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Enemies become friends.

Gwendydd - sister

Morgenau - brother

Morial - brother

Morien - brother

Mordaf - brother - Naci's father

New Council Members







Clondal - female

Lyndeth - female



I was at full power in less than a second with Naci close behind. "I could kill you with no problem Rigal. You are within my magical boundaries; you obviously have no desire to live much longer." I was seething how could I have been so careless?

Rigal sat calmly though he was shaking a bit. He could see mine and Naci's power manifest themselves in the form of our bodies and hands glowing red. "I am here to put a halt to all the hostility between us. I hate my father as much if not more than the both of you."

My eyes narrowed as I started to scan first Rigal, then the area around the mage hunter. Then I started to expand out shocked that I found nothing. Still not believing I soon started a second scan. This time I was even more shocked to not only find nothing, Rigal was also defenseless almost to the point of appearing human.

"Alright Rigal, what are you doing here? As I said I could destroy you easily with you within my magical boundaries. State your purpose then I expect you to go the hell away!" I shouted irritated.

"I told you I am here to end this one way or another. For a long time I have been a beast of burden for my father. Hiding, and hated by the magical world. I am tired of that, tired of no life except that dictated by my demon father. I know that you and your mate have the power to end him."

I was still staring not really believing that what I'd heard was true. "You expect me to believe that you had a sudden change of heart? Get real Rigal even a first year wouldn't buy that. Plus your 'word' isn't going to account for much in this case." I was shaking his head keeping as close an eye on Rigal as I could.

Rigal started to laugh almost falling out of the chair. "A sudden change of heart!? By all that is holy, I've wanted to be free from him for centuries. The repulsive piece of trash left my mother in shame. I love her fiercely and he treated her lower than something on the bottom of his shoe. No, I want him as dead as possible as soon as possible. I'm here to help you with that as much as I can!"

Naci was now behind me with Rigal's declaration. Leaning over she whispered in my ear. Nodding I quickly waved a hand over Rigal effectively freezing the mage hunter. Nodding to Naci, I watched as she started to scan Rigal grimacing every few minutes. Her mouth hanging open she turned to me nodding yes.

Taking a big breath I started my own scan of Rigal. Wincing at the amount of pain I saw that was inflicted on Rigal I continued on. A mere ten minutes later I finally stopped my eyes wide at what I'd seen. Shaking my head slowly in disbelief I was having trouble speaking.

"You mean to tell me that she is still a prisoner?" I asked him. When Rigal didn't answer I turned to face him. Smiling sheepishly I started waving my hand unfreezing Rigal. "I forgot, what I saw has me a bit stunned."

Rigal nodded as his head dropped. "It's alright considering, no one knows the full extent of everything. You know far more than anyone else, though not my complete shame. To answer your question yes, she is still a prisoner. I haven't the power nor the courage to free her. THAT is my biggest shame the fact that I am too afraid to even try."

Naci walked to Rigal as tears of shame started to flow down his face. "I understand, as does Toman. At least yours is still alive. Mine has been gone for many years. It's much the same for Toman. Though he has lost both of his parents I believe he blames your father for that."

Rigal's head snapped up as he stared at me. "Your father, he was the first to ever seriously hurt mine. I thought that the bastard was going to die. The ass tricked me into healing him."

"What!?" I shouted as I backed away a bit. "I don't feel that much power in you."

"No, only when I am extremely angry am I that powerful. I can't stay that way long enough to hurt him, plus it seems all I do against him heals him. He told me once it's the demon blood in me, I'm not sure." Rigal told them.

I edged even closer as I started a different scan. A few moments later I started nodding my agreement. "I can see it; the anger also causes you to lose control. I'm afraid he has a little control over what type of power you use when you are in that state." Then I started a third scan as my face broke into a slowly spreading smile. Interesting I thought, very interesting indeed.

"Alright I think I believe you, problem is I can't heal you. I also can't put too much in you; it appears that he has already. Though it seems you have broken more than half of them. I might be able to give you a small boost. It should help you to defeat another major one. At least after this he won't be able to track you any longer."

Rigal's eyes went wide at this information. His father had that much crap in him? Growling now he wanted the ass dead more than ever!

"If you can do anything to help me, I'd be even more grateful." Rigal said as he tensed up.

Naci moved me back a bit, "You sure this is advisable husband? I know we both scanned him, I know we both found nothing. Are you certain? We are barely surviving now," here she dropped her eyes and voice. "I do want children one day Toman, your children."

For some strange reason I was blushing far more than I thought I should. Looking over at Naci I saw that she was also. Shaking my head I had to wonder just what in the hell was going on with us? True i was starting to feel more of something for Naci though at the moment i was still unsure as to what it was.

Walking to Rigal I could see that he was expecting this to hurt like hell. Patting him on the shoulder I shook my head no. "I don't do things like that monster of a father of yours. Just relax let me look then we'll talk." Rigal's eyes went wide as he nodded then waited.

Reaching in, I had to be extremely careful I didn't touch anything that his father had put in him. Even the parts that were broken I avoided fearing that somehow the demon still had a connection to them. Finally I found Rigal's power center. It was far different than I'd ever seen though no where as powerful as Merlin's, but there was some definite power there.

As carefully as I could I started to slowly increase Rigal's overall power. I had to make sure I left nothing that would indicate that I or anyone else had been in there. I felt Rigal gasp as his power very slowly increased then I felt a block he had in him start to weaken even more.

Extracting myself as fast as I could I hoped I was out when it broke. Out completely I waved a hand toward Naci and the camp, making them vanish. Nodding to an obviously struggling Rigal I then winked out.

A few miles away I watched through the mage's eyes as Rigal fell to the ground screaming. "What have you done boy!?" A voice not his said coming out of Rigal's mouth.

"I am breaking free, you repulsive piece of demon waste! That's why you were thrown out of hell! Now you won't be able to follow me, suck on that you asshole!" Rigal shouted even as he felt a ripping sensation within his self. "I will kill you one day."

"You may have increased your power though you will never be nearly as strong as me. I'll kill you and eat your power long before that happens!" The other voice was shouting at Rigal. "Kill that wild magic user, perhaps I'll rethink that. Fail me in this, I'll make your death as painful and slow as I can. I will so enjoy the sounds of your suffering boy!"

With that Rigal felt the last of the block shred then it was gone. Back in the council chambers Ukobach’s face lit up with sadistic glee. So the boy had finally discovered a technique to increase his powers. It would be so delicious when he took that along with the boy's half demon soul.

Half the council had slowly backed away from Ukobach, the other half were lounging around not really caring. This half didn't really care that much about the magic world. The thing was who was worse; the strongest half, or the new weakest half? Ukobach came out of his thought communication feeling a lot better. At least that little shit was on the hunt again. Dismissing the council he was surprised when only a few left.

Four of the strongest mages left to go home, or to meetings with their magic world sections. It was a few hours later that Ukobach was reading over several reports of sightings of wild magic users when he received an urgent message. Winking out he arrived outside a rundown tavern to what appeared to be the end of a major battle.

I had brought Rigal to where I'd moved our camp. I'd gotten another idea to eliminate more of the old council members. As I told him and Naci I could see him start to smile. Then I saw that it was infectious as Naci also started to smile wide. "The thing is I am afraid that you are going to be pretty hurt after this." I looked at Naci, "I'm not going to tell either of you how or where, that way your reactions will be real and convincing."

They both nodded as I went on with the plan. Finally another hour later Naci and i winked out appearing near an old rundown tavern. Looking around I saw more than a few elite guards nodding I knew that there were more than one here. Then I noticed that there were a few realm enforcers also in the shadows. Hmmm I thought this is going to be a challenge.

Walking around I started to walk past each guard freezing them as I passed. I had all the guard though the enforcers were going to be another thing. I could walk near though not close. I had got half of them when I 'heard' Naci, [I'm ready Toman.] Sighing I told her to start I had almost all of those watching.

A moment later I heard a commotion as more than a few mages were flying out of the tavern. Then I heard the screaming start, four of the realm enforcers I hadn't got to, started toward the tavern. Two suddenly were immobile, the other two looking around on alert. Shouting they started to blast away at me cursing when they couldn’t penetrate my shields.

Naci appeared with the two frozen council members, struggling a bit to hold them. Nodding to her I waved a hand completely freezing them. "You can't do this we are members..." one started.

"You both are traitors, serving the demon that is control of the council." For a moment the realm enforcers stopped their mouths dropping open. Then they slowly started back their assault upon me and Naci. I prayed this worked it was going to take timing unlike any I had ever done.

A few moments later I saw that Ukobach arrived, a twisted look of anger on his face as he stared at me and Naci. "Get him!" He was shouting getting more and more angry as he saw that almost all the enforcers and guards were frozen.

Right on time Rigal arrived behind Ukobach as he started throwing several gadgets toward me and Naci. "Bout time you got here!" Ukobach was shouting at him.

Making a chopping motion I saw that almost all his gadgets were ripped apart. Smiling I sent a blast at Rigal that passed close by Ukobach almost incinerating his left arm leaving it a useless piece of meat. Hitting Rigal's right arm the arm vanished within seconds. Both were screaming out in pain as I turned back to the two council mages.

"For selling the magic world to a demon, I sentence the both of you to death!" I then released a titanic blast that quickly consumed

both mages. I then fired at Ukobach again even as I opened another portal. I saw the blast hit in front of Ukobach a look of surprise on his face at the strength of it. Then it passed through taking the rest of his left arm and shoulder.

Smiling I stepped through with Naci as Ukobach renewed his screams. I was about to close the portal when one of Rigal's gadgets got through ripping the hell out of my right arm. Naci was screaming at the top of her voice as I started to lose consciousness.

Then the portal slammed close as I struggled to stay awake while Naci stopped the bleeding. "Toman! Stay with me, TOMAN!" I was hearing her scream as I surrendered to the darkness.

Back in front of the Tavern Ukobach was struggling to stay on his feet. If what he'd seen was true then the bastard wild magic user was in a world of hurt. A small smile lit up Ukobach's face finally that little shit of a son had been useful. Looking at where his arm was he thought, well a small price to pay to actually hurt that wild magic son of a bitch.

Surprised his son was still on his feet Ukobach smile got a little stronger. That's it boy he thought get far stronger, it will be so sweet when I eat all that is you.

Rigal was in shock he thought the pain would have been far worse. Looking at his father he hissed, "I WILL kill you piece of shit!" Making a motion a portal opened then Rigal fell forward shocking the hell out of Ukobach. What the hell was he doing? Even with the increase in power he wasn't that strong yet was he? Did the little shit have the power to actually grow another?

Shaking his head the pain finally started to get through his defenses. Damn this hurt far more than he thought it would. All the enforcers and guards rushed toward him as soon as they could move.

"Should we go after them and the hunter? That was your son was it not?" The lead enforcer asked.

"Yes, he is one of the last, best hunters. He has been on the trail of those two wild magic users for some time now. I seriously doubt you could follow them. Even as good a tracker as Rigal is he is having trouble following them." Then for a moment Ukobach thought about what he'd seen Rigal do. Had the boy made a portal without his toys? Then Ukobach shook his head they boy was good, stronger though not that good.

As the portal opened Naci struggled to keep herself and me from hitting the ground at full speed. Panting with the effort she did her best to slow them finally letting me land on her, losing her breath a moment she scrambled up getting me into the mage house.

She had already applied several healing balms with spells when she heard a second portal open. Bracing herself she made a type of energy net to slow Rigal down. Stopping a moment then ripping through the net Rigal still hit the ground with a thud.

Naci set up another cot as she lifted Rigal toward it.’ I'm getting a work out,’ she thought as she let Rigal drop harder than she intended. Seeing that the bleeding had stopped she went in to worry over me.

Almost two hours later I stirred feeling that my arm was half healed. Good Naci had been using her powers. She didn't know that I had her power set to increase some each time she used it. Then I noticed that she was asleep beside me.

I sat up slowly as I gently reached to her face running my hand through her hair. The pain was still a nudging irritation though no where as bad as I had before.

Getting up I tried to flex my arm feeling a shooting pain run through it. Ok, still not all the way past the pain I thought. Walking out I took another look at Naci, she still hadn't moved.

I saw that Naci had Rigal set up on a cot outside the house. She still didn't trust him good that was going to keep us alive as it had these few years we'd had together. I marveled that it had been years and not months like I had thought.

I went back through all that we had been through as I tried to calculate just how long. It seemed I had miscalculated rather badly. Had it really been almost sixty years since Naci and I had met? Forty of that we had been fighting. Shaking my head I had to admit we had been at it this long; although to both of us this was nothing but a drop in the bucket of time. Shaking my head I thought, ’Why had she stayed with me all this time? Did she really love me as much as she said?’

I looked at what Naci had tried to do for Rigal. Not bad actually far better than I could do. There was no bleeding and the tiny bud of

a new arm had already started. At least for now there was no pain. I hoped that the little play that we three had done had fooled Ukobach like I thought it had.

Opening a portal wasn't as easy as I thought it would be with the constant throbbing in my right arm. Finally I managed it as I sent the mage's eyes through.


Ukobach had gone to the council chamber as soon as he got away from the mage doctors. Incompetent, weak assholes he thought plus they were too stupid to actually see what he really was. Walking in he was greeted by the others devious smiles.

"I hope that no one has designs on the council leadership." Ukobach told all of them when he caught all their eyes. "I am still far more powerful than all of you."

They all smiled as they nodded their agreement. There was suddenly a great commotion as both council chamber doors were almost blown off their hinges. Ukobach eyes went wide as he was staring at Lyndeth a powerful female mage. In front of her was Creton an even more powerful mage. Both were growling at the guards that were trying to get them out of the room many flying against the wall.

"I suggest you get your little dogs off us before you have none left,!" came the booming voice of Creton. Ukobach nodded to the guards as they left the room.

"I take it you are here for your appointments?" Ukobach asked with a hidden smile he was liking these two already.

"Why else? You think we'd be here for the sorry excuses for mages that are here?" Lyndeth snapped out.

"Shut the hell, up Lyndeth!" Creton threw at her.

"Or what? Are you going to make me shut my mouth? I'd like to see you try!" Lyndeth snarled at the male in front of her.

"I suggest that if either of you want your appointment, you work together. Am I understood? If I suspect you aren't I will remove the both of you in an instant." Ukobach warned the both of them. When they both nodded closed mouth Ukobach smiled inside, these were his type of mages. "Now then, Lyndeth, Creton, you both are the next in line for the council. Serve it and the magical realm well!"

"Huh, if he doesn't get in the way," then she eyed Clondal. "That means you also Clondal; I have a lot more power than you."

"You wish you bitch! You are only rated point oh oh one percent more than me." Clondal stated, and then both females quieted with a look at Ukobach.

Looking at Creton the male nodded, "I will uphold what I can. With so many undeserving it will be difficult." Ah Ukobach thought these new additions were going to work out well he thought. Now I just have to turn them.
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