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Hi, my first try at Lesbian erotica, let me know what you think (especially from you lesbians out there !)

As the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email on her phone that she planned on sending to corporate tomorrow, explaining in full detail how allowing the sales dept to facilitate business with clients at strip clubs was an inappropriate and unnecessary use of company resources. Especially this one. Of all the sleazy strip clubs in Sierra Diabla, America's Moist Wanted was perhaps the worst; dark, dank and with a reddish haze over the place from the bad 80's neon lighting. And the place had a stupid name, even by strip club standards.

Amy was blonde, 5'6”, very pretty and her business attire was “sassy-casual” (a term that she had made up) with white blouse unbuttoned at the top, short white skirt (with thong underwear to avoid panty-lines), a cute pair of knee-length black go-go boots and stylish glasses that accentuated her pert nose, cute freckles and blue eyes. Amy was an assistant director of human resources and had been assigned as the official chaperone for the sales team to make sure that things didn't get out of hand. That'll give me an advantage over that bitch, Theresa Amy thought as she worked on her presentation.

Cherry, the red-headed stripper (pretty face with a prominent nose & cheekbones and intense expressive green eyes) made eye-contact with Amy and waved her forward to join them onstage, which was met by cheers from her semi-drunk, sales team coworkers who chanted, “AMY ! AMY ! AMY !”

“C'mon sweetie, bring that sexy body up here and let's give your friends a show !” Cherry said as she waved

Looking up from her phone, Amy put on her practiced, semi-condescending smile and body language that said, "Thanks, but I'm good."

Not giving up, Cherry said, “C'mon, honey, don't be bashful. Let's have some fun together !”

Amy shouted over the crowd, “That's a tempting offer, but I don't think my boyfriend would approve, but thanks anyway.” This was sort of a half-truth, as her fiance, Dan, a rookie cop for the Sierra Diabla PD, had recently broken up with her suddenly and without explanation, but he definitely would disapprove of her cavorting with strippers.

The strippers put on sad pouting faces (Cherry looking sincerely disappointed) as the guys booed Amy for not being a good sport.

Looking around the club, Amy noticed that a few of her people seemed to be missing. Walking towards a hallway at the back of the darkened club, Amy heard the sounds of 2014's sales team leader, Bill Grosbeck having sex with a stripper/whore.

No. No fucking way is this crap happening on my watch ! Amy thought as she dialed the number for the Sierra Diabla Police Department.


After 40 minutes waiting in the inside lobby, Amy saw the red & blue police lights and thought, Finally !. Amy left the lobby and approached the two police officers. Both were caucasian, middle-aged, somewhat stocky with short hair, wide faces and looked tired. One was a man, one was a woman.

“Hi officers, I'm the one that---” was all Amy got out before the male cop gently grabbed her by the arm.

“Sorry sweetie, we got an anonymous tip about acts of prostitution going on in your club and we have to check it out. You know the drill; hang out in lock-up for a few hours and then you'll be out.” the male cop said with a semi-apologetic look on his simple face.

Amy rolled her eyes, shrugged off the officers hand on her arm and said, “What ? No, you idiots, I'm the---” was all she got out before the female cop had roughly spun her around and slammed her face down on the hood of the car.

“And that is insulting an officer and resisting arrest !” the female cop said as she cuffed Amy's hands behind her back. As the female cop threw Amy into the back of the squad car (ignoring her outraged protests of innocence), other squad cars arrived for the raid on America's Moist Wanted. As the officers walked away to join in on the raid, Amy kicked against the door in rage, prompting both officers to turn around and give her a Hey Now ! look.

Over the next few minutes, Amy watched as other patrol cars and paddy wagons arrived and started loading up strippers, bar patrons and her co-workers into them but no sign of 2014's sales team leader, Bill Grosbeck Amy thought to herself. Amy was so fixated on looking for Bill Grosbeck, that she was completely surprised when her lefthand door opened and Lulu, the mixed race Black/Korean stripper

was ushered into the squadcar and sat down next to her and smiled. Just then, the righthand door opened and the curly-redheaded stripper entered (“Watch your head, Cherry.” the female cop said) and sat on her other side.

Eyes and smile going wide as she recognized Amy, Cherry Pepper said, “Holy shit ! Look who it is, Amy ! What're you doing here ?”

Amy gave a barely-civil nod, thin smile and said, “There's been a misunderstanding.” there was an edge to her voice.

“Uh oh, you're wearing cuffs. Only bad girls get the cuffs...” Cherry said and then made a tsk tsk tsk sound. Talking to Lulu, Cherry said, “I think Amy's been a naughty girl...” Lulu nodded in agreement as both strippers started to snuggle closer to Amy. Too close Amy thought.

Cherry ran her finger down the front of Amy's blouse, tracing the curve of her cleavage and causing Amy to squirm,”I came here from Russia; I actually learned English from watching porn !” Cherry said,with a certain amount of pride. “One of the reasons I came here was because you American chicks are soooo hot”, Cherry said, her face very close to Amy's, their lips, almost touching.

“I think Amy is a little overdressed, don't you ?” Cherry said to Lulu and then both strippers started to simultaneously unbutton Amy's blouse.

Oh No No No No ! Amy thought as she said, “Ah...ladies, w-what are you doing ?”

“Ah...hey, ah...look, I have nothing but respect for the LGBT community and I'm flattered by the offer, but I self-identify as hetero-normative and, uh---”

“Oh my God, shut the fuck up !” Lulu said as she continued to unbutton Amy's blouse.

Cherry turned to Lulu and mischievously said, “Too many buttons.” and then ripped the front of Amy's blouse open, exposing her A cup sized breasts.

“Stupid bitch, That's a $300 blouse you just ruined and you're go---uhhhh !” Amy started to say angrily, but stopped as each of her pert breasts was covered by a feminine mouth; the sudden sensations of her nips getting sucked, nibbled and teased by expert lips, teeth & tongues made her shiver and sent sparks of delight straight to her pussy. Oh God, that feels soooo goood ! Amy thought as she said, ”H--Hey, s-stop it !”

In response to Amy's protests, the strippers sucked harder on her tits, causing her to quiver and moan helplessly. I can't believe this is happening to me ! If I wasn't wearing these fucking handcuffs...!

“Ladies, seriously...please, please don't do this to me.” Amy begged, while struggling to keep her body from responding to their attentions.

Ignoring her pleas, Lulu continued her erotic assault on Amy's breasts of sucking, tweaking and nibbling, while Cherry began to kiss her way down Amy's taut & trembling stomach.

Oh no. No no no no ! Please God, don't let this happen ! Amy thought, as Cherry's tongue circled around her bellybutton as her hands started to caress Amy's legs, slowly moving upwards...

Amy felt Cherry's hand on her inner thigh. “Goddamn it, get off of me you fucking whores !” Amy screamed as she started struggling. Biting her lower lip and peering out the windows of the squad car, Amy desperately looked for someone to call for help. In these cuffs, I'm helpless ! These fucking lesbo whores can do whatever they want to me and I can't stop them !

With Lulu's help, Cherry flipped the still-struggling Amy over so that she was laying across her lap, face down. Cherry gave her skirt-covered ass a sharp spank and said, “Hey, that's enough of that !”

“Hey, stop it !” Amy screamed as Cherry playfully tugged down the zipper of her skirt, slowly revealing her ass, cheeks completely exposed with just the thin fabric of her black thong between them; the creamy-white cheeks had a slight shade of flushed pink from the slap they had received and from Amy's embarrassment.

Tugging Amy's skirt down to her knees, Cherry ran her hand over the exposed cheeks of her ass (which trembled under her touch) and said, “Wow Amy, nice ass !”. Still caressing her butt, Cherry asked, “Seriously, very nice. What do you do, yoga ?”

“No. I do pilates and I run---” Amy said, before stopping herself. Why the fuck am I answering her ? Amy thought as Cherry continued to grope and fondle her exposed buttocks while Lulu continued to tweak and tug at her increasingly sensitive nipples.

With her hands cuffed behind her, Amy was helpless to prevent the two strippers from rolling her over, so that she was sitting up with her back leaning against the car door. In spite of her struggling and desperate pleas, Amy was unable to keep Cherry & Lulu from yanking her skirt off and pulling her legs apart, spreading them wide to gaze upon her pussy, covered only by the thin fabric of her black thong.

Pulling her thong aside and with Amy's completely shaved and helpless pussy exposed before her, Cherry said, “Wow, what a beautiful pussy !” and then used her fingers to stretch apart Amy's pussy lips and then ran her tongue over the tender flesh before twirling and teasing over her sensitive clit.

Where the fuck are those cops ? Amy thought as Cherry's lips, tongue & fingers caused pink lightning bolts of pleasure to radiate from her pussy. Amy had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning. Meanwhile, Lulu continued to tweak and pull at her nipples, creating a delicious contrast to the wonderful torture that Cherry was inflicting on her pussy.

When Cherry started to lightly suck on her (now engorged) clit, Amy's eyes rolled back in her head from pure pleasure.

Amy's entire body felt taut like a rubberband and her pussy felt like a dam ready to burst and flood her with ecstasy. Through half-lidded eyes, Amy made eye contact with the female cop, who was in the front seat, watching the show, while her partner was driving. How long have they been back and why aren't they stopping this ?

Whimpering in her “cute baby-girl”voice (that she hated and always did on those rare occasions when she was close to an intense orgasm.) Amy said, “Oh God, oh God, oh God...I'm going to cum !”

Except she didn't.

Just as Amy was on the edge, the door she had been leaning against, suddenly opened and she fell out onto the cold cement of the police garage; Amy had been so lost in her near-orgasm, that she hadn't realized that the car had even stopped. “NO !” she screamed as her hips thrust upward trying to ride the sweet sensations that were already fading.

Amy was keenly aware of her hungry and frustrated pussy and was also aware of the laughs, whistles and catcalls of nearby cops and with that came the sudden realization that her skirt was still in the squad car and the tattered remains of her blouse had gotten wadded up around her cuffed hands, leaving her completely naked except for her go-go boots and thong panties.

As the two cops helped her up, Amy angrily yelled, “COVER ME UP, YOU IDIOTS !” as she felt a breeze go across her exposed tits and pussy, still moist with stripper-saliva.

Grabbing her by her arm, the male cop said, “I'm getting tired of your insults. Words hurt, y'know, especially since we were nice enough to let you gals do your little lesbian thing in the back of the car” and started to drag Amy towards the precinct entrance.

Although her legs were still a little wobbly from her near-orgasm, Amy yanked herself out of the cop's grasp, Amy yelled a little more quietly, “Are you fucking kidding me ? You can't drag me in there like this, I'm naked ! Don't you guys have blankets in the trunks of your cars ? Fucking cover me up already ! At least let me put on my skirt ! Also, I'm not a fucking lesbian !”

The male cop, stopped, looked at Amy as though she were stupid and said, “Why would we have blankets in our squadcars ? We're not allowed to sleep in them. Not anymore, anyways...” and then continued to drag Amy away as the other cops continued to whistle & catcall.

Now crying tears of anguish, Amy tantrumed, “No ! Fuck this, you're not dragging me through the police station with my tits hanging out ! No way !”

The female cop roughly grabbed Amy's other arm and was about to help drag Amy away, when Cherry said, “Hold up, sweetie. I gotcha covered. I've got some extra pasties.”, got out of the car, smiling and looking into Amy's eyes and suddenly her head went down and she took Amy's left nipple into her mouth.

Amy sucked in a breath of surprise as Cherry's warm sucking mouth and swirling tongue on her hardening nipple as the hooting/cheering from the cops became even louder. Suddenly her left nip was exposed to the air and she felt Cherry's mouth on the other one, with the same delicious sensations going right to her pussy, causing her to close her eyes and moan softly.

With a soft “pop', Cherry removed her mouth from Amy's right nipple, reached down and then brought her hands up to reveal the two pasties, which she then applied to Amy's nipples, covering them.

Looking into Amy's dazed & aroused face, Cherry said, “They need moisture to stay on...” and then leaned in and kissed Amy. Surprising Cherry and herself, Amy found herself responding to the kiss and pushing against Cherry as her tongue intertwined with hers. In addition to the renewed hoots & hollering from the peanut-gallery cops, in the back of her mind, she also heard her voice screaming at her, What the fuck is wrong with you ? Why are you kissing her, she just sexually assaulted you ! Ew! I can taste my own pussy, gross ! but Amy was lost in her own passion, until the 2 cops pulled them apart.

“OK, that's enough ladies and Cherry, thanks for helping defuse the situation; it's always nice to work with a professional. If you and Lulu could just check in with the desk sergeant when you get a chance, that'd be great.” the male cop said as he and the dyke-cop dragged Amy to the garage entrance to the precinct.

The peanut-gallery cops applauded as Amy, wearing only pasties, a skimpy thong and go-go boots was marched between them and a mustached cop held the door open, making an exaggerated bow.

Amongst the whistles & catcalls, Amy thought, God, I'm mortified ! This can't possibly get any more humiliating !

Amy could not have been more wrong.

The cop holding the door open for Amy & the two cops, looked down at her groin, did a double-take and said loudly, “Looks like roast beef is on the menu today !”, laughed and left through the door.

Looking down, Amy realized what the cop meant: her thong was still pushed towards the side, leaving her completely shaved pussy exposed to view. She freaked. “WAIT ! STOP ! I have to adjust---”, but the two cops weren't listening and dragged her forward in spite of her protests. Christ ! My whole cooch is out and these idiots won't let me cover it up !

Pissed off, the dyke cop turned to Amy and said, “If you keep acting out like this, we're going to tase you !”as she dragged her forward by her right arm, with the male cop dragging her by her right arm.

Paraded past other amused cops and lowlifes, Amy was dragged to the booking desk where the older desk sergeant was watching the game on a portable TV set. The male cop asked, “What's the score ?”

Not looking away from the TV, the Desk Sergeant answered, “Tie game right now. You two are missing the game of the year.”

Clearly pissed off, the Female Cop answered, “Yeah, thanks to lesbo Barbie over here.”

Still held by the two cops, Amy turned to the Female Cop and said, “Again, I'm not a lesbian and you have no---HEY !” Amy's indignant speech came to a sudden halt as, behind her, she felt a rough, calloused hand on the completely exposed left cheek of her firm ass, squeezing and fondling it. “Hey, there's some---!” Amy started to say, but was shushed by both cops, engrossed on watching the game on the portable TV. This is fucking unbelievable ! So what, I have to just stand here and deal with having my ass felt up and groped because these two idiot cops are too busy watching the game ?

Which is exactly what Amy did for the first two minutes, seething in anger and indignation as the hand roamed over her butt, but finally that hand went too far when one of the fingers started to trace the crack of her ass and started to push inward...

Yanking herself free of the grasps of the two cops, Amy whirled around and took a wild kick (missing completely) at the owner of that intrusive hand, which turned out to be, sitting on a police bench, an older, homeless guy with a semi-toothy grin and leering eyes. “Keep your hands to yourself, you fucking, filthy homeless perv !”. Other police station regulars (call girls, drunks, gangsta's) who had

been watching the exchange, burst out into laughter, getting a scornful look from Amy.

Irritatedly, the two cps grabbed Amy's arms, only now she was facing away from the booking desk (and missing a great game on the portable TV) and was looking down at the homeless perv, who was at eye level with her exposed, shaved pussy (still moist from Cherry's mouth and her own pussy juice).

An old blonde wig-wearing hooker sitting on the bench, laughed and said, “Her whole clam is hanging out !” while pointing a bony, long-nailed finger at Amy's bare pussy, which drew comments from the rest of the precinct lowlifes (“Yo, check out that shit !”, etc.). Everyone was looking at her exposed pussy, except for the two cops holding her, watching the game and oblivious and/or uncaring of her plight.

Pissed off, Amy snapped. “Why don't you scumbags mind---AAAH ! AAAH!” Amy started to say, until she felt the Homeless Perv's hand rub her bare pussy and graze over her clit.

“Here, clitty, clitty” the perv said, drunkenly as he reached out with his two middle fingers extended.

Amy, still held in place (by the two cops who were engrossed in the game), tried her best to squirm away from the Homeless Perv's fingers. Looking at the precinct lowlifes, Amy said, “Could one of you assholes please stop this !?”, but they were enjoying her predicament, they liked watching Amy try to squirm & dance away from the Homeless Perv's curious fingers.

Amy's movements distracted the female cop enough to get her attention long enough for her to say, “Last warning Barbie - keep it up and you'll get the taser.” while never looking away from the TV screen.

Amy was about to respond, but went rigid as the Homeless Perv's fingers, finally found their mark, sliding knuckle-deep into Amy's moist pussy.

She almost came.

“G-get your f-fingers out of m-my puss !” Amy whimpered in her baby-girl voice, as the perv's fingers started to slide in and out, occasionally grazing her now-engorged clit. Fucking A, that feels sooo good ! Amy thought as her hips began to involuntarily undulate in rhytmn to the Perv's finger-fucking.

“Wally's really givin it to her good !” the old hooker said and Amy was keenly aware of the show she was reluctantly putting on for the lowlifes.

Once again, Amy felt the warmth and the first stirrings of an impending orgasm. I can't believe this scumbag-pig is about to make me cum ! And in front of everyone ! Amy thought as tears of shame & pleasure began to well up in her eyes.

Suddenly, Amy was pulled away from the booking desk and the Homeless Perv's talented & tormenting fingers. Thank God ! She thought, even though, physically she had once again been brought to the brink of orgasm, only to get denied that sweet release at the very last second.

The two cops dragged Amy away down the hall, forcing her to walk backwards as she questioned them with anger, fueled by sexual frustration, “Where are you taking me ? If I'm being arrested, what's the charge ? And I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to a phone call !” although, Amy was uncertain who she'd even call about this; she was still trying to wrap her head around how tonight lead to...this.

The male cop glanced over his shoulder and said, “You're not being charged with anything...probably. Too much paperwork and you don't need the hassle either, so you'll probably be out in a few hours. We had to go through the motions because of that anonymous tip and...”

Amy angrily yanked herself out of the cops grasp and yelled, “Idiot ! I'm the one who---” was all she got out before the female cop yanked her by her shoulder, dragging her down the hallway and said, “I'll be so glad when we're done with you. If you're not humping somebody, you're bitching and complaining !”

Amy gave her a How Dare You ! look and said, “I've been sexually assaulted TWICE, while in your custody ! I'm going to sue this entire department and you two specifically !”

Amy continued to lecture/threaten/admonish the two cops until they entered the jail area.

Amy was led to a larger jail cell at the end of the corridor. The cell was filled with skimpily dressed hookers & strippers, a sea of big hair, spandex, miniskirts, perfume, long nails, high heels, booty shorts and trending towards too much makeup.

However, the trashy, sexy ladies were not as skimpily dressed as Amy, standing before them in her pasties, thong (with her pussy still hanging out !) and go-go boots and upon seeing her, they immediately started whistling, hooting, catcalling & making lewd comments.

Amy, panicking & desperate, turned to the two cops.and said, “You can't put me in there with them, I'm practically naked ! They'll eat me alive !”

“Bet on it cutie !” one of the gum-chewing streetwalkers said as she and a few of the other ladies started walking to the front of the cell.

The male cop dismissively said, “Nah, you'll be fine, your stripper friends will look after you”

Exasperated, Amy said, “I keep trying to tell you, I'M NOT A STRIPPER !”

A lightbulb went off in the male cop's head as he said, “Oh yeah, that's right, you strippers prefer to be called dancers.”

Increasingly exasperated, Amy replied, “I'M NOT A DANCER !!”

“Oh right, right, right, you dancers like to be called artists”

“YOU FUCKING IDIOT !!!” Amy screamed.

Looking hurt, the male cop said, “Whatever. Anyways your friends Cherry & Lulu are in there, so they'll look after you.”

“They're not my friends !”

Cocking an eyebrow, the male cop said, “Really ? That kiss you two shared looked pretty friendly to me.”

Amy blushed and wanted to respond, but wasn't quite sure what to say.

The cops pushed Amy into the large cell, where the other ladies started to immediately check her out as they crowded around her. Amy was immediately assaulted by the comingled scents of cheap perfume, too much makeup and moist pussy as the streetwalkers circled her, appraising and feeling her up.

“Hey, quit it!” Amy protested, making the prostitutes laugh at her as their eyes and hands roamed over her body.

“That's enough skanks ! She's with us.” Cherry said as she pushed through the crowd of streetwalkers and put her arm around Amy, pulling her away from the hookers. Amy was aware of Cherry's hand sliding down her back and giving her left exposed ass-cheek an affectionate-yet-possessive squeeze.

Guiding her towards the “strippers” part of the cell (Cherry's hand still on her ass, fondling it), Amy suddenly stopped and began backing up, her hands in a hold on gesture and said, “Look, what happened back in the police car was...confusing, but I'm not...” Amy tried to find the right words, ignoring the pouty, hurt look on Cherry's face as she backed up towards the cell-bars.

From behind her, Amy heard, “Wow, Amy...Nice ass !”

Amy spun and to her horror, saw that it was Theresa, her rival in HR and she had a smirk on her face as she looked Amy up and down. Theresa was a good-looking woman in her 40's; slim-figured with straight, shoulder length black hair with bangs, high-cheekbones accentuating her long-lashes, ruby-red lips and a mischievous sparkle in her dark eyes. Theresa was wearing a denim jacket, white t-shirt, floor-length western-style brown skirt and dark-brown cowgirl boots. In Amy's opinion, Theresa always had terrible fashion sense.

Smiling at the look of shock on Amy's face, Theresa took Amy's picture with HER phone (Theresa must have found it at the strip club) and said, “This'll make quite a cover for the quarterly newsletter”.

Swallowing her pride, Amy begged to her rival, “Theresa, thank God you're here, this is all a crazy mix up. The police here are completely incompetent and I need you to let them know that I don't belong here !”

Theresa stepped back and looked Amy up and down appreciatively and said, “I don't know honey, you're certainly not dressed business-appropriate, especially for someone who works in HR.” There was a mocking and playful tone to Theresa's voice; she was clearly enjoying this.

With desperation in her voice and close to tears, Amy said, “Seriously, I need you to get me out of here, You wouldn't believe the night I've had and the shit I've had to endure.”

Looking down and doing something with Amy's phone, Theresa absentmindedly said, “I dunno, looks like you're having a more fun night than I had, cleaning up your mess and getting the clients out of there.”

Not liking how much time Theresa was spending on HER phone, Amy was about to ask for it back until Theresa's face lit up and she smiled at Amy with a “Gotcha” look on her face and then said, “By the way ladies, if you're wondering who snitched to the cops, check Amy's call history !” and then tossed the phone over Amy's head and into the cell where it was caught by Cherry.

Amy was wide-eyed in horror as she said, “Are you crazy ? Do you have any idea what they're going to do to me now ?”

Theresa closed her eyes, smiled & shivered as she said, “I can only imagine...” and then looked at Amy and said, “Believe me, if I wasn't going to be so busy cleaning your mess, I would stay and watch the show.” and then walked away, with her last words being, “Have fun.”


Turning around, Amy saw that Cherry & the rest of the strippers were now standing behind her. They looked pissed. Cherry was holding her phone, displaying Amy's call history, which included the call to the police station.

Cherry had a no-nonsense demeanor when she said to Amy, “You got us arrested Amy and cost us all a lot of money...”

In her babygirl voice (that she hated), with her lower lip trembling and tears starting to well up in her eyes, Amy asked softly, “You're all going to rape me aren't you ?”

Cherry smiled a predatory smile and replied, “Oh yeah sweetie. Big time.” and then they were on her.

Amy found herself swarmed by the strippers, who threw her to the ground; suddenly, feminine hands were holding her down, spreading her arms and legs, while other feminine hands were fondling and groping her struggling body.

The first pastie was pulled off her left tit with a popping sound, followed by the other pastie, exposing her tits to the cool air. A pale-skinned punk chick with short purple hair with matching eyeliner, lipstick & nails smiled and said, “Nice tits.”and started biting and on her nipple and tugging on it with her teeth. Amy's other breast was getting attention from a slightly thick African-American stripper with

dreadlocks and red lips and a long tongue that she swirled around Amy's nipple over and over, teasing it in a way that Amy found irritating-yet-arousing.

Meanwhile, her thong had been torn from her, she was now completely naked except for her go-go boots. Prying her legs apart and in the air, the strippers started commenting on and touching Amy's shaved pussy.

“Oh. My. Gawd. Her pussy is gorgeous !” a cheap leather miniskirted stripper with big Jersey hair exclaimed as she ran her fingers over Amy's outer pussy lips, which made her squirm and struggle harder.

Jesus Christ, this is the third time tonight I'm getting molested ! Amy thought as stripper hands and fingers swarmed over her body, making her writhe.

Suddenly, Cherry was on top, straddling her and, with her fingers intertwined in Amy's hair, holding her still, she leaned forward and captured Amy's mouth in a deep, passionate kiss.

Amy closed her eyes, ceased struggling against the arms holding her down and found herself responding to Cherry's lips. Amy was so lost in passion, she didn't even mind the faint taste her own pussy from when Cherry had gone down on her in the police car.

As their tongues intertwined and danced with each other, Amy was still distantly aware of all the strippers caressing, kissing and licking her flesh, taking liberties with her helpless body, adding to her arousal and was more keenly aware of unknown fingers pushing their way into her pussy, causing her face to take on a sleepy, troubled grimace, but the deep delicious kiss continued.

Amy's eyes opened wide and she gave a surprised yelp at the sudden intrusion of a strange tongue licking her asshole and forcing its way in. The spell broken by the sudden violation, Amy resumed her struggling against Cherry and the other whores holding her down, spread-eagled, but the kiss continued.

Distracted, Amy broke the kiss and in a shaky but loud voice, said, “L-leave m-my ass alone !”

Lulu stopped her tongue-fucking of Amy's ass, looked up and said, “No. Fuck you, deal with it.” and then slid her index-finger inside Amy's ass, knuckle-deep.

Amy grunted through her gritted teeth in surprise and thought, Fucking bitch ! as Lulu started to finger-fuck her ass, while Cherry covered her face in kisses.

Looking into Amy's eyes, Cherry playfully said, “Let me spin around and see what mischief my partner is up to.”, spun around in a “69” position with Amy (who was still being held down) and Amy found herself staring at Cherry's neatly-trimmed pussy that was the same shade of red as her hair, with the same purple-highlights. Cherry's pussy was very close to her face; Amy could feel and smell the moistness and heat radiating from it. Amy tried to look away and saw the punk-haired stripper running her tongue up Amy's booted-leg and she felt a twinge in her pussy. Amy mentally chided herself, Seriously ? That skank licking your boot is getting you hot ? Really ?

Amy was pulled away from her thoughts as, once again, Cherry started to work her oral magic on Amy's pussy; Oh God Amy thought as Cherry's lips and tongue danced around her pussy, taunting her clit with kisses and licks, a sensual contrast to Lulu's finger in her asshole, fucking it with machinelike precision. Amy felt the sensations lifting her, higher and closer to what she knew would be the most powerful orgasm of her life. Amy closed her eyes, ready to completely surrender herself to the inevitable ecstasy, but once again...

It stopped.

Cherry's mouth withdrew from her pussy and was now kissing, licking and nibbling at Amy's inner thighs as Amy wailed, “W—wait, wh-why are you stopping !?” The pace of Lulu's finger fucking of her ass had slowed down considerably.

Cherry responded with, “Amy, sweetie, I love you to death, but you're a very selfish lover.” and then went back to kissing and licking her trembling thighs. “You know what I want” Cherry said and then lowered her pussy onto Amy's face.

Amy turned her head away from Cherry's pussy and said, “Ew ! I told you. I'm not a lesbian !”, her voice quivering as Cherry slowly licked the outer lips of Amy's pussy, teasing her as Lulu continued to slowly finger-fuck Amy's asshole.

The constant sexual frustration gave an edge to Amy's voice as she said, “I'm not going to eat your fucking pussy. Forget it, it's not going to happen.” in response to this, Cherry lazily ran her tongue over the edges of her outer pussy lips, while Lulu's finger-fucking became slower and more sensual. Fucking bitches know how badly I need to cum, so they're teasing me. Fucking dykes ! Amy thought as the struggled against the strippers and hookers, holding her down and caressing her.

“OK, you win. I'll do it.” Amy gasped. Cherry's moist pussy directly in front of her.

“Do what ?” Cherry teased as she kissed Amy's inner thigh while wiggling her pussy above Amy's face.

Enough talking Amy thought and tentatively stuck her tongue into Cherry's pussy, causing her to wriggle and squeal.

“That's a good girl” Cherry said condescendingly and then resumed her licking of Amy's pussy, making her squirm helplessly, still held immobile by the tawdry women.

In her mind, Amy could hear her inner voice, scolding her: What the fuck is wrong with you ? You're not even a lesbo ! Don't give in to them, don't let them win ! In between licks of Cherry's pussy, Amy replied aloud to herself, “Fuck you. I need this. I need to cum !”

Cherry had resumed her attentions to Amy's pussy; her tongue swirling over her clit as her fingers found and began rubbing Amy's g-spot.

In response, Amy's licking became punctuated by her desperate moans. “Oh my God, what are you doing to me ?!” Amy gasped as her body writhed and undulated against the sexy women that were holding her down, as their hands lips and tongues roamed over her body and Lulu's finger kept up it's pace, fucking her ass.

As Cherry worked her clit & g-spot, Amy could feel the sensations intensifying; an exploding wave of heat and sweet pressure that signified she was going to orgasm soon. The sensations bloomed, intensified and blended together. Amy felt like she was flying into the sky as the sensations continued to build and build. Pulling her head away from Cherry's pussy, Amy looked down and noticed her clit was now HUGE, engorged from Cherry's tongue-lashing & nibbling. Oh my God ! Is that really my clit ?

Amy felt like she was on a roller coaster that just kept ascending as she screamed, “I'm gonna cum !” and then she did. Spectacularly(it was Amy's first squirting g-spot orgasm).

Amy's pussy gushed and squirted as she screamed in uncontrollable ecstasy, her hips thrusting almost in rhythm with Lulu's finger, which was buried in her ass.

The orgasms from Amy's clit & g-spot intertwined in a blended orgasm of deep, deep pleasure that seemed to go on forever, becoming unbearably intense as tears streamed out of her closed eyes.

“No ! It's too much ! I can't take it !” Amy screamed as the ladies held her down and laughed. Amy

continued to thrash as her body was racked with orgasmic pleasure, that seemed to keep ascending.

Oh my God, it's never going to stop ! Amy thought as she had a brief vision of herself in a padded cell, writhing in her straightjacket, locked in a state of permanent orgasm. After what seemed like an eternity, Amy's orgasm finally subsided and she fell into a dreamlike state until she felt a strange mouth sucking and nibbling on her, now, super-sensitive clit. It was too much, too intense.

“Get the fuck off of me ! Enough !” Amy screamed as she pulled herself free of the whores and her asshole free of Lulu's thrusting fingers.

Cherry and a few of the whores stood over Amy. “How're you doin' sweetie ? You really came didn't you ?” Cherry said condescendingly as she leaned forward. Behind Cherry and out of view, Lulu and the other whores were doing something.

Still shaking, Amy looked up and said, “Seriously, I'm done. No more.”

From behind the whores, Amy heard Lulu say, “No. You're not done” and then step from behind them; Lulu was wearing a black 10” inch strap-on and she was smiling.

Holy shit, that thing is huge ! Why would the guards even let her bring that in here ? Amy thought as Lulu approached, with a cruel smile on her lips.

Still sitting on the floor, Amy shook her head, covered her pussy with one hand and said, “No. No fucking way I'm going to let you fuck my pussy with that thing !”. There was defiance in her voice.

Raising her eyebrow, Lulu said, “Oh, you're going to get fucked with it, but it won't be your pussy...”

Amy's momentary confusion with Lulu's statement gave way as her eyes went wide with surprise and horror at what she meant and what would be in store for her.

Amy tried to scoot away from Lulu and her strapon, but the whores once again descended on her, laughing and feeling her up as they flipped her over onto her knees, pushing her head down so that the side of her face was forced into her own cum and g-spot fluids (Ew !), while her legs were pulled apart, so that her quivering & vulnerable ass was fully exposed and thrust into the air. At the sight of Amy's creamy-white ass, the whores started to spank and fondle it, occasionally running their long nails and tongues down her crack and over her puckering hole.

Kneeling next to her, Cherry whispered in her ear, “Just relax baby and we'll make sure it feels good; don't try to fight it, this IS happening.” and then licked the side of Amy's face.

Amy felt multiple feminine hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks apart as Lulu got in position behind her.

Oh God, No ! Amy thought as she felt the dildo push into her, causing her to grunt. Although it filled and invaded her ass, it wasn't unpleasant. Digging her fingers into Amy's ass-cheeks as she grabbed them, Lulu began to rhythmically thrust into Amy as two of the whores (one of whom was the punk-haired stripper who had been licking her boot earlier) slid under Amy and each started sucking and nibbling on her tits.

As the tingles started to begin from Amy's first anal orgasm, Cherry once again, began to mercilessly work her sensitive clit and g-spot, licking and sucking; sucking and licking all in rhythm to the pace of Lulu's experienced and sensuous ass-fucking; the strapon going in and out of Amy's creamy-white ass.

Amy closed her eyes in pure pleasure and when she reopened them, to her horror, she finally noticed the Jersey-haired, miniskirted whore who had been using Amy's own phone to record her ordeal.

“N- no, d-don't film t-this !” Amy gasped, struggling to get the words out before she was overwhelmed by her second multiple-orgasm of the night, pleasure building to such an intensity, heightened by the mouths on her tits, sucking and biting her nipples. It was too much, as she passed out from pure, unrelenting physical ecstasy.

Amy woke to a tender kiss on her cheek from Cherry, who said, “Morning sweetie, how're you feeling ?' Sore and dazed, Amy opened one eye and saw Cherry doing something on her phone, which immediately set off alarm bells in Amy's head. She was now fully awake.

Sitting up and temporarily trying to push out of her mind everything that had been done to her last night, Amy said, “Wh-what are you doing with my phone ?” Amy and Cherry were the only two left in the cell and both were still completely nude (except for Amy's go-go boots)

Smiling, Cherry looked at her and said, “Just leaving my number in your phone in case you want up again. Also, I'm sending that video we made last night to my phone.”

Her eyes wide and now fully awake with panic, Amy jumped to her feet towards Cherry as she said, “NO ! Delete that video !”

Cherry backed away from Amy as she said, “No way, you were so hot and beautiful last night and I wan't to keep a recording of our first date...”

Suddenly angry and unable to stop the words, Amy yelled at Cherry, “Date !?!? You and your stripper-bitch friends raped me last night and, once again, I”M NOT A FUCKING LESBIAN and even if I were, I'd like to think I could do better than a stripper-whore like you !”

Now angry and hurt, Cherry said, “What you think you're better than me, because you went to college and work for a fancy company ?”

Beginning to calm down, Amy replied in a somewhat civil-tone, “I have an important executive position in my company with a professional image to maintain and the last thing my career needs is that fucking video floating around on the internet, so please hand me back my fucking phone !” and then extended her hand.

Pissed & shocked, Cherry backed up as her fingers quickly worked the phone's keypad.

Starting to freak out, Amy ran towards Cherry as she said, “Wait ! What are you doing ?!”

With an evil smile, Cherry tossed Amy the phone. Looking at the screen, Amy was filled with dread.

The screen showed that the last video recorded had been successfully sent as an email attachment to ALL.

Numb and legs suddenly wobbly, Amy sat down on the jail bunkbed as she stared at the glowing ALL message on her phone and trying to process what that meant. All of my friends, coworkers and clients are going to see me completely naked and getting fucked !

Sitting next to Amy, Cherry snuggled next to her and said sweetly,“Now, everyone you know will see you the way I see you, naked & passionate. The real you.” and then gave Amy a soft kiss on her shoulder, which made her tremble.

Amy sat in silence until the guards released Cherry and then came back for her, saying, “Hey, you're free to go.”

“Wow, this place is disgusting; what'd you ladies do in here ?”

As the male guard covered Amy with a blanket, he said, “Hey, turns out you're not a stripper. You should have said something.” Amy gave him a look and left her cell.

Monday morning, Amy went back to work.

Dressed professionally and wearing sunglasses that covered her eyes (which were red from exhaustion and crying), Amy entered the office. Everyone went quiet and the air was thick with schadenfreude, as the smirking eyes and lips of her coworkers silently judged her. Fuck. I guess they've seen it Amy thought as she walked to her office and she walked a little slower than usual, still sore from the working over those strippers had done on her pussy and asshole.

Entering her office, Amy noticed that a hemmorroid doughnut had been placed on her chair. Fucking Theresa, she thought, but then realized that, as sore as her ass was, it would actually be useful.

Sitting down at her desk, gingerly, Amy checked her email and became a little dizzy when saw that she had over three-thousand new emails. Oh God. All of these people have seen me naked. Naked and getting gang-fucked by a bunch of lesbo strippers !

Still trying to process what this meant to her career, Amy's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door, followed by Theresa entering her office. Oh God, no. It's too early for this. I can't deal with Theresa right now ! There was a huge condescending smile on her face as she said, “There's our Amy. You're kind of a celebrity around here today---I think you know why.”

“...” was all Amy could think of to say before Theresa continued.

“I really have to commend you on your bravery in coming back here; everyone and I mean EVERYONE has seen your little sex tape and I can only imagine how humiliated you must be feeling right now.”

Still struggling for words, Amy listened to Theresa.

“So...I wanted to personally thank you for sharing your little sex tape with me. I showed it to my husband and, girl, I have to tell you, it has really spiced up our love life...”

Red-faced in embarrassment and growing anger, Amy finally found her voice and said, “Theresa, I really don't---”

But Theresa interrupted, “Watching those lesbos hold you down and fuck your pretty little ass, just got us both sooo hot !”

Confused and getting increasingly pissed off, Amy said, “Theresa....”

But Theresa continued, “I gotta tell you Amy, I've never really been into chicks (well, except for that one time during pledge week in college), but I kinda developed a little bit of a girl-crush on you after seeing that creamy-skinned, tight little body of yours get completely ravaged---”

“Get the FUCK out of my office !”, Amy interrupted.

With a mock-shocked was it something I said ? look on her face, Theresa backed out of the office, but before she left, she turned towards Amy and said, “FYI Amy, that new district supervisor position we've both been competing for---well, it looks like I'll be getting it and, let me tell you, I can't wait to have you serving under me.” and then gave a sexy shiver.

Amy grabbed her coffee cup ready to throw it, but Theresa closed the door behind her just in time, laughing an evil laugh.

Sitting back at her desk, Amy noticed that her work email had received the phone video that Cherry had mass-emailed.

I gotta look ! Amy thought as she hit the play button.

Immediately, Amy's PC monitor was filled with the image of watching herself writhing under the teasing hands, lips and tongues of Cherry & her fellow strippers. Most of her body was obscured by the strippers assaulting her, but then the bitch who had been filming her violation moved and got a better angle and, clear as day, Amy saw her face and her image zoomed in as she was moaning in arousal. Fuck ! Fuck ! Fuck ! Amy thought to herself, as she realized that with the clear quality of the video, there was no way she could deny to anyone that the women on her screen getting fucked, was her.

Fuck, I AM hot ! Amy thought to herself as her fingers very, very gently started to rub her still-sore pussy, her eyes transfixed by the action on her screen.

Still watching herself onscreen, Amy picked up her phone and called the number that Cherry had put there...

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