratch,” Jessie “explained”.

I appreciated the euphemism and smiled. Jessie noticed my smile and smiled back. We moved on to the gorilla enclosure. There was a large silverback up against the glass. If you put your hand against the glass he would move his hand as if giving you a high five. Emily got a kick out of moving her hand to several places and having the gorilla move his hand to the position on the other side of the glass. We had to move on because several people were waiting for their turn. I could have sworn the gorilla waved goodbye as we moved away. We moved outside and watched a couple of young gorillas romp and play fight. They would stand, beat their chests, and then wrestle for a bit. They would run in a large circle, then repeat the sequence.

We moved over to the prairie and grassland exhibit. Outdoors there were giraffes, zebras, ostriches, deer, elk, moose, bison, red fox, snow fox, and several others. Inside the building was a baby giraffe with it’s mother, and a baby zebra with it’s mother. Emily loved the baby animals and wished she could touch them.

We left for the big cat exhibit. There were lions, cheetah, snow leopard, cougar (puma), lynx, and tigers. Outside the younger lions were playing with a rubber ball. Inside there was a rocky ledge at floor level just on the other side of the glass. One of the large tigers was laying there in the sun taking a nap. Emily was fascinated with the tiger. She watched as it chest moved up and down with each breath. She also took an interest in the tiger’s teeth. The visible canine tooth was nearly 3 inches long.

“It’s longer than my fingers,” Emily said pointing at the tooth.

The tiger yawned and stretched giving us a good look at all it’s teeth and claws as it stretched it front paws.

“Wow! It’s claws are huge!” said Emily.

The tiger rolled on it’s belly and looked straight at Emily. It twitched it’s ears. It let out a low rumbling growl and licked it’s lips.

“I think the tiger is hungry and looking at lunch,” I said trying to sound serious.

Emily looked up at me and said, “You are just teasing. Beside he is so big you would make a better lunch.”

Jessie gave me a look of alarm.

“Touché!” I responded.

“Yeah, I thought I hit the mark,” Emily said.

Jessie smiled. Emily continued to impress me with her knowledge, intelligence, and quick wit. Especially for a 8 year old. The tiger then rolled back on it’s side with its back up against the glass.

“I wish I could touch him, just to know how the fur feels,” said Emily.

We walked on back to the prairie, grassland exhibit, but headed to the aquatics exhibit. As we passed the zebra enclosure one zebra mounted another slightly smaller zebra. The zebra on top grabbed the mane of the other zebra with it’s teeth. Of course it was doing what is required to make baby zebras. Emily stopped and watched with great interest until the zebra dismounted.

“Was the zebra trying to ride the other zebra?” Emily asked.

“Yes,” answered Jessie, trying not to smile at the double meaning.

I smiled at Jessie. She shook her head no.

“Let’s go see the penguin and seals,” I suggested.

We each took one of Emily’s hands and walked briskly to the Aquatics building. People had began sitting in the outdoor amphitheater for the sea lion show starting in 15 minutes and we decided to do the same. We got pretty good seats just left of center and 4 rows up. The show started and the seal waved at the audience, retrieved various objects, balanced things on is nose, played toy musical instruments, jumped out of water over a bar and through a hoop. At the end he splashed the audience in the front row. We went into the aquatics building. There were fresh water fish, salt water fish, octopi, crabs, and eels. The penguins, however, were the most interesting to Emily. They would climb or jump out of the water then dive back in. Sone were just standing flapping their wings.

Emily stated, “Penguins are birds. They have feathers. I wish I could touch one to see what it feels like.”

We turned the corner and one of the zoo workers was standing, holding a penguin with a line of people waiting to get a closer look. It was an adelie penguin. We waited for our turn. When we got to the front the worker gave Emily a small piece of fish. She put it near the penguins beak. It gently took it from her.

“May I touch it?” Emily asked.

“Sure, but very gently,” the zoo worker replied.

Emily lightly scratched it’s belly. The penguin put it’s beak straight up and made a soft almost purring sound.

“She really likes that,” the zoo worker said.

When Emily stopped the penguin looked straight at her and turned it’s head from side to side as if saying why did you stop?

“It’s feathers are oily,” Emily said.

“That is to help them be waterproof,” the zoo worker explained.

“Thanks,” I said to help move us along so the people behind us could get their chance.

We moved outside and to the polar bear exhibit. We went inside and down a level to view the polar bear swimming on the other side of the glass wall of the bear’s pool. It put its paw on the glass a couple of times.

“It has a huge paw,” Emily remarked.

There was a display with a cast of the bear’s paw. It was nearly 12 inches across.

“They need big paws to walk on the snow and to help them swim,” Emily explained.

I kept being surprised by how much she knew. But then I saw she was reading the information on the display.

We left the polar bear exhibit and decided it was time to eat since it was well after noon. We walked back to the car and retrieved the picnic lunch Jessie had made. I grabbed the basket, the cooler and a blanket. We found a shady spot near a small pond which had a small artificial waterfall. I spread the blanket out and Jessie began to unpack things.

“Ben I hear a frog down by the pond. Can we go find it?” Emily asked.

“Em, we are going to eat now. You and Ben can look after lunch,” Jessie said before I could answer.

We all sat on the blanket. Emily had her favorite sandwich, peanut butter and jelly. Jessie and I had ham and cheese. We also had a fresh fruit salad. Emily tried to avoid getting any pineapple in her bowl, but Jessie scooped a couple pieces into her bowl.

“Mom, I don't like pineapple!” Emily protested.

“You have to try some each time,” Jessie insisted.

Emily acquiesced, putting the smaller piece in her mouth and chewing. She made a face but continued. Jessie turned to get drinks out of the cooler and I stabbed the other piece and put it in my mouth. Emily smiled at me. Jessie turned around unaware of the transaction. We finished and decided to take Emily to go on a few rides at the small amusement park. She rode in a boat that went around in a circle. She went on the kids roller coaster. We all went on the tilt-a-whirl. Emily kept getting smashed between us. She would complain, but immediately laughed. Emily went on a couple more rides, before I suggested we rent a pedal boat.

We walked down to the lake near the zoo. We found the rental building and rented the pedal boat for an hour. Jessie sat on one side and I on the other, with Emily in the middle. After our life vests were secure we started out across the lake.

About half way across Emily said, “I want to pedal too.”

I put Emily in my lap, but she could not reach the pedals. I moved to the middle, but when Emily tried to pedal her rear end would slip back in the seat and she again couldn’t reach the pedals. I moved back into the seat and she sat on the seat between my legs and was now able to pedal. We moved across the lake and turned to go along one side of the lake.

“I’m tired of pedaling,” Emily said.

We stopped and Emily stood up to move back to the center. She lost her footing when a gust of wind came by and she tumbled backward into the water. She came up quickly because of her life vest, but she was upset and panicked. She couldn’t figure out how to swim back to the pedal boat. I reached as far as I could, but she was just out of reach. Jessie was getting distressed. I reached a little farther than I should have and tumbled into the water myself. When I came up and got my arm around Emily she calmed down and relaxed. Suddenly Jessie started laughing.

“You two going for a swim in all your clothes. You look a sight,” she chortled.

I got Emily up to the side of the boat and handled her up to Jessie. I then climbed into the boat myself. We pedaled back to the dock by the rental building. We were a few minutes over our hour, but with Emily and I standing there in wet clothes the attendant realized what had happened and didn’t charge us for the overage.

We walked back to the car and drove to the apartment. Once inside we went up to Jessie and Emily’s apartment. Jessie insisted I come in and get out of my clothes, so she could wash them. She also told Emily to go change in to other clothes. I went into Jessie’s room and took off my clothes.

I went to the door and called to Jessie, “This isn't going to work. I don't have anything to wear.”

“Just put on my bathrobe,” Jessie called back.

I found her bathrobe hanging in her closet. It was a little small for me but would due for a short time. I went out to the living room and handed my clothes to Jessie. Emily laughed at me in her mom’s pink bathrobe.

“I’m going to take the laundry down. You two behave yourselves,” she said with a giggle before she left.

“Do you know how to play checkers,” Emily asked.

“I sure do,” I answered.

Emily left and came back with a checker board and pieces. She set them up on the table. I moved over to the table and we began playing. When Jessie came back she watched us play for a short time.

“I'm going to make dinner. Ben you get to stay around until you clothes are done,” Jessie said moving into the kitchen.

Soon she had a hot dish cooking on the stove. About 20 minutes later she when downstairs to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. When she came back up Emily was just capturing my last piece. Although Emily played very well I had purposely made some mistakes that allowed her to win.

“Mommy, I won!” Emily said excitedly.

“Good for you!” Jessie said looking at me with a suspicious smile. “Now go wash your hands. We're going to eat.”

Emily disappeared into the bathroom.

“Thanks for today. Em and I had a great time. Thanks for getting Em out of the water so quickly. She was really scared. Thanks for letting her win at checkers. It will help take her mind off this afternoon’s experience,” Jessie said before Emily bounced out of the bathroom.

“My turn,” I said heading to the bathroom.

When I returned the checker board and pieces had been put away. They had been replaced by plates, glasses, and silverware. Jessie brought over the hot dish and put some on Emily’s plate. She put the serving bowl in the center of the table.

“Aw mom, carrots. I don't like carrots,” Emily protested.

The hot dish consisted of hamburger, diced potatoes, baby carrots, cheddar cheese soup, and spices.

“Emily, carrots are good for you. You have eaten them before,” Jessie responded.

Emily looked at me for help. I just shook my head no. Emily resigned herself to the situation and began eating. Jessie took some of the hot dish and passed the bowl over to me. I took a good portion and tried to set a good example be showing her I was eating the carrots. We finished, Emily had eaten her hot dish including the carrots. Jessie went downstairs to check on the laundry. Emily and I cleared the table and washed the dishes. Jessie came back just as we finished. She had an angry frustrated look on her face.

“The dryer I was using didn’t heat up. I moved things to another dryer,” Jessie explained. “I guess you will have to spend more time with us.”

We spent the next hour watching some T.V. Emily started yawning when Jessie went down the next time to check on the clothes. I guess Emily had a big day and it took a lot out of her.

“Do you want to get ready for bed?” I asked.

“Yes, I am very tired,” she said yawning again.

She went to her bedroom and returned just as Jessie returned. Jessie again looked angry and frustrated, but her expression changed to surprise when she saw Emily.

“Are you tired sweetie?” she asked Emily.

“Y..yes,” she said yawning again.

“Do you want to go to bed?” Jessie asked.

“ a b..bit,” Emily replied between yawns.

“I hope the third dryer is the charm. There are two that are not working. I'll have to call for a repair in the morning,” Jessie said frustrated.

Emily’s head dropped to one side and by her rhythmic breathing she was definitely sleeping. I picked her up and carried her to her room. Jessie followed. Jessie pulled back the covers and I gently placed Emily in her bed. I pulled up the covers and kissed her on the cheek.

“Good night, Em. Sweet dreams,” I whispered before Jessie came over and did the same.

We left the room. I walked toward the living room, but Jessie grabbed my hand and turned me around. She hugged me tight and gave me a hard passionate kiss. The belt of the bathrobe I was wearing had come unfastened and the front of the robe opened. Jessie didn’t seem to notice until my growing penis began pushing against the front of her shorts.

“You are a wonderful man, Ben. You make me happy. You make Emily happy. You care for us both,” she said then lowered her voice. “I love you, Ben!”

She caught me off guard. It was the first time either of us had expressed this.

“Jessie, I love you,” I said.

It had come out so easy, without any real effort or hesitation. I squeezed her tight.

“I love you, Jessie,” I repeated.

My manhood was now near it’s maximum as we continued in a strong embrace with our lips and tongues enjoying the other’s.

“Ben,” she said then paused.

“Yes,” I said.

“Ben, will you marry me?” Jessie asked with a little trepidation.

I stared into her gorgeous blue-green eyes. I could see a fear in them. A fear that she had crossed a boundary that she thought she shouldn’t have crossed.

“Yes, Jessie, yes!” I replied.

We again locked lips and kissed long and hard. My stiff rod trapped between us was now very uncomfortable. Jessie took my hand and led me to her bedroom. My penis got some relief as it bobbed up and down as we walked. When we were in the room Jessie closed the door behind us.

“We can’t wake Emily,” she said firmly. “Although she is very sound sleeper.”

Jessie approached and dropped the bathrobe I was wearing to the floor. She wrapped her hand around my protruding manhood and gently stroked it from my balls to the tip.

“I’m in the mood to celebrate,” she said. “Maybe all night.”

“Let’s do it,” I responded as I hooked my thumbs on both sides and dropped her shorts and underwear to the floor.

The tip of my penis brushed her trimmed bush. I pushed forward, the tip of my penis press against her hot pussy lips.

“Hold on. Not so fast,” Jessie said. “That’s for later.”

She pushed me back toward the bed. I took the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her head. I couldn't help but stare at her lovely breasts. Even though they were still covered by her bra they took my breath away. The back of my legs bumped the side of the bed. I reached around her and unfastened her bra. She gently pushed me into a sitting position on the bed still hold my member in her hand. She began stroking it’s full length tenderly again. I let out a contented sigh. She smiled at me with the smile of a woman in love doing just what she wanted to do. The straps of her bra were still over her shoulders. The cups of her bra kept her breasts hidden from my direct view. I slipped one strap off her shoulder and one of her breasts became exposed. Her nipple was erect just asking to be kissed and sucked. I kissed it taking it between my lips. Jessie moaned, but kept her hand moving up and down my shaft. I began sucking her nipple and moving my tongue across and around it’s tender surface. She moaned move loudly. I slipped the other strap off her shoulder and her bra fell on her hand clamped around my shaft. I took her newly exposed nipple between my fingers. Gently I traced around the base and over the tip. Jessie again moaned her approval. I lightly pinched her second nipple eliciting a squeal of delight from her lips. She pushed my shoulders back and knelt on the floor beside the bed. I lost contact with her breasts, but I was soon rewarded. She tossed her bra on the floor and her lips kissed the tip of my erection. Her tongue licked around the head of my penis and down the underside. Her fingers slipped under my balls. She carefully rolled them around and moved one finger from each hand around their circumference while cradling them with her other fingers. She lightly scratched them as she kept her fingers moving around them. I could feel things tightening up inside, but resisted the building urge to cum. I then felt her lips slide past the engorged head taking half of me into her mouth. Slowly she took me in deeper and deeper sucking and licking as she went. I felt the tip touch the back of her throat. She gagged a little and quickly backed off. Soon she was moving her mouth up and down my shaft quickening her pace with each stroke.

“I am going to cum any second,” I warned her.

She tightened her lips and sucked harder while maintaining her pace. I exploded several times into her mouth. She swallowed most of it with only a little escaping the corners of her mouth. She let me recover a bit before she grabbed my ankles and turned me until I was lengthwise in the middle of the bed. She got up on the bed and gave me a few kisses. I could taste a hint of what must have been my semen. She then moved over the top of me and lowered her pussy toward my face. Staring up I was able to see her breasts hovering above me. She put her hands on the headboard. When her already swollen pussy lips were within reach of my tongue I licked the middle and sides of her warm, sensuous lips making Jessie purr with satisfaction. I was able to reach up and cup both of her breasts with my hands. She tipped her head back and pushed her mounds into my hands. As I caressed them I was able to push my tongue into her pussy. She moaned, spread her knees wider, and pushed her pussy firmly against my face. My tongue passed over her love hole and made it’s way to her clit. It took a few laps around her clit before passing over it. Jessie jerked, but she continued to press her pussy against my mouth and tongue. I took one hand off her breast and moved it around to her back. I traced my fingertips lightly down her back, then up and down again to the point where her butt cheeks started. I moved lower down between her butt cheeks until I reached her anus. Some women don't like to be touched here, so I hesitated. Jessie was trembling, looking for that last bit of sensation to push her over the top. I traced around her hole then pushed a finger inside to the first knuckle. Then to the second knuckle. I pushed a second finger to join the first. Jessie gasped. I wiggled my 2 fingers and then moved them in and out slowly with very short strokes. Jessie started moving in coordination.

“I’m close! I..I’m very close,” she said. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming.”

Her ass hole clamped down tight on my fingers. She starting shaking uncontrollably. She drenched my face with her juices while continuing to push her pussy against my face. She shuddered and gasped with each breath. After a couple of minutes her body went limp and she moved off to one side of me. Her head was on my shoulder and her body ran the length of my body as she lay on her side still catching her breath.

“That was fantastic!” she said.

“Just returning the favor,” I said. “Actually I enjoyed getting you to climax nearly as much as cumming in your mouth. But I really want to cum inside you.”

“I want that too, just give me a little more time to recover,” Jessie stated.

“So what date do you want to get married?” I asked.

“What?” she responded.

Oh oh. Not the right time, I thought to myself.

“I just wanted to know when I would be getting married to the most beautiful woman I know?” I said.

She smiled, “Well not, tonight. We have more celebrating to do!”

She pulled me over on top of her. I loved having her breasts pressing against me. She grabbed the back of my head and locked lips with me. Her hand reached down between us. I lifted my hips and she located my growing rod. She moved it into position. I lowered myself into hot, wet hole. Her vagina was tight and I had to push to get inside. I could feel the smile on her face as I continued to slowly move inside. I finally pushed my full length into her. The tip of my penis must have reached her cervix. It felt different and Jessie gasped.

“Wow, you hit the back,” she said.

Her vaginal muscles contracted and released around my penis. I began moving slowly in and out of her reaching “the back” each time. Then the sound started. “Fuuuckk” each time as I pulled out, followed by another sound as I moved back in.

Jessie giggled, “I had always wondered where that word had come from.”

Then she began breathing shorter, quicker breaths and I could see a look of satisfied concentration on her face. She would take a few breaths and then hold her breath, then she repeated. I could also feel myself getting closer to climaxing. Her first orgasm hit. She clamped down on my rod like a vise. I stopped pumping until she released me, then continued with long powerful strokes. Her trembling stopped just before her second orgasm started. She arched her backed pushing me into her with great force. She moaned and than stifled a scream. Her whole body shuddered and shook. Again my rod was squeezed so tightly I could not continue pumping. She eased her hold on me as her pelvis sunk back to the bed. After a few more strokes I reached the point of no return. I grunted as I felt the wonderful release of my seed into her still quivering body. That must have triggered her third orgasm. Again she tightened around my pole as it injected my semen deep into her. Jessie writhed in the bed still stiflinging a scream, but I heard a primeval growl exit her lips.

“Stop. Stop. No more! Just stay put,” she said in a soft but forceful whisper.

Her body went limp and she tried to catch her breath. I supported myself with my elbows and knees to give her an unrestricted opportunity to regain her normal breathing. My penis slowly lost it’s hardness and soon was laying just inside her opening. I could feel my semen oozing out the tip as it resumed it’s normal size. Jessie pulled my head down and kissed me.

“That’s enough celebration for now I have to recover,” she said. “I guess you will have to spend the night here. I’m not going down to get the clothes now.”

“Aw, such a hardship,” I said laughing.

We both laughed some more as we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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